Satanic BROTHERHOOD, Riding high, takes over all Governmental Assets in TRIPOLI !


Muammar  pointed warning


Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

# Received Al-Slah_jawa Libyan

several days ago from Russia, a total of 25 Russian Sukhoi fighter jets and helicopters mi28 ..
The Hawks completed the Libyan Air Force, trained them and they will for several hours after her experience in the battlefield against the Kharijites and terrorist groups of armor
The coming hours will witness the victories of the Libyan army on terrorist groups Stthelj the issuance of all the Libyan people
There will be direct hits to terrorist groups in each of the camps in Benghazi and all the so-called dawn of Libya in Tripoli and Misurata ..
God save Libya and its people and its army hero.

وكالة السبع طبول الاخباريه Agency Seven drums News

استلم ‫#‏السلاح_الجوي‬ الليبي منذ عده ايام من روسيا مجموعه من طائرات سوخوي 25الروسيه المقاتله وطائرات mi28 العمودية..
وقد اتم صقور السلاح الجوي الليبي تدريباتهم عليها وسيقومون بعد عدة ساعات بتجربتها في ساحه القتال ضد الخوارج والجماعات الارهابيه من الدروع
وستشهد الساعات القادمه انتصارات للجيش الليبي على الجماعات الارهابيه ستثلج صدور كل الشعب الليبي
وستكون هناك ضربات مباشره للجماعات الارهابيه في كل من بنغازي وكل معسكرات مايسمى بفجر ليبيا في طرابلس ومصراته ..
حفظ الله ليبيا وشعبها وجيشها البطل .





YES, it is true and CONFIRMED:

News Agency Seven drums News

Libya’s international

URGENT | channel France 24: # France to mobilize military action in # Libya



Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News
Mahmoud Masrati, reporting:


– Quoting a source familiar —
Elements of the battalion wings MB Misrata (Shield Central 9), led by Mohammed Al-Beoda good Onis’, which occupies the premises of the Ministry of Culture since the crisis of government Meitik stepped up its military presence in the recent events, is also collaborating with the lack of staff coercion and choice are known by their names and their attributes, in addition to the establishment of ‘good-Onis’ Affairs Director of Administration, The Finance Office of Culture Bmasratp Padrah.

This armed group Rebekah al-Ssed Emhemed al-Zoubih to control the ministry Aderaya and financially. Wei past few days has this armed group Yaktham office Ozerh building complex Arabic language after observing staff finance department who were preparing the salaries of more than 13 000 employees at the offices of Libya.

The ‘good Onis’ threatening Director, Office of the Minister Naseeruddin Jirari and months a weapon at him and threatened him of the need to cooperate with them and implement what they ask of them, and asked the agents, managers and staff to sign for such a force, and on her head on the decision to form a committee administrative managerial ministry.

He has since the days of pressure and threats to staff, The ministry, including Gentlemen agents and heads of departments and sections of the presence ministry and handed over stores that stormed the existing car and asked for control of the financial section and the receipt of the financial system, and forced Controller to sign the instrument of the custody of financial,  as they investigate a number of employees, and the arrest of some of them (even on the back of their support or rejection of the process, “the dawn of Libya “.

In order to know the whereabouts of the minister and his home and their cars and documents belonging to the ministry.

Today 11- 9 -2014 Mohamed Albeoda of the battalion wings Misrata and ‘good Onis’ and others with them to call the Director of the Office of the Minister of Culture Mr. Naseeruddin Jirari and forced under threat to hand over the minister’s office; and Skurtiaria ministry and two of documents and documents and official papers can not be, engaged in the hands of irresponsible tampering and manipulation.

The damage and forced him to sign them to do so and this is what Christmlhm legal responsibility and criminal evidence on the crimes committed by them several Stardhm all legal accountability.

These criminal acts of the storming and occupation and messes and a threat to workers and the disruption of the interests of the nation and the seizure of the capabilities of the state and the buildings have been documented and the names of who did it and will be presented to the competent authorities.

This science and publishing everyone knows what is actually happening ministries and institutions of the Libyan state of futility and destruction.


