Mu austere

HERE IS THE AUDIO/Video from last night’s TV appearance of Muammar al-Qathafi.

Discours de Mouammar Al-Kadhafi publié le 17 Janvier 2014
Libye URGENT : Discours de Mouammar Al-Kadhafi publié hier, le 17 Janvier 2014.

 News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
In the name of God the Merciful
(and other Thbunha victory of God and the opening of a nearby human beings and believers)
Almighty God !
Champions will control the night of popular resistance in all parts of Libya ..

More than 250 000 fighter equipped with all kinds of heavy weapons and medium-tracking forces of the Provisional

People’s noble tribes begin marching toward the holy cities of Libya to be cleared of traitors and agents.

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
Commandment in the Liberal fronts:
Just call us and you Sagdon the hands of God ..

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
Popular uprising is not in favor of X or Y or Aoukbalh party or movement or group of individuals
Uprising to cleanse our country and heal the wounds of 3 years and every day we lose one matter of any party, but that matters is that Libby
Let it be a massive uprising to expel the customer and the traitors who came from the far country to usurp our freedom and our security and our livelihood.

Proud Green Army

  • اكثر من 250 الف مقاتل مجهزين بجميع انواع الاسلحة الثقيلة والمتوسطة تتبع القوات الشعبية المؤقتـة للقبائل الشريفة تبدأ في زحفها المقدس تجاه المدن الليبية لتطهيرها من الخونة والعملاء

Jardan resistance until the end (FB GROUP PAGE):

Allah Akbar over Kid aggressor and Manasr but the patience of an hour the name of God and the stents on the souls of the martyrs and salute to our children brave throughout Jamahiriya beloved who Abu injustice, aggression and persevered in order to raise the banners of pride and dignity Raیhکl Libyans without Astina came demanding freely the people who fed the two in the 4 past years of displacement and the killing and imprisonment of identity, rape and Anthaک sanctity and torture ugliest kinds

Valabd of upholding the word right for God but God and Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet (who is entitled the right even Pilrim ready)…

We are ready for me defeat each of criminal gangs and the defense of our homes and our streets and our cities will not allow only a victory or martyrdom, and as long as light beacon and lives leader Father Colonel Muammar Gaddafi Bomenyar? greetings of “32 enhanced brigades” and his companions? Brother Resistance commander Saadi said families of God resposible for capturing Dr Saif al-Islam.

الله اکبر فوق کید المعتدی وماالنصر الا صبر ساعه بسم الله والفاتحه علی ارواح الشهداء والتحیه لأبناءنا الاشاوس فی ربوع جماهیریتنا الحبیبه الذین أبو الظلم والعدوان وثابروا من اجل رفع رایات العزه والکرامه رایةکل اللیبیین دون استناء جاءوا یطالبون بحریة الشعب الذی ضاق الامرین فی ال4 السنوات الماضیه من تهجیر وقتل وسجن علی الهویه واغتصاب وانتهاک حرمات وتعذیب بابشع انواعه فالابد من أعلاء کلمة الحق لاأله الا الله محمد رسول الله ویحق الحق ولو کرها الکافرین نحن علی استعداد لی دحر کل العصابات الاجرامیه والدفاع عن بیوتنا وشوارعنا ومدننا ولن نسمح الا بالنصر او الشهاده ودام الفاتح مناره وعاش القائد العقید الاب معمر بومنیار القذافی ؟تحیاتنا للواء 32 المعزز ورفاقه ؟الاخ قائد المقاومه الساعدی وفک الله اسر الدکتور سیف الاسلام

RISHVANA‘s newspaper, “The Globe Today”:

The Green Channel addresses  your conscience; and send via broadcasts,  messages to all the people of Libya, to be sticking ready for the battle of liberation. The battle is the battle of the people, and the issue today is now affecting every Libyan citizen; so, what we hope all honorable to rise up and resist: all free from his place raise flags of Green resistance. Resistance Commander comment Photos, graffiti resistance, Zgarat Hraúrna resistance, resistance to the allegations, a kind word resistance, so be ye glorious and victorious.

