La semaine avant le lever du soleil vert / The Week Before the Green Sunrise / وقبل أسبوع من شروق الشمس الخضراء

#Libya URGENT #News – There is a Great man-made River water leak in the industrial area located between the town of Ajdabiya and Brega seaport (about 70 km west of Ajdabiya) station 280 + 76 this leakage has caused a flow of large amounts of water in the region and subsequently the brothers in Man-Made River are closing the valve in the Ajdabya reservoir. It is currently being verified if this leakage is caused by the leaks which occured from the military operations during the war. He noted that there are signs of (un)exploded (?) shells near the site.

The Green Resistance, on Muammar al-Qathafi‘s orders, is working feverishly to repair and clean it; so once again Libyans can have a clean, pure and fresh water supply.

Libya S.O.S.
According to #ALGERIA ISP – there was an explosion targeting the pipeline of the man-made river in #Libya causing the interruption of water for four days in areas around Brega, Ras Lanuf, Sirte etc, 340 km long ,affecting around 12 towns. BTW, NATO rebels stole all the equipment from the man-made river including vehicles and trucks.

An Explosion in the Pipeline of the Great Artificial River

Posted on 16/02/2012 at 13:49

An explosion in the pipeline of the great artificial river 

ALGERIA ISP / Ahrar According ElmokawamaLibya, an explosion in the pipeline of the great artificial river in the region “Khour Oukida” causing the interruption of water for four days on areas of Brega inSirte to 340 km affecting the cities of: Brega Jadida, ElMarsa Brega, Khour Oukida, El Arkoub, Bashar El Ekila, Raes Lanouf, Ben Jouad, El Noufila, Oum Kendil, Bou Saeda, Ouedi el Ahmar, Hrawa. Note that the rebels stole all NATO facilities management of the great artificial river and vehicles, trucks, and equipment. They emptied the place.

and they (because of their greed, also distorted Blair’s relationship with Our brother leader), changing a good relationship into a business prospective with only money in mind,..believing the public will believe this!
But here is what really was; and Blair & al-Qathafi were innocent (nothing to do with J.P Morgan /Chase Manhattan Bank—something  al-Qathafi would have nothing to do with, as was strongly AGAINST).

Tony Blair w al-Qathafi

A spokesman for Mr Blair said that the visits had largely been to discuss Africa, and categorically denied that he had lobbied Said al-Islam on behalf of JP Morgan.

Officials like himself were given their instructions by two senior Saif aides, including Mohammed Ismail, a Libyan with British nationality.
One of the letters arranging the 2008 visit, in which an aide to Mr Blair told the Libyan ambassador to Britain that the former prime minister was “delighted” that “The Leader” was likely to be able to see him, was on notepaper headed “Office of the Quartet Representative”, his formal title as Middle East envoy.
The Quartet he represents is made up of the European Union, the United Nations, Russia and the United States. A spokesman for Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, said: “It’s up to him to explain why he did this.”
The growing closeness of the Blair government to the Gaddafi regime has already come under fire by Libyan ex-pats as Hoda Abuzeid, a British Libyan whose dissident father was murdered in London in 1995, accused Mr Blair of “selling out”.
“People like Blair and those who had their eyes on the business opportunities that Gaddafi could provide sold out people like my family,” said Miss Abuzeid, who has returned to the country for the first time since 1980.
“When he had tea in the desert with the ‘Brother Leader’ did he ever ask him who killed my father?”
[BTW, al-Qathafi had nothing to do with the death of Abuzeid’s father in London. That was another false flag.]

edited from Richard Spencer, Tripoli, Heidi Blake and Jon Swaine in New York10:33PM BST 18 Sep 2011
false article:

Qathafi rides into Tripoli 16- 20th February 2012:

 Dr. Hamza Touhami asked the Libyans to see the trap set by the rebels: Dr. Hamza Touhami said yesterday on the radio “FM Libya” people should be cautious and resistance should be given to another trap of the “rebels” who are preparing to deceive. These thugs “rebels” are coming out with the green flags, the 15 or February 17, 2012 for real supporters of the resistance out into the street and stop it. Dr. Hamza Touhami Libyan informs the public that February 17 is NOT zero hour. The time zero is known only by the green of the resistance fighters.
a helicopter was launched 35 of the air base in Benghazi Benina armed to the teeth to eliminate the Mujahideen …
Fire in front of Bengazi Prison!
  • ‎#Libya #news #breaking #BENGHAZI A military helicopter armed with missiles is heading towards #Kufra .
    – Tens of NTC-reinforcement-convois from several cities are lost in the desert.
    – Some civilians leave the city, in fear of warplanes that are flying over the city on low-altitude
    #TRIPOLI Battles (“celebrations”) take place in following places: Green Square, Friday Market, Zawiya- and Airport-Road. #AlgeriaISP [@SaintJust88]
  • ‎#Kufra Some civilians leave the city, in fear of warplanes that are flying over the city on low-altitude. #AlgeriaISP [SaintJust88]
FROM LIBYA 14/02/2012 PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 9:51
In the area of Al Kufrah grueling clashes continue for three consecutive days using all weapons and methods class because the media will not say anything.As the map shows, the Oasis of Al Kufrah is south of most oil wells, near the borders of Sudan and Chat where offenders prey on weapons.This time, NATO is using a band of insurgents who have always been dangerous and live among the countries of Sudan, and Libya Chat. It says a lot to see who they use for their purposes and the damage they are doing to build this tribe with cars and heavy weapons. There are currently dozens of dead and wounded.
Information from eyewitnesses speak of that are bombing civilian houses. The attackers Tbawe / NATO have killed a girl Fatima Hamad Hussein. God rest her soul (Libyan SOS).Are accounted for seven martyrs of Al Kufrah and 25 wounded. While seven NATO mercenaries were evacuated from Al Kufrah to Benghazi for serious injuries.For more than 24 hours the Jamahiriyah controls Al Kufrah.Char and tribes work together with Sudan to stop Tbawe Jamahiriyah / NATO take over the Oasis as it is a more strategic point that the U.S. is trying to take to take over Libya and to control wells. Looking at the map we can see the strategy of surrounding wells and refineries with international mercenary troops and the USA. We are facing a real invasion conceal illegal means.Saed Abdul Rahman, the self-styled mercenary commander and aide killed CNT Yunes, has been killed.Since Saad spoke on TV, NATO / CNT has stepped up arrests and torture of young Libyans and especially of the tribe in Zawiah Sagri, which has led to clashes between the tribe and international armed groups.In the city of Zawia the Libyans have been able to release those arrested and detained, who were being tortured by armed Al Qaeda international / NATO.LibiaSOS warns that Libya has evidence of how NATO used helicopters to fire missiles in Sirte, where the media is proclaiming that his mission was to impose no-fly zone and “defend the Libyans. Now we see clearly that the Libyan leader was right to warn .

Libye – Des vidéos des affrontements à Kofra (18 février 2012)

Publié le 18/02/2012 à 11:53 – 606 visites
Libye  – Des vidéos des affrontements à Kofra (18 février 2012)

ALGERIA ISP / Des vidéos montrant les combats qui sont déclenchés dans la sud Libyen dans la ville de Kofra entre les combattants des tribus de Toubous contre les barbares du CNT.

Cette vidéo montre les barbares du CNT venant de Benghazi, Tripoli, … qui tirent aveuglement dans les résidences de la population civile avec des armes lourdes sous le « Allah Akbar » utilisé dans leur barbarie pour tuer leurs frères Libyens.

Ce barbare du CNT positionné dans un check-point à la périphérie de la ville de Kofra qui explique l’exode de la population civile (ce sont surtout les familles des rebelles).
Il expliqué que des mercenaires Tchadiens qui tirent sur les rebelles et sur la population (on connait cette chanson de désinformation lorsque El Jazeera a diabolisé notre frère guide Kadhafi).

Ce barbare du CNT a déclaré que le ministre de la défense du CNT n’est autre que c’est un ministre de la défense de Zenten et non pas de la Libye.
Il annonce que la guerre dans la ville de Kofra n’est pas une guerre de tribus comme il l’a dit le ministre de la défense mais c’est une guerre de partisans du guide Kadhafi contre les rebelles.

We are all Muammar Gaddafi  18 Febr. 2012
Violent clashes in the town of Kufra southeast of the country and the infidels fist supporters Gaddafi: Coinciding with the celebrations fateful day Nakba Fresh clashes erupted between rats and supporters of Colonel Aalqmafa in the city of Kufra, southeast Libya, wounding at least 25 people wounded, 28 dead militias, re…bels of NATO, as reported by the German Agency for News. Earlier, the said tribes in the far distant city of infidels, that dozens of people have been killed since last week in clashes between rival tribes for control of the disputed territories.صحيفة التميمي| اشتباكات عنيفة في مدينة الكفرة جنوب شرق البلاد والكفرة بقبضة أنصار القذافي :
وتزامنا مع هذه الاحتفالات المشئومة بيوم النكبة اندلعت اشتباكات جديدة بين الجرذان ومؤيدين للعقيد االقذافي في مدينة الكفرة، جنوب شرقي ليبيا، مما أسفر عن إصابة 25 شخصا على الأقل بجروح 28 قتيل من ميليشيات ثوار الناتو ، حسبما اوردت الوكالة الألمانية للأنباء .
وفي وقت سابق، قالت قبائل في أقصى مدينة الكفرة النائية ان عشرات الاشخاص قتلوا منذ الأسبوع الماضي في اشتباكات اندلعت بين قبيلتين متناحرتين للسيطرة على أراض متنازع عليها.
thank you all for your concerns on The plight of the Holy Jamahiriya.We are all awiting a great victory soon, by the grace of God, that Muammar returns to Tripoli.Saadi announced it. Khamis sent a message too saying between the 16-20 there will be a Triumphant procession into Tripoli.Unfortunately, NATO began to heavily bomb Kufra in the South on the Chad border; and although wonderful volunteers came from Chad to help the Libyan people (and at fist KUFRA became free with the Green JAMAHIRIYA flag flying over all buildings and homes), NATO parachuted thousands of Americans, French and NATO soldiers into the area. This blocked not only the movement of the Libyan GREEN soldiers who were coming North, but spilled hundreds more of Libyan souls at the hands of these demons!
Plans to reach Tripoli by Thursday as planned may be in peril. We must pray; and by the grace of God, the Green Resistance might yet still be able to march forward. Hopeuly BEFORE 02 MARCH–The day celebrated of “People’s Power” when the actual Jamahiriya state came into being—when a Libyan Holy JAMAHIRIYA was totally given to the Libyan peoples to run (no State authority at all) in 1977.
BREAKING: Heavy gunfire in central #Tripoli. Still going on as we speak. Doesnt sound like celebratory according to my sources. #Libya
42 minutes ago
BREAKING: Takbeer in the mosques of #Tripoli as heavy gunfire continues in the center of the city. #Libya
29 minutes ago
BREAKING NEWS: News has reached me that artillary fire can still be heard and that it has also broken out in Hay Andalus and Ben Ashour.
23 minutes ago [Onesikrit Vizantinac]
#Libya #News // #Swiss governmental Commission agreed to send commandos and police to protect its Embassy in the Libyan capital #Tripoli on the condition of using light weapons


Only by Gadhafi could Libya’s people be a free JAMAHIRIYA!

Libyan Orchestra

on 23 FEBR. 2011:
o 2011-02-23T12:06:00
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s president said Wednesday he is certain the wave of unrest in the Middle East will spread to Europe and North America, bringing an end to governments he accused of oppressing and humiliating people.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose own country resorted to violence to disperse an opposition rally earlier this month, also condemned Libya’s use of force against demonstrators, calling it “grotesque.”

“The world is on the verge of big developments. Changes will be forthcoming and will engulf the whole world from Asia to Africa and from Europe to North America,” Ahmadinejad told a news conference Wednesday.The tone of the remarks seemed to draw on the belief by Muslims that a revered saint known as the Hidden Imam, will appear before judgment day to end tyranny and promote justice in the world.

Ahmadinejad said the world was in need of a just system of rule that “puts an end to oppression, occupation and humiliation of people.”…”It’s a wave that’s coming,” he said.Even while denying his own opponents the right to demonstrate, the president urged Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi to heed his peoples’ demands. He sharply criticized Libya’s leaders for their use of force.”This is very grotesque. It is unimaginable that there is someone who kills and bombards his own people. I strongly advise them to let nations have their say and meet their nations’ demands if they claim to be the officials of those nations,” Ahmadinejad said.”Of course anyone who does not heed the demands of his own nation will have a clear fate,” he added.


THAT SYSTEM is the Third Universal Theory of Muammar al-Qathafi (HOLY JAMAHIRIYA). The Third Universal Theory is the only Salvation for our ailing Planet.
Many hold to the belief that Muammar al-Qathafi is not only an IMAM and Mujjadid, he is also the MAHDI!

Ahmed Omar 13 février 20:37
للاذكياء فقط
… … … … … … … … … … … … … تخيل انك واقف تحاسب يوم القيامة
ولست ضامناً دخول الجنة
وفجأة تأتيك جبال من الحسنات لاتدري من أين
استمر بقول: سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
ولكي تضاعف هذه الجبال قم بإرسال هذه الرسالة الى غيرك
ملحوظة هامة: – لايلعب الشيطان برأسك وتقرأها وتقفلها وتقول ليس الآن
سأحلفك بأعظم محبوب عندك وهو الرحمن الرحيم ان ترسلها لخمسه جروبات تعرفها‬          Ahmed Omar 13 février 20:37
Only the intelligent
… … … … … … … … … … … … … Imagine you are standing on the Resurrection held accountable
I am not a guarantor to enter Paradise
Suddenly, brings mountains of good deeds and unique where
Continued by saying: Hallelujah Hallelujah Bhmayor and great
In order to increase these mountains, send this message to others
Important Note: – The Devil Aalab your head and read and Tagaflha says not now
Sahlvk greatest you have a loved Merciful to send five Gerobac know ‬

al-Qathafi actually himself chants the Quaranic verse
La prière du vendredi, la ville de Kano du Nigeria



viva notre Commandier, Muammar al-Qathafi 

Bernard- Henri Levy was amazed that Muammar al-Qathafi at age 32 knew of and read his book on the Oneness of God! and even commented, at that time, 1979, to a journalist about it—saying  that he (Muammar) did not need Bernard-Henry Levy  telling him about “The Oneness of God”! (This infuriated Levy!)


This is when he rebuked and curbed the Revolutionary Committees.

Le discours historique du chef

Aujourd’hui, je me suis trouvé obligé d’écrire quelques lignes qui me semblent importantes!
• Qu’est-ce, après que j’ai fini de lire un livre, Bernard-Henri Lévy! Quel a été annoncé la semaine dernière!
est intitulé (La guerre est que nous aimons), ou la guerre que nous détestons!
il est important, c’est important, qui a attiré mon attention!
serré sensorielle fortement!
écrivain Bernard-Henri Lévy dit qui m’a attiré à la question de la Libye et la guerre en elle!
et d’attention à ce qui se passe, où !
• Vieux est le mot avait été adoptée par le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi contre moi! En commentant sur les mots d’un livre précédemment journalistes!
Il écrit pour le magazine! Cette fois, la victoire de la révolution iranienne au Shah! La révolution iranienne à cette époque encore jeune! Personne ne sait comment l’avenir va être content!
et je l’ai dit que vous avez écrit un livre intitulé (l’unicité de Dieu) et j’étais un jeune homme! Je suis toujours accablé ne me connaît pas de beaucoup de gens!
Il a tourné la conversation entre le journaliste et écrivain entre Kadhafi (par exemple en 1979) a même dit Mouammar pour le journaliste! ! Et peut transférer le journaliste en marge de son magazine
• Mouammar dit: Je n’attends pas d’un, comme Bernard-Henri Lévy Unicité m’apprendre! C’est à dire l’unicité de Dieu!
dit Bernard-Henri Lévy! C’était avant que les trente-deux ans! J’ai ensuite été étonné de voir comment:? Jeune à l’époque que le colonel me connaît et comment il a lu mon livre et ce que vous tapez
a dit que c’est ce qui me font, pendant la révolution de l’Egypte et au-delà! Et tout en parlant à un de la délégation, j’ouvre ce sujet! Ensuite, je recherche faite dans les profondeurs sur les causes de mon intérêt dans ce domaine et le colonel de la Révolution libyenne! Était partout!
très merveilleuse étrange! 

Robert Fisk


from pp.101-132 of “ESCAPE to Hell” (written by Muammar al Qathafi), quoted from pp. 101, 115, 125 & 128, i.e.: “Prayer on the Last Friday”, “The Prayerless Friday” (published in 1999)

“Next Friday willbe the last Friday in the Month of Ramadan, ni matter when the month ends. Thus Muslims from the Southern Philippines, Northern Thailand, Maylasian archepelego (except Sarawak) and out to Nigeria….to one-forth of Cameroon, three-fifths of Malawi, and one-forth plus three sixteenths of South Africa are required to pray in the mosque on this last Friday.
Muslims, without exception, are called to prayer ligt and heavy armed.*1……

…Unfortunately, all the world’s muslims could not agree to pray together on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan. IF they had, their prayer would have shaken the Zionist entity and NATO to their very foundation. It might have even brought down the Israeli satellite, but unfortunately, they could not agree to pray together….

…Therefore, the last Friday of Ramadan passed without prayer being held, beause we found that, each nation had its own religion, and its own prophet. Each one had its own future, and destiny, as well as its own enemy and interests. Anything other than this is pure deceit and foolishness. Tha Arab nation would have to taste the bitter cup of humilation alone, the extermination of its people by its enemy, while its enemy was the ally and friend of non-Arab muslim nations. Settling these differences would be a flight of fancy….

…Do not be sullen, O believers, because on the last Friday of Ramadan, in the following year, or the one after that, or after that, we might arrive at the knowledge of these amazing scientific realities…..”
*1: Quaran, Sura 9, verse 41    a People’s Committee Meeting

Warning martyr leader Muammar Gaddafi of a repeat scenario in Iraq and Libya in the 30th anniversary of People Power Warning martyr leader Muammar Gaddafi of Libya colonization and the loss of oil and wealth and urged the people of the south to train …

For those ignorant Muslims: may Allah keep them away from us. Kadhafi is our Imam, our Leader, and the Reformer. …he is not dead and he is the Mahdi, and that is why they are so careful to try to kill him….

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi exposes the puppet arab leaders who have let the Zionists massacre the Palestinians for more than 60 years… And today we have come to a stage when the racist regime in ‘Occupied Palestine’ has snatched away Jerusalam too and openly violates the UN partition plan of 1948….

10 April 2006




Libyans played the proper original green national anthem on loud speakers in a busy district in #tripoli




Johniain Iain Mellon

Sorman is GREEN!

Olivera Olja Ilić

Urgent — Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar :

Rats admit that they have lost control of the Green Zone, and Al Raybana and Tazrbu (south of Libya) , and is now under the control of the armed forces, and that these forces chanted the name Saadi Gaddafi, has lowered Khrguethm, and raised the green flag, and demanded the troops customer support from their council but to no avail.
URGENT: Madjer area in Zliten green banner and Ahiot his book God and Muammar, Libya, Avatarي
Via:عــاجــل — الله اكبر الله اكبـــــر
الجردان يعترفون بأنهم قد فقدوا السيطرة على المنطقة الخضراء، والربيانة وتازربو، وباتت تحت سيطرة قوات مسلحة، وأن هذه القوات تهتف باسم الساعدي القذافي ، وقامت بإنزال خرقتهم، ورفعت العلم الأخضر، وقد طالبت قوات العملاء الدعم من مجلسهم ولكن دون جدوى.
منطقه ماجر في زليتن ترفع رايه الخضراء و كتابه ع حيوط الله و معمر و ليبيا و بس

Libya S.O.S. writes:
#Libya –Hana Al-SHaibani said that #Jalil ran away to #Turkey , confused at what to do in anticipation of mass uprising on #Feb17 and scared for his security.

#AlQaeda ‘s Belhadj went to his bosses in #Qatar for a briefing as well in anticipation of a reversed # 17 Febr uprising

Saadi Gaddafi phone call to Al Arabiya – (Text+Video)

Posted on 15 February 2012 by  |


Saadi: …..There will be a large uprising that will comprise of a number of uprisings which will break out throughout Libya, in the south, the west and in the east, there will not be a region where there won’t be a new peoples uprising.
Broadcaster:  I understand from what you say that have you been in direct contact with people within Libya that there will be an uprising, who have you been in contact with?

Saadi: Of course, I have been in almost daily contact with people within Libya from here in Niger, of course these calls are concerning just the uprising, these are with our family and tribes and the current situation in Libya, and how the people are doing and of course their situation is very very grave since what has happened. I have also been in contact with the militias and the tribes of 17th Feb, members of the NTC and the National Army and let me tell you that approximately  70% of the people in Libya be it, both Pro-Gaddafi and pro 17thFeb, these people 70% are not satisfied with the current situation in Libya and all are ready to rise up and to change the current situation for the good of their country.
Broadcaster: When you say uprising, you mean a “an armed uprising” for example?

Saadi: Sister, there is a lot of weaponry spread around Libya after the civil war that broke, there is chaos and no guidance, there is no Government, this chaos results in the use of arms.
Broadcaster: Do you have the capability, through your communications inside the country to direct the uprising as you call it?

Saadi: I have the capability in another way, I hope that this uprising does not necessarily have to result in bloodshed, that this uprisings characteristics and demands are different to most uprisings, especially with the latest developments in Libya, we need to rise against this change that happened in Libya, we don’t know something called elections in Libya, we are a muslim country, we don’t know something called colonialism and political parties.
So now there is a way that we can sit down and change this flag, it has to be the Green Flag.
Broadcaster: How do you propose change and what system will they follow when Gaddafi’s regime has ended today? 

Saadi: Firstly, if you are talking about a regime, 10-15 ministers or generals, we all have our own opinions on that, I am talking about the people in Libya right now who are commanding  militias that are stealing television and cars etc. Libya is a Great country a respectful country  and the Libyan people are Great people who don’t deserve in these types of conditions and this type of atmosphere in their lives.
Even the people who were involved with 17th Feb movement , we know there is a great percentage of people involved with them and we will co-operate with both the 17th Feb and others within the uprising.
Broadcaster:  Would you ever consider returning to Libya, considering you claim to have supporters there?

Saadi: Of course I will return, my return to Libya will happen at any moment, I will return to Libya and undertake my duties and obligations to bring equality within the chaos sister.
Broadcaster: If you actually do have supporters inside and are in communications with them, why did you leave the country in the first place if these supporters could have protected you?

Saadi: Firstly, I am not looking for security personnel or anything like that, I am saying that the Libyan people should rise against this chaos and the militias who are running the situation on the ground in Libya. The NTC are an illegitimate Government and has not got the capability to control the country and the militias. And actually, this uprising will actually be at the hands of these militias, you will see and so will the world very soon.
And I call upon everyone to be ready for this uprising and the zero hour, because this time the uprising will be the decisive one.
Broadcaster: You are in Niamey in Niger at this time, are you under any pressure for your handover to the Libyan authorities ?

Saadi: Pressure? Im under no pressure at all.
Broadcaster: Are you still in contact with members of your family?
Saadi: I contact Allah the Holy the Merciful on a daily basis, I also communicate with my family in Libya, outside Libya, Libyans in Niger, neighbouring countries, Europe, militias in Niger itself. There is a strong want for change and this will take place in the form if an uprising. And the arms are already in the country.
Broadcaster: What exactly is your goal from this exactly, what are planning right now while in Niamey,  Niger?

Saadi: My goal is I want the people who have stolen Libyan money to repent and  I want the militias to remain independent and all the Sheikhs and Tribes to sit around and negotiate, and I’m not saying sit and negotiate with the NTC NO, I am saying for them to sit and negotiate with the Militias in Libya because they are ready to rise up and they know themselves who they are.

Broadcaster: Thank you for your call, she summed up the points and wrapped up the news.



By Lizzie Phelan –

Translation by I.A. Libya

Posted by Ryuzakero, 15 February 2012

on LibyanFreePress

Breaking news : according to the green TV reporter (Hanaa AL Shibani) s official page.
to all honorable Libyans …a good news for you ; according to our reliable sources .we were informed that the betrayer (Abu shanna) the head-chef of the NTC has escaped to Turkey scared of the Green March that is coming to clean up the country from the evil and the tyranny those agent slaves …so every free Libyan has to join the other sections of the Green popular Resistance and to stick to the plans of the jihadist forces to get back every inch of this land under the leadership of the General and hero Khamis Muammar El Gadhafi ..The free libyans here at your home are calling you .so accept this invitaion and wait for me in an other meeting with victory …and ALLAH and Khamis

and tomorrow INSHAALLAH, there gonna be men …the Green popular Resistance’s media room inside the great Libya .

…….please share.

BREAKING: Heavy gunfire in central #Tripoli. Still going on as we speak. Doesnt sound like celebratory according to my sources. #Libya
42 minutes ago
BREAKING: Takbeer in the mosques of #Tripoli as heavy gunfire continues in the center of the city. #Libya
29 minutes ago
BREAKING NEWS: News has reached me that artillary fire can still be heard and that it has also broken out in Hay Andalus and Ben Ashour.
23 minutes ago [Onesikrit Vizantinac]
16h/ NTC warning:
Will lift the state of alert in all parts of Libya, starting from 02/15/2012 to 23-2-2-2012
Will be prosecuted cars with darkened glass and cars which do not carry license plates, so we ask for cooperation from citizens ….
The leadership of the Supreme Chamber of security ..

Sorman is GREEN!

Sorman resistance group (Sorman green hawks): we have three defence operations in the city and all operations are documented and photographed. We want to inform you that we are capable of bringing arms and ammunition, and will not defend our civilians with just forks and knives. We have a Battalion consisting of 7 groups each group of at least 30 person, and all persons were previuosly involved in the fronts and are knowledgable in using all types of weapons. We will begin our work of scaring NATO mercenaries from tomorrow. We will have every street covered-we are coming. Noone will raid civilians of Sorman city anymore.

13 février 02:44
الله اكبر الله اكبر تم تحطيم السفارة الليبية فى الزمالك بمصر وتدمير كل محتوايتهم من قبل المصريين الشرفاء ردا على تحطيم تمثال الزعيم جمال عبد الناصر فى مدينة بنغازى الله اكبر الى الامام والكفاح مستمر

13 février 02:44
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar is breaking the  TNC Libyan Embassy in Zamalek, Egypt and its destruction by all Mahtwa  in

response to that is revered by the Egyptians  &  the honorable statue being smashed of leader Gamal Abdel Nasser in the city of Benghazi !

more forward and the struggle continues !

Princess Yasmin 13 février 02:21
لبنان ……بيروت //
في اول رد فعل على هدم نصب الزعيم الراحل جمال عبدالناصر من قبل مرتزقة الناتو الشباب الناصري في لبنان اقام اعتصام مساء اليوم الساعة السابعة في عين المريسة وتجمع عدداً كبيراً من الشباب الناصري اضافة الى ممثلي الاحزاب والتنظيمات الناصرية في لبنان …..‬
رداً على جرذان الناتو || إضائة شموع أمام نصب عبد الناصر في بيروت

شبكة ناصر الإخبارية | Nasser News Network | 3.N
بيروت || أمام ضريح عبد الناصر
تلبية لدعوة القوى و…
Princess Yasmin 13 février 02:21
Beirut, Lebanon …… / /
In the first reaction to the demolition of monument of the late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser by the young people of Nazareth NATO mercenaries in Lebanon held a sit-in at seven in the evening in the eye of Mreisseh gathered a large number of young people of Nazareth as well as representatives of parties and organizations of Nasiriyah in Lebanon ….. ‬Rats in response to NATO | | lighting candles in front of Monument Abdel Nasser in Beirut
Nasser network news | Nasser News Network | 3.N
Beirut | | in front of the tomb of Abd al-Nasser
At the invitation of power and …
Réseau Nasser Nouvelles | Nasser Nouvelles du Réseau | 3.N
Beyrouth | | en face de la tombe de Abdul Nasser,
à l’invitation des forces et des jeunes de Nazareth au Liban a tenu une siéger ce soir à sept heures devant
l’arabisme code, Gamal Abdel Nasser dans l’œil de Mreisseh rassemblé un grand nombre de jeunes de Nazareth ainsi que des représentants des parties Nassiriya et organisations au Liban
23h/ Libyan puppet government destroys the memorial in honor of Nasser
Libyan puppet government destroys the memorial in honor of Nasser.
A memorial built in the Libyan city of Benghazi in honor of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, leader of the nationalist movement for Arab unity, was destroyed on Saturday (10) by a group linked to the National Transitional Council, an AFP reporter noted.
The destruction of the memorial
The destruction of the memorial located on the avenue that bears the name of Nasser made a hammer blow with the help of machinery used in construction, not only provoked the revolt of the population of the region, as throughout the Arab world. “This is a crime that shows the barbarity of the TNC that these thugs, who call themselves Muslims are causing in our country. The message of Arab unity, anti-imperialism, rights of our people of the great Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser is more alive than ever in the Arab nation. Let them take care! “Said Ahmed Al Soukh, leader of the resistance of Benghazi, the Telesur correspondent in the Middle East, Hisham Wannous.
The memorial had been built during the government of Muammar Qaddafi. [Gilson César Ferreira Gomes]

Gilson César Ferreira Gomes 15 février 19:08
Libyan puppet government destroys the memorial in honor of Nasser

A memorial built in the Libyan city of Benghazi in honor of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, leader of the nationalist movement for Arab unity, was destroyed on Saturday (10) by a group linked to the National Transitional Council, an AFP reporter noted.