وكالة السبع طبول الاخباريه Agency Seven drums News


Mohammed Al-Beoda good Onis Asaad Bayoud Tamimi Bauodtamimi

محمود المصراتي

– نقلا عن مصدر مطلع —
عناصر من كتيبة سواعد مصراتة ( درع الوسطى 9التي يقودها محمد البيوضي وحسن اونيس والتي تحتل مباني وزارة الثقافة منذ أزمة حكومة معيتيق وكثفت وجودها العسكري في الاحداث الاخيرة كما يتعاون معهم قلة من الموظفين اجبارا واختيارا معروفون باسمائهم وصفاتهم , يضاف الى ذلك قيام حسن اونيس مدير الشؤون الإدراية والمالية بمكتب الثقافة بمصراتة بادراة هذه المجموعة المسلحة رفقة السسيد امحمد الزوبية للسيطرة على الوزارة ادرايا وماليا . وي الايام الماضية قامت هذه المجموعة المسلحة ياقتحام مكتب للوازرة بمبنى مجمع اللغة العربية بعد مراقبة موظفي القسم المالي الذين كانوا يعدون مرتبات اكثر من 13 الف موظف على مستوى مكاتب ليبيا وقام حسن اونيس بتهديد مدير مكتب الوزير نصرالدين الجراري واشهر سلاحا في وجهه مهددا له بضرورة التعاون معهم وتنفيذ ما يطلبونه منهم , كما طلبوا من الوكلاء والمدراء والموظفين ان يوقعوا لهذه القوة ومن على رأسها على قرار بتشكيل لجنة ادارية تسييرية للوزارة . قامت منذ أيام بالضغط والتهديد لموظفي الوزارة ومنهم السادة الوكلاء ومدراء الإدارات والاقسام للتواجد بالوزارة وتسليمهم المخازن التي اقتحمت والسيارات الموجودة وطلبوا السيطرة على القسم المالي واستلام المنظومة المالية واجبروا المراقب المالي على توقيع صك عهدة مالية كما قاموا بالتحقيق مع عدد من الموظفين واعتقال بعضهم حتى على خلفية تاييدهم او رفضهم لعملية ” فجر ليبيا” وبغية معرفة مكان وجود الوزير وبيته وما لديهم من سيارات ووثائق تخص الوزارة.
اليوم 11- 9 -2014 قام محمد البيوضي من كتيبة سواعد مصراتة وحسن اونيس واخرين معهم باستدعاء مدير مكتب وزير الثقافة السيد نصرالدين الجراري واجباره تحت التهديد على تسليم مكتب الوزير وسكرتيارية الوزراة وما فيهما من وثائق ومستندات واوراق رسمية لا يمكن ان تطالها ايادي غير مسؤولة بالعبث والتلاعب والتلف واجبروه على التوقيع لهم بذلك وهذا ما سيحملهم المسؤلية القانونية والجنائية كدليل على جرائم عدة ارتكبت من قبلهم ستعرضهم جميعا للمساءلة القانونية .
ان هذه الاعمال الاجرامية من اقتحام واحتلال وعبث وتهديد للعاملين وتعطيل للمصلحة الامة والاستيلاء على مقدرات ومبانى للدولة قد تم توثيقها وباسماء من قام بها وستعرض على الجهات المختصة .
هذا للعلم والنشر ليعلم الجميع حقيقة ما يحصل بوزارات ومؤسسات الدولة الليبية من عبث وتدمير .


MB MISURATA TV STATION is again Broadcasting !
so also, is the MB “CAPITOL STATION” !


Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Quoting page regretful / I’m sorry, al-Qathafi, I’m sorry, Libya

{Satan and Zain them what they were doing}

Sudanese immigrants from Darfur, I met him today tell me what did you do of your country have Diatm Libya and Diatm yourselves. This Darfurian refugee cry our situation and we’re still justify our actions

But what to do when the devil says our adorns us that the war is part of the history of the movement upright things later.
Satan adorns us our business says that it has electricity, fuel and security had come to Libya to Amehal even if the revolution did not occur.

Satan adorns us our social rift that says big is not the outcome of the chaos of the crowds and the events of February is one of the reasons, but Blackout for 4 decades despite the fact that if we believe his words, we would say that they have made the revolution itself ignorant.

Satan adorns us our business, says that the problem lies in Libya militant groups despite the revolution itself has for the deaths of these groups.

Devil Hitun everything in the past to justify what happened and is happening every day, despite the effects of the results at the social level will make this people, one of the three pillars of the state is difficult to meet in the nation and the state entity after this hatred sharp.

Devil us feel reassured when justifies everything to us and we are not guilty in the right of our people and our country, and the right of civilians who previously bombed and shelling in and day Rishvana all their fault that others had dreamed that the well-being of living without providing anything.

Parents and Rishvana Abwaki to them today is not the Libyan people nor Parliament nor the Security Council nor the Arab League nor the Council (GCC) who issued their decision in just one day for the protection of civilians alleged!