That the people who resisted throughout the eight months the mightiest forces of the world no matter how intense circumstances, injustice must be recoils. I must say his word and settle the matter, the sons of Libya honorable: Do not fail yourselves and Otunkm advocated. Do not fail the blood of the martyrs rebelled. Today, despite all the government’s attempts to importers carried out by means of media to collect Germanhm but they all do not Tkhazloa Natwa today to help them, and the balance in their favor Cuff nor moral support offering sow Qatar and Hebrew Gulf ..

Vzeidan sent specifically to statelet Misrata so-called Secretary of Defense for Ergoa armor Misrata to join the militias rats in the south, but Misrata refused and said, and I quote will not fight outside our land not forget expel you us from Tripoli.

The camel market Friday also refused to go to the South and their argument was the killing of our sons 22 in the battle of the beach and we were marginalized. They have no religion is not an issue in such things Maeshrat and connotations that stage our stage and opportunities are favorable and that the intentions are honest Fsnhrr Libya until the stones, and we the owners of certainty.

But Zaidane and other say through their channels, that they cut off the road from their illusion; that they are coming, and send a message that honest people are staying day and are not spayed and Libya from the men. And the men, when the moment of victory would be, even Hraúrna them the lion’s share in fighting ..

Finally, we do not promise armies tractor, but we are confident of victory as it became every citizen is part of the defense system on Libya.

And do not forget the words of our Leader (Mu’ammar al-Qathafi) said to you: “in the long term or near defeat them; and we will win and keep up the resistance, so that, even if ye do not hear my voice.”

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
(E customers in Misurata and NATO leadership) or FAST PUBLISH:
Media Committee of the battalion men the current situation
Injections of the blood of Libyans
1 – Ndauoa both hands are stained with the blood of innocent people and the armed militias in the city to surrender to Libyan tribal elders dishonest and will keep all of surrenders even applied to him
Legitimacy Libyan law, which does not do one Adham
And inform you that you are surrounded by thousands, the author of the armed forces and honorable people and the sons of Libyan resistance
It raises arms against units of the armed forces of the people at large or any citizen will be dealt with quite a bit and Guo
Recognizes him
(Media Committee of the battalion men the current situation)
هــ(لعملاء الناتو في مصراته وقيادتهم )ــــــــــــــــــــام للنشر العاجل
اللجنه الاعلاميه لكتيبة رجال الظرف الحالي
حقنا لدماء الليبين
1- ندعووا كل من تلطخت ايديهم بدماء الابرياء والمليشيات المسلحه الموجوده في المدينه بتسليم انفسهم الى شيوخ القبائل الليبيه الشريفه وسيتم الاحتفاظ بكل من يسلم نفسه حتى يطبق عليه
قانون الشرعيه الليبيه الذي لا يضام به احد
ونعلمكم بانكم محاطون بالالاف مؤلفه من قوات الشعب المسلح ومن الشرفاء وابناء المقاومه الليبيه
ومن يرفع السلاح بوجه وحدات قوات الشعب المسلح او بوجه اي مواطن سيتم التعامل معه بأس وقوه
سلم تسلم
اللجنه الاعلاميه لكتيبة رجال الظرف الحالي

