Mau-dib Gadhafi

Libya: Yes, I’m saying that it’s all lies

Posted: 2011/09/07
From: Source
An analysis that will show those who care what is really going on in Libya and why it affects everyone
Yes. You heard what I said. All of it. It’s all a bunch of lies.  I know that it is a shocking claim to many, that our trusted officials in concert with our reliable mass media actually participated in deliberate deception designed to get us to accept war, but deal with it. I’m making it.

Our biggest moral obligation is ensuring that wars are not waged against people under false pretenses. War is the most disgusting and horrible thing you can inflict on any person.
As you read this article I am sure you will find there are a number of things that will surprise you. After researching the situation for months I assure you I have investigated as many sides of the story as possible.  But I did reach a clear conclusion and I will not shy away from openly expressing the views that I have formed during this process.
What we have been seeing recently in the media, this time with a special emphasis on the online community, is the most sophisticated propaganda firework display we have ever witnessed. It’s no surprise so many people have been duped.
But a lie can travel the world before the truth has tied it’s shoe laces. But I believe that once the laces have been tied and the truth starts walking, eventually it’s gonna get to people.
There are at least two sides to every story
None of us could possibly have avoided hearing NATO’s side of the story and the reasons and justifications given for Gaddafi’s removal and how military intervention is necessary to protect Libyan citizens.
But are you sure you’ve heard both sides? Have you heard Gaddafi’s perspective on this issue? Or have you just heard “his side” as represented by the mainstream western media? If so I can start by telling you that his words, and the words of his son, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi have been deliberately misinterpreted and edited out of context to create simple soundbite propaganda to influence people.
You will find that there is a completely different side of this story that is being completely ignored. It is not even being debated for it’s merits, it simply is not talked about at all in the mainstream media.
Think about it. How much do you really know about Libya? Did you in all honesty know anything about the country before these events started unfolding? If I would have asked you back in February 10 questions about Libya and it’s affairs,  how many do you think you would have answered correctly? And how much do you honestly know about what is going on there now?
I often find it intriguing how people tend to think they are qualified to give their view on things that in reality they know next to nothing about. They
might have vague ideas generated by the mainstream media, biased textbooks and general pre-conceived notions, but not an actual thorough understanding of the country and it’s people and customs.
I had a discussion with a guy at a local bar the other day and I began the conversation by asking if he could tell me on what continent Libya was. Neither he nor his friend could answer correctly, picking Europe and Asia as their educated guesses. For some reason this guy still felt that his take on the situation was more accurate than mine, even as I told him I had been spending weeks investigating the matter. For those of you confused the correct answer is Africa.
I want to ask a simple question to make a simple case? Can you name me one current Libyan government official? You’re not allowed to say Gaddafi. Who holds the position of “Secretary of the General People’s Assembly” a position comparable to that of prime minister, although with a slightly different emphasis as he does not represent a political party and does not alone hold significant power.  Did you even know that such a position exists in Libya and that he is elected by the people?

The less you know about something, the easier it is to deceive you.

My intention for exposing your potential and likely ignorance on this subject is not an attempt to show that I’m smarter or better than you are. As I found out myself researching this article I knew remarkably little about Libya. And that is my point.
The mainstream media is focusing entirely on a set of news stories that have the specific intention of gathering support for military action and actively suppressing any story that would lead to people opposing it. This pattern will be exposed clearly as this article progresses.
It’s no wonder we don’t know much about Libya. Of course it gets confusing with all the different stories we hear of dictators and tyrants oversees. It is difficult to be an expert on all nations in the world. Just consider how many nations have existed and how long and rich each of their history is and how complex and unique the situation in each country is today.
When this is combined with a relentless, precise and extremely well organized propaganda blitz against one nation that is being targeted by an army, it’s all too easy to tag along.
I would also like to add that this article has proven difficult and this is the third version of it, well actually fourth considering that this translation is updated from the third, final Icelandic version. But it is of vital importance to me that it is as concise and convincing as possible, because the more I wrote and the more I researched, the more clear the magnitude and the scale of this massive deception campaign became. Most people, unfortunately have not developed the type of immunity to this kind of propaganda and are simply put, still to gullible in the face of such force.
I am not going to be answering comments about me being arrogant or one sided or any other remarks unrelated to the specific points I raise in this article. My only goal is to speak truly and freely on how I feel about this after my research and you are welcome to make of it whatever you want.
I will not pretend to be neutral when it comes to the deliberate killings of innocent civilians and the attempted destruction of a great, unique nation who’se people want nothing but peace and independence.
My goal is obviously not to achieve popularity or attention as Gaddafi is certainly not the most popular man in the world right now. Thanks to the media mind manipulation machines most now see him as a crazed dictator who kills peaceful protesters, schedules mass rapes and supports terrorism. And I’m taking “his side” ? Good luck me…
If the only thing I achieve with this article is to show that there is such a thing as Gaddafi’s side and that it has been blacked out by the media, then it will have been worth it. As that should be of deep concern to us all.
Ultimately of course, the question is not about Gaddafi. This is what the propaganda machines manage to do so successfully. With their Hollywood formula they create the image of a bad guy that has to be stopped by the good guy and all other sides of the arguments can be ignored as long as that is the case.
But don’t think for one second I will just sit by as this next blockbuster bloodbath unfolds and not do my best expose the brutal reality that flies in your face as you start to research it.
Unfortunately this is not a subject that can be covered in the fast food style of the gossip, profit driven mainstream media garbage. I do not take their example of aiming my writings at the lowest common denominator, rather I am trying to appeal to those who are genuinely interested in researching this topic with the goal of understanding it. There is simply put far too much that needs to be addressed and I assure you, every word is there for a reason. Except for these five words.
I sometimes get comments that my articles are too long and that no one will bother to read them. It reminds me of a story I heard of Bob Dylan. This slick record executive came to the studio after hearing an album, and said “ I love this song, but you need to make a short version so we can get it played on the radio. “This is the short version” Dylan replied and I would say the same.
Don’ be so naive as to think you can be knowledgable about a subject after reading a few mass produced news stubs.
I would also like to point out that if you think this article is too long, just think how long it took me to write it. I promise you, I am saving you a lot of trouble. What took me months to research, you can read in a few hours. And for that I am getting no money from anyone. I don’t do it for fun either as I know of many more fun ways to spend my time than browsing through pictures and watching videos about war and death.
I do this solely out of responsibility for my own conscience.

And even after this article and all the research I did, I still have questions.

You don’t need to finish the entire article now, it will be here, but I highly recommend finishing it eventually.

I will provide links and sources as we go and I encourage anyone to challenge their contents, or the arguments I make.  Let’s hope I’m not wrong after all the work I’ve put into this.
Now, some of you won’t need to read any article to know that the war on Libya is based on lies. You just know by experience not to trust the mainstream media and to know that the military powers NEVER take on such a mission for simple humanitarian reasons. They know that all such rhetoric by those in power is empty and meaningless and that there are always other reasons involved that include geo-political strategy, resources and control.
If you are one of those people I still recommend that you read on, I am positive you will understand more thoroughly the nature and the scale of this particular deception, in this particular war.
My goal in this article is to deconstruct every single argument and justification being made for the bombing and potential ground invasion of Libya. It is divided in these 8 chapters:
1st chapter: Gaddafi is an evil dictator
2nd chapter: Human Rights violations in Libya
3rd chapter: We must protect peaceful protesters
4th chapter: LIES LIES LIES
5th chapter: History of Libya
6th chapter: Motives
1st chapter: Gaddafi is an evil dictator

Pick any mainstream news story about Libya and this will be stated as given. He is one of those corrupt third world dictators, of course he is! He’s been in power for far too long! But wait a minute…
It is not even officially acknowledged that this claim is being heavily disputed. What is also not being reported is an even more stunning fact, not only is he not an evil dictator, he is not even a dictator at all.
He holds no official power. I think I am going to repeat this cause it is staggering how loud this has been screamed while being completely ignored:
If this statement is true you will immediately notice that all the talk you have heard about “removing him from power” is just a farce.
In fact, Gaddafi has only an honorary title as “the father of the revolution” and is also dubbed “the leader of the revolution” hence the common reference to him as leader of Libya. He has influence, as anyone with such a status and reverence in a country would have. But by no technical or logical definition can he be described as a dictator.
A dictator is someone who has the official authority to make all decisions facing a country. He has final and official authority over the army, laws and courts. Plenty of such figures exist. Gaddafi has no such authority so how can anyone claim he is a dictator? That can only be considered a conspiracy theory.
In the few instances this has been addressed it is claimed that despite this “everyone knows” that he is really in charge. Of course. But when I say a powerful group of bankers is really in charge of the US government you call me crazy. Maybe “everyone” doesn’t know that yet, but I have a feeling it won’t be long.
So who is in power in Libya, if not Gaddafi? This is where things start to get interesting.
We have to bring democracy to Libya!
Oh really? What kind of democracy? Represantative democracy such as the one currently being employed in most western countries? A two party system such as the one in the US?
People in Iceland have been talking a lot lately about democratic reforms. What these discussions usually revolve around is more emphasis on people’s participation, more national voting and big matters being discussed in big meetings.
Direct democracy is very similar to the system we used in Iceland during our founding years. Almost exactly the same. The idea is basically this, get people together in conference halls open to discuss specific issues relating to neighbourhoods and vote on them. Choose representatives to go a more centralized meeting to discuss matters relating to larger areas and then finally do this for the entire country. This is the general idea and it seems pretty simple.
But oh yes, excuse me, I was supposed to be talking about the dictatorship in Libya but just started rambling on about democratic reforms in Iceland.
No, in fact I just trolled you, I am talking about Libya. Direct democracy has been employed in Libya ever since when Gaddafi relinquished all official power and resigned to the symbolic position he has today in 1977. Let me repeat this fact that is also being completely ignored by the mainstream media.
Or at least they did until the western powers started their “operations”.
Do you understand what I am saying? That despite how many times you have heard Gaddafi being referred to as a dictator, it is still false? Either because someone is lying to you or have themselves been lied too?
In this Orwellian world we find ourselves in it is actually quite difficult to find reliable information concerning this, especially from the mainstream media who some people still, unfortunately see as the official certifiers of truth.
But do not despair. Valiant internet knights have managed to dig up excellent footage that completely contradicts the narrative being currently fed to us.
One of the best information regarding this whole situation is in fact, just an amateur video put together by a random youtube user.
I always think it’s a bit funny when people try to discredit certain types of information by alluding to it being “something you picked up from the internet’” while simultaneously hailing the internet as one of the most wonderful technological achievements of history.
These people have seen stupid videos online, we all have. They conclude that since you believe something that to them seems so far fetched, it must mean you’ve watched one of those videos and fell for it without researching it using “solid sources”.
A lot of people also seem to think that we “can’t” know what’s really going on, since you can’t trust any of the media. Well, we can and should trust ourselves in piecing together the information available and draw an informed conclusion, or at least educated assumptions.
Meanwhile this trust that the large media networks have as the only “solid sources” is being systematically abused to favour the military and Wall Street.
And the fact is that the internet invites anyone to become an independent journalist.
You can record your own material or edit together relevant clips from different sources to make extremely interesting and informative videos.
Often these videos will include small bits from these so called “solid sources” that have revealed discrepancies in the official line and put them into proper context.
This video I am posting is a prime example of that and includes extremely relevant information relating to Libya’s democratic system.
Please take a quick break from reading to watch these videos. If you have any genuine interest in knowing the truth and are sincere in your respect for justice you will watch them. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Understanding the Green Book & Libyan politics, the easy way (slightly updated version)

What you don’t know about Gaddafi

2000 Conference Halls
What you are now looking at is a conference hall that was designed to be built but has been put on hold after the recent events in the country. Since the Libyan Revolution of 1969, 2000 conference halls have been built in which people come together to decide local policies and appoint people’s commission to implement these policies.
The secretary general of state in Libya is Baghad Mahmudi. I think if you would make a wager of 100$ with everyone living in the west about who that guy is you would become very rich.
I’m not saying this to pretend to be smarter than you, like you I did not know who he was until I started researching for this article. My point is we should not engage in the bombing of a country which we have so little real knowledge about! Have you been to Libya? Well neither have I, so shouldn’t you at least look into it in detail before we just barge in their with military aircraft and start killing people?
Consider that if the fact holds that Gaddafi has no official power in Libya beyond a regular citizen and some honorary treatments, all the arguments for the bombings and support of rebel groups have collapsed, as the whole operation is based on aiding a popular revolution to topple Gaddafi and “remove him from power” So what power”?
Could it be that we live in such a crazy world. Yes, in fact it very well could be.
Here we see Moussa Ibrahim, spokesman of the Libyan government saying that Obama is delusional.

Libya’s government spokesman says Obama cannot order Gaddafi to leave power and says Libyans want a transition with Gaddafi at the helm.

And take for instance this example, a little gem that  passed through the propaganda filters.

This Washington Post reporter tries to put what he is hearing in context with what his programmed reality can come up with and the only thing he can come up with is that all these supporters of Gaddafi he met in Libya must just be this crazy.

The headline is  “Many Libyans appear to back Gaddafi
(To enter the world of the Gaddafi believers is to enter an “Alice in Wonderland” realm in which the regime’s supporters are the real revolutionaries, not the rebels seeking to topple the government, because Libya is in a state of perpetual revolution.

The Libyan people can’t overthrow their government because they are the government, in accordance with the country’s definition of itself as the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, which loosely translates as “state of the masses.”Gadhafi can’t be toppled because he holds no formal position; he is the Brother Leader, a guide and a mentor, a patriarch and an uncle who advises his people but does not rule them. )
I hope you still have appetite. There is a lot more to come.
2nd Chapter – Human Rights abuses in Libya
This is a mantra that is easy for the propaganda machines to preach. Once again reality seems to be quite different.
First question you might ask yourself, if Gaddafi is such a gross human rights violator, why was Libya elected by other African Nations to lead the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in 2003?
First of all, if Gaddafi has no power in Libya accusing “his men” of human rights violation simply doesn’t fly. Unless he just has his private secret mafia? But that would also be just a conspiracy theory. (Do not get me wrong, a lot of conspiracy theories have basis for them, but I have seen no evidence for this one)
Wiki on Human Rights Watch
Another article dealing with it’s corrupt nature
Most, if not all of the accusations being presented to us by the media come from one organization “Human Rights Watch” an American based organization that receives most of it’s funding from George Soros, a well known bankin mogul and leading globalist. It is not an unbiased organization at all, yet the media will always report it as “human rights organization”
“According to a 2008 financial assessment, HRW reports that it does not accept any direct or indirect funding from governments and is financed through contributions from private individuals and foundations.[9] According to NGO Monitor this policy is violated by support from the Dutch government and a May 2009 fund raising trip to Saudi Arabia.[10]
Notably, billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros announced in 2010 his intention to donate US$100 million to HRW over a period of ten years. He said, “Human Rights Watch is one of the most effective organizations I support. Human rights underpin our greatest aspirations: they’re at the heart of open societies.”[11][12] The donation increases Human Rights Watch’s operating budget from $48 million to $80 million. The donation was the largest in the organization’s history”
So, George Soros, who likes to manipulate the economies of entire nations for personal gain (including Iceland and Greece) is their biggest supporters and they go to SAUDI ARABIA on a fund raising trip??
Yes, one of the biggest violators of human rights in the history of mankind financed this human rights organization.

Just because a human rights organization makes an accusation against someone doesn’t make it true. Anyone that has the money could form an organization and name it “human rights watch”, especially if he intended to use it for this purpose.

There is one substantiated allegation, and that is that in Libya, people have been executed people for terrorism and high treason. This is not something I agree with personally. But then again, I have not been living under constant attacks by secret agents and subversive groups funded by western intelligence agencies trying to undermine a people’s revolution.
I have not had multiple attempts on my life and NATO hasn’t killed my daughter. I’m sure after a while your sense of humor for people trying to kill you, your people and the leader of your people’s revolution, would go away. In any case this is no excuse for the US to bomb anyone as they execute about 44 people a year, many of whom are later proven to have been innocent of their charges.
It is possible that Libya would be the greatest welfare paradise on the planet were it not for the constant interference by greedy western companies. There appear to be few places on earth that have a welfare system as good and where every person is as valued. I kid you not.
Consider Iceland for example. In Iceland we are ruled by a wealthy minority that lives in luxury while many of us work day after day, weekend after weekend, just to be fed and get to live in a home.
In Libya, everyone is entitled to a home, food, water, a vehicle and the opportunity to pursue his interests. If you want education abroad, the government pays for it completely. Need to buy a home to start a family? The government gives you
As with other stuff relating to Libya at the moment it is not that easy to find reliable information regarding this from mainstream sources, but with a little internet detective work you can verify this quite clearly.
From Wikipedia: During the 1970s, the government succeeded in making major improvements in the general welfare of its citizens. By the 1980s Libyans enjoyed much improved housing and education, comprehensive social welfare services, and general standards of health that were among the highest in Africa.’
So… let me get this straight… this evil dictator takes over and stars improving everyones lifestyle! What a monster!
Another thing I did researching this was to watch old mainstream documentaries about Libya, it is informative to see how these films contradict the picture being painted now:

Consider this video that went viral recently. Gaddafi is writing in a motorcade without any protection and everywhere he goes people meet him in celebration.

Does it now seem to you, just a little bit less of a sign of his “insanity” when he claimed that his people loved him?
I think it’s time you watched this video, with a message from Gaddafi, broadcast over Tripoli on July 1st.

The Green Flag of the People

Posted: 2011/10/13
From: Mathaba
The following letter was sent, via email, to The Answer Coalition. The suggestion it contains, though, can be adopted by anyone or any group.

By Dennis South


I write articles I would like to present a suggestion. I will assume [I hope not incorrectly] that you are aware of the demonic assault on the people of Libya, in the name of “protecting lives.” A total of 60,000 Libyans have been slaughtered by NATO and their paid stooges and traitors.

I assume that you are aware that Muammar Gaddafiis not, and never has been, a “brutal dictator.” Here is just a tiny testament, by a young American who lived in Libya, to Gaddafi’s achievements for his people in Libya these last 42 years:

I assume that you are aware that Gaddafi created adirect democracy system of government that isinfinitely better than the “democracy” of our U.S. government, which has been virtually destroyed by special interests, particularly corporations, in part through Supreme Court rulings. Despite propaganda from the media, Gaddafi stepped down from power in 1977. That is a fact.

If you wish to study more about him, there is plenty of information at I now make my request.

I request that you consider adopting the Green Flag of The Al-Fateh Revolution, which is the onlyrevolution of Libya. The Al-Fateh Revolution began in 1969, when Gaddafi kicked out King Idris, in a bloodless coup. Compare that with the blood that NATO has spilled in “protecting citizens.”

The Green Flag is a universal flag. It has no marks on it. It’s just green. It can be seen as representing the earth, on which all of us live as brothers and sisters. In adopting the Green Flag, you will be making a huge statement, and I hope that you think about it. It is something to ponder over deeply.

Please view this short production, which, in part, explains Gaddafi’s way of thinking:

And, when you get some time, read about The Green Charter Movement, which grew out of Gaddafi’s Green Book: It is an international movement.  When you read it, you might be shocked to discover what a powerful,global leader Muammar Gaddafi is. He needs our support, and we need him.

The Green Flag can be adopted by anyone, and I would like to see it flown by millions of people, at rallies all across the U.S. The difficulty I have is that I can’t begin to impart to you, in a few moments, the importance of this. I’ve been covering the Libyan war of aggression for 8 months. I produce daily updates entitled, “Update on the struggle for the liberation of Libya and the unification of Africa” published at

Well, please consider my request. Perhaps your officers can meet. Supporting Gaddafi, by using the Green Flag, is a signal to the powers that we are all conntected; that we all love each other, and that we will fight for each other!

Summary of the war in Libya:

I thought I’d give you a bullet-point summary of what is actually going on in Libya, though you might find this difficult to believe, due to media lies.  And this summary is very important, because what it actually demonstrates is the support that Gaddafi has amongst 90% of the Libyan people. Think about this: How is it possible that a tiny country, whose population is smaller than the population of the Chicago metropolitan area, has withstood the daily assault of the strongest military alliance in human history? If Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is such a “brutal dictator,” how is he holding on so long? It is clearly because the people support him. He would have fallen before three weeks, had it not been for the support of the vast majority of the Libyan people:

1. A full 80% of Tripoli is now under the the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

2. A full 80% of Benghazi, the headquarters of the “rebels” is under the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

3. A full 90% (Some say 100%) of Southern Libya is under the firm control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

4. The TNC, NATO, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the Rag-Tag Rebels imported from the Hindukush are, are loosing the Libyan War.

5. A full 95% of the TNC (the rebel “government”)has resigned.

6. In an astonishing admission, NATO and U.S. intelligence officers, at a meeting that they held in the 3rd week of September at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va, concluded that NATO operations in Libya have been “ineffectual” and “pathetic.” They also concluded that this failure in Libya has made it impossible for them to continue any operations in the Middle East for the next year. See:

When I first saw Muammar Gaddafi speaking at Bab Al-Aziziyah, 8 months ago, I thought he was a madman, and a “brutal dictator” whose time had come.  But then I started doing what, unfortunately, too many of my fellow countrymen don’t do: study.  And I was shocked and outraged!! All the lies I had been told made me furious.

We would be blessed, in the U.S., to have Muammar Gaddafi as a leader! He is loved by millions, all around the world–something I had no idea about before 8 months ago.

Well, I ask you to consider that a common flag of the people be adopted, and that you spread that idea to all people who are struggling for peace, freedom, balance, love, equity.  Thank you very much for reading this lenghty note.


Dennis South

July 1, 2011 Gaddafi’s Speech to Libya and the World, 1 of 2

This is a support march for Muammar Gaddafi and it includes 1.7 million people Source. There are 2 million people living in Tripoli! And only 6.5 million in the entire Libya! Seems that only those who called in sick that day didn’t make it. Just watch it, and tell me we are witnessing a “popular revolution against Gaddafi in Libya”
One commented that people in North Korea also loved Kim Jong Il. This comparison is preposterous. First of all people are allowed to freely exit Libya as they please. Second of all, that person is admitting that he is loved by his own people and hence that all the talk about him oppressing his own people is utter garbage. Why don’t they just say that then? Why doesn’t Obama admit that, yeah… the people love him, but they’re all batshit crazy…
So… let me get this straight… We’re actually at that point now? We will bomb a country to kill people, to help them get rid of a “dictator” that they all appear to love, but we, sitting on our arrogant asses in front of the TV claim we know better about what is best to them! To the point that we’re willing to kill them to prove that we are right?
How is that not batshit insane??
If you’re thinking it must have gotten worse since you would be wrong.
Here is the Human Development Report of the United Nations, notice that Libya is the only African nation that reaches the green color.
This picture is from 2010.
Still in doubt? Then I suggest you also read this report from the United Nations in 2011 (for those not paying attention, it’s this year)
It reads like a valedictorian report card.
5. During the interactive dialogue, statements were made by 46 delegations. A number 
of delegations commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the preparation and presentation 
of its national report, noting the broad consultation process with stakeholders in the 
preparation phase.  Several delegations also noted with appreciation the country’s 
commitment to upholding human rights on the ground. Additional statements, which could 
not be delivered during the interactive dialogue owing to time constraints, will be posted on 
the extranet of the universal periodic review when available.

Here are some figures that have been circulating the internet, although I have not been able to find them posted on any of the “solid sources” from the documentaries I have seen and testimony I’ve heard it appears fairly accurate.
Unemployment benefits – 730 U.S. dollars a month.Nurse salary – $ 1000 per month.Each baby receives a single gift from the Libyan State – $ 7,000.The couple receives money from the Libyan government of $ 64,000 to buy a house.(Wedding gift)State support for a one-off starting their own business – 20,000 U.S. dollars.High taxes and any fees to forbidden M. Gaddafi initiative.Education and health care – free of charge.Education and training abroad is fully payed by Libyan government

Residents receive electricity for free.

Teacher’s salary – $ 3,000 per month.

When buying a new car government pays half price.

Brokering real estate is prohibited. Available only direct buyer – seller relationship

Here we see an inquiry about this on Yahoo Answers
Here is a related topic.
Here we also see how the Libyan government funds projects that actually benefit the population instead of just powerful corporations. “Government to build thousands of new homes in Libya”
Here is something that might make you ask yourself another question. If Gaddafi is so hated by his own people, why would the Libyan government pass out weapons to the population to protect people from the rebels and the possible invading armies? Wouldn’t that be suicidal for a dictator trying desperately to retain his power against a popular uprising?
Then the question has to be asked, why does he have so much support from his people and why is the media and our political leaders trying to  convince us the opposite?
Here is Serbian Miroslav Lazanski on the issue, corroberating some of these findings:

Miroslav Lazanski ‘Gadafijeva diktatura’ – Support for Muammar Gaddafi from the people of Serbia

But then you might start havind second thoughts, thinking… if everything is so good in Libya,  what are all these people doing protesting? Are they just wrong?
Here is where the propaganda gets serious. In order to sell you this war, the perception of a massive popular rebellion had to be manipulated into the public mind.
But it is however a valid question, why are these people protesting? And who are they?
Let’s look at these questions and find out how convincing the case for a popular rebellion in Libya against Gaddafi is.
3rd chapter – We must protect the peaceful demonstrators

This is the ultimate firecracker…
Hey, I’ve got a joke for you, How do you get all the protesters to shut up while you’re waging a war? You convince them you’re going to war to protect peaceful protesters!
HAHAHAHAHALOLDERP!! Or… wait a second… Maybe it really isn’t that funny…
Let’s look at this in more detail.
In the start it was a peaceful protest, but after Gaddafi started brutalizing the peaceful demonstrators it turned violent, right?
Weird, cause not even the intentionally biased wikipedia article actually supports that conclusion:
So let us see, early phase, 15. february, first day:

15 February

  • In the evening approximately 200 people began demonstrating in front of the police headquarters in Benghazi following the arrest of human-rights activist Fathi Terbil.[5] They were joined by others later who totaled between 500 to 600 protesters. The protest was broken up violently by police,[6] causing as many as forty injuries among the protesters.[7]
  • In Al Bayda and Az Zintan, hundreds of protesters called for “the end of the regime” and set fire to police and security buildings.[6] In Az Zintan, the protesters set up tents in the town centre.[6]
Am I getting this straight? In a country of six and a half million, 200 people showed up to protest?

So what have these peaceful demonstrators been up to since their peaceful revolution started? Well, as any group of peaceful demonstrators would, hunting black people! Yes, just listen to this group of immigrant workers who fear for their lives because of the activities of these people. They don’t even leave their houses:

Notice how traumatized the man reliving his experience is, a tell that he is not making up the story. Were he to be enthusiastic and dramatic about it, that would be a clear indicator that he was lying. This point becomes more relevant later on.
See here this more detailed story on this issue. (Libya: Rebels execute immigrant workers while forces kidnap others)
They also seem to be exceptionally good with bureacratic bullshit, as all underground resistance movements are of course…
Since the start of the protest, they’ve managed to:
Anyone that has taken part in any type of protest know how ridicilously far fetched these ambitions would be to any movement. Sure it would have been cool if we could have just set up our own central bank while demandind the removal of the head of our central bank at the time, David Oddson, but how on earth would we have gone about doing that? Never mind trying that in the US! So what’s going on then?
It’s seems pretty simple. This is much less a “protest movement” and much rather trained militants backed, armed and financed by the CIA and I would guess Mossad and MI6 as well.
The Libyans that are protesting appear to mostly make up the former upper class of Libya who are pissed off that their power was taken away from them in a popular revolution. Many of these families fled Gaddafi’s rule and have had it in for him ever since.
The goal of these clandestine operations was to start enough disturbances, riots and terror events that would then be portrayed to the people as a revolution of the people through the media.
This has been tried previously in the case of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, but that attempt failed due to the enormous support he had in his country. (See full documentary from BBC on this case here “The Revolution will not be televised”)
Evidence for media manipulation
I don’t need to remind you that representatives of all the major media news outlets of the world went to Libya as soon as the protests started, with the intention of covering them. Surely they must have numerous good photos of large peaceful demonstrations against Gaddafi?
Here are some pictures of the protests in Egypt. You can find scores of these kind of pictures with huge crowds, sometimes clashing with police:
And even in Iceland, a country with a population of 300.000 we see this turnout:
Well, now let us compare these images, all of whom were easily located with a simple google search with some of the images coming from Libya. In Libya I have yet to find a single picture of protesters clashing with police or being barricaded by police. If you can then by all means post it.
Here we see a definitive flag of the Libyan monarchy now being used by the rebels. Is this even in Libya? Well, anyway, , when you see a picture of this flag in a protest, you are looking at anti-gaddafi protests. When you are looking at Gaddafi supporters they will be carrying the green flag. The flag of the Libyan Revolution of 1969.
This is one example of such an event:
Well, you might find it curious that this is a picture taken from here, headlined “84 killed in Libya protests: Rights organization”
Do these appear to be people protesting Gaddafi? Would protesters of Gaddafi be carrying a glamorous picture of him celebrating? And the flag of his revolution? The answer is clearly no so why are they using this picture? Shouldn’t there be plenty of good pictures from the huge protests against Gaddafi?
Actually if you google Libya rebels in the image search you will see a more accurate depiction of this presumed protest movement in Libya. Just try it.
Surely we should be routing for the gun touting gentlemen over the green flag waving madmen in the picture above.
This is not the only media news outlet to make the same embarrassing mistake:
The Associated Press carried the same picture in this story:
And just look at this one, what is this but a bad photoshopped photobomb? They are all celebrating Gaddafi in the background! Either someone actually snuck in to take the picture or it was just added in post production. Either way, it is pure deliberate propaganda!
This was posted here, and under it reads “A recent picture of an anti-gaddafi demonstration”
Are you sure mr. reporter that these people wearing the color of his revolution with a glamourous picture of him are anti-Gaddafi? Or is this a bad fake?
And wait a minute… Gadafi.. butcher of libya, didn’t I see that movie already…? Oh wait no! That was another guy… Must have been the same producers…
Again, are these anti Gaddafi protesters? This is from a discussion where the poster says he found the picture on google earth. Of course he did. And how was he supposed to know that all these crowds were there to support Gaddafi. That’s not what the media had told him.
Again, this picture was posted in at least two places with headlines about protests against Gaddafi:
From here and here.
Another one:
Here is yet another example. The story is about Gaddafi murdering protesters, when the picture clearly shows his supporters:
Notice how all the signs are in Arabic. That’s also something I’ve wondered. Why does it seem that all the protesters from pictures of Iran, Syria and Libya have signs in English?
Of course the picture being painted is that they are “pleading to the international community” and surely that’s what some of these people are doing. But isn’t just a little strange? In the Icelandic protests of 2009, even if we knew the foreign press was watching, very few decided to post their signs in English, most would have just felt that it was silly.
Even though almost everyone in Iceland speaks English and it is not exactly the most common language in Libya.
Some of the most well known pictures might not even be from Libya. Some might just be of gullible westerners who feel they are supporting justice.
Oh that’s just brilliant. “Hopeless” As opposed to the “Hope” delivered by Obama’s presidency. Straight from the Washington propaganda machines anyone? No… get out of town…
The group American Libya Freedom Assocation or “ALFA” has been the most prominent group to support this rebellion. They have written propaganda articles that make all types of wild accusations against Gaddafi without any proof. Take for example this article that has so many falsehoods in it I almost drowned in them. Of the top of my head it claims, baselessly that Gaddafi implemented Sharia law. In fact, there is now talk of introducing Sharia law in Libya, after the fall of Gaddafi.
Unfortunately Wikipedia considers this Associaton a reliable source of information and references is it in some of the accusations it makes.
In this propaganda piece you can see their participation verified.
Here we can also see that Mohamed M. Bugaighis, the head of ALFA has connections to the US government.
Here are some more pictures circulating the web that I find suspect.
One question… What are the flags of Iraq and Palestine doing there? And why is there only one rebel flag and where is located? On top of the Palestinian flag! Why?

The flag of Iraq:
The flag of Palestine:
It’s worth noting that Gaddafi has been a vocal supporter of Palestine from day 1.
He has been a rock in Israels socks for decades, and the monarchy his revolution overthrew was supported by Israel. Something’s not right about this.
Just recently, after the revolution in Egypt, Gaddafi urged Palestinians to rise up against the Israeli occupation in peaceful protests.
“The time for people’s revolution has come”
Little did he know that they planned to turn the joke on him.
Here we see an article that covers this issue, while certainly not in a positive tone.
Well if the most oppressive, apartheid state in the world supports it it must be ok. A country who murdered peaceful protesters aboard the Mavi Marmara and has systematically robbed Palestinians of their lives and land.
But let’s move on:
In this picture that has been posted everywhere online, including the mainstream press, there clearly are a lot of people. But why is the only flag visible in the crowd waving right above the camera? Strange, I wonder if it’s been planted? No… The technology might be pretty advanced now… but doctoring pictures? Common. That’s impossible.
Now here is an oddball:
Well, the resolution and proportions seem fine… but wait… why is there only ONE FLAG? In the middle of the picture?
This one was posted in a few places, including
Again.. really? One flag? One guy decided to bring his flag?
But wait, here we have a lot of flags!
The only problem with this picture is that it’s the same picture as we looked at before and shows the Gaddafi supporters that were being posted as Gaddafi protesters. Except this time, someone went through the trouble of adding red paint on the flags.
While one has to wonder about how amateur the doctoring of these photos is, it also makes you wonder how convincing they could make photos if they actually did their best work.
The most convincing images of masses protesting Gaddafi came after the alleged fall of Gaddafi. This video being among the “best”:
This is a screenshot from that very recent BBC report about celebration in Benghazi after allegedly conquering Tripoli.
Here is the image from 01:10
And here we have the frame from 02:05
I have questions about the vanishing flag, the Gaddafi poster with green background next to the demon (subliminal propaganda perhaps?), and why they could only get less than a minute of footage that is looped. Perhaps these can all be explained, and focusing too much on it would amount to speculation that would probably be inadmissable in court. But given the manipulation we’ve seen so far you can’t help but wonder.
In any case these are pictures of Benghazi, the only place where it is recognized that there is opposition to the Green Revolution.
The footage shows celebration after the news about the “fall of Tripoli” which we found out later had not been the fall of Tripoli at all, but was simply a trap set by government forces.
And what has become quite well known in the alternative media now is that the footage allegedly coming from the Green Square in Tripoli did not show a place consistent with the actual Green Square, making it more likely that this is actually filmed in a movie set:
Here is a full article on this kind of manipulation
And then there is this recent slip up at the BBC, showing green square in India as supposedly live from the protests in Libya:
The case for a popular uprising being waged against Gaddafi simply seems very thin to me.
Think of it this way, if there was an agenda to make you think there were bigger protests in Libya than there actually were to disguise military operations by CIA funded militant groups to gain control over a country and it’s resources, how would they go about doing that?
It’s clear that they could do that so that leaves it at, would they. And if we consider that they’ve done that many times before the answers to that seems clear as well. And if you consider what is at stake in a war like this “it’s the least they can do”.
Having said that, it is not as if a protest happening in a country is justification for starting a war. If it would be we would have had to bomb every country in the world a long time ago. Where did this notion come from? How many times have there been huge protests in the West?
And what about killing protesters? Well, we’ll cover that claim later but what about Kent State Massacre in the US?
Should the US not have been swiftly invaded? Besides the fact that the case for “Gaddafi’s Men” having killed peaceful protesters is very thin. It seems more like people died trying to protect security buildings and police stations and the protesters who were killed were armed aggressors.
And EVEN IF, there is a dictator who is believed to oppress his own people, it would only make matter worse to bomb the country! It would not be an excuse!
Do i really have to get into the hipocrisy factor here? How many brutal dictators has the west supported and how many democratically elected leaders they have assassinated? Is this history still unknown to you? And talking about torture! The Us officially admits to torture! Have we forgotten about Abu Ghraib already? So you’re saying you don’t like how Gaddafi is torturing his people so you want the US army to do it instead?
This whole thing is absurd.
What I can unequivocally demonstrate, is that there is not an overwhelming majority protesting Gaddafi. The pictures of his supporters were in general a lot more convincing and crowded. 1.7 million people marched in his support! It’s absurd for us to claim that we know better what is in their best interest!
(I refer back to the video above where 1.7 million march in his support, if you did not watch it before, watch it now)
The peaceful protesters?
The West hasn’t exactly been hiding it’s support for these forces. Here are a few stories worth noting:
Libya Rebel leader had CIA backing (warning, serious whitewash/propaganda but fact is acknowledged)
Here we can see the rebel army, these are not peaceful protesters. Forget that notion. They are armed to the teeth and they are killing black people and burning down police stations. Are the Libyan people supposed to sit back while that happens? Would you?
Not only a connection to the CIA, but also to Al Qaeda
No I am not making this up.  The same people that the Americans are supporting in Libya have also been members of the “Al Qaeda” movement in Iraq.
I can just hear some of you blurting out that it is nothing but a crazy conspiracy theory. But don’t call the doctor yet, we have “solid sources”
Libyan Rebel Commander admits his fighters have Al Qaeda links
Anti American Extremist among Libyan Rebels U.S. has vowed to protect
 You can’t dismiss this that easily can you? Straight from the horses mouth! The commander of the rebels admits this and a few media outlets pick up on it before it slips down the rabbit hole.
So, now, is there any picture starting to emerge inside your head at this point?
Or does this all still seem very contradictory and confusing to you?
What if I told you that the most likely explanation in my humble opinion is that the CIA are knowingly funding terrorist activites, that KILL American Soldiers and innocent Iraqi people to justify their continued military presence?
Pretty much exactly like in 1984. Perpetual Warfare. I think it’s time for a quote from that book, performed by Michael Moore. He has fortunately remained consistant in his anti war stance, and is against the military aggression in Libya (source)
It is also worth noting that a lot of the rebels in Afghanistan were funded and armed by the ISI in Pakistan, which has had a close relationship with the CIA for many years and Pakistan has been given military aid from the US all throughout the course of the war. Source
But as this would be enough material for a whole new article I’ll just leave it at that. Let’s concentrate on Libya for now.
And what about Benghazi?
A little bit of history is needed. Wiki will do for this purpose:
Heavily bombed in World War II, Benghazi was later rebuilt with the country’s newly found oil wealth as a gleaming showpiece of modern Libya. It became the capital city of Emirate of Cyrenaica (1949-1951) under Idris Senussi I. In 1951, Cyrenaica was merged with Tripolitania and Fezzan to form the independent Kingdom of Libya, of which both Benghazi and Tripoli were capital cities. Benghazi lost its capital status when the Free Officers under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi staged a coup d’état in 1969, whereafter all government institutions were concentrated in Tripoli. Even though King Idris was forced into exile and the monarchy abolished, support for the Senussi dynasty remained strong in Cyrenaica. This was emphasized by real or perceived injustices from the government towards the people of Benghazi, including the demolition in the year 2000 of the arena of footballclub Alahly Benghazi S.C., following anti-government protests.
Whoever these protesters are they are glorifying a brutal monarch that was deposed by a popular revolution. Here is a picture of a young Benghazi carrying a picture of King Idris during the 2011 revolution:

While it is clear enough that Gaddafi has overwhelming support in Tripoli and most other parts of the country, Benghazi seems to be the only place were any significant number of people oppose him and the Jamahariya, State of the masses.

Somehow I have a hard time so sympathize with people glorifying a monarch that oppressed the people of an entire nation, just because that city was “it” at the time… Especially when they use means of terrorism to get their point across.
This conversation is just brilliant  to listen to. Anyone enthusiastic about debating in general should check it out. Such a pawning has rarely been recorded:
Of course it is possible that people in the Benghazi area have some legitimate grievances that they feel Gaddafi is responsible for. That I simply can not know for certain at this point.
Regardless, this is a reality that is very different from what is being propagated in this blitz media campaign, and does not mean that this minority is entitled to take over a country.
So what have we learned so far? 
Fighters with ties to Al Qaeda, sponsored by NATO and the CIA are burning down police stations and security buildings, and when Gaddafi says his people will resist this foreign hostility and attempted occupation he is “declaring war against his own people” What a bunch of fucking bullshit!
And oh sure, we just have to help them by BOMBING their capital!
What would have to happen for you to support your home country being bombed from the air? Historic landmarks, universities and peoples houses were being blown to pieces and people killed?
Libyans do not want these air strikes! It is simply a disgusting lie!

There is one thing that becomes abundantly clear upon detailed inspection of this issue. What we are seeing is not mistakes. It’s not “intelligence failures”. It’s not a misunderstanding. It’s pure and deliberate propaganda with the aim of taking over a country and it’s resources.
Of course a lot of the dumbed down reporters that read from their teleprompters have no clue that what they are saying is a part of a disinformation campaign. They usually know nothing more than the average citizen. But this is being orchestrated by very skilled propaganda specialists, and there are people fully aware of the manipulation in place that are doing this on purpose.
This is a barrier that some people seem to have a hard time to breach. The media may lie, but never on purpose…These people are likely to be thinking “Well what about all the mass rapes, airstrikes against his own people? The torturing and the oppression? Are they just lies?”
Well… again… yes…!
If you have ever known a person who is a compulsive liar you would know that they will lie as much as they can as big as they can so in the end it such a grand illusion you think that it is unlikely someone would go through such lengths to deceive you.
These propaganda specialist will lie endlessly and no one corrects it until it’s too late.
Truth is the first casualty of war. The lies leading up to the war in Iraq were endless and grotesque.
They said they KNEW that Saddam had nuclear weapons and was willing to use them on the United States! This is how badly they wanted you to support the war! What makes you think anything has changed now? Obama?
Really? Are you supporting this war because of Obama? Because of all the “changes” he’s been implementing?
Obama is another example of how many lies they are willing to tell you to get you to go along with their plans. He had the image of an anti-war president who was against the Wall Street fat cats. Seriously how often has this card been played? How long will it take us to call the bluff?
Obama is a prime example of how much the media and politicians will distort the truth, and somehow people usually fall for it for just as long as is required for the operation to succeed.
Somehow a majority of people can’t seem to get it through their head that the media will lie shamelessly, again and again.
People seem to know this on some level and are aware that it has happened repeatedly throughout our history. But when it comes to seeing through it when it really matters they are simply still to gullible. Do they think that the media has learned from it’s mistakes and won’t lie to us again? Do they believe that the war in Iraq was due to “intelligence failures”?
On, an upvoting site that has a lot of entertaining and informative user submitted material, this clip from George Carlin is almost universally upvoted and praised. Yet the contents of what he is saying doesn’t seem to have sunk in yet. Let’s listen to it, and listen to his message, he isn’t joking!

Michael Jackson even tried to tell us this:

Imagine what it was like before the war in Iraq trying to tell people it was based on lies and there should not be an invasion. Imagine how many reasons people could find in the media at the time to believe you were crazy. Are you telling me they are all lies?
Yes, I’m saying they were all lies.
If you were in my shoes at the time this must feel like deja vu all over again. (To be accurate I was quite young at the time and wasn’t really sure what to think initially but quickly started opposing it after it began)
And some of you are not going to change your minds. Some of you just trust that all this information would be covered in the mainstream media if it was true. These people will trust them more than the alternative media to report information accurately.
Imagine the stupidity. The media corporations are owned and controlled and have long since been infiltrated by intelligence agencies.
The website where I post this doesn’t even have advertisers. We have no owners or editors and are only here to try to figure out what is going on.
Most people can’t seem to fathom how well calculated, widespread and big this lie is. They don’t seem to notice how ideas are deliberately being put in their heads. Anything that contradicts what they’ve learned through this will immediately be disregarded as crazy or a “conspiracy theory”.
Some people will even read this entire article and still not see a reason to disapprove of the bombings. Going by their feeling that all the stuff you’ve heard and read in the media can’t all be false.
But most people, and this is the real problem, they won’t actually read it. They won’t watch any of the videos, and they won’t even leave room for the possibilty that they are wrong. They have been so convinced that they simply feel it is awaste of time to even look into it. That will not stop them from claiming they have, however.
After I published an earlier version of this in Icelandic you would not believe the response from some people who had obviously in no way even skimmed through the article. Most of the questions were answered in the article itself. For example, if someone comments: “How can you support a dictator?” that person is proving that they did not even see that I was claiming he wasn’t.
It’s a cute little feeling, that everyone is trying their best and it’s better not to be too negative.
The compulsive liar knows this as well. He knows that you are a sensitive being and he abuses it. When he’s been exposed he apologises and promises it will never happen again. But guess what? He is lying.
If you actually think that the largest militaries in the world would go into a concerted operation without there being a major preparation for it, you have no clue about modern warfare. If you think that a big portion of that preparation doesn’t involve a propaganda campaign to ensure the support of the people, you are sadly mistaken again.
Consider this story about Donald Rumsfeld’s speech from 2006 where he talks about how the Americans are lagging behind in the propaganda department and must do something about it quickly with heavy emphasis on the internet.
You might also want to evaluate the words of General Wesley Clark, when he said that there were plans to attack Libya 6 years ago:

But how did they go about orchestrating such a media war? 

Might it involve a little scandal recently about leaked e-mails from HB Gary? Where it was revealed that the pentagon was using bots online and fake social media accounts to use for propaganda campaigns?
And here is where it get interesting. You all know that this is the “twitter revolution” and a lot of the videos were just youtube videos being posted by Libyans. Right?
Well then how come only about 9% of Libyans have internet access according to statistics from 2009? See here
I think it’s about time you watched another of these random youtube videos I’ve found. The song is actually quite overused but the information is worth it. The most peculiar thing is the amount of twitter updates that were posted in a short period of time:

And here we have two journalists testifying on air that they have been threatened by other journalists and intelligence officials for going against the NATO propaganda. Thierry Meissan goes on to claim that many of these reporters are actually card carrying CIA agents.

Now, let’s look at a list of recent news stories, most of which are the primary reasons why most people claim to support the “revolution” in Libya. Expect more news stories like this with outrageous over the top claims against Gaddafi or anything related to him. These stories will be aimed at affecting people emotionally and horrifying them, with blame assigned to Gaddafi and his supporters.
Gaddafi used airstrikes against his own people
This story was originally posted on twitter without a shred of evidence and from there got reported by all the major media outlets. This appears to be nothing more than yet another deliberate, fabricated piece of propaganda.
This report from the Russian Army contradicts these claims:
Gaddafi is ordering mass rapes!
This is a big one. Gaddafi’s men are mass rapists! And he even ordered Viagra for his presumably impotent men to assist in their mass rapes! What a monster!
Really?? Isn’t that a bit over the top? Do you actually believe that he did that?
But the news says so! He must have! What a lunatic! Who does that?
No one, because it is a lie.
The only evidence for these mass rapes is a “questionnaire” that reportedly included the question of whether or not women had been raped, and reportedly a lot of the women had tagged yes to the question… and when asked by whom many had reportedly said “Gaddafi’s men” most left the questionnaire anynomous but some wrote their initials… for fear of reprisal… obviously.
Right… So basically the easiest forgery in history.
There is a lot of talk about how rapes are such a disgrace to the family in the Muslim community and how most women don’t come forward. That didn’t seem to matter to Eman Al-Obeidy who at the most opportune time came rushing into a Tripoli Hotel to tell her horrifying story of how she was gangraped by Gaddafi’s men!
So are they lying?
Yes, they most likely are lying.
Here is a report from Amnesty International that questions these claims.
This type of story was extraordinarily convenient for anyone that wants to gather support for a war in Libya. It is extremely emotional and targets the viewers empathy. You will not see stories like this about the thousands of people burned alive by NATO bombs.
This is exactly what they do. No one cares about deep historical understanding of what is going on in Libya. Didn’t you hear about that gangrape by Gaddafi’s men!? This is what modern propaganda looks like.
And to some this claim even seems ridicilous. But just to be clear, yes, I am stating that in all likelihood, both of these events were staged. The wounds of both these women are probably fake and the work of the Hollywood department of the CIA. These are in all likelihood paid actors or deliberate liars.
Can I prove that? No, not literally, I can’t prove either case individually with forensic evidence as that would be impossible. However, it is the aim of this article in it’s entirety to expose the fraudulent basis of this war in general. That I can do.
And seen from that perspective these stories and their timing must seem highly suspicious to anyone witnessing what is going on.
Understand this, there is no claim to wild, no lie to big, no method to unethical for these people. This is about much bigger issues and for them the end justifies the means.
There are a number of ways to get people to lie. One possibility is that they have some connection to the rebels, or is simply a paid agent. It’s not like they are saving money on a mission like this. It is supported by the richest and most powerful people in the world and the stakes are high. Paying off a couple of people here and there is not a big problem.
They could do it, they would do it, they have done it and they are doing it.
The question is rather, why would they stop when it is proving to work so well?
Just check out this brief video, we have prior convictions:
If you think that my claim that these horror stories from Libya are fake is a ridicilous claim, will you at least admit that you would have also thought it was ridicilous if at the time this was being played in the media, I had claimed that it was staged?
This is now officially acknowledged to have been war propaganda. The girl telling us this horrifying story was a trained actor, the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States and the event was orchestrated by the public relation firm Hill & Knowlton, working for the Kuwaiti government. The increasingly censored Wikipedia acknowledges all of this and there are numerous other sources that confirm this if you have any doubt. Wiki
Obviously, that’s why they keep doing this. And if you need a further reminder on how the authorities blatantly lie to the public it’s time for a little symphony:

But no, authorities wouldn’t go that far to stage a war… Well, if you think so consider Operation Northwoods, were all sorts of outrageous plots were considered to gain popular support for war in Cuba, including staging terror attacks, even shooting citizens in the US and blaming it on Cuba:

But common! The media wouldn’t participate in this kind of behaviour! Well… then consider Operation Mockingbird. Wiki explains here.
But no… NATO and the US would never knowingly arm and support terrorists… Well, then consider Operation Gladio, where they did exactly that, in Europe:
Al Jazeera has also provided a lot of the propaganda effort for this war. It has proven really effective, as many progressives view Al Jazeera as a good alternative to the US media they have learned not to trust. This documentary, which I watched from start to end is a prominent candidate for the Goebbels award:
“Libya – A state of Terror”
This film only includes testimony from Libyan defectors and provides no additional evidence. No shortage of emotional music and enthusiastic story telling though. If you watch this film, do they seem uncomfortable talking about their horrific experience, or are they trying to sell it?
This is the opposite of the Nigerian immigrant we saw earlier who was chased down a street by the rebels in Libya. It’s like they’re trying to squeeze out every bit of sympathy they can get.
Now, I might be wrong on this. If I am I apologize to them and those who feel they have suffered. Very few issues are actually purely black/white, but for what I can assess this documentary is pure propaganda.
Here is this documentary for those who are interested:
Gaddafi is staging mass funerals and parading fake victims
This blew my mind when I saw it. I refer to my writing on this website when this story was released. We awarded Nic Robertson the Goebbels award that month for an excellent performance in the art of deception.

The Goebbels award this week goes to Nic Robertson for his exemplary contribution to the brainwashing campaign about Libya.

He uses many effective tricks on the viewer that are worth noting. The goal of the story is to claim that the victims of the NATO bombardment were simply non-existent. All this was an elaborate propaganda stunt by Gaddafi to gain international solidarity and we must not let it work. One might think such plans were to ambitious but he somehow managed to pull it off.

Nic knows that by now people will believe just about anything about Gaddafi and by doing this he hopes that the anger ofer the murdering of innocent civilians that would otherwise be directed against the people throwing bombs, would instead be directed against Gaddafi!

In the first scene we see how he edits the speech which probably included a fair amount of inconvenient statements. the editing makes him appear frantic, angry and a bit fanatical. Good job there.

He proceeds to claim, without any evidence, that noone in the area seemed to have been a relative of the victims. Of course  we should just trust him as a neutral reporter, a man from a country that is invading another country, reporting from the country his country is invading. Of course he is not biased!

He also describes how one of the coffins had opened and nothing had been in it. Embarrassing huh? Well what is also embarrassing is the fact that his camera man must have been looking away while it happened. It would have been great footage. But who cares, it’s not like anyone will suspect that he is lying.

This story echoes a similarly bizarre claim that Gaddafi’s men were emptying the cities morgues and get this, placing the bodies near damaged sites to make it look like people had been killed there!

Yes, for sure! This is the first time in history were a military bombardment produces no civilian casualties! It’s just Gaddafi and his gang of madmen trying to trick you into feeling empathy for his people! DON’T FALL FOR IT!

It would be extremely inconvenient if the public would figure out that we are bombing young guys with a nike cap holding the peace sign. We congratulate Nic Robertson and CNN on this outstanding achievement.

Keep in mind that all the people attending this funeral are supporters of Gaddafi! They are carrying green flags and huge numbers have turned out. Regardless this devious reporter spins it so fast that it hypnotizes the viewer.
Of course the super precise Nato bombs have a special bad guy app that ensures it only hits them and no innocent people.
Except maybe a few children and a university…
This ridicilous claim first surfaced here and has since been repeated throughout the entire spectrum of the mainstream media.
This is another blog making these claims and even more wilda accusations, based on stories from his “contact” including that Gaddafi empley a “rape squad” who had that labelled on their uniforms. Who comes up with this kind of bullshit?
5. Kafli The history of Libya
Now then, time for a brief history lesson. The history of Libya is obviously long and has many different eras. I will let suffice to cover the last 100 years of it.
Almost exactly 100 years ago, Italy “liberated” Libya from the Ottoman empire. The coverage of this on wikipedia is pretty ironic in light of recent events.
“The attempted Italian colonization of the Ottoman provinces of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica was never wholly successful, at least initially. On 3 October 1911 the Italians attacked Tripoli, claiming somewhat disingenuously to be liberating Libya from Ottoman rule. Despite a major revolt by the Libyans, the Ottoman sultan ceded Libya to the Italians by signing the 1912 Treaty of Lausanne.”
Somewhat disingeniously you say…
And now, a 100 years later, what is the leader of Italy saying about Libya? Well, basically exactly the same thing.
 Quite comical isn’t it.
Libya had been ruled by the Ottoman empire since 1551 or for 260 years when Italian fascist came and took over. Well not literally fascist, they didn’t become fascists until 1922 but would control Libya brutally til the end of the second world war.
Considering this it is even “funnier” that Berlusconi payed compensation to Libya in 2008 for the Italy’s colonial oppression to the sum of 2.5 billion pounds.
Scumbag Berlusconi
2008 Pays compensation to Libya for colonial oppression
2011 Drops Bombs on Libya
In 1943 when the allied forces drove the Italians away the power over the territory fell to Britain and France. In 1949 it is agreed that their puppet. Idris, will take over in a farce which gave the country “independence” but kept it under control of the old colonial rulers.
Idris assumed all power in the country. He was a despised tyrant who was only doing the bidding of the colonies that supported his rise to the throne. He oppressed people, he had official control over everything! That is what a dictator is. And they are proud of their role too.
This king was meant to inherit his throne to his descendants. His flag is now being used by the rebels.
From Wikipedia:

In April 1955, oil exploration started in the kingdom with its first oil fields being discovered in 1959. The first exports began in 1963 with the discovery of oil helping to transform the Libyan economy, although imposing a resource curse on Libya. Although oil drastically improved Libya’s finances, popular resentment grew as wealth was increasingly concentrated in the hands of the elite.

As was the case with other African nations following independence, the remaining Italian settlers in Libya held many of the best jobs, owned the best farmland and ran the most successful businesses.
King Idris, a monarch supported by Israel… is now being championed as a figure for democracy and freedom? How does that fly?
In 1969, Gaddafi and his men are the ones who manage to free the people from this fascist dictatorship! What ensues is a remarkable story, one that has rarely been told and for good reason.
When Gaddafi and his men took over, Gaddafi’s parents lived in a tent. He promised he would house every person in Libya before housing his parents. The promise was kept and remarkably they soon managed to give everyone in Libya a home. But not before his father died.
Accompanying the revolution was the Green Book, a complete theory on how a society could be organized in the most fair and effective way.
If you have never heard of this book I think it’s time we take a peek inside:
The Green Revolution

The Green Revolution is the Libyan Revolution of 1969. The Green Book is a recipe of sort for a different kind of society. I highly recommend reading it in it’s entirety but I am going to post bits of it. I think you will see why I think this issue is pretty important. You can download the book in English here. þessa síðu og dánlódi bókinni
“The instrument of government

– All political systems in the world today are a product of the struggle for power between alternative instruments of government. This struggle may be peaceful or armed, as is evidenced among classes, sects, tribes, parties or individuals. The outcome is always the victory of a particular governing structure – be it that of an individual, group, party or class — and the defeat of the people; the defeat of genuine democracy. Political struggle that results in the victory of a candidate with, for example, 51 per cent of the votes leads to a dictatorial governing body in the guise of a false democracy, since 49 per cent of the electorate is ruled by an instrument of government they did not vote for, but which has been imposed upon them. Such is dictatorship.”
So, in the current democratic system there is constant struggle and there’s always the risk that the majority will oppress the minority. Fair enough

– If parliament is formed from one party as a result of its winning an election, it becomes a parliament of the winning party and not of the people. It represents the party and not the people, and the executive power of the parliament becomes that of the victorious party and not of the people. The same is true of the parliament of proportional representation in which each party holds a number of seats proportional to their success in the popular vote. The members of the parliament represent their respective parties and not the people, and the power established by such a coalition is the power of the combined parties and not that of the people. Under such systems, the people are the victims whose votes are vied for by exploitative competing factions who dupe the people into political circuses that are outwardly noisy and frantic, but inwardly powerless and irrelevant. Alternatively, the people are seduced into standing in long, apathetic, silent queues to cast their ballots in the same way that they throw waste paper into dustbins. This is the traditional democracy prevalent in the whole world, whether it is represented by a one-party, two-party, multiparty or non-party system. Thus it is clear that representation is a fraud…

Philosophers, thinkers, and writers advocated the theory of representative parliaments at a time when peoples were unconsciously herded like sheep by kings, sultans and conquerors. The ultimate aspiration of the people of those times was to have someone to represent them before such rulers. When even this aspiration was rejected, people waged bitter and protracted struggle to attain this goal.

So, representative democracy was better than monarchy and fascism but was still far from perfect.
The Party

– The purpose of forming a party is to create an instrument to rule the people, i.e., to rule over non-members of the party. The party is, fundamentally, based on an arbitrary authoritarian concept — the domination of the members of the party over the rest of the people. The party presupposes that its accession to power is the way to attain its ends, and assumes that its objectives are also those of the people. This is the theory justifying party dictatorship, and is the basis of any dictatorship. No matter how many parties exist, the theory remains valid…

Political parties are corrupt in their nature and represent interest groups or specific members of society. Sounds about right.
Popular Conferences and People’s Committees

– Popular Conferences are the only means to achieve popular democracy. Any system of government contrary to this method, the method of Popular Conferences, is undemocratic. All the prevailing systems of government in the world today will remain undemocratic, unless they adopt this method. Popular Conferences are the end of the journey of the masses in quest of democracy.

Popular Conferences and People’s Committees are the fruition of the people’s struggle for democracy. Popular Conferences and People’s Committees are not creations of the imagination; they are the product of thought which has absorbed all human experiments to achieve democracy.

Direct democracy, if put into practice, is indisputably the ideal method of government… The Green Book guides the masses to an unprecedented practical system of direct democracy. No two intelligent people can dispute the fact that direct democracy is the ideal, but until now no practical method for its implementation has been devised. The Third Universal Theory, however, now provides us with a practical approach to direct democracy. The problem of democracy in the world will finally be solved.

Authority of the people has but one face which can only be realised through Popular Conferences and People’s Committees. There can be no democracy without Popular Conferences and Committees everywhere…

The General People’s Congress is not a gathering of persons or members such as those of parliaments but, rather, a gathering of the Popular Conferences and People’s Committees. Thus, the problem of the instrument of government is naturally solved, and all dictatorial instruments disappear. The people become the instrument of government, and the dilemma of democracy in the world is conclusively solved.
The only way to get the power directly to the people is through their direct participation. This can be achieved using direct democracy. Conference halls need to be built were people can get together and make decisions. Interesting.
Who supervises the conduct of society?

– The question arises: who has the right to supervise society, and to point out deviations that may occur from the laws of society? Democratically, no one group can claim this right on behalf of society. 

Therefore, society alone supervises itself. It is dictatorial for any individual or group to claim the right of the supervision of the laws of the society, which is, democratically, the responsibility of the society as a whole. This can be arrived at through the democratic instrument of government that results from the organisation of the society itself into Basic Popular Conferences, and through the government of these people through People’s Committees and the General People’s Congress.
This principle is what seems to seperate Libya from other states. No one group has the right to dominate another! Bravo! Are you paying attention?
What about the freedom of the press? Isn’t that limited too?
You could say it is, but only by our western standards. This is the reason:
The press

– An individual has the right to express himself or herself even if he or she behaves irrationally to demonstrate his or her insanity. Corporate bodies too have the right to express their corporate identity. The former represent only themselves and the latter represent those who share their corporate identity. 

Since society consists of private individuals and corporate bodies, the expression, for example, by an individual of his or her insanity does not mean that the other members of society are insane. Such expression reflects only in the individual’s character. Likewise, corporate expression reflects only the interest or view of those making up the corporate body. For instance, a tobacco company, despite the fact that what it produces is harmful to health, expresses the interests of those who make up the company.

The press is a means of expression for society: it is not a means of expression for private individuals or corporate bodies. Therefore, logically and democratically, it should not belong to either one of them.
The media should not be a mouthpiece for special interest groups but instead a natural right for all citizens. Makes sens right?
The economic basis of the Third Universal Theory

– The ultimate solution lies in abolishing the wage-system, emancipating people from its bondage and reverting to the natural laws which defined relationships before the emergence of classes, forms of governments and man-made laws. These natural rules are the only measures that ought to govern human relations…

If we analyse the factors of economic production from ancient times to the present, we always find that they essentially consist of certain basic production components, i.e., raw materials, means of production, and a producer. The natural rule of equality requires that each of these components receives a share of this production. Because production cannot be achieved without the essential role of each of these components, it has to be equally divided amongst them. The preponderance of one of them contravenes the natural rule of equality and becomes an encroachment upon the others’ rights. Thus, each must be awarded an equal share, regardless of the number of components in the process of production. If the components are two, each receives half of the production; if three, then one-third…

The labour force has become a component of the production process. As a result of technical advancement, multitudes of unskilled toilers have been transformed into limited numbers of technicians, engineers and scientists. Consequently, trade unions will subsequently disappear and be replaced by syndicates of engineers and technicians. Scientific advancement is an irreversible gain for humankind. 

Thanks to this process, illiteracy will be eliminated and unskilled workers will become a temporary phenomenon destined to gradual disappearance. However, even in this new environment, persons will always remain the basic component in the production process.
We need to abolish the wage system in it’s current form.. BLASPHEMY! Just because it is based on domination and extortion?
He who takes part in the production or other fields of the operations that creates revenue, should be entitled to an equal portion of the revenue, compared to the other people involved.
Thanks, my sentiments exactly. Do you have more?

– The freedom of a human being is lacking if his or her needs are controlled by others, for need may lead to the enslavement of one person by another. Furthermore, exploitation is caused by need. Need is an intrinsic problem and conflict is initiated by the control of one’s needs by another.
You can use people’s needs to exploit them. This creates conflict so it is necessary to prevent people from controlling what other people need.
Not so insane?

– Housing is an essential need for both the individual and the family and should not be owned by others. Living in another’s house, whether paying rent or not, compromises freedom… In a socialist society, no one, including society itself, has the right to control people’s needs. No one has the right to acquire a house additional to his or her own dwelling and that of his or her heirs for the purpose of renting it because this additional house is, in fact, a need of someone else.
YES! Thanks! Every person is entitled to his own house! And noone is entitled to having two houses! Because that exceeds your need and can only be used with the intention of profiting from others or controlling them!
I couldn’t have put it better. Well I even tried, this is eerily similar to what I wrote in an article in November of last year called “What do we want?”
“I am not saying I know exactly how this can be accomplished, but like others I have my theories. The only thing I’m saying is that if we are going to unite over some demands, than these demands, as radical as they might seem to some, as natural as they could possibly be! 

Food and shelter! Is that too much to ask? In a country that is freezing and struggles to deal with a housing capacity that far exceeds our population!

On the contrary, any system, that in this day of remarkable technological advances allows people to starve to death, despite they’re being plenty of food around, that is rather thrown away than given to the starving, and that let’s people freeze to death in a place that has too many houses. That is absolutely insane.”
Sounds pretty similar… Original post in Icelandic

The family

– To the individual, the family is more important than the state. Mankind acknowledges the individual as a human being, and the individual acknowledges the family, which is his cradle, his origin, and his social umbrella. According to the law of nature, the human race is the individual and the family, but not the state.

The individual is the important thing? Not the state? He’s got to be kidding..

– Discrimination against woman by man is a flagrant act of oppression without justification, for woman eats and drinks as man eats and drinks; woman loves and hates as man loves and hates; woman thinks, learns and comprehends as man thinks, learns and comprehends. Woman, like man, needs shelter, clothing, and transportation; woman feels hunger and thirst as man feels hunger and thirst; woman lives and dies as man lives and dies.

But why are there men and women? There must be a natural necessity for the existence of man and woman, rather than man only or woman only…

Deliberate interventions against conception form an alternative to human life. In addition to that, there exists partial deliberate intervention against conception, as well as against breast-feeding. All these are links in a chain of actions in contradiction to natural life, which is tantamount to murder. For a woman to kill herself in order not to conceive, deliver and breast-feed is within the realm of deliberate, artificial interventions, in contradiction with the nature of life epitomized by marriage, conception, breast-feeding, and maternity. They differ only in degree.

To dispense with the natural role of woman in maternity — nurseries replacing mothers — is a start in dispensing with the human society and transforming it into a merely biological society with an artificial way of life. To separate children from their mothers and to cram them into nurseries is a process by which they are transformed into something very close to chicks, for nurseries are similar to poultry farms into which chicks are crammed after they are hatched.

Nothing else would be as appropriate and suitable to the human being and his dignity as natural motherhood. Children should be raised by their mothers in a family where the true principles of motherhood, fatherhood and comradeship of brothers and sisters prevail, and not in an institution resembling a poultry farm… As for children who have neither family nor shelter, society is their guardian, and only for them, should society establish nurseries and related institutions. It is better for them to be taken care of by society rather than by individuals who are not their parents.

If a test were carried out to discover whether the natural propensity of the child is towards its mother or the nursery. the child would opt for the mother and not the nursery…

There must be a world revolution which puts an end to all materialistic conditions hindering women from performing their natural role in life, and so drives them to carry out men’s duties in order to attain equal rights. Such revolution will inevitably take place, particularly in industrial societies, as a response to the instinct of survival, even without any instigator of revolution such as the Green Book.

All societies today look upon women as little more than commodities. The East regards her as a commodity to be bought and sold, while the West does not recognise her femininity…

Freedom means that every human being gets proper education which qualifies him or her for the work which suits him or her. Dictatorship means that human beings are taught that which is not suitable for them, and are forced to do unsuitable work. Work which is appropriate to men is not necessarily appropriate to women, and knowledge that is proper for children does not necessarily suit adults.

There is no difference in human rights between man and woman, the child and the adult, but there is no absolute identity between them as regards their duties.
The oppression of women is completely unjustified. Western society oppresses women by denying them their natural role as mothers. They should not have to work so much that they don’t have time to care for their kids!
Even if we were to disagree with this, who are we to say it’s wrong? Even if you think that the fact that know both parents have to work as hard as one parent did earlier to provide the same for the family is just a necessary part of equality then fine. But that does not justify imposing opinions on people! Particularly not if you do it with bombs.
At any rate, it is acknowledged that women have much more respect in Libya than the muslim stereotype would have you believe.
(From wikipedia)

Voting and government

Since the early 1960s, Libyan women have had the right to vote and to participate in political life. They could also own and dispose of property independently of their husbands, but all of these rights were exercised by only a few women before the 1969 revolution.
Since then, the government has encouraged women to participate in elections and national political institutions, but in 1987 only one woman had advanced as far as the national cabinet, as an assistant secretary for information and culture.[1] However, from 1989-1994 Fatima Abd al-Hafiz Mukhtar served as Minister of Education. From 1992-1994 Bukhanra Salem Houda served as Minister of Youth and Sports; Salma Ahmed Rashed from 1992-1994 served as Assistant Secretary of Women, then as Secretary in the General Secretariat of the General Peoples’ Congress for Women’s Affairs from 1994–1995, and was eventually the Ambassador to the League of Arab Nations in 1996. Others serving as Secretary in the General Secretariat of the General Peoples’ Congress for Women’s Affairs included from 1995-1998 Thuriya Ramadan Abu Tabrika, Nura Han Ramadan Abu Sefrian from 1998–2000, Dr. Shalma Chabone Abduljabbar, and Amal Nuri Abdullah al-Safar from 2006-2009. Women serving as Secretary in the General Secretariat of the General Peoples’ Congress for Social Affairs have included Dr. Shalma Chabone Abduljabbar and Abd-al-Alim al-Shalwi, while from 1995-2000 Fawziya Bashir al-Shalababi served as Secretary for Information, Culture and Mass Mobilization. Dr. Huda Fathi Ben Amer began serving as the Secretary of People’s Committees Affairs in 2009, and also served as President of the Transitional Arab Parliament.[3] Dr. Salma Shabaan Abdel Jabar began serving as Secretary of Woman Affairs in 2009.[4]
Let’s continue shall we:

– Education, or learning, is not necessarily that routine curriculum and those classified subjects in textbooks which youths are forced to learn during specified hours while sitting in rows of desks. This type of education now prevailing all over the world is directed against human freedom. State-controlled education, which governments boast of whenever they are able to force it on their youths, is a method of suppressing freedom. It is a compulsory obliteration of a human being’s talent, as well as a coercive directing of a human being’s choices. It is an act of dictatorship destructive of freedom because it deprives people of their free choice, creativity and brilliance. To force a human being to learn according to a set curriculum is a dictatorial act. To impose certain subjects upon people is also a dictatorial act…

This does not mean that schools are to be closed and that people should turn their backs on education, as it may seem to superficial readers. On the contrary, it means that society should provide all types of education, giving people the chance to choose freely any subjects they wish to learn.

Societies which ban or monopolize knowledge are reactionary societies which are biased towards ignorance and are hostile to freedom. Societies which prohibit the teaching of religion are reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Societies which monopolize religious education are reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Equally so are the societies which distort the religions, civilizations and behaviour of others in the process of teaching those subjects. Societies which consider materialistic knowledge taboo are likewise reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. 

Knowledge is a natural right of every human being of which no one has the right to deprive him or her under any pretext, except in a case where a person does something which deprives him or her of that right.

Ignorance will come to an end when everything is presented as it actually is and when knowledge about everything is available to each person in the manner that suits him or her.
The current educational system is an obstacle to the natural freedom and thirst for knowledge that humans possess. A better system needs to be designed.
Are those ideas beginning to sound familiar?
Well if they are it’s because they echo almost every progressive sentiment for social evolution. These are the kind of thoughts that have been emerging in the circles of all revolutionaries in the western world!
What have we been talking about here in Iceland? Being able to produce our own food sustainably! Democratic reform! Direct democracy! National votes! To have the basic necessities of life guaranteed by law!
Those of us who have been studying this for a while have long since seen the problems of an easily controlled two party and multi party systems. The flaws of the education system, financial system and the labour system.
Well, I know what you are thinking. Who is to say that this book is being applied in Libya right now? We’ve all heard of glorified communist states who had similar claims about being for and by the people. But that is no prove that this version of socialism is not working in this particular case. In fact the evidence would be showing it to be working extremely well! Do you think perhaps there is correlation between the initiatives suggested in this book and the widely recognized improved standard of living for Libyans?
At least if seen from a human perspective, from the perspective of big corporations it’s been dreadful and tyrannical.
Most likely you had never even hear about this to begin with, so the question is, are you just going to assume that it can’t be in use cause it sounds to good to be true?
Did he just magically write all this accurate philosophical and social analysis with such detailed steps for propaganda purposes? Why would we assume that this book that is widely regarded as the bible of Libyan society is not being implemented?
You may think it’s pure rhetoric, but you have nothing to base that on. Isn’t it possible that this is the reason that he is so popular? And that you have in fact been lied to? Repeatedly and grossly?
Is it not possible that this book explains why the Libyan people haven’t been exploited and screwed over the same way as their neighbours?
In the first video I posted in this article you can see actual footage from inside these conference halls. Were they just faked to maintain this illusion?
And you say you don’t want to listen to “conspiracy theories”?

Gaddafi’s “reign of terror”

Gaddafi and his movement was immediately perceieved as a threat to sensitive business interess of Isreal, the US, Britain, France and other nations. So right from the start a campagin of villification begun. He was portrayed as a supporter of terrorist and as a madman.
These powers made many attempts at his life. Sometimes they almost worked. See here.
At the same time they’ve done everything in their power to get control back to the oligarchs. Now, it seems they might finally achieve their long standing goal.
But Gaddafi and the Libyan people were extremely vigilant and had no tolerance for people. They had their experience with colonial powers and knew that they didn’t fuck around. They implemented massive domestic food projects and housing projects to ensure that the nation could be self sustainable and independent.
Seen from this perspective, the stories about bad treatment of the Libyan dissenters is simply a punishment for trying to murder people and instigate a staged coup to put a puppet of these business interest and someonw who supports the US and Israeli agenda in the neighbourhood.
There were public executions, the logic being that they wanted people to think twice before trying something like that. To say that these were on Gaddafi’s order is not more accurate than it would be to say that the President of the United States is behind every execution in the US.
Like I said, it may not be something I agree with, but I live in a country where extreme violence is quite rare, and I have never been in that situation.
Obviously when someone tries to attack you and kill you, you have a right to defend yourself.
The people of Libya overwhelmingly supported the revolution because it gave them a share of the oil wealth of the country and had housed and fed Libyans! They did not want the West to gain control cause they had lived that and knew that they were not working in the interest of the people!
If you need further proof of that just look at the neighbouring countries!
And if you think that they’re commitment to bringing wealth to the people and to avoid exploitation by foreign interest didn’t bring them hazzle you don’t know how these people have plundering the world’s resources for the last hundreds of years! Keep in mind that Libya didn’t let any foreign businesses enter the country until 2003. In this increasingly globalist capitalist economy, an analogy would be the family owned coffee house trying to survive a takeover by Starbucks.  Those bastards don’t quit, you will be assimilated.
Here is an example of a now commonly used brainwashing method, when Time magazine posted a picture of Gaddafi on it’s cover. Only it was illustrated and the lines on his face spell out KILL and SEX to influence your subconscious level of thinking:
From the beginning the mouthpieces of large oil companies and the former colonial powers painted Gaddafi as a supporter of terrorists. This was based also on his support for elements within Palestine fighting the Israeli occupation.
Probably the most controversial thing you can accuse Libya of is their support for Idi Amin’s forces.
However, they have apologized for it and stated many times that it was during a complicated time in which they saw any enemy of the US and Israel as an ally, and they regretted it having found out what he was doing in his country.
But if that support is reason enough for an invasion, than how many times should we have invaded the US by now? That have supported tyrants and terrorists in numerous other countries?
This is the kind of double standard we see repeatedly when it comes to military aggression by the US and the west.
In 1973 things really started to happen as Gaddafi announced the birth of the “Jamahariya” “The state of the masses” leaving all power in the hands of the Libyan people through direct democracy.
Even Wikipedia acknowledges this:

The “remaking of Libyan society” contained in Gaddafi’s ideological visions began to be put into practice formally beginning in 1973 with a so-called cultural or popular revolution.

This “revolution” was designed to combat bureaucratic inefficiency, lack of public interest and participation in the subnational governmental system, and problems of national political coordination. In an attempt to instill revolutionary fervor into his compatriots and to involve large numbers of them in political affairs, Gaddafi urged them to challenge traditional authority and to take over and run government organs themselves. The instrument for doing this was the “people’s committee.” Within a few months, such committees were found all across Libya. They were functionally and geographically based and eventually became responsible for local and regional administration.

People’s committees were established in such widely divergent organizations as universities, private business firms, government bureaucracies, and the broadcast media. Geographically based committees were formed at the governorate, municipal, and zone (lowest) levels. Seats on the people’s committees at the zone level were filled by direct popular election; members so elected could then be selected for service at higher levels. By mid-1973 estimates of the number of people’s committees ranged above 2,000.
In the scope of their administrative and regulatory tasks and the method of their members’ selection, the people’s committees purportedly embodied the concept of direct democracy that Gaddafi propounded in the first volume of The Green Book, which appeared in 1976. The same concept lay behind proposals to create a new political structure composed of “people’s congresses.” The centerpiece of the new system was the General People’s Congress (GPC), a national representative body intended to replace the RCC.
Here we can also see an interesting chapter on the economic reforms that happened after this happened:
Economic reforms:

Remaking of the economy was parallel with the attempt to remold political and social institutions. Until the late 1970s, Libya’s economy was mixed, with a large role for private enterprise except in the fields of oil production and distribution, banking, and insurance. 

But according to volume two of Gaddafi’s Green Book, which appeared in 1978, private retail trade, rent, and wages were forms of “exploitation” that should be abolished. Instead, workers’ self-management committees and profit participation partnerships were to function in public and private enterprises. A property law was passed that forbade ownership of more than one private dwelling, and Libyan workers took control of a large number of companies, turning them into state-run enterprises. Retail and wholesale trading operations were replaced by state-owned “people’s supermarkets”, where Libyans in theory could purchase whatever they needed at low prices. By 1981 the state had also restricted access to individual bank accounts to draw upon privately held funds for government projects. 

These economic changes spread Libya’s wealth much more broadly than it had been. The Gini index is a measure of economic dis-equity. In the mid 2000s Wikipedia showed a Gini of 36 for Libya. The Gini for the USA in 2009 was 40.8 (substantially more dis-equitable). Gaddafi’s efforts also improved the average health of Libyans. In 2009 the CIA’s World Factbook showed the average life expectancy of a Libyan to be 77 years (only one year less than that of an American citizen).

However, the measures created resentment and opposition among the newly dispossessed. The latter joined those already alienated, some of whom had begun to leave the country. By 1982 perhaps 50,000 to 100,000 Libyans had gone abroad; because many of the emigrants were among the enterprising and better educated Libyans, they represented a significant loss of managerial and technical expertise.

So…. the wealth was spread a lot more evenly… well we can’t have that now can we! So what we see now is these disgruntled people that made up the elite of Libya coming back to claim what they think is still theirs. And we are helping them accomplish that. After all taking their undeserved and unecessary extravagant wealth was a crime we can not let go unpunished!
It appears as though these are mostly the people we see and hear about, talking of Gaddafi’s mistreatment and his “reign of terror”

The Lockerbie incident
In 1986, Ronald Reagan bombed Libya and killed Gaddafi’s daughter, justified by the FALSE accusation that they were involved in a terror attack on a German disco.
A german documentary later concluded that it had been the work of the Israeli Secret Service, MossadSource
It was then two years later, in 1988 that a plane was blown up over Lockerbie in Scotland where 143 people died.  Ever since Libya has been charged with being responsible, despite there being absolutely no evidence that connects them with it.
The Lockerbie incident is a little like Icesave has been for Iceland. This big international dispute that is based on absoulte bullshit but is used as an excuse to exert control over the country.
After 15 years of international disputes and economic sanctions over these “alleged acts of Libya”, the US invaded Iraq. Seeing this made Libyans realize that they meant serious business and that they weren’t going to listen to reason.
Saying they didn’t have anything to do with it wasn’t going to cut it anymore so they decided to do anything they could to make peace with these nations. They did not want war with the West, for obvious reasons.
They were willing to give into all the demands they had, ridicilous as they may have thought they were. One of these conditions was to “declare responsibility” for the attacks of Lockerbie although they stated firmly it was not an admission of guilt or participation in the preparation of the attack.
(af wiki: Until 2003 Libya had never formally admitted carrying out the 1988 Lockerbie bombing. On 16 August 2003 Libya formally admitted responsibility (but did not admit guilt) for Pan Am Flight 103 in a letter presented to the president of the United Nations Security Council)
It would only be a year until the Secretary General of Libya openly declared that this arrangement was made exclusively with the aim of “buying peace” and reiterated that Libya had not had any part in this attack.
Here is a mainstream news story showing that witnesses were bribed and evidence was fabricated in the Lockerbie trial.
Strange things start to happen following these compromises. They opened up to foreign business and Gaddafi and his family make business deals with politicians that they had previously been in conflict with.
All of the sudden a lot of these people start to “loosen up: towards Gaddafi. The rhetoric changes. He is no longer a tyrant, but simply an “eccentric man”.
Sarkozy says Gaddafi is not considered a dictator by his neighbours
Berlusconi kissing Gaddafi’s hand
Tony Blair doing business with Gaddafi
Even the senile old cook, John McCain had good things to say about Libya! (He is now back to singing from the dictator songsheet obviously, but just listen to this clip)
Despite this relatively brief period of friendly exchanges it was clear that there were other plans in store for Gaddafi. Just look at Obama, it’s almost as if he knows:
They would simply smile and welcome him for a few years before turning around and stabbing him in the back.
In doing this Gaddafi was actually hurting his image more than he could have imagined. Cause most of these people are so despised in their home countries that associating with them is a bad PR move. It has given people the wrong impression that he is one of the brutal dictators that has been supported by the West. After all, we’ve seen him in pictures, rubbing shoulders with those evil war mongers. So right! We should let those war mongers start a war with him!
Or wait… something’s not right here….
This has done a lot to hurt his image in the circle of people that would under normal circumstances be out there to defend him. Imagine if this was happening in Venezuela. A lot of people would know immediately that something was up. People don’t pay attention to detail. But they remember the pictures:
I know that this was the image I had of him before all this started to happen and I began researching what was actually going on.
For those of you who have supported Hugo Chavez and his revolution in Venezuela, you might wonder why Chavez has aligned with Gaddafi and considers him a fellow revolutionary. Of course the media will use that to demonize Chavez, but not the other way around.

Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution

Marta Harnecker’s interviews with Hugo Chávez began soon after one of the most dramatic moments of Chávez’s presidency—the failed coup of April 2002, which ended with Chávez restored to power by a massive movement of protest and resistance. In the aftermath of the failed coup, Chávez talks to Harnecker about the formation of his political ideas, his aspirations for Venezuela, its domestic and international policies, problems of political organization, relations with social movements in other countries, and more, constantly relating these to concrete events and to strategies for change.

The exchange between Harnecker and Chávez—sometimes reflective, sometimes anecdotal, always characterized by their passionate commitment to the struggles of the oppressed—brings to light the process of thought and action behind the public pronouncements and policies of state.

The interviews are supplemented by extracts from Chávez’s most recent pronouncements on the ongoing transformation in Venezuela and Latin America, an analysis by Harnecker on the role of the military, and a chronology.

Hugo Chávez has become a symbol of defiance of U.S. imperialism throughout Latin America. His importance for the future of the region makes this book essential reading.

Marta Harnecker’s important book helps clarify the challenges facing Venezuela’s ongoing revolutionary process. The bourgeoisie still controls the economy, the media, the judiciary, and many elected bodies. Additionally, the middle classes which formerly enjoyed an orgy of spending financed by oil money, have now converted from previous nationalist attitudes into allies of imperialism. The decisive role played by Hugo Chavez in initiating that revolutionary process and the immense support he continues to receive from the popular classes makes this book necessary reading for understanding the forces at work in what may well become a stage in the long run transformation of the global system.

—Samir Amin

Marta Harnecker’s penetrating questions brings out the profundity of Hugo Chávez’s intelligence and his sense of commitment —as well as his sense of humor. This book is indispensable for understanding the revolutionary process in Venezuela.

—Saul Landau, author of The Business of America
and The Pre-Emptive Empire: A Guide to Bush’s Kingdom

This well-crafted, well-edited, and engaging book is a bracing antidote and a pleasure to read. Here you will discover the real Hugo Chávez: a highly educated, brilliant, democratic revolutionary leader, and a man of deep and thoroughly admirable humanity.

—Michael Parenti, author of The Assassination of Julius Caesar,
Superpatriotism, and The Culture Struggle

Table of Contents



  1. Roots
  2. A Peaceful Transition, A Painful Institutional Birth
  3. The Military in the Revolution and the Counterrevolution
  4. The Slow March Toward an Alternative Economy
  5. Sovereign and Independent International Policy
  6. The Middle Class, Communications Strategy, and Dialogue
  7. A Political Party at its Height
  8. The April 11 Coup

Hugo Chávez was elected president of Venezuela in 1998, re-elected under a new constitution in 2000, and won a large majority in a 2004 recall referendum. Marta Harnecker is director of the Center for Research on Popular Memory in Latin America (MEPLA) in Havana and author of Venezuela: Militares Junta al Pueblo and numerous books on the Latin American left.

Another important figure that has hailed Gaddafi as one of the greatest freedom fighters of our times is Nelson Mandela.

Chapter 6 – The motives

The motive, is in this case like in most others, multifold.
The first and most obvious one in this context is oil. Libya has the largest oil supply in Africa and twice as much oil as the US does.

Here is former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney telling us what she found out, when she, along with a number of other notable people went to Libya on a fact finding mission.

Then there is the very real chance that this has a lot to do with the great water resources in Libya. It has been claimed by the Libyan government that these water reserves could quench the thirst of all of Africa.
Some might think that this would be good news to our benevolent world leaders, what with all their end poverty and live aid and charity work… Nope, what they do is start dropping bombs with depleted uranium to contanimate the water supplies. Just listen to this soldier. He is fucking pissed off over it, to quote him directly.
In fact, the Libyan government had started a project called the Great Man Made River which sought to irrigate the Libyan dessert and would have significantly improved the lives of the Libyan people.
Or maybe this all boils down to Gaddafi’s plans to introduce a new gold dinar, a currency free from the manipulation and stranglehold of the global banking elite.
Most likely, it is partly all of these reasons that led to the globalist intervention in Libya. It may also just have to do with getting a country that has so far managed successfully not to be exploited by the corporate plutocracy. To stop a movement that threatens the very structure that the political establishment relies upon for their domination of society.
Partly, a motive is also to keep the motor running in the war machine. Do you know how many missiles and bombs are produced each day? We can’t just have them lying around, taking up all that storage space! And we also have to keep raking in profits for the weapons manufacterers, and all the corporate gangbangers that profit from war. Many of the people profiting from this are in many cases literally the same people that make the official decisions to start wars. The most famous examples of which would be the Bush connection to the Carlyle group and Dich Cheney with Halliburton as they decided to start a war with Iraq.
Whatever motive they may have, one thing should be absofuckinglutely clear. IT IS NOT to help civilians. It has NOTHING to do with protecting people from a tyrant, and it has nothing to do with democracy. Except perhaps in the sense that they want to implement the type of democracy they know how to control.
This notion should be insulting to every human being of average intellect. The fact that people actually believe it for a second boggles my mind. How can it be, that the same people that have routinely brutalized, beaten and tazered protesters in their own country, all of the sudden have this compassion for the people protesting in Libya?
How can it be that the response to protesters being brutalized in Egypt, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia has been so radically different to the response now? Why have these people let the suffering of the Palestinians continue for more than half a century without even pretending to interfere? What about Burma, Morocco, Chad, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Haiti, Ivory Coast… and I could literally go on (No, I’m not saying Syria or Iran, they are part of this same propaganda campaign orchestrated by the US)
Are we to believe that Gaddafi is just that much worse!?
Be vary of people who use this argument as disguised war propaganda against other nations. Like saying, why Libya when we could invade Syria or Iran? And then go on to say how much sense that would make. That is not the point. Syria and Iran have actually been targeted with the same kind og propaganda campaign.
A case in point. Just a few days after Saudi Arabian troops brutally attacked protesters in Bahrain, the king of Bahrain was invited to the royal wedding of Kate Middleton and that guy!
This is how powerful the propaganda is. It makes people believe absolutely ludicrous things that don’t even come close to anything that has ever occurred in our dimension of this reality.
It is so easy to discredit this claim that I don’t even think I should have to.
There seems to be a great deal of doublethink going on here.
A lot of people seem to understand that the war powers have selfish motives, but they seem to think that getting rid of Gaddafi is “still a good thing”.
By now I’m sure we’ve all heard about Syria’s “crackdown on protesters”.. Well, in a similar pattern we see here millions of people marching in support of President Assad. Noticing a pattern here anyone?
These enemies of Israel are being targeted and their friends are being let off the hook for doing what the enemies of Israel are being accused of.
Just watch this video and try telling me we’re not being duped! Why would all these people support guys that were torturing and killing their own people??
They wouldn’t! And that’s the point! These guys aren’t killing and torturing their own people!
If you think this “couldn’t happen” well then think agian. It already has. The most recent example, escluding the failed attempt in Venezuela is the NATO bombardment of Serbia. Of course these cases have different details but the basic plot is the same. Those who know what happened in Serbia will clearly see the similarities of these campaigns. If you don’t and still think it was just a necessary effort to get rid of evil Milosevic, then you should reinvestigate the case, knowing what you know now.
I’ll leave this documentary on the case here for those of you who are interested. (Part 1, but you should be able to find the rest)
It can happen, and it frequently does and will continue to happen unless we educate ourselves about how this is accomplished and expose it!
Do you understand now why thousands of Libyans placed themselves at Gaddafis palace to prevent him from being bombed by NATO?
Do you understand that it is us who are insane? Not these people?

Or these people?

Do you now understand what this guy was trying to do when he photobombed this goebbels wannabe, demonizing him and his country with the aim of killing their people?
Do you understand now, why we have to stop this horror??
Do you understand now why Cynthia McKinney is defending Libya, having been there and seen the scale of the deception. “The most common thing that I hear people ask me is WHY? Why are they doing this??”
Uhh… to uhh… help you…..
Do you understand why this article needed to be so thourough? Do you see the scale of this deception and how difficult it would be to tear it apart with a few paragraphs?
Do you now understand why I spent so much time working on this article without getting any money for it? Twice I stayed up for 24 hours and just continued writing and working on it.
The only thing I stand for is peace!
Have we in fact reached that stage again were standing up for peace is dangerous!?
Are we really at the stage were protesting a war is considered crazy?! And those who do are dismissed as conspiracy theorists?
WAR IS NOT PEACE! It is a lie! I never thought I’d have to say this!!
Please! SEE! You have been blinded if you can not see this! WAR AND PEACE ARE OPPOSITES!
Cause the most disturbing thing is that most people claim to be against war. But when it comes to it, everybody either shuts up or directly supports it! And most people don’t even investigate it from both sides!
If you are against war than spread this information! Expose the lies before it gets out of hand and spreads to Iran and Syria and even more countries!
The truth is on our side! Eventually it will be exposed, just like it has been on Iraq.
The propaganda machines just work a lot faster. They know in advance what the plan is and can prepare!
Us freelance journalists have a hard time to keep up, cause we can only react. I’ve been investigating world events for the last 6 years and I never suspected that Libya was about to become such an important factor. So to counter it I had to start researching it when the propaganda had already started.
That is the problem. They control the media but they don’t control reality. We will get them eventually.
There are at least two sides to every story
The media is not being neutral! They are not even pretending to cover both sides! Try listening to or reading any news story. It’s not that they are taking a side, they pretend that the other side doesn’t even exist!
Everything I’ve been covering here has been largely ignored by the mainstream press! Every reference to Gaddafi assumes it as a given that he is an evil dictator!
Every mention of the rebels portrays them as freedom fighters! The media is acting like an absolutely blatant cheerleader for this war.
It is almost never acknowledged that the reason Gaddafi says he won’t step down is because he has no power! How can he step down if it has no power?? He just laughs at it because it is so ridicilous! Why do they always just report that he “refuses to step down”?
It was just barely reported that he offered to symbolically “step down” just as long as he wouldn’t be tried in a court who knew would be corrupt! The rebels rejected the offer, saying that would be offensive to his victims.
Sure, a peaceful resolution to this conflict would be insulting, we demand blood!
Every word you hear out of Gaddafi is not directly from him, but quoted out of context by the media.
You are not hearing his side, but the other sides version of his side. If you want to hear his side it is very easy! Just fucking listen to what he has to say!
So… are you ready to listen to Gaddafi?
Now that you’ve read this extensive article almost to the end, this is my last request.
Consider these videos the last plea of a man on his knees. You have a gun pointed on his head and he is asking for your mercy (actually Gaddafi is more proud than that, but you catch my drift). Are you going to pull the trigger before he gets to say what he wants or will you at least let him speak?
Will you just shoot first and ask questions later?
Consider why, it had never occurred to you before to listen to the other side of this story directly from the source. My mother told me never to judge anyone before you hear their side. It is the best advice she ever gave me.
Consider how naive it was of you to think you could just trust that the media was telling you the truth. Even knowing they’re consistant history of manipulating facts in favor of wars and the establishment.
You don’t want war! So stop it! Plant seeds in any way you can. Do not be afraid. Don’t be afraid of being judged by others. It is there mistake not yours. Yours would be to succumb to this societal pressure and abandon your conscience. Allocate your empathy! Feel for these people who are being deeply wronged and do something about it.
Having said that I just want to affirm that I obviously in no way condone or advocate violent action for the cause of Libya. We do not need that. We just need people to wake up, and they will! This information is too powerful and they can only overlook it for some time. Plant seeds of information everywhere you can! Be courageous enough to tell people they are wrong even if it is more comfortable that everybody agrees!
I may not be right about everything I wrote in this article and I’m sure that some nitpickers can pick out some minor flaws, that is not the point. Last time I checked there is freedom of speech and people are entitled to be wrong. All I can promise is that I am giving my honest take on this situation and all the information that I found researching it.
So, watching these interviews I am sure you will see how blatantly these “reporters” are not even listening to what they say and simply have a script that they are sticking to no matter what.
I recommend starting with this interview with the very eloquant Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. He is now being portrayed as some vicious wannabe tyrant but I think you would find that he doesn’t really look the part.
Saif Gaddafi í viðtali BBC

Here he is speaking with our friend, Nic Robertson of CNN

Gaddafi speaks:
And a shorter version you can share with people that is a must see:
Who is the real monster here?
Please reproduce this article and any of it’s contents as widely as possible. Share it with everyone you know and post it on your blogs, facebook, websites and etc. You will not get in trouble if it’s not properly referenced, just go ahead and spread this information.

Original page is here#

Sahel-Sahara Unity and Future Jamahiriya

Posted: 2011/10/07
From: Mathaba
My Vote goes to Gaddafi (and other important items) by Mathaba contributor Dennis South

By Dennis South

Saharan Unity under Gaddafi

Recently, as reported in previous, daily “Update” reports from various blog sources, Moroccan, Algerian, and Libyan tribes (and probably Tunisian and Tuareg tribes also) conducted a secret meeting in which they agreed to unify.   In that meeting, they launched what they’re calling, “The war for the liberation of North Africa.” They will need a leader, as any such movement needs. My vote goes to Muammar Gaddafi. I hope that they think about it seriously. During its revolution, China had a leader: Mao Zedong (Mao Tse Tung).

NATO “promises”

I have repeatedly cautioned readers, in my articles, to avoid getting too excited about NATO claims to “end” the war. We see now, today, that, despite deep speculation and hope that NATO would end their bombing, they announced today that the bombing will continue–something I guessed would be the case, and warned readers to beware of.

Mathaba sources too have indicated that NATO will not cease the war as they are facing insignificant international opposition to it and still see it as in their interest to occupy Libya as a base for the re-plundering of Africa.

Here is my little advice: Don’t simply watch Libya resist, you should organize in your own areas.  Set up a Green Committee, see www.greencharter.comfor all the resources (ideas and directions) you need for that.  Join a People’s Conference in your area after studying too.

Make yourselves strong by pinning your hopes on God, Muammar, and the good Libyan people and follow truth news sources, sign up among other things..  Whenever you hear of claims that NATO will leave Libya, ignore those claims. It might happen, yes, that NATO will have to leave.

But, instead of sitting around hoping and waiting for NATO do do something, simply keep focusing on what the good Libyan people in Libya are doing. The NATO countries are headed by psychopaths.  Please understand that. These people–and I do not say this to be funny–are severely mentally impaired; severely mentally ill.

Would a normal human being bomb a hospital? Look past the suits and ties, and “bright” smiling faces.  You are dealing with non-human beingswho are severely mentally ill. You can’t expect them to make rational decisions, because they do not have that capacity. In addition, they lack morals of any type whatsoever.

I remind you of the news item that appeared in prior reports that stated that NATO pilots were refusing to bomb. And people got excited and began to actually believe that NATO pilots had a conscience. Well, whether they do or not doesn’t matter. What matters, for you, is to place your faith in God, in Muammar, and in the Libyan people, not NATO pilots and not NATO.

But what matters even more is that you take Muammar’s advice, and have confidence inyourselves — as he said “don’t be afraid of power, possess it!” — meaning form your committees, cut your universal Jamahiriya green flags, hold your meetings, raise support, collect funds, show films, organize rallies.

War monger or lover of life?

I was once accused, in a comment under an article here at Mathaba, of being a war monger, although those were not the exact words used.  People are entitled to opinions. Eight months ago, when I saw Muammar Gaddafi, in a YouTube video, hollering and jabbing his fists at Bab al-Aziziya, I thought he was insane. I knew nothing of his accomplishments in Libya over the past 42 years, and dismissed him [at first] as another “brutal dictator” whose time had come.

But then, two things happened. Firstly, I looked into his eyes, in that video.  And I didn’t see the eyes of a “brutal dictator.” I saw love, passion,bewilderment, as he openly stated, in effect, “Why are you children [as he called the Benghazi rebels] doing this? Have I not provided an excellent life for you?” I saw Bedouin pride. And I saw strength.

Secondly, I knew, for a fact, that the media lies–something that my non-political grandmother had told our family back in the year 1970, as we sat together in the living room of her home, which was our family home, watching the “news” on TV. So, I simply began searching–nothing special, knowing fully well, as my grand mamma would say after viewing a “news” item reported by a “news” reporter, “He ain’t doing noth’n but lying.” And the lies during this war are certainly off the charts!

I just dug. The first place I went was YouTube. And I was shocked to the core!! Back then, YouTube was showing the rat videos of lynchings and cuttings. The rats themselves, horrifyingly, were loading them to YouTube. Eventually, YouTube took all those videos offline.

I soon discovered this video “What you don’t know about Gaddafi”:

I was astonished! That video is not a “production,” with tear-jerking music in the background. The young man, an American, simply presents the facts. I wrote him a private email, at his YouTube channel. He wrote me back a long note, telling me of his wonderful experiences when he lived in Libya; that he intended to return one day; and how utterly sad he was that Libya was being destroyed.

I dug further. I then discovered Dr. Webster Tarpley, who was a white man that was strongly in support of Muammar Gaddafi. I said to myself then, “Something is very strange!” I knew then, that the “news” media had been lying.  Tarpley was no slouch.  He holds a PhD.  He is a master at history and economics, as well as an accomplished investigative journalist.  Predictions he had made 4 and 5 years earlier would come true.

I kept digging.  I found Lizzie Phelan, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Steven Lendman, Leonor of Libya, Dr. Franklin Lamb, Morris Herman, Lisa Karpova, Timothy Bankcroft, T. West of Afri-Synergy, Susan Lindauer, RT News . I eventually found

I then learned the fact that the Libyan people suffered a brutal colonization, by the Italian people, in the early 1900s, during which 1 million Libyans were slaughtered. Oh my God!  It was at that point that my heart was captured. It was utterly impossible for me to just sit, and watch these poor, courageous people–who had done nothing to anyone–be slaughtered on the altar of greed, for thepsychopathic non-human “leaders” of Europe and the U.S.

The war monger is not me. The war mongers are the European nations, whose leaders, through NATO, are causing utter misery all over the world, even boldly threatening Russia, which still has, within its possession, anywhere from 3,100 to 4,650, depending on the reporting source,  activeIntercontinental Ballistic nuclear Missles, capable of destroying, all life on earth–plant, animal, and human–many times over.

Self-defence is recognized by any religion. But such “recognition” is not needed, because basic human instinct dictates that you must survive.

The Libyan people have the natural right of self defence, and I support that 1 billion percent, especially considering the fact that their tiny nation of 6 million people, which is less than the population of the metropolitan area of the city of Chicago, is being attacked by the most powerful military alliance in human history: the psychopath-led NATO (Sarkozi, Cameron, Obama and Rasmussen are the chief psychopaths). If I could find 9000 tanks that Gaddafi had hidden and forgotten about, I’d be on the plane NOW, to reveal that location to him!!

I ask everyone to not only continue supporting Gaddafi and the true Libyan people and their government, the Libyan Jamahiriya, but to step upyour support, however you feel that you can–however you feel that you can, meaning by any means necessary.  That should be clear.

Women of the West!

I urge women of the West to wake up and realize that the greatest struggle for feminism on earth is occurring right now in Libya!!  That is no exaggeration. And if you’ve been reading here at Mathaba for any length of time, you certainly know why Libya is now the very center of the feminist movement.

If not, then I strongly urge you to read this article by Susan Lindauer, a former Libya expert and CIA operative who “got religion,” and joined the global movement for human freedom. When you read her article, you are going to be astonished. And you will instantly fall in love (no doubt about it!) with the man who you’ve been told is a “brutal dictator,” Brother Leader Colonel Muammar “Omo Ju Omo Lo” Gaddafi.

The Libyan women, as you will see when reading the article, are in a life and death struggle to remain freeThe “rebels” that your Western countries are backing, as you will discover when reading Susan’s article, are trying hard to push Libyan women back to the stone age.  That is no exaggeration.  As soon as they got in power in Benghazi, they forced the women to stay inside their homes, unless they were wearing a veil when they came outside–something that Muammar did not require, and was, in fact, against.

Just read Susan’s article, and then get on boardand become very active. We need you! Libya needs you! The women of Libya need you! 


After high-profile killings, secret U.S. assassination squad emerges from the shadows

Posted: 2011/10/08
From: Source

NATO bombings, al-Qaeda and the Arab Spring

Rahnuma Ahmed – ShahidulNews – 9/10/2011

In war, truth is the first casualty. Words of wisdom, gifted to us by Aeschylus.
Truer than ever now, two thousand years later, as NATO bombs Libya in the name of `protecting’ its civilians.

But isn’t there a paradox here, asks young Turkish academic Ayça Çubukçu. `When “the international community” intervenes militarily in Libya under a cosmopolitan obligation to protect Libyans as humans, it will be killing Libyans and others. And if the Interim Transitional National Council is killing Libyans and others, it is also claiming to be protecting Libyans’ (Killing in the Name of: Libya, Sovereignty, Humanity, Jadaliyya, March 11, 2011).

It is a paradox that we must not shy away from, she writes, or else we will preclude other questions. When the world is reminded of its responsibility to protect Libyans from the `excessive use of force’ by the Gaddafi government, when it is urged to prevent crimes against humanity, when the UN or NATO, as if they were a `shorthand for the world’ are tasked with this responsibility, we forget to ask, `Why? Why this responsibility, why upon the UN or NATO, why upon “the world,” why now, why in Libya, and not, say, not in Gaza?’

Killing Libyans, in order, to protect Libyans. Protecting Libyans, in order, to kill Libyans. The war against Libya is based on fraudulence. Fabrication. Lies.

The UN Security Council, as Mahdi Nazemroaya details in `Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars’ passed two resolutions against Libya on the basis of `unproven’ claims‘. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was killing his own people in Benghazi and other parts of the country. He’d ordered Libyan forces to kill 6,000 people. He’d hired African mercenaries to massacre civilians. Jet attacks were being conducted to quell the `uprising.’ These claims were widely disseminated. They provided the basis for Libya to be referred to the UN Security Council at the UN headquarters in New York City, for Libya to be kicked out of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (`Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars,’ Global Research, September 29, 2011).

International action should be taken against Libya, demanded the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) and 70 non-governmental organisations in letters sent to president Obama, the European Union’s High Representative Catherine Ashton, and the UN secretary general Ban-ki Moon, on February 21, 2011. The LLHR and NGOs invoked the Responsibility to Protect doctrine (RTP).

But out of the coalition, points out Nazemroaya, only 20 assert to be actually human rights groups. Plus, interestingly enough, the LLHR is tied to the International Federation of Human Rights which is based in France, which has links to the National Endowment for Democracy. Some readers may well remember how the NED had been characterised by its first acting president, `A lot of what we [the NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.’

When asked to provide `evidence’ of the Benghazi massacres, LLHR’s general secretary Dr Sliman Bouchuiguir, was unable to.

But lack of evidence or unproven claims did not deter the U.N. Security Council from sanctioning the Libyan Arab Jamahuriya on the basis of the letter and the claims made by the LLHR. Nor did it hinder the U.N. Security Council from approving military action in Libya. No one has bothered to investigate the claims against Gaddafi, pointed out the Indian ambassador to the UN, the only person to do so as India, alongwith Russia, China, Germany and Brazil abstained from voting.

The unsubstantiated claims have not prevented NATO from launching its war on Libya last March. From conducting 24,140 sorties since, including 9,010 strike sorties.  It’s a `humanitarian’ war, we are repeatedly told.

The ball of lies rolled on to the Hague, it inspired the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant in May against the Libyan leader, accusing him of crimes against humanity (for the sake of record, I’m no admirer of Gaddafi, see `The Opportunity of a Century.’ Western Military Intervention in Libya?,New Age, February 28, 2011).

The court, reports BBC News, had grounds to believe Gaddafi had ordered attacks on civilians during Libya’s four-month uprising. `Thousands of people are believed to have been killed in the conflict.’ Warrants were also issued for two of Gaddafi’s top aides – his son Saif al-Islam and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Sanussi. Chief ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said, `Col Gaddafi must be arrested in order to protect civilians.’ The warrants were welcomed by the Nato Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen because “It reinforces the reason for Nato’s mission to protect the Libyan people from Gaddafi’s forces.”

White House spokesperson Jay Carney chimed in, there must be `justice and accountability.’ But what about justice for the people of Iraq, and the accountability of Bush & Co., perpetrators of the Mother of All Lies, the Weapons of Mass Destruction lie? The British foreign secretary William Hague said those responsible for “atrocities” must be held to account. But what about holding former British foreign secretary Jack Straw to account for `atrocities’ in Iraq, for, had he not insisted, `Saddam’s removal is necessary to eradicate the threat from his weapons of mass destruction’? The French president Nicolas Sarkozy said of Gaddafi: “After 41 years of dictatorship, it is perhaps time to stop, for him to leave power” (BBC News, June 27, 2011). But perhaps it is time for western leaders who insist on delivering democracy and freedom throughout the world, to stop? For them, to leave power?

Gaddafi had ordered airstrikes against his people to quell discontent, went the claim. It was reported as well by al Jazeera and the BBC on February 22–the Libyan government had inflicted air strikes on Benghazi, Libya’s largest city, and on the capital Tripoli. However, the Russian military, which had monitored the unrest via satellite from the very beginning, said its satellite images show that `nothing of the sort was going on on the ground.’ According to the Russian military, `as far as they are concerned, the attacks some media were reporting have never occurred’ (`Airstrikes in Libya did not take place’ – Russian military, RT, March 01, 2011).

As anti-war groups gather evidence, including pictures and videos of war crimes being committed by NATO and NATO-backed rebels, it is indisputably clear that NATO bombings and the civil war fomented by the Western powers have claimed far more lives than were ever threatened by the Gaddafi regime (Bill van Auken, Mass killing and humanitarian disaster in NATO siege of Sirte, WSWS, September 27, 2011). The killing and destruction continues more than six months after NATO began its bombing campaign and more than a month after it proclaimed the fall of the Gaddafi regime.

Civilian targets, for NATO, are legitimate, and these have included one or more hospitals, a clinic, factories, warehouses, agricultural sites, schools, a university, one or more mosques, non-military related infrastructure, a food storage facility, a water-purifying plant and others. No humanitarian crisis existed until NATO arrived, writes Stephen Lendman, pointing out that in paramilitary controlled areas, Amnesty International had confirmed only 110 pro- and anti-Gaddafi supporter deaths combined, `most likely more of the former than latter as rebel cutthroats rampaged through areas they occupy.’ Currently, the numbers of dead and injured civilians have escalated to many times more that number, `largely from NATO attacks.’ He reminds us that before the conflict had erupted, `Libyans had the region’s highest standard of living and highest life expectancy in Africa because Gaddafi’s oil wealth provided healthcare, education, housing assistance and other social benefits. Imperial war, of course, changed things. Libyans now hang on to survive’ (Daily NATO War Crimes in Libya, July 29, 2011).

Further surprises are in store for those who take the US-led war on terror at face value, who believe in presidents Bush and Obama when they say that al-Qaeda, being a terrorist organisation, is America’s arch enemy number one (Obama sets Qaeda defeat as top goal in Afghanistan, Reuters, March 27, 2009). One that is accepted by the UN Security Council, the EU, and NATO. Well, sorry, to shatter illusions but as it so happens the jihadists and NATO are working together in Libya. Western media’s “pro-democracy” rebels are led by Al Qaeda paramilitary brigades under the supervision of NATO Special Forces. `The “Liberation” of Tripoli was carried out by [none other than] “former” members of the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).’ These “former” Al Qaeda affiliated brigades, writes Michel Chossudovsky, constitute the backbone of the “pro-democracy” rebellion (The “Liberation” of Libya: NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands, Global Research August 28, 2011).

This has been confirmed by Susan Lindaeur, a former CIA asset who claims to have `extremely good ties, and knowledge, and depth of resources inside Libya today.’ In a RT interview, Lindaeur said, `What I’m finding is video documentation that NATO rebels are actually the same Al-Qaeda fighters that we’ve been dealing with in Iraq and Afghanistan, who’ve now come home to Libya…’ (CIA Asset: Libyan Opposition is al-Qaeda, RT, September 12, 2011).

In the meanwhile, Libya’s new ‘leader’ Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the National Transitional Council chairman, has declared that Sharia law will provide the basis to guide the country after the fall of the Gaddafi regime. ‘We seek a state of law, prosperity and one where sharia is the main source for legislation, and this requires many things and conditions’ (Daily Mail, September 13, 2011).

Gaddafi, Lindaeur points out, is `a socialist Muslim, and he has a very different agenda that is not [the reactionary Islamists’ interpretation of] Shariah [Islamic law]. Gaddafi has a very strong record on women’s rights: Women have the right to education, hold propertly, divorce, hold jobs, have income–many rights that other women in the Arab world do not have. So he is a moderate. And he is not involved in any terrorism at all. That [rumor] is absolutely foolishness.’

But, why attack Libya? Is it the oil? Samir Amin thinks not, no, `it’s not oil that they [the US] are after — they already have that. Their goal is to put Libya under their tutelage to establish Africom (US military command for Africa),’ currently based in Stuttgart (Germany). `African countries had rejected its establishment in Africa’ (Arab revolts changing everything, Monthly Review Magazine, Sunday, August 21, 2011).

Whereas James Petras thinks it was the `Arab spring,’ the popular uprisings which caused the NATO countries to shift abruptly from embracing Gaddafi to launching `a brutal scorched-earth invasion of Libya in a matter of months.’ The near total destruction of Libya, a secular regime with the highest standard of living in Africa, was meant to be a lesson, he says. A message from the imperialists to the newly aroused masses of North Africa, Asia and Latin America: The fate of Libya awaits any regime which aspires to greater independence and questions the ascendancy of Euro-American power (NATO’s War Crimes in Libya: Who Grieves for the Fallen Heroes? September 10, 2011).

What occurred in Libya was no popular uprising but purely NATO’s war, `From the beginning the ‘rebels’ depended completely on the military, political, diplomatic and media power of NATO, without which the de facto mercenaries would not have lasted a month, holed up in Benghazi.’

A bloody sight. NATO’s leaders. Protecting to kill, killing to protect.

[Concluding part on Western media and al-Jazeera’s complicity, next week]

Under President Obama, JSOC’s missions have not only increased in number but have also diversified.

Based in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) isAmerica’s secret army. Members of this clandestine team have recently made news for assassinating alleged al Qaeda operatives Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki; reportedly, they were also responsible for the killings of hundreds of civilians in the 2002 “wedding party” incident in Afghanistan.

In 2009 the investigative reporter Seymour Hersh spoke publicly about this elite military agency. Hershstated:
“After 9/11 … the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it … the Joint Special Operations Command — JSOC it’s called. … They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. … Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially … Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries … and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us. …

“It’s complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and yet they are committing what we would normally call murder. … In many cases, they were the best and the brightest … Really fine guys that went in to do the kind of necessary jobs that they think you need to do to protect America. And then they find themselves torturing people. I’ve had people say to me — five years ago, I had one say: ‘What do you call it when you interrogate somebody and you leave them bleeding and they don’t get any medical committee and two days later he dies. Is that murder?'”

Although the organization has only existed for a few decades, the Washington Post recently reported that, since the 2001 terrorist attacks, JSOC has killed more people and interrogated 10 times more detainees than the CIA. JSOC controls its own prisons in the Middle East; it also has its own drones, satellites, and intelligence division, and engages in psychological operations (PSYOP). With roughly 25,000 operatives, it’s larger than the CIA, and takes its orders from a higher authority. Not only does the U.S. President provide JSOC with a “kill list,” but he even allows JSOC to select its own targets for assassination. According to published reports, JSOC has received approval to conduct missions in more than a dozen countries.

JSOC prides itself on its secrecy. Its officers often do not wear uniforms, and in combat do not carry identifying information. As one operative boasted: “We’re the dark matter. We’re the force that orders the universe but can’t be seen.” Some aver that the Bush and Obama administrations have deliberately kept JSOC’s missions secret from Congress and the public by using the Constitution’s grant of presidential military authority in order to overlap military and intelligence operations. Admiral William “Fox” Fallon headed U.S. Central Command until several years ago, when he resigned under pressure. Said his colleague retired Marine General John J. (Jack) Sheehan, “When Fallon tried to make sense of all the overt and covert activity conducted by the military in his area of responsibility, a small group in the White House leadership shut him out … Fox said that there’s a lot of strange stuff going on in Special Ops, and I told him he had to figure out what they were really doing.”

Since then, recent killings of high-profile targets have brought the secretive agency into the public eye. After tracking events at Osama bin Laden’s compound in Afghanistan for five years, in May JSOC officers assassinated bin Laden at his Abottabad camp. This week JSOC again made news, this time for killing Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, two United States citizens in Yemen who had allegedly “inspired” attacks against the U.S. JSOC forces tracked the Americans for weeks, and on Friday launched airstrikes with armed drones, killing at least four people. In 2010 President Obama had approved the assassination of Awlaki, whoreportedly is not the only U.S. citizen to appear on Obama’s kill list.

This week’s assassinations, however, sparked protest from some civil libertarians and legal scholars, in part because the U.S. had neither declared war on Yemen nor charged Awlaki with any crime. A U.S. citizen, the Yemeni-American cleric distributed English-language sermons via YouTube that called for jihad against the country of his birth. Though they have not publicly presented any supporting evidence in court, U.S. intelligence officials allege that Awlaki recruited for al Qaeda and inspired the individuals who carried out the Times Square bombing, the 2009 attempted Christmas Day bombing, and the shootings at Fort Hood. Some, however, say that the cleric’s actual influence has been overstated.

Others note that the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits political assassination as a deprivation of life without due legal process. According to Jameel Jaffer at the American Civil Liberties Union, JSOC’s “targeted killing program violates both U.S. and international law … this is a program under which American citizens far from any battlefield can be executed by their own government without judicial process, and on the basis of standards and evidence that are kept secret not just from the public but from the courts … It is a mistake to invest the President … with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country.”Constitutional blogger Glenn Greenwald criticized the President for acting as “judge, jury, and executioner.” Last summer, Awlaki’s father filed alawsuit in an attempt to prevent the Obama administration from killing his son without criminal charges or a court trial. While expressing some qualms about its decision, in December the government dismissed the suit, partly on the grounds that the court lacked authority to review the President’s military decisions.

JSOC operatives have earned a reputation for being “the most dangerous people on planet earth.” Its officers sometimes conducted 300 raids monthly in the Iraq war, and made as many as 1,000 kills in a year. During a 2001 fight, JSOC killed so many opposition forces that “truckloads” of bodies of enemy fighters were carted away afterward. In July 2002, reports surfaced that several hundred civilians, including members of a wedding party, were killed during a JSOC attack on the Taliban. It was reported that some members of JSOC were physically assaulting prisoners, starving and torturing them, and hiding them in secret facilities, as well as detaining female family members in their houses when male targets were not at home. Military commanders nonetheless expressed satisfaction with JSOC’s 50% success rate in targeting the correct individuals and locations. However, in 2009 JSOC’s commander, Adm. William McRaven, ordered a temporary halt to JSOC missions in Afghanistan, apparently due to increasing concern that the mounting civilian casualties jeopardized U.S. interests.

Nevertheless, under President Obama, JSOC’s missions have not only increased in number, but have also diversified: reportedly, JSOC is currently collaborating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other domestic agencies.

Libya Resistance News Agency Created in Venezuela



Members of the Libya Resistance News Agency (Foro Itinerante de Participación Popular)

Members of the Libya Resistance News Agency (Foro Itinerante de Participación Popular)


Mérida, September 20th 2011 ( – The Libyan Resistance News Agency (ANRL) was inaugurated

 yesterday in Caracas at a forum in the Gallegos Foundation Centre for Latin American Studies (CELARG). It aims to break

 the “information blockade imposed by the international mass media” regarding what’s going on in North Africa and the

Middle East.

The agency came out of an “autonomous” proposal by popular collectives and national and international journalist movements, according to the coordinator of yesterday’s forum, “Palestine, Libya, and Syria: Between Revolution and Counter-revolution”, Venezuelan journalist and a founder of the agency, Hindu Anderi, speaking to the Correo del Orinoco.

The initiative is independent of the Venezuelan government, receiving no financial or technical support from it or from any Venezuelan government institution.

Among the other founders of the news agency are journalists Cristina Gonzalez, Marcos Salgado, Richard Penalver, Miguel Cova, Hernan Cano, and members of the La Piedrita collective, a group “dedicated to Guevaran volunteer work” and grassroots work to solve community problems. The ANRL also has the support of Cuba Periodistas, the journalists’ union of Cuba.

“We are open to all the international collectives who want to participate in this initiative,” Anderi said.

The agency’s website is ‘Al Mukawama – Resistencia’, where it has sections for the latest information, “Specials”, analysis, video, audio, and features. The site is currently only in Spanish.

“It’s an initiative responding to the need in the world for information that isn’t distorted. That’s why any project like this is welcome,” Anderi said.

“Analysis will be made of all the information coming out of the different spaces, about the conflict in our North African brother nation,” she added.

In terms of sources the agency will use, Anderi said they would include “direct sources”. “Remember that much of the media that broadcasts information from Libya is censored by the system. In Libya there are many resistance groups and there are, we might say, communication initiatives that are going to be consulted. Also, of course, [we’ll also use] all those websites for the resistance and progressive international agencies linked to our approach,” she explained.

Another member of the news agency, Basem Tajeldine, said that the “Libyan companeros” also put out a lot of information through websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, from which the agency will also compile information and reports.

Tajeldine said the new news agency would also supply “correct information to the different community, national, and international radio programs, and also to the Venezuelan public media”.


  by Brian E. Muhammed My Photo 24 MARCH 2011

Though defined for years as a rogue regime by American and British media and political figures, Mr. Gadhafi has a different reputation among

liberation movements and in much of Africa. Millions see Libya’s leader as a powerful defender of the weak and oppressed. “We have to put it in

historical context that Libya and the Jamahiriya revolution has been the most revolutionary African country since the CIA overthrow of Osagyefo

Kwame Nkrumah (of Ghana), in terms of Pan-Africanism,” said Mr. Kimathi. Mr. Kimathi gave credit to Mr. Gadhafi for his political work around

reviving the vision for a United States of Africa and transforming the former Organization of African Unity into the current African Union (AU).

He also pointed out the “political and concrete material” support the Libyan leader gave to liberation movements and progressive organizations

across the African continent and the world, including in the United States.

Libya supported the Irish Republican Army,  South Africa’s anti-apartheid movements—the African National Congress and Pan African Congress—

the freedom fighters in Mozambique and the Palestinian liberation struggle to name a few causes.

Libya has also been a friend to the Nation of Islam Of Rev. Louis Farrakhan  and other progressive groups within the U.S. In 1971 Mr. Gadhafi loaned the Nation of Islam

under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad $3 million to purchase a Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago.

Mr. Muhammad converted the edifice into a mosque which is the national headquarters for the Nation of Islam. In the rebuilding efforts of  the

Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in the 1980s, Mr. Gadhafi gave a $5 million loan— which he then forgave—to aid an N.O.I. economic initiative

called P.O.W.E.R. (People Organized and Working for Economic Rebirth).

Mr. Kimathi pointed out that the Western destabilization campaign against Libya has been ongoing since the beginning of Mr. Gadhafi ’s leadership.

As a visionary Mr. Gadhafi transformed the oil rich country into a popular people’s democracy, eradicating policies driven by the multinational

corporations who exploited Libya’s resources. When he rose to eminence 41 years ago leading the Al-Fateh revolution against King Idriss—a minion

of western imperialists—the young revolutionary nationalized the economy for the benefit and development of the Libyan people.

Then he evicted the Americans and the British by shutting down the Wheelus military base in Tripoli which he condemned as a remnant of European colonialism.

slika 8 - Muammar Gaddafi


Muammar Gaddafi: slika 19

slika 19 - Muammar Gaddafi

n the international political stage where good men often die young, Mr. Gadhafi has withstood the test of time, becoming a major power broker in Europe

and in Africa. “Brother Gadhafi ” as he is known is in a small group of leaders—which include former Cuban leader Fidel Castro— who have the distinction of

withstanding their imperialistic foes. Mr. Gadhafi was personanon- grata for every U.S. administration from President Richard Nixon to President Bill Clinton—

until the warming of relations at the end of the George W. Bush administration.

1- MANY LIES TOLD BY THE WEST IN THEIR WAR AGAINST LIBYA   By Jean-Paul PougalaTHE MANY LIES TOLD BY THE WEST IN THEIR WAR AGAINST LIBYABy Jean-Paul PougalaA- THE REAL REASONS FOR THE WAR IN LIBYA1- The first African satellite RASCOM 1It was Libya’s Kadhafi who gave all of Africa its first real revolution in modern times: by ensuring universal coverage of the continent via telephone, television, radio-broadcast and the many other applications such as telemedicine and long-distance learning; for the first time in history, a low-cost connection became available across the continent, and even into rural areas thanks to a bridging WIMAX system.The story begins in 1992 when 45 African countries created the RASCOM organization to acquire an African satellite in order to bring down the cost of communications across the continent. At that time, calling from or to Africa had the most expensive call rates in the world, since there was a surcharge of 500 million dollars which Europeans collected annually on telephone conversations even within some African countries, just to transmit voice messages via European satellites like Intelsat. An African satellite would barely cost 400 millions dollars payable once and thus avoiding the 500 million annual rental fees. Which banker wouldn’t finance such a project? But the difficult part of the equation remained unsettled: how does a beggar gain their freedom from exploitation by their master by borrowing money from this same master to achieve this?

And so, the World Bank, the IMF, USA, the European Union had needlessly been bilking these countries for over 14 years. It was in 2006 that Kadhafi put an end to the agony of senseless begging from those supposed benefactors in the West who only grant loans at predatory rates; the Libyan leaders put 300 million dollars on the table, the African Development Bank put 50 million, the West African Development Bank contributed 27 million and it is thus, Africa has owned its very own communications satellite since December 26th 2007; The very first communications satellite in its history. In the meantime, China and Russia have jumped in, this time by donating their own technology which allowed the launching of more new satellites; South-Africa, Nigeria, Angola, Algerian and even a second African satellite was launched in July of 2010. And by 2020, we are expecting the very first satellite which would be 100% African and built on African soil, specifically in Algeria. This satellite is expected to be amongst the best in the world, but would cost ten times cheaper, a true achievement.

This is how a simple gesture worth 300 millions dollars can change the lives on an entire continent. Kadhafi’s Libya had cost the West not only the 500 million dollars annually but billions of dollars from debt and interest which this debt would have generated ad infinitum and exponentially, and contributed towards sustaining the obscure system which continues to rob Africa blind.


The 30 billion dollars which M. Obama confiscated belongs to the Libyan Central Bank and was earmarked as the Libyan contribution toward the finalization of the African Federation in its three keystone phases: The African Investment Bank to be based in Sitre-Libya, The creation in 2011 of the African Monetary Fund with a startup capital of 42 billion dollars with Yaoundé as its headquarters, the African Central Bank with its headquarters in Abuja-Nigeria from which, the first issuance of legal tender would signal the end of the CFA Franc through which Paris has been able to pillage some African countries for over 50 years. From this we can understand France’s grudge against Kadhafi. The African Monetary Fund would supplant in each and every way the activities of the International Monetary Fund on African soil – a role which, using barely 25 billion dollars in capital, the IMF had been able to bring an entire continent to its knees through questionable privatization policies, as witnessed by the reality of forcing African countries to trade-in one public monopoly for a private monopoly. It was these same Western countries which came 2

knocking at the door trying to become members of the African Monetary Fund (AMF) and its was via a unanimous vote of 16-17 in December 2010 in Yaoundé that Africans rejected this proposition, enshrining that only African countries would be members of the AMF.

It therefore seems obvious that after Libya, the Western coalition will declare its next war against Algeria, since, in addition to its enormous energy resources, that country has financial reserves exceeding 150 Billion Euros. This is much coveted by all the countries which are now bombing Libya all of whom have the same things in common, they are all practically bankrupt, the USA alone has 14.000 billion dollars in debt, France, Great Britain and Italy each have 2.000 Billion in public debt while all the 46 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa have less than 400 billion dollars in total public debt. Launching fake wars in Africa in the hopes of finding the oxygen needed to fuel their economic apnea that would only worsen having the effect of pushing the West further into a decline which began in 1884, during the notorious Berlin Conference. As the American economist Adam Smith had predicted, in his support for the abolition of slavery, «the economies of all countries which practice the enslavement of Black people are in the throes of a decent into hell which would be a rude awakening on the day when all the other nations would awaken»


In order to de-stabilize and destroy the African Union which is tending dangerously (as judged by the West) towards a United States of Africa under the guiding hand of Kadhafi, the European Union had tried, unsuccessfully, to create the UfM (Union for the Mediterranean). At all cost, they had to pry North Africa away from the rest of the continent by hammering the same racists themes of the 18th and 19th centuries according to which the African populations of Arab extraction were more “advanced”, and more “civilized” than the rest of the continent. That plan failed when Kadhafi would not play along. He had quickly understood the game from the moment when there was all that talk about the Mediterranean which [only] involved some African countries without informing the African Union, but at the same time, inviting ALL the 27 member nations of the European Union. The UfM without the principal engine of the African Federation was dead on arrival, moribund with Sarkozy as its President and Mubarak, its vice-president. It is this same idea which Alain Juppé is trying to re-launch, as he eyes Kadhafi’s fall from power, of course. What African leaders don’t understand is that, as long as it is the European Union which is financing the African Union, we will remain stuck at the starting-line, because under these conditions, there will be no effective independence. It is in this same vein that the European Union has encouraged and financed the various regional trade blocs in African. It is obvious that ECOWAS which has an embassy in Brussels and which gets most of its financing from the EU, is a major obstacle to the creation of the African Federation. It is what Lincoln fought against during the secessionist civil war in the United States, since, from the moment when a group of nations assemble around a regional political organization, that would only fracture the central governing authority. This is what Europe wanted and it is what Africans did not understand by creating one after the other; COMESA, UDEAC, SADC and the Greater Maghreb Union which never became operational thanks in part to Kadhafi who understood the game all too well.


Kadhafi is in the hearts of almost every African as a very generous humanitarian for his disinterested support in the fight against the racist regime of South Africa. If Kadhafi had been a self-centered man, nothing would have forced him to draw the ire of the West by financially and militarily support the ANC in its battle against apartheid. Which is why, shortly after being released from his 27 years in prison, Mandela decided to break with the United Nation’s embargo against Libya in October 23rd of 1997. As a result of this embargo which was also aerial, no plane had landed in Libya over five long years. To go to Libya, one had to catch a plane into Tunisia; get to Djerba and continue by car for 5 hours to Ben Gardane, crossing the border and going another 3 3

hours by road across the desert to Tripoli. On the other hand, one could go through Malta and then crossover by night, using poorly fitted boats and reach the Libyan coast. A true ordeal for an entire people, just to punish one man. Mandela decided to breach this injustice and responded to the former American president Bill Clinton, who had considered this visit «unfortunate», Mandela argued: «No nation can claim to itself the role of a global policeman, and no nation can dictate to others what they must and must not do». He added: «those who yesterday where friends of our enemies, today have the temerity of demanding that I should not visit my brother Kadhafi, they’re asking us to be ungrateful and to forget our friends from the past». In fact, for the West, South African racists where kindred whom they were trying to protect. It is for this reason that members of the ANC had been branded dangerous terrorists, including Nelson Mandela himself. It was only in July 2nd 2008 that the American Congress passed a law erasing Nelson Mandela’s name and those of his ANC comrades from this black list, not because they had come to terms with the idiocy of such a list, but because they wanted to make a gesture of goodwill to the 90-year-old Nelson Mandela. If today the West has repented its support for Nelson Mandela’s enemies and are truly sincere when streets and places are christened after him, how do they justify waging war against the man who brought victory to Nelson Mandela and to his people, Kadhafi?


And if Kadhafi’s Libya was more democratic than the USA, France, Great Britain and all of those who have a started a war to export democracy to Libya? On March 19th 2003, President Georges Bush dropped bombs on the heads of Iraqis under the pretext of exporting democracy to their country. On March 19th 2011, eight years later and to the day, its is the French President who was dropping bombs on the heads of Libyans under the same pretext of bringing them democracy. Mister Obama, 2009 Nobel Prize winner and President of the United States of America, in order to justify his decision to hurl cruise missiles from sub-marines on the heads of Libyans, the tells us that he is trying to unseat a dictators from power and to install a democracy in that country.

The question which ever human being gifted with the least in capacity for intellectual judgment and reason cannot help but ask: these countries like France, England, USA, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Poland whose only legitimacy to go an bombard Libyans is only based of having auto-declared themselves «democratic» are they truly democratic? If yes, are they more democratic than Kadhafi’s Libya? The answer, unequivocally is NO, for the sole and simple reason that democracy doesn’t exist. Its not me asserting this, it is the very person whose birthplace, Geneva, is home to the organs of the United Nations. That person is of course Jean-Jacques Rousseau, born in Geneva in 1712 who asserted in Chapter IV of Book III of his celebrated «Social Contract» that *: «there has never been a true democracy, and there never will be one»*. In order for a State to be truly democratic, Rousseau lays down 4 conditions according to which Kadhafi’s Libya is by far more democratic than the United States of America, France and all the others who profess to export democracy into that country. These include:

1- *Dimensions of the State*: the bigger any government gets, the less it is democratic, according to Rousseau, the State should be very small to allow its citizens find ways of gathering and to enable each person to easily get to know the next. And so before sending people off to vote, we should ensure that people know each other otherwise voting for the sake of voting would be denuded of all democratic underpinnings, it is a sham of a democracy to elect a dictator. The organizing structure of the Libyan State is based on tribal groupings which by definition involves people in small entities. The democratic sentiment is more present within a tribe, in the village than in the greater Nation, by virtue of the fact that everyone knows everyone else and that communal life revolves around the same common interests bring some kind of auto-regulation, auto censure is brought to bear at each moment, the reactions or the counter-reaction of the other members for or against the opinions which anyone may hold. Seen from this perspective, it is Libya which better responds to the exigencies of Rousseau, one cannot say as much of the 4

United States of America, France or Great Britain, societies which have become strongly urbanized and where a majority of neighbors do not even say hello to each other and hence do not even know each other, even after having lived side-by-side for twenty years. In these countries, we have moved directly into the following phase: «voting» which we have malignantly sanctified so that many quickly forget that this vote is useless from the moment when I start speaking voting on matters affecting the nation’s future without knowing ones fellow citizens. We have thus arrived at the stupidity of citizens voting from abroad. Knowing one another and speaking to each other is the essential condition of communication for the democratic debate which should precede all elections.

2- *It requires a simplicity of values and behaviors* to avoid that we spend so much time talking about justice before courts and seeking redress to the many arguments of societal interest which any complex society naturally gives birth to. Westerner define themselves as civilized people who have complex value systems and see Libyans a nation of primitive people, who have simple value systems. From this perspective, once again, it is Libya which better responds to democratic criteria laid out by Rousseau than all those who pretend to give them lessons in democracy. In a complex society, the manifold conflicts are resolved by the law of the powerful, since the wealthier party can avoid prison because he can afford a better attorney and more so, turns the State’s repressive apparatus against the person who steals a banana at a supermarket, instead of turning it against the greedy financier who brings down a bank. In a city like New York where 75% of the population is White, 80% of the managerial positions are held by White people and they only represent 20% of the prison population.

3- *Equality in rank and in fortunes*. One only has to look at the 2010 FORBES rankings to see the names of the wealthiest people in each of the countries which is throwing bombs on the heads of Libyans and see the difference in salaries with the lowest ranking wage earners in each of these countries and do the same with Libya to understand that in terms of wealth distribution, Libya should be the one exporting its know-how to those who are attacking her and not the other way around. Even from this angle, according to Rousseau, Libya would be more democratic than those who pompously want to export this supposed democracy to that country. In the United States, 5% of the population possesses 60% of the nation’s wealth. It is the most lopsided, unequal country in the world.

4- *No luxuries*. According to Rousseau, for democracy to exist in a country, there must be no luxuries because, luxury necessitates wealth and this last becomes a virtue, the goal to be achieved at all cost is the people’s wealth fare, «luxuries simultaneously corrupt both the rich and the poor, the former by possession, the latter by coveting; it sells the nation to listlessness, to vanity; if serves the citizens up to the State for dinner, the former to meet the needs of the latter, and each is happy in their role ». Is there more luxury in France than in Libya? All those cautionary tales from employees who have been pushed to suicide, even employees of public and para public companies, for “reasons” of profitability and hence of possessions of luxury items by one of the parties, are these more abundant in Libya or in the West?

In 1956, the American sociologist C. Wright Mills described American democracy as « a dictatorship of the elites». According to Mills, The United States of America isn’t a democracy because in fact, it is money which speaks at elections and not the people. The results of any election there is an expression of the voice of money and not the voice of the people. After Daddy Bush and Son Bush, for the Republic primaries of 2012, there is already talk about Bush-Benjamin. In addition, if political power rests on a bureaucracy, Max Weber has noted that there are 43 millions civil servants and soldiers in the United-States who essentially control the country, but who weren’t elected by anyone and who do not respond directly to the people about their activities. Only one person (a wealthy elite) is really elected but real power on the ground is held by a caste of rich people who arrive at those positions simply through appointments to positions such as ambassadorships, army generals etc …. 5

How many people in these supposedly «democratic» countries know that in Peru the constitution forbids a second consecutive mandate for the incumbent president? How many of them are aware than in Guatemala, not only can the incumbent NOT present himself as a candidate to that position, but none of his/her kin, no member of his family could aspire to that position? How many of them know that Rwanda is the leading nation in the world that is most inclusive of women with 49% of the parliamentarians being women? How many of them know that in the 2007 CIA ranking, of the top-ten best-governed countries in the world, four are African? With the gold medal going to Equatorial Guinea whose public debt represent only 1.14% of its GDP.

Civil war, revolts, and rebellions are the ingredients indicating the telltale signs of an emerging democracy Rousseau argues. Democracy isn’t an end result, it is a permanent process of re-affirming the natural rights of human beings and all over the world (without exception) a handful of men or women, should confiscate the people’s power, and subvert it to help maintain themselves in power. Everywhere, we find various forms of castes which subvert the very idea of a «democracy» which should be an ideal towards which aspire and not a label to appropriate or a refrain to be flaunted just because we can shout louder than everyone else. When a nation is calm like France or the United States that is devoid of any political unrest for Rousseau all of this only means that the dictatorial system is sufficiently repressive to prevent any attempts at rebellion. If Libyans are revolting, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

It is when people around the world stoically accept the system which is oppressing them that is very bad. Rousseau concludes: « /Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium -/translation: If there were ever a godly people, they would govern themselves democratically. Such a perfect system of government does not suit human beings». Asserting that Libyans are being killed for their own good is a delusion.


After 500 years of master-servant relations with the West, there is no room to doubt that we have different criteria for judging good and bad. We have profoundly divergent interests. How could one not decry the “yes” vote by three African countries from Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria2, South-Africa and Gabon for resolution 1973 authorizing the new form of colonialism called «protecting the people», validating the racist theories which Europeans have been peddling since the 18th century that North African has nothing in common with Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa is more evolved, more civilized and more cultivated than the rest of Africa.

Events are unfolding as if Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Algeria weren’t part of Africa3. Even the United Nations appears to be ignoring the legitimacy of the African Union over its member States.