وكالة السبع طبول الاخباريه Agency Seven drums News

نقلاً عن صفحة النادمين / انا اسف يا قذافي ، انا اسف يا ليبيا

{وزين لهم الشيطان ما كانوا يعملون}

سوداني من مهاجري دارفور ألتقيته اليوم يقول لي ماذا فعلتم ببلادكم لقد ضيعتم ليبيا وضيعتم أنفسكم. هذا اللاجئ الدارفوري يبكي حالنا ونحن لازلنا نبرر أفعالنا
ولكن ماذا نفعل بالشيطان عندما يزين لنا أعمالنا فيقول ان الحرب جزء من حركة التاريخ لتستقيم الأمور فيما بعد.
الشيطان يزين لنا أعمالنا فيقول ان فقد الكهرباء والوقود والأمن كان سيأتي إلی ليبيا لامحال حتی لو لم تحدث ثورة.
الشيطان يزين لنا أعمالنا فيقول ان الشرخ الإجتماعي الكبير ليس من نتائج فوضی الجموع وأحداث فبراير بل هو من أسباب التجهيل لمدة 4 عقود رغم ان لو صدقنا كلامه لقلنا ان الثورة نفسها قاموا بها الجهلاء.
الشيطان يزين لنا أعمالنا فيقول إن مشكلة ليبيا تكمن في الجماعات المتشددة بالرغم ان الثورة نفسها قامت لأجل قتلی هذه الجماعات.
الشيطان شيطن كل شيء في الماضي لنبرر ماحدث ويحدث كل يوم بالرغم ان اثار نتائجها علی الصعيد الإجتماعي سيجعل هذا الشعب وهو احد اركان الدولة الثلاثة من الصعب ان يجتمعوا في كيان وطن ودولة بعد هذه الكراهية الحادة.
الشيطان يشعرنا بالإطمئنان عندما يبرر لنا كل شيء وإننا لسنا مذنبون في حق شعبنا وبلادنا وحق المدنيين الذين قصفوا سابقاً ويقصفون اليوم في ورشفانة وكل ذنبهم ان غيرهم كان يحلم بأن يعيش رفاهية دون أن يقدموا أي شيء.
أهل ورشفانة لابواكي لهم اليوم لا الشعب الليبي ولا البرلمان ولا مجلس الأمن ولا الجامعة العربية ولا المجلس الخليجي الذين أصدروا قرارهم في يوم واحد فقط لأجل حماية المدنيين المزعومة !!





Journalist Mahmoud Masrati:

Outlaw and Sam bin Humaid mortally wounded and search for the state to accept treatment by leaps and bounds …
Rduha much as you can on that now ….
Will not prosper ..

Libya’s oil production up to 810,000 barrels per day.

News / Sky News Arab –abdallah bending Libyan Prime Minister:

“he oil sector became fully under state control.”




10 Sept. 2014

West continues with great concern the serious developments in # Libya due to the worsening political crisis since the overthrow of its leader Muammar al-Qathafi, the former. However, the big challenge is associated Baltkhova from Libya to fall totally into the hands of WAHABI-extremists.

Somehat “Calm” and warned prevail in the Libyan capital of Tripoli after the major fighting there, and the exploits of the population of this period for the supply of gasoline and food, where shops opening and re-open petrol stations,

while in TRIPOLI, the “leading the ‘new’ MB government is sworn in front of Saleh Al-Mkhozom, Second Deputy Chairman of the National Congress of the outgoing.”


Alliance forces have been able to support ” dawn Libya”, which include an alliance of Islamic groups from Misrata also impose political control over the capital.

And thus become Libya divided into two entities: In Tobruk, east of the country on the Egyptian border is still both of Parliament emerging from the June election and the internationally recognized government considered that they representatives Craeian state Allibah.kma still parliament and government Aneman military protection provided by the two dissident General Khalifa Hfter rejection of the Islamists.

According to the German newspaper site tatties, it has now become a divided Libya, where most of the support tribes and cities in the province of Cyrenaica oil-rich Abdullah bending and members of the House of Representatives, while supporting the local councils.

MB Western Libya Misurata Alliance.
On the other hand fled diplomats and international activists from Tripoli to Tunisia, while the international community has threatened to take action to confront every possible war crime occurred during the recent fighting in Tripoli.
Sudan also implicated.

At a time when Egypt to provide arms and military supplies to Gen. Khalifa Hfter, Qatar is supporting an alliance of Misratah. It seems that there are moves in the same direction on the Sudanese side, especially with the announcement of the entry of a Sudanese plane, a movement of the dust of the Libyan ammunition and military material. The plane was flying from Khartoum to Tripoli’s Mitiga airport and stopped in the Libyan oasis of Kufra, near the border with Sudan to refuel. There are then found ammunition in a search operation.

One activist Libyan commented on the developments of the situation and considered it “after each of Qatar, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, now came the role of Sudan to enter also in conflict because of Libya’s oil” and adds that Turkey is the other does not hide their positions regarding the conflict in Libya, where the face of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recent criticism of the House of Representatives, (which takes his seat of Tobruk).
Erdogen has been giving military and financial support to the “govenment of Omar Hassi” through MISURATA

In light of the political and security vacuum experienced by Libya, attends the jihadi MB militias to publish a complete mess and tuber in Sirte, where fighters declared an Islamic state (as in Syria) in full solidarity with these WAHABI-militias.

And across the Moroccan expert in terrorism cases Stadto Muhammad believed that “in the event of civil war broke out in Libya, will work on the organization of the State Islamic incursion in Libya.”

France’s desire to green light
On the other hand France appears preoccupied with the current situation in Libya, Fbaris seeks to preserve its interests and influence in the region of North Africa, where the complex situation does not indicate there is currently the possibility to improve things. The French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Odrian, has confirmed that France should move towards what is happening in Libya, as demanded by the international community of the need to confront the packing evolution of events there, at the same time warning of the growing influence of terrorist MB groups.