المعـــــــــــــــــموره اليــــــــــــــــــــوم

إن قناة الخضراء تخاطب فيكم الضمير، وترسل عبر ما تبثه رسائل إلى كل الشعب الليبية ليكون هلى أهبة الأستعداد لمعركة التحرير ، فالمعركة معركة شعب والقضية اليوم باتت تمس كل مواطن ليبي ، لذا ما نرجوه من كل الشرفاء أن ينتفضوا وأن يقاوم كل حر من مكانه فرفع الرايات الخضراء مقاومة ، تعليق صور القائد مقاومة ، الكتابة على الجدران مقاومة ، زغاريت حرائرنا مقاومة، دعائكم مقاومة ، الكلمة الطيبة مقاومة ، فكونوا أنتم الأمجاد والأنتصارات .
أن الشعب الذي قاوم طيلة 8 أشهر أعتى قوى العالم مهما أشتدت الظروف والظلم لابد ان ينتفض ولابد أن يقول كلمته ويحسم الأمر، ابناء ليبيا الشرفاء لا تخذلوا انفسكم ووطنكم الذي ينادي لا تخذلوا دم الشهداء انتفضوا، فاليوم رغم كل محاولات حكومة المستوردين التي تقوم بها عبر وسائل الإعلام لجمع جرذانهم إلا أنهم جميعاً تخاذلوا فلا ناتوا اليوم لينصرهم ويوازن الكفة لصالحهم ولا دعم معنوي تقدمة خنزيرة قطر وعبرية الخليج ..
فزيدان ارسل خصيصاً لدويلة مصراتة ما يسمى وزير الدفاع ليرجوا دروع مصراتة للأنضمام لمليشيات الجرذان في الجنوب ولكن مصراتة رفضت وقالوا بالحرف الواحد لن نقاتل خارج ارضنا ولم ننسى طردكم لنا من طرابلس أما بعير سوق الجمعة رفضوا أيضا الذهاب للجنوب وحجتهم كانت قتل من ابنائنا 22 في معركة الشاطئ وتعرضنا للتهميش، هؤلاء لا دين لهم ولا قضية وفي مثل هذه الأمور مؤاشرات ودلالات أن المرحلة مرحلتنا والفرص مواتية وأن كانت النوايا صادقة فسنحرر ليبيا حتى بالحجارة ونحن اصحاب اليقين، ولزيدان وغيره من يقولون عبر قنواتهم أنهم سيقطعون الطريق على من هم يتوهمون انهم قادمون نرسل لها رسالة أن الشرفاء باقون اليوم وموجودون وليبيا لم تعقم من الرجال ورجالها فيها وحين تحين لحظة النصر حتى حرائرنا سيكون لهن نصيب الأسد في القتال ..
أخيراً نحن لا نعدكم بجيوش جرارة ولكننا واثقين من النصر إذ ما أصبح كل مواطن جزء من منظومة الدفاع على ليبيا ، ولا تنسوا كلمات قائدنا من قال لكم على المدى البعيد أو القريب سننتصر ونهزمهم واستمروا في المقاومة حتى ان لم تسمعوا صوتي .

News Resistance People’s Libyan Free:

News coming in from the liberated areas A,  and comrades Afaraho Amrho Astt and to fight for the defense of Libya ..

To defend the Great Jamahiriya where all are free ..

Ra Mohamed:

“God is with us and God willing, will help us with the Kharjites and the Clients (of NATO/UNO).”

Speech of Dr. Hamza Thami about the green channel in the south
de Ali Salem DLF Cutthroat

Speech of Dr. Hamza Thami in the green channel 19 on any fire in 2014

Dr. Hamza  says that the liberation war has begun.

Dr. Hamza calls on citizens to secure the necessary supplies , medicines and food supplies .

Commands were issued to Tarhounah,  Rishvana, Beautiful  City and moving .

Was ordered to control the gate of the head of Igdir .

Resistance to Jardan plane dropped today in the south of Libya.

We are able to shoot down planes .

Resistance will come and will advance to the North inevitably .

People’s Committees” armed forces and the country will organize and secure;

and there are no areas we have militias .

 Jardan leaders began to escape and come to plunder the Libyan people ” and Maandhm Shi defend him.”

Inventory cart holding a meeting with a group of them inventory
Hashim Humans preached in Mitigua and agreed to secure the exits, in case of entry

and Rishvana and Tarhounah base.

Continue to struggle , and the struggle will not stop .

The cooperation of citizens is necessary to prepare for the face , prepared to protect your people and your homes .

Formed “Popular Committees” in the streets.

All areas of the south was liberated , areas south of the Libyan completely green .

Invite the east to fight heretics and liberate themselves .

All Libyans are ready to Andham the green banner with the exception of Misurata .

Antagonize Ieddin of whoever is .. And make peace with the Isalemna .

Emphasizes the respect for the elderly, women and vulnerable.

A tribute to the cities and the department in Ajeelat  and Rishvana’s Zahra region .

We will not allow the killing of our people in Benghazi and terrorize women in them.

Abu Salim calls and the Muslim Quarter and the plateau and the palace to raise green

flags and stop the Tripoli airport for work .

الدكتور حمزة : حـرب الـتحريـر قـد بدأت.- الـدكتور حـمزة يـدعو الـمواطنين لتأمين الـمستلزمات الـضرورية والأدوية والمستلزمات الـغذائية.