The goal is to isolate the nations of Sub-Saharan African and to further fragment them and keep them under control. In fact, for the startup capital of the new African Monetary Fund (AMF), Algeria contributed 16 billion dollars and Libya 10 billion dollars which together represented 62% of the 42 billion Dollar capitalization needed. Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria followed by South Africa came in far behind with 3 billion dollars each.

It is very troubling that this is the first time in the history of the United Nations that it has declared war on a people without first exploring any path of peaceful resolution to address the problem.

Does Africa still have a place in such an organization? Nigeria South Africa are disposed to voting “Yes” to any demands from the West, because the naively believe in the promises made to them by this or that nation to award them a place as a permanent member of the Security Council with equal veto rights. They forget that France has no power to grant such a position. If France did, Mitterrand would have done this long ago for Germany’s Helmut Kohl. United Nations’ reform is not on the agenda. The only way to counter this is through the Chinese option: all 50 African countries should quit the United Nations. They’d have to return another day, and only after they have been granted something they’ve always wanted, a position for the African Union, nothing less. 6

This method of non-violence is the only weapon of justice that the poor and weak people like us have. We simply have to quit the United Nations, since this organization by its very structure, and via its hierarchy serves the interest of the most powerful members.

We have to quit the United Nations to signal our disapproval of this conception of the world based solely on the crushing of the weaker nations. At the very least, they’d be at liberty to continue doing it as before, but without our endorsement, and not having to suggest that were have endorsed it even though they know well that we were never consulted. And after we have made our point, as we did during the meeting on Saturday 19/3 in Nouakchott through the declaration of opposition to military action, all of which was quietly ignored in order to proceed with the bombardment of an African people.

What is unfolding today is the same scenario already witnessed before vis-à-vis China. Today, they are recognizing the legitimacy of the Ouattara government; they also are recognizing the legitimacy of the insurgents in Libya. It is the same thing which happened at the end of the Second World War with China. The so-called international community had chosen Taiwan as the sole representative of the Chinese people in place of Mao Tse Tung’s China. It took 26 years, that is until October 25th 1971 and resolution 2758 which ALL Africans must read, to put an end to this human absurdity. China was admitted, only after it demanded and obtained permanent membership [on the Security Council] and with vetoing rights, if not, she would not join. Once these requirement were met and the admission resolutions were in force, it took another year until November 29th 1972, for the Chinese foreign Minister to issues his response in a letter to the Secretary General at the United Nations no to say “Yes” or “Thank You”, but to dispel any misunderstandings, in guarantees about China’s dignity and respectability. What can Africans expect from the United Nations without taking strong actions which insist on their respectability? In Cote d’Ivoire we saw an official from the United Nations acting as if he was above the constitutional institutions of that country. We have entered into this organization under conditions that we would be serfs and them believing that we would be invited to the table to eat with other nation on plates which we had to wash is simply wishful thinking, worse, stupid. When the AU recognized Ouattara’s victory without taking into account the contrary conclusions of its own observers on the ground, only to please their former masters, how could we possibly expect any respect? When South-African President Zuma declares that Ouattara had not won the elections and then changed his mind 180° after visiting Paris, we must begin to question what these leaders are worth who represent us and who speak on behalf of one billion Africans.

Africa will achieve strength and real freedom through its capacity to act after thoughtful consideration; and when it takes responsibility for the consequences of its actions. Dignity and respectability come at a price. Are we prepared to pay that price? If not, then our place will continue to be in the kitchen, in the bathrooms, working to ensure the comfort of others.

Geneva 28 March 2011

Jean-Paul Pougala

N.B : You can also listen this text in audio version on Youtube :

1/3 :

2/3 :

3/3 :

It was Libya’s Kadhafi who gave all of Africa its first real revolution in modern times: by ensuring universal coverage of the continent via telephone, television, radio-broadcast and the many other applications such as telemedicine and long-distance learning; for the first time in history, a low-cost connection became available across the continent, and even into rural areas thanks to a bridging WIMAX system.

After my article entitled The Lies of the Western war against Libya, text translated into forty languages worldwide, have received thousands of emails reactions for or against. I warmly thank all those who took the trouble to write. Given the large number of these messages, it was impossible to replicate individually to everyone. So I decided to write this article to collectively respond to your doubts and questions that I summarized and grouped into these few paragraphs below. The answers that follow closely reflect my thoughts, my beliefs:

No Democracy Without People’s Congresses and Committees

Part One The Solution of the Problem of Democracy
Part Two The Solution of the Economic Problem
Part Three The Social Basis of the Third Universal Theory

The Green Book: True Democracy

Posted: 2011/09/27
From: Mathaba
The philosophy of Liberty is based on the principle of self-ownership. Compare what you are about to see to your ‘democracy’.

Prior to a group of Germanic nations of Europe and the United States lying and colluding with certain Arab states and members of Al Qaeda, Libya owed no foreign debt. The people of Libya had ownership in their land and resources. This is self-ownership.A product of your life and your liberty is yourproperty.The land and resources of the country in which you live belong to you and you should benefit from it, not large national and international corporations with greedy shareholders.The initiation of force or fraud: to take life is murder, to take liberty is slavery and to take property is theft.Over the last six months the world has witnessed fraud by the U.S., France, Britain and others against the Libyan people. Following the fraud came force. That has been followed by the taking of thousands of lives which is murder by the dictators within the United Nations — the U.S., France and Britain.For those who remained alive, their liberty is now taken where they have no right to show their support to their leader without threat of bodily harm.”Libya First Contact” in Paris was all about the stealing of Libya’s property. This is theft.Your action on behalf of others or their action on behalf of you is virtuous only when it is derived from voluntary mutual consent.More than 1,000 were released from the prisons in Libya by Seif Gaddafi. Many of those released then turned to collaborate with Libyan officials with selfish motives, who then colluded with French, British and Americans.Some of the people in the banking industry were already colluding with foreign governments to “secure” Libyan currencies into a number of foreign banks. However, in the interest of the Libyan people, Muammar Gaddafi kept Libya’s gold out of the hands of these persons.Achieving a free society requires courage to think, to talk and to act – especially when it is easier to do nothing.To learn more about the Green Book click here. It is beyond ‘Democracy’ and keeps a nation free of debt, so beloved by international bankers.


Truth about Libya, Gaddafi and Western Media Lies

Posted: 2011/09/27
From: Mathaba, our MUJJADIN & IMAM:

slika 9 - Muammar Gaddafi

showInitialOdiogoReadNowFrame (_odiogo_feed_id, ‘628810’, 290, 0);
USA, Canada, most of West Europe, 40 countries are at war, and their populations do not even know it
by Adam KingThe reality is, the majority of people in France do not even know they are at war with Libya, the crown of Africa. I met a young Belgian lady who is a professional architect, and cares about Peace and Love, and yet, even though NATO is headquartered in Belgium, she has never heard of NATO, nor even by its french acronym OTAN. That is the reality. The youth of Europe, do not even know they are at war.We therefore have to change tactic. It is not enough to talk about NATO, NATO-rebels, and NATO supported terrorism. We must stop talking about NATO, because, even those how have heard of it, then consider it as some abstract or separate entity, and do not even connect it to what it is: the command of the North American (USA, Canada) and west European military forces.Instead, we must now talk of US-European, or even WHITE** countries. The White countries are at war with Black Africa, and Black*, includes all Libyans, even those of light skin.
*BLACK means the innocent and good people of this world and includes Americans like Dennis Kucinich, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and Christopher Greene, and Webster Tarpley. Canadians like Mahdi Nazemroaya, English like Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, French like Terry Meyssan, Corsicans fighting for Independence from France, and our Mujjadid Muammar al Gathafi as well as and all the peoples who consider themselves a part of the JAMAHIRIYA and what that concept means to be GREEN.
**WHITE  refers to those peoples, Supremists of all “faiths”—particularly of the “Western Nations” who are greedy and selfish for themselves and blindly obeying their NWO governments, who believe they must dominate the whole world (and are better than all the rest —which includes “people” like OBAMA and RICE ! All those who call themselves “Christian- Fundamentalists” (or “Christian” by inheritance only) but who do not follow what Jesus has asked, radical Islamists who neglect the peaceful strivings of the “Prophets” seeking slaughter and death to all who do not fit their interpretations,  all “Zionist” Movement Peoples (non faithful Jews/Israelis who seek only dominance, wealth, war and enslavement to all who do not respect their TALMUD ) and all others who are just out there “for the money and glory”. ]
We have to elevate the struggle to the ground level, to take it up to the consciousness of the bright educated “westerners”, no, not westerners, whites.We have to call it as it is, and risk offending a few whites, in our experience, the good ones are not offended, as they realize they are but a tiny speck, an insignificant minority in a sea of millions. For every million whites, there is only one or two, or maybe a half dozen or so, who are “clued up” in any way about reality. Facebook does not educate them, nor the tell-lie-vision.This is a white war against black Africa, and the black people of the world. Let the term Black, be political: this includes the true greens, not the fake “environmental” greens of the green parties. Black, does not include Obama, nor any other coconuts such as Conomsleeze Lice. Black, includes the oppressed poor whites who have a consciousness.Let us all be black people then.Otherwise, how are we going to get through to these dumb whites, the millions of them, who refuse to even budge, a handful of them, 3 or 4 to be precise, demonstrated in Berlin against NATO and in support of Libya, and then turned against Mathaba when we reported their demonstration, as they wished people to read about it only on their blog.White, means selfish. White means racist. White means reactionary. White means slave master. White means devil. Let us take the struggle to this level, for, where are the educated whites, what are they doing about this? Nothing. Only those who are here at Mathaba. What are we going to call ourselves? Black sheep, that is what, as we are the Black sheep of this world.Now it is imperative that we stop being sheep, and that we actually become pro-active, and lead the way, take the initiative. This means, in ever neighbourhood around the world, there must be a local MATHABA where people Meet And Talk Helping All Become Aware. Those committees, no matter what they call themselves, must make up a world wide Green Charter Movement.Here is a video to educate those a little who don’t know what is going on:And at you can find many more. Refer people to and watch the video and listen to the recording top right, and follow the links at the end of that page, and sign up to join the Email list at the top center of that page, or follow or invite others to do so too.Hey you bloody ignorant weak sick lazy European whites, wake up, hey, I know you only like music, and videos, so watch this please:Now, do you know what NATO is? And if you met me recently and were referred to this web site, have you taken time to check it out, let’s hear from you!

Libya is in Africa. Muammar Qaddafi has shown YOU the way forward from the love of his heart, for years and years, while you were asleep, enjoying yourselves, drinking, sleeping, …eating, (partying) and whatever else you do, making money, having a nice life, Muammar, I and others sacrficed so that you could continue to be lazy and live a little longer in freedom.


Show some appreciation for that freedom, or wake up that you are a slave, and that you are powerless to act, that you cannot stop these wars, and find out why it is you can do nothing, and who it is behind these wars and for whose benefit. Then be like the humming bird: see here and here.

Look, if you don’t want to be bothered to stay awake day and night, stop all work and income earning, stop giving time and love to your family, if you don’t want to sacrifice as much as I do and others here at Mathaba, such as the editor of our Publication Bridge who gives not only time and effort but also of her earnings toward our mounting costs, then get our your wallet now.

You do NOT have to sacrifice, work for peace, or do anything to change your life: just support those who do this day and night. Support those working for peace, the one and only Christian leader in the world working for peace, Dr K A Paul, while the Pope says nothing, K A Paul travels 2nd and 3rd class to save money and gives all for the effort for peace. Support him, and be one in a million.

You don’t have to be a Christian to do that, at least click your mouse and join your email to support the man’s effort, show him that you at least bloody care and appreciate that ONE Christian leader is not putting money and benefits first, but is actually working for peace no matter the cost and danger to personal self.

For those who really want to work very hard and sacrifice themselves for people’s power, justice, and truth, and not simply leave it for others that you can support as above mentioned, then join the Green Charter Movement, that means, organize yourself, network, study, and form a committee after adopting the Green Charter of Freedoms.

BANI WALID has successfully (in a People’s Congress Meeting) set up a temporary government until the JAMAHIRIYA

can be reinstituted. Leading it, is a Warfalla tribal-leader, Ali al-Ahwal , elected as the JAMAHIRIYA “CARE_TAKER-in-waiting”

Jamahiriya (TAKEN FROM:  )

The Great triumphs of Libyan Jamahiriya forces!
Order:  Duration: 6:28 Published: 09 Jun 2011 Uploaded: 07 Sep 2011 Author: bbjhnsn28
The Great Libyan peoploe triumph over the imperial American rebels..!

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Order:  Duration: 2:19 Published: 27 Oct 2008 Uploaded: 22 Mar 2011 Author: primolibya

Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Order:  Duration: 1:04 Published: 08 Apr 2010 Uploaded: 13 Sep 2011 Author: B. M. Burgh
Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Anthem Name: God is the Greatest Date Adopted: 1969 Lyrics:
(Arabic) Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Fauqua Kaidi L'mutadi Allahu Lilmazlumi Hairumu'ayyidi
Ana Bilyaqini Wabissilahi 
Saaftadi Baladi Wanuru L-haqqi Yastau Fi Yadi Qulu Mai Qulu Mai Allahu Allahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Fauqa
L-mutadi. Ya Hadihi Ddunya 
Atilli Wa 'Smai Gaisu L-aadi Ga'a Yabgi Masrai Bil-haqqi Saufa Fa-saufa Afnihi Mai. Qulu Mai L-wailu
Lil-mustamiri Wa Llahu Fauqa 
L-gadiri L-mutagabbiri Allahu Akbaru Ya Biladi Kabbiri Wa-hudi Binasiyati L-mugiri Wa-dammiri. 

(English) God is greatest! God is greatest! He is above plots of the aggressors, And He is the best
helper of the oppressed. With 
faith and with weapons I shall defend my country, And the light of truth will shine in my hand. Sing
with me! Sing with me! God is 
greatest! God is greatest! God, God, God is greatest! God is above the aggressors. O world, look up
and listen! The enemy's army is 
coming, Wishing to destroy me. With truth and with my gun I shall repulse him. And should I be killed,
I would kill him with me. 
Sing with me - Woe to the Imperialists! And God is above the treacherous tyrant. God is greatest!
Therefore glorify Him, O my 
country, And seize the forehead of the tyrant And destroy him! Flag Date Adopted: 1977 Description:
The flag of the Great Socialist  People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya consists of a simple green field with
no other characteristics. It is
the only national <b>...</b>'s_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya United
Nations Webcast Libyan Arab Jamahiriya English Order: Duration: 3:10 Published: 12 Jul 2009 Uploaded:
18 Aug 2010 Author: Bahrainupr
Jamahiriya Order: Duration: 2:16 Published: 08 Aug 2008 Uploaded: 22 Aug 2010 Author: ComradeDamon1917
An epic video about the Jamahiriya, a CyberNations alliance. Savage Republic -
So It Is Written Order: Duration: 2:50 Published: 11 Jan 2008 Uploaded: 02 Sep 2011 Author:
whirlwindbliss Music video for So It Is Written by Savage Republic. From the LP Jamahiriya Courtesy
Independent Project Records Savage Republic -
Jamahiriya live 2007 Order: Duration: 4:28 Published: 12 Mar 2007 Uploaded: 26 Mar 2011 Author:
phonecia Savage Republic, "Jamahiriya" live at Teatro alla Cartiera di Rovereto (TN) Italy 11
marzo 2007 Gaddafi's Jamahiriya: the State
of the Masses, the Green Book ☟.pdf☟ [getjiggy211, © BBC] Order: Duration: 13:00 Published:
05 Sep 2011 Uploaded: 07 Sep 2011 Author: Knew WorldNoing Thanks to:
(Historic BBC-Video)
Muammar Al Qaddafi: The Green Book Jamahiriya: The State of The Masses 'Power  in the hands of the
People' 'Resources in the hands of the People' Click to download the Green Book: "If the 
instrument  of government is dictatorial, as is the case in the world's political systems today,
society's awareness of deviation from  its laws is  expressed only through violence to redirect
its course, ie, revolution against the instrument of government. Violence and revolution,  even
though they reflect the sentiments of society regarding deviation, do not constitute an exercise
in which the whole of society  takes part. Rather, violence and revolution are carried out by
those who have the capability and courage to take the initiative and  proclaim the will of society.
However, this unilateral approach is dictatorial because the revolutionary initiative in itself
provides  the opportunity for a new instrument of government representing the people to arise.
This means that the governing structure remains  dictatorial. In addition, violence and effecting
change by force are both undemocratic, even though they take place as a reaction  against an undemocratic
prior condition. The society that revolves around this concept is backward. What, then, is the solution?"'s_Jamahiriya_the_State_of_the_Masses,_the_Green_Book_☟pdf☟_ getjiggy211,_©_BBC
LEADER OF GREAT JAMAHIRIYA Order: Duration: 4:15 Published: 05 Apr 2007 Uploaded: 03 Aug 2011 Author:
Alfateh69 THE LEADER MUAMMAR ALGATHAFI IS IN LIBYAN CELEPRATE AND HE RIDES HIS HORSE. HE IS A GREAT MAN. Cynthia McKinney on Jamahiriya TV [21-05-2011] سينتيا ماكيني
Order: Duration: 32:12 Published: 22 May 2011 Uploaded: 04 Sep 2011 Author: Rayyisse Cynthia McKinney o
n jamahiriya TV promises to bring the world what is really happening in Libya and to bring investigators
to find  the truth . TV Streaming :::::
Jamahiriya_TV_ 21-05-2011 _سينتيا_ماكيني Jamahiriya TV Order: Duration: 4:43 Published: 24 Feb 2011
Uploaded: 07 Jun 2011 Author: MAALI65 As recorded from Jamahiriya (official Libyan TV) on Thursday
24.02.11. Al Jazera TV announced that there is a big massacre at  El Zaweya city, but these shots show
that that was false. Besides calls between citizens and Al Qaeda had been spotted. This,  like many
other events in the last ten years, is a media war, which calls for us to open our eyes very wide. Al Jamahiriya Matin Order: Duration: 10:29 Published: 29 May 2007
Uploaded: 26 Aug 2010 Author: Libyan every friday morning we watch this program since I was 6 yrs Jamahiriya #2 Order: Duration: 2:27 Published: 09 Aug 2008
Uploaded: 18 Mar 2011 Author: ComradeDamon1917 A propaganda video of the Jamahiriya
Jamahiriya_#2 Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Students in United States of America Order: Duration:
4:50 Published: 08 Feb 2011 Uploaded: 28 May 2011 Author: LibyanStudentsInUSA libya student students
libyan Libya State
Television Jamahiriya News, May 30, 2011 Order: Duration: 11:03 Published: 31 May 2011 Uploaded:
31 May 2011 Author: WolkenZwemmer Features the visit of South African President Jacob Zuma to
Tripoli. It is sad to see that on the day  of this peace-initiative that is not only backed by
the African continent, but also by India (www. that the media try to bring
everything in discredit by talking about the generals  that would have defected to Italy. It really
sounds like a big smear campaign by the Western Media. The  day that Libya talked about the support
of the Wafala Tribe (one of the biggest in Libya), the other side  claimed that this Wafala Tribe
actually supported the Rebels. Both Africa and India have said that they  wanted an end to the NATO
bombardments which go far beyond the UN-mandate of resolution 1973. In Europe  nobody seems to care
about the illegality of all this. They are held in a stupor by lies that Gaddafi is  a cruel dictator.
It is also sad to see that Russia's critical voice seems to have been silenced probably  due to
something that they have been given during the G8-meeting.
Jamahiriya_News,_May_30,_2011 Libya's-Jamahiriya Radio singing hymns to Gathafi Rx-ed Dorset,
UK February 20, 2011.wmv Order: Duration: 1:28 Published: 20 Feb 2011 Uploaded: 20 Feb 2011
Author: DorsetRadio Voice of Africa, as Libya calls their Jamahiriya International Radio
Broadcast. Interestingly, chants and hymns  to Gathafi ,the wise leader of the "revolution"
seem to be sung in the beginning of the recording which is in  Swahili. Pleasant catching
African tune, if politics can be put aside. The transmission is beamed towards  Central
and East Africa, but is easily heard in Europe (Dorset, UK in this case). Reception 20 F
ebruary   Radio: Perseus Antenna: Wellbrook loop's-Jamahiriya_Radio_singing_
hymns_to_Gathafi_Rx-ed_Dorset,_UK_February_20,_2011wmv Libya Conflict Analysis 4: Popular support
for Rebels TNC berber NATO vs Gadaffi's Jamahiriya Order: Duration: 11:40 Published: 12 Aug 2011
Uploaded: 18 Aug 2011 Author: aligzanduh STOP PRESS: 15 AUGUST 2011 : Support Levels should be
increased out of unkowns to about an additional  400000 opposed to NATO per Canadian Article
yesterday. Census Of Tribes and estimation of loyalties:  (Scene 2) Scene 1 Background on
disinformation and media failure berber,alshubion, alroshidah,  alrakkaksh,alsaaadh, goats,
algarirat 150000 Turkish or mixed origin 900000 warfala 900000 terhuna 500000  magariha 600000
misurata 95161 gaddafi,Gadhadhfa 95161 Beni Salim 95161 Beni Hilal 95161 Zawiya 95161  Kargala
95161 Tawajeer 95161 Ramla 95161 95161 el-Mahjoub 95161 Zamoura 95161 Kawafi 95161 Dababisa 9
5161  Zawaiya, Zuwaiya 95161 al-sawalih 95161 al-jarsa 95161 kawar, of arab descent, 15 smaller
tribes 95161  al-awaqir 95161 abdiyat, 15 subs 95161 masamir 95161 al-Mujabra 95161 Farjan 95161
Zawiya 95161 Magariha  95161 Maslata 95161 masrata 95161 obeidi 95161 mishasha 95161 masashiya
95161 Zintan 95161 Zintan,  the Khaleifa and the Kikla Warshafana 95161 The tribes of Ghariba
region 95161 The tribes of Gharyan,  Asaba and Qawalish 95161
Analysis_4_Popular_support_for_Rebels_TNC_berber_NATO_vs_Gadaffi's_Jamahiriya Jamahiriya -
Al Fatah (2/9) Order: Duration: 3:26 Published: 01 Sep 2011 Uploaded: 06 Sep 2011 Author:
Warrior1917 This is a song by a Yugoslav band dedicated to Gaddafi
Fatah_2/9 Savage Republic - Jamahiriya.wmv Order: Duration: 7:23 Published: 19 Jul 2011 Uploaded:
01 Sep 2011 Author: arcangelofarris last track of the eponymous album of Savage Republic (1988) The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Order: Duration: 7:34 Published: 29 Mar 2011 Uploaded: 01 Sep 2011 Author: promdawg Long Live
Gaddafi! Long Live Libya! Long Live The People of The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab 
Jamahiriya! Death To The UN! Death To NATO!'s_Libyan_Arab_
Jamahiriya Support for Gaddafi and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Order: Duration: 3:06 Published: 04
Apr 2011 Uploaded: 06 Sep 2011 Author: Donald09231985 In spite of all the media coverage that
depicts Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi as a murderer, I am among  many who support the Colonel in 
his struggle against western imperialism. This whole false-flag operation  does have resistance, 
and I am part of that resistance!
Song: Libyan National Anthem and_the_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya
Libya's Voice of Africa
The Great Jamahiriya Part 1 of 2 RX-ed in Dorset UK
February 21 2011.wmv Order: Duration: 9:38 Published: 21 Feb 2011 Uploaded: 14 Jul 2011 Author:
DorsetRadio Libya's 
Voice of Africa The Great Jamahiriya Part 1 of 2 RX-ed
in Dorset UK February 21 2011 as received over  Short Waves today. The whole (2-hour) program
has been recorded,
and will upload the first 10 minutes in this  one, more
can be uploaded upon request, since this took something like 1 hour to upload :s's_Voice_of_Africa_
The_Great_Jamahiriya_Part_1_ of_2_RX-ed_in_Dorset_UK_

February_21_2011wmv Libya : Gaddafi's Jamahiriya has a more morally defensible position
than NATO Order: Duration: 12:02
Published: 21 Jun 2011 Uploaded: 08 Sep 2011
Author: aligzanduh Why Gaddafi's position is more morally defensible than NATO's 1) It is
frightful to watch these superpowers 
gang up to rip apart a small country,
especially under the guise of "civilian protection" - 2) Why would self  respecting Libyan
Rebel Patriots allow NATO to lead
the whole show ? Appearing as sell-outs 3)
How can we  allow the whole Iraq scenario be trotted out before our eyes, war based on
lie, cravenly not declared  4)
Soldiers Of the US and its allies - do not fight
in this war until you are sure this does not violate  the law or your conscience 5)
Western Media -- any 15 year old
could have put more info together on Libya - 
than apparantly the combined budgets of News Corp, CNN. MSNBC ABC PBS - or are they
so morally repugnant -  they are
deliberately ignoring it. 6) Obama Sarkozy and
Cameron appear as not only thugs but buffoons - as  the Loyalists endure
there collective aerial punishment. Their
mediocre attempt at fooling people will cause  a
great deal of blowback - and worst of all to the WEST 7) The principle result
NATO will have achieved - is  further
schism between the West and the developing World
- more fear and hate of the West - 8) NATO has done  what Gaddafi could never
have done - made Gaddafi into an
international Folk Hero of David Vs Goliath - you 
bumbling larcenous wicked nincompoops! I will post this presentation to libya
conflict intel on microtopia website.'s_Jamahiriya_has_
a_more_morally_defensible_position_than_NATO The Great triumphs of Libyan
Jamahiriya forces!...6:28 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya...
2:19 Great Socialist People's Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya...1:04 United Nations Webcast Libyan Arab Jamahiriya English...
3:10 Jamahiriya...2:16 Savage Republic -
So It Is Written...2:50 Savage Republic -
Jamahiriya live 2007... 4:28 Gaddafi's Jamahiriya: the State of the Masses,
the Green Book ☟.pdf☟ [getjiggy211, © BBC]...
Cynthia McKinney on Jamahiriya TV [21-05-2011] سينتيا ماكيني...32:12 Jamahiriya
TV...4:43 Al Jamahiriya Matin...10:29
Jamahiriya #2...2:27 Great Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya Students in United States of America...4:50 The Great Libyan peoploe
triumph over the imperial American
rebels..... Libya State Tele­vi sion Jamahiriya
News, May 30, 2011 11:03 Libya's-Jamahiriya Radio singing hymns to Gath afi
Rx-ed Dorset, UK Febru ary 20, 2011.​
wmv 1:28 Libya Con flict Anal y sis 4: Popu­lar
sup port for Rebels TNC berber NATO vs Gadaf fi's Jamahiriya 11:40 Jamahiriya -
Al Fatah (2/9) 3:26 Savage Republic 
- Jamahiriya.​wmv 7:23 The Great Social­ist Peo ple's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 7:34
Sup port for Gaddafi and the Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya 3:06 Libya's Voice of Africa The Great Jamahiriya
Part 1 of 2 RX-ed in Dorset UK Febru ary 21 2011.​wmv 9:38 Libya : Gaddafi's
Jamahiriya has a more morally de­fensible position than NATO 12:02 photo: AP /
Abdel Magid Al Fergany File - Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi
talks during a celebrations
marking the 31-year anniversary of the 
declaration of the "Jamahiriya," or "rule of the masses" in Sirte,
Libya, Sunday, 02 March 2008. < >
photo: Creative Commons / Jaw101ie What
Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed Scoop23 Sep 2011 Friday,
23 September 2011, 11:58 am Column:
Michel Chossudovsky Destroying a
Country's Standard of Living:  What Libya Had Achieved, What has been
Destroyed by Prof. September 20, 2011
"There is no... photo: AP /
Kirsty Wigglesworth Africa: Vultures Descend On Libya Axis of Logic21 Sep 2011
The visit by British Prime
Minister David Cameron and
French President Nicolas Sarkozy to Libya last Thursday  exposed the real
powers behind the Libyan invasion. Theirs was a shameless
show of the... Strategic Mayem: From America's Drone Attacks to an All Out
US-NATO War on Pakistan? GlobalResearch Libya and About
Those Last Stands Iran and the Unilateralist Nation(s) Women in Saudi Arabia 'to vote and run in elections'
BBC News direct democracy Jamahiriya TV Libya under Gaddafi military of Libya
Muammar al-Gaddafi nation state nisba People's Republic
state television The Green Book Russian Report confirms 70-80% of Libya remains
under Jamahiriya control, 12 Sep 2011 Axis of Logic
There are no longer any independent journalists in Libya other than those
working for and  reporting to Mathaba under difficult
conditions with communications being monitored by NATO which is  seeking
via its ground forces to eliminate those reporting the truth.
The popular masses, endured 6 months of... read more[X][DRAG] Gathafi's
Jamahiriya may 'relocate' to Niger, 06 Sep 2011 Middle
East Online A Libyan military convoy with Moamer Gathafi rumoured aboard
has crossed into Niger,  a military source said, as
new regime fighters were poised to strike at the toppled strongman's last bastions. 
 Gathafi's spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim,
however insisted the fugitive dictator is in top health and... read more[X][DRAG]
Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation.,
09 Mar 2011 Newsvine Libya's website... read more[X][DRAG] What Exactly Is
A Jamahiriya?, 02 Mar 2011 Business Insider Gus
Lubin | Mar. 2, 2011, 7:20 AM | 220 | A A A x Email Article... read more[X][DRAG]
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2010
Article IV Consultation with the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
16 Feb 2011 All Africa Public Information
Notices (PINs) form part of the IMF's efforts to promote transparency of the...
read more[X][DRAG] Jamahiriya Begins
Participation in the IMF?s General Data Dissemination System, 09 Dec
2009 All Africa The Socialist People’s Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya (Libya) began... read more[X][DRAG] Jamahiriya: An
alternative view, 07 Sep 2009 Gulf News The
celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Libyan 'revolution' of 1969,
in effect a coup d'etat by Colonel
Muammar Gaddafi and some of his associates and relatives,
brings to mind a  conversation I had just after
that event with a friend of mine, then and now, a senior
Algerian diplomat. The... read more[X][DRAG]
Essential Source for Fiscal Information Relating to Oil and Gas
Assets in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
25 Jan 2008 The News & Observer DUBLIN, Ireland - Research and Markets
has announced  the addition of "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Upstream Oil
and Gas Fiscal Regime Profile" to their
offering. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Oil  and Gas Fiscal Regime Profiles
Introduction Libyan Arab Jamahiriya...
read more[X][DRAG] Fourth estate in the Jamahiriya system, 20 Mar 2007
Middle East Online Although I am not
an expert in law and the legislations related to the press, I wish to 
present my point of view on the
relationship between the media and government – but from an ideological 
perspective. To understand more
about the sovereignty of the people and the mechanisms of the Jamahiriya...
more news on: Jamahiriya
Jamahiriya Jamahiriya ( ) is an Arabic term generally translated as
"state of the masses". describing
Libya after  Gaddafi gave up his powers on 02 MARCH 1977. Muammar
al-Gaddafi's Green Book of 1975. The
nisba-adjective ("mass-, "of the masses") occurs only in  the third part,
published in 1981, in the phrase,
translated in the English edition as "Historic  movements are mass
movements". The term appears in the formal
name of the Gaddafi government of Libya,  the Great Socialist People's
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. In the official
political philosophy of Libya, this system is unique to the country,
although it is  the materialization of
the Third International Theory, proposed by Gaddafi to be applied to the
entire  Third World. The term in
practice has only been applied to the Libyan state, of which Gaddafi is
the  Caid (translated Leader; strict
transliteration ). Although Gaddafi no longer holds public office or 
title, he is accorded the honorifics
"Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the  Socialist
People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" or
"Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution" in  government statements
and the official press. The
Libyan government states that Libya is a direct democracy without any
political parties,  governed by
its populace through local popular councils and communes (named Basic
People's Congresses). Official 
rhetoric disdains the idea of a nation state, tribal bonds remaining
primary, even within the ranks
of the military of Libya. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Great Jamahiriya
The word was coined by
changing the component — "public" — to its plural form, — "the masses".
It is often  left untranslated
in English, with Libya's long-form name thus rendered as Great Socialist
People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Muammar Gaddafi Coordinates 37°46′45.48″N122°25′9.12″N Name Muammar Gaddafi
Caption Gaddafi at the AU summit
in Addis Ababa ( 2009) Office Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution
of Libya Office2 Secretary General 
of the General People's Congress of Libya Primeminister2 Abdul Ati al-Obeidi 
Term start2 02 March 1977 Term
end2 2 March 1979 Muammar al-Gadhafi had stepped down from power in the year 1979, 
resigning as General 
Secretary of the Libyan Jamahiriya,  two years after handing all power to the people 
of Libya. Predecessor2
Himself (Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council Successor2 Abdul Ati al-Obeidi
Office3 Prime Minister
of Libya Term start3 16 January 1970 Term end3 16 July 1972 Predecessor3
Mahmud Sulayman al-Maghribi Successor3
Abdessalam Jalloud Office4 Chairman of the Revolutionary Command
Council of Libya Primeminister4 Mahmud Sulayman
al-Maghribi Abdessalam JalloudAbdul Ati al-Obeidi Term start4 1 September
1969 Term end4 2 March 1977
Predecessor4 Idris (King) Successor4 Himself (Secretary General of the
General People's Congress) Office5 Chairperson
of the African Union Term start5 2 February 2009 Term end5 31 January
2010 Predecessor5 Jakaya Kikwete
Successor5 Bingu wa Mutharika Birth date June 07, 1942 Birth place Sirte,
Italian Libya(now Libya) Party
Arab Socialist Union (1971–1977) Spouse 1)Fatiha al-Nuri (Divorced after
only 6 months; 2)Safia el-Brasai
(1970–present) Children 9 natural, 2 adoptees Alma mater Benghazi Military
Academy Religion Muslem Signature
Muammar al-Gaddafi Signature.svg Allegiance Kingdom of Libya (1961–1969)
Libyan Arab Denocracy (1969–1977)
Great Socialist  People's Libyan Arab J amahiriya (1977–present) Branch
Libyan Army Serviceyears 1961–present
Rank Colonel Commands Libyan Armed Forces Battles Libyan-Egyptian WarChadian-
Libyan conflictUganda-Tanzania War 2011
Libyan civil war Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (born 07 June 1942),
commonly known as Muammar  Gaddafi Gaddafi
has become a disputed ruler, losing almost all domestic and international 
recognition. He abolished the Libyan
Constitution of 1951, and adopted laws based on the  Holy Scriptures and
the Quaran. For alternative spellings,
see Transliteration below. He  variously has been honored under the title of
"Brother Leader' and 'Guide of the '69 
al-Fatah Revolution. In the 1980s countries around the world established
sanctions against Gaddafi. Six days  after
Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was captured, Gaddafi renounced all or any
weapons  of mass destruction (WMD) programs
and welcomed international inspectors to verify that  he would follow
through on the commitment. A leading advocate
for a United States of Africa,  he served as Chairperson of the African
Union (AU) from 2 February 2009 to 31 January
2010. Early life and military academy Muammar al-Gaddafi was raised in a
bedouin tent in the desert near Sirte.
According to most  conventional biographies, his family belongs to a
small tribe of arabized Berbers, the Qadhadhfa. 
They are mostly stockherders that live in the Hun Oasis. According to
Gaddafi, his grandfather,  Abdessalam Bouminyar,
fought against the Italian occupation of Libya and died as the "first 
martyr in Khoms, in the first battle of 1911".
Gaddafi attended a Muslim elementary school  as a youth in Sabha, during
which time he was profoundly influenced by major
events in the  Arab world. He was passionate about the success of the
Palestinians and was deeply disappointed  by their
defeat to Israeli forces in 1948. He admired Egyptian President Gamal
Abdel Nasser, and  looked to him as hero during his
rise to power in 1952. In 1956 Gaddafi took part in anti-Israeli  protests
during the Suez Crisis. He finished his secondary
school studies under a private tutor in  Misrata, concentrating on the
study of history. In Libya, as in a number of other
Arab countries, admission to a military academy and a career  as an
army officer only became available to members of the
lower economic strata after independence.  A military career offered
an opportunity for higher education, for upward economic
and social  mobility, and was for many the only available means of political
action. For Gaddafi and many  of his fellow officers,
who were inspired by Nasser's brand of Arab nationalism, a military  career
was a revolutionary vocation.

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 13

slika 13 - Muammar Gaddafi

Gaddafi entered the Libyan
military academy at Benghazi in 1961 and graduated in the 1965–66  period, along with
most of his colleagues from the Revolutionary
Command Council (RCC).
 GADHAFI 1960’s student days

slika 18 - Muammar Gaddafi

Gaddafi's association with the Free Officers Movement began as a cadet. The
frustration  and shame felt by
Libyan officers at the time of Israel's defeat of the Arab armies on  three
fronts in 1967 fueled their determination to contribute
to Arab unity by overthrowing  the monarchy. An early conspirator, Gaddafi began
his first plan to overthrow the monarchy  while in
military college. Gaddafi pursued further studies in Europe, and false rumors
have been propagated with  regards to this part of his
life—for example Gaddafi did not attend the Royal Military  Academy Sandhurst,
though he did receive further military training in the
United Kingdom.
Here is the young Mujjadid:

slika 21 - Muammar Gaddafi

Military coup On 01 September 1969 a small group of junior military officers led by Gaddafi

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 17

slika 17 - Muammar Gaddafi

 staged a  bloodless coup
d'état against King Idris while he was in Turkey for medical treatment. 
His nephew, the Crown Prince Sayyid Hasan ar-Rida al-Mahdi
as-Sanussi, was formally  deposed by the revolutionary army officers and
put under house arrest; they abolished  the monarchy and
proclaimed the Libyan Arab Democracy.
Internal affairs since 1969:
Gaddafi looked to Gamal Abdel Nasser as a role model and based
his government on Nasser's  Egypt. He was fiercely anti-Western,
and immediately ordered for a pullout of American and  British
military bases, including the Wheelus Air Base. He told Western
officials that he  would expel their companies from Libya's oil
fields unless they shared more revenue. In his  statement, he
threatened to do so only if Nasser told him to,
indicating strong ties to Nasser.

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 6

slika 6 - Muammar Gaddafi

Because of his demands, oil companies changed their
payments from 50–50 to 79–21 percent  in favor of the government.
In December 1969, Egyptian intelligence
stopped a planned coup  on Gaddafi from high-ranking members of
his leadership. Many of the dissenters
were uneasy  about his growing relationship to Egypt. From
1971 to 1977, Gaddafi approved the Arab 
Socialist Union, based on Egypt's Arab Socialist Union (Egypt),
to function as a political  party in
Libya. The Italian population in Libya almost disappeared after
Gaddafi ordered the expulsion of 
Italians in 1970. Gaddafi despised the Christian calendar and
changed Libya's into a  Muslim-based
one. In 1969, government correspondence and newspapers listed
the date as 1369,  beginning with
the birth of the prophet Mohammed. Also, the Roman months were
changed to Arab  ones. For example,
August, named after Augustus Caesar, was renamed Hannibal, and
July, from  Julius Caesar, was called
Nasser, after Gamal Abdel Nasser. After 02 March 1977, Gaddafi
increasingly devoted himself to a
"contemplative exile". Over  the next months, he devoted himself
to the writing of THE GREEN BOOK,
as a thorough explanation  of his unique form of a direct 
democratic government. It was completed
in 1980.

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 12

slika 12 - Muammar Gaddafi

During the 2005 civil unrest in France, Gaddafi called Chirac and offered him his help in 
quelling the resistors, who were largely North African. Following a 1986 aborted attempt to replace
English with Russian as the primary foreign language  in education, English has been taught in recent
years in Libyan schools from primary level, and  students have access to English-language media.
Gadhafi adopted new names for the Italised Berber towns, and on official Libyan maps, referred  to
the Nafusa Mountains as the "Western mountains". In a 1985 speech, he said of the Italianised- 
Berber language, "If your mother transmits you this language, she nourishes you with the milk of 
the colonialist, she feeds you their poison" (1985). Berbers living in ancient mud-brick caravan 
towns such as Ghadames iwere given new private homes or modern government-constructed apartments 
in the 1980s, as part of his program to give all Jamahiiriya citizens over 18 their own private 
home (rent free) with free electric and running water, and no insurance fees ever to pay. Gaddafi
had promised "a home for all Libyans" and during his rule, new residential areas rose in  empty
Saharan regions. Entire populations living in mud-brick caravan towns were moved into modern 
homes with running water, electricity, and satellite TV. Economy Libya enjoys large natural
resources. The Economy of Libya non entralised, and follows Gadaffi's unique and peculiar
socialist ideals.  It depends primarily upon revenues from the petroleum sector, which contributes
practically all  export earnings and over half of its GDP. These oil revenues, combined with a
small population,  have given Libya the highest nominal GDP per capita in Africa. Since 2000
Libya has recorded  favourable growth rates with an estimated 10.6 percent growth of GDP in 2010,
the highest of  any state in Africa. Gaddafi described the Great Manmade River as the "Eighth Wonder
of the World". Gaddafi ordered the Libyan National Telescope Project, costing about 10 million euros. 
This gave all Africans their own Sattellite communications system, free from the horrendous  rents of
the European Companies. On 4 March 2008 Gaddafi announced his intention to dissolve the country's
existing administrative  structure and disburse oil revenue directly to the people. The plan included
abolishing all ministries;  except those of defence, internal security, and foreign affairs, and
departments implementing strategic  projects. In 2009, Gaddafi personally told government officials
that Libya would soon experience a "new  political period" and would have elections for important
positions such as minister-level roles and the  National Security Advisor position (a Prime Minister
equivalent). He also promised to include international  monitors to ensure fair elections. His speech
was said to have caused quite a stir, as The GREEN BOOK  disavowed political elections and politial
parties. This idea was supposedly given as a suggestion to  him, by his son, Saif-al-Islam who studied
at the London School of Economics. Unknown to him and Saif,  he was being influenced and conned into
these reforms by implanted CIA-Agents (entrusted as personal  friends) trying to help and ease relations
with the Western Nations. Gadhafi trusted them and unfortunately  these were the first men to betray him
in February 2011 with the CIA/MI6 construed "insurgency"!
Activities in Sudan and Chad After Nasser's death:

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 10

slika 10 - Muammar Gaddafi

Muammar Gaddafi:
 slika 1

slika 1/258

slika 1 - Muammar Gaddafi

Gaddafi attempted to become the leader of Arab nationalism. He wanted to create  a "Great Islamic
State of the Sahel", unifying the Arab states of North Africa into one. As early as  1969, Gaddafi
contributed to the Islamization of Sudan and Chad, granting military bases and support  to the
FROLINAT revolutionary forces. In 1971, when Muslims took power in Sudan, he offered to merge  Libya
with Sudan. Gaafar Nimeiry, the President of Sudan, turned him down and angered Gaddafi by  signing a
peace settlement with the Sudanese Christians. Gaddafi took matters into his own hands  in 1972,
organizing the Islamic Legion, a paramilitary group, to arabize the region. He dispatched  The
Islamic Legion to Lebanon, Syria, Uganda, and Palestine to take active measures to ensure Islamic 
control. As a side note, Gaddafi's occupation of Chad led to the liberation of French archeologist 
Françoise Claustre in 1977. In 1987, Gaddafi engaged in a full-out war with Chad, suffering a humiliating 
loss in 1987 during the Toyota War. Libya took heavy casualties, losing one tenth of its army 
(7,500 troops) and 1.5 billion dollars worth of military equipment.

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 7

slika 7 - Muammar Gaddafi

Chad lost 1,000 troops. After
the war,  former soldiers formed an Arab supremacist group, the Arab Gathering, contributing to
violence in Sudan.  Members of this group later developed into leaders of the Janjaweed. War
against Egypt

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 11

pictured: with Hafez al-Assada (otac aktualnog predsjednika Bashar-a)

slika 11 - Muammar Gaddafi

Beginning in 1972, Gaddafi granted financial support and humanitarian relief to
Palestinian  groups within Israel. He also strengthened his unity with Egypt, and in 1972,
convinced Anwar  Sadat to share the same flag and join a partial union with Libya. Gaddafi
had offered a fully- unified state where Sadat would be president and he would be defense
minister. Sadat distrusted  Gaddafi and refused. Gaddafi was further disappointed with Egypt's
political system, as he spoke  to Egypt's Arab Socialist Union and was suggested "a partial
merger, in order to allow time for  thorough and careful study". Gaddafi quipped back, saying
"There's no such thing as a partial  merger". In 1973, Gaddafi secretly sent Libyan military
planes to join the Egyptian Air Force.  The outbreak of the Yom Kippur War surprised Gaddafi,
as Egypt and Syria planned it without his  knowledge. Gaddafi felt that the war wasted resources
and manpower to chase limited objectives,  and accused Sadat of trying to weaken the FAR by
launching the War. Gaddafi's relationship with  Egypt further weakened because Gaddafi charged
Egyptian reporters with the breakdown
of Libyan- Egyptian relations in 1973, and said Sadat was in-part to blame because he had "no control"
of  Egyptian information media.

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 22

slika 22 - Muammar Gaddafi

Egypt's peace talks in 1977 led to the Steadfastness and Confrontation

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 24

slika 24 - Muammar Gaddafi

Front. Libya's relations with Egypt broke down entirely that year. The Camp Davis peace Accord came as
a surprise because Bouguiba had rebuked similar offers for  over two years previously. Weeks after the
agreement, he postponed a referendum on the issue,  effectively ending it weeks later. The idea of
merging states was highly unpopular in Tunisia,  and cost Bourguiba much of his people's respect.
The agreement was said to allow Bourguiba the  presidency while Gaddafi would be a defense minister.
A later treaty with Morocco's Hassan II in  1984 broke down in two years when Hassan II met with Israeli
Prime Minister Shimon Peres. In 1989, Gaddafi was overjoyed by the Maghreb Pact between Mauritania,
Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria,  and Libya. Gaddafi saw the Pact as a first step towards the formation of
"one invincible  Arab nation" and shouted for a state "from Marrakesh to Bahrain", pumping his fists
in the air. Gaddafi's image in the Arab world was damaged severely in 1978 when Shia imam Musa al-Sadr 
disappeared en route to Libya. The Libyan government consistently denied responsibility, but  Lebanon held
Gaddafi responsible, and continues to do so. Allegedly, Yasser Arafat told Gaddafi  to eliminate al-Sadr
(a lie) because of his opposition to Palestinians in the Lebanese Civil War.  Some reports claim that
al-Sadr still lives and secretly remains somewhere in Libya. In 1995 Gaddafi expelled some 30,000
Palestinians living in Libya, a response to the peace  negotiations that had commenced between Israel
and the PLO. Following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by US forces in 2003, Gaddafi denounced any and 
all weapons of mass destruction (WMD), in-order to gain trade ties with Western nations. He  was willing
to allow international inspectors into his country to observe and dismantle them  anything that even
even approached them. US President George W. Bush and other supporters of  the Iraq War portrayed
Gaddafi's announcement as a direct consequence of the Iraq War. In  reality, Gadhafi always despised
such weapons; and Barbara Walters thought it was she who  convinced him! Reality is, though, Gadafi
never had any such weapons; as he felt that Libya  did not need any nuclear energy programs either,
with Libya's vast depository of pure crude  oil and natural gas. Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi
was quoted as saying that Gaddafi had  privately phoned him, admitting as much. Many foreign policy
experts, however, contend that  Gaddafi's announcement was merely a continuation of his prior attempts
at normalizing relations  with the West and getting the sanctions removed. To support this, they point
to the fact that  Libya had already made similar offers starting four years before one was finally
accepted. OPEC From the beginning of his leadership, Gaddafi confronted foreign oil companies for
increases  in revenues. Immediately after assuming office, he demanded that oil companies pay 10
percent  more taxes and an increased royalty of 44 cents per barrel. Gaddafi argued that Libyan
oil was  closer to Europe, and was cheaper to ship than oil from the Persian Gulf. Western companies 
refused his demands, and Gaddafi asserted himself by cutting the production of Occidental 
Petroleum, an American company in Libya, from 800,000 to 500,000 that year. Occidental  Petroleum's
President, Armand Hammer, met with Gaddafi in Tripoli and had difficulty  understanding exactly what
he wanted at first. He said at one meeting, Prime Minister  Abdessalam Jalloud finally took out his
gun belt and left the loaded revolver in full  view. Later, Hammer recalled that moment and said he
felt then "that Gaddafi was ready  to negotiate". In The Age of Oil, historians considered Gaddafi's
success in 1970 to be  the "decisive spark that set off an unprecedented chain reaction" in
oil-producing nations.  Libya continued a winning streak against the oil companies throughout the
1970s energy crisis;  Later that year, the Shah of Iran raised his demands to match those of Gaddafi.
OPEC nations  began a game of "leap frogging" to win further concessions from the oil companies after
following Gaddafi's lead. Gaddafi had close relationship with Idi Amin, whom he sponsored and gave
some of the key ideas,  such as expulsions of Indian-Ugandans. When Amin's government began to crumble,
Gaddafi sent troops  to regulate a negotiated peace between Tanzania and Chad on behalf of Amin. 6
00 Libyan soldiers lost  their lives. The president of Tanzania, embraced Gaddafi during the African
Union Summit in Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia, Feb. 2, 2009. Focus on activities in Africa In 1998, Gaddafi
turned his attention away from Arab nationalism. He eliminated a government office  in charge of
promoting pan-Arab ideas and told reporters "I had been crying slogans of Arab Unity  and brandishing
standard of Arab nationalism for 40 years, but it was not realised. That means  that I was talking
in the desert. I have no more time to lose talking with Arabs...I am returning  back to realism...
I now talk about Pan-Africanism and African Unity. The Arab world is finished... Africa is a paradise...
and it is full of natural resources like water, uranium, cobalt, iron, manganese."  Gaddafi's
state-run television networks switched from middle eastern soap operas to African themes 
involving slavery. The background of a unified Arab League that had been a staple of Libyan television 
for over two decades was replaced by a map of Africa. Gaddafi sported a map of Africa on his outfits 
from then forward. Gaddafi used anti-Western rhetoric against the UN, and complained that the International
Criminal Court  was a "new form of world terrorism" that wanted to recolonize developing countries.
Gaddafi opposed  the ICC's arrest warrant for Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir and personally gave r
efuge to Idi Amin  in Libya after his fall from rule in 1979. Gaddafi intervened militarily in the
Central African Republic in 2001 to protect his ally Ange-Félix  Patassé from overthrow. Patassé
signed a deal giving Libya a 99-year lease to nationalise for all  Africans that country's natural
resources, including uranium, copper, diamonds, and oil. His 2009  forum for African kings was canceled
by the Ugandan hosts, who believed that traditional rulers  discussing politics would lead to instability.
On 01 February 2009, an honorary 'coronation  ceremony' in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was held to coincide
with the 53rd African Union Summit,  at which he was elected head of the African Union for the year.
When his election was opposed  by an African leader, Gaddafi asked Silvio Berlusconi to have two escorts s
ent to that leader  to have him change his mind. It worked, and he was elected Chairman of the African
Union from  2009 to 2010. It is unclear which nation or which leader was in question, although Namibia
had  formerly been opposed to his appointment. Gaddafi told the assembled African leaders: "I shall 
continue to insist that our sovereign countries work to achieve the United States of Africa." Gaddafi
had close ties with two European right-wing heads of state, Slobodan Milošević and  Jörg Haider, who
were both anti-Islamic politicians. Jörg Haider of Austria was reported as  having received tens of
millions of dollars from both Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Gaddafi also  aligned himself with the
Orthodox Serbs against Albanian Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo, supporting Milošević. Gaddafi developed
a friendship with Hugo Chávez and in March 2009 a stadium was named after the  Venezuelan leader.
Documents seized during a 2008 raid on FARC showed that both Chavez and  Gaddafi backed the group.
In September 2009, at the Second Africa-South America Summit on  Isla Margarita, Venezuela, Gaddafi
joined Chávez in calling for an "anti-imperialist" front  across Africa and Latin America. Gaddafi
proposed the establishment of a South Atlantic Treaty  Organization to rival NATO, saying: "The world’s
powers want to continue to hold on to their power.  Now we have to fight to build our own power."
Gaddafi also sought close relations with the Soviet Union and purchased arms from the Soviet bloc.
Seeking international acceptancein 2008 at the third EU-Africa Summit in Tripoli in November 2010
As early as 1981, Gaddafi feared that the Reagan Administration would combat his leadership  and
sought to reduce his maverick image. He and his cabinet talked frequently about the pullout  of
American citizens from Libya. Gaddafi feared that the United States would be plotting economic 
sanctions or military action against his government. After the fall of Soviet client states in
eastern Europe, just as Gadhafi had predicted would  be the Fall of Communism (which he termed as
highly impractable), Libya appeared to reassess  its position in world affairs and began a long process
of improving its image in the West.
HERE is pictured the Gadhafi Family with N. Korea's Kim Jong (late 1980's):
Gaddafi s obitelji u službenom posjetu Sjevernoj Koreji. Na slici s predsjednikom Kim Il-sung-om
(otac aktualnog predsjednika Kim Jong Il-a)

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 23

slika 23 - Muammar Gaddafi

In 1994, Gaddafi eased his relationship with the Western world.
South African president  Nelson Mandela, who took special interest in the issue, negotiated with the
United States  on Gaddafi's behalf. Mandela and Gaddafi had forged a close friendship starting with his 
release from prison in 1990. Mandela persuaded Gaddafi to hand over the defendants to the  Scottish Court
in the Netherlands, where they faced trial in 1999, even though they were  100% innocent, as no Libyan
was involved with the bombing of the Pan Am flight. It was a  CIA false flag operation covering the CIA's
overt drug -running. Framed, one was found  not guilty and the other, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, was given a
life sentence. For Gaddafi's  "cooperation", the UN suspended its sanctions against Libya in 2001. It was
later claimed  by Libyan Prime Minister Shukri Ghanem and his son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi that they did not 
believe they were responsible and that they simply wrote the letter to remove UN sanctions.  Gaddafi agreed
to pay up to US$2.7 billion to the victims' families, and completed most of  the payout in 2003. Later that
year, Britain and Bulgaria co-sponsored a UN resolution to  remove the UN sanctions entirely. In 2004,
Shukri Ghanem, then-Libyan Prime Minister, openly  told a Western reporter that Gaddafi was "paying for
peace" with the West, and that there  was never any evidence or guilt for the Lockerbie bombing. Gaddafi's
government faced growing opposition from Islamic extremists during the 1990s,  particularly the Libyan
Islamic Fighting Group, which nearly assassinated him in 1996.  Gaddafi began giving counter-terrorism
intelligence to MI6 and the CIA in the 1990s,  and issued the first arrest warrant for Osama bin Laden
in 1998, after he was linked to  the killing of German anti-terrorism agents in Libya. Gaddafi denounced
the al-Qaeda bombers  for the 11 September attacks and appeared on American television for an interview
with George  Stephanopoulos. In 2002, Saddam Hussein paid Gaddafi $3.5 billion to save him should he have 
 an internal coup or war with America. In 2003, following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by  U.S. forces,
Gaddafi denounced all (and any) WMD production. His announcement was well-publicized  and during interviews,
Gaddafi confessed that the Iraq War "may have influenced him", but he would  rather "focus on the positive",
and hoped that other nations would follow his example. Gaddafi's  commitment to the War against Terror
attracted support from the United States and Britain.  Prime minister Tony Blair publicly met with
Gaddafi in 2004, commending him as a new ally in the War  on Terror. During his visit, Blair lobbied
for the Royal Dutch Shell oil company, which secured a  deal in Libya worth $500 million. The United
States restored its diplomatic relations with Libya  during the Bush administration, removing Libya
from its list of nations supporting terrorism.  President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney portrayed
Gaddafi's announcement as a direct consequence  of the Iraq War. Hans Blix, then UN chief weapons
inspector, speculated that Gaddafi feared being  removed like Saddam Hussein: "I can only speculate,
but I would imagine that Gadhafi could have been  scared by what he saw happen in Iraq. While the
Americans would have difficulty in doing the same in  Iran and in North Korea as they have done in
Iraq, Libya would be more exposed, so maybe he will have  reasons to be worried." Historians have
speculated that Gaddafi was merely continuing his attempts at  normalizing relations with the West
to get oil sanctions removed. There is also evidence that his  government was weakened by falling
gas prices during the 1990s and 2000s, and his rule was facing  significant challenges from its
high unemployment rate. Libyan officials were angered by the fact  that their nuclear centrifuges
were given to the United States rather than the United Nations. British  officials were allowed to
tour the site in 2006. Gaddafi and Vladimir Putin reportedly discussed  establishing a Russian
military base in Libya. In August 2008, Gaddafi and Italian Prime Minister  Silvio Berlusconi
signed a landmark cooperation treaty in Benghazi. Gaddafi met with then US secretary of state,
Condoleezza Rice in September 2008, where she pressed  him to complete his payout for the
Lockerbie bombings which he had no part in. Out of the goodness  of his sympathetic heart
for the unfortunate victims, not out of any guilt, Gadhafi gave her the  monies to compensate
the families of the victims. President Bush signed restoring the Libyan  government's immunity
from terrorism-related lawsuits and dismissing all of the pending compensation  cases in the
United States. In June 2009 Gaddafi made his first visit to Rome, where he again met Berlusconi,
president  Giorgio Napolitano and senate president Renato Schifani. Chamber president Gianfranco
Fini  cancelled the meeting because of Gaddafi's delay. The Democratic Party and Italy of Values 
 opposed the visit and many protests were staged throughout Italy by human rights non-governmental 
organizations and Italian Radicals. Gaddafi also took part in the G8 summit in L'Aquila in July
as  Chairman of the African Union; and Muammar Gaddafi marked the first time the Libyan leader
had been  greeted by a serving US president. Italian president Giorgio Napolitano hosted a dinner
where  Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister and G8 host, overturned protocol at the last moment by 
 having Gaddafi sit next to him, just two places away from president Obama who was seated on 
Berlusconi's right-hand side. He also met Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman in 2009. In
August 2009, the falsely- convicted Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was released to Libya on compassionate
grounds and was  received with a large celebration. Gaddafi and his government were criticized by
Western  leaders for his participation in this celebration. On 23 September 2009, Muammar Gaddafi 
addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York. In 2010, Gaddafi agreed to pay  US$3.5
billion to the victims of IRA terrorist attacks. A NATO airstrike on 30 April 2011, killed
Gaddafi's youngest son and three of his grandsons  at his son's home in Tripoli, the Libyan
government said. Government officials said that  Muammar Gaddafi and his wife were visiting
the home when it was struck, but both were unharmed.  Gaddafi son’s death came one day after
the Libyan leader appeared on state television calling  for talks with NATO to end the airstrikes
which have been hitting Tripoli and other Gaddafi  strongholds since last month. Gaddafi suggested
there was room for negotiation, but he vowed  to stay in Libya. Western officials were divided over
whether Gaddafi is a legitimate military  target under the United Nations Security Council resolution
that authorized the air campaign.  US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that NATO was "not targeting
Gaddafi specifically" but  that his "command-and-control facilities" [meaning everything in Libya]
were legitimate targets— including a facility inside his sprawling Tripoli compound that was hit
with 65 airstrikes 25 April. Ideology On the Muslim prophet Muhammad's birthday in 1973, Gaddafi
delivered his famous "Five-Point Address"  which officially implemented what Gaddafi termed
"popular democracy", or more commonly "direct,  popular democracy". He called this system
"Islamic socialism", as he disfavored the atheistic quality of communism. Welfare, "liberation"
(or "emancipation" depending on the translation), and education was emphasized.  He also imposed
a system of Islamic morals and outlawed alcohol and gambling. School vacations were  canceled to a
llow the teaching of Gaddafi's ideology in the summer of 1973. He once said that HIV was  "a peace
virus, not an aggressive virus" and assured attendees at the African Union that "if you are 
straight you have nothing to fear from AIDS". He also said that the H1N1 virus was a biological
weapon  manufactured by a foreign military, and assured Africans that the tsetse fly and mosquito
were "God's  armies which will protect us against colonialists". Should these 'enemies' come to
Africa, "they will  get malaria and sleeping sickness". In 2006, he predicted Europe would become
a Muslim continent within  a few decades as a result of its growing Arab population. He endorsed
the concept of a peaceful Muslim  nation-state. He has encouraged Palestinians to protest for
equality and freedom from imprisonment  against Israeli Authorities. He believes in conspiracy
theories that Israeli agents had assassinated  John F. Kennedy and that Barack Obama's foreign
policy was influenced by fears of being assassinated  by Israel. Since 2007, he has suggested a
single-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict,  at first saying "This is the fundamental
solution because the Palestinians have [strategic] depth".  In 2009, he moderated his proposal in a
New York Times article, saying a single-state solution would  "move beyond old conflicts and look
to a unified future based on shared culture and respect." During Gaddafi's speech to the United
Nations General Assembly on 23 September 2009, he blamed  the United Nations for failing to
prevent 65 wars and claimed that the Security Council had too  much power and should be abolished.
He demanded that Europe pay its former colonies $7.77 trillion  dollars to pay for past imperialism
or face "mass immigration". He opposed the War in Afghanistan,  saying the Taliban's religious state
was peaceful and not linked to bin Laden. Despite his ongoing hostility to the supremist policies of
the State of Israel against Palestinian  rights and freedoms, rumors arose that he had Jewish heritage.
Two Israeli women came forth on Israel's  Channel 2 News to claim that they were close blood relations
with Gaddafi. Guita Brown claimed that she  was Gaddafi's second cousin. Brown's daughter, Rachel Saada,
elaborated that Gaddafi's grandmother was Jewish,  and that she left her first husband and married a
Muslim man in her second marriage. The older woman also spoke  with INN TV (which identified her as
Gita Boaron), and repeated the same claim. Assassination attempts In 1969, the British Special Air
Service (S.A.S.) was contacted by the Libyan Royal Family and planned an  assassination attempt to
restore the Libyan monarchy. The plan was dubbed the "Hilton Assignment", named  after a Libyan jail.
The plan was to release 150 political prisoners from a jail in Tripoli as a catalyst  for a general
uprising. The prisoners would be recruited for a coup attempt, and the British agents would  leave
them to take over the nation. The plan was called off at a late stage by the British Secret
Intelligence  Service because the United States government decided that Gaddafi was
anti-Marxist and therefore acceptable. In 1986, the United States bombed Libya, including
Gaddafi's family compound in the vast Bab al-Azizia  Family Subdivision in southern Tripoli.
The U.S. Government consistently said that the bombings were  "surgical strikes" and were not
intended to kill Gaddafi. However, Oliver North did devise a plot at  the time to lure Gaddafi
into his compound using Terry Waite. The plot violated US law, which  prohibited assassinations
[but this did not stop Obama later on who condones assassination,  along with Israel MOSAD], and
was never put into action. On April 15, Gaddafi and his family were  having a family picnic as his
compound in the Bab al-Azizia Barracks was being bombed. He received  a phone call the night of 15 April
warning him about an attack. The origin of the phone call remains  under speculation, but Maltese Prime
Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Italian politician Bettino  Craxi have been primary suspects. Still,
while asleep, the bombings continued and his little girl,  Hannah/Stephanie was killed and two of his
sons [including the Son who was killed in the NATO attack  on April 2011, Saif-al-Arab] were severley
wounded and horrificly burned. In 1976, Tunisia's state television reported that Gaddafi had been
fired at by a lone assailant.  None of the shots hit him. In 1981, French president Valéry Giscard
d'Estaing plotted an assassination attempt with Egypt.  His administration spoke with the Reagan
administration for approval, but the United States did  not support the measure. The plot was
abandoned after Giscard's term in office. In 1993, over 2,000 Libyan soldiers plotted to assassinate
Gaddafi. The soldiers were members of the  Warfalla tribe, which rebelled because it was not
well-represented in the upper ranks of the Libyan Army.  The coup attempt was crushed by the
Libyan Air Force, which was entirely made of members of the Qadhadhfa  tribe, which Gaddafi
belongs to. The tribal tensions that resulted with the Warfalla and the Magariha  caused Gaddafi
to place his second-in-command, Abdessalam Jalloud, a Magariha, under house arrest. The  rebellion
was largest in the city of Misrata. Libyan media did not cover any reports on the rebellion, 
but European diplomats saw large numbers of wounded and casualties in the hospitals. In February
1996, Islamic extremists attacked Gaddafi's motorcade near the city of Sirte. Allegedly,  Britain's
Secret Intelligence Service was involved, even though it was denied by future foreign secretary 
Robin Cook. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office later stated: "We have never denied that we knew of
plots  against Gaddafi." In August 1998, former British MI5 officer David Shayler renewed his attacks
on the secret  services, claiming that MI6 had invested in a plot to assassinate Gaddafi. In June 1998,
Islamic militants opened fire on Gaddafi's motorcade near the town of Dirnah. One of his  Amazonian
Guards sacrificed herself to save his life. He was injured in the elbow according to witnesses.
Marriage and children and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, were prominent on the government's
politics' scene. Gaddafi's wife  is Safia Farkash, née el-Brasai, a former nurse from Al Bayda with
Hungarian origins. He met her in 1969,  following the revolt, when he was hospitalized with
appendicitis. Gaddafi had eight biological children,  seven of them sons. with her.
pictured: Muammar i Safija Gaddafi u avionu na putu za službeni posjet Jugoslaviji.

Muammar Gaddafi: slika 15

slika 15 - Muammar Gaddafi

al-Gaddafi (born 1970), his eldest son, was the only child born to Gaddafi's first wife, and
ran  the Libyan Olympic Committee. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi (born 1972), his second eldest, is
an architect. He has been a spokesman to the Western  world, and he has negotiated treaties
with Italy and the United States. Al-Saadi al-Gaddafi (born 1973), is a professional football
player. In the late evening of August 22, 2011 he  spoke with members of the international press.
Hannibal Muammar al-Gaddafi (born 1975), is a former employee of the General National Maritime
Transport Company,  a company that specialized in oil exports. Ayesha al-Gaddafi (born 1976),
Gaddafi's only natural daughter, is a lawyer who joined the defense teams of  executed former Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein and Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi. Khamis al-Gaddafi (born 1983), his
seventh son, who serves as the commander of the Libyan Army's elite Khamis Brigade. He is also said
to have adopted two children, Hanna (who died in the 1986 American air strikes) and Milad. 
Hanna/Stephanie Moammar Gadafi (name spelling per English language class certificate shown in
reference)(claimed by Gaddafi  to be his adopted daughter) was apparently killed at the age of four,
during the retaliatory US bombing raids in 1986 . Gaddafi's brother-in-law Abdullah Senussi,
who reportedly died during early days of the NATO war was head of  military intelligence.
The family's main residence was in the Bab al-Azizia military barracks, located in the southern
suburbs of Tripoli. Flight to Algeria As the Battle for Tripoli reached a climax in mid-August
2011, the family were forced to abandon their fortified  compound. With the National Transitional
Council, on 27 August it was reported by the Egyptian news agency Mena  that Libyan rebel fighters
had seen six armoured Mercedes-Benz sedans, possibly carrying top Gaddafi regime figures,  cross
the border at the south-western Libyan town of Ghadamis towards Algeria, An Algerian Foreign
Ministry official  said all the people in the convoy were now in Algiers, and that none of
them had been named in warrants issued by the  International Criminal Court for possible war
crimes charges. Mourad Benmehidi, the Algerian permanent representative  to the United Nations,
later confirmed the details of the statement. The family had arrived at a Sahara desert entry 
point, in a Mercedes and a bus at 8:45 a.m. local time. The exact number of people in the party
was unconfirmed, but  there were “many children” and they did not include Moammar Gaddafi.
Resultantly the group was allowed in on  humanitarian grounds, and the Algerian government
had since informed the head of the Libyan National Transitional Council,  who had made an
official request for their return. Aicha gave birth to a little girl in Algeria, the day
she arrived.  Her husband, a soldier, was killed in action in July 2011. Honorary qualifications
Gaddafi holds an honorary degree from Megatrend University in Belgrade, conferred on him by former
Yugoslavian president Zoran Lilić. Libyan wealth: Italian companies had a strong foothold in Libya.
Italy buys a quarter of Libya's oil and 15% of its natural gas.  The LIA owned significant shares
in Italy's Eni oil corporation, Fiat, UniCredit bank, and Finmeccanica. This  followed a long-standing
association with Italian industrialist Gianni Agnelli and car manufacturer Fiat. On 25 February 2011
Britain's HM Treasury set up a specialised unit to trace Libya's assets in Britain.  Gaddafi allegedly
worked for years with Swiss banks to set aside funds for the various humanitarian programs  the Gadhafi
family and Libya sponsored. Operated by Tripoli based Afriqiyah Airways, and decorated externally  in
their colours, it was used in 2009 to repatriate the falsey accused and suffering Abdul Baset Ali
al-Megrahi,  on his licensed release from prison in Scotland. Political and cultural public image
During the Reagan administration, America regarded him as "public enemy number one" and Reagan
dubbed him the  "mad dog of the Middle East". The attacks on Gaddafi's image became less common
as his relations with the West improved. By his own estimation, Gaddafi considers himself an
intellectual and philosopher. He is known for a flamboyant  dress sense, with a strong taste
for safari suits and sunglasses. He changes his clothing several times each  day, and according
to his former nurses, "enjoys surrounding himself with beautiful things and people." He  hired
several nurses to care for his health, all of whom were beautiful young Ukrainian women. Since
the 1980s  he has traveled with his Amazonian Guard, which is all-female, and reportedly is sworn
to a life of celibacy. In 2009, it was revealed that he did not travel without his trusted Ukrainian
nurse Halyna Kolotnytska, noted  as a "voluptuous blonde". Halyna's daughter denied the suggestion
that the relationship is anything but professional.   He gave gold watches with images of his face
to his staff as gifts. In 2011, a Brazilian doctor told the Associated  Press that he performed plastic
surgery on Gaddafi to remove a facial mole by his left nostral in 1995. A Revolutionary Command Council
was formed to rule the country, with Gaddafi as chairman when Gadhafi initiated  the original al-Fatah
bloodless coup in Sep 1969. He added the title of prime minister in 1970, but gave up this  title in 1972.
Unlike some other military revolutionaries, Gaddafi did not promote himself to the rank of general  upon
seizing power, but rather accepted a ceremonial promotion from lieutenant to colonel and remained at this
rank.  While at odds with Western military ranking, where a colonel would not rule a country or serve as
commander-in-chief  of its military, in Gaddafi's own words Libya's society is "ruled by the people", so
he did not need a more grandiose  title or supreme military rank. he resided in a tent, following his
Bedouin traditions, because of his promise to  house every citizen first before himself or his parents..
While in Italy, he paid a modeling agency to find 200 young Italian women for a lecture he gave urging
them to  convert to Islam. According to a 2009 document release by WikiLeaks, Gaddafi dislikes flying
over waters and  refuses to take airplane trips longer than 8 hours. His inner circle stated that
he could only stay on the  ground floor of buildings, and that he cannot climb more than 35 steps.
The Libyan postal service, General Posts and Telecommunications Company (GPTC), has issued numerous
stamps,  souvenir sheets, postal stationery, booklets, etc. relating to Gaddafi. Transliteration of
his Arabic name Because of the lack of standardization of transliterating written and regionally
pronounced Arabic, Gaddafi's  name has been romanized in many different ways. Even though the
Arabic spelling of a word does not change, the  pronunciation may vary in different varieties of
Arabic, which may suggest a different romanization. In Literary  Arabic the name can be pronounced .
Geminated consonants can be simplified. In Libyan Arabic, () is replaced with ;  and ()
(as "th" in "this") is replaced with . Vowel often alternates with in pronunciation in other regions.
Thus,  is normally pronounced in Libyan Arabic . The definite article al- () is often omitted.
"Muammar Gaddafi" is the spelling used by TIME, BBC News, the majority of the British press and
by the English  service of Al-Jazeera. The Associated Press, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News use "Moammar
Gadhafi". The Library of  Congress uses "Qaddafi, Muammar" as the primary name. The Edinburgh Middle
East Report uses "Mu'ammar Qaddafi"  and the U.S. Department of State uses "Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi",
although the White House chooses to use "Muammar  el-Qaddafi". The Xinhua News Agency uses
"Muammar Khaddafi" in its English reports. The New York Times uses  "Muammar el-Qaddafi".
The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times of the Tribune Company, and Agence France-Presse 
use "Moammar Kadafi". In 1986 Gaddafi reportedly responded to a Minnesota school's letter in
English using the spelling "Moammar  El-Gadhafi". The title of the homepage of
reads "Welcome to the official site of Muammar Al  Gathafi". A 2007 interview with Gaddafi's
son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi confirms that he uses the spelling  "Qadhafi", and Muhammad al-Gaddafi's
official passport uses the spelling "Al-Gathafi". An article published in the London Evening
Standard in 2004 lists a total of 37 spellings of his name,  while a 1986 column by The Straight
Dope quotes a list of 32 spellings known from the Library of Congress.  ABC identified 112
possible spellings. This extensive confusion of naming was used as the subject of a  segment of
Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update on 12 December 1981. In short, the alternative spellings
for each part of his name are shown in brackets: {\color{OliveGreen}M \begin{cases}u\\o\\ou\end{cases}
\begin{cases}\varnothing\\'\end{cases} \begin{cases} \varnothing\\a\end{cases} \begin{cases}mm\\m\end{cases}
a r} ~~~~ {\color{MidnightBlue}\begin{cases}Al\\al \\El\\el\\\varnothing\end{cases}
\begin{cases}-\\\textvisiblespace\\\varnothing\end{cases}} {\color{RedViolet}
\begin{cases}Q\\G\\K\\Kh\end{cases} a \begin{cases}d\\dh\\dd\\dhdh\\th\\zz\end{cases} a
\begin{cases}f\\ff\end {cases} \begin{cases}i\\y\end{cases}} Not all are possible, as
some alternatives are most probably combined with others, or even impossible with others 
(for example, simplification of geminated usually implies simplification of ). See also Al-Gaddafi
International Prize for Human Rights HIV trial in Libya The NS Profile: Muammar al-Gaddafi, Sholto
Byrnes, New Statesman, 27 August 2009 Libya's Last Bedouin, Rudolph Chimelli,, 2 September 2
009 The Muammar Gaddafi Story, Martin Asser, BBC News, 25 March 2011 Gaddafi: The Last Supervillain?,
slideshow by Life magazine Gaddafi's 40th Anniversary, slideshow by The First Post Muammar Gaddafi: a
life in pictures The Guardian



This is Dr. Moussa al-Ibrahim, spokeperson for the holy JAMAHIRIYA

(the “Aaron” of al-Gadhafi) 

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – CIRCA 1995: A Stamp printed in The Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya shows Colonel Muammar Kaddafi, circa 1995


A Not So Brief Summary of a “Conversation” videotaped June 12, 1991 with:


*I do include as an “obiter dictum” interpretation some of my thoughts (from July 2004) about the 
Program,  Colonel Gaddafi, the Country of Libya and the Libyan Revolutionary example according to
my own understandings.   You are invited to consider them but emphasis they are my interpretations
alone and you may well want to disregard them or consider them in in terms of your own understanding,
and particularly are all obviously open to clarification by those familiar with and responsible for official
Libya Policy including evolving modifications which may be relevant in the early Spring of 2010.               
Thank you for viewing.  Harold H. Channer  / 2010  

    In a “Conversation” originally taped in 1991 Colonial Gaddafi talks primarily about his concept of Government,

Economics and Social Organization which collectively constitutes his “Third Universal Theory”.   His ideas are

largely contained in his “Green Book” which he summarizes here.  This is particularly timely as United Nations

sanctions have recently (2004) been lifted and Libya is very possibly posed to have a major effect on the World – 

particularly IF and as his ideas and those behind the organization of that society – are valid in an Historical sense! 

The program was not intended as a “News” oriented exercise – but rather as an opportunity for him to present to

the American people – and the people of the World – his Philosophy which is unique and deserves a hearing in

something other than the prejudicial terms in which most reporting about that Country has been couched. 

He explains the organizational schema in Libya is termed a “Jamaihiriya” – or “State of the Masses” system – which he claims is

destined to become characteristic of the whole World – as an Historical inevitability!   

    The country is divided in a large number of “People Congress’s” with meeting halls established everywhere in the country where

all citizens over 18 year of age are actually able to meet directly to debate and decide on policies of local, national and

international concern, – and Sovereignty is theoretically vested in the People Congress’s.    It seems very much like the

traditional New England notion of “Town Hall Meetings” – allusions to which were so prevalent in the American “political

season of Ross Perot” at the time the program was originally videotaped and aired.    Mr. Perot received some 20% of the

National vote in 1992,  and the term “Direct Participatory Democracy” is more and more a common place reference in

theoretical political parlance.   In practice the situation in Libya is much more complicated of course, but the idea and 

impetus is in keeping with the best, most progressive ideas and ideals of the modern era.  The notions of Representative

Democracy as advanced by America’s founding fathers in 1776 must have seemed equally impossibly chaotic to the well 

established “Ancien Regime” Dynastic States in Europe of the time.  REAL Democracy can at times seem Untidy.   His

ideas and the organization of the Country MAY WELL have great significance as an early and appropriate model to the World?

    Colonel Gaddafi also criticizes, in an interesting manner, the economic assumptions of the

United States,  Multi National Corporations and International Institutions such as the International

Monetary Fund and the World Bank which collectively might be seen as representing a “Modern Day

Ancien Regime”.  Technology is advancing and ushering in an era of unprecedented productive

capabilities.  He points out that the “Ownership” of technology is very narrowly held around the

World by a very small Plutocratic ownership class – while the bulk of the worlds citizens are resigned

to serve only as laborers in a system where technology,  often measured as Capital Assets,  is

increasingly responsible for production.  Echoing themes found in his “Green Book”  he states in

the program that “Wage earners, however improved their wages may be, are a type of Slave”…

“Wage earners are but slaves to the masters who hires them”.  This is likely to find resonance

among a great number of American as well as others around the World when and where it fully

dawns that a minuscule “class” own virtual all the capital assets which are increasingly

responsible for production.  And even when a economic boom occurs under a so called

“liberal wing” of the ruling class as occurred in the United States during the recent so called:

“dot com” bubble,   the system was structured in an inherently flawed manner so as to further

enrich the few with preferential stock options and immoral and illegal financial slight of hand

shenanigans.   However even during the growth period and particularly following the bursting

of the bubble as the dust settled, it was obvious that the experience had left massive numbers of

the “workers” penniless – many all but destitute – while the wealthy owners pocketed millions.  

It might justifiably be claimed such an outcome was inherent in the system and financial

assumptions about the way Capital Formation is allowed to be achieved.   Enron,  Worldcom, 

Arthur Anderson and the whole panoply of corporate and financial scandals which rocked America

and the system which created them and that still goes all but unchallenged and continues to

undermine confidence in the United States – was not, in other words, the result of a momentary

mistake or lack of judgment here and there but intrinsic to the assumptions of and the very

structure of the system itself.   Despite all the “happy talk” by Sycophant and Myopic Courtesans –

Sinecured Courtiers – the System itself which has held sway for 200 years and daily declares

itself invincible (representing the “End of History” according to Francis Fukuyama) is

struggling under the weight of it’s “Inherent Contradictions” (It seems Marx may have been

right about that) and is very possibly vulnerable to competition by newer more appropriate

Models.  Again Libya – particularly at the level of basic grounding ideas and principals – may

have moved ahead of the curve?

    As Difficult – in practical terms as it obviously would be – Colonial Gaddafi would “Abolish the

Wage System”!!  There are few public road side signs in Libya but one which is very prominently

and widely displayed  says: “Partners Not Wage Earners”.    Libya seems unique in attempting to

make sure those who make up an organization are “Owners or Partners” of the operation rather

than merely “Wage Slaves”.   Entrepreneurs are encouraged in Libya and helped in their start up

trials but there is customarily one aspect there which is unique: “They Are Not Allowed To Hire

Anyone!! ….. “Everyone Involved in the Enterprise Must Be a Partner – Or Owner – of the

Corporate Entity”.   Again the reality is somewhat more complicated but the Democratization

of the Economy is again very much with the tide of History.  Colonial Gaddafi said to me in off

camera in informal conversation (in English) : “It Is Often Difficult Being Straight in a Crooked

Crooked World” !     Indeed one telling moment in the taped “Conversations” (you could look

it up – it’s right there in the program) was when I made a statement: “That It Is Unfortunate

That in The United States Everyone Is Asking For ‘Jobs’ When They Should Be Asking For

Ownership” and he empathically answers “EXACTLY!!”    To challenge “employment” as the

Holy Grail seems outlandish to most in the Ruling Circles of the Modern Ancien Regime” –

but when considering the increasing “input” to production by technology and particularly

with impending Cyber additions to the pattern – questioning and challenging the proposition

that all income distribution to the masses should be through “jobs” (which is the case with

the vast majority of the World’s population) may be destined to soon become a front and

center issue of World debate in the time ahead.  “Partners Not Wage Earners” might well

become a real rallying call with deep political implications. 

     Unfortunately there is little concern with this among the very well ensconced old order

where all assets – again increasingly responsible for production – are so narrowly held by a

small group who can control the entire society by their selection of compliant managers for

their “Wholly Owned and Operated” Media Outlets”  etc.   Resting on long accepted practice

they feel they are assured of an army of compliant”Wage Slaves” to manage and man their

institutions as faithfully as the Loyal Royal retainers on Mediaeval feudal estates.  Metaphorically

they are as Gaddafi surmises “Industrial Age Serfs “ – in a Dawning Age of Cybernetic Cotton

Picking Machines – and increasingly everything else under the rubric “The Means of Production”.  

Aristotle observed that the Slave conditions which applied in ancient Athens would be necessary –

so that some could lead a civilized life of the mind and spirit – and would be remain necessary 

“unless and until the loom learned to weave.”  That age may be dawning and even at hand – and

again Libya may be ahead of History’s curve. 

    Libya is very well positioned to play an extremely important modernizing role in the Middle East and the

Islamic World where the United States has very likely become mired in a inappropriate disastrous extension

of Military Power in what can only be seen by most of the World as an extension of traditional European Style

Colonial rule.    Besides threatening to exhaust the American National Treasury  it has created a deep well of

resentment among the World’s growing hordes of Les Miserables reduced metaphorical and actually to attending

to and manicuring the lawns within the gated communities – Castle Keeps – of their plutocratic overlords – much

like their counter part serfs on the Feudal estates of the “good old days”.   Or the current system which insists on

characterizing itself as the Model for the “End of History” – for the Ages as It were – while the poverty plagued

masses of the World (over 50% live on less than $2.00 a day) are left to die of Aids and other easily preventable diseases.   

     Gaddafi has won the whole hearted support of Nelson Mandela by taking a Progressive position concerning

Africa with it’s daunting problems which are all but being ignored by the “Established Powers” that be – often

inappropriately referred to as “The International Community”.    He has had interesting communications with

Fidel Castro,  Hugo Chavez of Venezuela,  Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva  Lula of Brazil and many of the Progressive

elements of “World Public Opinion” which the New York Times characterized as “The Other World Super Power”

aligned against the United States in it’s Unilateral March to War in Iraq.    It would seem that if there is any hope

for the needed change which treats the Earth as United Whole System including the Masses and all within a proper

ecological context – it will only come from the will of the people inspired by a vision of the means toward the Universal

Justice and Practical efficiencies predicated on ideas truly relevant to the dawning new realities.

    Tax Cuts for the already wealthy will not serve – catering to the powerful alone is actually counter productive – for,

in truth, the politically and economically powerful are sure to be a “lagging indicator” – the last to see – the wisdom

and the means of doing the “Right Thing” which may now be possible for the whole of Planet Earth.  There are other

sources  of course – but a big change is, as Bob Dylan sang, “Blowing in the Wind” – and Libya presents an interesting

possible source worthy of study particularly for ideas which are neither Right Wing or Left Wing – neither Proletarian

Marxist or Plutocratic Capitalist but grounded on ideas and principles which are able to subsume and ultimately

accommodate both with comprehensively conceived understanding of the consequences of the crucial times in which

we live and particularly within which all Humanity’s progeny will hopeful prosper – “one and all.”  

    Democratic Ownership Economics – or even assumptions which could lead toward that direction – would represent a

real Paradigm shift which the Old Order shows no real sign of contemplating.  But as always it seems the new ideas

never come in Societies which are heavily structured upon assumptions and institutions and habits of thought – of the

outdated Paradigm.  It was the “Loutish” America example which inspired Les Miserables of France and It may well be

that the example of Libya might become a Model – which has the basic ideas and issues right – and in keeping with

the times – and might inspire the Emerging Masses of the World including – in the end –  the People of the United

Sates and its allies to think anew the need for a just and Historically relevant future pathway out of the morass

they so proudly proclaim as representing the “End of History?”   Of course the bulk of “establishment thought’ 

will pooh-pooh the notion of any need for fundamental change and will deride and scoff at any who attempt to

question the basic legitimacy of the old order.  But the mighty force of their propaganda machine need not restrain

the thinking of people around the world – including the United States of America – whose leaders seem – to increasing

numbers around the World – to be caught like a deer in the head lights – unable to comprehend the changes the times

call for and can only flail about defending the old outmoded ways of Political, Economic and Social organization. 

This “Conversation” might help instill thinking about possible new ways of seeing the world – and it’s necessarily

liberating potential for a new order of things.  For that reason you would be encouraged to view this brief and

therefore inherently limited introduction to one system which challenges the whole proposition by which the world

has been and is being run by a system of thought which can increasingly be seen as mired in an Historical “Ancien Regime” myopia!?

Libya’s Great Man-Made River Project And NATO War Crimes

Posted: 2011/09/04
From: Source
Muammar Gaddafi: “After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double… The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed”.

By Frances Thomas

September 1st is the anniversary of an event little known in the West. Today, twenty years on, the people who deserve to be celebrating it, are instead enduring a war. Yet the achievement changed their lives greatly and merits recognition.

A tap was turned on in Libya. From an enormous ancient aquifer, deep below the Sahara Desert, fresh water began to flow north through 1200 kilometres of pipeline to the coastal areas where 90% of Libyan people live, delivering around one million cubic metres of pure water per day to the cities of Benghazi and Sirte.

Crowds gathered in the desert for the inaugural ceremony. Phase I of the largest civil engineering venture in the world, the Great Man-made River Project, had been completed.

It was during the 1953 search for new oilfields in southern Libya that the ancient water aquifers were first discovered, four huge basins with estimated capacities each ranging between 4,800 and 20,000 cubic kms. Yes, that’s cubic kilometres. There is so much water that Libya had recently also offered it to Egypt for their needs.

After the bloodless revolution of 1969, also on September 1, the new government nationalised the oil companies and spent much of the oil revenues to harness the supply of fresh water from the desert aquifers by putting in hundreds of bore wells. Muammar Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. He established large farms and encouraged the people to move to the desert. But many preferred life on the coast and wouldn’t go.

So Gaddafi next conceived a plan to bring the water to the people. Feasibility studies were carried out by the Libyan government in the seventies and in 1983 the Great Man-made River Authority was set up. The project began the following year, fully funded by the Libyan government. The almost $30 billion cost to date has been without the need of any international loans. Nor has there been any charge on the people, who do not pay for their reticulated water, which is regarded in Libya to be a human right and therefore free.

GMMR Project figures are staggering. The ‘rivers’ are a 4000-kilometre network of 4m diameter lined concrete pipes, buried below the desert sands to prevent evaporation. There are 1300 wells, 500,000 sections of pipe, 3700 kms of haul roads, and 250 million cubic metres of excavation. All material for the project was locally manufactured. Large reservoirs provide storage, and pumping stations control the flow into the cities. The pipeline first reached Tripoli in 1996 and when Phase V is completed, the water will allow about 155,000 hectares of land to be cultivated.

To achieve all this, construction work was tendered and many overseas companies, including from the US, Korea, Turkey, Britain, Japan and Germany took up contracts for each Phase, and some have worked for decades in Libya. The project has not been without problems, including faulty materials and financial difficulties within some of the contracting firms. Since the NATO air attacks on Libya began in March, most foreign nationals have returned home, including those employed on the hydro scheme. The final phase of the Great Man-made River Project is stalled.

Libyan people put their hearts into work on the GMMRP from the beginning, and years ago took on most of the managerial and technical positions as their expert knowledge increased, with government policy encouraging their education, training and employment. They proudly call the GMMR “the eighth wonder of the world.”

The project was so well recognised internationally that UNESCO in 1999 accepted Libya’s offer to fund an award named after it, the Great Man-Made River International Water Prize , the purpose of which is to “reward remarkable scientific research work on water usage in arid areas”.

Gaddafi was often ridiculed in the West for persevering with such an ambitious project. Pejorative terms such “pipedream”, “pet project” and “mad dog” appeared in UK and US media. Despite a certain amount of awe for the enormity of the construction, the Great Man-made River was often dismissed as a “vanity project” and then rarely mentioned in western media. But truth is, it’s a world class water delivery system, and often visited by overseas engineers and planners wanting to learn from Libyan expertise in water transfer hydro-engineering.

On 22 July this year, four months into the air strikes to “protect civilians”, NATO forces hit the GMMR water supply pipeline. For good measure the following day, NATO destroyed the factory near Brega that produces the pipes to repair it, along with killing six guards there.

NATO air strikes on the electricity supply, as well as depriving civilians of electricity, mean that water pumping stations are no longer operating in areas even where the pipelines remain intact. Water supply for the 70% of the population who depend on the piped supply has been compromised with this damage to Libya’s vital infrastructure.

Oh, and by the way, attacking essential civilian infrastructure is a war crime.

Today in Sirte, which along with Benghazi was one of the first two cities to receive the water, there should be a celebration to mark the twenty years since fresh reticulated water first came to their city, and Gaddafi’s vision should be honoured.

But today Sirte is encircled by the rebels, and right now is being carpet bombed by NATO. The civilians are terrorised, and many families have tried to flee. But the rebels block all the exits, they kill the men, and send the women and children back into the city to be bombed. In the media the rebels are reported to have given Sirte until Saturday to surrender before they commence a full attack. But that’s not what’s happening really.

September 1, 2011, will be remembered in history for NATO’s complicity in the massacre of the people of Sirte.

Back in 1991, at the gala opening of GMMRP Phase I, and maybe recalling the 1986 bombing of his home (which was carried out by US military on Reagan’s orders), Muammar Gaddafi spoke these words to the invited international dignitaries and assembled crowd:

“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double…The United States will make excuses, (but) the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”

His words were prophetic.


U.S. Congressman Wants Libya Rebels Investigated on “Crimes Against Humanity.”


By Milton Allimadi
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. wants investigation of “crimes against humanity”

 5 Stars – Excellent 4 Stars – Good 3 Stars – Average 2 Stars – Fair 1 Stars – Poor
4.5 / 5 (36 Votes)


Tawergha, City of Blacks, reported depopulated

Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr., reacting to reports in The Wall Street Journal has called for an investigation by the International Criminal Court into the reported killings of Black Libyans in the city of Tawergha.

Rep. Jackson (D-IL-2) also tells The Black Star News he will ask that U.S. assistance for reconstruction and transition to democracy in Libya be conditional. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that rebels from Misurata had torched the homes that belonged to the predominantly dark-skinned residents of the city of Tawergha, which is now abandoned.

Journal reporter witnessed some of the torching and wrote that the words “slaves” and “negroes” were scribbled on the walls of the now emptied homes. 

The town’s entire population of 10,000 is gone.

In an earlier news reportThe Wall Street Journal reported that rebels from the city of Misurata had declared that Tawergha would be “no more” and that the units conducting the attacks was named “The Brigade for Purging Slaves, black Skin.”

Misurata rebels blame residents of Tawergha, which was used by the Libyan army under the government of Muammar al-Quathafi, as staging ground for the siege on Misurata. The Journal has also reported on long-historical feuds, that predate the Libyan civil war, between the “white” residents of Misurata and the predominantly Black ones of Tawergha.

The Wall Street Journal Tuesday also reported that the Transitional National Council’s (TNC) “prime minister” Mahmoud Jibril, referring to the reported atrocities in Tawergha by rebels, said: “Regarding Tawergha my own viewpoint is that nobody has the right to interfere in this matter except the people of Misurata.”

Rep. Jackson took exception to Jibril’s remarks.

“Racism in the form of ethnic cleansing, killing and genocide is wrong anytime, anyplace and against anybody in the world,” Rep. Jackson said, today. “And it appears as though the Rebel leader, Mahmoud Jibril, is using the American idea that the South used to protect the institution of slavery – the 10th Amendment in our Constitution – to say, in essence, ‘it’s a states’ right and local control issue.'” 

He added, “Well it’s not a local issue and it’s a moral outrage. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ As a senior member of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, I intend to raise this issue with my colleagues and condition any financial support for the reconstruction of Libya and its transition to a democratic society.”

“I think it is absolutely necessary that the United Nations and the International Criminal Court in the Hague investigate what I consider to be crimes against humanity,” Rep. Jackson said.

A spokesperson for Rep. John Lewis, told The Black Star News that he opposes wars as a matter of principle and had also objected to the U.S. involvement in Libya: “He does not agree with war because of its ramifications, because it leads to these moral compromises,” the spokesperson said. “It puts you in a difficult position, where you have to commit the same crimes that you are intending to stop.”

A spokesman for the United Nations, Eduardo del Buey, declined to comment on Rep. Jackson’s call for an investigation and his characterization of the accounts reported by The Wall Street Journalas amounting to crimes against humanity.

A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said the U.S. couldn’t comment by The Black Star News’ publication deadline. The U.S. hasn’t yet condemned the reported targeted attacks on Black Libyans.

The Journal reported that the road sign pointing to the city of Tawergha had been defaced and replaced with “New Misurata.” Some Tawerghans who had managed to flee to Tripoli were captured and taken to Misurata, the Journal reports.

The Journal is the only major U.S. media outlet that’s reported on the plight of Tawergha. The U.K.”s Sunday Telegraph also has an account.

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”

Update on the war against Libya and Africa – September 25th, 2011

Posted: 2011/09/26
From: Mathaba
A roundup of news from and other independent sources

By Dennis South

Tuareg fighters supported Gaddafi

Sunday, 25.09.2011 – 00:37

Muammar Gaddafi and his sons raised a new army of 12,000 Tuareg soldiers.

DEBKAfile report: Gaddafi recruits 12,000 Tuaregs to fight for Libya’s freedom

Posted: 2011/09/27
From: Source
This DEBKAfile article confirms the reports, culled from various sources, that I have been submitting over the past couple of weeks. DEBKAfile has the highest reputation for reporting accurate military intelligence.
Muammar Qaddafi and his sons have raised a new army of 12,000 soldiers – all fighters of loyal Tuareg tribes of the Sahara

Exposed: the ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’ fraud


by Martin Iqbal.

Updated 27 September, 2011 – see section: ‘The meals‘.

Updated again 28 September, 2011.Click here to go to this update.

To date Libya has been subjected to decades of foreign meddling and attempts to assassinate and oust its leader

Muammar Gaddafi. Throughout this time, foreign-based Libyan opposition groups and globalist propaganda mills

have incessantly cited supposed atrocities committed by Gaddafi, and none is more infamous or overused than the

‘Abu Salim prison massacre’ of June, 1996. This is now being invoked yet again in an attempt to justify the brutal

war being waged on the people of Libya.

The events of the ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’ are based on two reports – one from the New York based, globalist-

funded Human Rights Watch, and one from the CIA-Mossad-created National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL).

The backgrounds of these organisations lend them zero credibility and in addition, their reports are based on nothing

more than the testimony of two people – one named and one anonymous. Openly admitted by Human Rights Watch,

none of the claims made by their witness can be independently verified. On top of this, their witness states on record

that he did not witness even one single prisoner being shot dead in this supposed massacre. Furthermore, as I will

demonstrate, the reports are riddled with contradictions and weaknesses. All in all, these factors and the historical

context that surrounds them, utterly expose the contrived nature of the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ story.

The story begins in Abu Salim prison complex, Tripoli, in June, 1996. After several successful and unsuccessful escape

attempts mounted by prisoners in Abu Salim over the previous years, security was increased at the complex and living

conditions worsened for the inmates.

According to the NFSL report, at “4:30 PM on Friday June 29th 1996″ (June 29th, 1996, was actually a Saturday) a prison

guard named Omar Fathallah, entered a cell in order to bring food to the prisoners. Inmates had been waiting behind the

door, and as Fathallah entered he was knocked unconscious by prisoners who then attempted to escape. The inmates began

moving out to the courtyard of the prison, breaking the locks of other prisoners’ cells as they went:

“The prisoners continued to chase the guards out of the building and to break the locks on other cells freeing other


And herein lays the first, albeit relatively insignificant, contradiction. Human Rights Watch’s witness, Hussein al-Shafa’i, offered

conflicting testimony – he claimed that this incident occurred on June 28th as opposed to June 29th, 1996:

“According to al-Shafa’i, the incident began around 4:40 p.m. on June 28, when prisoners in Block 4 seized a guard

named Omar who was bringing their food. Hundreds of prisoners from blocks 3, 5 and 6 escaped their cells.”

As the guards were chased out of the cell blocks, one guard was left laying injured on the ground in the courtyard, whilst

another was hoisted up to safety by other guards standing on the roof. The NFSL’s report here mentions that guards

began firing on the inmates in the courtyard, killing 6 and injuring 11. HRW however, only mentions one death at this time

– that of Mahmoud al-Mesiri. “There were 16 or 17 injured by bullets“, HRW’s witness tells us, “the first to die was Mahmoud

al-Mesiri. The prisoners took two guards hostage.

With one guard laying injured on the ground in the courtyard, and Omar Fathallah having been killed by the prisoners, a

negotiating team arrived at the prison to discuss the prisoners’ demands. Crucially the NFSL report does not mention the

fact that Omar Fathallah was killed by the prisoners; only the HRW report does. In this deliberate omission, the NFSL

report fails to even mention the fact that Fathallah died at all.

With the negotiating team having arrived at Abu Salim, the prisoners were told to designate representatives from each

block. A condition of the negotiations was that the two hostages would have to be released by the prisoners. The injured

guard held hostage in the courtyard was released, but Omar Fathallah had already been killed. The prisoners presented

their demands to the negotiators after agreeing to return to their cells.

The ‘executed bus prisoners’

It was then that the NFSL report tells of some prisoners being herded onto buses:

“All those in need of medical attention were told to board buses that would take them to hospitals. About 120

people boarded the buses. Those who were accused of belonging to opposition groups were ordered to get off

the buses. All others were taken outside the prison section to a different part of the compound.”

The report then claims that some of these inmates, but it does not state how many, were executed by Libyan army

conscripts who were given ‘kill or be killed’ orders. There is no evidence for this claim, but the NFSL report cites an

anonymous ‘prison guard’ who supposedly escaped and told his story:

“They were lined up and shot execution style by young conscripts whose choices were shoot, or stand with

them to be shot. This was later reported by an officer, who defied orders that night and was able to escape.”

Referring to the ‘bus executions’, HRW’s report cites the NFSL report and claims that “many of them were executed“,

but offers no numbers or details.

Conflicting timelines: when did the ensuing ‘massacre’ actually occur?

The NFSL report then speaks of how, in the evening of ‘Friday June 29th’ (again, June 29th, 1996, was actually a

Saturday), prisoners were herded into the courtyard of the prison and then the ‘massacre’ began at 11:00pm that night.

However, HRW’s report states that Omar Fathallah was knocked unconscious and the violence erupted at 04:40pm,

June 28th. Their witness then claims that the ‘herding’ happened at 05:00am on June 29th, and the ‘massacre’ then

began at 11:00am that morning.

According to the NFSL, the ‘massacre’ began at 11:00pm on June 29 when hand grenades were thrown into the courtyard

and firing began. HRW’s different timeline tells of how the ‘massacre’ continued from 11:00am until 01:35pm on 29 June .

Then, apparently, guards began ‘finishing off’ prisoners with pistols at 02:00pm.

Al-Shafa’i did not see a single prisoner shot dead

Crucially, and this must be stressed emphatically, HRW’s lone witness, Hussein al-Shafa’i, did not see a single prisoner

being shot during the supposed massacre. Conveniently however, he was able to see the green bandanas worn by the

men doing the shooting from the roof:

“I could not see the dead prisoners who were shot, but I could see those who were shooting. They were a

special unit and wearing khaki military hats. Six were using kalashnikovs. I saw them – at least six men –

on the roofs of the cellblocks. They were wearing beige khaki uniforms with green bandanas, a turban-like

thing. Around 2:00 p.m. the forces used pistols to “finish off those who were not dead,” he said.”

The meals

Not having actually witnessed a single prisoner being shot in the ‘massacre’, star witness al-Shafa’i provides HRW

with an estimate of how many were allegedly killed “by counting the number of meals he prepared prior to

and after the incident“. There are a number of problems with using this as a basis for calculating how many were

killed. First and foremost, it would only constitute an indirect estimate, in the absence of any evidence of bodies or

the witnessing of the alleged killings.

Secondly, al-Shafa’i does not state the time period over which he counted the meals. Was it only the next day, or was

it every day for the next month? There are a whole host of reasons why less meals may have been prepared after the

incident. Perhaps prison logistics were thrown into chaos by the escape attempt and the killings of guards and prisoners,

and as a result some meals were skipped.

Perhaps prison authorities decided to punish the prisoners for the violent escape attempt, and skipped meals (cruel as this

may be).

More importantly however, are we supposed to believe that one man was responsible for preparing meals for a prison

population of between 1,600 and 1,700 inmates? If one meal were to take just one minute to prepare, this would

take al-Shafa’i 1,600 minutes – which is 26.6 hours. It would be literally impossible for one man to do this every day.

At the same time, the only way a reliable estimate could be reached, would be if this one man did prepare all the meals

himself (impossible), unless he had knowledge of how many were being prepared by other kitchen workers.

Realistically for a prison population of 1,600-1,700, the only way to feed all inmates every day would be to have a number

of kitchen workers, so let’s follow this line of inquiry.

Let’s say there were a number of prisoners preparing meals every day – 35 prisoners preparing 50 meals per day, each –

that is realistic. This would amount to 1,750 (the approximate total capacity of the prison).

Let’s then say that after the ‘massacre’, al-Shafa’i perhaps was preparing 15 meals instead of 50. If he were to extrapolate

this number out over the other prisoners that were preparing meals, we would arrive at an estimate of 1,225 less meals.

However, this method of estimation would only be accurate if al-Shafa’i had knowledge that the other kitchen

workers were preparing the same number of meals as him. He did not have this knowledge, because he

estimated based on the number that HE was preparing.

This is a typical tactic to manipulate the numbers in order to give the story a credible estimate, in the absence of any

actual evidence.

Moreover, al-Shafa’i claims that he was “asked by the prison guards to wash the watches that were taken from the

bodies of the dead prisoners and were covered in blood”. Why did he not count the watches? This is not discussed in

the HRW report.

This highly questionable ‘star’ witness who admits to not even having seen anybody get shot, then goes on to state

that the dead inmates’ bodies were put into trenches and concrete was poured on. Subsequently, the bodies were

moved, he tells us:

“They threw the bodies into trenches – 2 to 3 meters deep, one meter wide and about 100 meters long –

that had been dug for a new wall … In 1999 security officials poured cement over the trench, he claimed,

although he believed that they later had the bodies removed.”

The idea that the bodies were moved is a convenient excuse for the 1,200 bodies not being found at Abu Salim –

an eventuality that seems inevitable considering the laughably shaky nature of the whole story. The unelected

lackeys and terrorists of the NTC are already trying to rekindle this fable with the help of the media.

Conclusion: 1996 and the wider context

It is eminently clear that the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ was nothing of the sort. Even the NFSL admits that what

transpired was a violent escape attempt as it mentions guards being attacked and cell locks being broken.

As a result of this a guard was killed, one was taken hostage, and a number of prisoners were killed as prison

guards reacted to quell the violence. This is corroborated in HRW’s own report where it quotes ‘Khaled’, the

head of the Libyan Internal Security Agency:

“Prisoners had captured some guards during a meal and taken weapons from the prison cache. Prisoners

and guards died as security personnel tried to restore order,”

The charge that 1,200 were killed is supported by no physical evidence whatsoever, and on top of

this, the single named witness on which the story hinges, did not even see a single shooting.

Furthermore, as demonstrated, the testimonies of both witnesses are simply not credible and conflict with each other.

For wider context we must consider an important factor. 1996 was a time whenMI6 was mounting attempts

to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi using ‘al Qaeda’ extremists to whom they paid a large sum of money.

Abu Salim prison – and this is openly stated by the NFSL’s report – was used to house “members of a

group from the city of Derna“. Derna is the very city mentioned in the infamous West Point report which

found it to be a hotbed for extremist ‘al Qaeda’ fighters. These extremists had fought in Iraq and

Afghanistan against the occupying forces. Furthermore, these very groups are now being supported by

NATO in Libya in its attempt to oust Gaddafi – as they have been for at least the last three decades

as indicated by Newsweek in 1981.

In fact, the HRW report cites the head of the Libyan Internal Security Agency as follows:

“According to Khaled, more than 400 prisoners escaped Abu Salim in four separate break-outs

prior to and after the incident: in July 1995, December 1995, June 1996 and July 2001. Among

the escapees were men who then fought with Islamist militant groups in Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq, he said.”

It is not just probable but highly likely, that the violent break-out mounted at Abu Salim in June 1996 (which was

partially successful) was related to the ongoing MI6 attempts to kill Gaddafi using the very groups that were

being held in that prison. Ever since that time, foreign-backed Libyan opposition groups such as the NFSL,

and globalist propaganda mills such as Human Rights Watch, have distorted and manipulated the truth about

‘Abu Salim’, in an attempt to both rally the extremist fighters opposed to Gaddafi, and justify the brutal, illegal

war of aggression now being waged on Libya.

Update: 28 September, 2011

The following December 2009 report from Human Rights watch contains a very interesting piece of information

that delivers the final nail in the coffin of the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ fabrication. The report attempts to back up the

1,200 estimate by claiming that the number was confirmed by the Libyan government:

The number was also confirmed by the Libyan Secretary of Justice to Human Rights Watch in April 2009.

This can be seen on page 50 of the report, and the source for the claim is cited as:

Human Rights Watch interview with Counselor Mostafa Abdeljalil, Secretary of Justice, Tripoli, April 26, 2009

For those that don’t know, Mostafa Abdeljalil is the Chairman of the NTC – nothing more than a lackey and a puppet

of NATO and the powers now waging war on Libya. In case you forgot his face, he is pictured below.

Libya: Rebels Create Humanitarian Disaster, Then Blame it on Qaddafi

Posted: 2011/09/25
From: Source
Corporate media complicit in covering for rebel war crimes.
by Tony CartalucciDespite desperate attempts by Wall Street and London to proclaim their intervention in Libya a success, even going as far as sending their political proxies Nicolas Sarkozy of France and David Cameron of the United Kingdom for a quick photo opportunity at the rebel held airport in contested Tripoli, vast swaths of the nation are still fiercely resisting NATO and their proxy rebel forces. This includes entire cities still standing in defiance against rebel attempts to “starve them out” and dozens of daily NATO airstrikes (NATO report for September 22) aimed at breaking the population’s will to fight on.Weeks ago, the rebel forces, led by US State Department and UK Home Office listed terrorists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a subsidiary of Al Qaeda, boldly announced plans to starve out cities resisting their unelected, foreign backed seizure of the North African nation. The London Telegraph reported in an article aptly titled, “Libya crisis: Rebel leaders hoping to starve Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte into submission,” that under the cover of heavy NATO bombing rebel leaders hoped “to starve Col Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte into submission, laying siege to his last remaining stronghold in an attempt to avoid mass bloodshed, according to the man spearheading efforts for a peaceful takeover.”

Fox News would relay an AP report on September 2, 2011, that rebel commanders declared, “we want to save our fighters and not lose a single one in battles with Qaddafi’s forces. In the end, we will get Sirte, even if we have to cut water and electricity and let NATO pound it with airstrikes.” AP cited Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebel leadership in the eastern city of Benghazi. Ironically, the article was titled, “UN Warns Libya is Short of Water, Fuel, Medicine,” a crisis admittedly being caused by the premeditated denial for entire cities of critical supplies for their civilian populations, enabled by NATO bombing and under the cover of UN recognition of the terrorist rebels – a move that has soundly resigned the UN’s legitimacy and stated purpose to the scrapheap of history.

This is also a verifiable war crime. As reported earlier, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the denial of humanitarian assistance is a crime under international law. The Red Cross adds that “a massacre is not necessarily committed only with knives.” While many will attempt to portray the premeditated creation of a humanitarian disaster as “more humane” than taking the Libya’s cities by force – rebels have in fact already tried force, for now over a month, and have been soundly repelled.

Now, after weeks of attempting to encircle and starve into submission cities rejecting NATO-backed, UN sanctioned rebel control of Libya, including the southern city of Bani Walid, the “National Transitional Council” is claiming the resulting humanitarian disaster is of Libyan leader Qaddafi’s own creation. CNN, in a bout of selective amnesia after reporting earlier that “anti-Gadhafi forces on the outskirts of Sirte and Bani Walid have cut off supplies into the cities and amassed weaponry for heavy battle,” has now reported in another article titled, “NTC claims humanitarian disaster in Gadhafi stronghold,” that “that Gadhafi forces are robbing food stores, leaving civilian residents to starve.” This is just the latest in a long litany of conflicting stories and verified lies spread by the now notoriously deceptive rebels, theirequally duplicitous “international” backers, and shamelessly relayed without hesitation by the complicit and clearly compromised mainstream media.

A real crime against humanity is being committed in Libya, perpetrated by NATO on behalf of Wall Street and London. As reported earlier, NATO’s entire support network and public partners consist of Fortune 500 corporations via the Atlantic Council, which claims to be a preeminent, non partisan institution devoted to promoting transatlantic cooperation and international security. Its sponsors include many of the big oil interests poised to reap a whirlwind of profits over NATO-backed regime change in Libya, namely BP, Chevron, Exxon, and Shell. It also includes defense contractors already enriched by the protracted bloodshed in Northern Africa including RaytheonBAESAAB TechnologiesLockheed MartinBoeingGeneral Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman.

Additional support comes from the world’s largest banks and equity firms, including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital, the Blackstone Group, Citigroup, and Credit Suisse Bank, who are set to benefit not from the liberation of the Libyan people, but the “liberation” of Libya’s markets. There is also a tremendous amount of foundation support for the Atlantic Council and thus NATO, each with a nefarious back-story worthy of their own thorough examination, including the Carnegie Corporation of New York , the Ford Foundation, and billionaire bankster George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Photos: (Top) Northrup Grumman’s MQ-8 Fire Scout, which made headlines as it was shot down over Libya. (Below) a Raytheon Tomahawk cruise missile, employed during the opening phases of NATO’s military intervention in Libya beginning in March of 2011. Both Northrup Grumman and Raytheon, amongst many other defense contractors are financial sponsors of the Atlantic Council, an epicenter providing political and rhetorical support for NATO’s ongoing operations in Libya – exposing an astronomical conflict of interest.


But perhaps most alarming is NATO’s support via the Atlantic Council by “reputable” news and media agency sponsors, including Thomson Reuters,News Desk Media, Bloomberg (which includes BusinessWeek), and Google. This explains the almost schizophrenic reporting emerging from Libya spinning and obfuscating the truth in a consistently pro-NATO light and goes a long way to explain why rebels are allowed by the “international community” to purposefully starve civilian populations, break Libya’s resistance with NATO airstrikes, and somehow manage to place the blame on the civilian populations by merely labeling them as “pro-Qaddafi” and that such atrocities are self-imposed.

Logically, one should conclude, if they are indeed repulsed by what is transpiring in Libya at the hands of Wall Street and London, that the corporations, banks, and institutions involved should be exposed,boycotted, and promptly replaced#

Update on the war against Libya and Africa – September 28th

Posted: 2011/09/29
From: Mathaba
Roundup of news from and other independent sources along with commentary by Dennis South

Rats are rats

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 00:41

Hopefully this video relieves some tension. It is very well done and suitable to explain to children who the rats are in Libya and what they are doing, and that the Lion of Africa cannot be defeated:

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 00:58

Sabha, Ghadames, Ghat, Taha, Murzuk and other towns and oases, are under the control of the Jamahiriya.

The Tuareg published a communique in which they confirmed their full support for the Jamahiriya.  They also said that they would take revenge on the rebels for the atrocities committed against peaceful Libyans.

The rats are preparing a tank assault on Bani Walid.  Bani Walid is still being fiercely bombed by NATO, the white ‘west’ European, Canadian and United States armed forces, at the command of the governments of those countries, while their populations remain silent.  In general, the number of mercenaries is reduced.

In Sirte, mercenaries broke into the port at night and now await the landing of NATO troops.  Fighters in Tripoli are awaiting reinforcements from Tarragon.

Tunisian authorities released Dr Mahmoudi El-Baghdadi, the General Secretary of the General People’s Conference of the Libyan Jamahiriya, who was arrested in Tunis.

The Jamahiriya is in talks with several countries, who said the following: You are holding [doing very well].  If you capture Tripoli, we will recognize the Jamahiriya government again. However, this is like saying that if all of Australia is under the control of the Australian people, but Canberra is seized by Korean terrorists supporting a small council of Australian convicts escaped from prison calling themselves “TNC”, then we recognize the TNC and not the Australian people’s government.

Russia has demanded the immediate convening of the Security Council.  There are discussions about the UN sending the blue helmets–the “peace-keeping” missions.  Everywhere the the blue helmets have gone, they have left hell, including rape.  This fact is reported even in the mainstream press. The blue helmets are merely the so-called international army of the global zionist and banker elites, as a back up reserve to NATO.

The rebels continue to struggle for power, so the planned announcement of the formation of a government (by the rat-NATO-rebels) has again been delayed.  The rebels claim to have found a large amount of uranium which can be used for the development of nuclear weapons.  This is the mess that the West has created in North Africa, in addition to lots of Libyan weapons that have found their way all over North Africa.

China in Africa

China is risking a further and much deeper backlashin Africa depending on the positions it takes, the Tuareg people are on the ascendency as indomitable Africans along with Muammar Qaddafi. China is increasingly indistinguishable from the west. The $15 billion assets held in China are key, if these are released to other than the Jamahiriya or not may be the determining factor on future Sino-African relations.

News from Sirte

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 01:52

Western Front: Rat commander Mohammed Katib Nabus was eliminated after he took the place of his brother Ibrahim, who was killed last week.  Rebels are running to the east after having taken heavy losses.

Information Bureau of the Libyan

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 02:09

Green revolutionary patriotic forces have liberated the city of Zawiya with General Khamis al-Qaddafi.  This is good news for the Libyan resistance and the heroic and courageous people of Libya.  The Libyan resistance continues and gathers strength.

Our brave men in Ghat, which is located in the south of Libya, had fought with rats in a heavy battle today.  Many rats were killed, and the rest fled to 20 km outside of the city.

Rebels beaten back by Jamahiriya fighters at Sirte

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 12:12

Rebels were again beaten back by Jamahiriya forces at Sirte.  Only yesterday they were shouting about the alleged capture of the port. But today China Radio International echoed western media that “the rebels, at the request of NATO, have suspended their assault on Sirte.”  This follows a well established pattern, which has always translated to, “The rebels have been defeated again.”

After the NATO bombing of the coast and the port from the sea, the rebels landed.  In the port they started to get into the thick of battle. And after that, as NATO lost the ability to distinguish between the rebels (rats) and Jamahiriya (Qaddafi loyalist, green Libyan patriotic resistance) fighters, the rats in the port were attacked with dense mortar fire.  They ran to the sea and drowned.  The rebels had nowhere to run! So the probability of large losses among the rebels is high.

Also, China Radio reported (and this is verbatim): “At present, Sirte, Bani-Walid, and other territories are still under the control of the faithful Gaddafi’s forces.”  Notice the words, “and other territories.” Apparently, Chinese censorship prevents China Radio from describing precisely what “other territories” are under Jamahiriya control.  So, their intelligence throws out hints. On the other hand, the reality is that it is hard to distinguish the Chinese media from western media, as the once-great Asian nation has become the new bastion of capitalism and a new body host to the zionist-banker parasitic elite, which started since the visit of Kissinger to China.

Sirte Oil Field

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 12:17

To understand the ferocity of the fighting in Sirte, from the perspective of the vicious north-western (white) countries, we must consider more than just the political point of view.

The Libyan Jamahiriya of Africa has offered a very, very unique response to the so-called “fall” of Tripoli, its capital–perhaps the most unique response in the history of warfare. Historically, the fall of the capital of a country had been so severe a shock that the government and people of that country would capitulate.

That did not happen in Libya because power does not rest in a traditional form of government in a capital city but is diffused and dispersed across millions of citizens who are members of the people’s conferences which form the government in the self-ruling society of the masses (Jamahiriya). The defiant response of the Libyan people and the Libyan Jamahiriya to the “fall” of Tripoli (occupation by mercenaries and rats), obviously, as it continues to fight against imperialist aggression, is a drastic departure from the historical response of Third World nations to the fall of their capitals.

Why Sirte?

Sirte has been blessed to contain a very wide oil basin. Look at the geological map above. Pools of oil are located at Beida, Raguba, Dahr Hofra, Baja, Def-Waha, Nasser, Sarir, Mesli, Gyalo, Boo Atifel, Intizar, Nafura-Ugila and Amal, 12 of which have proven oil reserves that range from 200-500 million barrels, to 1 billion barrels. The problem is that these deposits in terms of production are – as they call the oil – in adulthood. That is, the production is coming to the peak.  This oil will soon run out, and there is the need for more exploration.

The second problem is that the war has brought the coalition countries and Western companies significant losses in oil revenue.  Both directly and indirectly – for over six months, Europe has not received the Libyan oil and gas from Libya. This has all but crippled Italy along with the already bankruptcy of Europe as some of the capitalist countries there, in particular Britain, France and Spain, had run out of the vast resources they had plundered from Africa in the last century.

In addition, oil-production infrastructure is seriously damaged. So, the imperialist demons want to take the Sirte basin and develop it in order to compensate for their losses.

Certainly, while the war is being waged, there can be no exploration and investment. In Europe there is no money even after the war ends. It would take massive investment to restore oil production. The longer it takes for the imperialist-colonialist-racist Europeans and North Americans to capture Sirte, the more money it will take for them to restore the oil production. And that is one reason they are fighting hard to take Sirte: to avoid anticipated, post-war oil-production costs.

The West, in general, is actually indifferent to the issue of political stability in Libya. In fact, their plan is that instability (chaos) benefits them, their “security” companies, private armies (mercenaries) will benefit, and be able to grab whatever they want, out of the chaos. What is more important to the West is the capture of Sirte–and not because Sirte is the hometown of The Leader.  It’s all about oil and the central area of strategic military importance in order to secure the entire Libyan coast, the largest coast line on North Africa of any of the five North African states, to place it under the command of the white aggressors (AFRICOM-NATO).

The war is causing deep downtime as regards oil production, and the financial losses, for the West,  associated with that downtime are immense.  There is an added complexity for the evil nations of the north: the loyalty of the tribes to Muammar Gaddafi. Obviously, the tribes will continue to support Muammar.

And that is why Libyans [God forbid] might suffer the fate of Paraguay natives, that is, total genocide, or banishment into the wilderness. A hundred years ago, Libya lost half of its population, by putting up a fierce and continuous resistance to Italy’s invasion of Libya.

The economic factor explains why many people have feared that the West would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons on Sirte.  But there are very, very high costs involved in using nuclear weapons even to the Europeans, as Libya is near to Europe, and sometimes north African sand is blown all the way into distant European capitals. Costs associated with the decontamination of oil deposits that would be contaminated if nuclear weapons were used, are also a factor. Costs involved in re-building infrastructure are not a negative factor, as the Euro-American alliance (NATO) hopes that Libya will end up paying (with oil) for their companies to “re-construct” Libya after its devastation.

Updates from the front lines

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 14:02

1. Gadames: The Tuareg lions of the Sahara killed 50 rebels, and the rest of the rebels fled.

2. Sirte: In the battle of Sirte, on the Western front, one week after the death of Ibrahim al-Khatib al Halbusa, commander of the Misurata rebels known as the “black Khatib,” his brother, Mohammed Al Halbus, was also killed by Jamahiriya fighters.  Al-Halbus had come to replace his brother.  These two deaths have lowered the morale of the rebels, which led to their demise around Sirte.

On the Sirte eastern front, some of the rebels, under the protection of NATO arial bombing and bombing from NATO ships, tried to penetrate and enter the city.  The Libyan Jamahiriya Army allowed them (2 tanks, 12 vehicles and some others) to come close to the center, where they were trapped and met their deaths.

One rebel, a survivor, ran in front of a BBC camera and shouted: “Please enter the city, we are trapped and we do not have much strength.”  The response he received was that no one would attempt to enter the city because of the battle.

3. Bani-Walid: Sami Ali Al Tarragon, the Deputy Brigade Commander of the rebels of Tripoli, was killed yesterday and he was one of many rebels who met their deaths.  Also, the traitor who wanted to help the rebels take Bani Walid was captured by the residents of the city.

4. Tripoli: In a night ambush, 14 rebels met their deaths. Our source said that the rebel checkpoints are empty, because no rebel wants to stand, waiting for death.  Thus, Jamahiriya resistance were able to kill many rebel rats in the past week.

FIGHTING CONTINUES: Information from September 27-28

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 18:36

The tactics of groups under rebels at Sirte are very primitive.  They come in pickups with 23-mm automatic anti-aircraft guns and 106-mm recoilless rifles.  Then they try to identify firing points.   Then rebels with small arms attempt to move forward.  If the Jamahiriya defenders do not move away, then the rebels are rolled back.  After a while they begin a new “assault.”

If the rebels have tanks, then the tanks are used next.  At the same time the make a radio call for NATO air support.  NATO aircraft conduct strikes on buildings at the contact line between the rebels and the Jamahiriya forces.  Both sides are using snipers.

When trapped by the Sirte resistance fighters of the Libyan Jamahiriya, the rebels have nowhere to retreat to, other than to the fish in the sea.

The second most important stronghold is Bani Walid, where there are thousands of Jamahiriya resistance fighters, including militias of the Warfala Tribe.

In recent days, the rebels did not take active steps against the defenders of the city.  NATO aircraft continued to carry out air strikes on the civilian population.

In the southern desert oasis of Sabha the Libyan Jamahiriya fighters have had military success.  The rebels entered from the south but failed to gain a foothold in the city, although many foreign news agencies were quick to announce a new success of TNC “rebels”. After dozens of rebels were killed or wounded, and after their supplies were expended, the remaining rebels began to withdraw along the highway in a northerly direction.

The rebels cannot possibly sustain control of Tripoli.  Experts say that to control a city of half a million people, you need up to seven thousand police officers. There are an estimated 2000 AL-Qaida type fighters in Tripoli.  They are able to provide relative order in the embassy district and downtown areas.  In the capital there are secret cells of Gaddafi and Jamahiriya supporters (green committees). They use tactics to split the rat forces, and are destroying them at every turn.

The TNC has established “war lords” in areas under their control, but those war lords do not obey instructions they receive from Benghazi and Tripoli. So the power of the TNC in the country is nominal–very small. The rebels  are trying to coordinate their efforts, but that attempt is failing.

True, in Misurata was announced the merger of all forces and opponents of Gaddafi’s with the creation of a “battalion of the United Libyan Revolution” (“Union of the revolutionary battalions of Libya”).  About this there seemed to be agreement at a meeting of field commanders, who came from different areas.

The total number of armed groups that support the TNC, is estimated at about 20,000 fighters. During August-September, a very large number of them were either killed, wounded, or deserted. The morale in many of the rebel frontline detachments is deeply suppressed.

Rebel soldiers have not received a salary, and have been told to engage in “self-reliance.” During the fighting in Sirte and Bani Walid they suffered heavy casualties, the wounded crowded the hospitals in Misurata and Benghazi, and there is not enough blood for transfusion.

For the rebels, it is apparent that the capture of Tripoli, as well as the falsely perceived change of power in the country, will not lead to positive changes in their lives.  Some are beginning to regret participation in their so-called “revolution” and return to their homes with their weapons.

Dumb NATO Rebels, NATO Crimes In Libya

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 22:32

Sirte is fully under the Libyan Jamahariya democratic Government’s control.  Multiple attempts by rebel forces to enter the city from the East ended up in their devastating defeat. NATO has only been victorious in terrorizing the town, and killing thousands of civilians.

New reports exposed the truth regarding the Sirte assault, a failed assault which caused hundreds of NATO mercenaries to get entrapped within the town.  Some rebel fighters who managed to flee the front lines went to their commanders and begged for support, because many had been trapped and are being killed as we speak. This was also reported, surprisingly, by western propaganda machines that usually hide the truth regarding NATO failures.

The Libyan Jamahariya government has expressed its willingness to forgive anyone who lays down their arms and goes home, just like the forces outside Bani Walid who laid down their arms and went home. They expressed their Islamic belief of forgiveness, but stated clearly that forgiveness does not mean that Libyans will forget.

All assaults from the west of Sirte have been quelled due to the brave and strong fighters of the Tarhuna tribe. NATO continues its assault from the East, but the rebels continue to retreat due to heavy losses.

Previously, NATO (European and American) mercenaries tried to flee Ghadames and set up a base in Tunisia. But fighting soon broke out between NATO-rebels and the Tunisian Defence Forces. The Tunisian Defence Forces forced the mercenaries back into Libya.

NATO forces were trying to flee towards the east of Ghadames to regroup. That is when the Libyan Defence Forces attacked their route and killed at least 50 and injured unknown numbers according to sources in southern Libya. Ghadames is an important town because it borders both Tunisia and Algeria.  So it is an important town for guerilla warfare.

NATO Mercenaries (rats) were on the brink of quitting the fight in Sabha, after receiving heavy casualties when they fell into a trap. NATO decided to give 16 million dollars of stolen Libyan money as payment for the mercenaries to continue the fight.

Sabha is still liberated and under the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya. Green flags are flying throughout the town according to sources in Southern Libya. NATO mercenaries are still ducking outside the town under the umbrella of NATO.

They fight only for money and war bounties, as reported before. When NATO helps them enter a town, they steal women’s jewellery, rape the women and children, and get drunk and high, shooting animals at random.

Rat death

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 – 23:26

A military officer of the TNC, Salehin, who commanded the attack on Bani Walid, was killed in a rocket attack, said a rebel commander named Osama al-Fasi.

Salehin was imprisoned by Gaddafi after the beginning of the rebel’s counterrevolution and joined the rebels.  In the last days of his life, he led the attack on Bani Walid — another city that is under the authority of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Rebel NATO-rat forces at Bani Walid have not attacked on the ground in a week after besieging the town for over a month.  At the same time, NATO continues aerial attacks on targets that remain in the hands of supporters of Muammar Qaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Meanwhile, according to eyewitnesses, Bani Walid is in a critical humanitarian situation. One can hardly find drinking water and foodstuffs, and the hospitals are out of medication and electricity, with NATO having deliberately starved and blockaded the population preventing fuel, water, and food from entering in what constitutes further Crimes Against Humanity.

pictured here with Fidel Castro:

slika 14 - Muammar Gaddafi

Alan Jules: the latest news from the front

Sunday, 25.09.2011 – 13:12

Yesterday was the blackest day for the rebels. As usual, the rebels hastened to Benghazi city to announce to

the world that they had entered Sirte and captured positions within the city, as we’ve heard many time and

time again. But the truth is that yesterday was the most disastrous for the rebels.

At least one-thousand rebels were killed in Tripoli, Sirte, Bani Walid, Brega, and Misurata. September

24 marks a new beginning of the resistance against NATO and the rebels.

In Tripoli, the people organized themselves and came together and began not only to destroy NATO

and rebel weapons caches, but to also pursue the rebels. Today, they were once again defeated at Bani

Walid and Sirte. Those who tell you that they are in Sirte are lying.

Interestingly, the rebels had just announced a pause in their aggression, due to lack of ammunition. How

is it possible that the supposedly rich NATO countries have run out of money, weapons and ammunition?

It appears that time is on the side of the supporters of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

In the video – the explosion in the port of Tripoli, the day after it resumed work. [NOTE: Libyan

resistance planted 16 bombs at a port that NATO used, and destroyed it. A ship filled with

ammunition destined for the rebels was also destroyed, apparently along with the weapons].

[Initial] Translation provided by the press service of the Russian Committee of Solidarity with

the peoples of Libya and Syria.

Saif el-Islam spoke on the radio Bani Walid

Sunday, 25.09.2011 14:28

According ALLIBIYA TV, radio Libyan Bani Walid broadcast a speech by the son of Muammar

Gaddafi, Saif El Islam al-Gaddafi. He congratulated the people of Bani Walid for their exemplary


Saif-el-Islam asserted that it is necessary to fight for and defend the city. He said that Muammar

Gaddafi’s leadership has prepared a few surprises that will soon help to improve the current situation.

The rats had to back out of Sirte, NATO continues to bomb

Sunday, 25.09.2011 – 14:43

Sirte upheld, and the rats were discarded at 30 miles outside of the city after they suffered heavy

casualties from the Libyan Jamahiriya forces.

Libya now, briefly

Sunday, 25.09.2011 – 14:49

Sirte is being bombed mercilessly by the evil US-European forces of NATO and their Qatari,

Turkish and other mercenaries. Armored columns of Qatari and Turkish troops penetrated to

the outskirts of the city, but the defenders of Sirte manfully resisted. The forces of the Jamahiriya

are determined to fight until victory is won.

The main events took place in Sirte. Under the guise of talking about the impossibility of

conducting an offensive against Sirte while at the same time trenches around the perimeter,

the rebels staged the assault from two directions – west and east.

According to reports, the rebels from the West were able to break into the city. Previous

surveys of videos show that the city is well prepared for street fighting – the roads are blocked

with heavy construction equipment, as well as debris and barricades. Apparently, the rebels

became bogged down in street fights and gradually exhausted. In the east, Benghazi units

have not been able to pass the line of contact at Al-Sultan, as there are apparently many minefields.

On the clashes in the city now have a focal character – and it is in the western part. This means that

the storm itself had failed, but not finished. The situation south of the airport is unclear. In general,

the situation at Sirte continues to be very threatening.

The rebels attempted to attack Bani Walid again but were quickly suppressed. Bani Walid is now calm.

The situation is clearer with Sabha every day. The picture is as follows. [NOTE: I am not certain

about the following translation]. A column of rebels were able to make a 100-kilometer march

on September to the west Hammad Sabha, and then to the Ottoman fort in the south and the local

airport. The rebels managed to enter 20 in the morning in the southern districts of the city and

fall down to the central region of the English Channel.

But Jamahiriya units and militias killed the column. The rebels lost 200 men. About 150

were taken prisoner. The fighting lasted until the 23rd, though mostly it was all decided on the 21st.

On the morning of September 24, NATO and al-Qaida terrorists transferred from Tripoli

and opened intense artillery and rocket fire on the city Sirte. The defenders returned fire.

The Firefight lasted for a whole day. According to reports from the city, the rebels are firing

indiscriminately into residential neighborhoods.

Other news sources:

Ghadames is under the control of Libyan Army

At least eight rebels were killed and 50 others injured in Ghadames, on the Algerian border,

in an attack Sunday by the Libyan Army supported by Tuareg fighters, according to a local

official and witnesses.

At least 30 NATO Mercenaries killed and 50 wounded outside Bani Walid

New reports point to another failure by NATO as their forces came under attack outside Bani

Walid and inner fighting caused the death of 40 and another 50 wounded. This comes as the

Tarhuna Tribe continues disrupting supply routes from the West, towards Bani Walid and Sirte.

The propaganda warfare has been intensified, more lies are being spread, and even fake hoax

images are being rotated by CNN reporters regarding Sabha.

Since the vast majority of Libya is under the Libyan Jamahariya Government’s control, and

since they can’t advance any further, they have allowed NATO propaganda to create the false

perception of victory in different parts of Southern Libya.

Libya Defence forces blow up Naval Base

According to new reports, 7 bombs were planted in the Tripoli Naval Base and then detonated.

This base was used to terrorize the people of Tripoli and had to be destroyed accordingly by

the resistance.

The Tarhuna Tribe enters Tripoli

The Tarhuna Tribe has advanced westwards towards Tripoli. New reports suggest that some

Tarhuna fighters have entered Tripoli and heavy clashes are taking place. It is yet unclear

how many NATO Mercenaries have been killed in the assault.

The Tarhuna Tribe has been disrupting NATO supply routes for almost a week, this has

caused multiple failures for NATO, in the front line. Now NATO is forced to attack Sirte

from the East, as their forces are trapped in the West without any supplies.

NATO Mercenaries panic and hundreds quit

New reports are exposing the panic and disarray of NATO mercenaries. Hundreds

of NATO Mercenaries abandoned the front lines of Bani Walid because their Western

supply routes are being disrupted by the Tarhuna Tribe.

Many Mercenaries testified that they are running out of ammunition and said that after

they received multiple defeats, they were not willing to continue the fight, and

wanted to just go home.

Different Mercenaries and armed gangs blame each other for the failures, and this

blaming game sometimes turns to inner fighting.

Al Qaeda LIFG terrorist Abdul Belhaj writes column for London Guardian Newspaper

Posted: 2011/09/28
From: Source
Global elite defile memories of “War on Terror” dead, humor terrorist Belhaj who fought and killed Western troops. Photo: The face of Libya’s “rebels” is literally Al Qaeda. The Western world now enters surreal territory as men who have certifiably killed Americans are writing pro-NATO propaganda for British newspapers.
by Tony CartalucciOne would think Abdul Belhaj, leader of Libya’s NATO-backed seizure of Tripoli a month ago would be an overly busy man. After all, the city itself is still not secure enough to move the alleged “National Transitional Council” there to preside over the war torn nation, and rebel forces 85 miles southeast near Bani Walid have been soundly defeated and are now slinking away from the battlefield. Meanwhile, the “final, final” siege of Sirte looks to be once again stalled, and now civilians fleeing the brutalized city are claiming NATO and rebels (western media incorrectly call them “revolutionaries”), not Qaddafi, are committing genocide against the civilians of Libya. [1]However, Mr. Belhaj has had time, apparently, allegedly, to draft a lengthy editorial titled, “The revolution belongs to all Libyans, secular or not,” gladly published by the London Guardian, where he is allowed to go on at length, whitewashing what is essential a life-long career in terrorism and expound the merits of the wholesale mass murder he and his cohorts, under NATO cover, are committing against the Libyan people. Belhaj, for those that don’t know, is a founding member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), an official Al Qaeda affiliate, and listed by both the US State Department [2] and theUnited Kingdom Home Office [3] as a foreign terrorist organization and proscribed terrorist organization respectively. LIFG was the subject of a lengthy report issued by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center [4] regarding foreign fighters turning up in Iraq killing US and British soldiers, LIFG and more specifically, the Benghazi-Darnah region of Libya lending more fighters to Iraq per-capita than any other nation, including Saudi Arabia.
Image: Terrorist Op-Ed. The Guardian affords Belhaj, commander of LIFG, a US/UK listed terrorist organization ample room to praise NATO’s efforts in Libya and give stern warnings to those that threaten to impede his “freedoms.”


Belhaj’s Gaurdian piece, worded suspiciously more like a US State Department PR release than an essay by an Al Qaeda terrorist, verbatim touches on each and every point made by the US, UK, NATO, and found within UNSC r.1973. Belhaj maintains that in 2010 he was released from Libyan prison after promising to abandon his campaign of terror in Libya, only to go on to lead armed insurrection against the Libyan government months later in February of 2011. Belhaj claims that the revolution turned violent only after Qaddafi used force against protesters – this is a verified lie, as Belhaj and his LIFG have been in continuous US/UK-backed armed conflict with Qaddafi’s government for over 30 years.

Belhaj, after this intitial, seemingly scripted litany of lies goes on to make veiled threats against the new “transitional government” over the dangers of “excluding” members of the “revolution.” He then thanks the “international community” presumibly NATO who literally handed the country to him – NATO whose soldiers he was literally killing in the mountains of Afghanistan, and whose soldiers his fellow LIFG fighters were killing in Iraq, and whose member states captured, imprisoned and tortured him. Belhaj looks forward to Libya becoming a “politically, economically and socially advanced civil state” and a “dynamic player among the family of nations.” Compared to the secular leaders Belhaj claims to fear will undermine his and his followers’ “freedom” one must wonder where exactly the divergence in ideology is, as both seem to relish the concepts of globalization [5].

One doesn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or scream. Not just because of the obvious fraudulent propaganda the Gaurdian is trying to pass off as the words of a stone cold killer with the writing prowess of a statesman, or the fact that the Guardian, even as a hoax, is affording column space to the leader of a listed terrorist organization who we are told is part of a decade long war that has cost millions their lives, liberty, national stability, and economic prosperity. It is the fact that the Guardian, along with the rest of the corporate media is trying to literally rewrite reality and paradigms they have forced down our throats for decades with new narratives so ridiculous and contrived it is an assault against human dignity.