He added to Odrian in an interview with the newspaper “Le Figaro” the French, he spoke in Milan during an informal meeting with his European counterparts on this issue, where it was Alorteur be discussing the Libyan case file. He also contended that the French minister that the General Assembly of the United Nations will be another opportunity must not be wasted.

Minister for Odrian mentioned previously, especially the importance of cooperation, “what we have done in terms of collective action succeeded in Mali through military cooperation in order to liberate this country from terrorist threats and carry out democratic political.”

هل ليبيا مرشحة للسقوط في أيدي إسلاميين؟
10 Sept. 2014

يتابع الغرب بقلق كبير التطورات الخطيرة في #ليبيا بسبب تفاقم الأزمة السياسية فيها منذ الإطاحة بزعيمها السابق معمر القذافي. غير أن التحدي الكبير يرتبط بالتخوفات من أن تسقط ليبيا في أيد متطرفة.
هدوء وحذر يسود العاصمة الليبية طرابلس بعد انتهاء المعارك فيها، ويستغل السكان هذه الفترة للتزود بالبنزين والمواد الغذائية حيث فتحت المتاجر أبوابها وأعيد فتح محطات البنزين، في حين أدت فيه الحكومة الجديدة اليمين أمام صالح المخزوم، النائب الثاني لرئيس المؤتمر الوطني المنتهية ولايته. وقد تمكنت قوات تحالف فجر ليبيا التي تشمل تحالف مجموعات إسلامية من مصراتة من فرض سيطرتها السياسية أيضا على العاصمة. وبذلك باتت ليبيا منقسمة إلى كيانين: ففي طبرق شرق البلاد على الحدود المصرية لازال كلا من البرلمان المنبثق عن انتخابات يونيو والحكومة المعترف بها دوليا يعتبران أنهما الممثلان الشرعيان للدولة الليبية.كما لازال البرلمان والحكومة ينعمان بالحماية العسكرية التي يقدمها لهما الجنرال المنشق خليفة حفتر الرافض للإسلاميين.
وحسب موقع صحيفة تاتس الألماني، فقد أصبحت ليبيا الآن منقسمة، حيث تساند معظم القبائل والمدن في محافظة برقة الغنية بالنفط عبد الله الثني وأعضاء مجلس النواب، في حين تساند المجالس المحلية غرب ليبيا تحالف مصراته.
من جهة أخرى فر دبلوماسيون وناشطون دوليون من طرابلس إلى تونس، في حين هدد المجتمع الدولي باتخاذ إجراءات لمواجهة كل جريمة حرب محتملة حدثت خلال المعارك الأخيرة في طرابلس.
ضلوع السودان أيضا
في الوقت الذي تقوم فيه مصر بتقديم أسلحة وإمدادات عسكرية للجنرال خليفة حفتر، تقوم قطر بدعم تحالف مصراته. ويبدو أن هناك تحركات بنفس التوجه على الجانب السوداني ، خصوصا مع الإعلان عن دخول طائرة سودانية للتراب الليبي وهى تنقل ذخائر ومواد عسكرية. وكانت الطائرة متجهة من الخرطوم إلى مطار معيتيقة بطرابلس وتوقفت في واحة الكفرة الليبية قرب الحدود مع السودان للتزود بالوقود. وهناك ثم العثور على الذخيرة في عملية تفتيش.
إحدى الناشطات الليبيات علقت على تطورات الأوضاع واعتبرت أنه “بعد كل من قطر ومصر والإمارات والسعودية جاء الآن دور السودان للدخول أيضا في الصراع بسبب النفط الليبي” وتضيف أن تركيا هي الأخرى لا تخفي مواقفها بخصوص الصراع القائم في ليبيا، حيث وجه الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان مؤخرا انتقادات للبرلمان الذي يتخذ من طبرق مقرا له.
وفي ظل الفراغ الأمني والسياسي الذي تعيشه ليبيا، تُحضر المليشيات الجهادية لنشر فوضى كاملة في سرت ودرنة، حيث أعلن مقاتلو الدولة الإسلامية في سوريا تضامنهم مع هذه الميليشيات. وعبر الخبير المغربي في قضايا الإرهاب محمد شتاتو عن اعتقاده أنه “في حال اندلعت حرب أهلية في ليبيا، فسيعمل تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية على التوغل في ليبيا”.
رغبة فرنسا في الضوء الأخضر
من جهة أخرى تبدو فرنسا منشغلة بالأوضاع الحالية في ليبيا، فباريس تسعى للحفاظ على مصالحها ونفوذها في منطقة شمال إفريقيا، حيث لا يشير الوضع المعقد حاليا هناك إلى إمكانية تحسن الأمور. وكان وزير الدفاع الفرنسي جان-ايف لودريان، قد أكد أن على فرنسا أن تتحرك تجاه ما يحدث في ليبيا، كما طالب الأسرة الدولية بضرورة التعبئة لمواجهة تطور الأحداث هناك، محذرا في نفس الوقت من تنامي نفوذ الجماعات الإرهابية.
وأضاف لودريان في مقابلة مع صحيفة “لوفيغارو” الفرنسية، إنه تحدث في ميلانو خلال اجتماع غير رسمي مع نظرائه الأوروبيين بشأن هذا الموضوع ، حيث كان من القرر أن تتم مناقشة ملف القضية الليبية. كما اعتبر الوزير الفرنسي أن الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة ستكون فرصة أخرى يجب عدم إضاعتها.
الوزير لودريان ذكر بأهمية التعاون سابقا خصوصا “بما قمنا به من عمل جماعي حيث نجحنا في مالي من خلال التعاون العسكري بهدف تحرير هذا البلد من التهديدات الأرهابية والقيام بعملية سياسية ديمقراطية”.



Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News


# Mn_musdr_makd
Raise the issue with the # Al-Naúb_am against all those who participated in the government

of Omar Hassi # # allegedly seeking to Tksam_Allaotunai. .

And exit on the legality and the events of sedition.







MB Planted MINES exploding all over TRIPOLI !

# al-Grarat, the sound of shots gunshots and RPG in the air, and a gathering of militants from the region

and the voices of huge explosions.

URGENT: to hear the sound of gunfire and explosions in the vicinity of the neighborhood of Damascus,

and Salah al-Din and # Khalh_alfaragan the capital Tripoli.

Several explosions shaking the pillars of the capital Tripoli in inciting this.

Interruption of electricity from areas of the capital up for 6 and 9 hours a day


disruption and explosions



Agency Seven drums News
# Tripoli
The MB Misrata militias stormed the headquarters of the Arab Contractors Company Sawani area

and the expulsion of all employees and looted the property of the company.

Agency Seven drums News:

Organizing militias Libya dawn terrorist attack on the French embassy in Tripoli and steal all their contents and burn some offices there.


British Foreign
# # Hammond about Libya: political rift led to the deterioration of security and militia rivalry # Tripoli on what necessitated the evacuation of British nationals and move our embassy to # Tunisia


Meeting was in Mitigua than two hours between the leaders of Libya militias “DAWN LIBYA”: their subject and the main decrease in ammunition and how it is financed.

combined to form Guo and the targeting of Zintan.




Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Harvest Day is submitted to you from the channel and media Rishvana

Join two companies of Zintan 216, Alrkaiqih forces brigade and military Rishvana Valjbhatt

Killing field commander Adel penitent’s militias Roma Libya in front of Tina.

Renewed clashes in the area al-Togar.

Janzour gangs and Salah Valley who kidnap a group of men from the family Al-Hmala.

Been a prisoner exchange with Nalut and Gharyan.

Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Libya’s international channel

Our own sources: a group of extremists Sabratha withdraw from one of the axes of the bombing and Rishvana after brawl armed Dar them with a set of corner Tnahrt with another group as well as from the corner was caused by a dispute over the distribution of the spoils and loot in addition to the fear of another group from the corner of the prosecution because of the magnitude of the crimes

after they were sure that the members of al-Qaeda followers of “excommunicating # Interface Language”  lose many of the executions field has been some of the liquidation of members of Rishvana slaughtered with knives was the last of the prosecutor military lamp Amory, who has extremist elements of follow Interface Language slaying two days earlier inside the home from the vena cava with knives in the area Maya.

وكالة السبع طبول الاخباريه Agency Seven drums News

حصاد اليوم مقدم لكم من قناة ورشفانة الاعلامية
إنضمام سريتين من الزنتان 216 , الرقايقية لقوات لواء ورشفانة العسكري فالجبهات
مقتل القائد الميداني عادل التائب التابع لمليشيات غجر ليبيا في جبهة الطينة
تجدد الاشتباكات في منطقة التوغار
عصابات جنزور وصلاح وادي يقومون بخطف مجموعة رجال من عائلة الهمالي
تم تبادل الاسرى مع نالوت وغريان




Agency Seven drums News

another 2 Martyrs

Mansour Hassan and Ahmed galleries, from area # Tina, were killed today while defending their land from the MB gangs of “Dawn Libya”


Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News
Elly names MISURATA to Qohm in gate gypsum Mudbhoin
_ 1 Riad Bin Omran
_ 2 key Altagor

Renewed shelling on the area pressures Abu leg ask God for each safety Ahalina.


Abdullah Antat member of the Social Council of the tribes and Rafla denies holding reconciliation

dialogue with the city of Misrata.


Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Libyan tribe and Rishvana Wershfana Tribe Libya

Rishvana demands of the people and of the Council of Representatives
1 condemn violence on the civilian population
2 area is considered a disaster area and Rishvana humanly
3 The presence of a humanitarian corridor


Required blood all factions al-Zahra Hospital


Channel Al-Noael on Facebook:

The hero martyr Nasser swarm
One of the tribes of the Champions Legion #

# Abina_alnoaúl cited in the Rishvana:


Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News a partagé lestatut de Geraúm_fjr_libia.

# Hussam jmah al-Mnsouri residents mil kidnapped from his home by Misurata militias affiliated with al “dawn LIBYA”, after terrorist and that he was tortured and killed him and brought him back in front of his family.

