La Libye est un Jamahiriya vert, mais le monde ne sera pas le reconnaître! / LIBYA is a Green Jamahiriya but the world will not acknowledge it! /



Muammar is MY ARAGORN (ESTEL) ELESSAR TELCONTAR [a mighty warrior and an unmatched commander]:

no indication of him ever doubting his role and destiny

“…This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I BID YOU STAND,…”
Tolkien in the appendix of the LOTR wrote:

Then a great beauty was revealed in him, so that all who after came there looked on him in wonder; for they saw that

the grace of his youth, and the valour of his manhood, and the wisdom and majesty of his age were blended together.

And long there he lay, an image of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world.

02 Mar. 2006 – Sirte, Libya

MUAMMAR al-QATHAFI speaks at the General People’s Congress. The General People’s Congress (Mu’tammar al-sha’ab al ‘âmm) consists of about 2,700 representatives of the Basic People’s Congresses. The GPC is the legislative forum that interacts with the General People’s Committee, whose members are secretaries of Libyan ministries. It serves

as the intermediary between the masses and the leadership and is composed of the secretariats of some 600 local “basic popular congresses.” The GPC secretariat and the cabinet secretaries are appointed by the GPC secretary general and confirmed by the annual GPC congress. These cabinet secretaries are responsible for the routine operation of their ministries. The People’s Hall, where the congress meets, was set on fire in the February 2011 CIA driven UPRISINGS.
(Credit Image: © Veronika Lukasova/ (Newscom TagID: zumawirewestphotosfive752225) [Photo via Newscom]

Muammar has spoken this morning  (22 AUGUST 2012)  for over an hour.

His voice was exceptionally CALM, low and sullen. Some definite words I an hear is sharia, MAHDI, Chad…He was very clear, lucid; but I just do not understand arabic (unfortunately).

The program description reads:
“Rvlah and pride to Iaaa:
Now Radio sidewalk in direct link with the Libyan room p Paltalk ………..


And Antzero our new in the holy month of Ramadan Radio Management”

Audio recording: Muammar al-Qathafi, I am blessed with neighborhood 1
14 AUGUST 2012 Private Forums Muammar al-Qathafi


(photo courtesy of Slavica Jankovic)


Call of resistance


Image description

الهضبة الخـــضـرآء ـ|_ طرابلس _|ـبأذن الله سنقوم بالجهاد و سنقوم بتحرير ليبيا و سترجع الراية الخضرااء. مهمتنا في الحياة هي تطهير ليبيا “زنقة زنقة” من الدنس و الأنجاس.

Muammar says:

“God willing, we will edit the jihad and we will return to Libya and Alkhdharaa flag. Our mission in life is to purge Libya “Rue Rue” from the filth and unclean.”

29 March 2012. Dr. Hamza Thami    wrote:

“… the grace of God Almighty, and the determination of the Resistance, Alkhdharaa green tsunami as that has not been witnessed in all the history of mankind …”

Image description

News channel Jamahiriya time on the first and

OFFICIAL TEXT of LIBYAN ARMED FORCES HIGH COMMAND of the Provisional People’s Committee for the Defence in the Great Jamahiriya 

…. for those who could not watch the video (text publication No. 3) is very important ..

المنشور رقم 3
أخبار الساعة على قناة الجماهرية ألأولى…. الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر منشور ثلاثة3 جميع حقوق الطبع النشر والتوزيع محفوظه لقناة الجماهرية ألأولى
Durée : 2:07
قناة الجماهرية الاولى TV
أخبار الساعة على قناة الجماهرية ألأولى….

الله اكبر
الله اكبر الله اكبر

منشور ثلاثة3

جميع حقوق الطبع النشر والتوزيع محفوظه لقناة الجماهرية ألأولى


American Apache Tribe loves Muammar

أخبار الساعة على قناة الجماهرية ألأولى…. الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر منشور

ثلاثة3 جميع حقوق الطبع النشر والتوزيع محفوظه لقناة الجماهرية ألأولى
Durée : ‎2:07

For publication and dissemination

———————————————— —————

publication No. (3) High Command of the Armed Forces, the Libyan 

Let all affiliates of officers and non-commissioned officers and the Revolutionary Guards and the People’s Security and

Public Security, officers Military College and all employees of the Brigade 32 booster and a battalion of Persia and

Legion bin Nile and battalion M’Hamed Maqrif and battalion Tariq and soldiers battalion Gharyan and officers Garah

and Omar Mukhtar and holy and regiment the ninth and black stomata and battalion thunder and all the forces and

living cells universities colleges and workers, engineers and producers –

prepare for the day crawl that will emerge when the sun of freedom on the land of the Great Jamahiriya again. –

Be at the ready at any time to join Butkantekm military known to you.

– of surrendered himself to you from the rat is safe and tried to tackle you will face from your heart strongly deadly.

sure that you are the vast majority who are downtrodden majority, God willing….

Provisional People’s Committee for the Defence in the Great Jamahiriya.

Channel Jamahiriya first TV

News channel Jamahiriya time on the first ….


I hope Warning youth living in a region, specifically in the Alqrbolli Alqoaah ..

Gate in the military police Alqoaah P P area Alqrbolli no system Jaypinha Almzarat and Qaadin stationed P gate.

Where the names of each of the military brigade P 32 enhanced the entire battalion and

M’Hamed Maqrif Guard and the popular and revolutionary committees and volunteers and other black light.

I hope to reach the information circular for its people.

Copyright publishing and distribution reserved channel Jamahiriya First
all copyright publishing and distribution reserved channel Jamahiriya First

Statement of the “Libyan Resistance” at home,,,,
30 JULY 2012

(please deployment at all sites, forums, pages and groups, and thank you and gratitude.) 

In the name of Allah the Merciful…And prayer and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al-Sadiq al-Amin. .either after the truce, and after that Orteurnaha this topic in the past months in between the leaders of the resistance on the ground, so we know and everyone knows that you Cherdmh aggressive tyrant and do not want the country and good slaves and even know the extent of Hakartkm and Amlatkm and because of your betrayal of you Every day we discover new Jaen But we look forward and we study and look for things Nojekm it without standing in front, but we found lots and lots about you from my home Batm dollars is not worth anything in front of the souls that you are the cause of murder and imprisoned in the thousands of lives in your prisons barbarism, we tell you the class secured must be doing something against you and against those who stood in your side everywhere in the institutions and public roads and checkpoints, companies and even in your homes and Abnakm and praise to God today is not missing something never Valdana experiences, skills, and the Vena masses of suicide bombers and Alfdaain and the number on the increase every day in order to provide sacrifice to this beloved country which Admourtamoh and Mto safe and freedom after he was dear.Hola and symbols are the leaders of the mujahideen convoys and detachments Aalno suicide today in their last meeting before the stage Alibd Execution finished after the planning stage and support Alojsta and we will be processing Vabazn God Dear customers closer to you by your guns and we will hear screaming and Hanagerkm You say we have been heedless and Haimun unjust and we are with you and with you everywhere and were present even in your army, which serves the alleged pagan agendas and not the owners of the nation.Sasdh sound right, declaring Alibd at the stage of resistance and the path of liberation and cleansing the country from the heads sedition and customers the West and the criminals and unjust and wrongdoers and haters Fbon God will strike hands with an iron every unjust and immoral and Jaen for this nation and its people that injustice, which abandoned palace, which robbed him his freedom and his will, because we the people love to live free and honest dear generous and not humiliated governed by militias and gangs, and governments of imported and backed by the West vindictive, we are with the construction of Libya and a decent life based on mutual respect and with the necessity of dealing with the the other on the basis of partnership and mutual interests with a basis of respect and appreciation, not the basis of strong and weak we want to live under the banner of the right in the presence of security and safety for all and Libya for all and I do not have individuals or groups of regional or area or the owners of agendas, internal and external and in the presence of controls in us and in our small state such as Qatar and cursed others.And God the Source of strength from him and God is great above the aggressor Kid!.و الصـلاة و السـلام علي رسولنـا الكـريـم محمـد ابن عبدالله الصادق الامين.
ما بعـد و بعـد هده الهدنه التي قررناها في الشهـور الماضيـه في ما بيـن قيادات المقاومـه علي الارض حتي نعرف و يعرف الجميع انكم شردمـه باغيـه و طاغيه لا تريـد بالبـلاد و العباد خيرآ و حتي نعرف مدي حقارتكم و عمـلاتكم و خيانتكم فكـل يوم نكتشف منكم خاين جديـد و لكـن كنا نتـرقب و نـدرس و نبحث عن اشياء نوجعكم بها دون الوقوف امامها و لكن اكتشفنا الكثير و الكثير عنكم يا من بعتـم الوطن بدولارات لا تساوي شيئآ امام الارواح التي كنتم سببآ في قتلها و في الاف الارواح المسجونه في سجونكم الهمجيـه , اقول لكم نحن فئه امنت بوجـوب فعل شي ضدكم و ضد من وقف في جانبكم في كل مكان في المؤسسـات و الطرق العامه و نقاط التفتيش و الشـركات و حتي في بيوتكم و ابناكم و بالحمد لله اليوم لا ينقصنا شي ابدآ فالدينـا الخبرات و المهارات و لذينـا جموع من الانتحاريين و الفدايئن وعددهـم في ازدياد كل يوم من اجل تقديـم قربان الي هدا الوطن الغالي الذي دمرتموه و سلبتو امنه و حريته بعد ان كان عزيزآ .
هولاء هـم قادة و رمـوز قوافل المجاهدين و المفارز الانتحاريه اعلنـو اليوم في اجتماعهـم الاخير قبل البد في مرحلة التنفيد بعدما انتهينا من مرحـلة التخطيط و الدعـم الوجستي و التجهيز فباءذن الله سنكون ايها العملاء اقـرب اليكم من بنادقكـم و سنسمع صراخ حناجركم و انتم تقولون لقد كنا غافلـون و هايمـون و ظالمـون فنـحن بينكم و معكم في كل مكان و موجوديـن حتي في جيشكـم الوثنـي المـزعوم الذي يخدم اصحاب الاجندات و ليس الوطن
سيصدح صـوت الحـق معلنآ البد في مرحلة المقاومه و السير في طريق التحرير و تطهير البلاد مـن رؤس الفتنه و عملاء الغرب و المجرمون و الظالمـون و الأثمون و الحاقدون فبعـون لله سنضرب باليد من حديد كل ظالم و فاجر و خاين لهدا الوطن و شعبه الذي ظلـم و الذي هجر قصرآ و الذي سلبت منه حريته و ارادته لاننا شعب يعشق ان يعيـش حرآ شريفآ عزيزآ كريمآ و ليس ذليلآ تحكمه مليشيات و عصابات و حكومات مستـورده و مدعومه من الغرب الحاقد , نحن مع بناء ليبيا و الحياة الكريمه اساسها الاحترام المتبادل و مـع وجوب التعامل مع الدول الاخري علي اساس الشـراكه و المصالح المتبادله التي اساسها الاحترام و التقدير و ليس اساس القوي و الضعيـف نحن نريد ان نعيش تحت راية الحق في وجود أمن و أمان للجميع و ليبيـا للجميـع و ليست لي افراد او مجموعات جهويه او مناطق او اصحاب الاجندات الداخليـه و الخارجيه و في وجود من يتحكم فينا و في بلادنا مثل دويلة قطـر الملعونه و غيـرها .و الله ولي التوفيق من عنده و الله اكبر فـوق كيـد المعتـدي!.

Al-Saadi Kadhafi à Koufra sur 22 June 2012


**** Saadi Gaddafi, the last part in the events affect him in Benghazi rats ….And almost arrest him without the intervention of Abdullah Sanusi and sent his jet to take him to Tripoli ….

In Niger, the command to send money to the rat (Ben fronds Khamis) .. Battalion commander of the Engineering Field in Egypt …. The seizure of the Rat … When he tried to Saadi speaking to him in the face of the cutting line ….
In the other …… Tried to impose his opinion on Muhammad Ali Najim, and he (the leaders of the Tuareg and a brigade of commandos) ….. Fterkoh Ichaelmoh and did not take their soldiers with them …. And even joined a number of special forces battalion in Persia, Mohammed Maqrif to Tuareg and left him …..
He is now with the money not spent on the same ….. And live on handouts ….. Will be receiving the Niger to rats soon ………


Saadi Gaddafi, the first part **** God chose to be leader and General Golden medals on his chest and the sword and left to Arabism Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ….. ..

Person failed and a coward ….. And to have every hope our heroic people …. it
was his personal weak \ Saadi Gaddafi
that person who do not know his identity or entity ….. People hesitant and scattered …..
Before the events went to Benghazi Vttaul him one touted criminals there and insults ….. Did not lift a finger … not for the intervention of Mohammed Abdullah Sanusi smote the offender …-


عشم الوطن …… تضرب فتؤلم ……. حتي تستيقظوا من ال

*********** الجبان \ الساعدي القذافي **** الجزء الاوللقد اختار الله ان يستشهد القائد و الجنرال الذهبي و صاحب الاوسمة علي صدره و سيف العروبة وان يترك لناااااااااااااااا …….
شخص فاشل وجبان ….. وان يكون أمل كل شعبنا البطل عليه ….
انه صاحب الشخصية الضعيفة \ الساعدي القذافي …
هذا الشخص الذي لاتعرف له كينونة او هوية ….. شخص متردد ومشتت …..
فقبل الاحداث ذهب الي بنغازي فتطاول عليه احد المجرمين هناك بالسي و الشتم ….. ولم يحرك ساكنا …لولا تدخل محمد عبد الله السنوسي فضرب المجرم …

Sons, Mr. Commander ready and waiting for orders in the movement of bone Thariraljmahirih



01 APRIL 2012

Publiée le one avril 2,012 par Fat7awy123
The fact that the Libyan army who hid from the media

Date de publication: 04/09/2012
Kadhafi est bien vivant et a téléphoné le Roi du Royaume de boules (en Côte-d’Ivoire), a déclaré
As’ad Ambah Aboqilh journaliste et auteur indépendant libyen dans un communiqué de presse exclusivement pour le “Pays du Monde”, un journal. Il semble être Mouammar Kadhafi soulève beaucoup de controverse entre les Libyens vivant et «mort». Nouvelles-scène (sources libyennes) rapporte que tout au long de la Libye il ya des nouvelles circulent très largement parmi les Libyens ordinaires, qui révèle l’information que le roi Chevy Jean Gervais roi de boules, en Côte-d’Ivoire, a dit qu’il avait reçu un appel téléphonique du Roi des Rois de Afrique. Traditionnel Mouammar Kadhafi lui dit qu’il est beau et en bonne santé et très heureux, et lui rendra visite bientôt. Il est à noter que le roi Jean Gervais était en charge de Kadhafi Balacharf, organiser des forums sur les rois régionales, sultans, princes, cheikhs et des maires de l’Afrique.

Commentaire par theorbo1 | 09 Avril 2012 | Réponse

The first arrival of Gaddafi and his army to the Ivory Coast after the fall of Libya

Publiée le mai ten in 2012 par Ammure00
The first arrival of the leader Muammar Gaddafi to Ivory Coast after the occupation of Libya, and has hosted King Alcorvi 12 months of last year.
and who does not know the king acquainted with him and ask Saarafh well.

Muammar has been 99% of the time safe within Libya fighting on the Front Lines with Khamis —greater than a field marshall–just think of his dedication and perseverence. Still, in May 2012 he desired to go with his Army to visite King Chevy Jean Gervais King of Balls in Ivory Coast:


May God bless Muammar continually with health, strength, virility and a healthy lucid mind always—so that he may rebuild Libya

(just as he name MUAMMAR means “builder”) and see his hard work, by God’s GRACE, in fruitation!
Army Muammar coming, O Gardan NATO 24 APRIL 2012

Publiée le 11 mai in 2012 par Sam libyano



Mouammar Al-Qathafi Knight Knight

الفارس معمر القافيKnight
العقيد في عيد الفاتح “سرت”
Ajoutée par Al-itaher ali ibrahim le 01 mai in 2008
Colonel in the festival of light “walked

11 APRIL 2008:

Surprises Gaddafi and the Damascus summit

القائد ♥ عزَتيّ في نَظرتّي

‏Photo : القائد <3 عزَتيّ في نَظرتّي‏ 


 Photo: O Muammar Ersank him, feared the fire on Shank,

I extend to you and I a total of employees on a page against on 17 February in Libya against the attempt to sow discord by hate warmest congratulations by the Eid al-Fitr. returned upon us Blemen and blessings and accept the God of God from us and from you for business. O Allah make it in the balance of Hassanatkm ….. O my light, and lay it on us and win free our country from the invaders and crusaders … accustomed our country and our people’s security and comfort in all Muslim countries … the Secretary.

(مجنون بيك يا بنت ليبيا)

De on February Airlines against seventeen in the attempt to sow discord by hate
Now foreign Warships bearing the number militar … Afficher la suite
Now foreign warships bearing the number military piece near Benghazi on 16 -8-2012 12 o’clock at night away from the port of Benghazi, 20 miles away from land 9 miles Question wave of inventory Joseph carved the chief of staff Jerdanih or Secretary of Defense inventory as the interpretation of all this … and this confirmed by the traffic controllers ….

Photo: now foreign warships bearing the number military piece near Benghazi on 16 -8-2012 12 o'clock at night away from the port of Benghazi, 20 miles away from land 9 miles Question wave of inventory Joseph carved the chief of staff Jerdanih or Secretary of Defense inventory as the interpretation of all this. to confirm this .. and monitors navigation ....

Speech of Dr. Hamza Thami 08/17/2012
Voir la traduction Dr.. Hamza Thami – 08.17.2012 Www.ustream.tvDr.. Hamza Thami – 17/08/2012: light in the room on Paltalk recorded on USTREAM. Alternative
Ustream | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.

·0 3 août 2012

News of uncertain and redeployed from source Gerdani ..
is that Gardan corner preparing to attack and Rishvana fourth day of Eid after it has been postponed more than once .. they and Gardan Rantan and Misurata. and Gardan market quest … I notice the men and Rishvana Liberal .. to prepare for and take the precaution and caution. was designed crumbs on the block the way for the pipeline, Dakhla to Orishvana, spare petrol and gas. and nutrients from vegetables, fruits, etc. ..
. has appeared already in the custody of trucks charged so where they are booked at the point of the head is worth .. step and proactive provocative .. and they’re preparing for combing the fourth day of Eid.

Since he heard the sound of two explosions a few powerful western corner seems they are close from the seat of power plant west corner, where explosions shook the pillars of the region very much … Note that they had an event interval is estimated ten minutes
Document the era, and swear allegiance of young Riaineh remain steadfast to the commander of the Libyan resistance and document the era, and swear allegiance to / / / to the commander of the Libyan resistance Naahidk the youth of Riaineh yet the inward man and abroad, and resistance Libyan our belonging to the true revolution Alambada and glory and dignity and that we scapegoat the country and the Libyan resistance at any of servitude, and we are ready to defeat the traitor and the client ready to return the banner of truth and defending the oppressed and Senlba appeal at any servitude to crawl on all of Khan’s homeland and Sold Damm, we at Z Testament are staying and our revolution Mnasron and our souls redemption of the people we today reaffirm our commitment to the great revolution of light and flag green symbol and we will be later editing has Aeidina the enemy to surprise traitors and retribution for the blood of the martyrs of Riaineh We are not advocates of sedition or revolted, but steadfast in the highest mountains are waiting in an hour zero to Trwamn Come Riaineh and return Western as it was and will return to their homes, God willing greetings from that mountain steadfast to our children abroad who did not betray Testament times the victory carp and Fouad Riani and ear one Sunday ready to Tadhaha the last man in order to restore Libya from customers of Qatar and the NATO- free in Riaineh Friday 17_8_20122 five o’clock am and I hope all of us to follow the honorable tribes and send documents of the Covenant and the pledge of allegiance to the leader of Popular Resistance Libyan Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar on each client and Jaen.
القائد ♥ عزَتيّ في نَظرتّي
Was released about 6 Ash_khas Alqmazfah of the tribe who had been detained in the prisons of Tripoli and Alzentan, has returned safely to their families after they have been released are:
Ali Saleh Sultan Qahsa
of Alzentan .. Abul Qasim Muhammad Faraj. Qahsa
Mohamed Zidan Garirp. Khatri
Hafiz Khalid Masood. Khatri

Abdulaziz Awad. Qahsa
Hamad Ahanih Qduari ..
Thank God one thousand high safety InchAllah hear good news from the rest of the detainees in prison unjustly and fading.

Tarhunah Jihad / / / and our response today from the city of Tarhunah the arrival of a number of captured (release) of its children religion, their families were in the events of Tripoli airport lately … And massage, where the voices of bullets condemned by Morocco … To celebrate their …Akbal and those remaining, God willing and the rest of the prisoners and all prisoners in the prisons of Jerdan,,,,

O’clock news on channel Jamahiriya first …. Alzenthavil Yally elders said the NATO aircraft Ababil birds “forgiveness of God” today Itbraa battalion of rats Qaqaa of them after Alvzaih and massacres committed by the battalion with the Libyans, especially with the people of Tripoli, who are occupying their city Rats from all other regions .. All rights reserved publishing and distribution channel for the first Jamahiriya
Photo: The time on the news channel Jamahiriya first ....  Alzenthavil Yally elders said the NATO aircraft Ababil birds "forgiveness of God" today Itbraa battalion of rats Qaqaa of them after Alvzaih and massacres committed by the battalion with the Libyans, especially with the people of Tripoli, who are occupying their city from all other areas of rats ..  All rights reserved publishing and distribution channel for the first Jamahiriya
Against on Feb. Airlines against seventeen in the attempt to sow discord by hate
Congratulations for all the honorable and the Liberal Helena in the Bani Walid start test broadcasts to their channel … Channel (Lafrasin) on satellite Nilesat Frequency 11603 Horizontal Symbol Rate
Congratulations for all the honorable and the Liberal Helena in the Bani Walid start test broadcasts to their channel … Channel (Lafrasin) on satellite Nilesat Frequency 11603 Horizontal Symbol Rate 27500,,,,
Photo: Congratulations both Liberal and honorable in Helena Bani Walid start test broadcasts to their channel ...  Channel (Lafrasin) on satellite Nilesat Frequency 11603 Horizontal Symbol Rate 27500,,,, 

Muammer partakes of the BREAD OF LIFE  in front of Serbian Church


Muammar Gaddafi is my hero a partagé la photo de قـبيـــلة القــذاذفـــــة ( زنــــابيــــل الحــديــــد ).

Muammar Gaddafi is my hero a partagé la photo de tribe Alqmazfah (Znabil iron).

Who are you Yamen Tnatonh Jew!!??
Muammar al-Qathafi, is a Muslim man and fears God. He  loves the propagation of Islam, especially in Africa; and he is building mosques of which enter thousands of people to Islam ….

‏Photo : من أنتم يامن تنعتونه باليهودى !!؟؟<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
معمر القذافى رجل مسلم يخاف الله يحب نشر الأسلام وخاصة فى افريقيا يقوم ببناء المساجد وادخل الألاف من البشر الى الأسلام ..<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
لا يشرب الخمر كما يفعل حكام الخليج !!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
لا نريد التعمق فى فضائح حثالة العرب لأنهم لا يهمونا ..<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
مع احترامى للشرفاء منهم ... وشكرا‏
من أنتم يامن تنعتونه باليهودى !!؟؟
معمر القذافى رجل مسلم يخاف الله يحب نشر الأسلام وخاصة فى افريقيا يقوم ببناء المساجد وادخل الألاف من البشر الى الأسلام ..
لا يشرب الخمر كما يفعل حكام الخليج !!
لا نريد التعمق فى فضائح حثالة العرب لأنهم لا يهمونا ..
مع احترامى للشرفاء منهم … وشكرا

La victoire est à portée de main avec l’aide de Dieu


General Khamis
Aarvq Theny l’alliance Mzelna amélioré Brigade 32

وصلنا عبر الصفحة من الاخصنديد الصنديدالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الى كل ابناء ترهونة من غير تخصيص سلام حار من سيدى القائد معمر القذافى الى كل احرار ترهونة ومنى لكم ابن ترهونة

Come across the page from BrotherSndid valiant:

“Peace and mercy of God and blessings to all the sons of Tarhunah of peace”.

This is the allocation of hot Sidi leader Muammar Gaddafi to all are free, to you, and Mona Tarhunah son Tarhunah”


Tarhunah Alhmokh, pride and dignity, always with the commander of victory and challenge in his career green to defeat

aggression and the expulsion of the invaders and return home usurped and Tahedah beautiful thanks and gratitude in

a pioneering role in leading the masses towards a promising future and enter the doors of human history in the most

beautiful historical epic known to mankind since the dawn of history until our present

ترهونة الشموخ والعزة والكرامة دوما مع قائد النصر والتحدى فى مسيرته الخضراء لدحر العدوان وطرد الغزاة وارجاع الوطن السليب وتهديه اجمل

آيات الشكر والعرفان فى دوره الريادي فى قيادة الجماهير نحو مستقبلها الواعد وولوج ابواب التاريخ الانسانى فى اجمل ملحمة تاريخية عرفتها البشرية منذ فجر التاريخ حتى تاريخنا الحاضرشعبية-ترهونه/

Stray dogs Qaharham wrote:

“Metal Hada today quoted the train in the battles of honor and God bless all my old friends and the rest of the martyrs of

Libya because they said that NATO is not God rejoice Aaaaar Aajerdan and God, and God, and God Taaaar Tar Tar return

God’s mercy on the martyrs of all my friends and epiphyseal Rafla splendor, son of the angle of the free for all in the same

Abuslim support Chiaan Lamamra Sirte Tarhunah Palace bin Nasser Ghashir district headquarters and appointed chalets

Abuslim Sabakaaa visited by God bless you Iaahbabi not forget that you will not forget you-”

Al-Saadi Kadhafi à Koufra sur 22 June 2012  



01 APRIL 2012
Publiée le one avril 2,012 par Fat7awy123
The fact that the Libyan army who hid from  the media

The first arrival of Gaddafi and his army to the Ivory Coast after the fall of Libya

Publiée le mai ten in 2012 par Ammure00
The first arrival of the leader Muammar Gaddafi to Ivory Coast after the occupation of Libya,

and has hosted King Alcorvi 12 months of last year.

and who does not know the king acquainted with him and ask Saarafh well
Army Muammar coming, O Gardan NATO 24 APRIL 2012

Publiée le 11 mai in 2012 par Samlibyano



Planning in secret Infdon their plans in the darkness of the night .. Spying on their parents ..

Their reports are sent across the border .. Paid with the price in advance ..

Infdon agendas aimed to destroy the city and its people and the tribal entity ..

Tasks may only pawns used the hatred and Smajtahm views of hidden information! we have captured them ..

Their identities and our reservation .. We released them and on ..

Akhaddnah our right to custody of their parents ..

When the rule of law will be punished and will announce the names of the ancestor X! ..

The only N will not mention their names .. for fear of sedition, because they of course will be subjected to Adde

because off their harm came to Bani Walid whole! You know who they are??

they’re carried out the bombing of power plants 66 located in the Almnaslh and the other in the industrial district ..

confessed all Miarafon and confessed who gave them money for a series of bombings in the city aimed at vital places

such as power plants, gasoline and other ..

The goal!!?

now know all the members of the cell and financiers and we know how to contact them and a lot of information ..

Will be published on time and not now aware of and are following the May extremists. .

but on the rest of the living cell out of the city .. Attention to the difference in timing!


La victoire est à portée de main avec l’aide de Dieu

Allibiya TV – Channel Libyan       Leader of the Revolution
Do not rejoice and do not believe that the Qaddafi regime was overthrown

 Word Brother Leader of the Revolution
Publiée le 9 août 2012 par AllibiyaTVnews
Does not rejoice and do not believe that the Qaddafi regime was overthrown

Publiée le  mai ten in 2012 par 

01 APRIL 2012

Publiée le one avril 2,012 par Fat7awy123


Army Muammar coming, O Gardan NATO 24 APRIL 2012

Publiée le 11 mai in 2012 par Samlibyano


09 APRIL 2012
11:05 AM

BAGHDAD – In “The integrity of electronic” writes:
Asad said Ambah Aboqilh journalist and author Libby independent in a press statement to the newspaper “minimum electronic home” that Muammar Gaddafi raises a lot ofcontroversy between the Libyans alive and dead.

And detect the presence of Gaddafi, now in Ivory Coast and in good health, and pointed out that the King Chevy Jean Gervais King of Balls in Ivory Coast, received a telephone call from the king of kings of Africa’s traditional Muammar Gaddafi tells him he is fine and in good health and very happy and will visit him soon.

It is worth mentioning that King Jean Gervais was in charge of overseeing the Gaddafi hold forums for regional kings, sultans, princes, sheikhs and mayors of Africa.

The first arrival of Gaddafi and his army to the Ivory Coast after the fall of Libya

Publiée le mai ten in 2012 par Ammure00

The first arrival of the leader Muammar Gaddafi to Ivory Coast after the occupation of Libya, and has hosted King Alcorvi 12 months of last year.
and who does not know the king acquainted with him and ask Saarafh well


Al-Saadi Kadhafi à Koufra sur 22 June 2012




الصفحة الرسمية لقناة الليبية على الفيس بوك , و اول صفحة ليبية جماهيرية مؤيدة تم انشائها بامر القائد الشهيد معمر القذافي


Mu at dedication:

13 août two thousand and twelve par 

The most beautiful poem spoken in the Muammar al.Qathafi

sidewalk network to the media

Radioa sidewalk FM

room Great Jamahiriya on Paltalk

photo de Revolutionary Committees Movement on Facebook .”Generalizations of the commander to revolutionary committees) to those who are the most expensive .. to those who did not Evsdhm oil … … Who are pre

cious to be caught up in battles are not due .. to those who authenticity deeper than the roots of regional .. And their will is stronger than the will of colonialism, who want them of corruption and want them to retreat .. who committed volunteer and consciously will and courage and they realized that this is true .. the confrontation and that this is the correct position of history …”



This position
.. Got lost in the human routes and paths of traditional systems, and rugged paths and dark not only lead to destruction and ruin.
.. The narrow lanes and widening of the masses of thundering released in search for the best and most beautiful and splendid .. Vdrb party and its tracts not only to accommodate a party Governor, and the opposition parties are fighting to get ice on a port of it to the park (the palace)!! ..
.. The paths of sectarian communities do not allow the passage of Mtmasktin hand in hand!! ..
and the paths of property and the Empire does not allow to pass only to the king or emperor on the carpet of dead bodies and victims.
.. Where Amoda Path to Paradise “terrestrial paradise” where the wide road that accommodates the vast masses of Bakdha and Qdeidaha!! .
.. Where the path through which the masses in droves .. Giraffes .. Not to sell their votes to an individual or party ruled!! But to exercise the power and sovereignty!! ..
alone (Muammar Gaddafi) Mujahid hero martyr neighborhood knew this way and shown it to us
and always always ask for more than a certain inexhaustible and think … do not die
from the heart of all humanity expanded .. Think Gaddafi created it thought unbeatable … This is our consistent position

هـذا موقفنــــا
.. تاهت البشرية في مسالك ودروب الأنظمة التقليدية ، دروب وعرة ومظلمة ولا تفضي إلا إلى الدمار والخراب .
.. ودروب ضيقة ولا تتسع للجموع الهادرة المنطلقة بحثا عن الأفضل والأجمل والأروع .. فدرب الحزبية ومسالكها لا تتسع إلا للحزب ا

لحاكم ، وأحزاب المعارضة تتقاتل من أجل الحصول على منفذ ثلج منه إلى حديقة ( القصر ) !!..
.. ودروب الطائفية لا تسمح بمرور طائفتين متماسكتين يدا بيد !! ..
ودروب الملكية والإمبراطورية لا تسمح بالمرور إلا للملك أو الإمبراطور على بساط من الجثث والضحايا .
.. أين الدرب المغضي إلى الجنة ” جنة النعيم الأرضي ” أين الطريق الواسع الفسيح الذي يتسع للجموع بقضها وقضيضها !! .
.. أين الدرب الذي تمر منه الجماهير زرافات .. زرافات .. لا لكي تبيع أصواتها لفرد أو حزب يحكمها !! بل لكي تمارس هي الحكم والسيادة !! ..
وحده ( معمر القذافي ) المجاهد البطل الشهيد الحي عرف هذا الطريق ودلنا عليه
ودائما دائما نطلب المزيد من معين لا ينضب وفكر لا يموت …
من قلب وسع البشرية كلها .. فكر أبدعه القذافي فكر لا يهزم … وهذا هو موقفنا الثابت .

Libyan witness

Resistance ready in every city and very good coordination of youth leaders and yet the inward man to have been appointed in every city and yet the inward man is free Manotm high over over them Hanqlboha Coming Soon Baden God and victory is only an hour’s patience.


Major corner Thurs Muammar Gaddafi Eboumnyar in good health, thank God, He is now with his

 brave employees of the Brigade of the revolutionary youth and enhanced with full kit and gear ready to battle back all the land and honor .. And inform you that Astbaratna Germana in each house and every gate in every street, documenting and convey to us all that is related to the first and traitors first permission
strong God-Jabbar approached hour of salvation and God is great above the plots of the aggressor.

Urgent Jufrah / / Hawks and the heroes of the resistance raining headquarters battalion rats Jufrah mortar and destroy the headquarters of the battalion in full and burn 3 of the existing mechanisms within the battalion and kills 4 of a battalion of rats as the heroes Altric edit 60 of the prisoners within its prisons rats and prisoners are employees of the Revolutionary Guards brave. …. and wrong, but they wronged themselves.

world will know the meaning of Alqmafah tribe and their history since ancient ancient

Alqmazfah tribe descended from the hero, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, where he was born and spent much of his early life, in Njuana Balbadah, and did not accept one day, but majestic tent .. Nile, one of the boys from the belly of Qahos, Ratio: Muammar bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Humaid Bin peace Ibomenaar bin Humaid bin Nile Qahsa Gaddafi.
and won tent on the palace …

07 AOUT 2012

La victoire est à portée de main avec l’aide de Dieu (Kadhafi Mowoowoowoowoowoowoowot)

Publiée le  19 mars 2012 par 

Astt O rats:

Victory is at hand with God’s help!

in victory almost hour by hour, * O and ruined my night ….. Old and new fighting heavily in the capital Tripoli ...

Conquérant de vacances Epic Dédié à la 40 à la masse libre

29 juillet 2012


decision of the leadership of the Resistance No. 1 of 2012 on general amnesty:

– After reviewing the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Muammar al-Qathafi) on a general amnesty to prisoners in issues of public right, as well as participants in the events of 17 February 2011: –

Having examined all the reports and newsletters sent to the Leader of the Resistance from within the Great Jamahiriya: – Based on Matorteur at the last meeting of the leadership of the Resistance it has been decided:

Article first:
apply the general amnesty issued by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi on all categories covered by the amnesty up to the date 08/20/2011

Article II:
includes the pardon of armed militias that have not committed any acts of retaliation against individuals, families and supporters of legitimacy as they joined the Resistance at the beginning of hours editing the first

Article III:
throw all of its weapons of members of the militias that went deeper in the killing of members of the Libyan people and stole their money after the end of military operations will be referred to the judiciary to get a right to a fair trial after the liberation.

Article IV:
all of the embezzled money Libyan state of all participants in the chaos of THE GROUP CALLING THEMSELVES “17 February” exempts from punishment because what the cold money stolen.

Article V:
Each of the leaders of the militias, or one of its members an extraordinary work helped in the editing process will be considered in order to pardon him and Mkavth by the leadership of the Resistance.
Supreme Commander of the Libyan Armed Resistance (MUAMMAR AL_QATHAFI)—
Issued on 29 JULY 2012 AD, corresponding to the ninth of Ramadan for the year 1433 AH

Challenged Hmokh of Mona decision was made this

29 juillet, 5:28 a.m. 2012


decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Resistance [Muammar al-Qathafi] of Libya:

No. 2 of 2012 on the promotion of adherents of the armed forces and the continuity of an upgrade …. :

– After reviewing the military law of Libya and Procedures Act regulator to him: –

Having considered the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi on the promotion of police officers and armed people:

– Based on Matorteur at a meeting of the leadership of the Resistance pain

Slhh decide ……

Article I: continued upgrade of the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed People [Muammar al-Qathafi] on the promotion of officers in the police and the armed people and Isttna than that of the committed acts affecting the honor of his job or duty assigned to him.

Article II: give all civilians involved in the editing process as Magherroa joining the police or the armed people rank of Second Lieutenant immediately after the editing process and enter its institutions.

Article III: eliminates the law governing the police and upgrades, which prohibits the promotion to noncommissioned officers and officers that under the law issued by the competent authority after liberation.

Article IV: .. Free Officers launched a label on all Resistance leaders who have contributed in the liberation of the Great Jamahiriya and the label is a decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Resistance [Muammar al-Qathafi].. Issued on Today 29 July 2012 AD, corresponding to the Tenth of Ramadan for the year 1433 AH.


The above

  •  Did you really read this “Declaration of Amnesty”, pronounced by the Supreme Commander of Libyan Armed Resistance, Muammar al-Qathafi on 29 JULY 2012 ???
    Why was not this more publicized? THIS IS A MAJOR DECLARATION ? …

    Muammar gave amnesty (and it was ratified by the people in attendence) to all the RATS involved in“THE 17 February 2012 ‘ uprising’ “ who afterwards repented and did good deeds for the Jamahiriya or the Resistance—WOW, what a Golden Heart!!!

    Actually, by this declaration, Muammar al-Qathafi in showing himself as Supreme Commander, reveals the PEOPLE’s AUTHORITY  over Libya as opposed to the GNC‘s  recently “elected” officials.

    Muammar’s authority as Supreme Commander of the people’s Resistance Army was granted by the armies of the Libyan Armed People’s Resistance aka: The Great Jamahiriya (which is STILL in existance, and is the only legitimate system over Libya, as it never was legally dissolved by any of the Libyan peoples).

    These declarations underscore that the Resistance is  present, that the  Great Jamahiriya remains still the only force legal, and is very strong. It reveals that  we are not fighting rats, but the Crusader-mercenaries who have illegally entered the country.  NATO did not account that we are not children playing and having fun. They thought  it was going to be easy! This will be the end and the fall of the masters of the GNC/NATO

    Voice of Libya:
    Urgency of the Resistance‘the name of Allah the Merciful ”of the believers are men true to their Aadhwa Allah, some have died and some of them are expected and what follow the same path” great truth of God.

    Libyan Resistance asking you to inform fooled them by their parents and their friends and by all means available to you and not to take up arms in the face of resistance coming for the Liberation of Libya from the traitors and customers, and religion permitted the desecration of the land Libyan and violation of sanctities and indicate the Libyan resistance that the time has approached after the study of the situation and will target purge Libya of foreign troops first.and aspiring seducer their first not to be resistant to it will not face Libyan militants but in the case of face and this it does not want the Resistance to get involved in order to preserve the blood and the national unity and social cohesion, my father is the basis for building Libya’s sons and Hua was up in the necks of the honorable of the Libyan families and tribes fair that imposes to her children and not to be fighting with the Resistance,but, the truth and that Taahidkm after God promised that the ruling in Libya, Libyans for each option to choose whatever government they want after editing security and stability of the lost dignity and re-stolen from the Libyan national debt before roam the land of honorable and dear insulting to the Libyans Nominees them Libya Libyans honorable or shame, and shame on the traitors.customersFastta to zero hour, you would expect it for you and you and required effort each and every one of you, you help as as you can because the liberation of Libya from the guerrillas and pigs Gulf and other responsibility of national and duty of legitimate and We must finish this topic and the farce is over the top plots of the victim. Maulana O you Vanasrna Aalqom oppressors.’

    Dr. Shakir’s statement:الجيش الليبي لحماية القائد Libyan army to protect Muammar Gaddafi
    كلام مهم للدكتور يوسف شاكير أرجو قراءته حتى النهايهتحدث الدكتور في مطلع حديثه عما كان يعرضه على شاشة قناة الجماهيرية من حقائق وما كان يدعونه به الصحافيون الأجانب الذين كانوا يقيمون بفندق ريكسوس و قال انهم عملاء استخبارات لدرجة أنهم كانوا
    يصفونه بالشيطان الشر لمعرفته بحقيقتهم ولإدراكهم لكل ما يفعلون.

    وذكر أنها هذا هو سر قوة الليبيين التي لم يعرفوها بعد، ومعدنهم الحقيقي، ليس ذلك المعدن الذي تحدثت عنه التافهة فاطمة الحمروش أو ضباط القطر الحقراء، هذا المعدن المتأصل في نفوس الأحرار .إن المعنى العميق لهذه الأشياء والمعاني لهذه الروح القوية ، والتي نرغب باستمرارها أقوى مما كانت عليه، لأن هذه الدفعة بصدق عندما إخوتنا في الداخل يرون هذه الأشياء ويسمعون هذه الأخبار يتذكرون تلك الأيام، بمن فيهم القائمين على المليشيات المسلحة، فهم يعرفون جيداً ما كنا نقوله سواء في بنغازي أو مصراتة أو طرابلس ممن كانوا يشاهدون حلقات عشم الوطن ، عرفوا أنها ليست مجرد حلقات للتحريض على القتل.

    ثم ذكر في سياق ذلك أهلنا الطوارق الذين حياهم تحية خاصة لعظم مكانتهم في قلبه، الذين كانوا يجتمعون لمساعدتهم والدعم الذي قدموه له شخصيا حتى يصل إلى بر الأمان. وهذه هي مواقف الرجال، ومقدار الشرف الكامن في نفوسهم.

    والذين عملوا على تشجيعي للظهور في قنوات إعلامية ، ولكن قدر الله وماشاء فعل، ولكننا بإذن الله سنعمل على افتتاح قناة متوازنة ذات خطاب إعلامي ، رغم كل الصعوبات التي تواجهنا بإذن الله. ونتمنى أن يساعدنا الشرفاء في كل مكان، ولن يكون خطابها كبقية القنوات خطاب تخوين ، أو كذر الرماد ف العيون بل سيكون خطاباً من القلب إلى القلب.

    وذكر أن عدد من عملاء الناتو كانوا يقومون بأنفسهم باصطحاب ذويهم إلى البيت الصامد وأمهاتهم وآبائهم إلى هناك، وعندما يسألون عن ذلك يقولون الله غالب هؤلاء والدي، وأكد أن اغلب أهلهم هم من المؤيدين للشرعية “طحالب” أو أحرار إذا استخدمنا اللفظ الصحيح.

    كما ذكر أنه كان في الاستماع عندما تكلم الدكتور حمزة هبر غرفة ليبيا العظمى ، الذي وصفه بالرجل الذي يتقطع ألماً في داخله، ثم ذكر أنه لا يرغب أن يقوم أحد بالتهجم على الدكتور حمزة، لأنه شريف مناضل وله رأي نحترمه كما نحترم رأي الكل ، ولنا حق في أن نطرح تساؤلات، وأنا لن أقول فلان أو غيره ولكنني سأذكر قصة واحدة والله على ما أقول شهيد أني سأذكرها كما هي دون زيادة أو نقصان…

    هندما تم الإعلان في إذاعة بني وليد عن استشهاد خميس القذافي، كنت حينها متواجدا في شركة الكهرباء لأنه المكان الوحيد الذي كنا نجري فيه اتصالاتنا والذي تعرض فيما بعد لقصف الناتو.

    عند إعلان الخبر أصبنا بصدمة، فهرعنا إلى مستشفى بني وليد ، فوجدنا المشرحة مغلقة، وذكروا أن سيف الإسلام أمر بإغلاقها. ، ووجدنا أمامنا السيد علي الأحول وتوجهت إليه بالسؤال ولكنه لم يجب، وقد كان هناك شخص أمام المشرحة منعني من الدخول رغم رغبتي بذلك.