The Guardian itself is a corporate-owned propaganda machine, a member of the unelected policy think-tank Chatham House [6], along side a myriad of other media, corporate, and financier interests that in reality shape our national and global destiny rather than the politicians we think we elect to represent us and our interests. Think-tanks like the Chatham House represent the collective interests and agenda of the world’s most powerful elite. They are the literal architects and helping hands that propel the global elite’s agenda forward, as clearly the Guardian is now in trying to rewrite the narrative regarding the 1o year ongoing “War on Terror” by whitewashing and elevating one of the war’s most notorious terrorists by either giving him column space, or ghost writing a column in his name.

Quite truly if Belhaj wrote this farcical, verbatim repeat of US State Department talking points regarding Libya and its future, one must wonder what prompted Belhaj to fight in the mountains of Afghanistan against US troops in the first place. Surely what is good for Libya is good for Afghanistan. We must also wonder why this terrorist and his organization, apparently enamored with the the idea of fitting into the “family of nations” were fighting in Iraq against nations he is now thankful toward. More than likely Belhaj has been turned into another fictional character upon the stage of globalist theater, confounding an ignorant public with well-written statements giving well-intentioned people exactly what they want to hear, however debased from logic or reality it may be.

And above all, let us remember this is not only “Obama’s War” but a war of the global elite including big oil, big banks, the military defense industry, and many of the “Neo-Conservatives” that helped engineer the “War on Terror” during Bush’s “administration.” In fact, some of the most vehement supporters of Obama’s war in Libya have included John McCain [7] who was literally praising the Benghazi terror brigades in person, and the remnants of the Bush era “Project for a New American Century.” [8]

The “War on Terror” is a war on free humanity by the criminally insane. Civilians, police, and military alike, who adhere to any code of honor must face the reality that their leadership has lost all legitimacy and needs to be expediently removed from power. Hard decisions are coming as the insanity becomes ever more acute. A certified terrorist writing columns for a British newspaper regarding a war that is supported by both “left” and “right” political establishment should ring alarms and conjure horror in even the most skeptical of minds.

[1] The Australian, “Civilians accuse NATO of massacre in Sirte raids” September 28, 2011
[2] US State Department, List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, #26 Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
[3] UK Home Office Proscribed Terrorist Groups, page 5
[4] 2007 West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) report
[5] The Future of Libya: A View from the Opposition, Brookings Institution May 12, 2011
[6] Chatham House, Standard Corporate Members, listed as “Guardian, The”
[7], Statement by Senator McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011
[8] Foreign Policy Initiative, Foreign Policy Experts Urge House Republicans to Support U.S. Operations in Libya, June 20, 2011

Libya: NTC concocts mass grave story in brazen propaganda ploy

Another LYING REPORT from CNN:
"A mass grave thought to hold the remains of more than 1,200 victims of a 1996 massacre at Abu Salim prison 
has been found in Tripoli, officials with Libya's transitional government said Sunday."  (LIES, all LIES!)

<strong>Huda Gharyani </strong> answers knowingly:

<blockquote>Liars! They dug up the mass graves, they set aflame to foreign workers camps in Tripoli. I was
and I saw them......They pretend to be freedom fighters but are anarchists and psychopaths...Shame on your
CNN! Al Jazeera they are killing Gaddafi supporters in a witch hunt and CNN is making fake lies about Gaddafi 
doing genocide during his rule..Why the lies now? Where were the mass graves when Berlusconi kissed Gaddafi's 
hands? Where were the mass graves when Tony Blair came to Libya to sign billion dollar deals with Gaddafi? 
Where were the mass graves when Megrahi was released from Scottish prison? This is just mass propaganda being 
drivelled by a NATO vested interest CNN media source so as to whip up Anti Gaddafi sentiment. Well Its GAME 
OVER for you now..the people know the truth and they are not buying your lies!
CNN is deliberately doing NATO propaganda so that the Anti Gaddafi witch hunt can reach fever pitch, they 
are the ones whipping up hate just like when CNN and Al Jazeera broadcast the news that African mercenaries 
were fighting for Gaddafi..All of this was a lie, there were only Black Skinned Libyans in the Libyan Army 
fighing for Gaddafi but they wanted to encourage the genocide that is happening in Libya. I'm disgusted and 
am boycotting CNN from now on; it is not only biased and spreading cock eyed propaganda not objective and 
fair, if CNN was objective and fair they would not have to hid behind NATO troops and would have had a 
neutral correspondent in Tripoli during the Gaddafi days exposing the mass graves they are just 
whipping up tales because they want to target those who support Gaddafi Shame on you CNN!

The truth about Libya - الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا via Allibiya TV - قناة الليبية
مارتن اقبال يسخر من البي بي سي عندما ساقت خبرا عن اكتشاف مقبرة جماعية في سجن ابوسليم لاكثر من 1200 جثة
ويقول بانه لم تعرض جثة واحدة وان البي بي سي عرضت اكاذيب مجلس الخيانة الانتقال
ي ..ويتابع
 مارتن ان ما عرضوه هو مجموعة من العظام فقط فيما قال مراسلون لاذاعة سي ان ان ان العظام لا تبدو انها عظام بشر!!!!
ويقول مارتن ان هذا الخبر والقضية سيتم سحبها من التداول بعد ان تم استخدامها لحشو عقول العامة في الاتجاه المطلوب!!!
فتخيلوا ككيف تمت صناعة عقول العرب والليبيين على مدار اكثر من نصف عام عن موضوع ليبيا!! الذين
 كانوا تحت تلك الضغوط
 الاعلامية نراهم اليوم يرفعون العلم الفرنسي بكل اعتزاز ويخرجون زوجاتهم وبناتهم لمصافحة ساركوزي بكامل زينتهن!!!
الى اين يسير بنا (فن) صناعة العقول؟

Libya: <strong><em>NTC </em></strong>concocts mass grave story in brazen propaganda piece |
by <strong>Martin Iqbal</strong>. Updated 25 September 2011 - click here to go to the update.
In a truly stunning 
display of <strong>dishonesty, the BBC has reported, citing no evidence</strong>

The real truth concerning Abu Saleem was once available online within the site of speeches our 
brother-leader made availble for everyone (but the American <strong><em>CIA</em></strong> took 
down the site:  ).
Muammar al-Gadhafi sought full investigation and justice in the incident. The real finger 
should be pointing at Jalil, not Gadhafi....and the true nature of these prisoners, as to 
how that prison revolt began. al-Gadhafi is totally innocent of all these false charges. 
TOTALLY INNOCENT!  A massacre has never taken place! All a fabricated propaganda lies 
orchestrated by Libyan enemies. Many <strong><em>CIA/al-Qaeda</em></strong> agents were 
executed by the Libyan Government, by the then judge Jalil, even after Gadhafi pleaded 
himself against capital-punishment against them. They were the cause of a failed coup 
which was headed by <strong>Colonel Khalifa Haftar</strong> who was operating then from 
VIRGINIA USA, for the American <strong><em>CIA</em></strong>.

It was unclear, however, whether the site actually was a mass grave, as no excavation has taken place. Members of the

media were shown bones at the site, but medics with CNN staffers on the scene said the bones did not appear to be human.

Posted: 2011/09/26
From: Mathaba
Medics on the scene said bones of “more than 1,200 bodies found in Tripoli’s Abu Salim prison” did not appear to be human.
By Martin IqbalIn a truly stunning display of dishonesty, the BBC has reported, citing no evidence to back its claim, that a mass grave containing over 1,200 bodies has been found in Tripoli’s Abu Salim prison complex. The BBC attempts to tie this ‘finding’ to the equally concocted ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’, as it claims that the bodies are those of the inmates supposedly killed in 1996.In a piece posted today after a NTC news conference, the BBC uses the headline: “More than 1,200 bodies found in Tripoli mass grave“. Categorically, absolutely, unequivocally, this is an out-and-out lie; 1,200 bodies have not been found.Not a single body has been found. In fact, no excavation has been performed, and no more than ‘several bone fragments’ have been discovered, according to the NTC.This is revealed to the reader within the BBC’s own concocted report in the paragraphs that follow (emphasis mine):

A mass grave believed to contain up to 1,270 bodies has been found in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, says the National Transitional Council (NTC).

The remains are thought to be those of inmates who were killed by security forces in 1996 in the Abu Salim prison.

Excavation at the site is expected to start soon.

Several bone fragments and pieces of clothing have already been found in the top soil.

While the unelected, illegitimate terror council known as the NTC claims to have found merely ‘several bone fragments‘, the BBC claims that 1,200 bodies have been found in its deliberately misleading headline.

Even this weak slew of lies from the BBC exposes the fragile nature of the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ propaganda, as it refers to the evidential basis of the event (emphasis mine):

A few eyewitnesses have talked about the fact they were killed in their jail cells by grenades and sustained gunfire after a protest.

Officials in the new government say they will need foreign forensic help to determine exactly what happened there.

The BBC’s report contains testimony from a ‘Sami Assadi’, who claims to have lost two brothers in the incident.

“Mixed feelings really. We are all happy because this revolution has succeeded, but when I stand here, I remember my brothers and many, many friends have been killed, just because they did not like Muammar Gaddafi.”

The inclusion of this testimony is a blatant attempt to twist and distort the reality on the ground. The BBC suggests that the ‘revolution’ has succeeded. In reality the ‘rebels’ and the foreign soldiers & special forces leading them, don’t even hold Tripoli, in addition to countless other locations still held by the Libyan resistance. These include Bani Walid and Sirte – locations now subject to NATO-prescribed blockades in an attempt to starve the resistance into submission, coupled with lethal bombing campaigns.

In its crude attempt to deceive the public, the BBC even manages to contradict itself in this one-page report. The testimony it provides above suggests that the alleged victims of the ‘Abu Salim massacre’ were killed because they “did not like Gaddafi“, while the BBC itself claims earlier in the piece, that they were killed for protesting against conditions in the prison.

Associated Press has also picked up this story, citing rebel spokesperson Khalid al-Sherif: “We have discovered the truth about what the Libyan people have been waiting for for many years, and it is the bodies and remains of the Abu Salim massacre“. As with the BBC piece, this report also admits that only a few bone fragments have been found and excavation has not even begun.

Most certainly, this ‘mass grave’ propaganda will drop out of the news without retraction from the NTC liars or the media lackeys that peddled it, as it turns out to be an utter falsehood. ‘Abu Salim’ is an event toted by globalist-Zionist funded Human Rights Watch as the trump card in the propaganda war against Libya. It is an event for which there is no physical evidence, and HRW’s report on the event hinges on the testimony of one person who is now residing in the United States. Laughably, HRW even admits that they cannot independently verify a single detail of the man’s claims.

Update: 25 September, 2011

Hat tip to @Cordeliers on this. CNN has chimed in, stating that the bones found did not even appear to be human:

It was unclear, however, whether the site actually was a mass grave, as no excavation has taken place. Members of the media were shown bones at the site, but medics with CNN staffers on the scene said the bones did not appear to be human.


UN DONE The 66th Session of the General Assembly.

Reflections by Dr.

Christof Lehmann

Posted on September 28, 2011 by nsnbc
Dr. Christof Lehmann

The 66th Session of the United Nations General Assembley; against the backdrop of a manufactured world economic crisis; the abuse of the

UN Security Counsel Resolution 1973 on Libya to give the appearance of legality to a war that is the antithesis of all the UN was supposed to

stand for; the ongoingNATO subversion attempt and insurgency in Syria in cooperation and with sponsorship of Al Qaeda´s Omar Brigade

and Muslim Brotherhood; the shooting of Serbian Protesters, and among many other gravest problems, the denial of the recognition of

Palestine’s legitimate right to statehood and self-determination without illegal occupation of it´s territories; indicates that the United

Nations has become the instrument of a frontal assault on independent nations right to self-determination and peace. The United Nations

has become the International Non Governmental Organization that is instrumental in lending illegitimate acts of aggression by the Anglo-

American Empire which are the antithesis of what the United Nation was supposed to safeguard against, the appearance of legitimacy.

The very word “United” in the name of the United Nations has become the equivalent to “United by economic usury, by economic war,

by instrumentalization of resources and food, and by brute force and occupation, under the banner of the empire of aggression”. While

empires are battling out wars against each other, wars which are sanctioned by the UN, the smaller and independent nations, nations with

resources that could provide safety and security for their people take the brunt of the empires ambitions. Credibility being the all decisive

factor for it´s functionality, and recently having lost what little credibility there might have been remaining, what remains now is to


political leadership, courage and integrity, and the establishment of a true international community rather than all nations united

under one

banner. The UN must be most urgently UN DONE.

The now acute problem with the United Nations is not the cause of the recent decades geopolitical developments.

For a large part the UN is one of the root causes of the disastrous aggressions and mischief of the recent decades. It´s problem is not acute, it´s

problem is systemic. If empires rise and fall, the problems with the United Nations remain. It´s very very structure is the antithesis of democratic

principles, not to speak of self-determination. It is instrumental in initiating crimes against peace under the guise of humanitarian principles and

of bringing self-determination and democracy to the people of what ever country may be opposed to voluntary surrender to the empire currently

in charge or taking the initiative, while it´s own fabric is everything but democratic.

Yes, the United Nations has democratic processes; at grass roots level as well as in international affairs; just as long as the outcome is limited,

symbolic, a token of the masters willingness to provide some resemblance of freedom to the nations and the people they enslave by means of

International Monetary Funds, World Bank, Bank of the World, and if that does not suffice to quieten initiatives to self-determination,

a war

under the guise of humanitarian, charitable acts to provide freedom and democracy.


It is inconceivable to any one with true integrity and principle, that it should be permitted by the United Nations to commit a crime against peace,

the right to life, and the most appalling war crimes and genocide as they are currently committed in Libya. It is inconceivable to any one with true

integrity and principle, that the United nations should turn a blind eye to the calls from Syria, that is plagued by an attempted subversion by NATO

countries, who arm, finance and train known terrorists and terrorist organizations, like the Saudi Arabia based Omar Brigade, Al Qaeda´s

assassination experts, Muslim Brotherhood and Afghan mercenaries, armed, financed and trained on NATO bases in Turkey, to cause death

and destruction among the people of Syria, who are in the process of implementing honest and productive reforms with the support of their

government and their President Bashar al-Assad. It is unconceivable for one with true integrity and principle that the United Nations, whose

very legitimation should have been provided in the protection of mankind and the individual against the most serious crimes known to mankind,

is time and time again the instrument of the aggressor, the robber and thief, the assassin and the usurper, the murderer of the individual and

the masses.

Every human life is valuable. Every single ones violent end caused by the outrages of empires and others cruel, unselfish and inhumane

ambitions causes manifold pain and grievances among the victims families. While murder in all human communities is perceived as the ultimate crime,

that warrants the most severe punishments, the United Nations is lending legitimacy to murder in the thousands and hundreds of thousands. As every

single human is valuable and unique, so is every nation valuable in it´s traditions, it´s richness in common and shared human experience, in it´s way of

defining justice and fairness, in it´s colors and costumes and customs. In it´s expressions of happiness, love and creativity, in it´s social constructs


perceptions of fair and responsible governance. And the United nations embraces it; but only as long as a country does not misinterpret United as

Community of Free Contributors to the common good of mankind. Democratic principles and self-determination; yes – as long as it does not touch

the status quo of an empire.

We see the disappointment in the eyes of every single leader of nations who spoke at the 66th session whose nation has fallen out of the mercy of the

“rulers”. We hear their more or less skillfully disguised protests against the rulers. Their words are more or less skilfully disguised behind diplomatic

etiquette and often one has to be a keen observer of world politics or psychology to even realize the undercurrent of disappointment, helplessness,

and feeling of entrapment; but it is there, tangibly present. Their defiance is muffled like the voices of slaves talking about their master. Their

creativity and love to their people and their rage for the crimes committed against them is muffled like the voice of the slaves who speak about their

masters. They beg, as in the case of Palestine, for permission to get a place; not on the stage of world politics, not even inside the theater, but a chair,

a nice blue chair, so they can be tall enough to look above the barbwire fence of injustice to have a glimpse of how the actors play with their people´s

lives, destinies, hopes and rightful ambitions to sharing their common human experience with all the others who are inside, under the wings of their


In honesty, and in the privacy of ones own home, if one is privileged to have one, every man and woman with decency

in their heart cry from anger,

frustration and pain about the state of the world and the state of the United Nations. something deep inside every single

one of us who takes the time to

reflect on it will feel the shared emotion of humanity and deepest dissent. We know that the United Nations has lost it´s

legitimacy to speak on behalf of

nations, on behalf of the leaders of nations and on behalf of any of us. All that remains is for leaders with integrity to

gather and to do the only sensible and

reasonable thing that can, and most urgently must be done. To UN DO the United Nations, to get over differences

that are meaningless in the light of the

atrocities that are committed in it´s name, and to become the founding members of a true international community.

Dr. Christof Lehmann


Medics confirm the mass grave site of Abu Saleen Prison is fake

Libya transitional council believes mass grave found
By the CNN Wire Staff
25 September  2011 — Updated 2030 GMT (0430 HKT)
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) — Officials with Libya’s transitional government announced Sunday they have located a suspected

mass grave thought to hold the

remains of 1,270 people, victims of a 1996 massacre at Abu Salim prison.

The Tripoli site was located by revolutionaries on 20 August , said Kamal el Sherif, a member of a National Transitional Council


Medics on the scene testified that the supposed mass grave of a massacre is fake, and the bone fragments are not human.

Another devastating blow to NATO


NATO has accused the Libyan Jamahariya Government of committing a massacre in Abu Saleen prison, but similar to

most accusations, no evidence has been

provided. Although some people were sentenced to death for treason from that prison, a massacre has never taken place,

a fabricated propaganda lie orchestrated

by Libyan enemies. Many CIA agents were executed by the Libyan Government after a failed coup which was headed by

Colonel Khalifa Haftar who was operating from USA.

I would like to thank “Anonymous says: September 26, 2011 12:27 AM” for revealing the report to us.

Dr. Webster Tarpley: West after Libyan oil, riches

Posted: 2011/09/26
From: Mathaba’s%20oil
In this interview with Press TV Dr. Webster Tarpley emphasizes that the Western military invasion in Libya has nothing to do with democracy and has merely launched cynical imperialist attacks to provide the West with Libya’s oil and rihes.
Interviewer: Do you think that [Muammar] Gaddafi is still strong enough to remain in power and do you think that as [US] President [Barack] Obama said today that this is a humanitarian mission that has been continuing in Libya and he says will still continue?Tarpley: Well, I think we have to remember that there are two traditions here in the United States. You have a certain kind of imperialist politician like [former US President Richard] Nixon or [former US President George W.] Bush the younger. These are brutal thugs. They talk about bombing people back into the Stone Age. Then you have the other tradition, the tradition of the hypocrites. We had [former US president] Woodrow Wilson and we have Obama today.Based on that performance at the United Nations today, I think Obama should get the Nobel Prize for hypocrisy. This [Libya] is a country that has been raped. Libya had the most advanced standard of living in Africa measured by the UN in development programs, in terms of health, education, welfare, the status of women, and in many other social and economic measures. It also had the most advanced water infrastructure of just about any place in the world, and of course its oil industry, and many other things that were being promoted.This is now being completely smashed. Today we had the “imperialist” twins at the UN, [Mustafa Abdel] Jalil and [Mahmoud] Jibril telling us that 25,000 people have been killed as a result of the revolution and talking about people who are al-Qaeda terrorist fighters and other foreign fighters that have been brought in. There are still massacres of black Libyans and black Africans that are ongoing. The US Special Forces are still on the ground continuously, and nevertheless these rebels are militarily impotent.They are not able after three weeks to capture Sirte or Bani Walid. There are vast areas of Libya that are not under their control. So Libya has been raped and the performance today by Obama, I think is a new loan in the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Obama regime. I think the interesting question is how long will the Libyan war go on. I think it will go on for a very long time and I think if the NATO forces push on to push their assets into Syria, the rebels may find it tough going.Interviewer: Mr. Malek says that it is now time for Libya to move on and to let the National Transitional Council (NTC) go forward with the democratic process that it is seeking. The question still remains though, will the revolutionaries be able to maintain political control in Libya without NATO, US, and UN backing. Of course there are also reports we have been hearing about divisions in this force and also prominent concern among all revolutions now across the Middle East and North Africa that the revolutionaries may not actually be in charge?Tarpley: I’m afraid I do not see any authentic revolutions any these areas. I see some cynical color revolutions and CIA people-power coups, with a certain amount of disguise going on, or camouflage you might say. It looks to me that you got a group around Belhaj and his group of jihadists, al-Qaeda veterans. You have the former chauffeur of Osama bin Laden, six years in Guantanamo Bay. Belhaj is trying to portray himself as a martyr, because he was tortured by the CIA. He was in fact a US Prisoner of War in Pakistan because he was organizing people to go and kill US forces in those countries.We’ve got a whole list of these other people. These are most likely the people who assassinated General [Abdul Fattah] Younes at the end of July, and now we have Salabi coming up saying that he simply will not tolerate Jalil, who is the head of state and Jibril, the head of government.Jalil and Jibril don’t seem to really control the military forces worth anything. Those seem to be al-Qaeda and foreign fighters. So, I think it is very likely that these themes will fall out and I don’t think that Jalil and Jibril will be able to buy insurance policies very easily, because their life expectancy is not good, with all of these al-Qaeda people around them who resent them.On the Western side, let’s look at France. We got [French President Nicolas] Sarkozy and [British Prime Minister David] Cameron who made their demagogic tour of Libya a couple of days ago. I don’t think they dared to go out in public much in Tripoli. They seemed to have limited their speeches to Ben Ghazi. There was Jacque Verges, from Paris who seemed to file a lawsuit against Sarkozy for high crimes against humanity, and I think there’s an excellent basis for that.Gaddafi has succeeded in blocking the path of the color revolutions, because every county was supposed to have fallen by now in the Middle East, and it hasn’t happened. In particular Syria, has been slowed down for six months, because of Gaddafi’s resistance. I think the US and the British are getting desperate about Syria. If they decide to go for an attack on Syria soon, I will mean that a lot of military resources that are now in the Central Mediterranean will be moved to the Eastern Mediterranean.At that point we will see that they will owe very little to these fighters on the ground and just about everything to the NATO bombing. The scoring that it’s an authentic revolution is absurd. This is the NATO bombers and workers, the European officers, the US and other special forces that did it all. The role of these fighters is some fighting but mainly to be photographed by Al Jazeera.Interviewer: Does this mean that Western type of democracy is what this international mission is all about? And do you think that that is not what the Libyan people would want to see?Tarpley: Democracy is totally irrelevant to this. This is a cynical imperialist attack aiming at the two things that the US, the British, and the French value. On the one hand the oil and on the other hand the water. The water may turn out to be more valuable than the oil. We’ve seen the people the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank and their contact with people seems to be through this guy [Ali] Tarhouni, the finance minister of the rebel council. Libya will be under IMF conditionality and that will mean the Washington consensus, deregulation, privatization, the destruction of any state-sector that remains, the destruction of any social welfare system, or social safety network, and all of those positive things that Gaddafi had done to distribute the oil revenue to increase the general welfare.As the IMF vote is imposed, people are going to find that are not going to be able to go to college, that they won’t have a family allowance, that they can’t buy a house, thanks to the fact that this will all be dismantled, because this is what the IMF always does, I think we’ll see even greater backlash against these IMF and NATO agents that are presently running the show.I think that the future is once again protracted guerrilla warfare, urban warfare, and depending on the fortunes of other warfare in other theaters, the Eastern Mediterranean warfare has enlarged because of Syria on the one hand, and also because of the Israel-Palestinian issue that may also heat up. That may siphon off some of these NATO resources maybe they will find that if the rebels are left on their own, I don’t think they could last for even a month.

About Auntie Adjeley

Auntie Adjeley is a retired musician, teacher and artisan who is dedicated to Peace, Justice and Social Harmony and is opposed to the hegemony of the so-called ‘New World Order’.

Ajoutée par le 26 sept. 2011

As previous reports have shown, there are hundreds of mercenaries from various countries in Libya from Britain, France, Qatar, Egypt,


United Arab Emirates and the US. Most of these mercenaries believed as the various leaders of their countries that the crusade to conquer


would take a few days but it has now been more than six months and the Libyan military and armed Libyan citizens have become more and


effective at defeating the NATO rebels and mercenaries.

Ajoutée par le 25 sept. 2011

As previous reports have shown, there are hundreds of mercenaries from various countries in Libya from Britain, France, Qatar, Egypt,


United Arab Emirates and the US. Most of these mercenaries believed as the various leaders of their countries that the crusade to conquer


would take a few days but it has now been more than six months and the Libyan military and armed Libyan citizens have become more and


effective at defeating the NATO rebels and mercenaries.
NATO, which has played a key role in decimating Gadhafi’s military during the Libyan civil war, has kept up its air campaign since the fall of Tripoli

last month. The alliance said Monday its warplanes struck eight military targets near Sirte a day earlier, including an ammunition and vehicle storage

facility and

rocket launcher.

Eman Mohammed, a 30-year-old doctor at the city’s central Ibn Sina Hospital, said the facility was short on most medicines and no oxygen in the


rooms. She said most days, patients who reach the hospital find no one to treat them because fuel shortages and fear keep staff from coming to work.

She said

many recent injuries appear to be caused by revolutionary forces. “Most of the people killed or injured recently are from the shelling,” she said. [CNN]

Why do these doctors and medical personnel fear coming to hospital? It is because NATO and NATO rebels bomb the hospital.
“NATO has been bombing continuously. The children are scared. We had to leave. There was no option,” the Sirte resident said. [PRESS TV]

Libyan Child

SAIF al-Islam al Gadhafi: 

The downfall of the USA:  brother Leader of the al-Fatah Revolution w/ Banki Moon: 


Sanctions: Cut the Globalists Off From Humanity

Posted: 2011/09/28
From: Source
UN Sanctioning Sovereign Nations, We the People Sanctioning the Global Elite: Time to cut them off from humanity.
editorial by Tony CartalucciThe first step in destroying an entrenched enemy is to cut them off from the rest of the world. The globalists of NATO, the US, UK, France, Qatar, and others, have illustrated this principle in Libya on several levels. First they cut off the nation of Libya from the outside world, putting arms and trade embargoes on the Libyan government, blockading their shores, and seizing control of their airspace. As Benghazi’s Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) terror brigades swept across the country under NATO cover, raping, murdering, and brutalizing all in their path, the globalists began organizing the surrounding and cutting off of individual Libyan cities, allowing (and assisting) rebels in cutting off food, medical supplies, cooking gas, electricity, and unimaginably even water, literally to starve the populations into submission. While the people of Libya have shown immense resolve against this strategy, it is only because of the incompetence of NATO and the lack of fortitude, character, or any desirable human quality amongst the rebels that this process of isolating and besieging the Libyan people has failed.The absolute mockery the UN sanctioned NATO military intervention in Libya is making out of the contrived notion of “Responsibility to Protect (R2P)” is evident as civilians escaping from the Libyan city of Sirte accuse NATO of genocide, of bombing schools, hospitals, and homes and mass murdering innocent people. Additionally, under the cover of NATO, entire Libyan cities have been exterminated, with the population being rounded up, murdered or exiled and their property stolen. One such example, Tawarga, reported on by the Telegraph in their article, “Gaddafi’s ghost town after the loyalists retreat,” involved a town of 10,000 people whom the rebels said would never be allowed to return to their homes.Americans during World War II were asked to stand against fascism in Europe and imperialism in East Asia, to intervene in the transgressions of Germany and Japan against the sovereignty of neighboring nations. In hindsight, the British and Americans were just as guilty at the time of grooming their own empires, but hypocrisy aside, rising to the occasion to stop the building of empire over free humanity is indeed a noble cause. Who then will rise to the occasion today, against the US, UK, France, Qatar, NATO’s members and those backing the illegitimate UN, contrived International Criminal Court and other self-serving “international institutions” that are having their way with this planet? Who? And how?It isn’t just Libya that is in the cross-hairs. Afghanistan has suffered a decade of occupation and war at the hands of a banking, corporate-financier cartel who call themselves “globalists.” Iraq too is suffering a proxy government beholden to invading foreign powers. The people of Uganda are literally being massacred so Anglo-American bankers can scoop up vast tracts of land to fuel yet another Ponzi economic scam, one based not on fiat currency, but even further-fetched “carbon credits.” When one looks at the vast amount of resources at the disposal of the “globalists” they feel overwhelmed and not unexpectedly ask what can anyone do against such brazen, reckless disregard for human life, human sovereignty, and human rights?The answer is staring us in the face every time we pick up the corporate-newspapers or flip on the corporate-news channels and here the word “sanctions.” We the people must slap sanctions on the globalists, and it doesn’t even require a UN mandate to do it. It simply involves identifying the corporations and institutions that are enabling the globalist agenda, systematically boycotting them, and eventually replacing them entirely on a local or regional level. There is nothing a multinational corporation can do that the modern nation-state can’t, and in many cases, nothing multinationals can do that people can’t do even on a local level. And as technology advances in both terms of information and manufacturing, this equation will only tip further in “we the people’s” favor.The ghouls of globalism have demonstrated without doubt their insincerity over their proclaimed goals of establishing an “international order” based on the rule of law, where “the rule of law” is applied to everyone but themselves, who brazenly, and consistently violate even their own contrived mandates, edicts, and resolutions when it suits them. In Libya, the “Responsibility to Protect” turned into targeted assassinations, regime change, and nation building (read: neo-imperialism) before UNSC r.1973 came back from the printers – a foregone conclusion 30 years in the making, spun only as “humanitarian intervention” for public consumption. Thus the globalists have demonstrated that they are incapable of lording over humanity with their “international order,” and without doubt demonstrated the necessity of excising them and their ill-conceived notion of “global governance” entirely from society at all costs.The globalists have procured this vast amount of impressive power only through our own complicity. We daily, monthly, yearly, and from generation to generation pay into the vast, ever expanding corporations that make up the global elite. We elect to shop at their stores, buy their products, use their services, exchange their currency and keep that currency in their banks. We elect to divert our time, energy, and attention to their corporate sponsored spectacles, be it on the race track, the football field, the basketball court or the baseball diamond. We are told that our nation’s destiny is determined at the polls, and that the only way to effect real change is to choose from amongst several, bought off, corrupt, self-serving politicians, who needless to say, already serve the globalists, not the people. In reality, we vote everyday, with a vote far more effective and far reaching than anything that happens at election time. We vote with our purchases, our choice of how we spend our free time, and the way we utilize the resources we have at our disposal.It would then reason, that by not paying into the globalists’ corporations, institutions, and diverting ourselves with their distractions, we could begin repealing much of this unwarranted power they have accumulated. Eventually, we can begin replacing their corrupt, self-serving institutions that span the globe and presume dominion over all humanity, with local institutions that serve the people. It is not something that will be done overnight, it will take time. Even the globalists, with their endless power, must incrementally tighten their grip on their enemies, even ones as small as Libya. Surely everyone could easily do away with Coca-Cola and Pepsi today, as well as turning off the corporate-sponsored diversions on TV and on the sports fields. If we can’t perhaps we don’t deserve freedom or prosperity, but the mere, fleeting illusion of it we are afforded by our globalist overlords when it suits them. America’s Founding Fathers would most likely be appalled at how modern day Americans have pawned off self-reliance, freedom, and independence for the illusion of security, convenience, and even entertainment. We need to stop looking for heroes to save us, and simply find ourselves a mirror. We are the key to our own salvation, as no one cares about our best interests more than we the people, our families, and our immediate communities.Let us commit to putting “sanctions” on the globalists. Cut these degenerate megalomaniacs off from the world they so desire to dominate. Leave their stadiums empty, their airlines destitute, their checkpoints desolate, their corporate troughs filled with Chinese made slave goods virtual ghost towns, their banks as trusted and relied upon for economic activity as that game of monopoly collecting dust in the closet. Put them out of business, put them out of business forever. They have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that they, not some cave dwelling fundamentalist or Libyan colonel, are the greatest threat we as humanity face.For a partial list of corporations that absolutely must be put out of business please see: “Naming Names.” To see why even seemingly benign corporations like Pepsi and Coca-Cola are accomplices in the most egregious crimes against humanity, see: “Destroy the Globalists.” For alternatives to the vast, globalist consumer paradigm, please see: “The Globalists’ Worst Nightmare.” #

Sirte Civilians: NATO Committing Genocide

Corporate media admits Libya operation is brutal genocide – keeps cheering for NATO & rebels.
by Tony CartalucciAs reported earlier, weeks ago, rebel forces led by US State Department [1] and UK Home Office [2] listed
from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) [3], a subsidiary of Al Qaeda, announced plans to starve out cities resisting their
foreign backed bid for power. The London Telegraph reported in an article titled, “Libya crisis: Rebel leaders hoping to starve
Gaddafi stronghold
of Sirte into submission,” that under the cover of heavy NATO bombing rebel leaders hoped “to starve Col Gaddafi’s home town
of Sirte into
submission, laying siege to his last remaining stronghold in an attempt to avoid mass bloodshed, according to the man
spearheading efforts for a
peaceful takeover.”
Fox News would relay an AP report on September 2, 2011, that rebel commanders declared, “we want to save our
fighters and not lose a single
one in battles with Qaddafi’s forces. In the end, we will get Sirte, even if we have to cut water and electricity and let
NATO pound it with airstrikes.”
AP cited Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebel leadership in the eastern city of Benghazi.

After weeks of attempting to encircle and starve into submission the cities of Bani Walid and Sirte, the “National

Transitional Council” had claimed the

resulting humanitarian disaster was of Qaddafi’s own creation. CNN, after admitting earlier that anti-Qadhafi forces

on the outskirts of Sirte and Bani

Walid had cut off supplies into the cities and amassed weaponry for heavy battle, has reported in another article

titled, “NTC claims humanitarian

disaster in Gadhafi stronghold,” that “that Gadhafi forces are robbing food stores, leaving civilian residents to starve.”

This was an attempt to explain

the predictable atrocities that were soon to follow and shift the blame away from NATO and its rebel proxies.

This week, NATO’s proxy rebel forces made yet another “final assault” on the coastal city of Sirte, accompanied by

days of intense NATO bombardment

(34 strike sorties on September 24 alone [4]). With the densely populated city’s defenses still keeping rebels

and presumably their NATO special

operations advisers on the city’s outskirts, it is a mystery as to how they claim to be identifying only military

targets, let alone accurately hitting them.

Such intense bombing could only be indiscriminately killing civilians, contra to the entire narrative NATO

used to initiate their intervention in the first


Indeed, the Australian has reported, in an article titled, “Sirte civilians accuse NATO of genocide,” that civilians

fleeing NATO’s premeditated

humanitarian disaster are describing wanton genocide at the hands of NATO bombing and rebel atrocities on the

ground. Civilians claim their homes

have been destroyed and that female family members are being kidnapped as they attempt to escape checkpoints

controlled by rebel forces.

Not surprisingly, the myriad of George Soros and US State Department funded “human rights advocacy” groups,

including  Amnesty International

(page 10) [5], Human Rights Watch [6], as well as National Endowment for Democracy-funded Freedom House [7],

Reporters Without Borders [8],

and International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) [9], are no where to be found to verify these claims, or so

much as bring them to light, and

the Australian itself attempts to cast doubts on the accusations by claiming they only observed rebel forces

handing out food and water at checkpoints –

as if the rebels would kidnap refugee women in front of the international press.

The Australian also reported a Sirte resident as saying, “NATO bombing is killing civilians. Where is the

United Nations? Where is the Muslim world to stop

this genocide of the people of Sirte?”After the Libyan rebels, under UN sanctioned NATO air cover, have

verifiably exterminated or exiled entire cities, as

was the case for Tawarga, reported on by the Telegraph in their article, “Gaddafi’s ghost town after the

loyalists retreat,” this is a very important question.

The answer unfortunately is that the United Nations not only knows what is going on, but doesn’t care

and is doing everything in its power to ensure it

continues on in earnest. The entire purpose of these “international institutions” is to lend legitimacy to

what would otherwise be a unilateral military

campaign of conquest. And despite dressing it up with UN resolutions and a torrent of disingenuous

corporate media propaganda, it is still just that – a

genocidal, brutal, campaign of military conquest, not to protect “civilians,” quite obviously,

but to extend Anglo-American hegemony across the

planet in the form of their “international order.” [10]

[1] US State Department, List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, #26 Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
[2] UK Home Office Proscribed Terrorist Groups, page 5
[3] 2007 West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) report
[4] NATO Source, Alliance News Blog, Update: NATO activities in Libya on September 24
[5] Amnesty International 2010 Annual Report, page 10 listed as “Open Society Georgia” a Soros subsidiary.
[6] Human Rights Watch website, “Partners” listed as “Open Society Institute & Soros Foundations Network”
[7] National Endowment for Democracy website, Multiregional & Miscellaneous, listed as “Freedom House”
[8] Reporters Without Borders, Income & Expenditures, 2008: listed as “Private foundations included the

the Sigrid Rausing Trust,

the Overbrook Foundation, the Center for a Free Cuba and the US National Endowment for Democracy.”
[9] FIDH Financial Statements, Foundations, Associations and other institutions (right column)
[10] Brookings Institute’s “Libya’s Test of the New International Order,” February 2011

Posted by Land Destroyer at 10:24 PM

TNC In Chaos: 80% of Tripoli under Green Banner.

Posted on 01 October 2011 by nsnbc

The Sieges on Sirte and Bani Walid are breaking up, so does the the Transitional National Counsel. Jalil is calling for establishing a new government while the majority of TNC members desert it. Abdelhakim Belhadj describes the situation as chaotic. Is he making a move for power.     by Dr. Christof Lehmann

In spite of it´s absolute air superiority, NATO is loosing the battle on the ground. Today the citizens of Bani Walid woke up to a surprise. Instead of the usual bombs, NATO planes dropped thousands of fliers telling the people to leave the city or to be considered military targets. Is NATO preparing for an onslaught with bobs in a desperate attempt to turn around the lost battle on the ground.

Tonight nsnbc received confirmed reports that the siege on Bani Walid and Sirte is broken. Though there are heavy clashes around both cities, the resistance inside the cities has now established contact with the military, Tribal and Volunteer Forces that came to their relief.

Tonight heavy fighting erupted in and around the Green Square in Tripoli. A NATO ammunition depot in Tripoli harbor was seized by Libyan Forces. There was heavy fighting at both Tripoli´s military airport as well as Mitiga Airport. Tribal militia from Zintan secured several banks in Tripoli and began refunding money that had been seized by the TNC.  The Zintan militia also stormed several prison facilities and liberated numerous PoW´s that had been captured during the last months of fighting. The result of tonights fighting;The Green Flag is flying over 80% of Tripoli.

The proverb of “the rats abandoning the sinking vessel“, the majority of TNC members have quit their membership and positions. Abdelhakim Belhadj explained this morning, that Jalil is making desperate attempts to call for unity and is offering to “establish a new government“. The general response to Jalil´s call is quarrels, were TNC members blame each other for working for either this or the other NATO country. Belhadj called Jalil´s call for unity “rediculous in the face of the fact that almost 90 % of it´s members had abandoned the TNC“.

Is Abdelhakim Belhadj realizing that the battle is lost, will he make a move in an attempt to grasp power as many have expected for a long time. In the face of the military situation in Tripoli there is not much time left to make a decision. Regardless if it will be a Belhadj, a Jalil, a Jibril, or any other of the foreign nations agents who will make a grasp for power, it will most likely be a short lived affair. By no means does the latest development mean that the war in Libya is over, but the balance of power has undoubtedly changed tonight in Tripoli. The residents of Tripoli and other liberated cities and areas will do everything in their power to keep the TNC mercenary armies and the foreign agents who are infighting for power at bay. A look at the latest reports from Human Rights Watch amply explain why that is so.

Has Russia given a message to NATO that they are closely monitoring the situation in Libya while discussing Syria at the U.N..Russia has so far refused to accept three modified draft resolutions on Syria at the United Nations. Russian relations to NATO have recently be stressed to the extreme. The situation in Syria being one stressor, the situation in Kosovo another, and the outrage over NATO´s toppling and assassination attempt on Muammar Ghadafi a third, among many other. Russia´s permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said on Friday, that the Western countries haven´t shown readiness to reach an understanding with Moscow over some points of the draft resolution. Most likely NATO will have to interpret Russia´s signal on Friday containing an implicit message that NATO´s bombing of Libyan civilians must stop. Is that the reason why NATO chose to drop paper rather than bombs on Bani Walid and Sirte.

What is utterly unexplainable in the international developments on Libya is Iran´s unequivocal support of Belhadj, Jalil, Jibil and NATO´s aggression in Libya, while protesting the ongoing insurgency into Syria. In a video broadcast on YT Channel Morris 108, yesterday,Richard Bos asked some pressing questions to Press TV and commented on the Iranian approach to Libya. Bos correctly states, that if Iran hopes to appease NATO by turning a blind eye to Libya, it may have diplomatic advantages, and that all precedence provides ample evidence for the fact that appeasing NATO does not stop ongoing subversions.

Dr. Christof Lehmann


Richard Boss Questions to Press TV and Iran

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Dopo Sarkosy e Bernard H. Lévy, arrivano Israele e le sue lobby – Dopo aver lanciato il sasso e nascosto la mano, dopo Sarkosy e Bernard Henry Lévy, arrivano Israele e le sue lobby: chiavi alla mano… Riportato dal TG italiano di  RAI 2, letto su giornali quotidiani quali “Il Riformista“, “La Stampa” … Continue reading →
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Dr. Moussa Ibrahim – October 1, 2011 – د موسى ابراهيم 01-10-2011 Peace be upon you. I was near the Sirte front with 23 fighters. We were under attack by well-armed rebels for more than a day and a half, and we suffered fatalities.” He went on to … Continue reading →
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NATO’s Vicious War on Libyan Civilians – NATO’s latest 90-day military mandate in Libya is set to run out on Friday. But the campaign to protect Libyan civilians has done little of that in Sirte, where thousands of innocent people are suffering as NATO forces besiege Gaddafi’s … Continue reading →
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Libyan War News: October 1, 2011 (Eng-Ita) – Libyan War News updates – October 1, 2011 The mighty Libyan Army has hit the Tripoli Sea Port and now its condition doesn’t allow foreign ships to arrive to Tripoli and provide the NATO-mercenaries  with weaponry. The Libyan Army attacked … Continue reading →
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Terrorismo NATO in Libia, Siria, Serbia, Yemen…e non è finita qui… – Terrorismo NATO in Libia, Siria, Serbia, Yemen … … … … … … e non è finita qui… Siria: i mercenari NATO hanno assassinato Aws Abdel Karim Khalil, professore universitario, nonchè ingegnere nucleare, promettendo di usare la stessa strategia terroristica … Continue reading →
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Libyan War News: September 30, 2011 – (-September 30, 2011-) Libya Liberal Youth updates from the front lines:   All outskirts of Benghazi are controlling by Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds.There are many Green flags around. On the roofs of Tobruk and Divot were also raised green … Continue reading →
Sep 30, 2011
Libyan War News: September 29, 2011 – (-September 29, 2011-) Libya Liberal Youth updates from the front lines: 1. Ghadames , the touaregs, the Lions of the Sahara, have annihilated the Nato-mercenaries in Ghadames area , resulting to the death of more than 50 of them and … Continue reading →
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Hugo Chávez to the United Nations Organization – Letter of the president Hugo Chávez to the United Nations Organization September 27, 2011 MESSAGE In the frame of the 66th period of meetings of the General Assembly of the UNO – (ONU) Mister President of the General Assembly: Distinguished … Continue reading →
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Sep 28, 2011
Libyan War News: September 27, 2011 (Eng-Ita) – BREAKING NEWS, 27 Sept, 2011, at 9:47 PM Sirte is controlling by Libyan Army and by Libyan moujaheedens with Libyan volunteers. Nato-mercenaries cant go in harbour of Sirte and on all places are under the moujaheedens snipers fire. NATO-mercenary army … Continue reading →
Sep 28, 2011
Muammar Gadhafi on Bani Walid radio: September 27, 2011 – Leader of the Revolution held a speech broadcasted over the Bani Walid radio “Glory to you, greatest heroes of the Libyan people! You carry a proud blood of your ancestors! They were telling lies that Gaddafi is in Veneceuela , … Continue reading →
Sep 28, 2011
Propaganda North Atlantic Terrorist Organization: una discarica d’avanzi di macelleria diventa “fossa comune” – Da Marinella Correggia riceviamo e pubblichiamo questa ben fatta esposizione di come la propaganda Nato spacci, attraverso i suoi canali mediatici, controllati dalla Cia (vedi Aljazeera),  bufale per verità. Silenzio assoluto sui crimini commessi dai falsi “ribelli” (veri mercenari Nato) … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
Primavera Araba?!?! – Ma ve le bevete proprio tutte… Primavera araba? Ma ve le bevete proprio tutte… Fumate e bevete di meno, aprite gli occhi ed informatevi meglio e di più. Non c’è nessuna “primavera araba”, ma solo un grande e ben orchestrato … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
Brega: NATO cluster bombs – Brega: terrifying NATO cluster bombs in Libya – Raw Footage Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Very scary for the women and children in Brega, Libya. Filed under: + All – Archivio, Bombe a grappolo, Bombing civilians, Brega, Crimes … Continue reading →
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MEDICALS FOR SIRTE HOSPITAL NEED URGENTLY – MEDICALS FOR SIRTE HOSPITAL NEED URGENTLY سرت تتعالى على الالام والجراح I walked to resound on the pain and the surgeon مُساهمة من طرف عابر السبيل اليوم في 11:48 Passer-by today at 11:48 السلام عليكم Hello أود أعلامكم ان مستشفى … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
Guerra in Libia: Rivolta o Invasione? (Ita-Eng subt.) – Guerra in Libia: rivolta o INVASIONE? Who started the libyan war? Propaganda’s lies? (ITA/ENG) by Ryuzakero – 27 settembre 2011 Chi sono i “ribelli”? Chi ha iniziato questa guerra? E sopratutto: COME e perchè è iniziata? Si tratta veramente di … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
Resistance and Victory – Great resistance and victories of the Libyan people against Nato-mercenaries Sirte is controlling by Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers. In Sirte now hard fight. Sirte. Last day 26.9. 2011, were killed about 100 Nato-mercenaries and 450 wounded. … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
Witch hunts in “free” Libya – Witch hunts in “free” Libya by Lizzie Phelan – Voltairenet FOR THE ITALIAN TRANSLATION CLICK HERE While NATO’s mandate enjoins it to protect civilians, the Alliance allows the forces of the Libyan National Transition Council to continue their abuses. After … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
LA GRANDE BUGIA: Usare le organizzazioni umanitarie per lanciare le guerre – LA LIBIA E LA GRANDE BUGIA: Usare le organizzazioni umanitarie per lanciare le guerre Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Don Debar La guerra contro la Libia è costruita sulla frode. Il Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU ha approvato due risoluzioni contro la Libia, … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011

Libya witness: “rebels” killing civilians, food & water short

As the forces of Libya’s new rulers continue their siege of the two remaining Gaddafi strongholds, we spoke to an eye witness. A woman from Tripoli, who asked that we call her Selma, was in Beni Walid a day ago. Speaking in a low voice in fear for her life, she said former rebels care little about the well being of civilians.
RT Television  

Failure in Libya

The War Party strikes out

by ,   28 September 2011

Libya represents the failure of the interventionist project envisioned by the Obama administration: as rebel gangs run wild, attacking rival tribesmen – and “traitors,” like their former commander-in-chief – the country threatens to become what the more ambitious interventionists love best: a Failed State, that is, a state that fails to maintain its monopoly on the use of force in a given geographical area. For the War Party, every such failure is an opportunity to fill the power vacuum.

Faster than you can say “I told you so,” we’ll have boots on the ground. No other course is possible, given what is unfolding in Libya at the moment. The country hasno real government – a condition the Powers That Be cannot allow any longer than a few weeks. It could be that the National Transitional Council (NTC) will proclaim itself the “official” government, having already achieved this recognition from theNATO powers and the UN. Yet the reality on the ground is and will continue to be quite different. As the smoke begins to clear, one thing is becoming apparent: foreign troops will be patrolling the streets of Tripoli quite soon – and indeed they are alreadythere, albeit out of uniform.

As Libya comes more and more to resemble Somalia writ large, the blowback coming our way from the “responsibility to protect” doctrine will continue to waft over Washington, and the capitals of Europe. The West cannot and will not allow such disorder to exist in such close proximity to Europe: Somalia borders the Indian Ocean, but Libya’s famous beaches line the Mediterranean. Without a real government to deal with, the West will be forced to negotiate with the many tribal entities and independent actors who are splintering the former Libyan state into ever-smaller pieces. With the Western region demanding more representation in the NTC, the Gadhafi loyalists still on the loose, and thousands of weapons – some of them quite sophisticated – disappearing into the Libyan night, it’s quite a muddle – which just about describes the state of our Middle East policy at this juncture.

Look at what this administration has “accomplished” on the Libyan front: a three-way civil war, at the very least, between various rebel factions and Gadhafi loyalists – and the prospect that heavy weapons, including from Gadhafi’s arsenals, have fallen into the hands of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). The “former” leader of this terrorist outfit is the new commander of the rebels’ armed forces. Once tagged as the Libyan franchise of al-Qaeda, LIFG is supposed to have been disbanded, but it has merely taken on a new name: the Libyan Army.

How did this happen?

Under the “liberal” Obama, the US has launched a major effort to consolidate and extend its Middle Eastern colonization program into fresh territory, pushing forward the frontiers of empire both physically and ideologically – and this latter aspect of the new aggressiveness is what I find interesting.

The “responsibility to protect” doctrine, the banner unfolded as we went into the Libyan battle, represents the complete descent of the ruling elites of the West intomadness. If insanity requires a certain unselfconsciousness, an inability as well as an unwillingness to see one’s actions objectively, then surely this describes the Western mindset as we hail Libya’s chaotic “liberation.” To look at what is happening in that country and declare it a “success” – or, indeed, anything other than a catastrophe – is clear evidence of mental disability. The blinding madness of our ruling elites has them lurching from one disaster to the next, and proclaiming it a great success – without any awareness of how close the whole imperialist project is to collapse.

As Afghan insurgents strike at the very heart of the American occupation, Kabul, and Iraq comes apart at the seams, ever-cheerful US officials tweet their imaginary “victories.” The Taliban is in retreat, the Afghans are “stepping up,” and the Iraqis, too– we’ve been subjected to this torrent of lies for years, now, and I doubt anyone even listens anymore. It is like that voice coming out of the ever-present telescreens in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, hailing “our glorious victory on the Malabar Front!”

This administration speaks in a different voice than its predecessor, but it’s a change in tone rather than content: the point is still to get us to sign on to the combined world-saving project and war of revenge that commenced the day after 9/11/01. But the tone has significantly altered: this is imperialism of the “smart” variety,” one that seeks to sell the old imperialism as a form of militarized social work – a particularly useful fiction as we begin to intervene more aggressively in Africa.

This talking point, mainly aimed at an American audience, is complemented by our new counterinsurgency doctrine, known as “COIN”[.pdf] : championed by CIA director and former Middle East top commander Gen. David Petraeus, this doctrine is an Americanized version of the old Maoist-Guevarist strategy which likened revolutionaries to fish who must “swim among the people.” By living with “the people,” and sharing their lot, the theory is that US troops could themselves deploy the tactics of a classical insurgency, in effect mimicking the enemy. Just as the Viet-Cong, or, say Hezbollah, created a parallel government in the shadow of occupation, so Afghan villagers would gratefully accept the “government in a box” US strategists had designed for them. The Petraeus Doctrine, in short, amounts to a policy of nation-building from the bottom up: “clear, hold, and build,” as the COIN-dinista slogan puts it.

So much of this New Think consists of slogans, instead of real arguments: a collection of talking points, however, is not a real military strategy.

It all sounds hunky-dory: gain the people’s confidence by successfully protecting them against the Bad Guys, giving them “infrastructure,” and building institutions that inspire confidence in the American presence. There’s just one problem, however: the Afghans’ conception of just exactly who are the Bad Guys is quite different from our own. The COIN-dinistas evade the central problem of counterinsurgency theory: how to reverse the natural hostility of a population to an army of occupation. This “live with the people” strategy was tried by the British before and during the American Revolution, in the course of which British soldiers, including Hessians, were boarded in the homes of the rebels – and we all know how that turned out.

There’s no escaping it: no matter how you dress it up, whether in the clean white robes of “humanitarianism” and the “responsibility to protect,” or the purple robes of “benevolent global hegemony”: today we are King George III. Our far-flung legions are fighting insurgencies throughout Central Asia and the Middle East, from Afghanistan to Somalia and several points in between. Our President is a veritable Emperor, in the foreign policy realm, with the military at his beck and call. We maintain a commanding global presence in the form of bases and military assets on and around every continent. America is a world empire, one that has lost itsrepublican veneer almost entirely, and no counterinsurgency theory can change the context within which US troops abroad operate.

The geniuses over at the State Department elevated the demonstrably unsuccessfulPetraeus Doctrine to the level of policy, and applied it to Libya – with entirely predictable results. But that’s the essence of madness, isn’t it: repeating the same nonsensical behavior while expecting different results each time.

The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya Revisited: Morrocan, Algerian and Libyan Tribes Meet to Unite

Posted: 2011/10/04
From: Mathaba
Commentary by Dennis south on the inevitable extension of Jamahiriya across much of North Africa and the Sahel-Sahara region of Africa
It is time for all of North Africa to follow the tribes and to make the commitment to create the unified, free and strong, Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya.By Dennis SouthOn September 4th, 2011, Mathaba published an article that I wrote, entitled, The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya. The reader can read the article at his or her leisure.I had essentially two purposes for writing the article. Firstly, I felt that no country in North Africa would be safe unless all of North Africa was united through a common political and social system, or ideology. I felt that the defense of all of North Africa could best be achieved by the joining of North African countries (see the article for the ones that I listed) into one entity.Secondly, I felt that the union of North Africa would be a first step for the eventual union of all of the African continent. This has been the big dream of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for decades.In truth, when I wrote the article, I wondered if such a thing was possible. I examined my mind: Why was I making such a proposal? Who am I to make such a proposal? Was I speaking as a dreamy-eyed ideologue, or an “armchair revolutionary?”Well, it will be one month tomorrow (October 4th) since that article appeared.  And today, Dr. Christof Lehmann, of NSNBC (NSpin News BChristof Lehmann), revealed some very interesting news.  Incidentally, Dr. Lehmann’s NSNBC has become well-known for its accuracy in reporting the situation on the ground in Libya.  He says:”According to reliable sources, a series of secret meetings between tribal leaders from Zintan, Libya and Algeria resulted tonight in an agreement that a  unified front of tribal militia will enter the war which they call “The War for the Liberation of Northern Africa”. According to the same sources this alliance of tribes is backed by a unified North African Front, including Moroccan Tribes as well as Polisario who is fighting against the Moroccan administration of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.”Many members of Sahrawi´s provisional government and Polisario fighters are living in exile in AlgeriaThe Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic was officially recognized by Libya in 1980, and is  recognized by a wide range of countries, none of which is a NATOmember state.”Is this a vision whose time has come? Well, sorry for the cliche, but only time will tell.  Yet, it seems possible that NATO, through its mind-boggling, demonic, satanic genocidal war against the Libyan people, has awakened a sleeping giant.All over the Internet, including here at Mathaba, one can read articles warning of the new imperialist/colonialist goal of conquering all of Africa, or controlling all of Africa and African resources. There have been great fears that the powerful countries of the North could not be stopped; that their eventual control of Africa was “inevitable.”But I submit to the reader that the assault of NATO on Libya may not be the signal of the “inevitable” conquering of Africa by the northern countries. I submit–as difficult as this is for me to say, and as hard as it might be for you to hear–that NATO‘s genocidal war against Libya, has turned out to be a profound blessing for the people of North Africa, and, in time, for the entire continent of North Africa.That “blessing” can now be seen in a tangible form, through the announcement by the Libyan, Algerian, and Moroccan tribes of The War for the Liberation of Northern Africa. It would do well for the North African governments to follow suit, along with the tribes, and make the revolutionary move of unity. For, in time–if the North African governments do not assist in the revolutionary move to unity, the people of North Africa will remove those governments. This is my opinion.It is perhaps significant that the New York Times newspaper carried an article about the very real, intellectual/social/political debates that are occuring in Arab and Muslim countries concerning the form of government that those countries should have. This is a “hot and heavy” debate that is occurring all over the Muslim and Arab world.

One wonders whether or not the “intellectuals” involved in these debates will stop for a moment and realize what has unfolded before their very eyes: A tiny country of 6 million people–a population smaller than the population of the Chicago metropolitan area–has, in reality, defeated the most powerful military alliance in human history.

So, what further need is there to engage in intellectual debates about what kind of governmental system would be best for the Arab and Muslim nations? Was it the military prowess of the Libyan Defence Forces that caused this victory for the Libyan people? A military expert that I know personally, told me that the Libyan Army was not considered a good Army, by military standards.

Personally, despite the immense military expertise of the expert who told me that, I have a hard time believing that the Libyan Army is not a good army. But, when I think about it again; and when I remove my ego from the situation–an ego that makes it difficult for me to hear someone say that the Libyan Army is not a good army–I begin to realize something.

I begin to realize that it is not the Libyan Armed Forces that won this battle. It is the Libyan Jamahiriya system of government that won this battle!

And every Arab, Muslim, and African country should take note. I repeat: It is the system of government, the Jamahiriya, that has led Libya to this profound victory. It is the Jamahiriya system of direct democracy that brought victory to the Libyan people.

At Bani Walid, Sirte, Sabha, Tripoli, the people had been prepared, for 42 years, in the art of direct-democracy self-governance.  Unlike the United States, where the average person is not engaged in the political process, the people of Libya are deeply engaged in the political process, on the local level.

At Bani Walid, Sirte, Sabha, Tripoli, 42 years of experience in self-governance gave the people the practiced confidence to fend for themselves, until the Libyan Defence Force was able to finally reach them and help with their defence. There was no waiting for the army. The people, themselves, knew what to do.

Listen to me! I tell you that, beyond any doubt, the only thing protecting the United States is two oceans. If the U.S. was invaded, the people would panic. They would have ZERO idea what to do. There would be mass chaos. Every single individual would be working for his own survival, and maybe (yes, maybe) the survival of his family.

If anybody on earth, particularly the Arab and Muslim countries, had any doubt, formerly, about the efficacy of the Jamahiriya system, then there can be no doubt any longer. All doubt has now been removed, because the proof has been laid bare for the entire world to see: The Jamahiriya system of direct democracy has proven itself, during the worse crises that it has ever encountered, to be supremely efficacious!

And, as we all know, it is when a crises occurs that the character of an individual, or a nation, is really tested.  Have not the Libyan people and the Libyan Jamahiriya passed the test?  Have not the Libyan people and the Libyan Jamahiriya amply and supremely proven that they can withstand the greatest crises put before them?

And remember: The Jamahiriya system of government came out of the sands, and sons, of North AfricaThe Jamahiriya system of government came out of the mind of an African-Arab man: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

The Jamahiriya system did not come out of Europe. The Jamahiriya system did not come out of America. The Jamahiriya system did not come out of Russia, or China, or India or any place out. The Jamahiriya system came out of the sands and sons of North Africa.

It flowed from the thoughts of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Those thoughts were formalized and presented in his Green Book, out of which came the alternative to communism and capitalism, The Third Universal Theory, or The Third International Theory.

The Green Book also produced The International Green Charter Movement. This movement is spreading around the world.

The efficiacy of the Jamahiriya system can be seennot only in the fact that the Jamahiriya government has won this victory over a powerful coalition of nations, but by the fact that Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has instituted a form of the Jamahiriya system in Venezuela, and has openly stated his deep admiration for the Libyan Jamahiriya system of government. As is stated by Ian James, in his September 12th, 2011 Associated Press article entitled, “Venezuela’s Chavez sees cautionary tale in Libya,” also reproduced here at Mathaba, under the title, “Chavez offers unwavering support for Moammar Gadhafi,”

Chavez has long admired Gadhafi and the political ideals in his Green Book, the manifesto that promotes “direct democracy” rather than traditional representative government and argues that public participation through “popular congresses” is key.Chavez has similarly set up neighborhood “communal councils” that aim to boost involvement in local decision-making, and both former military men have cast themselves as leaders with unshakable links to their public.”

Note the phrase, “that aim to boost involvement in local decision-making.” After 42 years of practice, on the local level, of direct democracy, through the participation of the Libyan people in their local revolutionary committees and popular congresses, the efficacy of the Jamahiriya system has met its toughest test–and passed with double honors. It seems to me that all debate, in Muslim and Arab countries, regarding what type of system they should use, is now a profound waste of time–and time is precious, especially in the face of a determined enemy, the Northern countries, that have their eyes on conquering North Africa, and the entire African continent.

There is an expression: “A prophet is not honored in his own homeland.” Far away from North Africa, Hugo Chavez has instituted the Jamahiriya direct-democracy system in Venezuela. Will North African governments dishonor Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and themselves? Or will they embrace their brother, and feel happy–not jealous–that this Jamahiriya system came out of the sands and sons of North Africa, for their benefit?

It is time, right now, for all of North Africa to follow the tribes that are, at this moment, moving towards the right direction–unity. Understand this: The sacrifices for the establishment of The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya have already been made.

And those sacrifices were made by the 60,000 Libyan people who died as martyrs, watering the sands of North Africa with their blood. “The blood of the martyrs waters the garden of freedom.” Do not allow their blood to be shed in vain. It is time for all of North Africa to follow the tribes, and to make the commitment to create the unified, free and strong, Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya.

About Dennis South

I have been serving, for 43 years, the cause of helping to create a new, balanced and peaceful world.


In the Media

Moussa Ibrahim says NATO bombs are killing Sirte civilians

In the interview Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim gave to confirm his capture was lies, he tells of the dangers 180,000 civilians face in Sirte. He claims they are being bombarded with NATO bombs.
Libya 360 has provided a full translation of the interview Gaddafi spokesman Ibrahim Moussa gave as it was confirmed that allegations of his capture were propaganda lies. During the interview Ibrahim speaks of the perilous situation which 180,000 civilians face in Sirte, and describes how ordinary Libyans are fighting against the joint alliance of NTC troops and NATO.Ibrahim begins by speaking of his own purported capture by National Transitional Council troops which was disseminated by an NTC commander. He says

“I am not surprised that these rumours and lies have been wrongfully claimed by the heads of the Council of Shame and traitorship in Libya and the reporting and follow up of such statements by the media outlets, who in an organized way co-operate with NATO and the NATO rebels.”

Regarding the current situation in Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte, Ibrahim said

“180,000 still remain within the city, added to the fact that full tribes have come to Sirte because the gangs entered and invaded their villages.”

Reports have shown that 5,000 refugees from Tarwehga fled to Sirte.

Ibrahim says that civilians in Sirte

“are being bombarded right now from overhead, buildings falling etc. The tanks and regiments and grad missiles, hit without considering military targets hitting civilians.”

As many dismiss any statements made by members of the former Gaddafi government, there are independent reports that verify Ibrahim’s words. One of the civilians with the means to flee Sirte with his family told Sky News

“There are bombs, only bombs, we are scared but the fighting does not stop.”

It isn’t only NATO bombs that civilians must face but ongoing fighting between NTC rebel troops and pro-Gaddafi fighters. NTC fighter Ahmad Ibrahim, told Sky News

“We do not want to hit innocent people or hurt innocent people but you know this is a war.”

However Sky witnessed NTC fighters firing mortars and rockets well into the city. RT quote an eyewitness who was fleeing Sirte say

“The people who are trapped inside are in danger. There is random shelling everywhere.”

Moussa Ibrahim states that the real situation in Sirte is being ignored. He says civilian

“inhabitants in Sirte are being truly massacred and wiped out in their homes…thousands of people.”

NATO bombing is intensifying rather than relaxing though in a desperate attempt to aid NTC rebels take control of the town so that a total victory against Gaddafi can be claimed. The pressure is on so that the NATO operation can wind down and the NTC can concentrate on handing out oil contracts to its allies.

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© Compiled and Edited by Alexandra Valiente for Libya 360°.


Leader of the World Revolution

Truth is the first casualty of war, yet however persistently NATO’s mighty Wurlitzer is played, or how many news outlets repeat the psyops refrain, evidence is mounting that utterly crushes the illusion that all is well with the globalists and their NTC puppets. Their plans are unraveling and it is clear that the NTC will never assume power, not even if NATO were to remain one hundred years!

Libya’s Resistance is proving disastrous for NATO and their fight is just beginning. The masterful strategies demonstrated daily by the Resistance are nothing short of stunning.

Every time NATO announces the fall of a strategic city or town, their troops are defeated and forced to retreat in shame.

NATO is defeated daily, in spite of embargoes which deny besieged cities and towns electricity, water and fuel.

Alhough they endure shortages of food, clean water and medicine, the people continue to resist and beat back the rebels and NATO’s mercenaries, even while under unrelenting aerial bombardment.

This courageous Resistance is unique in all aspects. The world has never witnessed this before. It is time that people pay careful attention.

NATO has brazenly boasted about Libya offering them a template for launching future wars of aggression.

Do they not know that the valiant Libyan Resistance has given the people of the world a template for overthrowing the globalists?

©Alexandra Valiente
Libya 360°






I have been told that this map was accurate on August 31, 2011. Rebel gains are shown in blue. Libyan gains are shown in green. (courtesy ofDon Debar – also see the Eyewitness Presentations)

This map was being circulated in mainstream media during the same time period. Rebel gains are marked in blue. The discrepancies between the two maps reveal the gap between reality and NATO psy-ops.

This map has NOT been confirmed as accurate…will update…

This current map from OZYISM is in accord with recent Russian reports. Some comment that what does it matter if most of the land is desert? This land is where the oil fields are as well as the massive underground aquifer, the source of the Great Man Made River. Therefore, the strategic importance of the Libyan people having control of this vast area cannot be understated.

© Copyright 2011 by Libya 360°

This page may be republished for non-commercial purposes as long as reprints include a verbatim copy of the article/page in its entirety, respecting its integrity and cite the author and Libya 360° as the source including a live link to the article/page.



  1. Saif al-Islam:

    “Brothers, you need to enter Tripoli today by force!.
    This land is the land of your forefathers. Don’t hand it over!”

    “God, Muammar and just Libya!”

    Our Brother Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi’s speech 26/09/11 – Zero hour will inevitably come.
    brother leader gadafi
    To Libya and its free people:
    Leader of the Revolution held a speech broadcasted over the Bani Walid radio 26 SEPT. 2011

    “Glory to you, greatest heroes of the Libyan people!
    You carry a proud blood of your ancestors!
    They were telling lies that Gaddafi is in Veneceuela , and than in Niger, but I’m here with you.
    There are also servants of the colonialists among our people, which I’m ashamed of.
    Hold on and be prepared on daily basis, I’m receiving calls from all the cities on Jamahiryan territory, and the zero hour will inevitably come.
    People who were martyred are eternal, they fought and died for their country to be free of colonialism and chains. Just as their fathers wished for in 1969… Forward… Forward…
    The most easiest solution was to say to the colonial powers in the begining to come and take the oil from our people and stop the agression. But the blood of my ancestors and my father and my children and my grandchildren and all the young children and Libyan women and Libyan men and Sheiks, blood of all who were martyred by the bombs in this agression, pushed us to the path of defiance and rejection of colonialism.

    We have said and continue to say… This is the oil of the Libyan people, not French or British. This food belongs to people, it is not my property nor theirs, it belongs to the people!
    The resistant and awaiting martyrdom of the heroes,martyrdom which is true to the verse. To some of you who are waiting- do not be sad cause you will become weak, be patient for victory. Libya is not the first country in the world to be attacked by the planes and fleets of the largest coalition in the history of the world, but they overlooked the fact that Libya has a history and that Libyans are the greatest nation on earth in their resistance, persistance and defiance of the agression!
    Libya will never be for traitors, Libya will be a hell for them!
    A hell for NATO, west and its agents!

  2. UPDATES from “Stop the Agression in Libya”:

    Some rats destroyed the grave of Saif Al-Arab Al-Gaddafi and when they found his corpse they destroyed it… As Saddam Hussein once said: “A lion is always a lion and a dog will always be a dog.”.

    Moscow asks the UN to stop the No-Fly-Zone over Libya.
    The Libyan Army and Libyan moujaheeds have destroyed oil-refining factory in Ragdaline.

    The Tuaregs tribes have killed and captured many rebels which have gone to attack

    Latest News
    During a successful operation, which did not cause personal unhappiness, the Libyan military forces moved to liberate the patriots that mercenaries pro NATO have put into a prison Jadeeda Tripoli. The Libyan Army freed several army members and pro-Gaddafi civilians who were abducted in Al-Jadeeda prison in Tripoli; not a single army member was injured.

    Tripoli: 35 NATO mercenaries from Egypt, Qatar and European countries were killed on the hands of the Libyan Army.
    at 12:11 PM

    The other bold actions of resistance, which is discussed in NATO is a control of the streets and districts. Source /


    In Tripoly Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds were liberated all patriots from Tripoli prisons.

    In Tunisia Libyan prime minister Al Bagdi Al Mahmudi was liberated by Tunisian authority.


    Post: BREAKING NEWS 27.9.2011
    Sirte is controlled by Libyan Army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers.

    Alan Jules in the latest article says that Gaddafi cames back – and does it loudly. “Shake, a gang of child-killers” – says Jules. He says that the tribes did not support a puppet government, although the media did not talk about it. As it would be desirable that the media announce that Gadhafi escaped, arrested, killed, hanged, but those dreams of the media are far from realization, because the Libyans give Gadhafi support and daily assistance in the face of barbarism NATO.

    According to Jules, there will be even a larger operation in Tripoli and Benghazi soon. Faced with the threat to their children, women and elderly Libyans come out of their stupor. The reality is that, that Brega, Zawiya and Ras Lanuf are no longer in the hands of the PNS, despite the blackout “in the media, .

    Al-Mutasim Al-Gaddafi Interview

    “Seven Days News” conducted an interview with Al-Mutasim Billah Al-Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Mouammar Al-Gaddfi.
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011
    Al-Mutasim message:

    “We are currently fighting on two fronts: one of them is protecting our cities that I send my best regards to like Bani Walid, Sabha, Sirt and their sisters, the front is at the south of Libya where we discovered how weak the NATO and his fighters are in and there are huge areas in which they failed to control; the work has started in Ghadames and Ghat to liberate the weak cities and to turn them to strongholds for us.”

    “The leader is fine and in good health, he is at the front guiding, organizing and planning; now he believes more than ever that the NTC is weak and that it can’t intake all the tribes, areas and ideologies of Libya. And NATO can’t give the traitors any help when it comes to guerilla wars.”
    “We send our regards to the courageous cities of Sabha, Bani Walid, Ghedamas, Sirt and all the loyal cities in Libya, we also ask the loyal tribe Warfala to denounce itself from the impostor Mahmoud Jibril who claims to be its representer in the new cabinet. We have been contacted by many groups of civilians who want to fight for their country and we tell them if you are a group of three, five or seven coordinate yourselves and fight where you are. There are loyalists who told us that they can easily assassinate leaders in the NTC and we gave them the green light to do so.”.

    Al-Mutasium Billah Al-Gaddafi
    finally sent a message to the Libyan people:

    “I send my regards to all the honourable people in Libya and those who stand with us from all countries and we tell them that we know well how to defeat our enemies, this is our country Libya, and I thank the tribes of the South who started moving

    Moutassim al-Bilah al-Gadhafi


    NATO rebel fighters are trapped by the Libyan army in a small area in the city of Ghadames, the NTC officials refused to help their fighters there due to the difficulty of the situation and the rebels are in deep misery.

    We will shortly publish an interview of Moutassem Al-Gaddafi that he had with 7 Days News.

    NATO hit Sirte with more than 89 striker from battleships and planes in less than six hours.

    The NATO rebels tortured and killed a pro-Gaddafi civilian male in Tripoli, after the incident the victim’s brothers planted the green flag on their house; the rebels told the brothers to remove the flag but the brothers refused to do so which resulted in their killing.

    The Libyan Army (Gaddafi forces) attacked the Maitika base in Tripoli and killed several members of the NATO rebels.

    Rebels chief “Al-Initaki” was killed in Abou Salim on the hands of the Libyan Army.

    The Libyan Army freed several army members and pro-Gaddafi civilians who were abducted in Al-Jadeeda prison in Tripoli; not a single army member was injured.

    Tripoli: 35 NATO mercenaries from Egypt, Qatar and European countries were killed on the hands of the Libyan Army.

    The early hours of the morning saw the Libyan Army take on the leftovers of the NATO rebels’ fighter in the city of Zawiye.

    The Green Square in Tripoli also saw bouts between the Army and the NATO rebels and the fights are still happening.

    A tribe from Misrata left the NATO rebels and are now fighting against them in Sirt next to the might Libyan Army.

    The NATO rebels tried to enter Ghadames earlier today but they faced tough competition from the city’s loyal citizens and were defeated.

    NATO rebel army chief Sami Ali Tarhouni was killed today in Bani Walid after the members from the tribe of Tarhouna fired a rocket on the rebels that failed to enter the city.

    The NATO rebels tried to enter Sirt another time earlier tonight however as always they failed to do so. They lost a huge number of fighters and machineries.

    A might Libyan cell called “Al-Mujahid Al-Khamis’ Cell” attacked the airport in Tripoli and destroyed a plane.

    The media is falsely claiming that the NATO rebels are in control of the Sirte port, however this area have been cleansed from all rats and is under control of the might Libyan Army.

    NATO destroyed around 70 apartments in Sirte through airstrikes today, 27 SEPT 2011.

    More than 590 NATO fighters have arrived to different hospitals in Benghazi after they were wounded/killed in battles there.

    Around 350 NATO rebels were killed in Bani Walid and now the rats are 40 km away from the city.

    The NATO rebels have decided to attack Sirte from the sea side after they failed to attack it on land.
    NATO hit Sirte with more than 89 striker from battleships and planes in less than six hours.
    The NATO rebels executed tens of young fighters after they decided to return home and not fight the Libyan Army.

    NATO rebel fighters are trapped by the Libyan army in a small area in the city of Ghadames, the NTC officials refused to help their fighters there due to the difficulty of the situation and the rebels are in deep misery.

    After occupying Iraq, more than 60 international security companies are already negotiating with the NTC to take control over Libya. Most notable is the president of Canadian security company GardaWorld who has been in Libya since two weeks.

    There have been mass murdering by the NATO rebels towards natives of Taghoura, who fled the rats’ prisons.

    After the loss souls and money in Libya, Britain decided to remove all of its Apache Helicopters.

    Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International reported that all the claims that Colonel Gaddafi used force in Libya against protesters are false.

    UN cars were seen entering Libya from the Tunisian borders.

    Al-Qaeda members gave the citizens of Darna that all mixed schools and mixed universities should be closed or they will destroy them.

    The Libyan rebels assassinated the media administrator of a pro-Gaddafi Facebook page.

  3. Africa Must Unite: Libya’s Sweet Revenge
    Posted: 2011/09/28
    From: Mathaba

    Gadhafi plans African unity

    By Dennis South

    This will be a short article, though it would be nice if someone could contribute a longer article that goes into great depth on the mechanics of African unity (what would be needed to achieve that goal), and the need for African unity. Because now is the time for such an article.

    Over the past 7 months there have been many calls for African nations to come to the aid of Brother Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya. The African Union, months ago, to its credit, produced what analysts described as a very good proposal for peace negotiations between the Libyan Jamahiriya, and the so-called National Transitional Council. Elections were also called for.

    Unfortunately, the arrogance of both NATO and the NTC was such that they refused any negotiations, in part because they knew very well that if elections were held in Libya, 90 to 95% of Libyans would vote for Muammar Gaddafi. Instead, they repeated, over and over again–as if it were a mantra–“Gaddafi must go!” Then, once the war progressed, and NATO began to fully realize that it had entered a fight with “the mouse that roared,” namely, the courageous and strong Libyan people, their insistence that “Gaddafi must go” ceased.

    On July 20th, it was reported by the New York Times

    that the French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppé, said that the Libyan leader could stay in Libya [as if it was France’s decision!!] as long as he “completely gave up power.” Muammar Gaddafi, on the other hand, stated that France’s request was meaningless because Muammar had stepped down from power in the year 1979, resigning as General Secretary of the Libyan Jamahiriya, two years after handing all power to the people of Libya. France, Britain, the U.S. and other countries knew this very well, but ignored it.

    As time passed, the U.S. attempted to use political and diplomatic pressure on African nations, even sending Hillary Clinton

    to an African Union meeting to “demand” that African countries recognize the NTC. The AU rejected Clinton’s arrogant pressure tactics, and President Zuma, of South Africa, blasted NATO for “overreaching”

    its authority, in direct violation of United Nations resolution No. 1973.

    In time, NATO and the rebels used Hollywood tactics

    [Dr. Tarpley’s explanation of the fake Doha props begins at 2:00 minutes into the video Hollywood tactics] to convince the entire world that all of Libya had fallen, especially Tripoli. These psychological and Hollywood operations may go down in history as amongst the most diabolical and evil tactics of all time. This was a mass, global brainwashing, if not hypnosis campaign, using the media as the deliverer of the message, that has convinced entire nations–including African nations, most unfortunately–to recognize the NTC.

    This campaign has borne diplomatic fruit for the NATO countries with the recent announcement, by the African Union, that it is prepared to recognize the NTC “on condition that it form a truly representative government that represents all Libyans.” And in recent weeks, the NTC has made repeated announcements, claiming that it would “soon” form a government, only to back down from that claim, stating that there was “more time needed” to form such a government. Regular Mathaba readers know precisely why “more time is needed:” Because NATO and the rebels are losing the war and because the rebels have no popular consensus.

    There are two things that have angered millions of Gaddafi and Jamahiriya supporters around the world, concerning the African Union’s behavior:

    1. As far as is known, no African government has lifted a finger to help Colonel Gaddafi and the Libyan people to fight against NATO and the rebels. This total lack of help by the African Union is seen as a profound betrayal against Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya. It is pointed out that Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya sunk some one hundred billions of dollars into Africa over the years, helping African countries with various projects, especially Libya’s planned establishment of three banks on the African continent, all designed to break African dependence on Western financial systems, with a starting capital of $42 billion, $32 billion contributed by Libya.

    [This money — the $32 billion given by Libya — has been stolen by the USA, saying it has “seized” the assets. All Black people should go around Australia, USA, Canada, England, France, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and other white countries that have bombed Libya to pieces and “seize” assets wherever they can find them, including from the pockets of their citizens, who have done nothing to lift a finger, pen, or even an email against their governments, thus condoning the massacres.]

    2. The African Union announced its willingness to recognize the NTC, whose rebels have slaughtered perhaps thousands of black Africans in Libya.

    Because of these two factors, there is a lot of chatter, here and there–including comments to articles here at Mathaba–about the betrayal of Africa against Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya. I would like to ask everyone to cease speaking in this manner, and to look ahead.

    Instead of writing comments and articles about “Africa’s betrayal of Gaddafi,” use that same time to encourage young Africans, and even African politicians, to continue the vision of a united Africa–Gaddafi’s long-time vision. There is no other current leader, anywhere in Africa, who has carried the vision of a united Africa. Gaddafi is the only such leader.

    It is tempting, yes, to follow the gut reaction to the African Union’s betrayal, and to suggest, even, that the Libyan Jamahiriya, once it is in control again, should abandon any idea of having African unity as its No. 1 goal. This kind of thinking must be avoided like the plague.

    And I request both critics of the African Union as well as the Libyan people themselves to never give up on African unity!! Nothing remains static. Change is the fuel, so to speak, of progress!

    It is the governments of Africa, with notable exceptions, which have failed their people, as elsewhere. Unlike in Europe, those governments in Africa that have failed to do the right thing, are facing protests from their citizens. Form committees,

    join people’s conferences,

    organize, and replace the handful of people running African governments, and then African unity will materialize from the grass roots up.

    Today the African Union betrays Gaddafi. But tomorrow is another story. I am 100% certain that Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi is much too strong, much too wise, much too patient, and much too far-sighted to allow the current apparent “realities” to blur his vision of a united Africa, or to cause him to abandon that goal out of frustration or anger against the African Union, which is a gathering of African governments and not the people as a whole. He is not that kind of a man. And none of us who support Gaddafi, the Libyan Jamahiriya, and the vision of a united Africa, should ever allow our current frustration, or anger, to cause us to get sidetracked!

    This is serious! So, again, I ask that all of the chatter against the African Union cease. Yes, they should be criticized for what they’ve done. But they clearly know what they’ve done, and they also, I can assure you, have received plenty of criticism from many people. So, that’s done.

    The job now is to support Libya.

    Click to access LibyaReport201105.pdf

    The job now is to support Gaddafi. The job now is to continue to support Gaddafi’s vision of a united Africa. And to the Libyan people I say: What better way to assert your independence; what better way is there to seek your revenge for the genocidal crime that has been committed against you by the West, than to remain in your position as the vanguard of the movement to unite Africa!? The union of all of Africa would be Libya’s sweet revenge!!

    Here is the truth: Corrupt African leaders will one day vanish. Oh, yes! The day is coming when Africa will not accomodate corrupt leaders. That day came for China, after Mao’s Long March. That day came for the North Vietnamese, under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, although he did not live to see Vietnam freed. And that day will come for Africa!

    About Dennis South
    I have been serving, for 43 years, the cause of helping to create a new, balanced and peaceful world.

  4. Update on the war against Libya and Africa – 27 September 2011
    Posted: 2011/09/28
    From: Mathaba

    Roundup of news from and other independent sources along with commentary by Dennis South.

    “Many Libyan politicians who had aligned themselves with NATO have contacted the Jamahiriya Government and apologized, seeking to join the resistance with their followers, and to act in accord with Jamahiriya orders.”

    Traitor politicians apologize and ask Gaddafi to allow them to return to the Jamahiriya!

    Tuesday, 27.09.2011 – 11:39

    Many Libyan politicians who had aligned themselves with NATO have contacted the Jamahiriya Government and apologized, seeking to join the resistance with their followers, and to act in accord with Jamahiriya orders. Contacts close to the Jamahiriya Government said that these revelations will fully come to light within a week or so, when the resistance and thousands of volunteers begin a military campaign called Operation Cleansing Libya. The leadership of the Jamahiriya said that Operation Cleansing Libya would be the last chance for those Libyan politicians to prove themselves to be truly loyal to the Jamahiriya.

    Some Libyan figures made a mistake of joining NATO, but the Libyan Jamahiriya fully acknowledges that mistakes are the only routes to Wisdom. Sources suggest that these politicians have been FORGIVEN.

    By Dennis South and Mathaba Analysts

    Libyan resistance, 26 September 2011

    Tuesday, 27.09.2011 – 00:46

    In the morning in Tripoli the NATO-rebels cut off the Internet. [For those new to the Libya war, who have been absent for the past six months, or were stuck in the Matrix bubble of illusion, there has been a war against Africa’s most wealthy country, Libya, since February 2011. Since March, more than 20,000 flights and tens of thousands of bombs and missiles have been dropped by white European pilots and computer operators, from Europe, Canada and the USA, and other stooge military.

    For the reasons for this please click here to watch a short video: and don’t you dare go back to sleep again.]

    Hearing about the murder of Belhadj (the commander of Al-Qaeda forces in Tripoli),

    and preparing an attempt on his right hand Salabi, the military governor of Benghazi, sent Jibril, the number two rat. [“Rats” is the endearing name given to the traitors and terrorists who are serving the foreign racist US-European military mass-murderers, including the Canadian, Australian and Qatari stooge regimes and their banker jewish-zionist elite gangsters led by Hilary Clinton.]

    After Salabi “dismissed” this “council”, and then its “advice” he replied: “Shut up and know your place. And then we’ll show you how you killed General Younes.”

    To avoid bloodshed in the city of Ghadamas [see previous reports], the Jamahiriya army ceased fire and sent an ultimatum. The rebels sent a message to others in their headquarters in Tripoli: “Save us! We are surrounded!” And the received the answer: “Save yourselves!”

    In Benghazi, 1500 new Al-Qaeda soldiers have arrived from Afghanistan, on American planes, to replenish the rats after heavy losses during the past week.

    Abu Yahya “Al-Libby (the Libyan)”, who was one of those close to Bin Laden himself, has been appointed the commander of these Al-Qaeda soldiers. Libby is a notorious terrorist. These are very serious fighters, not “revolutionaries” in jeans!

    The Al-Qaida heretics, who officially scorn “nationalism” and favor a dictatorship by CIA-terrorists who delude themselves that they are “true Muslims” and that “the aim justifies the means” to “install Islamic regimes” always call their members by the country they are from “Abu Yahya the Libyan”, “Abu Jihad the Syrian”, “Abu Idiot the American”, “Abdu-Gurush the Australian”, “Abdu-Shaitan the Egyptian” and so on.

    In Libya, there is a notoriously racist and backward city of deformed weak-minded freaks who are the offspring of multiple generations of incest (where brothers and sisters, cousins, marry each other, thus providing genetically weak off-spring), this city is named Derna. Derna has the highest percentage of Al-Qaida affiliates in the world. They are anti-black, anti-everyone, and see themselves as the only true Muslims in the world, in spite of the fact they ignored Prophet Muhammad’s injunction to marry far from your family, as the closer you marry the weaker the off-spring will be.

    The Libyan Sormani fighters attacked a house where rebels kept captive Jamahiriya soldiers and militias, and freed them. [Note: Jamahiriya, in English phonetics, is pronounced: Jama-hi-ree-ya (jama sounding similar to jammer, hi as hi in hit, him or his, ree as in free, ya as in yak). Jamahiriya is a new word, derived from the Arabic word Joumhouriya (which means republic), and means more than a republic, it means “a state of the self-governing masses”.]

    Zawaiya again raised the green flags. This means that soon the entire western road to the Tunisian border will be “green” again. These are the great battles and small battles everywhere. [The flag of the Jamahiriya, is solid green, and measures simply two units wide and one unit tall. It is the only flag of any state in the world, that is purely one solid color without any insignia, and not of the normal governmental flags of dimensions 3 wide and 2 tall. The reason is because, the Jamahiriya is a state “without a government”, where the people themselves are the government, gathered in people’s conferences where they discuss and decide, and people’s committees where they implement their decisions. Therefore, the flag is easy for ANYONE ANYWHERE to make. Just go to a shop selling cloth material, and ask for a green color, and buy some cloth dimension 2 x 1, for example, 1 meter wide, and 2 meters long. Presto, voila, you have your Jamahiriya flag!]

    Dr. Shakir, one of the historic and educated cultured Libyan television news anchors, now appears on Syrian television, and is very popular among Libyans. NATO, the white European terrorists, have bombed all Libyan TV stations, killing many broadcasters and journalists, without so much as a noise from the white gate-keeper media organizations, and the Internet is heavily censored, access only given to areas and houses that are occupied by rats, and also phone communications to non-rats which is the majority (95% of Libya) are cut off by the white Euro devils.

    A note to those good Europeans who are reading this: as you well know, you are a tiny tiny miniscule minority. Go out into the street carrying a photo of Qaddafi, or engage in a conversation with others about Libya. Show them this film: — how many of your society solidly support your view of truth? If it is less than 5%, you have a lot of work to do. If it is less than 1%, you better migrate now to Algeria or Tunisia. There, you will be able to do a lot more good work.

    Shakir again voiced the concerns of ​​Muammar Qaddafi: Libyans have to start peace talks. They should stop the fratricidal war. He said that the Libyans have only one enemy — NATO. NATO wants to steal the Libyan oil, crude oil, which belongs to the people.


    On the same day from Djanet, in Algeria, Aisha Gaddafi, Muammar’s daughter, appeared on Syrian television and said to all Libyans: “The homeland is in danger! Libyans, brothers and sisters, unite and free our native land!”
    Algeria: Authorities threaten to deport Aisha Qaddafi and Family
    Posted: 2011/09/27
    From: Mathaba

    aicha gadhafi

    Algeria says Aisha Qaddafi and her brothers cannot talk to media
    After Aisha Qaddafi gave a speech that has received wide spread readership after appearing front page on the popular Mathaba News web site, the Algerian authorities have threatened to deport her and her family if they give any more interviews to media, news website Tout su l’Algerie reported on Tuesday.

    “Aisha and all the members of the Gaddafi family currently present in Algeria must not make statements to the press or engage in political activities, otherwise they will be deported,” Algeria’s foreign minister Ammar al-Bulani told the website in an interview.
    The threat came after Aisha, who fled to Algeria from Libya last month, gave an interview to the Syria-based al-Rai TV channel which was circulated widely on the Internet. In the interview, the 35-year-old lawyer urged Libyans to fight against rebels who now claim to have seized control of most of the conflict-wracked country.
    Algerian daily El-Khabar </em>denied Aisha had already left Algeria and reported that eight members of the Gaddafi family were currently living there.
    Aisha, dubbed the Claudia Schiffer of North Africa for her striking looks, crossed into Algeria from Libya with her brothers Hannibal and Mohammed and their families on 30 August, almost six months after fighting broke out between US-European white supremacist supported racist rebels and forces loyal to Gaddafi in February.

    Fierce fighting was reported Tuesday 27 SEPT. 2011 in Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte as rebels sought to take control of one of the last loyalist bastions after a month of non-stop bombing by the USA, Canada and western European white nations which are seeking to recolonize Africa and seize her resources.
    In other news, China has lowered herself in media terms to become a news outlet of the west, with the government news agency Xinhua simply echoing western news media reports without any checking or verification. Xinhua sources have told Mathaba that they are aware of the poor quality of foreign news, and staff report dissatisfaction with the lack of editorial control and the simply copy and paste of western news reports, due to the bad name given to China as a result. #

    Long live the Green Libya! [Green Libya means Jamahiriya, where all power, all wealth, and all arms, are in the hands of the people: see


    N. Sologubovsky – Libyan resistance 26-27 – September 26-27 – Night Summary
    Tuesday, 27.09.2011 – 03:10

    mercenaries fled the city of Ghadames. The Libyan Army, as well as the Tuareg tribes, fought against the mercenaries. The green flag waves above Ghadames. Some of the mercenaries crossed into Tunisian territory, thinking they would create new bases to regroup and launch a fresh attack against the Jamahiriya. But the Tunisian army protects the territory from any uninvited “guests.”

    Let us have a moment of silence for the deceased Libyans which number over 50,000 already, including countless babies, women and children.

    A large part of Libya is under the control of the legitimate Jamahiriya government of Libya, and every day more and more parts of this land are taken back from the aggressors.

    [It is said that] various NATO member states are trying any excuse to get out of this adventure.

    [Note for supporters of truth and justice outside Libya, register here,

    if you are a group of 3, 5 or 7 people, form a committee,

    no matter what you call it (green committee, revolutionary committee, evolutionary committee, green charter committee, people’s committee, solidarity committee) and declare a local “mathaba”

    where you will meet and make your program. Show videos to your community. Print fliers and stickers. Adopt the GCM logo

    of the green charter/committees movement. Educate yourselves

    and others. Network and share news.

    Swear allegiance to the rights and responsibilities of the Green Charter.

    Study The Green Book.]


    [Note: Libyans still need lessons in how to handle media, publicity, public relations and presentation. We apologize on behalf of the Libyan leadership for adopting a word that will fuel the enemy “cleansing” who will then claim that “ethnic cleansing” is taking place, and use this to justify prolonged bombing of Libya. A better word would have been “Operation Green Libya” or “Operation Democratic Libya”, or “Operation Jamahiriya” (this last one our favorite).]

    Sirte: Brave women defend their city

    “The Women’s Committee of Libya in Sabha, Sirte, Bani Walid and in other cities said that women have taken up arms to expel the invaders from Libya.
    More than 85% of Libya is under the control of the Libyan military which includes such cities as Sirte, Brega, Bani Walid, Ras Lanuf, Tarhunah, Sabha, and Zwiyah. The latest reports also indicate 70% of Tripoli and 50% of Mizrata is under the control of the Libyan military. Even in the NATO rebel stronghold city of Benghazi the Libyan tribes of Warfala and Obeida are fighting against the NATO rebels. In Sirte, an estimated 1000 NATO rebels have been killed, most of them from Mizrata. The NTC finally provided a grossly deflated figure of 30 NATO rebels killed and about 50 injured over the last few weeks since its NATO rebels gathered around the city of Bani Walid. Two days ago, after the Libya Liberal Youth group rose up to defeat the NATO rebels in the area, the Green Flag of Libya continues to fly over Al Fatah University in Tripoli. Due to the strength of the resistance of the Libyan military and the Libyan people across Libya, NATO announced two days ago, before continuing of its crusade in Libya came up for a vote in the UN Security Council, that it would be extending its bombings and other attacks upon the Libyan people for an additional 90 days. The southern city of Sabha is still under the control of the Libyan military and Tuareg warriors who have come to help the Libyan people fight against mercenaries from Qatar, Egypt, Jordon, US, France, Britain and other European countries. Approximately, 10,000 Tuaregs have come to Libya from Niger, Algeria and Mali. The Libyan military and warriors continue to deploy guerrilla tactics against the NATO rebels. In Sabha, 200 NATO rebels were killed or captured. The battles in Sabha have been an ebb and flow with the latest being a counter attack by the Libyan military and Tuareg warriors resulting in 212 NATO rebels killed, 320 wounded, and approximately 200 captured.

    Tuesday, 27.09.2011 – 12:06

    Gadhafi spoke on Bani Walid radio

    Tuesday, 27.09.2011 – 16:28

    “With your holy war you have revived the courage and the heroism and the honorable acts, for the liberation of Libya, of your ancestors. You have to know that I am in the battlefield by your side.

    They lie and they say that Gaddafi is in Venezuela, or in Niger. I am in between my people and in the following days, prepare for an unexpected shock for this gang of the agents. Heroes have resisted and fallen as martyrs and we also are prepared for martyrdom, if it be necessary.”

    Gaddafi’s Speech: Zero Hour will Inevitably Come

    To Libya and its free people:

    “Glory to you, greatest heroes of the Libyan people! You carry a proud blood of your ancestors! They were telling lies that Gaddafi is in Venezuela, and than in Niger, but I’m here with you. There are also servants of the colonialists among our people, which I’m ashamed of.

    Hold on and be prepared on a daily basis. I’m receiving calls from all the cities of our Jamahiriya territory, and the zero hour will inevitably come. People who were martyred are eternal. They fought and died for their country to be free of colonialism and chains. Just as their fathers wished for in 1969. Forward! Forward!

    The most easiest solution was to say to the colonial powers in the beginning to come and take the oil from our people and stop the aggression. But the blood of my ancestors and my father and my children and my grandchildren and all the young children and Libyan women and Libyan men and Sheiks, blood of all who were martyred by the bombs in this aggression, pushed us to the path of defiance and rejection of colonialism.

    We have said and continue to say: This is the oil of the Libyan people, not French or British. This food belongs to people. It is not my property nor theirs, it belongs to the people!

    The resistors await the martyrdom of the heroes, a martyrdom which is true to the verse. To some of you who are waiting, do not be sad, because that will make you weak. Be patient for victory. Libya is not the first country in the world to be attacked by the planes and fleets of the largest coalition in the history of the world. But they overlooked the fact that Libya has a history and that Libyans are the greatest nation on earth in their resistance, persistence and defiance of the aggression! Libya will never be for traitors. Libya will be a hell for them, and a hell for NATO, the west and its agents!

    Leonor of Libya, 9/27/2011

    Tuesday, 27.09.2011 – 18:35

    The Libyan leader

    has not left his country, as it claimed the media of the aggressor. The leader does not run away from his country. He always stays with her and fights against the thieves.

    During the attempted storming of Sirte by the rats, the rebel rats killed the NATO force commander of the aggressors on this front, Mohamed Alalbous.

    The Libyan army has liberated many political prisoners that were being held in Tripoli, and who did not support the TNC, or who were suspected by the TNC of not supporting it.

    Other News:
    Muammar Gaddafi, with a Kalashnikov in his hands, personally met with the soldiers and said that he would soon begin an offensive on the cities that are still in the hands of “traitors in the service of NATO,” as he called the rebels. [NATO officially stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and is the command of all the European and north American military, it is a white racist supremacist fascist organization in the service of the jewish-zionist bankers and their atheist stooges. However, even Belgian citizens, where NATO is headquartered, have not heard of it, as the Tell-Lie-Visions of Europe do not report on the wars, and anyway white European youth simply don’t care, they have been desensitized to remote killing, growing up on video games which always show USA as the great white clean good tourist and Libya as the evil black dirty terrorist.]

    In a purported audio message aired the same day, Muammar Gaddafi told told his supporters he was still fighting on the ground and was ready to die a martyr.

    “You should know that I am on the ground with you. They lie when they say Gaddafi is in Venezuela or Gaddafi is in Niger. I am among my people and an unexpected shock awaits this clique of agents in the coming days”

    the message said.
    The speech was broadcast on local radio in in the central Libyan desert town of Bani Walid, one of the majority of towns across Libya still under Jamahiriya people’s power, which has which has resisted a bloody siege by forces of the rebel National Transitional Council which consists of a motley group of Al-Qaida elements, terrorists, Islamist heretics, monarchists, and corrupt former officials who wished to avoid prosecution.

    “Through your jihad, you are re-living the exploits of your ancestors,”

    he said.

    Gaddafi’s current whereabouts are known only to a chosen few while he leads the African resistance against the white racist invasion from Europe supported by America. He has vowed to die on Libyan soil and refused to run away in the face of aggression.

    Gaddafi‘s Speech: Zero Hour will Inevitably Come

    To Libya and its free people:

    “Glory to you, greatest heroes of the Libyan people! You carry a proud blood of your ancestors! They were telling lies that Gaddafi is in Venezuela, and than in Niger, but I’m here with you. There are also servants of the colonialists among our people, which I’m ashamed of.

    Hold on and be prepared on a daily basis. I’m receiving calls from all the cities of our Jamahiriya territory, and the zero hour will inevitably come. People who were martyred are eternal. They fought and died for their country to be free of colonialism and chains. Just as their fathers wished for in 1969. Forward! Forward!

    The most easiest solution was to say to the colonial powers in the beginning to come and take the oil from our people and stop the aggression. But the blood of my ancestors and my father and my children and my grandchildren and all the young children and Libyan women and Libyan men and Sheiks, blood of all who were martyred by the bombs in this aggression, pushed us to the path of defiance and rejection of colonialism.

    We have said and continue to say: This is the oil of the Libyan people, not French or British. This food belongs to people. It is not my property nor theirs, it belongs to the people!

    The resistors await the martyrdom of the heroes, a martyrdom which is true to the verse. To some of you who are waiting, do not be sad, because that will make you weak. Be patient for victory. Libya is not the first country in the world to be attacked by the planes and fleets of the largest coalition in the history of the world. But they overlooked the fact that Libya has a history and that Libyans are the greatest nation on earth in their resistance, persistence and defiance of the aggression! Libya will never be for traitors. Libya will be a hell for them, and a hell for NATO, the west and its agents!

    By your righteousness you have been granted the courage and the heroism to perform great and honourable deeds for the liberation of Libya.
    You honor your ancestors.
    You must know that I am in the battlefield by your side.
    They lie and say that Gaddafi is in Venezuela, in Niger.
    I am in the midst of my people.
    In the following days we will deliver an unexpected shock to this gang of traitors and foreign agents.
    Heroes have resisted and fallen as martyrs and we also expect martyrdom.


    Libya green army at Bani Walid captured the head of ntc television – mahmoud wafli

    Updates from the front lines:

    1.Ghadames ,the touaregs the lions of the Sahara have annihilated the rats in ghadames area , resulting to the death of more than 50 of them and the flee of the rest.

    2.Sirte.In the west front of Sirte , a week after the death of Ibrahim al Halbous al katiba , commander of the criminal gang of Misrati rats called “black katiba” , his brother, leader of the armed gangs of Misrata,Mohammed al Hablous was killed by our brave lions of sirte. This two deaths have lowered the morale of rats in the west front of sirte and resulted to their retreat.
    In the east front of sirte some little forces of rats having cover from NATO airplaines and some boats tried to infiltrate and enter the city. Army allowed to them ( 2 tanks 12 vehicles and some other ) to come near center where they were trapped and faced death. One survivor of ratsthat fled in front of bbc camera cried:Please enter the city we are trapped we dont have so much power, and the reply of the rats to his cry was that they could not enter because of the fight. So all those rats can now considered dead.

    3.Bani Walid , second in command of the rats Tripoli brigade, Sami ali al Tarhouni was killed yesterday.He was one of the many rats that faced death.Also the traitor that wanted to surrender Bani Walid to the rats by negociations was captured by the people of Bani Walid.

    4.Tripoli. In 2 ambushes last night 14 rats found death.Our source in Tripoli reports that in the night the checkpoints of rats are empty because no rat wants to stand waiting for death ( our snipers killed many rats in this way last week).

    Thanks to Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow

    #NATO is ready to wrap up its military operation in #Libya and cancel the no-fly zone over the country as soon as the #UN gives its verdict on the situation. #RussiaToday

    More than 270 rats got killed in their way to Ghat City in the south.
    More than 60 car got destroyed by our brave people. #Libya


    Libya: Cameron’s 2-billion-pound nightmare
    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
    What do you get when a wannabe imperialist invents a war to get out of trouble at home, straying into deep waters that he neither controls nor understands, getting embroiled in an internecine tribal conflict that spins out of control? The answer to this question is the place where the UK’s David Cameron finds himself now: a 2-bn. pound nightmare.

    Not so many months ago, we had David Cameron and William Hague declaring that the Libya Question was “not about removing Gaddafi” and that all it would take would be an immediate ceasefire from the Libyan Armed Forces. Not so many months ago we had David Cameron and William Hague declaring that the war would cost in the region of 200 million pounds, that there would be no NATO boots on the ground and that NATO would not arm the “rebels”.


    What they did not tell us was that the French and Americans had been planning this imperialist little adventure for years, what they did not tell us was that the rebel flags had been ordered well in advance from a British company, what they did not tell us was that the entire operation was indeed to remove Colonel Gaddafi, not because he posed any threat to his “rebels” (after all, what do you do when tens of thousands of marauding thugs armed with machine guns take to the streets, decapitating Negroes, chanting racist slogans, promising to ethnically cleanse Libya of Negroes, torching government buildings, raping and killing women and children and destroying public and private property?). They knew that the decision “to go in” had been taken long before the rebels strafed their own position to blame Colonel Gaddafi, they knew that their own media had been spreading lies about the Libyan Air Force bombing civilians – the one bombing civilians is NATO.

    We saw the British reaction – draconian measures – when a few hundred bored schoolkids ran amok in August. One wonders whether Cameron would simply have given up and walked away from Number Ten Downing Street if they had been armed, or if someone had done to his youth what he did to Libya’s.

    What they did not tell us was that this entire charade is about removing Colonel Gaddafi from power because his humanitarian and developmental projects in Africa and his plan to launch a gold-based currency, the Gold Dinar, would be too costly for selfish western interests. What Cameron and Hague did not tell you is that their forces are to spend seven times more of the British tax-payers’ money than they originally admitted – nearly two billion, or two thousand million or 2,000,000,000 pounds… on what?

    I will tell you. They have strafed the Libyan water supply (war crime) to “break the back of the population”, they have targeted the electricity grid (war crime), they have targeted private homes (war crime), they have taken out civilian structures with military equipment (war crime), they have murdered children (war crime, and they did not even apologise), they have targeted civilians (war crime). They then held a conference in Paris to divide up Libya’s assets.

    What they have also not told you is that the Libyan Armed Forces are largely intact. What they have not told you is that parts of Tripoli still fly the Green Flag (symbol of the Jamahiriya, the democratic government which Muammar al-Qathafi advises), what they do not tell you is that there are still green Marches in Benghazi, what they do not tell you is that Mahmoud Jibril dare not enter Tripoli. They do not tell you where Jalil (the number 2) came from, they do not tell you the background of the TNC, they do not tell you the tribes have voted for Gaddafi.

    They do not tell you that the crack desert fighters, the Tuareg, who decide who crosses the desert and who does not, have sided with Muammar Gaddafi against the TNC, they do not tell you that the Loyalists in Libya include the hearts and minds of the Libyan population whether or not they are taking up arms against the terrorists. The NATO special forces and this scourge have frightened many into cowering in their homes – but this does not spell support, even tacitly.

    They do not tell you they indeed have NATO boots on the ground (breach of UNSC resolution), they have indeed armed the “rebels” (breach of UNSC resolution) and they have indeed employed mercenaries – hundreds of thousands of them (breach of UNSC resolution).

    They have not told you that NATO and its terrorists have suffered defeat after defeat in recent weeks, are unable to enter Bani Walid, are unable to enter Sirte and the only tactic that remains open is by carpet-bombing any areas of resistance, including homes, hospitals and schools, to bomb the terrorists in. Is that noble?

    It is a war crime, it is an act of terrorism and David Cameron and William Hague, along with their French friend Sarkozy and that American in the White House, are using YOUR hard-earned money to perpetrate this outrage, which is sure to cost the UK thousands of jobs as retaliatory measures kick in across Africa.

    Sorry Mr. Templeton, we do not have any money for your mother’s cancer treatment, I am afraid she will have to die; sorry Mr. Johnson, there is no more funding for your son’s leukaemia treatment, we do have palliative care, do you know what that is?

    And as for your now hospital wing, new school, new clinic, a raspberry in your faces as Cameron and Hague stick the middle finger up to their own people. Yet the British population accepts it all with their heads bowed, like a sickening herd of sheep.

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


    Obama: A Depressed President Hooked on Google ‘Vanity Searches’
    Posted on September 27, 2011
    We have just learned from government sources with close contacts inside the White House that media reports that The New York Times is developing a story on President Obama suffering from clinical depression are correct and that Obama is fixated on how the media, including certain web sites, view his presidency.
    These same sources tell us that he is so depressed he can no longer carry out the responsibilities of his position. That’s right, no golf, staying in bed until noon, drinking, smoking, no watching T.V. It’s time for someone to use the 25th Amendment to remove the pressure on the first “black resident” Sadly for him, his narcissism is crashing with reality, he searches and searches and all he finds are disgruntled voters telling him that he sucks.


  6. Libya

    Support from the Tribes of Sahara. Thousands of Tuaregs Join Libyan Resistance Forces.
    By Alliby Hassan. Translated by La Haine. Editing and Comment by Axis of Logic.
    La Haine. Axis of Logic.
    Tuesday, Sept. 2011

    On 22 August 2011 French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Muammar al-Qaddafi “mad” and “stupid,” stating “we are going to make him eat dirt,” according to Le Monde</em>.

    The BBC says the Tuaregs are Qaddafi’s Mercenaries !
    MY NOTE: NOT MERCENARIES! A mercenary is a paid soldier. These Taureg are doing this service out of fiel-loyalty alone. They believe that they owe al-Gadhafi for their life; therefore, they will aid him in any way, and will NEVER betray him, as that is their “code of honor”.

    We received the following communiqué from the Libyan Resistance via La Haine and Leonoren Libia this morning stating that 10,000 Tuaregs have joined the forces of the valiant Libyan Resistance from the Sahara. The BBC confirms that the Tuaregs have joined the Libyan Resistance but quotes an unnamed source to perpetuate the lie that the Col. Qaddafi is using mercenaries from Africa and that the Tauregs are among them, being paid by the Libyan Embassy in Mali. This has been denied by a spokesperson at Mali’s Foreign Ministry, “The government of Mali is strongly opposed to the use mercenaries in any armed conflict and is not in any way facilitating the movement of these people. We’re thinking at the moment about how we can stop this.” If you think these nomadic tribes of the Sahara are doing this for money the movie, The Lion of the Desert might cause you to adjust your views.

    We have added maps to clarify where the major battles are taking place and from whence new troops are arriving to support the Libyan Resistance.

    – Les Blough, Editor

    Taureg caravan en masse


    Locations of major battles and incoming support for
    the resistance are indicated in green. – Axis of Logic

    In Tripoli the fighting continues. There are constant battles between the local militias (the residents of the capital) and the “rebels” NATO and mercenaries from Al-Qaeda.

    The NATO planes have continued its bombing in Sirte, Sabha, Bani Walid. But the three cities have strong defenses in combat against the armored forces of NATO. The fighting followed. Units of NATO, the army of Qatar and Al-Qaeda are using heavy artillery as they have integrated new artillery units. The city of Bani Walid has opened another front in the fight against the aggressors who were concentrated in the outskirts of the city, which is protected by national forces of the Great Jamahiriya.

    A source reports that one of the rebel leaders, Ibrahim Tauorga Halban, who had massacred the African people based on the color of their skin, has died. The source said, “Tauorga is no longer alive. He was hit in Sirte by a bullet that entered his neck and paralyzed him.” In Tripoli fighting does not cease. They are constant between local militias (the inhabitants of the capital) and the mercenaries of Al-Qaeda.

    The renegades are relentlessly attacked from all sides.

    The people of Benghazi call to Al-Rai (Syrian television) to express their support for Muammar Al Ghaddafi and announce that they have rejoined the Libyan resistance. An American analyst, former military, has said the 32 Brigade under the command of Khamis Al Ghaddafi is able to continue fighting for many months. Khamis Al Ghaddafi continued regrouping operational elements deployed to fight the renegades in occupied areas.

    The September 19 Tuareg tribes had a general conference composed of the heads of the tribes in Libya, Mali and Niger.
    area maps

    Tuareg stated that all will fight against the renegades because they started a war against the Libyan Tuareg and killed a large number of them. Tuaregs in Mali have also stated that to go to war against the government of Mali if it recognizes the “Board” puppet in Libya or if the government of Mali arrests people close to Muammar Al Gaddafi found in Mali.

    The Tuaregs remember that they are masters of the Sahara desert and that “only persons authorized by the Tuaregs may enter the desert” and have promised that “Sahara will be released from the Islamists.” So the Tuaregs have given a clear answer to the people who keep sending NATO special forces units and Al Qaeda into the Sahara as occupation forces.

    land of the Taureg
    The lined area indicates the land
    of the Tuaregs in the Sahara

    Saharan fighters are already en route to the Libyan city of Sabha in Bani Walid, the losses of the renegades “are estimated at more than 1,000 dead, just in Sirte and Sabha. National Forces have returned to its port Brega oil where Libyan oil is shipped. They have also returned to Ras Lanuf where there is a major oil refinery.”

    There are over 10,000 Tuaregs are over 10,000 (not including those mentioned above) who have joined forces with Libyan Jamahiriya and some of them have crossed the border to help the resistance which the colonialist terrorists have crossed.

    As expected, many Arab fighters have come from neighboring countries to join their Libyan brothers Libyans and are fighting alongside them against the invaders. The green flag flies over buildings in the districts of Benghazi where battles between the renegades. These struggles have also occurred across the battleground. The Islamists want the skin. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, is a an NTC puppet of the Nazis, NATO and head of the same NTC. Mujahedin of the Arab tribes have also passed through Egypt to join forces Libyan resistance.

    The renegades are still clueless. They have not solved the problem of command. They fight each other all the time because they all want to be commanders. At the same time, when Mustafa Abdul Jalil gave the order to enter Bani Walid against Libyan forces, the renegades refused. This was a big surprise to their bosses who asked them if they refused due to fatigue. The renegades responded, “not by fatigue but because they want to continue spreading the blood of the Libyans.” La Voix des Opprimés.
    The voice of the oppressed

    Translated by Tortillaconsal. Reviewed by La Haine. Edited by Axis of Logic.

    Sources: La Haine and Lenoren Libia

    © Copyright 2011 by

    This material is available for republication as long as reprints include verbatim copy of the article in its entirety, respecting its integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the original source including a “live link” to the article. Thank you!

  7. control

    Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi writes:
    Breaking News
    Our Brave people ( Tuareg tribe ) in Adry Al Shatty ( South ) killed a group of rats from Zintan were going to Ghat City through desert .

  8. TOP URGENCY! The Americans figured a way to get ground troops on Libya. Sources said last spring that in OCTOBER there would be American TRoops on Libyan Ground. Alex was right. Here is their excuse. So that was the Big Pentagon Pow-Wow in Colorado yesterday with the american president!
    The Americans just transported 18,000 Afghan al-Qaeda into Libya by yesterday…Now they are claiming they are afraid the al-Qaeda will have these weapons? What games the Americans play!!
    This is precisely what Alex Jones said would occur. The american soldiers have been training for this for months now–long before they knew a stack of these weapons were “stolen”.

  9. GENERAL Kamis al-Gaddafi in Sirte

    wonderful young General…Bless him!
    young general
    Libya: The Other News – Khamis al-Qathafi, a XXI Century Marshall Zhukov
    NATO and the press in the countries which house its bases seem to have gone quiet all of a sudden on Libya. Do they want us to think the war is over and that everything is getting back to “normal” or are they trying to focus on other stories hoping desperately that whatever is happening over there will go away?

    The first point is that nothing will go back to “normal” until the marauding bunch of terrorists which NATO is trying to impose as Libya’s Government wholly and entirely against the will of the vast majority of its population ceases to rape women and children, ceases to torch buildings, ceases to decapitate people in the street, ceases to loot, to rob, to steal…to behave like terrorists. Those captured by the Libyan Armed Forces (LAF) are allowed in many cases to return home upon laying down their weapons. Cameron is spending two billion pounds on what? Terrorists?

    The second point is that things are far from calm in Libya because the country was invaded by foreign forces, was invaded by mercenaries and was set upon by gangs of marauding thugs (as one can see by googling up “Libya rebels”). In fact, the western attempts at journalism are risible and have gotten more and more ludicrous, absurd and ridiculous since the conflict started.
    For a start there is no mention of the growing success of attacks by the LAF, largely intact, the tribes and masses loyal to Colonel Gaddafi, which have seen Green Flags raised even in the coastal cities of Al Baida, Benghazi, Darna and Tobruk. The scourge backed by NATO, which is basically monarchists, liberals, terrorists, al-Qaeda and separatists, have been routed in battle after battle because the Libyan people are standing up to them and have stopped cowering in their homes. After the way this NATO-backed scourge behaved, it is clear to all what they are – terrorists – and allowing this filth to form a government is the last thing any civilised Libyan wishes for.

    The supply lines of the terrorist forces have been seriously weakened in a series of attacks, liberating areas of Tripoli from these elements, some of whom have been filmed desecrating bodies.

    Now for the lies. How many times was Khamis al-Qathafi killed? Well, he is still alive, and fighting. Now they have started to say Mussa Ibrahim, the Information Spokesperson of the Libyan Government (Jamahiriya of Muammar al-Qathafi) has been captured. Twice. In fact he hasn’t been taken once.

    For his part, Khamis al-Qathafi is already a myth in his own lifetime. Killed by NATO five times, and resurrecting from the desert sands, he is the 21st century military hero, a North African Marshall Zhukov. His latest success was to expel the CIA from Tripoli when he commanded a detail of Libyan Special Forces on Thursday, taking their building and sending them fleeing to the airport. The Green Flag has been raised over the building.

    Finally, the LAF has begun a successful ongoing operation to exterminate NATO mercenaries and operational chiefs on the ground. Bani Walid and Sirte were a graveyard for NATO, its mercenaries, special forces and the filth it sends to their deaths, the hundreds of thousands of terrorists it has unleashed in Libya from Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    The terrorist chief in Misurat, Nuredin el Gener, was liquidated on Thursday when its military vehicle was struck successfully.

    Recently liberated from the NATO terrorist scourge, Ghadames has successfully fought off an attack from these elements and the Green Flag flies proudly above the city, filling its citizens with a sense of peace and security, contrary to the terror unleashed by NATO’s bands of demons.

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


  10. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    ‎#Sirte – NATO planes today again bombed the city hospital. #Libya #Truth #Monsters

    Johny Phele Phastuszek answers:
    yeah true warriors

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    ‎#Sirte – People living in Sirte accused NATO for genocide.
    They say that NATO bombs everything,city looks like hell. #Libya

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    ‎#Sirte – People confirmed that NATO bombs schools, hospitals and residential buildings. #Libya #Monsters

  11. Sirte civilians accuse NATO of genocide
    Tom Coghlan

    27 September 2011

    CIVILIANS pouring out of the besieged city of Sirte accused NATO of committing genocide yesterday as revolutionary forces reinforced their numbers and prepared for a new attack on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s home town.

    Long lines of civilian vehicles were seen leaving after a night punctuated by NATO air attacks. Forces fighting for the National Transitional Council (NTC) added their own artillery and mortar rounds at regular intervals.

    Civilians, many looking scared or sullen, said that conditions inside Sirte were “disastrous”. They made claims which, if verified, offer a conundrum for Nato, which operates with a UN mandate on the need to protect civilian life.

    “It has been worse than awful,” said Riab Safran, 28, as his car was searched by revolutionary fighters. His family had been sleeping on the beach, he said.

    “They have hit all kinds of buildings: schools, hospitals,” he said, referring to NATO airstrikes.

    He said he could not distinguish between NATO and NTC attacks but believed it was a NATO bomb that destroyed part of his home on Saturday. NATO said it hit a number of military targets including a rocket launcher, artillery, and three ammunition stores.

    Another resident said: “NATO bombing is killing civilians. Where is the United Nations? Where is the Muslim world to stop this genocide of the people of Sirte?”

    The man, who gave his name as Mohammed Ali Alum Sekily, said six members of his family had been killed, but declined to give details. An eight-day-old baby brought out in one car was born on the beach, the family said.

  12. Libya: Illustrious corpses — the truth is always revolutionary
    Posted: 2011/09/29
    From: Mathaba
    This is an absolute must-read analysis: one of the best reads in a long time — this correctly throws light on the blatant exposure of the numerous layers of gate-keepers from so many areas of life: media such as The Guardian and the New York Times to organizations such as Amnesty International and the United Nations, as well as journalists, intellectuals and activists…
    by Toni Solo

    25 September 2011

    Right now in Libya the UN recognized government and its NATO masters are bombing hundreds of civilians to death in Sirte, Bani Walid and Sabha. They have bombed schools and hospitals and murdered whole families. This infamy was sanctioned by the UN from the beginning and has been justified by many of the cream of international progressive intellectuals. It is long past time to identify and condemn these accomplices to the crimes against humanity in Libya committed by the Western elites and their puppet governments.

    The colonial war against Libya has defined more sharply than ever the structures of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour that characterize progressive and radical intellectual production in Europe and North America. The war has thrown that production into crisis. It could not be clearer now that the class function of intellectual managers like Gilbert Achcar, Immanuel Wallerstein, Ignacio Ramonet and similar individuals is to neuter effective protest against corporate capitalism and imperialism.

    The crypto-fascist Irish poet W.B.Yeats once wrote, “Did that play of mine send out certain men the English shot?” Intellectual managers like Achar, Ramonet and Wallerstein, Samir Amin, Atilio Boron, Ramzy Baroud and Santiago Alba Rico might ask themselves, “Did our work prepare the vicious NATO genocide in Libya?” Of course, the answer is “yes, it did”. They also seem to think that reality is perfectly all right.

    They avow they seek radical social change and revolution in theory. But wherever processes have achieved genuine social change in the real world, as in the Libyan Jamahiriya, they attack them or, as in Venezuela, seek to mould them to their own narcissistic criteria. If one looks at the expressions of dissent privileged under corporate consumer capitalism they are all varieties of anarchism.

    Of course they are. The (hard-core Adam Smith money-worshipping/greedy/) profiteer only-captalists [ so-called “liberal” socialists ]
    are spoilt children doteing on and nurtured by the capitalist elites– a nuisance, but a useful one and very much part of the laissez-faire family. Capitalism easily accommodates and co-opts fatuous slogans like “Another world is possible”. We can see what world they have in mind by looking at Libya. The intellectuals who supported the murderous racist Libyan renegades and NATO’s contract putsch-insurrection are a good example of how the process of co-optation and accommodation works.

    They assimilate themselves into the rituals and processes of public life in the plutocracies of North America and Europe. They shift between academic life, non-governmental activity and participation in the mass corporate psy-warfare media and their alternative counterparts, the gatekeepers of permissible dissent. Libya has finally brought this reality out into the open in the most categorical way. One has only to look back at what influential intellectual managers produced around the time of the March 19th UN Resolution 1973.

    Here’s Immanuel Wallerstein ( [1]) :

    “The second point missed by Hugo Chavez’s analysis is that there is not going to be any significant military involvement of the western world in Libya. The public statements are all huff and puff, designed to impress local opinion at home. There will be no Security Council resolution because Russia and China won’t go along. There will be no NATO resolution because Germany and some others won’t go along. Even Sarkozy’s militant anti-Qaddafi stance is meeting resistance within France.”

    Here’s Ignacio Ramonet (… [2]) :

    “Under such circumstances, any other reasonable leader would have understood that the time to negotiate and give up power had arrived. But not Colonel Gadafi. At the risk of submerging his country in a civil war, the “Guide”, in power for 42 years, explained that the demonstrators were “youngsters Al Qaeda had drugged by adding hallucinogenic pills to their Nescafé”. And he ordered the armed forces to repress the protests with heavy gunfire and extreme force. The Al Jazeera channel showed military planes strafing civilian demonstrators.”


    “One can be against the current structure of the United Nations, or reckon that its operations leave much to be desired. Or that the Western powers dominate the organization. These are acceptable criticisms. But for the moment the UN constitutes the only source of international law. In that sense, and contrary to the wars wars in Kosovo or Iraq which were never sanctioned by the UN, the current intervention in Libya is legal, according to international law; legitimate according to the principles of solidarity among democrats; and desirable for the international community which brings together people struggling for their liberty.”

    Here’s Gilbert Achcar (… [3]) :

    “The idea that Western powers are intervening in Libya because they want to topple a regime hostile to their interests is just preposterous. Equally preposterous is the idea that what they are after is laying their hands on Libyan oil. In fact, the whole range of Western oil and gas companies is active in Libya: Italy’s ENI, Germany’s Wintershall, Britain’s BP, France’s Total and GDF Suez, US companies ConocoPhillips, Hess, and Occidental, British-Dutch Shell, Spain’s Repsol, Canada’s Suncor, Norway’s Statoil, etc. Why then are Western powers intervening in Libya today, and not in Rwanda yesterday and Congo yesterday and today? As one of those who have energetically argued that the invasion of Iraq was “about oil” against those who tried to outsmart us by saying that we were “reductionists,” don’t expect me to argue that this one is not about oil. It definitely is. But how?

    My take on that is the following. After watching for a few weeks Gaddafi conducting his terribly brutal and bloody suppression of the uprising that started in mid-February — estimates of the number of people killed in early March ranged from 1000 to 10,000, the latter figure by the International Criminal Court, with the Libyan opposition’s estimates ranging between 6,000 and 8,000 — Western governments, like everybody else for that matter, became convinced that with Gaddafi set on a counter-revolutionary offensive and reaching the outskirts of Libya’s second largest city of Benghazi (over 600,000 inhabitants), a mass-scale slaughter was imminent.”

    Counterfactual perception management

    One could quote many more examples of the intellectual dishonesty, ignorance, stupidity, arrogance and cynicism of these prestigious writers and others like, for example, Santiago Alba Rico, Atilio Boron, Ramzy Baroud and Samir Amin. But the extra bulk of documentation would add nothing to the overall picture of narcissistic collaboration with the dominant NATO corporate psy-warfare machine. Nor is it worth dallying over the role of NATO’s favourite gatekeepers of permissible dissent like Counterpunch, ZNet, Rebelión and other similar alternative information web sites.

    Those sites did their job of muting and censoring effective discussion and argument at crucial moments prior to the March 19th vote in the UN Security Council and around the decisive event of NATO’s ground invasion of Tripoli in August. A tiny handful of writers, among them John Pilger and Tariq Ali, spoke out against the war. But even they still swallowed hook, line and sinker the NATO psy-warfare caricature of Muammar Al Ghaddafi as a blood-on-his-hands dictator-clown.

    While the individual errors of Achcar, Wallerstein and Ramonet may vary, all of them start from the central premise of NATO’s psychological warfare offensive, namely, that Libya was a dictatorship overthrown by a popular revolution. As part of their suspiciously coherent perception management of events in Libya, all these NATO psy-warfare collaborators omit the following facts:

    • prior to March 19th the Libyan Jamahiriya had called for negotiations and a UN fact-finding mission – rejected both by the renegades and the dominant powers in the UN;
    • the only reliably confirmed information about events in Libya between February 17th and March 19th came from the Libyan government the Libyan government’s account was confirmed by testimony from both Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Chief of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen as well as by Russian military intelligence prior to the March 19th Resolution 1973.
    • there was never any reliable evidence of the Libyan Jamahiriya bombing or machine gunning peaceful demonstrations in February or March;
    • on the other hand credible accounts of racist pogroms and lynchings by the Libyan renegades were available from the very start of the events in Benghazi in February ;
    • the African Union’s constant insistence from the very start of the conflict on a negotiated peace was welcomed by the Libyan Jamihiriya;

    • the devastating role played by international sanctions imposed on the basis of the flagrant fabrication of Libyan involvement in the Lockerbie terrorist atrocity badly affected Libya’s development between 1992 and 2003;

    • by 2011 Libya’s population enjoyed an unparalleled high standard of living relative to the rest of Africa;
    • US$200bn in funds were saved by the Libyan Jamahiriya and administered for the benefit of the Libyan people and impoverished African countries;
    • the Libyan Jamahiriya promoted innumerable significant and strategic development initiatives in other African countries;
    • prior to their NATO supported putsch- insurrection, the currrent renegade leaders promoted corporate friendly Western neoliberal policies that were firmly resisted by Muammar Al Ghaddafi
    • once they realized Maummar Al Ghadafi was resisting deepening neoliberal reforms, NATO planned and carried out the Southern Mistral war game in which they practised a military assault against Libya

    Analysis with feet of clay

    One could go on delving into more detail to rebut all the false claims and hypocritical assertions made by NATO psy-warfare fellow travellers like Ramonet, Achcar and Wallerstein. But it is enough to look at the excerpts quoted above to see how skewed, disingenuous, arrogant, cynical and downright baseless their arguments are. These are classic characteristics of NATO country perception management against targets from the Cuban revolution to the UN supported coups in Haiti and the Ivory Coast

    Immanuel Wallerstein completely failed to predict the course of events in Libya in the most abject and ridiculous way. The UN Security Council did pass a resolution. NATO did resolve to go to war. President Sarkozy easily secured his country’s approval for French armed forces to participate in NATO’s colonial war.

    Wallerstein demonstrated complete idiocy in his appraisal of events in March 2011. We can add his illustrious corpse to the Ship of Fools adrift over Libya full to the gunwales with NATO dupes who got things completely wrong on Libya. Wallerstein’s fatuous patronising arrogance duped him into hopeless error. By contrast, the appraisal of the facts by Fidel Castro and President Hugo Chavez was absolutely right.

    The falsehoods of Ignacio Ramonet

    Ignacio Ramonet completely misrepresented the nature of the events in February in Benghazi. No reliable evidence indicates that peaceful demonstrators were fired on. At the time, the Libyan government’s account was confirmed by testimony from both US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and the US armed forces Chief of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, as well as by Russian military intelligence prior to the March 19th Resolution 1973. Now the highest estimates of deaths as a result of the armed insurrection in Libya between February 17th and March 19th are around 250.

    Ramonet got things wrong because he took as his source a notorious NATO propaganda outlet, the UK Guardian newspaper. The Guardian’s foreign news coverage is at least as cynical and skewed as that of El País or Le Monde. Ramonet also relied on the Qatar dominated Al Jazeera, now overwhelmingly staffed by staff who previously worked with NATO country mainstream corporate media.

    It is not as strange as it seems that a supposed radical like Ignacio Ramonet should ignore the entire history of imperialist interventions over the last 200 years. At one time Ramonet was extremely proud of his work promoting the World Social Forum. That body is thoroughly compromised by its links to corporate funders.

    On Libya, Ramonet also dishonestly suggests as a fact something he most certainly does not know, namely that Muammar al Ghaddafi ordered the use of extreme force against peaceful demonstrators. That suggestion is pure propaganda as is his selective quote of Muammar al Ghaddafi’s comments at the time.. To write as Ignacio Ramonet then did, that UN Resolution 1973 was legal, legitimate and desirable, takes self-serving cynicism to its very extremes.

    Former US Defence Secretary Robert Gates had already pointed out correctly that enforcing a no fly zone necessarily involved military aggression. But the UN Charter specifically rules out military action except in self-defence. Hence President Obama’s counterfactual statement that the United States is not at war against Libya. So much for United Nations legality.

    In any case, Resolution 1973 calls for a peaceful negotiated solution. That option proposed by the Libyan government and the African Union and by Latin America’s ALBA bloc of countries had already been rejected by the Libyan renegades. They rejected negotiations on the strength of the support they were getting from the very governments who cynically passed the Resolution knowing neither they themselves nor the renegades had any intention of seeking a peaceful settlement.

    Ramonet argues that the UN blank cheque for intervention was legitimate in terms of democratic solidarity. Here we come up against a fundamental contradiction of the international neocolonial Left. Igancio Ramonet, a famous critic of corporate capitalism, tacitly accepts, after all, that North America and Europe are composed of democracies and he explicitly describes the Libyan Jamahiriya as a dictatorship.

    But it is the Libyan Jamahiriya that carefully saved and invested hundreds of billions of dollars which it then used very clearly for the benefit of the Libyan people and other African peoples. On the other hand, it is the rotten-corrupt plutocracies of Europe and North America that have sucked dry their peoples so as to enrich a tiny corporate elite of crooked bankers and speculators and to protect their criminal financial system. The democratic solidarity Ramonet is talking about is no more than a narcissistic construct conjured up to justify his ideological prejudice against the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    To conclude, as Ignacio Ramonet then does, that the UN Resolution 1973 was in any way desirable is plainly disingenuous folly. The terms of Resolution 1973 left matters wide open to whatever interpretation the North American and European governments concerned chose to put on it. No serious observer expected anything less than the ruthless application of force to support the racist putsch-insurrection struggling for existence in Benghazi.

    That putsch-insurrection completely lacked popular support in the rest of Libya. Like Achcar and Wallerstein, Ramonet ignored plenty of readily available information that indicated those very facts which have been confirmed over and over again since March 19th 2011. Ramonet’s reputation is one more illustrious corpse in the Ship of Fools illuminated by the flames of NATO’s genocide in Zliten, Tripoli, Sirte and Bani Walid.

    Gilbert Achcar – psy-warfare operative

    Gilbert Achcar’s is perhaps the most egregiously dishonest and overt case of collabroation in NATO’s psychological warfare against the Libyan people. With regard to Libya, Immanuel Wallerstein turned out to be a dunderhead and Ignacio Ramonet, more than anything, a narcissistic disingenuous buffoon. But Gilbert Achcar’s position is one carefully politically calculated in the most absolute bad faith.

    Achcar is Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at Britain’s Foreign and Colonial Office’s extra-mural School of Oriental and African Studies. He has taught in France and Britain for over 30 years now. Only the most naive would believe Achcar has not been utterly co-opted by his environment. His remarks on Libya demonstrate his moral and intellectual capitulation as a colonialist apologist to a fault.

    “The idea that Western powers are intervening in Libya because they want to topple a regime hostile to their interests is just preposterous.” It is very rare for a NATO psy-warfare operative to out themselves like this. Self-evidently, it is Gilbert Achcar’s view that is truly preposterous, suggesting the Western regimes intervening in Libya have done so for any other reason than that the Libyan Jamahiriya blocked their plans on several fronts.

    Achcar continues to out himself as a NATO apologist by shamelessly citing as categorical fact the most extreme and ridiculous figures of civilian deaths at the hands of the forces of the Libyan Jamahiriya with absolutely no basis in any legitimate reporting or investigation. “Estimates of the number of people killed in early March ranged from 1000 to 10,000, the latter figure by the International Criminal Court, with the Libyan opposition’s estimates ranging between 6,000 and 8,000.”

    Only a NATO stooge would expect to be taken seriously when citing the International Criminal Court as a reliable source. As it turns out, the ICC on this matter has been completely discredited, along with its other ridiculous lie about allegations of mass rape by Libyan army troops on Viagra. The illustrious corpse of the ICC’s Luis Moreno Campo’s reputation, or its desiccated remains, joins those of Wallerstein, Ramonet and Achcar and their accomplices in the NATO fellow-travellers funeral Barge-of-Fools going up in flames in the sands of Libya.

    The facts now established and accepted by all but NATO collaborators like Gilbert Achcar are that the Libyan security forces did not fire on unarmed demonstrators. Respected human rights organizations put the number of fatalities as a result of the armed insurrection between February 17th and March 19th at around 250. So it was extremely unlikely that Achcar’s scare of “mass-scale slaughter” was in any way likely, especially since the Libyan authorities were offering to negotiate. What is indeed absolutely clear is that Achcar is a fully committed psy-warfare operative in NATO’s war against Libya and everyone who expresses solidarity with the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    Intellectuals and counterintelligence

    In the 1950s and the 1960s, the CIA and its fellow intelligence agencies invested a great deal of money and resources suborning intellectuals in Europe and in North America. The story of Encounter magazine and the career of the poet Stephen Spender in Britain is emblematic. Other examples abound. It would be extremely foolish to think the same practices have not persisted and become more sophisticated into the present day.

    An example of the way the counter-intelligence network of outright NATO collaborators and fellow travellers works has come to light in relation to Libya. One of the gatekeepers of permissible dissent, the Spanish web site Rebelión, prominently featured an article by Santiago Alba Rico. Like Achcar, Alba Rico is a prominent academic, a specialist on the Arab world in the best traditions of Orientalism. Alba Rico demonstrates that Edward Said’s critical concept of Orientalism can readily involute upon itself for the purposes of neocolonial propaganda.

    In the course of his article Alba Rico writes of the situation’s complexity only to drastically simplify it in favour of his point of view. “Even Nato is aware of this complexity as is demonstrated by the fact – as Gilbert Achcar has pointed out – that Libya has been bombed very little, with the aim of lengthening the war and trying to achieve the defeat of the regime without truly breaking with it.” One pictures Achcar and Alba Rico in places like Zliten, or Sirte telling the mourning relatives of dead NATO victims there to stop crying, “After all, you’ve only been bombed a little…”

    Only a shameless apologist for NATO would attempt to allege that Libya has been bombed “very little”. On cue, Alba Rico seizes on this and uses Achcar’s grotesque cynical falsehood to pad out his own apology for the colonialist onslaught against the Libyan Jamahiriya. At this point, it is possible to move on from the lies and hypocrisies of these NATO collaborators and fellow travellers and look at their claims for their own intellectual and ethical standards.

    One useful source of information about what has really been going on in Libya beyond NATO psy-warfare disinformation reports has been Leonor Massanet. Someone who worked with Rebelión until very recently has confirmed that Santiago Alba Rico engaged in deliberate behind-the-scenes character assassination of Leonor Massanet. Alba Rico’s aim, in which to some extent he clearly succeeded, was to discredit Leonor because her plausible and credible account of events in Libya contradicted his own thoroughly false analysis.

    When one comes across cases of people being turned into non-persons or being calumnied in this way, one is at the limits of legitimate intellectual disagreement. Beyond that frontier one, is then dealing with the abuse of power for counter-intelligence purposes to neutralize effective dissent. Right now, the whole world is a vast mess of low-intensity conflict and outright war. The Western elites are determined to dominate the world’s peoples and their natural resources. The activities of NATO fellow-travellers like Gilbert Achcar and Santiago Alba Rico are far from innocent or coincidental.

    Here we are faced with the reality of the thorough hypocrisy of the co-opted alternative news and information media. All of them, whether it’s Rope-a-dope [4], Zzzz [5] or Sumisión [6] purport to deliver reliable factual information from a variety of viewpoints. All of them are infested with hypocritical self-regarding phonies who readily suppress views they dislike. They all engage in what Gilbert Achcar would term “Stalinist” censorship and the making of non-persons. Leonor Massanet is far from being the only victim of this pernicious deceitful managerial counter-intelligence manipulated culture.

    Psy-warfare’s next offensive : ALBA

    Psychological warfare is a vital component of total war. All through the 1980s and 1990s the North American and European NGO sector was systematically co-opted by NATO country governments to serve NATO propaganda ends. In effect, they are the soft extra-mural arm of their countries’ Foreign Ministries, and routinely project those countries’ foreign policies. That reality has been very well documented. It is as true of the structures available to progressive intellectual workers as it is of the NGOs that employ progressive aid and development workers.

    The alternative media’s coverage of NATO’s contract putsch-insurrection against the Libya Jamahariya has demonstrated this with the most startling clarity. Along with the Libyan Jamahariya, other perennial victims of their deceit and hypocrisy have been the Sandinista Front for National Liberation in Nicaragua, the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia as well as national Communist Parties in general. Presumably, other people devoted to other causes and issues will have had identical experiences.