# And Rishvana_tan_al-Gosv
# Geraúm_fjr_libia

# Hussam_al-Mnsouri_al-O RISHVANA, stormed “gangs excommunicating Interface Language Libyan” home of his family in the region of Maya accompanied by a group of gangs Misrata and Amazigh to find that the people of the house present their home;

so she withdraw from the house and taken away by Hossam, who tried to defend the display of his family to one dens of torture before returning it.
and receiving front his home and filtering shot in cold blood and in front of the eyes of his elderly father and mother.

Rishvana- and thorns
Riad killed Bin Omran and key Sriti following, battalion marina-

World news |

very heavy shelling on areas Rishvana (the globe and Kerkozh) with the destruction and looting of

houses in the Maya and the hunter, and try MB militias “Shield of Libya” to enter Tuibih and several other areas in the region
And assured us field commander brigade and Rishvana that troops deployed and locked in the fiercest battles in all axes,

and called on all parents not to traffic from the coastal road tries militias sacrifice Balohala Pfthm road link between the corner and Tripoli (Bridge 27) because he always spoke clashes there and expected control of the tribal forces it through the next few hours.


Akram, who killed Souayah Intna of the militias attacking ‘Libya dawn’ at Rishvana:

Agency Seven drums News:

Rishvana homes and Hawara in Maya burn and destroy, respectively, after being
Stolen by Misurata MB militias and Almkhanb (Western Shield) in parts
Stationed where “militias Interface Language” in the coastal road and

the latest Madmrōh the house of Mohammed bin Tntosh, Chairman of the Elders and Shura Rishvana:
Mustafa Charge
Basset Almchklt
Omar Bashir yellow and yellow
Mohammed Ben Youssef
Ahmed Ramadan Charge
Abdulsalam cold
Carp Tntosh
Mohammad Zarouk



Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Registry easy:

Armed militias persists in killing Al-Rishwanyen:

I’ve gone militias terrorist backed some areas in the escalation and targeting more innocent civilians has doubled sectarian killings and demolition of houses and burning in many areas and Rishvana when he ignored the House of Representatives of Libyan these massacres and only Aedah Balfaragh on the scene without condemnation of what is happening,

and I could not even issuing statements from members the House of Representatives in the area and Rishvana while the reality of the situation,

these militias backed by armed military arsenal and the media machine shop and have to justify their actions and money from the state needs and provide them support !!

Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

World news | meeting between the sheikhs and the Elders of the tribe # and Rishvana and # Nalut and it was agreed on the exchange of prisoners between the two parties, which was released 28 Rishvana were being stopped on the identity, while the release of 10 prisoners from Nalut have been arrested in Rishvana
Magistrate sought benevolent of the two regions, and these pictures of the moment the release Almqbodan ….
We ask God to guide











Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Cairo – «Gateway center» | الخميس 11 سبتمبر 2014, 11:31 AM
Hall constituent body to draft a constitution in Casablanca (photo:)


Hall constituent body to draft a constitution Bawhita

Announced that the constituent body to draft a permanent constitution for the country that the first draft of the project will be presented to the Libyan people, the end of the month of December.

According to a member of the founding constitution drafting Menem Sharif in his remarks on Wednesday that the Commission agreed in a plenary session on the first draft of the constitution will come out the end of the month of December, specifically 24 December 2014, and the declaration of independence, which falls on Libya.

He said Sharif, it will display this draft and explained and consulted everyone around, pointing out that in the month of March next year will begin the referendum on the constitution, and pointed out that the Commission followed the method of scientific methodology legal to accomplish and the drafting of all constitutional texts, and so after seeing the other experiments.




Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Killing one policeman and wounding three civilians after being hit by a shell in Benghazi
10 Sept.  2014

# Benghazi
One policeman was killed Libby, on Wednesday, shot dead by unknown assailants in the city of Benghazi (east) and wounded three civilians, including an Egyptian were wounded after a shell landed on a random neighborhoods as a result of clashes between the army and armed brigades.
The official said Chamber of common security in Benghazi (units of the army and police), who requested anonymity, told Anatolia that “unidentified gunmen intercepted on Wednesday evening area Laithi policeman Anwar Misrati’s Support Unit Security Department Benghazi and shot him, killing him.”
No one has claimed responsibility for the incident until 20:40 “T.g.”
As a medical source said of Anatolia that 3 people, including an Egyptian were injured Wednesday evening were injured after being hit by a random shell near them.
The source, who preferred anonymity, that people, who are civilians, were wounded by shrapnel after a shell landed Laithi area which is close to the area of ​​the clashes that take place between the rebel battalions backed militants of ‘Ansar al-Shariah’ and between the forces of the Libyan army.