    وبعد ذلك تحركنا من موقعنا بسبب القصف، وتوجهنا لبيت أسرة صالحة من حفظة كتاب الله، وكانت إحدى النساء بهذا البيت تحفظ القرآن لسيدة هي ممرضة تعمل بمشفى بني وليد، فأبلغناها بمدى حزننا بسبب خبر استشهاد خميس القذافي، فأقسمت بالله أن خميس القذافي قد تعرض لجرح طفيف من الدرجة الثالثة في رجله اليمنى وتمت معالجته وغادر المستشفى بخير. وعند تمكني من الخروج من ليبيا وتوجهي إلى سوريا اتصلت بالسيدة صفية وأبلغتها بما علمت ، فبكت لدرجة أن الدكتورة عائشة قالت ، أرضى أن يأخذ الله أبنائي ليبقى أخي على قيد الحياة لأنه هو من سيقود المعارك، ورجت من الله أن يصدق الخبر.

    ثم قال أن الدكتور حمزة يتعرض لهجمات بشكل مستمر، ودون مبرر، إن الدكتور حمزة عندما يصله خبر مفرح ، فإن يزفه إليكم ليشارككم به وهو نابع من حسه ووطنيته.

    ما أريد أن أقوله أنني لا أجزم أن القائد البطل حي ولا أجزم أنه استشهد، وإنما سأستعرض الوقائع كمحلل مطلع عما يدور في الدوائر ،ومتتبع بدقة لما يحدث وهذا ليس غرورا من جانبي ، ولدي مجموعة من التساؤلات التي طرحتها وطرحتها دوائر استخباراتية على مستوى عالٍ موجود على الأرض الليبية

    1. إن القائد البطل معمر القذافي ومنذ تاريخ 26-6-2011 ليست عليه أية أخبار تذكر لا من قريب ولا من بعيد

    2. إن الأشخاص الذين نفذوا سيناريو الاعتقال وتعدادهم بين 30 إلى 40 شخص ، الآن جميعهم خارج ليبيا وتحديدا في استراحات بإيطاليا. ونحن فقط سنعرض الحقائق ونحللها ولكم أن تحكموا بأنفسكم ، ونحن كما ذكرنا سابقا إن كان القائد قد استشهد فهو شرف لنا لأنه استشهد كالطود الشامخ، ووفى ما عاهد الله عليه، وإن كان قد استشهد في معركة (ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل له أموات بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون)

    3. ذكر أن اللباس الذي كان يرتديه القائد ليس نفس اللباس الذي ظهر به في مقطع الفيديو، كما أن الجزء الذي يسمع فيه صوت الرجل يقول حرام عليكم ، يقولون أن المقطع الكامل يقول فيه الرجل حرام عليكم انا لست القذافي.

    وذكر نقلا عن مصدر موثوق ، حادثة لسيدتين من الفرجان اردن ان يسلمن على القذافي فوجدن شخصين متطابقين تماما لدرجة أنهن لم يستطعن تحديد أيهما القذافي.

    4. ذكر أن هناك دواتين لهما مواقف قوية مع ليبيا وتجنب ذكرهما رغم أنهما مؤيديتين تاريخيا للشرعية في ليبيا، لم يتوجه إليها الليبيين ولم تقبل منهم أي احد، ولازالتا تلوذان بالصمت لحد الآن.

    5. إخفاء الجثمان بطريقة شبيهة لسيناريو مقتل بن لادن والتي شبهها بقصص الأطفال “ميكي ماوس” ، وتعليل ذلك بأنهم لا يرغبون أن يتحول قبره لمزار، فهو مزار في قلوب الناس ، وذكر قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لصحبه، أن هناك قوما سيأتون بعدي أفضل منكم ، لأنهم آمنوا بي ولم يروني ، وقال أنه هنا لا أجيب لماذا خاطروا بكذبة كهذه، وإنما أريد إجابات حول هذه التساؤلات غن رغبوا بذلك ، ولديهم الشجاعة لقطع الشك باليقين.

    فهذا الموضوع يحتاج لليقين وإن كان كذلك، فليبيا أمامنا ، وحبنا لمعمر القذافي سيبقى في قلوبنا ، وحبنا لمبادئه سيظل معنا، الذي سيكون نقطة إنطلاقنا لتحرير أرضنا ، ونحن هنا لا نستفزهم ولكننا نرغب أن يجيبونا فقط، ولا نرغب بأكثر من ذلك.

    ولدي معلومة تقول أن شخصا من مصراتة وتجنب ذكر اسمه، هو و شخص آخرفقط، نقلوا الجثمان ودفنوه في الصحراء، وقد تتبعت المعلومة من خلال قريب للشخص المذكور فاتضح عدم مصداقيتها.

    ونفس السيناريو يحاولون تكراره في سوريا اليوم، وتذكروا أنني في تاريخ 17 و18 ركزت على مجسمات الساحة الخضراء، وأنهم سيجلبون دمية هناك مقطع متداول اليوتيوب يعرض دمية ، ويبرز طريقة حركتها أثناء رفعها ونقلها ، ونحن لا نفسه كلام أحد ، نحن فقط إعلاميون ومحللون نعمل على تحليل الخبر، ليس لهدف رفع المعنويات لأن الناس روح المعنوية ، وهم على دراية بحقيقة الأمر، وإن ما يحدث في ليبيا الآن هو تراكم لموجه الكراهية والحقد ، وسنعمل بخطابنا الإعلامي بعد التحرير على الحد من هذه الموجة ، وستكون قدوتنا عمر المختار عندما قال هم ليسوا قدوة لنا.

    ولذا نحن ندعو إلى اللحمة الوطنية ، فنحن لن نسمح باستمرار ظاهرتين، وهي عدم تفعيل القانون، والمليشيات المسلحة وهي أكبر معضلة تعانيها الحكومة والتي لن تمكنهم من بلوغ بر الأمان وهناك عدد من التقارير يثبت ذلك.

    ففي سوريا مثلا ، إن كانوا على ثقة أنه لن تحدث توابع مشابهة للوضع الليبي لتدخلوا مباشرة كما فعلوا معنا، فقد أخذونا في غفلة منا ونحن ساهمنا في ذلك ، وسنخصص في كتابنا فصلا حول إدارة الأزمة وما هي المشاريع التي قدمت والإجراءات التي اتخذت من أجل عدم اتخاذ قرار 1973 وسنعلمكم بالأسماء من استهان بها ومن أحجم عن إيصالها، وكثيرون ممن أداروا الأزمة يتصلون بي الآن ويقولون أني كنت على حق.

    زمنهم من كان يراني كابا ضالا وعاد لليبيا وأنا لست كذلك، اختلفت مع بلدي وعدت إليها ولم أبع أو أخن ، وأي شيء في مصلحتها لن ابخل به. لقد كنا قناتين بإمكاناتنا القليلة وبمجهودنا الذاتي ولا مجال للحديث التافه.

    وقد ورد عن اهل الشرق أنهم يقولون أننا انتصرنا عليهم ولكنهم الآن يقولون أن كل ماذكره يوسف وهالة وحمزة أصبح حقيقة.

    فسوريا تهاني منذ سنة ونصف وما يحدث فيها وما خطط لها ليس بالهين، بشكل يختلف عن الأسلوب المعتمد في ليبيا، ثم علق على القصف الصليبي وآثار اليوارنيوم على المدنيين. والأسلحة الجديدة التي استخدمت لأول مرة بهدف إبادة كل شيء وإخفاء المعالم بما فيها الأثرية.

    ونعدكم أننا لن ننشر أي معلومة مستقبلاً إلا بعد التثبت منها ، وهذه مسؤولية تقع على عاتق كل حر، ونحن لسنا دعاة فتنة ، ولن نسمح بأي ممارسات كمثل الذي يفعله عملاء الناتو. والتي تقوم منظمات حقوقية بالتحقيق فيها، والتي نرجوا أن تثبت مصداقيتها لتحرير آلاف من الليبيين الذي سجنوا فقط لحبهم لمعمر القذافي. وعلينا أن نحتفظ بكل ما يقع بين أيدينا من وثائق ومستندات لاستغلالها في كشف الحقائق.

    كما ذكر أن روسيا هي أول من شككك في الشخص الذي ظهر في فيديو مقتل القذافي ، بسبب عملية رجله وعملية استئصال الزايدة والدودية وغيرها ، كما أن إخفاء الجثة يفتح المجال أمام كثير من الأسئلة ، وكذلك الفروقات في الطول والبدن ، وكثير ممن كانوا مع العقيد القذافي سيكونون أكثر دراية بحقيقة الوضع، كما وأنن المقابلات على عرضت على القنوات مع المقربين من العقيد تؤكد عدم ترابط الأحداث. وذكر أن الليبيين قد خرجوا من دائرة الصدمة ، وسأل الله أن يفك أسرانا ويرحم شهدائنا ونرجو أن يكون قائدنا بخير ، ولا ننسى أنه قال استمروا في المقاومة وإن لم تسمعوا صوتي. وترحم على الشهيد أبو بكر يونس جابر الذي ضحى بحياته لوطنه ، وقال أن ليبيا ستعود بإذن الله ، دولة ترفرف عليها رايات الأمن والأمان، وذكر أن الحكومة الانتقالية هي حلم بعيد المنال ، وأشار لدور الإعلام في إسقاط تونس ومصر، ثم وحيا الدكتور حمزة والأخت هالة المصراتي وإلى كل من ضحى لأجل ليبيا ، ثم ختم بالسلام على الأحرار

    National puppet-forces in civilian clothes found heavily in the Green Square in Tripoli
  • Muammar gave amnesty to all the RATS involved in“THE 17 February 2012 ‘ uprising’ “ who afterwards repented and did good deeds for the Jamahiriya or the Resistance—WOW, what a Golden Heart!!!  Actually, by this declaration, he was showing his authority over Libya as opposed to the GNCrecently “elected” officials.

    His authority over Libya as granted by the armies of the Libyan Armed People’s Resistance aka: The Great Jamahiriya (which is STILL in existance, and is the only legitimate system over Libya, as it never was legally dissolved by any of the Libyan peoples).

    underscores that we are present and strongly and we are not fighting rats, but the Crusaders mercenary and country. P Kimbers NATO did not count them account are children playing and having fun and easy will be the end of the fall of their masters

    this video strong evidenc that USA force killed people in Misratah -Libya:

    Thank you “Quoriana” for this beautiful, truthful and thoughtful post. Everyone MUST read and understand this.

    Not for the intervention of NATO and the mercenaries of what they could bring down the regime of public politically in Libya has surrounded the NATO Tripoli by more than 20 thousand mercenary Is this revolution?!
    also recognized Chairman rebels NATO Mustafa enemy Galilee that Qatar spent billion for the overthrow of the system mass.
    and tip of the iceberg.

    A big shame because the right of Libyans is that rats are ruled by the Emir of Qatar … They were threatening the United States.
    big difference between yesterday and today.


    Pictures of the hospital fire in the rear courtyard Beida near the store medicines.
    Wayne NATO!

    The group has sent a threat to the hospital 17 Gahaar white city two weeks ago, the implementation of the present day and the threat of arson, causing the hospital.


    The following article from Tarhounah Green Resistance, shows also that the Masonic Lodge had Jewish-Zionist origins from its onset; and even today, Masons use their special commemoration days to stir troubles, wars and discord throughout the world to achieve their agendas and goals of NWO [world domination] and to give their master Satan, Power over all the Earth.
    The USA always uses their Minerva, godess of War, to initiate terror, wars and bombings (on MARCH 20). All the USA presidents were MASONS…and they are all related by a bloodline as well.

    2012· 1 août

    وكعادة اليهود دائما فى المكر والدهاء واستغلال الفرص وحبك المؤامرات والاستقواء بالاجنبي وبث روح الفتنه والفرقه بين أبناء الوطن الواحد وهذا ديدنهم باستمرار وربطا للاحداث ببعضها لمعرفة خيوط المؤامرة التى نسجت للجماهيرية العظمى نلاحظ ان من قام بهذه المؤامرة كلهم من اصول يهودية بدءاً من قائد الحملة العسكرية المدعو ساركوزى رئيس فرنسا وهو من يهود المجر مروراً بقائد

    تمرد الجردان فى ليبيا برنارد هنرى ليفى اليهودي الأصل من يهود الجزائر وبداية بمنطقة شحات شعبية البيضاء التى شهدت اكبر محرقة لليهود منذ أربعة آلاف عام انطلقت عصابات الإجرام ومنها إلى منطقة المقاوبة بمصراته على شاطئ البحر واصول سكانها يهود وهم اول من قام برفع راية بني صهيون على احد مساجد المنطقة ومنها الى منطقة مسلاته التى اغلب قاطينيها يهود ومن مسلاته الى تجمع لحمة العطايا بقبيلة النعاعجة وهم من اصول يهودية وامتدادهم فى الاصل يرجع الى منطقة القره بولى قام المدعو على النورى العطوى (على حليب )من خلال التنسيق مع قادة اليهود بمصراته حيث تحصل منهم على خمسة ملايين دينار لتمويل هذه المؤامرة وقام بشراء الذمم والسلاح والاعداد والتجهيز يسانده فى ذلك امام الكفر وشيخ الفتنه عطي الله العمارى بمساعدة من الدخيل على قبيلة النعاعجة المدعو عاشور محمد النورى وهذا الأخير استفاد كتيرا من ثورة الفاتح وتقلد عديد المناصب وقد نجح وبرع فى سرقة المال العام ومن منطقة العطايا بترهونة انطلق الجرذان باتجاه السيطره على مقدرات شعبية ترهونة
    التمرد وقع فى15/2/2011 ولكن قائد ثورة العصابات المسلحة برنارد ليفى غير التاريخ الى 17/2/2011 وهو اليوم العالمى لتأسيس المحفل الماسونى اليهودى العالمى .
    نذكر فى هذا الصدد عناصر التخريب بترهونة وأغلبهم من لحمات العطايا والدخايلية والعيس بقبيلة النعاعجة :

    134- خالد عبد السلام الاجطل
    135- صلاح عبد السلام الاجطل
    136- ابرهيم عبد السلام الاجطل
    137- ميلاد عبدالسلام الاجطل
    138- مراد عبد السلام الاجطل
    139- سالم عبد السلام الاجطل
    140- محمد عبد السلام الاجطل (دكتور كرمته الثورة بتحضير الدكتوراة فى ايرلندا وتحصل على الجنسية الايرلندية ولم يشتغل داخل ليبيا والتحق مع جرذان التخريب وتطوع بمنطقة الزنتان لمعالجة جرحى الجرذان)
    141- فتحي على شنابو
    142- على محمد على شنابو
    142-العمارى محمد منصور العمارى
    143-عبدالسلام محمد على العمارى
    144- موسي محمد الكانونى
    145- فرج موسي محمد الكانونى “صف ضابط بالجوازات”
    146-عماد عياد ابوزويدة “صف ضابط بالجوازات”
    147-رجب احفيظ قبيلة الدوايم دعم الجردان بالمال
    148- الشعرانى احفيظ قبيلة الدوايم
    149- سامى عمار الساكت (حرس مع عبدالشيطان)
    150-خالد على اغفير
    151- جمال على اغفير
    152-بدر الدين على اغفير
    153-طه عبدالله مخلوف
    154-عماد عبدالله مخلوف
    155-عبدالحكيم اللافى ابراهيم العبانى
    156-عمار على عكاشة
    157- رمضان العمارى صالح قبيلة الجلاص
    158- آدم صالح البشير جاب الله(حرس عبدالشيطان)
    159- عبدالحكيم على المعمرى العبانى
    160- امحمد على جمعة (قبيلة اولاد ترهون ضابط صف بالفوج التاسع )
    161-ناصر رمضان التائب قبيلة الجلاص
    162-رمضان الفرجانى ضو
    163- عبدالباسط مسعود الهادى (لحمة العيس قبيلة النعاعجة شحن اطارات من تونس للسيارات الصحراوية الى جردان عصابات الزنتان بناء على تعليمات من على حليب وشارك بجبهة الزنتان )
    164- محمد خليفة الترهونى (مدير مدرسة ابن رشد)
    165- محى الدين مفتاح سالم المالطى (طباخ الاغبياء فى وشتاته)
    166- عمر ابراهيم بوراس الريشي
    167-مختار ابراهيم بوراس الريشي
    168- فرج ضو فرج عطية (لحمة العطايا قبيلة النعاعجة رائد بالشرطة الزراعية ترهونة)
    169-منصور معمر دياب خبش
    170-عمر معمر دياب خبش

    Tarhunah resistance Green
    1 août

    As usual, the Jews are always in guile, cunning, and the exploitation of opportunities and love plots

    and bullying foreigner inspire the spirit of sedition and discord among the sons of one homeland and this Didnhm

    consistently linked the events to each other

    to find out clues plot that wove the Great Jamahiriya note that it made the plot, all of Jewish origin,

    from the commander of the military campaign called Sarkozy President of France, one of the Jews of Hungary

    through the leader of the rebellion Jerdan in Libya, Bernard Henri Levy, the Jewish origin of the Jews of Algeria

    and the beginning of region Cyrene popular white,

    which saw the biggest holocaust of the Jews since four thousand years off criminal gangs

    and into the area Almquaobh Misurata on the shore of the sea and the origins of its inhabitants Jews:

    they are the first Who raised the banner of the sons of Zion to a mosque in the region,

    including the area Mslath that most Qatiniha Jews and Mslath to combine meat gifts tribe Alanaajh

    they are of Jewish origin and the hinterland was originally due to the area of Qara Poly has called on Noori Atwi

    (for milk) through the coordination with Jewish leaders Misurata where you get them to five million dinars

    to finance the plot

    and has purchased receivables, weapons and preparing and processing supported in the front of the infidels

    and Sheikh sedition.

    some give God Imari with the help of the intruder on the tribe Alanaajh called Ashour Mohamed Nouri

    and the latter benefited so much from the  fake “Revolution” and has held many positions.

    He succeeded and excelled in the theft of public money and the gifts.

    Petrhona launched rats towards control of the capabilities of popular Tarhunah.   

    The CIA-led uprising of 15/2/2011 /rebellion , took place as a “revolution”;

    but the commander of the armed gangs Bernard Levy to date is 17/2/2011,

    the day the world of the founding of the World Jewish Masonic Lodge.

    Mention in this regard the elements of sabotage Petrhona mostly for gifts

    and Aldechailah nevi and Es tribe Alanaajh:

    134 – Khalid Abdul Salam Alajtal
    135 – Salah Abdel-Salam Alajtal
    136 – Ibrahim Abdel-Salam Alajtal
    137 – Birthdays Salam Alajtal
    138 – Murad Abdel Salam Alajtal
    139 – Salem Abdul Salam Alajtal
    140 – Mohamed Abdel-Salam Alajtal (Dr. preparing PhD honored by the revolution in Ireland

    and you get Irish citizenship was not at work in Libya and joined with the Rats of sabotage and

    volunteered to address the area Alzentan injured rats)
    141 – Fathi on Hnabo
    142 – Muhammad at Hnabo
    142 – Mohamed Mansour Imari Imari
    143 – Muhammad Ali Abdulsalam Imari
    144 – Mohammed Moussa Alcanony
    145 – Mohamed Farag Moussa Alcanony “row officer passports”
    146 – Emad Ayad Abozzoadh “row officer passports”
    147 – July Ahfaz tribe Aldoaam support Jerdan money
    148 – Sha’rani Ahfaz tribe Aldoaam
    149 – Sami Ammar Saket (guards with Abdaheitan)
    150 – Khalid Agfer
    151 – Jamal Agfer
    152 – Badr al-Din on Agfer
    153 – Taha Abdullah Makhlouf
    154 – Imad Abdullah Makhlouf
    155 – Hakim Ibrahim El Abani Lafi
    156 – Amar is Akasha
    157 – Imari Ramadan Saleh tribe Aljas
    158 – Adam Saleh Bashir Jaballah (guard Abdaheitan)
    159 – Hakim El Abani on Ma’amari
    160 – M’Hamed Ali Gomaa (tribe children Terhune NCO Regiment IX)
    161 – Nasser Ramadan penitent tribe Aljas
    162 – September Ferjani Dou
    163 – Basset Masood Hadi (meat Es tribe Alanaajh sold tires shipped from Tunisia to the desert for cars

    Gardan Alzentan gangs on the instructions of the milk and participated in the traitorous Alzentan Front  in

    opposition to the Alzentani Red Army who supports  Muammar al-Qathafi),
    164 – Muhammad Khalifa Altarhuny (Director of the School of Ibn Rushd)
    165 – Mohiuddin key Salem Maltese (Cook and idiots in the diaspora)
    166 – Omar Ibrahim Boras Errishi
    167 – Mokhtar Ibrahim Boras Errishi
    168 – Faraj Faraj gift Dou (meat gifts tribe Alanaajh police major agricultural Tarhunah)
    169 – Muammar al-Mansour Diab Khbash
    170 – Omar Muammar al-Diab Khbash.

    In the name of God the Merciful , O God are free to Zain aware of … Zain …there is rumored that on 20 September will begin the process of editing, etc. …In short this information completely untrue, and intended to declare a state of alert rats, where they are inappropriate, thearrest of young Liberals released on the grounds to keep them so as not to do any operations within the Great Jamahiriya.So please not to publish any false news, and reliable sources of unknown people who are not well known are the namesof resistance fighters on the basis of God has reached …God I witness and inform you and assure you that the editing process will be at any moment, at any time,unexpected, and unknown, and non-advertised before, that only God knows and forward…. Light and never … The revolutionary struggle continues

    Libyan Sham Elections result in new Sham “Government”


    Photo: this the correct position in the history of customer   

    No power could be handed over in the Libyan Jamahiriya as all power belonged to the people    
    No power could be handed over in the Libyan Jamahiriya as all power belonged to the people.

    On August 8 a so-called transformation of power took place in Libya where the NATO-installed National Transitional Council (NTC) “handed over power” to a body named the General National Congress (GNC). However, with the country still being ruled by numerous rival armed gangs it isn’t clear at all who is going to transfer which power and to whom they are going to transfer it.

    Regardless what the corporate media want us to believe, the GNC has not been elected by the Libyan people – not by the same Libyan people who took part in the million man, woman and child march on July 1 last year on which the same media have been totally silent. The majority of those millions, now especially in social media known as “Green Libyans”, had to flee their country when the NATO-rats entered Tripoli after months of terror bombing, and they now live in exile in neighbouring countries, even in some European countries, or are hiding elsewhere.

    The people who elected this puppet GNC are the same criminals, terrorists, extremists and other filth that sought to overthrow the free democratic Jamahiriya government since its establishment, together with some naïve souls who have been lulled asleep during the benefits of Muammar Qaddafi’s great leadership and thus became incapable to show proper resistance to the Western powers that waged a war on their minds.

    The NATO-backed GNC has a mandate that will expire in June 2013 and during this time it has to appoint(!) a new government and to draft, ratify and adopt a new constitution which should pave the way for the next Western-style elections. As democratic as this may sound to Western ears and to any ear that listens to the outrageous lies on the meaning of democracy spread by the corporate media, one should be aware of the fact that it already was impossible to “hand over power” to any political institution in the Libyan Jamahiriya since the adoption of the “Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People” of 02 March 1979, and that no drafting, ratifying and adopting of a constitution was needed since the Holy Qur’an itself formed Libya’s constitution.

    For further understanding of the concept of the Jamahiriya (a government ruled by the people), let’s take a closer look at the establishment of the people’s power in the only truly democratic country in the world.

    The Sebha Declaration – Introduction

    On March 2, 1977 corresponding to the 12th day of Rabi Al Awal of 1397 of the Hegira, according to the Muslim calendar, the Declaration of the Establishment of the People’s Power took place in Kahira, city of Sebha, Libya. This was the beginning of a new stage in the historical period following the September 1, 1969 Revolution.

    The study of the “Declaration of Sebha” precedes, for methodological reasons, that of the spiritual and political bases of the Leader of the Revolution and also the principles and projection of the “Third Universal Theory” and the proposal formulated in the three parts of the Green Book.

    The meeting of the General People’s Congress began on February 25 and ended on March 2, 1977. On that day the political, economic and social principles of the new Jamahiriya were established.

    Developing the Sebha Declaration – Considerations by the Leader of the Revolution

    Muammar Qaddafi“What will the Libyan people announce to the other nations of the world?” asked Muammar Qaddafi to the numerous delegates meeting at the extraordinary session of the General Congress, “the setting up of the people’s power, the advent of the age of the masses, the application of the Third Universal Theory, the success of the Third Way from its starting point, surpassing all democratic experiences following schemes which have failed, and the end of dictatorial regimes.”

    “With the setting up of the people’s authority, a popular Jamahiriya will be created. With the setting up of socialism, the Jamahiriya will be called ‘socialist’. It will also be a Libyan, Arab, Islamic and African Jamahiriya, consequently, we can discuss its denomination which will have great importance. We cannot decide lightly, as certain new regimes have done, where the name has nothing to do with the nature of the regime.”

    Muammar Qaddafi also stated: “We still cannot say it (the Jamahiriya) is ‘popular’ or ‘socialist’, since we have not achieved yet a state of popular and socialist government, but we can assign it new adjectives: if the authority of the people prevails, then it will be a Popular Jamahiriya, and if socialism is introduced, it will also be Socialist, but a socialism different from that of the East or West.”

    Drawing out expressions from the Green Book and numerous speeches, Muammar continued by saying: “The law of society has been approved. It is the Qur’an. Together with the denomination of the Republic which will appear in the new Declaration, we will also set the law of society. If you accept the Qur’an as you have done before, then you must discuss the consequences. In this way you will no longer be governed by a Constitutional Declaration.

    We shall say no more: ‘According to the Constitutional Declaration…’ We will no longer have a Constitution. But if we incorporate the new law to the Declaration of the people’s power, the new law will never change. We must know the value of such historical things which will be included in this Declaration”.

    During the decisive meetings of the General People’s Congress which proclaimed the setting up of the Jamahiriya, Muammar clearly explained the meaning of the proposals delegates were to discuss.

    With regard to the procedures for the setting up of the People’s Authority, to its principles and to the way of exercising that power, Muammar said: “The people will exercise power through the popular congresses, the popular committees and the professional trade unions and finally through the General People’s Congress. Everything has been provided for in the Declaration and you will discuss it.”

    Then he said that nobody could speak to him, after the final decision had been reached, about the Revolutionary Command Council or about Muammar Qadhafi. Besides, he added: “That would be contradictory… because the setting up of the people’s authority means that it is the people who govern. I will no longer govern, nor the Council nor anybody else. No such thing as leaders for the people – it is the people who are the leaders! No such thing as a government for Libya – the government is the people!” The reader who knows about political sciences might argue that this type of definition cannot go beyond simple theory, since such definitions must be impracticable in accordance with known historical experience.

    However, as Aristotle once said: “Something new can always be expected from Libya”. But to clarify this point, a new chapter is called for.

    Muammar QaddafiMuammar went on saying: “When we speak of popular authority, we may no longer speak of a Council. Those are two contradictory things.

    “Other contradictions: authority of the people and president, authority of the people and the prevalence of the struggle of classes, religions, tribes, families or parliaments.”

    Muammar also urged the setting up of the people’s authority and the adoption of the corresponding rules to solve the “problem of democracy”, otherwise the question would remain unsolved and exposed to any sort of dictatorship existing in the world where “a party imposes itself over the people and governs on its behalf”, or else “small groups agree to dominate it”.

    “The same thing applies for a tribe, a class, a religion, a family, an individual, an army, a band, a king, an emperor… all possible instruments of dictatorship in which the world continues to suffer”.

    “Everything will end with the advent of popular power. Only the Qur’an and the laws passed by the people will remain. There will be no more statutes for the Arab Socialist Union, nor Constitution, nor parliament.”

    “Once popular power has been set up, you will have rendered a great service to Humanity: the creation of a healthy society without political diseases or any other source of conflict.”

    “That is the reason for political parties, coups d’etats, revolutions, religions or civil wars; every day there is a struggle for power. The reason is that power is in the hands of a fraction of society, while the remaining fractions fight to seize that power or divide it”.

    “The people’s authority ends with that sort of struggles.”

    While the international press criticised Muammar acidly, a significant chapter in present political history was being written in Sebha. A charismatic leader, with “Public Power” in his hands, supported on the enormous operative capacity of loyal Armed Forces, owner of the economic resources of one of the richest countries of the world, having all the possibilities at hand to set up a veiled dictatorial system following any of the classical models in fashion, has been capable, in this agitated XXth century, to transfer to the Libyan people the responsibilities which, no doubt, make the people for the first time a genuine protagonist of great decisions.

    Only by knowing Libya from within, speaking freely and without protocol or any sort of “agreements”, it is possible to understand the reality of this flourishing Arab country and the high degree of decision achieved by the People through the highest body of the “Jamahiriya”, though of course, the great guidelines of government action have been inspired by the young Leader and ‘thinker-teacher’.

    The Declaration of Sebha is considered the base for the setting up of popular power in Libya, which became the first country in the world to put into practice such a political system.

    The question of opposition to Muammar in many countries where accusations have been lodged without real foundation, are originated in the fact that this political system unveils the true nature of existing “democracies”, both in the countries of the capitalist block as well as in the communist block, also involving of course various regimes within the so-called “Third World”.

    Muammar Qaddafi’s message to Libya

    Muammar QaddafiThen, when the final document was approved unanimously by the delegates at the General People’s Congress, Muammar addressed a vibrant message to the country.

    The Leader said:


    In the desert, associated with drought and sterility, a Revolution was born. People have quickly forgotten past events which occurred in Sebha at the end of the 50’s and which were the prelude to a great hope. Further, they forgot the first call, the first communique of the Revolution made in Benghazi at the end of the 60’s, that communique which has shaken Libya, pulling down the idols. They carried on with their daily life, thinking perhaps that this was just another coup like many others. That event has ended with an old fashioned monarchy to set up a progressive Jamahiriya and has put an end to the presence of foreign troops in our territory.

    Some years have passed since the historical speech in Zuara. That was the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet.” A speech which shook spirits, and consciences! “If that has shaken you, it is to guide you better through a joint action, new and out of the ordinary.

    Today, on the Prophet’s anniversary, the idea of the Revolution has sprung; in Sebha, in the middle of the desert, where the Declaration of the people’s power is proclaimed and with it, the establishment of the Jamahiriya.

    A new age is born to Humanity in the Desert; the age of the masses… The desert is neither sterile nor arid. In the desert today, in this last part of the twentieth century, our people ends with the age of traditional republics, in the same way that the French nation announced in the eighteenth century the end of the monarchy and the advent of the age of the republics.

    Though the desert prevents grass from growing, it produces values and originates eternal messages to Civilization. Today, in the corner of this vast desert land of the Arabs, of the Berbers, of the Tuaregs and the Tobus, the milestone of the age of the Jamahiriyas, the age of the masses is born.”

    Not one place in Libya was left without Muammar’s clarifying words, from the coastal region bathed by the Mediterranean to the deep desert, and from the agitated cities to the remote oases full of picturesque palm trees, where caravans necessarily stopped anxious for a resting place.

    On March 2, to close the long and tiring sessions of the General People’s Congress, the “Declaration of Sebha” was read, which from that moment became the cornerstone of political and institutional life of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

    Content of the Declaration of the Establishment of the People’s Power

    The following is the text of the “Declaration of the Establishment of the People’s Power” (large image):

    Power to the PeopleIn the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    The Libyan Arab people assembled in the General Conference of the People’s Congresses, the People’s Committees, and the Professional Unions;

    Having reviewed the recommendations of the People’s Congresses, the Constitutional Declaration of 11 Dec 1969, and the resolutions and recommendations of the General People’s Congress which met during the period 5 to 18 Jan 1975;

    Believing in the establishment of the direct democratic system heralded by the Great September Revolution and regarding it as the absolute and decisive solution to the problem of democracy;

    Embodying the pioneer experiment of the popular rule on the soil of the Great September Revolution which established the authority of the People, who alone should have the authority;

    Declare their adherence to freedom and willingness to defend it on the Libyan land and on any other land in the world;

    Declare their preparedness to protect the persecuted freedom-seekers;

    Declare their adherence to socialism as a means of achieving People’s ownership;

    Declare their commitment to spiritual values to safeguard morals and human behaviour;

    Support the march of the Revolution towards complete popular authority and consolidation of the People’s Society where only the people control leadership, authority, wealth, and arms to realize the Society of Freedom;

    Declare their total commitment to blocking the way in face of all forms of traditional instruments of government, be they individual, family, tribe, sect, class, representative, party, or group of parties;

    Declare their readiness to crush forever any undemocratic attempt;

    The Libyan Arab People, having regained, through the Revolution, total control over their affairs, and controlling their present and future potentialities with the help of Allah and adherence to His Holy Book as the everlasting source for guidance and as the ordinance of society;

    Issue this declaration proclaiming the establishment of the People’s authority and announcing to the peoples of the earth the emergence of the era of the masses.

    Logo Libyan JamahiriyaArticle 1: Name

    The official name of Libya will be ‘The Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya’.

    Article 2: Religion

    The Holy Qur’an is the Constitution of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

    Article 3: Congresses, Committees, Unions

    (1) The People’s direct democracy is the basis of the political system in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, where the authority is in the hands of the People alone. The People exercise their authority through the People’s Congresses, the People’s Committees, and the Professional Unions. The regulations of the congresses, committees, and professional unions as well as the dates of their meetings are defined by law.

    (2) The authority of the People is comprised of the following:

    1. People’s Congresses;
    2. People’s Committees;
    3. Professional Unions; and
    4. General People’s Congress.

    (3) People’s Congresses:

    1. The Libyan People is divided into basic People’s Congresses.
    2. All citizens register themselves as members of the Basic People’s Congress in their area.
    3. Every basic People’s Congress chooses among its members a committee to lead the Congress.

    (4) The masses of the People’s Congresses choose People’s Committees to administer all the services. These Committees are responsible to the People’s Congresses.

    (5) Members of each profession form their own union to defend their professional rights.

    (6) The General People’s Congress is the national conference of the People’s Committees and Professional Unions. The General People’s Congress shall have a General Secretariat to execute the general policy of the State as defined by the People’s Congresses. The General Secretariat prepares the sessions of the General People’s Congress and draws up an agenda of the General People’s Congress, executing its resolutions and recommendations. The General Secretariat consists of a Secretary General and a number of secretaries; each shall supervise one of the sectors of activities in the State.

    Article 4: Chairman

    The General People’s Congress chooses a chairman to preside over its sessions, to sign the laws by order of the Congress, and to accept the credentials of the representatives of foreign countries.

    Article 5: Absence

    In the case of absence of the Chairman of the General People’s Congress or if something hinders him from performing his duties, the Secretary General will temporarily replace him.

    Article 6: Election

    (1) The General People’s Congress chooses the Secretary General and the Secretaries, dismisses them, and accepts their resignations.

    (2) The Secretary General and the Secretaries are jointly responsible to the General People’s Congress while every secretary is responsible for the sector he supervises.

    Article 7: Budget

    The General Budget of the State is issued by a law and the General People’s Congress endorses the balance sheet of the State.

    Article 8: Departments, Employees

    A Law regulates the establishment of public departments and appointments and dismissals of Government employees.

    Article 9: Defence

    Defending the Country is the responsibility of every citizen. Through general military training, the People shall be trained and armed. Law regulates the method for preparing military cadres and the general military training.

    Article 10: Terms

    The terms ‘Council of Minister’, ‘Prime Minister’, and ‘Minister’ are to be replaced, wherever mentioned, by the terms ‘General Secretariat of the General People’s Congress’, ‘Secretary General’, and ‘The Secretary’.

    This article contains excerpts from the book “Al-Qadhafi Operation Jerusalem” by Horacio Calderon which are also available at Many concepts and definitions mentioned in this article are further explained in the Green Charter’s Glossary.

    09 August 2012 07:30 (UTC)  Written by Quoriana



Colonel Gaddafi not afraid to tell the truth

Remember : 1986 is when Ronald Reagan bombed Libya and killed innocent hundreds, after prokoving a conflict by illegally having USA warships in the Gulf of Sirte and flying warplanes over the sovereign territory of the Great Jamahiriya.

John O’Conner  Father John O'Connorwas correct.

1986 al-Qathafi prays in bombed-out shell of his Baba Aziyia home in Tripoli.

The only salvation for our ailing planet is the Third Universal Theory, where God/Allah only is Supreme above all, and man can live naturally under Him…

Muammar has proven himself to be God’s servant in the achievement of this loving goal, which will eventually bring a just peace for mankind and our world.

Muammar’s indispensable, pre-requisite for the construction of a holy, moral socio-economic Universally valid order, to be known as the Great Jamahiriya;

The sole purpose of which is to supercede all of the other man-made systems, in place, or ever been implaced upon the earth; replacing all those corrupt and

imperfect “governments” with one way of life completely in tune with God and His Primeaevil Intentions for Mankind, for the betterment, peace and harmony

of all living things (based purely upon the Holy Quaran as the Word of God)….


In 2011, History repeated itself with even more striking terror:

Great Aljamahiriya – Paltalk Room Chamber of the Great Jamahiriya to Paltalk
the word Muammar Gaddafi Sunday 21 Ramadan 2011

كلمة الشهيد معمر القذافي مساء الاحد 21 رمضان 2011
كلمة الشهيد معمر القذافي مساء الاحد 21 اغسطس 2011 شبكة الرصيفة للاعلام راديوا الرصيفة اف ام http://ww&#8230;

Ayoub Boali.
une image d’un Toawi à Syrte. :

Photo: Council Aeltsiara Western Sirte area displays each night to steal its contents.  Of course, this thing we are used to Avatar Hadi time it is strange that the theft was done by the staff.  Atoukau not be captured by the region's youth.  But thank God were to get them out of their homes and are Albzaah stolen.  They Haatrin Kano Lipo Alpsoha of the ousted Colthm Avatar Lord cream and we supervised them did not learn to Nnhish (Dhiraana meat) from the heart of the source event page Libyan intelligence

__Council Aeltsiara Western Sirte region


08 AOUT 2012:

Piercing the atmosphere of Libya ,
warplanes which are not Blaba type, are seen  flying over Tripoli and its environs since the morning.

flying intensive warplanes over the skies of Tripoli, a security alert in the city

Flying capacitor for military aircraft over the skies of Tripoli, a security alert in the city

Source: News sidewalk, and published by: Dr. Commander
Read 148 times, since the date of its publication in 08/08/2012

Urgent (Tripoli occupied) now:

 flying capacitor for military aircraft at low level and penetrate the sound barrier and the spread keeps the armed militias in all the streets and main roads and escorts tight government institutions and a security alert is unprecedented … also closed all roads leading to the forest Victory Day amid the heavy security in Ocean Hotel Rixos “Forest Victory,” where a foreign security elements were seen there in the car and the security of Libyan personal inspection and intensive.  

Basic People’s Congress Bucky free Elvis
Now picture this topic from Tripoli Hovo clouds and fog and Riha hated you speaking Boshnh died Carrion and scent Yad

Now picture this topic from Tripoli Hovo clouds and fog and Riha hated you speaking Boshnh died carrion scent and Yad God

Sidewalk news   channel broadcast uninterrupted valley and as a result of deliberate interference

Interruption of transmission channel and the valley as a result of deliberate interference

Source: Channel the valley, and published by:
seen 807 times, since the date of its publication in 13 JULY 2012

SAUDII SATELLITE interrupts feed and downstreams  fake clone of Valley Channel to bring discord upon BANI WALID and instill false beliefs and death of the Brother-Leader.

Transfer for managing the channel valley is under channel valley three days ago to confuse space deliberate, what width of the channel the day after the middle of the night to stop the broadcast, and come this campaign Alhurch in order to quell the voice of right caller justice, and the other opinion, to keep the opinion of only one cheat facts and visited to serve the interests, comes after a successful channel valley in the budget balance against media campaigns fierce that were exposed to the city of Bani Walid and that would stir discord and sow division between the Libyan tribes honorable, and what distorts also the reputation of Bani Walid between analogues of the Libyan cities free, since the media message that Al-Qathafi Channel Valley upon themselves is do right, so God is the measure.

and it Ntmon all followers channel of the valley, that the canal despite the risks to the confusion, it was fine, and team work of the canal now in order to secure against interference and sabotage , and will return to work until the group finishes to secure the channel against the desperate attempts to quell the voice of right.

It is RAMADAN and our brother leader knows he is need of the protection and strength of Allah/God. Please pray with him in his hour of need for him (our brother leader) and for the Green Resistance against all his enemies—against Satan and all the Evil Forces of the World.


“O Allah, I solicits your help. Against the unfortunate thing is that I implore your protection. Help me, it’s your help I am called. I implore your help, turn to me your helping hand. Against the affliction it is to you I made use of. Give me your indulgence, save me, it’s with you I seek refuge. “

# original French: « O Allah, je solicite ton assistance. Contre le malheur c’est ton protection que j’implore. Aide-moi, c’est à ton aide que je fais appelle. J’implore ton sécours, tends-moi ta main secourable. Contre l’affliction c’est à toi que je fait recours. Accorde-moi ton mansuétude, préserve-moi, c’est auprès de toi que je cherche réfuge. » #


Here we stand firmly and Muftchrin
despite the hatred of Obama and Hillary Afassdat.
and Hamad, and Sarkozy and handful losers
and Boshna and with them Damat
we are here, despite the envious
and the Old became God Mana Nasaat
destroyed and Ndmarw Kidd Alcaadan
uncovered and Nkhvo conspiracies
and how much and how many ignorant
Angro Kharijites in the revolution of losers
and Jenna back to the complement, bringing
demands for generations to who come
here and we set out victory
conversing with God, what other Nejat
accustomed glory and Rana Returning
conclude and pray to Muhammad good memories.
greetings ((pride Qahos))

29 JULY 2012

Urgent: the text of the appeal of the Resistance in Libya  

07.29.2012 dr. Hamza Thami: 

“In the name of Allah the Merciful the communication is important, the Resistance in our beloved, groups of areas you all, without exception, from south to east to west to the center, the communication is very important, you know that all Amkanatkm and Astaadadatkm you, and your hands there is no longer any justification for any delay in the uprising, all regions and groups to have their full potential, and you know your each.

M in all regions of the mass, and in contact with you, teach you a lion that Antlaguetkm between your hands, and you are among yourselves you were editing, release and timing there is no longer any justification, all regions have the willingness and some areas are able alone to control the capital, especially close to them, Now it is up to you, do not Taatkhazloa not Ttrajawa Faint not nor weaken your heart, what Yun our country have, and we have Yun continent is complete, you now are left to your conscience and in front of your responsibilities do not wait for the signal from any party whatsoever, external, you will decide to launch a process of editing and you you lead Every minute delay is not in your favor or in favor of resistance, you leaders of the groups and areas of rapid communication between you and a date the intifada, not Ttrajawa not wait for an order, commanded up to you, and your appreciation for God’s blessing you start and God’s blessing Tlthmon with one another, not Ttrajawa do not become weak, souls of the martyrs waiting for the dawn of the starting and editing, and let your motto and your approach victory or martyrdom, our wait, our women bereaved and widows, and young people in prisons and detention centers and the enemy comb and fun in front of the sight of all.

my youth, I have Okmmeltm promised you and your willingness, Felttokloa on God, do not wait for the order of a You are masters of the scene as you are you identifying the time Icheah of God, the East and the tribes, the center and the tribes, and the West and the tribes, and the mountain tribes, cities and youth, that your people and your nation, and the lives of your martyrs wait, how forward, this is communication, coordination and editing, not one, but springs from faith and patriotism, and your steadfast intention what we we did and more, and what we can and we’ve provided you, no longer to wait for justification …

In the name of God the Merciful (Our Lord, pour upon us patience and confirm our feet and give us victory over the disbelievers) great truth of God Faint not nor grieve, for ye will overcome and God is with you, and peace you and God’s mercy and blessings.