– الدكتور حمزة: الأوامر صادرة لترهونة وورشفانة والجميل بالتحرك.

– الدكتور حمزة : صدر الأمر بالسيطرة على بوابة راس اجدير.

– الدكتور حمزة: المقاومة أسقطت طائرة للجردان اليوم في الجنوب الليبي.

– الدكتور حمزة : قادرين على إسقاط الطائرات.

– الدكتور حمزة : المقاومة ستدخل وستتقدم إلى الشمال لا محالة.

– الدكتور حمزة: اللجان الشعبية المسلحة والقوات المسلحة سـتنظم البلاد وتأمين المناطق ولا توجد عندنا مليشيات.

– الدكتور حمزة : قيادات الجردان بدأت في الـهرب و جاؤوا لنهب الشعب الليبي “وماعندهم شي يدافعوا عنه”

– الدكتور حمزة: الجرد كارة عقد إجتماع هو ومجموعة منهم الجرد هاشم بشر في معيتيقة واتفقوا على تأمين مخارج في حالة دخول ورشفانة وترهونة للقاعدة.

– الدكتور حمزة: مستمرون في النضال ، والنضال لن يتوقف.

– الدكتور حمزة: تعاون المواطنين ضروري للإستعداد للمواجهة ، استعدوا لحماية شعبكم وبيوتكم.

– الدكتور حمزة: شكلوا لجان شعبية في الشوارع.

– الدكتور حمزة:كـل مناطق الجنوب تحررت ، مناطق الجنوب الليبي بالكامل خضراء.

– الدكتور حمزة: يوجه دعوة للشرق لمحاربة الزنادقة وتحرير أنفسهم.

– الدكتور حمزة: كافة الليبيين مستعدون للإنضام للراية الخضراء بإستثناء مصراته.

– الدكتور حمزة: نـعادي مـن يـعادينا كائنا مـن يكون .. ونسالم من يسالمنا.

– الدكتور حمزة: يؤكد على إحترام كبار السن والنساء والضعفاء.

– الدكتور حمزة: تحية لمدينتي الزهراء والعجيلات.

– الدكتور حمزة : لـن نسمح بقتل أهلنا في بنغازي وترويع النساء فيها.

– الدكتور حمزة: يدعو أبوسليم والحي الإسلامي والهضبة والقصر لرفع الرايات الخضراء وإيقاف مطار طرابلس عن العمل.

السيل الأخضر

Dear brothers it glorious hours in Rishvana was raised flags in each of NRishvana Azizia to Ameria and Alrvafah and pressures Abussaq and Zahra, asiriyah, globe and Alhachan and mil. Nebo guys get out of the capital for a decisive night.
And income guys and tourist Gargaresh Akharjo guys Andalus district and Got Alshall
Take away the bunting guys Muslim Quarter and Aldrebe Where are you, youth sports and income, my audience
and the National Union get out guys Medina Akhargeoffa all the streets of Tripoli,
we are in Rishvana live hours of glorious already.
Hours glorious banners and pictures of the leader and the songs and chants So be like us and get out and do not be afraid.

Tribe Rishvana portrait of Muammar al-Qathafi in a Major Libyan City.

یہڈآعہولہگ سہآعہہ هہولہگ writes:

Hahm Jayben flags Khadr Army conquerors ***

doors of victory and joy about them two steps feast day of victory ***

Amaah Men Halvin right crowds crowds Kinh Hurricane ***

Name of God, asking for His help newcomer to the homeland Zaidhm insistence ***

live falcon chanting his name shake their voices heard manifest Amai ***

say Amen, O hear the joy of victory Thoudrhen Amai ***

the help of God and walk the righteous being Jay-Jay.
هـــاهـــم جــايـــبــين أعلاماً خضر جيش الفاتحين *** أبواب النصر عنهن خطوتين وفرحة عيد يوم الانتصار *** امعاه رجال حالفين اليمين حشود حشود كينها إعصار *** بسم الله عونه طالبين افدا للوطن زايدهم إصرار *** يعيش الصقر باسمه هاتفين يزلزل صوتهم تسمع اجهار *** قول إمعاي يا سامع آمين أفراح النصر تحضرهن امعاي *** بعون الله وسر الصالحين كونه جـــــــــاي جــــــــاي

Brigade 32 booster for the defense of Libya (FB GROUP):
Saddam Hussein’s Lebanese lawyer, Bushra al-Khalil, asked Saddam Hussein during his imprisonment (for Arab rulers did not show interest in them) about Muammar al-Qathafi. He told her, that the man (MUAMMAR al-QATHAFI) will go down in history in golden letters.