    It is a fact that neocolonial intellectual and cultural networks tend to dominate international anti-imperialist intellectual production. Their members have a vested interest in maintaining the class structure inherent to that production, one that effectively censors argument and maintains strictly policed parameters. The colonial invasion of Libya has demonstrated with absolute clarity that effective anti-imperialism – for example by the FSLN in Nicaragua or the PSUV in Venezuela – is under threat from both the right and the neocolonial left.

    After Libya, a likely future target will be Nicaragua. But the NATO elites view Nicaragua as simply an hors d’oeuvre for the main course, Venezuela. The battle for Venezuela began back in 2002 and will get more and more fierce once President Hugo Chavez wins re-election ten years on, in 2012. The international neocolonial Left is hard at work sawing the floor away from under the Sandinista revolutionary process in Nicaragua. Nor is it in any way controversial to say they are busy trying to co-opt the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. Libya has shown they are capable of any infamy.



  13. The democracy bomb
    Lisa Karpova
    Among the stupidest platitudes that one all too often hears from U.S. and western hypocrites, the worst is how they portray their own countries as beacons or paragons of freedom and democracy when a quick look, and especially an extended one, will demonstrate otherwise.

    When something is built on dishonesty, all else begins to unravel. NATO exposes their evil intentions by their extensive use of lies and trickery. Once again, however, they have overestimated themselves and underestimated the Libyan people. The lies and trickery do not work.

    Force and coercion are not considered examples of either freedom or democracy. The term “democracy” has been distorted now to mean only one thing: a democracy does what it is told to do, usually by Washington.

    Should the country refuse, then it becomes a “dictatorship” even though the leader may have been elected, such as in the case of Venezuela, or should they have the purest form, such as the Jamahiriya. Next thing you know, the democracy bombs are falling…

    This pseudo freedom and democracy they are trying to force down the throats of the Libyan people. What does western style freedom and democracy mean to the Libyan people?

    It means thousands of Libyans lying dead in their homes, schools, hospitals, streets…

    It means because you have the audacity to support your government and not do what you are told by the almighty Empire, that you will be gunned down by a helicopter.

    Or mutilated, executed, beheaded, maimed, burned.
    Or pounded with depleted uranium, or white phosphorous.

    Or even poison gas…as a truckload of that was captured before it could be used. Anything to meet the objective of regime change.

    What does “regime change” mean in Libya?

    Simply stated, it means taking the country away from the people of Libya, because they are the ones who run the place in reality in their People’s Congresses.

    It’s not a war against Colonel Gaddafi only, but he has been made a symbol by the evil ones of NATO and the west, a symbol of defiance against them.


    The terrorist murderous filthy crud of the NTC has already on numerous occasions declined peace talks, a ceasefire or elections. Their only solution is “Gaddafi must go.” It is their intention, given the chance, to murder the Brother Leader, them and their ugly, smelly Nazi NATO masters.

    Some people may be fooled by this freedom and democracy nonsense. No one who sees the democracy bomb in action doubts that it’s all about theft of Libyan resources: gold, oil, water, the reestablishment of colonial rule in Africa and using Libya for imperialist military bases.

    The behavior of NATO during the assault and aggression on Libya has been shocking to say the least. We knew they were cold-blooded evil killers, sick perverts and torturers. We saw them in action in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan, but they have taken things to a level unprecedented, highly reminiscent of the Nazis, the SS and Hitler. In fact, they are beginning to make Nazis look like humanitarians compared to NATO.

    Congratulations Ban Ki-Loon and the UN genocide loving, look the other way, see and hear no evil but speak every evil inSecurity Council. Both have betrayed everything the UN is purported to stand for.

    Listening to Moon (or NATO garbage) speak is dangerous to the digestive system, one might lose one’s last meal.

    As for the Libyan Army…I cannot help but be reminded of Stalingrad and Kursk and the Great Patriotic War…the manner in which these heroic defenders conduct the war, their courage, strength, humanity, pure determination and ability to carry out their mission, these Libyan heroes seem to be more of what you would expect from the descendents / children / grandchildren of Stalingrad and Kursk defenders.

    One cannot but have total admiration for them and stand in awe at their courageous determination and self sacrifice. Theirs is not an easy task. But they have inspired great hope in the hearts and minds of the defenseless and the oppressed everywhere.

    Africa, previously known as the “Dark Continent,” has become of beacon of light because of this heroic struggle against imperialism.

    Therefore, taking all things into consideration, I expect and firmly believe we will see a similar outcome: the total defeat of fascism.

    The sickening display by Sarkozy, Cameron and NTC during their recent visit to Libya exposed the reality on the ground. They are afraid to go anywhere in the country and rightly so. Their pathetic weakness was obvious and exactly the opposite of the perception they were hoping to create for their dutiful, obedient media.

    That murderous, genocidal criminal terrorist gang of thugs known as the NTC…Why are the terrorists attempting to sell 29 tons of Libyan gold, when in the very worst of times, Muammar Gaddafi didn’t find it necessary to lay a hand on the assets of the Libyan people?

    Besides being ugly, murderous racists of shocking savagery and barbarity, the NTC is a bottomless pit.

    I guess they are necessary for the NATO Nazis to transform Libya from a completely self sufficient, debt-free, prosperous country into a third world beggar debtor country. Libya must be thrusted backwards, back centuries where the western NATO Nazis wish to push the people of Libya.

    NATO uses force, coercion and violence, in total disregard to the will of the people of Libya. They use lies and trickery. They rain death and destruction on an innocent country. They violate the very resolutions that were used to commence their genocidal conquest. They violate international law. They have faciliated and enabled the practice of ethnic cleansing.

    The Libyan Jamahiriya, under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi, has struggled harder than any western leader or country to champion the rights of the poor and abolish racism against black people.

    The “no-fly” zone in reality is the “no-live” zone, life is not permitted for anyone not bowing down to the almighty Empire, including and especially the civilians they lied about protecting.

    In their greed and desperation, they have forced this fight on Libya. In their inability to manage their own countries and economies, they seek the spoils of war, nowhere men making nowhere plans for nobody.

    On the 19th of this month, the question of Libya is going to come up before the United Nations. There is no room for neutrality, for abstentions or for not taking a firm and principled stand. The fences are being shaken. Nations will fall on one side or the other.

    The behavior of the UN and the countries therein are going to show us all, they are going to be sifted into wheat and chaff, the honest from the corrupt, the courageous from the cowards.

    We shall see exactly what they are made of. They shall place themselves on either side of the fence, either good or evil. Once they are on either side of the fence, there is no turning back, no jumping to the other side and above all, no sitting on the fence. It is decision time.

    History will deal harshly with those who took the side of demons, murderers, terrorists, savages, Hitlers…so they shall fall in similar fashion into perdition and eternal damnation.

    Lisa Karpova



    canadian bomber jet

    Canadian jets take part in the illegal bombing of Libya which has caused nothing but death and destruction since 23 March 2011.
    The House of Commons on Monday, the Members of the Parliament voted 189-98 to keep Canada’s hand in the military aggression on the North African country.

    Canada joined the war against Libya and Africa last March by sending fighter jets, patrol planes, aerial tankers and warships.

    Canada’s president Stephen Harper received assurances that the NATO-rebels’ NTC would honour existing contracts with Canadian companies even though they have no right to do so as those contracts were signed under the legitimate Jamahiriya..

    • Netherlands extends war against Libya, spends millions on NATO missile shieldPosted: 2011/09/29
      From: Mathaba

      While attacking Libya, the Netherlands approved a 250 million euro program “to prevent getting attacked by countries like Iran”.

      Dutch bomber

      A large majority of Dutch MPs has voted on Wednesday in favour of extending the US-European war against Libya and Africa by another three months.

      The minority of VVD (Liberal Party) and CDA (Christian Democrats) coalition decision was supported by PvdA (Labour Party), Green Left, Christian Union and SGP (Orthodox Protestant Party) in the parliament.

      The government’s support party PVV (Freedom Party) and opposition party SP (Socialist Party) opposed extending the war against Libya and Africa.

      The Socialist Party said it fears the objective of the mission had been continually stretched which has made NATO nothing but the air force of the rebels’ National Transitional Council.

      The Christian Democrats said this extension had to be the last one. But Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal said it would be “a bad sign” to indicate at this stage that the contribution to the war could not be extended a third time.

      There also was criticism in parliament that MPs had only been informed by letter about the decision to extend the war one day ahead of the previous mandate expiring so there was no time for discussion.

      With the decision to extend the aggression against the sovereign North African country the Netherlands joins Canada

      which earlier this week agreed on an extension of the war till the end of the year, following the decision of a NATO meeting last week.

      Six F-16 fighter planes, a mine sweeper and more than 200 Dutch troops have participated in the war since it began at the end of March. Dutch military personnel have also flown in AWACS radar planes.

      While contributing to the illegal bombing of Libya, the Dutch Defense Ministry on Monday approved a 250 million euro program to contribute to the NATO missile shield to “protect Europe against missile attacks from countries such as Iran”.

      The Netherlands is the first European NATO country to contribute significantly to NATO’s missile shield over the continent.

      Mathaba Editing

      of Radio Netherlands Worldwide article and several Dutch newspaper articles.

  14. Venezuela condemns U.S., NATO, UN over Libya War at UN General Assembly
    Posted: 2011/09/29
    From: Source
    Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro Moros:

    “There is a very serious threat to global peace: a new cycle of colonial wars, which started in Libya, with the sinister goal of refreshing the capitalist global system.”

    Venezuela foreign minister Nicolas Maduro Moros

    Nicolas Maduro Moros, foreign minister of Venezuela, on Tuesday lashed out at the involvement of the US-European North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the UN in recent events in Libya.

    Moros’ statement came as he was addressing the general debate of the UN General Assembly at its 66th session to transmit a message from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias.

    “Right now there is a very serious threat to global peace: a new cycle of colonial wars, which started in Libya, with the sinister goal of refreshing the capitalist global system, within a structural crisis today, but without any limit to its consumer and destructive voracity.
    It is necessary to remember and to recur to our immediate memory: Venezuela, alongside the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas (ALBA), was actively advocating for a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Libyan conflict,”

    said Moros.

    The Venezuelan foreign minister said that peaceful resolution of the Libyan situation was derailed by the US and NATO and that reports of attacks on the Libyan people by the Libyan Air Force were unfounded in truth.

    “However, after all, the logic of war decreed by the UN Security Council and put into practice by NATO, the armed wing of the Yankee Empire, was imposed.
    The logic of war having its spearhead in trans-national mass media: let us bear in mind that the ‘Libyan Case’ was brought before the Security Council on the basis of intense propaganda by the western mass media, who lied about the alleged bombing of innocent civilians by the Libyan Air Force, not to mention the grotesque media setting of the Green Square of Tripoli.”

    He said that a premeditated bunch of lies were used to justify “military regime change policy” by NATO.

    “It’s worth wondering: what has the no-fly zone established by the Security Council resolution become?” said Moros. “How could NATO perform more than 20,000 missions against the Libyan people if there was a no-fly zone? After the Libyan Air Force was completely annihilated, the continued ‘humanitarian’ bombing shows that the west, through NATO, intends to impose their interests in North Africa, turning Libya into a colonial protectorate.”

    Moros said that Venezuela questions the legitimacy of the arms embargo placed on Libya through Security Council resolution 1970 and strengthened by resolution 1973.

    “How can we say that an arms embargo was imposed on Libya, when it was NATO itself that introduced thousands of heavy weapons to support a violent upheaval against that country’s legitimate government?” Moros said. “The embargo was, of course, meant to prevent the Libyan government from defending its sovereignty. This shows, once again, the cruel logic of international relations, where the law only applies to the weak.”

    Moros called for an immediate end to the NATO bombings in Libya and said the UN must reform in order to serve it’s purpose.

    He called the current state of the international organization a crisis, a point he said Venezuela has made previously.

    “Since then and until now, nothing has been done: the political will of the most powerful ones has prevailed,” said Moros. “Sure, the UN, as for its current functioning, docilely pledges to their interests. For us it is obvious that the UN is not improving and will not improve from the inside.”

    “If its secretary-general, along with the president of the International Criminal Court (ICC), take part in an act of war, as in the case of Libya, nothing can be expected from the current structure of this organization and there is no longer time for reforms: the UN does not accept any reform whatsoever, the illness within it is deadly,”

    he added.

    Moros criticized the Security Council, saying that a first step to re-founding the UN as a whole would be to eliminate the permanent member category and veto power from the peace and security body. He said that the General Assembly’s power must be democratically maximized and that a comprehensive review of the UN charter, with the aim of redrafting a new one, should be imposed.

  15. Lita O Tale writes:
    >some of us are encouraging our boys to refuse orders to bomb civilian targets; we have had enough” He continued: “Always the same lies, in WWI ( WORLD WAR 1) they said that the troops will be home by Christmas, and you know what happened”. Some Canadian and French pilots have followed the encouragement and denied to bomb more civilian targets.


    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    More than 170 NATO rebels were killed in the Sirt yesterday and the might Libyan army took all their weapons.

    on another good note:
    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Sick of the American navy’s ongoing presence in the Persian Gulf,Iran announced this week that they will be sending ships over to be stationed off the coast of the United States.


    It is horrible—even Khalid was murdered by NATO in Tripoli just a day after he filed suit in Belgium. Only the elder Kawadi remains, and heartbroken—all his family [and the friends staying that night after the birthday party] perished by the AXIS through NATO.

    “I hear you. Many of your messages reach me. I can not answer you but I feel Individually your pain.Thank you Prayers for you. “- al-Gaddafi
    about a month ago from web

  17. Green Jihad

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Resistance fighters blew up a hotel on Thursday in eastern Sirte, where the top leaders of the rebels and mercenaries, French and British met.90 Dead

    Heavy fighting and massive clashes in many areas in Tripoli. Violent clashes in Abu Salim. #Libya

    اشتباكات عنيفة الان بين المجاهدين وثوار الناتو في بوسليم والحي الاسلامي وخسائر كبيرة للجردان في بوسليم وسيارات الاسعاف تهرع للمكان

    شباب ليبيا الأحرار علي الفيس بوك لنشر الحقائق من أجل ليبيا الغد

    Lying TNC announced today the arrest of Ibrahim Moussa. These messages are worth questioning. Thus, the Algerian media say that Mussa was alive and he’s free. PNS has not shown evidence of seizure Moussa. Soon Moussa Ibrahim will talk to #ArraiTV. Whenever connection is safe in order to expose the lies of rats that they arrested him.


    Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi posts:

    The South of Libya .
    people is asking about south and say it’s in rats hands , I will explain what happened there starting of first area in the south of Libya . but i will answer in briefly what happened from my own sources

    Brak Shatty
    is the first area in the south if you are coming from Tripoli , it consider the gate of the south , small village , around tribes there , but the strongest one in that village whom fought , reason people is fighting just like they are blind , I mean no communications , no Networks , no oil for cars to join rows .

    rats come from Tripoli and Misurata and from around the mountain Misurata too and from the east with 10.000 fighters .

    Brak Shatty
    first day Media News said rats took it , but the truth is , the strongest tribe sent their sons all of them divided into three groups .

    first group to protect Old Airport it’s like camp . Second to go far 25 KM from Brak , third to stay inside that village with knows it’s only one tribe who decided to fought in that day

    second group battle took 3 hours face to face 20 fighters from us got killed . 67 rats got killed , our fighters withdraw to the Village because NATO bombing .

    first group in the old airport
    battle took one day 270 rats got killed , 10 captured , we lost 5 fighters then our fighters again our fighters withdraw to the Village because NATO bombing .

    third group
    rats tried to enter under the cover of NATO battle took 7 hours time , result is 47 rats got killed and rats change their road through the desert to another small villages beside brak and they went to Sebha .

    Brak VS rats = Brak is won

    another villages before Sebha , rats know that people is loyal to Gaddafi but they forcing people to put that village , anyway they success for days but they are not the real people of that villages , i mean how long they will stay there ? nobody welcoming them , so they are heading to Sebha , when they leave that villages people burn that flag of shame and put the green one 🙂

    Sebha .
    rats took time to get there , reason not Sebha people . No reason is Brak . because that tribe which’s called Magharha tribe seeking revenge for their sons whom got killed by NATO or them .

    so they been following them in the desert also 73 rats got killed

    first part of Sebha some rats whom inside that city welcome the rats , but the other areas closed , No one can enter no one can go out , people lock their areas .

    rats want negotiate to get down the green flags in some areas Like , Alfateh , Al Manshia , Hai Abdulkafi , so how many areas still to mention it in Sebha ? only two and that’s areas is rats .

    ok how about people we seen in TV that they celebrate in TV !!!
    we saw some rats whom coming from the east and from the western mountain , only 5% from the real resident of Sebha city .

    rats couldn’t get to any of the areas i mentioned above , battle took hours to be finished , result is 80 rats got killed 25 injured rats .

    the areas i mentioned in Sebha City is won .

    what about the other areas in the south ?

    the same thing that happened before all people reject them , they just raise flag and the show themselves on TV , look we Celebrate with people , people ? did i mention people ? oh yes i saw guys celebrating on TV ? who are they ?
    you can figure it out i told you 10.000 fighters , did you saw unarmed people celebrate ? only their women whom been brought after them .

    Ghat .
    rats knew Ghat is far from Sebha so they send only 150 cars to that small loyal village , what happened ? people there was waiting for them in the desert all rats got killed , they cars destroyed by our fighters .

    rats whom enter Sebha and the village went back to Tripoli and to where they come from , green flags raised again .

    Oh Zintan sent backup when they heard that Ghat isn’t in their hands , but when they are going through desert .

    small village people beside Brak heard that rats is heading to Ghat so the rats who come from Zintan been defeated in the same day .

    I asked how many supporter for Gaddafi in the south ? they answered me 97% .

    what i have written is information i got by my people in the south of Libya .

    Olga Sokolova writes:
    City of Ghadames, located on the border with Algeria, freed from the rebels, but NATO continues to deliver special-forces, as well as some of the rebels come from Nafusy.

    Muammar Gaddafi has just recently announced that the rebels expect a big surprise. And today the Algerian media say that Mutasim Gaddafi, son of the Libyan leader, commander of forces in Sirte, gave a “green light” to eliminate, commanders, heads of PNS. And now we are seeing one after another, the commanders of disappearing from the battlefield. So, already learned about the death of another leader – the head of misuratskogo Nuredin Gener. “This individual, according to Algerian television, he was known for that” organize “the bombing and missile attacks on NATO schools, homes and places of residence in the town of Sirte.”

    Very interesting is the situation in Tripoli. At this hour, you know exactly what outskirts of Tripoli in the hands of militias and the army. On the morning of September 29 rebel positions in Tripoli were attacked by the Libyan army. Were captured by the number of objects. In particular, the CIA headquarters and NATO. Were seized some documents. Now comes a very interesting message. In many areas of the city raised the green flags. We hear explosions, particularly in the Bab al-Azizia, Was attacked and the port of the city, prompting the rebels to leave some areas of the port. It is also reported the capture of mercenaries “Britain, France and Qatar in Tripoli.”

    Suddenly turned the situation is under Ben-Walid. After the assassination of the commander of the rebel attack on Ben Walid rebels, exhausted and demoralized, fled from the city. The path “Tarragon” – “Ben-Valid,” released. But we must remember that this information has not yet been confirmed.

    Tense situation remains in Sirte. Over the past two days the rebels have suffered major defeats. Were killed three rebel commanders and more than 2,000 people living force.
    At the moment, fighting is on the outskirts of Sirte. The rebels are constantly being attacked, but the defenders have serious counterattack repulsed the rebels and forced to retreat. A major problem for the city are bombing NATO aircraft, …

    Ras Lanuf and Brega is controlled by militias

    Benghazi under the control of militias that support Muammar Gaddafi. Over the surrounding area Benghazi raised green flags. Over the cities of Tobruk and Divot also green flags.

  18. COLORADO melons are causing Listeria in 25 American States! (Colorado is the home of the US Military in Cheyenne, and the CIA and the infamous underground complex about Teledo and the Denver Airport.)

    The Canary Islands, just off the northwestern coast of Africa, are about to errupt. A volcano on El Hierro, one of the Canary Islands, could be about to erupt.

    The big Calderra is there. If it errups it will bring a Suanmi across the whole Easter United States.,1518,789050,00.html

    Another Gadhafi son on Interpol’s most-wanted listAP foreign, Thursday, 29 September 2011
    Associated Press= PARIS (AP) Interpol placed another of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s sons on the equivalent of its most-wanted list on Thursday, placing pressure on the government of Niger to surrender a man accused of overseeing bloody repressions.

    A Niger presidential spokesman has said al-Saadi Gadhafi is living under house arrest in the Western African country’s capital, Niamey, after fleeing Libya earlier this month via the desert bordering the two nations.Interpol has already issued red notices for Moammar Gadhafi and his son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi based on a request by the International Criminal Court</em>. Both men have been charged with crimes against humanity.[LIES]

    The international police agency said in a statement it had issued a red notice for al-Saadi Gadhafi, based on a request by the Libya’s National Transitional Council — the first time Interpol has issued such a notice at the request of Libya’s post-Gadhafi leadership.

    Interpol says the notice was based on accusations that the son, 38, misappropriated property and engaged in “armed intimidation” when he headed the Libyan Football Federation.

    He was also a special forces commander and is the subject of U.N. sanctions for commanding military units involved in repression of demonstrations.[LIE]

    An Associated Press reporter attempted to approach the green-gated compound in Niamey earlier this month, only for the car to be stopped by plainclothed police. An officer said Gadhafi’s son and three of his generals were being held in the two-story stucco villas inside the compound.

    The Interpol notice is expected to put the government of landlocked, aid-dependent Niger in a tight spot.

    “We will study this question,” Niger Foreign Minister Mohamed Bazoum said in an interview Thursday with France 24 TV. He said Niger would be in contact with Interpol and Libyan authorities, but, ultimately, the response would be based on the laws of the largely desert nation.

    He said six Libyans have come to Niger, and insisted that all are under “rather strict” surveillance. Bazoum added that some had indicated they were simply passing through the country but didn’t elaborate.

    Massoudou Hassoumi, the chief of staff of Niger‘s president, told The Associated Press this month that his country would abide by all international obligations regarding members of Gadhafi’s regime. He said that they were ready to hand al-Saadi Gadhafi to the International Criminal Court if the court issued a warrant for his arrest.

    Moussa Aksar, editor-in-chief of The Event newspaper published in Niamey, said the population of Niger is largely pro-Gadhafi because of road- and mosque-building projects the leader undertook. He said the government would face criticism internally if the son is handed over.

    “The government has already gone on the record saying they will hand him over if there is a legal obligation to do so. So I think they can’t back down now. They are in a difficult spot,” Aksar said Thursday.

    The international police agency had urged authorities in Niger and surrounding countries — and those with direct flights to Niger — to watch out for and arrest Gadhafi “with a view to returning him to Libya” for prosecution.

    Interpol’s red notices are the highest-level alerts they can issue to their member countries. The notices do not force countries to turn over suspects but strongly urge them to, and countries who ignore such notices can come under pressure from the international community.

    Moammar Gadhafi’s whereabouts are unknown. Libya’s new rulers said Wednesday they believe he may be hiding in the southern desert under the protection of ethnic Tuareg fighters, while two of his sons — Seif al-Islam and Muatassim — are holed up in cities besieged by revolutionary forces elsewhere in Libya.

    Another Gadhafi son is with his daughter Aisha and wife in neighboring Algeria — along with other family members — while Khamis Gadhafi, who leads the Khamis Brigade that fought in the west, was either killed in battle, or is still alive, depending on whom you talk to in Libya

    Rukmini Callimachi contributed from Dakar, Senegal.

    Al-Saadi Gaddafi:

    I deny allegations of corruption and intimidation.Interpol decision to put me on the equivalent of its most-wanted list is political.
    I deny the charges made against me by Interpol.It is clear political decision to recognise the de jure authority of the National Transitional Council taken without appropriate regard to the current absence of a functioning, effective and fair system of justice in Libya.

  19. As Promised: Jamahiriya Exerts Control Over Tripoli, Routing CIA, NATO, ‘Rats’
    Posted: 2011/09/30
    From: Mathaba

    As promised by Mathaba, the liberation of Tripoli is underway. No matter the outcome in this round, the Jamahiriya never ceased to exist, and the world media, governments and organizations were all exposed, and stand naked on the wrong side of history

    CIA-NATO Headquarters Raided, Green Flag Flying

    On Wednesday 28th, mass demonstrations took place in Tripoli in favor of people’s power (jamahiriya) and the African Muslim revolutionary leader Muammar Qaddafi, liberator of humanity, author of The Green Book, advocate of the Third Universal Theory.

    The masses demonstrated against the terrorist mercenary foreign armed forces which have been occupying key areas of Tripoli since 5 weeks after massive non-stop bombing and missile attacks by the world’s strongest military forces, 40 countries which are bankrupt, including USA, Canada, England, France, and most of Europe.

    The bombing and missile strikes by the foreign NATO forces have lasted more than six months, killing more than 50,000 Libyans who wished to live in peace in the world’s only Jamahiriya where all power, all wealth and all arms are in the hands of the people, and not an individual, sect, group, tribe, party or government.

    In response to the popular demonstration in Tripoli on Wednesday, the US-European sponsored Al-Qaida elements, traitor rats, ‘NATO rebels’ opened fire on the unarmed demonstrators and the response by the masses was ongoing throughout the day and night, with shooting in various parts of Tripoli, sending rats running, abandoning some of their check points, with NATO air force terrorists no longer knowing where to hit.

    Early in the morning of Thursday 29th, the world’s leading elite people’s armed force brigade commanded and led by General Khamis Qaddafi, son of Muammar Qaddafi, which has time and again shown its superiority to British elite SAS, German elite GSG-9, French and U.S. elite “special forces”, took control of the Tripoli headquarters of the CIA and NATO and took over rat checkpoints in the city central region.

    The heroic 32nd Reinforced Brigade of the Armed People “Khamis Brigade” destroyed the remaining NATO-rebel checkpoints, and took control of the building that has for the past 3 weeks housed the Tripoli headquarters of the terrorist Al-Qaida intelligence agency “CIA” aka Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America. The all-green flag of the Jamahiriya (self-governing society of the people) was hoisted above the building.

    The CIA white racist officers fled to a so-called “green zone” for their safety around the Tripoli international Maitiga airport along with NATO commanders and white European occupier special forces.

    The CIA agents and “representatives” (slaves) of the U.S. intelligence “community” (handful of fascists) in the Tripoli region spent the night in the “green zone” around the Maitiga airport of Libyan capital, ready to flee from the power of the Libyan people.

    The previous day, Wednesday, an attack took place ​​at the airport, in which the Libyan Jamahiri patriots destroyed one aircraft of the enemy occupying forces.

    NATO forces and officials are now taking urgent measures to evacuate the apparatus the CIA.

    During the storming of the former residential high-rise building in the embassy quarter of Tripoli, which had been occupied by the CIA three weeks ago until its liberation on Thursday, documents were seized from the CIA, which, as reported by Libyan officer Khamis al-Gaddafi, “after study will be handed over to the media and the UN Security Council.”

    At the building which now flies the green Jamahiriya flag of freedom, on several floors offices were set up by NATO and the CIA and were used as a command and control center to guide the NATO ground operation in Libya along with the US-European supported Al-Qaida terrorists and rat opportunist traitors.

    Other key facilities in Tripoli were seized by Libyan Jamahiriya forces and a brigade made its way to the air port giving chase to the fleeing CIA and NATO mercenaries.

    All day long everywhere in Tripoli fierce fighting and exchanges of fire could be heard, including on the streets of Mansour, Tajoura and Bengashir. NATO mercenaries attacked a military facility outside Mukhtar, which was previously a women’s military academy of the Libyan Defense Forces.

    Powerful explosions were also heard in Bab Al Azizia, as well as in the are where NATO had set up their headquarters in a school.

    The invaders will finally be evicted no matter how long the war lasts and how many give their lives to either die or live standing, refusing to be slaves to western banker capitalism, and all the governments in the world, all the international organizations and non-governmental organizations, all the religious leaders, and personalities, positions have become clear over the past six months, and the emerging new world order will be shaped accordingly.

    On the one side the truthful masses of the world, will gain power everywhere, as governments and gate-keeper media and institutions and structures have all stood naked and exposed to their real character and purpose, and on the other the handful of rulers, oppressors, hypocrites and opportunists, as well as former masters in banking, business, economy, politics and society will be left in the dust bin of history.

    The enemy retains the market area and Jamaa Zawiya Dahmani. However, eyewitnesses report that on the streets of Tripoli, an increasing number of green flags are being raised. Everywhere Libyan patriots can be heard chanting: «Allah, Muammar, Libya, wa Baz!» (God, Muammar Qaddafi, Libya and that is all we need).

    CIA Headquarters in Tripoli
    Anti-NTC operations began three days ago and will continue until all objectives are completed. Resistance combat units under the command of Khamis Gaddafi, have taken the CIA headquarters in Tripoli along with several other strategic locations within the city. According to Zangtena, the resistance then hoisted the Green flag over the headquarters. They recovered numerous vital, confidential files and will soon broadcast their content.
    American CIA headquarters in Tripoli at Airport
    Elsewhere, NATO has dropped in a new “special forces” team of armed mercenary troops into the town of Ras Lanuf, which is an oil refinery and which is terminal of one of the main oil pipelines from the Sahara. The entire Sahara is under Jamahiriya control, with rats posing only for cameras, launching occasional cowardly assaults but always being driven back by the armed people who are defending their communities.

    The heroic cities of Sirte and Bani Walid, which have withstood total siege for months, in what will be exposed as Crimes Against Humanity for which NATO countries and officials must face justice, have repulsed the rebel rat assaults which were carried out under NATO cover, and upgraded their defensive resistance to offensive counter-attacks against the terrorists.

    Khamis al-Gaddafi, a son of Muammar Gaddafi’s, speaks to his fighters:

    News from other sources, roundup by Dennis South
    Sabha: The city of Sabha remains under the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya. It is confirmed that the situation in Sabha is so strong for the Jamahiriya, that the LDF (Libyan Defence Forces) were able to send troops to other battlefields in Libya.
    Zawiya: Green Resistance in Zawiya captured a very large supply of weapons, which were moved to Tripoli to assist the resistance there.

    Sirte: defeat of rebels

    Thursday, 29.09.2011 – 12:46

    “It is now confirmed that the Islamists and mercenaries that were attempting to conquer Sirte for the past month were defeated by the Jamahiriya forces. The death toll of the enemy forces was an estimated one thousand. There are reports that NATO pilots are getting tired of shelling innocent civilians and are starting to wake up to the fact that they are not at all there to protect civilians, and the Libya is a Jamahiriya where people will not surrender their power, wealth and weapons.

    Green flag over the headquarters of the CIA in Tripoli

    As mentioned above, the green flag was hoisted above the CIA headquarters in Tripoli.

    Thursday, 29.09.2011 – 17:14

    More than 170 NATO bandits were killed yesterday in Sirte. The Libyan army seized their weapons.

    The Tribes of South Libya, Sirte and Beni Walid announced the opening of a few local radio stations Libya, on which Muammar Gaddafi congratulated Libyan fighters and volunteers for clearing the cities of NATO criminals.

    Shortly after the Libyan Army captured stores of weapons, Washington announced that the rebels lost 10 thousand missiles.*** SEE N° 13 below

    Sirte: the rats moved three kilometers back after heavy losses; Ben Walid: the rats are completely blocked
    Thursday, 29.09.2011 – 22:57

    “It will not be easy to take Sirte. We thought we would do it Friday. I no longer believe [that we can do it]. Moutassim Qaddafi [another son of Muammar Qaddafi], is in Sirte, and commands his men. They have heavy weapons and snipers, who complicate our task,” said a field commander of the rebels to the AFP. Before dawn, Gaddafi forces had “tried to surround us in the dark, but the rain foiled their plan. Otherwise, we would have had heavy losses,” he said.

    “Our troops are subjected to hard blows. Today we moved three kilometers back,” said the commander. In addition, there was still a “lack of coordination” amongst the rebels. “A group of our fighters were hit by a rocket that was fired by one of our own tanks. There were three martyrs,” he said.

    At Beni Walid, the rebels have been blocked by the fierce defense of the Libyan Jamahiriya forces, and have not advanced. Walid Khaimej , a rebel captain on the front of Beni Walid, asked for “more help from NATO.”

    News from other sources:

    Summary of NSBNC (No Spin News By Christof Lehmann)

    I am considering including Dr. Lehman’s reports as a regular feature of these updates. This first attempt will be a numbered, brief summary of Dr. Leymann’s report. You can read his full report at your leisure.

    1. NATO’s desperate. NATO and TNC becoming isolated in “pockets of occupation.”

    2. Talk increasing of diplomatic initiatives and power-sharing.

    3. Long siege of Sabha is broken. Area firmly under Jamahiriya control.

    4. NATO attempt to establish bridgehead in Sirte harbor for amphibian assault was smashed: Libyan Special Forces set fire to NATO destroyer.

    5. Zawiah: NATO/TNC convoy with many weapons ambushed by Libyan and Allied Forces [perhaps Tuaregs, Ibrahim al-Douri forces].

    6. Possible NATO attempt to reconquer Derna.

    7. Jamahiriya forces in Tripoli awaiting final assault on rebels.

    8. Libyan defectors wish to return to Jamahiriya, now realizing they contributed to destruction of their country [This confirms information that appeared in an earlier Update report].

    9. TNC and NATO approached Russian diplomats to broker a cease fire to negotiate peace deal and power-sharing.

    10. Swiss Diplomats failed to bribe Libyan tribal leaders to not deploy fighters to Sirte, and to withdraw from the battlefield.

    11. Swiss bankers fear illegal transfer of Libyan funds to TNC.

    12. High-ranking NATO officer talked to Dr. Lehmann in confidential phone call. NATO commanders are afraid they’ll be tried, Nuremberg style, for war crimes: “Some of us are encouraging our boys to refuse orders to bomb civilian targets; we have had enough.”

    13.*** Intelligence analysts warning of false flag event conducted by US Special Operation Units to create an excuse to invade Libya in October.

    THIS NUMBER “13” has already begun with the “announcement” of thousands of surface-to-air missile launchers as “missing” and “needing retrieval” as a public threat to air safety!
    Sen.Kirk was part of a delegation of Senators led by John McCain (R-Ariz.) and including Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). All of them met with TNC and military commanders and visited Martyrs’ Square in Tripoli.
    Sen. Kirk of Illinois also said, “The United States is in the early stages of securing [Libyan] surface-to-air missiles, of particular concern are the more advanced stinger-like missiles that came from the former Soviet Union. I think that aggressive U.S. action on that is warranted, given how many of them are out there.”
    He added that he was “reassured about the nuclear and chemical stockpiles. It does, from all indications, appear that the United States and our allies, the TNC, have a pretty good handle on those stockpiles.”
    HE, this senator Kirk, is very evil and continues all the DIRTY propaganda lies, all of them, against al-Gadhafi and the JAMAHIRIYA:
    Kirk was part of a delegation of Senators led by John McCain (R-Ariz.) and including Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). All of them met with TNC and military commanders and visited Martyrs’ Square in Tripoli.
    The junior Senator from Illinois also said he hopes the United States soon releases $34 billion of seized Gadhafi funds and makes them available to the TNC.
    Doing so, Kirk said, would “make sure that civilian government in its early stages could … put together a unified military command and [ultimately] a fully unified government,” Kirk said.
    His comments came as Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) today called on the State Department to pay compensation “to the victims of terrorism sponsored by the Qaddafi regime, which includes victims and, families of victims, of the Lod Airport Massacre, the Rome Airport Attack, and relatives of the Lockerbie bombing,” according to the duo’s news release.
    Kirk said he believes the operation to aid Libya was “a success” for President Barack Obama that had built good will with the TNC and created a potential ally in the region.
    He added that major fighting in the battle to oust Gadhafi loyalists is in sight. “The age of Gadhafi is over,” he said.
    “The heavy lift of this conflict, I think, will be over by the end of October,” Kirk said. “The two final battles in [Gadhafi’s] hometown of Sirte and the stronghold of Bani Walid.” (UNQUOTE)

    Source said last spring that in OCTOBER there would be American TRoops on Libyan Ground. Alex was right. Here is their excuse. So that was the Big Pentagon Pow-Wow in Colorado yesterday with the american president!

    Here is the answer–no bombs but Americans are now sending ground troops into Libya. THAT WAS WHAT THE BIG POW-WOW in Colorado was really about WE ALL KNEW THE YANKS WOULD COME ! The Americans just transported 18,000 Afghan al-Qaeda into Libya by yesterday…Now they are claiming they are afraid the al-Qaeda will have these weapons? What games the Americans play!!
    This is precisely what Alex Jones said would occur.

  20. Olga Sokolova writws:
    Musa Ibrahim is all right: western lies again denounced: a message from a Lybian friend:Deserts Lion
    he is good and safe and he will give soon
    speech in alrai TV channel

    The effectiveness of NATO is close to zero
    Analysis of data from the news website of NATO shows a drop in the effectiveness of NATO in Libya,

    The effectiveness of NATO is close to zero

    Analysis of data from the news website of NATO shows a drop in the effectiveness of NATO in Libya, the advantage in the air no longer gives the advantage to the coalition forces in combat operations against the Libyan army. The average for September daily departures NATO has committed 112, of which only a third of fighting – 40, and the number of destroyed targets was less than half the sorties – an average of 18 a day. It should be about … Everything
    According to foreign press and all is not well among the military itself of NATO. Thus, the agency NSNBC referring to the mid-level officer of NATO, that an increase in civilian casualties is growing and growing concern of most NATO commanders for possible personal liability in the future according to Nyurbergskim Principles. Recently commanders tacitly approve of the return of the pilots with combat missions with the unspent ammunition, and all …
    I was preparing this review, you can publish in the group, the numbers are checked myself, my name is not necessary to mention. A source from the Russian media, who asked to remain anonymous. (google tr)

    Olga Sokolova source Russian group

  21. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    A Qatari airplane carried more than 100 wounded fighters of the NATO rebels to Amman, Jordan for treatment. However the Jordanian authorities refused to let the rats in and the Qatari airplane refused to take them back which resulted in arguments between the Qataris and Jordanians.

    The NATO rebels have bugged the telephones of several media stations in Libya in hope to track the calls of Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, who in contrary of the recent news is free and not captured by the rats.

    Syria سورية
    Last night, after the last evening prayer, in one of the mainstays of the National Council of Libya Misrata erupted the intense armed clashes.

    “Clashes between units of the rebels’ Brigades Misraty” and the “Brigades of Benghazi.” They used all kinds of automatic weapons, grenade launchers, mortars. Probable cause of the fighting in Misrate – a creation “Kata’ib Misrata” (Brigades Misraty) anti deserters groups, who began to shoot all deserters retreating from the battlefield near Sirte, or trying to deviate from participation in the battle, “- said” arguments. ru “source in the Russian special services dedicated to monitoring the situation in Libya.

    According to sources, “among those killed deserters, most of Benghazi and Tripoli.”


    I WAS RIGHT about the Nukes:
    From: Adrenalinkz, 3 hours ago URGENT NEWS 30.9.2011



    I knew they were up to this. When Obama went to DENVER NEW WORLDS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT on Tues. 27 SEPT….then came the shoulder surface to air missile story of thousands of missiles and shoulder laiunchers needing to be recovered, etc. …Then their Conalraid alert drill in the underground complex. It runs along the exact pattern as previous False Flag events. When will the world wake-up and realise what is occurring: WHEN IT IS TOO LATE?

    Gadhafi in the dust cloud

  23. Fidel Castro blasts Obama for genocide in Libya
    Posted: 2011/10/01
    From: Mathaba

    Obama and NATO orchestrated an assault on the Libyan Jamahiriya Nation that has been skewed through their own explanation of “mass atrocities”.
    Photo (below): Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi on 08 March 1977, six days after Gaddafi handed the power to the Libyan people.

    Castro and Gadhafi 08 MARCH 1977
    Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro condemned U.S. President Barack Obama on his words last week at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.Castro said Obama misrepresented the wars America has involved itself in, calling his speech before the United Nations last week ‘gibberish’ and blaming the US and NATO for the mass murders of the Libyan people.

    “In spite of the shameful monopoly of the mass information media and the fascist methods of the United States and its allies to confuse and deceive world opinion, the resistance of the people grows, and that can be appreciated in the debates being produced in the United Nations,” Castro wrote on the website.

    Speaking before the UN’s General Assembly last week, President Obama called the symbolic leadership of Muammar Gaddafi who has been out of power since 1977 when power was handed to the Libyan people a “mass atrocity.”

    Castro therefore rightfully believes that Obama and NATO orchestrated an assault on the Libyan that is being skewed through the commander-in-chief’s own explanation.

    “Who understands this gibberish of the President of the United States in front of the General Assembly?” the former Cuban leader asks in an editorial published to the governmental website.

    “What position to adopt about the genocide of NATO in Libya? Does anyone wish it recorded that under their direction, the government of their country supported the monstrous crimes by the United States and its NATO allies?” he continued.

    Castro isn’t the only one to question America’s intentions. The United State Congress has previously attacked Obama over his ongoing war against Libya and Africa. Earlier this summer, lawmaker Dennis Kucinich called out the president for starting a war without congressional approval.

    “Since when does NATO trump the Constitution of the United States?” asked Kucinich.

    Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York similarly proposed: “Shall the president, like the King of England, be a dictator on foreign policy?”

    Mathaba Editing of Russia Today article.

  24. al-Gadhafi in good company:

    good company

    Latest picture of Jalil:
    Jalil orc

    The green flag is raised in Benghazi. Here you find a more complete description of the situation in Libya today
    par Wadii Hadad, samedi 1 octobre 2011, 13:38
    * Tripoli: For two days ago there were demonstrations pro-Kadhafi in Tripoli. The rats of of the council of traitors do not know what to do. Khamis Kadhafi, the man with seven lives, gave them an ultimatum to run away from Tripoli. In taste, his troops were first destroyed the offices of NATO and the CIA before moving to the offices of the NTC. The poor rats there fled to the Red Cross offices.

    * Ghadames: this Libyan desert town located 650 km from Tripoli, inhabited by Tuaregs, is close to Tunisia and Algeria. After announcing that Kadhafi was there, housed in the magnificent mosque in the city, the NTC asked Nato to bomb the city. Refusal of the latter, who feared, rightly, that the Tuaregs seek refuge in the african sahel countries and create great problems there. As a result, the NTC has asked these warriors to stay in their city without moving.

    * Misrata: violent clashes took place today between rebel factions. Returned defeated from Sirte, the military detachment claimed their places they had left behind. Denial of their alternates, and the fratricidal war which has caused many losses in their ranks. Normally, the leaders were killed on the fronts of Sirte and Ben walid, there is no one who gives orders.

    * The south: all the libyan south is in the hands of pro-Kadhafi. People make normally their business and no planes flying over the sky of this peaceful corner of Libya. People have said to the renegades who wanted to venture into the area, to leave immediately.

    * Zawiya: the deposit of arms and ammunition of NATO was devastated after the loyalists have recovered many weapons. As a result, the renegades have fled the city to hide into the Tripoli International Airport. In this place, they are in the company of American officers, French and British, who fled the center of Tripoli and are about to take the first plane because the situation is critical.

    *Benghazi: Moustapha Abdeljalil is conspicuously absent. It may no longer lives in the city. A fatwa against him was announced. Even if he is in Benghazi, he can not move and he is cloistered within the four walls of his palace. Worse, 50% of the city are now banned for the renegades and the green flag is raised.

    * NTC: 1000 fighters of the CNT could not be found since the disaster of Sirte and Ben Walid. These are not killed in combat, but deserters. Normal, with nearly eight months of conflict (March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October), is the hangover. Those who have had the chance to steal some valuable things, do not regret. For others, they have only their eyes to cry. The NTC wants to recruit …. mercenaries but in vain.

  25. a lot of hot-air:
    concerning GENERAL Mahmoud al-Jabril from The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Mahmoud Jibril,rat,announced his resignation

    .”I will not be a part of the new government”


    MUSTAFA ABDEL al-JALIL (former Justic minister) now “leader of the National transitional council”:

    ‎* Tripoli: For two days ago there were demonstrations pro-Kadhafi in Tripoli. The rats of of the council of traitors do not know what to do. Khamis Kadhafi, the man with seven lives, gave them an ultimatum to run away from Tripoli. In taste, his troops were first destroyed the offices of NATO and the CIA before moving to the offices of the NTC. The poor rats there fled to the Red Cross offices.

  26. 01 OCTOBER 2011:

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    ‎#Sirte – More than 20 civilians were killed in last 24 hours,by #NATO bombs.

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    ‎2 kids killed today in #Sirte by #NATO bombs .1 man died of starvation.

    Severe decline and chaotic withdrawal of rats from the outskirts of #Sirte, where our armed snipers prevented progress
    General Khamis
    Khamis al-Gaddafi: We will win or die!
    01 October 2011, 12:31 [“,” Alexander Grigoriev ]

    Jamis Gaddafi: Our blood is not cheap, and none of the traitors will sleep peacefullyPosted: 2011/10/02
    From: Mathaba

    Gen. Khamis Gaddafi has called on his fellow student at the Academy “Mikhail Frunze” Sergei Moscow.
    Photos from
    Gen. Khamis Gadhafi

    In a telephone conversation with his classmate on the Academy. Frunze operating officer of the Russian army, Sergei, Khamis al-Gaddafi gave thanks to the people of Russia, which supports the struggle of the Libyan people against the invaders. “” quoted Khamis al-Gaddafi fully, removing only the full name of the classmate.

    “I am honored by the teachers and classmates that I had and eventually I will be worthy of them.

    With support from the people of Russia, Ukraine and other parts of the Soviet Union, especially the brave men who fight side by side with us to defend our country against aggression.

    We will win or die, nobody is going to resign or flee. To die fighting side by side with warriors is the dream of anyone who defends his country. Having friends in the Russian people is an honor for the Libyan. God is our witness. In the words of Russian song, “This land will be ours if we do not die in a battle!” However, Libya has always been ours, and always will be, even if we die.

    Many things have changed in the world. Who would have thought that everything would turn out this way. But remember this is what we studied and prepared. We will stand the test of value.

    Despite what the newspapers say British, French and American television and reporting: the vast majority of the population supports us. And we will not abandon them, we will not allow looting and massacre.

    Our enemies are traitors who want to sell Libya to foreign capitalists and colonialists. I ordered all media to inform the international community about NATO crimes criminals and rebels. I have asked them to release the information after each attack civilian targets or the slaughter of ordinary Libyans and foreigners.

    I want to ensure that Libya is now a flowing river of blood is seen around the world.

    Our blood is not cheap. None of the traitors will sleep soundly until the end of my days, I swear by God and for the honor of Libyan army officers.

    Take care, your family and your country. Once again, Sergei, our friendship is an honor for me. “

  27. In the Media
    01 OCT. 2011 – 52 MINS AGO by Katerina Nikolas – comments

    NTC commander admits did not capture Moussa Ibrahim

    It appears that news of the capture of Gaddafi’s spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim, was premature. Although an NTC commander announced Ibrahim was caught on Thursday, the fighters’ high command now say that he was not captured.
    Libya’s new National Transitional Council has once again been using the propaganda war to disseminate false information, this time regarding the capture of Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim. After announcing on Thursday that Ibrahim was captured as he tried to flee Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte, with the added rumour he was dressed as a woman, it now turns out this information was as disingenuous as the news that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi had been capture in Tripoli.
    According to Al Arabaiya “the fighters’ high command in Libya’s third-largest city Misrata said it had been informed Ibrahim had not been captured, although members of his family were.” I reported yesterday that it was reasonable to assume the news of Ibrahim’s capture may simply be rebel propaganda, considering the NTC track record of claiming false events which would lower morale amongst pro-Gaddafi loyalists.
    A report from Russia Today indicates that civilians caught in the cross fire in Sirte are suffering from deprivations and the situation has given rise to a serious humanitarian crisis in the city. The number of civilian deaths is unclear at this point, but RT report that on Friday alone there were 20 civilian deaths from NATO bombing.
    Another blow for the NTC is Niger’s announcement that they will not be extraditing Saadi Gaddafi despite the Interpol red notice that was issued at the request of the Libya’s interim government. Niger’s Prime Minister Bragi Rafini stated that Gaddafi’s son will remain in Niamey, saying
    “There’s no question of him being extradited to Libya for the moment”
    because he would not receive a fair trial, the BBC reports.
    Read more:

    Fernst Afrkia comments:

    They don’t kow anymore what to say those treator rats! We are proud, wee are figther we are African warriors: Lybia is our land and no oneelse will rule and decide of the present and futur of Lybia except true Lybian patriots.Long Live to the fighters resistants of Lybia

  28. Olga Sokolova writes:
    Senior NATO officers have “fear of Nuremberg” in Libya. It seems that the panic NATO officers as unnecessary civilian casualties and destruction of civilian objects will cause issues of personal responsibility in the future, to those who gave these orders, in accordance with the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
    For too much evidence: reports, films, photos and all living witnesses to what happened.
    Too much evil, too many victims that it could have been forgiven.
    ‎”Late on September 30 a group of combat so-called” Youth Movement of Libya attacked a group of experts from the CIA and NATO. Column 4 jeeps traveled from Tripoli to the airport for departure from the country. On the way to the head and trailing vehicles were fired on and stopped. Within it returned fire, but were destroyed. About this “argument. ru “said a source in the Russian intelligence services engaged in monitoring the situation in Libya.

    According to him, the attackers took away “notebooks with card file agents, cell phone numbers” gunners “recorders with interviews and meetings, a dossier on some Libyan officers, a lot of digital photos, personal papers and belongings of foreigners.”

    “Everyone, in addition to various identity documents in different names, were the identity of the journalist BBC or a newspaper” The Guardian “. Representatives of the Youth Movement of Libya in the coming days plan to hand over documents to the headquarters of Muammar Gaddafi in Bani Walid. They will then be made public. Among the attackers wounded two. One 17-year-old boy was killed, “- said the source.

    Yesterday the more mobile combat groups Khamis al-Gaddafi seized in the archives at CIA headquarters in Tripoli.

    Zawiya. It seized an arsenal of weapons and ammunition to NATO, NATO’s mercenaries and their owners fled to Tripoli and wait for the international airport. Here the company of American, French and British officers await the plane, because the situation is critical.
    South of Libya. completely in the hands of pro-Gaddafi.

    Misurata. Fierce clashes between gangs of mercenaries. After the death of their leaders, destroyed by Sirte and Bani Walid is no one whose orders this gathering may submit.

    Ghadames. City of Tuaregs.
    DINAR with Taureg Mosque
    After the announcement of the TNC that Gaddafi is hiding there in the historic mosque, asked the city to bomb. NATO has refused to …. Yes! NATO rightly decided that the Tuaregs will avenge them, and after the war in their own countries for the mosque. It is a fact already known and that was confirmed by Jules Alan.

  29. Moussa Ibrahim,01.10.2011 – Full translation of interview:


    “With us on the on the line is Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, the official spokesman for the Libyan Government. Doctor, I want to begin by saying Thank God for your safety. The media channels of lies and deceit have said that you attempted to flee wearing women’s clothing, wearing a neqab (female headdress covering face). Do you think it is an attempt to slander and muddy the image of the resistance and jihadi fighters like yourself?”

    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim:

    “Greetings my dear brother, and greetings to all the viewers of this courageous channel. My dear brother, we have given our lives and our souls for the sake of this country and we partake in an honourable and duteous cause for a true Civilization project and I am not surprised that these rumours and lies have been wrongfully claimed by the heads of the Council of Shame and traitorship in Libya and the reporting and follow up of such statements by the media outlets , who in an organized way co-operate with NATO and the NATO rebels.

    The Glorious Youth of Libya that undertake this holy war against the greatest powers of the world, they try to taint their image but they are much greater and purer than this. We will not leave the battleground. We will fight until we die or until we are triumphant, as pleases God.

    These rumours are lies. I was close to the frontline in Sirte and with me a battalion of great loyal men of around 23 fighters. 8 of them fell from the Sirte the unified, 2 Harwara, 2 Tarhouna, 3 Werfella and 1 from Wershifana and 1 from Seesan and 6 from the brave Zliten.

    We were exposed to a surprise attack by a gang of NATO militias and were forced into an isolated area and the group of young men who were with me stayed behind to fight the NATO militia who were well equipped and well armed by their evil NATO alliance, while we were only using light weaponry etc. The fighting went on for more than a day and a half. They announced my capture and arrest but that was not true. In fact they never got near me. The young men kept fighting within the valleys of the deserts. Some of these men died as martyrs in this brave and pure battle; 2, 1 from Werfella and 1 Seean and the rest resisted this surprise attack and we escaped safely. May God have mercy on the martyrs who God will welcome and not NATO.

    The above led us to approach another frontline of the war, where we can set your minds at ease about the fighters and their readiness and their high spirits and their determination. But the lying media channels try to release as many rumours and lies as possible to bring down the morale of resistance movement.

    I would like to take this opportunity to say that I personally witnessed with my own eyes, how they killed, Zwaitneeya, Wershifna , See3an, Werfella, Tarhouna, Hrawa, and the tribes of Sirte who were hand in hand, side by side , and how the planes flew above us and how they bombed relentlessly and how the militia on the ground tried to attack. I swear my dear brother, the eyes of these people had a spark of anger and war and their footing stood steady, and all of them were speaking of dying martyrs and the brave, and they spoke of their families with love and compassion. It was an amazing sight. These were not trained individuals. They were not trained by Al Qaeda, NATO, France, Qatar. These were normal young people. They were everyday people like the people viewing Al-Rai Channel right now, who will turn the channel and watch a tv show, movie or music video. Normal youth astonishingly transformed into lions and heroes because they felt that they had a higher purpose in this phase that they must be heroes and fighters. I asked some of them who they were? What families they came from? What they did in life, work wise? Some were students, teachers, businessmen, mechanics etc. All of these people had no goals or aspirations but to fight these terrorists and to bring down and topple this colonial conquest of their country.

    I swear my dear brother, even though a lot of these people are not politically educated they ARE morally educated and they understand all that is going on. They cannot be fooled by this mask and buzzwords of “democracy” and “freedom” and “change” which is a deceitful lie to cover up the colonial intentions for Libya. They understand their feelings, transparency and honesty. All of this, they know overall that it is their duty to fight. I would like to send again my respects to the 2 martyrs whom I mentioned earlier and salute to my brothers who are currently still fighting on numerous battlefronts.


    We never doubted for one second that Moussa Ibrahim “the fighter” would flee a battle in his hour of need. In any case doctor, the media are saying and spreading rumours that civilians are fleeing Sirte. Do you think it is an attempt to give an impression that the city has been evacuated so that they can say that everyone has fled in order to collectively massacre and cleanse the entire City and its population?

    Moussa Ibrahim:

    Of course my brother, they have already started this. The Arab viewers from everywhere, Saudi, Emirates, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan and all Arab countries, need to know that the inhabitants in Sirte are being truly massacred and wiped out in the last month while in their homes , the amount that have been killed while… and I’ll say it again IN THEIR HOMES have reached their thousands , thousands killed. This is NOT AN EXAGERATION, thousands of people ! This is evident to the extent that the scent of death and killing and destruction has gotten so overwhelming that the international organizations have got to experience it even while in the enemy’s countries far away. The scent has got, as they say in English, TOO MUCH TO IGNORE.

    They have started the media game again by saying that the inhabitants of Sirte are leaving to cover up the fact that they are killing civilians and we don’t bomb civilians. This is a clear strategy and plot partaken by Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya and others that are by now the most skilled and experienced in lies and deceit. I can say that I count myself as an expert on a Global level on these channels and very knowledgeable and experienced in their capabilities, from dealing with them extensively and observing them very closely the last 9 months. I know their composition and how they operate from the inside and in actual fact it is just a part of this international imperial operation, a part of which is fake, cosmetic and organized.

    The city still has 180,000 of its inhabitants, a few hundred have fled because their homes and lives have been destroyed. 180,000 still remain within the city, added to the fact that full tribes have come to Sirte because the gangs entered and invaded their villages so they had to escape to Sirte and they are being bombarded right now from overhead, buildings falling etc. The tanks and regiments and grad missiles, hit without considering military targets hitting civilians.

    My dear brother I personally telephoned, with international organizations and some international television channels and I called the Human rights organizations and the united nations officials and well known authorities. And I asked them all to come to Sirte, considering they visited other cities in Libya in the past while conducting this conspiracy against us , why don’t they come now to record and gather facts on the destruction and crimes in Sirte !?

    They say OK we will come, we will organize and come. It has been one month since I have requested this and not a single channel entered Sirte, not a single organization enteres Sirte , not a single red cross initiative enters Sirte. Not a sIngle Islamic entity or UN authority has commented on the destruction of the city Sirte !

    The Conspiracy is clear to anyone who has a heart or can hear what is happening. For the people who have no hearts and do not want to know or learn or analyse or break down this unjust global regime. Of course they would rather live in blissful ignorance, but we prefer the widening of knowledge and of knowing more and more.

    The seeking of the truth is the first phase in any war. And we are on the side of the Truth with God’s assistance !


    Dr. Moussa, on the ground, what is the situation on the frontlines especially in the surrounded resistant towns? I mean to say Bani Walid, Ghadamis and Sirte?

    Moussa Ibrahim:

    I will try to give you a summary. There are two types of frontlines, battlefields. The primary fronts, Bani Walid, Sirte and Sabha and there are other fronts in violated towns.

    In terms of the violated towns, we can observe that the resistance movement has increased in these cities, there are operations which are undertaken continuously in Zliten, Tripoli, Zawiya , Azizia and Tarhouna among other cities. Some are planned and organized operations and some are small that some individuals undertake. All are successful and see positive results. There are casualties seen, and on the enemies side. But most importantly that the flag of war is being raised. The continuation of these operations proves that NATO cannot take control of Libya.

    In terms of the Primary frontlines, Thank God, Bani Walid, is truthfully fully cleansed within a large radius surrounding the town and it remains to be said that we are still suffering the effects somewhat, of course.

    But the dead bodies of NATO militia are left in the valleys and Mountains of Bani Walid. Of course the heads of the ground forces of NATO rebels know full well of this fact. The Tarhouna hospital, Tajoura Hospital, The Tripoli Medical Centre are all full of bodies from the Bani Walid battlefield. Taking this to account, Bani Walid has now translated into the term ‘DEATH’ for these gangs. So Bani Walid’s reports are excellent. The last attack on Bani Walid was yesterday, today there have been no attacks. Yesterday many sacrificed their lives. I would like to salute all the tribes of Bani Walid, especially that of the Battle of the Valley of Ghalboun and our brother Sbaya3 and Asahbaa, Kimmat, Qbool, Gwaydaa that have protected and defended.

    In terms of the second primary Frontline of the resistant town of Sirte the attacks have been greater, these have been taken from 5 different focal points supported by heavy NATO planes and supported with very modern weapons. But the young men of Sirte have been capable of standing their ground and resisting this attack. And the piece of intel which I can present, this reached me only 2 hours ago, is that the young men of Sirte have made a strong advance east of the town which led to the fleeing of the enemy to retreat a number of kms and also leading to the seizure of some of their weapons. The south of city seems to be coping well and the west is also doing fine.

    In saying this, we expect and I would like to alert the viewers that we expect that the attacks will intensify in Sirte beginning tomorrow especially from the West and South. BUT, we are ready and we have a lot of strength from the west and we have a lot of hard work being done from the south and the Eastern front we should eliminate the threat completely in the next few days.

    Just one second my dear brother if I may, I would like to take an opportunity to issue a statement to the tribes of the violated towns, for example the honourable people of Tarhouna , we know that the proud and patriotic people of Tarhouna cannot accept the NATO rebels and we receive constant letters from Tarhouna that they are against NATO but they are silent against their will.

    We say to them if they cannot and do not have the capabilities to open a battle field of resistance in the city itself, to at least for the loyalists, to move and send, 100′s from Tarhouna, Wershefanna, Asabeeaa, Seean and Hawamed, from everywhere to join the frontline in Bani Walid and Sirte. Of course, we do currently have large numbers already from such tribes within these battlefields, but these tribes need to keep sending more and more people so that our forces can be stronger and stronger and eventually open the battlefield in their own towns.


    Doctor, Thank God for your safety again, and thank you for your participation and we salute you on your resistance.

    Moussa Ibrahim:

    Before I go I would like to give a personal condolence on behalf of our Revolutionary Leader Muammar Gaddafi, to the family of the hero Jamal Abdal Nasser for his son Khalid.

    May God have mercy on his soul, the Leader Muammar Gaddafi would like to offer deepest respects to the family of Jamal Abdul Nasser and to all the free people and all the Arabs.

    And we would like to solidify the struggle which Jamal Abdel Nasser lead for freedom and for pride and the struggle that all Arabs face against foreign occupiers, against the theft of oil, against the setting up of military bases in Libya and anywhere in Arabic land. We would like to again offer our deepest condolences to the Arabic people. We would like to say God willing we will maintain the flag of freedom and pride and Islam and honesty until victory, Inshallah.

    Full Translation © by I.A. LIBYA
    For Libya 360°

    The death of Dr. Moussa Ibrahim rumor was made up to locate him and the Libyan leader
    By MKERone, 01 OCT. 2011
    MoussaAccording to a source of the resistance Seven days news website, a correspondent of the agency from Benghazi explained that the NCT believes that the Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim is accompanied by the Libyan leader.
    The rumor, which was launched yesterday by the NCT lies told by the media.They intended to push Ibrahim Moussa to call the Alrrai TV which would allow NATO to locate the call in order to throw bombs from the sky and kill him and especially Gaddafi.Dr. Moussa Ibrahim remained silent waiting for the storm to pass.
    The executive director of the Alrrai TV could be reached and confirmed that Dr. Moussa Ibrahim is in excellent health.

    Source: Algeria ISP
    Dr. Mussa Ibrahim
    Spokesman for the Libyan government Dr. Moussa Ibrahim:::
    Enable youth volunteer walked just two types of attack east of the city of Sirte led to defeat the enemy outside the outskirts of the distances walked, and the south and west of Sirte and Praise is fine. It has been stated that some of Dr. Moussa Ibrahim’s family have been captured!
    Moussa Ibrahim also said during the phone call to Arrai TV from a location somewhere within Sirte, that Gaddafi had asked him to pass on his condolences to the family of former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, whose son, Khaled Abdel Nasser, died on Sept. 15. He also said

    “Tomorrow we expect a strong attack from several points of Sirte but we are ready!”

    Moussa Ibrahim,In a telephone conversation on ArraiTV denied claims that he has been captured by rebel…speaking right now over al-RAI radio through telephone
    Rats, Moussa was dressed as a woman and you captured him? Rats biggest liars,who believe in your lies? Moussa just now denied everything.
    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim says: “I call for the Libyan tribes to send more volunteers to the resisting towns….
    Two children and their parents were killed by machine-gun fire today while trying to flee from Sirte
    I was near the Sirte front with 23 fighters. We were under attack by very well-armed rebels for more than a day and a half, and we suffered fatalities.”

    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim announced the launch of the strategy NOONA MIME
    According to the website of the Libyan government spokesman Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, confirmed that senior officers of the Libyan resistance began to apply the strategy (Mime Noona or NM) which means N as NATO (NATO) and M as MAJLIS INTIKALI (CNT ).

    The muslim north of Nigeria is in the process of providing all the things necessery for the long term structure after reaching an agreement with some key political figures of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ( we will not publish the name of the person that was sent to Nigeria in order to verify this aggreement until we get the green light to do so).
    The Polisario Front has sent 200 fighters trained in desert and guerilla warfare in order to teach some of the Jamahiriya army units this new method of warfare that will be the main war tactic from now on and until the day of annihilation of rats.

    [Via Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow]

    CounterPsyOpsA new hole in the propaganda matrix
    01 October 2011
    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim announced the launch of the strategy NOONA MIME
    By MKERone

    Dr. Ibrahim
    According to the website of the Libyan government spokesman Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, confirmed that senior officers of the Libyan resistance began to apply the strategy (Mime Noona or NM) which means N as NATO (NATO) and M as MAJLIS INTIKALI (CNT ).

    The strategy is to transform the situation of Libya as that of Afghanistan. In other words, cause trouble and make the situation unstable in all regions which disrupt the plans of NATO and this will push them to lower their presence in Libya and finally leave. That day, the CNT will remain alone on the field which will allow the Libyan resistance to demolish it in a month.

    This strategy is excellent for releasing the cities occupied by NATO and its traitors. Recent events have shown that the CNT is very weak with their rebels failing to take over Bani Walid and Sirte in the last few days.
    He said that the invasion of Tripoli was facilitated by NATO. For this reason, the CNT has asked NATO to stay in Libya.

    On the ground for several hours, the strategy began with spectacular operations in Tripoli, exploding some infrastructure CNT and NATO.

    Source: Algeria ISP
    The strategy is to transform the situation of Libya as that of Afghanistan. In other words, cause trouble and make the situation unstable in all regions which disrupt the plans of NATO and this will push them to lower their presence in Libya and finally leave. That day, the CNT will remain alone on the field which will allow the Libyan resistance to demolish it in a month.This strategy is excellent for releasing the cities occupied by NATO and its traitors. Recent events have shown that the CNT is very weak with their rebels failing to take over Bani Walid and Sirte in the last few days.
    He said that the invasion of Tripoli was facilitated by NATO. For this reason, the CNT has asked NATO to stay in Libya.
    On the ground for several hours, the strategy began with spectacular operations in Tripoli, exploding some infrastructure CNT and NATO.
    Meanwhile, Loyalist forces downed an American Apache helicopter over Sirte.
    Libyen-Update 02.10.2011 — POLITAIA.ORG
    BY ADMIN – 02. OCTOBER 2011

    Dr. Ibrahim Moussa spricht mit Al-Rai TV am 1. Oktober 2011 und setzt damit den NATO-Lügen ein Ende, er sei verhaftet worden.
    Dr Moussa Ibrahim was with 23 fighters near the front in Sirte. We were one and a half days in the fire attack by well-equipped rebels and had losses. “Ibrahim said further that the strategy pursued from now on will Noona MIME. This strategy has the objective to produce, hot spots of instability, which continuously thwart any NATO plan. This is to ensure that NATO no longer be upheld in Libya can. In consequence, the Transitional Council will be abandoned and the resistance can destroy them within a month. Recent events have shown that the transitional council is very weak and the rebels were not in a position to take in the last days of Bani Walid and Sirte.

    The new spectacular Stragtegie began operations in Tripoli, at the infrastructure of the TNC and NATO have been blown up. Ibrahim also confirmed that the news is excellent and Bani Walid had purged the city from rebels. The hospitals are full of anti-Gaddafi-fighters and the dead lay around and near the town in the mountains.

    In terms of Sirte Ibrahim says that the fierce bombardment destroyed by tanks and rockets, and whole neighborhoods have houses and leaving hundreds of residents, the city had to …

    Ibrahim stated that he personally had the media and international organizations urged to come to Sirte and about to get an idea of ​​what had happened in the last month, but until now nobody had come. He said that was certainly a conspiracy. Ibrahim said further in regard to the situation in Sirte: “… … .. according to latest reports pro-Gaddafi forces have launched an attack in the east of the city and the forces (the rebels) set back several miles outside the city. On the southern and northern front are going well. We expect tomorrow to an intensification of the fighting on the Western Front and South Front, but we are well prepared. We fight the TNC on five fronts in Sirte. The attackers are supported by NATO bombs and modern weapons. ”

    Finally, Ibrahim explained that there were violent attacks by militants Gaddafi in several places in Westlibyen, including Zliten are, Tripoli and Aziziya Tarhouna. Ibrahim urged the tribes to send more volunteers to the fronts of Bani Walid and Sirte.

  30. Johan de Broyer is saying:

    Clearly, NATO are not protecting civilians when they are bombing cities that are considered to be pro-Gaddafi, when they are killing people, not because they’ve done something wrong, but because their own political beliefs are contrary to what NATO wants in terms of the kind of government they want for Libya. So I think that NATO need to be brought to justice. Libya has the largest oil reserves in all of Africa and the 9th largest oil reserves in the world. Given this fact, the real goal of the NATO powers is to take control over Libya’s vast oil reserves. In order to achieve this, they have to carry out regime change, so that the Gaddafi government is gone once and forever, and that there will be a new government that will not necessarily be more democratic or more humane, but will be an ally or, I would say, in fact, a proxy, a client, perhaps, a puppet of Western powers.

  31. TWO charming old videos:


    Teaching his family to pray:


    Family photos:

    AP Exclusive: US general ….

    Associated Press

    Army Gen. Carter Ham, head of U.S. Africa Command
    generall Ham
    “NATO’s decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council, agreed on Sept. 21 to extend the mission over the oil-rich North African nation for another 90 days, but officials have said the decision would be reviewed periodically….”

    AND WHO DO YOU THINK AFRICOM IS? The forces will still be there–did you read carefully? :
    “When NATO makes its decision, Ham said he believes there would be a seamless transition of control over the air and maritime operations to U.S. Africa Command. At least initially, some of the military surveillance coverage would remain in place.

    “We don’t want to go from what’s there now to zero overnight,” Ham said. “There will be some missions that will need to be sustained for some period of time, if for no other reason than to offer assurances to the interim government for things like border security, until such time that they are ready to do all that themselves.”

    U.S. intelligence and surveillance assets, such as drones, will likely stay in the region also to keep watch over weapons caches, to prevent the proliferation of weapons from Libya into neighboring countries.

    But Ham said air strikes would likely end, unless specifically requested by the Libyan transitional government…..”

    The goal now, said Ham, is for the U.S. to eventually establish a normal, military-to-military relationship with Libya, including embassy staff and discussions about what security assistance the Libyans might want from America….

    He added that the U.S. may be able to help re-establish Libya’s Coast Guard and maritime domain.

    Any U.S. military footprint in the country would remain small ….

    U.S. Africa Command:

    © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

  33. Libya – The latest news from the front (02-10-2011)
    Posted on 02/10/2011 at 23:53 – 105 hits
    Source: Allain Julle
    Allain Julle comments

    The victories, even symbolic, seem to be multiplying in Libya for Gaddafi, the invisible man. Green becomes gradually color. It has never ceased to be, this flag has never been as present in the eyes of NATO members who find themselves up against the wall. The green flag continues to fly. Ibrahim Moussa denied his capture, after making sure to be a safe place, somewhere in Libya. It was announced that Comrade Colonel will make a statement next week. Atmosphere.

    Sirte in their flight they always say circle, and Bani Walid, the bare-feet of the CNT found themselves in ambushes.

    The output of Sirte saw the deaths of nearly 40 renegade with the neutralization of a hundred who were imprisoned and the destruction of many cars Toyota pickup. Those who managed to escape, there are about 100 wounded who were able to reach the town of Misrata. NATO was forced to provide drugs because the local hospital is completely infested with traitors. Hospital teams are overwhelmed. 17 others were grilled as braised … rats, following a fire in their vehicles after an attack of the pro-Gaddafi on the western outskirts of the city …

    In Tripoli, it is not joy. In the periphery, in the place called Bab Gargaresh, more than 45 rebels have been eliminated so far. A Tarhouna, Khamis al-Gaddafi’s forces harassed the renegades, to try to free blacks imprison raving mad by the Benghazi

    A Bani Walid, the resistance-patriots have eliminated 40 renegades.

    For the first time, this day was the only one where NATO has not bombed civilians in Libya. Unique as their site says nothing about the situation in Libya. Last update: September 30. Is this a sign?

    We can therefore conclude by saying that now walk the renegades, turning as danger lurks everywhere. On the other hand, the loyalists patriots are invisible but effective.

    Stephen Gule:
    ” I said before do not trust NATO, do not trust the rebels. This war is far from over, but you people like to dance and farce, forget that right now. Take positions, take cover, keep on targeting the rebels. Observe all NATO movements, hell is what they deserve. You keep on promising hell to them, and what are you waiting for? Make a swift move on them without questioning, stop history from repeating itself. A dieing snake is more dangerous than you can imagine, NATO will never accept defeat, make sure all rebels are finished, remnants of NATO are all cleared in Benghazi, Misrata and all parts of Libya, before you even think of celebrations and victory. ”

    Stephen Gule:
    ” The worst thing, you would do is to feel comfortable and think that the war is about to be over!!. NATO has taken sides, they need oil, its too early for Libyans to feel relaxed right now, NATO will always keep on conniving, planning and plotting to attack, and defeat the Libyan people and the Libyan army, stay vigilant, organized, keep fighting the rebels, suppress them, and those that did not give up weapons by now should be killed, but you still hope for an easy solution out, if you are not careful, you will pay with your blood, life and soul. “

  34. Bodhibrian Souter‎@al_Jamahiriya AïchaToday went 4 drive, #rebel checkpoints abandoned,green flags beginning to appear everywhere.Only coastal area no go. #NATO forces. #

    Enrique Ferros thoughts on why Irans govt is aiding NATO in Libya
    Enrique Ferro said:
    01 October 2011 at 11:50 am To be honest, I wasn’t surprised at all, Alexandra. I found it logical, even though foolish, considering Iran is at the cross hairs of imperialism. A…

    Par : Bodhibrian Souter, in Tripoli.


    Libya: The Other News – Khamis al-Qathafi, a XXI Century Marshall Zhukov
    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
    NATO and the press in the countries which house its bases seem to have gone quiet all of a sudden on Libya. Do they want us to think the war is over and that everything is getting back to “normal” or are they trying to focus on other stories hoping desperately that whatever is happening over there will go away?

    The first point is that nothing will go back to “normal” until the marauding bunch of terrorists which NATO is trying to impose as Libya’s Government wholly and entirely against the will of the vast majority of its population ceases to rape women and children, ceases to torch buildings, ceases to decapitate people in the street, ceases to loot, to rob, to steal…to behave like terrorists. Those captured by the Libyan Armed Forces (LAF) are allowed in many cases to return home upon laying down their weapons. Cameron is spending two billion pounds on what? Terrorists?

    The second point is that things are far from calm in Libya because the country was invaded by foreign forces, was invaded by mercenaries and was set upon by gangs of marauding thugs (as one can see by googling up “Libya rebels”). In fact, the western attempts at journalism are risible and have gotten more and more ludicrous, absurd and ridiculous since the conflict started.
    For a start there is no mention of the growing success of attacks by the LAF, largely intact, the tribes and masses loyal to Colonel Gaddafi, which have seen Green Flags raised even in the coastal cities of Al Baida, Benghazi, Darna and Tobruk. The scourge backed by NATO, which is basically monarchists, liberals, terrorists, al-Qaeda and separatists, have been routed in battle after battle because the Libyan people are standing up to them and have stopped cowering in their homes. After the way this NATO-backed scourge behaved, it is clear to all what they are – terrorists – and allowing this filth to form a government is the last thing any civilised Libyan wishes for.

    The supply lines of the terrorist forces have been seriously weakened in a series of attacks, liberating areas of Tripoli from these elements, some of whom have been filmed desecrating bodies.

    Now for the lies. How many times was Khamis al-Qathafi killed? Well, he is still alive, and fighting. Now they have started to say Mussa Ibrahim, the Information Spokesperson of the Libyan Government (Jamahiriya of Muammar al-Qathafi) has been captured. Twice. In fact he hasn’t been taken once.
    For his part, Khamis al-Qathafi is already a myth in his own lifetime. Killed by NATO five times, and resurrecting from the desert sands, he is the 21st century military hero, a North African Marshall Zhukov. His latest success was to expel the CIA from Tripoli when he commanded a detail of Libyan Special Forces on Thursday, taking their building and sending them fleeing to the airport. The Green Flag has been raised over the building.

    Finally, the LAF has begun a successful ongoing operation to exterminate NATO mercenaries and operational chiefs on the ground. Bani Walid and Sirte were a graveyard for NATO, its mercenaries, special forces and the filth it sends to their deaths, the hundreds of thousands of terrorists it has unleashed in Libya from Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    The terrorist chief in Misurat, Nuredin el Gener, was liquidated on Thursday when its military vehicle was struck successfully.

    Recently liberated from the NATO terrorist scourge, Ghadames has successfully fought off an attack from these elements and the Green Flag flies proudly above the city, filling its citizens with a sense of peace and security, contrary to the terror unleashed by NATO‘s bands of demons.

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

  35. CounterPsyOpsA new hole in the propaganda matrix
    01 October 2011
    The News Of Libya: October the 1st 2011 (12h50)
    By MKERone


    brother leader
    Two days ago, the Libyan forces have organized an action in Tripoli. Yesterday, reports from the field, said that Khamis Al-Qadhafi has given an ultimatum to the mercenaries and their masters before the “cleaning of Tripoli.” To show who was “the boss”, he destroyed the offices of NATO and the CIA. The headquarters of the Resistance reported that documents were seized and taken to safety. These documents outline the proof of the direct participation of the United States of America in the crimes against Libya.

    In addition, the “users” of the CIA and NATO have fled like cowards to take refuge in the international airport of the Red Cross, which has now turned into a bunch of rats … Waiting for the plane.

    The Libyan army, according to reports from the field, now controls the port of Tripoli and does not allow foreign ships to dock in Tripoli and provide mercenaries with weapons replenishment.

    The Libyan army destroyed a school for girls in Tripoli, where mercenaries from NATO were seeking refuge.

    Let me emphasize once again that the battle of Tripoli has not “started” yet. It is “coming.” Khamis gave an ultimatum that he will not fail. That is to “clean city”!

    Reports say that after being told that Gaddafi is hiding in the mosque Touareg historic city of Ghadames,
    Ghadames mosque

    the CNT has since requested its bombing. NATO has refused for fear that the Tuareg would take revenge after the war in their own country.
    Gadhafi strategy in the desert

    Ghadames map

    In Misurata there are violent clashes between different gangs of mercenaries. After the death of their leaders killed during their suicide attack on Sirte and Bani Walid, they are completely disorganized.
    Misrata map
    Southern Libya is fully under control pro-Gaddafi.

    In Zawiya, a large arsenal of weapons and ammunition was seized from NATO by the Libyan Army. NATO’s mercenaries and their masters fled to Tripoli international airport. Now, the company of American officers, French and British are waiting for the planes, because the situation is too critical.

    In Benghazi, more than 50% of the city is now under green flag. The people of the CNT are invisible.

    More than 1,000 mercenaries can not be found after the failed their assault against Sirte and Bani Walid. They were not killed, they deserted. The CNT is looking to recruit new ones, but they can not find other people willing to die stupid.

    Senior officers fear NATO a “Nuremberg trial” in Libya. It seems that the agents of NATO panic for civilian casualties and unnecessary destruction of civilian property, which will cause problems of personal responsibility in the future, for those who gave these orders, in accordance with the principles of the Court of Nuremberg.

    Indeed, there is too much evidence, reports, films, photos and all the living witnesses of what happened.

    Too much sorrow, too many victims for them to be forgiven.

    Source: Angeeverse

  36. Libya: the Victory of Truth over Falsehood
    Posted: 2011/10/01
    From: Source

    The lie can run for years but the truth catches up with it one day.

    brother leader
    By Alan Jules

    Tell me, who found that good is always on the side of the West, and Evil on the African side? Hence, the Europeans = God’s chosen people?

    As a European, I do not want to be a part of the Chosen People. The main thing is to know what kind of God is in question. What was the basis of these elections? For whom and for what to vote?

    In fact, those who set the so-called ‘Universal Laws’ are changing the rules of the game. What is happening today in Libya was impossible to predict. Something has to be said about the right hand of God. As a result of the war, with the use of torture and civilian killings, which are war crimes and crimes against humanity, the West is up against the wall. You can not sow hatred and terror and think that people will meet you with open arms.

    The TNC is trying in vain to offer money in order to bribe the management of the tribes – nothing else will be as before. On the other hand, NATO is a prisoner of its own obligations. Caught in its painful and lethal logic of the alliance, it can not stop. “The lie can run for years but the truth catches up with it one day,” said the sage.

    In Libya, we are almost at that point.

    Weighing up the ghost “massacre Gaddafi,” we see that the opposite is true: the Libyan people exterminated NATO. The TNC can stay in power only by means of terror…

    However, a lie, as expected, gradually gives way to truth. Out of habit, the TNC and its patrons keep coming up with new NATO lies in the belief that this alchemy will last forever.

    Unfortunately for them, this is not the case. Lying about a mass grave at Abu Salim lasted only two days. Yes, it is impossible to lie all the time. Darkness scatters lies. The day will come when all the Libyans will see the truth.

    Then stop atrocities against supporters of al-Gaddafi, or black Africans who continue to be tortured in Tripoli in the areas under the control of the TNC.

    The thought that some sub-Saharan Africa have recognized the renegades of Benghazi rankles. We should recognize that Africa deserves no such leaders, which she has now. They need to be changed.

    Recently the Libyan leader made a statement to his countrymen, which is important because it mobilizes their troops, and the Libyans, and all the supporters of the truth. The truth will prevail, no matter how long it takes, with or without Qaddafi.

    Qaddafi, the hero of this new era in which Africa needs so much. NATO/TNC, in spite of your machinations, you will not be able to overthrow Gaddafi. He is in the hearts of the Libyans, and nothing but a dead end where yours were – proof of your lies.

    The Libyan Al-Fateh Revolution is not over.

    Thank you, Colonel!

    About Auntie Adjeley
    Auntie Adjeley is a retired musician, teacher and artisan who is dedicated to Peace, Justice and Social Harmony and is opposed to the hegemony of the so-called ‘New World Order’.

  37. flag
    Dragan Jovanovic writes:

    It doesn’t matter, us and the good people of the world support our brother leader of the Revolution Muammar al-Gaddafi and our brother Saif al-Islam in the defense of their country against foreign aggressors and rats! The Green flag of liberty and freedom flies proudly over Libya!!!!


    What you saw in the media, the bulk of the pictures are not from the Bani Walid and is certain that the injury to the BBC was at a crossroads Akhawazm treacherous tribe is also in the beginning of the area also was confirmed that the dogs also paid did not withdraw, but was forced to flee by the arbitrary, the result: many dogs are killed and injured the others paid below the withdrawal Sword pictures are mostly in places in the mountain west BBC is not infected to make sure his condition so far to God earthquake ground from under the feet and the like Asalbeyen.


    The time is coming when the NATO will leave from Libya and the rats will panicky be defeated.
    According to the written or voice message that will be addressed soon by our brother leader to the people of Libya about the strategy of how to plan for the future of the post-NATO Libya.
    1.First of all the volunteers of the tribes that will clean the Libyan towns and villages and cities would only clean them with a fight. will respect any captive and release him in short period of time and will honor the word Moujaheed. they will not commit any crime against the rats.we the Libyan people are not like the rats that disgraced the name of Muslim and cooperate with the enemies and the crusaders.
    2.The women that come from a rat family or even they are rats, no matter what their families or them have done to the loyal people should be respected as it regards their honor.
    3.The Moujaheeds while cleaning the cities and villages should respect the property of the people and also protect any public infrastructure that belongs to the total of the Libyan people.
    4.No violation of human rights or anything that can justify any further foreign interference will be accepted.
    ( this directions compromise with the moral and the ethics of humanity )
    Also in order to prevent the tribal unity in Libya there will be a statement of unity that will be made, and all the tribes no matter what are their stance now in the foreign intervention will be called to sing it. its the last opportunity fot the tribes of traitors to clarify their position and admit any mistake by singing this statement.
    The first tribes that will sing this statement will be the Bani Walid ( Werfalla ) Tuareg and tribes of Sirte.
    Any tribe that does not sing this document will not have honor in the future Libya.

    ( notice from admin of this page: we hope our members spread these news by posting in their profile or page and everywhere in order to prevent any future lies of the rats while we will be in process of cleaning Libya from remnants of NATO rats. )

    Taureg Warrior

  38. ALGERIA is now attacked by NATO !

    Lita O Tale reports from by Dr. Christof Lehmann
    NATO Expansion of Libyan War to Algeria.
    Posted on 02 October 2011 by nsnbc

    The TNC is in utter chaos, and NATO´s ground offensive by Al Qaeda and Taliban mercenaries fail. Dr. Moussa Ibrahim is not captured. The adaptation of the Libyan defense strategy developed by Khamis Ghadafi, and the Libyan Governments strong alliance to Tuareg and other tribes expands the Libyan Defense Alliance theater of operations with a vast Saharan and Sub-Saharan “hinterland“.

    Yesterday nsnbc received intelligence reports stating that NATO is planning to expand it´s operations to Algeria. French Ambassador to Algeria Xavier Driencourt prepares emergency evacuation plans. The 82nd Airborne detachment at Ras Lanuf had heavy casualties.

  39. Genet Tadesse
    Update News Libya:Failed U.S. Military Aircraft landing in Ras Lanuf..
    U.S. military aircraft in Ras Lanuf on 01/10/2011 This attempt by U.S. failed on landing the largest U.S. military operations in Libya since the crisis began, and regarding all this the media is silent with unprecedented confidentiality and no one has talked about this up to now.WE expect Full details should come out in the world media, in the coming days.via..Certificate of privilege,.Libya/Arab

    YANKS are in full force on Libyan soil Americans wake-up!

  40. Vox Populi
    from “Lili Lilia Libyan2

    Zawiya: the deposit of arms and ammunition to NATO was devastated after the loyalists have recovered many weapons. As a result, the renegades have fled the city to dig into the Tripoli International Airport Red Cross depot. In this place, they are in the company of American officers, French and British, who fled the center of Tripoli and about to take the first plane because the situation is critical

  41. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    An Appachi helicopter belonging to UAE shot down over #Sirte while it bombed civilian areas. #Libya Via #ArraiTV

    82 Paratrooper Division (USA), from North Carolina, has been knocked down and neutralized in Ras Lanuf, in attempt to airborne landing.
    Paratrooper Division (USA), knocked down in Ras LanufBREAKING NEWS : 02 October 2011
    82 Paratrooper USA dvsn knocked down in Ras Lanuf
    82 Paratrooper Division (USA), from North Carolina, has been knocked down and neutralized in Ras Lanuf, in attempt to airborne landing.
    NATO’s Vicious War on Libyan Civilians
    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim – 01 October 2011
    Pingback: Libyan’s Chronicles 13.0.8 « Gil Guy Sparks
    #Sirte – 48 civilians who were trying to pull the wounded from the destroyed buildings,killed by #NATO bombs. #

  42. Konstantyn Scheglikov writes:
    Arabic , english

    اطلب من كل الليبيين ان يعرفوا وجهة نظري حول اهداف الجرذان الذين يتواجدون علي
    الشبكة العنكبوتية. عملنا وواجبنا علي النت هو نشر المعلومات الدقيفة المتعلقة بالاحداث داخل ليبيا. في حين هدف الجرذان التشويش علينا وتعطيلنا عن واجبنا اتجاه ليبيا. هم يحاولون دائما لازعاجنا بنشر صورهم وفيديواتهم وكتاباتهم المختلفة المحتوي في مجموعاتنا وصفحاتنا. انا لا اعلم كيف الامور تجري في مجموعات الاصدقاء الاخري وطريقة التصرف معهم ولكن في المجموعات الروسية والصربية الجرذان ذوي الالوان الثلاثة غير مسموحلهم علي الاطلاق وفي الوقت نفسه اذا شخص لا يحمل الالوان الثلاثة ويبدأ بالتصرف بسلوك الجرذ يطرد وتمسح كل مشاركاته. الجرذان غير مهتمين بالحديث علي وجهة نظرهم ولكن هدفهم صرف انتباهنا عن تأدية واجبنا في نشر الحقيقة عن ليبيا. اذا لسبب من الاسباب ، المشرفين في مجموعاتكم لا يطردون الجرذان،عندها يجب عليكم مغادرة المجموعة او تجاهلوا تعليقات ومنشورات الجرذان. ركزوا علي الواجب والعمل المهم ،الترجمة الي الانجليزية، نشر الاخبار بالعربي والانجليزي علي نطاق واسع، نشر اثباتات جرائم الناتو والقاعدة مصحوبة بالترجمة الي الانجليزية. ركزوا علي الرسومات والصور الفوتوغرافية والفيديوات والاشياء الاخري كجزء لا يتجزأ من الحرب المعلوماتية وتوزيعها ونشرها والتركيز اكثر علي حرب العصابات.
    أغلبية الجرذان يعيشون في الولايات المتحدة واوروبا وهم ليسوا ليبيون، هم خونة بدون ارض او وطن ينتمون اليه، ووجهة نظرهم تفاهة. لا تضيعوا وقتكم معهم.
    اعملوا لوطنكم، عضوا علي اسنانكم اذا وجب ذلك، سخروا عواطفكم وغضبكم ضد الجرذان بالعمل لليبيا، حتما ستكون افضل رد فعل ضد الجرذان اذا ركزتم عملكم علي كيفية النصر و فوز الحرب.

    I want all Libyans to know my opinion about the rats who operate here on internet. Our task is to distribute accurate information about Libya. The task of rats is to distract and prevent us from doing the job. They are trying to annoy us by posting their photos, videos and texts of different content in our groups and pages. I do not know how the rest of the groups of friends handle this but in our Russian and Serbian groups rats with the “tricolor” are not allowed in at all, but if someone who does not have the “tricolor” but starts to behave like a rat, gets thrown out and all Publications removed. Rats are not interested to bring their case; their task is to distract us from spreading the truth about Libya. If for some reason, administrators in your groups do not get rid of rats, then leave such group, or ignore the publications of rats. Focus on your important work, translation to English, spreading the news in English and Arabic, spreading the evidence of NATO and the al-Qaeda crimes with a translation into English. Focus on the creation of drawings, photographs, video and other things as part of the information war and the distribution of these materials. And focus on guerrilla warfare.

    Majority of rats live in the U.S. and Europe and not Libyans, they are traitors without homeland, and their opinion is worth nothing. Do not waste your time on them. Work for your country, clench your teeth if you have too, put your emotions onto fist and the anger against rats should be turned into work for Libya, it will be a best response to the rats if you focus on work how to win.

  43. The slaughter in Sirte
    3 October 2011
    NATO countries led by the US, Britain, and France are committing terrible war crimes in the Libyan city of Sirte. In their frenzied drive to crush all remaining resistance in the North African state, NATO and its proxy militia forces aligned with the National Transitional Council are unleashing indiscriminate military force, killing civilians and destroying buildings and infrastructure throughout the urban centre.
    Numerous civilian refugees who have managed to escape the siege have reported seeing schools, hospitals, homes, and other civilian buildings destroyed by NATO bombs. Air raids are now taking place around the clock. Anti-Gaddafi militiamen are firing rockets, mortar rounds and tank shells, without even pretending that they are aiming at any particular targets within the city of 100,000 people. Sirte is suffering from severe shortages of food, water and medicine supplies, further fuelling the humanitarian crisis. Children, the elderly and other vulnerable people are especially affected.
    The violence underscores the predatory economic and geostrategic calculations behind the regime-change campaign spearheaded by US President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron. Washington and its European allies aim to seize control of Libya’s lucrative oil reserves, at the same time reasserting their dominance in North Africa and countering the challenge posed to their interests by the revolutionary uprisings in neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia.
    The slaughter in Sirte further exposes the “humanitarian” pretext for the war. Last March the imperialist governments and their mouthpieces in the media claimed, without evidence, that Gaddafi’s forces were on the verge of committing a massacre in Benghazi. Now in Sirte, NATO is perpetrating an actual bloodbath on the city’s population in an attempt to overcome the resistance in one of the last pro-Gaddafi strongholds.
    Unsurprisingly, the various media pundits and political figures in the US and Europe who backed the war on the basis of “protecting civilians”—including various so-called “lefts” such as Professor Juan Cole and the Nation magazine—are now uniformly silent amid the unfolding slaughter.
    According to estimates previously released by the National Transitional Council (NTC), by early September 30,000 people had been killed and 50,000 wounded in the war. The toll continues to escalate. According to NATO’s publicly released figures, their bombers recorded 121 separate “key hits” in Sirte in the last two weeks of September alone. These air strikes are being conducted on the basis of limited or no intelligence and therefore can only be described as indiscriminate and in blatant contravention of international law.
    Tens of thousands of civilians remain trapped in Sirte, though the exact number remains unclear. According to the Red Cross, about 18,000 have left the city. The local population, however, has been swelled by a recent influx of refugees from surrounding areas. This includes a significant number of dark-skinned Libyan families from Tawargha, a town that has been devastated and depopulated by the NTC militias that conducted a murderous racist pogrom there in August and early September.
    The people of Sirte are being subjected to a brutal collective punishment for their bitter and determined opposition to the NTC and the NATO intervention. The city is also symbolically identified with the deposed regime. It is Gaddafi’s birthplace and childhood home, and his former legislative body, the General Peoples Congress, convened in Sirte.
    For the US, British, and French governments, the destruction serves as a warning to the entire Libyan population—any resistance to the post-Gaddafi order that is to be established under NATO auspices will confront violent repression.
    There is a definite parallel between the situation in Sirte and the brutal US offensive in the Iraqi city of Fallujah during November-December 2004. About 10,000 US troops and marines levelled the city of 250,000 people, indiscriminately bombing homes, factories and mosques. The operation was intended to crush the Sunni insurgency against the illegal occupation by terrorising the entire Iraqi people. As is now the case in Sirte, the fighting in Fallujah was less a war or battle than it was an outright massacre, with a vastly outnumbered and lightly armed group of resistance fighters overcome by the world’s most destructive and technologically advanced ground and air forces.
    NATO’s conduct of the war in Libya during what appears to be its final stages is also undoubtedly intended to send a signal to governments throughout the Middle East and internationally. In March, Sarkozy made this clear in no uncertain terms, declaring: “Every ruler should understand, and especially every Arab ruler should understand, that the reaction of the international community and of Europe will from this moment on each time be the same.”
    Exactly one hundred years ago, on October 3, 1911, Italian forces began a naval bombardment of Tripoli, as part of their drive to annexe the Ottoman provinces of Tripolitania, Fezzna and Cyrenaica, which constitute present-day Libya. The Italian campaign quickly extended from an assault on the Ottoman military forces to a campaign of indiscriminate reprisal attacks and massacres against the local population who rose up against the colonial forces. The Italo-Turkish war, which ended in October 1912, featured a one-sided utilisation of modern military technology, including the world’s first aerial reconnaissance flights and bombing raids.
    Lenin described the war as a “perfected, civilised bloodbath.”
    None of these words would need to be revised to describe what is now unfolding in Libya. The re-emergence of nakedly colonial-style operations in the twenty-first century is an expression of the deepening crisis of the world capitalist order. The American ruling elite desperately seeks to use its military dominance as a means of offsetting its rapidly eroding economic position. At the same time, the European imperialist powers see an opportunity to regain lost influence in their former colonies, opening up new export markets and securing access to lucrative natural resources.
    Even before the fighting has finished, various politicians and accompanying corporate bagmen from the US and Europe have rushed to Tripoli. Everyone is scrambling to secure their cut, above all of the North African state’s enormous oil reserves—recently described by the US ambassador there as the Libyan “jewel in the crown.”
    As in the period prior to 1914, humanity confronts a descent into imperialist barbarism. A struggle against war and militarism requires the building of an independent political movement of the working class based on a socialist and internationalist program to abolish the profit system.
    Patrick O’Connor

  44. Steffen Seidel writes:
    Green resistance is now on control 0f 80% of Tripoli and recently captured parts of port and it is constantly fighting in Green square and Ba al-Aziziya and many more areas of the city. The people refuse to be government by the NTC whom they consider to be Al-Qaeda terrorists imposed by NATO.
    The NTC rebels have left all their checkpoints as a rsult of heavy casualties they suffered from Ambushes and car bombs.
    Many corpses of NATO special forces continue to remain on all sites of the streets and the NTC mercenaries continue their pillaging campaigns on the population.
    But the population of Tripoli has risen up successfully and is in control now of 80% of the city.

    Steffen Seidel Now continue of messages from inside movie plus translation:
    “Many tribes are moving towards Tripoli and Volunteers from across the Arab world and Africa are joining the green resistance to fight ALQAEDA and NATO.”

    Bani Walid——————-
    NTC rebels have attempted countless attacks on Bali Walid. The rebels launched rockets and mortars from long range. They never got close to tha gate of city, but they did kill civilians with long range fire.
    NATO was carpet bombing even using chemicals on the civilian city of Bani Walid, ceaselessly 24/7. But they failed to break the spirit and resistance of the people of Bani Walid.
    NATO then decided to change Tactics and Deploy countless special forces that jumped into the city from planes and they wire gas masks were spraying chemicals around the city and trying to create a corridor for rebels to enter.
    The plan failed. NATO special forces were killed and some 21 were arrested from different nationalities.
    The people of Bani Walid have defeated all Rebel attempts.
    Recently Green resistance killed a top commander of NTC rebels and hundred of rebels have died.
    The Green resistance moved onto the offensive. They have pushed all rebels out of the entire area.
    Now people of Bani Walid are moving towards freeing people of Sirte and Tripoli from occupation ..”

    “The people of Sabha have been bombed by NATO daily and the civilian city has had extremely shortages of Food and water for days.
    Just vefore the rebel invasion Sabha was heavily bombed in all directions and many apartments destroyed and many civilian died.
    The rebels entered eastern neighborhoods protected by NATO helicopter and NATO special forces.
    The people of Sabha took cover from NATO bombs. And then quickly forced the rebels out of the city and recaptured the airport and pushed the rebels out of entire area .
    Green resistance of Sabha has sent 3000 volunteers 700 km away.
    Grenn resistance of Sabha has also sent a large reinforcement to Bani Walid.
    Sabha has gained the upperhand in the war against the NTC rebels. ”

    SIRTE —-
    “NATO jets and NATO warships have been pounding the city of Sirte daily and continuously without halt.
    4000 civilians have been slaughtered by NATO and all hospitals and water tanks and electricity plants were targeted.
    People died of starvation and 8 pregnant woman died.
    Majority of civilians are still in the city and are all resisting NATO and rebels.
    NATO has used Chemicals especially white phosphorus on Sirte.
    The people of Sirte continue to resist.
    The rebels cannot approach close to the city. But NATO continues to kill the civilians with constant airstrikes on all sites off the city.
    Recently 2500 NTC rebels were killed in a Major battle that lasted 2 days.
    3 commanders of the rebels were killed.
    Thousands of NTC rebel corpses are unburied causing a massive stench around the city.

    MISRATA ——
    “Rival brigades killing each other in the center of the city over scarce ammunition.
    5 brigades fighting each other in the middle of Misrata. They are using heavy weapons and are destroying many of the civilians apartments and wrecking havoc around the city.
    Al-Qaeda brigades are also taking part in the fighting as all brigades of Misrata start killing each other for weapons and a chance to eliminate rivals.”

    And now last of movie: —– Libya general news —–

    The tribes of Zawiyah have captured 70% of their city and are fighting the NTC rebels.

    Half of Misrata is under green resistance control.

    City of Zlitan has freed itself and is fully in green resistance control.

    Town of Tarhuna had freed itself and Kicked all the NTC rebels out.

    Heavy resistance in Gharyan.

    Grenn resistance captured Hun and Waddan.

    Tribes of Zintan have signed Peace agreements with Neighboring tribes,

    ——- East of Libya —–

    They city of Derna have placed Green flags on their buildings and defaeted the NTC ALQUAEDA brigades and forced them out of their city.

    The city of Tobruk has removed the NTC rebels from their entire city and is being surrounded and shelled by NTC rebels for the last 10 days.

    The city of Baydah has experience Gun fights between Green resistance and NTC rebel forces.

    The Green resistance is now on control of 4 neighborhoods of Benghazi. ”

    Tarpley 1
    Tarpley 2
    2/oct/11: 15,000 Tuareg fighters back into Sabah

    New reports from the south of Libya said that at least 15,000 Tuareg fighters were engaged in Shaba, to defend the city against NATO. There are already 3000 in Ghadames Tuaregs, the city was liberated, which enabled the re-opening of supply routes to Libya and Tunisia from Algeria to Libya.

    2/oct/11: Dr. Christof Lehmann: The Transitional Council in Chaos: 80% of Tripoli under the Green Flag

    The siege at Bani Walid and Sirte rings collapse into itself, as well as the Transitional Council. Jalil called for the establishment of a new government, while the majority of the TNC deserted. Abdelhakim Belhadj bewschreibt the situation as chaotic. He reaches for power.

    by Dr. Christof Lehmann

    Despite their absolute air superiority, NATO loses the battle on the ground. Today the people of Bani Walid monitored with a surprise. Instead of the usual throwing bombs from NATO flight leaves on which the population was asked to leave the city, otherwise they would be regarded as military targets. NATO is preparing a violent attack and tried to desperately to contact the lost battle on the ground again.

    Today in the night got the NSNBC confirmed reports that the siege of Bani Walid and Sirte was broken. Although around both cities still heavy fighting raged around the resisters were taken to military contacts in the cities, tribes and volunteers who were hurrying to her aid.

    Heavy fighting broke out tonight in and around the Green Square, Tripoli. A NATO ammunition depot in the port of Tripoli was occupied by the Libyan military. There was heavy fighting at the military airport and the airport in Tripoli Mitiga. Tribal militias Zintan secured several banks in Tripoli, and began to hand out money, that the Transitional Council was seized. The same militia stormed several jails and released many prisoners of war … … .. The result is the battles that now over 80% of Tripoli blowing the green flag.

    According to the proverb, “The rats are leaving the sinking ship,” has given up the bulk of its membership and its TNC positions. Abdelhakim Belhadj said this morning that Jalil making desperate attempts to restore unity. He offers to set up a “new government”. The general reaction is bickering, blame in which the individual members of the TNC each other, either to work for one or the other NATO country.

    Belhadj Abdulhakim noted that the battle is lost and it is the attempt to seize power for themselves, what many have long expected from him? Given the military situation in Tripoli, not much time left for this decision. Whoever tries to grab for power, whether one Belhadj, one Jalil, Jibril one or another agent of the aliens, it would most likely be only a brief episode for him. That is not to suggest that the war in Libya because of the recent developments would now be over, but the weights have been moved to Tripoli last night. The inhabitants of Tripoli and the other liberated cities will do anything to the mercenaries of the TNC and the foreign agents who are now fighting each other for power, to keep them in check. A look at the latest report by Human Rights Watch explains in detail why this is so.

    Russia has given NATO Syria during the debate in the UN a clear message that it is following the situation closely in Libya. Russia now has rejected three draft resolutions on Syria. Relations with NATO are extremely excited with the theme Syria is a factor, the situation in Kosovo is another factor, and the outrage over the fall and of the attempted assassination of Gaddafi is a third factor, and there are others. Russia’s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said on Friday that Western countries have shown no willingness to reach some points of the draft resolution concerning Syria an agreement with Moscow. It is highly likely that NATO has to understand the signal of Russia on Friday as a hidden message to stop the bombing of civilians. This is the reason why NATO dropped leaflets instead of bombs over the Sirte and Bani Walid.

    What in the international developments concerning Libya has an extremely disturbing, is the unequivocal support of Belhadj, Jibil and the NATO aggression by the Iran.In a video on the Youtube channel Morris108 Richard Bos had some urgent questions asked on TV and the Press Iran’s behavior towards Libya commented. Bos has executed correctly, that Iran may have advantages dipoolmatische them to put on the blinders on against Libya, but not terminate any “appeasement” toward the ongoing subversion of NATO, as many previous examples sufficiently prove.


  45. Libyan conflict lurches out of NATO control
    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
    Libya out of control rats
    What do you get when a British public schoolboy with a proven record of a seriously flawed judgement as regards choosing his advisers and choosing his policy gets embroiled in conflict in a tribal society utterly beyond his comprehension? You get David Cameron’s 2 billion-pound nightmare.

    You also get the total destabilization of a country that was at peace, where the citizens lived in a full participatory democracy – the Jamahiriya system of government is far more democratic than a country like Britain where a Prime Minister voted for by a minority of his population gets to dictate policy and an obscurity like Clegg gets to be Deputy PM when he finished the race in third place. What sort of a democracy is that?

    What else do you get in Cameron’s Libya? You get the full participation of Al-Qaeda and its leaders who had fought against NATO in Afghanistan and Iraq. Al-Hasidi was even held in Guantanamo Bay, you get the militarization of a tribal society, you get the destruction of Libyan society and you get a Somalia situation on the gates of Europe, festering with terrorists and Islamic fanatics. NATO’s plans for Libya are an open wound on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

    NATO’s and Cameron’s legacy in Libya is horrific. The numerous war crimes have been well documented, rendering Cameron, Hague, Fox and their counterparts in France and the USA liable for prosecution for war crimes – the case is being drawn up as this article goes to press. The streets of Libya’s cities are strewn with stinking rotting bodies.

    The fault is not Colonel Gaddafi’s. When you are attacked by marauding gangs of terrorists who slit people’s throats in the streets, who vow to ethnically cleanse Libya from Negroes, who slice the breasts off women and who impose the burqah in the areas under their control, who loot, who rape and who torch buildings, who desecrate bodies, who torture children… you do not give in, any more than you have the keys of your car to a car-jacker. You fight back. The difference is that Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama support this filth.

    The fault is Cameron’s, Sarkozy’s and Obamas. We know know why Cameron convinced his Cabinet and MI6 to agree to his murderous criminal escapade…the Conference of the Libyan Opposition was drawn up in London (where else) in June 2005, consisting of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (a terrorist organization proscribed by the FCO and still on its list when the conflict started despite a pathetic statement by the FCO itself saying that the LIFG denounced terrorism in 2009), the Senoussi Brotherhood and the Moslem Brothers. The aim was to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi and destroy his Jamahiriya democratic government and the African Union, so that Africa’s resources could be seized again by neo-colonialist powers, the FUKUS (France, UK, USA).

    Indeed according to British spy David Shayler, the British secret services (MI6) had already financed a Gaddafi assassination attempt to the tune of 100,000 GBP.

    However, all is not well in Cameronland. The Libyan Armed Forces have managed to counter NATO’s technological superiority – Apache helicopters, used against US Congress rules to strafe civilians, are being shot down and the filth flying them captured (and well-treated), Moussa Ibrahim (Jamahiriya Government spokesperson) has not been captured, Khamis al-Qathafi has not been killed (despite reports of his death no fewer than six times).

    The TNC is in utter disarray and chaos, now with in-fighting in Misurat and in Benghazi, and with Abdelhakim Belhadj vowing that he takes orders from nobody as he sets up his private army of terrorists. Bani Walid is Green (Libyan Jamahiriya Government control), Sirt is Green, Tobruk is Green, Ghadames is Green, Al Jufra is Green, Sabha is Green, Fezzan is Green, Tarouna is Green, all the South is Green and the huge majority of the tribes are with Colonel Gaddafi. Al-Zawiyah is Green. Large parts of Tripoli are Green. Areas along the Tunisian frontier are Green.

    At Ras Lanuf the US 82 Airborne detachment suffered heavy losses (there are not supposed to be boots on the ground…US breach of UNSC Resolutions) and an AC-130 Hercules transport aircraft was torched.

    The Tuareg have declared themselves against the Rats (the terrorists supported by NATO).

    Why else are we being fed “final battle” stories outside Sirt? Why else has the western media stopped speaking about Bani Walid? Why else is the TNC so-called “government” (a rat pack) holed up in Benghazi? Why did Cameron and Sarkozy not leave Tripoli airport? Where are the images of a peaceful back-to-normal Tripoli? Where are the pictures of the new Libyan “Government” getting down to business?

    There aren’t any, because Colonel Gaddafi and his loyalist forces are supported by the majority of the Libyan population. David Cameron is not. So, I am sorry Mrs. Bennet, young Steven will not be able to have that operation, because the National Health Service does not have the funding. Mr. Johnson, your elderly mother’s hip replacement operation has been put on hold indefinitely because the hospital wing is closing. And ha ha ha ha ha ha, Miss Taylor, do you really expect that miracle drug for your breast cancer while we are spending money on funding terrorists? Where is your sense of patriotism?

    And you will all have to foot the 2-billion-pound bill to install a bunch of terrorists as the “Government” in Libya. There is just one flaw with David Cameron’s terrorist operation: human decency dictates that it cannot and must not happen. As David Cameron himself said “If I have to pay anything back, then I shall”. Yes, you shall, and you shall big time.

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


  46. Konstantyn Scheglikov
    All the Western non-governmental organizations, which should keep the peace, in fact, take part in the wars. They are complicit in NATO committed crimes against humanity. This video evidence of supply Red Crescent (Red Cross office for Arab countries) arms of al-Qaida militants in Libya. Note that some weapons fall into the frame. Download to your computer is evidence of a crime, because it can remove.


    Truth be told, the Obama-media already knows that the level of corruption in the Obama Regime is clearly IMPEACHABLE, if not downright criminal. And the liberal media also knows that the stench of corruption goes all the way to the top… all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and that a full investigation could conceivably TOPPLE THE OBAMA REGIME.


    TO: The Republican Leadership Of The United States Senate And The United States House of Representatives: The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. Jon Kyl, The Hon. John A. Boehner, The Hon. Eric Cantor, The Hon. Kevin McCarthy, The Hon. Jeb Hensarling

    Your Name and Address Will Appear Here


    Patriot Americans came to the conclusion long ago that IMPEACHMENT IS NO LONGER JUST AN OPTION, IT IS A NECESSITY; and it’s time for YOU to get with the program. The scandals and impeachable offenses coming out of this rogue White House simply continue to mount (Solyndra, LightSquared, SolarReserve, Operation Fast and Furious, the Sestak allegations of bribery, the Blagojevich affair), and yet, you do nothing.

    Enough is enough! To say that there is a stench of corruption leading to the Obama White House would be a gross understatement. The actions of the Obama Regime are starting to resemble those of an organized crime ring and the lawless actions of this rogue regime are more than this great nation can bear. It is time for you to do your constitutional duty and hold the “Chicago Thugocracy” that has seized control of our government to account.

    It is no longer enough to simply say that “Obama’s policies are failing.” It is no longer enough to simply say that the actions of the Obama Regime are “possibly unconstitutional?” When will you realize, as Congressman Steve King (R-IA) recently said, that the actions of this regime are indeed “LAWLESS?” It simply boggles the mind to know that you have the power and the constitutional duty to hold this runaway thugocracy to account, and yet, you do nothing while Barack (Tony Soprano) Obama and his crew shake the American people down.

    It is time, once and for all, to fumigate this putrid stench of corruption out of Washington and out of the White House. The American people simply refuse to wait until January of 2013 to remove this cancer, that is eating away at our nation every day, from office. Investigate these scandals… go all the way to the top… all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Obama Regime is a disease and impeachment is the cure!



  48. The British purchased the controlling share of Libyan oil company
    Politics –

    LONDON – British oil company Heritidž announced that it has taken control content in the Libyan company that is licensed to provide services to the oil fields, including drilling on land and sea.

    Heritidž paid 19.5 million dollars for a 51 percent holding Sahara oil servisis and this acquisition will allow the British company to occupy a significant place in the Libyan oil and gas.

    Sahara Oil servisis was established in 2009. year, a headquarters it is in Benghazi.

    Heritidž this year opened offices in Benghazi, and collaborates with senior Libyan officials of the Interim National Council.

    Analysts move Heritidža evaluated as tricky a director of that company Baking Toni says that now “well positioned to play an important role in future oil and gas in Libya.”

    “Best (in Libya) is in line with the strategy Heritidža to enter into a region rich in hydrocarbons,” said baking.

    Heritidž is engaged in oil exploration projects in Iraq, Congo, Malta, Pakistan, Tanzania and Mali and has production in Russia.

    UK oil explorer moves into Libya

  49. from SomaliaSupport2 Libya
    Reports that High Ranking Rebel Commander has Surrendered With 50 men after clash near #Baniwalid

    Second incident same happend near #SIRTE

    Christof Lehmann:

    Posted on 04 October 2011 by nsnbc

    ← Libyan Liberation Continues with Algerian Tribes Entering War.

    Libya Storm on Sirte Failed TNC in Desperate Chaos

    Yesterday NATO and TNC Mercenaries initiated the yet heaviest assault on the strategically and economically important city of Sirte, advancing into the suburbs of the city. After heavy fighting the attack was grinded to a halt this morning. Though heavy fighting continued in other cities the fronts were relatively calm, which indicates that the TNC is running low on reserves. Is the all out assault a desperate attempt to register one victory before the NATO Meeting in two days, Intelligence close to the TNC reports that the Transitional National Counsel is in utter chaos. This morning at a press conference, Abdelhakim Belhadj “pleaded” to the population in Tripoli to help establish “stability, law and order” and give back their arms to the Tripoli Military Counsel. by Dr. Christof Lehmann

    In two days, on 6 October, NATO leaders will meet to discuss how they are going to proceed with their modern, North African Vietnam. While the situation in Southern Libya is relatively stable, and heavy fighting continued inside Bengazi and other northern cities, as reported yesterday, the situation was relatively calm. In Bengazi, which is liberated with the exception of the city center where TNC Fighters are heavily entrenched, a group of Tribal Elders promised undying vengeance after reviewing video evidence of over 200 murders committed by the TNC´s Al Qaeda troops.

    It seems as if the TNC had yesterday concentrated all available troops in the all out assault on Sirte. Under the cover of heavy and light artillery barrages from land and sea, as well as under the cover of air support, the TNC fighters were approaching towards forward positions, capturing some of the suburbs of Sirte, paying the price of heavy casualties. How volatile the situation is for the TNC fighters became clear when the rebel commander, who newly replaced another rebel commander who had fallen into an ambush, was killed by a special operation of the Libyan Military tonight. In spite of a heavy investment in manpower and material, this morning the assault on Sirte has grinded into a halt, and the attacking TNC troops have made themselves massively available as targets for special operations from Libyan Military, Tribal Militia and other Allied Forces from throughout North Africa.

    dirty Sarkozy

    French Blowback – French Mines Destroy 35 NATO Vehicles

    According to a Russian Intelligence Operative who is observing the situation in Libya closely, yesterday warriors of the Tuareg tribe gave a demonstration of their special desert warfare skills. The Russian Intelligence source revealed to Stalinist Live Journal, that intercepted NATO communications revealed that two AV-8B Harrier II and two Eurofighter jets from the Italian Carrier Garibaldi Guiseppe were searching in vain for the cause of the destruction of 35 tanks and armored personnel carriers. The destruction of the targets with 5 minutes interval was interpreted as a sign of an attack from the air, though no radar nor infrared signatures could be found. A close inspection of the destroyed vehicles revealed the remains of French made anti tank mines, which according to the same intelligence source had been placed under the vehicles by Tuareg warriors, who are experts in desert stealth guerrilla warfare.

    Tonight nsnbc received intelligence that what remains of the TNC after 90% of it´s members left remains in utter chaos. The Libyan Youth movement, which recently declared war on the TNC has begun an assassination campaign of persons cooperating with the TNC and Abdelhakim Belhadj´s Tripoli Military Counsel aka Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Yesterday a judge, responsible for harsh sentences against captured military officers loyal to the legitimate Libyan Government was murdered in his home. The home of the judge is in one of the “safest” most heavily guarded districts of Tripoli, only a few hundred meters away from the Royal Danish Embassy.

    At a press conference this morning, Abdelhakim Belhadj was pleading to the residents of Tripoli to surrender their weapons so the Tripoli Military Counsel aka Libyan Islamic Fighting Group could establish “law and order” as the basis for taking steps towards building democratic institutions. Desperate words, considering that it is not long ago that the TNC promised ” Democracy Within 20 Month´s “. With overwhelming likelihood his words will also be in vain, considering the precedence of “law and order” a la Belhadj the population has experienced. With over 90 % of the Libyan people opposed to the illegal occupation of their country, and increased military support from throughout Northern Africa, the best chance for establishing law and order would be for Belhadj, Jalil, Jibril and NATO to leave Libya. As to Syria, the establishment and massive backing up of the Syrian National Counsel after the last months of insurgency, sanctions and NATO backed unconventional warfare must raise red flags about where NATO´s next attacks are planned.

    Dr. Christof Lehmann


    About nsnbc
    nsnbc is a news-media, edited by Dr. Christof Lehmann. Born in Germany in 1958, Masters and Doctoral Degree in Psychology, 1982 and 1986, Dr. Christof Lehmann is a practicing clinical psychologist, a life time peace activist, political advisor, and advisor in behavior, finance, economics, conflict resolution and peace building. He has been and is active as political advisor, in work on human rights, international relations and peace, Palestinian issues, and other activities. Dr. Christof Lehmann founded nsnbc in August 2011 in indignation about the prevalent embargo on truth. nsnbc is bringing you No Spin News by Christof Lehmann, as well as a number of other independent experts, writers, journalists and activists from throughout the world.

  50. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Reports from the front lines.
    In area between Bani Walid and Tojoura, 35 cars of rats zintani where exploded by explosive devices the touaregs have planted under the nose of the rats. Unknown number of rats dead.
    In Tarhouna a part of Khamis brigade did a raid that resulted to the death of 4 platoons of rats.
    Tripoli , 8 rat check points where demolished by snipers,32 rats dead under the cover of night and the quiet of silencers. Note that it was the first time after 2 weeks the rats deployed checkpoints.
    We had no martyrdom in these occasions from our side inscallah.

    Thanks to Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow

  51. Bogdan Knezevic writes:
    Sirte is green, from south 100 rats in trap,nobody help them.
    Eastern gate shows no progress for them either. The “rats” have only casaulities. Sirte is green and strong and God is with the defenders.
    East gate tonight: 75 death nato rats, combination from British and Bengazi rats.
    3 tanks were destroyed.
    Airte is green and zliten is near our forces.
    Hospital field near Sirte is full of atakers tonight. They want to quickly win but must pay the price.

    Patrick O’ConnorThe slaughter in Sirte
    03 October 2011

    NATO countries led by the US, Britain, and France are committing terrible war crimes in the Libyan city of Sirte. In their frenzied drive to crush all remaining resistance in the North African state, NATO and its proxy militia forces aligned with the National Transitional Council are unleashing indiscriminate military force, killing civilians and destroying buildings and infrastructure throughout the urban centre.
    Numerous civilian refugees who have managed to escape the siege have reported seeing schools, hospitals, homes, and other civilian buildings destroyed by NATO bombs. Air raids are now taking place around the clock. Anti-Gaddafi militiamen are firing rockets, mortar rounds and tank shells, without even pretending that they are aiming at any particular targets within the city of 100,000 people. Sirte is suffering from severe shortages of food, water and medicine supplies, further fuelling the humanitarian crisis. Children, the elderly and other vulnerable people are especially affected.
    The violence underscores the predatory economic and geostrategic calculations behind the regime-change campaign spearheaded by US President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron. Washington and its European allies aim to seize control of Libya’s lucrative oil reserves, at the same time reasserting their dominance in North Africa and countering the challenge posed to their interests by the revolutionary uprisings in neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia.
    The slaughter in Sirte further exposes the “humanitarian” pretext for the war. Last March the imperialist governments and their mouthpieces in the media claimed, without evidence, that Gaddafi’s forces were on the verge of committing a massacre in Benghazi. Now in Sirte, NATO is perpetrating an actual bloodbath on the city’s population in an attempt to overcome the resistance in one of the last pro-Gaddafi strongholds.
    Unsurprisingly, the various media pundits and political figures in the US and Europe who backed the war on the basis of “protecting civilians”—including various so-called “lefts” such as Professor Juan Cole and the Nation magazine—are now uniformly silent amid the unfolding slaughter.
    According to estimates previously released by the National Transitional Council (NTC), by early September 30,000 people had been killed and 50,000 wounded in the war. The toll continues to escalate. According to NATO’s publicly released figures, their bombers recorded 121 separate “key hits” in Sirte in the last two weeks of September alone. These air strikes are being conducted on the basis of limited or no intelligence and therefore can only be described as indiscriminate and in blatant contravention of international law.
    Tens of thousands of civilians remain trapped in Sirte, though the exact number remains unclear. According to the Red Cross, about 18,000 have left the city. The local population, however, has been swelled by a recent influx of refugees from surrounding areas. This includes a significant number of dark-skinned Libyan families from Tawargha, a town that has been devastated and depopulated by the NTC militias that conducted a murderous racist pogrom there in August and early September.
    The people of Sirte are being subjected to a brutal collective punishment for their bitter and determined opposition to the NTC and the NATO intervention. The city is also symbolically identified with the deposed regime. It is Gaddafi’s birthplace and childhood home, and his former legislative body, the General Peoples Congress, convened in Sirte.
    For the US, British, and French governments, the destruction serves as a warning to the entire Libyan population—any resistance to the post-Gaddafi order that is to be established under NATO auspices will confront violent repression.
    There is a definite parallel between the situation in Sirte and the brutal US offensive in the Iraqi city of Fallujah during November-December 2004. About 10,000 US troops and marines levelled the city of 250,000 people, indiscriminately bombing homes, factories and mosques. The operation was intended to crush the Sunni insurgency against the illegal occupation by terrorising the entire Iraqi people. As is now the case in Sirte, the fighting in Fallujah was less a war or battle than it was an outright massacre, with a vastly outnumbered and lightly armed group of resistance fighters overcome by the world’s most destructive and technologically advanced ground and air forces.
    NATO’s conduct of the war in Libya during what appears to be its final stages is also undoubtedly intended to send a signal to governments throughout the Middle East and internationally. In March, Sarkozy made this clear in no uncertain terms, declaring: “Every ruler should understand, and especially every Arab ruler should understand, that the reaction of the international community and of Europe will from this moment on each time be the same.”
    Exactly one hundred years ago, on October 3, 1911, Italian forces began a naval bombardment of Tripoli, as part of their drive to annexe the Ottoman provinces of Tripolitania, Fezzna and Cyrenaica, which constitute present-day Libya. The Italian campaign quickly extended from an assault on the Ottoman military forces to a campaign of indiscriminate reprisal attacks and massacres against the local population who rose up against the colonial forces. The Italo-Turkish war, which ended in October 1912, featured a one-sided utilisation of modern military technology, including the world’s first aerial reconnaissance flights and bombing raids.
    Lenin described the war as a “perfected, civilised bloodbath.”
    None of these words would need to be revised to describe what is now unfolding in Libya. The re-emergence of nakedly colonial-style operations in the twenty-first century is an expression of the deepening crisis of the world capitalist order. The American ruling elite desperately seeks to use its military dominance as a means of offsetting its rapidly eroding economic position. At the same time, the European imperialist powers see an opportunity to regain lost influence in their former colonies, opening up new export markets and securing access to lucrative natural resources.
    Even before the fighting has finished, various politicians and accompanying corporate bagmen from the US and Europe have rushed to Tripoli. Everyone is scrambling to secure their cut, above all of the North African state’s enormous oil reserves—recently described by the US ambassador there as the Libyan “jewel in the crown.”
    As in the period prior to 1914, humanity confronts a descent into imperialist barbarism. A struggle against war and militarism requires the building of an independent political movement of the working class based on a socialist and internationalist program to abolish the profit system.
    Patrick O’Connor

  52. Libya teaches the world a lesson in courage
    Sirte, target of NATO genocide
    NATO: all that’s missing are the goosesteps

    As we move into the eighth month of the imperialist, Hitlerist, fascist, Luftwaffe terrorist assault and aggression on Libya, it is becoming more and more apparent to the world community that NATO has left no evil deed undone that was known in history to have been done by the Nazis.

    We have seen widespread pogroms and rapes against black Libyans, the perpetrators supported and protected by NATO.

    We have seen civilians strafed by helicopter gunships. What can only be described as flying garbage is attacking anyone on the ground that moves, child, woman, anyone.

    The NATO genocidal bombing campaign has been constant, ferocious and indicative of utter insanity and desperation to bring the heroic Libyan people to their knees. But they will not bow, they will not surrender and they will not leave their homes as the flyers dropped demand.

    We have seen the bombing of many countless hospitals, schools, food storage areas, the water supply, electricity grids and radio and televsion centers. These are extremely serious war crimes.

    We have seen murderers hiding in ambulances and Red Cross/Red Crescent vehicles. We have seen the NATO protected terrorists firing at Red Cross and Red Crescent aid vehicles.

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    Aid workers have been instructed to give aid only to the terrorists, or they will be attacked, so they have refused aid to loyal Libyans. However, they did manage to deliver some body bags. How generous of them.

    We have seen the poisoning of water. The use of cluster bombs and white phosphorous as well.

    One man has reportedly died of hunger, and with the total lack of food and medicine, more will die this way in this deliberate campaign of genocide. They want to kill everyone they can until they give up and surrender.

    Sirte is decimated by NATO’s non stop bombing as they provide cover for terrorists to kill, steal and prevent humanitarian help to reach people while they also cut off electricity and water to the people.

    A mosque was bombed during prayers and twenty-five people were killed. Forty-eight civilians who were trying to rescue people from destroyed buildings were bombed and murdered by NATO pilots today. In the last two days, at least 100 children were killed, without counting in any that may be buried in rubble Damn these evil demon war criminals to hell, the right to “protect”??






    Despite the murderous terror unleashed by NATO, Libyans are teaching the world a lesson in courage. They keep on fighting and resisting despite the worst possible conditions, being deprived of virtually all necessities of life.

    But sometimes nourishing the body is not nearly as important as being true to the soul and spirit that longs for freedom, that refuses to be a slave, that refuses to lose their dignity and pride.

    All glory, honor, praise and admiration for the heroes and heroines of Libya!!!

    Libyans have built a great country in the Jamahiriya. This is also a testament to the greatness of this people. I think that if the same Europeans and Americans who are perpetrating this crime against humanity were instead the object of the same sort of genocidal campaign, they would have surrendered and bowed down on the second day, latest. They are gutless, souless, amoral stinking cowards and vermin without a trace of humanity, decency, honor or the spirit of self sacrifice.

    Obviously this wanton disregard for international law and human decency shows that they are no longer human, they are beasts, vermin, savages, barbarians. They are demonic filth.

    By their fruits you shall know them…all that is missing from this Nazi, fascist display of terror and crime are the goosesteps. The UN Resolutions absolutely forbade boots on the ground…so what was the U.S. 82nd airborne doing landing their garbage in order to rush to take an oil field?

    No good will ever come from them unless they perhaps suffer a similar tragedy as the Libyan people have. As I said before in this space, there is no earthly or unearthly possibility that the west and NATO scum will get what they want: the spoils of Libya. It is totally impossible.

    They will not impose terrorists as the government of Libya, that is becoming very obvious as the terrorists fight among themselves, destroying each other, which garbage has a tendency to do.

    The terrorists that NATO unleashed on Libya are capable only of destruction, not building. They are capable only of murder, not of enriching or valuing human life. They are only capable of theft, not of improving people’s lives. They are only capble of horrid mutilation and rape, not of creating freedom or democracy.

    They totally and completely debase women with rape and blacks with murder and ethnic cleansing. The lynchings they have done remind one of the Ku Klux Klan.

    What kind of sick scourge goes around gouging out eyes, cutting off body parts such as fingers and disemboweling someone or cutting out their intestines???…is this what western freedom and democracy are all about? Obviously. Such “values” we can do without.

    It was also mentioned in this space that one of the first bombing actions called for by that den of thieves known as the NTC was on a building that contained records of their criminal behavior. One of their gangsters, Mahmoud Jibril, has declared his intention not to be a part of the intended government. Could it be because it was discovered that while he was part of the Jamahiriya government, he stole at least 2 billion dollars?

    All of this crime is supported and protected by NATO…

    There is no evil they have not done to the Libyan people. Neither is there any war crime not committed by them against the civilian population of Libya, the “responsibility to protect” is a charade, a ruse…the biggest lie ever told.

    Growing up, I was so overwhelmed with a feeling of reverence and respect for the courage of the defenders of Stalingrad and Kursk, the Great Patriotic War. It was, in my estimation, the greatest display of human courage, will, dedication and heroism in the history of the world.

    Now we have the Libyans…

    In the future, airlines should take care in who they hire for pilots. How did you learn to fly and were you in the military dropping bombs on civilians? If so, you would never be qualified to have human life in your hands.

    Western leaders, NATO and especially the terrorists they had hoped to use as a puppet government are not fit to rule anything. They are not even fit to live.

    It’s time for the Nuremberg trials, and I understand it’s beginning to dawn on some of them that they are liable for prosecution for their mamy crimes against humanity. I personally promise that if those trials do not happen to bring at least one of them to such justice with my own legal action.

    I also understand they are reconsidering the continuation of their imperialist, colonialist aggression and genocidal bombing. Don’t add to your crimes and bow out NOW. Do not force the terrorists to be the government of Libya.

    The right to govern comes from the consent of the governed, you should know that, and the people don’t want your stinking NTC terrorists.

    In the meantime, here you have this inspiring lesson in courage. Such people will never be defeated. It wouldn’t take much to rise up to the murderous, fascist leaders and make them stop and make them leave Libya alone.

    Contact government officials, members of the UN, or take to the streets, but don’t just sit there. A world revolution has already started.


    Lisa Karpova


  53. We KNOW that NATO has been using Heavy 64 Uranium tipped bunker-busters since at-least MAY 2011 which mimic 9.4 magnitude earthquakes:

    Austin Martin ‎[EN] First reports now coming in about “Tallboys” use #Libya. Deep Earth penetrating “bunker-busters” allegations. Alleged use of 64 Tallboys reported as: “feeling like an earthquake from miles away”. No geolocation of bomb target given but we’ll know soon enough. [EN] Wikipedia for bunker-busters Hotel guest miles away is reporting. Hotel Rixos Tripoli map


    04.10.2011 02:44 | yokksel
    Sologubovsky: “… Sixty-four bombings, and what, what kind of bomb – I’m sorry, I am a journalist – I do not know yet, it is necessary to dig further – special bombs that penetrate into the ground! Effect of an earthquake! Our hotel” Rixos “was a few kilometers from the residence, but we had a feeling the earthquake. What kind of bomb?”

    And that’s what these bombs:

    water table map
    They are bombing the Great Manmade River!

    Flood 1

    Flood 2

  54. Update on the war against Libya and Africa – October 1st and 3rd, 2011
    Posted: 2011/10/04
    From: Mathaba

    Roundup of news from and other independent sources along with commentary by Dennis South.

    Below compilations from Dennis South with editing from Mathaba.
    By Dennis South and Mathaba News


    The Libyan “rebels” (wrongly called “revolutionaries” by foreign hostile media networks, in an attempt to confuse people, since there is only one revolution in Libya, that of the 1st September Revolution and the revolutionary movement led my Muammar Qaddafi after relinquishing power in 1979 two years after the maturing of the self-governing Jamahiriya on 2nd March 1977) are not united.

    The “rebels” aka “tebels (terrorist rebels)”, “rats” (due to their horrific abuses and torture of civilians including cutting off of women’s breasts, cutting out of the hearts of those who said “I surrender due to your gun, but my heart is with Muammar Qaddafi” and other unspeakable “behaviour” which could not be termed human by any stretch of the imagination), are a disparate group of criminals united only by their hatred of Muammar Qaddafi, direct democracy, natural socialism, truth and justice.

    They include “royalists” which wish to bring back a reactionary “royal” dictatorship, islamist heretics who wrongly believe that Islam is dictatorship and oppression, and not consultation (shura) and justice, a few who support ‘liberal multi party indirect dictatorship under the power of private central bankers’, former corrupt officials who were under investigation for embezzlement, hired mercenaries (mostly foreign from other Arab countries), European and American “special forces” and other foreign mercenaries.

    After the death of their leaders by Libyan Jamahiriya forces at Sirte and Bani Walid, they have no commanders who give orders for operations in those areas. Even before this, they had severe splits in recent months whereby commanders killed each other, and divided along tribal lines, and mistrust, due to the varied motivations and priorities of the “rebel” forces.

    The Libyan people are resolutely against foreign intervention and occupation, and are alert to indirect dictatorship of bankrupt alien foreign nations via the TNC.

    Now follows regional reports for the past few days, and an apology and explanation for the break of the past few days, delaying this publication.


    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    Guerrillas led by Khamis al-Kaddafi attacked rebels, at the Tripoli international Maitiga airport, with rockets. Maitiga was formerly called “Wheelus” U.S. air base, one of the largest in the world, which allowed the USA and Israel to control the entire Mediterranean, North and Central African and Middle Eastern regions prior to its eviction in 1970 by the Libyan revolution led by Muammar Qaddafi.

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    Two days ago, citizen supporters of Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya held a demonstration in Tripoli. And yesterday, Khamis al-Gaddafi delivered an ultimatum to mercenaries and their employers: Get out Tripoli [or die in Tripoli]. To show who was “in control” Khamis destroyed the offices of NATO and the CIA. Documents are captured and taken to a safe place, said the headquarters of the Resistance. These documents directly prove the participation of the United States of America in crimes against Libya.

    The inhabitants of the NATO and CIA temporary “headquarters” that were captured and destroyed by Khamis al-Gaddafi fled, with the help of the Red Cross, to the International Airport.

    The Libyan army, as reported from the field, controls the port of Tripoli, and does not allow foreign vessels, carrying weapons for the mercenaries, to come to port.

    The Libyan army destroyed a college for girls in Tripoli that was housing NATO mercenaries.

    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    Many volunteers have gone to Tripoli to fight.

    80% of Tripoli is now under the green jamahiri banner of the Jamahiriya (self-governing society of the masses).

    Fighting continued in Tajura, Suq al-Jum’ih, Abu Salim, Bab al-Aziz and Sidi-Khalifa, areas of Tripoli against occupation forces.

    Monday, 03 OCT 2011

    In Tripoli, gunfire was heard. In the battle near Bab Gargaresh the Jamahiriya militia killed 45 NATO-rebel “rats” (traitors, terrorists and hired mercenaries).

    Today is being reported as the first day since the non-stop bombing by the USA-North-American-West European air forces under the command of “NATO” that NATO aircraft did not bomb Libyan cities started on March 19th, 2011.

    The following week, Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan leader, is expected to send another message to the Libyan people, exhorting them to keep up the fight and remain steadfast.

    Dr. Yousef Shakir, a famous TV presenter for Libyan television, called on the Libyan Army, and the whole of the Libyan people, to defeat NATO forces and their henchmen, the traitors.

    Also last night, fighters of the Youth Movement of Libya raided the house of Murad Alraubi, Chairman of the Appeals Court of Tripoli, and shot him dead. Murad Alraubi had collaborated with the traitors and NATO (Euro-American) invading enemy. He had agreed to participate in court proceedings against Libyan army officers who remained loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, and who were trapped during the storm of Tripoli that took place at the end of August this year.

    The young fighters of the Youth Movement of Libya took a lot of papers from Murad Alraubi’s house. None of the other family members, besides the judge, were injured. Judge Alraubi’s house is located in the Bin Ashour, next to the consulate of Denmark. This area, according to TNC claims, is the most secure are in Tripoli.

    Bani Walid

    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    A Jamahiriya sniper killed a rebel commander, Samem Alnata. This happened during the rebels attacked on a convoy outside the city. Jamahiri forces also attacked the rebels in the Valley Bani Dinar. Libyan historic revolutionary Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi appeared on local radio with a short speech.

    The rebels lost 1,000 of their soldiers since the attempted storming of Sirte and Bani Walid. They were lost in battle and defections.

    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    Resistance Continues. Only the central region Gurtha is fully controlled by the rebels. The remaining is controlled by Jamahiri forces.

    Rebels tried to bribe the Tuareg tribes and southern tribes, but the attempt was abandoned. Green jamahiri resistance forced the rebels to flee.

    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    New reports from Southern Libya reveal that at least 15,000 Tuareg fighters have entered Sabha to defend Libya against NATO war. At least 3,000 Tuareg fighters are already present in Ghadames, the city has been liberated which has allowed Western supply routes to reopen – from Tunisia to Libya and from Algeria to Libya.


    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    The city is located in the Libyan desert, 650 km from Tripoli, close to Tunisia and Algeria. There are now Tuareg there helping Jamahiri forces.

    Khamis Qaddafi’s special forces brigade attacked destroyed several cars that were filled with rebels.

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    Following the announcement that Muammar Gaddafi was there, visiting the great mosque in the city, a rebel commander asked NATO to bomb. But NATO refused to bomb, fearing that the Tuareg would seek refuge against them, which would create a “powder keg” that would cause the Tuareg tribes to seek revenge for the bombing of a mosque, by coming to NATO countries (especially Europe).

    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    Fierce clashes occurred between between rebel groups yesterday, as covered in detail in previous reports.

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    Fierce clashes took place between gangs of mercenaries. After the death of their leaders by Jamahiriya forces at Sirte and Bani Walid, they have no commanders who give orders for operations in those areas. The division of rebels is explained under “Definitions” at the start of this report above.
    Southern Libya

    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    Southern Libya is in the hands of the Jamahiriya. People go about their business, not paying attention to the aircraft flying in the sky.

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    Southern Libya is entirely in the hands of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    Storage of NATO weapons and ammunition have been exhausted, reports indicate. As a result, the renegades have left the city to offer support to rebels in Tripoli, at the international airport. At this point, they are in the company of American, French, and British officers who had fled from the center of Tripoli when Khamis al-Gaddafi arrived there with his elite brigade. They’re expected to take the first plane out, because the situation is critical for their security.