Muammar al-Qathafi 1975:

“Can we not think deeply about certain verses of the Quaran, the Bible, and the Gospels, which say: ‘Unite in Goodness and Mercy, and abjure the sin of aggression’?Mr. President, now that we have no Christ to denounce those who have turned their backs on God… surely, we have only ourselves to reproach one another’s sins, and to repeat our ‘mea culpa’ for our offences. We must recognise that we are very far removed from the precepts of Christ; and that we are very close to the designs of Satan….We need to read again the teachings of Christ, and to find in them the voice which says to us: ‘Give up Palestine, South-East Asia, Ireland, Germany, and the African colonies….’ The world needs Christ again. ”


On 30 DEC. 2006, Moammar Gadhafi publicly gave his interpretation of “The Sermon on the Mount”.
He said to his audience of Church leaders and others:

“What did Jesus say when he went up on the mountain and addressed the people? He said:” Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” In other words, he is asking people to be decent and meek, not colonialists, terrorists, bigots, hatefu

l of other nations or marauding invaders. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall have mercy.” Who does God have mercy on? He has mercy on those who have mercy on others. As for those who destroy people, strike with rockets, smart bombs and cruise missiles, crush children under the tracks of tanks, are they among the merciful? These He will punish because they are not among the merciful, and violate the teachings of Jesus.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, and blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God,” Those who are pure of heart shall see God. As for those of dark hearts, who commit genocide, hate mankind, occupy lands, enslave their people and treat them like animals, they shall not see God. The ones who shall see God are those who are pure of heart; whose hearts are pure of colonialism, hatred, envy and spite. These are the people who shall see God.

He who follows Jesus will be pure of heart, merciful and meek. If he believes in Jesus and is a true Christian, such will be his principles. But where are these teachings, in view of what is happening today in Iraq, Guantanamo, and Palestine, and what happened in Vietnam, the Philippines, in the two world wars, and the use of atom bombs in Japan ?

Do they have the right to say,” We are Christians,”? Never! Blessed is the oppressed on earth, for they shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, not the marauders and the tyrants on earth. Those have no place in Heaven; rather, they will be consigned to the lowest pit in Hell.

Jesus says,” From him who takes away you cloak, do not withhold you tunic either,”, and he said to them,” You have heard it said ‘an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’’, because that is found in the Torah, “but I say unto you, he who beats you on the cheek offer him the other cheek.” “He who walks a step towards you, walk a mile towards him,” In other words, if someone wants to befriend you, cooperates with you, ends his quarrel with you, and takes a step towards you; you should walk a mile towards him. These are the teachings of Christ.

He also said to them, “No man can serve two masters…You cannot serve God and money,” How can capitalism now be compatible with the teachings of Christ?

Abraham himself used to worship the sun, the moon and the stars. He could not be blamed for that, because he only came to know God when God himself told him. God told him,” I created them all, the sun, the moon and the stars that you worship, and the whole world,’ Then Abraham said,” Now, I have seen the light”.

We only came to know about the resurrection, the Day of Judgment, and Heaven and Hell when God told us. Otherwise, we would have still been in the dark. The only religion we should adhere to is the religion of God. He who adheres to it believes in what God said to us. But if you disobey God’s words, then that is solely your concern, and you have to bear responsibility for that. ”


The Meeting of the Brother Leader with the Heads of Churches Present throughout the Great Jamahiriya, the Ambassadors of Friendly Countries, and Political, Religious and Cultural Figures in Libyan Society

Tarhunah Alhmokh, pride and dignity, always with the commander of victory and challenge in his career green to defeat

aggression and the expulsion of the invaders and return home usurped and Tahedah beautiful thanks and gratitude

in a pioneering role in leading the masses towards a promising future and enter the doors of human history in the most

beautiful historical epic known to mankind since the dawn of history until our present.


Mummar al-Qathafi gives Invocation at Sirte world Peace Meeting 14 JANuary 2011

Stray dogs Qaharham wrote:

Allibiya TV – Channel LibyanLeader of the Revolution
Do not rejoice and do not believe that the Qaddafi regime was overthrown

 Word Brother Leader of the Revolution
Publiée le 9 août 2012 par AllibiyaTVnews
Does not rejoice and do not believe that the Qaddafi regime was overthrown


الصفحة الرسمية لقناة الليبية على الفيس بوك , و اول صفحة ليبية جماهيرية مؤيدة تم انشائها بامر القائد الشهيد معمر القذافي


  • ITALY-LIBYA-KADHAFI-SENATE Libya’s leader Moamer Kadhafi delivers a speech in the Sala Zuccari of the Italian Senate on June 10, 2009 in Rome. Kadhafi faced a boycott by angry Italian lawmakers on the second day of an official visit in which he has re-opened colonial-era sores, as his speech to the Italian Senate had to be moved from the main chamber to the lesser Sala Zuccari after the Italian opposition vowed to shun his address. AFP PHOTO / TIZIANA FABI (Photo credit should read TIZIANA FABI/AFP/Getty Images) AFP/Getty Images

    Muammar with ABU BAKER YOUNIS, now martyr:


    Muammar Gaddafi: The people are free; the authority is with the people in the end

    Source – by Muammar Qaddafi

    Transcript and video of Dateline's interview with Muammar Gaddafi
    Transcript and video of Dateline’s interview with Muammar Gaddafi

    This is the original transcript of Dateline’s interview with Muammar Gaddafi, which was first broadcast in February 2010. Gaddafi’s words are translated from Arabic.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Sir, thank you very much for giving us this interview. You’re a very busy man. Could you help me – what is the correct way for me to address you? Should I call you Leader or Brother Leader? What is the most appropriate title?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: As you like, as you like. You are free…

    GEORGE NEGUS: When I told people that I was going to be able to interview you, they were intrigued. They are fascinated by yourself because you appear to have changed recently from the sort of person they were used to reading about and seeing on television, to a different kind of Muammar Gaddafi. Why do we think that you have changed?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: It is the world that has changed.

    GEORGE NEGUS: But is there anything in particular that prompted you to go from the person who was, at one point, regarded as a dangerous person?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course, I was .. I am a leader of a revolution with global ideas. And I have actively contributed to liberation movements and colonial countries did not want that of course. That is why they portrayed me in this image. My principles have not changed.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So when many people throughout the Western world, in particular, regarded you as a sponsor of terrorism, is that no longer the case?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: The West sees liberation movements as terrorist movements and that is why I am accused of supporting terrorism, because I support liberation movements.

    GEORGE NEGUS: What about al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden because you have spoken out very firmly against Osama bin Laden? In fact, you were the first leader to call for his arrest.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: They are a terrorist group and we totally disagree with them.

    GEORGE NEGUS: What’s the difference between a terrorist group and a liberation movement, in your eyes?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: A freedom fighter has a land that is occupied and he wants to liberate it, but a terrorist is someone who wants to kill people. And sometimes he doesn’t even have a program, a plan.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So what about al-Qaeda?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: I think the method these people are using is … a storm in a teacup. They don’t have any justification for existence.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So was September 11 a storm in a teacup?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Well of course, it is one of the terrorist acts.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Do you have any idea what should be done to combat terrorist groups like al-Qaeda?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: We should respond to them using the same arguments they use. They accuse America of violating the Muslim world, dominating it, interfering in it’s affairs and subjugating it. And that it supports the slaughter of Palestinians, displacing them and stopping them from returning home. And support of their argument increased after what happened in Iraq and…and in Gaza.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Can we go back to whether or not you have changed because the impression the world has is that you have softened, you are more capable of living peacefully with the rest of the Western world for instance.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: I was a hardliner with regard to colonialism which had occupied Africa and large parts of the world. We were waging an armed struggle… and therefore one had to be strong. But now no one asks for weapons but for economic aid, which changes your position.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Some of the reasons people think you have softened your position and you are no longer as dangerous as people used to say you were is because you have said you have no nuclear program, no weapons of mass destruction and that you believe that people like bin Laden are not the right kind of people to represent Islam.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: As to the nuclear program, it underwent a serious review by us, we built it after the revolution and the world has changed since.

    GEORGE NEGUS: You did have a weapons of mass destruction program?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course there was. But we reviewed it, many states were showing off then about going in that direction.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So you’re no longer fashionable?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Now there is no justification.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Some cynical commentators have said that one of the reasons you got rid of your weapons of mass destruction program is because you feared the same fate as Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: No, we started to deal with abandoning this program and negotiating with superpowers before the Iraq War.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Could we talk about Lockerbie because in the Western world if the word ‘Lockerbie’ is mentioned, the name Gaddafi is mentioned. When you hear the word ‘Lockerbie’, what do you think?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: The truth is nobody accepts actions against civilian targets and downing civilian planes. I don’t think a country can be responsible for or decide on such an action.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So you could look the world in the face and say quite honestly that you did not order the Lockerbie attack?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course. No country would do such a thing.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Do you think that the man accused actually was responsible for that bombing of that plane that killed 270 people? He was a Libyan intelligence officer.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: He is not an intelligence officer. He is a university professor. Had the appeal continued at the European Court he would have been acquitted.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Do you think he was guilty?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: I don’t think so. Even the International court of Justice said that it was a political trial.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So how do you feel that Libya and yourself in particular have been linked to that disaster?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Like I said at the time, they would blame everything on Libya as it was leading the liberation movement. Even now, terrorist acts might be carried out by terrorists who aren’t linked to bin Laden but they are immediately attributed to him.

    GEORGE NEGUS: If Lockerbie had nothing to do with you and Libya, why did you offer so much money in compensation to the families, the victims, the families of the victims?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: This is a peaceful settlement to resolve the problems between us.

    GEORGE NEGUS: But why did you do it, if Libya wasn’t involved and you weren’t the person who ordered that bombing?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: We, at the end, accepted the judgement that was made, even though it was not a legal judgement but a political one.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So what do you say, as a man, as a human being and as a father and later you suffered, your own family suffered when the retaliatory attacks occurred in Libya over that other bombing? What do you say to the families of the people who think that you were responsible?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: I have expressed myself about this numerous times. It is a tragedy – it was hideous. Who would support such an act? It’s not possible. Only someone who is mad or a terrorist – it is a real tragedy.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Tell me about IsraTine – we talked about your plan for Israel and Palestine.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: it is just my proposal to join two halves of two words.

    GEORGE NEGUS: The reality is that it’s not going to be as easy as you make it sound – to get the Israelis and Palestinians to stop killing each other the way they are.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: If they wanted to end the violence and war between them and if they wanted Jews and Palestinians to live in peace… Jews and Palestinians… then they should consider this solution. One democratic state, free from weapons of mass destruction, and with the return of the Palestinian refugees.

    GEORGE NEGUS: And you seriously believe it would work – in your lifetime?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: If God guides them, then this is the solution.

    GEORGE NEGUS: I guess I’m wondering how the Jews could see a light from Allah. There is a religious problem too isn’t there? A religious difficulty!

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: What is the religious difficulty?

    GEORGE NEGUS: That the Jews probably don’t believe in Allah.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: What would hinder this solution? This solution is not linked to religion – it is linked to reality. Four million displaced Palestinians must return, and the land will be for all of them, Palestinians and Israelis. What is the difference between what was said about throwing Jews into the sea and throwing Palestinians into the desert? It is the same thing.

    GEORGE NEGUS: I guess what I’m saying is if it was a simple matter of getting these people to think more sensibly about it, why hasn’t it happened before?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: The old generation… the old guard are reactionaries and bigots, but I think the new generation would accept this solution.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So it’s up to the young people to overcome the stupidity of the old people? Accepting yourself, of course. Could you tell me how you feel at the moment as we’re speaking, the Americans and the coalition forces in Afghanistan have mounted a major military offensive. What would you do about this? Do you see the Taliban, for instance, as freedom fighters or terrorists?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: The Taliban are not a threat and should not have been fought – they could have left the Taliban there and it would have been good.

    GEORGE NEGUS: For the Taliban to be the government?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Yes, because the Taliban are not Al-Qaida – the Taliban are not bin Laden.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So they’re not terrorists? In your eyes, they’re not terrorists?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: No, no. You know that the followers of bin Laden and Al-Qaida are Arabs not Afghans. The Taliban are Afghans – they want to rule their country in a religious manner, they are free to do that – look at the Vatican – same thing! What is the danger in that? They do not have the capability to invade America or Europe. What linked the Taliban, or what linked Afghanistan to Al- Qaida are the West and the Americans. The relationship was created by the Americans and by Muslim countries allied to America.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Do you still believe America is a dangerous nation where world peace is concerned and do you feel any better about America since Obama has been elected as president?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course, Obama without a doubt is an exceptional case, but America is America. Obama’s term is for a maximum of eight years.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Do you think he should stay forever?


    GEORGE NEGUS: Why do you think he’s an exception?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: His approach, his cultural influence and his race – being a black American.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So, you think his Kenyan descent is important?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course, he has even Arab and Islamic roots, and thus his mentality is different to that of the Yankees.

    GEORGE NEGUS: A lot of Yankees and a lot of Americans generally would be very upset to be reminded that he has Islamic roots.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Why are they concerned? You see, they are racist.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Could you work with the man?


    GEORGE NEGUS: Could you imagine him coming to your country?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Not necessary, but it would be good. I am not asking him to come but if it happens, it would be good.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Could I ask you about democracy because you use the word but to people in the West, Libya is not democratic. They see you as an autocrat, almost an absolute monarch. I mean how can you convince people in the West that your idea of democracy, which is very different from theirs, is still democracy? No political parties, no opposition.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course parties rule there while there are people to rule, the solution is for them is to come over and see Libya.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Do you have the final say? Was it you, for instance, that decided to get rid of the weapons of mass destruction?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course, I have a moral influence, I am the leader of the revolution and the revolution was the making of the people.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So what about the people who see you as a dictator? Is that a word that you will not tolerate?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Of course not. Whoever says that is ignorant and stupid.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So, you think you know better than anybody how the people think, and what the people want?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: Not at all. The people are the authority and have the authority and what is being said is not being said by the people. If someone says that, then he wants to rule the people.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Will there be a Gaddafi dynasty? You have sons. Is it automatic that one of your sons will succeed you? You have said when you go, whether you stop being the leader or, unfortunately, you pass on, that the people will all be president.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: The authority is with the people, in the end. Authority lies with the Libyan people who rule and so all other options are out.

    GEORGE NEGUS: How do you find out what the people want?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: The people say now they are exercising authority. Other options might be proposed but they are alternatives to the people’s authority. The people are free.

    GEORGE NEGUS: So it wouldn’t really upset you if they said “We don’t like the Gaddafi system”?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: For 40 years I have not been the ruler, the authority has been with the people. They take nothing from me or add anything to me.

    GEORGE NEGUS: Interestingly enough, I’m exactly the same age as you, and in 1969, when you had your bloodless coup, I started in journalism. It is a strange coincidence. I also had a Volkswagen car like your Beetle. But, we say in the West that people should have certain things on their tombstone – certain words on their tombstone. What do you think people will want to see on Muammar Gaddafi’s tombstone. Gaddafi an angel or Gaddafi a villain?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: No, I heard a different question.

    INTERPRETER: No, I mean, sir ….. How do I say it, I mean, in hundreds of years, what do you want written about you?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: He used other words.

    INTERPRETER: Sir, I don’t want to say them.

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: No, well, I … what is to be said about me… that I worked for others. I did not do anything for myself.

    INTERPRETER: That I worked for the others. To give service for the others, nothing for myself.

    GEORGE NEGUS: “Gaddafi the servant”? Can I finish on this note? One last question. For a man who was regarded by many people in the West as a fearsome person and a danger to peace and democracy, how do you describe yourself to people who say that? Were we wrong about you?

    COLONEL MUAMMAR GADDAFI: I forgive them, they were ignorant

    GEORGE NEGUS: Thank you, that’s very generous. Thank you very much.

    11 August  2012 14:16 (UTC)  Submitted by 


    Interview was originally web posted to on 18 Nov.  1999

    the imminent break-up of the United States of America, says: “The will of the African peopleswill be victorious in the end”

    [Editor’s note: ] At the invitation of Muammar Al-Gadhafi, The Final Call was granted an exclusive interview with the Libyan Leader on the heels of the very successful OAU Extraordinary Meeting in Sirte, Libya, where the African Union was created on 9.9.1999. The press delegation was headed by Final Call Editor James Muhammad, and included writer Jehron Hunter of Philadelphia, photo journalist Monica Morgan of Detroit and Akbar Muhammad, international representative of the Nation of Islam and advisor to Minister Louis Farrakhan on African affairs. Bro. Gadhafi’s passion to work on the unification of Africa was consistently expressed throughout the interview.

    After seven years of sanctions and embargos Bro. Gadhafi appeared energized and ready to move his country forward. His vision for a United States of Africa and the trial of two Libyan Nationals, which is also scheduled to start in February of 2000, seems to be on the top of his agenda. Bro. Gadhafi claims that the two accused are innocent and they will be cleared of all charges. Bro. Gadhafi is also author of “The Green Book,” his thoughts on a new social world order published in 1972.

    During the interview, Bro. Gadhafi, through an interpreter, articulated his strong desire to see Africans from the Diaspora involved in this process of forming a United States of Africa. He is inviting Africans in the Diaspora to join a conference of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) of Africa. The conference will take place the first week of February 2000. At this conference Bro. Gadhafi will discuss how Africans in the Diaspora and NGOs can move the process for the United States of Africa forward.

    Final Call News | (FCN): When you first launched the revolution, you had a particular thought and goal in mind. What was your desire for Libya then, and how has it evolved over the last 30 years?

    Muammar Gadhafi (MG): The objective was to liberate Libya because Libya was a colonized country. Libya at that time had five American military bases on it. Furthermore, Libya also had a few British military bases, and 20,000 Italian settlers were in Libya at the time. They controlled all theeconomic activity and all the arable land. The revolution I had in mind was to change the world. We feel that we have put forward and submitted a theory that may change the world.

    Even though the current generation may not understand and fully grasp this theory, the forthcoming generation will be able to grasp it and understand it fully.

    FCN: How relevant is the Green Book today in light of the changes that have taken place in the world?

    MG: Whatever is taking place in developments and changes in the world is an explanation and interpretation of “The Green Book.” An example is that when nobody thought there would be a separation in the Soviet Union or in Czechoslovakia or in Yugoslavia, “The Green Book” prophesied and stated that countries that have many nationalities one day would break up into small nationalist entities. Such a thing happened. The Soviet Union was broken up according to the nationalist entities; Yugoslavia was broken up. Such a thing may also apply to the United States of America because if the United States of America is composed of various races, nationalities and nationalist entities, then one day there will be a conflict and they will break up and form their own nationalist entities. Even India, if it is composed of many and various religions and nationalities, one day will break up and they will separate from each other. Also in “The Green Book,” it is stated that the workers, the wage earners, one day will become partners despite the will of the owners, the employers. Today we have seen so many big companies are giving property and shares to the wage earners. The popular socialism, which is heralded by “The Green Book,” is being imposed on the world now.

    FCN: In an interview you gave in the Inside the Middle East magazine in 1983, a question was asked about mistakes that had been made and you were quoted as saying there were “mistakes made in good faith.” Can you talk about some of the alleged mistakes that they suggested that you had made in the formulation of the Jamahiriya?

    MG: For sure there may have been some mistakes because we learn from life and experiences. When you work you are bound to make mistakes. Also, the changes that took place in the world also should be taken into consideration.

    FCN: In 1982 the 19th Assembly of the OAU (Organization of African Unity) was scheduled to take place here in Tripoli, however that meeting did not take place because a quorum wasn‘t reached and the meeting was canceled. It was said that 19 states boycotted the meeting. What do you think the real reason was that they did not show up?

    MG: At the time there were traitorous governmentsand America was able to give them orders not to go to Tripoli. At the time there was one or two countries less than the needed two-thirds quorum.

    FCN: Then in 1999 you had some 43 heads of state here for a special session of the OAU. What made the difference?

    MG: It is because the stooges have been taken off the throne. America actually loses when it depends on the traitorous or stooge governments and when it depends on agents and traitors. America should acknowledge the will of the African peoples. The will of the African peoples will be victorious in the end. If America wants to have a mutual interest with Africa, she should then respect Africa. The policy of creating stooges and traitors and the policy of exchanging (replacing) patriotic and nationalist governments, this is a policy that is doomed to fail. First of all, peoples will hate America because of this policy. The second reason is that the stooges or the traitors made by America will not live forever, they cannot continue; one day they will be overthrown. And the change in this case will be against America because the governments or the systems that have been changed are traitorous, they are made by America, the people overthrow them and thus the people hate America in return. This is a piece of advice from me to America.

    FCN: When the United States of Africa becomes a reality, what kind of leader will it take to run it? Will you be a candidate?

    MG: Excuse me, but don’t put this question in this way. Allow me to say that because we don’t want to focus on who will be in government or who will rule. This will cause us to deviate from the noble objective and great work to a lower level. We want Africa to be united and we want Africa to govern itself by itself. We don’t want anyone to rule Africa.

    FCN: The west continues to use the terminology sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa instead of Africa as a whole. Do you think this is intentional?

    MG: This is a malicious policy but it is exposed. They want to define Africa geographically and from the ethnic point of view. But Africans themselves have made the Sahara or the desert a bridge, not a partition. The proof of that is now there are more than one million African Blacks coming from those countries that are supposed to be sub-Saharan into Libya to work. The desert did not prevent them from coming over to Libya.

    FCN: U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright just finished a visit to Africa, visiting six different countries. There is a move to gain influence in Africa by America and France and there are different conflicts in Africa. How do you view (her trip) in light of what God has blessed you to see in terms of the uniting of Africa?

    MG: It seems that France is tired of Africa; it is slowing down and deserting Africa. And the same thing that is happening to France will happen to America. Currently, Africa will present a burden to anyone who covets Africa. In the future Africa will become awake and they (western powers) will not get anything out of it, because she will be awake. Both ways they (western powers) are losers.

    FCN: In America, the conflict in the Sudan that you have been working to try to resolve is portrayed as Muslims fighting against Christians who want to be free of an Islamic government. And (rebel leader) John Garang is being supported by America through surrogate countries such as Uganda, Kenya. And they tried it with Ethiopia and Eritrea but it did not work. How do you see this conflict being resolved? Will America withdraw the aid from John Garang and force him to a peace table, or will they continue to aid John Garang and let this conflict go on?

    MG: This is one of the failed American policies. John Garang will never be an agent of America. Recently, he spoke to me on the telephone and told me that even though he was in America, that he is still a revolutionary and whether or not he goes to America will not affect his revolutionary spirit; it will not change him. Both ways America will be a loser. If America wants to fight the world, it will lose. And if America wants to involve itself in the affairs of the world, to give assistance to the world and be involved all over the world, it will get tired and deplete and sap itself and in the end it will lose.

    FCN: Then how can the civil war be resolved?

    MG: Personally speaking, I see no good reason that makes Sudanese fight each other. It is an internal problem to start with. But bear in mind that with the mentality that is prevalent now the problem may not be solved. If we look thoroughly and deeply into the problem, we don’t find a very real or serious reason for the war. The problem is the mentality or the way of thinking of the people there. Once there is a change in the mentality and way of thinking in the people in the Sudan, there won’t be a problem. In the meantime I won’t give any reasons to oblige the southerners to fight me. If I were Garang, I would not find any reason or justification or necessity for the young people to die and to suffer all the hardships, to make them go to war to fight. It is possible, politically speaking, that dialogue can be engaged. I regret it and it bothers me to say that the war has changed into a matter of business.

    FCN: You talked about reparations in your recent messages. Do you feel that the American government should pay the descendants of slaves reparations, and what do you think would be fair compensation?

    MG: This is an obligation (of America), and one day America will be obliged and forced to pay the price. America is suffering from megalomania and her ears and eyes are shut because of power and strength. But one day America’s might will come to an end and America will open her eyes and ears to see and hear the truth. Compensation will be both moral and material.

    FCN: In the United States of Africa, what role do you see Africans in the Diaspora playing?

    MG: They have a role to play. The work and the call for African unity actually started from the Africans who are outside of Africa. It dates back to the 1900s and it started from the Manchester Conference. Africans in the Diaspora at the time started convening themselves and holding conferences to think about liberating their own land and uniting. So judging by that, Africans who are in the Diaspora have a big role to play. They should help their people who are inside the motherland. They should mobilize them and raise their morale. The Jews do that similarly all over the world. They encourage the creation of the state of Israel and they give the state of Israel money and moral support. The American Jews actually exploit and use America. And even though they are Americans, they work to make America actually to give service to the Jews. They do not forget their ancestors, they do not forget that they are Jews. By the same token this applies to the Black Africans in America. Even if they become rulers and presidents one day, they should not forget their mother Africa.

    FCN: We have in America 1.8 million prisoners in the jails of America and most of them are Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans. Brother Farrakhan in the book “Torchlight for America” talks about having a program that will bring prisoners who have been reformed to Africa to help in the development of Africa. What do you think of that idea?

    MG: That is a very good idea and we welcome it. Africa should do that because they are the sons of Africa. That’s their mother, that’s their home.

    FCN: What role did Nelson Mandela and PrinceBandar play in your decision to release the two Libyan nationals accused of the Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie to a third country for trial. Also, what would be your message to the family members of the Pan Am victims?

    MG: It goes without saying that the Lockerbie issue is a tragedy. The relatives of the victims need consolation. But all of us should know the truth of who did that and we should know the reason behind it. It seems that the action was not done by a lunatic. According to the information on the evidence or the theory that is going now provided by them, it seems that the action was carefully planned and very well done to the extent that Third World countries cannot actually perform it because it is so highly pieced together. Because it is so well planned there are some theories that it cannot be done by the orders of third world countries, but it is actually the work of American intelligence … I mean it is pre-planned. But what is the cause? Is it to take revenge on the American government? Is it an action against the policy of America because it has taken an action against a people? Or is it because America (herself) knows that there are certain quarters or certain organs in the world that want revenge against America? So American intelligence may actually plan such an action so that the direction of these parties will be diverted, (and that people will think) these parties have already taken revenge against America. The American intelligence will do such an action so that others will accuse those certain quarters, because they have a grudge against America. It will be said that these quarters have actually taken this revenge against America. For instance, if America wants to take any action against Libya, then America will direct its intelligence to do a piece of work to the extent that it will be claimed that Libya had done it if it was able and capable to do it. And since Libya is not able to do such a piece of action (Lockerbie), but the American intelligence fulfilled this action and Libya is accused. Then the American government will find justification for any action to be taken against Libya. This seems to be the case as far as Lockerbie is concerned. In 1986 America killed Libyan women and children and destroyed houses of the Libyan people, so the families of the children wish to take revenge against America. And because Libyans cannot actually do it, the American intelligence does it and Libya is incriminated. America then has justification to impose sanctions against Libya. It seems that this is the scenario.

    FCN: It is said in some papers that Libya lost – billion during these seven years of sanctions. If the suspects are found innocent, will Libya sue America and the western world for the money and lives they lost during these sanctions?

    MG: Of course, if such a thing happens then we shall go to the Security Council of the United Nations and we shall ask for reparations and compensation because we have paid the price for an issue that we have not committed. For this reason America wants to condemn Libya and make Libya convicted one way or the other. And we know that America is actually working to influence the Scottish judiciary and wants to create false eyewitnesses. America actually pays money to create unreal witnesses. We even know the names of a few witnesses who are false because they are being paid by America. One of them is named [Jaraka (Jiaka)], he’s Libyan. The judges and court will be bothered by the American influence and pressures.

    FCN: What is your message to young people in America? Also, what music do you like to listen to?

    MG: I like classical music. I like Beethoven. My message to the young people is that I wish that a new generation will be created in America, a new generation that will put an end to the imperialist and reactionary America; that this new generation will enable and empower the American people to govern themselves by themselves. And that they will continue to boycott this false democracy and boycott the elections. And that they will exploit and utilize the potential and resources of America for the betterment of humanity, not to the detriment of mankind as is taking place nowadays.

    FCN: In Benghazi at a World Peoples Leadership Conference in 1995, you said that Libya and the Islamic world would put billion for the use of Bro. Farrakhan to rebuild African Americans in America. What is your thinking on that at this time?

    MG: My thinking is the same.

    FCN: In America we have an unbalanced view of who you are. Can you tell us who the Gadhafi is that the west does not know?

    MG: Gadhafi is different and contrary to what America says now and what Americans know about him. Anything that America (media) says is different from the true Gadhafi.

    FCN: Thank You. #


    Message To ‘Human”kind’ [Gaddafi_Spoke]

    Libya uprising: Muammar al Gaddafi Speech 08 july 2011 [libyasos]


    Muammar al-Qathafi’s Speech at Sebha ( Fezzan ) City Friday 08-JULY- 2011 translated By Admin اسكندر بيك

    “Long live the great Fezzan, long live the ancient Fezzan, long live the Fezzan free ground. Long lived Sabha, the penitentiary Free Union, Long live Sabha which started the great historical revolution that influenced the history of the world .

    This is the masses, the masses of the free Libyan people send another message to the whole world, such as that sent to the world from Tripoli, the steadfeast Tripoli the resistance that shooked NATO, and collapsed the castles, and collapsed their morale.They realized that message from the millions march which involved only a quarter of two million , their newspapers, their journalist who in Tripoli was witness.

    And now, this is another message of the million march in Great Fezzan: who wants the challenge? Come and challenge Libyan people, challenge the masses, the masses are able to challenge but the enemies of the masses are falling under the feet of the masses, the masses under the crawl, agents will fall and the traitors from the east to the west, NATO will fall under the feet of the Libyan masses , under the feet of the free Libyan people. This is march for challenge. This is the high sounds, cooler heads high and brought what is catching the glory achieved by the Great Revolution, historical Revolution that made NATO angry, historical Revolution which is being hated by the power of colonialism, empires of colonialism hate this historical Revolution. They want it to be finished.

    For 25 years they are bombing In order to eliminate the historic leadership of the revolution. They believe that the revolution will be over with the end of Gaddafi. No, this is a revolution of the Libyan people, the authority of the Libyan people, this is the political system of the Libyan people, chosen by the Libyan people, approved by the Libyan people, the decision of the Libyan people, practiced by the Libyan people.

    They believe that the regime in Libya , kike their own reactionary party system , is defunct dictatorial and capitalist,

    they Believe that the regime in Libya is as their system. This is not a party where if the minister resigned this mean that the government fell. With the dissolution of the government, coalition government falls. Government of Italy depends on the Interior Minister, if the minister resign that means Italy government fails. British government relies on a small party called the Liberal Party If the minister submits his resignation, Cameron government falls down, with the government Britannia will be finished.

    But Libya is not a party government and is not a government per capita, is not a government’s election, there people has the power. And the people exercise political power, economic and social. If all the people have the power so how this system will fail? Oh dupes, this system of people’s power, this isn’t Qaddafi’s regime, it’s People’s Congresses created by the Libyan people which is the same in the form of popular conferences for the exercise of power and is constituted by the People’s Committees to make out the decisions of the People’s Congresses. Libyan people never had a problem.

    The problem is with colonialism. With the power of colonialism that you want to capture the oil, you envy the Libyan people, how God gives the oil to the Libyan people. Uh, I see you Mama I see your hands with henna, thanks, Long Live. That’s very clear they want discernible oil. How? Your people are very small and it cannot be that you have such an oil , We want France wants, not for you, they said no, either give the oil livelihood of your children, that strengthened our children. This is an injustice. If the missile will strike the beat even with atomic bombs, we are in our land and our authority to the Day of Resurrection.

    We do not think about life or death or victory , we are interested to do duty so we will not betray the past and will not fail the future, we said these words, we will not give up, we are not afraid of them. And are not afraid of them , even if it’s our destiny, let it be our destiny, this is an injustice. We are in our homes and our children in their homes got killed, we have only to be steadfast and courageous. Challenge to the end, come what may. Them who they should fail down should withdraw. We do not give up the cause of our existence on our land and our unity and our freedom, our dignity, but they disagree on the issue of crusader crazy campaign finance, they disagree on the number of planes and disagree on the spoils they thought they will get from Libya and disagree on everything. But we do not disagree on anything , that Libya, that the Libyan people, this challenge we do not give up and not afraid of them.

    You have to rethink, you are facing the people, you are facing millions, look at their insignificance and silliness. When they speak they say supporters of Gaddafi look it’s millions march , they are accustomed to be a popularity 5% and 10% last rulers of NATO , oh i see you have written “Moammer Gaddafi” on your chest, long live.They think Libya just like them a party or person. This power is exercised by the people of the entire. If people wanted to change the Committees of Libyan People can do this in one day and replaced by dozens of People’s Committees.

    They do not know this , do not know , they think that the regime in Libya is such as their system. Their popularity is declining every day , party because he governs , and there is another party against. But the Libyan people is to govern, there are no people against another. When the people are the rulers is there someone can promotion the people? Then this person wants to steal power from the people. If an individual or group they must tread them trampled. If the aircraft was hit from above and there are those who want to cooperate with them on the ground. You must trample on the traitors. No place for traitors. This is fateful battle, do not show mercy to the agents and traitors , you have seen what they did the traitors in Benghazi, rape in Benghazi every night, in Benghazi, killing all night, playing on Bodies in Benghazi and Derna every night, horror, you have to be with us or you will burn your house, you have to be with me or I will kill you, you will be with me or will playing on your body, this is a democracy defended by NATO.

    Look to democracy, playing on bodies by force ? Killing people? Killing people, burning houses every day in order to undergo to an armed gang. And you said this is democracy, OH MY This is the democracy that they speak about? MashAllah, Mashallah for Western democracy, democracy is the machine gun? Killing, skinning the human beings is this democracy? Imposed by the bombs and intercontinental missiles? TO Hell with this democracy! Is this democracy? This is barbaric! These barbarians, you do not understand…

    Oh thank you lady, I see you (Gaddafi saw girl wrote on her hand “Moammer Gaddafi” with henna).

    They think that the world such as time ago , no, no, no, the world changed, this the Libyan people. Come to face the Libyan people, if you are men, then come to face the Libyan people. Last Friday only a quarter of two million in Tripoli and the Libyan cities all went out on marches, not only in Tripoli, not by the millions in Tripoli only. I have seen, the world is also seen in every city in every village and every oasis. Today this Friday another millions march, another historical message sent to the world from the Libyan people, steadfast people. You must be in despair, O invaders, you should feel despair, you can feel the despair and withdrawal. You can take the defeated tails . Every day you are breaking, you face a solid rock, we faced a numbers of campaigns in the past when we were weak and what you think of today?

    We are waiting for you as well as fishes, we will not give our dignity and our land will not be given and we will not betray our history and we will not fail our future, all Libyans are all one man’s Muammar Gaddafi.Who can challenge the people? What is the force that the world could face a million or two million fighters? I will arm the millions, welcome you can come, I will do I arm the million and two million, welcome if you come, let the NATO comes , you will find a million or two million armed men.Then killed the Libyan military, is that halal ? Permissible? By God you want to protect the civilians?

    When was the apse with you to protect civilians ? You kill the Algerian people with the atomic bomb You say you tried the atomic bombs in the Algerian desert? And to exterminate the Algerian people, million and a half has had the atomic bomb genocide, you when you have interest in the protection of civilians? You kill wholesale In Iraq, Palestine and everywhere you kill wholesale, when did you bend?

    Okay you protect the civil and the killing of military Libyans? Aren’t they Libyan ? You want to kill Libyans! You found it justified because you want to kill the Libyan people, how do every day dozens of civilians and dozens of military die? Is this the protection of civilians? Aren’t they libyan ?

    Thank you, Mama I have seen a writing on your hand, Muammar Ali.

    Benghazi and surrounding areas, I told you if its take long time it will grew up. This volcano will explode and gather, our tribes cannot see our children die, NATO bombs, bombs by a call of traitors in Benghazi, who control the guns in Benghazi and every day, raping girls in Benghazi and Derna. Traitors, a big flood will come, you must think how to survive before it is too late , O traitors , Libyan people cannot leave the oil in the hands of a gang. We cannot leave its fate in the hands of a gang and they cannot surrender to colonialism again, Libyan people decided to live free. Die, die! Live free on our land, face the injustice of the invasion of aggression, they killed our children inside our homes, there is no Injustice like this barbarity, but as they did shed us we will shed them.

    And we have to warn them and send them a threatening letter. May a thousand of Libyans go to the Mediterranean and to Europe, we are able to commit suicide, because we will be in Paradise, and they will be in the hell. We love death love quote, may dozens of Libyans, hundreds of Libyans, thousand of Libyans martyr in Europe, shed to their homes and their headquarters and their children and wives. Libya also profaned, and I said tooth for a tooth and eye for an eye. They know this, but let’s give them a chance.

    Chance may not be long, give them a chance to return for their insolence and return to their bases, because they have ruined the Mediterranean, they want to ruin the world and undermine the security and peace of the world. They want us to back to the medieval, to the World War once again between the East and West and between Islam and Christianity.

    They are crazy, they must be arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court or transferred to mental hospitals. These leaders of the Atlantic, either they are crazy and drunk and should be in a psychiatric hospital or sober is insane and criminals must be transferred to the International Criminal Court. Yes, there are lawyers in Europe, raising issues against the leaders of the Atlantic politicians and blame them as war criminals. Appear in front of the International Criminal Court, leave the power, give the power to the people.

    Your people wish to have power like our people wish to have the power, as the Libyans have power. Your people say you leave us to govern ourselves by ourselves. Heads take bribe, rigged are elections, party dictatorship control people and they say this is a democracy, is this democracy? This topic of direct popular democracy exists only in Libya, learn democracy from Libya. Libyans people govern themselves. Your people come out against you. Stop and say enough parties, rigged elections, enough dictators heads, they taking your sons to war, France and U.S. and Europe, to fight without any reason in losing battles. It’s the desire of the rulers to take revenge on other people, these extreme dictatorships.

    This is the excellence, people who ordered, more than a million to out today in the Sabha, of all the valleys of Fezzan: The whole of the valley of the east and west and the valley of Shatti Valley threshold Alhayia and from the valleys Alqtron, Tejrhi , Albouka , belly, Ghat and Ubari and Allbaris and Smono and Tmanhunt Alzegen and from everywhere. Who ordered those millions? Who make this avalanche of masses to move ? The masses are moved in the same battle the guidance of the battle of the challenge. Battle of dignity, battle proving the existence. We die but we will never surrender.

    We will challenge them always until they be defeated. They are now falling back off now, from 28 countries only two countries, France and Britain, even Italy surrendered and America withdrew from the beginning, 28 countries, only two fights all of them fell. We are able to move the fight to Europe, liberating Ceuta and Melilla and the Canary and Andalusia and Albisk and Anbadoza and Bnthaleraa and Sgela Padania, and we can ally with this people, and Scotland, recognized or omitted, also enable them to fight until we all be independent. We made a friendship with them and we were silent on the occupation of Ceuta and Melilla and the Canary and their occupation of Mbadoza and peoples emerging Pena also we silent and we made with them relations of friendship and investment, tourism and affection .

    In hour they drunk they being crazy they destroyed everything so you destroyed everything. Let it be, we will liberate erosion we are liberate Ceuta and Melilla and ally ourselves with them, Abadanie, and ally ourselves with Imbidoza and Costrka and Alluot. This lands of the entire African territory, a colony of France and its colony of Spain and its colony of Spain to Arab lands , they have the people in Andalusia the want the liberation, Padania wants independence, Scotland wants independence. The patch that you want independence, all these people want independence. We can recognize them and ally with them. And then you regret, Oh tyrants Atlantic, you will regret when we will move the war to Europe, regret. We are unable to move the war, but we give you a warning.

    Now only we challenge you with millions, bring million in any state supported your government, came up one million! Million may our but against you. These are millions, look they are with whom? With you ? Or with us ? Answer, you know the truth.

    This topic on Friday 8.7.2011, they saw it last Friday in Tripoli. They saw it every day in other cities in the villages and oasises, they said “Gaddafi supporters”, yes millions are Gaddafi supporters, if you said so, then it’s believable. They think it’s the same in their countries where they have only 10 % supporters and 90 % the rest against them.Gaddafi has millions of supporters because he isn’t a ruler and he is not a president. Gaddafi didn’t come to power through fake election with companies funding from abroad. Also, about the donkeys of the Arab gulf.

    This is their shameful end, the Arab nation is spitting on them and the history of Arab nation too, spitting on their cold faces, their type is the same as donkey, the shame is enough to kill them, they have no blood, they are not men, their women is better than them. Their women are revolutionary and liberal, and they are cowards, slaves of colonization, shame on them, don’t care about them, those are scum, they are worthless. There is no state there in the gulf, which state? They are group of donkeys ruled by foreigners, they walk on their hands and feet just for riding them, the French and NATO, they is not men. Are those men? They will die in shame,what’s their business with Libya ?

    Libya is African country. We left them and stayed in Africa, why did they come to us? Why did they unite with the West against us? What did we do to them? They are in Asia and we are in Africa.Our missiles are masses, our plane are masses, our strength is the masses, who wants to challenge come to challenge the masses, and who want to negotiate they should come to the masses.The masses should be ready to million crowds on any area in Libya controlled by the traitors and agents of colonialism. Those agents of colonialism , they are soldiers of France even if they are Libyan, they are soldiers of France and England .

    Those are traitors and agents, masses should crawl by millions on them, anywhere, crawling should be continuous until the liberation of Libya, until Libya return to prosperity and wealth and freedom, secure and comfortable, just as it was, not long ago. Today Libyan women are beggars, beggars, beggars in Egypt and Tunisia; they wash dishes and Libyan man harvest crops in Tunisia, instead of being masters not long ago. These gangs that came, which were made by colonialism, traitors, for the colonialism to come they want to displace our people, displace Libyan people, displace Alhrabi and Almorabiten from Brega, they fired the resident, they are beggars in Egypt, and from the mountains, they are beggars in Tunisia. Who made us like this? You should hunt them. Who put you in this bad situation, in this shame, this gloating , you were masters, you became slaves, you were rich, you became poor, people were begging from from you, now you beg from people. Beggars in Egypt and Tunsia , who led you in this situation ?

    Yesterday, not many months ago, you were comfortable in your houses, rich, petrol in your hands, power in your hands. Petrol stopped, your life stopped, projects stopped. Who led us to this? What for? For ruling you? You will allow them? Them will bring the colonialism, they are asking NATO for help . Shame, shame, what’s left in their life ?Fezzan was forgotten and neglected before the Revolution, but after 1969 it entered the history from its widest door, the place of the first spark, Fezzan is the sitter of the Revolution, in Sebha. People of Fezzan were slaves, slaves to the rulers families, to the feudals and reactionaries, they made them slaves, you in your land Fezzan, you were slaves, second class citizens. Who betrays Fezzan isn’t one from it! He is missing to the era of slavery he wants his masters, 40 years of freedom is too much on him, he want to go back to his masters again , he want to lick the hand of the feudal who was ruling Fezzan, freedom is too much on him. Women in Fezzan now are training how to use weapon and they fight, where it was ? Man in Fezzan was nothing, he didn’t have even a knife, this is Fezzan free, this is the Valley raising and it’s full of masses. This Valleys in Fezzan can fight till the judgment day, een the atomic bomb would not affect .