The destruction of the memorial located on the avenue that bears the name of Nasser made a hammer blow with the help of machinery used in construction, not only provoked the revolt of the population of the region, as throughout the Arab world. “This is a crime that shows the barbarity of the CNT that these thugs, who call themselves Muslims are causing in our country. The message of Arab unity, anti-imperialism, rights of our people and anti-Zionism of the great Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser is more alive than ever in the Arab nation. Let them take care! “Said Ahmed Al Soukh, leader of the resistance of Benghazi, the Telesur correspondent in the Middle East, Hisham Wannous.

The memorial had been built during the government of Muammar Qaddafi.

Rough translation of the speech of #Libya female green resistance:
The Female green resistance, “the Alzafa al Akhdar brigade (from the Revolutionary Guards) are ready and prepared to fight in honour of the Martyr Gaddafi who is still alive & in our hearts. We are prepared to carry out missions to cleanse the country of the enemy. We have already undertaken certain missions and will continue in our struggle … Greetings to all resistence from east to west, north and south who are struggling until we are all lfree … We are approaching ”
 The city Al-Kufra is in the South #Libya – many brave black Libyan warriors live there.. #NATO mercenaries have made a big mistake
Very good news from Libya. The city of Koufra ( in the desert) passed under the control of green resistance after cleaning it, early this morning, from the rats. The units of green resistance moved towards the region of Tazerbo and they camped there.
A more recent news: According to Akhbar Libya Elmokawama, loud explosions rocked the city of Zawiya followed by violent clashes between resistance fighters and rebels.
Misrata rebels left Tripoli after hearing the information from the fall of the town Koufra ( in the desert), they returned to Misrata to protect it.
Viva green resistance, Death to rats and traitors. Bani Waleed was just the beginning and now we continue. We will exhaust these criminals and then we will give them the K.O.

13th and 14 February 2012th

According to rebel sources, we learn that they had 7 victims in yesterday’s clashes in Kafra, a city that launched the campaign for his release, which gives a total of nine dead rats from the conflict. Wounded rebels were taken to a hospital in Benghazi. It was confirmed that he attacked the seat of the National Transitional Council and that it was the Green Army fighters torched. Across the city can be seen the green flag and pictures Leader Muammar Gaddafi and Saad Gaddafi.Unfortunately, combat aircraft currently bombarding the city, which injured several civilians, and Tripoli comes from a large convoy of rebels from the neighborhood JOME Souk. However, the brave fighters and managed to destroy a military plane near the airport.

 Only by Gadhafi could Libya’s people be a free JAMAHIRIYA!


Libyans played the proper original green national anthem on loud speakers in a busy district in #tripoli

Olivera Olja Ilić

Urgent — Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar :

Rats admit that they have lost control of the Green Zone, and Al Raybana and Tazrbu (south of Libya) , and is now under the control of the armed forces, and that these forces chanted the name Saadi Gaddafi, has lowered Khrguethm, and raised the green flag, and demanded the troops customer support from their council but to no avail.
URGENT: Madjer area in Zliten green banner and Ahiot his book God and Muammar, Libya, Avatarي
Via:عــاجــل — الله اكبر الله اكبـــــر
الجردان يعترفون بأنهم قد فقدوا السيطرة على المنطقة الخضراء، والربيانة وتازربو، وباتت تحت سيطرة قوات مسلحة، وأن هذه القوات تهتف باسم الساعدي القذافي ، وقامت بإنزال خرقتهم، ورفعت العلم الأخضر، وقد طالبت قوات العملاء الدعم من مجلسهم ولكن دون جدوى.
منطقه ماجر في زليتن ترفع رايه الخضراء و كتابه ع حيوط الله و معمر و ليبيا و بس

Libya S.O.S. writes:
#Libya –Hana Al-SHaibani said that #Jalil ran away to #Turkey , confused at what to do in anticipation of mass uprising on #Feb17 and scared for his security.

#AlQaeda ‘s Belhadj went to his bosses in #Qatar for a briefing as well in anticipation of a reversed # 17 Febr uprising

Breaking news : according to the green TV reporter (Hanaa AL Shibani) s official page.
to all honorable Libyans …a good news for you ; according to our reliable sources .we were informed that the betrayer (Abu shanna) the head-chef of the NTC has escaped to Turkey scared of the Green March that is coming to clean up the country from the evil and the tyranny those agent slaves …so every free Libyan has to join the other sections of the Green popular Resistance and to stick to the plans of the jihadist forces to get back every inch of this land under the leadership of the General and hero Khamis Muammar El Gadhafi ..The free libyans here at your home are calling you .so accept this invitaion and wait for me in an other meeting with victory …and ALLAH and Khamis

and tomorrow INSHAALLAH, there gonna be men …the Green popular Resistance’s media room inside the great Libya .

…….please share.


Angelina Jolie: Praising NATO for killing 60.000 Libyans

I’m not sure if Angelina Jolie is aware of what she is really doing being ambassador for United Nations as GoodWill and United Nations refugee agency UNHCR.
Every time she visits a country instead of hope it is anger she inspires on those who are fighting for their country.
This is a very sad situation.
She is expressing sympathy for the devil when she praises Libyan’s “revolutionaries” – or” rebels” – or the transitional council.
Does she think that the revolutionaries are Libyans?
Please, could  anybody inform her that the so-called “revolutionaries” or “rebels” is NATO not the people of Libya? She should also be informed that it was not a revolution. On the contrary: it was an invasion that destroyed the whole country and killed 60.000 civilians and they are still torturing, killing and massacring Libyans.
Soon she will be visiting Syria and again she will praise crimes against humanity.
How someone accept to work for United Nations without knowing the consequences of this position?
This is sad. She is helping misinforming and distorting the truth every time she makes a speech:

“”I have come to Libya for a variety of reasons, to see a country in transition at every level and to witness efforts to fully realize the promise of the Arab Spring,” Jolie said on Oct. 11, 2011 in her visit to Libya.

“I’m also here on behalf of the Libyan people to show them solidarity. I think this revolution on behalf of human rights, which is what I feel these people really have been doing and what they have pushed for, and to help them to implement these new laws and help them with the future of their country.”

Revolution on behalf of human rights? Transition? Arab Spring? New laws for the future of the country? This is outrageous.
She should go back or at least search for information about what is happening in Libya now or read the messages Libyans are sending her in comments where she appears doing her “humanitarian aid”.
Take a look at this video Angelina. It is a NATO Spring not an Arab Spring that has been happening.

Sean Penn in Libya helping NATO do their work

I just found out that Sean Penn had visited Libya two weeks before Angelina. What is happening to Hollywood celebrities? Seriously! A Hall of Shame should be created for those who don’t know what they are really doing. This is what I hope that is happening because it sounds unbelievable that these people are helping massacres.
Who are the rebels? Read this article by Peter Dale Scott.

Sorman resistance group (Sorman green hawks): we have three defence operations in the city and all operations are documented and photographed. We want to inform you that we are capable of bringing arms and ammunition, and will not defend our civilians with just forks and knives. We have a Battalion consisting of 7 groups each group of at least 30 person, and all persons were previuosly involved in the fronts and are knowledgable in using all types of weapons. We will begin our work of scaring NATO mercenaries from tomorrow. We will have every street covered-we are coming. Noone will raid civilians of Sorman city anymore.

13 février 02:44
الله اكبر الله اكبر تم تحطيم السفارة الليبية فى الزمالك بمصر وتدمير كل محتوايتهم من قبل المصريين الشرفاء ردا على تحطيم تمثال الزعيم جمال عبد الناصر فى مدينة بنغازى الله اكبر الى الامام والكفاح مستمر

13 février 02:44
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar is breaking the  TNC Libyan Embassy in Zamalek, Egypt and its destruction by all Mahtwa  in

response to that is revered by the Egyptians  &  the honorable statue being smashed of leader Gamal Abdel Nasser in the city of Benghazi !

more forward and the struggle continues !

In the howling, the second city where the situation is tense, there was a fight between Resistance fighters and insurgents in battles Sabha is a lot of rats killed terrorists. In Benghazi was tense because of the conflict between rebels and the Minister of Health, which was captured in the hotel and prevented her escape. In fact, she came to this city to be said that doctors from Jordan to replace Libyan doctors which provoked the rebels who also does not correspond to the neglect of their comrades abroad, which were sent to treatment, and then abandoned by the Interim National Council. In Tripoli, the fighters of the cell “Sakr Elawhed” conducted a successful action in Ain Zara, killing five insurgents.

Libyan Resistance attack NATO Mercenaries in Sabha

Posted on 13/02/2012 by alfatah69
Breaking News
Green Resistance killed 1 rat and 7 are in serious wounded in hospital in the south of Libya,  Sabha City .  Green Resistance lost one  Martyr….

Libyan Resistance attack NATO Mercenaries in Sabha

Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi a écrit :

« Rats from the east they control some places in Sebha , but Sebha City people is 100% Green »

Uploaded by  on Feb 11, 2012



Tears….. for what once was to be the future capital of the Jamahiriya and to house the African Central Bank….
NATO knew what they were destroying!
What was done, was PURE EVIL!

الراية الخضراء 13 février 23:49  الله اكبر فوق كيد المعتدي     

الله اكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
الله أكبر الله أكبر
الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
والله للمظلوم خير مؤيد
أنا باليقين وبالسلاح سأفتدي

Green flag 13 février 23:49

God is great above the plots of the aggressor
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
God is great above the plots of the aggressor
God and good supporter of the oppressed
I certainty and weapons Savtda
But …

11/Febr. 2012

An unknown number of NATO Mercenaries have been killed in Sabha after a coordinated attack.

The attack comes as Saadi Qaddafi predicted the downfall of NATO regime in Libya.


Ksenija Al Gaddafi Bećarević informs us:
Heavy fighting is near the airport in Tripoli now and action of rocket plane. The total number of injured and dead is not yet known, although according to some reports, there are many injured and dead rats – NATO‘s so called “rebels”.

We are all Muammar Gaddafi
Urgent Tripoli ::Clashes in Sareem street and were killed 4 rats .Clashes are bettwen Green and Rats
أيه عربعـــــــــاجل ::
أشتباكات شارع الصريم و قتل 4 جردان للعلم الاشتباكات هم الجرذان في بعض
الله أضربهم في بعض

13 Feb. 2012

The barbarians and traitors of the council of rats in Tripoli expelled the ambassador of Niger with a humiliating manner. Really when I watched this video I was very very very angry and irritated and at the same time my heart iw crying when I see that Libya which was a great country under the Great Leader M. Kadhafi is now under the control of bandits of criminals and barbarian drug fiends who do not know what a modern country means, what institutions of a modern country mean; what diplomacy means, what international law means. The only thing they know is destruct, destruct and destruct more. They could never build a nation.
Bravo Qatar, Nato for these ” new rulers ” of the “new ” Libya.

NO DOUBT this was a form of retaliation by NATO ‘rats” for NIGERS’ SUPPORT FOR SAADI AL GADDAFI, and his recent speech predicting an massive uprising by the Libyan masses, that is currently
looming over the head and against the illegitimate NTC of Libya

 Photo from #Tripoli — Zentan’s GREEN are shown in front of Misurata headquaters before storming it.

ورفلة ، ورشفانة ، النوايل ، الصيعان ، العجيلات ، ترهونة ،قصر بن غشير ، الاصابعة ، المشاشية ، الشرفاء ، الفواتير ، واولاد الشيخ ، المراغنة ، عائلات طرابلس الشريفة ، العلاونة ، العواتة ، القماطة ، العربان ، اللمقارحة ، القذاذفة ، الحساونة ، اولاد سليمان ، العبيدات ، العواقير ، بنغازي الابية رباية الدائح ، وكل قبائلنا الشريفة …………………………….. أن التاريخ يعيد نفسه ، فساعات النصر قد باتت قريبة ، بعون الله ، واننا بإذن الله صاعدون الى العلاء الى المجد ، طالبين الحرية والكرامة ، لنحرر تراب الوطن من الدنس والانجاس ، لنمسح دمعة ام بكت ابنها ، وابن بكى وطنه . اننا والله رجالا احببنا الله والوطن وما بدلنا تبديلا ، كنا على العهد والميثاق محافظين ، واننا للعرض والشرف صائنون ، واننا على الثائر عازمون ، وما اخترناه بمحض ارادتنا ، والله يعلم اننا قد ظلمنا ، واننا اخرجنا من ديارنا قصرا ، واننا على العود عازمون ، واننا رفاقاً لسيف الاسلام قادمون ، لن نقتل كل امناً في بيته ، ولن نأتي على رزق احد ، ولن نسلبه ماله ، ولن نهتك عرضاً ولا شرفاً ، ولن ندمر ارضاً ، سنقاتل قاتيلينا ، وحاملي السلاح في وجهونا ، اما من وضع سلاحه فلا ضير عليه ، وباب العفو مفتوح ، نقولها بملء الحناجر اننا اخوة ليبيون ، وان ساعات بزوغ الفجر باتت قريبة ، فكونوا مع الحق لا عليه ، والله اكبر والله اكبر والله اكبر . والله على ما اقول شهيد المعتصم بالله الورشفاني
And Rafla, and Rishvana, Alnoael, Chiaan, Ajeelat, Tarhunah, Palace bin Ghashir, Asabah, epiphyseal, honorable, invoices, and the children of Sheikh, Alemragna, families of Tripoli honest, Alawneh, Alawath, Aalghemath, damaged The, Amgarhh, Alqmazfah, Al_husaona, the children of Solomon, slaves, Alawakir, Benghazi Rbaah Aldaúh proud, and all the noble tribes …………………………….. That history is repeating itself, hours are victory had become close, with the help of God, and we, God willing, go up to the Ala to glory, demanding freedom and dignity, to free the soil of the homeland of the filth and the impure, for wiping tear or cried her son, the son cried his homeland. We are God’s men loved God and the homeland and in stages altered, we were on the Covenant and the Charter of Governors, and we supply and honor Saúnon, and we are on the Rebel are determined, and we have chosen our own, and God knows we may have wronged, and we got us out of our homes, palaces, and we are on the lute are determined, and we are buddies the sword of Islam are coming, will not kill all safe at home, and will not come on the livelihood one, and will not Nmh his money, and will not Nhtk an offer nor honor, will not destroy the land, we will fight Qatelina, and arms carriers in Please advise us, either to put his weapon does not harm him, and the door of amnesty open , we say that we fill the throats of the Libyan brothers, and that the hours of dawn is near, so be with the right is not it, God is greater, God is greater, God is great. As God is my witness Billah Alorchwena—

The government of Niger has once again refused to extradite the son of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi – Saadi. This was announced by Justice Minister and government spokesman Amadou Maru. [Jazira Chuibekova]
  La VDM people : "Fréquentations embarrassantes"  
MARTYR Dr. Moutassem al-Billah Qathafi wore a crucifix for his fiancé, Italian magazine cosmetic model, Vanessa Hessler .
Nov. 1: A German company has cancelled a major advertising contract with an Italian-American model after she described her passionate relationship with Muammar Gaddafi’s son Moutassem and praised his family. Telecommunications firm Telefonica Germany and its subsidiary Alice will stop working with 23-year-old model Vanessa Hessler and remove her face from its website within hours, spokesman Albert Fetsch said yesterday.  Hesslerhad been the company’s advertising face for years, and giant posters featuring the model were a fixture in many German cities.

“I didn’t have any contact with him since the uprising broke out, but our relationship was one of passion,” she was quoted as saying by the magazine. “The Gaddafi family is not as they are being depicted, they are normal people.”

The model-turned-actress also said that she was crying for Libya, adding that the rebels are “people who don’t know what they’re doing”.

Talks between Telefonica and Hessler‘s agency did not yield a solution because Hessler stood by her comments, said Fetsch. “We and our clients have no comprehension for what she said.”

Her face will be successively removed from all Alice PR material, he added.

Telefonica Germany is a subsidiary of Spain’s Telefonica S.A.

Hessler told the Italian magazine Diva e Donna that for four years she had been dating Moutassim Gaddafi ‘ who was captured and killed in Libya

Libyan Electronic Green Army
The Almighty said: (O ye who believe, lest the news, verify that harm people in ignorance and repent for what ye have done) ………. They said this to him in Cross Riqpt Mu’tasim martyr. . . The Ignorance I Bnicoolhm even a disaster. . The guidance of an Italian brand name ((cesare & paciotti)) Arabic name ((Caesar Bachuti)) and is well known that every brand guardian Alellouko private omitted. Hadi brand Mtaha ((CIF)). Not cross. . . . . Regret …..dashed hopes of Jerdan and no, …..This link. Site pleasures to make a confirmation of my words Khco Dero role in it and Tafrjo

FB Video, This is the tip of the iceberg … Hhamtk
Those we ….. It is you ..??

هذا غيض من فيض شهامتك …
هـــؤلاء نـــحـــــــن ….. فمن أنتم ..؟؟

Syria expelled the rat-Ambassadors of Libya & Tunisia

Syrian Government of Bashar al-Assad has expelled the ambassadors of NTCLibya and Tunisia, giving them 72- hour deadline to leave the country.

Syria’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi, said that at the same time the Syrian embassy in Qatar was shut down, and Syrian ambassadors in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have also been expelled.

The new Tunisia, so called “democratic”, but in reality a Nato-puppet government, was the first Arab country to announce the decision to expel Syria’s ambassador, while Libya’s foreign ministry of the rat-NTC announced its decision to expel Syria’s charge d’affaires and his staff, adding that it expects all Syrian diplomats to leave the country within the next 72 hours.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have also decided to withdraw their ambassadors in Syria.

Well, good for Syria, to have less rats around. All the puppets of the micro petrol monarchical nations, created a table from the Anglo-Franco-American powers, will face, one day not too far away, the Supreme Judgment for their treason and complicity with the enemies of the Arab peoples and of the whole world.


LibyanFreePress – 14 Feb 2012

Dr. Shakir in BANI WALID:

07  février 2012:
Resistance #REPORT from #Libya – The largest operation was carried out by the Libyan resistance army yesterday in Misratah, it lasted around 5 hours. The result of the operation is that 1139 prisoners were released , 283 #NATO mercenaries and 145 of the prison guards killed, 9 of our prisoners were martyred as well after heavy fire and clashes.
The operation was planned two weeks ago.
The resistance troops which attacked Misrata brigades numbered around 3250 people. 72 armored Misratah vehicles were also destroyed.


 pic de Marc-Claude Grenier.


Truly We sent it down on the Night of Power. And what will convey to you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. In it the angels and the Spirit descend by their Lord’s authority with every ordinance. It is Peace -until the coming of the dawn. (Surat al-Qadr, 1-5

The following is Muammar al-Qathafi’s speech to the world on 24 August 2011 after the Fall of Tripoli:

Oppressed people around the world, the battle have begun. Do not despair, help is nigh. Do You Realize That This Is The Night of Power?

What is the Night of Power? It is better than other nights of Thousands, it is the destiny, When the heavens are open to Receive Your Prayers Thousand-fold.

Watch what is happening now in America. Did we hit Them with Our missiles? No, They Came and struck us, 64 hits on Bab Al-Aziziya, which is now destroyed,

and finally I had to leave my home, where, They Killed Many innocents.

But I will never leave Libya and In this fight, it is Either Victory or Death.

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. a Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

1974 made colonel:


16 DEC. 2007

12 DE. 2007

16 DEC. 2007

 Port of Tripoli

Photos de Salvatore Giametta

“I take this opportunity on behalf of all Social Workers of this region to thank our brother the Leader of Libyan Revolution Muammar A. Gaddafi for the distinctive role he has played as a social worker by demonstrating a concern for the poor and vulnerable. His role in unifying Africa and the concern for the vulnerable groups not only in Libya but in Africa and beyond is commendable. He has established and put all social work concerns on track for this region and we as social workers owe gratitude to him and must continue to give him unreserved support in order to promote the profession and to continue improving the quality of the lives of the people. It has been said that what often prevents the human kind is not lack of possibility but lack of will. We as social workers have the will, we have the skills and the unique opportunity to serve the people. Let us all do it as we have the capacity to overcome the challenges.
I thank you (Shukran)Charles Mbugua IFSW President Africa Region
29th July, 2007”

Italie Kadhafi Chute du régime Kadhafi ?

When one really KNOWS him, you cannot help but LOVE HIM AS WELL! Millions have him in their hearts. He is a devout man of God and a brilliant thinker and has done so much good—always thinking about, working-for, and concerned for the good of humanity. His Third Universal Theory is in fact the only SALVATION for our Ailing Planet.

Il a également fait parler de lui par la voie d’évènements totalement improbables, comme celui au cours duquel il a invité des centaines d’hôtesses italiennes qui s’attendaient à participer à une soirée mondaine, et à qui il a parlé pendant une heure de religion et de statut de la femme, avant de leur distribuer des exemplaires du Coran.


al-Qathafi &  3 of his children:   

S’il vous plaît Breaking News ne le laissez pas s’arrêter là, action, action, part
de Isha Kadhafi à tout le monde si vous avez lu dans les journaux que j’ai envoyé à quelqu’un de lire la déclaration ou la déclaration sur toute Msg canaux peuple libyen pour être sûr qu’il n’est pas moi, si je veux dire quoi que ce soit ce sera ma seule voix et de vivre sur les canaux, mais si quelqu’un de lire à partir de papier ou dit quelque chose qui Isha Kadhafi m’a dit de dire cela alors que c’est des mensonges. être conscient.
    • Merci !  I ont essayé de le dire à tout le monde, mais personne ne croit ou m’écoute. Il est bon que vous avez reitterated ce que j’ai dit aux autres de Aicha. Aucune de ces histoires ou de contes étaient tout ce qu’elle a dit. Elle ne sera pas atteinte à son accord avec l’Algérie ou elle-même en danger, ses frères, père, mère ou tout autre de sa famille. Ces «avocats» sont faux – rien à voir avec elle … et comme je l’ai dit, elle n’a jamais dit toutes ces choses qui lui étaient attribués par “eux”!
      Dr. Hamza Tomai, sur Ali Libyan FM  
      Aisha Kadhafi says Ali Hamza said Dr. San has nothing to do me any statement and that the song you want to your statement and will be voted WADA wanted to give a statement you will be my voice and any statement will be issued during the next six Alaaamat any relationship Bay
      Even if Aldkinor Hamza and anyone cautious when it is not my relationship Beah 
      and anyone brief statement attributed to the family of the leader of Aimitl it does not recognize the Bay youth Resistance 
      and appeared to be up this topic the message to everyone , Dr. Hamza Ali Libyan FM zero hour to come Baden God and all the young Cotton Cleaner Tiptap and knowing Qadathm As for who gets in Kufra is not related to Resistance, but this result of lawlessness and Alantkadh to come, but not the uprising that flood my Jrdaaaaaaaaaaan and tomorrow, God willing, will begin operations effective Aldgerh everyone pray for the Resistance and victory Ati InchAllah


      ارجوا من كل الاحرار ضغط علي زر المشاركة لإهمية الامر
      الدكتور حمزة علي الليبية أف أم
      عائشه القدافي تقول علي لسان الدكتور حمزه ان لاعلاقه لي باي بيان وان اردت ان اوصل لكم بيان وسوف يكون بصوتي وادا اردت ان اعطي بيان لكم سيكون بصوتي واي بيان سيصدر خلال الايامات القادمه لست اي علاقه بيه
      حتي لو كان الدكنور حمزه واي شخص تتقون فيه فليس لي علاقه بيه
      واي شخص يطلع بيان منسوب لعائلة القائد لايمتل لها ولا يعترف بيه شباب المقاومه
      ولبدا ان تصل هده الرساله الي الجميعالدكتور حمزة علي الليبية أف أمساعة الصفر قادمه بإدن الله وجميع الشباب تابتين وعارفين قيداتهم اما الذي يحصل في الكفره هو ليس له علاقه بالمقاومه بل هدا نتيجه الانفلات الامني والانتقاضه قادمه بل ليست انتفاضه انه طوفان يا جردااااااااااان
      ومن غدا باذن الله سوف تبدا العمليات الضغيره فعلي الجميع الدعاء للمقاومين والنصر اتئ انشالله
      Uganda's President on the Gadhafi he knows 
      Gadhafi and Museveni
      March 28th, 2011
      11:23 AM ET

      Uganda’s President on the Gadhafi he knows

      Editor’s Note: Yoweri Museveni has served as the President of Uganda for the past 25 years, during which time he has interacted repeatedly with Col. Moammar Gadhafi. For a profile of Museveni, click here. The unedited article below solely expresses the views of President Museveni.

      By Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda

      By the time Col. Muammar al-Gadhafi came to power in 1969, I was a third-year university student at Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania. We welcomed his rise because he was a leader in the tradition of Col. Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt who had a nationalist and pan-Arabist position.

      Soon, however, problems cropped up with Gadhafi as far as Uganda and black Africa were concerned:

      Backing Idi Amin: Idi Amin came to power in 1971 with the support of Britain and Israel because they thought he was uneducated enough to be used by them. Amin, however, turned against his sponsors when they refused to sell him guns to fight Tanzania. Unfortunately, Gadhafi, without first getting enough information about Uganda, jumped in to support Idi Amin. He did this because Amin was a “Muslim” and Uganda was a “Muslim country,” where Muslims were being “oppressed” by Christians. Amin killed a lot of people extrajudicially, and Gadhafi was identified with these mistakes.

      In 1972 and 1979, Gadhafi sent Libyan troops to defend Amin when we [the Uganda National Liberation Front] attacked him. I remember a Libyan Tupolev Tu-22 bomber trying to bomb us in Mbarara in 1979. The bomb ended up in Nyarubanga, Burundi, because the pilots were scared. They could not come close to bombing their intended target properly. We had already shot-down many of Amin’s MIGs using surface-to-air missiles. Our Tanzanian brothers and sisters were doing much of this fighting. Many Libyan militias were captured and repatriated to Libya by Tanzania. This was a big mistake by Gadhafi and a direct aggression against the people of Uganda and East Africa.

      Pushing for a United States of Africa: The second big mistake by Gadhafi was his position vis-à-vis the African Union (AU), where he called for a continental government “now.” Since 1999, he has been pushing this position. Black people are always polite. They, normally, do not want to offend other people. This is called obufura in the Runyankore language, or mwolo in Luo – handling, especially strangers, with care and respect. It seems some of the non-African cultures do not haveobufura. You can witness a person talking to a mature person as if he or she is talking to a kindergarten child. “You should do this; you should do that; etc.” We tried to politely point out to Gadhafi that continental governance was difficult in the short and medium term. We should, instead, aim at the Economic Community of Africa and, where possible, also aim at Regional Federations.

      But Gadhafi would not relent. He would not respect the rules of the AU. Topics or discussions that had been covered by previous meetings would be resurrected by Gadhafi. He would “overrule” a decision taken by all other African heads of state. Some of us were forced to come out and oppose his wrong position and, working with others, we repeatedly defeated his illogical position.

      Proclaiming himself king of kings: The third mistake has been the tendency by Gadhafi to interfere in the internal affairs of many African countries, using the little money Libya has compared to those countries. One blatant example was his involvement with cultural leaders of black Africa – kings, chiefs, etc. Since the political leaders of Africa had refused to back his project of an African government, Gadhafi, incredibly, thought that he could bypass them and work with these kings to implement his wishes. I warned Gadhafi in Addis Ababa that action would be taken against any Ugandan king who involved himself in politics, because it was against our Constitution. I moved a motion in Addis Ababa to expunge from the records of the AU all references to kings (cultural leaders) who had made speeches in our forum, because they had been invited there illegally by Colonel Gadhafi.

      Ignoring the plight of Southern Sudan: The fourth big mistake was made by most of the Arab leaders, including Gadhafi to some extent. This was in connection with the long suffering people of southern Sudan. Many of the Arab leaders either supported or ignored the suffering of the black people in that country. This unfairness always created tension and friction between us and the Arabs. However, I must salute Gadhafi and President Hosni Mubarak for travelling to Khartoum just before the referendum in Sudan, during which time they advised President Omar al-Bashir to respect the results of that exercise.

      Terrorism: Sometimes Gadhafi and other Middle Eastern radicals do not distance themselves sufficiently from terrorism, even when they are fighting for a just cause. Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence – not distinguishing between military and nonmilitary targets. The Middle Eastern radicals, quite different from the revolutionaries of black Africa, seem to say that any means is acceptable as long as you are fighting the enemy. That is why they hijack planes, use assassinations, plant bombs in bars, etc. Why bomb bars? People who go to bars are normally merrymakers, not politically minded people.

      We were together with the Arabs in the anticolonial struggle. The black African liberation movements, however, developed differently from the Arab ones. Where we used arms, we fought soldiers or sabotaged infrastructure but never targeted noncombatants. These indiscriminate methods tend to isolate the struggles of the Middle East and the Arab world. It would be good if the radicals in these areas could streamline their work methods in this area of using violence indiscriminately.

      These are some of the negative points in connection to Gadhafi as far as Uganda’s patriots have been concerned over the years. Each of these positions taken by Gadhafi have been unfortunate and unnecessary.

      Nevertheless, Gadhafi has also had many positive points, objectively speaking. These positive points have been for the good of Africa, Libya, and the Third World.