Falcon Garah ÔăćÎ Sirte (FB GROUP):
Ali thousand Mbroowoowoowowok all free to edit several areas
Allah is the greatest over KDE aggressor.

De ‎الصقر الجارح شموخ سرت‎
الف مبرووووووووووووك علي كل الاحرار لتحرير عدة مناطقالله أكبر فوق كيدي المعتدي

News resistance People’s Libyan Free Beware Iaahrar home / / / /:

We fought a war and we’ve become Adre its policy …

The self-styled psychological warfare, we have not undermine our morale …
We are confident of victory from God …

(From today and Hate Babdn channels prostitution:

Alfberaara fabricating Alakadeb arrest all leaders of Lybia Valdakhl

and abroad and knead to raise the morale of Gerdanhm and Ahbatkm …

Fajlo Manotm over and victory, but from God …

and Aicololkm dwelling Saadi or Khamis or any of Trisna Champions Fmatadloa them. ..

and to all young people in all the cities not to rush into any decision without the issuance

of instructions from the leadership of the Resistance Valdakhl we are all in accordance with instructions issued.

Anfdoa only irregular work because the system does not benefit the basis of successful work with our compliments …

and God saves all the honorable sons of the homeland).

انتبهوا يااحرار الوطن ////

نحن خضنا الحرب واصبحنا ادرى بسياستها … وماتسمى بالحرب النفسيه نحن لها ولن تنال من معنوياتنا … لاننا واثقون بالنصر من عند الله …

( من اليوم وبكره بيبدن قنوات العهر الفبرايري بتلفيق الاكاديب عن القبض عن قيادات ليبيه فالداخل والخارج ودلك لرفع معنويات جردانهم واحباطكم … فخلو معنوياتكم فوق وما النصر الا من عند الله … وايقولولكم مسكن الساعدي او خميس او اي من تريسنا الابطال فماتعدلوا عليهم … وعلى جميع الشباب في كل المدن عدم التسرع في اي قرار بدون صدور تعليمات من قيادة المقاومة فالداخل فكلنا وفق تعليمات تصدر انفدوا فقط العمل غير المنظم لا يفيد لان النظام اساس العمل الناجح … مع تحياتنا وربنا يحفظ كل ابناء الوطن الشرفاء )

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:Ndaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Everyone should “move” (and not to leave Libya for Jardan and Aenzl Alabo) on the other hand, without / / / /:
Young people in all regions and cities in all throughout the Great Matahedoa Matkhaloa country and free them,
especially the night Alqo green flags and dispersed Jardan Just write on the walls and handed out leaflets and
Spread of terror in their hearts … God is with us Padnh victors …

Aseert Seef Aleslam writes us:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagel,,,,,, now,,,,,,,,,,
Ali Channel Capital professes brother Abdulaati Mohammed drone base Tmanhend Airborne asserts control group of armed trace of the former regime on al-Qaeda and say we are all workers and families we came out and handed Alqagdh them and live God says Ghalib We handed and Talaana did not beat or cursing and they treated us in a peaceful and respectable.
هااااااااااااااااااااااااااااام mainstream and our response to the following ::: all the displaced and oppressed, especially in the neighboring countries of Libya and in Europe and Africa.
In solidarity with the Liberals and honorable in the home and who Istron now epics in honor and patriotism to recover the land desecrated and the rule violated the dignity raped and capabilities looted,

all of you that Thabon gift of one man to pretend and bracketed embassies of Libya in the capitals of countries Who’s where and raise green flags on the buildings in preparation for the advance of them and recovered to bosom of the Great Jamahiriya. That does not rest on the comments and follow-up bouquet Elvis News.