    Traitors and their Masters NATO, you are plowed in the sea, you are plowed in the sand. Taking place behind the mirage, this is free Fezzan, Fezzan after becoming free, there is no way it will accept becoming a slave again. This masses who were slaves they will be free till the judgment day , will arm these masses, and the wealth will be for the poor people, to this masses, who are steadfast in everywhere in Libya. Oil will be only for poor , tomorrow when victory is coming oil will be in the hands of poor people. Also, young people, who are engaged in this confrontation and fighting everywhere, young people are those who will be leading all the facilities, this is the Revolution of the young people , Revolution of The Great Fateh is the Revolution of Youth, young people must lead all the facilities, the educated young people will lead all facilities , to create tomorrow’s Libya.

    These masses, poor masses, you are the owners of the oil , owners of the wealth, and it will be back to you. You will enjoy more power and wealth more than before, you deserve it, because with your steadfastness you will defeat NATO, NATO will withdraw. They will be defeated and return with big loss, yes, NATO will be defeated, this is the great defeat, this is the strongest will , this is the brave, this historic stand. Nobody will tread on us anymore, not because we have missiles or atomic bombs as they have, no, because we have masses that have the land and the saying, and own the land, power and the wealth, masses who fight. It’s not a regular army, if it’s defeated, the country will be defeated too.

    No, all people are armed and they fight, nobody will face Libyans after now, they realized facing Libya is facing millions.GO AHEAD, Fezzan, never return to slavery and the reactionary, Go AHEAD our Arab tribes in Sebha, GO Ahead O Free , GO Ahead , GO AHEAD for duty, never fear anything. We don’t fear anything, we don’t fear death, we don’t want life, we want to do our duty as it should be, GO AHEAD GO Ahead!


    ANALYSIS BY Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


    “Libya: The other side of the coin”

    Analysing the speech of Muammar al-Qathafi last Friday to the packed crowd in Tripoli, we can see how the Libyan Brother Leader thinks.

    Here is a summary of the speech with some comments, for our readers to see the other side of the story. And there is another side, as the mainstream media are starting to see. NATO committed a huge mistake.For a start, the crowd packed into central Tripoli was massive. Eye witness reports of it being one million strong, and 1.7 million the previous Friday, would mean that these are among the largest demonstrations of support for a leader in history. Muammar Gaddafi started his speech by referring to “the masses of the free Libyan people” who in their great numbers, “send another message to the whole world”.

    Muammar Gaddafi then goes on to predict that “NATO will fall”. Given that NATO obviously launched the “rebellion”, arming and aiding thousands of marauding terrorists who proceeded to torch government buildings, destroy private property and run amok, slaughtering people in the streets, impaling young boys and raping little girls, NATO indeed has a lot to account for. Not least is the intended murder of the Colonel himself and the slaughter of his son and three grandchildren.Certainly, NATO never expected Colonel Gaddafi to remain in power until mid-July when the “rebellion” began in the endemically separatist Benghazi in mid-February and NATO has done everything it can to take sides, bombing and strafing the Libyan Armed Forces, trying to spur on a rebel advance.

    The result is that the country is more and more divided upon tribal fault-lines, providing a very dangerous scenario for the future unless there is an immediate cessation of hostilities.

    Is Gaddafi the one man holding it together? Not according to the Brother Leader himself:

    “They believe that the revolution will be over with the end of Gaddafi. No, this is a revolution of the Libyan people, the authority of the Libyan people, this is the political system of the Libyan people, chosen by the Libyan people, approved by the Libyan people, the decision-making is by the Libyan people, practised by the Libyan people”.

    Here he is referring to the unique system of Government called the Jamahiriya, the State of the Masses in which government is conducted through People’s Congresses, through which the people exercise political and economic power and implement policies.Muammar Gaddafi then goes on to blame Colonialism and foreign powers for the trouble in Libya, claiming

    “the Libyan people never had a problem”.

    He added:

    “The problem is with colonialism. It is with the power of colonialism that you want to capture the oil, you envy the Libyan people, how God gives the oil to the Libyan people”.

    Indeed, it is Libya’s massive oil (prime quality) and water resources which are coveted by so many.Not only this. Another main issue is the fact that Muammar Gaddafi has invested so much time, energy and financing into the creation of the African Union, giving Africa its own Institutions, freeing millions from the yolk of payments to western organisms, setting up e-learning and telemedicine facilities which reach everyone on the Continent and freeing African nations from the payment of crippling charges for external services.The Brother Leader then pointed out the enormous differences within NATO, regarding what to do and how to proceed, while the populations of the NATO countries involved in this Crusade start to question why there are not better facilities and public services when their Governments say they cannot afford it, yet then spend up to per aircraft per hour in bombing Libya and aiding terrorists, many of whom have themselves fought against NATO in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Their leader, Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, has admitted as much himself.

    He said:

    “The democracy defended by NATO” is the scenes witnessed in Benghazi, where the armed gangs slaughter and rape, burn property, pillage and desecrate bodies. Claiming the Libyan people are united (and the massive turnouts in the demonstrations send a clear message of this), he said NATO should withdraw because the Libyans will stand firm and show courage to defend their homes and their children, bombed daily by NATO.Muammar al-Gaddafi then asked NATO if “protecting civilians” was bombing them and bombing the Libyan Armed Forces, while he claimed that the “rebels” are traitors who act as the agents for NATO powers, which in turn will colonise Libya’s oil resources (concentrated in the East).

    Claiming that Libya could send thousands of soldiers to Europe to carry out suicide missions, he said

    “Let us give them a chance” to withdraw and see the folly of their mistakes.

    He also stated that lawyers in Europe are drawing up suits to file against the NATO leaders for war crimes: “they must be arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court or transferred to mental hospitals”.He then threatened to form alliances with all independence movements in Europe, since NATO has fostered the independent streak running through the veins of the Benghazi terrorists.Next, the Brother Leader of the Libyan Revolution reserved particular venom for the Gulf States, calling them “shameful” because they have allowed themselves to be ruled by foreigners and calling them “donkeys” and “cowards” who walk on their hands and feet being ridden by colonial powers.

    This was a message of defiance: “Our missiles are the masses, our planes are the masses, our strength is the masses; who wants to challenge, come to challenge the masses, and who wants to negotiate, they should come to the masses. The masses should be ready to send crowds of one million in any area in Libya controlled by the traitors and agents of colonialism. Those agents of colonialism, they are soldiers of France even if they are Libyan, they are soldiers of France and England,” the only two of the NATO countries left in the alliance against Libya, striking Africa.And finally, promise for the future:

    “The wealth will be for the poor people. Oil will be only for the poor, tomorrow when victory is coming oil will be in the hands of poor people. Also, young people, …who will be leading all the facilities, this is the Revolution of the young people. You will enjoy more power and wealth more than before, you deserve it, because with your steadfastness you will defeat NATO, NATO will withdraw”.

    Steadfast, resilient, defiant, a champion of his people and a champion of Libya. This is the message from Muammar al-Qathafi to the leaders of NATO countries who made a huge mistake in breaching international law, taking sides in an internal conflict, committing war crimes. With his people behind him, Muammar Gaddafi sends a strong and clear message to those who must by now be wondering how to use a get-out clause.It is perfectly simple: NATO should claim the no-fly zone has been imposed successfully and allow the African Union and the Libyan people to hold talks on their future.”


    By alfatah69 • Posted in ALGERIA ISP, ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawam ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama

    According to Akhbar Libya, Tripoli, clashes were in the Fernadj prison and a fire broke out.

    In Sabha,

     the Resistance fighters kidnapped three rebels from Misurata. They warned the Misuratis. If they condemn to death the prisoners Jamhiriya, they will do the same with three rebels. These are the rebels following: 1 – Ali Othman Abu RWIS 2 – Mohamed Bashir Abu Chiba 3 – Abdellah Bitter A statement from the Interior Ministry informed that the prisoners managed to flee the prison in Tripoli.

    A mutiny in Fernadj prison in Tripoli, several prisons were able to go outside but the rebels anticipated them, the Jamahiriya prisoners have been executed and many bodies are lying on the streets near the mosque at Dora Tripoli. The other prisoners were moved to other prisons in Tripoli.Libyans will be executed 10 prisoners today (August 11, 2012)Source: ALGERIA ISPALGERIA ISP / Thida According Fi Libya on February 17, the list of prisoners of the Jamahiriya executed today in Misurata 1 – Ali Abdellah Gaddafi 2 – Khaled Mahmoud Gaddafi 3 – Salem Sharif Ijbara 4 – Naser Abu Hamza Yusuf 5 – Mohamed Aissa Amhamed 6 – Abdellah Mohamed Mabrouk 7 – Ahmed Faraj Rajeb 8 – Mohamed Mabrouk Nakrat 9 – Sharif Mohamed Abou Nirane. 10 – Osama Abdelali Mokhtar Yesterday, clashes were in the region Fernadj.

    THE WEST and GNC are lying about “TERRORIST BOMBS planted by ‘Gaddafi followers'” to crackdown on the popular Green Resistance and placing false-flags everywhere to discredit the Green Resistance!
    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

    Mazzika rats are finding tank shells ready to go off in Tripoli … And continues the series on the basis of lies they have security and Joe .. After Altobo follows Cletoh yesterday Nfdhtwa Oh rats
    قالك الجرذان يعثرون على قذائف دبابه معده للتفجير في طرابلس… و يستمر مسلسل الكذب على اساس عندهم امن وجو.. بعد الطوبو يلي كليتوه امس نفضحتوا يا جرذان.

    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
    20 Aot 2012

    Mesh Aref it need not Khashh head a little …… security committee in the lower performance dominated all developed countries and non-technical, cameras catch the bombers hours after the bombing, whether in Tripoli or Benghazi and dismantle many times ticking bombs even in locations: hidden.

    Thread a little ……….

    passengers not reasonable speed this terrible in all cases only hours and are arrested, the offender and tell me all the details of the story without any images or guide!!!!!!!!

    T-even in countries who then experience detective Eachd Thread weeks and days and investigations and rebounds, but the length of rats. significance of speech lie in the lie and Germanhm believe … Malishe Aadhirohm Rakpthm chills.

    THE WEST and GNC are lying about “TERRORIST BOMBS planted by ‘Gaddafi followers'” to crackdown on the popular Green Resistance and placing false-flags everywhere to discredit the Green Resistance!

    The current situation of the battalion
    D’Ivoire (Libyan resistance denied with respect to the attacks that occurred on the volcano San Lt.) for
    the name of God the Merciful
    I Lieutenant volcano speak for myself and on behalf of all resistance factions on the nose Libyan ground

    unequivocally any relationship or link to Libyan resistance factions attacks that rocked Tripoli today we Kvsaúl

    Resistance When we multiply know where when and how we multiply and come Chaharbagh day he told you

    that rumors on the lips of customers of NATO and the hypocrisy is just Adaat CDP events resistance Libyan jail have nothing to do with

    The goal is to distort the image of the Resistance and its people
    and soon, God willing, will be confronted directly and in the field will remain for men and not for what they like.

    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

    Mazzika rats are finding tank shells ready to go off in Tripoli … And continues the series on the basis of lies they have security and Joe .. After Altobo follows Cletoh yesterday Nfdhtwa Oh rats
    قالك الجرذان يعثرون على قذائف دبابه معده للتفجير في طرابلس… و يستمر مسلسل الكذب على اساس عندهم امن وجو.. بعد الطوبو يلي كليتوه امس نفضحتوا يا جرذان.

    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
    Vous Aimez ·Hier

    Mesh Aref it need not Khashh head a little …… security committee in the lower performance dominated all developed countries and non-technical, cameras catch the bombers hours after the bombing, whether in Tripoli or Benghazi and dismantle many times ticking bombs even in locations: hidden. Thread a little ………. passengers not reasonable speed this terrible in all cases only hours and are arrested, the offender and tell me all the details of the story without any images or guide!!!!!!!! T-even in countries who then experience detective Eachd Thread weeks and days and investigations and rebounds, but the length of rats. significance of speech lie in the lie and Germanhm believe … Malishe Aadhirohm Rakpthm chills.

    بانورما الأحداث في ليبيا (ثورة أم فتنة!)
    تنفيد القسم الاعلامي بالمقاومة الليبية 2012
    Sabha by warplanes hovering Bkatra including type helicopter above Manshia inspired Abdul Kafi and sweet, just before voted four powerful explosions, all this after clashes occurred yesterday in Soukra specifically Alsoadin Street

    حكومة الناتو تحاول يائسه ترويع الشعب الليبي الصامد.
    طياراتك يا المصدي ما زادنا غير تحدي.

    Ivory (Tripoli) for: military aircraft flying in the skies of the capital Tripoli.
    Jaivin by rats do not mind Jahm Almnhs.

    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

    Not for the intervention of NATO and the mercenaries of what they could bring down the regime of public politically in Libya has surrounded the NATO Tripoli by more than 20 thousand mercenary Is this revolution?! also recognized Chairman rebels NATO Mustafa enemy Galilee that Qatar spent billion for the overthrow of the system mass. and tip of the iceberg.

    A big shame because the right of Libyans is that rats are ruled by the Emir of Qatar … They were threatening the United States. big difference between yesterday and today.


    Pictures of the hospital fire in the rear courtyard Beida near the store medicines. Wayne NATO!

    The group has sent a threat to the hospital 17 Gahaar white city two weeks ago, the implementation of the present day and the threat of arson, causing the hospital.


    The following article from Tarhounah Green Resistance, shows also that the Masonic Lodge had Jewish-Zionist origins from its onset; and even today, Masons use their special commemoration days to stir troubles, wars and discord throughout the world to achieve their agendas and goals of NWO [world domination] and to give their master Satan, Power over all the Earth. The USA always uses their Minerva, godess of War, to initiate terror, wars and bombings (on MARCH 20). All the USA presidents were MASONS…and they are all related by a bloodline as well.






It is RAMADAN and our brother leader knows he is need of the protection and strength of Allah/God. Please pray with him in his hour of need for him (our brother leader) and for the Green Resistance against all his enemies—against Satan and all the Evil Forces of the World.


“O Allah, I solicits your help. Against the unfortunate thing is that I implore your protection. Help me, it’s your help I am called. I implore your help, turn to me your helping hand. Against the affliction it is to you I made use of. Give me your indulgence, save me, it’s with you I seek refuge. “

# original French: « O Allah, je solicite ton assistance. Contre le malheur c’est ton protection que j’implore. Aide-moi, c’est à ton aide que je fais appelle. J’implore ton sécours, tends-moi ta main secourable. Contre l’affliction c’est à toi que je fait recours. Accorde-moi ton mansuétude, préserve-moi, c’est auprès de toi que je cherche réfuge. » #

For those who did not know “” Mohammed Maqrif “” U.S. intelligence agent
Anyone who does not know “” Mohammed Maqrif “” U.S. intelligence agent
Source: News sidewalk, and published by: Dr. Commander 

blication in 10 AUGUST /2012
Those who do not know “” Mohammed Maqrif “” U.S. intelligence agent (CIA).

Elected Libyan intelligence agent Mohammad Maqrif U.S. (CIA) client Maqrif .. President-elect of the Council of the alleged piece thanks to the Muslim Brotherhood country and America.لمن-لايعرف-محمد-المقريف-عميل-المخابرات-الامريكية.html

Although we know that all Libyans Liberals know .. But in order not to shame our people we have seen from the reality of our responsibility to clarify the following:

1. Maqrif that was recruited when the same leader Muammar Gaddafi’s ambassador to India by the

CIA and forced him to resign and took him to Morocco .. Where the relations were cut off with it .. And brought with him his brother in law (Sahad) , who heads the front now .. And a group of customers and purpose is to destabilize the regime in Libya, and pressing it so as not to constitute an obstacle to peace with the project Asraúl at Camp David .

2. He moved to Cairo in the Sadat era .. Was to provide all possibilities to play this role .. So that in the Reagan era there was a plan to divide Libya .. Was a Maqrif and the front and the interface to them .. Did not succeed despite generous support .. From the Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia, who knows his colleagues in front of the rest of the stories of conflict checks, and the rest of the scandals are documented.

3. Then turned to the front to the task of recruiting young Libya for the

CIA to kill Muammar al-Qathafi and carry out sabotage in the facilities .. Were trained in the era of Nimeiri .. In Sudan and we have documentation for all meetings with Sharon in Khartoum and a team of Mossad, he oversaw the training .. has been admitted by French intelligence and Tunisia to Libya and actually were in the building the center of Tripoli .. One of them informed the Libyan intelligence which raided the place and arrested some and killing others .. have fled .

Hassi Director of Intelligence is now Libya, which has been smuggled through one of the embassies of Western countries to the United States ..

He also became an active member in the CIA who is now head of the Libyan intelligence service .. It has been objected by the Libyans, but it looks like the influential U.S. imposed on the Council .. This is a summary of the history of the front of the reality of intelligence files, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, and that supplied by Libya when she returned with the system of public relations .. Which we have in the External Security Agency all documents, photos and evidence.

4. We say that now because we know that Maqrif and many like him .. Prompted them to form circles of the West unfortunately Amesmy interface to the revolution of youth and acquired and harnessed to their advantage .. We all know the rebel satellite TV who have been Telmaahm by Qatar and Al Jazeera, BBC and Channel 24 French, such as melon .. Fri Aalghemati 

(British intelligence) Fayez Jibril (husband of girl Maqrif CIA) Abraham blasted and others ..

They are nothing to do with the so-called revolution, nor in Libya and we have to differentiate between the client and who sold the home and the owner of the case and the bribed, who carry out the agenda for other countries. customers access to the highest authority over our shoulders and the blood (martyrs), does what Kdmtoh O Fberairiun sacrifices in order to able agents of America, Britain and Qatar, Libya’s free!! .. These are known in all circles intelligence Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Chad, France, America, Britain, known Saaram How can we allow to have a place in any position of responsibility. and science over the 8 months of the crisis and the events explained to us and to all the Libyans nor excluded a whole world of Dr. Yusuf Shakir these facts and I to live by those who advocate and no one heard his words … But Qbona channels disinformation .. but right now, and all apparent what Dr. Yusuf Shakir is clear and has become a reality and it works on the ground …. God was I not bear witness

Muammar al-Qathafi 1975:

“Can we not think deeply about certain verses of the Quaran, the Bible, and the Gospels, which say: ‘Unite in Goodness and Mercy, and abjure the sin of aggression’?Mr. President, now that we have no Christ to denounce those who have turned their backs on God… surely, we have only ourselves to reproach one another’s sins, and to repeat our ‘mea culpa’ for our offences. We must recognise that we are very far removed from the precepts of Christ; and that we are very close to the designs of Satan….We need to read again the teachings of Christ, and to find in them the voice which says to us: ‘Give up Palestine, South-East Asia, Ireland, Germany, and the African colonies….’ The world needs Christ again. ”



Essam Elsager Mokhtar :


Great AljamahiriyaPaltalk Room Chamber of the Great Jamahiriya to Paltalk
the word Muammar Gaddafi Sunday 21 Ramadan 2011


the Fatah-led force Albaraka God, after the news and were beaten on the movements performed by Tabu in the region.


a powerful explosion on the neighborhood of Al-Andalus.-

rats Jerzh assault on the Irish in her office at the hands of rats



عاجل سبها :أنفجار سيارة فى مدينه سبها فى منطقه الجديد
‏Photo : عاجل سبها :</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>أنفجار سيارة فى مدينه سبها فى منطقه الجديد‏
ترهونة المقاومة الشريفة الخضراء

Page : 395 pe

Photo: By / Gaddafi Son -----------------------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the night of the fall of Tripoli, and on the conquest of Mecca ...  Lachey at all links between the fall of Tripoli, and the conquest of Mecca, even Christian history was attended by his day the twenty confirms that twenty Ramadan was acquitted, which was not blessed in Libya and how to be as well as Apache helicopters kill honorable protectors of home everywhere you please God in his kingdom to kill French or England drunken aircraft machine gun from a Muslim to defend his honor and his country?  I challenge any Mufti in this world allows this work and to this day, but as Astnina Aaourna Antichrist which is taking place now bayonets Mecca in Amra is acceptable, the date of the fall of Tripoli 8/20 and the reason betrayal of the commander of a battalion M'Hamed, this is everything and any words of another are a group of lying and tournaments false all agents and mercenaries came to Tripoli at the date marks the day tomorrow fell Tripoli as a result of treason and bombing fell home Bastina Sirte and Bani Walid, the battle of the free interval will be in Tripoli, and should prepare them well and any time required by this setup will not be delayed when liberated Tripoli was liberated Libya are all , cities rest will fall out of the home and falling dominoes and easily and there is the preparation of immense human Akhtt and participated in the chaos ready to do everything to forgive her this is appreciated by the owners of it, Tripoli, waiting impatiently for editing are landed with treason if they leave it up to break the traitors on the Walls and tore Jifam evil shredding, and this is what he will happen soon ..


Photo: 8.8.2012 the strength of the battalion went rats February to the infidels, to support the power that already exists in the region and learned that the Fatah-led force Albaraka God, after the news and were beaten on the movements performed by Tabu in the region.


were burned car Colonel Khamis al-Badr in the early morning on Wednesday at 8, leading to completely burn the car and also led to the burning car rivals.
Benghazi, Libya.



-with his traitorous cousin Ahmed Gaddaf al DAm–picture taken when they both went to the Louvre Museum together in Paris….


vallée Alqrjoma – Bani Walid.  de GADO


Alhajji Mohammed
une image d’Ifrane au cours de la neige.


RAINBOW over Old city:

Omar Hammoda.
une image de l’ancienne ville / Gado.

Wael al-Libi
. une image d’un palais sur le feu .. ben .. Tagma Ifrane

lampe Taboni
une image de Benghazi.

Malek Alhassi
. une photo du bord de la montagne dans le village de Trmish Bjado :

une image des martyrs du château.:

28 days x 5 Dchri martyrdom hero Khalifa Hussein Gibran Warfali 
God bless his soul and Aghafrlh and Sheathes his soul heaven
and God have mercy on all of the quote in this day did not satisfy the ‘Guide to his family and for himself, came out to defend his land (Bani Walid)and currently absent Altric and Maigb work ..Disappointed and desolate Treat her work.

We lose .. Tres Nfajroa Beyhum proud Pena ..
including Old is Hbanh Bieinh ..
time to understand things, analyzes and those Old Dima his actions .. pet
sit on the length of the term Amsgelha ….. I bear witness to Aaalm Aalvars old is still a small-to-date Mainds Amorth reputation of this famous knight Mitris p Jerdan in the big day …. Galina Knight and martyred on the spot and it is a Warner .. The history of this knight to Mahan Mahan … to refuse .. Colt sold Aaalm homelands … I bear witness O Allah, forgive and have mercy on all our martyrs.



huile d’olive, a reconnu sa tête.
une image d’une entrée du pont de la ville de Beni Walid. :

Mohammad Meteeg
une photo de Misurata … Tripoli Street. :

félon et le bol de la poussière
une image d’une vallée Alqrjoma au nord-ouest Walid Bani. :

Belga Arfrofy
une image d’un gène Sqnh vallée .. Bani Walid. :

Aseel Jadu.
une photo de cette Bitris Gasro dans Timzgora ..Gado. :

Tãrwãen Ⱥ Drar
. une image d’un club .. Baroni Gado :

 Ben Bahrey 
une image Wadi Bani Walid. :

المشاركة رقم 76 عن طريق : عبد الفتاح يونس العبيدى

Osaa El Talhi .
وهى صورة لــمنطقه طلميثه ..ليبيا .:

Osama Ali .
وهى صورة لـســــــــــد وادي غـــــــان .:

Rimie Nany YoOsef .
وهى صورة لـزرده فيـ الرجــــــــــــمه.:

المشاركة رقم 87 عن طريق : ياسين شاغوش .
وهى صورة لـتـــاغـــمة .:

Yumi Elwrflli .
وهى صورة من بنغازي في الكيش .:

Nather Algtaaney .
وهى صورة لــمدينة طبرق التي تشبه الجزيره:

لمشاركة رقم 94 عن طريق : رجل من برقة .
وهى صورة لضــواحــي مدينة البيضاء ليبيا .:

Hani Lots .
وهى صورة لمنطقة تاكنس بالجبل الأخضر ” ربيع 2012 ” :

Benghazi Son Libya Son .:

Soluiman Aribe .
وهى صورة جميلة جداً لمنطقة جنزور بطرابلس :

 shortly before the explosion in Tripoli

Source: RSF, and published by: Dr. Commander
Read 150 times, since the date of its publication in 08/13/2012

Warplanes flying over the city of Tripoli.

Libya - The green strength sign his presence on the day of Eid El Fitr (August 20, 2012)

New work for the resistance Libyan Greeting to all Liberal revolutionaries ….

(with greetings Challenge 2012 and victory of the revolution, Libya Gaddafi and light and challenge Challenge 2012)

(room crawling green on Paltalk) crawling green will be delayed until Alunha in green

ÚÇÇÇĚá explosion in Tripoli 

explosion targeting one of the military vehicles of the battalion of the island coming from Benghazi in the task of the Ministry of Defence, where the number of members of the battalion Hotel Four Seasons Street, Omar Mukhtar, was booby-trapping a car, which led to detonation and breaking glass a number of vehicles adjacent .

URGENT ::: shortly before the explosion in Benghazi

Source: RSF, and published by: Dr. Commander
Read 149 visits since the date of its publication in 08/13/2012

Photo: within 10 months ......  After the killing of 60 000 martyrs of our armed forces ................  After scattering the rest of our troops and their flight out of Libya ................  That is organized ourselves of this new Ejaz all standards .........  Not only do heroes channels Resistance 1 - 11 393 vertical channel Valley 2 - channel and 11 678 tons Horizontal 3 - channel Lafrasin 11 603 horizontal and Guenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mass Ali Alhoutberd and restore all but Alamyin Majahdaan ......  And unite ....  I believe that the decisiveness soon ....

Urgent explosion shortly before the Benghazi

national security cars rushing to the scene of the explosion, which was the center of a residential area .. Sidi Chribich area
, but there were not damaged because the car was armored .. the damage was confined to neighboring houses Tchehem glass only .

(video made by cellphone the night of 10 august 2012)


The release of some detainees from the tribe and Rafla Kano in detention militias Friday Market
Source: Rusaifa news, and publish by: Dr. commander
was seen 212 times, since the date of its publication in 08/17/2012

The release of some detainees from the tribe and Rafla Kano in detention militias market Friday ..

celebrations permeated Bani Walid on the occasion of the release of some detainees in the prisons of militias market Friday.

1_ hero Mahmoud Abdullah Al Shaibani Alnaqrat

2_ hero Walid Saleh Qnon bin mother 3_ and the hero Mukhtar Ashour Ben Qtncاطلاق-سراح-بعض-المعتقلين-من-قبيلة-ورفلة-كانو-في-معتقلات-مليشيات-سوق-الجمعة.html

*** was released today by agreement prisoner exchange, which was captured from 10 days and only settled the former captives.

Praise God for the safety of all of us and our children for the rest of Aqaba …

NATO/Rats fired at Libyan patriots prisoners who were trying to escape from their prison, by the help of the Green Arab Resistance.

Tripoli, Libya – Breaking News of Green Resistance, 13 August 2012:

The Green Resistance carried out individual operations inside prisons and liberate a lot of prisoners from prisons of Tripoli (Libya).

In answer, armed gangs of NTC/rats began a carnage in prisons of Tripoli, were they killed people who try to run from prisons.

A witness of massacre says:
“Yesterday, August 10/2012, the Green Resistance fire prisons and many prisoners ran be the help of Resistance ,

but the NTC armed gangs killed many prisoners too”.

Another witness of massacre says:
“My house is near the prison, the prison is right behind us. It means if I climb my house, I would be able to see the

mosque that is right besides it.

There are no weapons which they (rats) didn’t use without mercy. I was able to hear the bullets falling inside my house

when I’m in and my brother passed from there and he said that the arrested people were using stones while

the NTC armed gangs were using weapons against them”.

In next morning Algeria ISP share this:
“A mutiny Fernadj prison in Tripoli, some prisoners were able to go outside but the armed

gangs of NTC were expecting them; the Libyan prisoners were shooted and many bodies are lying in the streets near the mosque in Dora”.

The other prisoners were moved by the gangs of rats of NTC to other prisons in Tripoli.

KS – 13.08.2012 – A Green Web/Fighters


1969 Revolutionary Guard:

w deceased SAUDI prince:دفع-الحكومة-اللليبية-80-مليار-دولار-كتعويض-لليهود-الدين-طردوا-من-ليبيا.html
Prompting the government Alllibah billion in compensation to the Jews religion expelled from Libya
Source: Aharonot newspaper, and published by: Dr. Commander
was seen 83 times, since the date of its publication in 08/13/2012 

The Libyan government paid billion in compensation to the Jews were expelled from the religion of Libya ….

in number, which was issued on 02 – Aug Aharonot newspaper Alasraúlah of the Jewish political Moshe Katz, an article in which he said verbatim:

Israel has obtained a legally binding written undertakings from the Libyan government and the transitional Council to grant the Jews of Libyan and the amount of eighty billion dollars to be paid in installments for five years .

This has led us so far, the amount of four billion dollars of frozen funds to assist the Government of Qatar and the

compensation for Jews who were expelled by the al-Qathafi regime “after” the 1969 revolution*, which Gaddafi [???] has done .

(*: THIS IS A LIE, the Jews left in 1967 at the time of the Sinai War !)

Israel has also obtained commitments to the establishment of vital projects in Libya!!

He also said that many Jews returned to Libya and obtained the Libyan nationality was the first of them Jewish thinker Bernard Levy, who has Misurata Libyan nationality granting him earlier for his role in the removing of the Jamahiriya!

It was the opening of an interests office in each of the Alasraúalh Misurata and Tripoli as well as the retrieval of some churches that come on now, mosques and synagogues restoration Misurata and Tripoli, as a prelude to open it in the near ..

In a move described Balsraah to normalize relations in a final between Libya and Israel … and he said that Mahmoud Jibril

promised to abide by those agreements by the coalition government that will be formed later this week ..

دفع الحكومة الليبية  80 مليار دولار كتعويض لليهود الدين طردوا من ليبيا ….في عد

دها الذي صدر يوم 2- اغسطس صحيفة احرنوت الاسرائليه للسياسي اليهودي كاتس موشي مقال قال فيه حرفياً:


( No agreement by the GREEN ARMY has been negotiated.

I just received reassuring news from the Tribal leaders of BANI WALID–Stephen in his good heart , unknowingly, has spread false news…There will be no “reparations” paid to the Jews by

the Green Army–It is a twisted lie (made to seem plausable): a tactical move by the GNC in their final hours of survival! Thank God it is not true.

we will be hearing good news from Niger in a few days as well.)

This was the FALSE REPORT:

It’s possible the people of  Tawhargha and Maradah will return to their cities immediately starting today, this arrangement came after agreeing to pay the gangs in Benghazi, Misrata and gays in Tel-Aviv all connected with Jewish entity billion. Money they claimed as compensation to their expulsion in the 1969 Green Revolution. THE Green army is in very difficult condition and situation concerning the plight of Libyan black citizens, natives of the land.”

(actually Muammar al-Qathafi built the city of Torigae for Torgae; as prior they were housed in tents…)
60 minutes, 1980 Charles Kurault interview
(called him a “Guru”)

and God said:” I knew you before you were born…”(al-Qathafi remains true to his calling!)al-Qathafi knows he is a leader of a Revolution (not a coup) with a Special Mission. It is not Islam as traditionally understood. This is Muammar al-Qathafi’s quarrel with the contemporary Arab religious and political establishment. It is al-Qathafi’s uncompromising faith in the truth. This is how he thought as a boy; it is still how he knows things actually should be. He has been unwavering.On 17 February, 1983, al-Qathafi angrily berated the Arab rulers, saying:
“Is this Islam? Who gives support to the American arsenal? Is it Arab oil? Islamic oil? Is this Islam? Islam exists only in the Quaran.” Then he cited the Quaranic verse 9:34 : “Where is the bond of right [halal] and wrong [haram]? Is this Islam?” (It is the reproach against those who hoard gold and silver, and do not spend it in God’s cause.)Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” writes:
“al-Qathafi is moved by a sincere concern for mankind and for the world. His activities are not moved by a desire to condemn or recriminate, but by a justice and mercy which must also have the courage to call things by their name. Only in this way can he expose the roots of evil, which continue to intrigue the mind of modern man. This task of al-Qathafi is called prophetic mission….
The Prophet Muhammed was a man called and sent by God to announce His will to the people. … Clearly the call for greater social justice is part of al-Qathafi’s mission”, which “cannot remain silent in the face of the fact that too many people die because they lack basic necessities while others grow rich exploiting their fellows. Yet the prophetic dimension of his words and deeds cannot be limited to these external phenomena without going to the moral roots of these injustices. Corruption, accumulation of riches, violence, unduly living at the expense of the commonwealth without contributing are all tumours that consume a society from within. Nor can he remain silent … about the fact that the roots of the current financial crisis lie in greed, unrestrained and unscrupulous thirst for money without considering those who have less and who must bear the consequences of the mistaken choices of others. Such attachment to money is a sin, and al-Qathafi is prophetic in his condemnation of that sin, which harms both individuals and society….
… Our secularised society lives and organises itself without reference to God because it is affected by a poverty more tragic even than material want; a poverty represented by the rejection and complete exclusion of God from social and economic life, by the revolt against divine and natural laws. … al-Qathafi sees that his primary responsibility is to remind us that this spiritual dimension is vital. As a ‘prophet’ of today, he must tell the world that God exists, that he who is without this Father/Allah (who stirs us to solidarity and sharies our life) one dies and all fraternity dissolves into an empty utopia. Man has a supernatural vocation: we have a conscience in which the voice of God speaks and to which we must one day respond.
al-Qathafi’s message aims to awaken people’s consciences with respect to the rights and duties of our fellows, but also with respect to our duties towards the ‘rights’ of God. “All Authority in the end, belongs to’s Third Universal Theory presupposes God’s Lordship over all wealth, and man has stewardship only. Man’s ultimate and final responsibility is only to God who has legislated laws which govern the just distribution and consumption of God’s wealth. It is the principle of “Zakat”.al Qathafi says:
“Again, these ideals are dramatically presented in the Quaran, ‘To God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the Earth’, and ‘We [God] shall inherit the Earth and all that is in it.’On 01 February 1983, leading that day’s General People’s Congress, he explained the miracle of achieving popular authority; and professed that someday it will be inevitably for all mankind.
Libya as a first, had been made possible only because”For the fist time, since the time of the Messenger, the Quaran is actually being applied.” Then al-Qathafi declared: “You shall see the True Quaran. You shall know that all that is done in the Muslim world (formerly)—in the name of the Quaran, IS NOT of the Quaran; it is pretense ! These were only laws promulgated by people with certain vested interests: interests in polygamy and slave trade; the interests of those who have reserves of gold and own big businesses. IT IS THIS CORRUPT CLASS which promulgated such false ‘LAWS’ in the name of ‘Islam’.”The true Islamic ideal of love, equality and justice, is the founding idea of Direct Democracy (or rule of the masses without any mediation. It is the basis of a system called Divine Law [shariah]-All traditional Systems of hierarchical authority, reject Divine Authority, and therfore do not possess Divine sanction.
The direct rule of the masses (JAMAHIRIYA) is a sacred trust. It is God’s rule through his human creation. It stands by God’s absolute Sovereignty. Muhammed was a Prophet—not a King—He did not therefore appoint a successor. Jesus was a King, and looked upon Simon, asking “Who do you say I AM?”

“If heavy military operations were to be carried out in the port cities, the citizens would become a heavy casuality. These citizens are basically and technically hostage against their will, money at this stage will not solve our problems, life is more important.  The portion of Libyan frozen assets in US & Europe will be transfered to the parties involved in exchange for our citizens, the situation remains heavily monitored and we want to make sure their return is safe, green army will take charge of complete reconstruction and repairs to the damaged infrastructure,hospitals, housing and water system.”

The JEWS were not expelled in 1969! The Jews left before Muammar al-Qathafi and “the al-Fetah of 1969”, in 1967 at the time of the Sinai War in Israel. This whole thing is extortion/BLACKMAIL.

(*: THIS IS A LIE, Thousands of Jews fled the country after Libya was granted independence and membership in the Arab League in 1951.

After the Six-Day War, the Jewish population of 7,000 was again subjected to pogroms in which 18 were killed, and many more injured, sparking a near-total exodus that left fewer than 100 Jews in Libya. Therefore, the Jews left in 1967 at the time of the Sinai War !)


” the situation remains heavily monitored and we want to make sure their return is safe, Green Army will take charge of complete reconstruction and repairs to the damaged infrastructure,hospitals, housing and water system.”


Bless Muammar al-Qathafi & the Green Resistance Army! Long Live the Jamahiriya!

in tent with Goron Brown British delegation:



Mu at pulpit 10 June 2009 ROME

Magic turned the magician is here passed the days have been released and the delegation of Rafla detained in the city of

Benghazi, since last March ..will not talk about or how to bring them out ..Not about who gave them an invitation to

attend the meeting nor the treachery of their own or from silent to protect the home ..

only Maehmna now is one of the (broadcast his poison through the rumors and false accusations which have extended to

the members of the delegation) and after each piece the back of the right and turned out Mansp them that it is invalid ..

But Mamoagaf Al Dyot now? what benefited you, Ben Laden nor Aatoota not Aamehmoud Abdulaziz nor Aatba you and Hua?

only you lost your parents and Naskm and demonstrated to everyone that you are students of an authority not is ..

but remember that it sold the family is ready to sell anything for his own advantage ..

and learned that it had sold his family lost everything, even earning the money and the king of the land including it .. because the parents support ..

Esendkm not a particularly because you Batm your parents ..How do you want from others to trust you? ..

Especially may Batm Khot last day conflict with your interests ..The Astrakm who owns more ..

and now serve the interests Hanthm ..!

and continue tricks Maoist .. two days ago went to the invited Bashir Toota Sabha ..

The elders met and Rafla there ..Although the youth refused to meet him ..

but the elders Eatheroa that Ikabloh perhaps exceeded by (coma).but those with him had blinded their eyes, they do

not understand.request called Toota of objects and the Rafla in Sabha delivery set of points is to or three for delivery to the Rafla Bani Walid :-

I wanted to be delivered to one of the cities Allat (tuber, white, infidel).We all know that these cities

are strongholds of al-Qaeda takfiri ..Shall follow them May 28!

reply was the Senate that they said (not ashamed to deliver the children Amomtk to strangers and you know

what is happening from violations of our children in the prisons of these militias ..

actually Admt Ngrith expected anything)- The second thing that is delivered heavy weapons and Alkhaviv to Battalion

May 28.

response was (not before receipt of all the cities of Libya’s weapons ..and how demanding that is delivered

weapons in the Bani Walid only and neighbors of Bani Walid have even Scud missiles!! –

and demand Altalt be returned the local council (expelled), and acting in the city. response was (Is not democracy? ..

Cilsk undesirable ..

were selected Hills local councils in the Bani Walid, but the transition did not do none of them to now!!although they do not conflict with the conditions.was the final answer that was beat him severely was expelled evil expelled ..

It does not Ngrih him no good ..

wanted to differentiate and Rafla Sabha from the Rafla Bani Walid ..wants Hua and his masters new to Evtthoa and Rafla and make it scattered pieces ..

but Nsay that Rafla offset hard!and we still be patient and endure, but may implemented our patience and then suddenly explode volcano black ..and Snnfet Hmmana everywhere! and then it is too late.


Sidewalk news News Latest News  urgently. witness Alruyemi prison at this moment the process of physical liquidation of detainees

Urgent. Witness Alruyemi prison at this moment the process of physical liquidation of detainees

Source: RSF, and published by: AL RSEEFA
11 of August 2012

Urgent. From within the prison Alruyemi Ain Zara

See prison Alruyemi in these moments the physical liquidation of the detainees, are anti-aircraft guns, we do not know if this massacre in response to attempts detainees open prison to escape, or is the process of systematic due to the frequency in the prison open and prison Misurata, on the same day, and quoting people region, the voices of anti-aircraft guns mixed Besrakhat detainees removed continues until the hour of liberation story, and therefore call upon the people of the detainees need to go to prison in groups and not individuals fear for their safety, and verification of the safety of their children, and please all Liberal in Tripoli to provide protection and safe places for those who can flee of those massacres that occur in detention centers militias catastrophe Feb. 17.

Now in the new prison has been removed large numbers of charred bodies of the Free
Source: RSF, and published by: AL RSEEFA
seen 465 times, since the date of its publication in 08/11/2012Urgent. From inside the prison, the new
It is now in the new prison in Tripoli, a large number of charred Jtt Liberals are taking them out of prison in cars Toyota Double Kabanh rats … over forty bodies so far and rats put us over the garbage bags .Aljtt they grow up ….


  •  there is More to the Green Resistance than just weapons–They also are supplying the people’s health and needsand even handing out money!

    –and are rebuilding LITERALLY all the destroyed and damaged buildings. And, Muammar knows how to procure any weapons and parts necessary. He DOES have his network..He was well prepared for this happening, rest assured.

    The Green Resistance is not on its own..That is why Muammar sent Senussi to Mauritania, why he sent others to Mali, why SAADI is in Niger, and Saif is in Cyprus now…
    He has an underwater prison in the Mediterrannean–all which obviously could not have been accomplished if he did not have excellent connections with other groups and nations abroad. Muammar is an Engineer Post-Gratia. This is what he studied throughout his schooling—This is how he accomplished the First al-Fetah and he will do it again within a few more days. You must have patience and believe him when he says what appears to be to accomplish the impossible. There will yet be rejoicing in Green Square prior to 01 Sept.
  •  Muammar in the past, made sure that the Green citizenry were well trained and armed beyond the professional army of the Jamahiriya. In fact all able-bodied men and women who are Green and armed are part of the People’s Army. There are multi-thousands literally, not figuratively. The Green Resistance is very Strong. Please look carefully at that map again!


     and unlike what you may hear elsewise, the majority of the Tarhounah and al-Zentani are green–and not RATS! It is not Rats vs. RATS… When all this is finally over (when the foreign elements, Blackwater and al-Qaeda elements are washed out of libya), the remaining filthe can be removed by convention police methods.

    Prior to 15 Febr. 2011, there were no al-Qaeda in Libya. The USA transported  and air-lifted them into the country; as well as the Guantanamo released prisoners and other American former-prison inmates who were given by the Yankees amnesty if they fought against the “GADDAFI FORCES” (The Jamahiriya) in Libya. The so-called “rebels” were these mercenaries by 90%… That is why Muammar said he is not fighting Jerdan Rats:

    The Green Army’s priority are the illegal aliens within Libya’s borders…Those that came in from America and Qatar (and some other NATO nations) and just “took over” without any mandate from the people. That is what he is trying to rid first of; when their strings are detached–then the rest will fall (as then the local rats will have nothing more supporting them).