      I will deal with them point by point:

      Gadhafi is a nationalist: Gadhafi has conducted an independent foreign policy and, of course, also independent internal policies. I am not able to understand the position of Western countries, which appear to resent independent-minded leaders and seem to prefer puppets. Puppets are not good for any country. Most of the countries that have transitioned from Third World to First World status since 1945 have had independent-minded leaders: South Korea (Park Chung-hee), Singapore (Lee Kuan Yew), China People’s Republic (Mao Tse Tung, Chou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Marshal Yang Shangkun, Li Peng, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao), Malaysia (Dr. Mahthir Mohamad), Brazil (Luis Inacio Lula da Silva), Iran (the Ayatollahs Khomeini and Khamenei), etc. Between World War I and World War II, the Soviet Union transitioned into an industrial country, propelled by the dictatorial but independent-minded Joseph Stalin. In Africa, we have also benefited from a number of independent-minded leaders: Colonel Nasser of Egypt, Mwalimu Nyerere of Tanzania, Samora Machel of Mozambique, and others. That is how southern Africa was liberated. That is how we got rid of Idi Amin. The stopping of genocide in Rwanda and the overthrow of Mobutu Sese-Seko in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were as a result of efforts of independent-minded African leaders.

      Gadhafi, whatever his faults, is a true nationalist. I prefer nationalists to puppets of foreign interests. Where have the puppets caused the transformation of countries? I need some assistance with information on this from those who are familiar with puppetry.

      By contrast, the independent-minded Gadhafi had some positive contributions to Libya, I believe, as well as Africa and the Third World. Take just one example: At the time we were fighting the criminal dictatorships here in Uganda, we had a problem arising of a complication caused by our failure to capture enough guns at Kabamba on Feb. 6, 1981. Gadhafi gave us a small consignment of 96 rifles, 100 anti-tank mines, etc., that was very useful. He did not consult Washington or Moscow before he did this. This was good for Libya, for Africa, and for the Middle East. We should also remember as part of that independent-mindedness the fact that he expelled British and American military bases from Libya.

      He raised the price of oil: Before Gadhafi came to power in 1969, a barrel of oil was 40 American cents. He launched a campaign to withhold Arab oil unless the West paid more for it. I think the price went up to $20 per barrel. When the Arab-Israel war of 1973 broke out, the barrel of oil went up to $40. I am, therefore, surprised to hear that many oil producers in the world, including the Gulf countries, do not appreciate the historical role played by Gadhafi on this issue. The huge wealth many of these oil producers are enjoying was, at least in part, due to Gadhafi’s efforts. The Western countries have continued to develop in spite of paying more for oil. It therefore means that the pre-Gadhafi oil situation was characterized by super exploitation of oil producing countries by the Western countries.

      Gadhafi built Libya: I have never taken the time to investigate socio-economic conditions within Libya. When I was last there, I could see good roads, even from the air. From the TV pictures, you can even see the rebels zooming up and down in pick-up trucks on very good roads accompanied by Western journalists. Who built these good roads? Who built the oil refineries in Brega and those other places where the fighting has been taking place recently? Were these facilities built during the time of the king and his American and British allies, or were they built by Gadhafi?

      In Tunisia and Egypt, some youths immolated themselves because they failed to get jobs. Are the Libyans without jobs also? If so, why are there hundreds of thousands of foreign workers? Is Libya’s policy of providing so many jobs to Third World workers bad? Are all the children going to school in Libya? Was that the case in the past – before Gadhafi? Is the conflict in Libya economic or purely political? Possibly Libya could have transitioned more if they encouraged the private sector further. However, this is something the Libyans are better placed to judge. As it is, Libya is a middle income country with a GDP of $62 billion.

      He’s a moderate: Gadhafi is one of the few secular leaders in the Arab world. He does not believe in Islamic fundamentalism, which is why Libyan women have been able to go to school, to join the army, and so forth. This is a positive point on Gadhafi’s side.

      Coming to the present crisis, therefore, I need to point out some issues:

      First, we must distinguish between demonstrations and insurrections. Peaceful demonstrations should not be fired upon with live bullets. Of course, even peaceful demonstrations should coordinate with the police to ensure that they do not interfere with the rights of other citizens. However, when rioters are attacking police stations and army barracks with the aim of taking power, then they are no longer demonstrators; they are insurrectionists. They will have to be treated as such. A responsible government would have to use reasonable force to neutralize them. Of course, the ideal responsible government should also be one that is elected by the people at periodic intervals. If there is a doubt about the legitimacy of a government, and the people decide to launch an insurrection, that should be the decision of the internal forces. It should not be for external forces to arrogate themselves that role; often, they do not have enough knowledge to decide rightly.

      Excessive external involvement always brings terrible distortions. Why should external forces involve themselves? That is a vote of no confidence in the people themselves. A legitimate internal insurrection, if that is the strategy chosen by the leaders of that effort, can succeed. The Shah of Iran was defeated by an internal insurrection; the Russian Revolution in 1917 was an internal insurrection; the Revolution in Zanzibar in 1964 was an internal insurrection; the changes in Ukraine, Georgia, and so forth – all were internal insurrections. It should be for the leaders of the resistance in a given country to decide their strategy, not for foreigners to sponsor insurrection groups in sovereign countries.

      I am totally allergic to foreign, political, and military involvement in sovereign countries, especially the African countries. If foreign intervention is good, then, African countries should be the most prosperous countries in the world, because we have had the greatest dosages of that: the slave trade, colonialism, neo-colonialism, imperialism, etc. But all those foreign-imposed phenomena have been disastrous. It is only recently that Africa is beginning to come up, partly because we are rejecting external meddling. External meddling and the acquiescence by Africans into that meddling have been responsible for the stagnation on our continent. The wrong definition of priorities in many African countries is, in many cases, imposed by external groups. Failure to prioritize infrastructure, for instance, especially energy, is, in part, due to some of these pressures. Instead, consumption is promoted. I have witnessed this wrong definition of priorities even here in Uganda. External interests linked up, for instance, with bogus internal groups to oppose energy projects for false reasons. How will an economy develop without energy? Quislings and their external backers do not care about all this.

      Second, if you promote foreign backed insurrections in small countries like Libya, what will you do with the big ones like China, a country with a system different from the Western system? Are you going to impose a no-fly zone over China in case of some internal insurrections, as happened in Tiananmen Square, in Tibet, or in Urumqi?

      Third, Western countries always use double standards. In Libya, they are very eager to impose a no-fly zone. In Bahrain and other areas where there are pro-Western regimes, they turn a blind eye to the very same or even worse conditions. We have been appealing to the United Nations to impose a no-fly zone over Somalia – so as to impede the free movement of terrorists linked to al Qaeda, which killed Americans on September 11th, killed Ugandans last July, and have caused so much damage to the Somalis – without success. Why? Are there no human beings in Somalia, as there are in Benghazi? Or is it because Somalia does not have oil that is not fully controlled by the Western oil companies, as in Libya on account of Gadhafi’s nationalist posture?

      Fourth, the Western countries are always very prompt in commenting on every problem in the Third World – Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, etc. Yet, some of these very countries were the ones impeding growth in those countries. There was a military coup d’état that slowly became a revolution in backward Egypt in 1952. The new leader, Nasser, had ambitions to oversee the transformation of Egypt. He wanted to build a dam not only to generate electricity but also to help with the ancient irrigation system of Egypt. He was denied money by the West because they did not believe that Egyptians needed electricity. Nasser decided to raise that money by nationalizing the Suez Canal. He was attacked by Israel, France, and Britain. To be fair to the United States, President Eisenhower opposed that aggression that time. Of course, there was also the firm stance of the Soviet Union at that time. How much electricity was this dam supposed to produce? Just 2000 megawatts – for a country like Egypt!! What moral right, then, do such people have to comment on the affairs of these countries?

      Fifth, the by-now-entrenched habit of the Western countries over-using their technological superiority to impose war on less developed societies, without impeachable logic, will ignite an arms race in the world. The actions of the Western countries in Iraq and now Libya are emphasizing that might is “right.” I am quite sure that many countries that are able to will scale up their military research, and in a few decades, we may have a more armed world. Weapons science is not magic. A small country like Israel is now a superpower in terms of military technology. Yet 60 years ago, Israel had to buy second-hand Fouga Magister planes from France. There are many countries that can become small Israels if this trend of Western countries overusing military means continues.

      Sixth, all this notwithstanding, Col. Gadhafi should be ready to sit down with the opposition, under the mediation of the AU, with the opposition cluster of groups which now includes individuals well known to us. I know Gadhafi has his system of elected committees that convene to form a National People’s Conference. Actually, Gadhafi thinks this is superior to our multi-party systems. Of course, I have never had time to study how truly competitive this system is. Anyway, even if it is competitive, there is now, apparently, a significant number of Libyans who think that there is a problem in their country’s governance. Since there has not been internationally observed elections in Libya, not even by the AU, we cannot know what is correct and what is false. Therefore, a dialogue is the correct way forward.

      Seventh, the AU mission was unable to enter Libya because the Western countries started bombing the day before they were supposed to arrive. However, the mission will continue. My opinion is that, in addition to what the AU mission is doing, it may be important to call an extraordinary summit of the AU in Addis Ababa to discuss this grave situation.

      Eighth, regarding the Libyan opposition, I would feel embarrassed to be backed by Western war planes. Quislings of foreign interests have never helped Africa. We have had a copious supply of them in the last 50 years – Mobutu Sese-Seko, Houphouet Boigny, Kamuzu Banda, etc. The West has made a lot of mistakes in Africa and in the Middle East in the past. Apart from the slave trade and colonialism, they participated in the killing of Patrice Lumumba, until recently the only elected leader of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the poisoning of Cameroonian political leader Felix Moummie, and the assassination of Prime Minister Bartholomew Boganda of the Central African Republic. The West supported UNITA in Angola, Idi Amin – at the beginning of his regime – in Uganda, and the counter-revolutionaries in Iran in 1953. Recently, there has been some improvement in the arrogant attitudes of some of these Western countries. Certainly, with black Africa and, particularly, Uganda, the relations are good following the fair stand the West has taken on the fate of the black people of southern Sudan. With the democratization of South Africa and the freedom of the black people in southern Sudan, the difference between the patriots of Uganda and the Western governments had disappeared. Unfortunately, these rash actions on Libya are beginning to raise new problems. They should be resolved quickly.

      Ninth, if the Libyan opposition groups are patriots, they should fight their war by themselves and conduct their affairs by themselves. After all, they easily captured so much equipment from the Libyan Army, why do they need foreign military support? I only had 27 rifles. To be puppets is not good.

      Tenth, as to the international community, the African members of the Security Council voted for this resolution on Libya. This was contrary to what the Africa Peace and Security Council had decided in Addis Ababa recently. This is something that only the extraordinary AU summit can resolve. It was good that certain big countries in the Security Council – Russia, China, Brazil, and India – abstained on this resolution. This shows that there are balanced forces in the world that will, with more consultations, evolve more correct positions.

      Eleventh, and finally, being members of the United Nations, we are bound by the resolution that was passed, however rushed the process. Nevertheless, there is a mechanism for review. The Western countries, which are most active in these rushed actions, should consider that route. It may be one way of extricating all of us from possible nasty complications. What if the Libyans loyal to Gadhafi decide to fight on? Using tanks and planes that are easily targeted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s planes is not the only way of fighting. Who will be responsible for such a protracted war? It is high time we did more careful thinking.

      Uganda’s President on the Gadhafi he Knows, 1 of 2

      Uganda’s President on the Gadhafi he Knows, 2 of 2

      Photos du mur
      معمر القذافي قائد ثورة الفاتح من سبتمبر 1969 ملك ملوك افريقيا زعيم العرب زعيم العالم

      Notre chef de file Mouammar

      Ajoutée par  le  seize juin 2 011

      Mouammar Kadhafi, chef d’Al-Fateh de Septembre 1969 Le roi des rois de l’Afrique, le chef du dirigeant arabe du monde

      • Trente-trois  Aiment, deux N’aiment Pas

      The time can be anywhere’s from the 16-20th—not necessarily the 17th as the RATS are staing and may cause troubles. Remember, the 17th is THEIR day of the TNC insurrection.

      In the name of God the Merciful
      “ear to those who fight because they did wrong and that God the power to the victory” great truth of God
      (Statement No. 1)
      of the secrecy of severe fighting of the tribe Chiaan
      from what has been agreed by the Conference of the Libyan tribes which included more than 2000 the tribe of Libyan at the level of the mass and the gave legitimacy of noble resistance to defend Libya and make it the most important priority, and as a tribe Chiaan one of the components of this conference was and is still one of the tribes which, established history of jihad Libyan in several battles of Hani to or fighting Jihad Libyan Alkarzabih to battle severe famous and battle or Soag, Tnadt group of young tribe to form the nucleus of resistance established a secret fighter striving for the sake of God and the nation to restore its legitimacy usurped by foreign intervention outside in their affairs, and curse the following:
      First – walk in the footsteps of the leader martyr hero of heroes and history builder Libya and glory “Muammar Gaddafi” and as a a leader and a symbol of eternal of the Libyan and the resistance and victory, and reverence sacrifices and all the martyrs of his sons and his friends and all the martyrs of the defense of the dignity and the unity of Libya.
      Secondly – it’s ready to be on impact resistance Libyan noble in the Libyan beloved and under the green flag Alkhvaqh, God willing.
      III – Planning and conducting combat operations do not order the killing and fighting, love it, but in defense of the independence of the mass of the Libyan people and the re-legalization that were taken by force.
      IV – announces the secret start planning for its operations and implemented with effect from 03.02.2012 target that all foreign non-Libyan Itae soil of this country and especially the nationals of countries that participated in any way in the aggression against Libya and overthrow the legitimate approved by the Libyan tribes honest in Mmeltqaha.
      at a time when we announce the formation of this secret invite all the Libyan tribes fair and free individuals for concerted efforts to accelerate the liberalization of the country and Tthiriha of Ghazi and all greedy.
      severe secret fighter tribe Chiaan
      liberated on 03/02/2012 Christian
      · 5 février

      Monday February 13, 2012

      LIBYA: Final report of the Government (2.13.2012): Resistance across Libya against NATO grows victorious: Rats “rebels” of NATO / CNT do not serve as fertilizer for the desert sands ….

      – Heavy fighting is near the airport in Tripoli and the current plane of action of rockets. The total number of injuries and deaths is still unknown, but according to some reports, there are many injured and dead rats – Rebels of NATO called.
      Also reported two powerful explosions in the market Friday # Tripoli
      – The People Pro-Green Zawiya has managed to release all prisoners in jail after fighting Zawiya mercenaries from NATO.
       Kufra: The green strength elimna to 7 assassins “rebels” and wounded 20 other bandits in Kafra, the number of injured is 20 rebels and rebel death toll to seven rebels who are:
      – Abdelhafid Abderahim Eldobg
      – Miftah Hoceine
      – Faiz Madi Ekouiri
      – Mohamed Abdellah Museum international
      – Younes Boudkene Miftah
      – Mohamed Najeh Akouiri
      – Aissa Bourjeb.
      Yesterday, there were two dead rebels.
      The seriously injured were taken to hospital in Benghazi.
      – Zawiya, loud explosions shook the city followed by violent clashes between resistance fighters and rebels from fire in different cities of the city.
      – Rebels Misrata left Tripoli after hearing the information in the fall of the town of Kufra in the hands of the patriots green. Misrata again to protect it.
      – Tripoli, the fighters of the battalion “Elawhed Sakr” green strength has carried out operations in the region of Ain Zara target of snipers, kill five gunmen “rebels” of the CNT-NATO
      – The traitors and assassins kidnap CNT-NATO and expel the Ambassador of Niger a humiliating: Tripoli, barbarians and traitors of the CNT expelled the ambassador of Niger in a humiliating way. A flagrant violation of the Embassy of Niger is a violation of the territory of Niger.
      The UN is in this little corner, it says nothing of this barbarity!
      Bravo for the NATO / Qatar / United Nations for the Democrats! you have placed in Libya!
      It will require that African countries are responding to this type of barbaric behavior!
      – Libyan People rises against the CNT-NATO denounce to the world that NATO / U.S. Libya entered to protect the racist, elitist and sacrifice, on the pretext of protecting human rights
      For a free, green Libya
      – Ever wonder why NATO bombed and destroyed hospitals and bridges, the answer is here because they knew, to be paid to rebuild it, they destroyed AFTERNOON FOR PROFIT.
      – The Embassy of Libya in Egypt was ransacked by protesters Egyptians after the destruction of the memory of the Arab leader “Abdul Nacer Djamel.”
      – In Lebanon, after the destruction of the statue of the leader of Arab nationalism “Djamel Abdel Nasser” by rebels in Benghazi, a sitting was held last night at 19h before the statue of Djamel El Ain Abel born of Mrissa The association forces and the youth of El Naciri in Lebanon. Representatives of parties and organizations were also present.– Rats fascists destroyed in the Great Benghazi Memorial Nasser: The message of Arab Unity, socialism, imperialism and antisi0nismo the great Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser is more alive than ever in the Arab nation. The masses in Yemen, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and other countries come with your photo to challenge imperialism and its local lackeys.
      That’s why these lackeys, brutal Islamic fanatics, petrotiranos corrupt, murderers of Al Qaeda, fascist Muslim Brotherhood and other rats, uncontrollable hatred felt by Nasser’s revolutionary message, its present and its validity. This Saturday February 10 a band of such rats proceeded to destroy the memorial built in Benghazi by Libyan revolution on September 11, 1969 the immortal Colonel, Leader and President Nasser. No matter, it will rebuild the Libyan masses more beautiful than before when he had purged the country of this filth. In fact the rats fear gadafista reorganization of resistance that has the support of the vast majority of the population.

      The small group of far-right Islamist bandits celebrate his “achievement” in the midst of popular contempt. They were defeated by Nasser and shall be for the next Arab popular revolutions.

      Ongoing atrocities of the puppet regime installed NATO-Libyan

      By Will Morrow
      The National Transitional Council of Libya (TNC), the regime installed by the intervention of U.S. and NATO forces in Libya last year is responsible for ongoing atrocities, particularly against black-skinned Libyans, detainees and other suspected supporters the previous government of Gaddafi.
      One of the most recent incident occurred on Feb. 6 in a former naval base in the Janzour district of the capital, Tripoli. The base is being used as an internal refugee camp for about 1,500 predominantly dark-skinned former residents of the Tawergha city. The inhabitants of the camps, told Reuters that the militants in the coastal city of Misrata arrived, searched the field and tried to remove several young. When unarmed refugees protested, the militia opened fire, killing at least five people.
      Female resident camp Bel-Huda Eid told Reuters: “About 15 of them started shooting us. All women escaped, but was left to young people. My brother was there and went to help him because he was shot in the head and neck, then I got shot (in the leg). “
      A woman and an old man confirmed dead in a morgue of Tripoli, both with gunshot wounds to the chest. Janzour A resident told Reuters: “We have found two bodies of blacks who had been shot on the beach. We told the police, and they have taken them now. “
      Tawergha former residents marched through Janzour later that day in protest, but turned to shoot at. According to the “Libya SOS” blog, Tawerghan two sons, Mohammad Abdel Saleh Attia and Freih Mula, were among the dead. The report puts the death toll throughout the day at 12, with 31 wounded.
      Reprisals against civilians Tawerghan are only the latest revelations of war crimes committed by the U.S.and NATO forces proxy. Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders recently issued statements protesting the systematic abuse and torture of prisoners in detention centers controlled by the CNC and the tribes.
      Tawergha city, whose inhabitants were mostly dark-skinned because of its history as a slave trading post, is now a ghost town latent. Last August, the militia of Misrata, located 50 kilometers east of Tawergha -backed by U.S. and NATO air strikes, tried to clean up the city map.
      The brigades looted and set fire to houses and public buildings, and said more than 30,000 residents had to leave and could never return. A commander said Tawergha Misrata. “There is no longer” At the same time, the Wall Street Journal “About four fifths of the neighborhood residents were natives Tawergha Ghoushi Misrata. Now they are gone or in hiding for fear of revenge attacks by Misratans, amid reports of rewards for his capture. “
      Tawergha destruction is ongoing. Reuters last week by Human Rights Watch director Peter Bouckaert quoted as saying. “Every time we visit the area, we have witnessed the rebels looting and burning houses”
      Last year, crews Misrata openly declared that the terror against the population Tawerghan was a collective punishment for the participation of some of the residents in Misrata attacks by the army of Gaddafi.
      The TNC government composed of different regional and tribal militias, former officials in the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, the Islamists and the CIA-assets shown their approval of these crimes. Then prime minister, the TNC, Mahmoud Jibril, declared in September long after massive retaliation under way: “As Tawergha, my own view is that nobody has the right to intervene in this matter, except the people of Misrata”.
      An estimated 29,000 Tawerghans are now living in squalid refugee camps across the country-19, 000, near the eastern city of Benghazi alone. Ahmed Ali Farhat, a native of Tawergha and now living in a camp in Benghazi, told Reuters “People fled Libya Tawergha all, but are still being harassed, especially by roaming rebels Misrata who pursue them.”
      Farhat said a group of refugees Tawerghan were beaten by members of the tribe of Misrata in Benghazi on 30 January. “Another group of eight people were captured in Sirte Tawergha. One of them was the seal of death.” Tawergha residents have reported disappearances of family members and friends arrested.
      Throughout the war, repeatedly TNC unfounded claims that Gaddafi was using “African mercenaries” against the Libyans, appealing to the most backward layers in an attempt to stir up racist feelings against dark-skinned immigrant African workers , representing about a fifth of the Libyan population.
      A September 2011 Amnesty International report cited a speech by President Abdul Jalil Mustafa CNC, in which he stated that in his role as justice minister under Gaddafi, found that “40 percent of criminals [in Libya] are “Africans” who invade Libya, through its southern borders, passing through it, eagerly wanting to live in Europe. ” Jalil reports pledged to “close the door to these Africans.”
      For the CNC and the various militias, racist sentiment serves to deflect the undemocratic nature of the new government, whose members are largely unknown and the function on behalf of the various regional elites and foreign powers who led the NATO war supported.
      A recent report by the Arab Organization for Human Rights and other humanitarian groups said that the black skin of Libya and migrants are detained in the course of being “mercenaries” of Gaddafi. The report quoted a senior military official in Libya , which “confirmed that a number of other loyal people throughout Libya, had met a similar fate” to Tawergha.
      Misrata forces have played a particularly noticeable. Just as the assault on Tawergha, Misrata tribes were involved in the brutal siege of Sirte, where a faction of the militia captured Misrata, brutally beaten and murdered then Gaddafi in behalf of the U.S. and NATO.
      War crimes and abuses by the new regime further expose claims that the NATO allies intervened for humanitarian purposes to rescue the Libyan town of violent repression. In fact, the atrocities that are derived directly from nature predatory war, which installed the unelected regime as a government CNC flexible control of the country for major economic and geostrategic. This is part of a broader campaign to appease the “Arab” uprisings of spring and establish unquestioned hegemony on the Middle East, a unit that is now followed against Syria and Iran.
      This author also recommends:

      FILE: 30 OCTOBER 2011


      Last week, the new Defence Secretary, Philip Hammond, made an urgent appeal for British companies, “Pack your bags and go directly to Tripoli.”
      While the bodies of the martyrs were still on public display, Trango British Special Projects, has offered its services to support companies looking for cash, “Are you ready for the return of your business in Libya?” Special Projects Company Trango offers rooms in her house in Tripoli and offers transfers “with the help of the discrete mixed teams of British and Libyan security.”
      The price of a 10-minute drive from the airport, so that the ticket had cost about $ 5 before NATO arrived, the transfer unit headed by SP Trango now costs 500 pounds sterling, or about $ 800.
      “Right now, NOT A GOLD RUSH IN LIBYA,” says David Hamod, president and deputy director of the National American-Arab Chamber of Commerce, “We hope that U.S. companies do not lose opportunities”
      Hamod said that Libya needs literally everything now, from banking and financial services, hospitals and clinics, roads and bridges, the infrastructure for energy and oil industry
      IF ever wondered why NATO bombed and destroyed hospitals and bridges, here is the answer because they knew to be paid to rebuild it, they destroyed FOR benefit later.
      Also ahead are huge renovation projects for hotels and apartment complexes in the ruins of citie s, preservation and expansion of oil facilities and training and equipping of the new armed forces.
      The aim of the NATO bombing from the outset was to destroy the country’s standard of living, their health infrastructure, schools and hospitals, its water distribution system.
      And then “rebuild” with the help of donors and creditors under the command of the IMF and World Bank.
      The dictates of the “free market” are a prerequisite for the installation of a Western-style “democratic dictatorship”.
      About nine thousand missions of attack, tens of thousands of attacks against civilian targets including residential areas, government buildings, water supply and electricity generation facilities. (See Press NATO, September 5, 2011. 8140 outputs strike March 31 to September 5, 2011)
      An entire nation has been bombarded with the most advanced artillery, including uranium coated ammunition. / / ALL FOR PROFIT / / [1]
      The IMF Board formally recognized the Provisional Government of Libya as a legitimate power to open up access to a variety of international lenders as the country [Libya] takes into consideration the reconstruction after a war of six months.
      Marseille talks came a few days after world leaders agreed in Paris to release billions of dollars in frozen assets [of stolen money] to help [by borrowing] interim rulers of Libya restore vital services and rebuild country destroyed by the very countries that earn interest rates of the reconstruction of fat now.
      “Financing is mostly in the form of loans rather than outright grants, and provides a means for the G-8 and Arabic and the other half by various lenders and development banks.” (Financial Post , September 10, 2011)
      At the meeting of the G-8 in Marseille in September, the finance ministers have pledged $ 38 million, most of the loans, the Arab countries between 2011 and 2013.
      Although Libya is deriving less than a third of its oil production before the war, about 1.7 million barrels per day, has the largest oil reserves in Africa, which ultimately means a steady supply of money for scavengers of NATO.
      a) steal resources,
      b) Taking advantage of scarce supplies of goods destroyed AND SERVICES
      c) rebuild what they destroyed and benefit from it,
      d) Building LOAN provided to victims.
      e) Building SORRY TO LIBYA-Ass
      by ALL4Peace and LibyaSOS
      Posted by SOS in Libya 15:32

      Libyan Resistance, War News – February 13, 2012 – (+2 Videos)


      Libyan resistance on 12-13 February 2012

      Tripoli: fighters for the liberation of the Great Jamahiriya to destroy enemy sniping in areas of High Demešk, Ain Zara. Killed at least 7 mercenaries.

      Yesterday clashed with heavy weapons in the area of Gargareš. Several rats poudohlâli each other.

      Intermittent sound of anti-aircraft guns in the Suq-UL-Džumo. From this area the bandits sent in Kufru, people laughing, and said that the cattle, even in its area not ably fight. Eyewitnesses report that there were clashes in front of the hotel Rixos and cat in the area. In addition, fighting in the area of “Green Mountain”, the road to the airport, near the railway bridge.Rats in the Al Furdžan camp was attacked by fighters of the Resistance:
      Heavy fighting in the area of Al′srim. Blown up cars, destroyed at least 3 Bandit:
      Continue the violations of any international law in Libya under the nato-mercenaries puppet governements. The rats raided the Embassy of Nigeria, the Nigerian Ambassador expelled from the embassy building:
      Ivory (Alsqraloouhd) for: The band operations (Winter Hawks) 16 of the liberation forces, the armed people of thefarm area commander and killed 3 Alalus Gardan and the martyrdom of one of the prisoners in the editing process.
      AZ-zawiya: City woke up this morning by the sound of two strong explosions, residents of the city do not know the causes of explosions so far.
      In the city throughout the day, heavy fighting and explosions in different areas of the city.

      Al Azzizziyah Firing Range: the release of prisoners from the camp in the town. The Winter Hawks» conducts operations in the city and suburbs, blown up car traitors, 5 rats burned two of them in the car, three fragments. The resistance recruits a group of supporters of the rat in a State of high alert, there are rumors that the resistance is going to liberate the city.

      Sorman: I’m not going to say that this video is really 9.02.12, but all the same:

      Now the town is under fire. On the outskirts of fighting with a 14.5 mm guns.

      Kufra: for the liberation of the city and district has undertaken the Tubu tribe. I think the last straw for them became the last terrible persecutions of the tribe Tavarga. A little bit about this tribe can read here and here. First spark lit battalion in the town of Al-Mudžahida, Muammar Al-Qadhafi today at dawn they cleaned the city, then his unit moved into the village of Tazirbu near the town. Rats were in a panic when they learned about it. Given that the oil city. “This is the second after the lost city of Bani Walid, war on the way to the region to deal with the situation,” a source told NTC. World SMD occurred the next Brad on this. Still crazy.

      As a result of the purification of the thugs in the region have killed at least two dozen rats, the number of wounded varied from 20 to 100 pieces. It was also reported that members of Toubou output of oil extraction equipment.

      Now in fierce fighting near the airport, the news of the damage the plane by a missile. Many of the dead and wounded. So far about 70% of the city under the control of our tribes Kufra.

      In: in the city increased readiness and declared a curfew. There was information that Libya’s Liberation Army is preparing an operation to liberate the city. Rats are so sdrejfili that from Tripoli to Misuratu went to several columns. News that their town is now under the control of the resistance literally wiped out all Green crazy misuratskih bandits.

      Misurata now strengthens the defense, tanks and all heavy weapons to the walls of the city stânuto, the bandits are awfully trusât fearing reprisals Mujahideen Resistance and that their support people. It is also reported that out of town run some rats.
      Benghazi: reports of abduction in Benin airport 6 rats-bodyguards , Osama AlJuwayli,the fate of the unknown Juwayli warplanes are prepared at the local airport to bombard Kufry.Rise was information on the release of prisoners from the prisons of al Kuwayfiya. The mujahidin in Benghazi in the fight against bandits joined the battalion of resistance.