عااااااااااااااجل ,,,,,,الان ,,,,,,,,,,
علي قناة العاصمه يصرح الاخ عبدالعاطي محمد طيار من قاعده تمنهند الجويه يؤكد سيطرة مجموعه مسلحه تتبع النظام السابق علي القاعده ويقول نحن وكل العاملين والعائلات خرجنا وسلمنا القاغده لهم وعلي الهواء مباشرة يقول الله غالب نحن سلمنا وطلعنا ولم يضربون او يشتمون وكانوا معاملتهم لنا بطريقه سلميه ومحترمه
تعميم هااااااااااااااااااااااااااااام وردنا مايلي :::إلى كل المهجرين والمظلومين وخصوصا في دول الجوار الليبي وفي اوربا وافريقيا .
تضامنا مع الاحرار والشرفاء في الداخل والذين يسطرون الان ملاحم في الشرف و الوطنية لاسترداد ارض دنست وسيادة انتهكت وكرامة اغتصبت ومقدرات نهبت ، عليكم جميعا ان تهبون هبة رجل واحد لتتظاهر وحاصرة السفارات الليبية في عواصم البلدان المتواجدون فيها ورفع الرايات الخضراء على مبانيها استعدادا للزحف عليها واستردادها الى حضن الجماهيرية العظمي . ولا ان نكتفي بالتعليقات الفيس بوكية ومتابعة الاخبار ،

Resolve the matter:
Commend the war of resistance * resolve the matter *
Artist resistance. Victory by 47
Anthem War of Resistance Libyan noble resolve the matter **
** sing heroic Mujahid * artist *
Read the resistance to the armed people and to the 32 Brigade and to all factions of the Libyan resistance ….
To Alamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
MUSICIAN writes:News resistance People’s Libyan Free
{Rang hour work}
The time that waited all free in Libya knock now and hear it all across Libya, who wants to join the ranks of the Liberal now he has to start moving immediately. Time, waits for no one, and when it does not go back.

Hour right in Libya Akarabha moving quickly, and it moves Liberals everywhere, one hour as capable tragedy years where the comfort of the living and the martyrs and the home is a wonderful picture must show where all the free no later than one tournament epics.

Libya Calls you and the blood of the martyrs ask you to have the right to retribution need men who used to fight with him all his wars, this is jihad and this is the testimony: In the season all the right terminology to be honest and real.

You will not find little resistance in front of you, you are possessed the doctrine of liberation and they have to escape the doctrine, everything will fight with you and the sky and the land to the sea, you will not lose the war, aimed at raising the principles of Islam and the elimination of a state of disbelief and customers.

God is with you and those who stand with him God will not be defeated, whatever the strength of the falsehood that face, drove in all the cities and rural areas and villages Valsaah rang. They do not wait for one I do not think there will be delayed, which hears and sees the right to seek once again to return to his country, you will not die in their prisons under torture. We have a field which is supervised place for a certificate, not slept the eyes of cowards.

And began the recital lead
{musician }

{ دقـت ساعة العمل }الساعة التي انتظرها كل الاحرار في ليبيا تدق الان وتسمع في كل ربوع ليبيا ، من يريد ان يلتحق الان بصفوف الاحرار عليه ان يبدأ بالتحرك فوراً ، فالزمن لا ينتظر احد وعندما يذهب لا يعود .

ساعة الحق في ليبيا تتحرك عقاربها بسرعة ومعها يتحرك الاحرار في كل مكان ،ساعة واحدة كفيلة بأنها مأساة سنوات فيها راحة للأحياء والشهداء والوطن هي صورة رائعة يجب ان يظهر فيها كل الأحرار فلا احد يتأخر عن ملاحم البطولة.

ليبيا تناديكم ودماء الشهداء تطلب منكم القصاص لها والحق بحاجة الي رجاله الذين اعتادوا معه خوض كل حروبه ، هذا هو الجهاد وهذه هي الشهادة ففي موسم الحق كل المصطلحات تكون صادقة وحقيقية .

لن تجدوا امامكم مقاومة تذكر فأنتم تملكون عقيدة التحرير وهم يملكون عقيدة الهروب ، كل شي سوف يقاتل معكم الارض والسماء وحتى البحر ، لن تخسروا حرباً هدفها رفع مبادئ الاسلام والقضاء على دولة الكفر والعملاء .