ما ورد حرفيا في اكبر صفحات المغرر بهم(مند عشر دقائق)
==========================إطلاق الرصاص الحي في الهواء واحتفالات وزغاريد وسط مدينة سبها بعد ورود أنباء عن خطاب جديد سيلقيه القذافي خلال ايام علي قناة ” وطنا ” التابعة للنظام السابق والتي ستطلق بثها خلال أيام
‏Photo : ما ورد حرفيا في اكبر صفحات المغرر بهم(مند عشر دقائق)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
==========================</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>إطلاق الرصاص الحي في الهواء واحتفالات وزغاريد وسط مدينة سبها بعد ورود أنباء عن خطاب جديد سيلقيه القذافي خلال ايام علي قناة " وطنا " التابعة للنظام السابق والتي ستطلق بثها خلال أيام‏
    •  Firing live bullets in the air and the joy and celebrations downtown Sabha after news of a speech delivered by Gaddafi during a new day on channel “home” of the former regime, which will  launch in a few days left (05 Aout 2012)




      World Islamic Call Society (WICS)
      [FR] [NGO Section Data]
      Association mondiale pour l’appel islamique


      Make known the call of Islam worldwide by all peaceful means, in particular by: diffusing Islamic culture and the Arabic language; promoting peace and international cooperation; classifying Islamic law; compiling and publishing reference works; creating centres of education.
      Official Relations
      United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)* (Ros C); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)* (Consultative Status).
      Distributes literature; provides material and equipment; awards student scholarships; has created a number of Islamic educational centres and institutes, hospitals and orphanages; distributes food and runs health and feeding centres in Somalia. Instrumental in setting up: Islamic Call College* (Tripoli and Damascus); Islamic College, London*.
      Islamic Call (2 a month) in Arabic, English, French; Message of Jihad (12 a year) in Arabic, English, French. Joint publications; translations of the Quran.

      UNESCO NGO Section Data
      Reclassification date
      Name and contact details of NGO focal point at UNESCO
      M. Ziadah M. (who later became a Jerdan TRAITOR and organised groups to assassinate Muammar al-Qathafi!)
      Programme sector: CLT


      Organizations and individuals, in 36 countries:
      • Benin, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Tunisia.

      • Brazil, Canada, Guyana, United States of America.

      • India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Philippines, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen.

      • Australia.

      • Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Serbia-Montenegro*, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

      1972 Creation 1984 Category C 1986 Category B 1998 Operational Relations (155 EX/40) (155 EX/Dec. 8.7) 1999 Operational Relations (156 EX/36) (156 EX/Dec.9.2) 2002 Formal Consultative Relations (165 EX/ONG.2) (165 EX/Dec. 9.5) 2009 Renewal of formal consultative relations for a new six year period (181 EX/44) (181 EX/Dec.44)
      Contribution to UNESCO’s programmes
      Founded in 1972, the World Islamic Call Society, an organization with the structure of an NGO and the project-funding activities of a foundation, was admitted to former category C in 1984, then to former category B in 1986.

      Since 1980 WICS has contributed financially to the implementation of several UNESCO projects which dealt in particular with the rational use and conservation of water resources in Africa, the history of the scientific and cultural development of humanity, the use of Arabic script in African languages, the publication of works on Islamic culture and the history of humanity, the awarding of grants for translation into Arabic of these works, and so on.

      Cooperation agreements were signed between the two organizations in August 1995 in Geneva, and in Tripoli in 1997.

      However in recent years, due to the exceptional situation of the country hosting its headquarters, communication with WICS has not been regular.

      Nevertheless, it must be noted that WICS has enabled a working capital fund to be established for operational projects and has contributed in an effective way to the implementation of several UNESCO programmes.

      The EVIL  Salifiis finally suceeded in bombing the Holy Shrine!

      Libyans look to God for help

      A man looks at a book in a library run by the World Islamic Call Society (WICS) in Algeria Square in Tripoli, 22 March 2012.

      By Hadeel Al Shalchi
      ZLITAN, Libya | Wed 16 May 2012 7:40pm IST
      (Reuters) – Mohamed Salem believes it was divine intervention that saved the Muslim holy site where he works from being destroyed.

      In early March, word reached the keepers of the ornate shrine, the most important of its kind in Libya, that ultra-conservative Salafis were on their way to destroy it as part of a campaign to wipe out any symbols they see as idolatrous.

      The curators sent for help. Volunteer Green Army Reistance militia units came from nearby towns. They surrounded the shrine complex – which houses the tomb of the 15th-century Sufi scholar Abdel Salam al-Asmar – with pick-up trucks mounted with anti-aircraft weapons, and waited to repel the attack.

      Then a sandstorm, rare at that time of year, whipped up and shrouded the mosque from view. The attack never came.”The dust was so thick and the wind so strong you couldn’t see your hand in front of you,” said Salem, a caretaker and religious teacher at the complex. “God protected the grave of this scholarly man and protected us from harm.”

      Since last year’s CIA/NATO led insurrection, people have grown used to looking to their own resources, or to God, to help them out, because they feel they cannot count on the “new” imposed puppet government regime.

      The struggle over this shrine in Zlitan, about 160 km (90 miles) west of the Libyan capital, is also the story of Libya.

      It is the story of the battle for the right to define what it means to be a Muslim in Libya, of theological arguments being settled by weapons, and of an” interim government” that is so weak that it cannot impose its authority over opposing factions.

      The ending has not yet been written.

      The conflict over the al-Asmar tomb and hundreds of other shrines like it has not been resolved. Instead, the National Transitional Council (NTC) has postponed a decision by ordering that all the shrines be closed until it decided on a way out.

      “We are keeping this subject on hold,” said NTC spokesman Mohammed al-Harizy. “We have other subjects which are more important than the graves right now.”

      HOLY BOOK:

      One afternoon in March, Salem unlocked and pushed open the door to the shrine, at the centre of the complex which also includes a school and a mosque.

      A burst of incense and musk greeted him as he slipped off his slippers and muttered a short prayer before entering the cool room.

      The coffin of al-Asmar stood inside, covered with Turkish rugs and surrounded by intricate blue and white mosaic patterns on the wall.

      Students from all over Libya come to study Islamic law and to memorize the Islamic holy book, the Koran, at the university and school built around the shrine. Now, numbers are down.

      In the school halls, the voices of young boys and girls echo in unison.

      “We usually have 600 girls a day come to memorize Koran, but the parents are now afraid the Salafis will attack so only 100 show up,” said teacher Wafa al-Ati.
      Muslims in Libya build shrines to revered holy men and scholars and make pilgrimages to them. There are hundreds of the shrines all over Libya. Muammar al-Qathafi promoted this practise that is so deep-seated in Libyan culture.

      Publiée le 24 août 2012 par MutasimGaddafi
      زليتن بداية الشراره
      Zliten beginning of the spark


      زليتن بداية الشراره

      But since the West’s imposition with an occupied Libya, sweeping away the people’s Great Jamahiriya, a new trend has emerged to challenge Melokite-Libyan traditions.

      Files from the Great Jamahiriya’‘s internal security agency, seen by Reuters after the revolt, show there was a special department set up to track hardline-radical Islamists [like the Muslim Brotherhood], called by Libyans as “Salafis”.  Anyone suspected of affiliation was denied the right to travel abroad, enrol in university or take public sector jobs.

      Since the Jamahiriya system has been supressed, Salafis have returned and become emboldened. Some have acquired WMD weapons and used them to enforce their ultra-radical view of Islam, including the destruction of tombs and any lavish grave markings – plus the burning of any translations of the Holy Koran into any language other than Arabic–and of those in Arabic, they are burning editions published by the World Islamic Call Society of Tripoli, Libya (because the Society was promoted by Muammar al-Qathafi). The Salafis have burned down halls were parties are held, harassed women who do not cover their heads, and try to segregate the sexes in schools and other public places….and have re-ordered Polygamy and (SAUDI/QATARI-style of) Sharia Law as interpreted by the Hadith. In the eastern city of Benghazi, organisers of a rap concert featuring a famous Tunisian artist were forced to cancel the event after being threatened by a Salafi brigade called Libya’s Shield.

      Worried that the Salafis would attack their joyful annual parades to celebrate the Prophet Mohammad’s birthday in February, Sufi mosques sought safety in numbers and held a joint procession in Tripoli’s walled old city. The event, which Salafis also consider idolatrous, went off without incident.

      The main front in their campaign has been their attacks on Sufi shrines, which are a traditional part of Libyan Islam. Dozens have been demolished all around the country and the bodies of their holy men dug up and dumped elsewhere.

      The defenders of the shrine in Zlitan believe a Salafi militia, called the Thalath Salafi brigade, was behind the aborted attack on the complex.

      The brigade is stationed in a former military base in the nearby town of Khoms. Commanders declined an interview with Reuters but in March, a spokesman addressed an angry crowd calling for their departure from the town.

      “Having any sign or tomb marking a grave is a form of infidelity and must be removed,” said the spokesman for the brigade, Jalal al-Gheit. “We prefer to call it a reorganization of the graves.”

      ( NOT BEING REPORTED except on
      Source: Rusaifa news, and publish by: Dr. commander 
      was seen 160 times, since the date of its publication in 20/08/2012

      20 AUGUST 2012….
      as I woke up morning Zliten people of the city to hear a large explosion shook with all parts of the city and terrified residents and turned out to be an explosion targeting a shrine to one saints there ..

      These bombings are the work of the Salifis and the Muslim Brotherhood; NOT the GREEN RESISTANCE–which the GNC is blaming it all on! )

      The evidence of the Salafi campaign can be seen at what remains of the Sidi Gibran shrine, also in Zlitan.
      The Mosque (Interior) & SACRED Shrine of Abdul Salam Asmar
      IN ZLITAN, bombed by Salafiis/Muslim Brotherhood
      من داخل مسجد عبد السلام الاسمر
      من داخل مسجد عبد السلام الاسمر بعد ان قام ثوار الناتو بضربه

      Large concrete pieces attached to metal wires dangle from where the roof used to be. A hole filled with rubble remains where the grave of the holy man, after whom the shrine is named, was dug up.

      The shrine’s caretaker, who lives nearby, said he witnessed the desecration one afternoon when he heard the rumble of a tractor outside his house.

      “I walked out and was surprised to see 16 bearded Salafis carrying heavy arms, and breaking the tomb using a Caterpillar tractor,” said Faraj al-Shimi. “They all ran away when I threatened to call the police.”

      He said that the complaint he filed four months ago was still pending.

      Barbarian al-qaedists rats have destroied an old magnificent mosque ~ Barbari ratti al-

      qaedisti distruggono una stupenda antica moschea ~ (ENG~ITA)


      Zliten City – August 24, 2012 – Terrorists and mercenaries of Al Qaeda, affiliated, covered and supported by NATO-NTC rats, have attacked the mosque and the tomb of a 15th century scholar (Abdel Salam al-Asmar), destroying the mosque and the library that contained thousands of books, in Zlitan on Friday 24/08/2012.

      These barbarians, on the heels of their masters Jewish-Zionist, do not tolerate any other civilization or historical symbol that might call into question the inadequacy of their exclusivist and racist culture.



      Zliten città – 24 Agosto 2012 – I terroristi e mercenari di Al Qaeda, affiliati, coperti e supportati dai ratti NATO-NTC, hanno attaccato la mosche e la tomba di uno studioso islamico del 15 ° secolo (Abdel Salam al-Asmar), distruggendo la moschea e la biblioteca che conteneva migliaia di libri, a Zlitan il Venerdì 24/08/2012.

      Questi barbari, sulla scia dei loro maestri giudaico-sionisti, non tollerano nessuna civiltà o simbolo storico che possa mettere in discussione la pochezza della loro cultura esclusivista e razzista.



      Pictures from Zeina83 Album


      Text & translation by Network



      The NTC has a lot on its plate trying to run a country that, since the replacement of the Great Jamahiriya, seems close to slipping into chaos.

      As a Muslim leader, Imam and guide, Muammar Gaddafi sought that Muslim’s should follow a simple, ascetic form of Islam practised by the Prophet Mohammed and his disciples. Any later additions to the faith, including those written down in the Hadath and other “holy” books written by Islamic “elite” Ulami leaders, have to be ignored in practice. Muammar al-Qathafi’s form of Melokite Libyan-Islam, tried to enforce, within the people’s Great Jamahiriya, a strict moral code, based solely upon the Holy Koran as its Sharia Law. Polygamy was prohibited under the Great Jamahiriya, arranged child marriages as void and illegal, as well as brothels, nightclubs, and bars. Alcoholic consumption was prohibited.  Abortions, pornography and drug trafficating (inluding Marajauna) was illegal and laws against their use was strictly enforced as forbidden. Illegal was also usuary, interest and rent.

      Under the new “GNC”, there are still armed militias that answer only to their own commanders and tribal leaders. The Jamahiriya peoples refuse to disarm, as Muammar al-Qathafi taught within his Third Universal Theory concept that all the citizenry “the right to bear arms”, and even freely handed out Kalashnikov rifles (as all able-bodied were trained in the art of self-defense).

      That may partly explain why the official TNC/GNC response to the radical Islamic lawlessness has been characterised by muddle and indecision. There is also confusion at the top of the religious hierarchy, where some of the TNC/GNC /Qatari al-Qaeda officials seem to be theologically closer to the Salafis than Libya’s traditional Melokite-inspired Islam.

      Back in November last year, Grand Mufti Sadeq al-Ghariani, Libya’s highest ranking Islamic scholar, who carries the NTCs endorsement, issued a religious decree declaring that it was forbidden to desecrate graves; but he was also reported to have remarked that the time for such action was not ripe, a comment nervous Muslims took as a sign his defence of shrines might not be as strong as it might seem.

      In March 2012, NTC chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil met the mufti and representatives of Libya’s Sufi, Melokite and Salafi camps. Salem, the curator of Zlitan’s al-Asmar shrine, was at the meeting.  He said he asked for security for the complex. Instead, the issue was fudged. Salem said he left the meeting with an order from Abdel Jalil to shutter the tomb and wait for further notice. “We received no security,” he said.

      Since then, official institutions have been passing the buck. The NTC said it is waiting for the mufti to make a decision on the religious legality of the grave sites. And the mufti’s office told Reuters it is waiting for the NTC to make a final decision.

      Harizy, the NTC spokesman, said the quarrel was all part of
      “a natural evolution for Libya. Libyan people are used to working in secret, so no one knows who’s who,” Harizy said. “So we have to open the door for everybody to express his opinion and to try to bring the Islam which is moderate.” [ CBK: HAH! Idiot, lier!]

      In the meantime, caretakers at the al-Asmar shrine have the more immediate concern of how to stop the complex from being destroyed by Salafis, without help from the TNC/GNC state. (The Green Resistance Army is helping to protect the Shrine.)
      For the past few weeks, the complex has organised an armed Green brigade of 30 to 40 volunteers from Zlitan who stand guard at the tomb.

      “We are not protecting this tomb because we worship it; —We protect it because it is a part of our heritage and culture,” said Salem.

      During Eid-al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, Muslims in Libya will offer prayers for the return of the Great Jamahiriya, a people’s system of stable direct democracy, in which the Holy Koran was not only sacred, but the law.


      BTW, this is the original unaldulterated version of the article by Hadeel Al Shalch. Reuters took it and propagandised it for their own Western purposes, by creating “Additional Reporting by Mussab Al-Khairalla; Editing by Christian Lowe, Tom Heneghan and Sonya Hepinstall” which distorted the original by Hadeel al-Shalch.

      So the Shrine was finally bombed this morning!!! (20 August 2012)

      The bombing of one of the corners Zliten city that blew feast …. Book of Allah and thrown tear and insulted by whom? We go out every day, O ignorant in violation of the law of God nor listened –

      The current situation of the battalion
      D’Ivoire (Libyan Resistance denied with respect to the attacks that occurred on the volcano San Lt.) for
      the name of God the Merciful
      I, Lieutenant volcano, speak for myself and on behalf of all Resistance factions on the nose Libyan ground unequivocally any relationship or link to so-called Libyan resistance factions attacks that rocked Tripoli today we Kvsaúl resistance When we multiply know where when and how we multiply and come Chaharbagh day he told you that rumors on the lips of customers of NATO and the hypocrisy is just Adaat CDP events resistance Libyan jail have nothing to do with
      The goal is to distort the image of the resistance and its people
      and soon God willing will be confronted directly and in the field will remain for men and not for what they like

      Lieutenant volcano


      The current situation of the battalion
      D’Ivoire (Libyan resistance denied with respect to the attacks that occurred on the volcano San Lt.) for
      the name of God the Merciful
      I Lieutenant volcano speak for myself and on behalf of all resistance factions on the nose Libyan ground unequivocally any relationship or link to Libyan resistance factions attacks that rocked Tripoli today we Kvsaúl resistance When we multiply know where when and how we multiply and come Chaharbagh day he told you that rumors on the lips of customers of NATO and the hypocrisy is just Adaat CDP events resistance Libyan jail have nothing to do with
      The goal is to distort the image of the resistance and its people
      and soon God willing will be confronted directly and in the field will remain for men and not for what they like

      Lieutenant volcano


      Basic People’s Congresses Elvis Bucky Free informs us that:
      Dr. Hamza Thami has confirmed that the Resistance has denied any relationship with the person who calls himself Lieutenant volcano.

      Anyone who says that he  is one of the Resistance …. And that the Resistance is greater than someone sitting in pain
      whose  land is in front of the computer;

      and Dr. Hamza confirms that the Resistance is negotiating with major countries and the formation of government in exile…

      and Ionnbhkm O Liberal honorable believe anything is rumored on the net and was not Green, is the source resistance of only himself.. ..

      Tthagoa not in one Mnsourin Baden God ..

      المؤتمر الشعبي الاساسي الفيس بوكي الحر
      الدكتور حمزه التهامي يؤكد نفي المقاومة علاقتها بالشخص اللي يسمي نفسه الملازم بركان

      الدكتور حمزه التهامي يؤكد نفي المقاومة علاقتها بالشخص اللي يسمي نفسه الملازم بركان وأي شخص يقول بأن هو من المقاومة …. وأن المقاومة أكبر من شخص جالس في الم
      ربوعة امام الحاسوب ويؤكد بان المقاومة تتفاوض مع دول كبري وتشكيل حكومة المنفي وينبهكم ايها الاحرار الشرفاء من تصديق اي شيء يشاع على النت ولم تكن المقاومه الخضراء هي المصدر له .. لا ثثقوا في احد ومنصورين بادن الله ..

      I like the part: “confirms that the Resistance is negotiating with major countries and the formation of government in exile “—that is part of Saif’s mission and others whom Muammar has sent abroad…

      DR. HAMZA THAMI  21 AUGUST 2012:

      After he delivered a greeting, asked Dr. of Liberal vouch for what he says is that Lt. volcano may contact but only once, in a language that Palestinians, and that systems for the resistance, and no more, they did not generate between him a

      nd the volcano any talk last.He said that the volcano did not tell me then at all, since four months, not speaking to me at all, and I do not know what it stands does not take responsibility for what he does whatever positively or negatively. And God is my witness that this man does not receive instructions from me, do not know me do, and I do not have anything to do with it at all more than my relationship with you, and I know him as you know more about you and something.The bombings occur for the bombings are not acts of resistance, being villainous style and approach is not resistance, resistance is not related to the bombings, any person claiming to be from the resistance and declares that the bombings of the act of resistance is a liar.So that the resistance had announced in its statement of innocence bombings, because the resistance aimed at protecting people do not kill him, either playing style, it is rejected, and any person who works for himself Velinsabh.Resistance has its principles and its approach and its leaders and style, a rainy and organization, and has a prominent political personality respected, and has its characters universally recognized, and can not behave in this way, or to be dependent on one person to issue a statement or to say that he blew well and has such and such.You should know that the resistance has its cadres, and it is negotiating with major states and governments, and can not be a farce in the hands of a group of boys, So please do not believe anything said to you, and take your precautions, you should know that Facebook pages and Web sites infiltrated can join to any one, under any name, and this is something they do not speak well known by their real names, how confident or sure of what is said is just a name, how do I know who to be.Please beware and aware of these errors, and be sure and be sure that the resistance has the leadership, and leadership have an advisory body, and this body tracking politicians in Libya assumed positions of Trustees of the popular committees in general, and ambassadors, and they are people with their value familiar with international politics and they have their relationships, and the Advisory Council now exists to resistance leader and has all the well-known personalities, and the leader of the resistance in touch with all these characters, and consulted with them Anaqchehem and coordinates at a high level, not at the level of people or individuals.Resistance is now entered in the negotiation stage with other countries, the stage conditions, stage outlook for Libya, the stage for the formation of a government in exile, and the formation of official delegations to travel and meet with presidents, it is reasonable to be dependent on someone on Facebook pages, impossible so aware and beware.The resistance has its existence, and its staff, but not exclusive to a particular person, the resistance is strong, and include well-known personalities that do not need to mention, when announced will be announced in full, and have advisory bodies have connections governments and states, which is not something easy, but not on the person sitting in the room what .Young people in the resistance on the ground they had orders to hunt heads, and carry out quality, but the bombings are not of their deeds or their style, this style rule, incompetent and legitimacy.Resistance to protect our people do not kill him, the resistance to What Alice Found for the protection of Libya, and the protection of our people and our people from looting and theft, and insulting them and spilling their blood, it is not reasonable to do this. Understanding already Haramiha protector Vasalabi and Belhadj were responsible for the bombings and to teach the people of Libya that this style, not style resistance and you know that this was the method of Almqazemh Tripoli is in for one night to blew 10,000 cars, but this is not a method of resistance, they are not afraid of its people do not kill him.We defend the right to, for our people, for peace of mind and security for Chbana even rats of throws his weapon and prepare for his home and perverteth the judgment to the right path is safe, even made up the court and be tried legally.د حمزة رد على مايسمى نفسة ملازم بركان
      قائد القذافي على قيد الحياة!

      قائد القذافي على قيد الحياة

      ! فيديو قريبا

      ... LIARS...
      Earlier picture: Body  OUTSIDE

      Bodies in line
      جثة في خط

      Hight of the tube
      هايت من الأنبوب

      Body is OUTSIDE: Earlier picture
      خارج الجسم: وفي وقت سابق الصورة

      Compare the hight of the tube مقارنة هايت من الأنبوب

      Compare the hight of the tube
      مقارنة هايت من الأنبوب

      Compare the hight of the tube مقارنة هايت من الأنبوب

      Watch the video (right) / مشاهدة الفيديو-يمين

79 thoughts on “La Libye est un Jamahiriya vert, mais le monde ne sera pas le reconnaître! / LIBYA is a Green Jamahiriya but the world will not acknowledge it! /

  1. Anne Prucha writes us:

    The best thing to do is to pray with all our hearts for Muammar and Green Army. As their cause is holy, God will help them, I am certain of it. Everything is on His hands, and we must be confident.

  2. Alex Beck of “Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi” quotes from al-Qathafi for us:

    “al-Qathafi said to NATO & USA :
    ‘You proved to the world that you are Evil: you don’t have culture , any knowledge…only Ignorance. You Killed innocent people by your military aircraft , you show the world that you are monster by your ugly actions.

    That’s right we love to be in death as Shaheed (Martyr); but this time, you will die , and we will win …..’ “

  3. Reem gazelle writes us:
    “Downright everyone heard in voices of fireworks, bullets, and a definite one cried this topic moments and Tdkr those Aldchriat painful and certain when people are weak faith lost inside because Jerdan celebrate .. but I’m Gazelle Al Reem will not shake them will not be lost to hear the laughter will not despair one day that the commander see the safety The color green Cyrverw seconds on my I swear to God shots down their arms and giggles Sahkathm Zadtna Azza myself and pride I free to reason that if they kept silent a little laughter to hear something inside them says, Why laugh and we Menhsmon and our condition Mitrdih and our country Khast in the wall. necessary know they know of themselves been lost Avatar this topic dance Almudbouh and God and God, and God with God’s help and thanks to the Free Libya was reviewed and Muammar Gaddafi Saatal us soon and very soon, but Atiisoa of the mercy of God Flaaaús of mercy of not those who do wrong and we are the owners of the right of our patience a lot and Sanntsr Finally, they cheered the destruction of their country and we Sanhll and grow and necessary to restore the Great … Let’s comment God says, Libya and Muammar Obs”

  4. Review of Libya’s military anniversary 40 of Revolution

    Review of Libya’s military anniversary 40 of Revolution
    Review of Libya’s military anniversary 40 of the Great Al Fateh Revolution

    استعراض الجيش الليبي الاحتفال بالعيد 40 لثورة الفاتح
    استعراض الجيش الليبي الاحتفال بالعيد 40 لثورة الفاتح العظيمة شبكة الرصيفة للاعلام راديوا الرصيفة اف ا…


    Libya’s military anniversary 40 of the Great Al Fateh Revolution

    Libya’s military anniversary 40 of the Great Al Fateh Revolution sidewalk network to the media


    Epic Holiday Conqueror Dedicated to the 40 to the free public sidewalk network

    Le documentaire guerre d’Octobre 1973
    وثائقي حرب اكتوبر 1973
    وثائقي حرب اكتوبر 1973 .


  5. refinery fire in Mellitah gas
    A fire in the refinery gas Mellitah
    Source: Rusaifa newsletter, and published by: Dr. Commander
    Read 885 times, since the date of its publication in 08/03/2012

    A fire in the refinery gas Mellitah Bsberathحريق-في-مصفاة-مليته-للغاز.html

    … Hear the gas station, several explosions were heard Mellitah beautiful area and Ztun after a massive fire broke out and the flames reached to the heights can be seen from the port of Ras Igdir and the state of population displacement Almqamyin near the station.

    الرصيفة الاخبارية – حريق في مصفاة مليته للغاز – اخبار
    حريق في مصفاة مليته للغاز بصبراته … سماع عدة انفجارات بمحطة غاز مليته تم سماعها بمنطقة الجميل وزلطن بعدها شب حريق هائل وصلت السنة اللهب الي ارتفاعات يمكن مشاهدتها من منفذ راس أجدير وحالة نزوح للسكان المقيميين قرب المحطه .
    refinery fire

  6. Song of the supporters of the Libyan Islamic underscores that we are present and strongly and we are not fighting rats, but the Crusaders mercenary and country.

    P Kimbers NATO did not count them account are children playing and having fun and easy will be the end of the fall of their masters

  7. Obama`s War on Humanity
    Posted: 2012/08/09
    From: Mathaba
    by Stephen Lendman
    U.S. President Obama targets humanity at home and abroad.

    by Stephen Lendman

    Illinoisans paying attention knew long ago. Obama served as senator for the state’s 13th district.

    He sold out straightaway. Real estate interests had their man. Gentrification demolitions rewarded them. Poor folks were driven out. Most were Black.

    Banking, finance, insurance, and real estate interests comprised his political base then and now. Needs of constituents he represented were ignored. Community uplift rhetoric disguised harming people who needed help.

    Critics called his record kick back cronyism. Convicted felons and big monied interests funded him. Every dollar invested returned multiples.

    Pay-to-play was always Chicago’s way. City and state politics are notoriously corrupt. Obama played the game down and dirty.

    He earned his bona fides. He was well suited for bigger and better things in Washington. He was singled out and took full advantage. Nationally he betrayed the poor and disadvantaged the way he did in Illinois. Globally it’s much worse.

    As US senator, his voting record told all. He supported power and big monied interests. He backed commodifying public education. He stood by medical providers in wrongful injury suits.

    He opposed capping credit card interest rates. Mining companies loved him. He endorsed strip mining everywhere, including on public land.

    He supported huge energy company subsidies, vastly expanded nuclear power, deregulation, harmful biofuels, other agribusiness interests, GMO food proliferation, and privatized healthcare.

    He stood solidly for corporate friendly trade agreements, fraudulent financial deals, expanding America’s prison-industrial complex, repressive immigration legislation, police state laws, military tribunals, spying and secrecy, controlling the media, and he was still just a senator.

    Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) executive director Mara Verheyden-Hilliard said he “eviserat(ed)” civil and human rights. He exceeded the worst of Bush. He silenced acquiescent liberals. They support someone they should condemn.

    On August 1, Gerald Celente headlined “The Next Four Years,” saying:

    “What will it take to change” America’s future? Voters have no choice. Both candidates tout their credentials. “Obama the Osama Slayer vs. Romney the Corporate Commando.”

    Each says I’m your guy. “And what will they lead us to? Economic nirvana, world peace, environmental renewal, social harmony, cultural foment, spiritual enlightenment?”

    Campaign 2012 comes down to “who is best qualified to destroy the most the slowest.” Why can’t people see what’s obvious? Why do people who should know better wear blinders?

    Why do they mindlessly “drink the Kool-Aid?” At issue is stop playing follow the leader and start “lead(ing) yourself.” It can’t be “bought, given, or imposed.”

    Grassroots activism alone offers change. It’s “having the courage not to cower to power. The dignity to claim your rightful and sacred place on earth. To respect yourself, demand it of others, and show respect to all who merit it.”

    It means opposing corrupt political leaders “and the unprincipled and oppressive systems they represent.” When enough people change, so will policies.

    Washington and Jefferson’s America “ended up led by freaks.” It happened the same way in Germany and Italy.

    Bach, Beethoven, Goethe, Michelangelo, DaVinci, and Galileo ended up Hitler and Mussolini. Modern-day equivalents await in America.

    Reagan, Bush I and II, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, and Obama showed steady downward decadence. Expect Obama term two or Romney to be worse. They’re two sides of the same coin.

    European leaders and Arab League despots replicate their dark side. They’re “two-bit freaks,” says Celente. “And they’re dangerous.”

    “They start wars, kill millions, destroy nations. They steal your money and give it to their friends.” They treat ordinary people like garbage. Why don’t they resist? “(T)hey argue among themselves why (one) freak is better than the other.”

    They defend what they should condemn. They let Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel, Monti, Harper, Netanyahu, and others get away with murder. If they won’t fight for what’s right, who will?

    America is ground zero. Policies made here affect everywhere. Wealth extraction, mass killing, destruction, and dominance define them. Crackdowns target nonbelievers. Expect current harshness to get worse.

    Financial war rages on millions. Hot ones continue. Syrians struggle to survive. Washington picked Kofi Annan. He’s a notorious imperial tool. He provided sham cover for regional ravaging. It masquerades as pursuing conflict resolution and peace.

    Washington’s strategy requires violence and instability. It features terrorizing Syrians to submit. Annan’s a willing co-conspirator. He got marching orders and obeyed. He’s no longer needed.

    On August 2, he said he’ll leave end of August when his mandate expires. He lied claiming Security Council inaction made him decide. Fellow imperialist Ban Ki-moon accepted his resignation with regret.

    They partnered with Washington, other NATO countries, and regional despots against Assad. They blame him for Western death squad crimes. Expect conflict to persist. Imperial strategy demands it. Willful killing and destruction won’t end.

    Syrians courageously resist. They want freedom, not imperial subjugation. They’re willing to die for it.

    Obama admitted what’s well known. Washington aids insurgents covertly. CIA and US special forces are involved. Heavy weapons, funding, training and direction are provided. Secret “finding” authorization approved more.

    Washington’s war on Syria is lawless. So are other US wars. Trillions go for mass killing, destruction, conquest, colonization, and plunder. Homeland needs go begging.

    Imagine what’s coming post-election. Expect greater wealth extraction, escalated repression, and new war theaters without end.

    America’s worst of all possible worlds sinks lower. Depravity defines it. Obama’s a stealth neocon faking people-friendly credentials. Paul Craig Roberts calls hypocrisy Washington’s hallmark. Global war crimes are committed in pursuit of peace.

    Humanitarian intervention is sham cover for imperial ravaging. The late Gore Vidal addressed this and more long ago. He warned how it harms humanity. He called America decadent. It’s not worth preserving, he said.

    He called Cuba a place of hope. He said Americans haven’t a clue about what they lost. He called US-style democracy fraudulent by design. It’s illegitimate without choice on the ballot.

    He said America is “rotting away at a funereal pace.” He expected eventual military dictatorship. The late Chalmers Johnson predicted the same thing. He quoted Pogo saying, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    He expected eventual worst of times. He and Vidal agreed. America is plagued by the same dynamic that doomed past empires. Unwillingness to change assures demise.

    It’s not a matter of if, but when. At issue is will humanity perish with it? The possibility is terrifyingly real. Money power runs America. Policies it wants, it gets.

    A nation without enemies remains permanently at war. A secret, unaccountable global gulag holds countless non-believers. Oppression targets anyone who resists. Wealth extraction impoverishes millions. Mind manipulation keeps people dumbed down.

    Johnson said these policies produce military dictatorship or its civilian equivalent. America’s republic always was more myth than real. Pretense ended long ago. It died and doesn’t exist.

    Democracy is a quaint artifact. Slogans and other rhetoric alone remain. Democrats are as neocon as Republicans. Most people haven’t a clue. Others who understand don’t act.

    America gets away with murder with ease. Lynne Stewart says “Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!” Nothing else works and won’t now. It’s needed more than ever. “It’s the system, stupid,” says Immanuel Wallerstein. Change it or it’ll consume us.

    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and is a Mathaba Analyst.

  8. Le premier canal libyenne |. Aljmaheira. TV. |
    Retour à l’albumPréc. · Suiv.

    Tags for the start of the first broadcast channel Jamahiriya and Steam open soon …. cadre Channel is broadcast to you the short section of the channel. Anschero in all the pages in order to Liberal assured their hearts .. All Copyright Reserved to the first channel Jamahiriya |. Aljmaheira. Tv. | –

    The first channel Jamahiriya |. Aljmaheira. Tv. |
    Tags for the start of the first broadcast channel Jamahiriya and Steam open soon …. cadre Channel is broadcast to you the short section of the channel. Anschero in all the pages in order to Liberal assured their hearts .. All Copyright Reserved to the first channel Jamahiriya |. Aljmaheira. Tv. |

  9. News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
    Vous Aimez ·il y a environ une heure

    Rats are removed from the Qur’anic verse: 10 JOD currency and put star and crescent instead!!!!
    Rats they changed our currency. They delete the Quranic
    verse which said “Do not eat your money unjustly among Yourselves” and they replace it to Crescent and star. Those people not real Muslim, they are just terrorist.

    gmoney change

  10. Mu 152

    The Jamahiriya was never dissolved and Muammar al-Qathafi LIVES!!
    Qatar spent $ 2 billion for the overthrow of the JAMAHIRIYA system.
    Qatar took over the Libyan Banking System, replacing it with their printed currency too.
    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

    Rats are removed from the Qur’anic verse: 10 JOD currency and put star and crescent instead!!!!
    Rats they changed our currency. They delete the Quranic
    verse which said “Do not eat your money unjustly among Yourselves” and they replace it to Crescent
    and star. Those people not real Muslim, they are just terrorist.
    الجرذان يقومون بإزالة الآية القرآنية من عملة 10 دينار ويضعون نجمة وهلال بدل ذلك!!!!

    Qatar money

    Doc Bank 1
    Doc Bank 2
    Doc Bank 3

    Scandal and the continuing series of documents sale of Libya for Qataris
    Source: Libyan political dialogue, and published by: Dr. Commander
    publication in 09 August 2012

    Scandal of the documents and the continuation of the series sold Libya for Qataris

    sold citizen Nouri Almatarda documents to the site of the political dialogue Libyan exposes the Government of the Cape and the Council (IGC) to sell Libya for Qataris and the esophagus and ears of all.
    He said that these documents are genuine and location by the government ..

    scandal documents and the continuation of the series sold Libya Qataris, stealing 70 million in a deal with “Qatar National Bank and Development Bank of Commerce” was scheduled to meet “general assembly of the Trade and Development Bank” on 19 Febr. 2011
    for the approval of the acquisition of “Qatar National Bank” to 49% of the “Trade and Development Bank” worth 240 million one million dinars (attached documents), but starting a revolution “February 17” prevented the convening of the Assembly. after the so-called “revolution of February 17” was the deal worth
    170 million million dinars,

    or was the embezzlement of 70 million of shareholders’ equity Libyans for the investor country without a technical reason or financial reason to reduce the value of “Bank of Commerce and Development” made a profit even in the darkest economic and security conditions in 2011

    and is ready and a candidate for substantial profits and the demise of restrictions on private banks and the bank has achieved truly amazing results and great in the first half of 2012

    why cowardice? Why sell home cheaply? Embezzled funds from shareholders? Why forfeit the rights of the citizens Libyan note that one of those Libyan investment respectable offered an amount of 250,000,000 dinars,

    the price for the same share captured by the Qataris were rejected its request under the guidance of people influential to the relationship in diameter and it is worth mentioning that there is an agreement between “Qatar National Bank and Chairman of the Board of Directors Bank of Commerce and Development” not to distribute profits in 2012

    and has been hidden this agreement of the shareholders the poor and has not been informed in the General Assembly and the exploitation of kindness and confidence even though the law requires informed, and will be disposed of staff Libyans in the massacre is a country in association with impaired souls to the level of staff

    is not convinced the Libyans, that so little sum paid by the Qataris will take it Ballesar right hand and your God, the shareholders of ” Bank of Commerce and Development”, and your God my staff and “Development Bank of Commerce” and lived Qatar and Libya, O Poor Baauk .

    the GNC is not even in Libya- They are headquartered in MALTA. That is where they filmed the ceremony for MSM and TV..not even in Libya…It was not a hotel. It was MALTA!!!

    The whole GNC is a VIRTUAL REALITY farce that is actually non-existant…Just because they say this or that on MSM does not make it real how much they try. They lied also about Our brother-leader and most of the world believed it! Their egg will totally shatter soon and the full truth will be revealed.
    The GNC are solely American Agents–They are NOT Libyans–do you understand yet??

    Muammar lives, the Great Jamahiriya was never dissolved, what Muammar and “Quoriana” state is 100% FACTUAL: Do you understand now?

    The return of the Great Jamahiriya and Muammar al-Qathafi, Supreme Commander of the People’s Green Resistance Armed Services on the REAL al-Jamahiriya -TV

    قناة الجماهرية الاولى | . Aljmaheira . Tv .|
    شاهدو بداية بث قناة الجماهرية الاولى وستيم فتحها قريباُ ….كادر القناه يبث لكم المقطع القصير عن القناه . انشرو في كل صفحات الاحرار لكي تطمان قلوبهم .. جميع حقوق الطبع والنشر محفوضه لقناة الجماهرية الاولى | . Aljmaheira . Tv .|
    Durée : 0:46

    • They used Qatari sets and fabricated everything for almost 9 months now!
      Even people in Libya were fooled. They used the Saudi Satellite to interrupt the real upfeed, and sent down a clone transmission that mimicked the real al-Jamahiriya.TV…BUT THAT IS NOW GONE–and the real al-Jamahiriya is back! and so is the real Valley Station for BANI WALID!

  11. al-Jezeera video–??????????????? They might (NO TRANSLATION) be airing Muammar’s AUDIO letter to the Emir of Qatar, accusing all the culprits–and it might indeed be new-

    The caption is ” Sakr Arabs Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, may God have mercy on him sends a message to the Emir of Qatar, the sons of Zion client”.

    صقر العرب العقيد معمر القذافي رحمه الله يبعث رسالة إلي أمير قطر عميل بني صهيون

    IT DEFINITELY FITS IN with the latest post I made in accusation of QATAR by Muammar. Please see:

    “Sakr Arabs Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, sends a message to the Emir of Qatar, the sons of Zion client”
    (Lire la suite) The Third Universal Theory is the Only Salvation for our Ailing Planet
    Mu accuses Qatar of destroying the Jamahiriya
    (see content posted above on this post’s comments)

  12. Kadhafi. Victor religion of Allah curse the Arab rulers

    Ajoutée par TheLibya69 le 10 août 2,011th
    I challenge any president or governor or king of Arabic words my father said Saqer said Libya’s Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in public.

    القدافي . المنتصر بدين الله يشتم الحكام العرب
    اتحدى اي رئيس او حاكم او ملك عربي يقول الكلام الدي قاله صقر ليبيا العقيد معمر القدافي علنا

  13. Video from news site to cover Europe euronews lecture delivered by Libyan leader Muammar al-Qathafi in the courtyard of the Vatican in front of hundreds of girls got all the belles and one of them eighty euros to attend a meeting in addition to a copy of the Koran. Came the lecture on the occasion of second anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship between the two (Libya and Italy).
    clamping report much on the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, accusing him of trying to win over the hearts of the belles of the Islamic religion and the call for the Islamization of Europe report accusing Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister of Italy trade-agreement, and finance, the report said the Italian government’s caution…

    Gaddafi deliver a lecture on Islam at the Vatican

  14. Mu at Pulpit in Rome 10 June 2009 in Rome:
    Mu in Rome 10 June 2009

    Celebration of the “Glorious al-Fetah (Revolution of Light)” of 40 years
    1 sept 2009
    Tripoli Libya
    with Vatican officials in attendence:


    Gaddafi calls on Europe to convert to Islam – PressTV 100831
    Ajoutée par newsupload2010 le 31 août 2010
    Mu Rome lecture

  15. From even 21 OCTOBER telephone message… Muammar clearly says repeatedly–“I am not dead!” HE NEVER TOLD US elsewise. It was witch CLINTON’s story that he is “dead”, not his, ever!
    Muammar is nobody’s fool; and he knows Libya better than any other living or dead person. He has God to protect him. He is not erking-on God to prove this; but in his heart and mind he has this confidence—because God is using him as a tool for the betterment of all the Living on earth. NATO cannot and will not kill him. Many have tried over many, many years–All attempts have failed. And if they tried it openly now, they know the whole world would object this time –particularly Russia, China, Syria and all the South American nations.

    Muammar is hurt and angry that people are gullable enough to believe that he is dead;—and he warns us all the time about Obama, the “CLINTON WOMAN” and the MSM.

    Witch Clinton did not count upon Muammar’s integrity and courage; She just imagined that “GADDAFY WOULD JUST FADE-AWAY”!!! She thought this because SHE has no honesty, integrity or love for humanity and is selfish–so why should she otherwise think or be it possible for anyone to truly have those godly qualities that Muammar, with honor, holds so importantly and dearly before all else?

    How else than did Muammar al-Qathafi pull-off the first “GLORIOUS al-Fetah (Revolution of Light)”??? He was a hero then at 27; and at 70 has not changed, but even more strengthened his convictions. He is undoubtedly a “Maudib” meaning LIVING SAINT…and most of the good people of the Great Jamahiriya know this with all their heart and will do anything to stand with him.

    Muammar has given of himself more to mankind than any other human who has graced our earth outside of Jesus.

  16. The following is encoded:

    Voice of Libya
    il ya 21 heures
    URGENT: text messages conveyed by d. Hamza Thami Libya forever across the room I now have 3 messages I do not want any comments tolerate any comment letter to 32 so that the first known GEF for the permission of the Lion of the Desert

    The Muslim Quarter, Abu Salim withstand the plateau, tourism, revive the Mermaid the other, the game starts you in the capital, individual, team consists of homogeneous pall known to the team only and does not participate in the play but determined to win, target each goal severing the head of a snake Valrús is the task the the rest of the living there is no fear of cutting off her head. rule which gives the signal to start the game you choose you, and agree on the good management of the games, there is no time difference in the playoffs began, and the league at the door waiting for you the results of the match, and rise to match the cup. Ended in a neighborhood of the Islamic Abu Salim withstand the plateau, tourism, revive the Mermaid. the second letter of order p for the permission of the Lion of the Desert: team center, without naming clubs, they know themselves, and training camps important to start the game, and get ready for the league, physical prowess and design to win, fight matches the experimental coordination with other teams, very important, and the game plan you agree it with the trainers, who you choose quickly no time, is about the league beginning the public will be attending a special, The performance of the coordination and development of fixtures, before matches conduct a publicity campaign to the public If individually to encourage them, waiting for the results, team center without naming clubs entered by the selection of players and coaches do not none of them player is subject to purchase. third message to the team Shatti and the South team masked, a team good: Each team is organized by the home to receive the games, ending the limits of the pitch in Alchuirv , will not attend your public riot, you will be the only ones who play in the center of their audience, so that you guarantee public support, and the determination to win, you make an investment in cup matches in the match cup full Vriqkm, you choose trainers off, and the better to carry the No. 32 must be matches and friendly propaganda , and to reassure your audience that you are in full Jhozikm interval of the match, each club matches set the agenda and agree on the start of the league quickly, waiting for the results, there are messages in the road will turn the event that there are players. Team a message to the western region tomorrow, the western region clubs tomorrow to instruct the request reaches the beginning of preparation for the league. Ended May peace and God’s mercy and blessings switched on

  17. Voice of Libya
    10 August 2012

    URGENT: transcript d. Hamza Thami Libya Chamber of the Great

    Libya where men, you have to trust this, and trust yourself, the victory will not be achieved if you believe in yourself and your abilities, we have to create a victory within us first so that we can triumph over enemies. Do not believe their lies and their promises of reconciliation and offers false,

    They know full well that there is no serve them in Libya, and they did not congratulate them, and they know the size of your strength and your ability so they offer reconciliation and a way to absorb the anger, and put out the fire burning in the hearts of Liberals against them. They do not offer reconciliation, but, knowing the reality of their situation, and what become of them, and stated that Dr. Shakir said that West does not come to you a peaceful but in distress. and I swear by Allah that Alelad bin liberate only those who have two options only two both victory or martyrdom, and said that God whose names Bal_husnyen, and we we have these two options only and does not have the others. Vliqm whom He will to negotiate, but a political body

    This side of his family by the knowledgeable and knowledgeable Boukbayah. As for us we have the rifles and the armed struggle until the cleansing the will of God, Libya has her men, her youth and stated that he was Etjdt with him for half an hour, and told him that all that is broadcast or longer for editing, if not the armed struggle in the forefront, if not in Libya, an armed struggle Vkonna we do not do something, and after that this is it back to your ears honestly as stated on his part.