      Dr. Hamza Tuhami said that rats have prepared a trap for the resistance. These thugs are going to come out with green flags 15 or February 17, 2012, to identify the real supporters of resistance will be available to support the parade. Dr. Hamza Tuhami recalled that is yet another pathetic attempt to thwart rebellion, which is known only to the Green resistance.
      17 same February day was scheduled at the hands of bandits perished rats, mercenaries and air enemy. Supporters of the Jamahiriya are going to be clothed all in black as a sign of solidarity now come reports of large cities, the American troops to quell possible uprisings.
      13 Feb 2012
      Author: Afferty
      Translated by Za-afriku
      Video by NewLiveNews
      Reloaded by LibyanFreePress
      Tunis – A Tunisian court cleared Libyan former prime minister Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmudi on Tuesday on a charge he had crossed illegally into Tunisia as he fled Libya last year, his lawyer said.”The court… has acquitted al-Mahmudi and so we are demanding his immediate release,” lawyer Mabrouk Kourchid said after the hearing in the southern city of Tozeur. “There is no legal reason to keep him in prison.”Mahmudi is also the subject of two extradition requests from Libya, which he fled following the collapse of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.The 70-year-old former prime minister, who has been detained since his September 21 arrest, appeared in court after being transferred from prison by ambulance.Although his extradition has been approved by Tunisian courts, then interim president Fouad Mebazaa declined to sign extradition papers and his successor Moncef Marzouki has told Tripoli he would be returned when conditions were in place for a “fair trial”.Mahmudi is appealing on the grounds that he has applied for refugee status and could face execution if sent back to his homeland.___________________________________________________________

      Nouvelles Bin trottoir de la Couronne j et d Rafla ————————–
      mis en Libye est maintenant très réminiscent de placer devant 17/2/2011 où lui et l’autre de temps à autre vient des nouvelles de la secousse et se déplacent dans l’autre , et des protestations dans ces pays et des manifestations dans ceux, et un état général de tension règne dans les cœurs et les esprits de tout le monde et tout le monde dans l’état de l’anticipation de quelque chose qui va se passer et qui est d’abord peu de chances de se transformer en un fait accompli dans la nuit, les fonctionnaires dorment dans la vallée de miel et dans la vallée de tout autre, Les tentatives désespérées de convaincre les gens tous les jours que (les choses pleinement Mafany Xi) La différence maintenant est que, avant cette affaire était 17/2/2011 de faire des médias des agents Aohmt gens sataniques qui n’existaient pas seulement sur les écrans, mais maintenant c’est le cas de la congestion populaires, fabriqués par le fait que l’amère vérité Utilité des gens une fois qu’ils découvrent tout à coup que tous les McCann dans leur esprit ils sont et qu’il ya ceux qui les utilisent et les sous-estimée, pour atteindre l’objectif de ce qui est pas plus,,,,tous les indicateurs suggèrent que l’éruption du volcan est devenu imminent,demandez à Dieu pour la sécurité.

      News Bin sidewalk Crown j and d Rafla ————————–
      put Libya now is very reminiscent of placing before 17/2/2011 where he and the other from time to time comes news of the twitch and move in the other , and protests in these and demonstrations in those, and a general state of tension pervades the hearts and minds of everyone and everyone in the state of anticipation of something will happen and who is initially unlikely to turn into a fait accompli in the overnight, officials are sleeping in the valley of honey and in the valley of quite another, The desperate attempts to convince people every day that (things fully Mafany Xi) The difference now is that before this case was 17/2/2011 from doing media agent Aohmt Satanic people that did not exist only on the screens, but now it is the case of congestion popular manufactured by the fact that the bitter truth Usefulness of people after they suddenly discovered that all the McCain in in their minds they are and that there are those who use them and underestimated them, to achieve the target of what is no more,,,, all indicators suggest that the eruption of the volcano became imminent, ask God for safety
      The Hijacking of Libya, an eBeefs documentary
      Friday, February 10, 2012 at 01:41By J L SambomaThe following is a trailer for a documentary on last year’s imperialist assault on Libya, during which a sovereign nation was hijacked by the West and their local henchmen, under the guise of bringing “freedom and democracy” to the country. The project is now in post-production, although a few interviews are pending. The aim of this trailer is to provide a taster and to help solicit funds for production costs.”The Hijacking of Libya_trailer.mp4″
      This is a self-supporting venture, operating on a “budget of none.” If you would like to assist with this independent production, then please use the paypal button on the right to order a copy of The President’s Pressmen, our previous effort on media repression in Sierra Leone. The sum of five pounds (£5.00) will cover the unit cost of producing and despatching the dvd; £10.00 or more will mean at least £5.00 towards the editing and other production costs for Libya film project.Also, those who remit £15 or more will get a signed copy of The Hijacking of Libya when the film is eventually released. If, however, you do not wish to contribute to post-production for the Libya project, then only remit £5.00. And do state your postal address on the order. Please reach us by email with any queries. Many thanks.
      Editor | 2 Comments | Share Article
      Libyan rebels “just a dog of NATO”: Abdel Bari Atwan
      Arab “to emphasize that there is a planned target countries,” Objection, “as he put his claim and, where indicated to Libya, Syria and Algeria at a future point, as the countries that have” not liking “systems of the West.
      “How to call” unilaterally published a document proving that the defense Abdel Bari Atwan on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his regime defunct, as well as the rebel attack on Libya, not for God and reluctance to face the slandered.
      The case where a respectable monthly Hsash was received by Brother Abdul Bari Atwan, the value Daalha up to four thousand dollars per month, and no guide thing for three years, compared to what? For something is not clear, Abdul Bari, which receives “this Mecca protracted at the expense of society,” as stated in the document.Alvzaih Dayal Sahab Colonel started undergarment, Hadi is the beginning, and still remains
      Abdel Bari Atwan described Libyan rebels, in a TV interviewrecently, that they are “just dogs for NATO.” The director insistedthe newspaper “Arab Jerusalem” to emphasize that there is aplanned target countries, “Objection,” as he put his claim and,where indicated to Libya, Syria and Algeria at a future point, as the countries that have “not liking” systems of the West.
      “How to call” unilaterally published a document proving that thedefense Abdel Bari Atwan on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his regime defunct, as well as the rebel attack on Libya, not for Godand reluctance to face the slandered.
      The case where a respectable monthly Hsash was received byBrother Abdul Bari Atwan, the value Daalha up to four thousand dollars per month, and no guide thing for three years, compared to what? For something is not clear, Abdul Bari, which receives”this Mecca protracted at the expense of society,” as stated in the document.
      Alvzaih Dayal Sahab Colonel started undergarment, Hadi is the beginning, and still remains.

      Libyan rebels “just a dog to NATO”: Abdel Bari Atwan, the owners of one Arab nationalists Kadhafi

      An article he read 1612 times

      Abdel Bari Atwan described Libyan rebels, in a TV interview recently, that they are “just dogs for NATO.” The director insisted the newspaper “Arab Jerusalem” to emphasize that there is a planned target countries, “Objection,” as he put his claim and, where indicated to Libya, Syria and Algeria at a future point, as the countries that have “not liking” systems of the West.”How to call” unilaterally published a document proving that the defense Abdel Bari Atwan on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his regime defunct, as well as the rebel attack on Libya, not for God and reluctance to face the slandered.

      The case where a respectable monthly Hsash was received by Brother Abdul Bari Atwan, the value Daalha up to four thousand dollars per month, and no guide thing for three years, compared to what? For something is not clear, Abdul Bari, which receives “this Mecca protracted at the expense of society,” as stated in the document.

      Alvzaih Dayal Sahab Colonel started undergarment, Hadi is the beginning, and still remains.

      Posted on 16 February 2012 by  |
      New model of rat-car

      Around Kufra fighting continues: in the picture, a pickup of the Nato-mercenaries has been destroyed. (photo by AlgeriaIsp)

      Clashes between the Zwai and the Toubu tribes, in the town of Kufra, broke out (this is the third day of fighting) and at least 18 people were killed  over the first two days.

      Shells of mortars, fired by the barbarians of the CNT on residential neighborhoods, have done much damage and death among the population in the last hours . The number of civilian casualties is increasing.

      An Humanitarian Intervention by NATO is in progress?
      Yes, with bombs and air strikes to bring peace…eternal.

      Kufra’s green fighters from Toubu tribe, have killed an important Nato-mercenary, Ahmed Akermiche, by the fire from a sniper.

      A member of the Toubu tribe told to a reporter, by telephone, that five of his comrades had been killed today, but another member of his clan said there were only injuries reported in the fighting.

      He said his people is surrounded by members of the Zwai tribe.

      Kufra is under siege from all sides. The Zwai tribe is shelling the village everywhere with heavy weapons.

      Libya’s ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) is backing the Zwai tribe by sending weapons and fighters to their help, which was also confirmed by a source from the Zwai tribe.

      The Nato-puppet government have sent reinforcements to Zwai. Its plan is to exterminate the Toubu tribe. A massacre is ongoing, in which Libyan NTC is participating.

      A ‘Crime Against Humanity’ and a ‘Crime of War’ is taking place under the eyes of “humanitarian democracies”, which are the mask to wear, to let the usurocracy lobby keep the nations and the people in a perpetual global slavery.

      A source from the Zwai tribe said that a plane, carrying weapons and fighters, landed at Kufra airport last night to help its members and NTC mercenaries against the loyalist tribes of Toubu in Kufra.


      Philip I. for LibyanFreePress – 16 Feb 2012 – at

      16 février 03:57
      صفحة akhbar libya : نعم هذه هي الحرية والعدالة الاجتماعية والديمقراطية التي تحتفلون بأنكم انجزتموها بمعية طائرات الناتو على الارض الليبية .. هنئياً لكم بانتصاركم انتم وناتوكم الذي تخلى عنكم لمواجهة ما اقترفته ايديكم في حق ابناء هذا الشعب ، والذي لن يغفر لكم ذلك ، وستندمون يوم لاينفع الندم …. الله اكبر فوق كيد المعتدي !
      16 février 03:57
      Page akhbar libya: Yes, this is freedom, social justice and democracy that you celebrate that you Andztamohatogether with NATO aircraft on the ground, Libya .. Henia you Pantsarkm Natokm you and who gave you to confront what it did in your hands the right of the people of this people, and who will not forgive you, and Stendmon Ainf day to regret …. God is great above the plots of the aggressor!

      Gaddafi supporters of torture in the south Libyan

      Thursday, 16 February 2012


      This statement has been passed to me from trusted Libyan sources, but I cannot reveal their identities because to do so would put the lives of many people in danger.


      The situation in Libya is becoming worse every day. With very little interest from international media many horrors have taken place in all parts of the country: systematic torture of prisoners, extra-judicial killings, armed tribal conflict, economic and political foreign domination, robbing of national wealth, the reality of Al-Qaeda’s control of parts of the country, the invention and establishing of fragmented regional and cross-border identities to replace the national unifying identity, anti-black politics amongst the armed militias, the enforced displacements of whole tribes, the flight of a third of the population to neighbouring countries for fear of persecution.In this atmosphere of horror, millions of Libyans who supported the late leader Muammar Gaddafi are being excluded from any real political solution in the country. They live under fear of retaliation and cannot exercise their civil rights or feel safe enough to oppose any decision taken by the militias or the weak central authorities in the country.As a result, we are re-organising ourselves outside Libya in an inclusive political movement that would encompass all Libyans who understand the terrible reality of Libya and insist that only through a genuine and radical change can Libyans avoid the danger of another civil war funded and maintained by foreign agendas. The following Declaration is concerned with the founding of the “Libyan Popular National Movement” and has been written and agreed-upon by most of the political/social/military leaderships of Green Libya.


      by F. William Engdahl
      Global Research, September 25, 2011

      The Washington-led decision by NATO to bomb Gaddafi’s Libya into submission over recent months, at an estimated cost to US taxpayers of at least $1 billion, has little if anything to do with what the Obama Administration claims was a mission to “protect innocent civilians.” In reality it is part of a larger strategic assault by NATO and by the Pentagon in particular to entirely control China’s economic achilles heel, namely China’s strategic dependence on large volumes of imported crude oil and gas. Today China is the world’s second largest importer of oil after the United States and the gap is rapidly closing.

       If we take a careful look at a map of Africa and also look at the African organization of the new Pentagon Africa Command—AFRICOM—the pattern that emerges is a careful strategy of controlling one of China’s most strategically important oil and raw materials sources.

       NATO’s Libya campaign was and is all about oil. But not about simply controlling Libyan high-grade crude because the USA is nervous about reliable foreign supplies. It rather is about controlling China’s free access to long-term oil imports from Africa and from the Middle East. In other words, it is about controlling China itself.

       Libya geographically is bounded to its north by the Mediterranean directly across from Italy, where Italian ENI oil company has been the largest foreign operator in Libya for years. To its west it is bounded by Tunisia and by Algeria. To its south it is bounded by Chad. To its east it is bounded by both Sudan (today Sudan and Southern Sudan) and by Egypt. That should tell something about the strategic importance of Libya from the standpoint of the Pentagon’s AFRICOM long-term strategy for controlling Africa and its resources and which country is able to get those resources.

       Gaddafi’s Libya had maintained strict national state control over the rich reserves of high quality “light, sweet” Libyan crude oil. As of 2006 data Libya had the largest proven oil reserves in Africa, some 35%, larger even than Nigeria. Oil consessions had been extended to Chinese state oil companies as well as Russian and others in recent years. Not surprisingly a spokesman from the so-called opposition claiming victory over Gaddafi, Abdeljalil Mayouf, information manager at Libyan rebel oil firm AGOCO, told Reuters, “We don’t have a problem with Western countries like the Italians, French and UK companies. But we may have some political issues with Russia, China and Brazil.” China and Russia and Brazil either opposed UN sanctions on Libya or pressed for a negotiated settlement of the internal conflict and an end to NATO bombing.

       As I have detailed elsewhere,1  Gaddafi, an old adherent of Arab socialism on the line of Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, used the oil revenues to improve the lot of his people. Health care was free as was education. Each Libyan family was given a state grant of $50000 towards buying a new house and all bank loans were according to Islamic anti-usury laws, interest free. The state was also free of debt. Only by bribery and massive infiltration into the tribal opposition areas of the eastern part of the country could the CIA, MI6 and other NATO intelligence operatives, at an estimated cost of $1 billion, and massive NATO bombing of civilians, destabilize the strong ties between Gaddafi and his people.

       Why then did NATO and the Pentagon lead such a mad and destructive assault on a peaceful sovereign country? Clear is that one of the prime reasons was to complete the encirclement of China’s oil and vital raw material sources across northern Africa.

      Pentagon alarm over China

      Step-by-step in the past several years Washington had begun to create the perception that China, which was the “dear friend and ally of America” less than a decade ago, was becoming the greatest threat to world peace because of China’s enormous economic expansion. The painting of China as a new “enemy” has been complex as Washington is dependent on China to buy the lion’s share of the US Government debt in the form of Treasury paper.

       In August the Pentagon released its annual report to Congress on China’s military status. 2 This year the report sent alarm bells ringing across China for a strident new tone. The report stated among other things, “Over the past decade, China’s military has benefited from robust investment in modern hardware and technology. Many modern systems have reached maturity and others will become operational in the next few years,” the Pentagon said in the report. It added that “there remains uncertainty about how China will use its growing capabilities… China’s rise as a major international actor is likely to stand out as a defining feature of the strategic landscape of the early 21st century.”3

       In a matter of perhaps two to five years, depending on how the rest of the world reacts or plays their cards, the Peoples’ Republic of China will emerge in the controlled Western media painted as the new “Hitler Germany.” If that seems hard to believe today, just reflect on how that was done with former Washington allies such as Egypt’s Mubarak or even Saddam Hussein. In June this year, former US Secretary of the Navy and now US Senator from Virginia, James Webb, startled many in Beijing when he told press that China was fast approaching what he called a “Munich moment,” when Washington must decide how to maintain a strategic balance, a reference to the 1938 crisis over Czechoslovakia when Chamberlain opted for appeasement with Hitler over Czechoslovakia. Webb added, “If you look at the last 10 years, the strategic winner has been China.” 4

       The same massively effective propaganda machine of the Pentagon, led by CNN, BBC, the New York Times or London Guardian will get the subtle command from Washington to “paint China and its leaders black.” China is becoming far too strong and far too independent for many in Washington and in Wall Street. To control that, above all China’s oil import dependency has been identified as her Achilles Heel. Libya is a move to strike directly at that vulnerable Achilles heel.

      China moves into Africa

      The involvement of Chinese energy and raw materials companies across Africa had become a major cause of alarm in Washington where an attitude of malign neglect had dominated Washington Africa policy since the Cold War era. As its future energy needs became obvious several years ago China began a major African economic diplomacy which reached a crescendo in 2006 when Beijing literally rolled out the red carpet to heads of more than forty African states and discussed a broad range of economic issues. None were more important for Beijing than securing future African oil resources for China’s robust industrialization.

       China moved into countries which had been virtually abandoned by former European colonial powers like France or Britain or Portugal.

       Chad is a case in point. The poorest and most geographically isolated African countries, Chad was courted by Beijing which resumed diplomatic ties in 2006.

       In October 2007 China’s state oil giant CNPC signed a contract to build a refinery jointly with Chad’s government. Two years later they began construction of an oil pipeline to carry oil from a new Chinese field in the south some 300 kilometers to the refinery. Western-supported NGO’s predictably began howling about environmental impacts of the Chinese oil pipeline. The same NGOs were curiously silent when Chevron struck oil in 2003 in Chad. In July 2011 the two countries, Chad and China celebrated opening of the joint venture oil refinery near Chad’s capital of Ndjamena. 5 Chad’s Chinese oil activities are strikingly close to another major Chinese oil project in what then was Sudan’s Darfur region bordering Chad.

       Sudan had been a growing source of oil flows to China since cooperation began in the late 1990s after Chevron abandoned its stake there. By 1998 CNPC was building a 1500 km long oil pipeline from southern Sudan oilfields to Port Sudan on the Red Sea as well as building a major oil refinery near Khartoum. Sudan was the first large overseas oilfield project operated by China. By the beginning of 2011 Sudan oil, most all from the conflict-torn south, provided some 10% of China’s oil imports from taking more than 60% of Sudan’s daily oil production of 490,000 barrels. Sudan had become a point of vital Chinese national energy security.

       According to geological estimates, the subsurface running from Darfur in what was southern Sudan through Chad into Cameroon is one giagantic oil field in extent perhaps equivalent to a new Saudi Arabia. Controlling southern Sudan as well as Chad and Cameroon is vital to the Pentagon strategy of “strategic denial” to China of their future oil flows. So long as a stable and robust Ghaddafi regime remained in power in Tripoli that control remained a major problem. The simultaneous splitting off of the Republic of South Sudan from Khartoum and the toppling of Ghaddafi in favor of weak rebel bands beholden to Pentagon support was for the Pentagon Full Spectrum Dominance of strategic priority.

      AFRICOM responds

      The key force behind the recent wave of Western military attacks against Libya or more covert regime changes such as those in Tunisia, Egypt and the fateful referendum in southern Sudan which has now made that oil-rich region “independent” has been AFRICOM, the special US military command established by the Bush Administration in 2008 explicitly to counter the growing Chinese influence over Africa’s vast oil and mineral wealth.

       In late 2007, Dr. J. Peter Pham, a Washington insider who advises the US State and Defense Departments, stated openly that among the aims of the new AFRICOM, is the objective of protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance … a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other interested third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.” 6

       In testimony before the US Congress supporting creation of AFRICOM in 2007, Pham, who is associated with the neo-conservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies, stated:


      “This natural wealth makes Africa an inviting target for the attentions of the People’s Republic of China, whose dynamic economy…has an almost insatiable thirst for oil as well as a need for other natural resources to sustain it…China is currently importing approximately 2.6 million barrels of crude per day, about half of its consumption; more than 765,000 of those barrels—roughly a third of its imports—come from African sources, especially Sudan, Angola, and Congo (Brazzaville). Is it any wonder, then, that…perhaps no other foreign region rivals Africa as the object of Beijing’s sustained strategic interest in recent years…

      Intentionally or not, many analysts expect that Africa—especially the states along its oil-rich western coastline—will increasingly becoming a theatre for strategic competition between the United States and its only real near-peer competitor on the global stage, China, as both countries seek to expand their influence and secure access to resources.”7

       It is useful to briefly recall the sequence of Washington-sponsored “Twitter” revolutions in the ongoing so-called Arab Spring. The first was Tunisia, an apparently insignificant land on north Africa’s Mediterranean. However Tunisia is on the western border of Libya. The second domino to fall in the process was Mubarak’s Egypt. That created major instability across the Middle East into north Africa as Mubarak for all his flaws had fiercely resisted Washington Middle East pollicy. Israel also lost a secure ally when Mubarak fell.

       Then in  July 2011 Southern Sudan declared itself the independent Republic of South Sudan, breaking away from Sudan after years of US-backed insurgency against Khartoum rule. The new Republic takes with it the bulk of Sudan’s known oil riches, something clearly not causing joy in Beijing. US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, led the US delegation to the independence celebrations, calling it “a testament to the Southern Sudanese people.” She added, in terms of making the secssion happen, “the US has been as active as anyone.” US President Obama openly supported seccession of the south. The breakaway was a project guided and financed from Washington since the Bush Administration decided to make it a priority in 2004. 8

       Now Sudan has suddenly lost its main source of hard currency oil revenue. The secession of the south, where three-quarters of Sudan’s 490 000 barrels a day of oil is produced, has aggravated economic difficulties in Khartoum cutting some 37% off its total revenues. Sudan’s only oil refineries and the only export route run north from oilfields to Port Sudan on the Red Sea in northern Sudan. South Sudan is now being encouraged by Washington to build a new export pipeline independent of Khartoum via Kenya. Kenya is one of the areas of strongest US military influence in Africa.9

       The aim of the US-led regime change in Libya as well as the entire Greater Middle East Project which lies behind the Arab Spring is to secure absolute control over the world’s largest known oil fields to control future policies in especially countries like China. As then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is reported to have said during the 1970′s when he was arguably more powerful than the President of the United States, “If you control the oil you control entire nations or groups of nations.”

      For the future national energy security of China the ultimate answer lies in finding secure domestic energy reserves. Fortunately there are revolutionary new methods to detect and map presence of oil and gas where even the best current geology says oil is not to be found. Perhaps therein lies a way out of the oil trap that has been laid for China. In my newest book, The Energy Wars I detail such new methods for those interested.

       F. William Engdahl is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order


      1 F. William Engdahl, Creative Destruction: Libya in Washington’s Greater Middle East Project–Part II, March 26, 2011, accessed in

      2 Office of the Secretary of Defense, ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2011, August 25, 2011, accessed in

      3 Ibid.

      4 Charles Hoskinson, DOD report outlines China concerns, August 25, 2011, accessed in

      5  Xinhua, China-Chad joint oil refinery starts operating, July 1, 2011, acessed in BBC News, Chad pipeline threatens villages, 9 October 2009, accessed in

      6 F. William Engdahl, China and the Congo Wars: AFRICOM. America’s New Military Command, November 26, 2008, accessed in

      7 Ibid.

      8 Rebecca Hamilton, US Played Key Role in Southern Sudan’s Long Journey to Independence, July 9, 2011, accessed in

      9 Maram Mazen, South Sudan studies new export routes to bypass the north, March 12, 2011, accessed in


      ALGERIA ISP / according to Akhbar Elmokawama...
      Erminia Scaglione 16 février 18:52
      ALGERIA ISP / according to Akhbar Elmokawama Libya, green resistance fighters conducted a focused operation on February 14, 2012 at 6hours in the morning by releasing the general major “Omar Tentouche” from the prison of Zawiya. The resistance needs his experience. The video show the the hotel of Benghazi’s assault at the meeting of the head of CNT Government “El – Kib” CNT with his ministers.

      ALGERIA ISP / Selon Akhbar Elmokawama Libya, des combattants de la résistance verte ont effectué une opération bien ciblée le 14 février 2012 à 6h du matin
      en libérant le général major «Omar Tentouche » de la prison de Zawiya. La résistance a besoin de son expérience.
      La vidéo de la prise d’assaut de l’hôtel de Benghazi lors de la réunion du chef de gouvernement du CNT « El-Kib » avec ses ministres.

      Battalion steadfastness Sorman
      16 février 18:41
      Sources page A. Arab
      عاجل الرجاء التعميم والنشريا تريس يا مقاومين سلوق عارفيني شنو نقصد ضروري تغيرو مكانكم لإن تم كشف شخص ويتبعو فيه ضروري أتغيرو مكانتكم جرذان بنغازي عندهم علم بيكم يبوكم تتجمعو مع بعض
      … أحذرو أحذرو أحذرو ليتم القبض عليكموالله علي ما أقوله شهيدفي أكبر عملية نوعية تشهدها مدينة طرابلس تم القضاء علي أكتر من 10 جردان في منطقة قرجي في طرابلس وثم رميهم بعبوة ناسفة

      تأخرنا في تنزيل الخبر لنضمن سلامة المقاومينوالله علي ما اقوله شهيد‬’
      Please an urgent circular and publishingO, O Tres resistance Sellouk Arefana Henw Tgiro mean your place is essential because the person has beenrevealed and it is necessary Itbau Otgiro your prestige Benghazi rats have learned Bakm Abokm Ttgmau withsome
      … Ahdhiro Ahdhiro Ahdhiro to be you arrestedAnd God on what I’m saying Shahydwi the largest taking place in the quality of the city of Tripoli has been eliminated Aktar Ali of 10 Gardan in Qrgi in Tripoli and then throwing an explosive device

      Late in the download page to ensure the safety of the resistanceAnd God on what I’m saying martyr ‬ ‘

      One Year of Rats in Libya: Nothing But Chaos, Abuse, Death & Destruction #Feb17

      Posted: 2012/02/17
      From: Mathaba
      The brutal occupation of Libya by foreign mercenaries and local traitors after an almost one year long non-stop aerial bombing, mass rape, decapitations and massacres especially of the Black population, has created the chaos that the northern imperialists want, for their renewed plunder of African resources.
      2011, the Year of the Rabbit, or the “useful idiots“, which included the violent outlaws released from prisons and other criminal elements and dregs of society in Libya, popularly known as the “rats”, brought about some short-term gains for the bankrupt western occupiers.This included the theft of much of Libya’s financial assets, as well as its oil and water resources, and the theft of Libya’s $32 billion contribution to the total starting fund of $42 for the economic project that was to set Africa free from the IMF and World Bank.Pan-Africanists were united in recognition of the fact that the war on Libya constituted a war on all Africa.The largest daylight robbery in history since the colonial occupation and plunder of Africa a century ago, this took place, once again in Africa and once again by the same colonial powers: Britain, France and Italy, but this time under the leadership of thezionist puppet Obama, the zionist President of the USA.Furthermore, the largest mass violations of human rights took place throughout the past 365 days on a non-stop basis in full view of the world, of which all the media networks and human rights organizations failed to cover, until scant mention at the end of the year.There is no excuse for the belated and begrudging limited reports on the atrocities by so-called news media networks and so-called human rights organizations, because thousands of the rapes, humiliation, beating to death, impaling of children, massacres, murder of surrendered forces and other actions that are reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan have been filmed with great pride on the mobile phones of the perpetrators and their supporters.YouTube, a company owned by Google, was awash with this evidence, and yet has not even seen it fit to save all this data as evidence that would assist in an international public trial for crimes against humanity as well as any other actions to bring the perpetrators to justice. Instead it even carried out deletions of such evidence.All the governments of the world, were on trial during the past year, and only Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, and some other South American countries, as well as Zimbabwe, Niger and Mali, have had any conscience and dared to criticise or even oppose the brutality carried out against an entire population that loved its revolutionary leader.All the news media networks of the world were also on trial this past year, with only Mathaba News Agency, Telesur, and Russia Today providing any accurate coverage and indepth reports, with Chinese and other media mostly echoing western news reports, and Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, BBC and SKY leading the disinformation war.All the pro-democracy and human rights organizations the world over also exposed their true colours, with Amnesty International being popular re-branded as “Amnesia International” for its deliberate ignorance of the horrific acts carried out in Libya by those bent on destroying the Libyan Jamahiriya, whilst the Green Charter Movement as a result gained strength.Thus as the anniversary of the first Year of the Rats draws to a close, they have still not managed to bring about even a remote semblance of law and order, democracy, nor human rights, transparency, or indeed even a modicum of human behaviour, let alone any stability, security, or authority even for themselves.As Muammar Qaddafi and the Libyan people had told the western NATO military alliance when they launched their campaign to destroy the Libyan Jamahiriya, the constantly revised prediction that it would take “2 to 3 days”, then “2 to 3 weeks”, then “2 to 3 months”, is wishful thinking. Occupying Libya will not even be accomplished in 2 to 3 years, as history in the same location exactly 100 years ago showed.The problem is, few realize that a full occupation is not the real objective of the Zionists pulling the strings of the United Nations Organization and theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization: the real objective is the creation of an arc of chaos stretching from Nigeria all the way over Africa, the so-called Middle East, and Asia up to the borders of China.However, every cloud has a silver lining: the attack on Muammar Qaddafi and on the Libyan Jamahiriyahas created a greater awareness among genuine human rights and pro-democracy activists the world over, as well as those seeking a better world, free of the anti-human bankster elites. They are now embracing the very ideology that drove people’s power in Libya and seeking to also achieve the human rights that resulted from people’s power in Libya in 1988.In spite of things likely to get much worse first in this new Year of the Dragon, they seek to establish it in their own communities and nations, and are now on the green march to a Universal Jamahiriya#

      NTC supports ethnic cleansing of black Toubou tribe in Kufra

      Posted on 17 February 2012 by  |

      • Ahvah Nagy: “What is happening now in Kufra is the process of ethnic cleansing of Toubou tribe, in every sense of the word”.Many NTC fighters came from the eastern part of Libya to the southern town of Kufra to fight against Toubou tribe, fuelled by the new wave of media disinfo about “Chadian mercenaries” which are supporting  Toubou  tribe.
      • Initialy a very old tribal local conflict between  Toubou  and Azwaip tribe, became a full-blown war in Kufra, due to the false informations broadcasted on NTC media stations. We wonder how big is the responsibility of Mr. Al Gamaty [ Chairman of Feb17 Media Circle] in these new propaganda efforts which are raising new racist feelings among the eastern fighters.
      • This amateur Goebels already has some serious record of inciting to racist crimes. He might be deemed responsible for ethnic cleansing of 35.000 black Tawergha Libyan civilians, when he labelled them as “black foreign mercenaries”.
      • At this moment, residential homes are shelled in Kufra, and there are women and children which are wounded but can not access the hospital , because Azwaips are controling the hospital at the moment.
      • This situation is very interesting, because it is very similar to the situation when the roles were opposite, and  Toubou ‘s were the opressors [during the attack on Tragn], media were in favour of them, now when they are opressed, feb17 public opinion is against them.  Toubou  fighters invaded Tragn for pure reasons of tribal revenge, but using the banner of feb17 revolution.
      • Every NATO media channel justified their actions then. But now when they are subjected to injustice, and children and women are shelled, noone sympathises with them, instead they are justifing military action against them.
      • This just shows how easily mislead are Feb17 supporters by media stations, and how easily NTC is comitting crimes against humanity (especially against black Libyans) without being questioned by public.
      Font: LibyaSos
      Posted by Philip Iron

      Any re-publication is appreciated, as long as, please, you always report all the original links, to allow everyone a better research and spread of free information. Thanks.