الله معكم ومن يقف معه الله لن ينهزم مهما كانت قوة الباطل التي تواجهه ، انطلقوا في كل المدن والأرياف والقرى فالساعة دقت وهي لا تنتظر احد ولا اعتقد ان هناك من سوف يتأخر وهو يسمع ويشاهد الحق يسعى مجددا للعودة الي بلاده ، لن نموت في سجونهم وتحت تعذيبهم امامنا الميدان وهو اشرف مكان للشهادة ، فلا نامت اعين الجبناء .
– وبدات معزوفة الرصاص

{ الموسيقار }

Urgent: Conference pagan General declares a state of general alarm in Libya.

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
Gate head is worth in a state of fear and Da’r and exit and escape traitors comeuppance and will be proven channel images of the scene.
Urgent جداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا
Free the Libyan resistance green banner splendor and dignity in the following cities:
The city of Tobruk
City Dome
City Tamimi
City Afattaúh
Prairie City
Sellouk lied to them anytime days of the revolution and the image of Bin Jawad
Ras Lanuf



Our morale … hugging the sky … The glory of this day …. and the biggest proof of our victory, God willing ….

confusion is their channels … and lied …. and raise their shields cases of alert in Tripoli that will explode …..

God and Muammar and Libya ups – God and Muammar and Libya ups – God and Muammar and Libya ups –

God and Muammar and Libya ups – God and Muammar and Libya ups – God and Muammar and Libya ups –

God and Muammar and Libya ups – God and Muammar and Libya ups – God and Muammar and Libya ups –

God and Muammar and Libya Lopes – God and Muammar and Libya ups ….. God is greatest above the aggressor Kid


Alhsahadhh attribute divine with Q 
Shia blond (d Aalhaahparaaa of 
Sepp Lierse 
0 to h Aanalimiitnhenr bottom never 

Yeh Na Tripoli youth resistance 

to all of the e, is the uncle of apolipoprotein 

Salthslm Kmentelna Khaw «Sude Nfullkaakaddsdrt Alema and they instructed 

their mouths h 
But you e Aha A are 0 Aa, Rev H 0 Au .. they e 
gifted for Nntn father Mar Amos did Here will not Guenhaon Collapse get to it - Lilia 
its false A Athber adherence In order Henkh MOST and da. of 1 and n 
critique is Nfflerrna Alkhaddh here and we are involved in such Henkh firing order them e 
you one and we know the traitor you wa to Msnamr in the darkness to end the tide Tuta Iim 
and we were victorious because we Folding right and the most important Folding Aatal 0 Lee 
says. appearance we are of you and with {Aanmkaa and Ohana Vqdqa and all your « 
is easy returns easy for hair Hdler and we have taken the decision for the death 
of the Prince of Glory and immortality to Hhadatma Alohrlr 
and crushing the courtyard of the traitors and agents

Tech burn everything reports:
Silks Tripoli yesterday, celebrating victories in the heart of the capital ..

حرائر طرابلس يوم امس تحتفل في قلب العاصمة بالانتصارات ..News resistance People’s Libyan Free:

Listen to the radio in some patrol the capital Icolo. Please tendency to Security Directorate Tripoli

and some periodicals same information.
News resistance People’s Libyan FreeSalute to the free zone Palace # Abohadi Ali steadfastness and Tbaathm “” was raised on some cars _
green flags and revolutionary songs open.تك يحرق كل شي

Small and my style princess informs us:
A large gathering of NATO Jardan in Airport equipped

with various types of weapons RBI makes guile in Nhoarham.

Abdalmwola Aldeib:
God is the greatest above Kid aggressor was raised Raya Alkhzera on the roofs of buildings in the west

of the Libyan Government and prepping for the full alert to face forward and

Revolutionary Struggle continuously ___

(beautiful son)
Abdul Badi Sassi:
God is greatest, above all traitors ..

and victory for those who did not betray his religion and the flag Alkhzera above all cowardly traitor.
News resistance People’s Libyan Free

Raise green flags in the Bab Ben Ghashir inspired Damascus now:

Militias went to Tripoli and hope Rishvana steep and discernible precaution and steep ..