    Vemmanna our country and the inevitability of our victory are present, it is glory

    The road in front of him, he lived a long life Bhloh and times, and we acquired from the sins that we ask God to forgive us, and no longer have to lose or fear him, and now we have our home either Nhrrh or die at home, or we say to the world peace. then went salute to free Libya wherever they are and wherever they Vhya epiphyseal Black Mountain. then confirmed divided in God that Libya will, God willing, and with faith and determination will return Certainly, we are our God Abjahadna and our patience and our faith and our faith, and everything to be with God, and God be with him invincible, and we do not stand against our religion and our religion, nor is ordered by the shedding of blood Kalkavar, but we came out Bamamna and Bjeehna, Zkhiatna our faith in God, and God Bholh and power will not abandon us. This may be a test for us and our patience. By God, and God and God and the God they would not remain in Libya,

    and I swear to you in God they will not stay, and be sure of this, there is this present and delusions and lie of the state, these are not the only group of thieves plays each and every one of them on the other, deceive and cheat each other. will not accept the world by their actions, and will not accept the Libyan people this, the Libyan people which has become its motto today either edit our country and either Nnntha of existence, and praised Bahrar the corner and are free of Abu Isa and peace upon all the freedom fighters struggling in Libya great peace to all the tribes of Ataiwrac and Tabu, peace be upon the people of Libya supervision and tribal fair, hoping to bless God for you are an asset Libya, which will not be lost as long as the. brethren, we are since the beginning of the events Nkhatikm, we, if we make victory within us will not win, it must us to make a victory for ourselves and in ourselves, this does not accept the law and no reason or logic, is there a human likes and prefers to be a traitor, can not, and we who took us to the peril only treason, treason because of the blind trust which was granted to those who do not deserve, that birds that did not improve him fled away from you, let alone the son of Adam. Rest assured that our country will return to us, and we were victorious, God willing, and thank God that our spirits embrace the sky,

    and our young people at home is able to resolve the battle, and impossible to congratulate the rats our land at all. that God Almighty may Amthanna (or suppose that the abandoned, as God knows those who strive with you they did not take other than Allah and His Messenger and the believers and Liege, and Allah is Aware of what you do) must have faith in God and our faith in our country, and the greeting in the whole of modern free Middle honest people who have been on the reign, despite what they have of pressure, and Bani Walid, Tripoli and Dahmani Liberal,

    Libya our home and all the tribe of free and each family of the free We have greeting. Valehi Aslami no one deny it, this neighborhood who did not wait, Fethiye for the youth of the Muslim Quarter, who did not wait for a signal from One or receiving support from one, but went out on their own and they lock the coastal road in solidarity with their brothers in Rishvana, they Nevsalchaabab who Araftohm in the Muslim Quarter before they are actually men of the right, those who should be labeled chests medals and decorations which Alguenaha error on the issuance of the traitors who have sold Libya .

    Veken our faith strong and our love for our country as well, because the love of the homeland of faith, and praised the tribe Zubaydat Beni Walid and convey the message of their fellow tribal members in Iraq and the north of Palestine, who have offered their help and their willingness to provide support to their brothers in Libya, whether money or several hardware and men, and we are with you all what we have for the liberation of Libya, a message of their own request from transfer to you. people did not frustrate the morale, but they want something fast to what was going on in the hearts of Gul as a result of injustice are starving and the extent of oppression inside them, is no longer interested in those who die or who live in

    For to be free of Libya, an individual did not indicate a fall in the spirit of the moral, people want to happen to her out of these tragedies, and misfortunes experienced by every day. and I swear that he had received several calls to people who said that if he came back to time them back to were willing to throw themselves to be the bodies in, but do God’s command (and most of his God, but most people do not know) know that Libya where men, O rats, that the black is not like call them you are black, the men believe, sacrifice and loyalty, then went salute to free Aharhh and tribes Almzaraa and every Libyan was free, and I swear to God three times, saying, our youth, O Ahrarna, my brothers and brothers and Hraúrna, that Libya Sikvv tears men and heroes, their children who are present where, they are not in need of men, because these are Christrrunha, and you will see, God willing,

    Kik begins fighting from areas that you would expect at all, and pointed salute to Gheryan mother.

    Let your faith and your trust Botunkm and your faith by a solid strong, because faith is the homeland the most important thing, and everything is driven by faith, our faith in God, our country, our cause, and we have given our children under the NATO bombing, who Nansabhm God Martyrs, the gift of God and for God. In the name of Islam. now , said signal of what was written by a Liberal for the Sunnis and the congregation in the Bani Walid they fought side by side with the armed people, even though they were in prison, why did not complain or complain about it n they are the Sunnis and the group owners who know their duty legitimate., and mentioned a number of them. He said in the context of militant Ali Ahwal and send him a greeting of a large filled the respect and appreciation for all the free and honorable.

    Then he mentioned that he wanted Puget tribute to the Egyptian government and the Egyptian people free because of its response to the supporters of legitimacy when Astvhmua on the subject of extradition of the Council, and told them that the earth is your land will not Amskm where a bad, whatever his authority, Fathia Abdel Nasser of Egypt and all are free to the Egyptian people. He greeted especially Sheikh Mohammed lamp Barghouti. We are right and the whole world knows that we also must prove to them that we the people of Libya and their children they must offer sacrifices, and draws a greeting of great sheikhs activists unwavering stationed Kalmdna Alchuirv and Khalid Tntosh and Sheikh Bossoh, my sheikhs of jihad and struggle and Year ,

    my sheikhs Libya true, a tribute to our leader a great leader struggling Muammar Gaddafi, and to his family kind of every Libyan was free, and every Libyan already under way in his veins blood Libyan pure pure. tribute to the resistance leader and to each of bearing arms in defense of Libya and the honor and dignity.

    But you, rats Vbliss you only garbage bins, which will not Tqbakm of hyper Afontekm, and draws the greeting of a great Dr. Mustafa Zaidi, calling him the man who deserves all the appreciation and respect, which proved to be a really Libby free

    Sharif, and ancient tradition, we know your positions, and we know who you are and we know you are among the few steadfast, unwavering. my dark prison tents ***

    I love Zlama not after the prison only ***

    dawn light transcend Fethiye to the martyrs all, and all prisoners and detainees, and trust that God is with you and let Aamenkm homeland villages and a handful of rats have weapons and will not be published militias control of Libya at all understand a mirage, and God bless you and bless you and peace.

  18. Muammar’s message to RATS
    رساله من حر الى الجرذان

    Begins with Muammar then s free Liberal speaks

    Publiée le 11 août 2012 par Mutasim Gaddafi
    رساله من حر الى الجرذان

    The CONTENT of the AUDIO IS NEW…

    (PICTURE SHOWN COMES FROM: “Gaddafi’s speech to the Palestine | Day International Jerusalem” [see below])

  19. JGNC Judicial police stopped their work officially in all parts of Libya
    Source: News sidewalk, and published by: Dr. Commander
    Read 320 times, since the date of its publication in 12/08/2012
    GNC Judicial police stopped their work officially in all parts of Libyaالشرطة-القضائية-توقف-اعمالها-رسميا-في-جميع-أنحاء-ليبيا.html

    , said Director of the judicial police in Libya since a few … That armed militia called the “free Libya,” stormed the headquarters of the General Administration of the Judicial Police and its contents and messing it Taatkhadd based …. How much has also today broke into the open prison Bafrenaj …

    where the burn all the files of prisoners and archive issues of your device and the theft excreta private the detainees and until this moment did not do any other party to derail the group …

    and ask the Director of the Judicial Police of the silence of the Ministries of Defense and Interior on the work of this militia and not to be addressed, although he has Bthblaghm what happened .. and because of this mess and the center of this silence, Director of the Judicial Police for the cessation of the judicial police in all parts of Libya, officially pending consideration of this issue and find a solution in providing safety and security ..

  20. Saadi commands
    Gibran Hussain Warfali writes:

    20 July 2012 International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) removed the name resistance leader Major General Saadi Gaddafi, the rule off of the most wanted list ..

    ————————————————– –

    speaking lawyer, Maj. Gen. Saadi Gaddafi to the media on behalf of Major General Saadi wanted lists of Interpol, saying that the administration considered a legal request from the client about to withdraw his name lists of defenses and sought legal outlined in a memorandum on the MP Libyan General on the status of a client’s behalf on the list of internationally wanted for crimes punishable by the law of Libya and decided the legal management of the international police there was no evidence presented by the Libyan judicial authorities to commit Saedi Muammar Qaddafi Muhammad Abdul Salam to every act of entering under penalty of crime in accordance with Libyan law and, therefore, the international police organization based in Lyon laws, the France should be raised is the name of a person to ensure he did not commit any criminal offense in his own country, or any other site on the Convention on the international police Interpol .. And under the administration’s decision not to the legal situation of my client was legally on the wanted list, and then raise the name of my client’s system is the main international policy, and therefore can not move and to travel without any further.

  21. Hell Valjrman
    Muammar says:
    Publiée le 13 août two thousand and twelve par MutasimGaddafi
    Will not Troawa Tripoli steadfast,,, Tripoli crashed on the resilience and their ability to survive hordes of Spanish and the Vandals and the Genoese and Sicilian and the Knights of Malta and Albzntaan, Romans, Italians, crashed all the rock resistance to Tripoli, the glory of Tripoli, the glory of Libya which address the most violent campaign of barbaric savagery order to subject them, but we We will not surrender, will not give up

    ((Obs Aajerman Muammar, Mu’ammar al-Obs))

  22. Muammar Gadhafi in respectful live-streaming dialog with academics at Columbia University 23 March 2006. Here he is praised as a champion of democracy [before the demonization and destruction instigated by a corrupt US, its allies and compliant media.] video: Joe Friendly

  23. Did you know that the combined explosions NATO/USA used over Libya were equivalent to 360 000 Hiroshima/Nagasaki blasts?—also that one nuclear bunker buster (used in the first bunker buster blast on 19 May 2011) created an 8.4 earthquake in the area….

    (That it was also in a non-earthquake zone with no fizzures or fault-lines geologically),

    The so-called “Libyan quake” was in and by the Nafusa Mountains near the “Gulf Oil” facilities.

    It was when they thought Muammar was in an underground shelter there…
    It was at the time when Putin asked “who gave you the right to target Gaddafi ? ”

    I put the post with the sismagraph on my wordpress WINDOWS LIVE site at that time 19 MAY 2011–and it even was on Hoagland’s FB site too.
    But Hoagland was gleeful about targeting Muammar at that time and Hoagland and I had a hard argument, so, for a very long time I stopped posting there.
    They tried 20 days earlier to kill Muammar at al-Arabs house when he was there–but suceeded in “only” killing al-Arab and the 3 grandbabies and some neighbors and animals. (life means nothing to them, as long as their goals are met).
    Just 3 days ago, the GNC executed 16 people with the al-Qathafi last name–simply because they were of his tribe—
    They mean to wipe anything of and by Muammar off of existance—like they tried with Ankanaton

    Here is one of the earthquake reports from 19 May 2011 last year:

    5/19/2011 — 6.0 magnitude Earthquake in Turkey and / or 8.4 in Libya
    side note: expect radiation readings from Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas in the next day! :^)

    5/19/2011 — 8.4 magnitude Libya — offically a “false reading”
    from youtube user : lizvandall
    Response from EMSC to me Gilles Mazet-Roux ✆ to me show details 2:20 PM (30 minutes ago) Thi…

    5/19/2011 — 8.4 magnitude Libya — offically a “false reading”
    from youtube user : lizvandall Response from EMSC to me Gilles Mazet-Roux ✆ to me show details 2:20 PM (30 minutes ago) Thi…

    BREAKING: LIBYA Large 8.4 Magnitude Earthquake

    Here they finally show what caused the quake which was removed from the quake maps:

    Major NATO Strike In Libya 19/05/11
    Sky News. Could this be the 8.4 Earthquake in Libya, that somehow dissapeared?

    (COVER-UP–not this strike, either!)

    It was a lie about “warships. In the naval shipyard was an old 96′ vessel in repair for the last 2 years and in the water were only coastguard vessels under 28′ used for human rescues.

    2 coastguard vessels–and the quake was in the Nafusa mountains not the Tripoli coast… There obviously was a big cover-up.
    It was just the the day before that Obama and Cameron announced that they were going to use their arsenal of bunker busters against “gaddafi” when Obama “visited” Cameron in England the day before.
    These were not even conventional uranium-tipped bunker-busters, but rather full fledling nuclear weapons. B 18/38s

    Then NATO denied using depleted uranium weaons in Libya!! and accused Muammar of stockpiling “chemical weapons” and killing his own people..That (QUOTE)” the madman vows to destroy Libya before permitting NATO its victory” (UNQUOTE)
    “full fledgling nuclear weapons” (WMD) which they accused Muammar and Sadaam of harboring (but never existed)!!!

    Yet, ohhhhhh–It is o.k.for USA and NATO to use nuclear weapons!!
    Shame on them—and they had the nerve to call themselves Christian–and spread articles about Islamic terrorists planning to set-off “dirty-bombs” against Christians!!
    The USA and Britain set-off then a huge program to black-list Muslims as terrorists and the programs are still on the books for the American/NATO militaries—

    ليبيا زلزال المرج Libyan Earthquake
    زلزال تشرد بعض أهل المرج بعد سقوط منازلهم على رأوسهم / Libya المرج البيضاء طبرق الجبل الاخضر – فضيحة ليبي – بنغازي – طرابلس زلزال بلادي وان جارت علي عزيزة ?!…

    BTW: PLEASE you must view this video—what we were talking about begins on 02hrs15minutes into the video

  24. Team for the city of Cyrene. . See what they found

    Libyan intelligence {} Libya after the Gaddafi: A team of city of Cyrene to carry out a cleaner for the archaeological area in the city and all Achuih Akchwo barrels of wine and Bukha. . In the holy month There is no power but from God Almighty
    فريـق من أجل مدينـة شحات. . أنظر ماذا وجـدوا
    لـيبيـا بعـد القـدافـي : فريق من أجل مدينة شحات يقوم بحملة نظافه للمنطقه الأثريه في المدينة و كل اشوية يكتشفو براميل خمر و بوخة . . في الشهر الكريم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم.

  25. Rare video of Muammar al-Qathafi during warwith Chad giving instructions
    This video shows the fact traitor client Khalifa Hfter
    when sacrificed him members of the Libyan army in Chad war
    did not respond to the instructions of the martyr Muammar Gaddafi

  26. Envoy from General Mujahid Abdullah Senoussi I hope that you Tkaroa between the lines and know Abdullah Wayne exactly say: Will expanded prophet say for Hlha … And who Touselh íÇŃíĘ Baouselha news Haqqani .. You Tarafo oppressed and who Jani .. The ills Benjakm see the second .. Above Ahamouk who fly Nolha .. And Atsedko in Mauritanian news .. Arefana call who Baklha .. Protected and Hamina God Sobhani .. , Vazeili goodness Joe Volha .. Mai blessing Asmar God Atani .. Mai Buazum and Vzaath whole .. And I’m still standing on the back of my horse .. Day and still Abdullah shape. Allahu Akbar abused over Kidd

    مبعوث من اللواء المجاهد عبدالله السنوسى

    اتمنى منكم أن تقروا مابين السطور وتعرفوا عبدالله وين بالضبط يقول:

    وصية وسع نبي نقول لهلها … واللي توصله ياريت بيوصلها في خبر حقاني .. وأنتم تعرفو المظلوم واللي جاني .. وعلله بنجيكم وراجع ثاني .. فوق الحموق اللي أطير نعلها.. ولاتصدقو في خبر موريتاني .. عارفيني نطلق اللي بعقلها.. محمي وحاميني الله سبحاني .. وفازعيلي الصلاح جو فأولها .. ومعاي بركته الاسمر الله عطاني .. ومعاي بوعزوم وفزعته باكملها.. ومازلت واقف فوق ظهر حصاني .. ومازلت عبدالله نهار شكلها .

    الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدى

  27. 10 DEC 2008

    اغاني ليبية — ابناء الزنتان “خود الرساله
    اغاني ليبية — ابناء الزنتان “خود الرساله alzentan libya

  28. Beautiful Song!

    and this one is beautiful too:








  29. Give this song a minute or two before it really begins–have patience with the long intoduction! Soon you will see the beauty of this chanson!

    alzentan– اغاني ليبية فرقة ابناء الزنتان يا ليبيا
    alzentan–اغاني ليبية فرقة ابناء الزنتان ياليبيا

  30. clips from the festivals of many tribes from all over Libya at the end of RAMADAN 2009:

    Chanson libyen raconte l’histoire du patrimoine libyen et les habitudes de la Jamahiriya connue, mais la générosité et la générosité avec un stand de clips et des images des chevaliers de la Libye, Benghazi, Derna blanc Tobrouk Ajdabiya Montagne-Verte Mrscowa cheveux populaire caractérisé libyen dérive chevaux chevaux arabe authentique Série Ramadan Ramadaniat ri Tvhit compétitions concours de l’Arabie poètes épisode Saoudite Egypte comique de Dubaï arabe Un Fansite Piece

    joutée par Aldoda82 le 19 août 2 009
    Song libyan tells the story of Heritage Libyan and habits of Libyan-known, but the generosity and generosity with clips booth and footage of the knights of Libya, Benghazi, Derna white Tobruk Ajdabiya Green Mountain Mrscowa hair popular characterized libyan drift horses horses authentic Arabic Series Ramadan Ramadaniat laughed Tvhit competitions contest of Saudi Arabia Egypt poets comic episode of Dubai Arab One Piece Fansite

  31. ____________________________________________________

    Ajoutée par MsZeco le 3 Févr. 2010
    Libyan song and wonderful words to express themselves
    all the love and loyalty to the land of the Free Libya
    and all the love and appreciation to the commander of Altorh Aledeimh

  32. Ty Lemons writes:

    Thanks for the tag Paul. Great links and information. The media assaults on Bro. Qaddafi was tiresome. In 2009 Qaddafi did an interview with the kufrs of the CFR; this is the best interview I’ve seen of the dear leader. He explained that Al-Qaida operatives were in Libyan jails; he said they were young people addicted to drugs and involved in criminal activities on the streets of Libya; just like they want alcohol instead of Ramadhan dishes in Turkish jails. Any rebel group that deals with US is similar.

    I answered:
    Ty, extremely true–Most of the terrorist “rebels” are young drug addicts -just like Muammar has said many times; and he pleaded with their parents to take a more firm hold on their kids… Now read the Russian post I have below:

    ‎”When they went for an operation, we were given a different pill”
    Author: ionov | Published: 26/07/2012 20:26 Write a comment Categories: Syria

    How much pay for an armed attack to kill and why not scary? The shocking revelations of the former rebel fighter Syrian army free, who recently defected to the government, in an interview with “Voice of Russia”

    – Tell us your name, where are you?

    – My name is Youssef Naami, I fought in the area of Hama.

    – How did you become a militant Syrian irreconcilable opposition?

    – Among young men, with whom I grew up, was Sheikh Ayman Al-Khalid. He spoke with us said that we should work for the good of the motherland, for the sake of faith, that we sent down an important mission, it is to fight against the wicked in power, and so on. Now, I understand exactly what we brainwashed. Well, as a result of these discussions we have had the idea that something must be done, loudly announce their disagreement, to go to a meeting to tell all the people that we do not need such power that the country must be saved. We thought so, and sincerely believed it.

    – Excuse me, but how old are you?

    – 27

    – You have fought?

    – Initially, the Weapons it was not. We just went to the meetings. And then we were told that the weapons will, that our task – to fight against government troops. They said that the security forces with the permission of the authorities are killing our brothers and sisters, so we have to pay them the same. I will now retell the story is one minute, but it lasted a long time. We were told to go to battle. Very often conversed with Sheikh Ayman us. I admit, it was not only our duty to the country and people. We were promised that it will be a well-paying and that the money is. Who can resist? So it turned out.

    – You pay? Can you tell us how much?

    – Sheikh Ayman introduced us to some man who promised to each output for a rally to 2000 pounds each (just over $ 30 – Ed.) At the same time we were not just standing in a crowd, and participate actively, to shout slogans. However, 2000 pounds, we have not received. Maximum 500 ($ 8), and sometimes nothing at all was given, say – then. We do not really like it, promise one thing, doing another. And then we were told that we will actually receive the money, and much more, if we go to meetings with the weapon and let us do battle with the military and the police. We agreed. We were taken to the training base, there have been taught to handle weapons. After preparation, we became involved in skirmishes with the army. And not only that we are kidnapping people, we are told – the supporters of the regime. Killing is also happening. Was this some kind of courage, or what. For all this we were promised 5,000 to 10,000 pounds (80 to 160 dollars). But in reality, paid in 1000 or 1500 pounds, and often nothing at all.

    – Yousef, you always say “we.” What are you personally involved?

    – I saw before my eyes were killing people. Often my friends and I watched over, while others broke into houses and killed. Once I too was raped by a woman in one such house. Now I’m ashamed of it. Hard to remember. And then it seemed that I was not myself, some enthusiasm. Now I think it’s all drugs.

    – Drugs?

    – Yes. It is already difficult to remember exactly when it started. We tea with some grass zaboristoy drink – for the type of cheerfulness. Then the pill yet. When they went for an operation, we were given different pills – said to calm the nerves, for the courage not to fear. And, true, swallow – and ready to go out and shoot the whole world. Who wants to forget.

    – Why did you decide to surrender?

    – In one of the operations of my friend was caught. It was my mobile phone number, and after a while I got a call man, I do not remember his name, and said he was from the Union of Syrian youth and wants to talk to someone. He began to ask questions like: “Why do you do this, because you’re young, you build this country,” and the like. At first, I was disconnected, swore at him. But they are called, talked politely. Gradually I began to think about what I was told. One day we phoned and arranged to meet near Hamy.Ya went there alone, afraid that someone finds out about it. There I met the guys from the Union of Syrian youth, and its chairman Mohammed al-Deri. We talked, we asked each other questions, tell yourself something. I was told that if I have close friends among the insurgents, I can help them! After this meeting, I no longer wanted to be a rebel. I went back to Ham, talked to some guys. We decided together to go and surrender. I began to invent excuses not to go to surgery. He said he was not feeling well, or that it is necessary to visit his ailing mother. We have avoided armed attacks. After a while, we were able to prepare and run. We went to the area Mherbi (near Hamoy). They talked with us guys from the “Union.” We were again told that we were wrong, but it’s nothing, everything can be fixed.

    We have handed over their weapons, and Muhammad al-Deri personally interceded for all of us to have mercy and not subjected to trial. He guaranteed us security. The President said that anyone who is not killed and did not suit the attacks, will be pardoned in the case of remorse and voluntary surrender of weapons. We have handed over their weapons, and within 24 hours of our names removed from the register.

    Today, I feel born again. Going through treatment for drug users. Local authorities have arranged for me to work as promised, today I work for a company dealing with water supply. And a few of my friends also have been able to get a normal job. Among surrendered to us were the people on whose conscience human life. For they still apply, including the “Union of Syrian youth.” Were the courts, but the punishment mitigated. Today I recognize that very much mistaken.

    materials from the site:

    «Когда шли на операцию, нам давали разные таблетки»
    Сколько платят за вооруженное нападение и почему убивать не страшно? Откровения бывшего боевика повстанческой Сирийской свободной армии, который недавно перешел на сторону властей, в интервью “Голосу России” , Наоваф Ибрахим, Мунсеф Матн

  33. Hmokh Werfalli Battalion Martyr Billah Gaddafi

    President of Local Benghazi resign
    Prime local council of the city of Benghazi on Wednesday his resignation as president of the local council of the city.
    The Web site on a Libyan-mail that the reason for the resignation of Awami is being threatened by people who have not received their money.
    The Web site – quoting the head of the outgoing council – that there are problems exposed to many members of the Council and by the repeated sit-ins by people who were paid their salaries through the yolk Li previously by fingerprint and these procedures were not true and should be reviewed.
    reported Awami that the performance of the local council be linked approaching the Supreme, that is by moral and material support provided to local councils by the government and the Transitional Council.
    He pointed out that a local Benghazi like councils and other local suffering of a number of problems is not easy to overcome, especially in these circumstances.
    referred to as Cyrene, was elected president of the Awami Ibrahim local council of the city of Benghazi last June after the elections witnessed the city is the first since approximately half a century.
    news agency “solidarity”.

  34. Hmokh WerfalliBattalion Martyr Billah Gaddafi

    The law of political isolation: Article No. (1) prohibits the exercise of the political and administrative, whether the right to run and run in the elections to be held in the country of various kinds, as well as to assume leadership roles or responsibilities of the functional, administrative or financial in all sectors, public administration, companies or institutions, civil or security, military and all the corporate bodies owned by the community as well as the establishment of political parties and institutions of society

    Civil and membership as well as federations and associations, unions, clubs and the like for ten years for each of the held during the period from 1969 to 2011 and the function of the job or the following positions: 1. Everyone who participated in a 1969 coup from the military or civilians. 2. Both assume the post of Secretary General People’s Committee. 3. Both assume the function of the Secretary of the General Popular Committee for the sector or sectors of the popularities or Haabiyat. 4. Both assume the post of Secretary General People’s Congress or a member of its secretariat, as well as on the level of popularities. 5. Both assume the function of the Secretary or the Secretary of the Conference Committee on the level of popular people’s congresses. 6. Both assume the function of the Attorney General or the Attorney General. 7. Each take up a post of Governor of Central Bank of Libya. 8. Each take up a post of ambassador or secretary of the Office of popular abroad, and the like. 9. Both assume the editorship of a newspaper or magazine or broadcast audible or visible by the state. 10. Both assume the function of Secretary General of General People’s Committee and sectors, universities, institutes and academies. 11. Both assume the function of the Secretary of the Popular Committee of the universities. 12. Both take up a post as director-general of the institutions or higher councils and public companies and investment institutions abroad, institutions and associations Gaddafi. 13. Each served as a judge of the People’s Court or any other exceptional courts or public prosecutor or on behalf of the security of the revolution. 14. All of the work of the Internal Security or the Director of the Department of External Security device. 15. Each was a member of our team or the Office of the revolutionary committees or contact cleansing or convoys or Revolutionary Guards. 16. All of the work under the chairmanship of Staff of the Army. 17. All of the work of leaders in the popular social level popularities or municipal and national level 18. Both took a job as director of security management at the municipal level or popularities or at the national level. 19. All of the work of captain or a member of the Secretariat of trade unions of public and the work of captain at the level of popularities or municipal rule No. (2) go the provisions of Article I on all of the public prosecutor to claim it for his corrupting the political, economic and social development. Article No. (3) Anyone who violates this law who meet the provisions of Article initial prosecutor general has initiated the proceedings against him or automatically based on the communication referred to when available against the accused evidence of the seriousness of the case shall be filed before the criminal courts, which is located Bdaúrtha and be the public prosecutor and the investigating judge all of the powers vested in them in the Code of Criminal Procedure without restriction. Article No. (4) Any person who violates the provisions of this statute, by imprisonment for three years and a fine of not less than 5,000 dinars and not more than 15,000 dinars and the denial of public office in the state. Article No. (5) the Court shall determine the day that the consideration of the case should be within 15 days from the date filed and shall be charged the defendant to appear before the court before the hearing eight days at least and may use a lawyer shall not postpone the consideration of the case more than twice and not more than every time a week. Article No. (6) If you do not bring the defendant before the Court did not send a lawyer, represented by the Court shall consider the case and control in his absence and the court may require the defendant to appear before it and has for that to order the set it and bring it. Article No. (7) on all election committees of various kinds to refer the matter to the Public Prosecution in the case has been proven to have a A restricted registration under this law to register and be punished in the same penalty provided for in Article IV, each person who participates or assists in the registration of persons have no right to do so. Article No. (8) may not appeal the judgment in any way the remedies ordinary or extraordinary and published judgment in the Official Gazette and in two national newspapers twice during the week of judgment. Article No. (9) shall enter into force of this law from the date of issuance and shall supersede any rule of exclusion

    Shehab Libya speech this applies to Boshna and Gabriel and Dogh and Shalgam, leather, and all rats Kusa known dissidents traitors

    al-Gaddafi and the Prophet of my Ititwhm haram Ajabula slave Shalgam acetic Ankhaddmh crowd and the Prophet

  35. Mu lecture

    no more brothels, no more prostitution, no nightclubs, no open gay activities, no pornography, no “drug” parties, no more evictions for rent default–because there will be no such animal called “rent”..Medical care will be free again; but no abortions!…The electric and water meters will be pulled out and used for scrap-parts—Everyone will be given a home which will be private and their own again and access to a car–It will take time; but it will happen again. There will be a true and Holy Jamahiriya again…and no one will be burning mosques, churches, desacrating graves, or destroying the Holy Koran. The Muslim Call Sociey will return as well and be doing charitable work throughout the world once more.

  36. News channel Jamahiriya time on the first …. Please confirm Misrata: Urgent ***********

    Reported strong explosion shakes Pharmacy neighboring Libya Complex clinics and cars are now Fire put out the fire ..

    We will provide you the details in case of submission of all copyrights publishing and distribution reserved channel Jamahiriya First

  37. Gaddafi’s speech to the Palestine | Day International Jerusalem

    Publiée le sixteen août two thousand and twelve par MaghrebUnion2012
    Syrian Arab army arrest of Zionists who had slipped from Turkish territory, along with four advanced missiles … Blessed are you, O people of Aleppo …. Victory is the largest will be announced from Aleppo and would be a victory after victory … what God paid throw our army Syrian Arab general Zionists .. 08/24/2012 AD “Washington Institute” attacking Marina .. And asserts: Egypt has become a dictator new Gaza Hamas Morsi Arab Emirates Qatar Jish Wahhabi free Jerusalem Day Aqsa Palestine prisoners Ghannouchi Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood Tunisia Arabia Syria

  38. Many explosions in Tripoli


    Asham el-watan (alla, moamer, libya only) (Dr. Shakir)
    During the 10 months …… After the killing of 60 000 martyrs of our armed forces ……………. After scattering the rest of our troops and their flight out of Libya ……………. That is organized ourselves again
    , it Ejaz all standards ……… Not only do heroes channels Almqa

    1 – 11 393 vertical channel Valley
    2 – channel and 11 678 tons Horizontal
    3 – channel Lafrasin 11 603 horizontal
    and Guenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mass Ali Alhoutberd
    and restore all but Alamyin Majahdaan …… And unite …. I believe that the decisiveness soon ….


    After Gdoh Bjeena feast ***** without Asoma and Bona Colonel …. >>> spent feasting ………………… Reduce Maegina victory near

  39. and this of Dr. Billah (Moutassem al-Qathafi) who is a real martyr—

    20 août 2012 09:23
    فيديو خاص للزعيم المعتصم بالله معمر القدافي .
    Durée : ‎0:17
    Dr Billah Moutassem fighter

    Billah 1

    Billah 2

    Billah 3

    Billah 4

  40. Sirte challenge challenge
    O people Walibi great
    when you hear in the channels of lying and falsifying sentences 3 to forearm Muammar Alqmaqa
    Vaalmo where are the resistance will not soften Jerdan Ioavqo them
    and forward and continuing revolutionary struggle
    and victory is near, God willing,

  41. ‘Friends, Today has 20.august. [Croatian below / Español debajo]

    We can say that in this day and destroyed Jamahiriya established quisling monstrous creations.
    Betrayal and shame forces have penetrated Tripoli after the incredible sequence of events at the front, west and southwest of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, but in the same.
    In this post (and the comments below about the length) I want to list some facts and open questions that illuminate what really happened and why it happened. Of those sleepless nights, that cursed August 20, I want to figure out what happened and whether it could have been prevented.

    But to go.
    After the great victory of the regular army in the east (crushing offensive on the hill rat), the South (cleaning Qatruna) and the west (Zlitena defense with penetration to the center of MISR), started to arrive, the troubling news
    falls and southwest of the capital.
    The forces loyal to the NTC have taken place crucial road-Bir al-Ghanem, they opened the way to Zawiyah and Gharyan-in.
    After a successful counterattack army Jamahiriya, “rats” were back in Bir al-Ghanem and started, it turns out, nerazdrživo advance towards Zawiyah and Gharyan-in.
    According to some reports in the battle for Zawiyah, in addition to increased air strikes, the key role played by members of the French Foreign Legion.

    However, it remains a bitter impression that some 1,000 members of the elite troops had much more responsive in this situation.
    Sending reinforcements from the Tripoli (parts 32.brigade) could not do much in the rain rockets NATO airstrikes.
    Showed that the Libyan air defense army is not dangerous even at low flying helicopters natista who sow death with impunity, which is extremely strange, since they had a rocket-propelled weapons that the Taliban regularly grounded U.S. helicopters in Afghanistan.
    After a few days, Zawiyah is under the control of rats and NTC forces, opening the way to Tripoli.

    At the same time, the fall of Zawiyah meant the beginning of a complete collapse of the regular army in the far west of the country and the rapid decline Zuwārah, Sorman, and Sabratha.
    South of Tripoli, rat forces from the western mountains are unusually easy to take Gharyan, although it was not long since the failed attack in which 200-odd liquidated pogubljenika …

    Nekakako remained hopeful that the real celebration “rats” to be expected in the Tripoli.

    Many elite battalions of the Libyan army, who were under the immediate command of Colonel Gaddafi took no further part in the fighting and anticipated, are crucial to the defense of the capital saved from a lot of surprises and pacolike natiste.
    It was known that the army also has S-200 systems for hazardous NATO aviation, as well as a ground to ground missiles medium range.
    Unfortunately, just before the attack pogubljenika, Al Magref Brigade with about 3,500 members, is actually dissolved by order of General al-Baranija, which are seen as loyal Jamahiriya.

    In spite of this, in the city there were still enough deployed soldiers and armed citizens to make an attack of rats, which numbered 10 thousand is not exceeded, so suicidal.

    But the surprises did not end there.
    It turns out that a lot of weapons of rat activists smuggled into the city, and that they are actively involved and some clerics, who even invited residents of the holy war against the Jamahiriya and the Ramadan.

    Very soon the armed supporters of “rat” took control of the settlements Fashloum, Souq al-Juma (very uporiše al-Qaeda) and Tajur. Many of them were caught in February and March, and sent home because they were “really” repented.

    They even manage to get into the jail and several free all prisoners, including hardened criminals, murderers, rapists and drug dealers and that they strengthen their ranks.

    No wonder why it everyday Tripoli as it is when they “liberated” the worst criminals.
    The uprising aggravated redeployment of our forces, in addition to the NATO bombing, which becomes a savage and do not save, or at the very least, not civilians …

    On the approaches to Tripoli is still fighting the last serious resistance.

    Unfortunately, the signal Libyan television is no longer grip, and instead, at the same frequency, broadcast footage of rat forces in the center of Tripoli, on Green Square.

    Many units are beginning to depart, thinking it was a completely different direction to the broken front and wanting to avoid time environment.
    Some units are completely demoralized and surrender, to become unconscious object iživljavanja “rat” gangs from Zintana and Misra, and probably did not care about because they think that all, and onao, lost …

    Nato is not limited to the air support.
    Actively joined the Navy and special forces.
    Then he made a descent on the coast and landed reinforcements from rat Misra experienced in street fighting, as well as from Benghazi.
    In the town acted Group SAS troops, who have mastered strategically important points to “rats” facilitate deeper penetration into the center.
    These elite assassins in the service of her royal smarada were not alone.
    Shoulder to shoulder with them and fought specials from Qatar, UAE, foreign legion, and it is interesting that they found in the streets of Tripoli and members of the German special forces, despite Germany’s “restraint”, to imagine, protection of German diplomatic missions …

    All of the above could be overcome if the Libyans were united in the defense of their town by a gang of rat and NATO special forces. Colonel, following opštenarodbne defense doctrine and belief in the minds of their fellow citizens shared a lot of weapons long before the bitkje to Tripoli in that would appear to the fateful night, calling for resistance and struggle.

    Unfortunately, many rats are greeted as liberators, and even members of the special forces of NATO.
    Most of them remained passive in the safety of their homes-they were waiting for it to be finished and that someone else beat their battles.
    The only bright spot in this general reproach was heroic Abu Salim.
    The settlement, which applies to the shanty, he stood up to defend their town and Džamahiriju.
    People who did not know the proper even carry guns, in fact, remember those shots, kojma were some on that big support page ridiculed, they went into battle.
    They had no chance, no support.
    They were even without any heavy weapons.
    Since all other settlements fell natisti all their firepower directed to these heroes.
    No experience, tactics and strategies they have stopped the invasion of the evil Colonel bearing in mind the words “not a matter of victory and defeat, or of life and death.
    It is about our duty. ”
    “Rats” were stopped with heavy losses.
    When the rat stepped foot soldiers, phantoms and Apache natista in waves began to bomb-proof points in Abu Salim, destroying the positions brave defender.
    The explosions of bombs and missiles were so frequent that they could not be clearly distinguished and counted.
    Finally, during the night between the 25th 26 August and organized resistance was crushed in Abu Salim and “rats” to penetrate this complex and terrifying massacres began, which diomenzije may never know …

    Elite units of the Libyan army, composed mainly of members of the 32nd Khamis Brigade, led by the command of the fighting around the airport and successfully broke through the corridors to pull the remaining units of the Libyan army and the narrowest ruovodsta headed by Colonel Gaddafi.

    As part of these efforts, these units are short and thus gained control of the airport until this draw was not completed during the night between the 25th and 26 August.
    This drawing was a three-dominant direction towards Bani Walid, Sirte by, and the Sabha.
    Given the ongoing NATO air strikes, the losses were terribly large, but this drawing can be considered successful.
    Now the big question is whether these units should be used for odusdnu battle for Tripoli, because it meant letting go of Tripoli and Libya’s abandonment.
    Leaving the city of 1.7 million people, in a situation where “rats” already control two other large cities meant, and it showed, giving full forces of the NTC initiative, as well as a large base for the mobilization of manpower and fill, storage facilities, ammunition, food.
    Everything after that was just agony with no hope for a turnaround.
    Of course, despite everything that had happened in Tripoli, it is probably difficult to make any other decision and restored the entire defense. All in all, the fall of Tripoli proved ultimately fall as the Jamahiriya.

    The fall of Tripoli in the hands of the rat was the beginning of the slaughter and persecution of all that is green.
    Those who managed to escape niu, were either killed or captured, and the happier they went into hiding and be a part of Green-resistance of the Libyan version written off.
    Tripoli has become Sodom and Gomorrah-city alcohol, drugs, prostitution, and all forms of sin.
    At night you hear the shots, mostly caused by drunken and drugged members of various militias rat.
    Stray bullets from these rat creatures, frequently involving ordinary passersby.
    Sometimes razračunavaju BETWEEN themselves.
    And, almost all of the theft of the car-crime, kidnapping, rape and murder comes from these “militias”.
    This is not so surprising if one takes into account that they are made up, in large part, from ex-cons.
    We hear the sounds of angry cars, and often lomnjave and collisions balavandera, enjoying the crazy ride through the streets of Tripoli.
    We can say that we got a Libyan version of Max Pobesnelog.
    He disappeared one city, one country is missing.
    After all, he’s gone one people.
    Others are tribal divisions, savagery, low passions and democracy.

    [Google translation]
    Friends, today 20.august.

    We can say that in this day and demolished Jamahiriya established quisling monstrous creations.
    Betrayal and shame forces have penetrated Tripoli after the unbelievable sequence of events at the front, west and southwest of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, but in the same.
    In this post (and the comments below about the length) I want to mention a few facts and open issues, Which shed light on what really happened and why they happened. From the sleepless nights, the August 20, damn, I want to understand what happened and whether it could have been prevented.

    But, first things first.
    After a great victory for the Regular Army in the East (of war crushing offensive on the Hill), south (Qatrun cleaning) and the west (Zlitena defense with penetration to the center of MISR) began to arrive, the troubling news
    Falls and southwest of the capital.
    Forces loyal to the NTC have occupied a key traffic artery-place Bir al-Ghanem, they opened the way to Zawiyah and Gharyan-in.
    After one successful counter military Jamahiriya, “rats” were again taken Bir al-Ghanem and started, the turns out, nerazdrživo to advance towards Zawiyah and Gharyan-in.
    According to some reports in the battle for Zawiyah, in addition to increased air strikes, a key role was played by members of the French Foreign Legion.

    Nevertheless, it remains a bitter impression that about 1000 members of the elite troops had a much better react in this situation.
    Send reinforcements from the Tripoli (parts 32.brigade) could not do much in the rain NATO air missiles.
    Showed that Libyan air defense army is not dangerous even at low flying helicopters natista, who broadcast the death of Impunity, Which is highly surprising, since they had a rocket-propelled weapons systems Taliban regularly grounded U.S. helicopters in Afghanistan.
    After several days, Zawiyah was placed under the control of rats and NTC forces has opened the way to Tripoli.

    At the same time, the fall of Zawiyah meant the beginning of complete chaos regular army in the far west of the country and the rapid decline Zuwārah, Sorman, and Sabratha.
    South of Tripoli, the war of forces from the western mountains are unusually easy to take Gharyan, although it was not that long of unsuccessful attacks in Which 200-odd liquidated pogubljenika …

    Remained Nekakako hopeful that the real celebration “rats” to be expected in the Tripoli.

    Many elite battalions Libyan army, who were under the immediate command of Colonel Gaddafi took no further part in the fighting and presumed to have saved the decisive defense of the capital with a lot of surprises for pacolike and natiste.
    It was known that the army also has S-200 systems dangerous for NATO aviation, as well as surface-to-surface missile medium range.
    Unfortunately, just before the attack pogubljenika, Al Magref brigades with about 3500 members is effectively disbanded by order of General al-Baranija, whom they considered loyal Jamahiriya.

    In spite of this, in the city there was still enough deployed military members and armed citizens to do the attack in rats, the numbers of Which did not exceed 10 000, so suicidal.

    But the surprises did not end there.
    It turns out that a lot of weapons to activists of smuggled war in the city, and how they actively participated and some clerics, who even invited residents to a holy war against the Jamahiriya and the Ramadan.

    Very quickly armed supporters “rats” took control of the settlements Fashloum, Souq al-Juma (very uporiše al-Qaeda) and Tajur. Many of them were caught in February and March, and go home because they were “sincere” regret.