      Ogni ri-pubblicazione è gradita, ma vi chiediamo solo, per cortesia, di riportare tutti i links e riferimenti contenuti, per una migliore ricerca e diffusione a tutti. Grazie

      Niakoi Niakakav 18 février 12:36
      NATO + Al Qaeda = DemoNcracy !!! How to enslave, rob and destroy a sovereign Country ?!
      от Niakoi Niakakav на 4 август 2011 г. в 23:31 ·
      1) send trained terrorists who kill civilians in order to destabilize!
      2) blame the government for the killings and hope people turn against the government!
      3) hysteria and false propaganda in the media and organizations for “human rights”!
      4) Sanctions and hysteria
      5) If people do not turn against the government …strengthen terrorists terror reigns Globalists and more hysteria that the government “continues to” attack “civilians”
      6) Robbery of business assets with accusations that are close to government leaders – “guilty of a crime against his own people” and that help their “crimes” (terrorists!) 7) Robbery of the sovereign state assets .. the accusation that “… property regime” and “will keep them for a democratic future”
      8) organization charged with fake ‘international’ Court (circus)!
      9) “humanitarian” war to protect “civilians” (their own terrorists)!
      10) bomb civilians and civilian objects and to terrorize the peaceful civilian population to turn against their government!Objective -1) puppet government,
      2) robbery of sovereign assets and resources,
      3) full privatization,
      4) Destruction of sovereign banking system and robbery of gold reserves (with the accusation that the “regime” stole it)
      5) enslavement by COUNTERFEIT DEBT !
      6) Reconstruction of deliberately destroyed – a long,
      7) “voluntary” occupation – to protect the loot!Conclusion =1) do not hold money, assets and business with the West, because one day they will be accused of terrorist or that a citizen of the “terrorist government” and is robbery!
      2) Boycott the “media” and goods to countries responsible for aggression!Foreign countries to elected government in a sovereign country – without asking PEOPLE?”Largest democracy” – a big joke!You can spit on international law and UN Charter and respecting all its Sovereignty countries must leave the false organization – “UN” !
      This is “democracy” – a big joke! foreign countries to determine who will manage and how to manage sovereign country ….. and put the “ambassador” its agents and traitors …
      – “Democracy = (((ha ha ha)))?”
      – “Human Rights “= hypocrisy!””Democracy “= looting of resources, and a puppet government, wild capitalism, slavery and genocide!NATO = World Zionist terrorist organization! Promotion of “democracy and human rights” = schizophrenia! is already clear – the world has no “moral and human values” – there is only greed and hypocrisy! in true democratic majority, determine – who will manage and how you will manage! minority is entitled only to give advice and criticism criticize … BUT must be culturally and with respect to the majority !CONCLUSION – International laws are dead, the UN is NOT organization of sovereign countries – the puppet government of the global elite of bankers, corporations and military industrial complex!
      Best bet is the true sovereign and free states to leave the UN and Security Council declared to be illegitimate !!!
      And make ANOTHER organization – the Independent – Free – Sovereign- Nations !!!
      Each country may join but must prove that its own central bank, government supported by its people and politicians who are not prostitutes !!!
      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ….. .الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ الطَّاغُوتِ فَقَاتِلُواْ أَوْلِيَاء الشَّيْطَانِ إِنَّ كَيْدَ الشَّيْطَانِ كَانَ ضَعِيفً …… صدق الله العظيم
      ايها الشعب الليبي العظيم . يا ابناء المختار يا جند ابو منيار تمر عليكم الذكرى الاولى لليوم الاسود الذي تم فيه بيع الارض والعرض حيث حكيت في الظلام مؤامرات الخزي والرذيلة واتبع الظالون اهوائهم وجعلوا الشيطان وليهم فخسروا الدنيا والاخرة لهم خزي في الدنيا وعذاباً يوم الحساب واني اذكركم يا ايها الاحرار بقول الزير سالم سللت السيف في وجه اليمامه وقلت لها أمام الحاضرينا
      وانت اليوم يا عمي مكانه وليس لنا بغيرك معينا
      وقلت لها ما تقول أنك عمك حماة الخائفينا
      كمثل السبع في صدمات قوم أقلبهم شمالا مع يمينا
      فدوسي يا يمامه فوق راسي على شاشي أذا كنا نسينا
      فان دارت رحانا مع رحاهم طحناهم وكنا الطاحنينا
      أقاتلهم على ظهر المهر أبو حجلان مطلوق اليمينا
      فشدي يا يمامه المهر شدي وأكسي ظهره السرج المتينا
      وهاتي حربتي رطلين وازود وحطيها على عدد متينا
      ونادي على عدية وكل قومي صناديد الحرب المانعينا
      ونادي أخوتي يأتوا سريعا لنلقي جيش بكر أجمعينا
      فنادتهم أتوا كأسود غاب وقالوا قد اتينا يا أخينا
      وياتوا يحرسون الليل كله وقضوا الليل كله وساهرينا……
      واني اوصيكم ايها الاحرار يا من جعلتم نصب اعينكم ليبيا الحرة التي دنست من اذناب الناتوا ان تشدوا العزم والهمة ولا تستكينوا فالدنيا لا تخظع لكل مستكين اركبوا صهوات المجد والعلى وطرزوا بدمائكم ايات البطولة والظفار ايها الاحرار قد طغى وتجبر عليكم دعي وامعة وذليل وخائن وهل يرضى الحر ان يؤمر من العبد هبوا واستعيدوها حريتكم فانها سلبت ولن يهبها احدلكم هبوا وانتزعوها من دنس الافاقين فلا كلام الان سوى كلام الحرب ولا صوت سوى صوت الرصاص نحن نعرف ان نتكلم ونفند بالسياسة ولكن لا سياسة اليوم ولا تنظير انما هي ظرب وهيض على الظيم فهبوا فقد بانت تواليها الله واكبر والخزي والعار للخائنين واختم كلامي بالاية الكريمة ….بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم… قَاتِلُوهُمْ يُعَذِّبْهُمُ اللّهُ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ وَيُخْزِهِمْ وَيَنصُرْكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَيَشْفِ صُدُورَ قَوْمٍ مُّؤْمِنِينَ……صدق الله العظيم…… والله ولي التوفيق والسلام عليكم
      خُـــــذِ العـــهــــد الأكـيد عليَّ عُمري بـــتـــركـــــي كـــل ما حـــــوت الديارُ ولســـتُ بخـــــالعٍ درعي وســـــيفي إلى أن يخـــلــــع اللــــيل النـــــهـــارُ
      In the name of God the Merciful ….. . Those who believe fight in the way of Allah and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Evil: So parents Devil Kid Devil that was weak …… Great truth of God
      , O great Libyan people. Oh sons of the chosen I recruited Abu Minyar pass you the first anniversary of the day the black was where the sale of land and people where I told in the dark conspiracies of shame and vice and follow Zalon their whims and made the devil and the matter Fajsroa world and the Hereafter their disgrace in this world and punishment on the account and I remind you, O Liberal saying Zeer Salem have drawn forth my sword in the face of Yamamah and I told her in front of Alhadharana
      and you today, my uncle place of others and we have no certain
      and I told her what you say your uncle Hama Alkhaúvina
      like shocks to the seven people with the right Oqlbhm north
      Vdosa I dove over my head on the Shashi If we forget
      the DART Rhana with Rahahm Tahnahm We Tahanina
      I fight them on the back of the dowry Abu Hjlan Mtellouk Alimena
      Vhdi my dove Pony Pull and tog back saddle Mutaina
      and Hattie Hrepetta two pounds and I provide and Ahtaha the number of solid
      and Club on infectious and all the national supporters and war Almanaana
      Club and my brothers come quickly to take military Bakr Ojmaana
      Vadthm came Kosud missed, they may Latina, O our brother
      and come to guard the whole night and spent the whole night and Sahreinna ……
      and I command you, O Liberal you who made You set your eyes Libya free desecrated the tails Alnatwa that Chdoa determination and vigor not Tcetkinwa Valdnaa not Takza each servile Embark Shoat glory and the highest, and Trzoa your blood states of the tournament and Zfar O Liberal had dominated and force you invited and shiny and servile and traitor Will accept free be ordered from a person endowed with the Astaidoha your freedom, they robbed and will not granting her Ahdlkm endowed and Antzaaoha of Conception Alavaqan not talk now only talk of war is not sound only bullets we know that we speak and refute politics, but no politics today or endoscopy but are Zerb and Had to Alzim Vhbwa has Pant Toalleha God and the biggest shame and shame on the traitors and conclude by quoting other precious …. In the name of God the Merciful .. . Fight them with your hands and God helps you, them and heal the breasts of believing people …… great truth of God …… And God the Source of strength and peace upon you
      Take on the Covenant, I am sure
      all the whale Petrki home and I’m not Boukhala Deri and my sword to take off the night the day
      VIDEO Facebook

      Gaddafi supporters carrying the largest peaceful civil disobedience in the history of

      Libya: the absence of thousands of employees and thousands of students remained


      Gaddafi supporters carrying the largest peaceful civil disobedience in the history of Libya: the absence of thousands of employees and thousands of students remained seated-free
      Date of publication: 18/02/2012
      Enlarge the font The small line

      Tripoli – minimum home
      As’ad Ambah Aboqilh journalist and Libyan independent author, said in a press statement, told the world home:

      they’re still following up every nook and cranny from the scene in Libya, who is witnessing great strain in Libya and on the border with Niger since the word Saadi Qadhafi, on Al-Arabiya which warned Saadi, son of Muammar al-Gaddafi of an uprising in Libya.

      He was in constant contact with citizens in Libya angry at the authorities, which took power after the overthrow of his father, has Knanscherna news foil the largest bombing in the city of Misurata was planned by al-Gaddafi, the new scene in Libya and as the movement source center Libyan calls supporters of Gaddafi’s Jamahiriya to the largest rebellion civilians taking place in Libya in its history on Wednesday approved 15/02/2012 spark a revolution starting on the seventeenth of February, according to sources continue to deliberate, the 02 March of next month in what was known in the memory of the Qaddafi regime announced by the power of the people, in which the Muammar Gaddafi to step down and wealth and weapons to the Libyan people in 1977 and started the manifestations of civil disobedience, peaceful in the Libyan capital of Tripoli and the evident reluctance to thousands of workers from going to work from supporters of Gaddafi has been monitoring the absence of a large number of students and teachers from schools and universities in different cities of the Libya  and confirm that the high abstention rate for students from Ansar al-Gaddafi had reached to 70% and remained seated for free camping sadness and the smile is absent from their fellow supporters of the rebels as the absence of monitoring of employees of the security and police and the Green army of supporters of al-Qadhafi.

      He said Assad Aboqilh that the announcement of civil disobedience is a declaration of cold war on rebel forces and the Transitional Council and the Libyan government and accounts for supporters of Gaddafi, especially some who was not involved in shedding Dmeallepien they are wrong from the rebel forces and NATO hailed landed a large number of the victims were outside the battlefield and that the goal of Civil disobedience is to hit the economy and flood the state in debt to force it to stop some unknown armed groups continue to arrest and torture and murder of supporters of al-Qadhafi.
      While civil disobedience there is a war on the pirates of the Web sites enable supporters hailed the rebels and the Green army Gaddafi-mail to the former regime’s destruction of a number of sites has been suspended Al-Watan newspaper site of old Libyan Jamahiriya largest sites for work despite the fact that the site is independently run.
      He concluded by As’ad Aboqilh saying seems that the cold war or civil disobedience, peaceful effect on the country, making the adviser Mustafa Abdul Jalil in a press statement calling for the need to return the staff and all employees of the security and police and army to their jobs and Libya for all is known in what continues to the Libyan government through the media and companies communication appeals to the Libyans need to return to work. (hah!)
      It should be noted that Libya is witnessing the passage of the first anniversary of the Fake Revolution of the seventh of February, as called by the rebels has been referred to by some Libyans on behalf of the CIA-led “civil” war  with Green supporters of Gaddafi’s Jamahiriya as the plight of the Libyan-Jamahiya people and the argument of the occupation of NATO for the Libyan State and U.S. invasion into the once sovereign  Jamahiriya State .

      Libyan Resistance, War News – February 19, 2012 – (Text Eng-Ita) + 2 Video

      Resistance Operations from the Green Resistance Battalion “Elsakr Elawhed” (19 February 2012)
      Tripoli: snipers of the green resistance battalion “Elsakr Elawhed” neutralized two NATO mercenaries near  “Abu Chaala” mosque.
      In Tripoli, the green resistance snipers have targeted seven ‘rebels’ on the road to “Salah Eddine.”
      In Tripoli, the green resistance fighters of the battalion “Elsakr Elawhed” attacked a checkpoint NATO mercenaries  near Karkarche. They neutralized one and wounded two others.
      At Laejilate,  green resistance fighters have targeted, with RPG, the headquarters of battalion 36, located in the Drania region.



      GENERAL ABDULAH SANUSI OUT OF HIS SILENCE ,TALKS ABOUT THE SURPRISES AND ALLIANCES WITH GLOBAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS To the honorable and the heroes of the sons of Libya great who Stro grandest epics of heroism in the battle of honor and Alfd constructive for the countrypeace and mercy of God and blessingsMraam the beginning Almaamrah malicious and planned since years and which Asthzvt our people and proved the results ratified Qratna of events Vatdan Alraih each a insight and recedes blurred vision on the eyes and smelt antiseptic Almwamrh and seemed to our people waking up from his slumber and find an excuse to Bedeihm nature of the scheme and psychological warfare fierce and pressure media-oriented and unprecedented in history based on the use of all means dirty lies and rumors and shading left some in the traps Almwamrh and McKenna say at the outset of events was not to his ears at the other but today Nzly Bhjtna strong force of right and Adanh clearly sunLibya is today the land devoid Alsiyadh Mstbaanh Egwaha devoid of control over the waters Alaqlmah and fun princes oil Bmjohnhm in the desert and became the home venue for all spies and customers of the world

      Abdullah Sanusi out of his silence and talks about surprises

      Posted by Greenlibyanews on 19/02/2012

      (In the name of God the Merciful (

      (From the believers are men true to their covenant with God, some have died and some of the wait)

      To the honorable and the heroes of the great sons of Libya who Stro grandest epics of heroism in battle and honor AlfdConstructive for the country
      Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah
      Mraam the beginning Almaamrah malicious and planned since years and which Asthzvt our people and proved the results ratified Qratna of events Vatdan Alraih both a visionary and recedes blurred vision on the eyes and smelt antiseptic Almwamrh and seemed to our people waking up from his slumber and find an excuse to Bedeihm nature of the scheme and psychological warfare fierce and pressure media-oriented and unprecedented in history based on the use of all means dirty lies and rumors and shading left some in the traps Almwamrh and McKenna say at the outset of events was not to his ears at the other but today Nzly Bhjtna strong force of right and Adanh clearly the sun
      Today Libya is the land devoid Alsiyadh Mstbaanh Egwaha devoid of control over the waters and fun Alaqlmah Bmjohnhm oil princes in the desert and became a hotbed of home all spies and agents of the world
      The people are prisoners of the fear is that after it Tsultt Alasbat criminal associated with foreign Bajnmat become known to all.
      Violating symptoms and looted public funds and private and viscous Baibnaha in the prisons of the armed militias are suffering from oppression psychological and Albzny Batrav human rights organizations, the World and the displacement of more than two million Libby in countries of destination which is equivalent to third of the population Alazlil categorically false lies and promises paradise Ground and Paradise promised and Security and safety and Aldemqatih, development and dignity, etc.
      We are here to Annfy of a default in Mae Libyan state and recognize the existence of Akhtya assumes all responsibility about, but the objective Tguetdda recognize the existence of real steps to reform and development project an ambitious it will lead to completion of 450 000 housing units would have gone done in another 2013 (temporarily suspended due to Almwamrh) and was ambitious plans in the infrastructure and roads and the railway would have made from Libya in the next five years according to the planned most important economic pole in Africa
      It would like to make clear to our people Aabina follows
      • The Revolution of September the great is a national project liberally contributed to the liberation of the country from the yoke of foreign bases and led the global battle for the nationalization of oil and caused him great quality in living standards and status of the Libyan people and like the great leader Muammar Gaddafi, the model example of the revolutionary values and struggle and recorded in human history the finest pages of the tournament since the dawn of light to be a martyr fighters met God, rejecting all offers of humiliation and shame and exit is safe and his family.
      • Libya’s territorial integrity and national fixed line, red is not to negotiate or debate is the legacy our forefathers proceeded with the blood of the martyrs in all historical periods.
      • Libya Libyan homeland of each of them an alternative and it is the combined and consolidated between the different factions, social, intellectual and ethnic.
      • division and strife that occurred in Libya, despite our belief in the existence of the external factor in Tagejeh to get him to the situation today by Libya, but the piece does not mean the abolition of the principle of partnership in the same country.
      • All victims of sedition arranged in Libya are the victims of the plot are the victims of foreign and national tragedy.
      • We are still possibilities of our Newman to overcome the plight of the recruitment moral values inherent and socially homogeneous and religiously unified and not one of us can not claim that it has the absolute truth or absolute truth we are all in place, and sinned against We were in the other.
      • The events, which Febraury Qratna our own and we have mentioned previously, but we recognize that they constitute an important political turning point in contemporary history of our people and those trying to jump on this fact, without seeking to deepen the wound Who knows what the national Boai or without conscious.
      • The launch of the provisions of general and firm in distrust each other will lead to the creation of favorable conditions for people with agendas for suspicious and opportunism associated abroad to deepen the culture of hatred, hatred and revenge that will be paid for dearly our good either proponents Sistvdhun from the chaos and lack of legitimacy of the state and institutions to continue in the process of programmed looting of the wealth of Libya and give an opportunity for foreign guardianship, as is the case now.
      • draw the attention of and loyal to the legitimacy of resistance and not to be dragged into sedition for a speech calling for the criminalization of whole cities or tribes Valakla full and honest people and homelands are the component is fundamental to all our cities and our tribes and they are the majority and Praise be to God.
      • I am the demands advocated by some young people at the beginning of the events we can not deny that it demands of legitimacy and is part of the reform program by the parents Beshra Mujahid hero Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi, the national symbol of resistance and adopted by the State and Tfhmth the plot, but I started jumping on these requests and militarized according to the scheme foreigner does not aim for reform as it aims not Asna the event that the Libyans now the loss of security and independence and sovereignty and could spare the people of our two peoples, the size of the massive destruction across the bullying NATO and the dependency of the states had dreamed rulers Balhfad to bless the Great Jamahiriya leading political in its regional and international and we have to wonder about the reason to provide the team with weapons at the expense of another team or tribe at the expense of the tribe.
      • assure our people and our people that the great decisive hour is at hand and let our people are ready to participate in the legitimacy and re-edit and Taattherha Libya.
      • We will not tolerate any tampering in the lives of people and ride the wave of resistance to achieve the purposes of personal revenge from the violation of negative symptoms or recovery of property or rights without the legitimacy of the state and the criminal law and did Valasbat of maltreatment and the looting and pillaging are not role models for us.
      • assure our people that we monitor the movements and customer contacts and traitors, and they are preparing to flee do not they realize that the hour and the right to come very close.
      • Do not for one of the commandments of our two peoples and is the owner of the exclusive right to choose what he wants after the completion of the editing process.
      • The pardon my father fired by leader Muammar Gaddafi on both back down from his position in support of NATO and its customers are still valid especially for those who contact resistance and expressed remorse after exposure to the chart in front of their eyes.
      • We are not our people patient and steadfast that the issue of family and arrested a priority Algosoh of resistance and will not abandon them and monitor crimes of the militias in their right and record and calculate the proper treatment of prisoners struggling Saif al-Islam Muammar al-Gaddafi by Asirih and invite them to join the resistance, the noble and it is The only decent place their homeland is greater than all our differences and our differences.
      • We should point out our great people on the need to discernible caution and vigilance in dealing with information materials, which shall decide on some sites the Internet or in the media space enemy and hack and the targets hit morale and uses the worst kinds of psychological warfare in the worst hate campaign shaded recruited her all the means ability of war lies and fraud claim and facts and the installation of images and scenes.
      • Due to the special circumstances and make accurate resistance we communicate only with specific resistance leaders inside it assure you that.
      • Dr Mujahid Yusuf Shakir.
      • Mujahid Dr. Hamza Thami.
      • Mr. Mujahid Mustafa Kdrbuh.
      • they are appreciated and tried Maaantm in good times and bad times and Imitlon authentic form of the noble resistance also thank all the Mujahideen in the forums and websites of the resistance on the work of Abdlonh Jabbar will remain in the memory of our great people.
      • tmp matters of minutes will reveal to you in a timely manner a private alliances strategy with the forces of resistance in the world and assure you that the honorable leaders of Africa and Latin America are still in touch with them and we will announce to our people after the liberation honors list of countries and leaders and activists of religion and stood with our just cause.
      • The refraction of the plot and defeat in Libya and is what will happen, God is what will stop the project division and retail targeted by region, and we regret that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the first target, although alignment with the other party imagined that the piece Sinjeha of the chart prepared for it and we will not allow God willing tampering in the land of the Two Holy Mosques.
      • The stability of Libya and disinfected and bring down the conspiracy and sedition is a key factor in regional stability and international levels.
      • In conclusion, assure our people that we’re still with him in the midst of his sons the honorable resistance fighters and Nbashrkm the imminent fall of the planned conspiratorial and the end of the custody of foreign after he became clients Mutiran the smuggling of more amount of money to the outside to catch the moment of zero and which is now closer to them than his jugular vein and we are sorry to their seducer of our youth who will find themselves alone and in the face of the curse of history after he was laughing and Astgvalhm them and steal their money and Khaddaaém and their resources.

      May peace and God’s mercy and blessings
      Brigade / Abdullah Sanusi

      The Truth Has Been Told

      libia-presentadora-tr      sarcasticindeed | 1 day ago25 34

      The Truth Has Been Told


      Franklin Lamb:

      “contrary to NATO claims that it put into place a ‘new democratic Libya’ that the predictable next chapter is starting to unfold that may bring the end of the NTC before the coming June elections when it is scheduled to be replaced.”

      Franklin Lamb in doing research in Libya and can be reached c/

      Rejoice! The women of Libya are taking the lead in the Green Resistance!

      Thawra! Thawra!

      Al Gaddafi Speaks –

      All Audio Speeches on one page (Arabic)

      Arabic Audio Player – please use the controls:

      UNITED STATES of America is DEAD!

      Michael est venu pour se venger contre la Libye et le leader libyen Mouammar!Méfiez-vous des démons

      مايكل قادم للانتقام من ليبيا والزعيم الليبي معمر!
        • L’épée est en baisse aux Etats-Unis



      Ron Paul without censorship: “America is sinking into fascism, a system dominated by corporations and authoritarian regime” Published: Saturday – 20 February 2012 | 15:56

      Of all the Republicans who are just competing for the position of the main candidates in the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, Ron Paul from the very beginning stood at a much different rhetoric from his party colleagues.
      Articulated left in the United States criticized him many conservative views, but when it comes to international audiences left orientation – Ron Paul, in the current political model, certainly the favorite.

      The reason for this is a decisive stance against American military campaigns around the world. At a time when Obama’s militant policies stretched the U.S. military of the Philippines, Australia to Libya and Pakistan, military isolationism advocated by Ron Paul is quite popular among all those who oppose any kind of military imperialism.

      In his speeches, Paul tries to emphasize what many people already speak, but do not dare to mention such a high platform – that is, as I said Ron Paul, a shift toward a fascist model of the economy in the United States.

      “We go down and walked away from the original Republic. And now we sink straight to the fascist system where the government holding large corporations and authoritarian regime that tramples all personal freedom of every American citizen.” – Ron Paul said during a speech in Kansas City, 02/18/2012.

      Of course, Paul is not speaking about a new organization that would be reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
      He refers to fascism as an economic doctrine – or the so called “corporatism”.

      Fascism as an economic doctrine

      The system was up to date in Italy during Benito Mussolini from the 20’s and 40’s.
      Fascism, as well as economic and political theory, puts the corporation on top of governance. The whole country is subordinate to the service of corporate interests and their owners, and people are kept under strict control of the police, army, paramilitary groups, and thorough supervision.

      Fascism is a radical right-wing economic doctrine – the owners of capital or capitalists are at the highest possible functions and literally run over the whole destiny of the people.
      In order for the population under control introduces the brutal measures of repression, banned virtually all workers’ rights, and laws become completely subordinate to corporate interests.
      Of course, fascism always has a tendency to create a sort of “cover” for such militant exploitation of its own population, these systems often stronger influence of the Church, and especially emphasizes national pride and national chauvinism, ie. superiority of one nation over all others.
      Fascism as a theory is directly opposite that of the radical left. communism advocated by the absolute power of the working class, disappearance of capitalists and workers over full ownership of all means of production.

      “Fierce” words, but hard reality

      Of course, the term “fascism” should be viewed solely through the prism of the described economic doctrine, but the term is now used in a wider sense.
      However, it is clear that Ron Paul when he speaks of “fascism” in the U.S. just think of fascism as an economic doctrine.
      Given the fascist way of economic production, it is clear that today the U.S. is increasingly assuming certain elements – is an undeniable fact that corporations are by far the greatest impact on policy and direction in which the U.S. moves.
      American militarism, that is – once again – an indisputable fact, certainly does not operate around the world under the nominal pretext of “spreading democracy”, but – as to the way that military action was unacceptable and criminal – not in favor of its own citizens.
      Military and political expansion of U.S. influence directly implemented at the request of or for the benefit of the largest and most powerful corporations.
      On this track Ron Paul touched on the topic of which is in the U.S. today are reluctant to speak.
      Agency Associated Press transmitted to his statement accompanied by thunderous applause. CBS news spread that a significant number of people went to other political meetings (held at the same time in Kansas City) to get to hear a speech Ron Paul-a

      Ron Paul – Kansas City, Union Station, 18/02/2012: (speaking of fascism – 02:40)


      Dr. Hamza Thamai on Altohamme today on 19 Nawar Libyan radio via FM:

      Countdown to zero hour of the day begins yourselves equipped and organized, your ranks ….

      The most important thing of civil disobedience to facilitate the entry of your sons and 50% of them have joined the Gardan ..

      Everyone must join the popular movement … Any street where there is no (God, Libya and Muammar Obs) is not resistant ..

      Contact is not mobile and net, but primitive ways …

      Libyan intelligence services and resilient and move silently …. ‬
      D. Hamza Thami (Libyan FM) – 19 022 012
      Audio: –

      Noor Moon 20 février 21:27

      خبـر عااجل في رقبتك يوم القيامه . ولوتخاف على دينك ارسلها عاجل:
      امريكا قامت بتحريف القرآن الكريم وأصدرته بكتاب جديد تحت مسمى مثلث التوحيد وهو الآن يوزع في الكويت ويمكن أن يصل إلينا فصدها قبل ان يصل إلينا وانصروا الله ورسوله… ارسل الرساله لكل إللي عندك حتى لاتسأل يوم القيامه ماذا فعلت عندما سمعت بخبر التحريف انشره. لتأكد بنفسك أدخل جوجل وأكتب مثلث التوحيد ترى العجب
      Noor Moon 20 février 21:27

      Aaagel news in your neck the Day of Resurrection. Otkhav on religion and sent urgent:
      America has distorted the Holy Quran and issued a new book under the name of a triangle consolidation and is now distributed in Kuwait, and can be up to us Vsdha before he got to us and Anasroa Allah and His Messenger … Send e-mail each Avatar you have, even to the Day of Resurrection I wonder what I did when I heard the news of distortion publish it. Make sure to enter your own Google and see the writing triangle consolidation wonder

30 thoughts on “La semaine avant le lever du soleil vert / The Week Before the Green Sunrise / وقبل أسبوع من شروق الشمس الخضراء

  1. falcon

    Algerian memories:
    algerian 2

    Amazon angel guard behind
    w Berlusconi
    Berluconi 2
    Belusconi 3

    guards in blue
    more guards in blue
    guards in different blue

    guard red band on black
    guard in red chapeau, him checkered
    anaother guard with red chapeau
    military amazon w red chapeau

    gray amazon angel
    same amazon angel2
    brown guards
    female military
    angels in khakie
    angels in b & w

     summer khaki

    desert watch


    making a point


    Libya: NATO’s worst crime
    by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


    Desert meeting:
    desert meet

    Lies, deceit, blackmail, bullying, murder, torture, concentration camps, destruction of property, looting, massacres… all these words pale into insignificance when we look at what NATO has done in Libya – and intends to do to Syria within a few days. The sickening evidence coming out of Libya underlines what we are dealing with.