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    Jamahiriya forces seized a NATO arsenal of weapons and ammunition. NATO mercenaries and their commanders fled to Tripoli and wait at the international airport to be flown out.


    Friday, 30 SEP 2011

    Many developments. Mustafa Abdel Jalil has not been seen and appears to have departed from Benghazi. He will not escape justice, not only for existing crimes of corruption prior to the conspiracy war but for high treason.

    As much as 50% of Benghazi is now closed to the rebels who have lost support.

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    50% of the city is now under the green flag. There are no rebels or TNC officers seen in many areas of Benghazi.

    The rebels lost 1,000 of their soldiers since the attempted storming of Sirte and Bani Walid. They were lost in battle and mass defections from their ranks.

    AL Jazeera confirms – Rebels flee Sirte

    Al Jazeera, the popular Gulf Arab dictatorship media that has lost all credibility and is credited with starting the war against Libya via deliberate misinformation wrote: “[Rebel] fighters…have been forced to regroup on the edge of Sirte, after pro-Gaddafi [resistance] halted a two-week old assault on the [Libyan leader]’s hometown.”

    This cuts down all speculation about the NATO and rebel capture of the seaport or any other part of the town which has resisted occupation after a month of siege, bombing its hospitals, food storage and super markets, and cutting the water supply and communications, in what amounts to horrific crimes against humanity

    being perpetrated by NATO, with near-total silence of the “international media”.

    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    The news channel AlArabia which is owned by Saudi and other Gulf Arab dictators and is, alongside Al-Jazeera, a disinformation tool, has finally had to acknowledge that the rebels have failed on all fronts around Sirte. The Resistance was too strong for them.

    Monday, 03 OCT 2011

    Fighting continued in Sirte. Today 40 NATO members were killed and about a hundred wounded, and about the same number were killed in Bani Walid.

    The International Committee of the Red Cross, which has been helping the terrorists, is reported to have supplied Sirte hospital with urgently needed medical assistance after the siege was finally broken.

    On saturday 1st October, a team of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was finally able to enter Sirte, which has been under siege for a month, until that siege was finally broken by the brave fighters of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    The team included a doctor and crossed overland from Misrata. It reached Ibn Sina hospital, inside Sirte, and delivered urgently needed surgical material to treat about 200 wounded people, including dressing kits, body bags, and 400 litres of fuel to run the hospital’s generator.


    Monday, 03 OCT 2011

    A gang of NATO-rebel mercenaries were encircled and killed by Libyan people’s resistance forces.

    Thirty-five (35) tanks and APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers) were destroyed by the Zintana Brigades, lead by Commander Amazigh and Commander Katara. This destruction occurred within an interval of only 5 minutes, 7 km from Tarragon (about 70 km from Tripoli).

    The sequence, accuracy, and the amount of these successes has led NATO to begin to believe that these strikes are somehow coming from the air. Yet NATO is confused and says that their radar shows nothing coming from the air. Also, there is no thermal activity, from ground-based missile launchers, observed either.

    NATO aircraft were sent out on combat missions, but were forced to return to their bases because they could not find the targets that were knocking out rat tanks. On closer examination of the remains of those vehicles, it was found that the tanks and APCs that were destroyed were undermined by French anti-tank mines. This information comes from a source in the Russian intelligence services who is engaged in monitoring the situation in Libya.

    Later, military intelligence sources discovered that a unit of Tuareg called Squad 55, led by (Farouq Hamsa Hamsa), under the Zintana Brigades, and fighting on the side of Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya, was responsible for destroying the tanks and APCs. The Tuareg due to their pure Muslim piety possess exceptional spiritual powers that can render them invisible to enemy forces.

    Three additional physical factors combined that caused the Squad 55 Tuareg unit to be unnoticed by NATO which was rendered blind, and to succeed in destroying those tanks and APCs:

    1.) Silent movement on the sand
    2.) A fine desert mist
    3.) An olive grove next to Musayei.

    The Squad 55 Tuareg unit quietly laid mines, and then slipped out into the night. After 30 minutes, they activated mines. Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi now operate in versatile mobile groups.

    Ras Lanuf

    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    Paratrooper Division (USA), knocked down in Ras Lanuf

    82nd Paratrooper Division (USA), from North Carolina, has been knocked down by Jamahiriya fighters using SAM-7 missiles, during an attempt to land. The 82nd Division had participated in combat operations in Afghanistan. The Libyan resistance is now fighting alongside the Afghan, Iraqi and Serb resistance.

    Khamis al-Gaddafi: We will win or die!
    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    This is a conversation that Khamis al-Kaddafi had with a classmate, Sergei [complete name purposely concealed],

    that had studied with him at the Frunze Military Academy. Khamis al-Gaddafi gave thanks to the people of Russia, who support the struggle of the Libyan people against the invaders.

    The new strategy of the Libyan Resistance

    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim,
    announced a new resistance strategy called “Meem Nuhn” (MN). Meem and Nuhn are the names of Arabic letters M and N respectively. Meem (the letter M) stands for “Majlis Intikali,” and refers to the so-called Transitional National Council (TNC). Nuhn (N) stands for NATO.

    MN strategy is to completely change the situation in Libya, as was done in Afghanistan. In other words, it was decided to conduct military operations everywhere and make the situation unstable for the enemy occupation forces and traitors in all regions of Libya. The goal is to break NATO plans and make it begin withdrawing its troops, leading to liberation from the Libyan land. As a result, the TNC will have to stand alone, face to face, one on one, with the Libyan people, which will allow the Libyan Jamahiri Resistance to smash the rebels within one month, Insha Allah (God Willing). Through this strategy, Libya may be freed from NATO and the traitors.

    “Recent events have shown us that the TNC is powerless to even enter into such cities as Bani Walid and Sirte, after many weeks of siege”.

    Dr Moussa Ibrahim points out that the invasion of Tripoli was made possible by NATO troops. That is why, said Moussa Ibrahim, the TNC begs NATO to stay in Libya.

    Recall that on 1 October Libyan combat troops attacked three airports: Tripoli, Benghazi and Misrata. They shot down two British Apache helicopters in two days. And, most importantly, NATO people failed to paralyze the system operational linkages between the Libyan army combat units operating in different parts of the country.

    ALL OF LIBYA resists invaders

    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    South Libya remains 97% under Jamahiriya control. When rebels and mercenaries left a village, where they had hung the flag of the monarchy, that flag was taken down and the Green Flag was raised. NATO air strikes have weakened, which allows for defensive operations.

    The Berber tribes of Zintan signed an agreement with neighboring tribes to fight the hordes of NATO and the TNC.

    NATO and the TNC tried to open an office in Gariyane, but it was immediately burnt down by Libyan patriots, who cannot tolerate traitors amongst Libyans. Apparently, this office was destroyed by the forces of the national Libyan Resistance.

    Mathaba Commentary
    Libya, Africa and the World

    Mathaba which has accurately predicted NATO failures, that Qaddafi would never leave Libya, that he would survive all attacks, and that this will be the war to end all wars, has some further predictions: the white racist arrogance and kleptomania of the Amero-Euro capitalists, will prevent them from cessation of hostilities and aggression against Africa, as they will not submit to fair and independent trials for Crimes Against Humanity. This prediction is not a die-cast such as the previously mentioned predictions, based on sound analysis and exceptional sources, but is based on probability.

    However, a definite prediction that does not depend upon NATO actions, but which NATO can greatly assist by dropping nuclear bombs on Africa, is the following:

    The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya will be transformed in its jurisdiction, to include the entire Sahal-Sahara region, resulting in an African Muslim Jamahiriya by whatever name it will adopt. It will cover the entire region along with much of the territories of Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.

    Already, the Khartoum-based genocidal dictatorship of the “Government of Sudan” which has public face male impotent prostitute Omar Bashir as its face, with Ali Osman Mohammed Taha the real power giving it up the rear end, is severely weakened, and is collapsing into chaos, with rebels loyal to the African Muslim hero Muammar Qaddafi and his advisers, controlling most of Sudan.

    At the world level, Africa will exert is rights and responsibilities, and a Universal Jamahiriya absolutely must and will result, if the world is to survive the criminals.

    Governments, including the “powerful” such as Russia, China and India, have recognized the terrorists, even though they control at most 5% of the territory of Libya, and less than 1% of the population of Libya (in terms of hearts, brains and souls). They have thus set the cat out of the bag, with the danger of future recognition by democratic regimes world wide, of alternatives to their governments. The power of media disinformation and the failure of states to trust accurate sources and be advised by those who have the best information, Mathaba, Qaddafi, IPCO, and others, has already resulted in much chaos and the setting of dangerous precedents.

    China in particular has a large interest in Africa, which can effectively be replaced by India, at the wishes of powerful forces in Africa, not least the African King of Kings. China has become dependent upon global capitalism, with the result of great instability at home, and mounting resistance in Africa, especially within the Sahel-Sahara region. India on the other hand, stands to benefit from the transfer of experience to Africa, and the supply of resources in return, depending upon developments over the coming months.

    Other Commentary
    [With additional commentaries by Dennis South]

    brother leader Gadhafi
    Allain Jules, on October 1. NEWS FROM THE FRONT – TNC in FEAR!
    Saturday, 01 OCT 2011

    NATO’s nose is stuck so deep in his own shit [sic], that it becomes impossible to it to continue its genocidal quest for plunder of Libyan resources. It certainly is not love for Gaddafi that’s causing these calls for peace from Libya’s enemies. The truth is that the rebel-traitors feel cheated because NATO has been unsuccessful in killing Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi. In addition, support for Gaddafi by the citizens of Libya has grown even more.
    Two days ago in Tripoli there were demonstrations in support of Gaddafi. Bounty hunters from the TNC, who are still trying to find Gaddafi, do not know where to turn. Khamis al-Gaddafi, a man with nine lives, issued the rebels an ultimatum: leave Tripoli as live men, or stay in Tripoli as dead men. Khamis’s troops first captured the offices of NATO and the CIA before moving to the offices of the TNC.
    Allai Jules rep
    Allain Jules: Front summary of October 2
    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    Victories are multiplying in Libya. The Green Flag is gradually becoming predominant. It never ceased to be so, but this flag has never been so clear in the eyes of NATO members, who believe themselves to be up against the wall. The Green Flag continues to soar. Moussa Ibrahim dismissed the rumors of his capture, showing that he is in a safe place, somewhere in Libya. It was announced that Colonel Gaddafi will make a statement next week.

    At the periphery, at a place called Bab Gargaresh, more than 45 insurgents have been eliminated. Tarhouna, forces led by Khamis al-Qadhafi pursued the rebels and tried to free blacks from the prison of Benghazi. In Bani Walid, the Patriots have eliminated the resistance of 40 rebels.

    For the first time NATO did not bomb civilians in Libya. Unique, but their site says nothing about the situation in Libya. Last updated: September 30. Is this a sign?

    Therefore we can conclude by saying that now the NATO-rebels are afraid to move because the danger lurks everywhere. On the other hand, supporters of the Patriots are invisible, but they act effectively.

    NATO to end its airstrikes soon?

    NTC mouthpiece, Al Jazeera, reports that NATO leaders are to meet and review the situation in Libya next week. It is possible that they might start to wrap up the whole operation; airstrikes could, quite possibly, end, “unless specifically requested by the Libyan transitional government”.

    This is very surprising as very recently the operation has been extended for 90 days and NATO with NTC have only secured a small part of Libyan oil (mostly offshore oil rigs). This might be caused by recent the recent failures of NATO and the rebels: inability to conquer Sirte, riots in Benghazi, failure to protect Ghadames [rebels], capturing of CIA documents in Tripoli by Khamis Brigade, un-confirmed losses of three ships patroling Libya waters throughout last weeks and more. The money invested in the NATO operation is not bringing the quick return that NATO governments expected, and most of the governments of the NATO alliance cannot afford such expense.

    Depending on the interpretation of “airstrikes on demand,” this development could might mean a quick end to the NTC.

    Update on above:

    The above information is now confirmed in this report.

    As you can see, NATO is boasting that they have brought the TNC to the point where they can take care of themselves, and that is the reason that NATO says that its bombing will likely come to an end. But, we have never been able to believe a single word that NATO and the TNC have said.

    So, my sense is that the truth is that NATO is preparing to let the TNC hang out to dry, and that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya have effectively won this war. May God bless them, and may it soon prove to be true.

    The decision to cease air operations in Libya will be taken on October 6 at a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels. This was reported to ITAR-TASS by a senior source at the headquarters of the alliance.

    Asked about the future of al-Gaddafi, the source noted that “the alliance never was intended to hunt for some individuals.” [NOTE: That is absolute GARBAGE! They view him as the “key” to taking Libya. The truth is Gaddafi is in the hearts of the Libyan people, so they can never destroy him. That means that even if they had killed Gaddafi, he would still be here, in the hearts of the Libyans, and NATO would still be defeated].

    Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron are followed by the words of African thinkers: “The truth, as the buttocks, you have to sit on it.” In other words: You are the prisoners of your own lies, and therefore it is necessary to change tactics.” [NOTE: More simply said: “Like it or not, you’re going to have to accept the truth, and leave Libya].

    Senior NATO officers are expressing “fear of Nuremberg” in Libya. It seems that these NATO officers are “concerned” that the unnecessary civilian casualties, as well as the unnecessary destruction of civilian dwellings, will raise the issue of the personal responsibility of those who gave these orders, and that they will be punished in accordance with the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

    One reason for this fear is that the evidence against NATO is massive: reports, films, photos and living witnesses.

    It is time to win
    Sunday, 02 OCT 2011

    The time is coming when NATO will have to leave Libya and the rats will panic and be defeated.

    Soon, Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi, and the Libyan Jamahiriya, will write or leave a voice message to the people of Libya detailing the strategy to be used in the initial stages of a post-NATO Libya. Here is an outline, received from a source:

    1. First of all the volunteers of the tribes that will clean Libyan towns and villages of rats will kill them only if they attempt to fight the volunteers [NOTE: This seems to suggest that the rats will be asked to surrender, and to give up their weapons]. Prisoners will be respected, and they will be released within a short period of time. The volunteers will not commit any crime against the rats. We the Libyan people are not like the rats that disgraced the name “Muslim,” and cooperated with the enemies and the crusaders.

    2. The women that come from a rat family, or are rats themselves, must not be harmed, and they must be respected with regards to their honor [NOTE: no raping or any other sexual abuse].

    3. The moujaheeds [Jamahiriya fighters], while cleansing the cities and villages, should respect the property of the people and also protect any public infrastructure that belongs to the Libyan people as a whole.

    4. No violation of human rights

    or anything that can justify any further foreign interference [that is, used by foreigners as an excuse to effect their own selfish designs in Libya] will be accepted.

    5. Also, in order to prevent the tribal unity in Libya from being broken, there will be a statement of unity that will be made, and all of the tribes, no matter what their stance was during the foreign intervention, will be called to sign it. Signing this statement of unity will be the last opportunity for those tribes that contained traitors to clarify their position and admit any mistake that they have made.

    The first tribes that will sign this statement will be the Warfalla Tribe of Bani Walid, the Touareg tribe, and the tribes of Sirte.

    Notice to administrator of this page: We hope that our members will spread the news about the above, 5-point plan by posting it in their profile or page and everywhere so that, in the future, hopefully, the rats will not be able to tell lies about being mistreated.

    News from other sources:
    Summary of NSBNC, October 1st (No Spin News By Christof Lehmann)

    (For full report, click here: )

    NOTE: Some caution should be used with that source (see the profile page), only credible reports are summarized below:

    1. 80% of Tripoli, the capital of the Libyan Jamahiriya, is now under the control, of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya, and the Green Flag flies over those areas.

    2. NATO losing battle on the ground

    3. NATO dropped flyers over Bani-Walid, telling citizens to leave, or be considered military targets. [No nukes, we hope!]

    4. The siege of Bani Walid and Sirte is broke [confirmed]

    5. The resistance inside Bani Walid and Sirte established contact with the military, Tribal and Volunteer Forces that came to their relief.

    6. Heavy fighting erupted around Green Square, in Tripoli

    7. NATO ammunition depot in Tripoli seized by Jamahiriya forces

    8. Heavy fighting at Tripoli’s military airport

    9. Heavy fighting at Mitiga airport

    10. Tribal militia from Zintan secured several banks in Tripoli and began refunding money that had been seized by the TNC

    11. Zintan militia stormed prisons: liberated numerous PoW’s that had been captured during the last months of fighting

    12. Majority of TNC members [90%] have resigned from the TNC. The TNC (Transitional National Council) is the so-called “government” of the counter-revolutionary rebel traitors.

    NSNBC (No Spin News By Christof) update, October 2nd, 2011:

    This is a summary, but the reader should read the entire report.

    (NSBNC’s sources have been accurate on numerous occasions)

    1. NSNBC source says NATO has expanded its war inside Algeria. The French Ambassador to Algeria, Xavier Driencourt, and his family, are preparing for an emergency evacuation.

    (NOTE: Those of you who have been reading my posts and articles will recall that quite a few weeks ago I stated, in a lengthy article, that Algeria should very quickly form a political alliance with the Libyan Jamahiriya, secretly, in order to have combined strength against NATO, and, more importantly, to unify as one nation as the first step in the eventual creation of the Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya. I had emphasized that the moves should be made quickly. It was not necessary for me to be an expert geo-political analyst to realize what would happen next. I can only hope that Algeria finally wakes up. Please read Dr. Lehmann’s entire article

    about NATO operations in Algeria.

    2. Last night the paratrooper detachment came under heavy attack and received heavy casualties. A C-130 Hercules transport and paratrooper plane was destroyed on the ground [NOTE: This confirms report from Libyan Free Press–see above]

    3. NATO operations in Algeria are expected to meet as fierce a resistance from Tuareg tribes there as the resistance of Tuareg Tribes in Libya.

    4. The siege of Sirte was broken yesterday. This confirms earlier reports. NATO and TNC forces in Bani Walid are in retreat.

    5. There are confirmed reports of heavy infighting between TNC forces in Misurata and Bengazi with numerous casualties.

    6. According to a reliable source an attempt to assassinate Abdelhakim Belhadj, which was predicted by nsnbc a while ago, was spoiled in the last minute

    7. Abdelhakim Belhadj, the Al-Qaeda commander who has temporary control of a small part of Tripoli, stated that he will not take orders from anyone. He says that the TNC is in utter chaos, and, as such, it is in no position to order him. This statement by Belhadg confirms earlier reports about the chaos within the TNC

    NSNBC report October 3rd, 2011:

    Here is a summary of news from Dr. Christoff Lehmann’s NSNBC. The reader should, of course, read Dr. Lehmann’s entire report,

    not just the summary below. These news items are not necessarily presented in any particular order, except that it is very current news, representing events that occurred yesterday and today.

    1. According to reliable sources, a series of secret meetings between tribal leaders from Zintan, Libya and Algeria resulted tonight in an agreement that a unified front of tribal militia will enter the war which they call “The War for the Liberation of Northern Africa”. According to the same sources this alliance of tribes is backed by a unified North African Front, including Moroccan Tribes.

    [NOTE: Regular readers will recall previous articles in which I expressed my vision (and that’s all it is–just my vision, not a worked-out plan, as I am incapable of creating such plans) of what I called, The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya. I also predicted that it would be “impossible” for Algeria to not take a stance–one way or another–on Libya. Obviously, as Dr. Lehmann has reported, some of the tribes of North Africa have decided not to wait for the Algerian government to wake up and understand how serious the European and northern countries are in their plans to take over Africa, starting with North Africa. I had stated my opinion that no North African country could be safe unless they all joined together to form a union of North African States. It was just an opinion. It appears that NATO, in its Libyan folly, may have succeeded in waking up a sleeping giant. Only time will tell what the future holds].

    2. 95% of Southern Libya is under the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    3. Derna: TNC fighters fled Derna taking heavy casualties when being heavily pursued by Libyan Military, Tribal and Popular Resistance forces.

    4. 50% of Al-Baida is liberated. [ claims 60%]

    5. 50% of Benghazi is liberated, especially after heavy house-to-house, room-to-room fighting at 6:00 this morning.

    6. In Zawiah, the Green Flag is hoisted over a liberated city.

    7. Representatives of the citizens of Zlitan met with representatives of the local TNC, as well as NATO mercenaries. They told them that if they had not left Zlitan by Friday, they would be kicked out by the citizens.

    Nicholas Sologubovsky

    Sunday, 03 OCT 2011

    free Libya

    About Dennis South
    I have been serving, for 43 years, the cause of helping to create a new, balanced and peaceful world.
    View all posts by Dennis South →

    NOTE: We apologize for this lateness, as we had neglected duties in favor of assisting a party who have said they are working for peace and who were requested by the leadership to assist Mathaba which in turn volunteered to assist them also in their mission. The coming hours and days will determine if this support is forthcoming and the relationship would be mutually beneficial as is hoped for and would continue. Meantime we urge you do subscribe or donate to help us to remain independent of financial stress and with more time to be doing our central work without reliance upon potentially unreliable third parties.

  55. GAIL MacLean writes:

    “NATO’s and Cameron’s legacy in Libya is horrific. The numerous war crimes have been well documented, rendering Cameron, Hague, Fox and their counterparts in France and the USA liable for prosecution for war crimes – the case is being drawn up as this article goes to press.” IF THEY DON’T STOP SOON, I THINK THEY WILL BE LUCKY TO STAY ALIVE, SINCE THEY HAVE SET THE PRECEDENT – ANYTHING GOES!

  56. Wadii Hadad:
    This a great operation of the valiant libyan resistance : burning the Military Council for criminal gangs in the city of Gheryan three days ago.
    Viva the courageous resistance of honest Libyan people. Viva the sacrifices of the cubs of Great Green Revolution who wrote and are writting with their blood some of the most beautiful pages of glory and pride in the history of Libya and the Arabs and Muslims.

  57. ‘No solid leadership in Libya’
    permalink email story to a friend print version
    Published: 04 October, 2011, 03:45

    Patrick Henningsen, a managing editor of “the 21st Century Wire news site”, believes that the interim government (NTC) of Libya will stay on long after it will seem to everyone to be time for “democratic elections”.

    Henningsen says there is a huge power struggle within the Transitional National Council.
    “These rebels are basically fighting for whatever piece of the pie they can get,” he said. “They do not know for how long they are going to be in power. So they are trying to solidify their own personal interests, while they have not even won the war yet.”

    “What they are doing with Sirte is much like it was with Fallujah [in Iraq] – they are trying to empty the city, so that there is only a military presence left, now ‘insurgent’ presence,” he said. “And then they are going to carpet bomb it or just shell it for a week or two, until there is nothing left but a pile of dust.”

    “Essentially, NATO has given air cover and military cover to a rebel faction that was not chosen or elected by the people,” he said. “They don’t have a mandate. What we will have, I think, is protracted power struggle. There, the West is just carving up Libya, and the only stability it is really interested in, is if it is stable enough for Western companies to come in and sign profitable contracts….”

  58. On Venezuela’s Nationalisation and Repatiotisation of its Gold:

    19/08/ 2011
    Dennis South1 1 month ago writes:

    Mathaba predicted this just a day or so agao. I’m looking for that Mathaba article, but can’t find it. Mathaba said that it was perfect certain that the theft of $150 billion from Libya would NOT be a plus for the northern countries, but a BIG MINUS. Mathaba said that this is because that theft would be seen by the entire world. And governments would WAKE UP and start pulling money out of northern imperialist banks.

    Now, I just HAVE to say this. I have never understood economics. But, in my 1969 revolutionary group, whose members were 18, 19, and 20 years old, we used to ask yourselves what WE thought was a very simple question: “Why the hell does the Third World put its money in white folks’ banks?”

    Pardon the racialism. But, that’s how we talked. Today, the better expression would be, “Why the hell does the Third World put its money in the banks of the imperialist countries.”

    I have NEVER understood that, even though I don’t understand high-level economics. Now, I see that us 19-year-olds WERE RIGHT! Ha!!

    God, I just hope that Chavez HURRIES UP and gets his dough back QUICK. It is excellent that he intends to nationalize the gold industry!! He should nationalize EVERYTHING! Well, one thing for certain, and this is ANOTHER thi8ng that we used to discuss, as young men and women, at 555 East 75th Street in Chicago, within The Afro-American New Society, our organization:

    Why would a country allow its NATURAL RESOURCES, such as coal, iron, oil, etc., be virtually taken over by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS? We used to see, “What kind of CRAZY is that!”

    You don’t DO that. There must be some way, if its necessary, to involve private corporations, that have heavy equipment, etc., and wish to do business selling natural resources. But, personally, NOT IN MY COUNTRY!

    The pure capitalist model privatizes EVERYTHING. But the socialist model is for the people.

    Look what’s happening in Libya now. I read yesterday that the Jamahiriya STRONGLY warned vendors in Libya to NOT raise their prices too high so as to gouge the Libyan citizens, during this crises. Prices ARE higher, and I guess that’s understandable. But the Jamahiriya stepped in.

    Why? Because WHY on EARTH should someone who sells vegetables seek to MAINTAIN his income, or increase it, during a crises? Yes, maybe food is scarce. But if so, then the ENTIRE SOCIETY has to adjust! You’re in a situation where you should NOT be thinking that you’re STILL going to be able to drive your Mercedes. Oh no! It’s time to sacrifice along with everybody else!

    When the tribes held their press conference in which they gave a report on the war, as well as reaffirmed their loyalty to Gaddafi, one of the leaders of a tribe said that his tribe had offered another tribe, who was suffering from lack of food, to come and eat with them. THAT’S the way!

    But in the capitalist West, the corporations and companies EXPECT that they should STILL receive the same profits, AND EVEN MORE. This system has to be destroyed.

    I REPEAT: You don’t allow your natural resources to be virtually totally controlled by private corporations. Perhaps corporations can purchase those natural resources from the government, maybe at some decent prices, and then use those resources to manufacture products for sale. But for corporations to OWN land that has iron ore deposits, that has always seemed absolutely ridiculous to me.

  59. Morris Herman :
    Libya Observer’s Video Update: Reported at 12:00 noon, October 4th, Libya time.

    Tripoli: NATO helicopters struck many parts of Tripoli. Rebels suffered many casualties and injured fighters. Rebels confirm that their hospitals in Tripoli are filled with injured rebels. Many callers from Tripoli say that rebel presence is only at highways, and that most of Tripoli is under the control of Green Resistance, meaning the armed people of Libya who are defending their Jamahiriya.

    The rebels only travel on the highways in large numbers of 1,000, and then return to port after looting, or clashing with the Green Resistance. They fear the dense neighborhoods and inner streets. The Green Resistance has attacked all the checkpoints of the NTC rebe-rats. They have fled, and no longer make check points, especially at night, as they fear ambushes.

    Currently in Tripoli, there is heavy fighting in Abu Saleem and Alsreem and Dahra and Bab al Aziziya, and there is also fighting in the outskirts of Tripoli and the Janzour area. There are reports that the NTC representative and Al-Qaeda third in command of the Abdel Hakim Bel Haj brigade have been killed in an RPG attack on their vehicle.

    A caller from Tripoli says that his Green Resistance group has killed 50 rebels and captured large amounts of weapons and 4 rebel pickup trucks in two days of fighting.

    Bani Walid: The civilian city of Bani Walid has been constantly bombed by NATO airstrikes and helicopters. Green Resistance is covering a large distance to fight the rebels as they hunt for remaining rebels around their area. The Green Resistance of Bani Walid has fought a major battle with rebels and defeated them. Fifty (50) rebels and a NTC rebel commander have surrendered. The Green Resistance of Bani Walid has made much progress, and has pushed rebels away from their entire area.

    Sebha: The NTC rebels have fled away from the outskirts of Sebha after fierce battles. Green Resistance has won another battle in the south of Libya. But NATO carpet bombing of this civilian city continues.

    Sirte: The people of Sirte remain there in large numbers. Of the 180,000 civilians in the city, only 200 civilians left the city, but they were shot at by NTC rebels, and looted. Red Cross supply trucks were burnt and looted as well. Green Resistance defeated the NTC rebels on the Eastern Front. The rebels never entered into Abu Hadi. The NTC rebels were defeated at the outskirts of Sirte. Many of their weapons were captured, and hundreds of NTC rebels were killed.

    Benghazi: Many callers from Benghazi have called and said that Gaddafi is the new Omar Mukhtar, the “Lion of the Desert.” These callers asked everyone not to believe the mass media. They said that the majority of the people of Benghazi support Gaddafi and the Green Resistance.

    Callers from Benghazi said that the NTC rebels have no real support, and remain in the hotels guarded by foreign mercenaries. Constant clashes are heard across the city. This is confirmed by many sources. Furthermore, many people are being jailed and tortured. The Green Resistance in East Libya is growing as more people want the unity of all Libyans, and not the sectarianism of the NTC rebels. There have been large explosions across Benghazi as the Tribe of Obeidi are seeking revenge against Al-Qaeda for the killing of Abdel Fatah Younis which was carried out in a very sadistic manner months earlier.

    NTC news: NTC rebels have changed their “cabinet”, and Mustafa Abdel Jalil has demoted Mahmoud Jibril as second in command, making him, instead, “Foreign minister”. Officially, NTC rebels have become a single dictatorship system, but without control over the rebel brigades of Al-Qaeda.

    Abdel Hakim Bel Hadjj, the Al-Qaeda (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group) commander, has declared that all other rebel brigades must disarm as he declares himself the only brigade leader of Tripoli. This is a 100% explosive decision that will lead to infighting and chaos among rebel brigades. The NTC representative was captured in Ajelat and the convoy that he traveled with was destroyed as resistance grows among even the small towns.

    Misrata: Clashes between the rebel brigades continues in the city center. As many as 100 civilians have died and entire hospitals of Misrata are filled with rebel fighters from the Sirte front-line and from Misrata clashes. The rebels refused to hold talks to mediate the fighting, as more apartments and buildings are destroyed by reckless use of RPG rockets and pickup trucks with Anti-Aircraft guns in neighborhoods.

    East Libya: In the town of Derna the Green Resistance has captured the food supply from the rebels and killed dozens of rebels attempting to pass their area. Heavy fighting at the center of El-Baida as grieving families discover their sons have been all executed by NTC rebels, whom they used to support. Anger amongst the tribes of El-Baida has reached a breaking point when NTC announced mass graves near the city.

    Tobruk: The city of Tobruk continues its clashes with NTC rebels outside their city. The rebels did enter some neighborhoods, but the Green jamahiri Resistance people of Tobruk continue street-fighting

    Genet Tadesse
    Update news Libya: Tarhunah Jihad, tribes join resistance ,from Arabic (edting mine G.T.) via Nani Howidi ………… Tarhunah Jihad Alojaddaد sons Trying to broadcast sedition to honest Tarhunah and want them to join them,.. may have done a concert in the city of Tarhunah striving for betrayal of citzens of Libya , at the same time NATO and its agents,bombarded the city and Rafla neighbor with all types of missiles, Maathar gloriously sons Tarhunah and salute them pride again, where has notified us our source from the heart of Tarhunah that thousands headed for a clash with their brothers in Bani WalidNot not only that, but they will Balatvav (resist mercenaries from both within the city of Tarhunah and the source told me that they will not allow it on the record that we and the sons of Bani Walid will be a mark disgrace in the history of Tarhunah. Mujahid will be removed from the new struggle of our forefathers in the brotherly and will secure the return of Tripoli, and not just to defend Bani Walid but will show to the world that Tarhunah that did not betray the Covenant and the trio will join the resistance. God is the greatest aggressor over NATO!

    Update News Libya: This is Libya…Viva.. Elimination of the famous 82nd Airborne Division of USA Army from North Carolina between Sirte and BREGA by the Libyan Army and the Armed people, they attempted to encircle the oil depots at the al-BREGA Seaport and Sirte. Now the entire airplane and personnel are in flames.

  60. Grandpapa Gadhafi
    Grandpapa Gadhafi:

    Muammar al Gaddafi wrote last April:

    I will not die, but if it is necessary to obtain this land for my people, thousands of people who are my children, then it should be.
    Let this be my testimony before the world.
    Know that my vision, my path became clear to my people. Knows that I fight till my last breath to preserve our freedom.Allah the Almighty will help us to remain free and fair.!!!!!_
    40 years, or even more, I do not remember exactly, I did everything I could to give people homes, hospitals, schools, and if they were hungry, I eat them.
    I turned in the desert around Benghazi in agricultural areas. I was under the bombs cowboy Reagan when he killed my foster daughter. He tried to kill me, but he killed that poor innocent child. Then I began to brothers and sisters from Africa with the money for the African Union to help.I did my best to give people the concept of real democracy, by extending the popular committees throughout the country.But it was never enough: some people have told me (including those who had ten houses, new furniture and clothing), their self-esteem is not satisfied, and that they wanted more. They said the Americans and other foreigners, they need to “democracy” and “freedom”, not realizing that this neck of the system where the biggest dog ate the restThey were fascinated by these words, not knowing that in America there is no free drugs, free from any hospital or free housing, no free education, no free meals, except when people beg or stand in long queues to the soup . getWhatever I did, it was never enough for some. But others know that I am the son of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser was the only real Arab and Muslim leader, when he heard the Suez Canal to the people who ruled it was like, Salah al-Din. I’ve tried to follow in his footsteps if they held down, that Libya is one of my people. I did it for free to save my people from colonial rule – from the thieves who robbed all of us.Well, I’m attacked by a large force in military history, will my little son in Africa, Obama to kill me the freedom to take away our land to our people of my free housing market, our free health care to deprive free education for our, our free food and replace it with American style of robbery under the name “capitalism”. But each of us in the Third World, what that means.
    This means that the companies are legal in the country, ruled the world and people suffer.Have so, I have no other choice, I must take my place, and if Allah wills, I will die, since his path, a path that our country has well-fed rich fields, and healthy, and also allows us our African and Arab brothers and sisters help to give them a job here in Libya.
    I will not die, but if it is necessary to obtain this land is my people, thousands of people who are my children, then it should be.
    Let this be my testimony before the world. What I like a lighthouse was under the attacks of the Crusaders NATO was under the blows of violence, was under the blows of treason, was against the West and its colonial claims are, together with their African brothers, my true Arab and Muslim brothers.If other castles built, I lived in a modest house or a tent. I’ve never forgotten my youth in Sirte, I’m not squandering our national treasure. And, like Salah al-Din, our great leader of Muslims who saved Jerusalem for Islam, I just took a bit for me …In the West, some call me “crazy”, “crazy”, but they knew the truth, even they lie still. You know that our country is independent and free, and not under colonial occupation. Know that my vision, my path became clear to my people. Knows that I fight till my last breath to preserve our freedom.Allah the Almighty will help us to remain free and fair.!!!!!_

    Genet Tadesse

    Muammar is setting the bar right now for all peoples of the world to pay attention,just what it means to want to be Free. Spread this amazing Man’s message everywhere you go…that takes courage and time, but it is indeed our duty to do so…let us make it happen!

  61. NATO loses

    Nada Marcetic Pejnovic writes:

    On 15-th February NATO began its invasion to Libya , on 19-th March they began bombing and naval blockade , today it’s already 4-th October , Libya is still fighting against all capitalistic world and will be fighting it in the future, small part of Libya occupied by rats from NATO, Al-Kaeda and some Arabic countries. Occupants committed crimes which we can compare with crimes of NAZI, they made a new Holocaust for black people in Libya, I think we will never forget their crimes.

    Now NATO is trying to force us to forget about their crimes and they are trying to ascribe their own crimes to Gheddafi’s followers. Now at this turning point, NATO wants to bring in the occupation forces. The people who were trying to look like your friends until this day, now they have changed their views under pressure. Now they are the most dangerous, they’re like worms trying to destroy our work from the inside. Don’t forget about NATO and Al-Qaeda crimes and don’t forget about our work, we must continue our Resistance….

    Spread the text, please…

  62. Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and his family in Tripoli:
    At the end of this video, he tells how rebel groups, at vie with one another, did to his house, his cars and his family !

    This explains why al-Megrahi cannot get the medicine he so desperately needs, which has kept him alive; but now he will die anytime without his mediations.

  63. Partial reasoning for British involvement (not even the part of the old Libyan Monarchy residing in London with years-on plan for a return of that monarchy drawn up with the Britisn monarchy and service):


    British SF captured, and since the beginning, even before this late February incident, the Brits were there causing trouble:

    10 NOV 2010:


    The real truth:

    OBAMA’s constant lying and twists of truth. (APRIL 2011)


    Our true hero and MUJJADID:

  64. Civilians under NATO bombing – Bani Walid eyewitness
    Posted: 2011/10/05
    From: Source

    Civilians fleeing Bani Walid and Sirte say these two Libyan cities fighting off the NATO-rebels are turning into a trap. The eyewitnesses told of no food, no medical aid — and no care for civilians.

    fleeing civilians

    Sirte is under random bombardment by the NATO-led NTC forces, a woman who asked that she be identified as Selma told Russia Today (RT) on Tuesday. Just a day ago, Selma fled from Bani Walid, one of the many cities which refuse to stop supporting their leader Muammar Gaddafi and keep fighting the rebel terrorists. She says a mere declaration of loyalty to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi could cost your life there.

    “Two guys from the rebels attacked the home of a colonel,” Selma told RT by phone from the capital Tripoli. “A man – he is a colonel – he worked with the Libyan forces. They attacked his house and they killed the man in front of his sons’ eyes, just because he supported Colonel Gaddafi. Any house that the Libyan green flag – they just bomb it.”

    “There’s tragedy in Bani Walid: the people are suffering, there is no food, there is no water,” she added. “In Sirte, there is another tragedy as well. They actually attack the city randomly. They say, ‘We cannot enter Sirte, because there are civilians and we don’t want to attack civilians.’ It is not true, they are attacking, bombing civilians randomly. They don’t care, all they care about is that Sirte is [what they call] ‘liberated.’”

    Another eyewitness from Bani Walid, who asked to be identified only as Ransi, escaped to Tripoli three days ago. The man says NATO has been bombing the city indiscriminately.

    “It is very dangerous,” Ransi said by phone. “NATO won’t stop bombing the area. At the beginning, they were bombing only the military [targets], but now they are not choosing between the military and civilians. People are suffering from food and water [shortages]… When I was leaving, water started to come back, but the food was still missing. There are too many people who have been killed. They don’t care about civilians.”

    Thousands of civilians trapped in Sirte

    Meanwhile, Libyan leader Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte, has come under resumed fire by the NATO-rebels even though they had promised a the two-day lull in fighting meant to give civilians time to leave the besieged city.

    Hundreds of civilians have managed to leave the place, dubbed as being a humanitarian disaster zone, but reports suggest that thousands remain inside, too scared to leave their homes.

    “There is no food, no water, no power. Some are trapped because there is no fuel, others are trapped because of the militias,” an eyewitness told Reuters. “The people who are trapped inside are in danger. There is random shelling everywhere.”

    The Red Cross mission was forced to leave Gaddafi’s hometown together with the fleeing refugees after less than 48 hours inside. A new Red Cross convoy that tried to deliver aid supplies to Sirte on Monday had to turn back due to the rebel forces resuming fire.

    Those rebel forces have pulled in more artillery in an attempt to break the resistance of the brave people of Sirte.

    On Monday the NATO-rebels found many green flags flying from most of the buildings in the Sirte district of Bouhadi.

    Author and journalist Afshin Rattansi told RT that the current picture in Libya is disturbing, as the talk there is not about the future of the country and its people, but about oil.

    “I think some people already have their eyes on the bigger prize,” he said. “Of course, Libya’s oil – and certainly Jalil and Jibril, these two people on the Transitional Council are already saying that they intend to move on, both of them big advocates for privatization – that really is what it seems to be about. What is important here is the oil, and where the oil contracts go.”

    Mathaba Editing of Russia Today article.

  65. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    The mother of all battles for Libya has started.
    Sirte battle has started last night around 2 am

    The steadfast of Sirte and the courageous tribes will suprize the world.


    NATO Assault on Sirte Inflicts More Libyan Civilian Casualties
    by Patrick O’Connor
    04 OCT. 2011

    The coastal Libyan city of Sirte is under ferocious bombardment from NATO in the air, and militia fighters aligned with the National Transitional Council (NTC) on the ground. Tens of thousands of civilians remain trapped in the area, and are being subjected to indiscriminate rocket, mortar and missile attacks. The military operation has also involved a prolonged blockade—denying residents access to basic supplies, including food, water, medicine and fuel—that has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis.

    Numerous reports have emerged from civilians who have managed to flee Sirte in recent days about NATO bombs destroying homes and other civilian buildings and infrastructure.

    Ashiq Hussein, an immigrant Pakistani electrician who escaped with 11 of his family members, told AFP: “NATO struck one big building, Imarat Tamim, two days ago, with 12 or 13 bombs. The whole building with nearly 600 flats is razed to the ground now… Two of my neighbours died yesterday in a NATO bomb which hit their home. Maybe they have information that on rooftops there were Gaddafi men… But a lot of civilian buildings were getting hit. Also the incoming shells from NTC forces were hitting civilian homes.”

    NATO war planes are conducting continual operations in the air above Sirte, carrying out reconnaissance and bombing operations and also dropping leaflets demanding that civilians leave the city and pro-Gaddafi fighters surrender. According to official figures released in Brussels, 78 strike sorties were carried out last Saturday and Sunday, with all but two of the confirmed “key hits” occurring in Sirte.

    The American, British and French governments spearheading the bombardment are guilty of war crimes. What is unfolding in Sirte has again put paid to the “humanitarian” pretext for the regime change campaign in Libya that was driven by the predatory economic and geo-strategic calculations of the US and European powers. NATO figures now make little pretence that their operation has anything to do with “saving lives” in Libya. The people of Sirte are being subjected to a collective punishment for their hostility toward NATO and the NTC, with the brutal military operation serving as a warning to people throughout Libya and the region against any resistance to the agenda being advanced by Washington, London and Paris.

    Around 100,000 people live in Sirte, located about halfway between the Libyan capital of Tripoli and the eastern city of Benghazi. It remains unclear how many are left, but the number is certainly in the tens of thousands. The situation there is already critical. The population has not had access to running water and a regular electricity supply since August. Child malnutrition has been reported and there are increasing incidents of sanitation-related diseases, including diarrhoea.

    Dr Siraj Assouri, who was in Sirte last weekend, told the Guardian that basic medical supplies had run out and people were resorting to drinking contaminated water to survive. “There is no medicine for heart disease or blood pressure, or baby milk or nappies,” he explained. “There is very little water that is drinkable. The water is contaminated with waste oil.”

    Reuters interviewed Al-Sadiq, who said he had run the dialysis unit at Sirte’s main hospital. He explained: “Doctors start operating, then the power goes. They have a few litres of fuel for the generators, then the lights go out when they operate. I saw a child of 14 die on the operating table because the power went out during the operation.”

    Mohammed Shnaq, a biochemist who fled the hospital on Sunday, added: “It’s a catastrophe. Patients are dying every day for need of oxygen.”

    NTC gunmen enforcing the siege of Sirte have deliberately created the humanitarian crisis by refusing to allow supplies into the city. A group of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) workers entered Sirte on Saturday to deliver body bags and war wounded kits, but was unable to enter the hospital because it came under fire from the NTC.

    ICRC team leader Hichem Khadhraoui told AFP: “Several rockets landed within the hospital buildings while we were there. We saw a lot of indiscriminate fire. I don’t know where it was coming from.” Khadhraoui added that his team members “were surprised” by the attack, because they had “contacted all parties to say we were going in.”

    The incident appears to have been another premeditated war crime carried out by NTC forces. Al Jazeera reported that “NTC fighters are unhappy with the ICRC for delivering supplies to the town rather than evacuating wounded people and searching for disappeared residents.”

    On Saturday, NTC chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil announced a two-day “humanitarian” ceasefire, supposedly to allow more civilians to evacuate. Yet the attack on Sirte’s hospital occurred during this so-called ceasefire, while journalists on the city’s outskirts reported no let up in the militias’ indiscriminate mortar and rocket fire. On Saturday, according to AFP, two children and two adults were killed when their vehicle, which was leaving Sirte, was hit by a rocket, apparently fired by NTC militia. The children “were torn to pieces,” Dr Ahmed Abu Oud, a field medic on the western side of Sirte, said. “They collected the body parts in bags.”

    The declared “ceasefire”—which was accepted as good coin by much of the US and European media—was clearly motivated by propaganda considerations. NATO and NTC forces are preparing their alibis for the civilian killings for which they will be responsible in the final offensive on Sirte. Having supposedly given time for civilians to flee, all those left in the city will be regarded as legitimate targets by NTC fighters.

    A similar campaign was waged in the lead up to the US assault of the Iraqi city of Fallujah in November-December 2004. After demanding that civilians flee, the commanders of the 10,000 US troops and marines who invaded the city regarded everyone still there, especially men, as justifiable targets. The entire urban centre became a free-fire zone, while civilian buildings were systematically levelled as a means of killing snipers and other anti-occupation fighters. Similarly in Sirte, snipers have played an important role in pushing TNC militia out of the city centre.

    Those left in Sirte include the most vulnerable layers of the population. One fleeing resident told the BBC that “those left behind were either too badly injured to leave, or lacked cars and petrol.” Petrol reportedly costs 600 dinars, or about $450, for 20 litres. Mohammed Dahab, a 30-year-old engineer who was born in Sudan but has lived in Sirte since he was 5, told Spiegel Online: “The only ones left are the poor, including many African foreigners.”

    The African immigrant and dark-skinned Libyan community in Sirte has been swollen by a recent influx of refugees from neighbouring Tawargha. The town of about 10,000 people was entirely depopulated by NTC militiamen who went on a racist rampage after they captured it in August.

    Fears among Sirte residents of similar reprisal attacks are well-founded. When NTC fighters fought their way into the Sirte district of Bouhadi yesterday, a Reuters correspondent reported that they set a house on fire belonging to someone allegedly close to Gaddafi. In other houses, the reporter added: “Some helped themselves to belongings. NTC pickup trucks drove from the area loaded with carpets, clothes and furniture. One NTC vehicle had a table football game in the back.

  66. al-GADHAFI is a true hero. Our MUJJADID returns with his valiant sons; and the JAMAHIRIYA will be better and greater than it ever was before. And the world, which was blinded from the truth, now awakens to the GREEN BOOK and all the marvels it holds !
    Sheik of Sirte said :“Urged red cross or other humanitarian organizations to contact civilian city”, and in the mean time Red cross is supplying “rebels”.
    NATO-mercenaries lost hundreds to reach a hotel in Sirte, but hotel was quickly retaken by Green resistance after NATO bombing.
    NATO-mercenaries are now at outskirt areas of Sirte and were entered in small part of Abu Hadi and Sabalibya: both are a death trap for NATO-mercenaries.



    Sabha and Bani Walid have 100% upperhand over all NATO-mercenaries “rebels”. The real battle left now is in outskirts of Sirte.

  67. Genet Tadesse
    Update news Libya: NTC NATO stooges sellout Libya’s sovereignty and integrity and honor…collude/agree with Israel,.. to open up Libya for an Africom/Israeli military base in the Green Mountains of Libya….G.T….
    LIBYA UPDATES: Transitional Libya promised to recognize Israel and establish a base for the support of Paris gov, is revealed by the Tel Aviv post.
    re:Attack on Libya, the French Air Force announced that a group of unmanned aerial vehicles, an Israeli-made, participated in military operations inside Libyan territory .
    .. This information comes To prove once again what had appeared in the media about four months ago, which spoke of the promises to send the Transitional Libya to Israel, and affirm to include the Council’s recognition of Israel in return for Israeli support of the rebels and their war against al-Gaddafi, as well as media reports revealed the intention of the Council to establish an ISRAELI MILITARY BASE ,aimed to ensure Israel trained “rebels” and ascertain their support for arms,..Israel in trun wants “their” recognition of the Israel..(editing mine for easier translation G.T.)

  68. Libyan fight

    Libyan War News: 05 October 2011
    Posted on 05 October 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment

    Sirte is controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers. NATO-mercenaries are desperate to call mission over as fighting spreads across Libya and Media-war is being lost.

    Resistance is growing in all areas of Libya. Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers went trough tunnels and captured 10 NATO-mercenaries and 20 died at outskirts of Sirte.

    NATO-mercenaries have been trapped in low residential area. Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers were firing from higher area. Green Resistance has surrounded NATO-mercenaries brigade there and killed 1 commander and 50 rebels.

    Sheik of Sirte said :“Urged red cross or other humanitarian organizations to contact civilian city”, and in the mean time Red cross is supplying “rebels”.
    NATO-mercenaries lost hundreds to reach a hotel in Sirte, but hotel was quickly retaken by Green resistance after NATO bombing.
    NATO-mercenaries are now at outskirt areas of Sirte and were entered in small part of Abu Hadi and Sabalibya: both are a death trap for NATO-mercenaries.

    On the East of Libya the city of Baydah has made tribal meeting and has officially rejected the NATO-mercenaries renegades as “corrupt”.

    Sabha and Bani Walid have 100% upperhand over all NATO-mercenaries “rebels”. The real battle left now is in outskirts of Sirte.

    Big fighting in Tripoli just going trough subjects actually right now.
    At Alsreem, Dahra and Bab al Aziziyah hard fight. In market Al Tulatha 8 NATO-mercenaries died and, from hotel Corinthia, Bab Africa NATO-mercenaries were fled to Bengazi.

    In Tripoli, Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers have captured a Weapons Warehouse, including 30 armored Cars with heavy guns.


    NATO has found a vital resource for “cleansing” of Libya, for the final suppression of the resistance of the Libyan people..They released 10 to 11 thousand of criminals from the Libyan prisons.

    This was told on current press conference in Benghazi Libya at 23h Aug, by former colonel in the Army Omar Ahmed Bani.

    Approximately 80% of them are terrorists and members of Al Qaeda. – On Buslime prison, where 540 from 690 of released prisoners belong to Al Qaeda. – Consequently, the total for the radical stripping of Libya with the imminent cutting-off heads and other Salafi hobbies, NATO deliberately mobilized an army of criminals and terrorists from Al Qaeda..”

  69. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Rats looting and burning houses in Sirte city,and around Sirte.

    Residents of Sirte will not surrender to rats, who rob and burn houses in Sirte. The struggle continues.

    The people of Sirt also said that they will stay in their homes and die and will never flee their city.

    News of resistance.
    Moujaheeds destroyed the largest oilfield of Libya in order not to fall in the hands of italian rats. We will rebuilt it when we oust the rats.
    [This is the report from an Italian company person.]

    Reports from Bani walid.
    A big division of Al Zintan mislead people have come and joined the honourable tribes of Libya to defent from the rats and the nato colonialist crusaders. May they be the example that will show the road to other mislead Libyan people.Those people also brought usefull information and swore that they will be the first to enter Tripoli and clean it from their former allies the rats.
    Reports from mountain west.
    Volunteers of the tribes are attacking rats in the night every night causing losses.

    Reports from Tripoli.
    Today teams of our people that where undercover raised the flag of rats and attacked teams of rats this resulted to a mess for the ranks of rats because they didnt know who is who. Many rats run and fled.
    A team of Liberals have attacked the house of the rat Abdelhakim belhadj (we still cant know if he is dead or alive ).Another team is on the hunt of Mahmoud Jibril and many other teams are in the hunt of cooperators and members of NTC.
    Situation in Tripoli unclear now. We will update later when we get more info.

    Thanks to Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow.

  70. Muammar Qaddafi and Hearts in Denmark
    Posted: 2011/10/06
    From: Mathaba

    Letter from a reader – we receive thousands of letters and comments like this each day

    Dear Mathaba,

    Last month I signed up to

    It is very beautiful to get the daily news about Libya as I am deeply touched and sorrowful by the lies and the violence done to Muammar Gadaffi, his wonderful children, people close to him, the Libyan people and Libya.

    I have not yet been writing anything but every day I am looking forward to read the latest news and the comments by the loving people from all over the world and to watch the short video’s.

    Muammar Gadaffi has become very dear to me and he is in my heart and thoughts. I pray many times daily to The Almigthy God to protect him.

    I live in Denmark and I am very lonesome because nobody I know or talk to can understand my deep involvement in the tragedy in Libya. Maybe there are some danish people like me, but I do not know where they are.

    Thanks to Mathaba

    Ann [name supplied]

    — If you are in Denmark or anywhere else and want to meet other members and supporters of Muammar Qaddafi’s Green Charter Movement, please register and post your profile on our social media site.

    Alex 2 hours ago writes:ç
    Hello, all! I’m from Ukraine. I am also very worried about Libya and Libyans, and admire the courage of the Libyan people and its leader Colonel Gaddafi! There are many people like us, we must unite against global financial harm as the United States, NATO and their lackeys!

  71. Update on the struggle for the liberation of Libya and the unification of Africa – October 4th, 2011
    Posted: 2011/10/05
    From: Mathaba

    Roundup of news from independent sources along with commentary by Dennis South.

    By Dennis South

    Sirte not only does not give up, but made a sortie!

    The Battle of Sirte. The defeat of NATO is inevitable!

    Sirte is a modern Stalingrad!

    Tuesday, 04 OCT 2011

    The population of Sirte not only does not give up their power, wealth and arms to the invading forces attempting to occupy Libya, but made ​​a sortie and rebuffed the NATO-rebel mercenaries. The rebel coalition of terrorists, opportunists, mercenaries, criminals and traitors are called “rats” by the Libyan people due to their horrific crimes and abuses that no sane human being would be capable of, including the cutting off of women’s breasts, and the cutting out of people’s hearts for saying that their hearts are with Muammar Qaddafi, the historic Libyan revolutionary leader who initiated people’s power in Libya before leaving government in 1979.

    Today NATO, the Euro-American military alliance and the mercenaries launched a furious assault on the strategically and economically important city of Sirte, in the central north coastal region of Libya, and entered its suburbs. After heavy fighting, the attack bogged down in the morning.

    Although difficult situations were observed in some other cities, it became relatively quiet in Sirte compared to the past month of siege and almost non-stop NATO bombing, which indicates that the so-called National Transitional Council (TNC) of the rebels, has a severe shortage of reserves. This desperate attack was another attempt to register at least one victory before NATO holds a summit on 6th October, at which the rebel traitors and mercenaries will ask for a continuation of NATO bombing of the Libyan population who refuse to surrender their lives to NATO.

    According to recent reports, the NATO mercenaries entered the city of Sirte on the south, but were surrounded by Libyan popular resistance forces, who inflicted heavy losses on the NATO mercenaries. NATO members cannot escape because Libyan jamahiri green forces have them surrounded.

    On October 4, NATO Special Forces, NATO armored columns, and Islamic militants supported by NATO aircraft and helicopters again stormed the Libyan city of Sirte. It was a night attempted that failed.

    Fighting was for every house and every street. The city is home to more than one hundred thousand inhabitants. Rats and NATO fired from tanks, and used heavy artillery and mortars. Large losses on both sides are reported.

    Jamahiriya forces from Bani Walid made their way to Sirte to help. The Al-Qaeda commander, Belhadj, was sent from Tripoli, with his forces, to fight against the people of Sirte.

    At least a hundred of the two hundred NATO mercenaries were trapped inside the city, while not receiving reinforcements. After running out of ammunition, they asked for intensification of NATO strikes.

    It is not clear why the rats were not sent reinforcements perhaps because of deployment in the west, where, in Tripoli, there are intense clashes and the city is again nearing full Jamahiriya control.

    TNC / NTC / Rebel / Rats disarray

    Intelligence sources state that the NTC is in a state of near-total confusion and chaos. This morning at a press conference, Abdelhakim Belhadj, the Al-Qaeda chief who is surrounded by Jamahiriya forces in Tripoli, and who is supported by the American and European terrorist governments, begged the population of Tripoli to help establish “stability, law and order” and hand over their weapons. For the vast majority of citizens who have experienced the plunder, destruction and abuses at the hands of the so-called revolutionary rebels and their NATO overlords, Belhadj’s statement is meaningless.

    The Libyan people are against the illegal occupation of their country. The Libyan people realize that they are now receiving military aid from friends all over North Africa against the racist European barbaric aggression, whilst the youth of Europe don’t even know that a war is being waged as they are engrossed with trivia and entertainment and not tuned to Mathaba or any other credible news source. The Libyan people see that their best chance to establish law and order is to fight against NATO, the “rats” (traitors), and Al-Qaeda. Belhadj, Jalil, Jibril and NATO must leave Libya.

    Tripoli: Most of Tripoli is quiet, the Libyan masses who don’t wish to surrender power, wealth and arms (Jamahiriya) and are now in control of 80% of the city after losing countless thousands of lives in the terrorist foreign-sponsored invasion and occupation of the city on August 21 after 5 months of non-stop bombing. Libya is the only self-governing society operating direct participatory democracy where the people rule themselves by themselves without a dictatorial form of government, via People’s Conferences
    and People’s Committees. There are a few areas where fighting between Jamahiriya forces and rats have occurred.

    On October 4, in Tripoli, someone attempted to kill the Al-Qaeda leader, Belhadj.

    Benghazi: People with green armbands attacked a rat checkpoint.

    Beni-Walid: Jamahiriya forces still control Bani-Walid. There was some fighting during the day.

    Ghadames: The popular masses and their tribes still hold Ghadames.

    Ajdhabiyya: Rats are in control.
    Qasr Abu Hadi: Jamahiriya forces are in control.

    On October 1 the battle for Qasr Abu Hadi began. This is a small city of Libya. Once a small Berber village, the people’s power has grown it into a large thriving village. Now the residents of Abu Hadi, young and old, came to the defense of their homeland. Here is a fierce battle. The fight is for every street, every house.

    Battles at Qasr Abu Hadi, from October 1 to 3, followed intense fighting on the southern outskirts of Sirte. On October 1 rebel rats launched a combined attack in the direction of the Palace of Congresses. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) hospital was bombed by rat missles, right at the moment when the Red Cross, by appointment, was going to cross the front line to deliver a cargo of medicines to the hospital. The Red Cross had reached the bridge of El-Gabri, when the rebels began an intense bombardment of the city. Medics had to go back.

    The attack in the direction of the palace of Ouagadougou was repulsed. However, according to some reports, the rebels managed to gain a foothold in a residential area on the extreme southern tip of Sirte. There are reported battles with varying degrees of success in the district of the military camp.

    In the eastern outskirts of the city (the area of ​​cottages and resorts) there are also continuing clashes.

    Sebha: An IL-76 transport plane, carrying rat forces, was shot down at Sebha.

    According to Al-Rai TV, an IL-76 transport plane disappeared from the enemy radar, over the desert, and crashed. The plane was carrying 200 wounded rat soldiers.

  72. I will definitely be back to Libya. Khamis and our waiting

    A sensational interview with a Russian officer – a military adviser to Muammar al-Gaddafi

    05 October 2011, 16:18
    [“Arguments of the Week” by Alexander Grigoriev]

    Khamis in Russia

    Khamis al-Gaddafi (center) with comrades

    Chechnya. 09 January 1995. On the basis of federal troops Khankala flies GAZ-66 “shishiga.” Canvas awning ripped by shrapnel. Behind the wheel unshaven major. “Shishiga” slows near the field hospital. In the back wounded soldiers … So we met with the then Major Guard special forces Ilya Korenev. Then met a lot of time. Both Moscow and the Caucasus.

    So when he called in August of Libya, the big surprise was not. Work like that. Almost six months he spent next to Colonel Qaddafi and his family. Ilya has already spent a week in Latin America in the treatment of: wound, contusion in the Libyan desert near the border with Algeria.

    The trip through the “caravan”

    – How did you get into Libya? But Russia does not officially provide support Gaddafi.

    – The trip was discharged in the spring of this year in Algeria, a trade mission. But the main problem was to get it to Tripoli. By arrangement through the embassy, ​​for “caravan” I went to headquarters to Muammar Gaddafi. Almost immediately we began to prepare the personnel of the 32nd Brigade reinforced, which was commanded and commands Khamis al-Gaddafi. Coaching and training for combat in urban environments. The fact that Tripoli will not be able to hold, it became clear in about June or July. Therefore began to prepare the brigade staff to conduct clashes small autonomous groups in urban areas, and outside the settlements. Have focused on commando training.

    Soldiers and officers of the 32nd well prepared. Some trained in SAS, France. But Libya is highly respected Russian military school.

    The tactics of fighting in small groups formed from the experience of the guerrillas in the Great Patriotic War, and – in Chechnya. Small groups – 20-30 people attacking military convoys, mine and country after committing sabotage recede to safe areas.

    – You say “we”? We – this is Russia, or are you about someone else who was with you in Libya?

    – Of course, there I was not alone. All I can say right now, our guys have Qaddafi is. From Russia, mostly retired officers, abbreviated from the Russian army, as well as specialists from the former Soviet republics.

    – You did not answer – why you were sent to Tripoli, where the Russian authorities officially announced – Gaddafi must go?

    – Who can deny a senior officer to send a subordinate in Algeria on a business trip? For example, in military-technical cooperation? And so what are the introductory word of mouth in the office, it’s not for one’s ears is not intended. My work judged by results rather than on planning and timely reports.

    Professionals understand that the attack on Libya – is part of the planned actions. Next: Syria, Algeria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Central Asia and Russia. No matter in what sequence. But Russia is likely to cost the most recent. While it is surrounded by unfriendly to her puppet regimes, radar, military bases, strongly contribute to the growth of corruption and dissent within the country.

    – After this mission you remain in the service?

    – I have already sent a report on the dismissal. I know that have requested a personal matter. Definitely not for reward. But the seniority and the apartment is. Families do not. And to return to Russia I’m not going. This year things have changed, I made certain decisions for themselves. Without papers, I never cease to be military.

    Brest fortress in Tripoli

    – You say you keep Tripoli was impossible. What went wrong in the defense?

    – This error is not in defense but in the assessment of the conflict. It was that Gaddafi was living in two parallel worlds. He has not adhered to this policy, such as North Korea’s leader. He did not twitch – the oppression of his own. But Gaddafi did not believe the attack on the country until recently. Even in mid-August, when applied missile and bomb strikes on Tripoli, in other cities, he talked with Berlusconi and Sarkozy. They assured him that the ground operation in Tripoli will not be. Several years ago, Gaddafi offered to create a powerful air defense system in its entirety. This could be done through some of the former countries of the Union. But he believed that these actions will only tease the U.S. and Europe. Repeat, and Italy, and France and even Britain assured him that the ground war against Libya will not.

    Error also has been a long observation of the Libyan officers bribed. It was necessary to arrest them immediately, not to spread contagion with impunity. But Gaddafi wanted to identify as many traitors. Indecision Gaddafi because of his personal views on the conflict was the way, and the factor that persuaded several high-ranking officers to take a pair of million dollars and go to the rebels. Imagine, everywhere is the rain, fall on your head stones, and you say – would cost a party will be held. Many do you convince to go for you? Especially those who will be important and the primary targets for the enemy. The human factor, even in Africa the human factor.

    – How did you manage to get out unscathed from Tripoli?

    – We were warned, “Al Jazeera” and CNN. We saw footage of “victory” insurgents captured in Qatar. It was already known about the scenery of the Green Square Tripoli in the desert near Doha. They knew what they were. These shots were the signal for the attack to rebels and subversives. Immediately after these shots all over the city “sleeper cells” of the rebels began to establish roadblocks, breaking into the command centers and apartment officers who have not betrayed Gaddafi. The port began landing of foreign troops. One of the flanks has stopped responding. General Eshkal surrendered the position without a fight. Gaddafi ordered not to put out the fire and fire away. Do not turn into a cauldron of Tripoli, in which the “grinding” and army units and civilians. Several hundred bombers refused to comply with this order and were fighting in the city, in an attempt to inflict maximum damage to the enemy, to divert him from pursuing leadership and command. They still continue to resist. For more than a month in Tripoli, there are areas where even the Islamists do not agree well. It’s their choice, it is their city, and I understand them.

    The assault began. We left the house near the base of the Bab al-Aziz in a small house in the south of the capital. Just a few hours to several cars left the city and moved to a safe place. It turned out just in time – to hit three consecutive home GBU – bunkerbasterov, heavy bombs. The machines were common jeeps, there are no specially built for Qaddafi “Mercedes”. Why attract attention? Although I have no doubt that Americans often know where al-Gaddafi. But the rockets and bombs flew back after 5 minutes after departure. They seem to have shown him that at any moment he might be destroyed, but so far, apparently, there is a prohibition on destruction. In the Libyan conflict a lot of attention paid to information and psychological attacks.

    – Family members who remained in Libya, stay together?

    – No, Gaddafi family split almost immediately. This is the most effective solution. Ordinary Libyans say that if he did not return Gaddafi, then certainly one of his children. Now someone has gone to Tunisia, one in Algeria, who in Niger. But the borders are transparent. Khamis was in the suburbs of Tripoli to organize resistance. Safe in the Bani Walid. Neither the colonel nor his children are almost the same place, constantly on the move. The most difficult problem – communication. Ether is controlled by the military and technical equipment of the 6th U.S. Navy, DIA and NSA USA. So I could not risk transfer photos and video clips. It takes more time than the release of a “package” of textual information. But Internet access is rare, NATO knows about areas in which we, and blocks any connection.

    – Yes, the photos of captured British soldiers apparently did not suffice. How it all happened? How did you know that this is the army of SAS, since the documents on military operations do not take?

    – Photos will be. Themselves prisoners of war and the fact that public humiliation of the enemy army – it’s arguments. War is war, and talks are always close by. The more trump cards, the easier it will dialogue. It was a subversive group about 30 people. Most of Qatar’s army, 13 English and French. They carried out further exploration in the Bani Walid. Apparently, for the main forces. But the neighborhood of the city is not well known. Local reports that the group gads about town. We were able to carry out the operation and capture them. Katartsy were executed by the Libyans. They just hate the wild. As well, they say, came to the house of a Muslim to another Muslim and killed his family? So – “iadam” (“shooting, the death penalty”) and a point. Englishmen and Frenchmen were separated, interrogated and brought to the shelter. Actually – and what they hide it? Recorded the names and personal numbers and the name of, photographed and transferred via e-mail to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain and France. They offered to give them the soldiers without any conditions, for example, anywhere in Libya.

    By the way, the machine from which the information transfer was carried out, the rocket was destroyed in just a few hours when returning to the city. That is broadcast monitored very closely. When Britain gave up its soldiers, we are considering the option to remove them in Algeria. They collect a press conference to show the world. I was in a convoy with the children Moussa Ibrahim ehavshimi in Algeria to agree on a press conference. Many diplomatic difficulties in the capital would not give to hold still, it was a frontier village. On the way we shot from helicopters. I threw open the explosion of a jeep body. Tuareg fighters have picked up and helped to move abroad. From there I came here for treatment. Not that everything went according to plan, but alive.

    – In Russia there is a threat from NATO and the United States?

    – Of course. Open confrontation in the first stage will not be. First priority – to blow up again Caucasus with radical Islamists, immerse in the south of Russia, though local, but large-scale war. Now in power in the Maghreb come radical Muslims. Militants from the “Al Qaeda” and other extremist groups. And between Russia and the Mediterranean distance is much smaller than it was before Afghanistan, and the smaller and lower mountains. U.S. is profitable, Europe and Russia. Abd al-Hakim, Belhadj – the military commander of Tripoli, claiming to the forefront of the new government of Libya. It’s the first person Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a recognized terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

    – Most applicants do not have?

    – Yes. Col. Khalifa Haftar defector, who has lived 20 years in the U.S.. A former military judge at Gaddafi – Muhammad Bashir Al-Haddar. You can say for the sake of brevity – Belhadj protege of Qatar. Al-Haddar – misratskih of the oligarchs supported by France. Haftar – protege of bengaziyskih oligarchs supported by the United States.

    If Belhadj enter the government, as he enters, then it will take in world capitals. “Beautiful” – Action, which is associated with our Caucasian underground, coming to the Kremlin, the President shake hands.

    Also, in addition to radical Islam in Libya is the uncontrolled plundering of arms from the Libyan army depots. And most of these weapons will go to the Caucasus in the holds of freighters. From the ports of North Africa to the shores of the Caucasus – a couple of days running. It is unfortunate that those who are called to think about the safety of our citizens who are not able to read at least the reports of NATO analysts. They clearly indicate that the illegal export of stolen weapons in Libya – one of the major challenges to global security.

    – What is unique about the Libyan war? How is it different from the armed conflicts that have you been?

    – Every war is unique. In Libya – is eclectic. Massive propaganda of WWII, burning areas, as in Vietnam, corruption and desertion, as in Iraq. There are also “the Belarusian partisans.” As in all wars, killed a huge number of civilians. But the conflict is really unique. On the one hand, the Tuareg – the warriors of the desert with a rifle in 1908, and the Amazigh people with a machete. On the other, – guided aerial bombs and laser guided missiles, drones, reconnaissance. Clash of civilizations and eternity.

    On the territory in which there is a conflict, perhaps it is one of the largest since World War II. But the number of interests, the mixed in this war, if not superior performance of the Second World, the exact equivalent.

    Very severe sectors – is a psychological and informational. Constantly hanging over the territory of Libya U.S. aircraft special propaganda, dropped leaflets. Provocative stories, “Al Jazeera”, BBC, CNN, Reuters and others are going through the coordination of NATO information center.

    Alternative version of events, special propaganda operation – “fear and Fog” a more accurate slogan “Operation Joint protector.”

    – What are the main challenges now facing the supporters of Qaddafi?

    – It’s simple. Pure mathematics. At 100% of the population is always 5-10% and 5-10% of the opposition loyalists. Whatever happens in the country, no matter how the leader behaved, some will always criticize it, while others will always be loyal to him. Neither other really solve nothing. Solve the remaining 80-90% of the population whose opinions can vary in either direction. With skillful provocation of bribery and propaganda through the leading Western media balance has been broken. But the enemies too Gaddafi shook his pendulum, with the same force he was destined to swing in the opposite direction. And it will manifest itself not necessarily in the military or the political sphere. I would say: not necessarily limited to the territory of Libya. So the main task of the advocates Jamahiriya – in court – properly present evidence and arguments. The people are special. But my heart feels all right. Who is a friend who is an enemy that is good and what is bad. The problem is actually not even the military. The military is like a small addition.

    On the military side, much will depend on the support of the rebel forces of NATO. In general aviation and radio. If they stop, or at least reduce the number of sorties, as promised, and stop “push” broadcast, then knock the clowns NPC in flip-flops will not be a big problem. On the radicals will be more difficult. They trained boys from Afghanistan and Pakistan. They know how to handle weapons. And they have nowhere to run, Libya alien to them the country.

    Probably, now the country will enter private military companies, who will take custody of pipelines and refineries. Already have this information from Bregy and Ras Lanufa. They tried to land troops and to gain a foothold. So far unsuccessfully. Therefore, the challenge will be at least – to blow up these facilities permanently. Protect them from missiles arriving from the desert – is impossible. In Europe, the need to understand that every barrel of oil they will be very expensive. In terms of both dollars and human lives. The guys from the PMC is also not idiots, they hall a price for their services that support them will simply not profitable. A regular troops put on the protection of silly. They have other problems.

    – Who are the Libyans all the same support? Gaddafi and the new government?

    – “New Power” power, I would not hurry to call. Of course, ordinary people support those who work and give them food, and most importantly – security. In Libya there were people who criticized the action of Gaddafi, it is true. But it was a reasonable opposition, to take up arms and cut people just thought none of them was not. And it was in the minority. New so-called authorities, and the more radical can not ensure stability in Libya now. Nor can the foreseeable future. Because the majority still if not for Gaddafi, then a “time of Gaddafi.”

    But in the East is traditionally solve the power and money. If the loyalists win a number of convincing wins, then people will support them. While some cities resist, but the country now and then here come daring raids kaddafistov, people waiting at a loss as to what their “liberated” and for what. Goes on to compare what happened before and what is after. And nobody does not like the conclusions. If you will be put in the position of Sirte, Bani Walid, other hotbeds of resistance, then public opinion will be on the side of the new authorities. Because of the fear. Because no other choice left. Developments in the region in the near future will be very rapid. In the coming months vyrisuetsya direction of further developments. In the normal information support the causes of war and victory will be successful loyalists still at Gaddafi and supporters of the Jamahiriya.

    – What common sense today Libyans (not soldiers Gaddafi, not rebels MSP)?

    – The closest definition – they feel duped, beaten, raped, and – not free. Well, imagine that in 1991, NATO started to bomb to the Soviet Union under the pretext of humanitarian aid. And no time to end the bombing, as the country came running to the capitalists to divide the oil fields and refineries, and the radical priests began to break into the house at all … Both would say that we’ll show you how to live now. And the last would be added – not willing – be shot. People would cower in the instinct of self-preservation, survival would have even signed some papers and put up new flags, not to kill them to give rations to include water and electricity. People were waiting to return to the army, gone into the woods, waiting to return to the old days. Around and in Libya are now thinking. But since a lot of spilled blood – nothing will not return to their original positions.

    – Do you speak Arabic?

    – “Man aaesh Kuman arbain yauman minhum cap.” This is an Arab proverb – “He who has lived with people for 40 days, he became a part of it.” If he did not know would not have sent. Arab proverbs and sayings quite amusing. I’ve been recently put in another collection, when some 100 rebels in the shales of the AK and RPG bomb burst into the palace reception of foreign delegations near Sirte, the last thing they saw in his life, was a big sign on the wall – “Al-Aryan tyz fahaua bit almiz “- Iraqi officer saying -” Where are you from bare-assed, but in the officers’ mess. ”

    – Do you ever plan to return to Libya?

    – A few days later will be in a neighboring country. The boundary at 90% is not controlled by insurgents. There is a link with Khamis, and with our own. They are waiting.

    Khamis al-Gaddafi: We will win or die, give up or run no one is going

    In a telephone conversation with his classmate on the Academy. Frunze operating officer of the Russian army Sergei Khamis al-Gaddafi gave thanks to the people of Russia, which supports the struggle of the Libyan people against the invaders. “AN” Khamis al-Gaddafi quotes entirely, removing only the full name of the classmate.

    – Thank you to all our classmates and teachers who could give me a little bit of the spirit of your people-winner, and taught to adequately assess the combat situation, gave valuable combat experience and skills. I am proud that I had such a teacher, I deserve them – time will tell.

    Thanks to all those who support us, while in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. And especially – those brave souls of your people who were with us shoulder to shoulder to defend my country against aggression. We will win or die, give up or run no one is going. To die fighting side by side with warriors – a dream for any defender of his country. In any case, to have friends in the Russian people – an honor for the Libyan, and it’s already been written on the pages of the history of Libya, Allah witness. In the words of your Russian song – “This land will be ours if we do not die in battle!” But Libya will always be ours, even if we perish!

    Much has now changed in the world. Who would have thought that all that will turn out. But do you remember – that’s what we prepared and studied. And we endure this trial with valor. No matter what the British / French / or American newspapers and TV – most of the population supports us. And we will not abandon them, will not allow looting and massacre. Maybe we made a mistake, long rastsenivaya the conflict as a conflict vnutriliviysky. So it is. But our enemies are traitors carried him outside Libya, sells to the capitalist-colonialists. I ordered through any media to inform the international community about NATO and their crimes the rebels, to spread the information after each raid on civilian targets and civilians, after each battle or massacre of ordinary Libyans and foreigners. I want to be sure that Libya is now a river flowing blood is not for nothing that the world finally will see what are the UN and the so-called civilized West.

    Our blood is not cheap. None of the traitor and indifferent will not sleep until the end of my days, I swear by God and honored the Libyan army officer. Take care of yourself, your family and your country. Once again, our friendship, Sergei, an honor for me.

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  73. AL GADAFFI SPEECH ~6 OCT. 2011

    (read by Morris)

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Leader of the Revolution Muammar Gaddafi 06/10/2011
    Gadhafi speaks on 06 OCT. 2011
    كلمة قائد الثورة معمر القذافي 6-10-2011

    Ajoutée par americaisbacktrump le 7 oct. 2011
    ENGLISH TRANSLATION HERE shortwave broadcast

    “Full Gaddafi Speech,October 6, 2011

    The great tribes of Bani Walid, Sirte, Warshfana and Nawhi are strong and well armed. They will never be defeated because honorable people cannot and will never be subjugated!
    The people of Libya, the true Libyans, will never accept invasion and colonization.
    We will fight for our freedom and are prepared for much sacrifice. The traitors, the colonizers and NATO’s armies will all be defeated!
    The traitors have lost trust and confidence between themselves and their masters. They cannot continue because they are divided and intrinsically vulnerable.
    The NTC, who gave them legitimacy?
    How did they obtain legitimacy?
    Did the Libyan people elect them?
    Did the Libyan people appoint them?
    And if only the power of NATO bombs and fleets grant legitimacy, then let all the rulers in the Third World beware for the same fate awaits you!
    To those who recognize this council as legitimate, beware!
    There will be transitional councils created everywhere and imposed upon you and one by one, you shall all fall!
    I urge all Libyan people to go out and march in the millions in every square, in every city, village and oases.
    Go peacefully with all boldness.
    Be courageous.
    Rise up!
    Go forth! Forward!
    Raise our proud Green flag to the skies!
    Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up. Do not despair. Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!

    ~NATOS war against civilians in Liby~a

    Gadhafi with Kashrimakov rifle
    “La Libye lion” Kadhafi est prêt, active et continue de résister à l’OTAN

    07/10/2011 00:15 | administrateur
    Chef de la Libye Mouammar Kadhafi a déclaré dans un enregistrement audio, qui a diffusé un Syrien chaîne de télévision Al-Rai TV, que les dirigeants des pays en développement de reconnaître la Libye Conseil national de transition (PNC), en attente d’événements semblables à ce qui se passe aujourd’hui en Libye.

    “Si la légitimité du pouvoir est assuré par une flotte étrangère, tant les dirigeants du« Tiers Monde », qui a reconnu le SNP, d’être prêts pour cela et dans leurs états apparaissent semblables conseils, créé avec le soutien de la puissance militaire des autres pays. Ces conseils vont créer, retirer votre pouvoir, ils vont apparaître à partir d’aujourd’hui, un par un

    “- a déclaré Kadhafi. Chef légitime de la Jamahiriya a réitéré que le PNC n’est pas une autorité légitime.


    En outre, Kadhafi a appelé les Libyens à aller dans les rues et d’organiser une action de désobéissance civile contre les dirigeants actuels du pays. Les présentes conditions de vie en Libye est le seul chef légitime de l’Etat a appelé «intolérable».

    raise the flag

    Fidèle à la chef légitime des forces libyennes continuent de contrôler une grande partie du pays et la ville de Beni Walid et Syrte.

    Plus sur le sujet –

    AFP, Mise à jour : 06 octobre 2011
    Kadhafi appelle les Libyens à manifester par millions contre le CNT
    Le dirigeant en fuite Mouammar Kadhafi a appelé les Libyens à manifester “par millions” contre le nouveau pouvoir libyen, le Conseil national de transition (CNT), dans un message sonore diffusé jeudi soir par la chaîne Arraï basée en Syrie.

    Gadhafii's return

    “J’appelle le peuple libyen, hommes et femmes, à sortir pour manifester par millions à nouveau sur les places et dans les rues et dans toutes les villes”,

    a déclaré le “Guide” déchu dans un message sonore, dans lequel il était à peine audible.

    “Je leur dis n’ayez peur de personne, vous êtes le peuple, vous appartenez à cette terre. Faîtes entendre votre voix contre les collaborateurs de l’Otan”,

    a-t-il poursuivi, s’adressant au peuple et faisant référence aux dirigeants du CNT.

    “Certains parlent du CNT comme du représentant légitime du peuple libyen, mais d’où vient cette légitimité, de l’élection par le peuple libyen? est-ce qu’ils s’intéressent au peuple libyen?”

    , a-t-il par ailleurs fait mine de s’interroger.

    Mouammar Kadhafi, en fuite depuis la chute le 23 août de Bab al-Aziziya, son quartier général à Tripoli, n’a toujours pas été localisé.

    Son dernier message sonore remontait au 20 septembre: il avait alors qualifié de “mascarade” les évènements en cours en Libye et appelé les Libyens à “ne pas croire” qu’un changement de régime y était survenu

    La chaîne de télévision arabe Arraï est le dernier média à recevoir des messages de Mouammar Kadhafi.

    “How did they (NTC) get their legitimacy? Did the people elected them?”

    “NTC has no legitimacy because it was not nominated or appointed by the people.”

    “If the power of (international) fleets (NATO, UK, US , ISRAEL BEHIND) give legitimacy, then let the rulers in the Third World be ready,”

    Gaddafi said in an apparent reference to NATO‘s support for NTC forces.

    “To those who recognise this council, be ready for the creation of transitional councils imposed by the power of fleets (US, UK , NATO , ISRAEL BEHIND) to replace you one by one from now on,”

    said Gaddafi

    AFP Update: 06 October 2011
    Gaddafi called Libyans by the millions to protest against the CNT
    The brother-leader Muammar Gaddafi called on Libyans to show “millions” against the new government of Libya, the National Transitional Council (CNT), in an audio message released Thursday by the chain Arrai based in Syria.

    Gadhafi's return
    AFP / File

    “I call on the Libyan people, men and women out to show their millions again in the squares and streets and in every city,”

    “I call on all Libyan citizens to go out and the number of millions marching in the streets, in all towns and villages and oases”
    Be courageous,rise up, go out in the streets.Raise the green flag in the skies.The conditions in Libya are unbearable.”

    said the “Guide” fallen into a sound message, in which it was barely audible.

    “I tell them not afraid of anyone, you are the people you belong to this land. Make your voice heard against the employees of NATO,”

    he said, addressing the people, referring to leaders the CNT & NATO; >/em>;.

    “Some speak of the CNT as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people, but where does the legitimacy of the election by the people of Libya? Are they interested in the Libyan people?”,

    he also seems to wonder.

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا writes:
    People in Sebha Marching with Green flags after they heard Gaddafi speech today.

    Muammar Gaddafi, out of Tripoli since the fall of August 23 Bab al-Aziziyah, which was headquartered in Tripoli, has still not been located.

    His last audio message was dated 20 September 2011: he was then called a “charade” current events in Libya and the Libyans called “not believe” that regime change had occurred there

    The Arab television Arrai is the latest medium to receive messages from Muammar Gaddafi.

    Update on the struggle for the liberation of Libya and the unification of Africa – October 5th, 2011
    Posted: 2011/10/06
    From: Mathaba

    NSNBC </strong>summary for October 5th, 2011

    1. Tripoli citizens ignored Abdelhakim Belhadj’s appeal for them to surrender their weapons.

    2. The rats attempted to set up roadblocks in the small areas that they have under their control, in order to stop the flow of weapons there. During the evening, the rat troops manning those roadblocks suffered heavy casualties under sniper fire from guns with silencers.

    3. In Benghazi, fighting has lost intensity. There is a standoff between TNC fighters in the city center, and Jamahiriya forces surrounding them.

    4. Fighting is reported around the Western mountain areas, and aroud Sabha, but none of the clashes have the intensity of last weeks battles.

    [NOTE: I have reluctantly, on a few occasions, warned readers to not get their hopes up too high when you hear murmurings about NATO leaving Libya, as is supposed to happen on October 6th. People have talked about NATO and the northern countries “running out of money”; about them being “bankrupt”; about them being “unable to continue this war.” Yet, the are showing no signs of quitting.

    [My focus has been on reporting news that shows progress for the true Libyan people. But, I feel that I have to say the following negative thing, and I hope that I am wrong. In Dr. Christoff Leymann’s NSNBC, October 6th report, he states that he has received no sign that NATO is going to quit. He believes, in fact, that the war will continue for years, and will engulf the entire Sahara desert.

    [This is an awful, but possible reality. It is terrible. But people have to realize that the leaders of the northern counties are not human beings. I mean that literally. They are not humans. I do not know what they are. But they are not humans. They do not think as ordinary humans think.

    [They have no sense of morality whatsoever. Try to understand that. Recall Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. Recall that, even though the emperor of Japan had sent a letter, offering to surrender, President Truman ignored the letter, and dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, without a bit of hesitation.

    [Yet, despite these grim facts, I hold out hope that something will happen to cause these non-human life forms to back out of Libya, as well as out of all of the places in this world where they are murdering human beings].

    News from various other sources:

    The following contains information received on both October 5th and October 6th. I was with the October 5th report, which I did not finish until October 6th. But, the October 6th news is so good that I decided to include it in this October 5th report. I will repeat the October 6th information that appears below, in the October 6th report, which, hopefully, will include additional October 6th news.

    October 5th:

    Sirte is controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers. NATO-mercenaries are desperate to call mission over as fighting spreads across Libya and Media-war is being lost.

    Resistance is growing in all areas of Libya (See October 6th information below!!!). Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers went through tunnels and captured 10 NATO-mercenaries and 20 died at outskirts of Sirte.

    NATO-mercenaries have been trapped in low residential areas [NOTE: of Sirte, I think] Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers were firing from higher area. Green Resistance has surrounded NATO-mercenaries brigade there and killed 1 commander and 50 rebels.

    Sheik of Sirte said :“Urged red cross or other humanitarian organizations to contact civilian city”, and in the mean time Red cross is supplying “rebels”.
    NATO-mercenaries lost hundreds to reach a hotel in Sirte, but hotel was quickly retaken by Green Resistance after NATO bombing.
    NATO-mercenaries are now at outskirt areas of Sirte and were entered in small part of Abu Hadi and Sabalibya: both are a death trap for NATO-mercenaries.

    On the East of Libya the city of Baydah has made tribal meeting and has officially rejected the NATO-mercenaries renegades as “corrupt”.

    Sabha and Bani Walid have 100% upperhand over all NATO-mercenaries “rebels”. The real battle left now is in outskirts of Sirte.

    Big fighting in Tripoli just going through subjects actually right now.

    At Alsreem, Dahra and Bab al Aziziyah hard fight. In market Al Tulatha 8 NATO-mercenaries died and, from hotel Corinthia, Bab Africa NATO-mercenaries fled to Bengazi.

    In Tripoli, Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers have captured a Weapons Warehouse, including 30 armored Cars with heavy guns.

    October 6th:

    According to new reports Libyans lured NATO Mercenaries towards a roadside bomb by raising a white flag, destroying three Mercenary vehicles and its occupants in the trap. Fighting continues in Southern Sirte therefore it is hard to get more information from sources connected with Libyan Defense Forces.

    In the east front, NATO mercenaries made a small attack and were defeated. Thirteen (13) NATO mercenaries were killed, two tanks were destroyed, and the remaining mercenaries fled

    In the west front of Sirte, 4 tanks of rats were destroyed, and many NATO mercenaries are dead. Fighting is ongoing. This is 100 per cent confirmed news. The mother of all battles for Libya has started.

    The battle started last night around 2 am GMT. NATO-mercenaries that initially had NATO air cover have faced many complicated traps by the Libyan Army.

    Seems that on the south front of Sirte, they are defeated. Now the battleis for the west of Sirte. When we have reliable updates we will come back with more detailed news. The steadfast of Sirte and the courageous tribes will suprize the world.

    A courageous member of the Werfalla Tribe in Sirte has blown himself up among the ranks of NATO-mercenaries: dozens of them died.

    Bani Walid
    Libyans in Bani Walid are attacking NATO check points in North Eastern Roads which lead to Sirte.

    A big division of formerly-mislead Zintan people have come and joined the honourable tribes of Libya to defent the NATO-mercenaries and colonialists. May they be the example that will show the road to other mislead Libyan people. These Zintan fighters also brought usefull information with them. And they swore that they will be the first to enter Tipoli and clean it from their former allies, the NATO-mercenaries.

    Western Mountains
    Volunteers of the tribes are attacking NATO-mercenaries in the night, every night, causing losses. Yesterday night they used missiles to bomb some strategic places of NATO-mercenaries.

    Intense fighting has also been reported in the coastal town of Zuara. Most NATO Mercenaries have left the town of Zuara to attack Sirte therefore making the town a favored pick for their inhuman and demonic designs.

    At the same time, Libya’s largest oil field refinery has been destroyed by the Libyan Defense Forces in an attempt to stop foreign aggressors from leaching and plundering Libyan resources. Libyan Jamahariya Government said that they will rebuild the refinery once Libya has been liberated from NATO and its Mercenaries.

    More reports of fighting in Tripoli. Libyan Defense Forces attacked NATO Mercenaries. The Libyan Defense Forces used NATO Mercenary flags to cause huge confusion among the enemy.

    A team of Jamahiriya guerillas have attacked the house of the Al-Qaeda leader, Abdel Hakim Belhad. We still don’t know if he is dead or alive. Another team is on the hunt for Mahmoud Jibril and many other teams are in the hunt for other traitors and members of the NTC.

    Huge fighting is going on in Alhmedat, La Nwyel and Safeyat.

    Here are some of the cities that are controlled by the Libyan Army and Libyan moujaheeds: Sirte, Bani-Walid, Gadames, Tiji, Bar Al-Harush, Kufra, Tobruk, Al Baydam, Dermam, Al-Marld, Al-Biar, Al-Brega, Ras Lanuf, all oil wells and all of Southern Libya.

    “Here are some of the cities that are controlled by the Libyan Army and Libyan moujaheeds: Sirte, Bani-Walid, Gadames, Tiji, Bar Al-Harush, Kufra, Tobruk, Al Baydam, Dermam, Al-Marld, Al-Biar, Al-Brega, Ras Lanuf, all oil wells and all of Southern Libya.” (From Libya Free Press, Jamahiriya News).

  74. In response to a whole bunch of lies JIM CAMPBELL bought lock, stock, and barrel from the US Government and Mass media concerning “Gadhafi’s WMD” , [ see: ]

    I responded in a long reply:

    theorbo1 | October 6, 2011 at 12:13 PM |
    J.C.! I am surprised at you believing that the uranium, chemical and WMD were those of the JAMAHIRIYA [the democracy al-Gadhafi created for his people]. The 2003 accord was a rousse to acquire Western trade. Gadhafi despised WMD—and it was not because of Barbara Walters (as is so many times “told”).

    Again the US State Department and Pentagon have concocted a dream-story in order to land troops on Libyan soil. The USA brought into Libya 18,000 al-Qaeda from Afghanastan a few weeks ago…and now they are “afraid that these weapons will get into extremist hands”! What type of games is the U.S. government playing? To show you a different side of al-Gadhafi than the lying Press and Media, following here is an excerpt from one of al-Gadhafi’s speeches (all of which have been banned by the CIA!).

    [At a conference on Euro-Arab relations in Tripoli in May 1973, the Leader of the Revolution expounded on the philosophical aspect of the Third Universal Theory and its relationship to national and social liberation. In this speech we see the highly developed awareness of the Revolutionary Muammar Qadhafi and his acute appreciation of the complex inner needs of all the world’s peoples. It is worth recalling his words which are still very relevant to life in the 21st century. ] He said:

    “Humanity now urgently needs a cry of justice which would return it to its senses and to its Creator… We need to go back to God and turn away from evil… Atomic bombs, missiles, biological weapons and aggression can only be the making of the Devil. The ideology we propose to the world is humanitarian but not made by men, nor is it a philosophy, but it is based on truth…. This is Gods law, always one, immortal, and unchangeable, a universal religion of truth which belongs to all mankind. The Third Theory offers an alternative to capitalist materialism and communist atheism and calls for the return of mankind to the Kingdom of God. Mankind was never in greater need to rearm itself with faith than it is now. We all know that all the philosophies and ideologies have failed to disprove the existence of God, and as the truth of His existence is self-evident, it is quite clear that society must be reorganised in every country of the world in accordance with the will of God and the precepts of His Prophets.”
    Now, J.C., before condeming and believing the lies of the Media, start listening to and reading what al-Gadhafi actually says and does..and all the marvels he did for Libya, Africa and beyond.

    To those of the JAMAHIRIYA, he is honored as an IMAM and MUJJADID. He lives in the hearts of millions, literally.

    On this page you have an add concerning the “Pschological Operations of the U.S. Army”. Remember, the US has also used psy-ops on everytone in this world. Do not get caught in their evil lies.

    “Qaddafi discarded the false divide between religion and political science, the secular and the sacred, faith and reason, and was thereby able to articulate a paradigm that is holistic/ integralist, reflecting a total reality – an African reality. Quite simply, secular European discourse is unable to comprehend and advance ideology such as the Third Universal Theory, precisely because this ideology acknowledges the transcendental and metaphysical dimension of human civilization and existence. As such, this ideology provides us with an alternative model for social and political reconstruction and transformation, in synergy with our culture and traditions. It invites us to finally reject and move beyond the vulgar economism and materialism of the Eurocentric ideologies of Marxism and liberal capitalism, which were thrust upon Africa and the ‘Third World’ as part of the imperialist project.” (DENNIS SOUTH)

    LAST DECEMBER, al GADHAFI gave a speech saying:
    (QUOTE): “There is a lot of talk about the maintenance of world peace, preventing wars and saving the peoples from their scourge. If there is any truth to such talk, if it is not mere hypocrisy or the well-known electioneering propaganda, certain practical steps need to be agreed upon and implemented by the whole world. Foremost among those is the complete elimination of weapons of mass destruction; not the partial or gradual elimination but the complete one. This matter may be addressed in more detail in a future essay. However, seas are the topic of this essay. If we are serious about the maintenance of world peace, we must have the courage to take the following, simple step. Namely, to ensure that no military fleets are present in the inland seas and gulfs except those that belong to the littoral states. By that I mean the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Red Sea and the Arab-Persian Gulf.
    If we are serious about building peace, if we take a genuine interest in peace, we must take this step. Peace us important for the world peoples. Peoples who are the cannon fodder and who die by the millions in wars yearn for peace. Tyrants, dictators and leaders like Hitler may not share that burning desire for peace.
    The UN must adopt this proposal. Certain arrogant powers threaten the peace of the world, are inimical to the welfare of peoples and show no interest in their safety and security. All the entities that represent the conscience of the world and care for the safety of humanity are called upon to impose this proposal on those powers. They must take all the necessary measures to ban the presence of foreign fleets in inland seas until this becomes a general policy.
    If this proposal is not formally adopted, peace-loving forces may find themselves compelled to close the straits of Gibraltar, Dardanelles, Bab El-Mandab Hormuz as well as the Baltic Sea to the foreign military fleets. Only the fleets of the littoral states and the civilian fleets should be allowed to navigate those waters.” (UNQUOTE)

    al-Gadhafi is a man of integrity. He says what he really means; no one writes his speeches but himself. He does not speak just to flatter one faction; and then in another manner to gain support of another. He is honest to the bone and fearless. He is against WMD and all these evils. He does not mean to exterminate the earth just to “win”! He is defending the holy JAMAHIRIYA which he has given to his people and the world with the assistance of the Almighty. In defending the JAMAHIRIYA, al-Gadhafi and the loyalists are also defending God and the principles of God —NOT THE DEVIL! and he is defending LIFE, not death.

  75. NATO bombs hit hospital in Libya’s Sirte
    Thu Oct 6, 2011 3:51PM GMT
    French mig
    06 OCT. 2011

    Mutassim al-Gadhafi remains in Sirte, commanding loyalist operations from the town’s main hospital.

    A French Air Force Mirage 2000 jet fighter takes off for a mission to Libya from the Solenzara 126 Air Base on Corsica Island in the Mediterranean Sea on 24 March 2011. (File photo)

    NATO has carried out a new round of airstrikes against Libya, targeting a hospital in the northern town of Sirte, Press TV reports.

    NATO warplanes bombed the medical center in Sirte, located 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of the capital Tripoli, on Thursday. The number of possible casualties remains unknown.

    The strike comes as the houses of tribesmen loyal to the fugitive Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi have been looted in the south of the city.

    Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Thursday set out conditions for “future termination” of the NATO campaign in Libya.

    Speaking at a meeting of NATO defense chiefs in Brussels, Belgium, Panetta said that a decision to cease the bombing of Libya will depend on whether forces loyal to Gaddafi are still able to fight, and whether the Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) forces are able to provide “security” for the North African country.

    NATO has carried out more than 9,300 airstrikes on Libya since its campaign started in March, according to the Associated Press.

    Thousands of Libyan civilians have lost their lives since NATO took command of the airstrikes on 31 March 2011.

    NATO aerial attacks have also severely damaged Libya’s infrastructure.


    NTC forces have besieged Sirte since 15 September but have not managed to penetrate the heart of the city because of fierce resistance.
    The Ibn Sina hospital, near the Ouagadougou centre, is one of the pro-Kadhafi fighters bases.
    At the same time, NTC field commander Salah al-Jabo said there were only about 400 civilians left in Sirte. That figure was impossible to confirm, but the reporter said that only a trickle of refugees had come out on Thursday and the previous day, compared with dozens if not hundreds of cars in previous days.

    Many among the thousands of residents who have escaped complained that the biggest danger was not Kadhafi loyalists but the bombs that drop from the sky and the ones the NTC fighters lob into their Mediterranean port city.

    International aid workers also say NATO bombing is sometimes doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do in the city that was home to around 100,000 people before the Libyan revolution kicked off in February.

    When asked if NATO was fulfilling its mission to protect civilians, one aid worker, who asked not to be named because he was not authorised to speak publicly, replied: “It wouldn’t seem so.”
    “There’s a lot of indiscriminate fire,” he said, adding that many residents and doctors he had spoken to had complained of the deadly results of NATO air strikes.”
    Residents, who spoke with Reuters by telephone, say ordinary people have taken up arms in Sirte to fight the attackers — suggesting the battle could be prolonged and that there will be lasting hostility towards Libya’s new rulers when it is over.
    “There are no (pro-Qaddafi) brigades. You know, the ones who are fighting in Sirte are the people who lost their brothers, their mothers and sisters,” said Mohammed.
    “The families are fighting for their homes and their children who have died.”

    During two days of talks in Brussels, NATO officials, are insisting that the bombing campaign will continue as long as there is fighting or pro-Gadhafi support! “Sirte is extremely symbolic. But it is important that we no longer have pockets of resistance,” French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet told reporters.
    “We will stop when we no longer identify a resistance prohibiting the normal functioning of a state,” he said. “Whether Kadhafi disappears from the scene is important, but it’s not enough.”
    NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, US Admiral James Stavridis, recommended to the ministers late Wednesday that the mission continue until the new leadership consolidates control of the entire country, diplomats said….which effectively means FOREVER there will be a NATO bombing presence in Libya.
    “The termination of the operation is not dependent on Colonel Kadhafi,” he said…meaning that even if Gadhafi were dead, NATO would not withdraw from Libya.

    “It will be a political decision, which will involve the UN and the NTC and it will be a question of an international concert of opinion that the time has come,” said a senior NATO official.

    “The big risk is that one day we stop and the next day there is a massacre, in which case we would have failed.”

    NATO assault on Sirte inflicts more Libyan civilian casualties
    Posted: 2011/10/06
    From: Source

    By Patrick O’Connor
    4 October 2011

    The coastal Libyan city of Sirte is under ferocious bombardment from NATO in the air, and militia fighters aligned with the National Transitional Council (NTC) on the ground. Tens of thousands of civilians remain trapped in the area, and are being subjected to indiscriminate rocket, mortar and missile attacks. The military operation has also involved a prolonged blockade—denying residents access to basic supplies, including food, water, medicine and fuel—that has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis.

    Numerous reports have emerged from civilians who have managed to flee Sirte in recent days about NATO bombs destroying homes and other civilian buildings and infrastructure.

    Ashiq Hussein, an immigrant Pakistani electrician who escaped with 11 of his family members, told AFP: “NATO struck one big building, Imarat Tamim, two days ago, with 12 or 13 bombs. The whole building with nearly 600 flats is razed to the ground now… Two of my neighbours died yesterday in a NATO bomb which hit their home. Maybe they have information that on rooftops there were Gaddafi men… But a lot of civilian buildings were getting hit. Also the incoming shells from NTC forces were hitting civilian homes.”

    NATO war planes are conducting continual operations in the air above Sirte, carrying out reconnaissance and bombing operations and also dropping leaflets demanding that civilians leave the city and pro-Gaddafi fighters surrender. According to official figures released in Brussels, 78 strike sorties were carried out last Saturday and Sunday, with all but two of the confirmed “key hits” occurring in Sirte.

    The American, British and French governments spearheading the bombardment are guilty of war crimes. What is unfolding in Sirte has again put paid to the “humanitarian” pretext for the regime change campaign in Libya that was driven by the predatory economic and geo-strategic calculations of the US and European powers. NATO figures now make little pretence that their operation has anything to do with “saving lives” in Libya. The people of Sirte are being subjected to a collective punishment for their hostility toward NATO and the NTC, with the brutal military operation serving as a warning to people throughout Libya and the region against any resistance to the agenda being advanced by Washington, London and Paris.

    Around 100,000 people live in Sirte, located about halfway between the Libyan capital of Tripoli and the eastern city of Benghazi. It remains unclear how many are left, but the number is certainly in the tens of thousands. The situation there is already critical. The population has not had access to running water and a regular electricity supply since August. Child malnutrition has been reported and there are increasing incidents of sanitation-related diseases, including diarrhoea.

    Dr Siraj Assouri, who was in Sirte last weekend, told the Guardian that basic medical supplies had run out and people were resorting to drinking contaminated water to survive. “There is no medicine for heart disease or blood pressure, or baby milk or nappies,” he explained. “There is very little water that is drinkable. The water is contaminated with waste oil.”

    Reuters interviewed Al-Sadiq, who said he had run the dialysis unit at Sirte’s main hospital. He explained: “Doctors start operating, then the power goes. They have a few litres of fuel for the generators, then the lights go out when they operate. I saw a child of 14 die on the operating table because the power went out during the operation.”

    Mohammed Shnaq, a biochemist who fled the hospital on Sunday, added: “It’s a catastrophe. Patients are dying every day for need of oxygen.”

    NTC gunmen enforcing the siege of Sirte have deliberately created the humanitarian crisis by refusing to allow supplies into the city. A group of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) workers entered Sirte on Saturday to deliver body bags and war wounded kits, but was unable to enter the hospital because it came under fire from the NTC.

    ICRC team leader Hichem Khadhraoui told AFP: “Several rockets landed within the hospital buildings while we were there. We saw a lot of indiscriminate fire. I don’t know where it was coming from.” Khadhraoui added that his team members “were surprised” by the attack, because they had “contacted all parties to say we were going in.”

    The incident appears to have been another premeditated war crime carried out by NTC forces. Al Jazeera reported that “NTC fighters are unhappy with the ICRC for delivering supplies to the town rather than evacuating wounded people and searching for disappeared residents.”

    On Saturday, NTC chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil announced a two-day “humanitarian” ceasefire, supposedly to allow more civilians to evacuate. Yet the attack on Sirte’s hospital occurred during this so-called ceasefire, while journalists on the city’s outskirts reported no let up in the militias’ indiscriminate mortar and rocket fire. On Saturday, according to AFP, two children and two adults were killed when their vehicle, which was leaving Sirte, was hit by a rocket, apparently fired by NTC militia. The children “were torn to pieces,” Dr Ahmed Abu Oud, a field medic on the western side of Sirte, said. “They collected the body parts in bags.”

    The declared “ceasefire”—which was accepted as good coin by much of the US and European media—was clearly motivated by propaganda considerations. NATO and NTC forces are preparing their alibis for the civilian killings for which they will be responsible in the final offensive on Sirte. Having supposedly given time for civilians to flee, all those left in the city will be regarded as legitimate targets by NTC fighters.

    A similar campaign was waged in the lead up to the US assault of the Iraqi city of Fallujah in November-December 2004. After demanding that civilians flee, the commanders of the 10,000 US troops and marines who invaded the city regarded everyone still there, especially men, as justifiable targets. The entire urban centre became a free-fire zone, while civilian buildings were systematically levelled as a means of killing snipers and other anti-occupation fighters. Similarly in Sirte, snipers have played an important role in pushing TNC militia out of the city centre.

    Those left in Sirte include the most vulnerable layers of the population. One fleeing resident told the BBC that “those left behind were either too badly injured to leave, or lacked cars and petrol.” Petrol reportedly costs 600 dinars, or about $450, for 20 litres. Mohammed Dahab, a 30-year-old engineer who was born in Sudan but has lived in Sirte since he was 5, told Spiegel Online: “The only ones left are the poor, including many African foreigners.”

    The African immigrant and dark-skinned Libyan community in Sirte has been swollen by a recent influx of refugees from neighbouring Tawargha. The town of about 10,000 people was entirely depopulated by NTC militiamen who went on a racist rampage after they captured it in August.

    Fears among Sirte residents of similar reprisal attacks are well-founded. When NTC fighters fought their way into the Sirte district of Bouhadi yesterday, a Reuters correspondent reported that they set a house on fire belonging to someone allegedly close to Gaddafi. In other houses, the reporter added: “Some helped themselves to belongings. NTC pickup trucks drove from the area loaded with carpets, clothes and furniture. One NTC vehicle had a table football game in the back.”


  76. Bodhibrian Souter reports:
    too often people talk if rats, just as the media talk of rebels and revolutionaries, with little effort to identify their nationalities..because they are not all Libyans…indeed there may be very few libyans among them! Morris tells us that in Benghazi, many of the insurgency were…egyptians! who came there to work..think of them as the REAL african mercenaries!

    Steffen Seidel writes:
    If you read this then you can imagine why 1VSMRK was censored! This is entire situation from beginning! All traitors and in addition of training Berbers in UN camps to fight in Libya! To import Egypt not to work, only to be food soldiers then and overpower or kill normal people in Benghazi! All traitors, chemical weapons and how it really was in Tripoli! But it cannot be censored in all places! True find it way! Now read, next is from this movie and not text by me. I did only long work to write all down. Maybe some natural speaker can translate it manually. It is now faster to do.
    What Really Happened in Libya, NATO Crimes In Libya – stopwarcrimes11
    Originally uploaded by VSMRK on Fri Sep 30 22:50:46 2011.

    Greetings my summary of Libya.
    This is a collection of my own memories and from people that spoke to me from Libya.
    When I first arrived in Benghazi, it was really beautiful, the people were well off and everything was free and services were all good. I have lived in Europe so I could tell live was good and pepople happy.

    There was a financial boom in the Benghazi area and in East of Libya general, creating a sudden increase in the population of Egyptian emigrants. Companies were hiring Foreign labor from Egypt.
    Also some migrants from Afghanistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan.

    It was the same labors that later became the food soldiers for the so called revolution.
    The companies hiring them turned out to be the same Government officials: Mustafa abd jalil and Mahmoud jibreel and much later help came from a General named Abd fatah Younis, that is how it all happened in the Benghazi “revolution”.

    Entire neighborhoods were killed and then the “foreign laborers” would move into those now empty neighborhoods in Benghazi, and it turned out that many of the laborers were well trained in fighting and had intended from beginning to fight.

    Using their large force of foreign laborers and small troops of tribal loyalists and with help from General Abd fatah Younis they overpowered the majority of the people, that clearly were with Maumar Gaddafi.

    Many Egyptians that fled the war confirmed that those killing the people were in fact Egyptians as they could easily guess by their accent and of course they would know best and it’s quite easy to distinguished a Libyan from a Egypt.

    —– TRIPOLY —-

    Tripoli was well defended and it was impossible for the NTC rebels or NATO to ever capture the city, not even in 2 years would it have been possible. But yet what happened? … There were many different event floated but the true was simple.

    The city was betrayed by 2 Generals. They gave coordinates for everything NATO needed to bomb. They also sent small squadrons of men around the city that sprayed chemicals that they received from NATO. At the port another small group of men received NATO’s troops from the UK and France and the USA and QATAR and the UAE and JORDAN and KUWEIT. The rebels initially arrived from the sea along with NATO special forces.

    The 2 Generals gave coordinates of all the government officials, then a group of rebels that were “sleeper cells” and NATO special forces together started to hunt for 300 government officials to find them and kill them.

    One General was arrested and killed by his own soldiers, after capturing him. They learned all of the traitors plans. The quickly acted and saved a lot of the 300 government officials. They fought in the streets against NATO special forces and rebels and traitors working for these Generals and they managed to defend much of the city. But the large use of chemical weapons and helicopters and NATO jets while the chaos from within was going on forced them to retreat and regroup and reestablish a command center with new Generals.

    The army of Libya is loyal to Gaddafi. 80% of people of Libya is loyal to Gaddafi.

    —– MISRATA —–

    Gaddafi gave all Libyans wealth and development. But the people of Misrata benefited from lucrative deals. Some individuals from Misrata became rich businessman and they starting making deals with tribes in Algeria “Berber tribes” and they gave them hundred of millions and promises of all assets of the city and passports etc. Thats the reason why blacks were be killed in the city and all Gaddafi supporters in order to make space for the Algerian Berber fighters planning to move their families there.
    Rich Misrata business men also Gained backup from Misrata of thousands of Egyptians pouring into the city from Benghazi were they would come by sea. Each fighter from Egypt would be paid 10 thousand dollars.
    Misrata rich businessmen themselves had small groups of loyalists.
    The Misrata people all fled to the areas controlled by Gaddafi. Fleeing from foreign fighters.

    There was a very powerful Army of Libya in Misrata that fought of all these forces and survived NATO airstrikes. It was intended that Misrata would begin the revolution.
    But because Generals stationed in Misrata refused to betray the people of Libya, the plan failed, so the rebels started the revolution in Benghazi with the help of Abd fatah Younis from Benghazi.

    Berbers from Zintan received training in Tunisia in UN camps there they would pretend to be seeking free food and another advantages. In realty they were giving away coordinates and planing movement of the Algerian Berbers to Misrata. FORCES from the UK – FRANCE – the USA – UAE and QUATAR were stationed there and were helping plan the process.

    ADDED: 70% of Zintan Berbers have now joined the Green Resistance. Many of the Berbers and their tribal leaders have now joined once more

    The entire attack of Libya was planed in detail and with high treason of the Libyan people.
    The media was part of the process to remove the malicious nature of the invasion.

    Many tribes are with Gaddafi but some tribes hesitated and did not act quick enough. But as events continued they suffered the most of not acting quickly enough, today all Libyans are convinced. Some, sooner then others, that they must resist this evil invasion. The rebels have mass raped and mass looted homes. Horrible crime have been committed. People have been locked in freezers to be taken out and tortured one by one. Entire villages wiped out and buried as if they never exists.

    NATO has carpet bombed hospitals and schools and all services including water tanks and electricity plants. NATO focused all its fire on civilians protests that are Pro-Gaddafi.
    NATO special forces have beheaded Libyans and walked Brandishing their heads for all to see.
    The large amount of bloodshed has not made the people of Libya afraid, in fact it made them understand the very nature of this evil operation and strengthened their resolve to resist it.

  77. Libyan War News: 07 October 2011

    In Bani Walid and Sirte NATO throws the mask of hypocrisy …
    Posted on 07 October 2011 by libyanfreepress

    The battles against the last strongholds of loyalists Libyans seem to be harder than expected to the rebels, despite the forces arrayed around the Bani Walid and Sirte, suffer the counterattacks of troops loyal to Gaddafi . Once again, the insignificance of the military rebels in a decisive manner is reinforced by NATO jets and helicopters, mostly French and British, who are hammering several days loyalist positions in the two cities.

    These raids led to the brigades of the National Transitional Council to penetrate in the village of Bani Walid and then precipitously withdraw for “enable NATO forces to bomb the positions of the militia of the rais , ” as television reported the rebel Free Libya . On Saturday, the center of the city (100 thousand inhabitants) has been rocked by several loud explosions and if the rebels withdrew to avoid the risk of being struck by aircraft bombs and missiles means that the attack was massive and conducted with arms high potential.

    In the raid last bastions against the loyalists, NATO , however, should shed the mask of hypocrisy with which he covered the more than 22,000 missions carried out by end of March, of which nearly 8,500 of attack. The international intervention in Libya was in fact justified by the need to “protect civilians”, as the specific resolution 1973 of the United Nations, of course, by men of Gaddafi accused of suppressing the rebellion (armed) broke out in Cyrenaica.

    Shaky justification that has never convinced even the most naive (even when the NATO command has dubbed the raids Operation Unified Protector ) but could have some legitimacy when the artillery struck the city that Gaddafi had rebelled as Measured, Zlitan, Zawya . But now the situation is reversed: the population of Sirte and Bani Walid has not rebelled against the Colonel, and belongs to clans and tribes loyal to the regime and rivals of those who lead the CNT.

    The NATO mission, which requires to “protect civilians”, should then hit the rebel forces besieging the city and not the defenders who have suffered in recent days over 50 day raid attack. It therefore seems clear that in Libya there are third in Serie A and B. The first is against Gaddafi can count on the raid and “protection” of NATO, the latter are pro-Gaddafi, but the bombs of our jets will help you change your mind.

    BREAKING NEWS: October 7, 2011
    Sirte is controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers. Counter attack of Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds: Nato-mercenaries were fled from town. Result: more than 10 Nato-mercenaries died, more than 40 wounded, 4 Tanks captured.

    ‎5 cars of NATO rats were bombed, the cars were filled with weapons.

    One of the Al-Qaida leaders in Libya, named Al-Asad Al-Liby (The Libyan Lion) was killed yesterday in Sirte.

    Many Libyan moujaheeds and Libyan volunteers from Bani-Walid, Tarhuna, Sebha and other towns coming to Sirte to fight against Nato-mercenaries.

    On North of Sebha were shooted down airplane and 383 Nato-mercenaries from the 82nd North Carolina Airborne Paratroopers lost their life.
    Sirte,Bani-Walid, Gadames, Tiji, Bar Al-Harush, Kufra, Tobruk, Al Baydam Dermam Al-Marld, Al-Biar, Al-Brega, Ras Lanuf, Ragdaline and all oil wells and all south of Libya is controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds.

    Now town Tarhuna was cleaned of Nato-mercenaries. The road from Tarhuna to Bani-Walid is free from Nato-mercenaries.

    Dzufra and all area of Dzufra are free from Nato-mercenaries.

    In area of Bani-Walid were 20 Nato-mercenaries lost their life and 30 captured.
    Libyan moujaheeds and Libyan volunteers from Ragdaline went to Zuara and 30 Nato-mercenaries and commander lost thier life.

    The NATO rats attacked a tomb of a Libyan historic leader in Al-Zawaiya and they destroyed it.

    Moscow accuses NATO alliance had forced the UN resolution in Brussels but did not hesitate to reiterate that “NATO is ready, if necessary, to extend the duration of the mission to Libya after the expiry of the September 26” as reported a military source qualified . Ridiculous and false motivation to extend the mission “until there will be a threat to the civilian population” because “there are areas in which the forces of the regime continue to attack.” In fact, in Sirte and Bani Walid loyalist forces are on the defensive and in any case affect the rebel militias certainly not civilians, at least in the area, are on their side.

    Gianandrea Gaiani , followed all Italian missions in the last 20 years. Directs Defense Analysis , working with newspapers Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Foglio and Libero and commentator of the newspaper and Radio Capital Radio RAI. Wrote Iraq Afghanistan: Italian wars of peace


  78. Libyan War News: October 7, 2011
    Russian Veto: No to ‘humanitarian missions’!
    Posted on 07 October 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment

    Moscow says NATO’s actions in Libya haven’t saved civilians but caused more casualties instead. Russia and China vetoed a UN resolution on Syria over concerns the mandate could pave the way for a Libya-style military intervention. For more on this RT’s joined by Konstantin Kosachev, head of the State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee.

    RT News

  79. Bodhibrian Souter writes:

    NATO only destroys nations they are killers


    ODE to 2 Martyrs
    by Ghassen Bensalem:

    Oh God, I do not ask you as a Judge but as a Kindness,
    ‘save’ our nation against the zionist crusading enemy and the traitors who have walked in their footsteps. Oh free our nation from this disappointing effort of NATO and its clients …
    God accepts all who died defending the honor and pride of this nation; and it’s a right to have a life of dignity. For this, You have a martyr … God help us …
    Oh strengthen us, and fill our hearts with your love. And of “your messenger”, pure peace be upon him, and a love for our nation … Oh in the steadfastness of rejecting to be slaves (and who are loyal in Sirte and Bani Walid), and all those who choose the alternative to resist including all of the others who refused to bow.

    Ghassen Bensalem’s original:
    اللهم انا لا نسألك رد القضاء بل نسألك اللطف فيه….اللهم أنصر أمتنا وأحرارها على العدو الصليبي الصهيوني الغاصب وعملاءه وكل من والاهم ومن تالاهم ومن سار على خطاهم…اللهم سدد رمي أحرار أمتنا وخيب مسعى الناتو وعملاءه…اللهم تقبل كل من مات مدافعا على شرف هذه الأمة وكبريائها وحقها في الحياة الكريمة عندك شهيدا وأدخله فراديس جنانك…اللهم أعنا على مبتلانا…اللهم قوي من عزائمنا وشد أزرنا وأملأ قلوبنا حبا لك ولرسولك الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم وحبا لأمتنا…اللهم زد في صمود عبادك الأوفياء في سرت وبني وليد وكل من أختار نهج المقاومة وكل من رفض الركوع لغيرك
    Oh God, I do not ask You ask as a judge, but out of kindness ….
    God, for Vids Ahrarha, our nation and against the Zionist-Crusader enemy and the usurper and each of its clients; and most importantly for Talahm and those who walked in their footsteps …
    O shoot to be free throughout our nation, disappointing the efforts of NATO and its agents:
    Accept, O God … Both died defending the honor of this nation and the pride and the right to a dignified life, as martyrs; and, insert Fordyce Jnank …
    God help us and blessings to Mptlana …
    O Strong be our hands!
    Fight with Ozrna, and fill our hearts. We love you and your holy messenger: peace be upon him and love for our nation … O Z in the steadfastness of rejecting to be faithful slaves in the Sirte and Bani Walid. Choose from them and all the Resistance; as both refused to bow to others.

    “Stop the aggression in Libya” writes:

    Back in the day, anyone who had a subscription to Libyana’s phone network used to receive messages from Gaddafi. He’d tell us of his plans, where he would speak next etc..This was common practice. I hope Libyans are still in contact with the leader and know what is going on better than us. It’s hard to understand once outside of Libya. Very frustrating.


    China and Russia in the U.N., abstain from making the same mistake they made with LIBYA: onto Syria

    The Western “thinking” is that anything done MUST be for a gain or a personal profit. There is no sense of decency–only greed.

    Yes, China has African interests; but then too, Chinese are also human beings who have suffered greatly too. Many had families working in Libya prior to the insurrection. Not all escaped, and those who did, have lost income and a means to support their families. There were many Philipinos in Libya as well. Yes, many Asians lost opportunities and income for a decent life in nations that do not live under a JAMAHIRIYA system—and now suffer without means to pay their utilities, home mortgages anddaily neccessities, much less any luxury as TV (which under the JAMAHIRTIYA was a freebee given to all).

    QUOTE from the above mentioned Asian Times article:

    ” As a developing country in its own right, China has charted an independent path toward economic development and modernization that serves as a model worthy of emulation in the developing world, a point frequently touted by Beijing. For countries such as Syria, China’s experience provides a viable alternative to the Western-led economic development models championed by the United States and former European colonial powers that once occupied the Middle East, models that are often viewed as neo-colonial institutions. China’s case is also bolstered by the fact that it does not have a legacy of colonialism in the region.

    Chinese cultural centers are also opening up across Syria, and Syrians are increasingly learning Chinese. China is also promoting Syria as a tourist destination for its citizens, a gesture that is welcomed in Damascus. Tourism revenue is a crucial source of hard currency for cash-strapped Syria. A steady stream of Chinese tourists traveling to Syria help to alleviate Syria’s trade imbalance and is seen as a sign of goodwill by the Chinese toward Damascus.

    Testing ground for Chinese diplomacy
    While China is eager to make its presence felt in Syria and the wider Middle East, it is careful not to overplay its hand,…”

  80. Konstantyn Scheglikov wrote:
    “An alert to the free Libyan ppl
    Aljazeera channel is preparing to deploy other lies, saying that the snipers are killing people and videos will be published such as what happened in benghazi, warn Tripoli people ”

    “All Western NATO countries have Special Forces in Libya but we are not told about them. We are lied to by our corrupt, immoral, Globalist New World Order leaders and their puppet Oligarch owned mainstream media like CNN and FOX…We are ONLY there to steal their oil, destroy billions in infrastructure to gain oil contracts for the super-rich elites. If we were ‘protecting civilians we would not have NATO air forces and rebels using heavy weapons and bombs against cicilian targets”

    RON PAUL, one of the few non-Psycho Amerians:

    Gadhafi vs. NATO

  81. Stephen Lendman
    Libyans Resist NATO-s Killing Machine

    Bob Tuskin


    by Stephen Lendman

    For over six and a half months, Libyans tied down the world’s mightiest military force despite overwhelming odds against them and enormous loss of life and human suffering.

    Established in 1949, NATO was never a “military alliance for peace and security.” It was for offense, not defense. Cold War hysteria was contrived to incite fear and assure an arms race for corporate dominance and enrichment.

    Twenty years after Soviet Russia dissolved, NATO interventions under US control threaten world peace and humanity, lurching from one war to another.

    Interdicting for corporate predators, it’s a rogue killing machine. Its mission isn’t liberation. It’s slaughtering, ravaging and pillaging for power and profit.

    Using a proxy cutthroat mercenary army, Libya was pounded by relentless land and air assaults. A wasteland replaced a once peaceful country. Daily attacks ravage it further.

    Corpses pile up on other ones. Human misery is incalculable. Death, disease and starvation haunt the living. Tens of thousands of Sirte residents face ferocious daily terror bombing.

    Food, water, medical supplies and fuel were cut off. Indiscriminate mass killing targets civilians. Schools, hospitals, homes and other nonmilitary sites have been destroyed.

    NATO’s war on Libya is one of history’s great crimes. Sirte is ground zero, facing genocidal slaughter and mass destruction.

    Spread the word! Point fingers! Hold those responsible accountable for unconscionable imperial barbarism!

    Start with Obama, an unindicted war criminal multiple times over, planning more wars besides others ongoing. Americans also sacrifice liberties and benefits for them. The worst is yet to come.

    The battle of Libya rages. Brave resistance fighters won’t quit. Killing alone sustains NATO control anywhere across the country. Let up and lose it. Unreported by Western media, it’s happening city by city, town by town, and village by village.

    Christof Lehmann’s NSNBC provides regular updates Western media and Qatari controlled Al Jazeera suppress, cheerleading instead of denouncing NATO’s imperial project across North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

    On October 3, Lehmann said:

    “Southern Libya is firmly under” loyalists’ control. “Fighting continues in Tripoli, North Eastern and North Western Libya.” Algerian tribal leaders joined “The War for the Liberation of Northern Africa.”

    As a result, NATO plans expanding the war to Algeria. Lehmann said reports he’s getting are that “special operations units and (others) belonging to the 82nd Airborne have been on the ground in Algeria for ‘some time.’ ”

    On October 2, they “came under heavy attack and received heavy casualties. A C-130 Hercules transport and paratrooper plane were destroyed on the ground.”

    Other intelligence also “provided evidence that Algeria was targeted by NATO….European Embassy chatter” suggests Americans and Europeans are “being psychologically” manipulated to believe Al Qaeda threatens the country.

    Maybe Haqqanis as well, Washington’s latest reason for more war, perhaps against Pakistan where Joint Chiefs head Admiral Mike Mullen claims they’re tied to its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

    NATO, of course, recruited Al Qaeda elements to fight in Libya and elsewhere. The CIA created group is conveniently used as both friend and foe, depending on where and for what strategic purpose.

    Algeria’s pro-Western government apparently willingly cooperates. In contrast, ordinary Algerians, Libyans, Iraqis and Afghans strongly resist.

    Libya’s puppet Transitional National Council (TNC) is “in chaos.” Most of its members deserted. About 80% of Tripoli displays Gaddafi’s green banner. It’s the only national flag with one color and no design, insignia or other markings.

    Sirte and Bani Walid sieges “are breaking up.” Rebels suffered heavy casualties. Former Al Qaeda insurgent/now CIA asset Tripoli military commander Abdelhakim Belhadj “describes the situation as chaotic.”

    Despite omnipotent air power, “NATO is losing the battle on the ground. (Engaging in) heavy clashes around both cities, (resistance fighters) established contact with the military, Tribal and Volunteer Forces that came to their relief.”

    Reports indicate “heavy infighting between TNC forces in Misurata and Benghazi with numerous casualties.”

    On October 2, “heavy fighting erupted in and around” Tripoli’s Green Square. Libyan forces seized an ammunition depot. Fighting raged at Tripoli’s Mitiga and military airports. Tribal militia fighters “secured several banks in Tripoli and began refunding money” stolen by TNC thieves.

    POWs were also freed from prisons. As a result, “The Green Flag is flying over 80% of Tripoli.” TNC puppet head Mustafa Abdul Jalil is “desperate(ly calling) for unity (under) a new government.”

    Belhadj called his plea “ridiculous in the face of the fact that almost 90%” of TNC members abandoned ship they see going down.

    Tripoli residents and resistance fighters won’t quit. On September 30, Human Rights Watch reported TNC militia groups making arbitrary arrests, and abusing prison detainees across western Libya in makeshift facilities.

    Assessing conditions in Tripoli, 53 detainees interviewed reported beatings, electric shocks, and other forms of abuse. Arrested without charge, none were prosecuted before judges.

    Since late August, TNC allied brigades and militias “arrested thousands and held them without proper legal review.” Those accused without evidence of serious crimes experienced horrific treatment amounting to torture.

    Many arrested were Black African guest workers, accused of being Gaddafi mercenaries or loyalists. An alliance of Libyan, Algerian, Moroccan, and Polisario tribes called for liberating North Africa.

    In 1980, Libya recognized the Western Sahara’s Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as do other non-NATO states.

    TNC fighters fled Derna after taking heavy casualties. About half of Al-Baida was freed. On October 3, reports indicated “heavy street to street, house to house, and room to room fighting in Benghazi with heavy casualties on both sides.” Half the city is liberated. TNC forces control its center.

    A Tobruk TNC detachment sent to help “was literally wiped out….In Sawiah, the green flag is hoisted over a liberated city.”

    In Zliten and surrounding areas, TNC representatives and insurgents were told to leave or be “thrown out by the people.” After months of relentless NATO assaults, “an estimated 97% of the Libyan population” stands firmly behind Gaddafi and the legitimate Libyan government.

    If close to true, Washington is “considerably worse” off than in Vietnam.

    On October 3, Sirte came under heavy ground and air attack. “After heavy fighting, (it ground) to a halt this morning,” suggesting insurgents can’t advance despite relentless air support. They’re also vulnerable to counterattack.

    According to Russian intelligence, Tuareg tribal fighters, demonstrated considerable desert warfare skills. Reports said 35 TNC tanks and armored personnel carriers were destroyed.

    “The Libyan Youth movement….declared war on the TNC (and began) an assassination campaign” to eliminate anti-Gaddafi elements.

    Libyans now await the next onslaught. Tripoli residents remain committed. Well armed by Gaddafi, they’re able to strike back. As a result, TNC forces manning roadblocks “came under sniper fire….resulting in heavy casualties.”

    Libyans know their country was the pearl of Africa “worth fighting for.” It’s theirs. They want it back and intend to get it.

    Deaths and injuries mount daily as does mass destruction. NATO turned Libya into an inferno, a hellish charnel house.

    Never forgive! Never forget!

    A Final Comment

    America’s media never met an imperial war they didn’t endorse and promote. Regurgitating official lies passes for news, commentaries and analysis.

    As a de facto propaganda ministry, The New York Times leads the pack, calling massacres “liberation.”

    Despite genocidal slaughter and mass destruction, its September 9 editorial headlined, “A New Start for Libya,” saying:

    “There are….signs of progress on military, diplomatic, economic and political fronts….Plans have been drafted for electing a constitutional assembly by early next year.”

    “Considering the situation six months ago, there is reason to be encouraged.”

    Fact check

    Washington and key NATO allies waged lawless imperial aggression against a nonbelligerent country. Corrupted TNC officials were bribed to establish a puppet regime.

    Plans include leadership subservient to Western interests. Occupying, raping and pillaging Libya is planned. Democracy won’t be tolerated.

    Libyans reacted heroically, fighting back to save what’s left of their country and rebuild. Protracted struggle lies ahead. Like Afghans and Iraqis, Libyans won’t quit until they’re free.

    The Times Libya – Revolution (2011) page offers a litany of distortions and canards. Calling planned NATO aggression “revolution,” it mischaracterized hired mercenaries as “rebels.”

    Gaddafi’s response to imperial barbarism was called “extreme violence,” not self-defense. Western TNC puppet leaders are portrayed as “a (legitimate) transitional government.”

    Gaddafi’s Libya no longer exists. A wasteland replaced a once peaceful country. Dead, dying and injured numbers mount daily.

    New York Times correspondents, commentators and editorial writers bear witness to what they know but won’t say.

    It’s a Times tradition, presenting sanitized versions of real news, information and analysis.

    Its Libya reporting shows how low it sunk, calling a charnel house “a new start.”

    It’s why reliable online sources gain followers to learn what NYT and other major media scoundrels won’t say.

    Make them a regular habit to learn what everyone needs to know – the truth.

    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at :

    Also visit his blog site at
    and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

  82. By Dennis South
    Part of this report appeared yesterday, but it is actually part of today’s October 6th report.

    Allain Jules: Latest news from the front
    (I’ll attempt not to repeat information that appeared previously. Please pardon me if something repeats).

    Thursday, 06.10.2011 08:20

    Tuaregs brilliantly dealt heavy losses to mercenaries MSP / NATO. The defeat led to the deaths of dozens of rats plus substantial material losses. [NOTE: Not certain where this occurred–perhaps Ghadames]

    Tripoli: Heavy fighting between supporters of the Jamahiriya and the rats took place in Tripoli. Al-Qaeda Islamist commander, Beladj, left the city after being threatened by a rat. [NOTE: This report will include, later, a report that states that Abdel Hakim Belhadj has been shot, and has left the country].

    Derna: Derna has been fully liberated this morning. A rebel ran to the side of the Jamahiriya. Rats suffered heavy losses in manpower and technology.

    Al-Baida: Heavy fighting continues in the city, where nearly 50% of the city was taken over by the legitimate authorities of Libya.

    Benghazi: Rats control no more than the city center. Many civilians are now reluctant to follow the “governance” of the TNC, and they raise the Green Flag.

    Al-Qaeda chief, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, shot–taken to a hospital in Italy.

    Thursday, 06.10.2011 – 11:03

    Algeria-ISP, a leading Algerian news portals, reported the attack on the Abdel hakim Belhadj, chief of temporary Al-Qaeda forces in Tripoli.

    With reference to the site of Libyan resistance, Zengtena, Algeria-ISP reports that Belhadj had been wounded by armed members of the tribe Zentai, members of the group Itihad. Sources say that Belhadj was transferred to a hospital in Italy. Another report says that he was first taken to a Libyan hospital at Maitiga, and then flown to Italy.

    Moscow sobers up. Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not recognize that NATO’s intervention in Libya has saved innumerable lives

    Thursday, 06.10.2011 – 14:08

    Moscow does not recognize that NATO’s intervention in Libya has saved innumerable lives, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, following talks with Djibouti counterpart, Mohamed Ali Yusuf.

    “We do not accept claims, which are distributed from NATO headquarters, that NATO’s intervention has saved innumerable lives,” said Minister Lavrov.” This is an attempt at wishful thinking.” UN Resolution calls for measures to protect civilians, NATO ignored the Resolution.”

    “In the early stages of the crisis there was every opportunity to stop the bloodshed and to bring the parties to the negotiating table. The African Union authored a good proposal, which we strongly supported.”

    [NOTE: At the risk of sounding ungrateful for Minister Lavrov’s comments, one cannot help but wonder why is he saying this at time, after Russia had turned its back on Libya twice. Could it be that Russian intelligence, which, no doubt, Lavrov has access to, has briefed Mr. Lavrov that the tide is turning in the favor of Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya in Libya?

    Is Lavrov “doing a Berlusconi,” where one day he’s for you, and the next day he’s against you, depending on which way the wind is blowing. In the case of Berlusconi, his vacillation was obviously due to the fact that he wanted to keep a foot in the door of the Jamahiriya, just in case the Jamahiriya came out on top. Then, Italy might be seen as a friendly country, and the doors of the Jamahiriya would be opened for Italy to come get some oil. Is this what is happening with Mr. Lavrov? Or, has the Russian conscience finally been exercised?]

    “To our great regret, the other members of the international community, especially our Western partners did not support this initiative and took the path of supporting one party in a civil war at the cost of the multiplication of civilian casualties.” [Note: Why did Russia abstain on Resolution 1973?]

    Russia advocates that all such conflicts be resolved on the basis of international law and the UN Charter principles, involving the use of military force only in cases in which the Charter allows it, such as self-defence. “This right to self-defense and the use of force under the authority of the UN Security Council,” he explained, [“is legitimate”].

    Britons ready to occupy Trafalgar Square, protesting against the war in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan

    Thursday, 06.10.2011 – 22:12

    The anti-Wall Street protests in the U.S. have spread to other Western countries. Canadians and Australians are already planning similar protests, and now they are ready to begin in London. Protesters plan to take the London Trafalgar Square and speak out against British aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

    Organisers said: “We are ready to take Trafalgar Square on Saturday, October 8th, 2011, to express our opposition to war. The vast majority of the people in Britain oppose the participation of Britain in the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.”

    The Americans have already formed associations, and are protesting there. The U.S. regime is afraid of rebellion if the situation gets out of control.

    Although the protests were peaceful, the U.S. security forces have already arrested more than a thousand people. Most of them were arrested at the Boston Bridge.

    People are buying sleeping bags and camping, similar to what was done at Tahrir Square, in Egypt, where protests led to the fall of the Egyptian puppet regime.

    News from various sources

    Sirte: According to new reports Libyans lured NATO mercenaries towards a roadside bomb by raising a white flag, destroying three Mercenary vehicles and its occupants in the trap. Fighting continues in Southern Sirte therefore it is hard to get more information from sources connected with Libyan Defense Forces.

    In the east front, NATO mercenaries made a small attack and were defeated. Thirteen (13) NATO mercenaries were killed, two tanks were destroyed, and the remaining mercenaries fled.

    In the west front of Sirte, 4 tanks of rats were destroyed, and many NATO mercenaries are dead. Fighting is ongoing. This is 100 per cent confirmed news. The mother of all battles for Libya has started.

    The battle started last night around 2 am GMT. NATO-mercenaries who initially had NATO air cover have faced many complicated traps by the Libyan Army.

    Seems that on the south front of Sirte, they are defeated. Now the battle is for the west of Sirte. When we have reliable updates we will come back with more detailed news. The steadfast of Sirte and the courageous tribes will surprise the world.

    A courageous member of the Werfalla Tribe in Sirte has blown himself up among the ranks of NATO-mercenaries: dozens of them died.

    Bani Walid: Libyans in Bani Walid are attacking NATO check points in North Eastern Roads which lead to Sirte.

    Zintan: A big division of formerly-mislead Zintan people have come and joined the honourable tribes of Libya to defend the NATO-mercenaries and colonialists. May they be the example that will show the road to other mislead Libyan people. These Zintan fighters also brought usefull information with them. And they swore that they will be the first to enter Tipoli and clean it from their former allies, the NATO-mercenaries.

    Western Mountains: Volunteers of the tribes are attacking NATO-mercenaries in the night, every night, causing losses. Yesterday night they used missiles to bomb some strategic places of NATO-mercenaries.

    Zuara: Intense fighting has also been reported in the coastal town of Zuara. Most NATO Mercenaries have left the town of Zuara to attack Sirte therefore making the town a favored pick for their inhuman and demonic designs.

    At the same time, Libya’s largest oil field refinery has been destroyed by the Libyan Defense Forces in an attempt to stop foreign aggressors from leaching and plundering Libyan resources. Libyan Jamahariya Government said that they will rebuild the refinery once Libya has been liberated from NATO and its Mercenaries.

    Tripoli: More reports of fighting in Tripoli. Libyan Defense Forces attacked NATO Mercenaries. The Libyan Defense Forces used NATO Mercenary flags to cause huge confusion among the enemy.

    A team of Jamahiriya resistance fighters have attacked the house of the Al-Qaeda leader, Abdel Hakim Belhadj. We still don’t know if he is dead or alive. Another team is on the hunt for Mahmoud Jibril and many other teams are in the hunt for other traitors and members of the NTC.

    Huge fighting is going on in Alhmedat, La Nwyel and Safeyat.

    Here are some of the cities that are controlled by the Libyan Army and Libyan Moujaheeds: Sirte, Bani-Walid, Gadames, Tiji, Bar Al-Harush, Kufra, Tobruk, Al Baydam, Dermam, Al-Marld, Al-Biar, Al-Brega, Ras Lanuf, all oil wells and all of Southern Libya.

    Green Resistance attacked Checkpoints in Benghazi and also attacked a hotel controlled by the rats.

    ArraiTV confirms that the Sabha Green Resistance has shot down a transport plane carrying 200 rebels in the middle of desert.

    Green resistance from Bani Walid, Sabha, and other areas of Libya are making their way to Sirte.

    Sirte- rebels made a massive retreat after facing very heavy fighting. The Green Resistance fought the rats out of the city.