    They even manage to get into several prisons and release all prisoners, including fossilized criminals, murderers, rapists and drug dealers and that they strengthen their ranks.

    No wonder then why everyday Tripoli in the way it did when it was “liberated” the worst criminals.
    This uprising aggravated Regrouping our forces, in addition to NATO’s bombing, Which becomes a savage and do not save, even in the slightest degree, not civilians …

    On the outskirts of Tripoli is still battles and takes serious resistance.

    Unfortunately, the signal Libyan television is no longer catches, but instead it is on the same frequency, broadcast footage rat amygdaloid forces in the center of Tripoli, at the Green Square.

    Many units are starting to diverge, thinking that the other directions completely penetrated front and wishing to avoid Thus the environment.
    Some units and surrender completely lost their spirit, unaware that the facility will become sadism “rat amygdaloid” gang of Zintana and Misra, and probably not even bother because they think that all, and onao, lost …

    Nato is not limited to the aerial support.
    Actively integrating Navy and special forces.
    NATO has carried out the assault on the coast and landed ratty reinforcements from Misr hardened in street fights, as well as from Benghazi.
    In the town, the acting group meet-sheep, who mastered the strategically important points to “rats” Facilitate deeper penetration into the center.
    These elite assassins in the service of her royal smarada not alone.
    Shoulder to shoulder with them were fighting and special forces from Qatar, UAE, Foreign Legion, and it is interesting that they found in the streets of Tripoli and members of the German special forces, despite Germany “restraint”, to imagine, the protection of German diplomatic missions …

    All of the above could be compensated for that Libyans were unanimous in defending their city from the rat amygdaloid gangs and NATO specials. The colonel, following opštenarodbne defense doctrine and believing in the minds of their fellow citizens shared a lot of weapons long before the beginning of bitkje Tripoli in that, what proved to be fateful night, calling for resistance and struggle.

    Unfortunately, many rats are greeted as Liberators, and even members of the special forces of NATO.
    The biggest part of it Remained in the passive safety of their homes-they waited to be all over and someone else fight their battles.
    The only bright spot in this general reproach was heroic Abu Salim.
    The village breakfast is valid for the impoverished, he stood up to defend their town and Jamahir.
    People who did not know the proper term to carry guns, after all, remember those shots, Which over the one on one large page support ridiculed, they went into battle.
    They did not have a chance, no support.
    They were even without any heavy weapons.
    Since all other settlements fell natisti all their firepower categorized these heroes.
    Without experience, tactics and strategies they have stopped the invasion of the evil, keeping in mind the words of Colonel, “The issue here is about the defeat and victory, or of life and death.
    It is about our duty. ‘
    “Rats” were stopped with heavy losses.
    After the foundation of ratty infantry, phantoms and Apaches natista in waves began to bomb the points of resistance in Abu Salim, destroying locks defender positions.
    Explosions of bombs and missiles were so frequent that they could not clearly distinguish and count.
    Finally, during the night between the 25th and 26th August broken the organized resistance in the Abu Salim and “rats” penetrate into this village and start intimidating massacres, Whose diomenzije may never know …

    Libyan elite units of the army, composed mainly of members of the 32nd Khamis Brigade, led by the command of the fighting around the airport and successfully broke through the corridors to extract the remaining units of the Libyan army and the narrowest ruovodsta headed by Colonel Gaddafi .

    As part of these efforts, these units are short and therefore mastered the airport until this draw was not completed during the night between the 25th and 26th August.
    This drawing was a three-dominant direction towards Bani Walid, in Sirte, and according Sabha.
    Given ongoing NATO air strikes, losses were terribly large, but this drawing can be considered successful.
    Now the big question is whether these units should be used in the battle for Tripoli odusdnu, because surrender meant the surrender of Tripoli Libya.
    Leaving the city of 1.7 million people, in a situation where “rats” have controlled the two other large cities meant, what was proven, complete surrender to forces of the NTC initiative, as well as a large base of manpower mobilization and Replenishment, Storage facilities, ammunition, food.
    Everything after that was just agony with no hope for a turnaround.
    Of course, in spite of everything that happened in Tripoli, probably, and it is difficult to adopt a different decision and reorganized the entire defense. All in all, the fall of Tripoli to show in the final outcome as the fall Jamahiriya.

    The fall of Tripoli in the hands of the war was the beginning of the slaughter and persecution of all that is green.
    Those who managed to flee stances, were either killed or captured, and the happier they went underground, becoming part of the Green Resistance Libyan-version Bookie.
    Tripoli has become Sodom and Gomorrah-city alcohol, drugs, prostitution and all forms of sin.
    At night you hear gunshots, mostly caused by drunken and drugged rat amygdaloid members of various militias.
    Stray bullets from these creatures being killed rat amygdaloid ordinary passersby.
    Sometimes razračunavaju BETWEEN themselves.
    And, almost all the crime-car theft, kidnapping, rape and murder comes from these “militias”.
    This is not so surprising if you take into account that they are made up, largely, of the former convict.
    Hear the sounds of cars and often angry and lomnjave collisions balavandera, enjoying the crazy ride through the streets of Tripoli.
    It can be said that we get the Libyan version Pobesnelog Max.
    Gone was one city, one country has disappeared.
    After all, he’s gone those people.
    Others are tribal divisions, savagery, low passions and democracy.
    Libya map

    Such tragedy, one year ago!–more than life, many hearts and families were totally broken—a whole way of life was disappearing and a hideous monster fell upon us!

    But again, now, there is great fortitude and hope–The Green Army is back and very strong. The monster is weak and has little vitality left.
    Soon we shall again hear the patter of love, life and truth; and the masses shall sing out in joy and pour acrooss the land as the predicted Tsunami, to wash away the filthe and troubles that this model nation had to endure:

    –a new al-Fetah will shortly be upon us all..God’s blessings will again be with the peoples of the holy and GREAT JAMAHIRIYA!

  42. Ref.:

    *: “Turmoil and Triumph”
    George P. Shultz (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1993)
    Jonathan Azaziah: “Mask of Zion” 25 MARCH 2011 (online)
    “National Security Directives of the Reagan & Bush Administrations”
    Christopher Simmons (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995)
    Thomas Van Hare at “Fly Historic Wings” 28/29 June 2012 (online)
    (SEE: )

    In 1981, French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing plotted an assassination attempt against Muammar al-Qathafi with Egypt. His administration spoke with the Reagan administration for approval.
    From a report by TONY CARTALUCCI we read concerning the published article in “NEWSWEEK” 03 AUGUST 1981:
    “US Support of Terrorism in Libya Stretches Back Three Decades
    “The details of the plan were sketchy, but it seemed to be a classic CIA destabilization campaign. One element was a “disinformation” program designed to embarrass Kaddafi and his government. Another was the creation of a “counter government” to challenge his claim to national leadership. A third — potentially the most risky — was an escalating paramilitary campaign, probably by disaffected Libyan nationals, to blow up bridges, conduct small-scale guerrilla operations and demonstrate that Kaddafi was opposed by an indigenous political force.” -Newsweek, “A Plan to Overthrow Kaddafi,” August 3, 1981
    The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), along with its affiliates and predecessors, have been armed, trained, its leaders coddled and supported by the West for over 30 years. One of these predecessors, the US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya during the 1980’s.

    Many of these fighters would also line the US-Saudi created front, Al Qaeda, when first it was conceived in the mountains of Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Most of these fighters lived and operated from Libya’s eastern region of Cyrenaica, and in particular, the cities of Benghazi and Darnah.”

    On the 19th of August 1981, it was revealed that the USA planned on assassinating Muammar al-Qathafi. The Sixth Fleet of America, began its manuevers off the Libyan Coast in the Gulf of Sirte (waters openly proclaimed as Libyan domicileed territory). The Jamahiriya airforce sent two S22 fighters over the area. The U.S. Sidewindermissiles aboard the U.S. Naval aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Sirte, shot these Libyan aircraft down!

    Sidewinder USA logo

    In August, Muammar pleaded with other Mediterrannean nations to please deny the USA airbases…

    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

    from Sunday’s story:

    By thirty-one years precisely on this day 19 of August of 1981,
    occurred the first fingerprints challenge in the Gulf of Sirte
    , Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi sends two of Sukhoi Su – 22 fighter jet for the interception 2 of U.S. fighter planes over the Gulf of Sirte, but the planes

    America’s F-14 of the modern type have carried out two planes to shoot down Ebian kind of Sukhoi Su -22 off the Libyan coast.

    The cause of this crash behind me Him to Libya in the seventies of the last century has announced the extension of its territorial waters to include the Gulf of Sirte complete and penetrated the United States this water, which was regarded Libya as part of its national sovereignty Vaaatardtha Libyan planes, but the Americans Asttaao shot down thanks to modern aircraft and called the Gulf of Sirte Gulf of challenge.
    The assassination plot was abandoned after French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s term in office.

    Muammar Line of death
    image shows the Gulf of Sirte and water Libyan territorial.
    قبل واحد وثلاثين عاماً بالتحديد في مثل هذا اليوم 19 من اغسطس من عام 1981
    حدثت اولى بصمات التحدي في خليج سرت
    الزعيم الليبي القائد معمر القذافي يبعث طائرتين من نوع سوخوي سو – 22 مقاتلة نفاثه لتقوم باعتراض 2 من المقاتلات الأمريكية فوق خليج سرت ولكن الطائرتين الامريكتين من طراز اف 14 من النوع الحديث قامتا باسقاط طائرتين ليبيتين من نوع سوخوي سو-22 قبالة السواحل الليبية.
    ويعود سبب هذا التصادم على خلفية ان ليبيا في سبعينات القرن الماضي اعلنت عن تمديد مياهها الاقليمية لتشمل خليج سرت كاملة وأخترقت الولايات المتحدة هذه المياه التي كانت تعتبرها ليبيا جزءا من سيادتها الوطنية فاعترضتها الطائرات الليبية ولكن الامريكان استطاعو اسقاطهما بفضل الطائرات الحديثة وسمي خليج سرت بخليج التحدي.
    صورة توضح خليج سرت والمياه الاقليمية الليبية.

    Libya map 1981,a1747281.html
    GRUMMAN F-14:
    Gruman F-14


    ” In December 1981:
    The U-S. administration claimed that Muammar al-Qathafi sent a team of libyan hit-men to Washington to assassinate the US President–Wide publications in all the media showed roadblocks set up and armed guards on the White House roof–FALSELY, Reagan said:”We have evidence and Gaddafi know it”!

    BUT when the names and photgraphs were published of the “Libyan Hot-men” they were actually photos of famous well-known and respectable Lebanese business banking contractors, with no connection to Libya or terrorism.”

    Jonathan Azaziah
    wrote on 25 March 2011 in Mask of Zion:

    “During the beginnings of the presidency of war criminal Ronald Reagan, the Zionist media vociferously promoted what would become a long-running FALSE propaganda piece about a Libyan hit squad operating in the United States. This hit squad’s mission was to assassinate Ronald Regan. The source of the story was Manucher Ghorbanifar, a former agent of the overthrown Shah of Iran’s secret police, SAVAK. SAVAK, the notorious apparatus known for its brutal torture techniques, learned everything from Mossad and Ghorbanifar himself had deep-rooted personal ties to the Mossad, the world’s leader in false flag terrorism. The purpose of this hit squad story was to drum up support from the American populace for a strike on Libya.”

    This particular false flag vis-a-vis Ghorbanifar didn’t accomplish the mission to the degree that the Zionist entity designed it to. The illegitimate Israeli state subsequently turned up the heat and put Operation Trojan into motion. The Trojan is an Israeli communications device used by Mossad’s psychological warfare squad, LAP (LohAma Psicologit), as a relay station for misleading intelligence reports emanating from Israeli navy ships in the region. The Trojan is to be planted in nations resisting the Zionist Power Configuration, or in Israeli intel terminology, “hostile environments,” at targets where official state business is conducted, like an embassy. These false reports were to be picked up by states allied with Israel on separate frequencies, wherein the information would be confirmed by Mossad. Little do the ally states know, the reports themselves are being created by Israel.

    Operation Trojan was a success as the device was planted in the heart of Libya’s capital, Tripoli, and the American government began retrieving numerous messages from the Trojan and processing intelligence proofs that Libya was closely linked with the planning and execution of terrorism. The chiefs of Mossad were exceedingly pleased.

  43. AGAIN, I REPEAT, THE GREEN RESISTANCE has had no connection to the perverse bombings in Libya. That is NOT how the Green Resistance operates. Rather that is al-Qaeda, BelHadj and the Muslim Brotherhood.

    21 AUGUST 2012

    بعد أن ألقى التحية ، طلب الدكتور من الأحرار أن يشهدوا على ما يقول وهو أن الملازم بركان قد اتصل بل مرة واحدة فقط ، وبلغه أنه فلسطيني، وأنه نظم للمقاومة، وليس أكثر ، إذ لم يدر بينه وبين بركان أي كلام آخ.

    فقد قال أن بركان لم يحدثني بعدها على الإطلاق، منذ أربع أشهر، ولم يكلمني أبداً ، وأنا لا أعرف ما يقف به ولا أتحمل مسؤولية ما يفعل أيا كان سلباً أو إيجاباً. ويشهد الله علي أن هذا الرجل لا يتلق التعليمات مني ، ولا معرفة لي به ، وليس لي به أي علاقة على الإطلاق أكثر من علاقتي بكم، وأنا أعرفه كما تعرفونه أنتم ولا أزيد عنكم بشيء.

    وإن تحدث عن التفجيرات فالتفجيرات ليست من أفعال المقاومة، كونها أسلوب خسيس وليس من نهج المقاومة، فالمقاومة ليست لها علاقة بالتفجيرات ، فأي شخص يدعي أنه من المقاومة ويعلن أن التفجيرات من فعل المقاومة فهو كاذب.

    ذلك أن المقاومة قد أعلنت في بيانها براءتها من التفجيرات ، لأن المقاومة هدفها حماية الشعب لا قتله، فأما أسلوب اللعب فهو مرفوض، وأي شخص يقوم بعمل فلينسبه لنفسه.

    المقاومة لديها مبادئها ومنهجها وقادتها وأسلوبها ، وهي مأطرة ومنظمة، ولديها شخصياتها السياسية المحترمة ، ولديها شخصياتها المعترف بها عالمياً، ولا يمكن أن تتصرف بهذا الأسلوب ، أو أن تكون معتمدة على شخص ليصدر بيانا أو أن يقول أنه فجر كذا وقام بكذا.

    يجب أن تعلموا أن المقاومة لديها كوادرها، وأنها تتفاوض مع دول كبرى وحكومات، ولا يمكن أن تكون مهزلة بين يدي مجموعة من الصبيان ، فأرجوكم لا تصدقوا أي شيء يقال لكم، وخذوا حذركم، يجب أن تعلموا أن صفحات الفيس بوك ومواقع الانترنت مخترقة يمكن أن ينضم إليها أي أحد، وتحت أي اسم، وهذا شيء معروف فهم لا يتحدثون بأسمائهم الحقيقية ، فكيف نثق أو نتأكد مما يقال وهو مجرد اسم، كيف لي أن أعرف من يكون .

    فرجاء احذروا وانتبهوا من هذه الأخطاء، وتأكدوا وكونوا على يقين أن المقاومة لديها قيادة، والقيادة لها هيئة استشارية، وهذه الهيئة تتبع سياسيين في ليبيا تقلدوا مناصب أمناء لجان شعبية عامة، وسفراء، وهم أناس لهم قيمتهم على دراية بالسياسة الدولية ولديهم علاقاتهم ، والمجلس الاستشاري الآن موجود لقائد المقاومة وبه كل الشخصيات المعروفة، وقائد المقاومة على اتصال بكل هذه الشخصيات، يستشيرهم و يناقشهم وينسق معهم على مستوى عالي، وليس على مستوى أشخاص أو أفراد .

    المقاومة الآن دخلت في مرحلة التفاوض مع دول أخرى ، مرحلة بشروط، مرحلة نظرة مستقبلية لليبيا، مرحلة لتشكيل حكومة في المنفى ، وتشكيل وفود رسمية للسفر والتقاء الرؤساء، فمن غير المعقول أن تكون معتمدة على شخص على صفحات الفيس بوك، مستحيل لذا انتبهوا واحذروا .

    فالمقاومة لها كيانها، وكوادرها، وليست حكراً على شخص بعينه ، المقاومة قوية، وتشمل الشخصيات المعروفة التي لا داعي لذكرها، فعند الإعلان عنه سيعلن عنهم بالكامل، ولها هيئات استشارية لها اتصالات بحكومات ودول، وهي ليست بالشيء الهين، وليست على شخص يجلس في حجرة ما .

    فشباب المقاومة على الأرض لديهم أوامر باصطياد الرؤوس ، والقيام بعمليات نوعية، ولكن التفجيرات ليست من فعلهم أو من أسلوبهم ، فهذا أسلوب القاعدة ، وفاقدي الأهلية والشرعية .

    المقاومة تحمي شعبنا لا تقتله، فالمقاومة لماذا وجدت أليس من أجل حماية ليبيا، وحماية أهلنا وشعبنا من النهب والسرقة ، ومن التطاول عليهم وسفك دماءهم ، فليس من المعقول أن تفعل هذا. فهم بالفعل حاميها حراميها فالصلابي وبلحاج هم المسؤولون عن التفجيرات وليعلم الشعب الليبي أن هذا أسلوبهم ، وليس أسلوب المقاومة وانتم تعلمون إن كان هذا هو أسلوب المقازمة فطرابلس وفي ليلة واحدة لفجرت 10000 سيارة ، ولكن هذا ليس أسلوب المقاومة ، فهي لا ترهب شعبها ولا تقتله .

    نحن ندافع من أجل الحق ، من أجل شعبنا ، من أجل الطمأنينة والأمان لشبنا حتى الجرذان من يلقي سلاحه ويعد لبيته ويعوج لجادة الصواب فهو آمن، حتى تتكون محكمة ويحاكم بشكل قانوني.

    After he delivered a greeting, asked Dr. of Liberal vouch for what he says is that Lt. volcano may contact but only once, in a language that Palestinians, and that systems for the resistance, and no more, they did not generate between him and the volcano any talk last.

    He said that the volcano did not tell me then at all, since four months, not speaking to me at all, and I do not know what it stands does not take responsibility for what he does whatever positively or negatively. And God is my witness that this man does not receive instructions from me, do not know me do, and I do not have anything to do with it at all more than my relationship with you, and I know him as you know more about you and something.

    The bombings occur for the bombings are not acts of resistance, being villainous style and approach is not resistance, resistance is not related to the bombings, any person claiming to be from the resistance and declares that the bombings of the act of resistance is a liar.

    So that the resistance had announced in its statement of innocence bombings, because the resistance aimed at protecting people do not kill him, either playing style, it is rejected, and any person who works for himself Velinsabh.

    Resistance has its principles and its approach and its leaders and style, a rainy and organization, and has a prominent political personality respected, and has its characters universally recognized, and can not behave in this way, or to be dependent on one person to issue a statement or to say that he blew well and has such and such.

    You should know that the resistance has its cadres, and it is negotiating with major states and governments, and can not be a farce in the hands of a group of boys, So please do not believe anything said to you, and take your precautions, you should know that Facebook pages and Web sites infiltrated can join to any one, under any name, and this is something they do not speak well known by their real names, how confident or sure of what is said is just a name, how do I know who to be.

    Please beware and aware of these errors, and be sure and be sure that the resistance has the leadership, and leadership have an advisory body, and this body tracking politicians in Libya assumed positions of Trustees of the popular committees in general, and ambassadors, and they are people with their value familiar with international politics and they have their relationships, and the Advisory Council now exists to resistance leader and has all the well-known personalities, and the leader of the resistance in touch with all these characters, and consulted with them Anaqchehem and coordinates at a high level, not at the level of people or individuals.

    Resistance is now entered in the negotiation stage with other countries, the stage conditions, stage outlook for Libya, the stage for the formation of a government in exile, and the formation of official delegations to travel and meet with presidents, it is reasonable to be dependent on someone on Facebook pages, impossible so aware and beware.

    The resistance has its existence, and its staff, but not exclusive to a particular person, the resistance is strong, and include well-known personalities that do not need to mention, when announced will be announced in full, and have advisory bodies have connections governments and states, which is not something easy, but not on the person sitting in the room what .

    Young people in the resistance on the ground they had orders to hunt heads, and carry out quality, but the bombings are not of their deeds or their style, this style rule, incompetent and legitimacy.

    Resistance to protect our people do not kill him, the resistance to What Alice Found for the protection of Libya, and the protection of our people and our people from looting and theft, and insulting them and spilling their blood, it is not reasonable to do this. Understanding already Haramiha protector Vasalabi and Belhadj were responsible for the bombings and to teach the people of Libya that this style, not style resistance and you know that this was the method of Almqazemh Tripoli is in for one night to blew 10,000 cars, but this is not a method of resistance, they are not afraid of its people do not kill him.

    We defend the right to, for our people, for peace of mind and security for Chbana even rats of throws his weapon and prepare for his home and perverteth the judgment to the right path is safe, even made up the court and be tried legally.

  45. Après avoir livré un message d’accueil, a demandé au Dr de se porter garant libéral pour ce qu’il a dit est ce volcan lieutenant pouvez contacter mais seulement une fois, dans une langue que les Palestiniens, et que les systèmes de la résistance, et rien de plus, ils ne génèrent pas entre lui et le volcan toute dernière conversation.

    Il a dit que le volcan ne m’a pas dit alors à tout, depuis quatre mois, ne me parle pas du tout, et je ne sais pas ce qu’il représente ne prend pas la responsabilité pour ce qu’il a fait tout ce positivement ou négativement. Et Dieu m’est témoin que cet homme ne reçoit pas d’instructions de moi, ne me connais pas, et je n’ai rien à voir avec cela du tout plus que ma relation avec vous, et je le connais comme vous le savez plus sur vous et quelque chose.

    Les attentats se produire pour les attentats ne sont pas des actes de résistance, étant de style vilain et l’approche n’est pas la résistance, la résistance n’est pas liée aux attentats, toute personne se réclamant de la résistance et déclare que les bombardements de l’acte de résistance est un menteur.

    Alors que la résistance avait annoncé dans sa déclaration d’attentats innocence, parce que la résistance visant à protéger les gens ne le tuez pas, que ce soit le style de jeu, elle est rejetée, ainsi que toute personne qui travaille pour lui-même Velinsabh.

    La résistance a ses principes et son approche et de ses dirigeants et de style, une organisation des pluies et, et a une personnalité politique de premier plan respectée, et dispose de ses personnages universellement reconnus, et ne peut pas se comporter de cette façon, ou d’être dépendant d’une seule personne de faire une déclaration ou de dire qu’il soufflait bien et a tel ou tel.

    Vous devez savoir que la résistance a ses cadres, et il est en négociation avec les grands Etats et de gouvernements, et ne peut pas être une farce dans les mains d’un groupe de garçons, Alors s’il vous plaît ne croyez pas ce qui est dit de vous, et prenez vos précautions, vous devriez savoir que les pages Facebook et des sites Web infiltrés peuvent se joindre à l’une, sous n’importe quel nom, et c’est quelque chose qu’ils ne parlent pas bien connus par leurs noms réels, le degré de confiance ou sûr de ce qui est dit est juste un nom, comment puis-je savoir qui de l’être.

    S’il vous plaît faites attention et conscient de ces erreurs, et assurez-vous et assurez-vous que la résistance a la direction et le leadership ont un organe consultatif, et ce politiciens de suivi du corps en Libye a occupé des postes de fiduciaires de comités populaires en général, et des ambassadeurs, et ce sont des gens avec leur valeur familiers avec la politique internationale et ils ont leurs relations, et le Conseil consultatif aujourd’hui Il existe de chef de la résistance et a toutes les personnalités connues, et le chef de la résistance en contact avec tous ces personnages, et les a consultés Anaqchehem et coordonnées à un niveau élevé, et non pas au niveau de la population ou des individus.

    La résistance est maintenant entré dans la phase de négociation avec d’autres pays, les conditions de scène, les perspectives stade de la Libye, la voie à la formation d’un gouvernement en exil, et la formation des délégations officielles de voyager et de rencontrer les présidents, il est raisonnable d’être dépendant de quelqu’un sur les pages Facebook, impossible donc au courant et méfiez-vous.

    La résistance a son existence et de son personnel, mais pas exclusif à une personne en particulier, la résistance est forte, et comprennent des personnalités bien connues qui n’ont pas besoin de mentionner, lorsqu’il a annoncé seront annoncées dans son intégralité, et ont des organes consultatifs ont des gouvernements des connexions et des États, ce qui n’est pas chose facile, mais pas sur la personne assise dans la salle ce .

    Les jeunes de la résistance sur le terrain qu’ils avaient ordre de chasser des têtes, et mener à bien la qualité, mais les bombardements ne sont pas de leurs actes ou leur style, cette règle de style, incompétents et de la légitimité.

    Résistance à protéger notre peuple ne le tuez pas, la résistance à quelle Alice a trouvé pour la protection de la Libye, et la protection de notre peuple et de notre peuple contre le pillage et le vol, et en les insultant et leur sang, il n’est pas raisonnable de le faire. Comprendre déjà Haramiha protecteur Vasalabi et Belhadj étaient responsables des attentats à la bombe et d’enseigner le peuple de la Libye que ce style, la résistance n’est pas de style, et vous savez que c’est la méthode de Almqazemh Tripoli est pour une nuit à sauter 10.000 voitures, mais ce n’est pas une méthode de résistance, ils n’ont pas peur de ses habitants n’ont pas le tuer.

    Nous défendons le droit à l’, pour notre peuple, pour la paix de l’esprit et de la sécurité pour les rats de même Chbana jette son arme et se préparer à son domicile et corrompent le jugement sur le droit chemin est sûr, même constitué la cour et a essayé de la loi

  46. Muammar is trying very hard not to hurt anyone–He only wants good for all the peoples…and he is (as always) very decent and moral with and about everything he does. Nothing bad or evil comes from him; and he will NEVER lower his standards–no matter what the cost.
    Mu artisticly
    40th ann of al-fetah

  47. AGAIN, I REPEAT, THE GREEN RESISTANCE has had no connection to the perverse bombings in Libya. That is NOT how the Green Resistance operates. Rather that is al-Qaeda, BelHadj and the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Despite also to how much Alexander Beck of MILLIONS SUPPORT GADDAFI, and also LIBYA FREE PRESS gloats over each bombing reported as being done by the Resistance—

    because THIS is not the way of Muammar or of the true Green Reistance. The Resistance protects life, not destroys it—This is exactly how Muammar was blamed for every tragedy that occurred in the 1980’s and 90’s !
    The Green Army has repeatedly been lectured about ethics, God and morality. The leadership will not lower itself to the war and horror games of Salafiis…

  48.  mosque 2
    at mosque 2

    On the occasion of the birthday of the Last Prophet, Muhammad (peace and prayers be upon him), the Brother Leader, President and Muslims of different origins leads in prayer in the city of Kampala.

    al-Qathafi Mosque in Kampala, Uganda

    19.03.2008 –

    In the name of God, I salute the contemporary present brothers, President and Muslim brothers all over the world.

    Today we gather here in Kampala to the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed (may he rest in peace).

    All mankind has the right to celebrate this day, because Muhammad is the prophet of the world. He is the last prophet of God. In God’s eyes, Islam is the faith. All the prophets before Muhammad were Muslims. All who believe in Allah and His messengers are Muslims. Muhammad was the last messenger of Islam.

    God has wanted one faith for humanity, namely: Islam. In contrast to his predecessors, Muhammad was sent to all mankind. His predecessors were sent only to their people and families. God says:

    “Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam (3-19)” and he also says that “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers . (3-85). ”

    The Qur’an we have today is the only book revealed by God. We believe in the Old, and the New Testament. Our Bible, however, is not of God revealed to Moses and Jesus, Scripture. The proof for this is that Muhammad, the last prophet is mentioned in the original Bible.

    In today’s Bible Muhammad is not mentioned. This means it has been altered. Moses (may he rest in peace), a prophet named Mohammed said would follow him. Jesus said to the Children of Israel, he was bringing good news of a prophet named Ahmed. A will that does not mention the name of Mohammed is a fake.

    Jesus is mentioned 25 times in the Koran. We can not delete a single record of it. Moses is mentioned 138 times in the Koran. We can not delete a single record of it.

    Mary is mentioned 39 times in the Koran. They are mentioned with reverence and respect. We would not be true Muslims, if we are not in Jesus and Moses, who are mentioned in the Qur’an, believed. Undoubtedly, the Koran is the only book from which nothing has been deleted. We must look for the real Torah that God revealed to Moses, and also looking after the real gospel seek God in Jesus revealed. Where they may well be now? It is feared that the original Bible was destroyed. Today’s version is made by man. Some parts have been omitted intentionally.

    According to the solar calendar (Gregorian), Mohammed was born on April 13, the 671st He lived about 63 years and died in 634th Our present calendar begins with the birth of Christ. Why? The birth of Jesus was a miracle. The Quran reported extensively on this miracle.

    Jesus was the Word of God. He was born without a father.

    It was a heavenly miracle. He spoke to the people when he was still an infant in the crib. He raised the dead back to life, healing the disabled, and breathed life into a bird, he made out of clay. When he asked God for food for himself and his disciples, his wish was granted. We have the right to set our calendar after this miracle that took place before 2007.

    There is one more event that the world could use it as the beginning of its calendar. Namely Muhammad’s death. Because he was the last prophet. His death was an extraordinary event. With his death, the link between heaven and earth has been broken. The revelations ended after Muhammad’s death. There will be no prophet after him until the Day of Judgment. The sky fell silent after his death and no disclosures have taken place since then. Muhammad is the last prophet and the Qur’an is the last divine scripture. Thus, the world has a right to consider this day as a feature of their calendar.

    According to the lunar calendar, Muhammad was born on 12th of Rabi al-Awwal. He died on the same day 63 years later. This is a special day in the history of mankind. As previously mentioned, he was born in 570 or 571st A simple calculation shows that he died in the 634th

    Those who use either the birth of Christ, even the death of the last prophet Muhammad as a reference point in their calendar are bigoted and enemies of God. Why does the world the death of the last prophets rather than the beginning of its calendar? In our view, this means the world is blindly ruled by hatred and racism.

    Why do we use the birth of Christ as the beginning of our calendar? The reason is, it was a unique day. It was the day on which one was born without a father of the prophets. Moses had his miracles. He had a following that spent miracle. When he put his hand under his coat, she was white, get out unharmed. In this regard, I note the following. There are books whose authors write as well genante miracle Mohammed. The reason for this is that Jesus performed miracles and consequently Moses. The wonder why Mohammed accomplished miracles?

    This was God’s will. We believe in Mohammed without the miracle. Those who invent the miracle attributed to Muhammad and believe in him. They are not very religious. All these sheikhs and Imams who say Mohammed had done wonders, unbelieving. The revelation of the Koran to him is enough for Mohammed. He does not need another miracle. Those who need more miracles to believe in the Koran, have no faith in the scriptures. It is sufficient that Muhammad was the last prophet. According to the Qur’an, Muhammad is the only prophet who has been blessed by God and the angels and welcomed.

    “Verily, Allah send blessings on the Prophet, and His angels ask for him. O you who believe, asks (and) her for him and salute him with all respect “(33-56). You say, “God has blessed Abraham as Muhammad.” That is wrong. God has not blessed Abraham. It can be said merely:

    “Abraham, peace be upon him.” Muhammad is the only prophet who was blessed by God and his angels.

    I hope that this embezzlement, such as the statement that a gazelle had spoken to him that the stones would have responded to him that water had flowed from his hand, that he had fed thousands of people from a single plate, or even that the Moon split in two in front of him would have to be attributed to Mohammed, will soon cease. Where it is mentioned in written history of the 6 and 7 century that God had divided the moon into two? Those who raise such claims are not his supporters. Such speculations are the work of unbelieving. This fictitious miracles are a testament lack of faith. Update these miracles Mohammed to want is a lack of faith testimony.

    They claim that water flowed from Muhammad’s hands just because Moses struck the rock with his staff and water flowed from it. It is the Mohammed told us that Moses and Jesus did miracles. Why he was not jealous and demanded the same privileges? The reason for this is that as a prophet he knew the miracle in the gods. Mohammed, the fact that Moses had a following, wielded the miracles that turned into a serpent that devoured all the snakes of the desert.

    He did not conceal that Moses parted the sea and water to flow out of a stone lies. Why did not he concealed this miracle? Gabriel him simply because this in Revelation announced and it is written in the Koran.

    The Qur’an mentions Jesus 25 times, it was Moses who told us, was that Jesus was resurrected and that he healed the people with God’s grace. God has told him that and it can not change Mohammed. Why Mohammed felt no jealousy? Why he did not, why were these miracles Jesus granted and not me? Because he knew that miracles are in the realm of the gods. Muhammad believed hesitation in Moses and Jesus miracles. He sent us exactly as they Gabriel revealed to him. He carried it into the Koran. I hope that these speculations will come to an end. Muhammad is the last prophet. This is a difference beyond all differences.

    Muhammad is the only prophet who has been blessed by God and his angels. God took Muhammad on a nocturnal journey from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This was a real miracle. “Truly, he is one of the greatest signs of his Lord.” (53-18). These were the miracles that are mentioned in the Quran and confirmed by Mohammed. They are testimony enough to want things and ascribe Mohammed, which he has not done is a sign of unbelief. Charlatans flood the Internet with such inventions, which only confuse people.

    Today we celebrate the birthday of Muhammad, the last prophet. He is the prophet who was sent to all mankind. Those who attack Muhammad in Scandinavia access, a prophet who was sent to them. Those who defame Mohammed are stupid and sick. They are racists and bigots. They are enemies of humanity, of God, of Jesus and Moses.

    Jesus and Moses believe in Muhammad and he believes her. Scandinavia believes in God? Not determined. If they attack Muhammad, then they are disbelievers who violate one of God’s prophets. God will hold them accountable. They believe that Muhammad is the prophet of the Arabs! Mohammed is a prophet of all mankind, whether Arab or not. He is a prophet who was entsannt also Scandinavia, whether they like it or not. God has said it clearly that Muhammad’s faith is put to, even if the mushrikeen (Polyteisten, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in Allah’s omnipotence) is contrary to (9-33).

    God know indicates a prophet, which is intended for all mankind, whose name appears in the Old and New Testament. In the Bible, but he is not mentioned. That must be a fake. It’s not the original font. And as said, ‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary): “O Children of Israel, I am Allah’s messenger in you confirming what has been from the Torah in front of me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger who will come after me. His name shall be Ahmad. “(61-6)

    At our last meeting in Timbuktu to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday, the question arose of the pilgrimage. The pilgrimage was there before Muhammad. She gave it to Abraham and Ishmael times since. The Kaa’ba existed before Abraham and Ishmael so that people can go on pilgrimage. It’s not just the people who believe in Mohammed should go, but all people. Pilgrimages have always been a requirement for them, even before Muhammad was entsannt. In the Quran, God says:

    ‘Duty men owe to Allah is the pilgrimage to the House, who can make their way to him. He says people, not Arabs or Muslims. It is the duty of all people, whether they are from America, Europe or Asia to undertake the pilgrimage because Kaa’ba is the first house of prayer that God has done on earth. The first house of worship for the people is that in Bakka (3-96). God says, “created for people,” not for Arabs or Muslims. Which is the house of God on earth. It belongs to the people.

    It is the duty of all people to visit the Kaa’ba to run between the hills of Safa and Marwa, and to stand in prayer before Mount Arafat. Who should have decreed that these rites should be only for a certain group of people?

    Whoever said that the pilgrimage was only for Muhammad’s followers? The house was created for all people. It is God’s house. It does not belong to anyone. Those who deny the right of way to the holy shrine? God says to the holy mosque Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca, which We have made for the good of all people (22-25) But those who disbelieve and others want to keep the path of Allah.
    The KABAH

    God himself says that the house is for all people and all have an equal right to pilgrimages there. God says that there are those who disbelieve, discourage others from visiting the mosque in which he called all welcome. What are the Arabs that right to monopolize that house of God?

    Everyone has the right to bypass the shrine. What is the origin of the prohibition is to limit the visit to the shrine of Muhammad followers? There is only one verse in the Qur’an of this clearly appeals. “O you who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean. Consequently, they can be approached after this year the holy mosque not. “(9-28).

    Bloss unclean idolaters not allowed to visit the mosque. Who are you? What would happen if the Pope would express the wish to visit the Kaa’ba? According to the present rules, it should not. He would ask why and ask about the reasons for such a ban. Going through the Koran, one can see only the text that says: “. Truly the pagans are unclean” The Pope would say that he was neither a pagan nor unclean and that he ‘thus the right to visit the Kaa ba did. He would say:

    “This is the house of God, that was created for all people, not just Arabs. I believe in God and am neither a pagan nor unclean. “Who could tell the Pope that he was unclean? Likewise, if the American president would express the wish to visit Kaa’ba what would you tell him? It according to the rules is not allowed. He would ask for the reason for the ban, which would be able to say to him?

    Who would be able to tell the U.S. president that he is an unclean thing. Anyone who claims he had the courage to tell him this, it should do. Can I assure you that no one would be able to do this. Consequently, the American president could visit Kaa’ba, whether they like it or not. Could the Commissioner for the pilgrimage tell the American president, he was unclean? Of course not. If he says he believes in God, who could claim that he is a pagan?

    The rules are problematic and they contradict the Quran. Only unclean Gentiles access to the Sacred Mosque is denied. All other people are entitled to. The Quran says very clearly that each of them trying to keep from was an unbeliever.

    “But those who disbelieve, and from the way of Allah and hold from the Holy Mosque which We have determined for the good of all people.” (22-25). Who has refused access to the Holy Mosque, is disbelief. God says: “The duty men owe to Allah is the pilgrimage to the House, because who can make their way to him.” (3-97). He did not say it is a duty of the Arabs to Allah, but of all people. All who are able to have the right to visit the holy mosque. God’s words are: “And when We made the House a place of rest for the people as well as a safety.” (2-125), a safe place where everyone can meet.

    He also says, “a place for you where Abraham stood for prayer.” (2-125). God constantly talk about people, all people and not a particular group of them. He also says: And We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael that. “My House for the compass it round, and (there is) retraction ends yourself, or bow, or prostrate themselves” (2-125). His words are clear. God commanded Ibrahim and Ishmael to build a house and to clean it, so that people could come on a pilgrimage there. This was long before Mohammed. God say to Ibrahim: “And proclaim to the people on pilgrimage, you will come on foot and on every lean camel from all remote areas to you.”. (22-27). He also say: “Verily, the first House founded for mankind is that at Bakka – a blessing and of guidance for all the worlds.” (3-96). Again, the words are clear. God refers to all people.

    At this chosen day, I want to address another important issue. Muslims are gathered here from all over the world. I know that a large part of them is suffering from persecution and discrimination. Some go so far as to regard them as apostates. We have different religious groups and subgroups; Sunnis and Shias. Who could deny that Shias are persecuted? Many subgroups of the Shias are unjustly persecuted and considered infidels. So are many other Islamic subgroups. I would not engage in theological explanations. What I care about, is the political status of these groups.

    The Shias are the second-and third-class citizens in the Arab countries. Their faith leads to the loss of suffrage. You have to have the right to first class citizens, lost. What have they done wrong, ignoring the fact that they represented the Shia view of the worship of the family members of the Prophet and that Ali was his Chosen successor.
    Many Shia subgroups are being prosecuted, scattered around the world and be accused of heresy. This happens to the Bahari, Baha’is, Nizari, Druze, nuts Iris, Zeudis, Quadyanis and many other Shia groups. Religious and theological differences are Negligible for me. What interests me is the religious and political persecution and oppression, which is evident from these religious differences.

    His faith, or group membership due, a Shia, Baha’I, strangles, or Zeidi Bahari neither head of state, nor hold an influential post in his country. The same applies to the Sharif, the successor of the Prophet’s family, who are persecuted because of their Shia affiliation.

    This is about a political and not a religious problem. It’s about human rights violations. We are in first place, just man before we assign ourselves any belief or a religious group. We are citizens of our states, regardless of faith or religious affiliation. Thus we all need to be equal political rights. Who ruled the right one to follow the other, or to condemn a particular group. A country belongs to all its citizens.

    Uganda is a refuge for many persecuted Baharis and Ismailis. Why they had to flee from India and went to Uganda? This is political persecution. In the last instance, a person’s faith should be a matter between him and God. Politically, we all have equal rights.

    I am on the side of the oppressed and persecuted religious groups, who are scattered around the world. You must live for their faith in fear and insecurity. They should be satisfied. Their faith is a private matter between them and God. No one has the right to them, to deny religious reasons, political civil rights.

    From the pursuit of these religious groups out of the desire for the restoration of Fatimidstates was loud. He could take these oppressed groups in protection and would be introduced in Africa and the Middle East. It could be an influential full state and pursuing these religious groups would be held accountable. May all these small communities such as the persecuted:

    Bahais, Ismailis, Zeidis, Bahari, Shia and Druze, one day have their own state.

    This is not a historical or philosophical matter, but a current, political situation that affects us today.

    May we this day always chosen to celebrate God’s truth has prevailed, all have realized that Mohammed is the prophet for all mankind and that Allah’s religion is Islam.
    mosque 19 March 2008
    19 March 2008 Kampala Mosque Uganda

    NRM united Muslims, says Museveni
    New Vision-Uganda
    19 March 2008 (PART OF SPEECH, full at:

    Colonel Gaddafi is a Revolutionary and we have been friends for a long time; he has been a friend of Uganda for a long time too. Revolutionaries detest bad governance and they work for the interests of people.

    The New National Mosque at Old Kampala.

    Libya has been a friend of Uganda and this Mosque, reported to be the second biggest in Africa, with such beauty, is a realization of that friendship. Colonel Gaddafi has over the years availed resources to Uganda for development and social transformation. The Tropical Bank is one such effort. Participation in financing of different activities is another such effort.

    I am informed from the Muslim community that President Gaddafi has promised to construct a University for the benefit of all Ugandans.

    Most importantly, Brother Gaddaffi, during the early years of the National Resistance Army (NRA) and also in 1985 sent us some weapons to help us stop the slaughter that was going on in Uganda at that time.

    Ever since the victory of the NRM in 1986, I have been interacting with Brother Gaddaffi on the need for economic and social transformation in Africa and the Arab World. Africa and the Arab World must transform form Third World and middle-income status to the First World countries Recently, brother Gaddaffi started an investment Arm of the Libyan Government.

    They have already invested in fruit processing (DAWDA), textiles (Tri-star), National Housing Corporation, Uganda Telecom, hotels like Lake Victoria Hotel in Entebbe, and coffee processing plant – to produce finished coffee instead of exporting coffee beans for which we get US$1 instead of US$ 15 that go to Nestle in London, an oil pipeline from Mombasa to Kigali etc.

    I have talked sternly to those who, on the Ugandan side, have been delaying the execution of these projects. They will co-operate I can assure all of you.

    I take this opportunity on behalf of the Muslim community and indeed, the whole country to thank Africa’s freedom fighter, Brother Col. Gaddafi for his generosity which has enabled many Ugandans to improve their lives.

    As a freedom fighter, he has battled misrule across Africa and stood up against exploitation of the poor. I also thank you for having found time to come to Uganda and commission this mosque. Yesterday, at the State Banquet, I undemocratically declared this Mosque as “Gaddaffi National Mosque”; to which I am sure the Muslim Supreme Council will have no objection.

    mosque 3

    © Copyright 2008. Internet Securities, Inc. All rights reserved.