    It is very difficult to imagine that Messrs. Cameron, Hague, Sarkozy, Juppé, Obama and Hillary Clinton are happy with their legacy in Libya. In fact, what they have done there would lead any normal human being to the depths of desperation; in a professional context, it would involve a dismissal and in a military one, a court martial or a dishonourable discharge.

    NATO’s mission in Libya was to impose a no-fly zone to protect innocent civilians. Quite how anyone could have been so naïve as to believe that, after what NATO did in Iraq, defies logic; quite how anyone could have believed them as they promised to fill in the details later, ditto. But the international community once again gave NATO the benefit of the doubt and once again NATO performed on cue: another massacre, another example of arming terrorists, more killings, more violence, more torching of property, more torture, more rapes and another generation of children with their futures dashed to ruins.

    Another country bites the dust? If God exists and if Satan does not rule this world already, then Libya can and must be NATO’s last stand; right must defeat wrong; good must triumph over evil; the Demon must be slain and NATO must lose any power it had.

    I have been privy to some horrific images on, of children with their faces blasted off by NATO pilots from 30,000 feet, after NATO refused to allow the Libyan authorities to hold a free and fair election. And now, we receive images of a full NATO onslaught against the defenders of Sirte as freedom and democracy was imposed upon the citizens of Libya, we receive evidence of the Libyan terrorist NTC forces attacking a hospital, under the full cover of NATO. So vicious was the attack on the hospital in Sirte, by NATO’s terrorists, that the Red Cross was unable to deliver supplies.

    We receive evidence of NTC attacks against Red Cross personnel trying to get medical supplies into Sirte. Preventing access for aid is a war crime by the NTC and by NATO for strafing the positions of the authorities.

    We receive evidence that NATO was using helicopters to fire missiles into Sirte, despite the fact that its mission was to impose a no-fly zone. Gaddafi was right: the UNO panders to the whims of the FUKUS-Axis (France, UK, US and Israel)and does not use the same weight and measure when dealing with smaller nations.

    Today, Libya is in chaos. Clashes in Alkufira: many terrorists killed; clashes in Sebha – many terrorists killed. And to cap it all, ethnic cleansing by NATO’s NTC terrorists – attacks against a refugee camp on the outskirts of Tripoli – one thousand five hundred refugees strafed with machinegun fire by the NTC terrorists backed by NATO, by Cameron, by Hague, by Clinton, by Obama, by Sarkozy, by Juppé.

    The terrorists in this case came from Misratah and strafed the refugees, chanting racist slogans. Why? Because many of the residents were Negroes from Tawergha, which was the victim of ethnic cleansing from the Misratah brigades. Let this be the legacy of NATO for humanity: it supported racists, it supported terrorists, it supported rapists and now, Libya is in chaos.

    Let us ask Messrs. Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, Hague, Juppé and Hillary “War Zone” Clinton if they are satisfied at what they have done.

    The legacy of these demons is clear to see in Libya today, visible in the slogans painted along the roads: “the brigade [Misrata brigade] for purging slaves and black skin”; “drastic measures like banning Tawergha natives from ever working, living or sending their children to schools in Misrata.”

    Congratulations, NATO!

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


    The FB VIDEO excerpt oncerning SARKOZY from the 02 MARCH 2011 Conference celebrating The Day of People’s Power in Tripoli from our Brother Leader:


    with Chavez:
    w Chavez

    26 JAN. 2011 after TV interview:
    26 JAN 2011
    الـثـائـر الحرLibyan leader Libyan leader free المقطع كامل ارجو الذهاب الى الموقع الرسمي للقائد الرمز

    Lettre du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi avec du CE

    Dr Hamza Thomai:
    19 Febr. 2011


    الفئران إبادة بيوت الناس والمساجد وثم يضحك!
    كل هم والشياطين!
    Rats annihilate people’s homes and mosques and then laugh!
    all they are is demons!

  2. 1981 Interview

    Putin loves Muammar:
    PUTIN 1 2


    Interview – Muammar al-Gaddafi-Peace2010_2-H.264

    32 seconds in 1980:

    Maurtania Africa:

    Rome, 29 August 2010:

    Milos Jovanovic
    Great battles in Tripoli today. In the center of a fierce fire now, however it is unknown when the link between the fight. In rat site said it was inflammation of the colon in the city “green trash” .. The fight is in Hai Andalus, anshor, Buslimu, as in the city center!

    31 AUGUST 2002 (GOOD SPEECH at Sabha):
    Traitées avec le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi dans son discours à Sabha, le samedi 31 Août, 2002 à l’affaire de l’imam Moussa Sadr, qui a disparu en Libye après avoir visité une invitation officielle dans le 25 Août, 1978. Pour une partie de la Khattab Imam, consulter le lien suivant


    Green Mosque

    with writer Marie:


    GINA-TV page is set-up by RATS:
    Urgent Warning :: Haaaaaaaam

    Jerdan Amdayrin a new way to penetrate and writers ….
    ((Very important / no Gardan site in Chat Gina Gina and they smell and Anlanon leader Muammar Gaddafi in Martyr Chat – Chat – please login and reporting them to be Chwiarham entirely from the site))

    This traitors When Maketboh tell you and enter your wall is penetrated Please discernible caution
    And published in your pages Aaibina Conqueror

  3. 4







    A massacre is happening right now in south eastern Libya
    Posted on 15 February 2012 by libyanfreepress


    The dark skinned Toubu tribe, of Kufra, has been surrounded by NATO Mercenaries and they are being bombarded with heavy weapons as we speak.

    At least 20 people have been massacred in 2 days of fighting, NATO regime has sent more weapons and Mercenaries in an attempt to wipe out the Tribe.

    A witness named Turki Tobawi spoke to reporters saying “the government sent reinforcements to Zwai. Its plan is to exterminate the Toubu tribe”.

    Fighting has also been reported in different districts of Tripoli, including the surrounding areas of the Airport.

    Witnesses report hearing a loud explosion near NATO Mercenary headquarters in Misrata, some claim that the headquarters have been blown up, others are not sure.

    Published by Ozyism

    Reloaded by LibyanFreePress

  4. Secret documents reveal the offense Almnschw retaliatory

    in We are all Muammar Gaddafi we read:
    Today was referred to Dr. Baghdadi Mahmoudi Court of First Instance of Tozeur for prosecution of a gel to enter the Tunisian territory from outside the legal border crossings designated for that judgment was not issued to hear the case was pointed out words of acquittal … We congratulate ourselves that provision and we congratulate the Court equity and fairness. and I want to make it clear to you that contrary to what is common among the general public, the Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi did not cross the Tunisian territory promos Ir legitimacy but was entering the legal The stamp agents Customs Tunisian passport when crossing the head is worth … Now he is not detained pending the issue of transit by the Court of First Instance ruled Tozeur acquittal … But the face of imprisoned without a legal requirement in connection with the delivery of the Council of rat transition … Note that the current president, Dr. Marzouki no longer has the authority to spend hand over Dr. Baghdadi’s decision as long as the Foundation President of the Republic had already considered and rejected the demand in the delivery period of the chairmanship of Mr. Fouad Mebazaa … The result is that the survival of Prime Minister Dr. Baghdadi Mahmoudi, Libyan in prison is the status of illegal as well as being immoral and oversees our country and people of Tunisi
    a, who can not Betray jump out of it
    VIA: Lovers Muammar Gaddafi in Tunisia
    Today was referred to Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi Court of First Instance of Tozeur to sue for access to the Tunisian territory from outside the legal border crossings designated for that judgment was issued not to hear the case was pointed out words of acquittal … We congratulate ourselves that provision and we congratulate the Court equity and fairness.
    and I want to make it clear to you that contrary to what is common among the general public, the Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi did not cross the Tunisian territory promos Ir legitimacy but was entering the legal The stamp agents Customs Tunisian passport when crossing the head is worth … Now he is not detained pending the issue of transit by the Court of First Instance ruled Tozeur acquittal … But the face of imprisoned without a legal requirement in connection with the delivery of the Council of rat transition … Note that the current president, Dr. Marzouki no longer has the authority to spend hand over Dr. Baghdadi’s decision as long as the Foundation President of the Republic had already considered and rejected the demand in the delivery period of the chairmanship of Mr. Fouad Mebazaa … The result is that the survival of Prime Minister Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi, Libyan in prison is the status of illegal as well as being immoral and oversees our country and people of Tunisia, who can not betray jump out of it …

    These are some pictures with the resolutions of the Council of disgrace and shame for the liquidation of families in the pro-Libyan and Tunisian territory … T.

    Secret documents reveal the offense Almnschw retaliatory
    These are some pictures with the resolutions of the Council of disgrace and shame for the liquidation of Libyan families loyal to the Tunisian territory and the liquidation of the General Secretary, PM Dr. Baghdadi Mahmoudi

    in Tunisia Rat Avatar Baotainh and Maah Securities in Tunisia has been liquidated and the securities assets in the conservation and preservation O Boshna and as long as light is always and never
    Par: News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)



    Green Libyan Jamahiriya's Libya

    Article details:
    Posted: Wednesday, 15 February 2012 14:52
    Author: Edited – May Orlić

    Libya and Syria 14th and 15 February 2012th
    In Tripoli, the last day of the most stressed cells “Sakr Elawhed”, whose fighters carried out several successful operations. Attacked a checkpoint in the region of El Khala Ferjan where he killed one and wounded three rats. In the region Tikbali managed to destroy two pick-up and release the two young soldiers, and on that occasion and killed two insurgents. Yesterday he performed a spectacular actions of brave soldiers, in which the rebels attacked the camp “Mazeraet El Kaid” El Alouse in the region, in the capital. Heroes “Sakr Elawheda” managed to free 16 captured Resistance fighters green and kill three rats. Currently in Tripoli comes to major combat in part Souk Joma and El Hadaba surrounded the 5000 rebels. In El Hadaba, a stronghold of the Green Army, this morning we heard two strong explosions, and by fighting insurgents and soldiers of the Army Green has been on the Green Square, the road to the airport and at bends.
    The City of Kufri, which offered little resistance, the struggle still last in the suburbs, but it is clear that the green army were victorious. Pictures from may see vehicles destroyed by the rebels. Warplanes continue to krže above the city, and some civilians have left the city for fear of bombing. The fighters were destroyed in the Kufra airport, so planes would not be able to land and provide assistance to rats, a convoy of a dozen rebels from several cities around Kufra lost in the Libyan desert. In Benghazi was observed aircraft armed with missiles to leave the airport and sent to Benin to Kufri, and rats have confirmed that there was an air attack on Kufra, by the Sudanese fleet. Support was provided by the rats and Switzerland, which is poslal soldier in Tripoli, with instructions to use light weapons, to ensure its mission.
    In the Benghazi there was a protest against the rebels of the National Transitional Council. Protesters stormed the hotel where the meeting took place, “Prime Minister” El Keiba and ministers, asking them to pay wages. They prevent entering the meeting room, and a few hours the situation was critical. Finally, remove some of the other rebels from the hotel.
    In Syria today held a referendum, in which the Syrians need to take a stand on the issue of the new Constitution. Unfortunately, Syria has still been a terrorist attack, which destroyed a pipeline pipe near Homs. In Homs terrorists continue to try to scare people so they put explosives inside the house and shoot at students. However, the government is successfully fighting against the armed bandits, and conflicts in Aleppo that killed ten terrorists, and seized a substantial quantity of weapons and explosives.

  5. ceremony in honor of

    arresting doctors and foreigners:

    IMPORTANT LIST!!!!!!!!!!! FROM YESTERDAY AFTERNOON THEN STARTED THE ARRESTS OF FOREIGNERS in Tripoli, TO THE DOCTOR. ENOUGH DOCTORS were arrested and taken in for questioning MISURATA In order to determine who has worked for your dad …. . It is still in the testing we have contact with two of our friends doctor dentist one Serb and other Ukrajinac.To physiatrist is a response to a report from a doctor without borders who left Libya-because the rats they were the party NAMESTENI Dad’s doctors feel that are no longer safe, and pick up and drive 200km sedis there a neznas why … because they explained to seek doctors who have worked for your dad, and probably have a list or cinkarenje not know as many poplasili after all, and it was on tv notice in order to Libya entered a lot of foreign spies and arrested doctors only. It is a non-working day, Saturday is working but also for security reasons not to do.

  6. Support Libyan Liberation Front (Green Army)
    ALGERIA ISP / Dhida According Yawme 17 fibrayr Fi Libya.

    Tripoli, in the region of El Dribi, Resistance Fighters have targeted and they killed the rebellious “El Azeddine Istanbouli” (see his photo) and other injuries.

    In Benghazi, this morning, violent clashes between the heavy weapons of the Resistance Fighters and rebels in the barracks El Fadil Bouemar checkpoint near the city of El Zeit…ouna.

    In Bani Walid, 18 days since the city is encircled by the rebels and they even blocked the flow of fuel.

    In Kafra, fighting with heavy weapons are still going on downtown. Fighters Tebous tribe attacked the headquarters of the local council of NTC, they commandeered the content and they burned it.

    In Marzak, the Resistance Fighters have targeted with the RPG, the police headquarters, followed by exchanges of fire.

    In Tripoli, the rebels celebrated the first anniversary of the destruction of Libya (the FRENCH flag in the spotlight!)

    معلومه لا غير فقط …………………………………………………………………………………………………….وصية الشيخ سيدي عبد السلام الأسمر من الأولياء الصالحين منذ 500 عام للشعب الليبي:::::::::: بيجيكم ولد بدوي، من تحت الابل بيحكمكم 40 سنه و زايد وبيخلي البلاد كلها خضراء وبيجوكم ناس سود وبيشاركوكم في مالكم . وكيف ما خنتوني اتخونوه، وهذين عوايدكم من جيل الى ……جيل، وتطلبو العون من الكافر، وعامين وانتم حايسين والدم الى الركب في كل شعبة و وادي، وتحصلو حصلة الشبكة فى السدرة. يأهل الوطن، والكافرات بعد الفاجرات، والغدرات بعد الخترات، والزوات بعد النزوات، إن بعثتكم إلى ثغوركم غللتم وخنتم، وإن أمنتم أرتجفتم، وإن خفتم نافقتم، لا تذكرون حسنة، ولا تشكرون نعمة، هل استخفكم ناكث؟ أو استغواكم غاو؟ أو استنصركم ظالم؟ أو استعضدكم خالع؟ إلا تبعتموه وآويتموه ونصرتموه وزكيتموه. وبعد عامين أيرد عليكم صاحبكم الاول ايكملكم على اشفار الحديد. جاك الخلي يازوارة، ويا زاوية نبشرك بالهم، وجنزور هي الإشارة، ويا طرابلس يا حفرة الدم فيك الدم للركبة، ويا ويلكن يا نسي، وذر طرابلس من شليوني غريان تركبنه حفايا، والعشار بينبنى ويعمار، والسلاح يبدا غمار غمار، والمال يا قلة من يلم, الغرب يهد، والشرق يشد، والملاقاة في راس حمد، “يا عيد يا عاشوراء”. وسعودكم يا اهل الوسط تسمعو ولا اتروعو,,, يأهل الساحل وطرابلس هل شغب شاغب أو نعب ناعب أو زفر زافر إلا كنتم أتباعه وأنصاره
    Information is not only Mr. Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar of saints 500 years ago to the Libyan people :::::::::: Bim Born Badawi, from under the camels Bagmkm 40 years and Zayed and really let the whole country, green and black people and Bijukm Bicherkkm in money. And how what Khntona Atjunoh, and the two Awaiedkm from generation to generation …… and Ttalbo help from the infidel, and two years and you Haesen and blood to the knees in each division and the valley, and got him Thsalo network in Sidra. Aohl home, and after kaafir women debauched, and after Algdarat Alkhtrut, and after Alzoat freaks, if your mission to Tgorkm Glltm Khantm and, if you believed Ertgvtm, if you fear Naafqatm, do not you remember well, give thanks and blessing, you Astkhvkm Nakt? Or Astguakm Gao? Astnasrkm or unjust? Asteddkm or divorced? However Tbatamoh and Aoeetmoh and Nasrtamoh and you recommended. Two years later, Aird you your companion on the first Aakofm Ashvar iron. Jack anhydride Aazoarh, and what angle Nbashrk mind, and Janzour is noted, and what Tripoli O hole blood you blood to the knee, Weah and Alkn I forgot, Odhir Tripoli Hleyona Gheryan Tercpinh Hfalla, and the publican Banebeny and Aamar, and arms begins the midst of the midst, and the money my lack of movie, guide for the west, and east is pulled, and at the top of Almlacah Hamad, “Oh my festival of Ashura.” Saudkm my folks and the middle Tzmau not Aterau,,, Aohl coast and Tripoli Is riot riot or croak Naab or exhalant exhale but you are his followers and supporters
    17 février 20:01
    وينه وينه وينه … الناتو وينه وينه … في مصراته والزنتان .. وينه وينه وينه .. قتل الجيش في كل مكان ..وينه وينه وينه … ضربنا الغازي في بنغازي وينه وينه وينه .. موتت شعبي مش عالفاضي وينه وينه وينه … عاشو تريس وماتو تريس ..وينه وينه وينه…. اليوم انجوه كراديس …وينه وينه وينه … الجرد الي مع الناتو اكبر …وينه وينه وينه … جيش يا معمر لا يهزم … وينه وينه وينه … يا جردان ما ننسوها وينه وينه وينه … بعوتها بلادي بعتوها

    17 février 20:01
    The soft side and soft side and end the … NATO and the soft side and end the … In Misurata and Alzentan .. And soft and soft and soft .. Army killed everywhere .. and soft side and soft side and end the … Hit us in the gaseous and Benghazi and Linh Linh Linh and .. Popular Khasab not mutate and soft and soft and soft … Asho and Mato Tres Tres .. and soft and soft and soft …. Today Anjuh Kradis … and Linh and Linh Linh and … Inventory to with NATO and the largest … and end the soft side and end the … Muammar al-O Army unbeatable … The soft side and soft side and end the … O Gardan what Nnsoha and soft and soft and soft … Bautea my Batoha

  7. Report NOT to be totally trustworthy:

    17 février 21:54
    لكم ترجمة المقال يرجى نشره

    تأسفت منظمة العفو الدولية وفقا لتصريحات الوكالة الفرنسية الاخبارية يوم الخميس بقولها انه بعد مرور سنة من بداية الثورة لم يتم تصفية اي شيء في ليبيا. أن الآمال في ليبيا الجديدة معرضة للخطر اثر انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان التي تقوم بها ميليشيات من المتمردين مع الإفلات من العقوبات.
    منذ عام خاطر الليبيين بحياتهم للسعي في تحقيق العدالة واليوم تتعرض آمالهم للخطر من قبل الميليشيات المسلحة لا ايمان لها ولا قانون, الذين يدوسون على حقوق الإنسان بالإفلات من اي عقوبات كما صرحت دوناتيلا روفيرا مستشارة خاصة المسؤولة عن الازمات والصراعات لمنظمة العفو الدولية .

    عرضت منظمتها تقرير على ليبيا بعنوان “الميليشيات تهدد الآمال في ليبيا الجديدة”, تقرير نُشر عام بعد بداية الانتفاضة التي اطاحت بنظام معمر القذافي ودعت الى التحقيق في الانتهاكات الخطيرة بما في ذلك جرائم الحرب التي ارتكبتها هذه الميليشيات ضد مؤيدين الزعيم الليبي معمر القذافي واكدت انه تم اعتقال أشخاص بطريقة غير مشروعة وتعذيبهم أحيانا إلى الموت.

    حسب التقرير تم استهداف المهاجرين واللاجئين من افريقيا بعمليات انتقامية والتهجير الاجباري وذلك لتجمعات سكنية بأكملها و خص بالذكر سكان تاجورة جنوب مصراتة (غربا) مشيرا ان اغلبية الميليشيات في ليبيا خارج نطاق السيطرة وأن الإفلات المعمم من العقوبات التي تتمتع بها تلك الميليشيات لن تشجع الا لمزيد من العنف ودوم عدم الاستقرار وانعدام الامن في البلاد كما ذكرت دوناتيلا روفيرا.

    في يناير وبداية فبراير قام مندوبين لمنظمة العفو بزيارة احدى عشر مركز اعتقال تحت سيطرة المتمردين في وسط وغرب ليبيا وفي عشرة من بينهم ذكر المعتقلين بأنهم تعرضوا هناك للتعذيب وسوء المعاملة واضاف ذات المصدر ان هؤلاء السجناء كشفو لمنظمة العفو الدولية الإصابات الناجمة عن سوء المعاملة الحديثة زمنيا. العديد منهم قالوا انهم اعترفوا بارتكاب جرائم اغتصاب أو قتل لم يرتكبوها فقط لوضع حد للتعذيب ذكر ذات المصدر

    حصانة كاملة
    موت على الاقل 12 شخصا محتجزين من طرف الميليشيات منذ سبتمبر بعد تعرضهم للتعذيب جثثهم مغطات بجروح وكدمات وقطع وبعض منهم سحبت منهم اظافرهم اضافت منظمة العفو
    روى سجناء في طرابلس و ضواحيها, غريان, مصراتة, سرت والزاوية لمنظمة العفو الدولية بأنهم عُلقو بوضع مقلوب وتعرضو للضرب لساعات بالسياط والحبال والأنابيب البلاستيكية وسلاسل و قضبان الحديد

    لم يتم إجراء أي تحقيق سواء كان في انتهاكات خطيرة مثل عمليات اعدام المعتقلين خارج نطاق القضاء أو غيرها من جرائم الحرب, بما في ذلك قتل 65 شخصا عثر على جثثهم يوم 23 أكتوبر في فندق بسرت الذي كان قاعدة يمكث فيها مقاتلين جاءو من مصراتة
    يجب أن يتم فورا نقل كل السجناء إلى مراكز احتجاز قانونية تحت
    سيطرة المجلس الوطني الانتقالي للسلطة كما اشارت منظمة العفو الدولية

    في بداية شهر فبراير أكد وزير العدل الليبي علي حميدة عاشور بأن وزارته سوف تقوم بالتحقيق في حالات تعذيب في السجون الليبية بعد الاتهامات الموجهة من طرف المنظمات المدافعة عن حقوق الانسان كهيومان رايتس ووتش أو منظمة أطباء بلا حدود‬

    17 février 21:54
    Please translate your article published

    Amnesty International regretted, according to statements made by the French news agency on Thursday, saying that after one year from the beginning of the revolution is not filtering anything in Libya. Hopes that in Libya, the new risk following human rights violations carried out by the militias of the rebels with impunity from punishment.
    Since willingly Libyan their lives to the pursuit of justice and today are their hopes in jeopardy by the armed militias not faith nor law, who trample on human rights to escape any sanctions as stated Donatella Rovera special adviser responsible for the crises and conflicts of Amnesty International.

    Offered her organization’s report on Libya, entitled “militias threaten hopes in Libya, the new,” a report published a year after the start of the uprising that toppled the regime of Muammar Gaddafi and called in to investigate serious violations, including war crimes committed by these militias against supporters of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and confirmed that he had been detain people illegally and sometimes tortured to death.

    According to the report were targeted immigrants and refugees from Africa reprisals and displacement forced, to entire communities and singled out the population Tadjourah south of Misurata (west) indicating that the majority of the militias in Libya out of control and to escape the generalized sanctions that enjoyed by these militias will not encourage, but for more Dom violence and instability and insecurity in the country, as I said Donatella Rovera.

    In January and early February, the representatives of Amnesty visited eleven detention center under the control of insurgents in central and western Libya and ten of them said the detainees that they had been there to torture and ill-treatment and added the same source that these prisoners Khvo Amnesty International’s injuries caused by ill-treatment of modern time. Many of them said they had confessed to committing rape or murder they did not commit only to put an end to the torture of said source

    Full immunity
    Death of at least 12 people were detained by the militia since September after being subjected to torture their bodies Mguetat cuts and bruises and some of them and cut them their nails pulled out said Amnesty
    Roy prisoners in Tripoli and its suburbs, Gharyan, Misurata, Sirte and the angle of Amnesty International that they put upside down and Alqo Taradw beaten for hours with whips, ropes, plastic pipes and chains and iron bars

    Is not made any investigation, whether in serious violations such as executions of detainees outside the scope of the judiciary or other war crimes, including the killing of 65 people found dead on October 23 in Sirte, hotel stay, which was a base from which fighters Ja Misurata
    Must be immediately transfer all prisoners to illegal detention centers under the
    Control of the Transitional National Assembly of the Authority, as indicated by Amnesty International

    At the beginning of February, the Minister of Justice Libyan Ali Ashour benign that his ministry will investigate cases of torture in Libyan jails after accusations by organizations defending human rights Khewman Rights Watch or Doctors Without Borders ‬


    14h/ Infiltrating NTC, Green Intellicenge gained information about an upcoming attempt on #Saad i’s life in Niger. According to #Libya loyalists, who infiltrated the ranks of the rebels. #NATO / #NTC are planing to murder Saadi #Gaddafi in #Niger ‘s capital, they plan to carry out this with the gangs formed specially for it.

    24h/ #NTC supports ethnic cleansing of black #Toubou tribe in #Kufra
    Many NTC fighters came from the eastern part of Libya to the southern town of Kufra to fight against Toubou tribe, fuelled by the new wave of media disinfo about “Chadian mercenaries” which are supporting Toubou tribe.
    Initialy a very old tribal local conflict between Toubou and Azwaip tribe, became a full-blown war in Kufra, due to the false informations broadcasted on NTC media stations. We wonder how big is the responsibility of Mr. Al Gamaty [ Chairman of Feb17 Media Circle] in these new propaganda efforts which are raising new racist feelings among the eastern fighters.
    #Kufra Barka- and Redkou-tribe send reinforcements (about 250 pickups) to join the war against NTC.
    21h/ Local Council in #Kufra is burning, ongoing clashes #Libya
    Libya and Syria 17th and 18 February 2012th
    Thanks to the footage from Kufra, a town in southern Lebanon, where fighting is now raging insurgency and free Libyans, we can see from the barbarians of the Interim National Council, the U.S. came from Tripoli and Benghazi to the name of Allah killed his brothers. They set up a checkpoint on the outskirts of Kufra, so it is now clear why the number of families left the city. In fact, it was the family rebel, who joined them. Barbarians at the National Transitional Council said that the Minister of Defence Minister Zentenu only, not the whole of Libya, and that does not take place in Kufri fighting between tribes, but between Gadafijevih partisans and rebels. In order to clarify the situation in that part of Libya, it is necessary to know why there was a conflict.
    While Western media talk about the war between the tribes and El Toubous Zwai, a National Transitional Council of the fighters from Chad, who want to attack Libya, the truth is quite different. Toubous Tribe is located in the cities and Kufri Katrunu, I have a present in Chad and Niger. So it was not just soldiers from Chad, but the members of their tribe, who live in Chad. The real problem in Kufri emerged when members Toubousa despised by the National Transitional Council, and when they were fed up constant torture, just because the black race. The conflict now taking place between fighters from tribes Tobous, which help their brothers in Libya and Chad, the army and rebels. Toubousa fighters were on the Resistance, but provide discreet assistance. The whole tribe is 100% green.
    #Kufra Sniper destroys NTC’s key figure Ahmed Akermiche.
    #Kufra Number of injured civilians rises, as #NTC-harkis shell the city with mortar fire. #AlgeriaISP [@SaintJust88]

    Pavel Fuks 19 février 00:53
    18.02.2012 Leonor.
    NATO turned Libya into a real kontslager.Naemniki already killed 100 Libyans in Kufre.Tem time, two mercenaries were killed in NATO Murzuke and 6 wounded.
    The world’s media claim that kufr is tribal war that neverno.Agressory want to provoke clashes between the tribes and to introduce international gang of mercenaries to get haosa.Chto do NATO aircraft in Cufré? What do international bandgruppirovki there? What does the U.S. base west of the Kufr al Kebir in Wau Yes here and place for the tribes are left.
    Yes, indeed, “like” it all started with a clash between tbave zuay.No and on the trail. day it no longer had anything to do with tribal konfliktom.Agressory consistently use the same stsenariy.seychas have been wounded, women and children and they can not get into bolnitsy.NET, the Libyans have never been aggressive towards each other and they never not denied to the wounded in hospital, let alone a child, it is a perversion indicates the presence of people who coached the West.
    Now the bloodiest period in history, after the Libyan Italian okkupatsii. Italian HISTORY says that the Italians killed half the population Livii.I history repeats itself.
    Let’s not forget that Libya now exports oil to 100 million. dollars. In this sutki. Pri Libyans est.PNs nothing to say that there is no fuel oil for electricity, so that most of the country’s electricity or not, or give him a few hours.
    Year occupation of Libya has brought nothing but chaos, death, destruction, tyranny, when Libya grabezhi.I is experiencing the best period in its history.