    Morris Herman Green Resistance Report:

    There were large protests all across Tripoli. The people are waving green flags, and there are many green flags around the city. There are many clashes, from Fashloum to Gurgi, Bab al Aziziyah and Green Square.

    Very heavy fighting is occuring at Green Square and Souq al Juma’a. In the Gurji area, 70 NTC rebels were killed and 4 pickup trucks were burnt. The Green Resistance in Tripoli has captured a large weapons supply warehouse, and found 30 light tanks and large stocks of weapons.

    Also, Libyan “navy marines” have captured parts of the coastal areas and have wreaked a NATO ship as it was pulled into international waters.

    Constant gunfire and explosions is heard in the city both at night and day. Life has become chaotic, and people are arrested at highways constantly without reason.

    The NTC rebels have set up 27 jails near the Port, and constant screams of people can be heard across the area. NTC rebel commander Abdel Hakim Belhaj “al Qaeda” made a speech at a press conference at a hotel in Tripoli and announced that all must be disarmed. This was a declaration of war to all rival brigades. As reported previously, it was an explosive decision made by Belhaj.

    The NTC Zintan rebel commander announced an arrest warrant for Belhaj and his brigade. Immediately, shoot outs began in the middle of the hotel. Belhaj survived that assassination attempt, and moved to the Hadba Military Airport.

    Three NTC brigades called the Hasadi “al Qaeda” brigade, the Misrata Brigade and the Zintan brigade, made an alliance to kill NTC Abdel Hakim Belhaj “al Qaeda” brigade in Tripoli. They surrounded Habda Airport, and heaving fighting continued as eyewitnesses reported that hundreds of rebels died in clashes of NTC infighting. The condition of Abdel Hakim Belhaj, who was surrounded at that airport, is unknown [See report above].

    In-fighting continues among NTC rebels.

    Morris Herman details entire conspiracy against Libya:

    Misrata Rebels Still Burning, Looting Villages
    Fresh Off Destroying Tawarga, Rebels Rampage Through Abu Hadi
    by Jason Ditz, 06 October 2011

    The attacks on Moammar Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte haven’t gone particularly well, but the nearby village of Abu Hadi was captured pretty quickly. So while Misrata’s rebels are still waiting to conquer Sirte, they’re taking out their frustrations on Abu Hadi instead.

    Reports have fighters hurling grenades into abandoned homes, looting anything of value, shooting animals and burning buildings. The attacks have even given other rebel fighters pause.

    “The Misrata brigades are taking their revenge for what soldiers originally from this village did to them,” noted one of eastern rebels, while one of the few remain Abu Hadi residents, an elderly man, told reporters that the Misrata forces “came to patrol the house and stole mine and my neighbor’s cars.”

    This is hardly a first for the Misratans, and one of the first things they did in the wake of the fall of Tripoli was attack a nearby black city of 10,000 people, Tawarga, and force all of its residents into refugee camps. Then, a few days later, they attacked the refugee camp.


  84. Rebel Claims of Libya ‘Mass Graves’ Come Up Empty, Again
    NTC Loses Yet More Credibility
    by Jason Ditz, 06 October 2011

    Since the ouster of Moammar Gadhafi, the rebel claims that the former dictator had killed some 50,000 people in the civil war began to be scrutinized, and suffered from a major lack of actual bodies. The rebels acted quite vindicated yesterday, announcing some 900 bodies were found in a “mass grave.”

    The problem is once again, it never happened. The rebel National Transitional Council’s (NTC) crowing about the find continued right up until journalists arrived at the spot and found empty trenches, with no signs of any bodies.

    At which point officials claimed that locals had “reburied” all 900 bodies, and produced photos of rotting bodies they claimed were taken on site. The photos too were a sham – many of them were photos taken by the New York Times photographer quite awhile ago, and at a completely different location.

    The NTC’s credibility seems to be plummeting all the time, as claims about the old regime turn up false and predictions of their impending military victories likewise fall by the wayside, to be replaced by new, nearly identical predictions, the following day. Though NATO’s military leadership seems fine with continuing the war more or less forever, the embarrassment coming out of Benghazi must eventually do serious harm to voters’ willingness to put up with a nonsensical claims.

  85. Even though there are lots of propaganda lies dispearsed therein, these two stories contain many truths and unfortunate happenings to the Libyan people. BUT, The writer of these articles, Hannah Allam, just had to place the LOCKERBIE story therein, and other lying (false) insinuations are sprinkled deceivingly in both publicatons.:

    Posted on Tuesday, 04 October 2011

    Libyan civilian toll from NATO bombings still unknown

    by Hannah Allam/MCT7

    Majar airstrike
    Elmehemed Agil, right, stands amid the rubble of his family’s home, which was flattened by a NATO airstrike on 08 Aug. 2011. | Hannah Allam/MCT7

    By Hannah Allam | McClatchy Newspapers

    MAJAR, Libya
    When late-night NATO airstrikes rained down on this hardscrabble farming village…journalists were led on a tour of the site by sobbing locals, who pointed out powerful visuals such as a teddy bear or a woman’s pink shoe amid the rubble….the Aug. 8 strikes killed 85 Libyans, including many women and children — a fine example of “Western democracy,” !
    …Survivors of the Majar strike say that [for] their heartbreak…they’d like compensation for the lost lives and property, they said in interviews this week, but most of all they’re demanding answers to why NATO bombed them.

    “I just want the truth,” said a tearful Elmehemed Agil, who said his mother, sister and sister-in-law were among the dead;… and produced snapshots of 28 people they said were victims. Most of the photos were of young men, but there were older women and boys and girls as well.

    dead child
    A memorial to a young girl is included among photographs of Libyans whose relatives say were killed in homes that were flattened by NATO airstrikes on 08 Aug. 2011

    …survivors … seemed genuine in their sorrow and anger…. It’s worrying to some humanitarian workers that NATO hasn’t compiled figures for alleged civilian casualties or sought investigations at sites such as Majar.

    …”There’s a huge problem in general with data in Libya, but in particular with response to civilian casualties caused by NATO,…said Kristele Younes, who visited the Majar site this week on a fact-finding trip for CIVIC, a Washington-based nonprofit group that focuses on civilian casualties of war.

    “We hope they learn from their experience in Afghanistan and make sure they provide compensation and make amends for civilian losses,” Younes added, referring to NATO.

    It’s apparent that support for the old regime runs high in Majar, a tiny community of farmers and small-time merchants nestled adjacent to the city of Zlitan, about 90 miles southeast of Tripoli, the capital. In Majar, not a single revolutionary flag flies, and Gadhafi-era graffiti in green paint still adorns some walls.

    Survivors of the airstrike don’t deny their evident loyalty to Gadhafi, but say that NATO was wrong in choosing its targets. They said four homes and buildings that belonged to private civilians were bombed, and they picked through the debris to show schoolbooks, hairbrushes, slippers and other items that suggested family life.

    “There were no military targets. Nowhere. Not even nearby,” said Attiyeh Jaroud, who owns one of the targeted buildings and said eight of his relatives perished in the strikes.

    The Majar locals’ version is this:

    After 11 p.m. on Aug. 8, the first airstrike landed on the Jaroud home, where several men, women and children from an extended family were gathered. Some died instantly; others were trapped under the rubble with serious wounds.

    Upon hearing the blast, Majar residents who were at a nighttime service for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan ran out of a nearby mosque and drove to the site to help in the rescue effort. A second strike killed and wounded many of the responders, the survivors said. The charred frames of their cars still littered the blast site. Apparent bloodstains were splattered across walls.

    “When I got here, I saw horrific things. People burned; people cut in half,” Jaroud said.

    Farther up the road, a house that belonged to Ali Mufta Hamed also was struck. Hamed said casualties were even higher there because 10 families — relatives and friends from other cities — had taken shelter in the house after fighting forced them from their own homes. Hamed’s wife lost a leg in the attack and is receiving treatment in Tunisia, he said. A vacant building on the same lot also was flattened.

    One relatively intact room at Hamed’s house is where the survivors keep framed portraits of 28 of the alleged victims, along with some shrapnel from the NATO bombs.

    This week, Hamed’s actions were nearly identical to his behavior when the former regime brought journalists to the site: He cried, threw up his hands, pointed to each portrait and asked: “Where’s the human rights they always talk about?”

    Hamed said he demands a full NATO investigation and, for each of the affected families….

    “They killed us on our farms!” Hamed wailed. “What did the children do to deserve this?”


    [NATO’s version, according to Lavoie’s emailed response, is quite different: Between 11:33 p.m. Aug. 8 and 2:30 a.m. Aug. 9, NATO carried out the strikes in Majar on buildings that Gadhafi forces used “to mount and stage attacks on the local civilian population.” The strikes followed careful surveillance, Lavoie wrote, and were based on “clear intelligence” that the farm buildings were used as a staging ground for military operations, so it was unlikely that civilians were in the area.
    Based on the level of destruction, he continued, it was likely that pro-Gadhafi soldiers and mercenaries had died. NATO forces, he said, are extremely careful to look for signs of civilian activity immediately before strikes.
    “The allegation of civilian casualties made by the (Gadhafi) regime was not corroborated by available factual information at the site,” Lavoie wrote.
    The next day, Libyan television showed Gadhafi’s son Khamis, who commanded a notoriously ruthless brigade that fought fierce battles against the rebels near Zlitan, visiting Majar victims in a hospital. Khamis Gadhafi stood at the bedside of one wounded man, inquiring about his injuries and wishing him a speedy recovery. He also reassured a bloodied, bandaged woman who spoke with difficulty.
    “We welcomed the government when they came here,” Jaroud said.]

    Nobody checks on the Majar residents these days. Their only visitors since the former regime’s tour, they say, were a German photojournalist and a man who identified himself as a photographer from the office of Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the head of the National Transitional Council….

    Jaroud said that council delegates had met with some wounded residents who paid their own way to hospitals in neighboring Tunisia and were receiving some financial aid from the council. But there’s been no talk about a fuller investigation or compensation.

    They may not support the rebels, Majar residents said, but the revolutionaries aren’t the focus of their anger.

    “The most important thing is the truth: NATO bombed us,” Hamed said. “During this revolution, no one else attacked us — neither Gadhafi’s forces nor the rebels. Only NATO.”

    STORY N° 2: “Libya’s rebels can’t get their story straight”
    (McClatchy special correspondent Haitham Amer in Tripoli and Mark Seibel of the Washington Bureau “contributed”.) [WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN, is “EDITED” with Western Propanda dispersed throughout.]

    Read more:
    TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya’s interim rulers were busy this week:

    They cheered the imminent fall of Moammar Gadhafi’s hometown, ordered trigger-happy revolutionary fighters out of the capital, formed a new caretaker Cabinet and announced the discovery of 900 corpses in two mass graves.

    Only problem was, all those moves turned out to be premature, exaggerated or patently false.

    The National Transitional Council</em>, the interim body recognized by the United States and SOME U.N. members as Libya’s highest authority, suffers serious credibility problems. Political grandstanding and the lack of clear military command have fueled a pattern of disinformation that exposes cracks in the council’s veneer of leadership.

    Unless the interim authorities improve their reliability fairly quickly, they run the risk of seeing the United States and other once-eager Western and regional allies distance themselves. Their honeymoon at home already is drawing to an end, with many Libyans upset over unfulfilled promises from the council and its semi-allied military commanders.

    “I don’t trust either the transitional council or the military councils,” said Ahmed Salama, 39, a Tripoli resident whose main complaints about the council stem from its inability to control revolutionary fighters who’ve flooded the capital or to restore salaries for state workers who’ve returned to their jobs but have yet to be paid….

    Alaa Murabit, 22, of the nonprofit Voice of Libyan Women, complained that the council’s “ridiculous” infighting was an obstacle to the fulfillment of council pledges such as appointing more women to senior posts or sending wounded fighters abroad for treatment.

    “The term ’empty promises’ isn’t even sufficient,” she said….

    deep-rooted problems that the council has addressed largely with platitudes. Despite council members’ repeated claims that they would move their headquarters to the capital, the council is still based in the more stable eastern city of Benghazi, where the uprising began.

    McClatchy made several attempts to reach senior council spokesmen for comment, but they were in Benghazi and not expected again in Tripoli until this weekend. Attempts to reach them by phone failed because of the poor cellphone connection between the cities.

    The council members, among them self-appointed technocrats and Western-friendly former exiles, lost face right at the start of the advance into Tripoli. They triumphantly announced the capture of Gadhafi’s notorious son Saif al Islam, only to have him turn up two days later at Tripoli’s Rixos Hotel.

    They’ve also announced the death of his brother, …[General] Khamis Gahdafi, on at least four occasions….

    Even now… the Transitional-Council continues to make announcements that either aren’t rooted in truth or can’t be backed up.

    Perhaps the biggest test of the council’s legitimacy is the presence of heavy weapons inside Tripoli city limits.

    Revolutionary forces, especially from western cities such as Misrata and Zintan, have worn out their welcome with their dangerous random shooting and a cavalier attitude toward private property that has Tripoli residents complaining of widespread car thefts and looting.

    internal revolts are occurring within universities, hospitals, oil companies and other institutions where anti-Gadhafi factions are simply kicking out their former managers, with no official guidance or supervision. Targeted Libyans complain that personal grudges rather than revolutionary ideals are behind some of the purges.

    Ordinary families who supported or benefited from the old regime have been forcibly displaced, or are living under virtual house arrest, ostracized from daily life in their rebel-controlled neighborhoods. Chilling reports of revenge killings or detentions abound, but interim justice officials are ill equipped to investigate or stop such practices.

    “I’ve personally helped to release prisoners we’ve found in both public and private places — underground rooms, people’s gardens, inside shipping containers people took from the ports,” said Ali Hassan Khushan, who belongs to a neighborhood council run by a Tripoli mosque.

    “We checked their ideology, whether they were with the rebels or the regime,” Khushan said. “If they were OK, we let them go. If not, we treated them and took them to the military council. Some of them had been badly beaten, even tortured.”

    Yet there’s no central command for all the rebel brigades, and therefore nobody with enough clout to actually rein in the young irregulars.

    “There are a lot of committees, none of which seem to control things. They’re all falling out with each other,” said a Western diplomat in Tripoli, describing the three or more rival umbrella groups for the revolutionary forces. The diplomat spoke on the condition he not be identified because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

    Brigade commanders from the west scoff at the council’s empty threats to expel them from the city. The message is: They have the guns, so they’re in charge.

    “If they try to come by force, I’ll never hand over my weapon. They need to negotiate, we’ll listen, and we’ll work something out,” said Mohamed al Majog, a brigade commander from Misrata who had a pistol at his waist and a toothpick in his mouth as he reclined in the spacious office his men had commandeered in Tripoli.

    Shashank Joshi of the Royal United Services Institute, a London think tank, described the revolutionary council as a fractured organization that doesn’t have a monopoly on violence. He added that too many people claim to speak for the council, leading to so many conflicting and false statements that it’s become “a pathology.”

    Joshi said the council’s disinformation, however, wasn’t “debilitating” and that in the context of a civil war, it’s done all right. By now, people have begun accepting that any statement coming from the council should be viewed with a jaundiced eye.

    “The NTC propensity to over-promise predates Saif al Islam’s ‘capture’ by a long time,” Joshi said. “Although it’s almost comic, it hasn’t discredited them because it is such a part of how they operate.”

    Take, for example, this week’s claims:

    Top military spokesman Col. Ahmed Bani told reporters in Tripoli that Sirte, the most important remaining regime stronghold, was “days, if not hours” away from falling to the rebels. Members of the press corps rolled their eyes; they’d been hearing the same line for weeks.

    True, the former rebels made inroads into Sirte this week, seizing — and pillaging — a particularly hardcore loyalist district, according to Western news agencies in the area. By late Thursday, however, they were still meeting fierce resistance and no one could say for sure how soon the city would fall.

    At another news conference, leaders of the Tripoli security command addressed the city’s top concern: the presence of heavily armed gunmen wreaking havoc in neighborhoods. Abdel Hakim Belhaj, a veteran of jihadist campaigns in Afghanistan who heads the council, thanked the outside forces for their help with the liberation but said it was time they went home.

    Tripoli residents didn’t even have time to celebrate the long-awaited announcement. Within hours, gunmen from Zintan massed around Belhaj’s offices, blocking the roads and threatening his life, according to CNN reporters on the scene. They also produced an arrest warrant for Belhaj and his deputy, signed by the Zintan Military Council, though it’s unclear under what authority.

    “They had no arrest warrant and they were acting illegally. They had no legal basis for this warrant,” said Anis Sharif, a close aide to Belhaj. He predicted that “within weeks” there might be some coordinated central authority for all the brigades.

    The NTC made good on its long-delayed pledge to name a new caretaker Cabinet, to be installed when all of Libya is under the former rebels’ control. Once again, however, their actions fell short of their promises. Most of the names and posts were the same as before, with a little reshuffling.

    On the day of the announcement, a McClatchy reporter asked a senior council media aide in Tripoli whether it was true that a new interim Cabinet had been appointed.

    “Maybe,” he answered with a shrug, “but all that was in Benghazi.”

    And then there’s the issue of mass graves. Tripoli security officials passed out surgical masks and brought a forensics expert Wednesday on a bus tour for journalists to one of the supposed gravesites in Tripoli. The site consisted of long ditches in a normal cemetery. The trenches were empty, with not a corpse in sight and no sign that any had ever been there.

    Officials explained that locals had reburied the bodies in other plots in the cemetery because of the stench; they produced grisly photos of rotting bodies that they said were snapped by Libyan locals who wanted to document the scene. That, however, was a lie. At least some of the photos were shot by a New York Times photographer, and from totally different sites.

    When confronted with the discrepancy, officials changed their version, saying the bodies were from various “mass graves” — one with 35 bodies, another with 98, and so on. The math did not add up to the stated figure of 900. They promised to look into the source of the photographs.

    The security forces also urged skeptical journalists to check out another purported gravesite, in Tajoura, on the outskirts of Tripoli.

    “That one has 300,” one official said. “Definitely.” (REALLY???)

  86. taureg 1

    taureg 2

    SIRTE: Victory of Resistance by Libyan Army and Libyan Moujaheeds

    Forces of the NATO-mercenaries from TNC had heavy losses after violent fighting with forces of the leader of Libya Colonel Muammara Kaddafi.
    The representative of NATO’s-mercenaries, declared as a failure, their attack on the city of Sirte; and he has addressed for the help of the aircraft bombing armies of NATO, after deviation.

    Meanwhile PM Putin of Russia has denounced America and NATO’s activity in Afghanastan; and will not agree to extend “their Mission” when their U.N. mandate runs out this month.

  87. family

    ‎1-Mohamed 2-Saif-Islam
    Par : Ali Nadir Chapayev

    young colonal

    First days in his Revolution , Al Gaddafi when he is young
    I’m ready to die protecting him
    Par : اسكندر بيك

    Peter Beaumont in Sirte, Friday 07 October 2011 11.10 BST

    The battle for Sirte has come at a high cost for civilians. They are trapped, with dwindling supplies of food and water and no proper medical facilities to treat the wounded. Many residents are members of Gaddafi’s own tribe and those fleeing the city blamed the death and destruction on the forces of the new government, and Nato, whose warplanes have been flying sorties overhead.

    Hajj Abdullah, in his late 50s, was at a Red Cross post on the edge of Sirte where food was being handed out, explaining he had just escaped the city. “My 11-year-old died from the Nato rockets … I buried him where he died because it was too dangerous to go to the cemetery,” he told Reuters. “There are random strikes in the city. People are dying in their houses.”

    There is no water, electricity or petrol. People who come out of Sirte – including deserters – say everything is very expensive. Even a cigarette lighter costs four dollars.

  89. Gadhafi w Aicha and Hannibal

    Gadhafi with Aicha and Hannibal (as children) 12 MAY 1984


    WAR UPDATE 07 OCT. 2011:

    So NATO is protecting civilians by bombing them. An Iraqi doctor has been killed in the hospital of Sirte by NATO bombs.

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Many Libyan moujaheeds and Libyan volunteers from Bani-Walid,Tarhuna,Sebha and other towns coming to Sirte to fight against NATO rats.
    4 NATO rat tanks captured in Sirte
    More than 30 rats killed today in Sirte. More than 300 wounded.


    Tripoli protests and Universal Public Prayers:


    Koreans for Libya:



    Creating terror groups in order to justify a fight against terrorism has become the modus operandi of the US government in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Europe and more recently in Africa. Along with French videographer Julien Teil, Nazemroaya weaves the incredible-but-true scenario of US-sponsored terrorists wanted by Interpol, who have become the chief protagonists in the NATO genocide currently unfolding in Libya.
    Conquering Africa
    by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Julien Teil

    Creating terror groups in order to justify a fight against terrorism has become the modus operandi of the US government in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Europe and more recently in Africa. Along with French videographer Julien Teil, Nazemroaya weaves the incredible-but-true scenario of US-sponsored terrorists wanted by Interpol, who have become the chief protagonists in the NATO genocide currently unfolding in Libya.

    An unidentified U.S. soldier training Mali army troops allegedly to combat Al-Qaeda terrorists. The training is part of an overall expansion of U.S. military “assistance” to Africa — including arms sales and training programs — in the period since President Obama took office.
    (Photo: Luc Gnago/Reuters)

    repeat of the disorder and pandemonium generated inside Afghanistan is in the works for the continent of Africa. The United States, with the help of Britain, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, created the brutal Taliban and then eventually waged war on its Taliban allies. Similarly, across Africa, the United States and its allies are creating a new series of future enemies to fight, but after initially working with them or using them to sow the seeds of chaos in Africa.

    Washington has literally been helping fund insurgencies and regime change projects in Africa. “Human rights” and “democratization” are also being used as a smokescreen for colonialism and war. So-called human rights and humanitarian organizations are now partners in this imperialist project against Africa.

    France and Israel: Is Washington Outsourcing its Dirty Work in Africa?

    Africa is just one international front for an expanding system of empire. The mechanisms of a real global system of empire are at work in this regard. Washington is acting through NATO and its allies in Africa. Each one of Washington’s allies and satellites has a specific role to play in the global system of empire.

    Tel Aviv has played a very active role on the African continent. Israel was a major unapologetic supporter of South Africa under the racist apartheid system. Tel Aviv also helped smuggle arms into Sudan and East Africa to balkanize that sizeable African nation and destabilize its region.The Israelis have been very active in Kenya and Uganda, for example. The Israeli presence has also existed wherever blood diamonds and conflicts have been present in Africa. Israel is also now working with Washington to establish total hegemony over the African continent. It is actively involved through its business ties and intelligence operations in establishing the contacts and agreements that Washington needs for expansion in Africa and to disrupt the rise of Chinese influence.

    France, as a former colonial master and a declining power, on the other hand has traditionally been a rival and competitor of Washington on the African continent. With the rise of the influence of non-traditional powers in Africa, such as the People’s Republic of China, both Washington and Paris began to look at ways of cooperating. On the broader global stage this is also evident. Both the U.S. and several of the major powers in the European Union considered China and other emerging global powers as great enough threats to end their rivalries and work together. Thus, a consensus leading to integration emerged, which was greatly boosted by the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.

    President Sarkozy also wasted no time in pushing for reintegration of the French military command structure with NATO, which has subordinated the French military to the Pentagon. In 1966, President Charles de Gaulle pulled French forces out of NATO and removed France from the military command structure of NATO as a means of maintaining French independence. Nicolas Sarkozy has reversed all of this. In 2009, Sarkozy ordered that France rejoin the integrated military command structure of NATO. In 2010, he also signed an accord to start amalgamating the British and French militaries.

    On the African continent, Paris has a special place or niche in the U.S. system of global empire— as a regional gendarme in North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and all the countries that were its former colonies. France’s special role, in other words, is due to history and the existing, albeit declining, position of France in Africa, specifically through the “Françafrique.” The Union of the Mediterranean, which Sarkozy officially launched, is one example of these French interests in North Africa.

    The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has also been working through France’s International Federation of Human Rights (Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme, FIDH). The FIDH is much more established in Africa. The NED has essentially outsourced its work to manipulate and control African governments, movements, societies, and states to the FIDH. It was the FIDH and the affiliated Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) that helped orchestrate the grounds for the NATO war against Libya via the United Nations through unsubstantiated and false claims.

    The NED and FIDH

    Following the 2007 election of Nicolas Sarkozy as the leader of the French Republic, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) started to develop a real partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Both organizations are also partners within the World Movement for Democracy. Carl Gershman, the president of NED, even went to France in December 2009 to meet with the FIDH to deepen collaboration between the two organizations and to discuss Africa. [1] Most of the partnerships between the FIDH and the NED are based in Africa and the intersecting Arab World. These partnerships operate in a zone that covers countries like Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Niger, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.North Africa, which includes Libya and Algeria, has been a specific area of focus for the FIDH, where Washington, Paris, and NATO clearly have major ambitions.

    The FIDH, which is directly implicated in launching the war on Libya, has also received direct funding, in the form of grants, from the National Endowment for Democracy for its programs in Africa. A NED grant of $140, 186 (U.S.) has been the latest amount given to the FIDH for its work in Africa. [2] The NED was also one of the first signatories, along with the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) and U.N. Watch, demanding international intervention against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. [3]

    AFRICOM and the Post-9/11 Road Towards Conquering Africa

    In 2002, the Pentagon started its first major operations aimed at controlling Africa militarily. This was in the form of the Pan-Sahel Initiative, which was launched by United States European Command (EUCOM) and United States Central Command (CENTCOM). Under the project, the U.S. military would trains troops from Mali, Chad, Mauritania, and Niger. The plans to establish the Pan-Sahel Initiative, however, date back to 2001, when the initiative for Africa was actually launched after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 (9/11). Washington was clearly planning military action in Africa, which already included at least three countries (Libya, Somalia, and Sudan) identified as targets by the Pentagon and the White House according to General Wesley Clark.

    Jacques Chirac, the President of France at the time, tried to offer resistance to the U.S. push into Africa by reinvigorating Germany’s role in Africa as a means of supporting France. In 2007, the Franco-African summit even opened its doors to German participation for the first time. [4] Yet, Angela Merkel had different ideas about the direction and position that the Franco-German partnership should take in regards to Washington.

    Since 2001, the momentum towards creating AFRICOM had started. AFRICOM was officially authorized in December 2006 and the decision to create it was announced several short months later in February 2007. It would be in 2007 that AFRICOM would actually be established. This momentum also received Israeli encouragement. The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), for example, was one of the Israeli organizations supporting the creation of AFRICOM.

    On the basis of the Pan-Sahel Initiative, the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI) was launched by the Pentagon in 2005 under the command of CENTCOM.Mali, Chad, Mauritania, and Niger were now joined by Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Nigeria, and Tunisia in the ring of military cooperation with the Pentagon. The Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative would be transferred to the command of AFRICOM on October 1, 2008, which is when AFRICOM would be activated.

    The Sahel and Sahara: The U.S. Clearly Adopts France’s Old Colonial Projects in Africa

    “Fighting terrorism” and executing “humanitarian missions” are just façades or smokescreens. While the stated goals of the Pentagon are to fight terrorism in Africa, the real aims of Washington are to restructure Africa and to establish a neo-colonial order.In this regard, Washington has actually adopted the old colonial projects of France in Africa. This includes the old U.S., British, Italian, and French initiative to divide Libya after 1943 and the unilateral French initiative to redraw North Africa.

    The map used by Washington for combating terrorism under the Pan-Sahel Initiative says a lot. The range or area of activity for the terrorists, within the borders of Algeria, Libya, Niger, Chad, Mali, and Mauritania according to Washington’s designation, is very similar to the boundaries or borders of a colonial entity that France tried to create in Africa in 1957. Paris had planned to propup this African entity in the western central Saharaas a French department (province) directly tied to France, along with coastal Algeria.

    This desired entity was referred to as the Common Organization of the Saharan Regions (Organisation commune des regions sahariennes, OCRS). It comprised the inner boundaries of the Sahel and Saharan countries of Mali, Niger, Chad, and Algeria. The French goal was to collect and bind all the resource-rich areas into this one central entity for French control and extraction. The resources in this area include oil, gas, and uranium. Yet, the resistance movements in Africa, and specifically the Algerian struggle for independence, dealt Paris a hard blow. France had to give up its quest and finally dissolve the OCRS in 1962, because of Algerian independence and the anti-colonial stance in Africa, which also cut France off from the inland area in the Sahara and created opposition towards France in Africa.

    Washington clearly had this energy- and resource-rich area in mind when it drew out the areas of Africa that need to be cleansed of alleged terrorist cells and gangs. The French Institute of Foreign Relations (Institut français des relations internationals, IFRI) has even openly discussed this in March 2011. [5] It is also in this context that the amalgamation of Franco-German and Anglo-American interests is allowing France to become an integrated part of the U.S. system of global empire with shared interests.

    Regime Change in Libya and the NED: A Nexus of Terrorism and Human Rights

    Since 2001, the U.S. has falsely presented itself as a champion against terrorism. The Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI), which opened the doors for AFRICOM in Africa, was justified as necessary by Washington to fight organizations like the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) in Algeria and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) in Libya. Yet, Washington is cooperating and using these very same groups in Libya, along with the National Front for the Salvation of Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood, as foot soldiers and proxies in Libya and Africa. Moreover, many of the key Libyan individuals that are members of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) are members of these groups and have also been part of conferences and longstanding plans pushing for regime change in Libya.

    One of the key meetings for establishing what would become the current Transitional Council in Libya took place in 1994 when the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) organized a conference with Ashur Shamis and Aly (Ali) Abuzakuuk. The 1994 conference’s title was “Post-Qaddafi Libya: The Prospect and the Promise.” In 2005 another conference with Shamis Ashur would be held in the British capital of London that would build on the idea of regime change in Libya. [6]

    vig 2

    Ashur Shamis is one of the founding members of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, which was founded in 1981. He was also wanted by Interpol and the Libyan police. [7] Ahsur was also a director in the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and in the Human and Political Development Forum (and the editor of the Akhbar webpage, which was registered under Akhbar Cultural Limited and was essentially a NED project). He has also participated in key conferences, including the one in London held by Chatham House in 2011, which discussed NATO plans for the invasion of Tripoli. [8]

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    Like Ashur, Aly Abuzaakouk is also a member of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya and tied to the National Endowment for Democracy. He was one of the key participants and attendees at the roundtable held for the 2011 Democracy Awards by NED. [9] Like Ashur, he is also wanted by Interpol and serves as a director at the Libyan Human and Political Development Forum. [10]

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    There is also Noman Benotman, a former leader and founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a wanted terrorist. He conveniently left the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group due to the attacks of September 11, 2011 in the United States. Benotman is not only a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) director in the Libyan Human and Political Development Forum, but he is also tied to the news network Al Jazeera.

    Not only have these three men lived in Britain without any problems while they were wanted by Interpol and sought because of their ties to terrorism or, in the case of Benotman, drug-related crimes and forgery, but they also received grants from the United States. They received U.S. grants that formalized their NED organizations, which have been integral to the regime change agenda against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. This regime change agenda was done with the help of MI6 and the CIA. The legal documents that have been filed for their NED organizations have been deliberately and illegally tampered with. One key individual’s identity has been hidden in the list of NED directors. Thus, legal documents have been fraudulently filled out to hide a certain individual’s identity under the alias of “Beata Wozniak.” Even Wozniak’s birthday is invalid, appearing as January 1, 1 (01/01/0001). She is listed as a director and secretary of Akbar, Transparency Libya Limited, and several British companies.

    The Gate into Africa has been Opened

    The fanning of terrorism in Africa is part of a deliberate strategy used by the U.S. and its allies, including NATO, for opening the door into the African continent by expanding the so-called “Global War on Terror.” This will give purpose to the U.S. objective of expanding its military presence in the African continent and it will also justify the creation of the Pentagon’s AFRICOM, which is meant to manage Africa by creating an African version of NATO as a means for establishing Washington’s control. In this regard, the U.S. and its allies have already put budgets aside to fight the very terrorist organizations that they have cooperated with, encouraged, nurtured, armed, and proliferated across the map of Africa from Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Mali to Mauritania, Niger, Algeria, and Nigeria.

    The terrorists not only fight for Washington on the ground, but they also interact with Washington through so-called human rights organizations that promote democracy. These individuals not only destabilize their countries, but they also actively work for regime change and military intervention. Libya is a clear case of this.

    Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
    Julien Teil

    NOTES on above:
    [1] National Endowment for Democracy, “NED Strengths Democracy Ties with France,” March 16, 2010:

    [2] National Endowment for Democracy, “Africa Regional,” August 2011:

    [3] United Nations Watch et al., “Urgent Appeal to Stop Atrocities in Libya: Sent by 70 NGOs to the US, EU, and UN,” February 21, 2011:

    [4] Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs (France), “XXIVème sommet Afrique-France,” February 2007:

    [5] Etienne de Durand, “Francs-tireurs et Centurions. Les ambiguïtés de l’héritage contre-insurrectionnel français,” Institut français des relations internationals, March

    [6] The National Conference of the Libyan Opposition, “The National Accord: The National Conference of the Libyan Opposition, London, 26th June 2005,” 2005.

    [7] Interpol Wanted Notice for Ashour Al-Shamis :

    [8] Foreign and Commonwealth Office (U.K.), “Chatam House event: the future of Libya,” June 2011:

    [9] National Democracy for Democracy, “2011 Democracy Award Biographies,” June 2011:

    [10] Interpol Wanted Notice for Aly Abu Zaakouk:


    Canadian-based sociologist and scholar. Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), specializing in geopolitical and strategic issues.

    Libya: NATO massacre of Zliten civilians unreported by media

    Green Square: Exposing the Mainstream Media in Libya

    The Old Imperialist Project to Divide Libya in Three has been Executed
    The War on Libya – Part 4

    NATO War Crimes: Depleted Uranium found in Libya by scientists

    Partition of Libya underway?

    Disaster capitalism swoops over Libya
    Libya’s new colonialization

    War against Libya: an economic catastrophe for Africa and Europe

  90. Libyan War News: 08 October 2011 (11.08 am update)
    Posted on 08 October 2011 by libyanfreepress|

    taureg girls
    Analysis and Updates of the Realities on the Ground: For the last 5 days (from 2-7nd October) Sirte became a key place, on the headlines of all news agencies, and in the field of fight.

    On the one hand, at NTC in a month after so-called «an official recognition» (a capture of Tripoli) already there is a legitimacy crisis: after all, without direct support of armies of the NATO-ZIONISTS, “Rats” couldn’t establish complete control nor in one big city of Libya.

    Moreover, they completely don’t supervise: neither Tripoli, nor a stronghold of Nato-mercenaries in Misurata, initially “rebels” town Bargu and mountains of Nafusa.

    On the other hand, Green Resistance at correct strategic planning of defense of Sirte (first of all on preservation: the foodstuffs, waters, fuel, materiel and ammunition) have an opportunity, on other fronts to achieve alignment of forces favourable to them.
    That could explain why the Nato-mercenaries had never take any city in Libya without the Usa-Euro-Qatar help

    So, for last 2 weeks of calm at Bani-Walid, Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds of Jamahirya possible to clear its suburbs of bands and to organize there original «The Green Resistance center» which on the war course in Libya already influences; there is an information on a transfer of armies from under Beni-Walid to Dzhufra (Hun).

    Thanks to a regrouping of Green Forces of Loyalists which Nato-mercenaries have allowed to spend it, the division plan of “Green resistance» Libya in half has been ruined: in the area of Tripoli-Garjan-Sebha-Murzuk.

    Attempt to realize the same strategy in the changed kind, in the area of Misurata-Hun-Sebha at resisting Sirte also is improbable. Under such circumstances for a colonial coalition crucial control over the Libyan border with Algeria and Tunis which mostly remains for Loyalists.

    For this reason Nato-mercenaries have thrown a part of forces from mountains Nafusa and from unapproachable Beni-Walid on the cities of Gadames and Zuwaru (East-fezzansky and Tunisian operative areas, accordingly) where large-scale battles were developed.

    In the answer «Green resistance», having fixed in the first of October in southwest areas Tripoli, has organized a series of large warfare guerrilla operations in radius to 100-150 km from the Libyan capital. Especially it’s necessary to note clearing by Loyalists on October, 5th settlements Gualish (being to the south of Garjana) as it already the second advanced post of “Green resistance» around mountains Nafusa after Tidzhi and the Bard, located is a lot off to the west.

    Green Resistance of Muammar Kaddafi, leaning against breeding structure of the Libyan society, strengthen influence in east Libya as at coast (Bargan operative area) where more recently Al-Qaida islamites undividedly dominated, and in the silent south (Kufra).

    For the past month of war the NTC has had in loss: more than 4000 Nato-mercenaries lost their lifes, including an order of 100 NATO pilots and members of special Nato-mercenaries forces of the NATO, more than 20 field commanders of an average and the top echelon, about 10000 Nato-mercenaries wounded and deserting; it is grasped or destroyed about 50 tanks, more than 300 armed vehicles, 10 Apache helicopters of the Nato & their mercenaries.

    The cowards “rats”, a bunch of jihadi gangsters

    Only for last week by means of anti aircraft missiles used by Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds were shooted down 3 transport airplanes of Nato & their mercenaries: under Sebha (200 Nato-mercenaries and CIA agents lost their lifes), Sirte (300) and Raslanuf-om (383).

    According to the Libyan Green resistance in Sirte, diversionary group consisting of 5 Libyan moujaheeds from Green battalion Taqrvat: Bokhozam Elkabir, Adnan Alam, Hoceine Farjani, Ahmed Lamloum and Maneam Garbani have managed to get into camp of Nato-mercenaries.

    They have put bombs in military camps of the enemy. All five have sacrificed themselves for love to Libya. They have blown up all camp.

    43 Nato-mercenaries lost their lifes, 14 tanks from Qatar and the helicopter loaded by the weapons are destroyed.

    In the evening of 7th October, fights went on suburbs of Sirte. As a result of hard fight of Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds, many Nato-mercenaries lost their lifes in Sirte. Two important Nato-mercenaries, one leaders of Al Qaeda, Al-Asad Al-Libi, and NTC Nato-mercenaries commander Ali Saeh, lost their lifes in Sirte fighting.

    Libyan moujaheeds and volunteers from Bani-Walid and other towns of Libya went to help Green Resistance in Sirte. Five big trucks which carried ammunition to Nato-mercenaries in suburbs near Sirte, have been destroyed on road to Sirte by national Libyan moujaheeds.

    The Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds were destroyed 15 oil wells in Babu Aavel, 300 km to the south from Bengasi, which were used for oil export to Italy.

    Another Libyan town was liberated from Nato-mercenaries. It’s Zuwara.

    Another news: Nato-Zionist-mercenaries planning to bomb water supply to Tripoli and then put blame on Legal Qaddafi’s government. In Tripoli in area Ras Hasan and Abu Salim the Green Resistance of Muammara were raised the green flags.

    Sirte, Bani-Walid, Gadames, Tiji, Bar Al-Harush, Kufra, Tobruk, Al Baydam, Dermam, Al-Marld, Al-Biar, Al-Brega, Ras Lanuf, Ragdaline, Tarhuna, Zuwara, province Dzufra and all oil wells and all south of Libya are controlled by the Green Libyan Army and Libyan Moujaheeds.
    Font in Arabic:
    Gadhafi w President of Syria

    28 SEPT. 2011
    Pierre Lévy in Monthly Review:

    Libya provides NATO bombs, the “left” ideology

    Posted on October 8, 2011 by libyanfreepress |

    Libya: NATO Provides the Bombs;
    The French “Left” Provides the Ideology
    by Pierre Lévy
    Last April, former Le Monde diplomatique director Ignacio Ramonet published (in Mémoire des Luttes) a text entitled “Libya, the Just and the Unjust.” The war had been started a few weeks earlier, inaugurated by French aircraft which had the honor of dropping the first bombs on Tripoli. On March 19, “a wave of pride swept through the Elysée palace,” Le Monde reported. At the time, experts and commentators had no doubt that within a few days or a few weeks at the very most the country would be rid of the “tyrant,” thanks to the anticipated popular uprising, facilitated by the aerial nudge from the coalition, aglow in the sage aura of Bernard-Henri Lévy.

    To be sure, in his text Ignacio Ramonet took his distance from NATO. He nevertheless stated from the very outset: “The Libyan insurgents deserve the help of all democrats.” God be praised, certain democrats were not stingy with their help: in five months, more than 15,000 airstrikes delivered several thousand tons of bombs, not to mention the latest generation of missiles, special forces on the ground in the form of instructors — a gift prohibited in principle, but love is blind. Only the result counted: Total victory.

    The pun is easy but unavoidable, especially since Libération published the letter in which the National Transitional Council (NTC) promised to grant 35% of concessions to the French petroleum giant Total “in exchange” (the term used) for French military engagement (a document which naturally triggered a hasty denial from the Quai d’Orsay). The fight for freedom is such a noble cause. The author nevertheless concluded his article by taking note of “the strong odor of petroleum hanging over the whole business.”

    Indeed. But nevertheless, his approach was no different from that of all the Western leaders and media. In particular, he accepted the analysis of the Libyan uprising as an active part of the “Arab spring.” Lumping events together in that way disregards the reality of each separate nation. And in this case it is even the opposite of the truth.

    In Tunisia and then in Egypt, popular movements, which certainly were not identical, did share some important points in common. In terms of domestic policy, the mobilization saw the convergence of the working classes with what are called the “middle classes” in a movement whose social demands were inseparable from democratic objectives; in each of those two countries, the workers’ struggles and strikes of recent years — harshly repressed — constituted an essential background for the development of the movement, all in a context of mass poverty.

    In terms of foreign policy, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak were unquestionably puppets of the West, of which they were always an integral part, geopolitically, economically, and ideologically.

    The Libyan situation was altogether different. In social terms, to start with, the country was by far the most advanced in Africa according to the Human Development Index (HDI). In that regard it is striking to consult the statistics provided by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), whether concerning life expectancy (74.5 years — before the war, that is), the eradication of illiteracy, the status of women, or access to health care and to education. The standard of living and social protection were very substantially subsidized. There is no need to belong to the Moammer Kadhafi fan club to recall these facts.

    Moreover, by his history, Kadhafi can scarcely be put in the same category as his two former neighbors. Indeed, Ignacio Ramonet correctly observes that around 2000 he did spur a gradual rapprochement with Western leaders, who ended up rolling out the red carpet for him, business being business. However, they never considered him “one of the family”; he was always too unpredictable, and above all he never abandoned the “Third Worldist” tone of his discourse, particularly within the African Union in which he played a very special role.

    Still, the privatizations and liberalizations undertaken in recent years did not fail to impact on class relations. A certain category of the population got rich, sometimes very much so, while adopting liberal ideology. Precisely some of those to whom the “Guide” entrusted the “modernization” of the country and privileged contacts with international high finance (and its university connections, notably in the United States) came around to the idea that, in this context, the historic leader was more of an obstacle than an asset for the completion of the process. Part of the middle classes and well-to-do youth, especially in Benghazi for historic reasons, therefore constituted a social base for the rebellion — a rebellion which was armed from the start, not made up of peaceful crowds.

    The countless reports and interviews with the “anti-Kadhafi” youth are enlightening. Le Monde cited those well-to-do young women who shouted “no milk for our children, but arms for our brothers.” A slogan which would probably have astonished the Egyptian demonstrators . . . and which in any case illustrates the absurdity of lumping these events together.

    In short, the absence of social demands and even the presence of a demand for “more economic freedom”; (not systematic but nevertheless frequent and now louder) calls for a stricter application of “Islamic law”; NTC leaders closely linked to the Western business world or even trained there; and a movement which was only able to win thanks to NATO bombing — all that is not exactly what is known as a revolution. Symbolically, the “new” Libyan flag is the old banner of King Idris the First, overthrown in 1969. At this point the term that comes to mind would rather be a counter-revolution.

    On that hypothesis — if only as a proposal for debate — then things look a bit different. Of course that doesn’t mean that the insurgents who want to liquidate Moammer Kadhafi are all Western agents; many are surely sincere. But so were many Chouans during the Vendée wars. Many of them were massacred nonetheless — sometimes blindly but necessarily in order to save the young revolution.

    And when it comes to “massacres,” the protégés of the Allied Powers don’t seem to need many lessons, to say the least. That applies in particular to the veritable pogroms that took place — and may still be going on — against civilians with black skin. Presented as “regrettable errors” by Western media when they couldn’t be totally ignored, they seem to have been much more widespread than what we have been shown. Above all, they indicate a class racism, since, whether Libyans or immigrants, blacks make up the main ranks of what could be called in broad terms the working class, not exactly in the good graces of the insurgents, least of all in Cyrenaica.

    In any case, the “protection of civilians” is not only a high point of hypocrisy on the part of Western leaders. Above all it constitutes the pretext for intervention, absolutely contrary to the founding principle of the United Nations Charter: the sovereignty and equality before the law of each State.

    It is this eminently progressive principle that Cuban, Venezuelan, and many other Latin American leaders rightly defend, to the chagrin of Ramonet. The latter thus denounces their “huge historic error” in refusing to take the side of the rebels. On the contrary, by adopting that position, they are making the greatest contribution imaginable to the social and political emancipation of peoples. It is true that, when it comes to the idea of intervention, those Latin American leaders have been inoculated against it by the historic solicitude of the Yankees for their southern neighbors.

    Caracas, Havana, and others are accused by Ramonet of practicing a Realpolitik by which States act according to their interests. Thank goodness! For the interest of Venezuela, Cuba, and other Latin American States (most particularly the progressive ones) is indeed to defend themselves against the “legalization” of intervention whose only aim is to justify imperialist powers minding other people’s business.

    Ignacio Ramonet praises UN Resolution 1973 which authorized the use of force against Tripoli. He sees an extra dose of legitimacy for that text in the prior approval by the Arab League. Strange way of looking at things: that organization, whose submission to Western leaders is no secret, had not up to then made a name for itself by its active devotion to the freedom of peoples (and of the Palestinian people in particular). Dominated by big players as progressive as Saudi Arabia, it is an indisputable point of reference when it comes to promoting democracy. . .

    Ramonet adds that “the Muslim powers that were hesitant at first, such as Turkey, came around to taking part in the operation.” Are we to understand that a Muslim power has a special legitimacy to bless the flight of Rafale and Mirage fighter-bombers? That should make the Kurds happy.

    Finally, to finish telling off Chavez, Castro, or Correa, Ramonet*1 recalls that “many Latin American leaders had rightly denounced the passivity or complicity of the great Western democracies regarding the violations committed against civilian populations between 1970 and 1990 by military dictatorships in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay.”

    Let us recall what the author knows as well as anyone else: as for “passivity” or “complicity” of the “Western democracies,” in reality it was at their direct instigation, and with their active cooperation, that the bloody coups were carried out. But even so, nobody ever heard that at the time the democrats of those countries called for air raids on Santiago or commando raids on Buenos Aires. It is by themselves — and never from the outside — that peoples gain their freedom.

    Beyond the case of Libya, that is the point, the most essential, which deserves to be discussed among all those who adhere to the right of peoples to decide their own destiny — what used to be called anti-imperialism.

    Used to be? In fact, it was so up until the fall of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact opened the way to the reconquest of the entire planet by capitalism, its dominations and its imperial rivalries. And that left no other choice to countries except to align themselves with the canons of “human rights,” the “rule of law,” and the “market economy” — three terms which have become synonymous — or else find themselves under fire from the cannons of the planetary policemen shamelessly calling themselves the “international community.”

    By the way, an interesting scene took place in Brussels on the occasion of the European summit last March 24 and 25. It was nearly one o’clock in the morning. The French president rolled into the pressroom. Questioned as to the bombing raids begun five days before, he rejoiced: “It’s a historic moment (. . .) what is happening in Libya is creating jurisprudence (. . .) it is a major turning point in the foreign policy of France, Europe, and the world.”

    In reality, Nicolas Sarkozy revealed there what is probably the least visible but the most significant objective of this war. That very morning, the special advisor of the UN Secretary General also described as “historic” the resolution putting into practice the “responsibility to protect” for the first time since the adoption of that fearsome principle in 2005. Edward Luck added: “Perhaps our attack against Kadhafi (sic!) is a warning to other regimes.”

    Granted, when it comes to armed intervention against a sovereign State, the so-called “international community” is no beginner. But it is the first time that the UN Security Council explicitly gave the green light, and that its secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, played an active role in unleashing hostilities. The full implications of such a situation need to be weighed: the brutal challenge to the sovereignty of States has been legalized — even if not legitimatized. The dominant planetary oligarchies, whose final horizon is “world governance” without borders, have thereby scored a major point: interventionism (“preventive” at that, according to Mr. Luck) can henceforth be the rule.

    This conception, which explicitly contradicts the United Nations Charter, is a time bomb: it undermines the very foundations on which it was written and could mean a veritable return to barbarism in international relations.

    For the uncompromising defense of the principle of non-intervention does not stem from some narrow, archaic, fundamentalist cult, but primarily from a basic principle: it is up to each people alone to make the choices that condition its future. Otherwise, the very notion of politics loses its meaning — whatever dramatic paths it must sometimes face.

    It is the exactly the same with intervention as with torture. In principle, civilized people are against its use — but someone can always be found to insist that “in extreme cases” one should be able to make an exception (“to avoid murderous attacks” was what they said during the Algerian “events”; to “avoid the massacre of civilians” is the justification today at the Elysée and elsewhere). Now, evidence shows that, once one exception is granted, soon ten, then a hundred, will be allowed, for the sordid debate has been accepted that weighs the suffering inflicted on a tortured person against what may be gained from it, always presented in humanistic terms. It is the same thing with respect for sovereignty: a single exception leads to eradication of the rule. There is no — not any! — circumstance that justifies intervention. Suppose that Nicolas Sarkozy pursued a policy totally contrary to the interests of his country and his people (absurd hypothesis, of course) — that would in no way justify Libyan — or Bengali, or Ghanaian — aircraft dive-bombing the Champs Elysées.

    And what is one to make of the statement that “The European Union has a specific responsibility. Not only military. It must think of the next stage of consolidation of the new democracies which emerge from such a nearby region”? One can’t help noticing that Ramonet echoes word for word the ambitions displayed by Brussels. Leave aside the “not only military” which indicates, if words mean anything, that the EU would have grounds to intervene militarily as well. But this “specific responsibility” which European leaders constantly claim to possess, who gave it to them? A “benevolence” naturally attributed to a great power and its neighborhood? Such is precisely the description of an empire, albeit in gestation.

    It is hard to avoid thinking of the speech given in Strasbourg by the current president of the Republic in January 2007, when he was, while campaigning, seeking to confirm his commitment as a “convinced European.” On that occasion, he glorified “the shattered dream of Charlemagne and of the Holy Roman Empire, the Crusades, the great schism between Eastern and Western Christianity, the fallen glory of Louis XIV and Napoleon. . .” Thereupon continued Nicolas Sarkozy: “Europe is today the only force capable of carrying forward a project of civilization.” He went on to conclude: “I want to be the president of a France which will bring the Mediterranean into the process of its reunification (sic!) after twelve centuries of division and painful conflicts (. . .). America and China have already begun the conquest of Africa. How long will Europe wait to build the Africa of tomorrow? While Europe hesitates, others advance.”

    Not wanting to be left behind, Dominique Strauss-Kahn around the same time expressed his desire for a Europe stretching “from the cold ice of the Arctic in the North to the hot sands of the Sahara in the South (. . .) and that Europe, I believe, if it continues to exist, will have reconstituted the Mediterranean as an internal sea, and will have reconquered the space that the Romans, or Napoleon more recently, attempted to consolidate.” And by the way, the highest distinction bestowed by the EU was baptized the “Charlemagne Prize” — a hint as to what European integration was from its origins and has never ceased to be: a project necessarily and essentially imperial and ultra-free-market.

    The point then is not whether or not Colonel Kadhafi is an innocent choir boy exclusively concerned with the happiness of peoples, but rather what tomorrow’s world will be like: the free choice of each people deciding its future, or the acceptance of intervention as the norm, no doubt dressed up as “human rights”?

    For there is one obvious truth that should never be forgotten: intervention has never been, and will never be, anything other than the intervention of the strong in the affairs of the weak. The respect for sovereignty in international relations is what the equal vote is to citizenship: certainly no absolute guarantee, far from it, but a substantial asset against the law of the jungle. The latter is what could very well take over the world stage. If all that seems too abstract, let us come back to the recent history of Libya. After years of being subjected to embargo and treated as a pariah, Colonel Kadhafi undertook the rapprochement mentioned above with the West, which notably took the form in December 2003 of an official renunciation of any nuclear arms program in exchange for guarantees of non-aggression promised specifically by Washington. Eight years later, there is no getting around the fact that that commitment lasted only up until the day when they felt they now had reasons to trample it under foot. Suddenly, in the four corners of the earth everyone can measure the worth of the word given by the powerful and just how much they value the commitments they have made. The leaders of the DPRK (North Korea) thus publicly congratulated themselves for not having given in to pressure to abandon their nuclear program. They were right. It would be logical to draw the obvious conclusions in Teheran, in Caracas, in Minsk, and it many other capitals. It would be perfectly legitimate.

    Barely a few months before Libya, there was Ivory Coast — another point of pride for Sarkozy; already the UN Security Council gave its blessing to gunboat diplomacy, on the sole pretext of allegations of electoral irregularities — a first!

    And already the Westerners are polishing up their (military and ideological) weapons for their next adventures. Thus Paddy Ashdown, who notably spent four years as EU High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina, confided to the Times that from now on we should adopt and get used to the “Libyan model” of intervention, in contrast to the “Iraqi model” of massive invasion, which showed its inadequacies.

    For his part, the NATO Secretary General made a plea on September 5 for the Europeans to pool better their military means in this period of budgetary restriction. For Anders Fogh Rasmussen, “as Libya proved, we can’t know where the next crisis will come, but it will come.” At least that much is clear.

    That being the case, does it really make any sense to analyze the Syrian crisis as the uprising of a people against the “tyrant” Bashar al-Assad? On the contrary, one may be forgiven for thinking that he is just the next on the hit list of Western governments. In that case, is there really nothing more urgent to do, even in terms of the cause of emancipation of peoples, than to align oneself with the latter, even unintentionally?

    As for the positions taken by Ignacio Ramonet, one will not insult him by assimilating him to the “left” which has long since given up the memory of struggles. But one is obliged to note that in this case he finds himself swept along with the latter which unhesitatingly chose its side in the Libyan affair. That once again illustrates the sad paradox of our era: the forces of globalized capitalism and reinvigorated imperialism henceforth draw their essential ideological ammunition from “the left” — from “human rights” to immigration, from ecology to globalism (which is the exact opposite of internationalism). But that is another debate.

    Or is it?

    Pierre Lévy is a French journalist. He is a former editor of L’Humanité (1996-2001) and former member of CGT-Métallurgie. He is now the editor of Le Nouveau Bastille-République-Nations. The original article “Contre la banalisation et la normalisation de l’ingérence” was first published by Le Grand Soir on 28 September 2011. Translation by Diana Johnstone.

    Original Source: Monthly Review
    Originale: 28 SEPT. 2011:

    « Informer n’est pas une liberté pour la presse mais un devoir »
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    28 septembre 2011
    Contre la banalisation et la normalisation de l’ingérence
    from Pierre Levy
    Pierre LEVY

    En avril dernier, Ignacio Ramonet proposait dans (les colonnes de Mémoire des Luttes) un texte intitulé « Libye, le juste et l’injuste ». La guerre avait été lancée quelques semaines plus tôt, inaugurée par des appareils français qui, les premiers, eurent l’honneur de déverser leurs bombes sur Tripoli. Ce 19 mars, « une onde de fierté parcourt l’Elysée » rapportait alors Le Monde [1]. A ce moment, les experts et commentateurs n’en doutaient pas : en quelques jours, quelques semaines au plus, le pays serait débarrassé du « tyran » grâce à au soulèvement populaire attendu, facilité par le coup de pouce aérien de la coalition, tout cela illuminé par la sage aura de Bernard-Henri Lévy.

    Dans son texte, Ignacio Ramonet prenait certes ses distances avec l’OTAN. Il n’en estimait pas moins, dès sa première phrase : « Les insurgés libyens méritent l’aide de tous les démocrates ». Dieu soit loué, certains démocrates n’ont pas lésiné sur l’aide : en cinq mois, plus de 15 000 sorties aériennes ont permis d’offrir quelques milliers de tonnes de bombes, sans parler des missiles dernière génération, des forces spéciales terrestres sous forme d’instructeurs – un cadeau en principe prohibé, mais quand on aime, on ne compte pas. Seule comptait l’issue : victoire Total.

    Le jeu de mots est certes facile ; il est cependant inévitable, notamment depuis que Libération [2] a révélé la lettre aux termes de laquelle le Conseil national de transition (CNT) s’était engagé à accorder 35% des concessions du pays au groupe pétrolier « en échange » (c’est le terme employé) de l’engagement militaire français (un document qui a naturellement fait l’objet d’un démenti précipité du Quai d’Orsay). Noble cause que celle du combat pour la liberté des peuples. Au demeurant, cela n’a pas échappé à l’auteur, qui note, à la fin de son article : « L’odeur de pétrole de toute cette affaire empeste ».

    Certes. Mais pour autant, il reprend à son compte l’approche d’ensemble des dirigeants occidentaux et des médias qui leur sont liés. En particulier le schéma qui analyse le soulèvement libyen comme partie prenante du « printemps arabe ». Or une telle approche globalisante fait fi de chaque réalité nationale. En l’espèce, elle induit même un contresens.

    En Tunisie puis en Egypte, les mouvements populaires, qui n’étaient certes pas réductibles l’un à l’autre, ont cependant revêtu d’importants points communs. Sur le plan intérieur, la mobilisation a vu converger les classes populaires et ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler les « classes moyennes », dans un mouvement dont les exigences sociales étaient inséparables des objectifs démocratiques ; dans chacun de ces deux pays, les luttes et grèves ouvrières des dernières années – durement réprimées – ont constitué un terreau essentiel au développement du mouvement, le tout sur fond d’une pauvreté massive.

    Sur le plan extérieur, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali comme Hosni Moubarak étaient sans conteste des marionnettes du camp occidental, dont ils ont toujours été partie intégrante, tant géopolitiquement, économiquement, qu’idéologiquement.

    Fort différente était la situation libyenne. Sur le plan social, tout d’abord : le pays était, de très loin, le plus avancé d’Afrique selon le critère de l’Indice de développement humain (IDH). Il est à cet égard saisissant de compulser les statistiques fournies par le PNUD [3], que cela concerne l’espérance de vie (74,5 ans – avant la guerre, s’entend), l’éradication de l’analphabétisme, la place des femmes, l’accès à la santé, à l’éducation. Les subventions au niveau de vie et à la protection sociale étaient très substantielles. Point n’est besoin de faire partie du fan-club de Mouammar Kadhafi pour rappeler cela.

    Par ailleurs, de par son histoire, ce dernier peut difficilement être assimilé à ses deux anciens voisins. Certes, Ignacio Ramonet note avec raison que, depuis le tournant des années 2000, il impulsa un rapprochement progressif avec les Occidentaux. Dans la dernière période, ceux-ci lui déroulèrent le tapis rouge, business oblige. Ils ne l’ont cependant jamais considéré comme « faisant partie de la famille » : trop imprévisible, et surtout n’ayant pas abandonné un discours de tonalité « tiers-mondiste », en particulier au sein de l’Union africaine au sein de laquelle il jouait un rôle tout particulier.

    Pour autant, les privatisations et libéralisations mises en route ces dernières années n’ont pas été sans conséquences en termes de classe : une certaine catégorie de la population s’est enrichie, parfois considérablement, en même temps qu’elle intégrait l’idéologie libérale. Une partie de ceux-là même à qui le « Guide » avait confié la « modernisation » du pays, et les contacts privilégiés avec la haute finance mondiale (et son arrière-plan universitaire, notamment aux Etats-Unis) en sont venus à estimer que, dans ce contexte, le dirigeant historique était plus un obstacle qu’un atout pour l’achèvement du processus. Une partie des classes moyennes et de la jeunesse aisée, particulièrement à Benghazi pour des raisons historiques, a donc constitué une base sociale à la rébellion – une rébellion qui fut, dès le début, armée, et non pas constituée de foules pacifiques.

    Les innombrables reportages et entretiens avec la jeunesse « anti-Kadhafi » étaient à cet égard édifiants. Le Monde [4] citait ainsi ces jeunes femmes aisées qui criaient « pas de lait pour nos enfants, mais des armes pour nos frères ». Un slogan qui eût probablement stupéfié les manifestants égyptiens. Et qui illustre en tout cas l’absurdité d’une analyse globalisante.

    Bref, une absence de revendications sociales, voire une exigence de « plus de liberté économique » ; des appels – pas systématiques, mais fréquents cependant, et qui se confirment aujourd’hui – à une application plus stricte de la « loi islamique » ; des chefs du CNT étroitement liés au monde des affaires occidental, voire formés par lui ; et un mouvement qui n’a pu l’emporter que par la grâce des bombardements otaniens – tout cela ne s’appelle pas précisément une révolution. Symboliquement, le « nouveau » drapeau libyen est l’ancien oriflamme de l’ex-roi Idris Ier, renversé en 1969. Dès lors, le terme qui vient à l’esprit serait plutôt une contre-révolution.

    Si on retient cette hypothèse – ne serait-ce qu’au titre du débat – alors l’optique change quelque peu. Cela ne signifie certes pas que les insurgés décidés à liquider Mouammar Kadhafi soient tous des agents occidentaux : beaucoup sont certainement sincères. Mais nombres de Chouans aussi l’étaient, lors des guerres de Vendée. Nombre d’entre eux furent cependant massacrés – parfois aveuglément, mais à bon droit si l’on voulait sauver la jeune Révolution.

    En matière de « massacres », du reste, il ne semble pas que les protégés des puissances alliées aient beaucoup à apprendre, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire. Cela vaut en particulier pour les véritables pogroms qui se sont déroulés – et se déroulent peut-être toujours – à l’encontre des civils à peau noire. Présentés comme des « bavures » par les médias occidentaux faute d’avoir pu être totalement passés sous silence, il semble bien que leur ampleur dépasse très largement ce qui nous fut montré. Surtout, ils témoignent d’un racisme de classe, puisque, Libyens ou immigrés, les Noirs formaient les gros bataillons de ce qu’on pourrait appeler, au sens large, la classe ouvrière, peu en odeur de sainteté parmi les insurgés, en Cyrénaïque particulièrement.

    Pour autant, la « protection des civils » n’est pas seulement un sommet d’hypocrisie de la part des dirigeants occidentaux. Elle constitue surtout le chausse-pied de l’ingérence, en absolue contradiction avec le principe fondateur de la Charte des Nations unies : la souveraineté et l’égalité en droit de chaque Etat.

    C’est ce principe éminemment progressiste que défendent à bon droit les dirigeants cubains, vénézuéliens et bien d’autres latino-américains, au grand dam de l’auteur. Ce dernier dénonce ainsi l’« énorme erreur historique » qu’aurait constitué leur refus de prendre parti en faveur des rebelles. En adoptant cette attitude, ils apportent au contraire la plus grande contribution qui se puisse imaginer à l’émancipation sociale et politique des peuples. Il est vrai qu’en matière d’ingérence, l’historique sollicitude des Yankee à l’égard de leurs voisins du sud les a vaccinés.

    Caracas, La Havane, et d’autres sont accusés par Ramonet de pratiquer une « Realpolitik » selon laquelle les Etats agissent en fonction de leurs intérêts. Heureusement qu’il en est ainsi ! Car l’intérêt d’Etat du Venezuela, de Cuba, et des pays latino-américains (et tout particulièrement des progressistes) est bien de se défendre contre la « légalisation » de l’ingérence qui n’a d’autre objet que de justifier l’immixtion des puissances impériales dans les affaires des autres.

    Ignacio Ramonet loue donc la résolution onusienne 1793 autorisant l’emploi de la force contre Tripoli. Il voit dans l’aval préalable de la Ligue arabe un surcroît de légitimité à ce texte. Singulière approche : cette organisation, dont l’inféodation étroite aux Occidentaux n’est pas un secret, ne s’était pas jusqu’à présent illustrée par son engagement concret en faveur de la liberté des peuples (et du peuple palestinien en particulier). Dominée par des poids lourds aussi progressistes que l’Arabie saoudite, elle est un référent incontestable dès lors qu’il s’agit de promouvoir la démocratie…

    L’auteur ajoute que « des puissances musulmanes au départ réticentes, comme la Turquie, ont fini par participer à l’opération ». Faut-il comprendre qu’une puissance musulmane a une légitimité toute particulière pour bénir le vol des Rafale et autres Mirage ? Voilà, en tout cas, qui fera plaisir aux Kurdes.

    Enfin, pour achever de fustiger Chavez, Castro ou Correa, Ramonet rappelle que « de nombreux dirigeants latino-américains (avaient) dénoncé, à juste titre, la passivité ou la complicité de grandes démocraties occidentales devant les violations commises contre la population civile, entre 1970 et 1990, par les dictatures militaires au Chili, Brésil, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay ».

    Rappelons à cet égard ce que l’auteur sait mieux que quiconque : en fait de « passivité » ou de « complicité » des « démocraties occidentales », c’est en réalité à l’instigation directe de celles-ci, et avec leur concours actif, que les coups d’Etat sanglants ont été menés à bien. Pour autant, l’on ne sache pas qu’à l’époque, les démocrates de ces pays aient sollicité des raids aériens sur Santiago, ou l’envoi de commandos à Buenos-Aires. C’est par eux-mêmes – et jamais de l’extérieur – que les peuples se libèrent.

    Au-delà du cas libyen, c’est bien ce point, le plus essentiel, qui mérite débat entre tous ceux qui se reconnaissent dans le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes – ce qu’on appelait jadis l’anti-impérialisme. Jadis ? En fait jusqu’à ce que la chute de l’URSS et du pacte de Varsovie ouvre la voie à la reconquête de la totalité de la planète par le capitalisme, ses dominations et ses rivalités impériales. Et ne laisse d’autres choix aux pays que de s’aligner sur les canons (au sens religieux) des droits de l’homme, de l’Etat de droit et de l’économie de marché – trois termes devenus synonymes ; ou de se placer sous le feu des canons (au sens militaire) des gendarmes planétaires autoproclamés toute honte bue « communauté internationale ».

    A cet égard, on peut évoquer une scène qui se déroula à Bruxelles, lors du sommet européen des 24 et 25 mars dernier. Il est près d’une heure du matin. Le président français déboule dans la salle de presse. Interrogé sur les bombardements engagés cinq jours plus tôt, il jubile : « C’est un moment historique. (…) ce qui se passe en Libye crée de la jurisprudence (…) c’est un tournant majeur de la politique étrangère de la France, de l’Europe et du monde ».

    Nicolas Sarkozy dévoilait là en réalité ce qui est probablement l’objectif le moins visible, mais le plus lourd, de la guerre engagée. Le matin même, le conseiller spécial du secrétaire général de l’ONU qualifiait également d’« historique » la résolution mettant en œuvre la « responsabilité de protéger », pour la première fois depuis l’adoption de ce redoutable principe en 2005. Edward Luck poursuivait : « Peut-être notre attaque contre Kadhafi (sic !) est-elle un avertissement à d’autres régimes » [5].

    Certes, en matière d’ingérence armée contre un Etat souverain, ladite « communauté internationale » (à géométrie variable) n’en est pas à son coup d’essai. Mais c’est la première fois que le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU donne son feu vert explicite, et que le secrétaire général de celle-ci, Ban Ki-moon, joue un rôle actif dans le déclenchement des hostilités. Il faut bien mesurer la portée d’une telle situation : la mise en cause brutale de la souveraineté des Etats légalisée – à défaut d’être légitime. Les oligarchies planétaires dominantes, qui ont pour horizon ultime une « gouvernance mondiale » sans frontière ont ainsi marqué un point considérable : l’interventionnisme (« préventif », précise même M. Luck) peut être désormais la règle.

    Cette conception, qui contredit explicitement la Charte des Nations unies, constitue une bombe à retardement : elle sape le fondement même sur lequel celle-ci avait été écrite et pourrait signifier un véritable retour à la barbarie dans l’ordre des relations internationale.

    Car la défense sans compromis du principe de non-ingérence ne relève en rien d’un culte intégriste, archaïque et obtus, mais d’abord d’une raison de principe : c’est à chaque peuple, et à lui seul, de déterminer les choix qui conditionnent son avenir, faute de quoi c’est la notion même de politique qui est vidée de son sens – et ce, quels que soient les chemins dramatiques que celle-ci doit parfois affronter.

    Il en va de l’ingérence exactement comme de la torture : en principe, les gens civilisés sont contre l’emploi de cette dernière – mais il se trouve toujours quelqu’un pour affirmer qu’« en des cas extrêmes », on doit pouvoir faire une exception (« pour éviter des attentats meurtriers » disait-on lors des « événements » d’Algérie ; pour « éviter le massacre de civils », justifie-t-on aujourd’hui à l’Elysée et ailleurs). Or tout le prouve : dès lors qu’on admet une exception, on en admet dix, puis cent, car on a accepté le débat sordide qui met en balance les souffrances infligées à un supplicié et les gains qu’on en attend, toujours présentés sous un jour humaniste. Il en va de même avec le respect de la souveraineté : une seule exception mène à l’éradication de la règle.

    Il n’y a aucune – aucune ! – circonstance qui justifie l’ingérence. Quand bien même Nicolas Sarkozy mènerait une politique totalement contraire aux intérêts de son pays et de son peuple (hypothèse absurde, bien sûr), cela ne justifierait en rien que les avions libyens – ou bengalais, ou ghanéens – ne descendent en piqué sur les Champs-Élysées.

    A cet égard, on reste perplexe devant l’affirmation selon laquelle « l’Union européenne a une responsabilité spécifique. Pas seulement militaire. Elle doit penser à la prochaine étape de consolidation des nouvelles démocraties qui surgissent dans cette région si proche ». Force est de constater que Ramonet reprend mot pour mot les ambitions affichées par Bruxelles. Passons sur le « pas seulement militaire » qui signifie, si les mots ont un sens, que l’UE serait fondée à intervenir aussi militairement. Mais cette « responsabilité spécifique » dont ne cessent de se réclamer les dirigeants européens, qui donc leur aurait confiée ? La « bienveillance » qui échoirait naturellement au voisinage et à la puissance ? Voilà précisément la caractérisation même d’un empire – fût-il ici en gestation.

    On ne peut s’empêcher de penser au discours que tint à Strasbourg l’actuel président de la République – c’était en janvier 2007, il était en campagne et entendait confirmer son engagement d’« Européen convaincu ». Il exaltait alors « le rêve brisé de Charlemagne et celui du Saint Empire, les Croisades, le grand schisme entre l’Orient et l’Occident, la gloire déchue de Louis XIV et celle de Napoléon (…) » ; dès lors, poursuivait Nicolas Sarkozy, « l’Europe est aujourd’hui la seule force capable (…) de porter un projet de civilisation ». Et de conclure : « je veux être le président d’une France qui engagera la Méditerranée sur la voie de sa réunification (sic !) après douze siècles de division et de déchirements (…). L’Amérique et la Chine ont déjà commencé la conquête de l’Afrique. Jusqu’à quand l’Europe attendra-t-elle pour construire l’Afrique de demain ? Pendant que l’Europe hésite, les autres avancent ».

    Ne voulant pas être en reste, Dominique Strauss-Kahn appelait de ses vœux, à peu près à la même époque, une Europe « allant des glaces de l’Arctique au nord jusqu’aux sables du Sahara au sud (…) et cette Europe, si elle continue d’exister, aura, je crois, reconstitué la Méditerranée comme mer intérieure, et aura reconquis l’espace que les Romains, ou Napoléon plus récemment, ont tenté de constituer ». Du reste, la plus haute distinction que décerne l’UE a été baptisée « prix Charlemagne » – indice de ce que fut l’intégration européenne dès son origine, et n’a jamais cessé d’être : un projet nécessairement d’essence impériale et ultralibérale.

    Le débat ne porte donc pas sur le point de savoir si le colonel Kadhafi est un enfant de chœur exclusivement préoccupé du bonheur des peuples, mais bien sur ce qui pourrait caractériser le monde de demain : le libre choix de chaque peuple de déterminer son avenir, ou la banalisation et la normalisation de l’ingérence, fût-ce sous les oripeaux des « droits de l’Homme » ?

    Car il faut rappeler une évidence : l’ingérence n’a jamais été, et ne sera jamais, que l’ingérence des forts chez les faibles. Le respect de la souveraineté est aux relations internationales ce que l’égalité devant le scrutin – un homme, une voix – est à la citoyenneté : certes pas une garantie absolue, loin s’en faut, mais bien un atout substantiel contre la loi de la jungle. Celle-là même qui pourrait bien s’instaurer demain sur la scène mondiale.

    Et si tout cela parait trop abstrait, l’on peut revenir à l’histoire récente de la Libye. Après avoir été pendant des années soumis à l’embargo et traité en paria, le colonel Kadhafi a opéré le rapprochement évoqué ci-dessus avec l’Ouest, ce qui s’est notamment concrétisé, en décembre 2003, par le renoncement officiel à tout programme d’armement nucléaire en échange de garanties de non-agression promises notamment par Washington. Force est de mesurer, huit ans plus tard, ce que valait cet engagement : il a été tenu jusqu’au jour où l’on a estimé qu’on avait des raisons de le piétiner. Du coup, aux quatre coins du globe, chacun est à même de mesurer ce que vaut la parole des puissants, et quel prix ils accordent au respect des engagements souscrits.

    Les dirigeants de la RPDC (Corée du Nord) se sont ainsi félicités publiquement de ne pas avoir cédé aux pressions visant à leur faire abandonner leur programme nucléaire. Ils ont eu raison. Il serait logique qu’à Téhéran, à Caracas, à Minsk et dans bien d’autres capitales encore, on tire également les conséquences qui s’imposent. Ce serait même parfaitement légitime.

    A peine quelques mois avant la Libye, il y eut la Côte d’Ivoire – autre fierté sarkozienne : déjà le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU y avait béni la politique de la canonnière, au seul prétexte de l’irrégularité alléguée d’une élection – une première !

    Et déjà les Occidentaux briquent leurs armes (militaires et idéologiques) pour de prochaines aventures. Ainsi « Paddy » Ashdown – qui fut notamment Haut Représentant de l’Union européenne en Bosnie-Herzégovine pendant quatre ans… – vient-il de confier au Times [6] qu’il convenait désormais d’adopter et de s’habituer au « modèle libyen » d’intervention, par opposition au « modèle irakien » d’invasion massive, qui a montré ses insuffisances.

    Pour sa part, le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, plaidait, le 5 septembre, pour que les Européens intègrent mieux leurs moyens militaires en cette période de restrictions budgétaires. Car, pour Anders Fogh Rasmussen, « comme l’a prouvé la Libye, on ne peut pas savoir où arrivera la prochaine crise, mais elle arrivera ». Voilà qui a au moins le mérite de la clarté.

    A cette lumière, est-il bien raisonnable d’analyser la crise syrienne comme le soulèvement d’un peuple contre le « tyranneau » Bachar El-Assad ? Il n’est pas interdit de penser au contraire que ce dernier est en réalité « le suivant » sur la liste des chancelleries occidentales. Dès lors, n’y a-t-il rien de plus urgent, au regard même de la cause de l’émancipation des peuples, que de s’aligner, fut-ce involontairement, sur ces dernières ?

    Eu égard aux engagements d’Ignacio Ramonet*1, on ne lui fera pas l’injure de l’assimiler à la « gauche », qui a depuis longtemps renoncé à la mémoire des luttes. Mais force est de constater qu’il se situe en l’espèce dans la foulée de cette dernière qui a sans hésiter choisi son camp dans l’affaire libyenne. Ce qui illustre une nouvelle fois ce triste paradoxe de notre époque : les forces du capital mondialisé et de l’impérialisme revigoré trouvent désormais l’essentiel de leurs munitions idéologiques à « gauche » – des « droits de l’Homme » à l’immigration, de l’écologie au mondialisme (qui est l’exact contraire de l’internationalisme). Mais cela est un autre débat.


    Pierre Lévy

    Libya reconstruction

    – Libya – Welcome to the “Somalia of Sarkozy”! – Interview with Jacques Borde

    – Libye – Bienvenue dans la “de la Somalia Sarkozi”! – Entretien avec Jacques Borde
    Lire La réponse d’Ignacio Ramonet : Massacrer à bon droit ?
    URL de cet article 14722

  91. Bodhibrian Souter writes:
    Great news From sources in Zawiyah. Green resistance of #Baniwalid has Arrived and pushed rebels back and killed many and freed Zawiyah
    again. 11 minutes ago

    Morris Herman Report TRANSCRIPTS:- 07 October 2011, 5:00 p.m. GMT

    Transcription of Morris Herman‘s audio report:
    Tripoli: Heavy fighting between the rebel brigades have calmed down. There are some unconfirmed reports that Tripoli brigade leader Abdel Hakim Bel haj was injured and moved to a hospital. He was surrounded earlier in the day at Habda military airport. Other reports said he was taken to Maitiga to be flown to Italy.

    100 Zintan brigade officials have arrived in Qatar as a delegation to discuss matters in Tripoli. Qatar supports the rats’ NTC (National Transitional/Terror Council) Abdel Hakim Bel Haj “Al-Qaeda” brigade. Qatar may want to mediate these growing disputes, but 2 other brigades refused to meet with Qatar.

    Reports [have emerged] that al Mahdi al Harati, who is Vice President of Tripoli’s [temporary] Military Council, has resigned. This was after the attacks on Abdel Hakim Bel Haj. The “military council” is actually controlled by the Bel Haj brigade.

    The Green Resistance has freed political prisoners and resistance fighters from prisons at Al-Jadeeda prison. Clashes continued outside of Abu Salim and Souq al Juma’a.

    Sirte: Rebel commanders from Eastern and Western fronts stated on live TV that they did not make any progress, and that they are at the outskirts. The Ibn Sina Hospital is at the very outskirts, and it remains in Green Resistance control.

    A caller from inside Sirte confirmed events, but added that civilians are dying from NATO airstrikes and heavy bombardment from NTC rebels. They cannot push the rebels from the desert outskirts, due to NATO planes protecting them in the open deserts.

    The rebels do make incursions, but do not hold any ground and they only reach outskirt areas, then retreat after heavy fighting. This was the pattern for the last few days, and today they are nowhere near within Sirte itself.

    NATO struck a Red Cross supply truck near Sirte. But one Red Cross supply truck did make it into the besieged city.

    The city’s people refuse to surrender and continue their fight against the TNC rebels. Twenty-eight civilians have died when NATO struck their homes. And 4 families were murdered at the outskirts of Sirte by the NTC rebels.

    Al-Qaeda leader Al-Asad Al-Liby has been killed, and more than 100 [rat] dead were sent to Benghazi a few hours ago after they were killed on the eastern frontlines of Sirte.

    Reports from eyewitnesses [state] that children are being used by NTC fighters as human shields during invasions of Sirte. Five trucks filled with weapons were destroyed by the Green Resistance.

    The people of Sirte blame NATO for their suffering.

    West Libya: TNC rebels recaptured the city of Zawiyah, and freed or captured 7 jails outside of the city operated by Abu Obeida, a listed Al-Qaeda leader. But the Green Resistance of Zawiyah is ambushing checkpoints across the city.

    Rebels also recaptured one neighborhood in Misrata that was in control of the Green Resistance. Green Resistance fighters traveled to Zuwara and have killed 30 rebels and 1 rebel commander.

    The city of Tarhuna has freed itself completely and is fully under Green Resistance control. There are reports that many of Tarhuna’s people are heading to help break the siege of Sirte.

    The entire province of Jufrah has been freed by Green Resistance, and they will be moving towards Sirte to help break the siege.

    Saturday, 08 OCT 2011

    Libya – Libyan commandos resist psychopathic-rat penetration into Sirte

    According to a Libyan resistance website, Zengtena, five Libya troops destroyed 43 rebels, 14 tanks, some helicopters and other weapons. These five were: Bokhozam Elkabas, Adnan Alam, Hoceine Farjani, Ahmed Lamloum and Maneam Garbani managed to infiltrate the camp of the rebels. They managed to infiltrate the rats, and then, strapped with bombs, martyred themselves for the sake Libya and the world. Inna lillahe wa inna ilahe rajayoon, i.e., From Allah (God) we come and to Him we shall return! These five martyrs must have statues built for them, or in some other manner be permanently honored.

    1. There is heavy fighting in Adzhelat.

    2. RussiaToday [and even?] Al-jazeera confirm that the rats are losing big on the front lines. The rebels stopped their attack on Sirte, but will most likely resume later.

    3. Green Resistance took many heavy weapons and ammunition away from the rats, in the eastern part of the Sirte.

    4. Volunteers [from Bani-Walid and other cities] have not yet arrived, but reinforcements are en route. They may have tactical reasons for the delay.

    5. Al-Arabia Live: “26 dead and 134 injured in a field hospital” [referring to rats] in another field hospital, they said 22 were killed and dozens wounded.

    6. Libya Caller: “There are many people among the TNC and Al -Qaeda that who cannot even speak Arabic, and many others are the Egyptians.”

    7. Libya: Call of Sirte: Green Resistance: “The city is filled with the corpses of the rebels, but they only talk about the 10 dead over the past few days”

    8. Bani Walid is fighting a great battle with the TNC rats, and many rats died.

    9. Three brigades attacked Bani Walid, but they are far away from the city, several kilometers away.

    10. Mahmoud Jibril arrived in Iraq in search of safety, which again confirms the reports of an assassination attempt on him.

    11. Mahmoud Jibril arrived in Iraq and called for the murder of ARRAI TV presenter.

    12. The rats suffered more than 700 deaths on all fronts. They were flown to Benghazi, because Misurata Hospital is overcrowded with rats.

    13. Аrrai TV says that Mahmoud Jibril came to Iraq to hire the company, “Blackwater” [NOTE: Blackwater changed its name to Xe Services LLC], as well as to ask Iraq to issue a decree to Interpol for the arrest of presenter of Arrai TV.

    14. I watched a TV report about Al-Qaeda and the TNC. They showed a video of them mourning. The report said that the rats suffered huge losses.

    15. Sirt: Green Resistance admitted 120 rats into the city, to ambush them. The ambush succeeded, and all of the psychopathic, mentally ill apostate rats were killed and sent to hell.

    Reports from the front from Alain Jules: OCTOBER 8

    Tripoli: TNC does not know where to turn. While sending thousands of psychopathic apostate atheist slaves on the outside of Sirte for an assault on the city, Tripoli itself is flames. The Green Flag is waving everywhere in Tripoli. The hands of the TNC are broken, and they now know that they have no future in Libya.

    What is happening now is determined mainly by the fact that the renegades left the checkpoints for fear of being killed, and this explains the success of the patiotic forces of The Al-Fateh Revolution–the true and only Revolution in Libya, that started in 1969, and continues to this day under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi, the greatest revolutionary and lover of humanity of our times. In the district of Bab al-Azizia and on the outskirts of town, it has become dangerous to carry the TNC flag. The rats lost at least 40 people today, in Tripoli.

    Sirt: heroic resistance, in spite of the bombing and shelling, tanks and other input – all ended ignominiously for the psychopatic, racist, mentally ill, apostate, atheist traitors and slaves of NATO called “rebels,” but who have stooped so low, in betraying their own country, as to have earned the name rats. All day, the Islamists, criminals, traitors of Benghazi, were beaten out of the city and, are finding themselves victims of their own weakness, in spite of the air support from NATO.

    Today, more than 50 in rats were killed on the Sirt front, and their collaborators killed a rat gang commander of Misrata, because he refused to go to the front.

    Bani Walid: 12 Islamists were sent into the city without a weapon, to distract the Jamahiriya fighters in the city. But that distraction failed, and the Jamahiriya fighters captured and killed 20 rats.

    Ragdaline : Ragdaline is a quiet town, located 130 km southwest of Tripoli, and is still in the hands of Gadhafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya. Early this morning the rats tried to invade. They were defeated–15 rats were killed and the rest fled.

    The Libyans know that the perpetrators of this war will sooner or later pay for their crimes. [See: and

  92. General Khamis al-Gadhafi when a little boy:

    General Kahamis today:


    Red Cross warns of medical emergency in Sirte
    By Rory Mulholland (AFP) – 6 days ago
    MISRATA, Libya — The international Red Cross warned of a medical emergency in Moamer Kadhafi’s hometown Sirte as the battle for the fugitive Libyan strongman’s largest remaining bastion raged into Sunday.
    A Red Cross team, which delivered desperately needed supplies to medics in the besieged coastal city on Saturday, said the hospital had come under rocket fire as new regime forces stepped up their assault on Kadhafi diehards.
    A large force of National Transitional Council fighters pushed in from the south to lay siege to the Ouagadougou Conference Centre, a showpiece venue close to the Ibn Sima hospital where Kadhafi hosted the launch of the African Union.
    Intense exchanges raged for at least two hours despite pleas from the Red Crescent for a lull while the International Committee of the Red Cross team made its delivery, NTC fighters said.
    “It’s a dire situation,” ICRC team leader Hichem Khadhraoui told AFP.
    Staff at the Ibn Sima hospital told the team that “because of lack of oxygen and fuel for the generator, people are dying.”
    Other wounded or ill people cannot get to the hospital because of the fighting and NATO air strikes, Khadhraoui added.
    “Several rockets landed within the hospital buildings while we were there. We saw a lot of indiscriminate fire. I don’t know where it was coming from,” he said.
    After the ICRC team went in, NTC fighters launched a ferocious attack with rockets, anti-tank cannons and machinegun fire from a position less than a kilometre (half a mile) from the hospital.
    Kadhafi loyalists responded with mortar and sniper fire.
    “We were surprised” that the attack took place while the team was visiting, Khadhraoui said, adding that they had “contacted all parties to say we were going in.”
    The hospital’s water tower was hit, forcing staff to bring in water from outside, he said.
    A force of some 100 NTC vehicles, including anti-tank guns and multiple missile launchers, had pushed in towards the city centre around midday (1000 GMT) and laid siege to Kadhafi diehards in the conference centre, one of the largest complexes in Sirte.
    “We are surrounding the Ouagadougou Centre,” fighter Osama Blao told AFP as he returned from the front line.
    Several NTC fighters said the Red Crescent had asked them to stop firing because the ICRC team was in the nearby hospital.
    After two hours of intense clashes, some fighters pulled back, they added.
    The ICRC had been trying for weeks to enter Sirte, which has been under siege by NTC forces since the middle of last month.
    It had sought to bring medical supplies in by boat but abandoned that idea because of security concerns. Sirte’s port is now in the hands of NTC forces and there has been fierce fighting around it since its capture.
    Khadhraoui’s team on Saturday included a doctor, a first aid medic and a logistician, he said. It delivered about 150 body bags and 300 “war wounded kits” consisting of drips, drugs, gauze and other medical equipment.
    The team did not tour the wards or carry out a full assessment of the hospital’s medical needs but hopes to return soon to bring in more supplies. “Oxygen is the main thing they asked for,” Khadhraoui said.
    Some of the hundreds of residents fleeing Sirte said there had been civilian casualties there when residential buildings were hit, either by artillery fire from besieging new regime forces or by NATO air strikes.
    “I left with my family as we are caught between NATO bombings and shelling by rebels. NATO, in particular, is bombing at random and is often hitting civilian buildings,” said a man who only gave his first name, Ali.
    A rocket killed two children when their family joined the desperate exodus of thousands fleeing Sirte on Saturday.
    The two children killed “were torn to pieces,” said Ahmed Abu Aid, a field medic on the western side of Sirte. “They collected the body parts in bags.”
    Redwan Abdulrahim, whose small truck was piled high with suitcases and other possessions as he drove out on the coast road to the west, said the situation in the city was increasingly difficult.
    “It was really bad. We didn’t know where the bullets and rockets were coming from.”
    Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved

    Intense exchanges raged for at least two hours despite pleas from the Red Crescent for a lull (AFP, Ahmad al-Rubaye):
    The ICRC had been trying for weeks to enter Sirte (AFP, Aris Messinis)

  93. OTAN/NATO thieves

    Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow

    The teachers of Misrata today closed all the schools. they refused to sing the national anthem of rats and to pay loyality to the rat flag.
    In Misrata our people infiltrated the city and now killing rats by snipping them under the cover of the night.
    In Tawergha touareg of the south have attacked misrati rats areas in order to make rats come back from the west Sirte front.
    Report from inside Libya.
    Sirte update.
    the circus of rats and their collaborators have said once again that they are inside sirte. once they say we are in the center of the city from west side, then they say that they are in the center of the city from the east side. Truth is that rats are away from sirte east. they have been crushed 2-3 hours earlier when they tried to attack from east with around 400 men. Maybe was a false attack in order to make vissible the cover possitions of the Libyan arab Jamahiriya army. So we didnt shoot them from the road with grads we let them advance a bit and for once more they where exterminated. Person on the spot counted 60 dead rats and is collecting now ids from them in order they will be burried and in the future the family knows where they are located. ( this is the right muslim way for those that dont know a muslim burries the dead even if its enemy ) .
    On the other side in sirte west at least 19 rats found death last night in sporadic clashes. ( those 19 where found in area controlled by Libyan army and vollunteers.)
    Bani Walid update.
    The rats where crushed earlier this week in Bani walid and have stopped the attempts to invade bani walid.
    Libyan Jamahiriya army has collected the bodies of dead rats and the mothers of the rats from tarhuna and tripoli have come and taken the bodies to bury them. When they returned to the cities to burry them they cursed the rats for the dissaster they have brought to Libya.
    Tripoli update.
    In 3 different areas of Tripoli there where mass rallies last night in support of Brother leader and people waved the green flag.
    West Libya update.
    Elders from Zintan , al Jalat , Surman have gathered and called the tribes of the east to form coalition against the rats and the Tamazigh collaborators ( this is the responce of until now neutral or pro-Ntc people in the reality of the looting and murder and rapes the rats and tamazigh are commiting in west Libya ) .Those people where thinking that if gaddafi left will get something and now they only get misery. So they will now return to Jamahiriya and recorgnize their mistake.

  94. profile 1
    Bogdan Knezevic writes:
    Sirte is green.
    NATO reserved plane certified for 500 people for an evacuation to Germany , has now started.
    forward lions!
    Rats escape from Libya.

    Gadhafi millions

    معمر فى قلوب الملايين

    profile 2


    General KHAMIS, a son to be very proud of:
    KHAMIS with Muammar Gadhafi in background
    (Muammar al-Gadhafi is in the background)

    Moutassim is good and brave too:
    brave Moutassim

    our MUJJADID


    many noo-noos are watching SKY NEWS which airs, about every 10 minutes, a psy-ops video of a woman reporter who hashes up the lie (as if it were vital truth) that “Gadhafi and his tanks shot at and slaughtered innocent bystanders and protestors, and burned ambulances, in February..and ‘SKY NEWS was there to report it’!”
    WESTERN-TV is drilling it into peoples’s heads that GADHAFI is an insane monster! —and the lies never stop, despite all the proof elsewise.

    the truth

  95. Pingback: Libyen – Bomberpiloten verweigern Einsätze | denkbonus

  96. Rictvagencia Rede Internacional
    Latest international news agency rictv Libya Information

    West Senior Libyan tribes call the resistance
    08 October 2011

    Senior Zinta, Al Gobball and Surman so far maintained a neutral or favorable to the NTC have been weary of chaos and disaster that society have led to bands of rats and Amazigh (Berber) have decided to call traitors and tribes to the resistance against them. They express their desire to return to the social organization of the Libyan JAMAHIRIYA and regret not having stood up today. It is a significant blow to NATO‘s attempt to consolidate a pro-imperialist regime in the region as a tribal society in the opinion of respected elders is the ultimate expression of authority and legitimacy.
    Rictvagencia Rede Internacional
    New war strategy is misguided Libyan mercenaries from NATO
    OCTOBER 9, 2011
    NATO’s 27 mercenaries were killed and over 200 injured in southern Sirte

    Recent reports of Libya shows that at least 27 mercenaries have died in an operation to attack from behind by the Defence Forces in Libya, also at least 200 wounded in southern Sirte.

    Libya Defence Forces have used this strategy to inflict heavy casualties against the mercenaries from NATO. First drive the front lines, killing many mercenaries in the
    process, then an operation to attack the back is done with traps set, including roadside bombs, booby-trapped buildings, etc. ….

    NATO keeps R2Ping : IBN SINA hospital attacked by NATO and insurgents.killing patients and a nurse
    par Bodhibrian Souter, dimanche 09 octobre 2011, 03:34
    Deserts Lion
    Al Rai TV:
    Sirte// medical source: The total number of cases of critical injuries more than 30 case, most of them are civilians.

    Sirte: fall of mortars launched by the NATO rebels on a Cardiac Department at Ibn Sina Hospital.

    Sirte: Destruction of a number of ambulances and medical staff cars of Ibn Sina Hospital after targeting the car park by NATO rebels.
    Sirte: injury of a doctor in the operating room while he was doing an operation to one patient.

    Sirte: Martyrdom of a number of patients in Ibn Sina hospital the after been targting by NATO rebels.

    Sirte: Martyrdom of two patients in the intensive care Unit as result of bombing by NATO rebels .

    Sirte: Martyrdom of the nurse Mansour Khweiter while on duty at Ibn Sina Hospital.

    People of Sirte resorting to mosques and bomb shelters to take cover from NATO rebels bombing to the city.
    the operations theater in Ibn Sina Hospital stopped completely from work due to the severe destruction after been targeting from NATO rebels.

    TRANSLATION of ARAB video:

    Rat: I will tell you everything in a nutshell … ok… I also have family in the East.. do you know if you speak and say anything there in Benghazi disappear the next day .. a lot of people spoke out against the rats, but …
    I will tell you something my sister –in-law is from Misalata ..
    Green army: yes .. you in the East are all from Misalata, Wirfella…etc
    Rat: her husband “ my brother “ has a furniture shop .. and I swear to God she couldn’t go back home..
    Soldier 1 : Muhamed .. calm down.. we are your brothers..we came from Tripoli.. we don’t like killing or …
    Rat: I want to tell you something ..
    Soldier 1: I want to clarify why we came …
    Rat: I will tell you something, in Benghazi I swear to God … people are waiting for the army and praying God to make them come and rescue them ..
    Soldier 2 : ..we came to Benghazi for our ladies and sisters there… they need protection.. and our brothers in Benghazi ..we came for their sake man..

    (The following was already posted on a previous BLOG; but a new pin-back came in today, re-itering its importance: THAT NOT ALL of NATOs pilots are agreeable to bomb Libyan targets. A good example of this “REFUSAL TO BOMB by a pilot on a mission” would be NATO’s refusal to incinerate the historic mosque of Ghadames [when it was believed that Muammar al Gadgafi might be staying therein].
    There was also reported two Canadian pilots who returned back after heading to Tripoli from Solenzara, Corsica, upon seeing that their mission was to strike a civilian residence. )

    Libya – refuse bomber pilots missions
    Created on October 9, 2011
    by thinking bonus

    There are increasing reports showing that French and Canadian fighter pilots also oppose commands in the news recently, which aim not to bomb military targets in Libya, or attack by other means. The formerly press wraps itself in the face of this new development, as always in a wall of silence.

    There are some hints on the net, but all traces ultimately lead to two sources, Dr. Christof Lehmann No Spin News

    and Mathaba.

    There is a NATO officer was quoted, which would understandably like to remain anonymous. As these reports, there is an officer in the headquarters of the NATO commanders worry about increased air strikes against civilian targets. While cities such as Sirte and Bani Walid were target of indiscriminate bombing last chance, and fell there in other cities so far attacked more than 100 000 civilians victims of the attacks.

    As the officer continued executed, the growing concern in the command ranks, that the war crimes to which their pilots currently committed to NATO, could draw in future serious criminal consequences. In all countries that are under international law, the judiciary would decide, citing the Nuremberg trials to prosecute all persons involved in this crime. So also the executive pilots. Therefore, the informant is determined to have more and more officers encourage their pilots in secret to refuse orders, whose mission is to bomb civilian targets. “We have enough,” said the officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, and added: “It’s the same old lies, just as in the first world war, when they promised the troops that they were back home by Christmas. You know what happened in reality. ”

    air bombs
    loaded with bombs back to base

    Some Canadian and French pilots have already responded to the request and refuse

    to continue air strikes against civilian targets. Back in February, two bomber pilots had defected along with their machines to Malta because they could not agree on such operations with their conscience. This Youtube video:

    of a Canadian news program with Jean Francois Belanger, shows how the fighters return heavily laden with bombs and missiles from their missions, without even firing a single shot. It is a testament to the failure of the NATO criminals that are stored on hard drives, and blogs should, before it forever in the poison cupboard of the censorship authorities disappears.

    ← Libya – Background and abysses

    Additional Links:

    Windows Live Space

    What actually happened in Zliten (Youtube video)

    The real reasons for the Libyeneinsatz (Youtube video)

    Allain Jules writes daily on the topic with a lot of background knowledge and insider
    Thierry Meissan on Net Voltaire himself was on site and spoke with victims

  97. (The following was also posted previously; but it gives an excellent insight into the real Libyan Loyalist Army and the marvelous General Khamis al-Gadafi. )

    Created on 07 October 2011 by DENKbonus
    As well, it gives the Swedish translator Einar Schlereth, who on his blog Einartysken

    published very interesting information from people with insider knowledge. Here is his translation of an interview with the Russian Colonel Ilya Korenev, who spent the last six years in Libya, where it stands with the important people of the Libyan resistance against the NATO occupation in close contact.

    Libya: A unique interview with Russian military

    This article from maverablogg

    is my [DENKBONUS‘s] translation from Swedish. The military part, I [DENKBONUS] find it very interesting during the political section at the end is very flat. Well, soldiers are rarely political analyst.
    Waterfall of tears
    has repeatedly referred to a Russian Colonel, Ilya Korenev, who worked during the Libyan crisis under Muammar Gaddafi, as a military adviser. Now that newspaper has made ​​a sensational interview with him. Ilya has spent half a year with Gaddafi and his family. Currently he is in Latin America for the treatment of injuries he received in the Libyan desert near the border with Algeria. Here is a free translation of the interview by “DENKBONUS /thinking bonus” [from the Russian]. Korenev‘s report gives us a very good and objective picture of what happened in Libya, and what will happen.:

    Question: How did you get to Libya? Russia is indeed no official support for Gaddafi.

    Answer: In the spring I went on a business trip to Algeria with a wholesale order. By compounds that were prepared by the embassy, ​​I came into Muammar headquarters. Almost immediately we began to staff the increased 32nd Brigade, which is led by Khamis Gaddafi to prepare. Coaching and training for close combat in urban environments. The fact that it will be impossible to keep Tripoli was already clear in June or July. Therefore, the people trained to carry out military confrontations in small autonomous groups, both in and outside the city.

    The soldiers and officers in the 32nd Brigade are very well prepared. Some were trained by the SAS in France. But in Libya, the Russian military school is held in high esteem.

    Lead to the tactics, fighting in small groups, comes from the experiences of the Second World War and from Chechnya. Small groups of 20-30 people, attack military convoys mini, the ground and then they bring him to safety.

    Q. You say ‘we’? We – that is Russia or did you have someone with you in Libya?

    A.: Of course I was not there alone. All I can say what I do is that there are a few of our people at Gaddafi. From Russia, there are mostly retired military officers and specialists of the Russian army from the former Soviet republics.

    Q. You have not responded. Why were you sent to Tripoli, while the Russian authorities officially announced to resign must Gaddafi?

    A.: It is not forbidden to send people on a business trip, for example, in military-technical cooperation. My work is more like the outcome as judged by planning and reporting at the right time. The professionals understand that the attack on Libya is a part of planned activities. The next Syria, Algeria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Central Asia and Russia’s turn. The order does not matter. But Russia will finally be it. Now Russia is surrounded by unfriendly puppet regimes, encouraged by radar, military bases, corruption and the dissenters in the country to take.

    Question: Will you remain in service to Libya?

    A.: I have already asked for my resignation. But I’m not going to return to Russia. This year many things have changed, and I have taken certain decisions for me. Even without a paper I will not cease to be military.

    Q. You say that it was impossible to keep Tripoli. What went wrong?

    A.: That was not the fault of the defense, but the assessment of the conflict. Gaddafi lived as it were in two parallel worlds. He did not lead the kind of politics, such as North Korea’s leader. Gaddafi did not believe that NATO would carry out a ground operation. Even in mid-August, when NATO bombed Tripoli and other cities, he spoke with Berlusconi and Sarkozy. The insured him that they would never carry out a ground operation against Tripoli. Several years ago, Gaddafi has offered to buy a strong, complete air defense system. But he believed that would be so irritating for a measure the United States and Europe. I repeat that Italy, France and even England assured him that there would never be a ground operation in Libya.

    There was also a mistake to watch the West corrupt Libyan officials for so long. They should have arrested them immediately so as not to extend the ulcer. But Gaddafi wanted to identify as many as possible. Gaddafi’s indecision on the basis of his personal views of the conflict led to the fact that, contrary to a number of senior officers took a few million dollars and went over to the rebels. The human factor is also in Africa, the human factor.

    Q. How do you succeeded, without prejudice to get out of Tripoli?

    A.: We by Al Jazeera and CNN have been warned. We saw the pictures of the “victory” of the rebels who had been shot in Qatar. It was already known that the scenes had been built in the Green Square Tripoli in the desert near Doha. We knew what they were used. These images were the signal for the attack of the rebels. Immediately after these images, the “sleeper cells” of the rebels in Tripoli have begun to set up roadblocks throughout the city to enter into management centers and in homes, the officers were among the Gaddafi have not betrayed.

    Foreign troops began to arrive in port. One of the flanks did not answer. The General Eshkal capitulated and left his post without a fight. Gaddafi gave the order to retreat and not extinguish the fire with fire. He did not want to turn into a kettle of Tripoli, where all were killed, the civilians and soldiers. Several hundred volunteers refused to obey the command sequence and remained in the city in order to inflict maximum damage on the enemy and distract the enemy from pursuing the command leadership. The set continued their opposition even today. There are quarters in Tripoli, where not even dare to go to the Islamists. That is their choice, it is their city, and I understand them.

    As the storm began to Tripoli, we left the house near the Bab al-Azizya base and drove to a small house in the southern part of the capital. Few hours later we left the city and went to a safe place. It turned out that we were doing it just in time, as three bombs GBU-[see explanation here .] hit the house. The cars were simple jeeps, no fine Mercedes-author in order to attract any attention. I believe that the Americans knew where Gaddafi was. But the rockets and bombs fell 5 minutes after we left the place. It was as if she wanted to show that he could be killed at any time, but not yet. Apparently there was a ban to eliminate him. In the Libyan conflict devotes much attention to the information and psychological attacks.

    Q. Does the Gaddafi family members who remain in Libya together?

    SP: No, the family was split almost immediately. This is the most effective solution. Ordinary Libyans say if Qaddafi is no longer alive, then surely one of his sons. Now’s the one went to Tunisia, Algeria on someone, someone to Niger. But the borders are permeable. Khamis is still in a suburb of Tripoli, to organize resistance. Saif is in Bani Walid. Neither the colonel nor his children are at the same place, but are in constant motion. The biggest problem is communication. The ether is dominated by the military and technical equipment of the 6th American fleet, DIA and NSA. Therefore we could not risk to send photos and video clips. NATO knows roughly where we are and blocks the connections.

    Q. Yes, images of the captured British soldiers would have been good to see. How did that happen? How did you know that were from the SAS? It is customary in military operations, so no documents to carry with you.

    A.: The pictures to come. Prisoners of war itself and the fact of humiliation of the enemy’s army is one argument. War is war, but you can always have a dialogue. The more assets you have, the easier it is to have a dialogue. It was a subversive group of 30 people. Most of the army of Qatar up 13 Englishmen and a Frenchman. Led by Walid Bani Spähaufträge outside. Apparently, the main forces. Local people reported by the group. We were able to perform the surgery and they capture. The Qatari soldiers were executed by the Libyans. You hate them terribly. You say: “How can it be that a Muslim enters the house of a fellow Muslim and kill his family?” That’s why the death penalty. Final point. The Englishman and the Frenchman were separated, interrogated and brought to a safe place. They had nothing to hide? We wrote their names on numbers, photographed them and took the information via e-mail to England and France. We offered to the soldiers surrendered without conditions where always in Libya.

    Otherwise, the car was transferred from where the information a few hours later hit by a missile, as it was on the way into town. The ether will be monitored very closely. After England’s soldiers did not have, we considered the possibility to bring them back to Algeria. We wanted to do a press conference and show them the world. I was in a column with Moussa Ibrahim’s people on the way to Algeria to prepare for the press conference. Because of many diplomatic problems it would not work, they hold in the capital, which is why we wanted to do it instead in a village on the border. Along the way we were fired upon by helicopters. I was thrown by the explosion of the car. I was picked up by Tuaregs, and they helped me over the border. From there I came here for treatment. It did not go according to plan, but I’m alive.

    Q. Is there a threat to Russia by the United States and NATO?

    A. Of course. It will not initially come to an open confrontation. The biggest priority is to destabilize the Caucasus is to drag with the help of radical Islamists and southern Russia into a local but comprehensive war. Now come in Maghred radical Islamists to power, Al Qaeda and other extremist groups. Abdelhakim Belhadj is the military commander in Tripoli, and he has it in for a major role in the new government in Libya. He is the most important person in Libya’s Islamist Fighting Group (LIFG), which was from the U.S. State Department classified as a terrorist organization.

    Q. Are there any more candidates?

    A.: There is. Colonel Khalifa has lived Haftar (defectors), the 20 years in the U.S.. A former judge under Qaddafi – Muhammad Bashir Al-Haddar. To put it briefly – Belhadj is Qatar’s protege. Al-Haddar is one of the oligarchs Misrata, supported by France. Haftar is a protégé of the oligarchs in Benghazi, which is supported by the United States.

    Belhadj if the government comes in, what he creates doubt, he will be welcome in the capitals of the world. Nice! Convened a terrorist, the relationship with our Caucasian terrorists has come to the Kremlin and shakes the hand of the president.

    Moreover, besides the spread of radical Islam in Libya is an uncontrolled looting of weapons held in the Libyan army depots. Most of these weapons have been associated with cargo in the Caucasus. From the ports of northern Africa to the Caucasus, there are only a few day trips.

    Q. What is unique to the Libyan war? How does it differ from the armed conflicts that you’ve been through?

    A.: Every war is unique. I Libya there is a mixture. There is a massive propaganda as in the second World War II, burning areas, as in Vietnam, corruption and deserters as in Iraq. As in all wars, a large number of civilians killed. But the conflict is truly unique. On the one hand, the Touaregvolk (the war in the desert with guns of 1908) and on the other side controlled flying bombs, laser guided missiles, radio-controlled vehicles, reconnaissance. Civilization meets eternity.

    The territory on which the conflict takes place, is perhaps the biggest since the second World War II. But when it comes to the number of interests that are involved in this war, then there are, if not more so, at least as many as in the second World War II.

    Psychology and information sectors are difficult. U.S. planes with special propaganda are constantly in the air over Libya, and cast from propaganda.

    Provocative reports from Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Reuters Information Centre are coordinated by NATO and coordinated.

    Q. What are the strongest challenges and goals for Gaddafi’s troops?

    A.: That’s easy. Pure mathematics. At 100% of the population, there are always 10% who are the opposition and 10%, the Tories are. Whatever happens in the country, regardless of how leaders behave, the first will always criticize him, while the others still loyal to him will be gegemüber. No one really solves anything. The problem is solved by the remaining 80-90% can swivel their view in both directions. With skillful provocation, bribery and propaganda, the leading Western media have destroyed the balance. But the enemies of Gaddafi, the pendulum has swung too far, so it will strike back with the same force. And that will show not only in military and political sphere. I would want to say that the area is even larger and not confined to Libya remains. To present, therefore, see as the main advocate of the Jamahiriya to their task (as in a court of law), all the evidence and arguments in the right way. The people here is special. The feeling with the heart. Whoever is an enemy who is a friend who is good, who is ill. The practical problem is not even the military. The military is only a small annex.

    On the military side, much will depend on the support of the rebels by NATO. If NATO stops the air strikes, or at least limiting (as promised), it will be a big problem to oust the rebels. This is more difficult with the radical extremists. The train boys from Afghanistan and Pakistan. They know how to handle weapons. And they can flee anywhere, Libya is a foreign country for them.

    Private military may soon come into the country, which will take care of the pipelines and refineries. This information is already out of Brega and Ras Lanuf. Yet it is not the Western troops succeeded in establishing itself there. Therefore, the challenge is to blow up these facilities permanently. To protect them from missiles coming from the desert, is impossible. In Europe you have to understand that each barrel is to be very expensive oil. Both in money and lives. The boys of private military companies are not idiots who will pay for their services can be expensive and is not worthwhile. Regular troops can not even send that would be very stupid.

    Q. Who supports the Libyans, Gaddafi or the new government?

    A.: I would not call it a new power. Of course ordinary people support the one who gives them work and bread, and most importantly – security. In Libya there were people who criticized Qaddafi, that’s true (5-10%). And they had no intention to kill the population. And they were a minority. The new so-called agencies, particularly the radical extremists can not guarantee stability in Libya now, not in a predictable future. Since most, if not personally, for Gaddafi, then for “the time Gaddafi”.

    But solving the east, traditionally seen, money and power all the problems. If the loyalists win a few times a convincing victory, the people will support them. While some cities provide resistance, the people waiting and wondering what they are “liberated” and why. The people will compare what happens to them before the “revolution” and how did it. And no one’s current situation is good. If Sirte and Bani Walid lose, then the people will turn against the new rulers. On the basis of fear. Since there is no other choice.

    The development in the region will go very quickly in the near future. In the coming months, a direction for further development will be clearer. If the causes of war and the reports will be presented objectively, will win the Loyalists, and Gadhafi, the F. Jamahiriya loyalists. What the ordinary Libyans feel today?

    A.: The feel betrayed, beaten, raped, and absolutely not free. Imagine that NATO bombed a country under the pretext of humanitarian assistance. The bombings are not yet complete, as are the capitalists already running to aufzuteiln among the oil and the refineries, while the radical extremists break into the homes of people … And they all say that they will show the people how to live it now intended. And the extremists add “to disobedience is death.” Out of pure self-preservation, people would instinctively curl up. To survive, they signed that paper and which always fly whatever flag. The people are waiting for the Libyan army comes back and they freed and return to old times. Thinks about the people now. But because so much blood has flowed, nothing will be the same again.

    Q. Do you speak Arabic?

    A.: Otherwise I would not send.

    Q. When will you return to Libya?

    A.: In a few days I will be in a neighboring country. The limit is 90% controlled by the rebels. But I am in contact with Khamis and with my own. The wait.

  98. Libya: Mutassim Gaddafi issues warning in the newspaper, “Seven Days of News”

    “The TNC is well aware that it cannot survive in Libya for one week following the departure of NATO. On the other hand, the Resistance is fighting and is comfortable. In this lies the difference between Jamahiriya soldiers and mercenaries.

    This is reflected in the battles of Sirte and Bani Walid, where snipers hunt for militants who do not understand the principles of war. It is naive that they stand in the range of sniper fire. They are misled to such an extent that sometimes we mourn that they are are target, rather than those who sent them to death, drinking in hotels and entering into their dirty deals.

    The TNC has no future in Libya. They cannot even protect themselves. They can only ask NATO to stay in our country to protect them from the wrath of the people.

    We warn all colonial [oppressors] who think that they will live in security and will use Libya as they please. The Resistance will remain and will spoil your pleasure and safety every day!

    They will never be safe, nowhere on earth or in the air or at sea! Those who think that the Resistance can be stopped for a few days have been misled. The Resistance will continue, just as if we were working as employees of the public.

    Everyone should understand that there will be no stability in Libya. We will never allow the U.S. occupation regime!

    The next stage of our struggle is to defeat the foreign oil interests in Libya. Who can protect the network of pipes and oil facilities, which are stretched out in the desert for thousands of miles away? No one can claim that they can be protected! The command has been issued to target all oil facilities and tankers, both on land and at sea!

    As for the flight, our intelligence reports that the TNC will seek to use civil aviation for the specific purpose bringing foreign military trainers, weapons and equipment to themselves, using these flights.

    That’s why we strongly recommend that Libyans who do not want to endanger their lives defending the interests of the TNC not fly on flights between Libya and other countries, including the UAE, Qatar, France, Italy, Malta and Turkey. Forewarned is forearmed!

    Moatassem Gaddafi encourages the Green Army good morale & high spirits
    Ajoutée par mackdv1st le 08 oct. 2011
    Moatassem-Billah Gaddafi, is a Libyan Army officer. He is the fifth son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and a member of his father’s inner circle.[2]
    In April 2009, Moatassem met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the highest-level diplomatic exchange between the two countries since they resumed diplomatic relations several years earlier. For Moatassum, it was a serious display of his new responsibilities as the National Security Advisor. Moatassem met with Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman in 2009, expressing a strong need for military support in Libya. He was concerned about upgrading Libya’s military equipment, and said he could purchase arms from Russia and China, but also wanted to buy material from the United States.

    Reportedly, Moatassum lived in Egypt for several. His return has led to high-ranking position as National Security Advisor of Libya. In 2009, a story linking Moatassum to the capture of Ibn Al Sheikh Al Libi a Libyan paramilitary trainer for Al-Qaeda.was published in Libyan newspaper Oea with permission from his brother Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi.
    Role in the Libyan Civil War
    During the 2011 Libyan civil war he has commanded the units in the Brega region notably during the Battle of Brega–Ajdabiya road and the ongoing skirmishes in the area. He has been subject to a travel ban and an asset freeze for his close links and membership of his father’s inner circle. He was allegedly in Tripoli in the Bab al-Azizia compound, and assisting in commanding what remained of pro-Gaddafi forces in the city during the Battle of Tripoli. He was thought to be commanding Loyalist forces in their defense of Sirte, Muammar Gaddafi`s hometown.


    ME: Very brave and corageous young man. He also is the son who most resembles his father (except for the straight hair). He took his position as as the National Security Advisor real seriously, and has thus learned many useful lessons; so as to be a stalwart defensive agent for the JAMAHIRIYA!
    God bless him, his brothers, our brother-leader, and long live the JAMAHIRIYA!

    Libyan War News: 09 October 2011
    Posted on 09 October 2011 by libyanfreepress|

    SIRTE: Libyan Army and Libyan Moujaheeds on eastern front broke the seige of Sirte, and on Southern Nato-mercenaries were hited from back by loyalist forces from Bani-Walid, Tarhuna and other Green towns.

    Moutassim's battle
    Moutassim al-Gadhafi fighting on the front:

    SUNDAY, 09 OCTOBER 2011


    In his letter to “Seven Days News” Mu’tasim Billah Gaddafi said that

    the Transitional Council is well aware that it can not survive in Libya for one week after the withdrawal of NATO, on the other hand, the resistance is fighting battles comfortably and that is the great difference between Jamahyria soldiers and Transitional insurgents.

    This is reflected in the battles of Sirte and Bani Walid where the mujahideen snipers entertain themselves by playing a competitive game of hunting for insurgents,who do not understand the principles of fighting, standing naively in the range of sniper fire, they are deluded to the point that we sometimes mourn to who they are, whereas those who sent them to die are languishing in hotels of the world drinking wine and making the deals. There is no future for the Council, they can not protect themself, they can only plead to NATO to stay in our own country to protect them, while pushing Libyan people to pay the bill for NATO’s stay….
    We say to all of those colonizers who think that they will live in security and will enjoy in Libya as they please, we say to them, resistance will remain, and will spoil you this joy and security!

    They will never be safe, nowhere, not on ground or in the air nor in the sea! Those who think that the resistance will stop, days before the liberation of Libya, are deluded, resistance will continue and personnel of State officials are reported everywhere.

    Everyone has to understand that there will be no stability in Libya, no stability in Libya, no stability in Libya, we will never allow a successful regime under U.S. occupation!
    The next phase is striking of foreign oil interests in the whole of Libya. Who can protect the pipe network and oil installations which are extended or located in the desert, no one can claim that they could be protected! Command has issued orders to target all oil installations or tankers both on land or at sea!

    As for the flights, our inteligence says that the Transitional Council will seek the use of civil aviation for special purposes in order to avoid detection in some sort of hiding behind civilian flights, so they can transfer foreign military experts,weapons and equipment on flights with passengers. That’s why we strongly recommend to Libyans who do not want to endanger their own lives by protecting the interests of the Council, not to fly on flights between Libya and the countries which are among suspicious risk, including the UAE, Qatar, France, Italy, Malta and Turkey. Forewarned is forearmed.

    © copyright All4Peace & Libya S.O.S.
    Posted by . at 18:37

    photo 1

    Humanitarian Disaster in Sirte. Hospital bombed, NATO/NTC Mercenaries drive off Red Cross.
    By Les Blough, Editor. Axis of Logic
    Axis of Logic
    Tuesday, 04 Oct. 2011

    “After the death of their leaders by Libyan Jamahiriya forces at Sirte and Bani Walid, they have no commanders who give orders for operations in those areas. Even before this, they had severe splits in recent months whereby commanders killed each other, and divided along tribal lines, and mistrust, due to the varied motivations and priorities of the “rebel” forces.”


    At Axis of Logic we receive report briefs sourced to a person inside Libya who in our judgement is reliable but wishes to remain anonymous. The information we have received has been redacted to protect identities:

    A humanitarian disaster is underway in the city of Sirte. NATO continues hitting the city with missiles and bombs indiscrminately. There are “massive casualties, mostly civilian” in Sirte and a hospital inside the city has been hit by NATO/NTC artillery grenades and rockets. The hospital is without electricity, medicine, oxygen and other basic needs to provide emergency medical care. This is confirmed by TeleSur in the video report below. Our sources say that reports by the corporate media that humanitarian aid is reaching the city are not true.

    Our report briefs state that weapons are being delivered to the NATO/NTC mercenaries in Red Cross containers by the Red Cross.

    However, in the first video that follows, TeleSur‘s Diego Marin is on site, stating that the NATO/NTC forces have threatened and prevented the Red Cross from entering the city after making numerous attempts. The logical extension is that the invaders are using Red Cross containers to transport weapons but this is not confirmed beyond the report we have received from our sources. Diego Marin confirms that the hospital in Sirte has been bombed and that conditions for the injured are indeed dire with patients dying in their hospital beds for lack of supplies and treatment. He also indicates that the doctors and staff remain in the hospital doing the best they can without the basic materials they need to provide treatment.

    In the second video that follows CNN confirms that it has been artillery fire from the NATO/NTC Mercenaries and not the Libyan forces inside the city who have threatened and turned the Red Cross away from delivering humanitarian aid. But CNN obfuscates by amplifying the voice of the mercenaries, asserting their strength and giving a quasi-defense of their inhumane actions against the Red Cross and the people of Sirte.

    Our report briefs tell us that NATO/NTC fighters have advanced to the suburbs of the city and are met with fierce resistance. NATO/NTC artillery fire is being received from positions 5-15 km outside and from the sea. Our reports state that an NTC commander outside the city has been killed. The city is under the control of the Libyan Resistance but there are conflicting reports about whether the NATO/NTC fighters are in city center.

    The briefs also state that tribal elders in Benghazi have vowed vengeance after seeing videos of NATO/NTC war crimes and that the invaders are “in chaos” in Tripoli. The pro-invader corporate media has focused its attention on Sirte and away from Tripoli.

    In a separate report received at Axis of Logic, there has been also been an assassination attempt on Abdul Hakim Belhadji, the head of the NATO/NTC forces in Tripoli on Monday night. Belhadj was previously the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which fought against the Qaddafi government in the past. He spent time fighting in Afghanistan and was later transferred by the U.S. to Thailand for interrogation. He ended up returning to Libya where he was captured by the Qaddafi military and placed in the Abu Salim prison in Tripoli. The Qaddafi government released him and several other members of the LIFG from prison in 2010 and Belhadj later became a military leader in the NATO/NTC. (my note: he is supposedly now in Germany receiving medial treatment.)

    Additional source: LIBYA 360°
    Axis of Logic follows this message with the 2 videos.
    Les Blough, Editor

    Axis of Logic Note October 5, 2011: You Tube has removed the two videos we republished below yesterday from their original locations with the following message:

    This video is no longer available because the YouTube
    account associated with this video has been terminated.

    But the YouTube account for these videos has not changed. Since their removal, we found them re-broadcast on YouTube under the same accounts but at different locations with different embed codes. This may have been a tactic designed to disable the reproduction of these videos when they appear on various websites like Axis of Logic – thus to keep them from spreading. When YouTube videos are disabled in this way, it’s important for re-publishers like us to search for them under the same title on and you may find them with different embed codes at different locations. These originals and secondary repubs were loaded by the same sources – TeleSur and CNN. We thank Axis of Logic Reader, Filipe, for alerting us to the disappearance of these two important videos.

    – Les Blough, Editor

    NATO/NTC Mercenaries Preventing
    Humanitarian Aid From Reaching Libyan Civilians

    Rebels Gunfire stops Red Cross from going
    in Sirte to help civilians, NATO Crimes In Libya

    © Copyright 2011 by

    This material is available for republication as long as reprints include verbatim copy of the article in its entirety, respecting its integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the original source including a “live link” to the article. Thank you!

    ARAB WORLD | 08.10.2011
    Berlin plans airlift for wounded Libyans,,15446581,00.html

    The Libyan civil war has taken a heavy human toll
    Germany intends to step up its assistance in Libya by offering visas for medical treatment to those wounded in the civil war. The visas are to be issued with minimal bureaucracy, according to German officials.

    Berlin plans to implement a humanitarian airlift that would provide Libyans, who were severely wounded during the uprising against Moammar Gadhafi, with access to treatment in German hospitals.

    “We are working with our Libyan partners to create the conditions for this (airlift) as quickly as possible,” a spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry said.

    A medical team from the German military arrived in the Tunisian city of Tunis on Tuesday, according to the Foreign Ministry. The German government is currently in discussions with the National Transitional Council (NTC) about how many Libyans need treatment.

    The German embassies in Tunis and the Egyptian capital, Cairo, have been instructed to issue visas as quickly as possible for the wounded. In pressing cases, Berlin’s recently reopened embassy in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, would also handle visa cases.

    Berlin’s goal is to issue “visas for the wounded quickly and with little bureaucracy,” making Germany the only country in Tripoli issuing visas for the 25-nation Schengen area in Europe, according to the Foreign Ministry.

    The NTC has said that in Tunisia alone there are 2,000 badly wounded Libyans who need treatment. In total, the transitional government estimates that 30,000 people have died in Libya’s civil war and 50,000 have been wounded.

    Author: Spencer Kimball (dpa, Reuters)
    Editor: Andreas Illmer

    NATO ‘protection of civilians’ – propaganda and pretence to escape war crimes trials
    Posted on 04 October 2011 by HRI Mark 3

    As is now well documented, the rebellion in Libya began with violent attacks on police stations, such as this one in Al-Bayda where people locked inside were reportedly burnt to death:

    An intensive propaganda campaign systematically distorted the facts on the ground, including in particular allegations that the Libyan airforce was bombing peaceful protestors and that Libyan soldiers were being massacred for not shooting on unarmed protestors (since proven to have been a false flag operation). This propaganada allowed a mobilisation of the international community and the passing of UN Resolution 1973 which imposed the No-Fly Zone.
    It is UN Resolution 1973 which NATO argues provides the legal basis for the coalition operation in Libya as NATO makes clear in their Factsheet on Operation Unified Protector:
    United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 mandates “all necessary measures” to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under attack or threat of attack. In line with this authorisation, NATO conducts reconnaissance, surveillance and information-gathering operations to identify those forces which present a threat to civilians and civilian-populated areas.
    Notwithstanding this NATO supported the rebels as they escalated the level of violence directed against those who opposed them, civilians and guest workers with attacks using Grad rockets, artillery, tanks and mortars – in fact any weapons that could be looted from arms dumps or supplied by NATO, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
    Here is an early example from Misrata of rebel forces nonchantly firing mortars, in between drinking cups of tea:

    With the brutal assault on Sirte, which is facing a bombardment from the air, surpassing Guernica, the indiscriminate assaults on civilian areas are now being taken to a higher level:


    Libya – Open Letter to NATO and its mercenaries – 383 deaths in the 82 U.S. Airborne Division
    BY ADMIN – 08 OCTOBER 2011
    Open letter to RATO (NATO and its mercenaries COUNCIL)

    by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey,
    Open letter to RATO (NATO and its mercenaries COUNCIL)
    To NATO: Stop trying to lure poor and unemployed young men from Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan into your crusade into sickening western Libya, stop sending these young men to their deaths, stop lying to them about how much they want to be paid and stop foreigners using oil to fuel your selfish horrendous wars in Libya.

    I never thought I would feel any pity for the RATS as NATO is employing mercenaries (against international law) in Libya. But now I address the young men who are being lured into this trap, promised thousands of dollars … to get killed and if not killed, return home unpaid. In a wheelchair (rented by NATO no doubt at a huge price repayment). Paralysed. NATO is bankrupt and thousands of mercenaries in Libya have stopped fighting because they have not been paid for months.

    The fact of the matter is very, very different from the nonsense that NATO and its bought media is putting out. When NATO or its contractors contacts you, it is telling you that it wants to pay so much per day, so much per week or so much per month, promoting freedom and democracy in Libya, rebuilding a nation and participating in a new Modernisation Process, Which in the future will have many future avenues for employment. The nation in question is Libya, whose Jamahiriya system and what is and wants to be the most democratic system of governance that has ever existed and let’s be honest, whose population has been perfectly happy with the excellent standard of living Colonel Gaddafi provided.

    Mercenaries of NATO
    What NATO is not telling you is that once you are sent into battle, on the ground, you are not alone. Because NATO alone can not place boots on the ground in Libya (OK everyone knows they do, everyone knows that governments DO NOT comment on Special Forces involvement and everyone knows the families are also sworn to secrecy. Yet ask the growing number of British families whose loved ones have disappeared, ask the growing number of American. families Only this week 383 bodies of U.S. Special Forces and Airmen were recovered by the Libyan Authorities from the 82nd Airborne where Ras Lanuf Division suffered a humiliating defeat and tremendous, complete with Hercules aircraft blown up full of those who were sent to kill). What did not, the U.S. press report on this? But when the going gets hot, they run and send you forward. After all, they say you are going to get paid so you have to do some work …

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Are you stupid, or what?

    What NATO is not telling you is that you will not be paid one cent, basically because NATO does not have any money. Act in Britain for instance, David Cameron is lecturing his population on how to their finances while he himself blows two billion pounds on this murderous imperialistic adventure because his friend Sarkozy needs cheap oil to fuel economy and his government because he inherited a compromised with placing the Libyan opposition Into Power SO that NATO could recolonise Africa. But the FUKUS (France, UK, U.S.) is bankrupt.

    What NATO is not telling you is that you are being sent to your deaths by this callous organization whose respect for human life is quite obviously zero. How any Christian or Muslim could work for this organization is beyond logic … it is like selling your soul to the Devil.

    And before NATO tells you otherwise, the vast Majority of Libyan are behind their legitimate government, the Jamahiriya, the vast Majority of those they call the “rats” are foreigners like yourselves being recruited from Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    What NATO is not telling you is quite how many of you are being killed. The Libyan Armed Forces are very well trained, better than the NATO special forces, and are extremely well armed, and they have resources to last them for decades. The 150.000 of your brothers who lie rotting and stinking in Libya’s streets and infesting its sands bear witness to the veracity of this article. That is the sickening truth. NATO has no respect for you, its military leaders are laughing behind your backs because your deaths are saving westerners from NATO’s political leaders dying and DO NOT even know you exist. In the last week, 7,000 RATO mercenaries have died. Most were from Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    Remember, in going to Libya, you are fighting as mercenaries for a foreign force in favor of the greedy self-interests of the countries FUKUS: oil. So you are fighting against Muslims and against good people who will rightfully defend their country. When your home is invaded, you do not handle the robber the keys, now do you?

    Instead of signing up for the Devil trying to lure you into this trap, do yourself and thousands of your brethren a favor: treat the person trying to sign you up as you would treat the Devil. Do the decent thing. Do not let yourself and your family be raped by NATO.

    Photo: Guess how many of these people are Libyan? Or Pakistanis? Or Afghans? Or Tunisian / Egyptians? And in this case, spot the British and Americans … On the wall, racist references to Muammar Gaddafi as a “black” with a banana. This scourge has promised to rid Libya of Negroes. Obama, Sarkozy Cameron and support it.

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

    Abridged translation of

    At the NATO implicate Stop, poor young people from Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan in your sick crusade in Libya, ceases to send the young men to their deaths and stop them to lie about their pay and ends to use foreigners to keep your oil war in Libya and running.

    NATO’s Secret Armies in Europe
    by Daniele Ganser

    I’ve never thought that I would feel sorry for the rats of NATO, which hires the organization of international law as a mercenary for Libya. I would like to now turn to the young men who are lured into a trap, which are promised thousands of dollars … only to be killed or unpaid, to come home. In a rented wheelchair by NATO, as a paraplegic. NATO is bankrupt and thousands of soldiers have set the fight because they do not pay more for weeks have received.

    The facts behave completely differently than convey the nonsense that NATO and the corrupt press us wollen.Wenn NATO or any of its Anwerbebüros appeal to you, they tell you that you deserve so many a day, a week or a month and that they want to spread freedom and democracy in Libya. You take part in it, build a nation again and you take part in the modernization process that will create many jobs in the future (they say). The nation in question is Libya’s Jamahiriya system is the best form of democratic government that ever existed and it still remains. And to be honest, the people were absolutely satisfied with the excellent standard of living, which enabled her to Colonel Gaddafi.

    What NATO does not tell you: Once you are on the battlefield, you are alone. Alone because NATO did not use its own troops in Libya can. Well, everyone knows they do it anyway, but governments are not talking about the use of special forces and the families concerned are obliged under oath, not to mention it. One nut only the growing number of British and American families to ask their relatives are gone. This week alone, 383 bodies of members of special forces and air forces of the Libyan authorities have been gathering in Las Ranuf, where the 82nd U.S. Airborne Division suffered a terrible defeat, as a Hercules transport plane – crammed with which they are submitted to the killing – was blown into the air. What? You have heard nothing in the U.S. press?

    But when things occur in a hot phase, they will send you to the front and even beat it. Finally, they will say, you will pay for it and you have to work … ..

    NATO will not tell you that they will pay you a cent, because NATO is in fact bankrupt. In Great Britain informed David Cameron’s population just as it has to deal with money, while he sets himself two billion pounds for its imperialist and murderous adventures in the sand … … … … … …. The FUKUS (France, UK and USA) are broke !

    … And before you tell NATO something else. The vast majority of Libyans are behind their legitimate government, the Jamahiriya and most of those who call them rats are strangers like you, who hired in Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan were.

    NATO will not even tell you how much will be your loss. The Libyan army is trained very well – better than the NATO forces – and is very well armed. It has chemical weapons, ranging decades. The 150,000 dead bodies of your brothers who are stinking and rotting in the streets of Libya and the sandy soil, are the witnesses to the truth of this article … ..


    Russia 1

    Russia 2
    NATO’s Secret Armies in Europe
    by Daniele Ganser

    As we have seen, NATO’s official justification for their operations includes a requirement “to identify those forces which present a threat to civilians or civilian-populated areas.”

    Commander of Allied Air Command Izmir, Lieutenant General Ralph J. Jodice II (U.S. Air Force)
    Furthermore the justification includes this:
    Targeting depends on the decisions of operational commanders. Targets struck to date have included tanks, armoured personnel carriers, air-defence systems and artillery around and approaching key civilian areas including Misrata, Ajdabiyah and Zintan. [My emphasis]
    Yet clearly NATO is supporting the rebel use of tanks and artillery around and approaching the key civilian area of Sirte; indeed NATO and its allies are almost certainly supplying the ammunition for these big guns.
    Many journalists are having trouble processing this information, let alone communicating it to their readership, as it does not fit in with the overriding paradigm of an operation “intended to protect civilians.”
    Tim Marshall
    #Libya NTC fighters are shelling built up area of Sirte where there are civilians. Perhaps NATO will reread UN Res 1973 ‘protect civilians’.
    28 September 2011 14:50
    It remains to be seen, which journalists have the intelligence to realise that the old paradigm is dead and the courage to communicate this fact to their readers. A new paradigm is required, a new framework to understand the NATO war on Libya, one which recognises that the mantra of “responsibity to protect civilians” which NATO repeats at every press conference and in every press release is nothing more than:
    1) A propaganda device, aimed at the fooling the public into supporting a war of aggression.

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Breaking news 10 OCT. 2011:
    Massive counterattack by the Libyan Jamahiriya army in Sirte.
    47 rats dead,more than 650 wounded.
    Rats flee in disarray and require immediate intervention of NATO.
    Libyan army controls 90% of the city

  99. Blatant state takeover behind EU and US Libyan operation
    Published: 09 October, 2011, 12:02

    Having taken over Libya, NATO exposed its hypocrisy towards protecting civilian lives, letting the revolutionary forces to shell loyalist cities and assault them despite great losses among civilian population.
    For over two days now, Libya’s interim rulers have been waging one of the biggest assaults yet on the most-important remaining Gaddafi strongholds, the cities of Sirte and Bani Walid.
    Libyan revolutionary forces claim they have seized parts of convention centre, which served as a key base for Gaddafi loyalists in his hometown of Sirte.
    They say most of the town is under their control now, but still face fierce resistance from loyalist fighters.
    Thousands of people have left Sirte, but many remain behind, meaning there is a high risk of civilian casualties.
    But for peace campaigners, the fact that NATO is protecting civilians by shelling Sirte, shows the alliance’s approach is selective.
    “The whole idea of the bombing was meant to protect the civilians in Benghazi but I don’t suppose anybody signed up to the idea that it meant killing civilians in another city or town in Libya – and that is exactly what is happening,” believes Lindsey German, national convener of the Stop the War coalition. “NATO is very selective about what civilians it supports. It doesn’t support those civilians who might oppose it politically – it does support the other ones.”
    “We know what this war was about – it was about regime change,” concluded German, adding that NATO does not care about the civilians so it is now “the responsibility of the people who run Libya.”
    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told RT that it is a warning for everyone that the Libyan intervention was solely about the US and Europe taking the country over.
    “The lesson for Libya is that there are only two superpowers in the world worth speaking about, those are the US and the EU,” Assange claimed.
    Once the EU and the US joined their efforts to topple the Gaddafi regime, they completely abused the original justification of the no-flight zone over Libya.
    “It shows that there is no effective rule of law as far as the UN is concerned,” Assange concluded, adding that this “should all be a lesson to us: every time that a small mandate is given, the military and intelligence powers will push that [to a war].”
    “This is a slippery slope that leads to the takeover of countries – we must all understand that,” he said.

  100. 18 DECEMBER 2008:

    The Pakistani Conundrum
    The Brother Leader discusses the legitimate concerns of Isreal and the US, with regard to Pakistan possessing a nuclear weapon, and that weapon falling into the hands of extremists

  101. our brother leader 0n 18 Dec 2008 on Pakistan

    Milan Dojcinovic
    from Sirte:

    After less than 6 hours on the control of the customer to the University of Sirte forces, volunteers and the army targeted the university from all sides in an elaborate ambush fled customers leaving the bodies of their dead within the… campus and images on channels is the university the day after taking control from Time-8 am until 13 o’clock before process where the quality was martyred on the campus of the university more than 40 Mujahid after 39 NATO strike the infidel …… I walked under it we controlled rats dream, O Satan Paradise.

    Milan Dojcinovic
    “@JustWatching3: In Sirte , libyan Jamahiriya army has completely destroyed the batallion name ‘Martyrs of feb17 of benghazi'</em> which consist of 300 men

    Jay El Grey writes:

    Rats can kill us and NATO can destroy us anytime anywhere, but this we will promise you and promise all the world : for every one that falls from us, two shall rise!