  49. SAADI is a wonderfully loyal Major-General for our Green Resistance–but the rats know this too and are doing everything to make SAADI appear an idiot playboy!
    He is not restricted under house-arrest in Niger…He has his batallion and is doing many services and fighting–Bless him in his determined perseverence and trust in his father’s princilples. He is a devout Muslim, who also lost a son and wife due to NATO bombing of the Hamedi house—He also has suffered much. Pray for him too.
    There is a RAT campaign going-on against SAADI!

    الله اكبرررررررر
    هده من صحف الجردان
    احني قولنا حاجة اهو بلسانهم يعترفو

    campaign against SAADI

  50. Copyright 2000 Jason Manning and also Thomas Van Hare at “Fly Historic Wings”

    *: “Turmoil and Triumph”
    George P. Shultz (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1993)
    Jonathan Azaziah: “Mask of Zion” 25 March 2011
    “National Security Directives of the Reagan & Bush Administrations”
    Christopher Simmons (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995)
    Thomas Van Hare at “Fly Historic Wings” 28/29 June 2012

    Muammar al-Qathafi, the son of a Bedouin shepherd, became an officer in the Libyan army and in 1968 led a successful al-Fetah Revolution to overthrow King Idris in 1969. A self-proclaimed mystic and prophet of Islam, al-Qathafi’s grandiose vision was the creation of a Great ArabNation encompassing all of North Africa. This frightened the USA, Israel and their alies into a determination to destroy Muammar al-Qathafi (mounting over many years)…

    In 1969, the British Special Air Service (S.A.S.) was contacted by the Libyan Royal Family and planned an assassination attempt to restore the Libyan monarchy. The plan was to release 150 Royalist extremists from a jail in Tripoli as a catalyst for a general uprising. The prisoners would be recruited for a coup attempt, and the British agents would leave them to take over the nation. The plan was called off at a late stage by the British Secret Intelligence Service because the United States government decided that Gaddafi was anti-Marxist and therefore acceptable.

    Throughout the next decade, U.S. payed L.I.F.G. and other King Idris supporters to attack the home, offices and family quarters of Muammar al-Qathafi.

    21 February 1973: A Libyan civilian airplane was shot down by Israeli Air Force fighters over Sinai. 108 Libyans died in that terrorist attack….amongst the dead, aboard the civilian airplane, was former Foreign Minister Salah Masoud Bousair, who quarreled with the state of Israel.

    November 14, 1974: The wayward “Revolutionary Command Council” announces a limited reorganization of the government. Abdelmonem Alhouni becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs and Omar Almhaishi becomes the Minister of Planning and Sceintific Research.

    August 8, 1975: Omar Almhaishi who was a member of the wayward “Revolutionary Command Council” announced his opposition to Gadhafi and started a radio programme in the Egyptian government-run radio in which he opposes the Libyan system of government and asking the people to revolt and overthrow Gadhafi’s government.
    (REVOLUTONARY COMMAND COUNCIL soon gets the total boot by the people and Muammar)

    In 1976, Tunisia’s state television reported that Gaddafi had been fired at by a lone assassin. None of the shots hit him.

    (Over the years), Muammar al-Qathafi was blamed (false flags galore) for every terrorist act which occured—many of which were in reality caused and engineered by the rogue Mafia State of Switzerland (and its International Banking System “Elite”) which desired to destroy Muammar al-Qathafi –particularly after Muammar al-Gathafi formulated his Great Jamahiriya in March 1977….

    Muammar al-Qathafi’s Jamahiriya forces were increasingly involved in attempts to encourage Revolutions in the colonised region, including many former French colonies in North Africa. From the perspective of the French Government, the time had come to eliminate the problem of Qathafi.

    10 April 1980: The United States expelled 4 members of the Libyan People’s Bureau in Washington D.C.

    An Assassination of International Proportions:
    If new documents uncovered in Libya are to be believed, the opportunity to assassinate Qathafi presented itself on the night of 27 June 1980, when he was scheduled to fly home from Europe and across the Mediterranean in his personal Tupolev airliner. A pair of French Mirage jet fighters were readied for a very special mission — Qaddafi’s jet would be intercepted and shot down, leaving all parties involved with plausible deniability. If all went well, the wreckage would be lost at sea and the action would resolve the Libyan problem once and for all.
    From the start, however, things didn’t quite go as planned. What should have been a simple interception turned into a confusing engagement with jet fighters involved from no less than four nations. The French, the Libyans, the Italians and the Americans would all converge toward a single point over the sea off the coast of Italy — and flying into the melee would come Itavia Flight 870,

    [Photograph of I-TIGI, the DC-9 downed off the coast of Ustica on 27 June 1980. Photo taken in Basilea in November 1972. Photo Credit: Werner Fischdick]

    completely unaware of the unfolding drama ahead.
    Unbeknownst to the French, however, their assassination attempt was doomed from the start. According to the newly uncovered Libyan documents, Qathafi was tipped off at the last moment about the plot by God or someone from within the SISMI, Italy’s secret service. Thus, Qathafi made a snap decision and diverted his plane to land on the island of Malta. Notably, the SISMI maintained a degree of influence through high level contacts within Libya. Italy continued its close ties with Qathafi for years —
    On that night in 1980, a Libyan Air Force MiG-23 fighter jet was already flying north to meet and escort the Qathafi plane home to Libya, when he diverted to land in Malta. Somehow, in the confusion of developing events, the MiG-23 pilot, Ezedin Koal, was neither notified nor ordered back to base. Instead, he flew north across the Mediterranean Sea, searching for Qathafi’s Tupolev. On the NATO side of the equation, the Libyan MiG-23 was immediately picked up as “fast mover” on air defense radars. As per standard protocol, the Italian Air Force and US Navy dispatched fighters to intercept the plane as it neared Italian airspace.

    A Suddenly Confusing Engagement:

    Minutes later, the Libyan MiG-23 was already off the coast of Sicily. Concurrently, three Italian Air Force F-104S jet fighters and at least one US Navy A-7 Corsair II (probably this was a flight of two aircraft) closed in separately from the east. The two French Mirage aircraft raced in from the north with the dark intent to perform their deadly assassination mission. Yet now, no fewer than seven and possibly as many as nine NATO fighter planes were converging on a single point on the map in the night skies over the Mediterranean Sea — and, completely unknowing, into the midst of the developing melee flew Itavia Flight 870.
    Apparently, the Libyan MiG-23 pilot was first to spot the civilian DC-9 airliner on his radar. The aircraft was heading southward as expected. For the Libyan pilot, it was right where it should have been. He turned his MiG-23 to join into close formation with the airliner, which he apparently mistook for Qaddafi’s Tupolev in the darkness of the night skies. For the French fighter pilots, this newly formed up pair of aircraft exactly matched their mission expectations — there was a large airliner sized target, clearly Qaddafi’s Tupolev, escorted by a single Libyan jet fighter that had joined up from the south. Together, the two targets were flying southward in the direction of Libya.
    No warning shots were fired — this was to be an assassination, pure and simple. One of the French pilots launched an air-to-air missile aimed at the larger target. The missile struck home, hitting the forward section of Itavia Flight 870 with a perfect hit. The airliner never stood a chance — it was literally blown out of the sky. As the French Mirage pilots watched the fireball appear and disappear in the distance, their radars showed the Libyan MiG-23 break off and circle out into a counterattack.
    There was only one loose end to tie up — they would have to shoot it down as well….
    Tying Up Loose Ends — Finishing the MiG-23
    Upon seeing the missile impact the airliner nearby, the Libyan MiG-23 pilot, Ezedin Koal, pulled away, searching for nearby enemy aircraft. In every direction his nose would have pointed, the radar would have suddenly shown more enemy fighter jets. A flight of three Italian F-104S Starfighter aircraft closed in from one side while one or two A-7 Corsairs from the US Navy came from another direction. Two French Mirage fighters pressed in from the north, their radars lighting up his early warning radar receiving systems as they tracked him and prepared to fire. From Ezedin Koal’s perspective, he was alone and in deep trouble. With few options, he would have to fight and somehow escape to the south. The odds of survival were clearly slim. There could have been no doubt of the hostile intent of the enemy aircraft — after all, they had just shot down and, in his mind, assassinated Col. Qaddafi himself, the very man he was to escort and protect.
    What followed was a confusing series of high speed maneuvers and counter-maneuvers in the dark night skies over Italy. The French and Libyan jets maneuvered over the water in a turning dogfight while US Navy and Italian jets circled. The fight shifted eastward over the Italian mainland before the MiG-23 was finally either shot down or driven into the mountains that were hidden in the shadows of night below. Ultimately, the Libyan MiG-23 would crash into the Sila Mountains in Castelsilano, Calabria, located in the center of the lower boot of southern Italy. In a flash, Ezedin Koal would be killed in the crash.
    Their mission accomplished, the French Mirage fighter jets turned to fly northward to France. With the last loose end tied up, it seemed assured that there would be no witnesses to their assassination of Muammar Qaddafi.
    assassination jet
    Qathafi had escaped clean and clear from the aerial assassination attempt. He would live on, the penultimate survivor…. France would never speak publicly about the events of that night. Italy too would choose a policy of silence. Italy too would choose a policy of silence and cover up. The United States would remain silent, being an outside, non-European observer. Amidst the deafening silence from official sources, the media would call the loss of Flight 870 the Ustica Massacre (“Strage di Ustica” — after a nearby island in the Tyrrhenian Sea).
    Then, on July 18, 1980, fully 21 days after the shootdown, the wreckage of the Libyan MiG-23 was located in the Sila Mountains. The body of Libyan Pilot Ezedin Koal was still strapped to the ejection seat, his identity revealed by the name imprinted on his helmet. Officials were none too pleased when two news reporters were dispatched to document the crash site. They ordered that both be arrested and held until they agreed to turn over their film.
    Despite these further efforts at cover up, the press would later uncover that the Libyan pilot’s body was inexplicably decomposed, as if consistent with the body having died three weeks earlier, at the time of the downing of Flight 870. This linked the two events and added yet more fuel to the fire of press interest. The pilot’s body would be repatriated to Libya after having been buried for a time in Italy.
    Strange Coincidences and a Few Unexplained Deaths
    The alleged cover up would extend yet further when radar tapes that documented the events of that night were somehow erased or disappeared. This may have been coincidental, but again, it was just another in a long series unlikely coincidences. Likewise, due to the roadblocks and cover up, it took nearly nine years for the recovered pieces of the DC-9 to be examined and written up into a formal accident investigation report — an unfathomably long time in the field of aviation. The report flatly concluded, “All available evidence considered unanimously confirms that the DC-9 incident was caused by a missile that exploded near the nose of the plane. At the present time, the evidence is insufficient to specify the type, origin and identity of the missile.”
    Aviation Week and Space Technology bolstered the report by publishing that the damage to the airliner’s fuselage was consistent with that caused by a continuous-rod missile warhead as employed in air-to-air missiles. Any doubts of military involvement in the events were rapidly fading — but whose military? Were the Libyans responsible for an act of air-to-air terrorism? Was it someone else? Soon, the political left took up the banner that the Americans and the US Navy had accidentally shot down the plane.
    Unexpected Deaths of Key Witnesses
    Even more chilling, though perhaps once again coincidental, a number of those who were working that night and who would have been key witnesses to the events afterwards would die in strange circumstances. The commander of the Italian airbase from which the intercepting Italian F-104S fighter jets had launched would die suddenly in a car accident. Two of the radar controllers who witnessed the full picture of the events of that night on their screens would commit suicide by hanging (an odd personal choice given the pain involved). Another radar controller also died, but this time of an unexpected heart attack — he was just 37 years old. A fourth air traffic controller who had direct knowledge of the events of that night was later found murdered. Finally, two of the three Italian Air Force pilots who had intercepted the Libyan MiG-23 died in a midair collision during an air show at Ramstein AB in Germany. For many conspiracy theorists, these deaths were all too coincidental.

    The MiG-23 (code-named “Flogger”) represents the Soviet Union’s next stage of aircraft development in the wake of the MiG-21 “Fishbed”, a light-weight, agile interceptor purpose-built to counterbalance the potential of USAF bombers from penetrating Russian airspace. While the MiG-21 was designed to take off, climb to altitude, point its nose at an incoming wave of bombers and fire missiles, this was shown to be insufficient to the challenges of aerial warfare in the late 1960s and 1970s. What was needed was a more maneuverable interceptor that could fly fast, maneuver well and carry a sufficient load of weapons. Thus, the swing-wing MiG-23 design was born. What it lacked in sophistication, it more than made up for in affordability — the top of the line model was sold at just $6.6 million each, making it one of the most affordable combat fighters in modern history. As a result, almost 5,000 were built and the aircraft was employed by no less than 36 air forces around the world.)
    Francesca Cossiga, former President of Italy, who released the bombshell statement highlighting the role of France in the shootdown.
    The Final Word on Flight 870?
    Finally, a formal inquiry was launched by an Italian judge named Rosario Priore, but even then, his efforts were stymied by roadblocks put up by NATO and Italian political and military figures. He would make note of the apparent cover up in his report and subsequently, four Italian generals would be charged with the crime of High Treason for obstructing the investigations. With the expiration of the statute of limitations, the cases would be dropped.
    In July 2006, the recovered fragments of Flight 870 were re-assembled and brought to Bologna from Pratica di Mare Air Force Base near Rome. A year later in June 2007, the reassembled fuselage was placed on public display at the newly opened Museum for the Memory of Ustica in Bologna. It stands as mute testimony to what was probably an attempted assassination that went wrong — terribly wrong — and the deaths of 81 innocent civilians and one Libyan MiG pilot.
    Then in 2008, the former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stepped forward to confirm that Itavia Flight 870 was downed by French fighter jets. His admission was a bombshell, yet still, the fine details of the events of that night were not released. Shortly afterward, France was served with a claim for damages. Less than two years later, Cossiga would die of respiratory problems.
    Finally in 2011, the Italian courts would order $127 million in reparations be paid by the Italian government to the families of those who perished. The true story of what happened in the night skies over the Tyrrhenian Sea, is finally coming to light. With the release of the latest records from the Libyan government archives, the only question remaining is when public officials will finally accept responsibility for what happened — to confirm or deny the sequence of events claimed in the Libyan documents.
    After 32 years, it seems that enough time has passed for the truth to be revealed.
    <= View Previous Section

    The events described above are based on a mix of fact, carefully made judgments from public sources and — to a large extent — reports recently uncovered in Libya. This story assumes the Libyan documents to be valid…. As a reasonable disclaimer, we must state that portions may be inaccurate. If and when known, updates will be published and corrections made. At HW, we sincerely hope that the final official release will disprove French government complicity in the deaths of those aboard Flight 870.
    Ultimately, however, we must also accept that we may never know the full truth of what happened during Italy’s Darkest Night.

    [Editors Note: Although former Italian President Francesco Cossiga had confirmed that Itavia Flight 80 was shot down by French Fighter jets the details were not released before or after his death. It appears that only the opening of the Libyan archives brought out the truth, with NATO and France denying responsibility. The apparent murders of many of the witnesses may have been their prime motivation in refusing to acknowledge anything…Jim W. Dean]

    On the night of June 27, 1980, Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 (a DC-9 registered as I-TIGI) departed Bologna, Italy, en route to Palermo, Sicily.
    On board were 77 passengers, two pilots and two flight attendants. Of those, 64 were adult passengers, 11 were children aged between two and twelve years old and two were children under the age of 24 months.
    As usual, Itavia Flight 870 proceeded uneventfully on its regular route southward off the coast of Italy. Then, at 8:59 pm, the aircraft suddenly disappeared off the radar screens of Italian Air Traffic Control.
    No report of trouble or declaration of an emergency was received from the pilots — one second the plane was there and the next, it was gone. All 81 souls on board died as pieces of the aircraft fell into the sea.
    At first, it seemed that the circumstances of the loss didn’t make sense — the aircraft had been flying along perfectly and then, quite inexplicably, it had exploded in midair with the loss of everyone on board.
    In response to questions from the media, government officials offered that Flight 870 might have been downed by a terrorist bomb. Initially, that explanation made some sense, but then no terrorist organization stepped forward to make a claim of responsibility.
    Unsatisfied, the media returned to ask more questions — and as if by some order from above, officials suddenly went silent. No additional information was forthcoming. This in turn fed media suspicions that the real story was being kept from public view. Sadly, they were right. Everywhere they turned, doors were suddenly closed. It seemed as if nobody was willing to talk about what had happened.
    Even more ominously, it was soon discovered that tapes of radar plots had disappeared or had been somehow erased. Other records were also missing or suddenly unavailable. Even more chilling, key witnesses began dying in strange circumstances — car accidents, suicides, and even a heart attack.

    Italian Mirage Jet
    (MiG-23 Jet Fighter, the type that was engaged in a nighttime dogfight off the coast of Italy.)

    In 1981, when Gaddafi launched an air strike against provocative American naval maneuvers in the Gulf of Sirte, [private waters that Gaddafi claimed for Libya] The Great Jamahiriya’s two Soviet-built SU-22 fighters were shot down. (see: )

    In 1981, French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing plotted an assassination attempt with Egypt. His administration spoke with the Reagan administration for approval.
    From a report by TONY CARTALUCCI we read concerning the published article in “NEWSWEEK” 03 AUGUST 1981:
    “US Support of Terrorism in Libya Stretches Back Three Decades
    “The details of the plan were sketchy, but it seemed to be a classic CIA destabilization campaign. One element was a “disinformation” program designed to embarrass Kaddafi and his government. Another was the creation of a “counter government” to challenge his claim to national leadership. A third — potentially the most risky — was an escalating paramilitary campaign, probably by disaffected Libyan nationals, to blow up bridges, conduct small-scale guerrilla operations and demonstrate that Kaddafi was opposed by an indigenous political force.” -Newsweek, “A Plan to Overthrow Kaddafi,” August 3, 1981
    The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), along with its affiliates and predecessors, have been armed, trained, its leaders coddled and supported by the West for over 30 years. One of these predecessors, the US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya during the 1980’s.

    Many of these fighters would also line the US-Saudi created front, Al Qaeda, when first it was conceived in the mountains of Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Most of these fighters lived and operated from Libya’s eastern region of Cyrenaica, and in particular, the cities of Benghazi and Darnah.”

    On the 19th of August 1981, it was revealed that the USA planned on assassinating Muammar al-Qathafi. The Sixth Fleet of America, began its manuevers off the Libyan Coast in the Gulf of Sirte (waters openly proclaimed as Libyan domiciled territory).

    The Jamahiriya Airforce responded with a proposed air strike against the provocative American naval maneuvers in the Gulf of Sirte, [private waters that Gaddafi claimed for Libya].
    The Jamahiriya airforce sent two S22 fighters over the area. The U.S. Sidewindermissiles aboard the U.S. Naval carrier in the Gulf of Sirte, shot these Libyan aircraft down!

    In August, Muammar pleaded with other Mediterrannean nations to please deny the USA airbases…

    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
    from Sunday’s story:

    Thirty-one years ago, on precisely this day of 19 August 1981,
    occurred the first fingerprints challenge to the USA in the Gulf of Sirte.

    Libyan leader Muammar al-Qahafi sent two of Sukhoi Su22 fighter jets to intercept 2 U.S. fighter planes flying above the Gulf of Sirte; but the American F-14 modern type jets are enabled to shoot down the two Ebian make Sukhoi Su -22 jets directly off the Libyan coast.
    In the nineteen-seventies, Libya announced the extension of its territorial waters to include the complete Gulf of Sirte. The USA far-penetrated this water in direct provocation [which was regarded by all Libyans as part of its national sovereignty]. The Jamahiriya sent its Vaaatardtha Libyan planes, but the American- Asttaao shot them down with even more modern aircraft and called the Gulf of Sirte, their Operation Gulf of challenge.

    The assassination plot was abandoned after French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s term in office.

    This image:


    shows the Gulf of Sirte being surely Libyan territorial water (as no other country’s port or borders is part of the Gulf of Sirte).
    قبل واحد وثلاثين عاماً بالتحديد في مثل هذا اليوم 19 من اغسطس من عام 1981
    حدثت اولى بصمات التحدي في خليج سرت
    الزعيم الليبي القائد معمر القذافي يبعث طائرتين من نوع سوخوي سو – 22 مقاتلة نفاثه لتقوم باعتراض 2 من المقاتلات الأمريكية فوق خليج سرت ولكن الطائرتين الامريكتين من طراز اف 14 من النوع الحديث قامتا باسقاط طائرتين ليبيتين من نوع سوخوي سو-22 قبالة السواحل الليبية.
    ويعود سبب هذا التصادم على خلفية ان ليبيا في سبعينات القرن الماضي اعلنت عن تمديد مياهها الاقليمية لتشمل خليج سرت كاملة وأخترقت الولايات المتحدة هذه المياه التي كانت تعتبرها ليبيا جزءا من سيادتها الوطنية فاعترضتها الطائرات الليبية ولكن الامريكان استطاعو اسقاطهما بفضل الطائرات الحديثة وسمي خليج سرت بخليج التحدي.
    صورة توضح خليج سرت والمياه الاقليمية الليبية.

    GEORGE TREMLETT wrote in 1993:

    “In December 1981:
    The U-S. administration claimed that Muammar al-Qathafi sent a team of libyan hit-men to Washington to assassinate the US President–Wide publications in all the media showed roadblocks set up and armed guards on the White House roof–FALSELY, Reagan said:”We have evidence and Gaddafi know it”!

    BUT when the names and photgraphs were published of the “Libyan Hot-men” they were actually photos of famous well-known and respectable Lebanese business banking contractors, with no connection to Libya or terrorism.”

    Jonathan Azaziah
    wrote on 25 March 2011 in Mask of Zion:

    “During the beginnings of the presidency of war criminal Ronald Reagan, the Zionist media vociferously promoted what would become a long-running FALSE propaganda piece about a Libyan hit squad operating in the United States. This hit squad’s mission was to assassinate Ronald Regan. The source of the story was Manucher Ghorbanifar, a former agent of the overthrown Shah of Iran’s secret police, SAVAK. SAVAK, the notorious apparatus known for its brutal torture techniques, learned everything from Mossad and Ghorbanifar himself had deep-rooted personal ties to the Mossad, the world’s leader in false flag terrorism. The purpose of this hit squad story was to drum up support from the American populace for a strike on Libya.”

    This particular false flag vis-a-vis Ghorbanifar didn’t accomplish the mission to the degree that the Zionist entity designed it to. The illegitimate Israeli state subsequently turned up the heat and put Operation Trojan into motion. The Trojan is an Israeli communications device used by Mossad’s psychological warfare squad, LAP (LohAma Psicologit), as a relay station for misleading intelligence reports emanating from Israeli navy ships in the region. The Trojan is to be planted in nations resisting the Zionist Power Configuration, or in Israeli intel terminology, “hostile environments,” at targets where official state business is conducted, like an embassy. These false reports were to be picked up by states allied with Israel on separate frequencies, wherein the information would be confirmed by Mossad. Little do the ally states know, the reports themselves are being created by Israel.

    Operation Trojan was a success as the device was planted in the heart of Libya’s capital, Tripoli, and the American government began retrieving numerous messages from the Trojan andprocessing intelligence proofs that Libya was closely linked with the planning and execution of terrorism. The chiefs of Mossad were exceedingly pleased.

    May , 1985: The United States expelled all the employees of the Libyan People’s Bureau in Washington D.C
    06 June 1985: American newspapers reported that the United States State Department had taken extraordinary actions to have Egypt participate in a military invason of Libya and occupy the Eastern part of the country.

    In January 1986 Gaddafi proclaimed a “line of death” across the Gulf of Sidra, warning that if American ships or planes crossed that line they would be destroyed. In March the U.S. responded with Operation Prairie Fire, consisting of 45 ships and 200 planes. Aircraft from the Sixth Fleet’s three carriers, Saratoga, Coral Sea and America, made forays across the “line of death.” Then three surface vessels crossed the line, supported by planes overhead and Los Angeles-class attack submarines beneath the surface. On Monday, March 24, the Libyans fired several SA-5 surface-to-air missiles, but none came close to hitting an American target because they were diverted by jamming devices carried by EA-6B Prowler aircraft. Vice Admiral Frank Kelso, Sixth Fleet’s commander, waited until dark to respond. A pair of A-6 Intruders from the America hit a Libyan attack boat with HARMs (high-speed anti-radiation missiles). Several more Libyan vessels venturing near the fleet the following morning were struck, with one confirmed destroyed. The Sirte and Tripoli coasts were severely damaged. Reagan congratulated the airmen and sailors of the Sixth Fleet, some of whom wore “Terrorist Buster” t-shirts and buttons, for a job well done, and on Thursday, 28 March 1986, the naval “exercises” were concluded. There were no American casualties; 106 Libyan civilians, mostly young children, had been killed….

    On 07 April, Reagan met with his chief aides to discuss another attack against Gadhafi and the Great Jamahiriya. “The president had maps all over the floor of the Oval Office,” recalled Edwin Meese III, U.S. Attorney General and Reagan’s close friend, in order to select potential targets. These included airbases at Tripoli and Benine, naval bases at Taranbulas and Benghazi, a terrorist training camp at Sidi Balal, and the Bab al Aziaya barracks where Gaddafi often stayed in a Bedouin tent equipped with telephones, heaters and a television set.

    Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher signed off on the use of British bases in the operation, but Spain and France refused to grant American warplanes overflight permission; this meant the planes would have to fly 2,800 miles to reach their targets, and be refueled five times in the air. Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi spoke for many European leaders who refused to assist the USA and Britain in the attack. Until Louis Farrakhan admitted that he (by God) was the one to warn and call al-Qathafi on the telephone, it was always suspected that in 1986, Italian politician Bettino Craxi

    was the one to phone Qathafi to warn him of the incoming USAF F-111 raid — (and once again it was presumed thatwith the help of the Italians, Qathafi would survive by fleeing his compound minutes before the bombs hit. Actually, Muammar fled by inspiration—as he was compelled to go out to the desert and pray.)

    On 14 April 1986 at 17:36 Greenwich Mean Time, twenty four F-111Fs of the USAF 48th Tactical Fighter Wing took off from the Royal Air Force base at Lakenheath, England. Twenty eight refueling tankers took to the air from bases at Mildenhall and Fairford, while five EF-111 Ravens equipped with high-tech jamming equipment soared skyward from a fourth base. Operation El Dorado Canyon was underway. The target: Libya. The American aircraft roaring through the English skies that evening were embarked on what would become the longest fighter combat mission in the history of military aviation, and the first major USAF combat mission in more than a decade.

    (An F-111F in flight over the Gulf of Sirte)

    On the evening of Monday, 14 April 1986, as the F-111s from the British bases joined a dozen A-6 strike aircraft launched from the carriers Coral Sea and America and thundered through Libyan anti-aircraft fire to drop more than 60 tons of laser-guided bombs on five targets. Five F-111s hit Gaddafi’s barracks compound with sixteen 2,000-lb. Paveway II gravity bombs. Five more American warplanes struck the military sector of the Tripoli International Airport. Army barracks and an airfield at Benina and the naval port at Sidi Bilal were also bombed. The raid lasted eleven minutes. Four Libyan MIG-23 interceptors, five Il-76 transports and two Mi-8 Hip helicopters were destroyed. Libyan radio reported many casualties, including Gaddafi’s 18-month-old adopted daughter Hana. An F-111 was destroyed by a Libyan SAM (surface-to-air missile); pilot Captain Fernando Ribas-Dominicci and weapons system officer Captain Paul Lorence were killed.

    In Britain, Prime Minister Thatcher was roundly criticized for going against the advice of her cabinet and supporting the American strike. In the House of Commons she stood firm — like a “lioness in a den of Daniels,” said the London Times — against shouts of disapproval from opposition members. The Iron Lady felt she owed Reagan for U.S. support during the Falklands War.

    For a time there was widespread concern that terrorist revenge attacks would occur on American soil, and experts warned that the U.S. was woefully unprepared to deal with such a contingency. The attacks never came.

    According to American Secretary Shultz*, the Reagan administration’s leading proponent of strong action against Libya, Muammar al-Qathafi “retreated into the desert”, after the United States bombed his Jamahiriya (including al-Qathafi’s home compound of Bab Azaiya)killing over 100 innocent in Tripoli alone and thousands injured. An Arab diplomat told Donald Gregg, U.S.national security adviser to Vice-President George Bush, that when al-Qathafi was seen “carrying the body of his dead child out of the wreckage, he lost all stature because it as shown that he couldn’t protect his family,” from the evils of the USA. A man of God, and never ever thinking of revenge, Muammar al-Qathafi acted with [uncharacteristic of Western manners) total holy restraint in all the years that followed even though the Western Nations continued to persecute Muammar al-Qathafi with total trade sanctions–(and using him a a BLACK-SHEEP scapegoat for the many atcs of terrorism performed by the CIA, MI6, French and Israeli Intelligence throughout the world–most notably Pan Am 103/Lockerbie).

    Psychological Warfare:
    In 1986, CIA and State Department political officers proposed encouraging a coup against Muammar Gaddafi — a plan supported by CIA Director William Casey, National Security Adviser John Poindexter, and Secretary of State George Shultz.* President Reagan authorized a campaign of disinformation and destabilization which included CIA operations to aid and abet Libyan dissidents and exiles. The CIA and NSC leaked false information about Gaddafi, implying that he was impotent, insane, and a cross-dresser. The campaign came under fire when the “Washington Post” revealed the details of the scheme on 02 October 1986; but the dirty psychological warfare, against Muammar al-Qathafi, his Great Jamahiriya, Green Book and his whole family, never ended.

    The Soviet Union responded to the 1986 raids by canceling scheduled talks between Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze and Secretary of State George Shultz that were intended to formalize plans for a summit meeting between Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who promised Gaddafi that the USSR would help Libya strengthen its military defenses.

    Jonathan Azaziah writes:

    “On April 5th, 1986, the final stages of Operation Trojan came to fruition when a disco club in Berlin was bombed, leaving two American soldiers and a Turkish woman dead, in addition to the severe wounding of 229 others. A heinous false flag blamed on Libya, the 1986 bombing of the La Belle disco was an extensive Mossad operation which was carried out with assistance from its allies in the CIA. This event led to the US military’s Operation El Dorado Canyon on April 15, 1986. This murderous violation of Libya’s sovereignty left dozens of Libyan civilians dead, including Muammar Qaddafi’s 15-month old adopted daughter (6).

    The murder of Qaddafi’s daughter and so many other innocent Libyans was designed to boost Mossad’s image in the international intelligence community and display to the Arab/Islamic world that the United States stood with the Zionist entity (7), or more accurately, that the USA stood wherever the Zionist entity told it to stand. Colonel Qaddafi was acutely aware of the deception that led to the murder of his child and the arrogance of the powers attempting to break him and the Libyan nation. Qaddafi didn’t budge and his Resistance didn’t end.”

    22 December 1987: in the African nation of Chad, came the first American arm shipment to arrived in the Chadian capital Njamina.

    “Terrorist” activity continued on the rise in 1987 and 1988, (mostly Western and NATO false flag operations) despite the USA’s hype of fighting “terroristm”.

    The illegitimate Israeli state then kicked its next plot…” into high gear: the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21, 1988, better known as the Lockerbie bombing. 270 people died in the attack.

    On 07 December 1990: A United States air craft left Chad carrying hundreds of Libyans to Nigeria. The Libyans were captured by Chad in its war with Libya. The Libyans were then taken to Zaire, then to the United States. Libya accused the CIA of recruiting some of the Libyan hostages and taking advantage of their situation. Some of the hostages were brainwashed and indoctrinated to became members of the” National Front for the Salvation of Libya” and joined its army; & then some of them began their own terrorist opposition group to the Jamahiriya
    22 December 1992: A Libyan civilian air plane exploded over Tripoli. 158 people died in the crash. Libya accused Western intilligence agencies of masterminding the explosion . The explosion happened days before the 4th anniversary of the Pan Am flight explosion over Lockerbie, Scotland.

    + In February 1996, Islamic extremists attacked Gaddafi’s motorcade near the city of Sirte. Allegedly, Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service was involved, which was denied by future foreign secretary Robin Cook. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office later stated: “We have never denied that we knew of plots against Gaddafi.”

    * In June 1998, Islamic militants armed by MI6 opened fire on Gaddafi’s motorcade near the town of Dirnah. One of his Amazonian female Guards sacrificed herself to save his life.

    *+In August 1998, former British MI5 officer David Shayler renewed his attacks on the secret services, claiming that MI6 had invested GB£100,000 in a plot to assassinate Gaddafi.

    TONY CARTALUCCI continues:
    “The US Army’s West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) noted in its report, “Al-Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq,” that these same fighters, drawn in particular from Benghazi and Darnah, would then move on to fighting US troops in both Afghanistan starting in 2001, and Iraq beginning in 2003, as well as contributing to the sectarian violence that made up the backbone of Iraq’s so-called “civil war.”

    Whether or not their affiliation with Al Qaeda was official throughout the last 3 decades, the CTC’s report confirms that by 2007, an announced merger was made:
    The apparent surge in Libyan recruits traveling to Iraq may be linked the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group’s (LIFG) increasingly cooperative relationship with al‐Qa’ida, which culminated in the LIFG officially joining al‐Qa’ida on November 3, 2007. (page 9, .pdf)
    It would seem unthinkable then that the US would pick what was the epicenter of terrorism in Libya to make contacts with militants who had carried out three decades of terrorism and had even fought directly with US troops across multiple theaters of war – especially after these terrorists officially announced their merger with Al Qaeda. But that is exactly what the United States did.

    Starting in March 2011, US President Barack Obama appointed Christopher Stevens as ‘Special Representative to the Libyan Transitional National Council,’ and sent him to Benghazi to coordinate US military, diplomatic, and financial support to a “counter government” constituted from Cyrenaica’s Al Qaeda terror battalions and a cadre of US-educated, politically cultivated proxies across the ‘National Transitional Council’ (NTC).

    Eventually, Stevens’ mission would become a success. NATO-backed terrorists overran the Libyan government, overthrowing it in Tripoli, brutalizing the cities of Bani Walid and Sirte – with the help of several months of aerial bombardment from NATO – and exterminating or exiling the entire population (10,000 to 30,000 people) of Tawarga. And almost immediately after the US’ success in Libya, the very terror brigades NATO had been funding, arming, training, and providing air support for, set out for the Turkish-Syrian border where they began invading Syria. ”

    (From a report by TONY CARTALUCCI, 13 SEPT.2012)
    POSTED BY HW ON 28 JUN 2012
    Published on June 29, 2012 Aftermath and Cover Up of the Shootdown

    *: “Turmoil and Triumph”
    George P. Shultz (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1993)

    “National Security Directives of the Reagan & Bush Administrations”

    Christopher Simmons (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995)


    There is this unspoken bond between QATHAFI and his Libyan people, who have, for centuries, accorded a very special, theological respect to their leaders….And now this same loyalty, has as its repository in Muammar al-Qathafi:

    who was born of this land, knows its secrets, and in a real and symbolic sense, performs the role of a MARABOUT, a phenomenon unique to Islam and the deserts of North Africa…

    Mu’ammar has no interest in wealth, drugs, alcohol or vices (as far as one can tell), a family man–but also a man who can quite literally appear from nowhere, and just as easily vanish.

    Muammar al-Qathafi knows how to live without tap water or electric…a simple life; yet, he abounds in Satellite Technology, Tolkien, Beethoven, Mozart and late 18th century woodwork and furniture—

    Muammar is a man of culture who is just as contentedly at home in a tent as he is in a majestic marbled-mosque. He is a mystic who can appear from nowhere and is always an honored guest amongst his people: –thoughtful and wise, and enabled to give sound advice on family matters, or as great as territorial disputes. He can recite the Koran letter for letter from memory and can shower others by giving them BARAKA (divine blessings).

    MARABOUTS historicaly are only found in North African Melokite Islam,–where they have been cultivated for centuries. They are an alien phenomenon to Sunni Arabs of the Peninsula and Middle East, where such figures never existed; whose simple existance is opposed to beauty and grandiosity in both death as in life (except, for their shieks and rulars who abound in lavish wealth far beyond the capacity or dreams of their mindles, unquestioning subjegated vassals).

    Muammar is a MARABOUT who loves the masses and has aspired to do everything in his power to share the knowledge, wealth, bounty and riches of his land with all of of his people and even with the world; having them all become as educated and lovers of beauty and life, as he himself is.

    From all that Muammar and his people have suffered, and still Muammar NEVER sought revenge; but instead consoled himself in deep prayer, spiritual retreat and helping the families of the innocent victims. Even today, with all that the YANKs and NATO did to him, he has not and will not retaliate–no matter how much he is edged-on to do so….To do so, would be victory for Evil (to turn him into as bad as they are!).
    praying at Bab Azazaiya after Yankee bombing
    after bombing 2
    [praying at Bab Azazaiya after Yankee bombing]


    To acknowledge that Muammar al-Qathafi is a MUJJADID is NOT worshipping him. It is honoring a great Reformer who loves mankind without reservations. He freely gives amnesty and rejects the idea of vengeance. He has enabled great miracles to happen for Africans and Libyans. He has given the means to the world to live in just peace and harmony UNDER GOD if they humble themselves and follow the workings of the inspired GREEN BOOK Charter. He devoted his whole life to the betterment of humanity and for man to respect God and what God has created. Honor is not the same as worship. Our brother-leader would be the First to acknowledge this.

    [At a conference on Euro-Arab relations in Tripoli in May 1973, the Leader of the Revolution expounded on the philosophical aspect of the Third Universal Theory and its relationship to national and social liberation. In this speech we see the highly developed awareness of the Revolutionary Muammar Qadhafi and his acute appreciation of the complex inner needs of all the world’s peoples. It is worth recalling his words which are still very relevant to life in the 21st century. ] He said:

    “Humanity now urgently needs a cry of justice which would return it to its senses and to its Creator… We need to go back to God and turn away from evil… Atomic bombs, missiles, biological weapons and aggression can only be the making of the Devil. The ideology we propose to the world is humanitarian but not made by men, nor is it a philosophy, but it is based on truth…. This is Gods law, always one, immortal, and unchangeable, a universal religion of truth which belongs to all mankind. The Third Theory offers an alternative to capitalist materialism and communist atheism and calls for the return of mankind to the Kingdom of God. Mankind was never in greater need to rearm itself with faith than it is now. We all know that all the philosophies and ideologies have failed to disprove the existence of God, and as the truth of His existence is self-evident, it is quite clear that society must be reorganised in every country of the world in accordance with the will of God and the precepts of His Prophets.”

    French writer, L. Rinn, author of (1884) “Marabouts et Khouan”, describes them quite literally as “living saints”…MARABOUTS heal sick children and animals,

    Mu heals child
    praise ALLAH, write talismans and teach the beliefs and laws of Islam—“Such a man (EVANS-PRITCHARD) was also a MUHAKKAM, one who arbitrates in disputes and says the FATIHA ant settlements and undertakings to make them binding…a man of religion and not of the rains. They teach their people to respect learning and religion they are the holy-men who keep those twin lights burning….Bedoin do not forget them; nor do they forget to say a prayer for them, when they pass their tombs.—Throughout North Africa and the Sirte Desert, there are hundreds of such Shrrine-Tombs, where they mark the places where zawiyas are established, where Bedoin bury their dead and where they meet with other tribes, feasting and discussing Tribal business.

    Muammar al-Qathafi comes from this tradition, born to desert Marabtin, educated in a ZAWIYA…and thus, in Libyan’s eyes, Muammar has special status. He led their Revolution, established their system of Society and gave them their FREEDOM, Without question, Muammar holds the role of MARABOUT, for the rest of his natural days, with his title, Leader of the Revolution (and Supreme Leader of the People’s Armies.

    1986 bombing

    Bomb of Azaziyia 1

    The lies of USA even in 1986:
    A French-American Journal
    Read Political Editorials Written From A French-American Perspective.
    “We’re not able to draw any conclusions,” White House spokesman Larry Speakes said when pressed on whether Kadafi is alive or dead and where he may be since the bombing of his two-story stone villa and other targets.

    “Of course it is somewhat conspicuous that he has not followed his usual pattern” of appearing in public not long after momentous events, Speakes said.

    Questions were also raised by reports of street fighting in Tripoli near Kadafi’s headquarters. Speakes said he had no information about whether a coup was attempted, and Libyan officials insisted that the firings were aimed at a U.S. reconnaissance plane.

    Coup, Flight Rumored

    Exile groups abroad and a Washington newspaper quoted Western intelligence and Libyan army sources as saying Kadafi had fled to North Yemen amid reports of a fresh coup attempt, but Libyan officials denied this. And a senior Israeli army commander said, “We know that Kadafi is alive and is also functioning.”

    About 2 p.m. today, Libyan navy gunboats in Tripoli harbor opened fire for 10 minutes, gun muzzles flashing, and anti-aircraft and automatic-weapons fire was heard in the distance as a plane flew high overhead.

    Libyan radio said gun crews were firing at a U.S. SR-71 “Blackbird” reconnaissance plane. Pentagon sources said U.S. satellites and reconnaissance planes have been trying to survey Libyan targets.

    About the same time, the Libyan government took a busload of journalists to Kadafi’s headquarters, the Aziziyah Barracks, a sprawling, walled complex of barracks and administration buildings several miles from central Tripoli.

    “You will see him today,” Information Director Ibrahim Seger said early in the day. “He’s fine.”

    Shooting Near Bus

    But Kadafi was not at the compound. Seger declined to explain why, but an aide later told reporters, “Kadafi is present.” Asked for details, he added, “In Libya.” He said he had met with the colonel today.

    As the journalists’ bus first approached the headquarters, Libyan soldiers rushed out from the front gate, fanned out and began firing assault rifles. The bus wheeled around and headed back to the journalists’ hotel, and the Libyan driver maneuvered frantically to get away from the gunfire.

    Half an hour later, the journalists were again taken to the headquarters and were shown around the compound.

    Bombs and shells had severely damaged the two-story Kadafi family residence, blasted a tennis court, knocked down power lines and left a mass of shrapnel and debris in the compound.

    Bab Azaziyia bombing

    Mu 1986 Americans bombed Bab Azaziyia

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  55. Demise of Democracy in Libya Hailed as a `Success`
    Posted: 2012/12/12 vote?


    Local elections held in recent months in Libya were hailed as a “success” even though only tiny minorities of the “eligible” voters participated.

    Claims that local “councils” which seek to replace the suspended People’s Committees and to operate without any mandate from the People’s Conferences, have “come to power through legitimate elections”, do not face up to reality given the undeniable statistics.

    Even the city held up as a “shining success in the local elections” — Sabratha — by the rat deputy minister for “Local Government” had only a tiny turnout for the “elections”.

    While statistics are massaged to show that “60% of registered voters took part in the elections”, in actual fact, it is admitted that only 35% of potential eligible voters registered — not counting the large numbers of people who participated in the currently suspended Libyan Jamahiriya system of direct democracy.

    Thus, even not counting the large number of banned people, and then many still unlawfully jailed and the quarter of the population forced into exile, even in the city held up as a success story for local elections, only 21% (twenty one percent, or one in five) of the “eligible” voters actually voted.

    Anyone advocating for the ideas of The Green Book on Democracy is either shot or thrown into jail and tortured. It’s advocates are thus not allowed to voice their opinions nor participate, nor are the more than 6,000 people’s conferences across Libya allowed to convene, thus forcing a suspension of the Jamahiriya while the resistance fights for Libya’s liberation from this oppression.

    The Green Book (link below) which the Libyan Revolutionary Leader Muammar Qaddafi published on Democracy, and which explains the workings of direct participatory democracy and the failings of “representative voting” or “western party-style” democracy is now banned in Libya, and no one is allowed to read it, possess it, publish it or advocate for its ideas. Judge for yourself, you can read it online:

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