    So fierce fighting insurgents and Resistance fighter I came into camp at Benghazi Boamer.

    13h/ #Misrata (Feb 13th) Green Resistance shells TV-building with two RPGs. ->

    Tripoli yesterday by helicopters flying over constantly in fear of Green Army operations. In particular, they flew over the area of Gargour, where a powerful explosion was heard in the area of El Barak Chatae police headquarters NTC mortars attacked the RPG, followed by an exchange of fire. The blast occurred in Janzouru I, where the attack on the barracks.
    #Tripoli Battles between Green Resistance and NTC in ElIslami, near the tobacco factory, heavy weapons used.

    In Sirte arrested 10 notorious rebels, who have committed many murders of civilians.

    22h/ Sounds of shooting in Murzuk city, National Security Building there was hit by a projectile and is burning #Libya

    In Ghadames, on the border with Algeria, there was a
    In Libya’s apparent lack of bandits Belhadj, a vest where are these monsters, coming from Jordan. Jordanian Minister of Health stated that there are 40.000 wounded Libyans in Jordanian hospitals. They belong to 18.000 Belhadjovom Battalion, and the point is that they are not really injured. In fact, in Jordan established training camps 18.000 Libyan rats, which will later be transferred to the Syrian territory. The worst thing is that everything will be paid to the Libyan money, a Jordanian minister said that Libya should pay 140 million dollars for medical services by the end of February (this money is used for camping).
    15h/ Shamtimes: there are 18.000 #Libya fighters in #Jordan setting up training camp there,to be transfered to #Syria later. Jordanian health minister said that there are more than 40.000 wounded Libyans treated in Jordanian hospitals. This article says that 18.000 of them are Salafis, and belonging to Belhadj’s battalion, and that number of 40 something thousand wounded includes escort ‘family members’ of the wounded, most of them boys, and many of those ‘wounded’ are not wounded at all. They say that Belhadj fighters are coming to Jordan with the cover of “being wounded and wanting a treatment”. And on top of this all this charade and setting up of camp is payed with Libyan money. Jordanian health minister said that Libya will pay 140 million for the medical expenses till the end of february, and more of the wounded will be sent to Jordan.
    23h/ Jordanian authorities arrested at Jordanian-Syrian border gunmens which tried to infiltrate into Syrian territory, including Libyan mercenaries.

    Libya and Syria 18th and 19 February 2012th
    In Tripoli, the cell “Elsakr Elawhed” new record of successful operations. They managed to kill two insurgents snipers, the mosque Abou Chaa, and attacked the rebels in the region Karkarche, where one rat was killed, and wounded two. Resistance fighters, snipers, they killed seven insurgents in Salah Eddine road, in the capital. As you learned, 17 In February, the sky over some parts of Tripoli to cover the green balloons. In Laejilateu the green soldiers attacked the headquarters of the battalion mortars, RPG insurgents in Drania, and howling was heard gunshots. Was attacked by a hospital in Ajdabiyai, but for now do not know the identity of the attacker. In Kufri is still ongoing skirmishes free Libyans and rats. In clashes in the southeastern city killed 28 insurgents and 25 civilians were wounded.

  10. Muammar to Argentina 1985:
    Muammar Argentina apartment window 1985

    Entretien avec le Frère Guide Mouammar Kadhafi pour la jeunesse de Alzentan 03/08/2011
    Ajoutée par Sonbakkah le twenty-nine sept. 2011

    “I hope that the wise men in this tribe of youth and sober Hebha the heart and mind of dissatisfaction with NATO and his followers
    and their families Aharko in Libya to defend their land and their offer
    and God bless”


    Ajoutée par Sonbakkah le 26 Juil. 2011
    Rebel libre dirigeant libyen
    le dirigeant libyen sans
    section complète s’il vous plaît visitez le site Web officiel du symbole chef

    People Power Conference in One Video COMPLETE (instead of 4 shorts):
    02 MARCH 2011
    Kadhafi discours à l’occasion du passage de 34 ans sur le pouvoir du peuple 03.02.2011


    YouTube – Apôtres, rares Kadhafi parle en 1969


    28 seconds of Kaddafi & Mubarek:

    Discours de Mouammar Kadhafi, le 30 Avril 2011
    aprés son fils ent trois des ses enfants mort de NATO:

  11. Libya – The tribes of Toubou fighters kill NINE rebels (19 Feb. 2012)
    Posted on 19/02/2012 by alfatah69
    The tribes of Toubou fighters kill NINE rebels

    Posted on 19/02/2012 at 17:26

    Source: ALGERIA ISP

    ALGERIA ISP / Haraka Elmokawama According to Libya, the tribes of Toubou fighters from all regions of Libya gathered in southern Libya and then they attacked the rebels from Benghazi, El Ajdabia, Tripoli, Misrata, THANK YOU … A war broke out without heavy weapons.

    Today, a record of 9 rebels were killed from northern Libya:

    1. Abdelsalem Faraj Borkiah

    2. Reajab Abdelsalem Elkadoua

    3. Abdellah Mohammed Abdellah (the city of Ajdabiya)

    4. Said Elbakre Abdel Sayed

    5. Mohammed Abdellah Albarsi

    6 . Omar Abdullah Agnin

    7. Amer Shou Hassan

    8. Faraj Mohammed Asamida

    9. Muhammed Jibril Mohammed Othman (the city of Ajdabiya)


  12. Libyan currency will be replaced by Qatari in AUGUST

    20 février 02:28
    بعد انتهاء مؤتمر بسويسرا بمناسبة البدء في بناء أول وأكبر خط قطار (سكة حديد) إسرائيلي. بدأ المؤتمر الصحفي وأسئلة الصحفيين.
    جاء دور الصحفية الألمانية من جريدة دي تسايت. قالت تهانينا سيد نتنياهو سؤالي الأول هو: البدء في بناء خط القطار العملاق يؤكد تصريح مسئول المخابرات السوري المنشق أنكم ستضربون لبنان؟ أجاب نعم وهذا ليس سرآ بدعم أمريكي غربي ودول خليجية ولهذا تم تحذريهم ولكن عليك قبل أن تسألي النظر إلى خريطة العالم الجديدة، لا توجد دولة بهذا الاسم.
    سؤالي الثاني لسمو الأمير القطري:
    خط القطار الإسرائيلي بتمويل قطري إماراتي سعودي ألستم متخوفون من شعوبكم ؟ أجاب الأمير حمد: إسرائيل دولة صديقة ولا يوجد تخوف من شعوبنا.
    سمو أمير قطر السؤال أيضآ لسيادتكم: في شهر أغسطس القادم سيتم إلغاء العملة الليبية واستبدالها بعملة دولة قطر أليس هذا احتلال صريح للجماهيرية الليبية ؟
    الأمير حمد: لا هذا أفضل للشعب الليبي وهم من طلبوا هذا.‬

    20 février 02:28
    After the end of the conference on the occasion of Switzerland to begin building the first and largest railway (railway) Israeli. Began the press conference and answered questions.
    The role of the press came from German newspaper Die Zeit. Congratulations to Mr. Netanyahu said my first question is: start building a train line giant confirms intelligence official told the Syrian dissident you Stdharbon Lebanon? Answered yes, this is not a secret American support Western and Gulf countries, and this was Thdhirém but you need before you ask to look at the new map of the world, no nation by that name.
    My second question to His Highness Prince Country:
    Israeli train line financed Qatari Saudi AED Are not you afraid of your people? Prince Hamad replied: Israel is a friendly country and there is no fear of our people.
    His Highness the Emir of Qatar to you question as well: In the month of August will be canceled and replaced by the Libyan currency the currency of the State of Qatar this not explicit occupation of the Libyan Jamahiriya?
    Prince Hamad: This is not the best for the people of Libya and they asked for this. ‬


    20 février 00:12
    اننا نقاتل لأن علينا أن نقاتل في سبيل ديننا وحريتنا حتى نطرد الغزاة أو نموت نحن، وليس لنا أن نختار غير ذلك، انا لله وانا اليه راجعون.

    We are fighting because we have to fight for our religion and our freedom to expel the invaders or die we are, and we do not have to choose otherwise, I am God and to Him we return.

  13. القذافي يعني مدارس حرب العصابات بكل ما هو جديد في تكتيك حرب الصحراء. »

    ارجوكم القراءه بتركيز ودقه —-هام جدا جدا القذافي يعني مدارس حرب العصابات بكل ما هو جديد في تكتيك حرب الصحراء.

    أسلحة ومقذوفات جديدة تستخدم لأول مرة في التأريخ، كان لها نصيب في غزو ليبيا.

    إنها الحرب الأولى في التأريخ، التي تتجحفل فيها قوات إسرائيلية وصليبية وإسلامية في جبهة واحد تحت أمرة قائد صليبي لتدمير دولة عربية إسلامية.

    أن القوات الصليبية المتعارف عليها بقوات حلف الناتو الغازية للجماهيرية العربية الليبية، لقد أعدت هذه القوات أعداد كبير من أجل حسم معركة طرابلس بشكل سريع لصالحها، وذلك تمثل في حشد القوام والوسائل المتفوقة من حيث الكم والنوع لهذا الغرض، بما يتناسب واحتلال مدينة بحجم باريس.

    القوات البرية المشاركة في اقتحام مدينة طرابلس:

    1- 1200 مقاتل من جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي، وتحديداً من مرتب الوحدة الخاصة التابعة لرئاسة هيئة الأركان العامة للجيش الإسرائيلي المعروفة في أسم ( ميركال ) هذه الوحدة ذات تأريخ قذر في ممارسة العمليات القتالية الخاصة، وبقدراتها على تنفيذ مهام قتالية مستقلة خلف خطوط الخصم.

    2- أعداد كبيرة من المسلحين الليبيين المرتدين عن الإسلام ( زنادقة العصر) من أتباع أبو رغال (القرضاوي والصلابي وعبد الحكيم بالحاج).

    3- وحدات خاصة، أردنية وبريطاني وفرنسية وايطالية، بحجم كتيبة خاصة لكل دولة من تلك الدول.

    4- تم تشكيل غرفة عمليات خاصة يقودها طاقم أمريكي، للتنسيق بين فاعلية القصف التمهيد الذي أستهدف طرابلس، من الجو والبر والبحر والضربة الصاروخية التمهيدية بعيدة المدى التي كانت تنطلق من عبر القارات، والتنسيق بين مراحل عمل وتقدم القوات البرية داخل مدينة طرابلس، وتوجيه تلك الوحدات المتقدمة عبر الأقمار الصناعية، حسب أولويات أهمية الأهداف المراد ضربها.

    القصف التمهيدي لطرابلس:

    قبل عشرة أيام من احتلال مدينة طرابلس، مارست قوات الفرنجة وثوار الناتو القصف التمهيدي المركز على طرابلس العرب، حيث وصلت كثافة النيران لدرجة غير مسبوقة، تمثلت في أطلاق كثافة صاروخية عابرة للغارات، وضربات جوية مكثفة للغاية، وضربات بحرية متواصلة، وضربات برية تمثلت في قيام المرتدين عن الإسلام ( زنادقة العصر ) من استخدام 2.500 قطعة سلاح ثقيلة، مابين مدافع ميدان وراجمات صواريخ من طراز BM21 ذات 40 فوهة، أن كثافة القصف التمهيدي قد حولت كافة نقاط التحصين ومواقع السلاح الدفاعية عن طرابلس إلى خراب ودمار، بل حولتها إلى مستنقعات مائية بفعل مقذوفات الأعماق المتطورة جداً، لدرجة أن باب العزيزية قد اختفى تماماً كمعلم جغرافي كان في الأمس شامخاً، أن الزعيم القذافي قد أدرك بعمق نوايا العدوان الهادف لتدمير مدينة طرابلس برمتها وتحويلها إلى أنقاض، لدرجة القول (طرابلس كانت هنا) تحت ذريعة وجود القذافي وأنصاره متمركزين فيها، حفاظاً على عنزة أهلها، وفق هذا كله قرر القائد العظيم الانسحاب السريع من طرابلس إلى مواقع خارج العاصمة من أجل تفويت الفرصة على قيادات العدوان والحفاظ على طرابلس مدينة المدن، شامخة وعامرة بأهلها.

    أن الكثير من السلاح والمقذوفات، التي استخدمتها قوات الفرنجة في سماء وبر ومياه ليبيا، تكون قد استخدمت لأول مرة في التأريخ، منها كان معد ليدخل الترسانات العسكرية، بعد عام 2015 كان من بين ذلك مقذوفات أعماق ذات العقد المتعددة، حيث يتم انفجارها على التوالي تباعاً في ذات النقطة الواحدة، هذا ما يمكن المقذوف من اختراق 75 متر في أكثر التحصينات صلابة.

    أن الزعيم العظيم معمر القذافي، وبأذن الله كرار لا فرار، حسب ما أفادني ضباط ليبيين كبار بأن القائد معمر القذافي موجود في مدينة بني وليد يقاتل على رئس كتيبة من النساء الليبيات المقاتلات، يعيش ويرابط حيث ضراوة المعارك طلباً للشهادة فوق ثرى أديم الوطن، مسدسه في حزامه والقاذف ( أ ر ب ج 7 ) لا يفارق كتفه، لقد شارك القذافي شخصياً في عمليات صد الكثير من الهجمات المعادية التي توالت تباعاً على مدينة بني وليد، أن القذافي شخصياً قد دمر الكثير من عربات الدفع الرباعي المعادية وقتل أعداد كثيرة من العلوج والمرتدين عن الإسلام، المعادين لليبيا الأرض والشعب. القائد قالها وصدق القول:

    أن الرجولة والشجاعة والأقدام للتحول من زعيم أمة مرفه إلى فدائي يفترش الأرض ويلتحف السماء قد أعطت لثوار العالم معاني جديدة ونفس ثوري أصيل غير مسبوق، هذا لشرف رفيع لا يليق إلا بالقذافي وأبناءه الميامين الصادقين الصابرين الصامدين وفي مقدمتهم سيف العروبة والإسلام.

    أني أجد في إصرار القذافي على المشاركة الفعلية في جبهات القتال الضروس وخوض معارك شرسة وفق تكتيكات تجمع ما بين حرب العصابات والقتال الكلاسيكي وحروب الصحراء وفق تكتيكات ليبية صرف لم تعهدها مدارس حرب العصابات من قبل، أن هذا التكتيك يسمح في الاقتصاد بالقوة ( أفراد سلاح عتاد) ويضمن تحقيق المفاجئة من حيث لا يتوقع الخصم، وإيقاع أكبر الخسائر بشموليتها في صفوفه، تحت عنوان شهدائنا في الجنة وقتلاهم في النار، وكذلك أراد القائد أن يسجل للتأريخ مواقف ثورية معمدة بالدم الطهور دفاعاً عن شرف الوطن ليبيا وعزتها وكرامة أهلها، كلنا يعرف أن أمير الشهداء عمر المختار لم يتمكن من تحقيق النصر المبين المتوج بدحر قوات المحتل خارج الحدود، تجر ذيول الهزيمة المرة، أن الشهيد عمر المختار كان يدرك استحالت النصر المبين ضد عدو يفوق إمكانيات الليبيين من حيث العتاد والسلاح والرجال والتنظيم والتحالفات أضعاف مضاعفة، أن الرصاصة الأولى التي أطلقها الشهيد عمر المختار، كانت رسالة ذات بعدين، البعد الأول بمثابة محاولة لجعل الشعب الليبي ينتصر على ذاته المهزومة من الدخل من أجل خلق ظرف ذاتي مواتي لبناء ثورة ليبية شاملة عارمة، الرسالة الثانية كانت تحاكي المحتل، تقول هذا الوطن لليبيين وليس لسواهم أن طال الزمن أو قصر، لا بد لهذا الوحش أن يزال بحراب الثوار، لأن ليبيا عروس عربية إسلامية مهرها سيل عارم من نجيع المجاهدين الأحرار، من وجهة نظري أن ثورة المجاهد الليبي سيد الشهداء عمر المختار ماهية إلا رسالة قد حققت أهدافها كاملة متكاملة على يد فارس العصر القائد معمر القذافي يوم بزوغ فجر ثورة الفاتح.

    أن الزعيم العظيم معمر القذافي يعي جيداً أنهُ ليس بإمكانه في اللحظة الآنية من تحقيق نصر مبين على 20 دولة ذات سيادة تقاتله في الميدان، ومن بينها أربع دول نووية، هي ( إسرائيل أمريكا فرنسا وبريطانيا) وخمس دول عربية ، هي ( الأردن قطر الأمارات عمُان والبحرين ) وأربع دول إسلامية، و 45 دولة شاركت ولا زالت تشارك في تقديم دعم لوجستي للقوات الغازية، ناهيك عن مجاميع ثوار الناتو، أن سيدنا وقائدنا الفارس العربي المجاهد معمر القذافي، يقود بنفسه مجاميع الثوار المدافعين عن شرف ليبيا وسيادتها الوطنية، ها نحنً نرى القذافي وجنوده البواسل يصولون ويجولون في ميادين العز والشرف بصدور عارية مسطرين أروع الملاحم الجهادية وهم يصدون أشرس حملة صليبية قد عرفها التأريخ من قبل، ليجعلوا من بنادقهم من رصاصاتهم من ثباتهم في الموقف على جمر الأيمان أقلام حرية تكتب عميقاً في أنصع صفحات التأريخ إشراقاً ملاحم عز وشرف قد سطرها القائد القذافي أبن عمر المختار وخليفته الكفاحي، ليقول للعالم، ليقول لمسلمين العهر العربي وبشجاعته المعهودة ليبيا وطننا وشرفنا لن يمروا إلا فوق بقايا أشلاء أجسادنا، نموت واقفين ولن نركع، كي يبقى طريق الثوار معبد تستلهم من صمودنا الأجيال القادمة الشيء الكثير، كما نحنُ الآن نستلهم معاني كفاح وجهاد الشهيد الحي عمر المختار.

    أن الزعيم معمر القذافي ليس بالشخص العادي، متى مات، قد أفلت نجومه وانقلبت الأمة رأساَ على عقب لا بل أن القذافي زعيم وقائد عظيم ومفكر فذ، القذافي فكر ومعاني سامية مكثت من دون استئذان في قلوب وعقول ملاين غفيرة في هذا العالم الواسع.

    أن ثوار الناتو ومعلمهم أبو رغال ( القرضاوي ) قد أصابهم داء الكذب، لذلك نجدهم يكذبون ويكذبون، بل صاروا يعشقون الكذب، تحت شعار الحرب الدعائية، أن الدين الذي يبرر الكذب تحت أي مسميات هذا ليس بدين، بل أنما لوساوس شيطانية، أن من بين أحد أبرز تلك الأكاذيب، هوة من وجود مرتزقة أفارقة يقاتلون إلى جانب قوات القذافي الجهادية، هذا لكذب مكشوف فوق سطوح المنازل، أن من لا يعرف القذافي حق المعرف يكون معذور أن صدق دعايات زمر أبو رغال، أن مروءة وشهامة وكبرياء القذافي ومشاعره القومية، وتربيته البدوية لا تسمح لهُ من حشد جيوش من غير الليبيين لقتل ولو ليبي واحد، حتى لو كان هذا الليبي خائن وزنديق ومرتد عن الدين كواقع حال ثوار الناتو.

    أكرر مقولتي وأجري على الله، والله لو قلبتم صفحات التأريخ بتأني، لم تجدوا من يملئ نعال القذافي وليس كرسيه..

    الكاتب: دكتور في العلوم العسكرية.

    خريج جامعة كيم أيل سينغ للعلوم العسكرية العليا.

    أخصائي في شؤون حرب العصابات.

    مقيم في المملكة النرويجية-أوسلو
    Gaddafi’s guerrilla schools means everything that is new in the tactics of desert warfare. »

    Please focus and reading accuracy is very, very important —- Gaddafi means schools guerrilla everything that is new in the tactics of desert warfare.

    New weapons and projectiles used for the first time in history, had a share in the invasion of Libya.

    It is the first war in history, which Taatgehvl where Israeli forces and Islamic and Crusader in the front and one under the command of Commander crusader for the destruction of Arab Islamic State.

    That the crusader forces recognized the troop NATO invading Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, has prepared this forces the number of large in order to resolve the battle of Tripoli quickly to their advantage, and so was the crowd textures and means superior in terms of quantity and quality for this purpose, in proportion to the occupation of a city the size of Paris.

    Ground forces participating in the storming of the city of Tripoli:

    1-1200 fighters of the IDF, and specifically from the salary of the Special Unit of the Presidency of the General Staff of the Israeli army known in the name (Mercal) of this unit with a history of dirty in the practice of combat operations, private, and their capacity to implement the combat missions independently behind the lines of the opponent.

    2 – large numbers of armed Libyan apostates from Islam (heretics age) of the followers of Abu Mughal, (al-Qaradawi and the hardness and Abdul Hakim Hajj).

    3 – special units, Jordanian, British, French and Italian, especially the size of a battalion each of these countries.

    4 – was formed Chamber of special operations-led team of U.S., to coordinate between the effectiveness of bombing the boot, which targeted Tripoli, from the air, land and sea and the missile strike the preliminary long-range, which was launched from across the continents, and coordination between the stages of work and provide ground forces within the city of Tripoli, and directing those units advanced satellite, according to the priorities of the importance of the targets to be hit.

    Preliminary bombardment of Tripoli:

    Ten days before the occupation of the city of Tripoli, exerted forces the Franks and the rebels of the NATO bombing preliminary position on Tripoli Arabs, reaching the intensity fire to an unprecedented degree, was the launching density rockets cross-raids and air strikes, very intense, and blows freely sustained, and blows land was in the apostates from Islam (heretics age) of the use of 2.500 pieces of weapons, heavy, between defender field and rocket launchers from the model BM21 40-nozzle, the intensity of the shelling primer has turned all points of immunization sites and weapons defense of Tripoli, to the ruin and destruction, but turned it into a swamp of water by projectiles depths sophisticated, so much so that the door Azizia had completely disappeared as a teacher geographically was in yesterday’s tall, leader Gaddafi has realized the depth of the intentions of aggression aimed at the destruction of the city of Tripoli as a whole and turn it into rubble, to the point to say (Tripoli was here) under the pretext of the existence of Qadhafi and his supporters stationed , in order to preserve her family goat, according to all of this great leader decided to rapid withdrawal from Tripoli to locations outside the capital in order to miss an opportunity to the leaders of aggression and preserve the cities of Tripoli city, proud and full of its people.

    That a lot of weapons and projectiles, used by the forces of the Franks in the sky of dander and water Libya, have been used for the first time in history, which was destined to enter the military arsenals, after 2015 was one of the projectiles the depths of the contract multiple, where it exploded in a row, respectively at the same point one, this is what can be projectile penetration of 75 m in the more solid fortifications.

    That the great leader Muammar Gaddafi, and God willing Karrar no escape, as told me officers Libyan senior that leader Muammar Gaddafi is in the town of Beni Walid fight on remains exclusively a battalion of the Libyan women fighters, living and stationed where the fiercest battles a request for a certificate on a rich canopy of the nation, his pistol in his belt and Pitcher (a t b c 7) does not die his shoulder, took part Gaddafi personally operations to repel a lot of enemy attacks that have followed in succession on the city of Bani Walid, that Gaddafi personally have destroyed a lot of vehicles SUV hostile and killed large numbers of infidels and apostates Islam, anti-Libyan land and the people. Uttered by the leader and honestly say:

    That chivalry, courage, and foot to shift from the leader of a nation prosperous to guerrilla sat on the ground and Ilthv heaven has given to the rebels of the world new meanings and the same revolutionary authentic than ever, this is an honor for a senior is not worthy but Gaddafi and his sons in Miami truthful steadfast steadfast, led by Saif Arabism and Islam.

    I find the insistence of Qaddafi on the actual participation in the fronts of internecine fighting and engage in fierce battles according to the tactics that combine guerrilla warfare and fighting classic and wars of the desert according to the tactics of the Libyan exchange was its commitment to schools guerrilla war before, that this tactic allows the economy by force (Force personnel equipment) and ensures achievement of sudden is not expected discount, and the rhythm of the biggest losses comprehensiveness in its ranks, under the title of our martyrs in paradise and their dead in the fire, and wanted the commander to record the history of the positions of revolutionary Baptist blood purification in defense of the honor of the nation of Libya and dignity and the dignity of its people, we all know that the Prince of Martyrs Omar Mukhtar was not able to achieve victory crowned defeat the forces of occupation outside the borders, dragging tails defeat time, that the martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar was aware becomes impossible victory against the enemy beyond the means of the Libyans in terms of gear and weapons, men and organization and alliances, many, many more, that the first bullet fired by Martyr Omar Mukhtar, was a two-dimensional, the first dimension is an attempt to make the Libyan people’s triumph over the same defeated income in order to create within a self-favorable for the construction of a revolution Libyan comprehensive overwhelming, the second letter was mimic the occupier, says this country to the Libyans and not to others that a long time or short , it is essential to this monster that continues to bayonets the rebels, because Libya bride Arab Islamic dowry torrent overwhelming of Ngea Mujahideen free, from my point of view that the revolution of the struggling Libyan Martyr Omar Mukhtar what only message has achieved its objectives fully integrated by the Knight era leader Muammar Gaddafi on the dawn of the Revolution.

    That the great leader Muammar Gaddafi is well aware that he could not at the moment the vessels of victory shown on the 20 countries sovereign Tqatlh in the field, including four nuclear states, she (Israel America, France and Britain) and the five Arab countries, are (Jordan Qatar Emirates, Oman and Bahrain ) and four Muslim countries, and 45 countries participated and still participate in the provision of logistical support to the invading forces, not to mention groups rebels NATO, that our master and our leader knight Arab Mujahid Muammar Gaddafi, leading his own groups rebel defenders of the honor of Libya and its national sovereignty, here we see Gaddafi and his soldiers brave roam about in the fields of glory and honor topless become underlined the finest epics jihad and they turn away the fiercest crusade has ever seen before, to make the guns of the bullets of steadfastness in the situation on the embers of faith pens freedom you deep into the brightest pages of history brighter epics glory and honor may line had Leader Gaddafi, son of Omar Mukhtar and his successor, militant, to say to the world, to say to Muslims prostitution Arab and courage typical of Libya and our country and our honor will not go through but over the remains of the remains of our bodies, we die standing and will not go down, to stay by the rebels temple inspired by our steadfastness for future generations a great deal, as we now find out meanings of jihad and the struggle of living martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar.

    Leader Muammar Gaddafi is no ordinary person, when he had escaped stars and turned the nation upside down and even that Gaddafi, leader and a great leader and thinker, avid, Gaddafi, thought and meaning of Semitic stayed without permission in the hearts and minds of millions of numbers in this wide world.

    That the rebels NATO and their teacher Abu Mughal (Qaradawi) have suffered disease lie, so we find them lying and lying, but they became love lies, under the banner of war propaganda, that religion which justifies lying under any names this is not a religion, but but to anxieties satanic, that among a most prominent of these lies, divide the presence of mercenaries Africans fighting alongside the forces of Gaddafi’s jihad, this is a blatant lie above the roofs of houses, it is not known Gaddafi right is be excused for that truth propaganda factions Abu Mughal, that generosity and magnanimity and pride Gaddafi and his feelings of nationalism, and brought the Bedouin do not allow him to rally the armies of non-Libyans to kill even a Libyan one, even if this was a traitor and a heretic Libyan and an apostate from the religion as a reality if the rebels NATO.

    I repeat Mcolta was carried out on God, God, if Qlaptm pages of history carefully, you can not find the fill soles Gaddafi and his chair is not ..

    Author: Doctor of Military Sciences.

    Graduate of the University, Kim Il Singh of the Supreme Military Science.

    Specialist in guerrilla warfare.

    Resident in the Kingdom of Norway – Oslo


    Écoles guérilla Kadhafi signifie tout ce qui est nouveau dans les tactiques de guerre dans le désert.
    By princesse Yasmina DANS libyenne Electronic Green Army ·Modifier le document de

    S’il vous plaît mise au point et la précision de lecture est très, très important —- Kadhafi veut tout dire guérilla écoles ce qui est nouveau dans les tactiques de guerre dans le désert.

    De nouvelles armes et des projectiles utilisés pour la première fois dans l’histoire, ont eu une part à l’invasion de la Libye.

    Il s’agit de la première guerre dans l’histoire, qui Taatgehvl où les forces israéliennes et islamiques et des Croisés à l’avant et un sous le commandement du commandant militant pour la destruction de l’Etat arabo-islamique.

    Que le croisé oblige reconnu la troupe de l’OTAN envahir la Jamahiriya arabe libyenne, a préparé ce forces le nombre de grands afin de résoudre la bataille de Tripoli rapidement à leur avantage, et qu’il était donc les textures foule et des moyens supérieurs en termes de quantité et de qualité pour cette fin, en proportion de l’occupation d’une ville de la taille de Paris.

    Les forces terrestres participent à la prise de la ville de Tripoli:

    1-1200 combattants de l’armée israélienne, et plus particulièrement sur le traitement de l’Unité spéciale de la Présidence de l’état-major de l’armée israélienne connue dans le nom (Mercal) de cette unité avec une histoire de sale dans la pratique des opérations de combat, privés, et leur capacité à mettre en œuvre les missions de combat indépendamment derrière les lignes de l’adversaire.