  102. QUOTE of Rahnuma Ahmed:

    “What occurred in Libya was no popular uprising but purely NATO’s war, `From the beginning the ‘rebels’ depended completely on the military, political, diplomatic and media power of NATO, without which the de facto mercenaries would not have lasted a month, holed up in Benghazi.’ ”


    ‘NATO adopted civil war and will stay in Libya forever’
    Published: 09 October, 2011, 22:18
    Smoke billows in Sirte after fierce fighting between Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters and loyalist troops on October 9, 2011 (AFP Photo / Ahmad Al-Rubaye)
    Fierce fighting for Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte continues in Libya, where revolutionary forces claim they have seized the convention center – the main base of the Colonel’s loyalists.
    Libya’s interim leaders say failure to take Sirte is the only thing keeping them from formally declaring liberation and scheduling elections.
    Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says that, while focusing on this stated aim, the mainstream media ignores the high human cost.
    “The only coverage that you see in Western mainstream corporate media is about the advances of the so-called pro-revolutionary forces. This is not a revolution. This is a civil war, which was adopted by the NATO powers and the US,” he told RT.
    “There are more than 100,000 living in Sirte. If 10,000 are left, or 20,000, most of the population is still there. They were bombed by NATO. NATO bombed at least half of the city, including what they said were Gaddafi installations all across the town,” Escobar continued. “This is cluster bombing of R2P, responsibility-to-protect, which was, theoretically, the reason for NATO’s ‘humanitarian’ intervention in Libya.
    “So, if the ‘good guys’ are being attacked by Gaddafi forces, R2P applies,” he went on to explain. “But if the ‘bad guys’ are ensconced in Sirte, for instance, and we don’t care if there are thousands of civilians in Sirte as well, R2P does not apply. So, in terms of hypocrisy, this beats anything else in the market.”
    As for the duration of the NATO operation in Libya, Pepe Escobar believes the alliance is going to stay in Libya “forever.”
    “The last time they said: ‘As long as there is no functioning government in Tripoli, we will be there.’ This is not going to happen. Thus, ergo, war forever.”
    For over two days now, Libya’s interim rulers have been waging one of the biggest assaults yet on the most important remaining stronghold of the ousted brother-leader of the ’69 al-fatah Revolution. The TNC forces “claim” they control most of the town, which has now been under siege for three weeks. (LIES)
    Bogdan Knezevic
    Sirte is green and now all sides inside Sirte and outside Sirte, attack rats.
    Help has arrived and started push back of rats.

    Djeyyel writes:
    Sirte: 2 brigades of NTC-AlQaeda-Nato rebels were destroyed, and 2 commanders lost their life so far today. Victory for Green Resistance. Nato-mercenaries were forced to retreat.

    At the same time, NATO bombed and killed an uncertain number of Libyans in Sirte: some sources say that more than a thousand civilians have died in the houses bombed by NATO planes.

    Taureg to the rescue

    Qaddafi is definitely getting support from the neighbouring Tuareg peoples from Mali, Chad, Niger and even Algeria. But the rest of Africa should take heed when there is Barack Hussein Obama the so-called FIRST “black” president of the United States of America who turns the other way, while many of black Libyans and many an African migrant are getting harassed and slaughtered by the NATO mislead racist Nato-mercenaries.

    UN remains muted as tens of thousands of Libyans are being murdered by NATO and their cohorts under the guise that they are protecting “civilians.” And the UN has to answer for the lies they created over Qaddafi’s use of aerial attacks on his own people and then to allow NATO to go in and bomb humanity, when the main purpose of UN is to stop wars. But, when it comes people of other races, that is not the case, considering what the US and the rest of NATO have done with their superior weaponries since 1945.

    A few days before Qaddafi allowed the rebels to take Tripoli, the good Dr. Moussa Ibrahim said in his own words “that the world is lacking decency” when he called every organisation connected to the UN months ago about the heartless bombings that went on in Tripoli and not one of them responded. That is state the world is in right now. What I am saying is that many of the countries in the Mid-East and Africa have gotten to use to being bossed around without trying to put up a fight and play this detrimental puppet game.

    Where was the rest of the Arab nations when Saddam Hussein decided to put up a fight against the great Satan of America and Britain back in 1991 and in 2003? Yet, a few days ago Assad threatened to bomb Israel if he is attacked – the same language Saddam Hussein spoke back in 1991, but where was Syria?

    Years ago Louis Farrakhan (Leader of Nation of Islam) warned Qaddafi that the powers that be would do military strikes on him again. But Qaddafi believed in the reassuring lies of Western politicians that they would not do such things, so Qaddafi delayed in upgrading his military.

    But do not worry about the rest of the world ignoring the plight of thousands of innocent Libyans dying at the hands of the greatly evil NATO and their puppets and moronic fools. We are beginning to see that somehow, the failures of NATO in breaking the “will” of the legitimate Green Libyan forces and its rightful peoples in places like Sirte and Bani Walid, despite NATO’s “shock and awe” campaigns from the skies.

    The “will power” of the rightful Jamahiriya will see them through, this is why NATO are extending their heartless bombing campaign for another three months just to see if they can break the “will power.” But all they have done is created more anger and more hatred from the very people they are supposed to protect.

    Have more faith that NATO have already failed in their goals to take Libya in a month, it is now eight months later and nothing gained, but more murders and more destruction – that is how DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND NATO really are – they do not know how to communicate let alone relate, but to make threats militarily and to try and control the resources that does not belong to them because they are broke. They underestimated the “will power” of the Jamahiriya. NATO is failing against this “will power.” And that is more than what the world can offer the legitimate Libyan people.
    Long live Qaddafi.
    Text by Djeyyel

  103. NATO to continue its genocidal bombing on Libya
    Posted: 2011/10/10
    From: Mathaba


    NATO continues its genocidal bombing campaign on Libya. On Saturday NATO officials announced the airstrikes, now in its seventh month, will not cease “until all remaining pockets of resistance are suppressed” and not before the rebels’ NTC asks for them to end.

    NATO officials made the announcement after reports last week said their “mission” in Libya was “largely completed” and NATO may end its bombing of Libya in a week.

    For three days now, the NATO-led rebels have been waging one of the biggest assaults yet on the bravely resisting cities of Sirte and Bani Walid, killing thousands of civilians and injuring many more.
    For peace campaigners, the fact that NATO is protecting civilians by shelling them, shows the alliance’s approach is selective.

    “The whole idea of the bombing was meant to “protect the civilians in Benghazi”, but I don’t suppose anybody signed up to the idea that it meant killing civilians in another city or town in Libya – and that is exactly what is happening,” said Lindsey German, national convener of the Stop the War coalition, in an interview with Russia Today (RT).

    “NATO is very selective about what civilians it supports. It doesn’t support those civilians who might oppose it politically – it does support the other ones”, she said, adding that adding that NATO does not care about the civilians at all.

    Activist and journalist Sukant Chandan told RT that the battle is far from over. It is now clear to the world that civilians are being targeted in Sirte, he said, quoting the AFP reports on civilian casualties. “Nevertheless, Sirte is still resisting.”

    He pointed out that the media have stopped talking about another Gaddafi stronghold, Bani Walid. “Basically the pro-NATO rebels in Libya have given up taking Bani Walid,” he said.

    There are no signs whatsoever that NATO is going to leave, Chandan said. “NATO just said that it will intervene even further if relationship among the rebels continues to worsen.”

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told RT that it is a warning for everyone that the Libyan intervention was solely about the US and Europe taking the country over.

    “The lesson for Libya is that there are only two superpowers in the world worth speaking about, those are the US and the EU,” Assange said.

    “It shows that there is no effective rule of law as far as the UN is concerned,” he concluded, adding that this “should all be a lesson to us: every time that a small mandate is given, the military and intelligence powers will push that to a war.”

    “This is a slippery slope that leads to the takeover of countries – we must all understand that,” he said.

    Mathaba Editing of The Voices of Russia and Russia Today articles.

  104. Morris Herman makes a plea:
    Urgent appeal for Sirte: what we all can do to help
    Posted: 2011/10/11
    From: Mathaba</em>

    For over a month, without reporting by all the world news media, who have failed with the exception of this news agency, over one hundred thousand people in a Libyan African city have been besieged, water, food and electricity supply cut off, hospitals bombed, medical supplies blockaded, by Europe and the United States.

    Independent reporter Morris Herman has received a letter from someone quite distressed about the situation in Sirte, saying:

    “The situation in Sirte is unbearable, the worst ever. The hospital is destroyed and out of service and there are conflicting reports that the NATO-rebels took it. There is a clinic but there are no doctors and no medical supplies. It is now run by a medical student, a dentist and two volunteers. They are doing their best, but what can they really do? They lost two patients on Sunday because they needed an operation but it could not be done, and there are seven patients at the clinic in a very bad condition and situation.

    This is an appeal to all of us to do what we can. What we can do is make a telephone call (see phone numbers in the video). Call Doctors Without Borders or the Red Cross to do something before it is too late. They need to be informed that there is an ability to coordinate to get into Sirte.

    Tell the Red Cross to contact:

    They will organize people in Sirte to allow the aid to come in. That is my appeal to all of us to make one phone call, to call the Red Cross or the Doctors Without Borders and to get them to create aid for Sirte. The whole world is watching or not watching, the country is being bombed from the sky, bombed by the rebels day and night. Libya has done no harm to anyone and we’re all complicit if we don’t do something.”

    Mr Steven Anderson from ICRC Media and Public Relations North West Africa gives a rough outline on the situation in the Sirte hospital:

  105. Gadhafi’s shortwave radio announcement (last week):

    Arthur Thompson writes.

    ‎200 Hundred Dead the Death Toll is Rising,and Day or two ago 247 S A S Kick the bucket, this Sort of good News just Does Not Reach the BBC or any of the Outside Media. Got Enough Blood on Your Face Cameron & Hague.
    The televised al-Jezeera attack on Sirte was defeated.
    A massive storm on Sirte that resulted in the brief occupation of a University Campus and Hospital in the South Eastern Suburbs. After the battle raged back and forth all day, a massive counter attack that left 200 TNC-fighters dead and countless wounded was enough for Mahmud Jibril, who is pulling

    “the fighters with allegiance to him” out of the battle, calling “the death of over 200 fighters for a one minute Al Jazeera Victory senseless“. *1

    Jibril´s decision is one more example that the NATO Narrative is discredited and of the inherent instability and infighting of the NATO proxy regime. The Libyan war is grinding into a stall, while the humanitarian crisis continues.

    Dr. Christof Lehmann. NSNBC NEWS

    In war nothing can be taken for granted, and even small changes can lead to catastrophic results, stall mates or victories. Considering the fact that the home town of Muammar Ghadafi has been resisting the onslaught of NATO´s colonial aggression for months brings the classic cartoon “Asterix de le Gaulois” to mind, where a defiant Gall village resisted the onslaught of the Roman Empire.

    Even Al Jazeera´s Hollywood Narrative of the attack on Sirte was seriously wounded when the “embedded grand standing” at a freshly captured university campus in the suburbs of Sirte was interrupted with the message “we have to withdraw because there is a massive counter attack coming“. But unlike Asterix, Obelix, and the courageous Galls of the world famous cartoon, neither Muammar Ghadafi nor the fighting military, tribal and popular resistance men have that magic potion that endows them with super human strength. What they have may be even stronger though; the will to resist a colonial empire and it´s army of rack tag rebels and special operations units and NATO´s Air Force. The televised attack on Sirte was defeated. (BRAVO!)

    some early Gadhafi pics:

    Lybia – a looney bin divided
    Lisa Karpova

    Like this terrorist garbage as YOUR government? TNC Terrorists

    Usually the saying goes, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” However, thanks to NATO, Libya has become a looney bin and the wackos, the loonies are running the asylum.

    We have known from the very beginning that this gang of terrorists and criminals known as the National Transitional Council were constantly fighting among themselves. Strange that garbage at NATO hasn’t noticed.

    The most significant event of their in-fighting was the killing of General Abdel Fatah Younis, the chief of staff of the rebel forces. Curiously enough, the NTC issued an arrest warrant for Younis hours before his assassination.

    After much controversy regarding him being missing, dead or abducted, his body was finally found partially burned and full of bullet holes. after constant denials of knowing his fate or that he was even missing.

    Mahdi al-Harati, deputy of the Tripoli military council resigned due to tensions with NTC over the handling of Tripoli security.

    In the midst of this constant in-fighting, Mahmoud Jabril announced finally that he will not take part in any new government. Of course, it is likely tied to reports that while he was a part of the Jamahiriya government, he stole at least 2 billion dollars.

    Continuing on in this manner, the TNC has been a bottomless pit for the west to dump endless amounts of money into, but of course they don’t care, it’s not their money they are dumping…but frozen assets they themselves have stolen from the Libyan people. Where the money has gone, no one knows. No one has been paid, no services are restored, to the contrary, services continue to be disrupted.

    The Libyan people did not ask for, do not want and did not appoint these thieves and terrorists as their government.

    With the TNC as a government, Libya would never recover financially and turn into a huge debtor nation…which is just what the west wants. It would turn into a no man’s land…unsafe for human life.

    Never mind that this criminal gang of terrorist thugs is capable of only violence, destruction, rape and looting. When these terrorists move in, the population either flees or goes into hiding. It’s a fate worse than death to be discovered by them, especially if you are black, female, or a supporter of Gaddafi.

    Black Libyans are lynched, women are raped, people are mutilated: beheaded, disemboweled, have fingers cut off and every imaginable torture. If someone says their heart belong to Gaddafi, their heart is literally cut out of their body.

    Many human rights organizations have told TNC that their practices of torture in the prisons has to stop. Would you want these thugs running things where you live?

    Nothing any of them says can be trusted. They do nothing but lie continually. They have made claims about Gaddafi having fled the country, his sons being dead or captured and his spokesman being captured. Their lack of ability on the battlefield is also a source of continual lies as they stage scenes to pretend victories that never happened.

    Speaking of staging scenes, their lies about a mass grave proved the same as the grave contained nothing but camel bones and why camel bones would be in a grave at a prison is beyond comprehension unless planted there.

    Their appointed “military commander for Tripoli” Abdel Hakim Belhaj has had an arrest warrant put out for him. His fate at this time is unknown. There were at least two attempts to kill him. We know from previous events what an arrest warrant means.

    So there is obviously zero chance of stability, much less would the promised freedom and democracy result in installing this scourage as Libya’s government. Thankfully, they are fighting so much among themselves, they just can’t get it together.

    What you have with the TNC is nothing short of a gang of lunatics trying to turn Libya into a lunatic asylum, a hell on earth. Bravo for your good work, NATO.

    Stinking head lunatic Mahmoud Jibril called for the assassination of Jumhuri from ArraiTV in Syria because they broadcast truthful news reports. The TNC does not allow the media to report anything other than what they dictate to them. Of course, the western corporate media has been more than willing to oblige.

    Everything you will read, see and hear in western corporate media is exactly what the TNC and NATO have dictated to them.

    Despite their criminal murderous nature, NATO keeps dumping this trash into Libya. What are these fools being promised by the obviously bankrupt west? How utterly stupid does one have to be to jeopardize life and limb for a bankrupt promise?

    They aren’t being paid, we know they are being promised all kinds of money. They probably also envision some cushy life of money and power, however delusional that is. But the supply of cannon fodder, which is all they are, keeps on coming.

    For them to be sent to Libya is a certain death sentence, there is nothing to be gained. However, there seems to be no shortage of the supply of stupid, foolish, gullible young men. They come mostly from Qatar and Egypt, as well as Tunisia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Should NATO successfully install this garbage as the government of Libya, stoning, beheading, mutilation, Sharia law and pedophilia will be the law of the land. We already see their behavior before assuming power, heaven help the people of Libya should they ever attain power.

    We have already seen as well how NATO provides water and electricity for the people in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have been pushed back into the Stone Age and will remain there probably until the 10th millenium at the soonest. More than 50 percent of those populations have to go without water and electricity.

    That’s all NATO is good for, destroying, killing and destabilizing.

    NATO is anathema to civilization, but what to expect from savage barbarians? Ask the people of the besieged city of Sirte, who are being bombed non-stop around the clock. How many times was the hospital itself targeted by NATO?

    When were hospitals a legitimate target for military hardware? The hospital has lost a good deal of its medical personnel. There is no electricity, little water and no medications for any procedures. Patients were murdered, including mothers and new born babies.

    Surgeries are done without any anasthesia. Imagine your child having an operation with nothing to stop the horrendous pain?

    For that matter, when did rescuers become legitimate targets, since NATO bombs and helicopter pilots shoot at anyone that moves, thus preventing rescue attempts? Injured people are also targets on roads leading to the hsopital.

    Logically, one should conclude, if people are indeed repulsed by what is transpiring in Libya at the hands of Wall Street and London, the corporations, banks, and institutions involved should be exposed, avoided, boycotted and eliminated totally so that no innocent person, man woman or child, should ever have to die or suffer because of them and their greed ever again.

    The filthy lunatics and murderers of the TNC are their proxies, their real face. Forget the false veneer of civilization, manners or humanity.

    The right to protect or is it the right to commit genocide and war crimes? Even the Red Cross has to admit that NATO has created a humanitarian disaster here. CREATED one, not prevented one.

    These are the countless war crimes which NATO must be held responsible for. Where is the outcry from the world community?

    All of you are responsible for these crimes if you sit there and say nothing to no one.

    Lisa Karpova


    Day 206: 10. october 2011. Libya news

    20h/ Tripoli – (AFP) A GROUP OF 200 TO 300 ARMED MEN ATTACKED A MOSQUE IN LIBYA ( EGIPTYON MOUSQUE TRIPOLY .. and desecrated graves of Imams, according to eyewitnesses.
    Mahmoud al-Rahman who lives in the neighborhood mosque, Egypt’s north-east of Tripoli, told AFP that the militants “have arrived a long time 22.00 (20h00 GMT) and was their number ranging between 200 and 300 pickup with cars equipped with heavy machine guns and then left at about 1.00 (2300 GMT). “I stormed the gate of entry, and then dug the soil and opened the graves of Imam Al-Abdullah Rahman al-Masri and Salem Abu Saif

    I would also like to add something scary from here in Corsica. I had to journey west to L’I’le Rousse this morning.[10 OCTOBER 2011] Going in the opposite direction [eastbound] were at-least (I counted) a convoy of 31 army transports! FULLY loaded!. As you know, Solenzara is on the EAST coast of Corsica; and from Solenzara, the French government flies out their sorties to Libya. Something VERY HEAVY must be on the way to LIBYA: It looked horrible!!


    LIBYA 360°

    Oct. 2011

    A massive storm on Sirte that resulted in the brief occupation of a University Campus and Hospital in the South Eastern Suburbs. After the battle raged back and forth all day, a massive counter attack that left 200 TNC-fighters dead and countless wounded was enough for Mahmud Jibril, who is pulling

    “the fighters with allegiance to him” [out of the battle, calling] “the death of over 200 fighters for a one minute Al Jazeera Victory senseless“.


    ibril´s decision is one more example that the NATO Narrative is discredited and of the inherent instability and infighting of the NATO proxy regime. The Libyan war is grinding into a stall, while the humanitarian crisis continues.
    Dr. Christof Lehmann. NSNBC NEWS

    In war nothing can be taken for granted, and even small changes can lead to catastrophic results, stall mates or victories. Considering the fact that the home town of Muammar Ghadafi has been resisting the onslaught of NATO´s colonial aggression for months brings the classic cartoon “Asterix de le Gaulois” to mind, where a defiant Gall village resisted the onslaught of the Roman Empire.

    Even Al Jazeera´s Hollywood Narrative of the attack on Sirte was seriously wounded when the “embedded grand standing” at a freshly captured university campus in the suburbs of Sirte was interrupted with the message “we have to withdraw because there is a massive counter attack coming“. But unlike Asterix, Obelix, and the courageous Galls of the world famous cartoon, neither Muammar Ghadafi nor the fighting military, tribal and popular resistance men have that magic potion that endows them with super human strength. What they have may be even stronger though; the will to resist a colonial empire and it´s army of rack tag rebels and special operations units and NATO´s Air Force. The televised attack on Sirte was defeated. Throughout the day and night Sirte has been under three major and more minor assaults, all of them being resisted. The result of yesterdays fighting, 200 TNC fighters dead, more of them wounded.

    A nsnbc source close to the TNC reported tonight at 02.00 GMT that TNC-leader Mahmud Jibril has withdrawn “all fighters with allegiance to him” from the Sirte theater, saying “it was senseless to sacrifice 200 fighters for a one minute Al Jazeera Victory“. Jibril, who recently survived an assassination attempt where seven of his bodyguards were killed is said also to have given the withdrawal order to save his men for an awaiting battle among TNC fractions. According to the same nsnbc source, “an unnamed US Intelligence Agency has approached TNC leaders suggesting the division of Libya into a Northern and Southern state, which would provide the necessary diplomatic context for bringing “UN Peace Keeping Troops” into Libya. nsnbc is currently investigating if any of these propositions are discussed at the African Union.

    The war crimes by NATO and the fighters under it´s command responsibility continues, while diplomacy still fails to put an end to the massacres. Before the attack on the University Campus and Hospital in Sirte, a NATO plane bombed a civilian house, killing 22, with 20 others missing.

    Near Bani Walid, a convoy of TNC fighters fell into an ambush and took heavy casualties. TNC fighters are in isolated pockets in Bani Walid waiting for reinforcements that don´t come through the Libyan defenses. In Gheryan Libyan forces successfully attacked a military industrial complex that was heavily defended by troops from NATO countries and Qatar. The mission succeeded in destroying key military installations that were used by NATO.

    In Bengazi the battle against the heavily entrenched TNC fighters is making a slow progress. One may suspect the Libyan Forces to maintain a relatively passive position, since there is heavy infighting among the surrounded TNC loyal factions inside the city center. According to yet unconfirmed reports there are ongoing negotiations between Libyan Forces and tribal leaders in Bengazi who are ready to change sides in the conflict.

    The question remains, if and when a diplomatic initiative will manifest that can bring an end to the appalling humanitarian situation and NATO´s colonial ambitions in Northern Africa. Where is a U.N.-Fact Finding Mission, where is an African Union Observer in Sirte, where are African Leaders with courage to say “enough is enough”. Neither Ghadafi, nor the soldiers and civilians in Sirte have that “Magic Potion of the Galls“. All they have is the will to resist against a war, forced on them under the pretext of saving civilian lives and the hope that Russian, Chinese, and African leaders will realize that failure to end that war is failure to defend their own people and nations.


  106. Lita O Tale writes:

    1. Electricity for household use is free,
    2. interest-free loans
    3. during the study, governmant give to every student 2 300 dolars/month
    4. receives the average salary for this profession if you do not find a job after graduation,
    5. the state has paid for to work in the profession,
    6. every unemployed person receives social assistance 15,000 $/year,
    7. for marriage state pays first apartment or house (150m2),
    8. buying cars at factory prices,
    9. LIBYA not owe anyone a cent,
    10. free higher education abroad,
    11. 25% of highly educated,
    12. 40 loaves of bread costs $ 0.15,
    13. water in the middle of the desert, drinking water,
    14. 8 dinars per liter of oil (0.08 EUR),
    15. 6% poor people,
    16. for each infant, the couple received $ 5,000 for their needs.

    image 1

    1. Whatever one’s views regarding Moamar Gadaffi, the post-colonial Libyan government played a key role in eliminating poverty and developing the country’s health and educational infrastructure. According to Italian Journalist Yvonne de Vito, “Differently from other countries that went through a revolution – Libya is considered to be the Switzerland of the African continent and is very rich and schools are free for the people. Hospitals are free for the people. And the conditions for women are much better than in other Arab countries.” (Russia Today, August 25, 2011)
    2. The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (GADHAFI GOVT) provided to its citizens what is denied to many Americans: Free public health care, free education, as confirmed by WHO and UNESCO data
    3. The adult literacy rate was of the order of 89%, (2009), (94% for males and 83% for females). 99.9% of youth are literate (UNESCO 2009 figures,
    Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed
    ‎”There is no tomorrow” under a NATO sponsored Al Qaeda rebellion. While a “pro-democracy” rebel government has been instated, the country has been destroyed.

    (My post before this one has the complete review by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky.)

    (The original.)
    Allain Jules
    L’information déjantée, au Kärcher, et la liberté d’expression dans sa quintessence
    Libye – Les dernières nouvelles du front (8-10-2011)
    Publié le8 octobre 2011 parAllain Jules 221

    image 2

    Des discussions entre l’OTAN et le CNT ont eu lieu aujourd’hui, la première demandant au second comment venir à bout des combattants libyens qui donnent du fil à retordre aux massacreurs. Pour les traîtres à leur Nation du CNT, après avoir déclaré qu’il leur fallait deux jours pour venir à bout des patriotes et résistants libyens, ils ont promis encore deux jours tout au plus, en demandant encore une fois aux soldats de l’apocalypse et serviteurs des prédateurs pilleurs, encore plus de bombardements.
    Toute cette journée, les soldats de l’apocalypse ont survolé les villes de Bani Walid et Syrte, pour lancer des tracts dans lesquels étaient inscrit: « quittez la ville rapidement car, nous allons intensifier les bombardements. » Une ruse, pour tenter de déstabiliser les vaillants combattant qui luttent pour une cause noble, celle de l’indépendance de leur pays. Kadhafi n’est pas et ne sera jamais un tigre de papier. Comme je le disais il y des mois (vidéo), ses troupes ne déposeront jamais les armes. Cette envie de faire partir le guide libyen en mettant honteusement, ne stabilisera jamais la situation libyenne.
    Zawiyah : la ville a entièrement été « dératisée » ce jour. Si Syrte tombe disent-ils, ils vont proclamer la victoire ? Ce gens sont vraiment des demeurés.

    Tripoli: le CNT ne sait plus où donner de la tête. Après avoir envoyé 1000 esclaves à Syrte pour donner l’assaut final à la ville, Tripoli s’embrase. Le drapeau vert recommence à flotter et, au sein des combattants, devrais-je dire les bras cassés du CNT, ces tueurs à gages et voleurs, agrégés ès rapine, docteurs ès frappe, le doute s’installe. Ce qui se passe à l’heure actuelle est surtout le fait que les renégats fuient les check-points de peur d’être tués, ce qui explique l’avancée des patriotes. De Bab Al Aziza en passant par les périphéries de la ville, arborer les couleurs du CNT devient compliqué. Les renégats ont perdu pas moins de 40 personnes aujourd’hui dans la ville.
    Syrte: une résistance héroïque, malgré les bombardements, et l’entrée de chars qui pillonnent honteusement tout ce qu’il y a comme bâtiments suceptibles d’abriter les défenseurs d’une Libye libre. Toute la journée, les islamistes-félons-renégats de Benghazi, sont entrés et ressortis, victimes de leur faiblesse, n’eût été le soutien aérien de l’OTAN. Le Centre de conférence Ouagadougou aurait été bombardé par l’OTAN. Une destruction de la Libye effective. Mais, Syrte, malgré l’annonce de l’assaut final, résiste toujours. Aujourd’hui, à Syrte, plus de 50 renégats ont été tués et, leurs amis auraient été liquidés par le commandant de Misrata, car, ils refusaient de repartir sur le front. Voir vidéo de la débandade que nous venons de recevoir. Merci à Z.C. !

    Bani Walid: encore un échec retentissant. 12 islamistes envoyés dans la ville sans arme pour distraire les combattants de la ville alors qu’ils étaient suivi par des mercenaires de l4OTAN/CNT, ont été capturés tandis que 20 renégats ont été tués.
    Ragdaline: la paisible ville située à 130 km au sud-ouest de Tripoli, est toujours entre les mains des pro-Kadhafi. En effet, reprise hier, tôt ce matin, les renégats ont tenté de faire une incursion. Ils ont été défaits. 15 d’entres aux sont tombés et le reste s’est échappé de justesse, avant l’assaut des loyalistes qui voulaient en capturer. Leurs pick-up ont été, pour eux, d’un grand secours.
    Que les bourreaux des Libyens sachent qu’un jour ou l’autre, ils payeront leurs crimes.

    image 3

    Вы смотрите канал: PAGZLY

  107. ______________________________________________________________
    Radioactive Weapons with Long-Term Health Risks Dropped Into Libya
    Posted on October 10, 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment

    Even though NATO denies using depleted uranium (DU) in Libya, it is suspected that bombs and missiles with contaminated warheads are being dropped into the country. Because its density, low cost, and destructiveness, DU has been a popular choice of ammunition for world militaries. Once weaponized, the uranium waste fragments and vaporizes into easily inhaled toxic oxides, saturating environments with toxic particles, causing skin disorders, lung and bone cancer, chromosome damage, and immune deficiency syndromes. These particles last for 4.4 billion years, leaching into water tables and circulating into lungs. In Iraq, areas hit with DU during the Gulf War show high rates of birth defects, leukemia, and fetal radiation damage.
    Since DU shells are standard anti-armor weapons for A10 attack planes, AC130s, and Harrier AV-8B aircraft, U.S. and NATO’s denial of DU usage is suspect. In Britain, the Ministry of Defense insists that DU remains a part of its armory, and the U.S. is one of the few countries that has refused to sign the U.N. ban on uranium waste. After examining impact wounds left on tanks in Libya, Foreign Policy in Focus columnist Conn Hallinan said he is almost certain DU is being used. Doug Rokke, ex-director of the Pentagon’s depleted uranium project, has also confirmed its use in ABC News footage of Libyan bombings. According to Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament secretary Kate Hudson, “the US has a long history of only admitting to deploying this radioactive material months or years after it has passed.”
    “What a Strange Way to Protect Civilians: Depleted Uranium and Libya” David Wilson,, April 16, 2011
    “Mounting Alarm Over US Use of Depleted Uranium Arms in Libya” Rob Edward, Herald Scotland, April 2, 2011
    “NATO Uranium Poisons Civilian Population” Press TV, April 18, 2011
    Student Researchers: Stephen Esposito, Greg Lambert, Jud Strong
    Faculty Instructor: Kevin Howley Ph. D.
    Evaluator: Glen Kuecker Ph. D., Historian
    DePauw University

    Article from


    The U.S. conquest of Africa: The role of France and Israel
    Posted on October 10, 2011 by libyanfreepress
    Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Julien Teil, Global Research

    France and Israel are the outsourcing of Washington for the dirty operations in Africa?
    Africa is only a front for an international imperial expansion. The mechanisms of a true global imperial system are working in this direction. Washington, acting through NATO and its allies in Africa. Each of the satellites and allies of Washington, has a specific role to play in this global empire. Tel Aviv has played a very active role on the African continent. Israel has been a major supporter of South Africa during the regime of ‘ apartheid . Tel Aviv has also helped to smuggle weapons into Sudan and East Africa to balkanize the great African nation, contributing to the destabilization of East Africa. The Israelis have been very active in Kenya and Uganda. Israel has been present wherever there were conflicts, including those related to conflict diamonds.
    Israel is now working with Washington to determine the total domination on the African continent. Tel Aviv is actively involved – through its trade links and intelligence operations – to ensure the contacts and agreements required by Washington for the extension of its interests in Africa. One of the main goals of Washington is to interrupt the development of Chinese influence in Africa. Israel and the think-tank Israelis, have also played an important role in shaping the geo-ploy of the United States in Africa.
    , France, as a former colonial master and power in decline, however, has always been a rival and competitor of Washington in African continent. With the increasing influence of non-traditional powers in Africa, the Republic of China, both Washington and Paris have provided ways of cooperation. On the wider global stage, this is also evident. Both the United States that many of the major powers of the European Union, consider China and other emerging powers such as a global threat. They decided to end their rivalry and work together. Thus, an agreement between Washington and the European Union has been taken, leading to some forms of political integration. This consensus can also be produced by the growing U.S. influence in European capitals. In any case, has been enhanced since the beginning of the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2007.
    President Sarkozy has wasted no time pushing for the reintegration of French military command structure within NATO. The consequences of this action led to the subordination of the French military at the Pentagon. In 1966, President Charles de Gaulle pulled France out of NATO forces and removed France from NATO’s military command structures, as a means to maintain the independence of France. Nicolas Sarkozy has reversed this. In 2009, Sarkozy has ordered that France would join the integrated military command structure of NATO. In 2010, he also signed an agreement to start the merger of British and French military.
    In Africa, Paris is a special place or niche in the U.S. global empire system. This role is that of a regional policeman in North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and in all countries that were former French colonies. The special role of France, in other words, is due to its history and the present, though waning, France’s position in Africa, in particular through the ” Françafrique . “The Union of the Mediterranean that Sarkozy has officially launched, this is an example of French interests in North Africa.
    The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has also worked with the International Federation of Human Rights ( Fédération internationale des droits de l’Homme des ligues , FIDH), France The FIDH is well established in Africa. The NED has essentially outsourced to the FIDH his work in manipulating and controlling governments, movements, societies and African states. It ‘was the FIDH and the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) subsidiary, which have helped to orchestrate the various pretexts for the NATO war against Libya, which was approved by the Security Council by means of false and unsubstantiated claims.

    The National Endowment for Democracy and its Partnersip with the International Federation of Human Rights in Africa
    Following the election of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 to leaders of the French Republic, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has begun to develop a real and its partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy . Both organizations are also partners in the World Movement for Democracy. Carl Gershman, president of the NED, went to France in December 2009 to meet the FIDH and deepen the cooperation between the two organizations, and also to discuss Africa. [1] He also met people who are regarded as pro-Israel lobbyists in France.
    ‘s partnership with the FIDH and the NED is mostly based in Africa and the Arab world, where it intersects. These partnerships operate in an area which includes countries such as Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), the Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo. North Africa, including Libya and Algeria, has been focused on a specific area by FIDH, where Washington, Paris and NATO clearly have big ambitions.
    The FIDH, which is directly involved in launching the war against Libya, has also received direct funding in the form of grants from the National Endowment for Democracy for its programs in Africa. In 2010, a grant of $ 140,186 of NED (United States) was one of the last amounts indicated by the FIDH for his work in Africa. [2] The NED was also one of the first signatories, together with the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) and the observatory of the United Nations to demand international action against Libya. [3]

    AFRICOM and the road towards the conquest of Africa post-9/11
    In 2002, the Pentagon has initiated major military operations aimed at controlling Africa. This took the form of the Pan-Sahel Initiative , which was launched by the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) and U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM). Under the banner of this project, the U.S. military have been training troops in Mali, Chad, Mauritania and Niger. Plans to establish the Pan-Sahel Initiative , however, date back to 2001, when the initiative for Africa was effectively launched after the tragic events of 11 September 2001 (9 / 11). Washington clearly planned military actions in Africa, which already included at least three countries (Libya, Somalia and Sudan) to attack enemy targets as identified by the Pentagon and the White House, according to General Wesley Clark.
    Jacques Chirac, President of France, when he tried to resist the thrust of the United States in Africa, reinvigorating the role of Germany in Africa, as a means to support France. In 2007, for the first time the Franco-African summit opened its doors to German participation. [4] However, Angela Merkel had different ideas about the direction and position that the partnership between France and Germany should take over in Washington.
    In 2001, the momentum towards the creation of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) was started. AFRICOM, however, was officially approved in December 2006, and the decision to create it was just announced a few months later, in February 2007. It was in 2007 that AFRICOM was created. It ‘important to note that this momentum also received the encouragement of Israel, because Israel’s interests in Africa. The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), for example, was one of the Israeli organizations that have supported the creation of AFRICOM. Based on the Pan-Sahel Initiative , the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI) was launched by the Pentagon in 2005, under the command of CENTCOM. Mali, Chad, Mauritania and Niger were now joined by Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Nigeria and Tunisia, within the African military cooperation with the Pentagon. Later, the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative fainted transferred to the command of Africom, on 1 October 2008, when AFRICOM was activated.

    The Sahel and the Sahara: The United States clearly adopt the old French colonial projects in Africa,
    ” Fighting terrorism “and run” humanitarian missions “, are only facades or smoke screens for Washington and its allies. While the stated objective of the Pentagon are fighting terrorism in Africa, the real objectives of Washington were restored in Africa and establish a neo-colonial order. In this regard, Washington has indeed adopted the colonial project
    of France in Africa. This initiative also includes the English, Italian, American and French to divide Libya, since 1943, as well as the unilateral initiative to reshape the French North Africa. In this scheme, the U.S. and his cohorts are going to create wars, ethnic and sectarian hatred among the Berbers, Arabs and others in North Africa.
    The map used by Washington to fight terrorism under the Pan-Sahel Initiative, says a lot . The field or area of activity of terrorists within the borders of Algeria, Libya, Niger, Chad, Mali and Mauritania, according to the designation of Washington, is very similar to the borders or territorial limits of the colonial subject that France has sought to support Africa, in 1957. Paris had planned to support this entity in Western Sahara and Central Africa, as a French department (province) directly linked to France, along the coasts of Algeria.
    This French colonial entities in the Sahara has been named Organization of the City Regions of the Sahara ( Organisation commune des regions sahariennes OCR). Included the internal borders of the countries of the Sahel and the Sahara in Mali, Niger, Chad and Algeria. The French goal was to collect and bind all areas rich in natural resources of these countries in this central entity, the OCR, for the control and French extraction. The resources in this area include oil, gas and uranium. Still, the resistance movements in Africa, and in particular the struggle for Algerian independence, has dealt a severe blow to Paris. France has had to give up his quest and finally dissolve the OCR in 1962, due to Algerian independence and anti-colonial stance in Africa. Because of the push towards independence in Africa, France was finally cut off from the hinterland in the Sahara who wanted to control.
    Washington clearly had in mind this area rich in energy and resource-rich, when he designed the areas of Africa that need to be purified from cells and alleged terrorist gangs. The French Institute of International Relations ( Institut français des relations internationals , IFRI), has also openly discussed the link between terrorists and areas rich in energy, in a report in March 2011. [5] ‘in this context that the fusion of business interests and the Franco-German and Anglo-Americans, have allowed France to become part of the U.S. global imperial system, with common interests.

    Regime Change in Libya and the National Endowment for Democracy : a link between terrorism and human rights
    Since 2001, the United States are falsely presented as the standard against terrorism. The Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI), which opened the doors of AFRICOM in Africa, has been justified as necessary by Washington to fight organizations like the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) in Algeria, and the Group Libyan Islamic Fighting (LIFG) in Libya. Yet, Washington is working and using these same groups in Libya, along with the National Front for the Salvation of Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood, like infantry soldiers and Ascari. In addition, many of the key people are members of the Libyan National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and are members of these groups, and also have been part of conferences and projects of long standing, pushing for a change of regime in Libya.
    One of the Key meetings to establish what would become the current Transitional Council in Libya, has taken place in 1994 when the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) held a conference with Ashur Shamis and Aly (Ali) Abuzakuuk. The conference title was the 1994 ” post-Qadhafi Libya: prospects and promises . ” In 2005 another conference was held with Ashur Shamis in the British capital, London, where it would built the idea of regime change in Libya. [6] So who are these Libyan opposition? A series of questions must be asked. They have ties with Washington, new or old? With whom are associated? They also had a longstanding support or not?
    Ashur Shamis is a founding member of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, which was founded in 1981 in Sudan. He is wanted by ‘ Interpol and the Libyan police for years. [7] Ahsur is also referred to as the director of the National Endowment for Democracy in Libya Forum for Human Development, and political. It ‘also the editor of the website Akhbar , which is registered as a Limited Akhbar Cultural and linked to the NED. He also participated in recent conferences key to regime change in Tripoli. This will include the London conference, held by Chatham House in 2011, which discussed the NATO plans for the invasion of Tripoli. [8]
    As Ashur, Aly Abuzaakouk is also a member of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya and is linked to the National Endowment for Democracy . It ‘was one of the key participants at the roundtable held for Democracy Awards 2011 in the NED. [9] Ashur, is wanted by Interpol and works as a director at the Forum Libyan political and human development. [10]
    There is also Noman Benotman, former leader and founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and wanted terrorist. It is presented as a former terrorist. Benotman has conveniently left the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, following the attacks of 11 September 2001. Benotman is not only a director of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Libya Forum for Human Development, and political, is also linked to the network al-Jazeera .
    Not only do these three men lived in Britain without any problems, while they were searched by ‘ Interpol because of their ties to terrorism or, in the case of Abuzaakouk for crimes related to drugs and counterfeiting, but they have also received grants from the United States. They have received grants from the United States, which has formalized their membership in various organizations sponsored by the NED, which supported the agenda of regime change in Libya. This agenda of regime change was also supported by MI6 and the CIA. In addition, the legal documents that have been recorded by the NED, as regards these individuals have been deliberately and illegally tampered with. The identity of key individuals has been hidden in the list of the directors of the NED. Thus, legal documents have been compiled to fraudulently conceal the identity of an individual under the pseudonym ” Blessed Wozniak . “Even the date of birth of Wozniak is not valid, the form of 1 January, 1 (01/01/0001 ). It ‘a person who was a member of the board of all these organizations of the NED. Is indicated as a director and secretary Akbar , Limited Transparency Libya and several other British companies.

    The “Long War” goes to Africa: Africa has opened the door to
    the advent of terrorism in Africa is part of a deliberate strategy used by the United States and its allies, including NATO. The strategy consists in ‘” open the door of the African continent “, expanding the so-called” global war on terror . “This provides an objective justification for the U.S. to expand its military presence in Africa. It ‘was also used as a pretext to create the Pentagon’s AFRICOM. The ‘ U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) is intended to ” manage Africa “on behalf of Washington. Is to create an African version of NATO, in order to create employment in Africa. In this regard, the United States and its allies have already established a budget for fighting the same terrorist organizations that have created and sustained (even with military aid and weapons), through the map of Africa, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Mali in Mauritania, Niger, Algeria and Nigeria. The terrorists are fighting not only for the USA on the ground, but also held contacts with Washington and act as a front through the so-called human rights organizations, who have the mandate to ” promote democracy “. On the ground, these same individuals and organizations are used to destabilize their respective countries. They are also supported at the international level, from Washington, to work actively to regime change and military intervention in the name of human rights and democracy. Libya is a clear example.

    Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a sociologist and research associate at the Center for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montréal. And ‘specialist on the Middle East and Central Asia. It ‘been in Libya for over two months and was also a special correspondent for Flashpoints, which is a program in Berkeley, California. Nazemroaya has published these articles on Libya, along with interviews with Cynthia McKinney broadcast of Freedom Now, a show broadcast on KPFK, Los Angeles, California.

    Teil Julien is a French investigative and documentary videographer. It ‘also was recently in Libya for about a month.

    [1] National Endowment for Democracy, ” NED Democracy Strengths Ties with France , “March 16, 2010
    [2] National Endowment for Democracy, ” Africa Regional , “August 2011
    [3] United Nations Watch et al. ” Urgent Appeal to Stop Atrocities in Libya: 70 Sent by NGOs to the U.S., EU, ​​and UN , “21 February 2011
    [4] Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs (France), ” XXIVème sommet Afrique-France , “February 2007
    [5] Etienne de Durand, ” Francs-TIREURS et Centurions. Les contre-ambiguïtés de l’Héritage français insurrectionnel , “Institut français des relations internationals, March 2011
    [6] The National Conference of the Libyan Opposition, ” The National Accord: The National Conference of the Libyan Opposition, London, June 26, 2005 ” , 2005.
    [7] Interpol Wanted Notice for Ashour al-Shamis
    [8] Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK), ” Chatham House event: the future of Libya “, June 2011
    [9] National Democracy for Democracy, ” 2011 Democracy Award Biographies “, June 2011
    [10] Interpol Wanted Notice for Ali Ramadan Abu Za Kouki

    Original Source: GlobalResearch

    Translated by Alessandro Lattanzio – SitoAurora

    Reloaded by LibyanFreePress



    Libyan War News: 10 October 2011
    Posted on 11 October 2011 by libyanfreepress|
    Green Resistance


    BREAKING NEWS: 10 October 2011
    SIRTE: Victory of Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds, controlling Sirte.
    In Sirte Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds on Eastern front have broke the seige of Sirte, and on Southern front Nato-mercenaries were hited from back by Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds from Bani-Walid, Tarhuna and other Green towns.
    On the Wester front of Sirte, Nato-mercenaries have many victims and were fled away 10km to desert.
    Sirte report : 2 brigades of Nato-mercenaries “Martyrs of feb17 of benghazi” and another one were complete destroyed on 9.October.2011 and their 2 commanders lost their life.
    211 Nato-mercenaries lost their life and more than 300 hard wounded.

    Sirte hospital Ibn Sina, conference center Wagafugu and university Sirte are controlling by Green resistance.

    The incessant NATO bombing has caused serious casualties among the civilian population. More than 4000 civilians were killed by NATO bombs, mostly childrens and womans, from begining aggression to 09 October.2011.

    If you have strong stomach you can look into this terrible video as well:

    Today, 10.October.2011, big counter attack of Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds on all fronts.

    Fonts: LibyaTV & Social Network Connections

  109. Bodhibrian Souter
    so this is what the UNGA gave Libyas seat to?
    web scrubbing….straight out of 1984, where history is constantly being rewritten…journalism as the first draft of history suffers this especially.
    NATO rebels rape female students at Sirte uni, and threaten to kill every libyan who opposes them

    Curtis Doebbler tweets:

    NATO rebels rape female students at Sirte uni, and threaten to kill every libyan who opposes them
    par Bodhibrian Souter, mardi 11 octobre 2011, 09:04
    What must Banki or Sarocozy or the Red Cross or ICC or Amnesty or HRW make of this:
    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO-led rebels says every Libyan that opposes them should die…many indigenous Libyan tribes still oppose them.
    1 day ago
    Surely thats off the script!

    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO-led rebels fighters claims they can violate international law because other have done so.
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: Child and infant mortality sky-rocketing as NATO and NATO-led rebels continue their violence against the people of Libya.

    about 21 hours ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: Once richest country in Africa, reduced to rubble under assault on Libyan people by NATO-led rebels and NATO.

    about 21 hours ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO-led rebels leave a trail of abuses, death and destruction behind them as the attack people of Sirte with NATO assistance.

    about 21 hours ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: National Liberation Movement gaining momentum as NATO-led rebels attacks on indigenous tribes of Libya increase.

    about 21 hours ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: NLM says NATO-led rebels “can not survive in Libya for one week after the withdrawal of NATO…”
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: While NATO-led rebels claim they will honor old oil contracts they are meeting with US oil companies to plan breaches of contracts.

    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: Students abused, female students raped, as NATO-led rebels attack university in Sirte.
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO-led rebels abusing supporters of LIbyan National Liberation Movement in Sirte, Bani Walid and Benghazi…UN refuses to act.

    1 day ago
    [UN is finished..Banki has Mooned the UN none of the thousands of UN employers has bothered or dared to speak out against this abuse: its like watching the Titanic sail into an iceberg!]]

    cdoebbler #Libya: US special forces fighting with NATO-led rebels.
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya; NATO-led rebels accused of widespread abuse of civilians in #Sirte.
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO-led rebels rape young girls in #Sirte and then force captured soldier to confess threatening his life.

    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO reportedly sending special forces of NATO States to assist NATO-led rebels in Sirte.
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: NATO & NATO-led rebels attack civilian hospital and university in Sirte. UN watches in silence as civilians slaughtered.

    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: UN silent as NATO-led rebels intensify indiscriminate attacks against civilians across Libya.
    1 day ago
    cdoebbler NATO-led rebels committing genocide against indigenous tribes of #Libya who oppose their foreign occupation on behalf of NATO.

    1 day ago
    cdoebbler #Libya: evidence that NATO-led rebels losing control of portions of country as local tribes asserting their authority.

    1 day ago
    [the rats have no control to lose: but their rapine and pillage and murder are no ways to win friends!]

    What must Banki or Sarocozy or the Red Cross or ICC or Amnesty or HRW make of this: cdoebbler #Libya: NATO-led rebels says every Libyan that opposes them should die…many indigenous Libyan tribes still oppose them. 1 day ago Surely thats off the script…
    Par : Bodhibrian Souter

    Kara Karyn writes:

    NATO mercenaries entered the hospital in the city of Sirte and killed all the patients | For Gaddafi and his people!
    According to newly incoming reports, all patients in the hospital in Sirte mercenaries killed NATO, accusing them that they are resistance fighters. Many injured patients missing from the hospital – their fate is unknown. Most likely they were killed outside, and their bodies dumped in one of the large number of

    За Каддафи и его народ! | For Qaddafi and his people. We support Libya! Всё для фронта, всё для поб
    Ливия – проникновение коммандос из ливийского сопротивления в лагерь мятежников в Сирте

    Stop the aggression in Libya adds:
    Hasan Jaffri
    A doctor in Tripoli: “If I go with a green flag into Green Square I will disappear in five seconds. There is not democracy. It’s a big lie.”

    Transmitting the Search for Truth reiterates:
    Hasan Jaffri A doctor in Tripoli: ”

    If I go with a green flag into Green Square I will disappear in five seconds. There is not democracy. It’s a big lie.”


    Sirte 200 Dead for 1 Minute TV Victory:
    “Jibril withdraws TNC-Fighters from Sirte”
    Mahmud Jibril

    Mahmud Jibril
    Chairman of the Executive Board of the National Transitional Council of Libya

    The massive storm on Sirte that resulted in the brief occupation of a University Campus and Hospital in the South Eastern Suburbs.

    After the battle raged back and forth all day, a massive counter attack that left 200 TNC-fighters dead and countless wounded was enough for Mahmud Jibril, who is pulling “the fighters with allegiance to him” out of the battle, calling “the death of over 200 fighters for a one minute Al Jazeera Victory senseless“.

    Jibril´s decision is one more example that the NATO Narrative is discredited and of the inherent instability and infighting of the NATO proxy regime. The Libyan war is grinding into a stall, while the humanitarian crisis continues.

    I tried to find the Al Jazeera footage, to post with this thread, but for the life of me couldn’t find it, and it now seems like Al Jazeera, and other MSM have pulled this story, I did manage to find the Telegraph had still got it, on there You-tube channel,so here it is.


    Now apparently, after this was taken, the rebels came under a massive counter attack, and lost over 200 men, and massive casualties.
    And apparently cut from the Original footage of Al Jazeera, that all the other news channels sourced from, it said, that the interview was cut short, with the screams of the rebels to withdraw immediately, so its turn out to be a costly piece of propaganda, at the expense of the rebels lifes.

    Its all going badly wrong for NATO’s puppet Jibril, who recently survived an assassination attempt where seven of his bodyguards were killed, protecting him, the question is, how long can he survive in Libya.

    Also, the western media, has failed to mention, that the rebels have given up on Bani Walid, even after being given $16 million in cash to carry on fighting, by NATO, infact, Bani Walid, is not even spoke about in the western media anymore.

    The only way, NATO can win this now, is by boots on the ground, it will happen without a doubt, because, even if the rebels do take Sirte, do you think, that’s it, everyone will go OK, you win, here’s my gun, the war in Libya, not even started yet.

    NATO needs a face saving exit in Libya, and there not one, so now it’s time to convince us all, we need to send our children to go fight for the Corporate gains.
    Expect the media to go into brainwashing mode soon, that we must send in ground troops to help these allahu akbar screaming Islamist, from the other half of the Libyan population, who don’t like the way, these rebels have conducted this Armed uprising killing there own people, and blowing the country up into the stone ages, for no good reason other then greed ?


    Do not give up!

    11.10.2011 20:23 | Solstralen

    thumb one

    Above the sands of the Sahara gets dark-red sun,
    The wind beats on those prickly weathered sand.
    But the Libyan people spoiling for a fight and the enemy does not surrender
    Defending the green Libya – home, home.

    ru. two

    If the old dies – he will rise to replace the small,
    If a husband killed – a rifle will undertake his wife,
    To Motherland not blazed crimson fire,
    Because the native land of the Libyans have one!

    Let sandstorms Allah will send them to the rescue!
    People of the world, wake up! Understand – the planet is in trouble!
    Show murderers directly on the block the road.
    Those who sacrifice profit brought hundreds of innocent people!

    (C) Solstralen


    ← Libyan War News: 10 October 2011
    Sirte: resistents captured 16 British soldiers
    Posted on October 11, 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment

    The forces of the “new regime” in Libya have known a series of undeclared defeats for over a week after failing to enter the cities of Sirte and Beni Walid,home town of Muammar al- Gaddafi.

    The first signs of the military setbacks of the Libyan NTC forces appeared a week ago during the operation against the town of Beni Walid where fighters have lost at least 500 elements and more than 2,000 injured in clashes because of lack of coordination between brigades involved in the assault. Their troops were obliged to fall back on Sunday night after failing to secure positions, including the airport previously taken by their forces.

    Libyan officials then turned to the city of Sirte, but the same scenario is repeated in this home town of Gaddafi.

    JAMAHIRIYA Forces (pro-Gaddafi) announced yesterday they had captured 16 soldiers from airborne units during a military operation near the town of Sirte. According to the website “Seven Days”, close to the Gaddafi units, they have conducted a major operation by capturing 16 soldiers of the British royal forces when the latter tried to infiltrate into the city.

    Konstantyn Scheglikov writes:
    ALERT: 16 British paratroopers from 22 SAS Regiment out of Credenhill United Kingdom were captured in Sirte last night. All others in a squad 44 were killed while landing.

    The same source added that the aviation forces of NATO, attempted an operation against senior officials from Qaddafi’s forces, or one of his son, but also to support the fighters of the NTC.

    According to the German journalist Dr.Christof Lehmann, an expert on Libya, over 200 fighters were killed due to precipitation of the leaders of the NTC who were seeking a win to boost morale of the troops. According to the German journalist, the president of the Provisional Government of Libya Mahmoud Jibril, is responsible for the deaths of more than 200 fighters he had ordered to seize the university and airport of Sirte for the sole purpose of announcing on Al Jazeera channel, the capture of the city even for a few minutes.

    For the journalist, it’s a real quagmire in which is the NTC, especially after more than ten-day of siege of the cities of Sirte and Beni Walid without being able to achieve any success, even worse, the differences between combatants have broken on how to share the pie “after the fall of Gaddafi”.

    In addition, the JAMAHIRIYA loyalist forces of Qaddafi announced the retaking of Ben Jawad where the green flags float on the buildings.

    Ennahar / Yacine Abdelbaki

  110. signs of israels presence emerge:
    Veritas Lux Mea 11 October 22:09
    1.#Libya : BaniWalid 15 rebels were killed some had israeli documents and 50 rats injured. airport BaniWalid is controlled by green resistance


    PSYWAR: The fake fall of Tripoli and the Zionist Dragon’s butchery across Palestine
    Posted: 2011/10/10
    From: Source
    Symbol of Zion, the double Triangle

    The Zionist dragon has unleashed its final breath of fire on Libya; and its international media apparatus is spreading the flames.
    by Jonathan Azaziah

    This is the first of a two-part series dealing with the Zionist media’s campaign of mass deception regarding events in Libya, which have in turn been used by the criminal Israeli dragon as a cover for its escalating aggression across occupied Palestine. The first stop of this exposé is the Libyan capital of Tripoli, where the talking heads of the fiction box have informed the global public that Colonel Muammar Qaddafi has fallen. Nothing however, could be more false. It is a Zionist PSYWAR, and truth is its first casualty…

    “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful, murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” ~ George Orwell

    When one is subjecting his conscious mind to the perpetual stream of debauchery, knavery and treachery that is the mainstream media, one must only apply a singular principle in his analysis; a principle that effectively digests the malevolent flow of deliberately conflicted information and warped fantasy without absorbing its mind-threatening toxicity. This principle is known as ‘Absolute Rejection and Underground Travel,’ or, ‘ARUT’ for short.

    Whatever is being reported (read: lied about) by the mainstream media, it is not preferable but obligatory for the viewer to absolutely reject the content and then subsequently ‘travel underground’ to a domain that the mainstream media emphatically refuses to enter. And that domain, which has been a foggy area of misinformation or non-reportage altogether for more than a century, is Palestine and the criminal Zionist occupation that governs it. Why such an overzealous policy of subversion and burial on this matter? Because (Jewish) Zionists thoroughly own, control and dominate the media (1), as well as Hollywood and Wall Street and they are flamboyantly unashamed in admitting it (2).

    Never has the ARUT principle been more applicable and prevalent than the current geopolitical crises in occupiedLibya and occupiedPalestine. The Zionist mainstream media has gone to lofty lengths to present an absurd narrative revolving around the ‘liberation of Tripoli’ while covering up NATO’s gruesome savagery in the Libyan capital and deflecting the attention of the globe far, far away from the latest round of Zionist butchery and humiliation of Palestinians in illegally besieged Gaza, occupied al-Khalil and holy al-Quds. This is psychological warfare in its purest, deadliest form and it is attached to an expansionist blueprint that involves the heinous plot which Zionists have always foreseen as an eventuality and not just a pipedream, Greater Israel, in addition to the widening of the MENA regional conflict into World War III, burning down all those who oppose Zionist hegemony in the process.

    Libya: A Zionist Plot Of Pillage And Proxy

    From the beginnings of the ‘Feb17 Revolution’ in the oil-rich North African nation of Libya, the Zionist media has attempted to portray it as a native uprising, organized by those thirsting for the water of freedom, hungering for the nourishment of ‘democracy’ and striving to demolish the leech of dictatorship which took from them their ‘universal human rights.’ Fancy words and emotive slogans. Reactionary boosterism of mythical proportion. The foundational pillars of an exuberant narrative; and a narrative it is, nonfactual, viciously lyrical, immersed in a river of hasbara.

    In the ‘underground,’ where the truth subsists under mound after mound of propaganda and where the Zionist media never treads, one will find the realm of the real; the realm of the evidence; the realm where facts multiply like mold in a dank apartment building. There was never a ‘democracy movement’ in Libya and the ‘Feb17 Revolution’ was nothing close to a real revolution. It was a Zionist destabilization operation planned long in advance to pave the way for war, colonization, occupation and the removal of Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi.

    It began in June 2005, when the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition (NCLO), an amalgamation of six anti-Qaddafi groups led by the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL), was formed. The NCLO planned the ‘Feb17 protests’ in hopes of bringing down Qaddafi and replacing his government with a transitional entity that would serve its shadowy overlords. NCLO agents, those from the NFSL in particular, were scattered throughout the Zionist media to provide ‘expert, indigenous’ analysis on the happenings in Libya once the ‘protests’ commenced en masse and at least 8 organizations directly tied to Zionist-founded, Zionist-run National Endowment for Democracy (NED) provided support and hasbara from inside Libya (3). Additional support was provided by French intelligence from as early as November 2010 (4), and it is vital to make note that French intelligence is not only a partner of the Israeli Mossad, it is utterly controlled by the Israeli Mossad (5).

    The NFSL itself was created by a Mossad-CIA alliance in 1981, bankrolled with blood money from the House Arab dictatorships of Egypt, Morocco, Iraqand most prominently, Saudi Arabia, along with funds from the Mossad-CIA alliance itself. The NFSL’s purpose? Wage covert armed warfare to destabilize Libyaand eliminate Qaddafi once and for all. The Mossad-CIA front group has been at the heart of numerous operations to serve this agenda since its creation, launching attacks from Israeli-American-founded bases in Chadand numerous other Central and West African nations (6).

    Why was this newest destabilization op initiated? Because Colonel Muammar Qaddafi thoroughly angered the usurping Zionist entity by exposing its leading role in the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, sending aid to the illegally besieged Gaza Strip and calling for Palestinians across the world to march to occupied Palestine and liberate their land (7). Most importantly, Qaddafi planned to lay waste to the international Zionist financial system’s operations in Africa by introducing a gold dinar for oil trade using Libya’s vast gold reserves (144 tons worth), which he has already used to construct the Great Manmade River and challenge Israel’s lucrative vegetable-export hegemony in Europe. Zionist French President Nicholas Sarkozy, who spied for Mossad in the 1980s and is still known as ‘Sarko the Sayan’ in Israeli intelligence circles (8), called Qaddafi’s gold dinar plan “a threat to the financial security of mankind (9).” More like a threat to the financial security of the Zionist entity and its colonialist marionettes in Europe.

    Through the armada of (Mossad-CIA-pimped) NFSL mouthpieces embedded in its coverage, the Zionist media attempted to portray the ‘Feb17 Revolution’ destabilization op as ‘peaceful,’ but the record shows it was anything but. The Zionist regime sent in scores of mercenaries through an Aman-Mossad-Shin Bet proxy known as Global CST with ‘chaos’ orders. Their task was to murder civilians and wreak havoc on Libyan cities to lay the groundwork for a pretext of ‘humanitarian intervention,’ which was already planned and later ordered by the Zionist Project For A New American Century, repackaged under the logo of the ‘Foreign Policy Initiative.’ The Qaddafi government repeatedly denied hiring mercenaries but this fell on deaf ears as the hasbara machine falsely pinned all of Global CST’s criminality on Qaddafi. Meanwhile, the ‘protesters,’ were actually rebels, armed with millions of dollars in NATO weaponry from day one (10). Described by the Zionist media as a ‘ragtag liberation force,’ these rebels were/are nothing more than a proxy of the Zionist entity and its imperial puppets, as UK, US and French military advisors were on the ground providing arms and training to the rebels from the opening days of the operation (11).

    The aforesaid rebels have been nothing short of masochistic in their military campaign, which has been more than just a ‘regime change’ effort, it has been an all-out barrage of terror against the Libyan people. They have laid siege to entire towns in the West and the East of Libya, looting, committing acts of arson, mercilessly beating civilians and incessantly murdering those who stand with Muammar Qaddafi against the ongoing illegal NATO war. The rebels have deliberately fired shrapnel into homes, mosques and hospitals, hoping to ‘turn’ Libyans through a sustained onslaught of fear and brutality (12). Most despicable of all is that these Zionist-backed harbingers of terror are videotaping their atrocities and broadcasting them across the web (13). Their most frequent target is Libya’s Black population; the rebels have declared that they will “purge slaves and black skin.” Tawurgha and Misurata, which was savagely cluster bombed by NATO (14), have been terribly devastated by the rebels’ racist commitment to gruesomeness; both have had their Black populations ethnically cleansed (15). This isn’t the first racist killing spree that the rebel leadership has carried out against the Black people of Libya; they orchestrated similar attacks over a decade ago to derail Qaddafi’s ‘Union of African States’ project (16).

    Eight years to the day of the criminal, genocidal, Zionist-engineered invasion of Iraq, on the Jewish revenge holiday of Purim, the plans and orders of the Zionist Foreign Policy Initiative, led by Paul Wolfowitz and his xenophobic tribalist buddies, came to fruition and the colonial powers of NATO began excessively bombing Libya to smithereens with depleted uranium (17). As of July 16th, there were at least 1,108 Libyan civilians murdered; strong emphasis on ‘at least,’ as the sheer volume of NATO airstrikes has left such a path of destruction that a true death toll would be impossible to ascertain.

    As NATO’S massacres continue and at the behest of French sayan Bernard-Henri Lévy, who has played a major role in securing French collusion in the Zionist revenge op against Libya, the bloodthirsty rebels have agreed to recognize the usurping Israeli regime and allow Tel Aviv to construct a base in Eastern Libya on a 30-year lease (18). This is why the Zionist entity has sent Defense Ministry psych-warfare specialists to work with the rebels, disseminating hasbara-ridden SMS messages, press releases, leaflets and direct reports to the mainstream media, in conjunction with NATO writing all of the rebel leadership’s communications to the outside world (19). It is simply a matter of protocol for the Zionist entity to perform such tasks, as its LAP psychological warfare unit is deeply rooted in the mainstream media and its Mossad has been carrying out false flag terrorism in Libya since the early 1980s (20). Libya is now, quite literally, a Zionist stomping ground.

    The most odious role played in the criminal war against Libyahas been that of the GCC sheikhdom of Qatar, which has been towing the Zionist line for decades. It is the peak of corruption, as it serves as a host for the US military base that has been instrumental in the demolition of Iraq and the homebase for devilish propaganda outlet, Al-Jazeera, which was fathered by French-Israeli billionaire Zionist brothers, David and Jean Frydman, who initially set up the network to infiltrate media in the Islamic World and to control Middle East discourse on the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Now, Al-Jazeera is an asset in Zionism’s global domination of mass media. It has mass produced anti-Qaddafi, pro-NATO propaganda from the beginnings of the operation and concealed Qatar’s hidden hands in the war. The Qatari despost is providing the rebels, now commanded by longtime CIA asset Khalifa Hifter (21), with anti-tank weapons and a massive oil-marketing partnership (22).

    Monumental is this development. Colonel Qaddafi had threatened to nationalize Libya’s oil once again after westernizing the Libyan economy by signing neoliberal contracts with American, British, Spanish and Italian energy giants in exchange for the lifting of the criminal sanctions inflicted upon his nation. These contracts had disturbed Libyan everyday life and Qaddafi was tired of being under the thumb of OPEC (23). In steps the US-Zionist client state of Qatar, which has already offered to sell the criminal Israeli entity natural gas for below-market price and for an unlimited amount of time (24), to handle oil sales for the rebels. In addition to the war against Libya being waged to confiscate Libyan gold through a rebel-controlled Central Bank (25), it is also being waged to secure Libyan energy for the Zionist entity as per the 1975 MOU with the United States, which is, in layman’s terms, an agreement that demands that the US intervene in any nation whenever Israeli energy interests are under threat (26). The war against Libya is about decimating its infrastructure and rebuilding it from the ground up, reestablishing it as a Western colony. The rebels are nothing but the vessel that will usher in a new Zionist order in Libya.

    Everything was in place: NATO, the rebels, Israeli, American, French and British intelligence, a new puppet government in place so billions of dollars stolen from Libya through a new round of sanctions can be transferred over and ‘legitimized (27)’ and an overload of hasbara being pumped out by the Zionist dragon’s media empire, from the West to the East, radio to the television to the Internet. The final phase was in play; the phase to crush the steadfast, anti-NATO Libyan Resistance and drive Qaddafi and his family out of Tripoli, delivering Libya to the rebirth of African neocolonialism, led by the Zionist entity, under the guise of ‘democracy,’ lock, stock and barrel.

    Libya: Media Lies About Tripoli And Another NATO Genocide

    On the morning of August 22nd, 5 months after the destabilization of Libya began and 4 months after NATO’S genocidal bombing started, Zionist-created, Zionist-run Al-Jazeera ran a breaking story: the Libyan capital of Tripoli had fallen to the NATO-guided rebels. Broadcasted were scenes of jubilation in Tripoli’s famous Green Square, hysteria that ‘freedom’ had finally arrived in Libya, tears of happiness and of course, the celebratory gunfire.

    There was a problem with Al-Jazeera’s story however: the Green Square it was showing wasn’t in Tripoli; it was a movie set in the Qatari capital of Doha, constructed with regime funds to enhance the international hasbara campaign against Qaddafi and the legitimate Libyan Resistance. Independent journalists in Tripoli’s Rixos Hotel confirmed that Al-Jazeera’s story was a sham and for doing so, they were issued death threats by undercover CIA and MI6 operatives. One journalist, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, was fired upon by a NATO sniper. Another, Lizzy Phelan, was blocked from using email or Facebook (28). Dr. Franklin Lamb, widely known for his brilliance and activism for occupied Palestine, was shot in the leg (29). Something was indeed taking place on the streets of Tripoli, but what?

    It was a NATO onslaught, codenamed “Mermaid Dawn.” To set the stage militarily for this criminal siege, NATO had been concentrating on breaking the will of the Libyan people by enforcing a cruel blockade and preventing Libyan fishermen from importing their catch, effectively triggering a policy of starvation. This was is in addition to the depleted uranium bombs and US Predator Drone strikes (30). 150-200 NATO snipers were deployed to the rooftops while NATO boats shipped in mercenaries and rebel units from the insurrectionists’ stronghold inBenghazi (31). Rebels invaded mosques and terrorized Ramadan worshipers, then used the loudspeakers reserved for broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer to run recorded sounds of battle in a blatant display of psychological warfare, undoubtedly learned from their Israeli advisors. Other rebel factions tore throughTripoli’s streets, assaulting women, burning down homes and looting businesses. All the while, NATO’s ruthless bombing continued nonstop (32).

    The Libyan Resistance hit the streets and clashed with the invaders. Blood spilled. More than 350 died on August 20th and over 3,000 were wounded. August 21st was only quiet because NATO and its proxies were regrouping. August 22nd was an absolute bloodbath, as NATO warplanes armed with DU bombs, apaches, its proxy rebels and Qatari special forces massacred at least 1,300 Libyan civilians (33). Real war had erupted as NATO attempted to pound the Libyan Resistance, which is more than a million strong and armed by Qaddafi himself (34), into submission and pave the way for the occupation called for by the Council on Foreign Relations, the literal mother of all Zionist think tanks and chief policymaker for all of the US government’s affairs abroad (35). Every innocent massacred by a NATO missile or a bullet from Western special forces is a bloody reminder of how much of a fraud this “humanitarian intervention” really is. Like Iraq, like Afghanistan, like Gaza, like Lebanon, like Pakistan, et al, Libyais another Zionist-designed genocide.

    The hasbara continues. Rebels began circulating ‘confirmed info’ that they had captured Saif al-Islam Qaddafi and were in negotiation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) to transfer him to The Hague for crimes against humanity. The ICC ‘corroborated’ it. Saif al-Islam Qaddafi then appeared inTripoli, perfectly healthy, fiery and defiant that Libyans will triumph over NATO, its rebels and the colonialist aggression (36). Rebels claimed that they captured Muammar Qaddafi’s oldest son, Muhammad. They soon retracted their claim, stating that he had escaped from custody after clashes with his captors (37). The more likely scenario? Muhammad Qaddafi was never in custody to begin with. The traitorous Benghazi-based rebels also claimed that they had all major parts ofTripoli under their rule. This too turned out to be a fabrication. Qaddafi forces and the Resistance were well in control of the capital city and had allowed the rebels to enter so a counter-offensive could be launched (38).

    The most dangerous rebel myth, presented as authoritative by the megaton might of the international Zionist media, is that Operation Mermaid Dawn was an indigenous, revolutionary assault against Qaddafi. What an atrocious lie; a stunning outrage and laughable premise. The ‘pincer’ operation was led by British, French and Qatari special forces, with CIA providing additional assistance in the communications department. Prior to the NATO assault onTripoli, groundwork was laid with rebel brutality executed in Brega to the east of the capital, Zawiyah to the west and the strategic city ofGharyanto the south. Not coincidentally, Brega and Zawiyah are rich in oil while Gharyan provides easy access intoTripoli(39); as it is said, ‘he who controls the gate, controls the entry.’ By no means is this new however, as NATO has been openly commanding all operations against the Qaddafi since March, with a ruthless, deranged 7,505 airstrikes carried out on Libyan soil. And in a fact that truly accentuates how sadistic these Zionist-occupied governments are, they’ve had surveillance planes hovering over the war to videotape it all (40). The 2,000 elite Marines that have been on the ground since March 23rd are yet another piece of the ‘who is really running the show?’ puzzle (41).

    As the Libyan Resistance strengthens and the Israeli-NATO-concocted narrative falls apart at the seams, desperation is in the air. German brigades have joined the NATO crusade against Libyawhile Qaddafi forces have recaptured Brega and the city of Zlitanfrom the treasonous rebel collaborationists (42). The crippling economic sanctions, designed by the Libya War’s architects, the Zionist-run Foreign Policy Initiative, and enforced by the ‘international community’ of war criminals and war profiteers, continue taking a horrific toll on the Libyan people, depriving them of income and access to essential goods needed to sustain everyday life (43). In Tripoli, the fighting is fierce. Qaddafi forces have sent the NATO puppet army into retreat and have launched an intense military operation to reclaim Zuwarah, a western city on the Tunisian border, from the invaders (44). NATO is attempting to foment enough tension to justify an occupation and it is increasing its bombing raids and drone attacks on residential areas in Tripoli(45). The echoes of occupied Iraqand occupied Afghanistanare screeching with deafening loudness.

    Rebel atrocities increase as well. Civilians in the hundreds, possibly the thousands, have been murdered in cold blood acrossTripoli by the Israeli-NATO ‘liberation’ puppets. Zionist war criminal Jeffrey Feltman,America’s Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, fresh off of his abyssal involvement inIsrael’s ongoing destabilization operation inSyria (46), is now leading the way in putting the final touches on the Mossad-CIA color revolution and securing the Zionist-occupied American government’s place in determining the future affairs of a ‘Qaddafi-free’Libya (47). Reportage onLibya remains infected with Orwellianism as independent, anti-NATO writers are silenced on social networks (48) and journalists inTripoli continue having their lives threatened by the rebels and strongmen of the Zionist media (49).Libya is burning. Those trying to tell the truth about the horror are burning along with it. Where is the indignation?

    And which world entity is sitting back as more Arabs and Muslims are slaughtered by Western countries bankrupting themselves for another criminal, colonial war? Indeed, it is the Zionist dragon illegally occupying Palestine. The Zionist dragon is laughing as its Western puppets breathe its fire for it, setting one more of its enemies ablaze. The pathetic Libyan rebels are now open about their adherence to Zionism, as one of their spokesmen recently called on the Israeli regime to help bring forth the downfall of Qaddafi and joyously spoke of the necessary implementation of the apartheid two-state solution (50). A shadowy Israeli businessman of Libyan-Jewish descent named Walter Arbib, who is the founder of Skylink Aviation, an intelligence front that has smuggled Israeli assets into at least three Iraqi provinces according to Mask of Zion’s sources in Basra, has links to the rebels and elements within Qaddafi’s government (51), who are most likely Israeli moles. Arbib is a sayan, using his vast wealth and intelligence resources to influence the political outcome in Libyaafter rivers of Libyan blood have been spilled. No matter what the future may hold for the North African ‘black gold heaven,’ Zionism plans to win.

    The Chatham House, the UK wing of the original Zionist think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, already has a plan in place to exploit the ‘black gold heaven’ and turn it into a neoliberal hell. A high-level ‘Libya Working Group’ meeting was held just two days before NATO’S Operation Mermaid Dawn was launched. What the Chatham House says or writes, inevitably becomes foreign policy on Downing Street and the Chatham House wants Libya’s Resistance disarmed to make it easier for multinational corporations to wreck the Libyan economy via privatization, specifically the oil and aforementioned agricultural sectors (52), which represents an economic challenge to the vile Zionist dragon in Europe.

    This could be the final phase of a broader operation involving a combination of military and economic terrorism. One month before the NATO-Qatari-Zionist mass murder in Tripoli, the Great Manmade River and the factory that produces its replacement pipes were bombed in a seemingly senseless and obviously deliberate crime against humanity. NATO’s heinousness received no coverage in the media whatsoever as it was too busy covering the terror attacks in Norway, which have now been revealed to be a Mossad false flag operation (53). It appears now, with the revelations of the Chatham House’s ‘Libya Working Group,’ that it wasn’t a senseless crime at all. It was a calculated one: bomb the world’s largest irrigation project and when a new regime is ushered in as a result of the criminal war and destabilization, rebuild it through hellish neoliberal contracts that will assuredly be awarded to some Zionist firm or even better, multiple Zionist firms. It is necessary to repeat: this is “humanitarian intervention.”

    The world can’t seem to take its eyes from the disturbingly skewed Zionist media coverage of Libya, coverage that is pumping out one uncorroborated, sensationalist scam after another, the most recent one being another Qatari-Hollywood production featuring the NATO rebels overtaking Colonel Qaddafi’s Bab al-Aziziyah compound in Tripoli when in fact, the Bab al-Aziziyah compound displayed on television screens across the globe was yet another theater set; the takeover was a fraud (54), another cruel hoax in a long line manufactured by the Zionist dragon’s international hasbara machine. Another degree of the psychological warfare that Mossad and its allies (read: puppets) in the international intelligence community on the ground inLibya are using to demoralize the Libyan Resistance. And Colonel Muammar Qaddafi? The Libyan leader who has built his country from colonial puppetdom to independence over the last 42 years? He remains as defiant as ever and is calling on all Libyans to liberate the capital and expel foreign agents from their ranks (55).

    All the while, as NATO bombs rained (and keep raining) on Tripoli like dragon fire in mythical folklore, the usurping Israeli regime seized the moment to up the ante in Palestine, simultaneously terrorizing multiple targets across the occupied holy land and delivering another package of butchery to the besieged coastal sliver of Gaza. And the media coverage of it? None to below zilch. Inhumanity to the extreme.

    ~ End Of Part I ~


    (1) Do Jews Dominate In American Media? And What So What If We Do? by Phillip Weiss, Mondoweiss

    (2) How Jewish Is Hollywood? by Joel Stein, The Los Angeles Times

    (3) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – Controlled Opposition: Zionism 101 by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (4) Libya Fact Sheet; Fact 6 by Ron Ridenour, Dissident Voice

    (5) Former French FM: Israel Controls French Intelligence, Lobby Pressures US President by Ahlul Bayt News Agency

    (6) The National Front For The Salvation Of Libya And Its Faux-Revolutionary Poster Child by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

    (7) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – The Origin Points by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (8) Sarkozy Accused Of Working For Israeli Intelligence by Gamal Nkrumah, Global Research

    (9) Libya Fact Sheet; Facts 2-4 by Ron Ridenour, Dissident Voice

    (10) Libya Rebels Had NATO Weapons From Day 1 by Nickolay Starikov, Global Research TV

    (11) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – Israel’s War: From Subversion To Aggression by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (12) NATO And Rebel Atrocities In Libya by Stephen Lendman, Veterans Today

    (13) Mounting Evidence Of Rebel Atrocities In Libya by John Rosenthal, Pajamas Media

    (14) The Use Of Cluster Munitions In Misrata by Human Rights Investigations

    (15) Black Libya City Said To Fall To Rebel Siege by Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report

    (16) The War In Libya: Race, “Humanitarianism,” And The Media by Maximillian Forte, Monthly Review

    (17) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – Conclusion: Purim And Occupation by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (18) Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear; Section – Bernard-Henri Lévy: Globetrotting Zionist Asset by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (19) The Siege Of Tripoli by Dr. Franklin Lamb, Activist Post

    (20) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – A Short History: Operation Trojan, Lockerbie and Abu Salim by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (21) American Media Silent On CIA Ties To Libya Rebel Commander by Patrick Martin, World Socialist Web Site

    (22) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Media Manipulation: Zionism And Al-Jazeera Unite by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (23) Libyan Leader Gaddafi Threatens to Nationalize Oil And Violate OPEC Regulations by Taryn Dozark, Center For International Finance And Development At The University Of Iowa College Of Law

    (24) Report: Qatar Offering Israel Gas by Doron Peskin, Ynet

    (25) Libya War Is About Theft Of State Assets And Total Restructuring Of Nation by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

    (26) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War; Section – Egyptian Oil Workers And The 1975 MOU by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (27) Obama Moves To Unfreeze Billions In Assets For Rebels by John Glaser,

    (28) The Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes Of Jubilation And Euphoria On Green Sqare by Metro Gael, Global Research

    (29) BREAKING: Prominent American Activist Shot By Sniper Fire In Tripoli, Internet Cut by Activist Post

    (30) ‘NATO Starving Civilians In Libya’ by Press TV

    (31) Major NWO False Flag In Libya – Freedom Of Thought At Stake by Libya S.O.S.

    (32) A Closer Look On Qatari Hollywood And The Mercenary Invasion Of Tripoli by Mathaba

    (33) Libya: The Manufacture Of Consent by Jody Mcintyre, Life On Wheels

    (34) Libya To Give Weapons To One Million People: Report by Reuters

    (35) NATO Paves The Way For Civil War And Foreign Occupation As Western Oil Giants Pounce On Libya by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

    (36) Libya: NATO Psy-op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again by Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report

    (37) Gaddafi’s Son Escapes From Custody by Press TV

    (38) ‘Rebels Being Gathered In Tripoli For A Purpose’ by Russia Today

    (39) Allies Guided Rebel ‘Pincer’ Assault On Tripoli by Karen DeYoung and Greg Miller, The Washington Post

    (40) Libya War’s Unsung Heroes by Clive Irving, The Daily Beast

    (41) Marines On Ground In Libya by Jody Brown, One News Now

    (42) Libya: Swimming Against The Tide Of NATO’s Media Propaganda by Joost Van Den Heuvel, Global Research

    (43) The Truth About The Situation In Libya by Brian Becker, Liberation

    (44) Battle For Tripoli Not Over Yet As Gaddafi Loyalists Strike Back Thomas Erdbrink and Liz Sly, The Washington Post

    (45) U.S./NATO Attempt To Occupy Tripoli, Libyans Fight To Maintain Independence by Fight Back! News

    (46) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – The Syrian Revolution: 100% Manufactured By Israel And Saudi Arabia by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (47) Libyan “Liberation” by Max Ajl, Jewbonics

    (48) Land Destroyer Twitter Account Suspended by Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report

    (49) UPDATE: Life Of Independent Journalists In Tripoli. Very Critical Situation by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

    (50) Rebel Spokesman To Haaretz: Libya Needs Help, Including Israel by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

    (51) Despite Some Israel-Libya Contacts, Warm Ties Are Not On The Horizon by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

    (52) Bringing Libya Under The Globalist Umbrella: Libya Working Group Discusses Deregulation, Theft Of Oil by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

    (53) Massacre In Norway: Mossad Strikes Again Under ‘Lone Gunman’ Cover; Section – Conclusion: A Bloody Anniversary And More Media Coverups by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (54) Rayyisse, Censorship And Hollywood Qatar Around Bab Al Aziziya by Waterput, News On Libya

    (55) Gaddafi To Supporters: Liberate Tripoli by Press TV

    About Sam Dudic
    Contacted Mathaba in 2002-2004; read the ” Green Book “; admirer of Muammar Qadhafi, Louis Farrakhan and Mahmud Ahmadinejad; support the concept of Islamic Socialism based on people’s self-rule and direct democracy without shahs, sheikhs, kings, sultans, emirs, party secretaries, presidents and parliaments – as future for mankind

    The More that die, the more mercenaries NATO keeps dumping on SIRTE

    According to information channels and TV of Libya, under Sirtom, on 10 October 2011, the NATO has thrown out a parachute landing on help to the mercenaries.

    It is thus noticed that emission of parachutists was has been made from the big (safe) height. While “the result of a landing” is known only are there were military men British “commando” — 16 from which are taken prisoner. How many commandoes “haven’t landed”, isn’t informed. Now with them it is visible “peacefully Mutassim talks”, asking their opinion: “who becomes nowadays the champion of England:” Manchester United “or” Manchester of City “?

    Nevertheless, we will agree, to shattering defeat of mercenaries of the NATO in Sirte, this “dessert” looks more than adequately.

    In connection with such pleasant message (but not for Margelova or some “эхспертов”) allow to tell about one. The history will devote many immortal pages to heroism of inhabitants of this city — M.Kaddafi’s Native land. We still, in the heat of struggle, can’t estimate greatness of this feat on advantage. And heroism of inhabitants doesn’t move to the military account: “have killed-have lost”! But, on the dullness or nonsense the western mass-media and mercenaries have educated us that “– каддафистов, there it is not enough army”, it is a pier the inhabitants frightened of them are at war. And what for and, the main thing as soldiers can “frighten” the parents, and sisters whom for what don’t wish to leave a city — to these rats isn’t allowed to understand brothers. As born to creep.

    The history is always written, how “post factum”, our problem, live witnesses of this historical event – to examine and inform to the whole world, through our network — TRUTH on war in Libya. Not to allow to deceive history. And we can bring such contribution to this sacred business.

    Look that happens, when we have given the information about real, instead of imaginary losses of mercenaries, ostensibly — 11 killed and 200 wounded (the western mass-media).

    We have declared that losses of mercenaries of the NATO make 211 persons killed and more than 300 wounded. The Whole world, all information channels which also are fair, as well as we in front of Libya have picked up this information which I have taken from record of telephone conversation of dear doctor Jusuf Shakira — the head of TV of Libya and defenders of Sirta: nobody listens to us and refuse to sound figures of losses.

    We haven’t refused to trust Heroes! It also is ours “the accrediting reading and writing” — to trust Heroes. Speak: “the similar reaches similar”, but let nobody thinks that we want to “be attached” to these heroes. No! At them the battlefield, at us the problem — to break through blockade of lie round Libya, in passing and Syria. And we in Sirte have broken through таки this blockade (and it not for the first time here).

    Today already precisely it is known that losses of mercenaries of the NATO have made 230 persons (most likely has died of wounds for these days), and 500 persons wounded more. And when I already wanted to give yesterday this information here has received the letter “from the Brother in Libya” (I I do not know who it). He is offended it has appeared on me that “you the Brother write about big cities forgetting about small”.

    Ben Dzhavad (10.000 inhabitants — remain also that less — have taken out old men and children partially) – district Sirta is a question of a small town. And here here, “on a visit – to have a rest”, after shattering defeat in Sirte, there has arrived group of mercenaries. But inhabitants of this small town — fellow countrymen of Kaddafi, have appeared very “inhospitable” – have killed 60 and took 30 uninvited visitors in a captivity. The others have run away at full speed aside — Misurata. It was confirmed already with A.Zhjul who as well as promised has specified these figures.

    That is why, if you meet figures of losses under Sirtom for the days off — “about 300 killed mercenaries” don’t think that it is imagination of the author, for it “losses under Sirtom”. As we will tell “near Moscow and in mountains. Odintsovo” — in the sum.

    The basic news this hour are that and there is still a weight of others and, the main thing pleasant from the point of view of victories of fighters of Resistance of Libya!”

    We received this news from these sources:

    LibyaTV & Social Network Connections

  111. Young Gadhafi Family: Safya, Aicha, Saif-al-Arab, et Saadi
    young family

    UN silent despite no grounds for NATO war on Libya
    Posted: 2011/10/11
    From: Source
    brother-leader at U.N.
    Muammar Gaddafi is proven right yet again, when he observed years ago that the UN wouldn’t have the moral courage to stand up to the powerful NATO nations.
    BREAKING NEWS: 11 October 2011
    Baths of Valid: terrorists from NTC are dissatisfied. The NATO too. Contention between them. The first accuse the last for absence of cover. Actually, at the airport when they celebrated “victory” by destruction of portraits of Muammar Kaddafi, there was an accident, – they “have been taken by a frost”… Then they ran, having left all on a place…

    Tripoli: from 200 to 300 Islamites have tried to make revolution, having attacked a mosque. Lie that it there were Loyalists and patriots, which have started to operate to note the presence. Struggle in the center of Tripoli under the direction of people of Hamisa al-Kaddafi proceeds. While ПНС suddenly declares Libya the propagation released according to canons, these events make it clear that Tripoli doesn’t supervise the country. Shots while uncertainty is almost constant from time to time sound. One more arsenal has been destroyed. By the way, renegades has stolen everything that in a museum of Tripoli. Libyans?

    Sirte: while on Al-Dzhazire statement of storm of a city prepared, resistance hasn’t allowed it to realize. Unlike figure, there, actually, more than 370 Nato-mercenaries were killed and more than 1000 have got serious traumas. Thus, though the Red Cross evacuated the last of 100 patients who have remained in hospital Ibn Sina in Sirte, mercenaries have grasped the Philippine nurses who hid in a hospital cellar, and have sent them for treatment of wounded men in field hospital, on the western entrance to a city. Struggle proceeds, and the well-known final fight looks as a streamlet, despite deadly bombardments of the NATO which don’t stop even on mosques. More than 70 civilians have been killed.

    Sirte: GreenFreeLibya 370 Nato-mercenaries were killed and over 1000 wounded, and 3 brigades left frontlines of Sirte, many demoralized.

    Ben Dzhavad: about a small town from 10.000 inhabitants which also is a district Sirt part, Nato-mercenaries have been crushed. 60 lost their life and 30 are detained. Others fled, now in city Misrata.
    Libya won’t be easily grasped, and struggle only begins.

    By the sniper of the Libyan Green Army specialized forces of resistance a shot in an eye the leader of Nato-mercenaries Ashraf Issa Barish has been shot. He has died instantly. Ashraf Isa Barich is the mercenary from Tobruk which from the conflict beginning actively took part in attacks, murders and tortures of Libyans. Together with it the group of five Nato-mercenaries has been killed.

    We received this news from these sources:
    LibyaTV & Social Network Connections

    BREAKING NEWS: 11 October 2011
    Baths of Valid: terrorists from NTC are dissatisfied. The NATO too. Contention between them. The first accuse the last for absence of cover. Actually, at the airport when they celebrated “victory” by destruction of portraits of Muammar Kaddafi, there was an accident, – they “have been taken by a frost”… Then they ran, having left all on a place…

    Tripoli: from 200 to 300 Islamites have tried to make revolution, having attacked a mosque. Lie that it there were Loyalists and patriots, which have started to operate to note the presence. Struggle in the center of Tripoli under the direction of people of Hamisa al-Kaddafi proceeds. While ПНС suddenly declares Libya the propagation released according to canons, these events make it clear that Tripoli doesn’t supervise the country. Shots while uncertainty is almost constant from time to time sound. One more arsenal has been destroyed. By the way, renegades has stolen everything that in a museum of Tripoli. Libyans?

    Sirte: while on Al-Dzhazire statement of storm of a city prepared, resistance hasn’t allowed it to realize. Unlike figure, there, actually, more than 370 Nato-mercenaries were killed and more than 1000 have got serious traumas. Thus, though the Red Cross evacuated the last of 100 patients who have remained in hospital Ibn Sina in Sirte, mercenaries have grasped the Philippine nurses who hid in a hospital cellar, and have sent them for treatment of wounded men in field hospital, on the western entrance to a city. Struggle proceeds, and the well-known final fight looks as a streamlet, despite deadly bombardments of the NATO which don’t stop even on mosques. More than 70 civilians have been killed.

    Sirte: GreenFreeLibya 370 Nato-mercenaries were killed and over 1000 wounded, and 3 brigades left frontlines of Sirte, many demoralized.

    Ben Dzhavad: about a small town from 10.000 inhabitants which also is a district Sirt part, Nato-mercenaries have been crushed. 60 lost their life and 30 are detained. Others fled, now in city Misrata.
    Libya won’t be easily grasped, and struggle only begins.

    By the sniper of the Libyan Green Army specialized forces of resistance a shot in an eye the leader of Nato-mercenaries Ashraf Issa Barish has been shot. He has died instantly. Ashraf Isa Barich is the mercenary from Tobruk which from the conflict beginning actively took part in attacks, murders and tortures of Libyans. Together with it the group of five Nato-mercenaries has been killed.

    We received this news from these sources:

    & Social Network Connections

    By Frances Thomas
    The situation in Sirte is dire.

    Six weeks under siege after months of aerial attacks. Children and old people dead of hunger and thirst. Water supply hit. Hospitals without medical supplies to treat the ill and injured, and then bombed by NATO. The dead lying in the streets.

    Constant ‘targeted’ nightly aerial bombardment by NATO air forces. Constant ‘fire at will’ daytime attacks from ill-disciplined NTC rebels using tanks, rockets, mortars and howitzers.

    In their missile-launcher-laden graffiti-decorated pick-up trucks, the rebels drive into the city edges in the morn and back out by dark, hailed as ‘freedom-fighters’ by their embedded foreign press, they more resemble armed gangs. Some are Libyan, dissatisfied with policies of their current government. Some have returned after years abroad with historical differences to settle. Others are LIFG veterans wanting to set up a stricter Islamic fundamentalism. Qatari forces, UK SAS and CIA are known to have been on the ground in Libya. The battle-hardened are Al Qaeda and mercenaries on the pay-roll of interested parties, who follow where wars lead them, so long as they are paid well to kill, or have licence to loot and rape.

    How did this ever come to be?

    The specific phrases in UNSC resolution #1973, which NATO nations say permit them to conduct and support this military action in Libya, are “no-fly zone”, “all necessary measures” and “to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack.”

    That’s it. A few words. Innocuous enough until NATO twisted them beyond recognition.

    With Orwellian duplicity, air strikes replace ‘no-fly’, war becomes a ‘necessary measure’, and killing civilians constitutes their ‘protection’. Seven months later, 25,280 NATO air sorties later, including 9,391 strike sorties, and more than 50,000 human beings are dead, civilian infrastructure is destroyed, and a sovereign nation is in crisis.

    The distortion of those few words’ intended meaning was almost certainly a factor in the veto by Russia and China of the recent UN resolution against Syria. NATO’s actions in Libya are clearly seen to violate UNSC resolution #1973, and some member states are wary.

    Oh, and the evidence that Libyan people needed protecting from imminent danger of their own government firing on them? Remembering that this pre-emptive NATO action was to “stop Gaddafi from launching a massacre of his own people.”

    No evidence was ever produced.

    On 1 March, two weeks after the accusations, when asked if he had seen any evidence that Gaddafi intended to fire on citizens, then U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said, “We’ve seen the press reports but we have no confirmation.” And U.S Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen added, “That’s right. We’ve seen no confirmation whatsoever.”

    So did NATO attack Libya on the basis of a press report?

    Secretary Gates knew there was no legal basis when he also stated that “the UN Security Council resolution provides no authorisation for the use of armed force.” Gates would be gone by June, replaced by ex-CIA director Leon Panetta.

    On 31 March, as NATO strikes on Libya began, more questions were asked of Gates and Mullen by the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. “Was al Qaeda involved in Libya?” Mullen answered, “We haven’t seen anything, other than aspirational, from al Qaeda leadership.” Gates said that Gaddafi was “trying to ‘gen’ up the narrative that the opposition is in fact led by al Qaeda.”

    When asked “Do either one of you believe that the Libyan people would stand for an al Qaeda-led Libya?” “Absolutely no evidence to support that,” said Gates, and Mullen, “No, I don’t.”

    Gates, in explanation, added that “the real power in Libya is in the hands of these tribes, and even Gaddafi realises (sic) that, and I just don’t understand how it would be possible for these tribes to want to cede any of that authority to some outside crowd like al Qaeda.”

    Interesting. Here we have U.S. Secretary of Defense Gates supporting what Gaddafi, rather than merely ‘realising’, has always strongly stated. Which is that in Libya the real power is in the hands of the Libyan people, in the hands of the tribes.

    This fact conflicts with the ‘Gaddafi as dictator’ storyline. It seems the journalists from US, UK, France, and Qatar, who were in Tripoli until August, had read the Obama/Clinton script, rather than U.S. Senate committee transcript. All year the foreign press have chosen to ignore the fact that the tribal peoples of Libya – what did Gates say? – “hold the real power in Libya,” and instead used any means to bolster their ‘Gaddafi as dictator’ narrative, and have thus distorted the news that has beamed into our living rooms since February. News that has formed the opinion of millions, deprived them of the truth, and so delayed the groundswell of dissent against NATO’s war on Libya.

    And about al Qaeda. Gaddafi had said from the beginning that the rebels were al Qaeda led. Gates and Mullen dismissed that in March, though in vague terms.

    It’s become apparent in recent months that Gaddafi was telling the truth again. More camera-shy than the gun-toting rebels, the al Qaeda contingent is nevertheless a huge presence. They are led by Abdel Hakim Belhadj, an al Qaeda affiliate and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) leader who had “close relationships” and trained with al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The LIFG is still included on both UK and US lists of terrorist organisations. Belhadj is now the NTC’s new official chief military commander.

    Rehabilitated in the western press and approved by NATO though Belhadj may be, Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen got one more thing right. The Libyan people don’t want a bar of anyone associated with al Qaeda leading them in any capacity. Nor do they trust Belhadj’s LIFG background. Libya is 97 per cent Islamic, and though other religions are allowed to practise freely (though not proselytize), one group not tolerated by law in Libya is militant Islamic fundamentalism.

    Gates and Mullen’s take on Libya is, well, just not politically correct. Despite the evidence of ‘mission creep’, NATO leaders seem determined to bet against a future Nuremberg-style war crimes action against them, and continue to pound the city of Sirte by night, to ‘break the ground’ for their daytime sniper-fodder ‘relief team.’

    During a two day so-called truce in early October the Red Cross tried to enter Sirte to provide humanitarian aid. On the first day they managed to visit a hospital on the southern outskirts, bringing in a few needed supplies, but the hospital came under NTC rebel attack, and they were not able to inspect the whole building let alone get into the city proper and visit other areas.

    On the second day the Red Cross tried to take two large aid trucks into the city. But the rebels began firing and so the Red Cross backed up quickly and abandoned their attempt. Preventing access for aid, another war crime. Last Thursday they were finally able to deliver baby milk, diapers, and some other humanitarian aid.

    Forever announcing their ‘final’ assault on Sirte, the NTC rebels have not yet quite managed to achieve it. They continue their murderous siege of 135,000 people, maybe more because people fleeing from other towns months ago sought harbour in Sirte, maybe fewer because many have died and thousands fled. Whatever the number, the people of Sirte are defending themselves and their city against NATO’s military force. And so, UN “protection of civilians” continues.

    The United Nations

    community is being tested. On whether member nations have the moral courage to stand up to the powerful NATO nations, point out the illegality of the war on Libya, and insist that their ambassadors take that message to the UN. Meanwhile Gaddafi is proved right yet again, when he observed

    that “the UN does not provide fair treatment for its smaller and less powerful member nations.”

    On this matter, I’d rather he was wrong.



    Ragdalin and Zuwara

    According to information received, violent clashes erupted in the village (Ragdalin), which is situated 130 km south-west of the capital Tripoli. According to some rats (the term used for terrorist-rebels-traitors-mercenaries), on Wednesday they gave the supporters of Qaddafi in Ragdalin 24 hours to lay down their arms, but they refused to do so. Instead, they made a sortie to a neighboring town (Zouara), where they killed the commander of the rat forces, Fathi al-Idrissi,” ITAR-TASS reported.

    Enemy tweet on Twitter also confirmed this:

    LibyaNewMedia: Gaddafi forces from Riqdalin attacked Zuara & killed the NTC commander and went back to Riqdalin. #Libya #Gaddafi #Libya #Gaddafi

    Sources of Sirte: rebels on all fronts completely receded. They will try to start a new offensive on Friday. Their attack today did not succeed.

    Important news, Sirte: Rebels retreated en masse after facing heavy fighting. The Green Resistance succesfully defended the city.

    Reporter Alarabia recognizes that “the rebels retreated en masse. They hold any ground. There is very heavy defense of the city.”

    Confirmed report: The Green Resistance from Bani Walid, Sabha and other parts of Libya are on their way to Sirte. Let us pray for the efforts of these volunteers!

    Mathaba and other sources have reported that many Libyans from Bani Walid sent support to Sirte.

    ArraiTV confirms that the strong Green Resistance of Sebha, in the heart of the desert, downed a transport plane with 200 rebels.

    The road between Tarragon and Bani Walid is free (cleared), and volunteers from Tarragon have gone to Bani Walid. It is confirmed that the entire region of Juffra is under the control of the Green Resistance. Now people can go out in Sirte.

    Confirmed report: City of Tarragon is currently under the full control of the Green Resistance, and there are reports that the volunteers are being sent to Sirte. We pray for the best!

    Reports from the front from Alain Jules

    “The fighting today developed mainly in Sirte. SGP Force / NATO / al-Qaeda have been unable to break Sirte. Bombs, heavy weapons and rockets have all been used by them in vain.

    Renegades entered the city, thinking that they would not have to fight too much. Today we can say that the renegades are thrown out of the city center and are currently located in western and eastern Sirte, hoping to use NATO bombing succeed.

    Some of the rats are in fear, because fifty rats were killed in the evening, and they lost the corridor they were in. Precision Jamahiriya snipers destroyed the rat’s plans.

    Ragdaline: in this small town, 130 km south of Tripoli, “the rebels” were defeated. At least 30 were killed.

    Bani Walid: 20 more rats were killed and 30 rats were captured.

    Sabha: There are reports of heavy fighting going on now in the city. Unfortunately, we can neither confirm nor deny this information. Remember that all the southern districts of Libya are Green!

    Libya to fight!

    In Tripoli, continuing clashes occurred between various “rat packs.” According to unconfirmed reports, one of their warlords was killed during these clashes. Resistance fighters shot down a couple of “rats” in the most green areas. Rat in-fighting weakens them, as Libyan Resistance Leader Qaddafi said, making them susceptible to strong resistance, which in turn brings the hour of liberation of Libya closer.

    NATO (the American-European military forces) sent more than a hundred dead rebels from Sirte to Benghazi a few hours ago. Yesterday, in Sirte, a Libyan Al-Qaeda leader was killed. Five rebel cars, filled with weapons, were destroyed ”

    At the moment, under the control of the legitimate authorities of Libya are: Ghat, all sand dunes and Sahara desert, Ghadames, Tiji, Bdr, Harush Al, Al Kufrah, Tubruk, Albayda, Darnah [Mathaba cannot confirm], Marrl Al, Al Biar, Al Brega, Ras Lanuf, Sirte, Beni Walid and all the oil fields!

    Intense fighting continues in: Benghazi, Tripoli, Gharian, Zawia, Sabha, Wadi Shati, Al Alajelat, Zurman, Alazizia Al, Al Gualish, Al Azaba. One of the biggest battles is unfolding now in Ghadames which is still under the control of the Jamahiriya. The rats continue to try, and continue to get rebuffed.

    Gaddafi’s troops destroyed the largest oil fields in Libya, says Italy’s oil giant ENI

    (This was reported earlier, but there is much more detail now).

    On October 6, the Libyan Defense Forces destroyed the largest oil field in Libya, known as The Elephant. This was confirmed by ENI, the Italian oil company with which Libya had had oil contracts.

    The entire complex, which had produced 130 thousand barrels per day, was completely destroyed, including the airport, industrial equipment and electronic controls. “We cannot promise that production will resume by the end of the year. Qadhafi’s troops have destroyed everything,” said Mustafa Abugfiifa, manager of ENI in Libya.

    The recovery process may take longer than expected, as the region continues to be at the center of clashes between rebels and Jamahiriya troops.

    Latest from the front

    Sirte remains the main center of NATO’s aggression against the Libyan Jamahiriya and the Libyan people.

    [NOTE: There are probably two reasons for this. Firstly, NATO and the rats are losing, everywhere in Libya. They are embarrassed, and feel that they need something that looks like a “victory.” Secondly, they wrongly believe that if the capture the hometown of Muammar Gaddafi, that the war will end. This will not happen. Did the war end when they captured Tripoli? No, and that should be a sign for them. Historians say that when a country’s capital falls, the people of that country always quit. That did not happen with the powerful people of Libya! They were stunned at first. But they eventually shook it off–like a boxer who got hit with a hard blow from an opponent–and now control once again 80% of Tripoli].

    Europeans! (White People!) Americans! Australians! (White People!) Wake UP! You don’t know that your air forces, armies, bombs, missiles and governments are being used non-stop since March, against Libya? If you don’t realize the war is there and you have to do something about it, it may come to you next! Watch the below video, and thank you for all you are doing to protect civilians in Libya by bombing them with weapon systems designed in Adelaide, South Australia:.

    On October 6th, during the day, the mercenaries attacked Sirte with tanks. They were supported by heavy artillery, rocket launchers, and bombs from NATO aircraft. By day’s end, there are lots of corpses of rats and mercenaries. Those rats that survived retreated.

    On 07 October NATO and their Uncle Tom rats

    carried out an offensive against Sirte from the east and west. As a result of heavy fighting, many rebels were killed. During this battle, one of the “biggest,” mentally-ill, killing-machine apostates in the world, Al-Asad Al-Libi, was killed and sent to hell. Al-Libi was a psychopathic global menace, and a big leader of the apostate/atheist organization known as Al-Qaeda, which was set up by the CIA. Al-Qaeda members are apostates and atheists who pose as Muslims. They are also Uncle Toms

    who have inferiority complexes, as is now amply testified by their open collusion with the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

    On the evening of October 7 there were fierce battles on the outskirts of Sirte. Militias from Ben-Walid and other parts of Libya have gone to the aid of the defenders of Sirte.

    [NOTE: I have seen no reports that the Bani-Walid fighters or other fighters have reached Sirte yet. Let us all hope and pray that they have, and that they can break the siege, and supply needed food and other supplies to the people who are the strongest human beings on earth, and the leaders of the earth at this time, the noble and brave people of Sirte].

    The Green Resistance destroyed five trucks that carried ammunition to the Uncle Tom,

    psychopathic rats

    that have been attacking Sirte.

    [NOTE: Here is a summary definition of a psychopath:

    “Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who represent the “monsters” in our society. They are unstoppable and untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and emotionless.” They are not unstoppable. They can be stopped–and are being stopped]

    News from other sources:

    In Bengazi, 140 fighters of Al Qaeda factions were killed as a revenge for the murder of General Younis, and after tribal elders recently received video evidence of 200 other murders committed by Al Qaeda Commandos in Bengazi. Also in Bengazi, Libyan Forces stormed an ammunition warehouse of the military from Qatar, capturing one officer and 40 troops.

    Sirte: a rat commander who leads rats that are trying to penetrate Sirte from the west, and a rat commander who leads rats that are trying to penetrate Sirte from the east, have both stated that they have made no progress.


    The Libyans know that the perpetrators of this war will sooner or later pay for their crimes. [See: and



    (included here passing Mathaba Editors only to show that this publication is NOT reliable, as mentioned before, and is not a source.

    The bio of “Christof Lehman” itself appears to be fake, as pointed out in past reports.

    The following figures and information are thus copied from other sources, with disinformation or inaccuracies added. It is clear that Sebha is not only 60% controlled by Jamahiriya, otherwise 90-100% of Southern Libya would not be under Jamahiriya control (which it is), since Sebha is the main southern city):

    the1. A full 80% of Tripoli is under the the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    2. A full 80% of Benghazi is under the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    3. A full 90% (Some say 100%) of Southern Libya is under the firm control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    4. A full 60% of Sabha is under the control of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    5. The TNC, NATO, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the Rag-Tag Rebels imported from the Hindukush are, are loosing the Libyan War.

    6. Mahmud Jabril, a rat “political” leader, survived an assasination attempt on his life two days ago.

    7. A bomb was found under Abdel Hakim Belhadj’s car [Belhadj is currently in an Italian hospital, as his northern masters, who OWN Al-Qaeda, of which Belhadj is a leader, are working feverishly to heal a gunshot would he received, so that he can go back to Libya and work as their slave. Personally, I believe that Belhadg is dead].

    8. Rats in Sirte are surrounded and have a choice between surrender and death.

    9. A Special Operations commando team of Libyan Forces in Sirte destroyed several tanks, armored vehicles, a helicopter, and ammunition depot of the rat enemies. Sirte is biting back and on the way to liberation.

    Christof Lehman believes that, despite the victories of the Green Resistance, NATO will continue to bomb indefinitely, due to the long-range plans of the northern countries for the creation of as white-racist global empire that puts the people of the South under permanent slavery, as well as the people of the north. White world supremacy is a real force, and it will murder millions of “white” people to, if they ever decided to rebel and reject the idea of white privilege, and then begin to see non-whites as their brothers and sisters.

    I am very optimistic that the Jamahiriya will gain control somehow. But, I do not, for the life of me, have a single clue as to how one can convince the northern countries, whose leaders are racist psychopaths [See Dr. Bobby Wright’s book, The Psychopathic Racial Personality. Dr. Bobby Wright was an accomplished psychiatrist, and a graduate of the University of Chicago, who helped to re-write the Illinois psychiatric code], to cease bombing and killing thousands of Libyans.

    They are insane people, literally, that happen to have more guns and bombs than anyone else on earth–the most unfortunate situation that human beings have been in in our entire history. I cannot understand why filth and dirt rise to the top in this world, amongst human beings.

    In that regard, what a bright and shining star–no, SUN–is Brother Leader Colonel Muammar Omo Ju Omo Lo Gaddafi!! How sad it is that the European people, and the people of the United States, tolerate being ruled by mentally ill psychopaths.

    But, there are growing signs that the citizens of the world are going to to rebel, as is now being witnessed, all over the U.S., through the anti-Wall Street demonstrations. One wonders, though, whether or not U.S. “leaders” even care about U.S. public opinion.

    ( )
    One wonders how the rats treated their prisoners. Judging from the early videos that they uploaded, months ago, on YouTube (and which YouTube, for some reason, has taken down), their treatment of their prisoners was barbaric. In quite a number of those videos, they were all shouting at the prisoners, and certainly none of those prisoners had a single word to say–they were not allowed to say anything.

    And the black prisoners were simply butchered to death, as some of those early videos showed..

  114. Sunday, 09 OCT 2011
    Sirte Jamahiriya fighters capture a rat rebel in Sirte


    DENNIS SOUTH writes:

    Of course, perhaps not much can be said about the above video, in terms of treatment of a prisoner. Obviously, the video itself shows that the prisoner is being treated with respect. I am assuming that that treatment continued, even “off camera.”

    In this video, we see that the prisoner is being treated so well, that he’s allowed to speak in a very animated manner, as if he is even arguing with his captors. It is not until the end that it appears that a Jamahiriya soldier must have though, “enough is enough,” and began shouting at him. But, there was no physical harm done, as you can see, at least not in the video itself.

    He is even given cigarettes to smoke.

    NATO rats captured in the attack on Beni-Walid


    Eugene Gajvoronsky – Summary for 08 October 2011

    It’s been relatively calm for the last 2 weeks in Bani Walid, as Jamahiriya fighters cleared it of rats. Bani Walid has organized itself as sort of a center of resistance, and its strong successes has influenced the course of the war in Libya. There is information about the transfer of troops from Bani-Walid in Dzhufru (Juffra) (Hun).

    Due to the regrouping of Libyan Jamahiriya forces, a rat plot to divide the Green Resistance in half in Libya (Tripoli-through Garyan-Sabha-Murzuk) was foiled. An attempt to implement the same strategy in a modified form, through Misrata-Hung Sabha in resisting Sirte, was also foiled.

    Much of the Libyan border with Algeria and Tunisia is under the control of Jamahiriya forces.

    Over the last month of the war the enemy suffered losses: more than 4,000 rats killed, including about 100 pilots and Special Forces of NATO, more than 20 warlords, middle and senior managers, about 10,000 wounded rebels and deserters, captured or destroyed about 50 tanks, 300 armed TC, 10 NATO helicopters. Only last week Jamahiriya forces shot down three enemy transport planes.
    Libyan TV resumes

    ILIBIYA.TV resumes its service on the Internet. It will start at 21 o’clock on the Algerian-time. It will be inaugurated by Dr. Shakir.


    Sirte. NATO’s mercenaries tried to attack from the east of Sirte. The Libyan army did not counter-attack, so as not to reveal its positions, but allowed them to move forward. And then the Libyan army struck. At least 60 NATO mercenaries were killed in close armed clashes. The rest ran quickly into the desert. The Libyan military collected the documents of the dead mercenaries for their identification and information for their relatives, so that they can be properly buried.

    Bani Walid. After many defeats, it appears that NATO has stopped trying to storm Bani Walid. The Libyan military collected the abandoned bodies of mercenaries for their identification and subsequent notification of their relatives.

    Western Libya. Elders of Zintana, Dzhalata and Surmana gathered and urged the tribes of western Libya to build a coalition against the NATO mercenaries and Amazigh collaborators, their response to the terror of mercenaries in western Libya, who have committed torture, murder and rape.

    27 NATO mercenaries killed

    Recent reports from Libya show that at least 27 mercenaries have been killed in battle by Jamahiriya forces, and other mercenaries have retreated. At least 200 mercenaries were injured in southern Sirte.

    Libyan Defense Forces once again used the strategy of applying heavy losses against the NATO mercenaries. First, simulated breakthrough for the front line, during which many mercenaries were exterminated. The mercenaries were lured to pre-defined areas where traps are set, including roadside mines, booby-trapped buildings, and so on.

    Sirte defends and attacks!

    The rats started a massive assault on Sirte from three directions. But defenders of the city steadfastly rebuffed the attacks. Defense of the city is very well coordinated. Three tribes that are loyal to the Jamahiriya seized the outskirts of Sirte from a pack of rats. The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be for the people of Sirte and Libya!

    News from other sources

    Sirte: The Libyan Army and Libyan Moujaheeds on the eastern front broke the siege of Sirte. And on the southern front, NATO mercenaries were hit from behind by Jamahiriya forces that have arrived from Bani-Walid, Tarhuna and other Green towns.

    In Tawergha, Touareg of the south have attacked Misrati NATO rebel areas in order to make rats come back from the west Sirte front.

    In Misrata our people infiltrated the city and now killing NATO bandits by snipping them… under the cover of the night.

    The spread of disease between TNC medical sources said that the Jerdan existing front has asked the Council to give them vaccines against diseases that have spread among them, which appear in their symptoms between the cases of varying diarrhea, vomiting, skin rash, and temperature variance from case to case. TNC doctors are being asked not to be spread the word until the completion of an analysis of some patients [Allibiya TV – قناة الليبية].

    After the death of their leaders by Libyan Jamahiriya forces at Sirte and Bani Walid, they have no commanders who give orders for operations in those areas. Even before this, they had severe splits in recent months whereby commanders killed each other, and divided along tribal lines… – >

    NATO-led rebels admit that they are fighting against courageous WOMEN in Sirte. Those women heroes fiercely resist NATO bombs and fight against NATO mercenaries with more courage than any man ever had! One woman, a Lionesses of Sirte, fired around 20 RPGs on their sorry-ass brigade. This rat testified to the courage of the women:

    The TNC, (“Trust No Colleague” “Council of Shame” i.e. “National Terrorist Council”) of the NATO-rebels has today been plagued by one more shootout among its top representatives. A planned meeting between representatives of the TNC and the Italian Oil Firm ENI at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli ended in a shootout between the TNC representatives and their respective bodyguards, after the delegation from ENI failed to manifest. Only a few days ago the oil field installations at Babu Avel that produce oil for Italian ENI were destroyed by Libyan Jamahiriya Forces. Yesterday the oil field should have come on line again, but installations were immediately destroyed by Libyan Forces.

    Foreign NATO agents are trying to plant devices to select targets for the AWACS aircraft which the British are using in the war against Libya. Me and my father made a diversion for these treacherous western agents, we tracked them to a small building which has been used for shepherds camels and we ran the same device and sent a signal to the aircraft in order to engage (to bomb) the building, and after about an hour aircraft bombed the building and the mercenaries which were inside. Result: 5 NATO clients were dead- of whom 3 Qataris and 2 of traitor agents claiming their knowledge of the land. They were all executed each and every one in the same manner and the others were watching it in disbelief, that was a lesson for them. The pilot aimed missiles at targets that he thought were specified by his heroes.

    Tweet: My father-in-law and large groups of neighbours were heavily armed when they left a few hours ago. Possible #Tripoli liberated tonight [al_Jamahiriya Aïcha]

    23h: After less than 6 hours since NATO agents took control of the University of Sirte, troops of volunteers and green army regained it back… We attacked the University from all the sides in an elaborate ambush, NATO agents fled, leaving behind corpses of their dead colleagues inside the University Campus. Videos and images broadcasted on different TV channels are of the University today, those videos were recorded when NATO-led rebels controlled the Campus, which means from 8 o’clock until 13 o’clock, before our operation! University is green again!

  116. Konstantyn Scheglikov
    I want to say to all libyans, who don’t make choice which side is right and whom they must support.
    My name Konstantyn Sceglikov, i from Ukraine, i was born in 1981 and my childhood was in USSR. After collapse of USSR in 1991, my Ukraine begin destroying step by step. We without war loose 30% of population including children which wasn’t born, cos level of life became worse. More the 80% people out of minimal standart of life, we loose education, medicine care and orthers standarts which have our perents in USSR. Our parents were deceived by promises of freedom and wealth, really we receive poorest life with fear about future. During 10 yers gangsters groups was rulers in country, now heads of this gungsgroups became superich which have all companies in my country. Small group of superrich receiving all, most part of people nothing, we now going to return socialistic system. But most part of industry destroyed cos superich didn’t recover venicles, they send money to West only, their children studying in West Europe and USA and they don’t care about Homeland and other people.
    Now in Western countries citizen become to understand that superrich create all conditions for death of most part of population and made standarts of life worse step by step for it. Wish of superrich make people all nations slaves and servants for others only death. It’s is New World Order it’s fascists view to world which change appearance get name “democracy” but inside the same nazists view.
    So You have choice – fight and win freedom for Your country, or surrender by NATO and Al-Kaeda and becoming slaves step by step. When you was in West countries You didn’t see another side of Western life, people really haven’t choice. We already hade 20 years of capitalistic life and going to recover socialism, You have chance to defend Your country, don’t loose this chance
    Fight to the Victory

    Fridrich Hláva writes:
    ‎6h/ NTC asked Egypt for the permision for 40.000 Jews to pass through Egypt in order to come to Libya -[p.s. about 50 00 Libyans are killed in this war – is it compensation?]
    Ambassador Abdel Moneim Hun ,representative of the Transitional Council of Libya in Egypt revealed that NTC asked Egypt for the approval to let Izraelis pass through Egypt on their way to Libya, this move is supposed to be funded with Libyan money.. NTC wants to give them equal citizenship in the Libyan community, to give them rights of Libyans. (THAT IS FINE IF THEY BIND THEIR ALLEGIENCE TO LIBYA AND NOT ISRAEL.)
    The Hun talked about the presence of 40 thousand Libyan Jews living in Israel who asked for their right to return to it, which was welcomed by the Transitional Council.

    They also want to pay them compensation of up to $ 80 billion for the years that they have been away from their property and their homeland, pointing out that there are also 40 thousand others in a number of countries in the world also asking for similar compensation and the right to return.[Nessbook] (THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! THEY LEFT in 1967–before the BLOODLESS al-FATAH REVOLUTION of 1969. HAVE THE ROYAL FAMILY OF KING IDRIS pay their so-called “compensation”! The Royals are in LONDON, ENGLAND; petition them—not JAMAHIRIYA Libyans.)


    JustWatching3 to give the coordinates of the rebels position for NATO to bomb !

    JustWatching3 :
    People with possessed the tools to give coordinates for NATO jet fighter to bomb have been arrested in Baniwalid and these tools are now used against them!


  117. NATO Rebels ‘get hit’ in attacks on Bani Walid 09/10/2011

    Bani Waled – According to Ennahar news, in the last week alone, 500 NATO servants got killed and 2.000 wounded in BaniWalid front
    BaniWalid 15 rebels were killed some had Israeli documents and 50 rats injured. airport BaniWalid is controlled by green resistance.
    The number of dead and missing NATO-led rebels from the city of GHERYAN alone in the front of Bani Walid came to 17 people on 10.10.
    thanks for this info to


    Libyan Rebels’ Books Detail Their Fighters’ Pay – About 80% went to salaries in the rebel-controlled areas, including 60 million dinars ($49 million) for defected personnel from Libya’s regular armed forces. About 10% went to providing financial support to local governing councils and the remainder to mostly administrative costs of government.

    Rebel militias were funded largely by other sources, such as sympathetic foreign government including Qatar, wealthy Libyans and anti-Ghadafi nonprofit organizations [???]. Those contributions may have amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, weapons, uniforms, vehicles and other aid[?], said Muraja Gaith Soleiman, the deputy minister of oil and finance who signed off the budget documents. – >


    18h/Sirte: while on Al-Dzhazire statement of storm of a city prepared, resistance hasn’t allowed it to realize. Unlike figure, there, actually, more than 370 Nato-mercenaries were killed and more than 1000 have got serious traumas. Thus, though the Red Cross evacuated the last of 100 patients who have remained in hospital Ibn Sina in Sirte, mercenaries have grasped the Philippine nurses who hid in a hospital cellar, and have sent them for treatment of wounded men in field hospital, on the western entrance to a city. Struggle proceeds, and the well-known final fight looks as a streamlet, despite deadly bombardments of the NATO which don’t stop even on mosques. More than 70 civilians have been killed. – >
    17h/ 1. insider Report the rebels will make Revolution against the #NTC soon. as internal disputes increase many “fighters” preparing themselfs
    2. caller in #Libya says : #Tripoli is on verge of collapse and is expected soon Everyone is change after the revolution has failed” [SomaliaSupport2 Libya]
    3. A specialized sniper of the patriotic forces had killed the pro-NATO militar leader Ashraf Issa Barich in the front of #Sirte.#Libya #Libia
    4. #Libya young girls & older women participating in the defense of #Sirte against the gangs armed by #NATO.They prefer to die that be raped [GuerrillaTweet Tweets Guerill@s
    5. NTC freed corrupt officials from jails gave them top positions Salah Al-Karoom “jailed for life” and Kahlid abu-Zariba “major corruption”


    21 AUGUST 2011:

    TRIBUTE TO al-Gadhafi ! 28 JULY 2011

  118. Jacob Newton writes:

    NATO can go to hell, bombing people who are fighting for their land, their people and their leader… This world is nothing like they pretend it to be, or make people believe. Far from it. God save Green Libya!

    04/ In GHERYAN Libyan forces successfully attacked a military industrial complex that was heavily defended by troops from NATO countries and Qatar. The mission succeeded in destroying key military installations that were used by NATO. [Christof Lehmann NSNBC press]
    03h/ CAPTURED FOREIGN NATO MERCENARIES– Jacques Monse:35, Alan Abano:29, Mark Moren:31, Henry Richardson:26, Ryan Kirk:37

    Day 206: 10. october 2011. Libya news
    02h/ Bani Walid- We got and info from our own source that just while ago 60 cars packed with NATO servants- heading from Araban to enter from Alqrjoma into the city of Bani Walid in a new attempt for servants to penetrate after their failure in the past few days to achieve any victories on the ground, and after the fall of numerous assassins on their side, and many more wounded. Note that the majority of these traitors are Corner and Gheryan rat bastards .. And God willing, will not go back to their cities, but loaded with cloth, like their traitor predecessors that tried to storm this enduring city. We hope everyone has someone to contact in Bani Walid. This information is confirmed. [Nessbook]
    01h/ Apaches roaming the skies of Tripoli at a low altitude and fierce clashes prevail in majority of Tripoli areas. Heavy shooting in Abu Salim
    00h/ Sirte Sniper shot in the eye of the rebel leader named Ashraf Issa Barich [Algeria ISP]
    24h/ Tripoli: the destruction of ammunition and large weaponry on the path to the airport by a rocket


    23h/ On western front of Sirte NATO rebels have many victims & they fled away 10km to desert.
    22h/ Hear the sound of explosions and shootings in the thick of Tripoli and the flight of intensive NATO helicopters in the sky of the city who hope to Daahm confirmed information about the reality of what is being recorded in this page [Allibiya TV – Channel Libyan]
    21h/ The libyan NTC rebels has officially recognized the Syrian NTC and shut down the Syrian embassy in Tripoli
    Al-Ra’y TV asking Gaddafi loyalists to help to fend off “a small group of NATO agents” in central Sirte. [SomaliaSupport2 Libya]
    21h/ Bin Jawad free and green flag flutters in the air ,but there is shelling by tanks and mortars on the city from Afar
    At the dawn of the day, 16 British troops captured on the outskirts of the city of Sirte after the landing carried out by a NATO aircraft [Hasan Jafri]
    The commander of Rats operations Elmejrzn Salem Ghaith in Tripoli, “our forces withdrew after hours of airport Bani Walid for tactical reasons” and he also has lost 17 rat carcass 50 wounded and that they watch for the reinforcements from Tripoli and we await the other from Mount Nefoussa [ Allibiya TV – Channel Libyan]
    20h/ The rebels from Derna (which constitute more than 50% of the Libyan nato rebels) decided to flee the front of sirte and comeback to Derna

    19h/ Mainstream Media confirm: Bani Walid is FREE. The Voice of Russia reports:
    “The Libya Army have regained control of Bani Walid after National Transitional Council (NTC) forces withdrew from the city suffering heavy losses earlier on Monday.
    Right now, the NTC is in the process of regrouping forces ahead of a new offensive on Bani Walid. Meanwhile, heavy street fighting continues in Colonel Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte, where NTC NATO bandits are also suffering heavy losses.” ->
    18h/ @savelibyanbabie: #libya #sirte #babies are being killed by #NATO and #NTC rebel killed 4000 people and 1000 among them were kids and babies stop it #NATO

    11h/ Libya – Sirte is 100% under green resistance control. the NTC ALQAEDA forces were kicked out of city after Heavy NATO bombing stopped [SomaliaSupport2]

    10h/ (video)Libya: Bani Walid, 08/10/2011 – Green Resistance captured NATO mercenaries, cleaning up – >
    09h/ (video) Libya: Victory in eastern Sirte II – Libyan army – green freedom fighters – 07/10/2011 [InomineX] – >
    08h/ NATO continues its genocidal bombing campaign on Libya. On Saturday NATO officials announced the airstrikes, now in its seventh month, will not cease “until all remaining pockets of resistance are suppressed” and not before the rebels’ NTC asks for them to end. – >
    07h/ Allain Jules news from front in Libya –
    So for oil, civilians are killed. But nobody talks about. Everyone is afraid. Associations, NGOs, politicians, international organizations. All for oil. War trophies Sirte are just a show, the real issue is to resume the operation of refineries. And to think that the simpletons of CNT die for it.
    Sirte: the losers of the CNT grew in southern Sirte only. In this area, NATO bombed Qaddafi’s home, the center Ouagadougou, where did the African Union (AU), the University, and a hospital. After letting them settle, the pro-Libya tried to take these positions and were able to eliminate 20 renegades. The rest fell and reinforcements waiting for tomorrow, after taking pictures of protraits and destroy of Qaddafi. Sirte stand still, even on the western and eastern fronts of the city.
    Bani Walid: the pro-Libyan, these heroic patriots, have turned away from the city, the renegades of Benghazi. I am surprised to read that they took the city airport. As announced yesterday they would launch an offensive. /Libye – Les raisons du génocide de Syrte/

    4h/ ATTENTION! Libia, documental de Rolando Segura 9.10.11 GUERRA DE LIBIA – >

    03h/ PIRATES NATO & Rebels, Tricks & Lies to Steal Libyan Oil Tanker Destined for Tripoli, War On Libya ->
    02h/ Our heroes in the Sirte and Bani Walid and all areas of the noble challenge NATO and Germanh and say to them
    Age the stand you and we die standing – >
    01h/ Libya – The resumption of television ILIBIYA.TV, starting this evening television ILIBIYA.TV resume its service in real time on the Internet. It will start at 21 o’clock on the Algerian-time. Ether will be inaugurated by Dr. Shakir Iusefom. This will be a great support for the Libyan resistance.
    iLibya TV Live Streaming – االبث المباشر قنوات الجماهيرية الليبية>
    (Live Streaming – البث المباشر)

    Read more at:

  119. Blast from the past: al-Gadhafi speaks concerning the Ukraine, 21 April 2009:

    Russia today:

    108morris108 le 11 oct. 2011
    Comment received: “We are calling on all EuropeaN Libyan sympathizers to assemble before the Russian Embassy in yourcity, and plead for Russian intervention against European bombadments of Sirte and Libya. THERE IS A DESPERATE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS. Act now. One of you shall chase athousand. and two shall put ten thousand to flight. God be with you.”
    The Original comment left on Libya News Update 10 Oct 2011 – left by user andylumeh

    Russian Embassy in the USA:

    Russian Foreign Ministry:

    From a comment, Russian embassy in Holland:

    From a comment, Russian Embassy London
    Consular Section:
    +44 (0) 20 3051 1199
    0845 868 11 99 (ext. 930)



    Transcription of Morris Herman Report:

    Tripoli: Heavy fighting in many areas of the city of Tripoli, including the neighborhoods of Hadba, Abu Salim, Gargaresh, A’arada. Many NTC rebels have been killed in these clashes, and the Green Resistance is using calculated ambush tactics in many areas. There is a massive uprising in the city as life in the city continues to get worse with the arrival of more NTC rebels.

    [Since Morris created this report, clashes have occurred by the Bridge District, Andalusia, Salahuddin, Abu Salam, and some areas on the plateau and the outskirts of Tripoli. There have been 27 rats killed and dozens of rats injured in ambushes].

    The NTC rebels killed many of their own forces at the center of the city, after disputes increased over the control of two banks. Many of their forces died as different brigades started killing each other for control of banks.

    In the meantime, the Green Resistance has captured the largest military airport of Tripoli.

    NTC rebels found maps of weapon storage dug underground. Also, people were removed from apartments and homes were destroyed while rebel-rats searched for possible weapons stashes.

    The NTC rebels have a lot of weapons, but they need more in order to gain the upper hand over their rival NTC brigades. NTC are infighting now within the city of Tripoli, as chaos continues.

    Sirte: The people of Sirte have managed to defeat the rebels again and forced them into the outskirts once again. This has become the common pattern these days, while the world ignores the terrible plight of the people there who are forced to defend themselves against the rebels, while being bombed by NATO and having their food, water and medical supplies cut off. World media fails to report on this. The rebels are sometimes allowed to enter the city and then trapped and killed.

    The Al-Qaeda brigades, called the Feb. 17 brigades and another brigade led by Ansar Al-Libi, an Al-Qaeda commander, have been destroyed. Three NTC brigades have left the battlefield. The situation is a humanitarian disaster. Civilians are suffering within the city. Over 17 contacts who regularly provided telephone news updates from within Sirte have died by NATO airstrikes.

    Every other caller from Sirte is dead within 2 days of making a call. It is a real holocaust—a genocide of a civilian population.

    Bani Walid: People of Bani Walid have defeated the rebels at the airport. The airport is fully in control of the Green Resistance. The people of Bani Walid do suffer from constant airstrikes from NATO.

    Benghazi: Callers from within Benghazi stated that life is unbearable and the population has suffered greatly. Countless murders and mass killings continue within the city. There is large unrest within Benghazi as nothing changes within the city.

    People are leaving the NTC, and others are already part of the Green Resistance. Overall opinion of the people is that the [so-called] revolution has failed, and only caused death and killings for the people of Libya. There are uprisings planned and people are organizing themselves.

    General: NTC Libya has recognized officially the NTC of Syria. Currently, the NTC of Libya is also in talks with the NTC of Saudi Arabia and the NTC of Algeria. All these so-called NTC (TNC) are template creations funded by George Soros (who also sponsors WikiLeaks) and other globalist Zionists.

    NTC: Inside sources within the NTC say that many brigades are planning revolution against NTC, and that there will be more infighting soon.

  120. A Lady Caller from Sirte Raai TV (Arabic) 10.10.11
    Posted on October 12, 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment
    09/oct/11 NATO’s genocide in Sirte with world’s deafening silence
    According to new reports everything is being bombed by NATO and its Mercenaries in the town of Sirte. TIMES reports that civilian houses are bombed continuously and civilians who try to flee are killed.

    This comes after NATO Mercenaries claimed that there is only 300 civilians in Sirte, that means NATO is planning to kill everyone in the town of 100,000 population, and evidence proves that they are trying to kill everyone in the town.

    This will be recorded in history as one of NATO’s most heinous crimes against defenseless people, an attempt to exterminate a whole Tribe. Will NATO get away with these crimes? We still have not heard anything from cowardice HRW groups which claim to care for civilians and human rights as much as NATO.

    Libya: Anti-Gaddafi Fighters Loot, Burn Homes In Sirte

    Crisis Libya: Rebels Create Humanitarian Disaster, Then Blame it on Qaddafi
    from DENNIS SOUTH:

    The situation on the fronts of Libya: Yesterday, October 10, 2011

    Sirte: As of yesterday, Sirte still holds and continues heroic resistance, including the western and eastern fronts of the city. The Libyan Army kidnapped a powerful rat commander of NATO, and several of his rat fighters, and they all admitted that foreign mercenaries are in Libya, helping them in conducting ground operations, and providing material and technical support.

    Libya young girls and older women are participating in the defense of Sirte against the gangs armed by NATO.

    Beni-Walid: Yesterday, Rats announced that they have withdrawn their forces from the airport due to a massive attack from Jamahiriya forces. But the reality is that they never took over the airport. The claim of taking the airport was false propaganda designed to give the impression that they are progressing well on this front. In fact, they were completely blocked from the airport. According to sources, 15 rats were killed and 50 injured on Sunday.

    A just revenge has caught up with a sadist rat.

    ALGERIA ISP / According to the site Zengtena, an expert sniper of the Green Resistance shot Ashraf Issa Barish in the eye, and killed him instantly. He died instantly.

    Ashraf Issa Barich was a mercenary of Tobruk. Five other rats were killed with him.


    Bani Walid: There is division between the rats and their master, NATO. The rats accused NATO of not providing air cover. Near Bani Walid, 15 mercenaries were killed. Most of them were from Israel. And 50 were wounded.

    Tripoli: There is a struggle at the center of Tripoli, under the guidance of Khamis al-Gaddafi. The TNC (rats so-called Transitional National Council aka NTC) has no control of Libya. From time to time there are shots heard in Tripoli. Jamahiriya forces destroyed another arsenal in Tripoli. Several explosions thundered in Tripoli yesterday and today, as NATO Apache helicopters patrol the sky over the city.

    Tripoli is on the verge of collapse and is expected to fall soon. Everyone is saying, there has been no beneficial change for Tripoli, after the rats so-called “revolution,” which has clearly failed.

    Ben Jawad: Ben Jawad is a small town with 10,000 inhabitants, which is also part of the District of Sirte. The rats were defeated there. There were 60 killed and 30 captured. Others fled into the city of Misrata.

    The British captured

    Jamahiriya forces announced the capture of 16 British soldiers from the airborne units of Great Britain (SAS), 22nd Regiment, during a military operation near the town of Sirte. There were 44 British soldiers killed.

    Black Libyans support Qaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya. They are warriors of the desert

    Libyan Army reinforcing Sirte

    (English subtitles provided)

    The Libyan-Irish mercenary who led the main anti-Gaddafi brigade into Tripoli in August has resigned from his position as deputy head of the Tripoli Military Council. Mahdi al-Harat came from Ireland. Fighters from some revolutionary brigades, mostly those from outside Tripoli who have remained in the city since late August, say they are not willing to recognise the council or Mr Belhaj, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group terrorist with Al-Qaida alliances.

  121. Bodhibrian Souter informs us:
    JustWatching3 For each rebel killed, the rebels are killing the same amount of prisoners they have.
    also from
    Libyan army now has full control of Sirte; BUT “rebels” are using civilians as human shields in the outskirts to move and therefore dont face snipers !


    NATO/ U.S. intelligence chiefs: NATO military intervention in Libya has been “ineffectual” and “pathetic”
    Posted: 2011/10/12
    From: Mathaba

    By Dennis South

    When, oh when, will the bruised egos of the northern countries– especially the United States, which has not won a war since World War II–ever be subdued!? DEBKAfile reports that U.S. and NATO intelligence chiefs met together, in the third week of September, and concluded that their entire mission to shape the future of Libya and the Middle East, has utterly failed just as Mathaba confidently and openly predicted way back in March. [Caution to reader: This open admission by NATO does not mean that they will stop trying, the murderous psychopaths that they are]. The entire DEBKAfile report is offered below.

    Regarding Libya, the U.S. and NATO intelligence chiefs drew the following conclusion:

    “NATO’s military intervention in Libya achieved little beyond the ouster of Muammar Qaddafi

    from “power” [NOTE: Not so. Muammar Gaddafi is still “in power”, and they know it]. Its military performance and use of air, naval and ground forces (including the unacknowledged French and British special units) were judged “ineffectual and in many instances pathetic.”

    The alliance is therefore not up to “any further military expeditions in other parts of the Middle East”, they concluded – EXCEPT possibly for very small, tightly-focused operations – and should count itself out of major military interventions in any other Arab uprisings ‘in the coming year.’ ”

    U.S. and NATO Intelligence Chiefs Size up Arab Revolt – I

    The Arab Revolt and Libyan War Opened the Wrong Doors –
    DEBKA-Net-Weekly, 07 October 2011
    The West missed out on the Arab revolt owing to misconceptions and mishandling. This was the key conclusion US and NATO intelligence chiefs reached at their first get-together in the eleven months of uprisings at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, just west of Washington, D.C in the third week of September.

    Reporting here on this meeting for the first time, DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s exclusive sources disclose that in three days of deliberations, the top American and other Western intelligence chiefs agreed that the Arab uprisings had got out of hand and were swerving around in directions that were far from Western goals and interests.

    They nailed four factors as responsible for this unfortunate outcome:

    1. NATO’s military intervention in Libya achieved little beyond the [temporary] ouster of Muammar Qaddafi from “power”. Its military performance and use of air, naval and ground forces (including the unacknowledged French and British special units) were judged “ineffectual and in many instances pathetic.”

    The alliance is therefore not up to any further military expeditions in other parts of the Middle East, they concluded – except possibly for very small, tightly-focused operations – and should count itself out of major military interventions in any other Arab uprisings in the coming year.

    [NOTE: We can only hope that Arabs and Africans will finally wake up and realize who Muammar Gaddafi is. Libya has proven to be a virtual burial ground for NATO and the nations that it represents. I call on the Arabs and Africans to recognize Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan people, and the Libyan Jamahiriya (the true government of Libya) as the vanguard leaders of the African and Arab worlds, who, by their courageous stance against the Crusader aggressors, may have saved the Arab countries, and all of Africa, from the menace of the psychopathic north.

    [Listen again to what NATO and U.S. intelligence officers recently concluded:

    “The alliance is therefore not up to any further military expeditions in other parts of the Middle East.”

    And this is all due to the fighting spirit of the Libyan people who follow Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya. Now, there is no telling what the psychopathic north will do. They now claim that they are “not up to any further military expeditions.” But, as you know, they might turn on a dime and go the other direction.

    [But, nevertheless, they have just openly admited that, for now, Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi has defeated their efforts to control the Middle East and Africa, and they judged their own efforts as, “ineffectual and pathetic.”

    [How utterly disgusting are these northern demons, who murdered 60,000 Libyans, and destroyed the Libyan infrastructure, only to find out what Gaddafi told them in the first place: “You will lose!” I call on NATO and the U.S. to submit their leaders to psychiatric help. This is a serious request.].

    In any case, the vetoes Russian and China cast Wednesday morning 05 Oct. 2011 to defeat a UN Security Council motion calling on Syria to desist from its brutal crackdown on dissent, effectively shut the door on any possible NATO repeat of its Libyan venture and ironically reinforced the Langley conclave’s conclusion.