Mohammed Jali, reports
# Today
– C axis Mansour witnessing clashes since Tuesday morning.
– Army bombards B. al-Hauser goals in each of the land and Ibaarh c Mansour.
– Air Force bombed targets in each of the C Mansour, Boatni near Tuberculoid







Quoting field commander, Ashraf Almiar: rallying a large group “Ansar al-Sharia” in tuber for the
processing of the attack on the airport Abraq in el-BAYDA (al-BAIDA)





Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

# Aovernmh_al-Libah reiterates its commitment to hold accountable armed formations

She Libyan government’s temporary, in a statement Wednesday, for condemnation and denunciation of the constant bombardment of residential areas west of the city of Tripoli by the armed groups, which resulted in its death and injury of civilians and the destruction of homes and property of citizens and terrorize civilians and the displacement and the displacement of many families and the growing phenomenon of abductions and enforced disappearances in those In areas of the cities of Benghazi and Derna.

The government said in its statement that the operations of the abduction and enforced disappearance, torture and murder because of tribal affiliation or family and indiscriminate shelling and attacks on civilian targets are all serious violations of domestic and international law and upgradable to war crimes as stipulated in the report prepared by the UN Mission of Support in Libya in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The statement added, has affected the crimes of kidnapping and assassination of many political activists, lawyers, jurists and members of the judiciary and the civil society organizations and State officials in ministries and governmental bodies and institutions and their relatives for the purpose of terrorism and intimidation of society and the imposition of political and ideological dictates certain it.

The government bears full responsibility for those who carried out these criminal acts and will bring them to justice to be punished deterrent, also reiterates her need for an immediate cease-fire and exit of all groups and armed formations of Libyan cities in order to preserve the security of these cities and the security of its population and enable the army and police from performing their duties, and invites everyone to work peacefully and legally in order to establish a state of law and justice and constitutional institutions.

Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Forces «dawn Libya» ignores the request of the Government ‘bending’ to the cease-fire .. and progressing west of Tripoli

The forces «dawn Libya» ignored the extreme demands of the transitional government headed by Abdullah ‘bending’, for the need to an immediate cease-fire,

and out of all the groups and armed formations of Libyan cities, where forces «dawn Libya» continued yesterday, for the second consecutive week, to try to control the area and Rishvana west of Tripoli, in the face of Army tribal militias and allies of Zintan.

Fighting continued in the inside of some residential neighborhoods in and Rishvana using heavy weapons amid About achieve forces «dawn Libya» extreme progress on the ground at the expense of Army Libyan tribes, as confirmed by Libyan sources in Tripoli.

A security official said that the Libyan fierce fighting continued between the two parties yesterday, after announcing a state of emergency for the first time in the history in Rishvana; and to avoid the possibility of falling into the hands of militant WAHABI-groups.

Did not interfere with any government military forces to break up the clashes, as all efforts collapsed tribal efforts to put an end to it, which the government says is exacerbated by the tragedy of the civilian population.

The Libyan government said in a statement yesterday that it has a new bear those responsible for these criminal acts of responsibility, and vowed to proceed against them and bring them to justice for Neil deterrent punishment.

The Government expressed regret for the bombing of continuing on several neighborhoods Sakina west of Tripoli, referring to the fall of the unknown number of victims were killed or wounded, and the destruction of homes and the displacement of many families, in addition to the increase in cases of abductions, and enforced disappearances in the region,

also condemned to similar cases in the cities of Derna and Benghazi.

The government promised that these acts of serious violations of domestic and international law, and the amount to war crimes, noting that the crimes of kidnapping and murder affected a lot of political activists, lawyers, jurists and the judiciary, as well as civil society organizations and state officials in ministries and government agencies and their relatives in order to terrorize the community and intimidation in favor of the dictates of political and ideological certain.

On the other hand, stressed Bernardino Leon, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Libya, the ongoing technical support provided by the International Organization for constituent body to draft a new constitution for the country.
Lyon said when meeting with Dr. Ali al-Tarhuni yesterday. the chairman in the city of Belarus (East), The wording of the Constitution enjoys broad support from the Libyans, reflecting not only their future aspirations toward a democratic state based on the rule of law and human rights, but also contributes to the stability of long-term political ».

He described the body as «safe haven», where he will meet representatives from across Libya to work together to address the challenges facing the country through dialogue and consensus.

He added: «It is very important to reach this spiritual prevailing between this combination to all Libyans. And will do whatever is necessary to support your role ».

It was Leon, who is on his first visit to Libya as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations had met two days before the city of Tobruk with the benefit of the “house” of the President of the House of Representatives of the Libyan and his two deputies, where he confirmed the support of the United Nations, of elected parliament as the sole legislative power in Libya.

On the other hand, stressed Nasser corpuscular member of the Committee on the crisis in the capital Tripoli that will witness a breakthrough soon, the supply of fuel in the city and its suburbs after the opening of more stations in the city, thereby reducing the congestion in front of her citizens.

He explained, according to broadcast local news agency, that the General Electric Company, has succeeded in repairing many of the faults that hit some power plants in the western region, which will reduce the power outages on some areas.


CNN Arabic – bending for CNN: the situation in Libya is difficult because Tripoli hijacked by the “dawn of Libya”
During an exclusive interview conducted with CNN anchor Becky Anderson said Libyan Prime Minister, Abdullah bending that the situation in his country is complicated and very difficult because of what he called the kidnapping of Tripoli, by the MB group called, “Libya dawn”.