    2 – un grand nombre de armées libyennes apostats de l’islam (l’âge des hérétiques) des disciples d’Abu Mughal, (al-Qaradawi et de la dureté et Abdul Hakim Hadj).

    3 – unités spéciales, jordaniens, britanniques, français et italien, en particulier la taille d’un bataillon chacun de ces pays.

    4 – a été formé Chambre de opérations spéciales-dirigé l’équipe des États-Unis, de coordonner entre l’efficacité des bombardements de la chaussure, qui visait à Tripoli, de l’air, terre et mer et le tir de missile l’enquête préliminaire longue portée, qui a été lancé à travers les continents, et la coordination entre les étapes de travail et de fournir des forces terrestres au sein de la ville de Tripoli, et de diriger ces unités satellite de pointe, selon les priorités de l’importance des objectifs à être touchée.

    Bombardement préliminaire de Tripoli:

    Dix jours avant l’occupation de la ville de Tripoli, ont exercé des forces les Francs et les rebelles de la position bombardements de l’OTAN préliminaire sur les Arabes de Tripoli, pour atteindre le feu d’intensité à un degré sans précédent, ce sont les roquettes de densité de lancement croisée des raids et des frappes aériennes, très intense, et les coups librement soutenue, et la terre coups était dans le apostats de l’islam (l’âge des hérétiques) de l’utilisation de 2.500 pièces d’armes, lourds, entre le terrain et défenseur des lanceurs de roquettes à partir du modèle BM21 40-buse, l’intensité de l’amorce des bombardements a tourné tous les points de sites de vaccination et de défense des armes de Tripoli, à la ruine et la destruction, mais il s’est avéré dans un marécage de l’eau par des profondeurs de projectiles sophistiqués, tant et si bien que la porte Azizia avait complètement disparu en tant que professeur géographiquement était en grande hier Kadhafi, chef de file a réalisé la profondeur des intentions d’agression visant à la destruction de la ville de Tripoli dans son ensemble et de le transformer en champ de ruines, au point-à-dire (Tripoli était ici) sous le prétexte de l’existence de Kadhafi et ses partisans stationnés , afin de préserver sa chèvre de la famille, selon tout ce grand chef a décidé de retrait rapide de Tripoli à des endroits hors de la capitale afin de rater une occasion aux dirigeants de l’agression et de préserver les villes de la ville de Tripoli, fiers et pleins de ses habitants.

    C’est beaucoup d’armes et de projectiles, utilisés par les forces des Francs dans le ciel de squames et de l’eau en Libye, ont été utilisés pour la première fois dans l’histoire, qui était destiné à entrer dans les arsenaux militaires, après 2015 a été l’un des projectiles les profondeurs de la multiple contrat, où elle a explosé dans une rangée, respectivement au même point un, c’est ce que peut être la pénétration du projectile de 75 m dans les fortifications les plus solides.

    Que le grand leader Mouammar Kadhafi, et Dieu Karrar prêts ne peut échapper, comme m’a dit officiers libyens haute direction que Mouammar Kadhafi est dans la ville de Beni Walid lutte sur reste exclusivement un bataillon des combattants femmes libyennes, vivant et stationné là où les plus féroces batailles d’une demande d’un certificat sur un riche baldaquin de la nation, son pistolet dans sa ceinture et Pitcher (un t b c 7) ne meurt pas son épaule, a pris part Kadhafi personnellement les opérations pour repousser un grand nombre d’attaques ennemies qui ont suivi successivement sur la ville de Bani Walid, que Kadhafi personnellement ont détruit un grand nombre de véhicules SUV hostiles et tué un grand nombre d’infidèles et les apostats l’islam, anti-libyenne terre et les gens. Prononcé par le chef de file et honnêtement dire:

    Que la chevalerie, le courage, et le pied de passer de la chef d’une nation prospère à la guérilla était assis sur le sol et le ciel Ilthv a donné aux rebelles des significations du nouveau monde et de l’authentique même révolutionnaire que jamais, c’est un honneur pour une personne âgée n’est pas digne, mais Kadhafi et ses fils à Miami véridiques ferme ferme, dirigée par Saïf l’arabisme et l’islam.

    Je trouve l’insistance de Kadhafi sur la participation effective dans les fronts de luttes intestines et de s’engager dans des batailles féroces selon les tactiques qui combinent la guérilla et la lutte contre classique et les guerres du désert selon les tactiques de l’échange libyenne était son engagement à la guerre de guérilla écoles avant, que cette tactique permet à l’économie par la force (personnel de la Force d’équipement) et assure la réalisation d’un coup on ne s’attend pas à prix réduits, et le rythme de la plus grande exhaustivité des pertes dans ses rangs, sous le titre de nos martyrs au paradis et leurs morts dans l’incendie, et je voulais le commandant d’enregistrer l’historique des positions de la purification du sang révolutionnaire Baptiste dans la défense de l’honneur de la nation de la Libye et de la dignité et la dignité de son peuple, nous savons tous que le prince des martyrs Omar Mukhtar n’a pas été en mesure de remporter la victoire couronnée vaincre les forces d’occupation en dehors des frontières, en faisant glisser le temps défaite queues, que le martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar était au courant devient impossible victoire contre l’ennemi au-delà du moyen de les Libyens en termes de vitesse et des armes, des hommes et de l’organisation et les alliances, beaucoup, beaucoup plus, que la première balle de feu tirés par Martyr Omar Mukhtar, a été à deux dimensions, la première dimension est une tentative pour faire triompher le peuple libyen au cours de la même revenu défait afin de créer au sein d’une auto-favorable pour la construction d’une révolution libyenne complète écrasante, la seconde lettre a été imiter l’occupant, dit ce pays aux Libyens et non à d’autres qui un temps long ou court , il est essentiel de ce monstre qui continue de baïonnettes les rebelles, parce que mariée Libye torrent arabe dot islamique écrasante de Ngea moudjahidin libre, de mon point de vue que la révolution de la lutte libyenne martyr Omar Mukhtar ce que le message a atteint ses objectifs totalement intégré par le chevalier ère chef de file Kadhafi Mouammar sur l’aube de la Révolution.

    Que le grand leader Mouammar Kadhafi est bien conscient qu’il ne pouvait pas pour le moment les vaisseaux de la victoire montré sur la Tqatlh 20 pays souverain dans le domaine, y compris quatre Etats nucléaires, elle (Israël Amérique, la France et la Grande-Bretagne) et les cinq pays arabes, sont (Jordanie Emirats Qatar, Oman et Bahreïn ) et quatre pays musulmans, et 45 pays ont participé et participent encore à la fourniture d’un soutien logistique aux forces d’invasion, pour ne pas mentionner les groupes rebelles de l’OTAN, que notre maître et notre chef chevalier arabe Mujahid Mouammar Kadhafi, menant ses propres défenseurs des groupes rebelles de l’honneur de la Libye et de sa souveraineté nationale, nous voyons ici Kadhafi et ses soldats braver errent dans les domaines de la gloire et l’honneur topless devenu souligné la plus belle épopée djihad et ils se détournent de la plus féroce croisade n’a jamais vu avant, de faire les armes à feu des balles de fermeté dans la situation sur les braises de la foi stylos liberté vous plonge dans les plus belles pages de brillante épopée gloire histoire et l’honneur peut la ligne a Chef de Kadhafi, le fils d’Omar Mukhtar, et son successeur, militante, de dire au monde, de dire à la prostitution des Arabes musulmans et le courage typique de la Libye et de notre pays et notre honneur ne va pas à travers, mais sur les restes des restes de nos corps, nous mourrons debout et ne sera pas descendre, de rester près du temple rebelles inspirés par notre fermeté pour les générations futures une grande, comme nous l’apprenons maintenant significations du djihad et de la lutte de martyr vivant Omar Al-Mukhtar.

    Le leader Mouammar Kadhafi est pas une personne ordinaire, avait échappé étoiles et se tourna de la nation envers et même que Kadhafi, chef de file et un grand leader et penseur, passionné, Kadhafi, la pensée et le sens de sémitique est resté sans autorisation dans les cœurs et les esprits de millions de numéros dans ce vaste monde.

    C’est l’OTAN rebelles et de leur professeur Abou moghol (Qaradawi) ont souffert mensonge maladie, si nous trouvons les menti et menti, mais ils sont devenus l’amour se trouve, sous la bannière de la propagande de guerre, que la religion qui justifie couché sous les noms ce n’est pas une religion, mais, mais à des angoisses satanique, que parmi une le plus important de ces mensonges, il faut diviser la présence de mercenaires africains combattant aux côtés des forces du jihad de Kadhafi, c’est un mensonge éhonté au-dessus des toits des maisons, on ne sait pas Kadhafi Identifiant droit être excusé pour que les factions de la propagande vérité Abu moghol, que la générosité et de magnanimité et de la fierté Kadhafi et ses sentiments de nationalisme, et amené les Bédouins ne sont pas lui permettre de rallier les armées de non-Libyens de tuer même un libyen, même si cela était un traître et un hérétique libyen et un apostat de la religion comme une réalité si les rebelles de l’OTAN.

    Je le répète Mcolta a été réalisée sur Dieu, Dieu, si les pages de l’histoire Qlaptm attentivement, vous ne pouvez pas trouver le remplissage semelles Kadhafi et de son président n’est pas ..

    Auteur: Docteur en sciences militaires.

    Diplômé de l’Université, Singh Kim Il de la Cour suprême science militaire.

    Spécialiste dans la guérilla.

    Résident dans le Royaume de Norvège – Oslo


    Gaddafi’s guerrilla schools means everything that is new in the tactics of desert warfare.
    Par Princess Yasmina dans Libyan Electronic Green Army ·Modifier le document

    Please focus and reading accuracy is very, very important —- Gaddafi means schools guerrilla everything that is new in the tactics of desert warfare.

    New weapons and projectiles used for the first time in history, had a share in the invasion of Libya.

    It is the first war in history, which Taatgehvl where Israeli forces and Islamic and Crusader in the front and one under the command of Commander crusader for the destruction of Arab Islamic State.

    That the crusader forces recognized the troop NATO invading Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, has prepared this forces the number of large in order to resolve the battle of Tripoli quickly to their advantage, and so was the crowd textures and means superior in terms of quantity and quality for this purpose, in proportion to the occupation of a city the size of Paris.

    Ground forces participating in the storming of the city of Tripoli:

    1-1200 fighters of the IDF, and specifically from the salary of the Special Unit of the Presidency of the General Staff of the Israeli army known in the name (Mercal) of this unit with a history of dirty in the practice of combat operations, private, and their capacity to implement the combat missions independently behind the lines of the opponent.

    2 – large numbers of armed Libyan apostates from Islam (heretics age) of the followers of Abu Mughal, (al-Qaradawi and the hardness and Abdul Hakim Hajj).

    3 – special units, Jordanian, British, French and Italian, especially the size of a battalion each of these countries.

    4 – was formed Chamber of special operations-led team of U.S., to coordinate between the effectiveness of bombing the boot, which targeted Tripoli, from the air, land and sea and the missile strike the preliminary long-range, which was launched from across the continents, and coordination between the stages of work and provide ground forces within the city of Tripoli, and directing those units advanced satellite, according to the priorities of the importance of the targets to be hit.

    Preliminary bombardment of Tripoli:

    Ten days before the occupation of the city of Tripoli, exerted forces the Franks and the rebels of the NATO bombing preliminary position on Tripoli Arabs, reaching the intensity fire to an unprecedented degree, was the launching density rockets cross-raids and air strikes, very intense, and blows freely sustained, and blows land was in the apostates from Islam (heretics age) of the use of 2.500 pieces of weapons, heavy, between defender field and rocket launchers from the model BM21 40-nozzle, the intensity of the shelling primer has turned all points of immunization sites and weapons defense of Tripoli, to the ruin and destruction, but turned it into a swamp of water by projectiles depths sophisticated, so much so that the door Azizia had completely disappeared as a teacher geographically was in yesterday’s tall, leader Gaddafi has realized the depth of the intentions of aggression aimed at the destruction of the city of Tripoli as a whole and turn it into rubble, to the point to say (Tripoli was here) under the pretext of the existence of Qadhafi and his supporters stationed , in order to preserve her family goat, according to all of this great leader decided to rapid withdrawal from Tripoli to locations outside the capital in order to miss an opportunity to the leaders of aggression and preserve the cities of Tripoli city, proud and full of its people.

    That a lot of weapons and projectiles, used by the forces of the Franks in the sky of dander and water Libya, have been used for the first time in history, which was destined to enter the military arsenals, after 2015 was one of the projectiles the depths of the contract multiple, where it exploded in a row, respectively at the same point one, this is what can be projectile penetration of 75 m in the more solid fortifications.

    That the great leader Muammar Gaddafi, and God willing Karrar no escape, as told me officers Libyan senior that leader Muammar Gaddafi is in the town of Beni Walid fight on remains exclusively a battalion of the Libyan women fighters, living and stationed where the fiercest battles a request for a certificate on a rich canopy of the nation, his pistol in his belt and Pitcher (a t b c 7) does not die his shoulder, took part Gaddafi personally operations to repel a lot of enemy attacks that have followed in succession on the city of Bani Walid, that Gaddafi personally have destroyed a lot of vehicles SUV hostile and killed large numbers of infidels and apostates Islam, anti-Libyan land and the people. Uttered by the leader and honestly say:

    That chivalry, courage, and foot to shift from the leader of a nation prosperous to guerrilla sat on the ground and Ilthv heaven has given to the rebels of the world new meanings and the same revolutionary authentic than ever, this is an honor for a senior is not worthy but Gaddafi and his sons in Miami truthful steadfast steadfast, led by Saif Arabism and Islam.

    I find the insistence of Qaddafi on the actual participation in the fronts of internecine fighting and engage in fierce battles according to the tactics that combine guerrilla warfare and fighting classic and wars of the desert according to the tactics of the Libyan exchange was its commitment to schools guerrilla war before, that this tactic allows the economy by force (Force personnel equipment) and ensures achievement of sudden is not expected discount, and the rhythm of the biggest losses comprehensiveness in its ranks, under the title of our martyrs in paradise and their dead in the fire, and wanted the commander to record the history of the positions of revolutionary Baptist blood purification in defense of the honor of the nation of Libya and dignity and the dignity of its people, we all know that the Prince of Martyrs Omar Mukhtar was not able to achieve victory crowned defeat the forces of occupation outside the borders, dragging tails defeat time, that the martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar was aware becomes impossible victory against the enemy beyond the means of the Libyans in terms of gear and weapons, men and organization and alliances, many, many more, that the first bullet fired by Martyr Omar Mukhtar, was a two-dimensional, the first dimension is an attempt to make the Libyan people’s triumph over the same defeated income in order to create within a self-favorable for the construction of a revolution Libyan comprehensive overwhelming, the second letter was mimic the occupier, says this country to the Libyans and not to others that a long time or short , it is essential to this monster that continues to bayonets the rebels, because Libya bride Arab Islamic dowry torrent overwhelming of Ngea Mujahideen free, from my point of view that the revolution of the struggling Libyan Martyr Omar Mukhtar what only message has achieved its objectives fully integrated by the Knight era leader Muammar Gaddafi on the dawn of the Revolution.

    That the great leader Muammar Gaddafi is well aware that he could not at the moment the vessels of victory shown on the 20 countries sovereign Tqatlh in the field, including four nuclear states, she (Israel America, France and Britain) and the five Arab countries, are (Jordan Qatar Emirates, Oman and Bahrain ) and four Muslim countries, and 45 countries participated and still participate in the provision of logistical support to the invading forces, not to mention groups rebels NATO, that our master and our leader knight Arab Mujahid Muammar Gaddafi, leading his own groups rebel defenders of the honor of Libya and its national sovereignty, here we see Gaddafi and his soldiers brave roam about in the fields of glory and honor topless become underlined the finest epics jihad and they turn away the fiercest crusade has ever seen before, to make the guns of the bullets of steadfastness in the situation on the embers of faith pens freedom you deep into the brightest pages of history brighter epics glory and honor may line had Leader Gaddafi, son of Omar Mukhtar and his successor, militant, to say to the world, to say to Muslims prostitution Arab and courage typical of Libya and our country and our honor will not go through but over the remains of the remains of our bodies, we die standing and will not go down, to stay by the rebels temple inspired by our steadfastness for future generations a great deal, as we now find out meanings of jihad and the struggle of living martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar.

    Leader Muammar Gaddafi is no ordinary person, when he had escaped stars and turned the nation upside down and even that Gaddafi, leader and a great leader and thinker, avid, Gaddafi, thought and meaning of Semitic stayed without permission in the hearts and minds of millions of numbers in this wide world.

    That the rebels NATO and their teacher Abu Mughal (Qaradawi) have suffered disease lie, so we find them lying and lying, but they became love lies, under the banner of war propaganda, that religion which justifies lying under any names this is not a religion, but but to anxieties satanic, that among a most prominent of these lies, divide the presence of mercenaries Africans fighting alongside the forces of Gaddafi’s jihad, this is a blatant lie above the roofs of houses, it is not known Gaddafi right id be excused for that truth propaganda factions Abu Mughal, that generosity and magnanimity and pride Gaddafi and his feelings of nationalism, and brought the Bedouin do not allow him to rally the armies of non-Libyans to kill even a Libyan one, even if this was a traitor and a heretic Libyan and an apostate from the religion as a reality if the rebels NATO.

    I repeat Mcolta was carried out on God, God, if Qlaptm pages of history carefully, you can not find the fill soles Gaddafi and his chair is not ..

    Author: Doctor of Military Sciences.

    Graduate of the University, Kim Il Singh of the Supreme Military Science.

    Specialist in guerrilla warfare.

    Resident in the Kingdom of Norway – Oslo


    Moutassem w Kittie:




    Аминат Сабирова 20 février 11:48
    NATO is engaged in pumping out propaganda from Libya in order to justify their “humanitarian war” against the government of Muammar Gaddafi. Until recently, NATO’s largely succeeded in this, because ordinary citizens around the world do not have direct access to the intelligence on which to establish their own opinion.

    As a former CIA agent in charge of the subject of Libya to the UN from 1995 to 2003 in the negotiation process on the Lockerbie case, I have to escape from this propaganda for the consideration of evidence.

    In response to numerous requests, I share the original evidence, which I daily receive from informants in Tripoli. Video materials received from the Libyan refugee, [and] collect the commission of inquiry under the name “International experts in civil law for peace in Libya.”

    The composition of the investigatory committee consists of European, American and international human rights activists, preparing charge NATO with war crimes. Judging by these videos, compensation for material damage that NATO will need to compensate Libya, and in fact must be enormous.

    Most importantly, it is clear that NATO has based its case to the UN on the false information in order to justify military action. For the sake of benefiting from the conflict, Britain and France came in the wake of unfair intelligence from unreliable sources.

    A more careful study shows that: a NATO-supported rebels, guilty of atrocities – and not the soldiers of Gaddafi! Sanctions should be abolished, and NATO should send their troops to support Qadhafi in [the case] the protection of the Libyan people.

    Never play in the truth

    These videos depict the monstrous atrocities. There are two key reasons for why NATO rebels commit such acts. First, by committing war crimes, they launched a strategy to provoke panic and social unrest in the streets, where people [contrast], should control.

    Through fear mongering, they drove their opponents into silent submission. Ordinary Libyans own eyes can see that the Libyan rebels “omnipotent”, which covers their NATO, and that supporters of al-Gaddafi is better to keep quiet, otherwise the consequences will be dire.

    At the same time, the Libyan rebels have found a way to “push buttons” NATO and operate the machine “humanitarian war”. [But] why the whole world to believe that the Gadhafi government, which in 41 years of his reign was not observed in the murder of its citizens, suddenly turns out to be guilty of the most horrific crimes?

    Those who have closely followed by Libya, the opposite impression. In the past, Gaddafi showed exceptional strength in the protection of its citizens, and refused to extradite two Libyans suspected of involvement in [the explosion 747 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie December 21, 1988], despite the UN imposed sanctions.

    Qaddafi knew that these people are innocent and that justice in the [international] court, [they] will not wait. Speaking in a simple way, the bombing over Lockerbie was a diversionary operation, which was to conceal the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon during the crisis with the seizure of hostages [journalist] Terry Anderson.

    On the day of the Pan-Am flight 103, flying to Washington, a joint team of investigators CIA, FBI and military intelligence, intending to expose the corruption which occurred. The plane exploded over Lockerbie, the (Scotland). Scapegoat exposed to Libya, however, as is the case with the Sept. 11 attacks [2001], but proved to be enduring. A. Gaddafi refused to make concessions. He remained loyal to his fellow citizens, in spite of debilitating international pressure.

    By the way, guess what Qaddafi was right. The United States bribed two witnesses in the Lockerbie case with the help of bribes worth 4 million dollars, which was one of the most shameful episodes of corruption that ever took place in international litigation. After two false witnesses to publicly repent and plead guilty, the only one Libyan who was convicted for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in August 2009, received a “release from imprisonment on humanitarian grounds” of the Scottish prison for the alleged so that he could go home and die there of cancer.

    [So], these videos are a “reality check”. It may seem ironic, but stating that the force Gadhafi to blame, in particular rape, NATO makes a blatant recognition of the fact that in Libya there are war crimes.

    Titles that Gaddafi [ordered the military to distribute the pills] Viagra in order to stimulate the “rape marathons,” well “worked” on CNN, CNN. However, a former member of Congress Cynthia McKinley found that the single largest purchaser of Viagra party sent to Libya, was the very U.S. government [whose members] were given a small bluish pill for older soldiers, rebels, in order to “encourage” them to the battle.

    Judging by the testimonies of rape coming from Libya, the American strategy has succeeded where most tragic …

    The villains and villainy

    These motion pictures, in my opinion, is just as horrible as the shooting, [makes the members], “Al-Qaeda.” But do not take my word for it. Take a look at the evidence in person and make their own conclusions.

    Warning: These videos are horrible, leading to panic. They are located on sites obamaslibya. com [«”] and [«”], because they have a cool security system and the authorities are telling the truth with indomitable courage. FederalJack not go back down and will upload new videos on as they become available.

    In the first video cuts off rebel Libya Libyan soldier’s head. If someone would think that this footage shot in Iraq, what the hell is the largest percentage of foreign fighters in Iraq (as well as Chechnya and Afghanistan) are from eastern Libya! Unfortunately for NATO, from the fact that this video filmed in Libya, can not get away: Libyan Arabic dialect spoken by the people present at the shooting, has its own distinctive accent.

    In the second video captures an awful scene of how the Libyan rebel cuts pieces of rotting flesh of a dead soldier and forcing Libyan prisoners of war, built in a row, take them in hand and there.

    The following video demonstrates how a group of rebels raping a civilian with a gun.

    Next – a crowd of rebels hangs [upside down] Libyan soldier, and then decapitates him.

    Then – the video, in which operatives from the CIA working hand in hand with the military forces of the rebels, traveling by truck (proof that the U.S. military is already involved in ground operations and atrocities being perpetrated).

    In the following video depicted several dead Libyan soldiers with his throat cut, lying in the back of a truck. Such killings violate the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts: the soldiers, taken prisoner, under the protection of the conventions. Entered into a rage NATO incited the rebels terrified accidental witness to video the slaughter, and shouted that the troops were to blame al-Gaddafi. Later, the man grabbed the camera and his family escaped from the rebel stronghold. That’s how this video and got to the investigative team in Tripoli.

    Such savagery and barbarism are not placed in my head how NATO could even imagine that the rebels may have any organizational skills …

  15. The death of dead civilizations
    Nicholas Sologubovsky
    Destruction of Civilizations pogibnuvshih

    How many times can be lost civilization?

    How many times can destroy civilization?
    Mortal man can be killed only once.
    The immortal works of his hands can kill a few times.
    Today we are – silent witnesses and accomplices in the death of yet another lost civilizations.
    In the Sahara, killing unique human creations that have been declared by UNESCO “treasures of world culture.”
    UNESCO’s finger does not hit to save these treasures.
    UNESCO passively watched as NATO destroys the treasure.
    Again, I publish these my films made in the peace of the Great Libyan Jamahiriya, when we, the Russian researchers in search of unique rock paintings and petroglyphs of lost civilizations, traveled the entire Sahara.
    Now these pictures, miraculously preserved – from the man! – For thousands of years in inaccessible places, dying from the clutches of the barbarians, the extremists, stolen by mercenaries from Europe …
    And really what has kept stark brutal nature of a secret for thousands of years, hiding in the depths of the desert in inaccessible caves and Akakusa Matkandusha, all destroyed by NATO bombing and executed by mercenaries of NATO?
    It turned out that Nature is merciful to the genius of Man than the thugs in military uniforms and civilian bureaucratic suits.
    When the world comes again to the Sahara? No one knows!
    Soon, the rulers of NATO will be celebrating the anniversary of his victory in the “humanitarian, peacekeeping” operation that began March 19 bombs.
    And what do we have when we see in these parts, blood-soaked Libyan war?
    The war continues. In complete silence of the international community.
    West needs uninhabited space, where nothing is left alive. Where you can only download-draining natural resources. Where are all the rest should disappear. Western strategists to pit tribes, armed them to the teeth, dispatched to the south Libyan mercenaries: “Kill, kill each other!”
    Sugar, which the Great Jamahiriya has awakened to life, turning back to the cemetery, which also disappear under the sand.
    And even the memory of lost civilizations, too, will disappear?
    People without memory and without roots, “kings for a day,” have created their own “financial pyramids” and “oil Caliphate” rule in the modern world … They are a little of gold, they must triumph of evil!
    After them there is nothing left! Nothing …
    Will only silent rustle rustle … inexorably crumbling sand looming to the north and inevitably approaching Europe …
    Again, I look that managed to take pictures. And my heart shed tears. After killing not only drawings and pretroglify …
    My Libyan friends that I went, drove many miles, silent forever …
    The film “Sahara, and music by Rachmaninov”

    Libya. Rock Paintings, which is thousands of years …

    The film “You are my sunshine! Sugar. Sunrise. ”

    © Copyright: Nikolai Sologubovsky, 2012

  16. Muammar one

    Scandals make me proud that I lived in the era of Kadhafi ; and, make me say: beckl
    pride and ego,
    I built

    Libyan leader Muammer Kadhafi
    Muammar two


    23 JAN. 2011: (1) (2) (3) (4)


    05 OCTOBER 2011, denounces corruption:

  17. Saif, of his own free will is with the Zentan. They are not the “rebels” or any part of the TNC. Since November they have been loyal to the Jamahiriya Green Resistance. There always was a bonded oath between the Zentan and Qathafi tribes—(one that by allhonor,cannot and will not be broken) ; and now is even stronger,as it is believed that Saif married a Zentan woman.
    The Zentan tribe gave him a frre and Open Trial in the earlier part of November; and he was found NOT GUILTY of all charges the TNC and ICC put unjustly upon him. They will NOT turn him over to the TNC or ICC.
    He is happy to be in the Green Western Mountains. As you realise, he now has no other home, as his beautiful residence was bulldozed by the TNC Army. His normal occupation was that of an architect; and he holds no position in the Jamahiriya. But because of his warm personality, the people of Libya love him too. While the full Jamahiriya cannot be inforce during this unfortunate period of NATO/American occupation, SAADI and the tribes and whatever of the the people’s Councils that could be together, named him temporary “Prime-Minister”—But that is in name only. He is in excellent health. He is regularly visited by the Green resistance….
    All that now remains, is the recapturing of the Libyan country by the Green resistance.


    par Silberhorter le 25 oct. 2011
    more videos @ links @

    updates 31.10.2011 (Gaddafis double Ali Majid Al Andalus killed instead of Gaddafi?):


    Rumours of Muammar Qaddafi Spread by NTC for Hillary Clinton

    If Gadhafi Double Killed, Where Is Gadhafi

    Breaking News: Dry your tears and continue the fight, the one they showed to you was not Muammar al-Gaddafi

    News Service Aligned With Qaddafi

    Rumors abound: Gaddafi “Look Alike” killed in Libya on camera
    more info, links: Is Gadhafi still alive and leading Libyan resistance?
    more related videos to fake Gaddafi’s death: (latest on top)

    The Fake Murder of Gaddafi

    Libya – Muammar Gaddafi Death is Very Questionable

    HOW MANY OF GADDAFI’S DOUBLES DID THEY ACTUALY KILL? [15 hints, proves that the Gaddafi death story is fishy):

    video containing most of aboves info:

    must see: GADDAFI DEAD – IMPOSSIBLE TO FAKE (by ingsoc2012)


    DUMMY GADDAFI – Date & Hands v.1

    Gaddafi is alive and here is the proof

    Youtube “Reviews” Gaddafi’s Fake Death Video & Removes It – Thanks For Proving My Point

    Proof of Faked Gaddafi Death Photo Snuff Photo

    Gaddafi’s Death “Predicted” In “1980s Sitcom”

    Movies Matching Reality – Gadaffi & The Holographic Universe :

    EXCLUSIVE! Gaddafi’s death was fake! A Must See!

    Point Made. I’m Done – “Gaddaffi At The Last Breath” – Never Shows Him Die

    The Killing Of Gaddafi: But Where Was The Crowd?

    Gaddafi Dead. Impossible to fake? (FAKING A CORPSE)

    RT: ‘Gaddafi dead’ story stinks? ‘Skepticism over NATO & NTC reports’


  18. Pingback: Prayers and Chants for the Return of the Great JAMAHIRIYA / Prières et chants pour le retour de la Grande Jamahiriya « Windows Live space

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