    Ex-al Qaeda is the de facto ruler of Tripoli and other parts of Libya [Mathaba note: Not so]

    2. The bid to replace toppled Arab regimes with pro-Western Arab democracies was a complete flop.

    Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council -TNC is a prime example. A purportedly pro-Western interim administration was rushed into place without planning or strategic forethought. The result was a product vastly at odds with the kind of regime the West sought to set up by having NATO intervene on the side of the revolt.

    The de facto government headed by the TNC which is in the process of taking power today was judged by the conference participants as fit for no governing role other than TV appearances and photo-ops at international forums.

    [NOTE: The TNC, as recent Mathaba reports have demonstrated, is in the process of dissolution. They are litearally murdering each other, both the political leaders as well as TNC “soldiers,” although their pathetic performance has not earned them the right to be called soldiers. This admission by NATO and U.S. intelligence chiefs, that the TNC is good for nothing but “TV appearances and photo-ops at international forums,” is a conclusion they could have reached had they listened to Muammar Gaddafi in the FIRST damned place!!!! That would have saved 60,000 lives, and the physical destruction of Libya!!]


    3. The United States and NATO powers failed to fashion a new political system and administration capable of taking the reins of army and rebel forces, a repeat of their failure in Iraq.

    Washington started out with a plan to fly Lt. Gen. Khalifa Belqasim Haftar from his Virginia exile to the rebel seat of Benghazi and place him in supreme command of all Libyan forces. This plan was stymied by the ex-al Qaeda rebel faction of the TNC which seized [temporary] control of Tripoli and [temporary control of] other parts of Libya in the wake of Qaddafi’s flight [i.e., strategic retreat for planning the liberation of Libya].

    4. Al Qaida, far from being crippled and fragmented by Osama bin Laden’s [fake repeat] death in Pakistan on May 2, has adapted itself remarkably well to the unrest generated by the Arab uprisings and is swimming strongly with the turbulent currents surging through the Middle East and Africa [currents that will soon drown Al-Qaeda in the Mediterranean Sea!!].

    Elements identified with al Qaeda past or present are top dogs not only in Tripoli but swathes of both halves of Libya, Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, and have moved into Darna and Tobruk near the Egyptian border. They pretend to submit to the authority of the TNC in Benghazi but carefully keep its officers out of their new fiefs.

    AQIM and AQAP are now interconnected by sea

    For the first time since the early 1990s, militias linked to al Qaeda have gained unfettered control of some of the biggest ports of the Mediterranean and a military airfield, including the important terminal for the oil flowing from the Sarir Field in southern Cyrenaica. [NOTE: This sounds exaggerated, as Adam King has once warned me that, though DEBKAfile is generally very accurate, they occassionally miss the mark. Time will tell if this assessment of Al-Qaeda strength in Libya is correct. I tend to think not].

    The Western intelligence chiefs were therefore forced to acknowledge that as a result of the uprising in Libya, Al Qaeda had attained a grip on Tobruk which promises al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb – AQIM – free access from its Saharan and Sahel strongholds to the sea.

    These takeovers, which al Qaeda never dreamed of attaining prior to the Arab uprisings, were served it on a platter by NATO‘s backing for the rebels.

    From its situation in a central Mediterranean port, AQIM will be better able to coordinate its operations with the fraternal Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula – AQAP which is steadily making inroads on southern Yemen and aiming for the major Red Sea port of Aden. (See a separate article in this issue.)

    [Mathaba note: The new alliance of Saharan tribes that was formed about one week ago will thwart any attempt by Al-Qaeda to have any influence whatsoever in North Africa. That is certain. Also, Algeria is aware of the menace of Al-Qaeda, and has been very effectively defeating Al-Qaeda forces. The new alliance of Saharan tribes declared what they are calling, “The war for the liberation of North Africa.” Al-Qaeda had better find some place else to go. Aisha Qaddafi has also declared she will lead the destruction of Al-Qaida.]

    This success will provide al Qaeda with unrestricted access to the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf – a huge gain over its position in landlocked Afghanistan and Pakistani Waziristan sans access to shipping and air ports, least of all oil resources and facilities.

    As will be shown in a separate article in this series, the Western intelligence chiefs meeting at Langley this week concluded that the war in Libya has exacerbated the perils facing a host of countries now within al Qaeda‘s grasp, such as Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Uganda and Kenya.


    A word to the northern countries, especially the United States. Now, it can clearly be seen–whether you’re a fan of Muammar Gaddafi‘s

    or an enemy

    that the only way that the northern countries can secure their interests in Africa and the Middle East is to submit to the guidance of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

    Now, the above statement can no longer been viewed as the wide-eyed rantings of a “Gaddafi groupie.” Look at the utter mess that the north has caused! My big brother used to call the people of the northern countries, “babies on the planet.” I now fully understand what he meant by that.

    The best way for the northern countries to “secure their interests” in the Middle East and Africa is to,

    1. Treat the people of the Middle East and Africa fairly. That means that, instead of trying to steal their resources by force, they should sit down at the negotiating table, like civilized human beings (after first receiving psychiatric care for their murderous, psychopathic leaders), and, in a friendly manner, agree upon a mutually beneficial economic arrangement, but not one that is exploitative. Up until now, the northern countries want to be given everything. And if they aren’t given the resources of the South, they attempt to take them by force.

    This method must end.

    2. Recognize (I’ll say it again!) the wisdom and authority of Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan people. The northern countries must work with Gaddafi and the Libyan people, as they have proven themselves to be the leaders of the Middle East and Africa. The U.S. and NATO need not conduct any special meetings to “figure out” whether or not this is true.

    There are other items that can be added to the above list. But just those two items would be a good start.


  122. UPDATE
    by Dennis SOUTH
    Tuareg rebel: Fighters from Libya are organizing
    From The Associated Press: The spokesman for a hardline Tuareg rebel group in Mali says that his group is working with Tuareg fighters recently returned from Libya, and they are organizing for a possible rebellion.

    Hama Ag Sid’Ahmed, spokesman for the North of Mali Tuareg Movement, told The Associated Press in an interview by satellite phone Tuesday that his group was holding meetings with the Tuaregs who just returned from Libya. He said there were discussions going on about a “common position.”

    He said: “We are preparing ourselves both on a political and a military level.”

    Moammar Gadhafi counted the nomadic Tuaregs as among his most ardent supporters. Since his fall they have streamed across the border into Mali as well as neighboring Niger.

    [NOTE: I hope that the Tuareg tribes understand precisely who Al-Qaeda is, and work to wipe them off the face of the continent of Africa, especially North Africa. I hope that the Tuareg discussions that are taking place, concerning a “common position” to be adopted, will take into consider the vision of a unified North Africa, strong enough to withstand the onslaught of the northern countries, which have a long-range plan for the subjugation of the African people, and the theft of African wealth and African resources.

    I hope that, in preparing themselves “on a political level,” that they will consider adopting the political structure that the Libyan people developed, called the Jamahiriya, which has proven itself to be a very, very, very strong structure. The Jamahiriya political system has proven itself for almost 8 months. It is that system, along with the armed people and the Libyan Defense Forces, that has held off the greatest military alliance in human history–NATO.

    This is now fact. Before this war, perhaps one might have debated the efficacy of the Libyan Jamahiriya political system. But there can be no debate now. The Libyan tribes were unified through the Jamahiriya system. That jamahiri system is the system that taught the people of Bani Walid, Sirte, Sabha, and other cities, how to defend themselves, as there is no weak minority government in Libya, instead the people have all power, all wealth and all arms in their hands.

    I am only registering my opinion, that’s all. I do not know how likely my opinion could reach those tribes, who certainly no more about North Africa than I do. But, I hope that Mathaba can make my opinion known, for whatever my opinion might be worth.

    And here are two articles that I wrote regarding a political vision for North Africa:
    The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya

    by Dennis SOUTH
    The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya Revisited: Morrocan, Algerian and Libyan Tribes Meet to Unite .

    I humbly submit my suggestions to the North of Mali Tuareg Movement: 1.) Unite with all of the Saharan tribes, and choose a leader. I suggest Muammar Gaddafi or Khamis Gaddafi; 2.) Liberate Libya, and restore Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya to their rightful place as leaders of Africa. This will demonstrate the competency of the new union to defend North Africa; 3.) Run Al-Qaeda and its Euro-American NATO protectors and facilitators into the Mediterranean Sea, and out of all of North Africa forever.]

  123. Christella Bernardene Krebs :
    I agree with the first part. Dennis laid it out quite clearly; and I to hope the Tauregs accept the guidance—
    BUT I disagree about PUTIN. I think he knows (he is a religious man); but his hands are tied by Megdev…and others who are only out for their self-interests. We must, as Morris Herman has pointed-out, make personal pleas with Russia to intervene and stand-up for the truth–no matter what the cost, in order for humanity to be saved.

    Dennis South answers:
    Here’s how my wife puts it: “When you’re walking down the street, and you see a mad dog up the way, foaming at the mouth, you don’t continue walking towards it. You go in another direction.”

    That’s the U.S.: a mad dog. And the governments of the world do not wish to be involved with it, militarily. Russia and China hope that the U.S. will continue to fall, economically, through military spending.
    2 people liked this. Liked Reply

    Dennis South adds:
    Thank you. And I thank Mathaba editors for their guidance. Future reports, hopefully, will be better.

    I don’t know what to say about Russia. I’m from a different era, and a different way of thinking, it seems. I’m from the era when Russia and the Soviet Union were feared and respected by the U.S.

    It was a time when Russia STOOD UP to the West fearlessly, and supported revolutionary movements around the world. Yet, I cannot criticize Russia today, because the times have changed.

    You might be correct, though. Maybe Russia should just harken back to its history and supply some help. And it might be doing so. There ARE signs that Russian people themselves are set to do something, and soon, if it hasn’t started already. That’s just what I’m picking up here and there in my reading.

    I had speculated on a number of possible reasons that Russia is staying out of this:

    1. Putin, months ago, stated, in a talk to the Duma, that Russia should avoid outside conflicts. He said that Russia should work on its own economic development. In this regard, it seems that Russia wants to avoid expending its resources in war. War is expensive, and Russia knows that. It does not want to get pulled into a costly war. The U.S. doesn’t CARE. It will rob its citizens blind. It will put its citizens into the streets, taxing them and using their tax money to spread death all over the world. There are some 20,000,000 Americans out of work. Imagine that!!

    2. Months ago, there was speculation, from military and political analysts, that, by staying out of the conflict, Russia was playing global political chess; that Russia was hoping that the U.S. would lose in Libya, and thus be embarrassed all over the world. Russia then hoped to present itself as the peaceful, progressive nation, thus gaining more respect, and creating new alliances.

    I believe there is truth to both of the above. Yet, there is a part of me that’s like you: How can Russia forget its soul? How does such a nation, with a history of helping others, decided to “abandon” that history?

    Well, again, I go back to #1 above. The U.S. government is insane, blood thirsty, and filled to the brim with psychopaths. And the world KNOWS it, especially Russia. China knows it also. Both China and Russia have the capacity to counter the U.S.. They do. It would push both countries back into the Cold War–something they want to avoid.

    In short, the U.S. is an INSANE country, and the other countries simply wish to live in peace. You don’t see Russia and China involved in military conflicts. China has some disputes with the Phillippines, and other countries, over water rights, etc. And the arguments become intense. But, you don’t see it spill over into a military conflict.

    Look at the new alliances being made–the BRICS countries, for instance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). These countries are aligning based on common, shared values, and a desire to grow economically and improve their socieities).

    The U.S., on the other hand, is a vicious, maniacal NIGHTMARE of global violance and insanity. I do not use the word “insanity” just to color my writing. The people in the us are INSANE and addicted to blood, money and gross materialism.

    I am constantly trying to figure out how to get out of here, quite frankly. I feel like I live in an asylum.

    Yes, I too wish that some country would step up, and not just SIT there, watching poor little Libya get clobbered by blood-thirstly psychopaths. There seems to me to be a moral imperative here. The question becomes: How can Russia and China, which are countries of strength, just sit and allow this injustice to go on?

    But, it’s their decision. And I have to say this: I actually can’t blame them for wanting to stay as far away from conflict with the U.S. is possible. There are government and military leaders in the U.S. who, over the years, have openly stated that they WANT a nuclear war with Russia and China. I’m serious. These people are SICK. And China and Russia now that. show less

    (Chris Sedlmaier)
    Einar Kjolaas writes:
    (Edited by a moderator)

    blenkarni answers:
    Excellent work Dennis and I hope your very important message will be relayed to the Tuareg.

    T. WEST’s reports:

    Responsables de crimes contre l’humanité en Libye (VIDEO) appel urgent pour une véritable intervention humanitaire dans Syrte et Bani Walid OTAN
    Posté le 12 Octobre, 2011 par libyanfreepress | Laisser un commentaire

    Responsables de crimes contre l’humanité en Libye de l’OTAN
    Appel urgent pour une intervention humanitaire VRAI
    à Syrte et Bani Walid
    Source: Algérie FAI

    La situation désastreuse de la ville libyenne de Syrte et Bani Walid, qui font face à un génocide et la destruction de leurs infrastructures.

    La situation s’aggrave chaque jour et chaque heure qui passe à Syrte et Bani Walid, car ces deux grandes villes ont eu lieu sous le siège pendant des mois et leurs citoyens souffrent beaucoup à cause du manque de nécessités de base. Les rebelles et l’OTAN bombardent des zones civiles, tuant des personnes innocentes et leurs familles, détruisant maisons, hôpitaux, écoles, hôtels et bâtiments publics (les liens ci-dessous montrent un certain nombre de cas).

    Ce que nous avons vu dans certaines zones résidentielles de Syrte, comme le n ° 2 et la zone de Aljeaza région qui ont été attaqués et bombardés par l’OTAN et par les rebelles à plusieurs reprises, pourraient constituer des crimes contre l’humanité: la destruction totale des maisons, victimes sont principalement des enfants, personnes âgées et les femmes, qui n’ont commis aucun péché, mais veulent simplement vivre en paix dans leur pays. Même ceux qui ont essayé de quitter la ville ont été maltraités et abusés par les rebelles du Conseil national de transition agissant sur la vengeance et des personnes déplacées attendent aux portes, refusant souvent de leur permettre de quitter, leur refusant le passage à cause de leur nom, affiliation tribale ou une connexion avec le gouvernement.

    La situation humanitaire dans la ville de Syrte est extrêmement tragique et terrible. Des malades et des blessés, des femmes enceintes et les victimes des attentats n’ont pas accès aux soins médicaux et hospitaliers à cause du manque de carburant pour leurs véhicules et même si ils ont réussi à l’atteindre, serait confronté à une pénurie de médicaments dramatiques , les équipements médicaux et d’oxygène. L’hôpital est bondé, plein de cas graves et critiques, et beaucoup de femmes enceintes ont eu à supporter les enfants dans leurs foyers, ce qui a conduit à des complications qui ont causé une mortalité accrue chez les mères et les nourrissons. Un manque d’oxygène et de l’absence de besoins médicaux pour les opérations césariennes ont même mis en danger la vie de ceux qui ont eu la bonne fortune pour atteindre l’hôpital.

    L’hôpital est l’un de Syrte a été très malheureux. Outre le manque d’équipements de base et la médecine, l’hôpital souffre d’une grave pénurie de carburant qui est d’une importance vitale pour la production d’électricité nécessaire au fonctionnement de l’équipement essentiel et des équipements médicaux.

    L’intense bombardement de la ville et la destruction de son infrastructure par l’OTAN et les rebelles, la situation est devenue catastrophique. Tous les réseaux d’eaux usées et l’eau sale dans toute la ville ont été détruites et alimentent la propagation des épidémies et des maladies, en particulier dans les zones densément peuplées.

    La perspective de la famine et la malnutrition sévère est à l’horizon avec les graves carences dans les denrées alimentaires de base, en particulier le lait en poudre et l’eau potable.

    Nous voulons aussi vous informer qu’il ya des milliers de jeunes dans des prisons secrètes et les tortures subies par les troupes du Conseil et il ya des cas d’enlèvements et de meurtres violents en raison des affiliations politiques ou de vengeance personnelle, tribale ou familiale.

    Vous devez voir ce qui se passe en Libye, est une guerre civile, plutôt que d’un conflit entre le régime et les forces d’opposition, et si vous ne pouvez pas mettre sa confiance dans l’une des parties impliquées. Vous ne pouvez pas croire tout ce qu’on vous dit des deux côtés, mais vous devez vérifier les faits et trouver la vérité par eux-mêmes.

    Je vous exhorte et vous supplie de prendre des mesures concrètes en place pour le bien du peuple et d’une manière aussi rapidement que possible. Transports l’aide par voie aérienne ou terrestre, ou en collaboration avec les résidents déplacés de la banlieue apporter une aide vitale.

    Nous pouvons aider à assurer une liaison directe avec la population civile de la ville pour évaluer leurs besoins de base et de coordonner les meilleures méthodes pour leur porter secours.

    Voici une série de fournitures médicales d’urgence demandée par le personnel hospitalier qui travaillent actuellement il ya:

    3.Antidolorifici et les médicaments antipyrétiques
    4.Fissaggi internes et externes
    5.Tubi intratrachéale
    anesthésie 6.Farmaci
    bandages 7.Materiali de coton stérile
    8.Farmaci pour le diabète, les maladies cardiaques et de HTN
    Fluides 9.iv
    10 . Aiguilles chirurgicales sutures chirurgicales
    11. Médicale, de nourriture et de lait, couches pour bébés
    12. Des gants stériles et blouse
    13. Canule
    14. Les médicaments pour l’asthme

    Support de la vidéo:

    Nous avons inclus ci-dessous une liste de liens vers des vidéos montrant un certain nombre de civils qui ont été tués par des bombardements aveugles des villes par les forces de l’OTAN et du Conseil national:



    Questi sono solo alcuni dei molti esempi di prove filmate che documentano la morte di persone e la distruzione di case, moschee, scuole e altre infrastrutture della città.

    Vogliamo anche evidenziare due casi di gravi e terribili abusi dei diritti umani, i cui esempi sono ora molti:

    Caso 1:
    Questo video (discorso in arabo con un accento libico) mostra uno studente da Aljmail City che è stato rapito e torturato dai ribelli da Zwarah City:

    Caso 2:
    Hatem Nasr Remaly(nella foto sotto), abitava nella zona Janzour a Tripoli. Era single ed è nato nel 1979. È stato arrestato Sabato 24 Settembre 2011 dal cosiddetto Consiglio militare Janzour. il Sig. Remaly ha lavorava per la sicurezza interna. E’ morto per essere stato sottoposto ad una tortura crudele e brutale.

    Gamal Abdel-Salam Remaly nato nel 1968, era sposato e aveva tre figlie. E’ stato ucciso da un membro armato della milizia leale al suddetto Consiglio. Nasser Remaly, fratello di Gamal Remaly e cugino di Hatem Remaly è stato anche torturato Domenica 25 settembre 2011. E’ stato chiesto alla sua famiglia di prenderlo perchè non era colpevole!

    Rapporto dell’ospedale (arabo)

    Fonte: Global Research 7 Ottobre 2011
    Traduzione: Anna Moffa

    NATO responsible for crimes against humanity in Libya (VIDEO) Urgent appeal for a true humanitarian intervention in Sirte and Bani Walid
    Posted on October 12, 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment

    NATO responsible for crimes against humanity in Libya
    Urgent appeal for a humanitarian intervention TRUE
    in Sirte and Bani Walid
    Source: Algeria isp

    The disastrous situation of the Libyan city of Sirte and Bani Walid, who are facing genocide and the destruction of their infrastructure.

    The situation is getting worse every day and every hour that passes in Sirte and Bani Walid as these two great cities have been kept under siege for months and their citizens are suffering badly due to lack of basic necessities. Rebels and NATO are bombing civilian areas, killing innocent people and families, destroying houses, hospitals, schools, hotels and public buildings (the links below show a number of cases).

    What we have seen in some residential areas of Sirte, as the area No. 2 and the area Aljeaza who have been attacked and bombed by NATO and the rebels many times, could constitute crimes against humanity: the total destruction of homes, victims are mostly children, elderly and women, who have not committed any sin, but simply want to live in peace in their country. Even those who tried to leave the city have been mistreated and abused by the rebels of the National Transitional Council acting in revenge at the gates and wait for the displaced, often refusing to allow them to leave, denying them the passage because of their name, tribal affiliation or connection with the government.

    The humanitarian situation in the city of Sirte is extremely tragic and terrible. Sick and injured, pregnant women and victims of the attacks do not have access to the hospital and medical care due to lack of fuel for their vehicles and even if they were able to reach it, would face dramatic shortage of medicines , medical equipment and oxygen. The hospital is crowded, full of serious and critical cases, and many pregnant women have had to give birth to children in their homes, this has led to complications that have caused increased mortality among mothers and infants. A shortage of oxygen and lack of medical need for caesarean operations have actually endangered the lives of those who have had the good fortune to reach the hospital.

    The hospital is one of Sirte was very unhappy. Besides the lack of basic equipment and medicine, the hospital suffers from a severe shortage of fuel which is of vital importance for the generation of electricity needed to power essential equipment and medical equipment.

    The intense bombardment of the city and the destruction of its infrastructure from NATO and the rebels, the situation has become catastrophic. All networks of sewage and dirty water all over the city were destroyed and are fueling the spread of epidemics and diseases, especially in densely populated areas.

    The prospect of hunger and severe malnutrition is on the horizon with serious deficiencies in basic foodstuffs, especially milk powder and drinking water.

    We also want to inform you that there are thousands of young people in secret prisons and torture suffered by the militias of the Council and there are cases of violent kidnappings and murders due to political affiliations or personal revenge, tribal or family.

    You have to see what is happening in Libya, a civil war, rather than a conflict between the regime and opposition forces, and then you can not put his trust in any of the parties involved. You can not believe everything that is said by both sides, but you have to check the facts and find the truth for themselves.

    I now urge you and beg you to take concrete measures in place for the good of the people and in a way as quickly as possible. Transport the aid by air or land, or in collaboration with the displaced residents of the suburbs will provide vital relief.

    We can help ensure a direct connection with the civilian population of the city to assess their basic needs and coordinate the best methods to bring them help.

    Below are a series of urgent medical supplies requested by the hospital staff who currently work there:

    3.Antidolorifici and antipyretic
    4.Fissaggi internal and external
    5.Tubi intratracheal
    6.Farmaci anesthetics
    7.Materiali sterile bandages of cotton
    8.Farmaci for diabetes, HTN and heart disease
    Fluids 9.IV
    10. Surgical sutures and surgical needles
    11. Medical, food and milk, baby diapers
    12. Sterile gloves and gowns
    13. Cannulas
    14. Medications for asthma

    Video support:

    We have included below a list of links to videos showing a number of civilians have been killed by indiscriminate bombing of cities by the forces of NATO and the National Council:


    ( libyanfreepress ): THESE ARE STILL ON THE OTHER HAND VISION: # p / u

    These are just some of many examples of filmed evidence documenting the death of people and destruction of houses, mosques, schools and other infrastructure of the city.

    We also want to highlight two cases of serious and terrible human rights abuses, examples of which many are now:

    Case 1:
    This video (speech in Arabic with a Libyan accent) shows a student from Aljmail City who was kidnapped and tortured by rebels Zwarah City:

    Case 2:
    Hatem Nasr Remaly (pictured below), lived in the area Janzour in Tripoli. Was single and was born in 1979. He was arrested Saturday, September 24, 2011 the so-called Military Council Janzour. Mr. Remaly has worked for internal security. It ‘died from being subjected to torture, cruel and brutal.

    Gamal Abdel-Salam Remaly born in 1968, was married and had three daughters. It ‘was killed by a member of the armed militia loyal to that organization. Remaly Nasser’s brother and cousin Gamal Hatem Remaly Remaly was also tortured Sunday, September 25, 2011. It ‘was asked to take it because his family was not guilty!

    Hospital Report (Arabic)

    Source: Global Research, October 7, 2011
    Translation: Anna Moffa for

  124. Gadhafi cigar band
    12/oct.11 NATO Mercenaries flee from Sirte
    Published by CounterPsyops
    Originally written by Dr. Christof Lehmann

    12/oct/11 Tuareg fighters in Mali preparing to join Libyan resistance
    The spokes person for the Tuareg rebel group Alliance (ADC) Hama Ag Sid’Ahmed has called reporters to notify that Tuaregs are readying up politically and militarily to join the resistance in Libya. Already Tuareg fighters are pouring in to Libya to fight NATO occupation and help with the liberation process.

    This comes as fighting continues in Sirte, the Libyan Defense Forces have managed to defend the town and cause heavy casualties to the Mercenaries of NATO.

    10/oct/11 NATO Mercenaries flee Sirte University after receiving heavy casualties
    According to Libyan Liberal Youth, Libyan Defense Forces trapped NATO Mercenaries in and around Sirte University after pretending to pull back. NATO Mercenaries were in the campus from 8am to 1pm when the resistance implemented a sneak attack causing heavy casualties and forcing the remaining Mercenaries to flee.

    10/oct/11 NATO Mercenary commander in Tripoli lays down arms and goes home
    A top NATO Mercenary commander Mahdi al-Harati has laid down arms and has gone home to Ireland. Analysts believes this is due to inner fighting in Tripoli. Al-Harati was the deputy head of Tripoli Military Council which was formed by NATO, this is just the beginning of the end for Mercenaries, many fighters have laid down arms and refuse to fight anymore, but the die hard NATO loyalists are fighting amongst each other in Tripoli.

    09/oct/11 NATO’s genocide in Sirte with world’s deafening silence
    According to new reports everything is being bombed by NATO and its Mercenaries in the town of Sirte. TIMES reports that civilian houses are bombed continuously and civilians who try to flee are killed.

    This comes after NATO Mercenaries claimed that there is only 300 civilians in Sirte, that means NATO is planning to kill everyone in the town of 100,000 population, and evidence proves that they are trying to kill everyone in the town.

    This will be recorded in history as one of NATO’s most heinous crimes against defenseless people, an attempt to exterminate a whole Tribe. Will NATO get away with these crimes? We still have not heard anything from cowardice HRW groups which claim to care for civilians and human rights as much as NATO.

    Gadhafi goes to UN
    Gadhafi w African Union he created
    praying in the desert w a friend
     Gadhafi a young colonel
    w granddaughter 1 intent
    w granddaughter 2 in tent
    Our Brother-leader

  125. Muammar one

    Muammar two
    Bodhibrian Souter writes:
    reports from Jovan Ignjatović on 12 October 23:40
    (Germany) The British pilot Julian Manyon is still in Libyan captivity. Britain refuses to replace the Libyan Army captured SAS soldiers


    President Mugabe: Mad people in the West campaign for ‘regime change’ in Zimbabwe
    Posted: 2011/10/12
    From: Mathaba

    “We must always be in a state of preparedness; NATO has become a terrorist organization and what they do to Libya they can do on any other African country.”


    Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe warned on Monday that “mad people in the West” are campaigning for so-called ‘regime change’ in Zimbabwe, pointing to the Wests ongoing war against Libya where rebels backed by NATO forces are trying to overthrow that country’s democratic Jamahiriya government and to kill its historic leader Muammar Qaddafi.

    He was speaking Monday at the National Heroes acre in a fiery address during celebrations honouring the liberation struggle, the Chimurenga War, that swept ZANU-PF to power at Independence in 1980.

    President Mugabe also reiterated his call for early elections to end the country’s inclusive Government and called some of his opponents “demon-possessed sell-outs” because they turn to the West for help.

    “Today is the day to cast out those demons,” said President Mugabe.

    He urged Zimbabweans to be vigilant against those campaigning for ‘regime change’ in Zimbabwe and called NATO “a terrorist organization, no different from the Taliban and al-Qaeda.”

    “So you get mad people in Europe. Mad people who refuse and reject the truth, mad people who defy international law,” President Mugabe told the 20,000 plus gathering.

    “Look what they are doing in Libya,” he said.

    “The brazen way they seek to kill Gaddafi… they are deliberately throwing bombs at his family residences.”

    “It [NATO] has lost it’s legitimacy, it has become a terrorist organization and beware this they can do on any other African country than Libya. We must always be in a state of preparedness,” President Mugabe said.

    “They seek to kill Gaddafi. They have in fact deliberately killed some of his children.”

    “Now when they do that deliberately, it is exactly what the Taliban and al-Qaeda do – what is the difference in terms of what they [NATO] are doing?”

    “That’s why I say NATO is now a terrorist organisation as well. If it defies international law.”

    President Mugabe also on Monday vowed to retaliate against Western countries that imposed illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe.

    “We haven’t touched them,” said President Mugabe of the more than 400 British companies operating in Zimbabwe. “Tomorrow we are not going to treat them in any favourable way.””

    “They are not heeding our cry,” he said. “Why do we need companies like Rio Tinto? If they are to continue mining, then the sanctions must go.”

    He also said the nation welcomed investment from countries that have stood by Zimbabwe, including China, Russia, India and Cuba.

    Mathaba Editing of “The Zimbabwean Guardian” article.


    Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi writes from Libya:
    I Called our warrior in Sirte City , Mutassim is fighting those rats , and they made this rumors for people don’t go out on 14 October .

    Lets Support Al Gaddafi for freedom
    Al Gaddafi Said :

    “Millions Supporting me , Millions out of Libya Supporting me , You Gave me this Historic opportunity to lead the world in this new revolution , And I will Not Miss it.”

    Muammar profile

    Adresse électronique

    Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi prints for us:
    Breaking News
    100 rats got killed by our brave army they tried to get close to Ben Walid Today .

    Milan Dojcinovic writes:

    Deserts Lion
    Khelifa Benabed
    Number will not believe but true ….. Mujahid (dupple agent) in Council of shame .. telegraphed that the casualty among the NATO rebels because of the our brave fighters resistance in Sirte and Bani Walid .. this week from 08/10/2011 to 11/08/2011 ..
    1079 dead 2144 injured 422 missing 197 prisoners. Allah is greatest!

    2) Dr Moussa Ibrahim message

    from Milan Dojcinovic :

    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim in a new message before the start of the uprising and liberation Quran .
    Par Seven Days,
    mercredi 12 octobre 2011, 14:26.
    Seven Days News /
    Dr. Moussa Ibrahim said:

    the Libyan people free and to be steadfast nerves of steel and that morale is high because the wind had started blowing Gospels, especially that of our people has begun to exceed the shock First and moving Banphoan free people.

    Moussa said:

    We want our youth to learn from the experience of revolution Feytnam that were not only against the militias failed and stupid act which our fighters in Sirte Alavail and they entered into a spiral, but Vietnam was the revolution against the horrible American Machine Even so, the Vietnamese won.

    Our Moussa, ask our young people to recognize the character of General Giap, we are sure that many names will be displayed in the field of resistance to reveal the blessed people of this country championships.

    He said:

    We promised customers that we Snfajihm during the week and here’s uprising October 14 shake Hamas Libya from north to south and from east to west, asserting that salvation is approached and that the Libyan people and the whole world will discover on Friday of two things: One is that the Libyan people, the flood of Liberals who do not betray their country does not sell, and the second is that the Western countries and the transitional council has been paying lip service to democracy and freedom and we will see on Friday if they really believe these logos if they believe in freedom of expression.

    And Moussa said that

    Libya today in a better position than the past few weeks, now there is resistance and there are heart-warming and depletion of a genie ready to get out of the bottle, so Valokh commander is very pleased with what is happening is upbeat.

    …. those who trust in the “legitimate” leadership say to them: trust in your true leadership and make sure of that …

    Our information confirms that the transition in panic and horror of the uprising 14 / 10, has sent envoys to several directions, and the hum is cut off communication between us and our people, so they might prevent broadcast some channels that carry his voice.

    Moussa stressed that this will never affect his possibility to communicate through the media, including Seven Days Mounnapr News, pending the launch of the official WEB-site of Resistance, which is being prepared.

    He said:

    It was supposed to have views of recorded sound to the leader through one of the channels and so on Thursday night, and turn the enemy into confusion on the channel or to prevent the broadcast at all, but even so we hope all the free waiting for orders leadership, we are communication channels worldwide in the U.S. Latin America and Europe and human rights organizations and personalities, we also organize some of the protective wings of the march in the event that the enemy tried to prejudice the Slmatha though, so we call on the Libyan people free to the maximum ready and waiting for a final order before the intifada.

    Moussa greeted all members of the Libyan Jamahiriya Army, stressing that their leaders are in direct contact with their military personal; and that all their names and details will be issued in a joint statement, during the next week, inviting all people to attend by regions and areas, a great People’s Committee.

    Also, Moussa paid tribute to the young people of the al-Fatah revolution with explosive enthusiasm, showing unprecedented enthusiasm to get out on Friday in the process of reading from the Koran, and to reject the invaders and intruders from the false Jews and Christians, and to cleanse the dear soil of each impurity and abomination.


    Moutassin Billah al-gadhafi
    Libye – Moatassem Kadhafi sur la radio de Bani walid, Now !
    Publié le 12/10/2011 à 22:31 – 434 visites
    Source : ALGERIA ISP

    ALGERIA ISP/ Selon une source libyenne, moatassem Kadhafi, fils du guide Kadhafi est toujours libre comme le vent. Il défi les traitres et l’otan, en diffusant un petit message sur la radio locale de
    Bani walid, confirmant que l’information sur son arrestation n’est autre qu’un mensonge du CNT parmis les autres mensonges.
    Il a envoyé un message à la tribu de Warfala pour motiver les jeunes à combattre avec rage pour libérer le pays.

    ALGERIA ISP / A Libyan source, Moatassem Billah al-Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader is always free as the wind. He challenges the traitors and NATO and is spreading his messages on the local Bani Walid radio
    Bani Walid is to know that the information about his arrest is simply a lie of the TNC among the other lies.
    He has sent a message to the tribe of Warfala also to motivate young people to fight furiously to free their country.
    Moutassim mwssage
    Libye – Moatassem Kadhafi sur la radio de Bani walid, Now

  126. Our Pope just mentioned the Eqyptian riots against the Copts; but since March, not one word has he spoken about Libya, or the genocide occuring (now in Sirte). It is as if Libya does not even exist…And in yesterday’s General Audience, he lauded the participants of “NATO’s training college” in attendence!
    What an opportunity he had to speak-up and say something…but nothing was there except APPLAUSE from the young men of NATO! WHY?
    This is not the Ratzinger I remember who denounced the Iraqi War, who begged for dialogue, and befriended, as Cardinal, Tarqiz AZIZ well before 2003. In the U.N. at least “the Vatican Observer” denounced the West’s economic unparrelled inhumanity and unfairness. In Tripoli, Archbishop Martinelli defends the JAMAHIRIYA and al-Gadhafi despite pressures and dangers. So, what has happened to POPE BENEDICT XVI?
    Times banner
    by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
    The lesson from Sirte: NATO protects civilians from terrorists by murdering them
    Sirte being bombed constantly
    Sirte must go down in history as one of the world’s epic tales of heroism and bravery, the tremendous resistance of a handful of courageous and resolute warriors standing fast against the hordes of sheer evil, cowards cowering behind a relentless and inhuman NATO bombing campaign, strafing civilians and soldiers alike in support of terrorists.

    The lesson from Sirte must go down in the annals of the collective identity of humankind as a classic and historic tale of resilience and virtue and determination, the fight to survive against the most tremendous odds – a handful of loyalists and Libyan Patriots standing fast against marauding gangs of cowards and traitors, foreign mercenaries, looters, rapists, murderers, torturers and terrorists which the TNC have revealed themselves to be throughout months of horrific human rights outrages.

    The lesson from Sirte is an example in quite how low an evil invasion force – NATO – can become, for several reasons. How it can use military hardware to strafe anything that moves, how it can bomb civilian structures, how it can mow down Libyan heroes defending their homeland against foreigners and defending their homes and families against terrorists and rapists. It also shows up the connivance between NATO and Islamist terrorists (yet again visible since Afghanistan, since Kosovo, since Iraq) and it shows the callous cold-blooded disregard for human life demonstrated by a faceless and grey organization which thinks nothing of signing up desperate young men from across the Arab world, and beyond, and sending them to their deaths for a sign-on fee of 10,000 USD.

    Many remain unpaid, yet NATO thinks nothing of standing back as thousands are slaughtered by the determination of Libyan Patriots standing up for their country, resisting the invader most heroically, in the most brazen demonstration of virtue and justice seen since the Serb, Greek, French Resistance against the evil hordes of Hitler.

    In Sirte, 7,119 specimens of the marauding filth NATO supports have been exterminated as the local population stands and fights to defend their homes and wives and children from NATO’s evil scourge which has carried out mass rapes, murders and tortures. Yet it is these looters, rapists, murderers, terrorists and torturers that Cameron, Hague, Sarkozy, Juppé, Clinton and Obama support.

    The lesson from Sirte is today one of resilience and resistance, as it stands defiant against NATO’s indiscriminate bombing and the hundreds of rockets unleashed by the terrorists it aids. Whatever the outcome, where is the glory and the valour in imposing the rule of the mob from 30,000 feet and from a helicopter gunship?

    The lesson from Sirte will continue to be taught tomorrow. You do not win a battle by destroying a city, by massacring thousands of people and by killing the defenders to unleash against it thousands of terrorists, any more than you win an election campaign by banning the most popular party.

    The hearts and minds of humankind are with the people of Sirte, heroes who dare to stand up against Satan and the Satanic hordes of terrorists NATO has spawned.

    The lesson from Sirte is that despite all this, Sirte is still green. The lesson from Sirte is that Sirte will always be green because the racist and terrorist filth NATO has unleashed against it does not have the moral right or the human value to change its colour from green to black, the mirror image of the soul of the TNC. The lesson from Sirte is that it is by now crystal clear where NATO stands as regards defending civilians. It is strafing them and is trying to impose a government of terrorists from the air.

    The lesson from Sirte is that the NTC is nothing more than a bunch of cowards who have not won one single battle without cowering behind the massive air superiority of NATO.

    Where, I ask, is the valour and chivalry and honour in that?

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


  127. Libye – Moussa Ibrahim confirme que l’arrestation de moatassem Kadhafi est un canular ! 13 octobre 2011
    Publié le 13/10/2011 à 00:59 – 1735 visites
    Source : ALGERIA ISP
    Dr Moussa Ibrahim
    ALGERIA ISP/ Selon le porte parole du gouvernement libyen, le docteur Moussa Ibrahim,
    l ‘annonce de l’arrestation de Moatassem Kadhafi est un pure mensonge invente par les traitres
    rebelles et l’otan. Ces derniers ont profité de l’absence et l’arrêt momentané de la télévision TV El Rai pour annoncer ce genre de mensonge amplifié par les chaines non objectives et média mensonges. Ils ont même intensifié les attaques contre Sirte avec toutes sortes d’armes pour terroriser la population pour que personne ne sorte le 14 octobre pour manifester contre eux dans les autres villes.

    ALGERIA ISP / According to the Libyan government spokesman, Dr. Ibrahim Moussa,
    the announcement of the arrest of Gaddafi Moatassem is a pure lie invented by traitors
    rebels and NATO. The latter took advantage of the absence and the temporary halt of El Rai TV television to announce what kind of lie amplified by chains and non-objective media lies. They even stepped up attacks against Sirte with all kinds of weapons to terrorize the population so that no one on Oct. 14 to protest against them in other cities.

    Short documentary: Life in Libya before and after the NATO terror
    Posted: 2011/10/12
    From: Mathaba

    NATO, the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” which is the combined command of the USA, Canada and many European military forces including Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Holland, in fact around 40 countries, has become known as the Narcissistic Arrogant Terrorist Organization and is destroying Libya and murdering her people in an attempt to grab Africa’s wealth once again.

    by Quoriana
    Short documentary directed by Rolando Segura,

    Libya correspondent for Telesur Cuba, showing life in Libya before and after the NATO terrorists invasion.

  128. NATO exterminates 2 percent of a populated city
    by Lisa Karpova

    Fog the hog Rasmussen, his nose grows when he opens his mouth
    NATO genocidal continuous bombing has managed to exterminate 2 percent of the city of Sirte, including 1,000 children. How in anyone’s estimation can this be considered “protecting” civilians?

    In truth, the only ones NATO is “protecting” are their terrorist criminal stooges so that they may create havoc and total disaster on an unfriendly population that hates them and all they stand for: terror, murder, destruction, crime, rape, theft, treason and inviting colonial crusader powers to take over the country so that they may obtain personal financial gain.

    NATO is waging war against truth. We all know how that turns out. Libya is reduced to one outlet of communication, while the crusader aggressors have numerous channels. However, they are deathly afraid of this one beacon of truth and madly try to jam the signal and silence it and all who dare to tell the truth.

    NATO is waging a war against freedom. NATO is waging a war against democracy. They are all wars that NATO will never win, no matter how much they pound the living daylights out of heroic freedom fighters. Libya will remain green now and forever.

    Almost every single neighborhood in the city of Sirte has been hit by NATO bombs. Rescuers that attempt to save others buried under the rubble are then summarily bombed or strafed by NATO helicopter pilots. Did the UN give NATO the right to do this?

    Where is the mouth of the UN now?

    Another good question would be: exactly what is SAS garbage doing trying to come into Sirte? Fortunately the resistance killed 16 of them and took 44 of them as prisoners. This is a violation of the UN Resolutions 1970 and 1973 that clearly state, “no boots on the ground.” Yet here are these stinking invaders, trying to enter Sirte to do what they have been doing in other parts of the country:

    Acting just like the terrorists, including maiming and beheading people when they aren’t just outright murdering them.

    Just at the end of last week, NATO made the announcement that its unrelenting bombing campaign would continue. They indicated that the bombing would continue until all opposition was eliminated and silenced, or until the terrorist criminal inept NTC asks them to stop.

    We know, of course, that the NTC, will never ask them to stop. They are incapble of defeating the resistance, they have been taking a sound beating. So that scenario is out of the picture.

    The bottom line is that with roughly 98 percent of the Libyan population supporting their Jamahiriya government and Muammar Gaddafi, that NATO will have to kill 98 percent of the people in Libya by that reasoning.

    Not even the Nazis went to this level of murderous genocide. Just yesterday, there were 40 stinking, ugly planes bombing the hero city of Sirte, all civilian areas being targeted.

    UN – silence

    Human rights groups – silence

    Vast majority of anti-war groups – silence

    Leaders of the countries of the world – silence


    This world is truly disgusting. What is it going to take to stop this descent into total barbarism?

    Whatever war or catastrophe strikes this planet, I really don’t want to hear about it if no voices of protest are raised. Neither do I want to hear any moaning or groaning from the next NATO target that might not only have been silent, but have been complicit in NATO crimes.

    Did they recognize terrorists as the government of Libya? No sympathy then.

    Lisa Karpova


  129. Bogdan Knezevic writes:
    Sirt is green .we hold centar of city port of sirt and threevery big zone out of centar.

    Moussa Ibrahim:
    NATO intensified the attacks against Sirte with all weapon kinds to terrorise the population, so that nobody goes out on the 14th of October to demonstrate against them.

    Tomorrow is an important DAY! Do not fear to show GREEN!

  130. Milan Dojcinovic writes:
    ArraiTV: 30 armed pickups & 2 Grad vehicles capture outside of Bani Walid by the Libyan resistance after heavy fighting today

    Seven Days news-service:

    13 October 2011
    Seven Days News /
    Moutassem proud
    In the third view information to him, and through telephone calls Thuraya said Billah Gaddafi, was grateful, and grateful for each of the expressed concern him after the news lied his arrest he saying:

    ****We are people and even if it is hated, the most important is the continuation of resistance which is faithful to us is, which continues our approach.
    *** They can arrest you stop shooting, while equivalent, but we do not stop either kill them or kill us.
    * Billah: I spoke to my father to assure him after the spread of rumor and he answered: I Atmonnt you when you choose the path of honor and then it does not matter nothing important happened to you.
    *I have asked my brothers and I asked permission from the commander that I am, who gives the green light of the uprising, and said that it will be soon, he said,…

    Free Libya

    from Karin Kara
    ASSAULT SIRTE failed!

    13.10.2011 09:35 | Comandante

    Libya: Sirte – Zero Hour

    13 October 2011 at 9:19 AM

    The Libyan government: these “rebels” now have two choices – surrender or be killed.

    The War of Sirte continues, the defenders of the city-hero – can not break any bombs, nor hunger, nor thirst, nor death!

    They’re doing what we did our fathers and grandfathers of Stalingrad, saying: “Everything! Nowhere to retreat behind the Volga “. That’s Volga and, more importantly, behind. For Sirte today not only the concept of “front-line city,” but it is also a geographical and political boundary. In fact, this is the front line of the country. Having broken the Sirte this vile scum of the world and scoundrels spill joy: Libya has fallen! That’s why they’re so trying, knowing that this is their last line, something to keep, “as a person” in Libya before the disgrace will flee the country. It did not work and will not work.
    Libya: Sirte – Zero Hour.

  131. Gaddafi commando VERY IMPORTANT::: our youth free tomorrow to control all platforms mosques of Tripoli because it works on the publication editor of Tripoli and also once the control immediately you broadcast commend is the largest across the pulpits of the mosques, because this thing strengthens the spirit of free moral and motivates people to get out of their homes. Must also be publication of its mission to control the radio to confirm the news of liberation. . . Par: commando Gaddafi ________________ Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, 12 OCT 2011: [youtube] According to new reports, preparations for a large scale attack this Friday, October 14, 2011, are underway in all the occupied cities of Libya. Groups organize and refine their strategies to conduct their operations with maximum efficiency. Calls are made on the internet such as “Al Hajj” today at 8:45, the content is as follows: “To all the Mujahedeen civilian or military, be prepared to begin the release this Friday at dawn. Be the killer commandos ready. Be the snipers on the rooftops. Be the anti-personnel mines and anti-tank planted on the sides of streets. Be the Molotov Cocktails that are easy to make ready. Kill the rats, no mercy, yell “Allahou Akbar Kabeera”, be victorious. Be glorious. May Allah help us .. Allah is the Almighty!” As for others who read these lines, do not forget your du’a so that every action is a success, because success only comes from Allah. LIBYAN RESISTANCE UPDATES, OCTOBER 11TH – 15TH, 2011 writes: Libya – Urgent zero hour is Friday, October 14, 2011 Libye – Urgent l’heure zéro est le vendredi 14 octobre 2011 ALGERIA ISP / According to the Libyan government spokesman Ibrahim Moussa, do not stay as a viewer to look at what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Sirte and Bani Walid. On October 14, 2011, appeal to all free men and women, appeal to all tribes, OCTOBER 14TH – GREAT REVOLUTION FRIDAY Posted on October 12, 2011 by Jamahiryah Warrior OCTOBER 14TH – GREAT REVOLUTION FRIDAY On October 14th a Libya Green March is planned with demonstrations and acts of rebellion taking place across the country. Libya does not want the “democracy” of the West. Dr. Moussa Ibrahim stated on Oct. 12th,
    “The Libyan people, bearers of freedom, have nerves of steel and high morale. They have endured NATO’s campaign of shock and awe and have returned to their center of strength.” “We encourage our young people to study the Vietnamese resistance to American occupation and how they achieved victory. We ask our young people to learn about General Giap Nugyen and employ his strategies in defense of Sirte.” –
    Translated by Jamahiryah Warrior ________________________________________________ A Third Visit to The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya Posted: 2011/10/13 From: Mathaba Dennis South charts the continuing course of the shift of the Libyan Jamahiriya to the formation of an expanded Greater Jamahiriya in North and Central Africa, in a massive expanse where governments hold no sway and tribes rule their own lives since millennia and have adopted Muammar Qaddafi as their leader A progression of back-to-back events appears to be leading rapidly to the formation of a new order in North Africa. I spoke of a vision of this new order, in two prior articles: Vision: The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya, and The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya Revisited: Moroccan, Algerian and Libyan Tribes meet to unite. By Dennis South On September 9th, DEBKAfile, which describes itself as “a world Internet news leader on security and intelligence,” and whose information has often proven to be very accurate, reported that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, according to their sources, had slipped NATO attempts to find him, and had “gone to ground at the Targan oasis in the Sahara desert, several hundred kilometers southwest of the Libyan oasis city of Juffra, which is 1,500 Kilometers from Tripoli.” Regarding a Libyan convoy that had gone to Niger, DEBKAfile noted that, “by demonstrating Gaddafi’s freedom of movement across Libya, the convoy to Niger indicates that his loyal officials and troops have resumed operations [and had re-grouped] from scattered places.” The article said that Muammar Gaddafi was being “sheltered” by “hundreds of Libyan tribes and sub tribes,” including the Tuaregs. DEBKAfile further pointed out that, the fact that Tuareg fighters guarded the convoy demonstrated that Gaddafi had gained the allegiance of the Tuaregs, whose territory covers southwestern Libya, all of eastern Algeria, eastern Mali, “where they command more than half of the country,” western Niger and northern Burkina Faso. On September 24th, fifteen days later, DEBKAfile reported something that we had been reporting here at Mathaba for a week prior to the DEBKAfile report: that Gaddafi had enlisted a new, 12,000-strong army of Tuareg tribal fighters. So, as we can see, the relationship between Gaddafi and the Tuaregs had grown rapidly from their initial support as bodyguards for Gaddafi and Libyan convoys, to lending much more serious support by way of giving Gaddafi 12,000 soldiers to fight for the liberation of Libya. On October 3rd, nine days later, in an article entitled, “The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya Revisited: Moroccan, Algerian and Libyan Tribes Meet to Unite,” I included a report that said that Moroccan, Algerian, and Libya tribes had met, in a series of secret meetings, and agreed to form a united front of tribal militias whose intent was to launch what they called, The War for the Liberation of Northern Africa. This alliance of tribes, it’s claimed, is backed by a united North African Front. On October 11th, eight days later, the AP (Associated Press) reported the following: “Hama Ag Sid’Ahmed, spokesman for the North of Mali Tuareg Movement, told The Associated Press in an interview by satellite phone Tuesday that his group was holding meetings with the Tuaregs who just returned from Libya. He said there were discussions going on about a “common position.” He said: “We are preparing ourselves both on a political and a military level.” On October 12th, one day later, reports that there is information which states that the Tuaregs want to declare Muammar Gaddafi as their Sultan (their leader). The information, of course, is unconfirmed, but very interesting, in light of the other events that have occurred since September 9th. Though no one can say, for certain, whether a united front for the liberation of all of North Africa has truly been formed, the above indicators appear to suggest so. They show a progression of events that are clearly pointing in one direction: The formation of a New Alliance that, it appears, has, as its goal, the political union of all of North Africa. The reader may consider this article to be just a short update and review of events that might be leading to what I have labelled, The Great Socialist North African Jamahiriya — a union of North African nations into one nation that would, in time, lead the way for the unification of the entire African continent. That is Muammar Gaddafi’s long-standing vision. And here is my message to the tribal, and other, organizers of the apparent growing union that is forming at this time: The U.S., France, Britain, Italy and NATO, are not the fundamental problem for North Africa. Without internal rot, Libya could not have been thrown into the disarray that it finds itself. I cannot state that I have any idea how to prevent traitors and selfish materialists from rising up within any given nation or organization. But, in this apparent formation of a new union of North African tribes and others, all I can say is that you must try hard to hold integrity and morality up above everything else, and to teach that to everyone within the new union as a matter of political education. The masters of “divide and conquer” are the northern countries, led by Britain. Britain used the technique of divide and conquer, all over the world, when it stood as the rulers of the world. NATO could not have gone into Libya without the weak, Libyan traitors of Benghazi, Darna, and other places, that had no sense of loyalty, morality, integrity, political acumen, self-love, or any other high principle. They gave themselves over to short-sighted and selfish desires. More than any well-written plan for the liberation of North Africa, what is needed is to somehow teach a set of principles that will sink into the minds of the North African people. The Tuaregs, for instance, have demonstrated, consistently, that they cannot be bought off. DEBKAfile once reported that intelligence agencies the world over have made many attempts, throughout the years, to bribe the Tuaregs, all to no avail. So, whatever it is about desert culture that creates that kind of sense of integrity, must appear in whatever written documents are drawn up for the new Union of North African States, as well as in the lives of the citizens of this developing union. For, without morality, Africa will never be united, because the governments of the northern countries (Britain, France, the U.S., Canada, etc.) are irredeemably immoral, and will always be seeking weak spots amongst the African people, such as traitors that they can use to control or destroy the African vision of unity. If 99% of the citizens if new federation of North African states are on board, there will be no room the northern countries to interfere in African affairs. And then, there will be time to focus on building a strong, military defense, in whatever form that needs to take, to protect North Africa and the African continent. On another, but important note, if Africa and the Arab world continue to allow feelings of inferiority to infect them; if they continue to believe that the northern countries present the example of how a society should look, then Africans and Arabs will always be under the thumb of the northern countries. Muammar Gaddafi has shown the way. It will be one of the most tragic episodes of human history if the North African people miss the blessings that have come from the man that was raised in their midst, out of the sands of the Sahara, Muammar Gaddafi. ___________________________ م الاعلان عن بداية ساعة الصفر لجمعة النصر في جميع انحاء الجماهيرية العظمي الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر هبوا ياحرار ليبي Announcement of the zero hour- begining of an uprising Appeal: I ask our brothers outside Jamahyria whether they are Arabs or Libyans to join us in the uprising for major recovery of our rights on the 14/10/2011, to clear Libya inch by inch, House by House, to purify it from abomination and impurity. We also ask for popular peace marches in all countries of the world in solidarity with the free Libyan people, thank you.I hope for the publication of the call. Par : The truth about Libya – [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] Amnesty Briefing exposes Libya’s National Transitional Council’s true colors: Racist Lawless War Criminals SPECIAL REPORT SERIES by Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos – TSR Founder & Publisher and Strategy/Peace Negotiator with the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations Oct 13, 2011 (Amnesty/TSR) – Armed militia opposing Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi have captured and detained about 2,500 people in the capital Tripoli and surrounding areas since the National Transitional Council (NTC) took control of these areas in late August 2011. Those detained include al- Gaddafi soldiers and alleged loyalists, commonly known as the “fifth column”, are members of the Internal Security Agency, Revolutionary Committees and Revolutionary Guards and “volunteers”, including children (under 18 years). Sub-Saharan Africans, allegedly suspected of being mercenaries, comprise between a third and a half of those detained in Tripoli, its suburbs of Janzur and Tajura, and al-Zawiya, a city about 100km west of Tripoli. A little evidence of Libya’s National Transitional Council’s war crimes: Black Ethnic Cleansing Findings in this Amnesty International briefing, for which herein we shall commit to use their majority own report to also support what we know already since March and build the case against these undocumented criminals that the Sarcozy, Obama, Cameron, NATO and other 60 nations forcing it to Libyan Arab Jamahiriya as their “new” leaders without the mandate of their sovereign nation, are based on visits to 11 detention facilities in western Libya, namely Awlad Agina School, Bir Terfas School and al-Zawiya detention centre previously used for irregular migrants, all in al-Zawiya; Ain Zara Open Prison, Jdeida Prison, the detention centre in Mitiga Airport and the Noflin National Army detention facility, all in Tripoli; the General Security Offices in Janzur suburb, used to hold detainees until their transfer in early September to other detention centres; the Hufra detention centre in Tajura suburb; and the Wahda and Sa’doun schools in Misratah. This is Amnesty International’s visit to Libya between 18 August and 21 September, where some 2,500 people were held in detention facilities in Tripoli, its suburbs and al-Zawiya – all arrested since late August 2011. About 1,130 detainees were held in Misratah in mid- September; some had been detained for months, others had been arrested since late August when Zliten, Khums and Tripoli fell under NTC control. During these visits, Amnesty International delegates met detention administrators and interviewed about 300 detainees without the presence of guards. The delegates also interviewed a number of released detainees, and relatives of individuals still held in western Libya. NOTE: Names of individuals whose cases are included in this report, as well as the detention facilities where they were interviewed, are withheld to protect people from reprisals, just as I have been protective of my UN mentor’s name, other casualties and people involved for due security reasons. However, those who are in the inner circle in the highest echelons at the United Nations, royals, elites, key decision makers in governments know who I am. Key world leaders know my involvement in all this, and only liars will dare deny my reports. Thus many factual narratives must come out. We are not going to mince our words for doing that is an insult to the 60,000 + innocent Libyans killed, slaughtered, and murdered, in addition to those women and children who have been raped and abducted. My hope is that majority of the 15 nations that are currently in the UN Security Council stop all this unfair and disinformation-based Resolution 1973 by doing the honorable thing of removing the NO FLY ZONE, get NATO out and hold them accountable for war crimes with the Libyan rebels, and the countries who violated the Geneva Convention many times over during this diplomatic fiasco, of course, including the various spin doctors and their media conglomerates. Until then. I will honor my word, and will continue to expose the LIES until that NO FLY ZONE is removed, as per my mandate entrusted to me by my mentor. We do not wish another Iraq. If we do not rectify this, what is the point of the United Nations? For from this vantage point, it is quite clear that NATO has the UN Security Council on a leash. What does this say to our UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon? Do we really want another Somalia, Iraq or Rwanda? What will it take for people to do the honorable thing? I say the same for the so-called NGOs whom I have warned months ago, but their lack of action just confirmed more of what we know that NGOs are also part of these war crimes. To the others, I forgive many of them. It is not normal to have a real insider and high ranking person giving them heads up. Many seem to prefer receiving delayed reports even when it is emergency. It is called “protocol”. Detainees are being held in former prisons as well as in makeshift detention facilities such as schools, football clubs and apartments. These are not overseen by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, but are simply controlled by local councils, military councils and brigades (kataeb), or by the Free Libya Armed Forces (members of the regular armed forces who took sides against Colonel al-Gaddafi and civilians who took up arms). Beatings and other ill-treatment are common, particularly upon capture and in the first days of detention. Impunity for such abuses remains entrenched. Libyan and foreign detainees have also complained of torture at the hands of their captors and guards. At least two guards in two different detention facilities admitted to Amnesty International that they beat detainees in order to extract “confessions” more quickly. In one detention centre, Amnesty International delegates found a wooden stick and rope, and a rubber hose, of the kind that could have been used to beat detainees, including on the soles of their feet, a torture method known as falaqa. In another, they heard the sound of whipping and screams. ARBITRARY ARRESTS Groups of armed thuwwar (revolutionaries, as fighters opposed to Colonel al-Gaddafi are commonly known) have “arrested” many individuals suspected of being al-Gaddafi fighters or loyalists as well as alleged “African mercenaries”, although such “arrests” are better described as abductions. In all cases documented by Amnesty International, no arrest warrant was presented, even when suspects were taken from their home, and the captors never identified themselves. The individuals have then been taken away either in unmarked pick-up trucks with anti-aircraft machine-guns mounted on them or in regular vehicles. In some cases, captives have been thrown into car boots. Usually, no reason has been provided for their “arrest” and no indication given to their relatives as to their destination. Children have not been spared. Some have been “arrested” alone; others have been taken along with their relatives. They have been held in the same facilities with adults, and treated as adults. Among the children interviewed by Amnesty International were Libyan “volunteers” and foreign nationals suspected of being mercenaries. NOTE: Gaddafi NEVER hired mercenaries. “THEY” know it. My mentor knows it. I know it. Yet they lie. I will expand this in the video reports. Hundreds of people have been seized at their homes, workplaces and checkpoints or simply from the streets. Many have then been beaten with sticks and rifle butts, kicked, punched and insulted, at times while blindfolded and handcuffed. In some cases, detainees said they were shot in the legs after capture. During house raids, many reported that items such as mobile phones, cars, money and identity documents were taken. Sometimes, property was destroyed in what appeared to be revenge attacks against suspected al-Gaddafi loyalists. A 40-year-old man, who was detained along with his two brothers and another relative on the evening of 10 September, told Amnesty International that a group of armed men came without a warrant and searched his house in western Libya. He continued: “They didn’t explain anything. They just said: ‘You loved al-Gaddafi and helped him during the conflict. Show us what al-Gaddafi will do for you now.’ They searched the house, and took away all our identity documents. The house was already destroyed and looted, as another group of armed men came in around 23-24 August [days after the thuwwar first took control]. They broke the doors, smashed some appliances, and set the place on fire. We then sent the women and children away for safety, and we [the men] came back about a week later to start fixing the house and salvaging whatever could be salvaged. We were arrested almost immediately. When they captured us, they slapped us, kicked us, and insulted us.” Such “arrests” have been made by groups of thuwwar affiliated to local councils and, in some instances in Tripoli, by groups of thuwwar from other cities, such as thuwwar from Misratah and al-Zawiya. In Janzur suburb, local council officials told Amnesty International that “arrests” were being made on the basis of lists compiled at the neighborhood level. In other cases, it appears the “arrests” have been random. SUB-SAHARAN AFRICANS AND BLACK LIBYANS AT RISK Sub-Saharan Africans and black Libyans remain particularly vulnerable to arbitrary arrest on account of their skin color and the belief that al-Gaddafi forces used African mercenaries to fight forces loyal to the NTC. While al-Gaddafi forces used foreign fighters – particularly towards the end of the conflict – the targeting of dark-skinned individuals is based on widely exaggerated claims about mercenaries made early in the conflict by forces opposed to Colonel al-Gaddafi, and fuelled by discriminatory attitudes in Libyan society. During visits to detention centres in al-Zawiya and Tripoli, Amnesty International noted that between a third and a half of detainees were Sub-Saharan African nationals, many of them migrant workers. For instance, in the three largest detention facilities in Tripoli – Jdeida Prison, Ain Zara Open Prison and the Mitiga Airport detention facility – officials told Amnesty International that about half of the approximately 1,300 detainees were foreign nationals, including people from Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Sudan. In al-Zawiya detention facility, visited by Amnesty International on 11 September, about a third of the some 400 detainees were foreign nationals, according to officials there. Most Sub-Saharan African nationals, both men and women, interviewed by Amnesty International were seized at home or at checkpoints, not captured in battle. None of those interviewed by Amnesty International wore uniforms or had weapons with them when they were detained. For instance, a group of 14 Nigerian men and 12 Nigerian women arrested together in eastern Tripoli at a checkpoint by a group of armed men – some in civilian clothes and others in military fatigues – on 1 September as they were trying to flee to Tunisia said that they had been carrying all their belongings at the time of their arrest. All 26, who were interviewed separately by Amnesty International, had Nigerian passports but no residency permits for Libya. They were held together with al-Gaddafi soldiers and loyalists, and with individuals suspected of being “African mercenaries”. One of the women told Amnesty International: “All we want is to go home now. It is too insecure for us blacks in this country. I don’t understand why we are held; nobody questions us or explained anything to us… When we were first brought to this detention center, we were beaten in the courtyard with sticks all over our bodies.” Harsher treatment was reserved for the men in the group, who were beaten with sticks and whips not only on arrival at the detention facility, but also during the night of 6 September, when a group of about six armed men entered their cell, called them “slaves” and dragged them outside for a beating. The detainees showed Amnesty International bruises and scars consistent with their testimonies. The incident was confirmed by cellmates interviewed separately, who said that the Nigerian men were called “mercenaries, killers of Libyans, and al-Gaddafi lovers” by their abusers. In another case, armed thuwwar raided houses in the al-Madina al-Kadima neighbourhood of Tripoli on 26 August. They searched the houses, looking for weapons and money, and then seized dozens of black Libyans and Sub-Saharan African nationals from Chad, Mali, Niger and Sudan. Twenty-six of those taken from their homes that day told Amnesty International that their hands were tied with metal wire and that they were blindfolded. They said they were beaten during the raid, and then at a football club near al-Madina al-Kadima to where they were taken. There, they were forced to lie face-down on the ground and were beaten with rifle butts, sticks and electric wires. When Amnesty International interviewed them some nine days after the beatings, they still had marks consistent with their testimonies. A detainee recounted that his cousin was shot three times while tied, and then driven to an unknown place. His fate and whereabouts remain unknown. In a similar incident, a group of Malian nationals said that they were kicked and beaten in their home in Tripoli on the morning of 21 August by about a dozen armed thuwwar, and then taken by truck to an unknown location where they were stripped and again beaten. Black Libyans are also at high risk of arbitrary detention. Like Sub-Saharan Africans, they are often automatically assumed to be fighters for or loyal to Colonel al-Gaddafi. They come from towns and regions that include Obari, Sabha and Tawargha, which are assumed to largely support Colonel al-Gaddafi. A 26-year-old black Libyan detained since 21 August in three different facilities in western Libya told Amnesty International that he was captured by a group of armed men near a mosque in the Abu Salim area of Tripoli, site of the most violent confrontations in the city and widely seen as an al-Gaddafi stronghold. He said: “I was seized by a group of thuwwar driving around in pick-up trucks with ‘thuwwar Misratah’ written on them. The pick-up trust had an anti-aircraft machinery mounted on it. They put plastic handcuffs on my wrists, and started hitting me with their rifle butts inside the truck. I was first taken to Mitiga [ airport detention facility ] where I was thrown on the ground and beaten for about an hour with sticks and electric cables. I don’t know how many people were hitting me as the punches and beatings kept raining down. They told me: ‘You bushra samra (dark skin) will be eliminated, there is no place for you in Libya. Say you killed, or we will kill you.’” On 24 August, in a separate incident, a group of thuwwar entered a house in Abu Salim where two brothers from Sabha, both in their early twenties, were staying. The brothers said that after searching the house, the thuwwar tied their hands behind their backs and then beat them while taking them to Ali Ureit School in the Abu Mashmasha area of Tripoli. The elder brother recounted: “They beat us several times using their rifles. They also whipped us. When they transferred us to Mitiga [airport detention facility] , they forced us to walk on our knees to the vehicles while they insulted and beat us. They accused us of being mercenaries.” PEOPLE FROM TAWARGHA TARGETED People from Tawargha region, who are black Libyans, have been at particular risk of reprisals and revenge attacks by thuwwar from Misratah because the region was a base for al-Gaddafi troops when they were besieging Misratah and reminds Misratah residents of serious violations by al-Gaddafi forces. The town of Tawargha was deserted when Amnesty International visited it on 16 September, its residents having fled to various cities across Libya in search of safety. Amnesty International knows of dozens of people from Tawargha who were taken by armed men from their homes, checkpoints and even hospitals. Many of them were abused during apprehension. For instance, a 45-year-old man from Tawargha, married with four children, told Amnesty International that at about 10pm on 28 August he and a relative with whom he was shopping were stopped in al-Firnaj area of Tripoli by four armed thuwwar, who then took them to the Mitiga Airport detention facility. One told Amnesty International that during the journey there they were threatened and beaten, including with a rifle butt. He said: “My only sin is my skin color… Thuwwar from Misratah warned us to never return home to Tawargha.” Two other men from Tawargha, who were being held in a detention facility in Tripoli, told Amnesty International that they were seized at their home in Tripoli on 28 August. One of them, the owner of the house, told Amnesty International that a group of five armed men barged into the house, searched it, and took him and one of his relatives. The other man had fled Tawargha along with 11 other relatives in mid-August. He continued: “Those who arrest us called us ‘slaves’ and said that we should go back to Africa because there is no place for us in the new Libya.” Another man from Tawargha detained at the same facility told Amnesty International that he was taken at a checkpoint on 21 August by a group of armed men driving in a pick-up truck with “Misratah thuwwar” written on it. He told Amnesty International that he was handcuffed with a plastic strip, hit with rifles, especially on his back, and called a “slave and a killer”. A Tawargha man in his twenties told Amnesty International that he was taken by a group of armed men on 25 August from a street in the Abu Salim area of Tripoli, where he was living. He was thrown into a car and driven around for about an hour until the car stopped at the coast. There, the thuwwar put a cable around his neck and pulled it in a mock execution. They also punched his ears. He was eventually taken to the Mitiga Airport detention facility, where he said thuwwar frequently beat him with rifle butts and whipped him at night. He was eventually taken to another detention facility. Internally displaced people from Tawargha were also seized from makeshift camps in Tripoli, where they had been sheltering since fleeing their homes. According to camp residents, dozens of men were taken by the thuwwar on two separate occasions, about 14 in late August and around 70 on 9 September. Witnesses who had moved to another camp in search of safety described the second occasion. They said that during the morning of 9 September, a group of thuwwar believed to be from Misratah entered the Mashru’ camp in Tripoli, where around 130 families were living. They started firing in the air using anti-aircraft machine guns and kalashnikov rifles. After ordering the men to gather, they warned: “You should find shelter somewhere else. We are in charge here and we want you out by tomorrow morning. Anybody found here after 10am [tomorrow] will assume his own responsibility.” The armed men left taking with them some 70 men and boys as young as 16. Camps residents promptly fled and settled at another camp under the protection of a brigade from Benghazi. Several people from Tawargha arrested in Tripoli in September were transferred to Misratah for questioning by groups of thuwwar. Many were beaten upon arrest and in the first days of detention. At least one person died as a result. Saleh Ahmed Abdallah Haddad, aged 21, died on 15 September in Misratah reportedly as a result of internal bleeding after being beaten and trampled on by his captors. According to his cellmates, several days after beatings left him paralysed from the waist down, he started vomiting blood and he died shortly after being taken to hospital. TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT When Tripoli and its suburbs first came under NTC “control”, captured individuals were detained in makeshift detention centers, including Ali Ureit School and a football club in al-Madina al-Kadima, where detainees were particularly vulnerable to torture and other ill-treatment. There have since been efforts to hold people in official facilities such as Jdeida Prison and Ain Zara Open Prison. Several detainees told Amnesty International that were still being beaten sporadically and were frequently threatened and insulted. Impunity for such behavior remains entrenched, and new arrivals are particularly vulnerable to a “welcome” that frequently involves beatings and other abuses. In general, the prison administrators in detention facilities visited by Amnesty International had little legal knowledge or expertise in running detention facilities, and were unfamiliar with international human rights and humanitarian law. With the exception of the Hufra detention facility, none was even keeping up-to-date records of the detainees being held. Many detainees told Amnesty International that they had been beaten, particularly before being transferred to official detention facilities, including with sticks, whips and rifle butts. Several revealed bruising consistent with their testimonies. Two guards openly admitted to Amnesty International delegates that they had beaten detainees because they would not “confess”. In one office at the entrance of the Hufra detention facility, Amnesty International saw a wooden stick with a rope and a rubber hose nearby. A guard said they would use this stick to tie detainees’ feet (so that they can be beaten on their soles, a torture method known as falaqa) but “only to scare” detainees, not to beat them. The guard added that a detainee was threatened in that way the day before and therefore “confessed” that he was a Gaddafi loyalist. At the al-Zawiya detention facility, Amnesty International delegates heard screams and the noise of whipping. The most frequently reported methods of torture and other ill-treatment included beatings all over the body with belts, sticks, rifle butts and rubber hoses; punching; kicking; and death threats. Before beatings, detainees have been made to lie on the ground, or forced to face a wall or kneel. Two detainees said cigarettes had been extinguished on their flesh. It appears that detainees have been abused to force them to “confess” or to punish them for alleged crimes during the conflict. Amnesty International interviewed a 17-year-old boy from Chad who was accused of rape and being a mercenary. He was taken from his home in August by a group of armed men who were looking for his relative, a dual Libyan-Chadian national, who was allegedly involved in recruiting foreign fighters for al-Gaddafi forces. The boy said that he was handcuffed, slapped and dragged on the ground when apprehended, and then while detained at a school was punched and beaten with sticks, belts, rifles and rubber cables, mostly on the head, face and back. He said: “The beatings were so severe that I ended up telling them what they wanted to hear. I told them I raped women and killed Libyans… Now I am no longer beaten, but every night people are beaten here – both Libyans and and foreigners.” When Amnesty International interviewed him some two weeks after his beatings, there were still visible scars on his body. A man from Niger, who was presented by the guards as a “mercenary and a killer”, initially told Amnesty International that he was paid 450 dinars a month to fight and kill for al-Gaddafi. As the interview progressed, the man broke down and explained that he had signed a paper and “confessed” his crimes after being beaten nearly continuously for two days and denied being involved in fighting. Beatings are not only reserved for foreign nationals. A 30-year-old Libyan from Tripoli told Amnesty International that he was seized and beaten by a group of armed thuwwar in his neighborhood as he was making his way home. He recounted: “As I entered the office [a telecommunication office to where he was initially taken], they immediately started beating me with their fists and with sticks. They accused me of being a supporter of the regime. It is true that my father is known in the neighborhood as a supporter of al-Gaddafi – but none of us was involved in fighting. Two other detainees held with me – including one Sudanese – were also beaten… Upon arrival here [a detention facility in Tripoli] a guard of the thuwwar pulled me by my shirt and he started beating and kicking me. The guards told me: ‘You are a rat. You are no human being’ … On about 1 September, I was severely beaten by one of the guards – including with the butt of his rifle.” The man had extensive bruising when he spoke to Amnesty International delegates. Another Libyan man, also in his thirties, who was captured in Tripoli by a group of armed thuwwar on 25 August on suspicion of killing an anti-al-Gaddafi protester, said that he was tortured for days while he was detained at the Shat al-Ghanshir School. He recounted: “The thuwwar did not believe me [ when I said I didn’t kill the man ], and they beat me every day. They used wooden sticks, electric wires and rifle butts. They took me to each classroom where others were detained and ordered other detainees to beat me. They also tied my hands and feet to a bed and kept beating me for hours with a whip and a stick… While handcuff and blindfolded, they placed a burning candle on my head until it burnt my hair. This was done to stop me sleeping… They did not spare a moment to punish me for a murder that I did not commit. I want justice.” Amnesty International observed scars and bluish bruises all over his body, particularly on his back. Other detainees, interviewed separately, confirmed that thuwwar had forced them to beat the man. 30 year old Libyan national scarred by Libyan rebel torture (Photo: Amnesty International) WOMEN IN DETENTION At detention centres in al-Zawiya, Tripoli (including Tajura) and Misratah, Amnesty International delegates interviewed 49 women and one girl: 21 Libyans, 27 Nigerians and one Gambian. The women from Sub-Saharan Africa said that they had been seized from the street or their homes without proof of their involvement in fighting. The Libyans said that they were mostly “volunteers” who had responded to calls to support Colonel al-Gaddafi’s government; several had worked at checkpoints alongside Revolutionary Guards. Many of the Libyan women interviewed were heads of households and were struggling to make ends meet. Although the female detainees reported less abuse than their male counterparts, some said that they had been sexually fondled by male thuwwar during transfers or by guards, and had been slapped across the face and insulted by some guards. Two of the women interviewed said that they had been raped by unidentified men before being detained. All of the women complained about the absence of formal investigations and charges, and about their lack of understanding for the reason for their detention. All wanted to be brought before a judicial authority without further delay. One woman said that she had been coerced and intimidated into falsely confessing to killing NTC fighters. Amnesty International is concerned about the absence of female guards in all detention facilities apart from al-Zawiya. Under the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, women prisoners are to “be attended and supervised only by women officers”. ABSENCE OF LEGAL PROCESS At the time of writing in mid-September, people were still all being detained without an order from the judicial police or General Prosecution. Detainees, including civilians, have no opportunity to challenge the legality of their detention and are not granted access to lawyers. Trial proceedings have been suspended since the beginning of the unrest, even in areas that fell under the control of the NTC in February. For the most part, criminal investigations into alleged crimes and decisions to detain people fall within the remit of various committees and individuals – some without any legal expertise – with no co-ordination and oversight and, in some case, little or no involvement by the General Prosecution. Some detainees told Amnesty International that they were forced to sign or thumb-print statements without being allowed to read them. The vast majority of detainees interviewed by Amnesty International have either never been questioned or have been questioned only by prison officials or thuwwar. Two detainees in Ain Zara Open Prison and al-Zawiya detention facility told Amnesty International that they had appeared before the judicial police and the prosecution, respectively. However, in both cases, the detainees said that orders to release them were not implemented by the thuwwar physically detaining them. NOTE: “A commitment to improve prison conditions and ensure a functioning justice system was reiterated by the Acting Minister of Justice, Mohamed al-Allagi, and the Acting Deputy Prime Minister, Ali Tarhouni, in early September.” NO, the NTC will not do anything. This is pure rhetoric, just because I know their intentions, and WHO set this all up, and they will never tell the world, only behind closed doors. You are already seeing what they intend to do to the country. What Gaddafi and the Libyans built, they have destroyed and will stop at nothing just to get what they want, oil, gold, water and slaves. LIBYA’S OBLIGATIONS UNDER INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC LAW The NTC has publicly promised to respect Libya’s obligations under international human rights law. Although, ”Publicly” does not mean they have to honor it. Look at all the incriminating evidence in addition to this? The “chosen” NTC leaders are bureaucrats molded in U.S. soil. Does this mean anything to any politician or person who has brains? They also are known to have no real organization. Mustafa Abdul Jalil has admitted himself, he cannot control his group, i.e. he knows of the crimes, and the lawless rebels don’t respect him and the other NTC leaders. This is the fact on the ground, with an admission I have on tape. As a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the NTC must prevent torture, investigate whenever there are reasonable grounds to suspect acts of torture and other ill-treatment have occurred – even when no official complaints have been made, bring those responsible to justice, and provide reparation to victims. They are also required to take concrete measures to prevent torture and other ill-treatment, including by granting independent bodies the right to monitor the situation of detainees in all prisons and other places of detention. As a state party to the ICCPR, Libya is obliged to prevent arbitrary arrest and detention and to allow anyone deprived of their liberty an effective opportunity to challenge the lawfulness of their detention before a court (Article 9 of the ICCPR). It must ensure that those arrested are promptly informed of any charges against them. Those charged must be brought before the judicial authorities within a reasonable time. Libya’s Code of Criminal Procedure sets 48 hours as the limit for referring suspects to the General Prosecution, extending the limit to seven days for “offences against the state”. Some safeguards against torture, arbitrary arrest and detention are included in Libyan law. For instance, Article 14 of Law No. 20 of 1991 on the Promotion of Freedoms stipulates: “No one can be deprived of his freedom, searched or questioned unless he has been charged with committing an act that is punishable by law, pursuant to an order issued by a competent court, and in accordance with the conditions and time limits specified by law”. Other safeguards include the requirement for security officers to hold a warrant from the competent authority when arresting or detaining a suspect (Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), the requirement to detain suspects only in “prisons designed for that purpose” (Article 31), and the right of detainees to challenge the legality of their detention (Article 33). As long as the armed conflict continues, the Libyan National Transitional Council are bound by their obligations under international humanitarian law, which provides fundamental guarantees for civilians, as well as fighters or combatants who are captured, injured or otherwise rendered unable to fight (hors de combat). Between them, common Article 3 and other provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the 1977 Protocols and customary international humanitarian law provide, among other things, the following fundamental rules applicable to all sides in all types of armed conflict: people to be treated humanely at all times; prohibition of discrimination in the application of the protections provided by international humanitarian law; prohibition of torture, cruel or inhuman treatment and outrages on personal dignity (particularly humiliating and degrading treatment); prohibition of arbitrary detention; no one may be convicted or sentenced except pursuant to a fair trial affording all essential judicial guarantees; and prohibition of collective punishments. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL DEMANDS TO STOP THE ABUSES Amnesty International calls on the NTC to implement the following recommendations as a matter of priority to stop the abuses: Arrest and detention Issue clear orders not to apprehend suspects without arrest warrants issued by the General Prosecution. End arbitrary arrests and detentions immediately, and ensure that no one is deprived of their liberty except in accordance with procedures and on grounds prescribed by law. Ensure that all those detained are given an opportunity to challenge the lawfulness of their detention before a court or are released. Ensure that release orders by the General Prosecution and other judicial authorities are respected. Establish clear structures and procedures for policing and the detention of captured soldiers and criminal suspects. Place all detention facilities under the oversight of the General Prosecution and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Ensure that civilian detainees have prompt access to their families and lawyers. Facilitate communication for captured soldiers with their families and ensure they are granted access to the International Committee of the Red Cross. Ensure that female detainees are supervised by female guards. Ensure that children are held in appropriate facilities and that unaccompanied children are not held with adult detainees. Torture and other ill-treatment Ensure that all those detained by thuwwar and other forces loyal to the NTC are treated humanely, receive necessary medical treatment, and are protected from torture and other ill-treatment. Ensure that detainees undergo medical examinations when transferred to official detention centers and are provided with medical certificates describing any injuries. Take immediate steps to identify any survivors of sexual assault in detention and provide them with access to appropriate psychological and medical treatment, including for sexually transmitted diseases, and to emergency contraception. Ensure that prompt investigations are conducted into all known or reported cases of torture and other ill-treatment. Such investigations should be impartial and independent, and conducted by individuals with expertise in investigating such cases; if necessary, international assistance should be sought. Suspected perpetrators of such crimes should be brought to justice in proceedings that meet international standards for fair trial. Publicly condemn torture and other ill-treatment of detainees and the targeting of Sub- Saharan Africans and black Libyans, including in forums widely accessible to Libyans such as national television and radio. Take steps to counter racism, xenophobia and discrimination against individuals with dark skin, including by acknowledging that reports on the use of African mercenaries by Colonel al-Gaddafi were widely exaggerated and by celebrating the diverse ethnic make-up of Libya and the positive contribution of migrants, including from Sub-Saharan Africa. Based on these evidences alone by an independent mission who found out the TRUTH in Libya, the question now, how much more is the UN Security Council with its 15 members will wake up and stop NATO? We do not wish to wait for years for these people to act. We are not going down the road of apathy and pretentious rhetoric about caring for Universal Human Rights. The UN Secretary-General must stand up now. There are many peoples of the world who are not happy with this inaction towards what is right and good. Make that stance, world leaders. Call for ceasefire and order NATO to get out of Libya. There was no revolution. The crisis was imported by the French and Zionists, headed by Sarcozy, Cameron, Obama with their greedy clique. Let the Libyans handle this. More to come and TRUTH will prevail. _______________________________________ AUTHOR: Amnesty International AUTHOR: Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos – TSR Founder & Publisher and Strategy/Peace Negotiator with the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations (Author BIOGRAPHY here. NOTE: To the people who wonder who I am and where I got my information, the only way for you to verify is you can ask the highest level executives and world leaders at the United Nations. My name is in the most highly classified papers. My UN mentor is a First Level Ambassador. It is the highest ranking ambassador and diplomat on the planet. His uncle was one of the founders of the United Nations. He was grooming me. I am very much an insider and these TRUTHS are being suppressed purposely. U.S. Congressman Wants Libya Rebels Investigated on “Crimes Against Humanity.” The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا: Witnesses said that Libyan forces destroyed 3 fuel trucks heading to NATO mercenaries in Khums east of Tripoli. #ArraiTV #Libya ثم الاعلان عن بداية ساعة الصفر لجمعة النصر في جميع انحاء الجماهيرية العظمي الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر هبوا ياحرار ليبي Announcement of the zero hour- begining of an uprising Appeal: I ask our brothers outside Jamahyria whether they are Arabs or Libyans to join us in the uprising for major recovery of our rights on the 14/10/2011, to clear Libya inch by inch, House by House, to purify it from abomination and impurity. We also ask for popular peace marches in all countries of the world in solidarity with the free Libyan people, thank you.I hope for the publication of the call. NATO propaganda process: 1) They publish fake news. 2) Tens of thousands of medias around the world publish fake news. 3) Millions of people are without a doubt,and believe the mainstream media.People publish fake news on Twitter and Facebook. 4)News “in silence” is denied, and denial is not published in medias around the world. NATO is strill bombing constantly; but still rats ran away today from Sirte Abou Amin LIBYE : POURQUOI BANI WALID ET SYRTE SONT-ILS AUSSI DIFFICILE À PRENDRE FACE À UNE ARMANDA DE 4O PAYS AGRESSEURS DE L’OTAN, LES BOMBARDANT NUIT ET JOUR DEPUIS PLUS D’UN MOIS ET AU SOL PAR LES MERCENAIRES D’AL-QAIDA ASSISTÉS PAR LES FORCES SPÉCIALES DE L’OTAN ??? Rappelons-nous, les noirs décapités à Benghazi et dans leur lits d’hôpital par les renégats de l’OTAN (Vidéo sur le mur), et de l’autre la ville de Tawurgha de 30 000 habitants libyen noirs qui forment la moitié de la population totale du pays, dans une vidéo sur le mur on y voit et entend les renégats dire qu’ils l’ont nettoyé des rats. Selon “Black Agenda Reports”, la majorité de ces noirs Libyens comme ceux qui ont échappé à la mort à Tawurgha, se sont regroupés dans Syrte, Bani Walid et 2 autres villes pour résister en force à l’OTAN et ses mercenaires d’A-Qaida, sachant que la défaite avec ou sans les armes ne leur préservait que la mort, UN ANIMAL AUSSI INOFFENSIF SOIT-IL, ACCULÉ À UN MUR, DEVIENT AUSSI DANGEREUX QU’UN TIGRE. ILS ONT DÉCIDÉ DE MOURIR BRAVEMENT L’ARME À LA MAIN EN LIVRANT LE COMBAT DE LEUR VIE, POUR QUE LEUR MORTS IGNORÉS PAR LES MÉDIAS SANS ÂMES SOIENT TOUTEFOIS CONSIGNÉS DANS LES LIVRES D’HISTOIRES COMME CEUX QUI ONT DÉFIÉ LES BARBARIES DE L’OTAN. LE DRAME AUJOURD’HUI !!! CE QUE CES CRIMES DE GUERRE CONTRE DES AFRICAINS NOIRS, BLANCS OU VIOLETS SONT COMMIS AU 21ème SIÈCLE PAR L’OTAN ; UNE AGGLOMÉRA DE 40 PAYS QUI SE DISENT CIVILISÉS, SANS QUE QUELQU’UN PUISSE LES ARRÊTER. LA RAISON DU PLUS FORT EST TOUJOURS LA MEILLEURE DIT-ON ; JE COMMENCE À PEINE À EN SAISIR LA PORTÉE. Black Libyans Make Their Stand in Sirte and Bani Walid | Black Agenda Report “Black soldiers are fighting for survival against the world’s biggest lynch mob, armed to the teeth by the United States and Europe.” When it comes to Blacks – whether Libyans or immigrant workers – NATO-backed rebels have shown no respect for the rules of war, or for women and children. If surrende… J’aime · · S’abonner à la publication · Partager · Il y a 5 heures Abou Amin aime ça. Abou Amin HOW’S FOR GOD SAKE, IS THIS DUDE a Lt. Gen, PROTECTING CIVILIANS BY BOMBARDING DAY AND NIGHT FOR MORE THAN A MONTH A CITY OF 100 000 INHABITANTS ??? WHICH WAR ACADEMY THIS IDIOT HAS GRADUATED FROM ??? The commander of NATO’s air campaign in Libya has said that hundreds of organized fighters loyal to Col. Qaddafi pose a “resilient and fierce” threat in the two (another fraud, the whole country would be more accurate) remaining pro-Qaddafi strongholds, and are exploiting the urban settings to complicate THE ALLIANCE’S MISSION TO PROTECT CIVILIANS. And he goes on with another despicable distortion, claiming pro-Qaddafi in Surt are terrorizing residents, killing some and intimidating many others there. Desperate, he wanna have it both way, pretend according to his wishes, these are Gaddhafi’s Tribe and families strongholds, and terrorizing them in the same time, he was betting on the world ignorance about Libyan tribes. He even dismissed the fact that his activities in Libya was illegal, since sept the 30th, end of UN Mandate, but heinn… who cares…. as long as the media will just echo loop, his toxic gas Abou Amin NSNBC – Dr. Christof Lehmann :
    “Both NATO and the TNC are under estimating the will of the Libyan People to defend their country, their liberty, freedom, and political system, which is by all standards the one that is the most directly participatory political system yet designed, tested, and found to function for the benefit of the people. To imagine that the Libyan´s will to resist the occupation of their country and the installation of a club of Neo-Colonial Vice Roy´s would cease, because the aggressors have captured one city, or because the invaders have captured Mutassim Ghadafi, Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, or even Muammar Ghadafi is but a testament for the fact that neither the TNC nor NATO is understanding the enemies they are up against.” “The Libyan Military is well trained and well equipped, with a well educated staff of officers who are acutely aware of African and European history. “Libyan women would rather fight to their death, than being forced to live under the rule of a Saudi-Like regime, where they are not allowed to leave their home after five o clock afternoon, where they are not allowed to drive a car, or where they are stoned to death or beheaded for enjoyinga freedom that is supposed to be a fundamental right of every human being “Who would believe that the elderly in Libya, who enjoy the safety of free medical care, free medicine, and a decent life, would want to stop resisting the occupation and embrace’ “’Obama Care”. Who is so naive to belief that the Black People of Libya would cease resisting against the aggressor that has massacred tens of thousands of Black Libyans” _____________________________________ Stop the aggression in Libya via Clarissa Nirvana: To the French: Demonstration against the genocide in Sirte on the 15th Libye – Manifestation contre le génocide de Syrte à Paris le 15 octobre Place de la République – VIV l’hôpital Avicenne de la ville Syrte a été bombardé cinq jours avant d’être visité par le représentant du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge Hisham Khadrawi. Durant cette visite une seule aile de cette hôpital était encore sur pieds, cette aile ne disposant ni d’équipements ni d’appareils, offra.. Friday 14 October 2011 Libya: Black Friday for NATO Pro-Gaddafi protests in Libya – Matrix in Germany Hurry! Tripoli is in heavy fighting. For now, the “Sunday” the Islamic world, will again be held nationwide demonstrations by the Libyans under the green flag against NATO and the NTC. These protests were also performed in the previous week with tens of thousands of participants. The mainstream of NATO – the heads of state and corporate media, including Germany of course – they just dead silence Just as today.
  132. The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبي writes us:

    Clashes and battles in Tripoli right now,between Green army and rats.
    On the streets you can hear “Only Muammar”. #Libya #Oct14th #Uprising

    Now the fight in Tripoli spreads in Salehadeen area.
    We count down till the end of night prayers may we are granted the victory.
    #Libya #Oct14th #Uprising

    Via Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow

    Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi writes from LIBYA:
    South of Libya Opened the hell doors on rats
    Tripoli is the hell itself right now

    BOGDAN KNEZEVIC writes us:
    Tripoli is burning.
    All civilians are rising-up against NATO


    the start of intifanda and fentagin attacks.

    ” From today you have the right and the permission to blow up any pipeline that transform the oil to europe, all the pipes that have started working.
    Those pipelines have started working on while the blood of libyan people from Sirt , from Sabha and from Bani walid didnt get dry.
    … Is the blood of your brothers from Sebha , Sirte and Bani walid not enough to make you wake from your sleep and move as a fire against the rebels of NATO and those that call them selfs NATO, is this not enough for you to stand by the side of the Libyan army and vollounteers and fight against those people (the rebels, NATO ) and the colonialist crusaders, with honour with religion and with mens pride?
    From today the defence of Libya is not only on the hands of Libyan army its on the hands of all Libyans.
    your brother Mousa Ibrahim”

  133. Gadhafi photo tribute:

    Lita O Tale‎ writes:

    14 OCTOBER 2011
    Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri has yesterday called on Al Qaeda to widen the Libyan war, and to attack the Algerian Government. Al-Zawahiri was the first Al Qaeda leader to officially declare the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group a member of Al Qaeda. Knowing that Al Qaeda is a mainly CIA managed network of mercenaries, and that the LIFG has been Al Qaeda associated for decades, it is not unlikely that Al-Zawahiri´s statement is the initiator of a US Campaign to destabilize the Algerian Government, as nsnbc expected to happen at the beginning of October. Like the Ivory Coast under Laurent Gbagbo, and Libya governed by Muhammar Ghadafi, Algeria is one of the North and West African nations, that is one of the strongest obstacles for NATO´s neo-colonial ambitions. Algeria, like Libya and Ivory Coast when governed by Gbagbo, were working most actively towards a United Africa, and a Pan-African Currency. This weekend, nsnbc will publish an in depth analysis of the African Problem for NATO´s colonial ambitions.

    (Yes, we knew from about 10 days ago that the war spread to Algeria. A NATO official sort-of “announced” it; and the good Canadian reporter Mahdi Nazemroaya wrote of it a month ago from American military sources he had who knew what was going on.)

    Brother leader collage

    OBAMA bin Laden

  134. Libya Day of Protest while War Spreads into Tunisia and Algeria.
    Posted on 14 October 2011 by nsnbc
    Gad 4
    Muammar Ghadafi – Calling Libyans to Protest against NATO and TNC today.
    Christof Lehmann
    In his most recent address to the Libyan People, Muammar Ghadafi encouraged Libyans to protest NATO´s aggression and the TNC. For today, Friday, the Legitimate Libyan Government has called for nation wide demonstrations. Throughout the day and night there was heavy fighting in several Libyan Cities. Since nsnbc´s report on 3 October that Algerian Tribes are entering the war for Libyan Liberation, the most recent developments support that the war on Libya is spreading to Algeria and Tunisia. The world is waiting in anticipation of todays events.

    by Dr. Christof Lehmann

    03. October 2011:
    nsnbc reported that French Ambassador to Algeria Xavier Driencourt made preparations for an emergency evacuation of the French Embassy, and that Algerian Tribes were entering the war for Libyan war. Tonight nsnbc received confirmed reports that there had been heavy clashes in the border region between Tunisia and Libya. As Tripoli becomes increasingly unstable and the campaign against Sirte is stalling one time after the other, Tunisia has gained logistical importance for resupplying TNC fighters and material for the Sirte Offensive.

    The response of Tunisian tribes was to increase their amount of attacks on TNC and NATO convoys headed for the Libyan border. Again last night, two convoys were intercepted, and the TNC fighters attacked and forced to return. TNC fighters in Tunisia, heading for Zuwaiya, terrorized a Tunisian village, took down and burned a Tunisian Flag, which resulted in the population taking up arms against the TNC fighters, killing a dozen of them, while some escaped. Several analysts with knowledge about Tunisian and Tribal matters reported to nsnbc, that last nights events are bound to increase militarized responses to TNC presence in Tunisia.

    Ayman Al-Zawahiri

    al-Zawahri of al-qaeda
    Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri

    has yesterday called on Al Qaeda to widen the Libyan war, and to attack the Algerian Government. Al-Zawahiri was the first Al Qaeda leader to officially declare the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

    a member of Al Qaeda. Knowing that Al Qaeda is a mainly CIA managed network of mercenaries, and that the LIFG

    has been Al Qaeda associated for decades, it is not unlikely that Al-Zawahiri´s statement is the initiator of a US Campaign to destabilize the Algerian Government, as nsnbc expected to happen at the beginning of October. Like the Ivory Coast under Laurent Gbagbo, and Libya governed by Muhammar Ghadafi, Algeria is one of the North and West African nations, that is one of the strongest obstacles for NATO´s neo-colonial ambitions. Algeria, like Libya and Ivory Coast when governed by Gbagbo, were working most actively towards a United Africa, and a Pan-African Currency. This weekend, nsnbc will publish an in depth analysis of the African Problem for NATO´s colonial ambitions.

    The NATO Narrative of heroic rebels is slowly perforated by alternative media, and even Reuters

    has to follow suit not to loose it´s remaining credibility, when it reported from Sirte, that those civilians in Sirte who are resisting, are the people of Sirte, whose loved ones had been murdered by foreign fighters and NATO. In spite of the fact that heavy aerial and artillery bombardments and massive attacks resulted in TNC fighters entering Sirte on numerous occasions, the result is invariably heavy losses, as well as retreat. The humanitarian situation inside Sirte is beyond words, and requires an immediate halt to the fighting, and humanitarian relief. As reported yesterday,

    it seems that the TNC and NATO are desperate to register at least one victory while public criticism of NATO´s war on Libya is increasing. That the fall of one city as Sirte would break the Libyan Peoples will and ability to resist, however, would be a gross misjudgment.

    In the strategically significant Central Saharan city Sabah fighting between TNC and Libyan Forces continues. An estimated 25 % of Sabah are controlled by TNC Fighters, who are isolated from new supplies and reinforcements. Fighting also continues in Bani Walid, Bengazi and Tripoli, Tobruk. While the TNC continues to fall into a state of utter chaos, there are reports of situations throughout Northern Libya, where TNC fighters from different fractions are fighting over new supplies of weapons and ammunitions.

    Tonight spokespersons for the Libyan Government repeatedly, and via multiple available channels called on the Libyan Population to come out into the streets in numbers and demonstrate against NATO´s aggression and the presence of the TNC and it´s foreign fighters. Main stream Western media have largely ignored these calls. Two days ago, demonstrations in Tripoli were violently dispersed when TNC fighters as well as NATO helicopters opened fire into several groups of protesters, killing dozens. Libyans how ever, are acutely aware of the fact that they currently have nothing to loose and everything to win, and continued NATO and TNC atrocities will only aggravate those who may still be passive.

    The legitimate Libyan Government is also calling upon the Libyan People, as far as possible to leave areas that are under TNC control to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties, and declared all houses with national or regional TNC offices legitimate targets to be burned or destroyed. In numerous cities this call was headed, and local TNC representatives have been forced to leave. The world is waiting in expectation of what will manifest in Libya today, and the People of Libya are waiting in expectation asking weather people in NATO countries and around the world will demonstrate their solidarity. On closing of this article, nsnbc receives a report that demonstration in Tripoli and throughout Libya have begun, and people turn out in the streets waving green flags, protesting the war that has been forced on them by NATO.

    Dr. Christof Lehmann


  135. Libya – A personal account
    Posted: 13/10/2011
    From: Mathaba

    Mohanned Magamar (martyr, killed by NATO missile, directed from a tweet of rat Lucie Harcqwitz) the hotel that hosted the press in Tripoli

    Mohanned Megam, martyr
    Mohanned Megam, martyr, JULY 2011
    By Juliana Medeiros

    I speak almost every day (for Skype) with Libya. Friends in Tripoli, Sirte, Bani Walid, Sebha, Misrata .. also many refugees in Tunis, in the neighboring country. People who knew a few years ago, but most knew long ago, when the conflict began.

    The reason? It is not possible for any television network, in countries that are bombing Libya, to a minimally fair coverage. Among others, the overwhelming majority, including Brazil, according to the cost of maintaining an appropriate uninterrupted, only repeated what they say the same news agencies of the countries involved in military action of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty – NATO.

    … …the country “target” was an enemy of the Prince of Qatar, who is the owner of Al-Jazeera, a NATO member!…
    —-There are only two with covers made ​​in situ : RT TeleSur* of Russia,

    [*: “Russia Today” now has fully sided with NATO and its rebel terrorists by calling them ‘revolutionairy forces’ and ‘interim rulers’ while falsely considering Libya’s only legitimate leader Muammar Gaddafi as ‘ousted’ ! ]

    In this war where most media serves the political and economic interests, a little English and access to internet, allow direct communication with the sources, without intermediaries.

    One of these friends is that in the photo above. Mohanned Magamar in photo taken on the roof which hosted the press in Tripoli, with the square in front of the people and taking their green flags. A student of political science at the University of Tripoli, who took up arms to defend their city and died, not the victim of a combat with the so-called “rebels”, but by air, hit by a NATO missile, which also killed many friends who were close to him.
    After months of talking to this boy, 23, a student leader, thrilled with hope, moreover, with the certainty of victory for his country against what he called a “conspiracy” or an “attempt to smear a picture “of life that were there, a crisis which inevitably brought tears when we learned of his death.
    It took me to believe it was true. I had to ask, on Facebook, several of his friends and get a confirmation of one who spoke with his mother by phone several weeks later.

    It is incredible that men like Obama or Sarkozy quiet sleep in your pillows with so many deaths under his responsibility. It is unbelievable that the entire planet has accepted the same arguments used in the Iraq war on TV and watch, impassive, genocide is happening in Libya for months. Bush set up for Obama, different characters for different countries, but the same story of death and appropriation of resources, financial systems that feed and feed back broke the arms industry – eternal salvation of the capitalist model – now with our global audience, in prime time. There are many levels of omission and collusion with what happens now in Libya. But as always, we need to attack our backyard to be able to care.

    And reading what I wrote above, I see how hard it is to use a language “news” or “rational” to describe it all. But I accepted the challenge of a friend “exile”, at least to try blogging the reports I receive, perhaps as a way to track more than “near” the changes, now inevitable, that the Libyan people are subjected, and that is definitely NOT we are watching on TV. In fact, part of my indignation, Libyan citizens and independent media professionals, has been observing the submissive attitude of colleagues and conniving in the name of preserving their jobs, have entered the general discourse. But that would fit into a book, maybe.

    On the other hand, I realize how surreal is that the information in this globalized world allows us to watch a movie on our couch, knowing that someone on the other hand, spends a sleepless night amid the bombs of truth. And yes, I know that Gaza is already living it for decades, harassed almost daily by Israeli special forces. But Libya did not live in a war, there lived a minimal threat it was, the people had an even lived in the country recognized by the UN in 2007 as the highest HDI of their continent, recognized as “one of the greatest fighters of terrorism,” a place without taxes, rents, with the whole apparatus of state public and free, with plenty of water in the middle of the Sahara desert, an Islamic majority (no religious conflicts, as in other countries in the Arab world), well, I think it you can see that this story of “people wanting to be saved from a bloody dictator” has proven to be one of the biggest holes in the contemporary history. A decoy, which bought much of the world and resulted in a devastated country and now the subject of a dispute booty. Jihadists, al Qaeda (ironically raised to the “partners” of the coalition countries), mercenaries, Libyan opposition, British troops and Qatar, and, of course, Sarkozy and Obama who already know what will be its share of the shares.

    Today I spoke with an inconsolable widow of dead friends in Libya. A humorous professor, supervisor of masters in the area of ​​research in biology – that a few months ago told me that skype was trying to help his government fight an alien invasion still unlikely, while preparing students for tests, wondering how the majority of Libyans that it is no more than diplomatic negotiations. Veterinarian and biologist, spent about eight years specializing in Brazil, USP and UNB, between 80 and 90. He loved Brazil and made friends here, as I and many others. I even know what to say to her, I simply listen to his outburst.

    Tripoli, she said that is not back to normal. Rather, chaos is everywhere. There are no plans to return to school, no food, medicines, spare afraid ..

    The “new government” that is announced by the media in a clash with members of the media constantly Gaddafi government (and himself) – which does not cease to occupy space in the local media and the Arab world – has control of some neighborhoods with neurotic sentinels shoot everything they see constant bombardment aided by NATO to “pave way” for the militia, a coordinated action unprecedented in human history. There are also a lot of tension with the Libyan army brave soldiers who insist on following the resistance even without the orders of their commanders.

    My friend even leave the house for months. Without her husband, tries to protect her two children still under 14 years. There is no hope, only apprehension. When he was still alive after the initiation of foreign invasion in fact, his family only sat totally incommunicado for weeks, in silence, in her apartment, hoping that they were not hit by flak “rebels” who looked randomly in buildings residential Tripoli.

    After his death a few days and trying to bury his companion, a capital plunged into civil war, he must remain hidden in the apartment with their children and only hope that new winds bring the tranquility necessary to perform the farewell ceremonies Islamic your loved one or simply touch the lives forward.

    Soldiers of the CNT (the self-proclaimed “National Transitional Council”) that are around Tripoli, in most cases, but are not Libyan mercenaries hired by NATO, Qataris and British special forces soldiers. There is a difficulty in communicating with the constant tension worsened. Most of the militiamen, she said, although they speak Arabic, are not native (like the Portuguese of Portugal, for us) so many discussions end in death. It is a tragic formula easy to imagine. They keep guard on the streets to prevent any citizen to “indisponha” with the “new” regime they are pursuing. Any resistance ends in bickering and attacks that come easily to death in a country at war and without any police or security structure in place.

    She also reported that the CNT militia attempt to identify ex-government officials prior to interrogations and summary executions. All this, with the silence of the “United Nations”. In fact, with the guarantee of a seat on the UN Security Council for the killers!

    At this point most people just want the war to end soon, either with anyone. Do not take any more pressure. They want their lives back. At the same time, the population silenced during the day, unable to fly their flags, the complaint form networks on the Internet (most in Arabic) and resistance groups to sabotage the night of the CNT militia.

    What people are resisting this for months as the “expected salvation”? It’s amazing the discourse constructed to justify the genocide of foreign forces on the Libya! The only visible result of “humanitarian action” of NATO in this African country, are bodies in the streets, hospitals collapsing and a constant fear. A ceaseless war … how can we believe in “freedom” so long dreamed of the images on the Internet spread of violence, despair, tragedy, every day?

    A few years ago the war in Lebanon followed by TV, with a Lebanese friend who spoke of their inability to see everything away helplessly. Now I understand what it is.

    A single decision would change the course of this story: stop investing in death. Somalia, Ethiopia, Haiti, could be fed for years about what they are investing to destroy Libya! But this, here in the real world is not the goal of the warlords.

    When I was in Tunisia, the border with Libya, the last time I spoke with Mohanned skype, warning that intended to go to Tripoli soon and we could talk in person. NATO had started bombing the border posts, the beginning of the siege, but we had not even the size of what was to come. When I commented that it was boring “delay” he replied with a smile at the end, “do not worry, you will soon pass the border.” I’m sure now that we go through, each in his way, that border.

    About Juliana Medeiros
    Juliana Medeiros is Editor-in-Chief Mathaba Latin America ( Portuguese ) News and blogs at Commune Noun
    View all posts by Juliana Medeiros →

    “Asia Times” correspondent Pepe Escobar explained NATO’s hypocrisy and its plan to stay in Libya forever.
    On the question if the latest NATO-rebel assault on Sirte will let them ‘take the city from Gaddafi-loyalists’, he answered:

    “We’ve been seeing the ‘latest assault’ for the last three or four weeks, this is probably the 25th latest assault. This is cluster bombing of R2P (Responsibility To Protect) which was, theoretically, the reason for NATO’s ‘humanitarian’ intervention in Libya.”

    “So, if the ‘good guys’ are being attacked by Gaddafi forces, R2P applies,” he went on to explain. “But if the ‘bad guys’ are ensconced in Sirte, for instance, and we don’t care if there are thousands of civilians in Sirte as well, R2P does not apply. So, in terms of hypocrisy, this beats anything else in the market.”

    “The only coverage that you see in Western mainstream corporate media is about the advances of the so-called pro-revolutionary forces. This is not a revolution. This is a civil war, which was adopted by the NATO powers and the US.”

    “There are more than 100,000 living in Sirte. If 10,000 have left, or 20,000, most of the population is still there. They were bombed by NATO. NATO bombed at least half of the city, including what they said were Gaddafi installations all across the town,” Escobar continued.

    “There absolutely is no body count of the civilian population, so the hypocrisy is cosmic, in fact.”

    Imagining Sirte would ‘fall’ in hours or days, he said: “They [the NATO-rebels] are assuming the problems are all solved then and they can set up a government in Tripoli and the TNC will be accepted by…everybody as their rulers. This is not going to happen. The war is beginning.”

    “Have you heard anybody talking about what is going on in the Southern desert? Of course not, because nobody knows what is going on there or in the borders with Algeria and Niger. But this is where Gaddafi’s resistance is organized.”

    About NATO he said: “NATO is going to be there forever. The last time they said: ‘As long as there is no functioning government in Tripoli, we will be there.’ This [functioning government] is not going to happen. Thus, ergo, war forever.”


    NATO’s TNC ground troops commit summary executions in Sirte
    Posted: 2011/10/14
    From: Source

    NATO crimes

    NATO war crimes against the people of Sirte
    By Bandolero

    There is no doubt that the TNC ground troops, which were recognized as Libya’s government forces by Western countries, commit grave war crimes in their assault on the Libyan city of Sirte.

    Many videos

    and photos

    show TNC ground troops firing heavy weapons on the city of Sirte, targeting opponent forces and civilians alike. Doing so they are committing the war crime of using indiscriminate force against populated areas.

    This crime became so common for the TNC troops’ behaviour that even NATO’s propaganda mouthpiece Reuters described this war crime in one of it’s recent reports from Sirte in detail:,0,305749.story

    Obaid pulled up in his pick-up truck keen to fire the multiple rocket launcher mounted on the back at Gaddafi loyalists holding out in the Libyan city of Sirte, but just as he was about to shoot, he stopped to ask which way to aim.

    His comrades standing nearby loudly conferred with one another then pointed him to what they agreed was the right direction and Obaid fired four Grad missiles at the city.

    They all cheered him and shouted “Allahu Akbar.” Smoke rose above the already wrecked city, but no one could say if the Grad rockets hit the target, or even what the target was.

    But there are more crimes. Telesur’s reporter Diego Marin reported from Sirte,

    that one of NATO’s TNC ground troops said to him that that anybody they catch in Sirte with a weapon would be executed.

    Media reports indicate that the TNC’s “government troops” are just committing the above mentioned war crime of the summary execution of prisoners of war. Like people know from the past about the war against Libya

    the western mass media seem to be complicit again by trying to cover up the crimes of the TNC forces and, like they did during the entire war, they try to blame those crimes on forces loyal to the Libyan government again.

    To understand this, one just needs to crosscheck the propaganda of different NATO mouthpieces. Just read the Reuters report of October 12

    describing that 25 bodies of executed people were found in Sirte’s “neighborhood 2”, some of them handcuffed:

    The corpses of 25 people wrapped in plastic sheets were found on Wednesday in the city of Sirte by government forces, who accused militias fighting for deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi of execution-style killings. A Reuters team counted 25 corpses in plastic bags in a southern area of
    Sirte called “Neighbourhood 2”. Five corpses shown to the team had their hands tied behind their backs and gunshot wounds to the head. They wore civilian clothes. A commander with the National Transitional Council (NTC) said the corpses had been there for at least five days.

    According to the Reuters propaganda it’s pretty clear that the people were already dead for five days, and as the TNC forces conquered “Neighbourhood 2” just three days ago, the people loyal to Libya’s green government are to blame for the murder.

    However, when the Guardian – another NATO mouthpiece – reported on the same corpses a couple of hours later,

    the story changed in significant details:

    The already angry mood towards the loyalists hardened with the discovery, in three locations in the city, of 30 captured men who had been cuffed and executed.

    According to government (editor: meaning TNC here) commanders the men had been killed on Tuesday.

    It’s pretty clear that the Guardian wants to tell it’s readers that the crime was committed by “loyalists.” However, the Guardian forgot to tell it’s readers where the crime was committed and just said “three locations in the city.” But the Guardian reported now that the crime of the summary execution was committed just yesterday.

    So what does this look like? Reuters reported that the crime was committed five days ago, because the location where the corpses were found was captured a couple of days ago by TNC forces. But in the evening it didn’t add up because the corpses were fresh. So the Guardian told they were fresh, but didn’t report where the corpses were found. The Guardian did so to be sure that readers couldn’t draw the obvious conclusion that this is a crime of the TNC forces, just as Telesur reported that they announced they would commit the crime. In contrast to the corpses of executed prisoners, Getty published a photo of a TNC fighter who was captured by loyalist green forces as a prisoner of war.

    He doesn’t look very well, but obviously he was not executed.

    It’s no surprise that the TNC forces commit grave war crimes in Sirte. Confronted with allegations of crimes and abuses of their forces even the top commanders of the TNC ground forces publicly declared that they have no control over their own troops.

    NATO’s excuse for these crimes to happen while NATO is engaged with a UN mandate “to protect civilians” is more than lame. NATO claims it is a neutral force protecting civilians and therefore not reponsible for the actions of TNC ground troops. However, as neutral as NATO claims to be, NATO has chosen its targets very one sidedly. While the TNC troops fired with Howitzers from the distance in the direction of Sirte, NATO has not prevented them from doing so, but instead helped the TNC troops massacre civilians with airstrikes on the city.

    And there is evidence that NATO is more to the TNC ground troops than a neutral force. In recent weeks there were many reports of TNC troops saying before attacking a city they wait for green light from NATO.

    That effectively makes NATO top commander of the TNC troops. This is confirmed by logic. Given the organizational weakness of the TNC troops, any other configuration than having NATO being at the top of the command chain of the TNC forces doesn’t make sense militarily.

    But when NATO is at the top of the TNC command chain, then it’s NATO’s TNC ground troops committing the crimes and NATO’s commanders are fully reponsible for the actions of their troops and should be held accountable for their war crimes. The argument that the grave and proven war crimes were committed by outsourced ground forces operating under a different flag is not convincing since these forces are still under NATO’s control and command.

    Thus the NATO criminals shall be brought to justice and punished for the war crimes they are responsible for.

    Addendum Thursday, October 13th, 2011: The NATO propaganda outlets changed their story on the crime of the execution of prisoners of war in Sirte again. As it appeared that the executed prisoners of war were obviously people loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, journalist Rasmus Tantholdt from Danish TV 2 reports now,

    that the “rebels have a theory that it are Gaddafi’s people who have executed their own soldiers.” With this absurd statement the NATO propaganda efforts to blame these TNC crimes on Green Government loyalists should hopefully be regarded as completely exposed and debunked.

    About Bandolero
    Just an engineer from Germany, writing a bit of stuff in the internet.

  136. Gaddafi,today:

    Zero time today,for the Libyan uprising to liberate the country from the hands of traitors and NATO.
    Each Libyan takes its responsibility as a choice for a better future for Libya.

    #Libya #Oct14th #Uprising

    Sirte 1

    One resident returned Friday to collect personal items from his home. Uniforms, clothes and mattresses littered the front courtyard.
    The owner, who would not give his name because of fear of reprisals, left carrying just a blanket, saying, “the pictures speak for themselves.” He then left the city with several of his relatives.
    Associated Press writers Kim Gamel in Tripoli and Christopher Gillette in Sirte contributed to this report.
    Sirte 2

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا

    Via Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow

    NATO mercenaries and its agents are asking for help in Sirte. (BUT I ASK, what more can NATO bomb? Everything is already rubble!)

    Gharyan, noumerous green flags are now deployed in all the area.

    Urgent:Grad rockets in city of Misurata,without knowing their source.
    Heavy explosions rocked Misurata.Smoke is rising.

    Now the people of Al Hadba are out in the streets in response to the call of the people of Puslim.

    NATO rats shoot some innocent protestors from back, one martyr from Al Hadba.

    Clashes and battles in Tripoli right now,between Green army and rats.
    On the streets you can hear “Only Muammar”
    More renewd fights in Tripoli in almost every corner of, even Dahmani.
    Now helicopters hovering over Tripoli,low altitude.
    Saleh Adeen and Ben Gashir areas.
    The rats are retreating and leave the place to the Green Lions.
    Al Jallat the march in cohession with the commander and leader of the revolution has started.
    – The Green Square in Tripoli is now witnessing tough street-fights and its full with dead bodies.
    Now the fight in Tripoli spreads in Salehadeen area.
    We count down till the end of night prayers may we are granted the victory.

    ***** Dr. Mousa Ibrahim told the Libyan civilians in a message: The brave eagles who are now present next to the American, French and Italian embassies have to capture the ambassadors and take them to Bani Walid.

    Tripoli – NTC rats firing randomly into the surrounding buildings in fear of snipers.
    Burning of the headquarters of the Executive Board of Council of shame in Abu Salim.

    Video where you can see the shooting down of helicopter in Abu Salim:

    اسقاط ناقلة الجنود بباب العزيزية �…
    اسقاط ناقلة الجنود بباب العزيزية التي كانت متجهة لقمع شباب ابوسليم وهم في طريقهم للساحة الخضراء 14 10 2011
    Durée : ‎0:48

    A helicopter in the area Abu Salim is shot down by Green Army.

    Massive huge black smoke above Tripoli.
    #BBC confirmed the news of clashes and fighting in the streets of Tripoli.
    – The Libyan fighters are still fighting in Tripoli and are close to taking over Rexos Hotel and Military Camp 77 from the NATO rats.
    It’s hunting season in Tripoli: the animal of choice is the rat.
    – The town of Gharian is now totally free form the NATO rebels and the Green Flag is rising high.
    In Barak beach ( 80 km south of sebha) the people in the streets raised the green flags and chanting Allah Mouammar Libya Obas.
    -***** The NATO rebels used heavy weaponry and tanks against the peaceful protesters in Bou Salim, which resulted in pro-Gaddafi loyalists to go to the streets and start street-fights against the rats.

    – ***** Reports are claiming that the US sent 3,000 trained killers to Libya from a base in Spain in an attempt to help the NATO rats prevent the Libyan people from revolting against them and continue their support to their mighty leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi.

    6 Massive explosions in Zawiyah.
    Clashes in Zliten.
    Clashes and heavy gunfire in Ben Ghasir.
    Green flag was raised over the Police College in Al-Badri,and a peaceful march calling for God, Libya and Muammar Obs.
    Aljazeera and Alarabia confirm that there are many dead and injured rebels in Zawiyah and Tripoli and Hospitals are filled.

    Now its turned to gunfire #Abu-slim


    Main battle is not in Sirte anymore,it is in Tripoli again.Zero hour is here.Make it green!Viva Gaddafi!

  137. From the near past:
    Muammar Al-Gadaffi letter — 12th September ’11 read by Misha’an al-Jabouri :

    9 SEP 2011:

    In Geneva, a senior U.N. human rights official expressed concern about a risk of serious abuses against suspected loyalists occurring when Gadhafi’s last strongholds fall to revolutionary forces.

    The head of the U.N. human right’s office’s rule of law section, Mona Rishmawi, said Libya’s transitional government said that they were “trying” to ensure the rights of captured Gadhafi fighters are protected but “the system that is currently in place is not adequate.”

    She said in Geneva Friday that “there is a lot of room for abuse” of the estimated 7,000 people detained in sometimes makeshift prisons throughout Libya.

    Rishmawi recently visited Libya as part of a U.N. delegation.

  138. The Mass Media LIES:

    Why would al-Gadhafi want to destroy his own people and their homes. The articles presented, blame JAMAHIRIYA forces for the destruction and deaths, which we all know is untrue….and besides, not only in Sirte, but now almost all of Libya is in the hands of the JAMAHIRIYA, not the so-called” terrorist” rebels, NATO or the TNC. Who runs the TNC anyway? Outside of Jalil, almost everyone else has disbanded or fled. Those of Jalil and al-Qaeda who remain are beheading everyone who holds a green flag or says the name Gadhafi. They take no prisoners anymore; as their jails in Tripoli alone, hold more than 7,000 political prisoners, which are systematicly being tortured…. So now. they are slicing their heads off instead.
    As al-Gadhafi said, conditions in Tripoli were unbearable. They had to uprise, if they just wanted to live. There was no more a “choice” but to reject the TNC and NATO. The people were terrified of the TNC and their MALFIA-like rule; and could not live adequately. The people were used to doing things for themselves through Popular Congresses; and not be ordered about by bullies. They want their JAMAHIRIYA back.

    And the lies by them and the media continue! They make it appear that Sirte is at its end; and there are less the 100 “Gadhafi fighters” left in the country! How absurd. We also know the Taurg are with al-Gadhafi, and that brings in free warriors [not mercenaries] who are devoted followers from Mali, Niger and Algeria as well.

    It is NOT ending this week at all. ALL LIES! They seem to think that if they say something (even if it is far from the truth) it will be true. They are living in a virtual reality; not the real world. The Press is only backing-up their fantasy….BUT the Western peoples believe it as the “honest truth”!!! That is the biggest crime, after the murdering, destruction and loss of a healthy life.

  139. october-2011/
    ← Saturday, 15 October 2011, in Milan
    Libyan War News: 15 October 2011
    Posted on 14 October 2011 by libyanfreepress| Leave a comment

    – The Green flag is now rising again over the city of Sibrata.

    – Some reports are saying that the American ambassador in Libya is now missing.

    – Street-fights ongoing in Tarhouna.

    – The might Libyan army have seized several weaponry warehouses that belonged to the NATO-mercenaries near Tripoli.

    – Al-Jamil City: The office of the NTC there have been burned.

    – More than 1500 wounded Nato-mercenaries arrived to France, England, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan.

    – The civilians that were held in the prison of Jadim due to their loyalty towards the Leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi were freed by the tribe of Wershfana.
    – Dr. Mousa Ibrahim told the Libyan civilians in a message: “The brave eagles who are now present next to the American, French and Italian embassies have to capture the ambassadors and take them to Bani Walid”.

    – The Libyan fighters are still fighting in Tripoli and are close to taking over Rexos Hotel and Military Camp 77 from the NATO rats-mercenaries.

    – The town of Gharian is now totally free form the NATO rebels and the Green Flag is rising high.

    – The NATO rebels used heavy weaponry and tanks against the peaceful protesters in Bou Salim, which resulted in pro-Gaddafi loyalists to go to the streets and start street-fights against the rats.

    – Reports are claiming that the US sent 3,000 trained killers to Libya from a base in Spain in an attempt to help the NATO-mercenaries prevent the Libyan people from revolting against them and continue their support to their mighty leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi.

    – The Green Square in Tripoli is now witnessing tough street-fights and its full with dead bodies.


  140. #Libya #Oct14th #Uprising
    Revolution starts from every street, every corner, every centimeter.
    Revolution ….revolution to the front, to the front …

    Ammunition warehouse for rebels was destroyed in Tripoli today

    Transport chopper Chinook CH-47G with 44 NATO Agents crashed down in Tripoli. All NATO Agents dead. #Unconfirmed

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
    Al Jamahiria – اﻟﺠﻤﺎﻫﻴﺮﻳﺔ
    Allibiya TV – قناة الليبية
    Par : Operation “Cleansing Libya”

    Stefano Mura writes from Italy:

    Italian’s media are saying “Gheddafi escaping into desert and giving money to people to fight rebels…” !
    poor sion-usa propaganda…
    They are embarassed and they do not known what to say after months of claiming victory… I’m very very pleased, and here in italy 😉 too, people going to know the truth.



    People of the world!
    These words come to you from those who struggle to survive under NATO’s massive criminal bombardments.
    Our plight is not covered by Western corporate media.
    We are simple people who chose principles over fear.
    We have suffered crimes and sanctions, mass murder and looting, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction.
    We have endured weeks and months of agony and despair, while the condemned UN traded with our oil revenues in the name of ‘protecting civilians’.
    Over 60,000 innocents have died while waiting for a light at the end of a tunnel that has no end, save for the colonization of our country and the theft of our resources.
    After the crimes of the administrations of France and Britain in Libya, we have chosen our future.
    It is the future of every resistance struggle in the history of humankind.
    It is our duty as well as our right to fight back against the forces of colonization and to hold their nations morally and economically responsible for what their elected governments have destroyed and stolen from our land.
    We have not crossed the oceans and seas to occupy Britain or France. Nor are we responsible for Europe’s economic crisis, which they attempt to ease through theft of our sovereign wealth.
    These criminals have tried to conceal their true plans for the control and monopoly of the energy resources of the world, in the presence of the threat of an expanding power in China and a strong unified Africa.
    It is ironic that the Libyans are to bear the full burden of this immense and ever-deepening conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world!
    We do not require arms or fighters for we have plenty.
    We ask you to form a worldwide front against war and NATO. A front that is governed by the wise. A front that will bring reform and order and new institutions that would replace the now corrupt.
    Stop dealing with France, the USA, Britain, Qatar and the UAE. Reduce or halt your consumption of their products and propaganda. Put an end to them before they destroy the entire world.
    Educate those in doubt of the true nature of this conflict.
    Do not believe their corporate media lies.
    Casualties of their special forces on the ground and their Libyan puppets are far higher than they admit. We only wish we had more cameras to show the world their true defeat.
    The enemy is on the run. They are in fear of a resistance movement they can neither see nor predict.
    We now choose when, where, and how to strike. And as our ancestors ignited the first flame of civilization, we will now redefine the word “conquest.”
    Today we write a new chapter in the arts of urban warfare.
    Know that by helping the Libyan people you are helping yourselves, for tomorrow may bring the same destruction to you. This conflict is not a localized war.
    Helping the Libyan people does not mean making new deals and contracts with France, the USA, Britain, Qatar and the UAE.
    Isolate them.
    Neither can the world remain hostage to their control of the UN to cover their crimes and theft.
    We will trap them here in Libya to drain their resources, manpower and their will to fight.
    We will make them spend as much as they have stolen, if not more.
    We will disrupt, then halt the flow of our pillaged oil, thus rendering their strategies obsolete.
    The sooner a global revolutionary movement is born, the sooner their fall.
    To NATO soldiers we say, “Go back to your homes, families, and loved ones. This is not your war. Nor are you fighting for a true cause in Libya,”
    And to Sarkozy and Cameron, we say, you bring it on, as have we, like never expected.
    Have you another challenge before your end?

  142. Julius Hensel Blog

    Libya, Tripoli 14th Oktober 2011 – Stunde Null der Befreiung October 2011 – Zero Hour of Liberation

    John Schacher

    It began in the early hours of Friday with a call to the legitimate government of national, peaceful protests against the incipient occupation troops and the NTC regime. Since the early morning hours quilts now in Libya, the bear. This time not in flip-flops!. To members of the NTC Muammar Al-Quadhafi government has now also a bounty assigned to: $500.000, 000.00
    Sabha in the Libyan sources as exempt and the siege of Sirte as soggy reported broken up.

    As Libya’s capital Tripoli can not currently be so called because Bani Walid was determined for the temporary capital. On Friday, the opposition managed to blow up a large ammunition dump of the NATO-rebels in Tripoli in the air. The district of Abu Salim is completely freed and is held by the Libyan government army. The local rebel headquarters was destroyed by fire. A lot of Libyan citizens who were by the NTC of conscience, imprisoned or even often indiscriminately, could be freed from many prisons in Tripoli, where they were subjected to torture and murder. Reports confirm that the NTC is currently in panic rebels kill their prisoners in order to leave no witnesses, which is why the prisons are the first priority. From the plateau of the eastern city of violent skirmishes with the retreating rebels are reported. . In many parts of the city tap water supply has been turned off again, citizens are advised to put water emergency supplies.

    Meanwhile, the tribal warriors of Warfalla Rishvana and Tripoli on the south and west, surrounded, prevent NATO supplies and intercept fleeing rebels NTC. Also, the strains from Zliten Garyan and that could just release their own hometown successful, on the way to Tripoli. In the border area with Tunisia came there to fight, in which NTC rebels pulled the short straw: 25 vehicles were destroyed in the Sousse region, the Tunisian border is currently impassable for NATO forces.

    . Two kills by NATO helicopters to Tripoli were reported today. A Chinook CH-47G transport helicopter is at the entrance to his fallen Quadhafi compound Bal-al-Azizia, which carried 13 British SAS soldier is dead The crash is filmed have been. Furthermore, the same still a Chinook, but this time with 44 passengers were killed. To stay with helicopters: Sirte to be since the beginning of the siege 10 helicopters downed given (!). Good luck!

    ! The White House announced on Friday evening that the American ambassador in Tripoli has vanished (CNN)! This fits well to the commands of the resistance for the day to capture the ambassador of betraying Erna organizations in Tripoli.A great move, because you can let the Ambassadors probably not as easy as the captive European mercenaries to destroy evidence quickly slaughtered by their own people. . Today also resigned the British war minister – not because of ethical reasons, but because he had fallen because of unscrupulous travel affairs in the crossfire.

    Rixos and airport

    The Mitiga airport in Tripoli is the scene of fierce battles. Here the problem comes into play, that the airport defending its large open spaces where the existing high-tech arsenal very well and therefore is difficult to take. But the situation must be rectified, and as quickly as the wind, before the NATO and can react to wheel more ground troops. If this liberation is possible, can be avoided with a long-term occupation of blue helmets. Battles are also around the Rixos hotel (whose income is intended), the Miltitärcamp 77, Salah Eddin reported to the district and the area Ben Gahir. Most of the NATO-rats have entrenched in the port area and wait for better days. . Some analysts believe that Abdel Hakim Belhaj is already dead, others suspect that he has fled for fear of revolt with his bodyguards from Tripoli.

    Hopefully succeed today under cover of night, all the strategic plans of resistance and can be over the bloody days that followed are constantly expanding, so the Libyan heroes deserved their freedom soon be able to hold back in brave hands.

    The big question then will the world soon and before the hearts of certain gentlemen bang quake, is: Where in the world takes place, the court proceedings against NATO and the NTC?

    . Finally, one more thing that might have crept in at such a busy day like today, the one or other false report, all of us is hopefully clear … the objective search for truth – we are committed – there is always our main concern.

    – –

    In the last seconds of the movie 1:11 min you can see the impact of this struggle in shocking form:

  143. Libya The Night That Killed The Lies
    Posted on October 15, 2011 by nsnbc
    Most of Tripoli is Liberated, Sirte is holding on, Bani Walid, Sabah, Zliten, and countless other cities are free. As morning came to Libya the results of the onset of a new stage of the Libyan Liberation become undeniable. While Libyans mourn the death of those fallen in the fight for liberation, the TNC and NATO mourn massive losses of territory, troops, and trust. NATO and the TNC lost over 1.000 fighters, and over 1.500 are wounded. Their greatest casualty how ever, are the Lies about Libya, which were put to rest by the new phase of Libya´s Liberation. by Dr. Christof Lehmann
    The spokes person for the Tuareg rebel group Alliance (ADC) Hama Ag Sid’Ahmed has called reporters to notify that Tuaregs are readying up politically and militarily to join the resistance in Libya. Already Tuareg fighters are pouring in to Libya to fight NATO occupation and help with the liberation process.

    One day ago, not long after midnight it became clear. The legitimate Libyan Government had called upon the people of Libya to come out in numbers on the 14th of October and to protest the bombing and occupation of Libya by NATO and it´s TNC Proxy mercenaries and Proxy Government. It also became clear that the calls for leaving areas under TNC control to avoid civilian casualties was legitimate, and a warning of what was waiting. Then, all buildings housing offices of the TNC were declared legitimate targets, that could be destroyed or burned.

    In the early morning hours of 14 October, parts of Sirte were under TNC Control, some 25 % of Sabah, 25 % of Bani Walid, 25 % of Bengazi, and Tripoli in spite of ardent resistance still much under TNC control. This picture would change dramatically over the next 24 hours.

    At 02.30 the people of Zuwara rose up against the TNC fighters, burned the local TNC office, and forced the occupiers to flee the town, taking heavy casualties.Also in many other cities, the demonstrations started off during the early morning hours, as if people could not take the oppression, massacres and atrocities for one moment longer. Libya was at the brink of exploding from anger and frustration.

    In Tripoli, demonstrations began around 08.00 o clock morning, but began to really manifest, when a large contingent of militia from the Wirsh Fana Tribe entered Tripoli at about 15.00 o´clock. The troops were met with massive jubilation, and when it became known that Dr. Moussa Ibrahim was waiting in one of Tripoli´s suburbs, it was as if the citizens of Tripoli understood the message, “This is it, today we take our city and our country back”.

    The arrival of the Wirsh Fana Tribal Militia in Tripoli prompted several hast retreats by TNC fighters, in among other Bani Walid, Sirte, and Sabah, and in all cases the hasty, often chaotic retreats were the cause of heavy casualties. The retreat to reinforce Tripoli was a drive through a shooting gallery, as people all over Libya rose to the occasion.

    At 16.00 o´clock there were massive demonstrations and crowds waving green flags throughout Libya. Also in the afternoon, the TNC began attacks on protesters and Libyan Forces in Tripoli. Demonstrations were sprayed with light and heavy machine gun fire from the ground, and from NATO helicopters, to great suffering, but to little avail. The same horrendous crime of shooting into demonstrations was reported from Al Jumaa and many other towns and districts.As if the TNC and NATO had to provide the final evidence for what brand of “Democracy” they are advocating, by “protecting civilian lives in Libya”.

    At 18.00 o´clock nsnbc received reports that heavy fighting had broken out in several areas of Tripoli, and that Abu Salim and other districts were firmly in the hands of Libyan Forces. At 18.30 a NATO Apache helicopter was shot down en route to disperse demonstrations.

    As the severity of the “crisis” became obvious for NATO and the TNC, more reinforcements were ordered towards Tripoli. 19.30 an additional detachment of TNC fighters left their positions in Zawiya. en route to Tripoli, the detachment fell into an ambush of units from the elite 32nd Brigade led by Khamis Ghadafi. The entire convoy was destroyed, and there were numerous casualties and prisoners. By now, there was heavy fighting in Abu Salim, Alhadbah, Bab Ben Ghasir, Salehaddeen, Al Nasser, and Al Bahi districts of Tripoli.

    At 21.00 yesterday evening, a security estimate of the situation in Libya stated: 50 – 60 % of Tripoli Liberated. 80 % of Bengazi are free, and the TNC head Quarter in Bengazi was stormed by Libyan Forces. Over 90 % of TNC – Members had resigned, fleeing Tripoli.

    Close to 22.00 o´clock the Tripoli Military Counsel deployed a large number of armored vehicles to protect the most critical areas and facilities still under TNC control, while the areas under Libyan control became increasingly consolidated.

    At 21.47 nsnbc received reports that NATO planes had begun a massive bombing campaign against Abu Salim. A caller from the scene said “they are carpet bombing our district”. At 21.55 reports that an additional contingent of tribal militia men from the Wirsh Fana Triba had arrived in Tripoli, entirely changing the military situation. Attacks on heavily fortified TNC and NATO positions began, while special operations units from the Libyan Forces began deploying to capture key Libyan and foreign political and military figures. In a move to counter the new deployments, the TNC deployed snipers on the roofs of Omar Mukhtar Street.

    The city of Gheriyan pronounced it was a free city again. Like Gherian, many other cities throughout Northern Libya cast out the occupiers by both armed attacks and impressive demonstrations that clarified it once and for all “Libyans will never except a TNC that is forced on them by NATO”.

    22.45 nsnbc received reports that the Rixos Hotel, Military Camp 77, and the Green Square were under attack by Libyan Forces. When Libyan Forces arrived at the Green Square it became obvious that a massive massacre had taken place there. The square was strewn with dead demonstrators that had been killed by TNC fighters. Further reports, not yet confirmed, state that the U.S.-Ambassador to Libya is missing.

    The tribes from Zlitan and Gheriya declared they could send reinforcements to Tripoli and Sirte. Early this morning, a NATO, Chinook Helicopter was shot down near Zlitan. Heavy fighting continues throughout Northern Libya as this article is sent on-line.

    As the redaction of this article closes, at 13.30 GMT, there is fighting throughout Tripoli. The night before 15 October was a night of heavy casualties for the TNC and NATO. With the utter disregard for human life and human values both TNC and NATO have shown, the greatest casualty that is mourned by them today is most likely “The Death of the Lies about Libya”.

    Christof Lehmann


  144. As a Young Warrior:

    صبرك صبرك يا زعيم القادة””صبرك صبرك النصر قريب ميعاده

    صبرك صبرك يا كبير الهمة “” صبرك صبرك والراية الخضراء حترفرف دووم في القمة

    صبرك صبرك ياعز التريس “” صبرك صبرك انردولك إعتبارك من المجلس ومن كل خسيس

    صبرك صبرك وبإذن الكريم اترد زي ماكانت “”صبرك صبرك وناخدولك الثأر من اللي خانك

    صبرك صبرك يا رمز التحدي “” صبرك صبرك وبإذن الله كل المصايب تنجلى واتعدي

    Patience patience, O leader of leaders, “” patience patience unseasoned close to victory.

    Patience patience, O great vigor, “” patience patience and green flag at the summit Anrverw Doom

    Patience patience Aaaz Altric “” patience patience Anrdolk mind of the Council and all the villainous

    Patience patience and awareness be restored to the Holy permission patchwork costume “” patience patience and Nachdolk Revenge of the Old betrays

    Patience patience my challenge code “” patience, and patience, God willing, all the blows and Almassaab Ataadi

    We are Al Gaddafi’s lovers
    ياليبيا لاتبكي ولاتخافي
    جرحك رح يرجع غـــــــافي
    بروحنا بنفدي قلبك الدافي
    نامي ياليبيا احلامك سعيده
    والجروح عن قلـــــــــــبك بعيدة
    انت بقلب العرب حبيبه
    ولاتزعلي ياليبيا يا حبيبه
    بلديك ما بيبكي لو شو ماصار
    بلـــــــــديك قوي بوجه الاعصار
    طول ماقائدك القذافي
    اكيد رح ترجع شمس الــــنهار

    ” من سوري حر ”

    We are Al Gaddafi’s lovers
    Aalibia to Atbeka and Atkhafa
    Gerg suggested due GAVI
    Our spirit Bnfda heart Dafi
    Nami Aalibia happy dreams
    And wounds for your heart away
    You are the heart of the Arab Habiba
    And Atzali Aalibia O Habiba
    What if Bldek Bepki Shaw Masar
    Bldek particularly strong typhoon
    Along Magaúdk Gaddafi
    Downright welcomed back sun day

    Gadhafi, we are one:

    Gadhafi and Syrian President:

  145. liby7 انا المهدي المنتظر عندما اعلن القذافي ليبيا إنما الامم انتهات كان محق وله عقل على كل الحكام العرب او الغرب

  146. sahara occidental ان ا ال م ه د ي ا ل م ن ت ظ ر ع ن د م ا اع ل ن ال ق ذا ي ل ي ب ي ا إ ن م ا ال ام م ا ن ت ه ات ك ان م ح ق وله ع ق ل ع ل ى ك ل ال ح ك ام ال ع ر ب او ال غ رب

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