«Turkish newspaper»:

U.S. plan to divide the region during the 36 months
The newspaper «Adinelk Daily» Turkish plan developed by the American administration to occupy the Middle East during the 36 months, including re-divided based on the intervention in Iraq and Syria to fight Islamic state regulation known as «Daash».
Confirmed Turkish writer “Mohamed Ali Guler,” in a report the newspaper, that Obama’s plan to meet the Daash is the same plan re-division of the Middle East, which is built on the three stages of the first formation of the Association of the Kurds, then control of Iraq, the latest intervention in Syria.

As for the first step Vtnfzha America through the intensification of air strikes in Iraq, and create a shield with the Kurdish region and the establishment of a partnership with the Kurds after the termination of the existence of Daash.
The opinion of the writer that the PKK itself will be quick to take this step in the belief that it will help him to tighten their grip on the reins, especially after forcing America to accept the Turkish state and its unity with the Kurds.
According to the writer, so America can do to prevent Iran from controlling the Kurds or coalition with them, and establish during this phase two fronts, one external and the other internal, external is NATO, “NATO” and the inner circle is the Sunni region.

The second step is to regain control of Iraq, after the United States could remove an obstacle Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of the way, and is now moving to take control of the Government of Haider al-Abadi, as they try to control the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Gorran known Bouklavadtha with the Democratic Party of Kurdistan and its strong ties with Iran.
He then tries to America after the unification of the Kurdish Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and converted to military force as well as to support the fight against Sunni forces inside money and weapons to help them control of the rival tribes.

Add to the above continue arming of America designated by the moderates of the Syrian opposition and support against Assad’s government by providing them with special training numbers for the third step which is to intervene in Syria.
The last step, which is limited to intervention in Syria, which will be pushed through organizing Daash stationed there, begins the American bombardment of Syria under the pretext of prosecuting terrorist organization, then headed opposition groups former arming of the administration of the South and impose a blockade on northern Syria, forcing it to recognize the area north zone autonomy.

The newspaper said according to the report, and finally establish the United States, a corridor stretching from the Kurdish northern Iraq, Syria to the north, extending to the eastern Mediterranean, according to Pentagon officials, the plan made during a period of up to about 36 months.


URGENT: President Barack Obama now declares in a speech directly addressed the nation for the American launch of the international coalition air campaign led by his country against the terrorist organization # Daash in Syria and Iraq.

For 3 1/2 years the USA has been trying to rid Syria of  Bashar Assad. Now supposedly toppling DAASH, they can destroy Assad as well.

Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News

Urgent # # # and exclusive and dangerous
I swear there Bllah Shi Christdt in Benghazi tomorrow
And Alaloma I received now from people who are honest Aamllona with shields …

tomorrow, September 11 anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Center in America ….

but Atnso condoms previous 2013 was the bombing of the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry’s parents is located next to the Central Bank of Libya

and this topic was a message to America that al-Qaeda still exists and is working hard. The Kharijites … Ejehzona Xi tomorrow inside Benghazi # Makdalrjae publishing and the widest participation room …. # # # heap operations

Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News  
URGENT: 10 Arab countries support the move against militants by America #

# Ath_al-Asalamah.





Bushmin in Sudan “asking for more MB support”




Algeria renewed closure of airspace with Libya. (GOOD)







TURKEY SUPPORTS “DAASH” and gives them totally free Medical aid and hospital facilities

Agency of the seven drums of news Agency Seven drums News Newspaper:

Turkey address the “security minister” Daash

in hospitals at Turkey’s own expense.

One of the most prominent leaders of the Daash received treatment in Turkey after the strikes by American newspaper Party (archive)
Thursday, September 11th 2014/21: 2524 – Follow-up
Newspaper, “party” Turkish, Thursday, for the entry of a number of leaders of the organization Daash to Turkey for treatment at the expense of the Turkish government, according to the agency reported Turkish Ceyhan.

The agency said, quoting the newspaper that she is confident of receiving the treatment of some leading figures in the organization and numbering at least 8 treatment in Turkish hospitals in the province of Şanlıurfa southeast Turkey.

The newspaper reported that high-ranking leader and described as the “senior security official”, entered the hospital organization in Turkey for medical treatment, after he lost his left leg on August 20 (August 2014).

Security at the expense of Ankara
The newspaper added that a number of leaders Daash flocked to the country for medical treatment after the American air strikes, indicating that most of the injured Chksaattabr associates of al-Baghdadi, the oversight of the security work.

The newspaper pointed out that Turkey holds the treatment of patients at their own expense, despite the continuation of the organization in the detention of 49 diplomatic Turkey since 3 months in a subtle hint to the reason for dealing Turkish state is likely with Daash, and refusal to participate explicit in military action against him in spite of belonging and commitment by virtue of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO .







Jordan’s ambassador to Libya, demanding to leave if the MB government is put aside. He supports Omar Hassi !

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