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
flags fluttering over the city of baton..

ÚÇÇÇÇĚá :::: news out some Jardan hater  Friday Market to threaten the

center of Tripoli and honorable Maholhaaa.

A huge explosion in the Libyan capital Tripoli. Channel fields now.

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
Mataraf headed Staff equipped with a mechanism near the 150 Bridge Equestrian in the way

of the spread of the airport in the southern entrances # Tripoli # Libya.

Now a mob of journalists and radio stations near Bridge Equestrian and hear the sounds of shooting

and equestrian under the bridge out of several cars equipped camp Zintan along the road to the airport Alugea

unknown until now.


News resistance People’s Libyan Free:

People armed forces and Libyan tribes now locked in battles of honor for the Liberation of Libyan cities,

city after the other ..

All employees of the armed forces and security agencies take their weapons and security, and God is greatest above the aggressor Kid.

The mechanics of shields surrounded the city of Tripoli, the fear of an uprising of its people
Tripoli under siege by tanks and heavy weapons by the GNC  ZAIDANE “Government” to intimidate the population:


News uncertain
Liberal in the city of five who attacked the naval base and take everything out of the weapon.








ZINTAN IS NOW UNDER SIEGE BY RATS!!! (They perceived Zintan’s Elders and tribal-majority have ‘Power under Loyalists’ as they term it!)

Publishing and urgent circular Saturday 01/18/2014 …
Ivory (costly appeal: – tribes surrounding Balzntan) for
Media Committee of the battalion men the current situation
Libyan  dishonest surrounding the city of Zintan was discernible decision.

ÇáăÚáćăĺ arrived from the leadership of the Libyan resistance Fastta to crawl the Zintan

and will be cleared and the signal from the Zintan men loyal to the country and the legitimacy of the Libyan.
Fastta to receive the signal in the coming hours
God is great, God Laker to Jihad on Jihad
Media Committee of the battalion men the current situation
Badr al-Qathafi … call expensive. Repeated O repeater.

Ivory (directing and shall Atid aa .. k t h …. m b) for
In the name of God and the name of the great conqueror:
Resistance groups to spread throughout the central and western to all factions ubiquitous on the entire territory of the Libyan Taher
1_ on all factions to deal directly with any Jardan convoy moves from any area if it actually move.
2_ all Libyan tribes honest of al-Zentan and the surrounding areas beyond Misratah, and Jerdanih in the capital Tripoli

are ready and willing to completely purge these topic areas at any moment, at the exit of a convoy ..

(even Hashem Humans vows to watch the exit gates).
Dear customers to the sea from the sea in front of you ….. from before you.
AA k t h …. m. B



And are free to Rishvana discernible caution and steep gathered there to lightning strikes (“THUNDERBOLT”)
and civil militias and Central shield to attack…(“and” Rishvana)
Aisha Kadhafi tells us:
Newsflash from the source Motoq cart and his willingness to attack just Ali and I hope Publishing Rishvana
quickly O are free.
Please discernible caution and steep.
To celebrate the Great Jamahiriya
“The globe today”:
Where you guys, DC Nboha night Be decisive, such as the Champions Rishvana Come out
and green banners and income guys Abu Salim and the plateau and Sidi Egyptian guys
get out the door bin Ghashir, Mansoura, Got Alshall and Aldrebe.


Battles are now in the department in Ajeelat:
Jardan between national security and the Liberals and the withdrawal Jardan…

and martyrdom Resistant and four wounded, and to the department in Ajeelat Khzera now.
(ÔăćÎ Bomenaar)

 la vidéo de Abdo Abad.
Department in Ajeelat 18/1



Sirte live in Scott Tam Scott before the storm {}

Please all of the people of the tribes of Sirte withstand free

Not to be drawn with any clash were the only Ada was ordered from the leadership

of the resistance, “Major General Al-Saadi”.

All of you and all of you with your area Qubaúlkm .. Forward until victory.

Noor Muammar:
Even Houcna it green flag in the center of the city of Sirte.

# Aaaaaajl
And important to all Liberals in Sirte discernible caution:
a meeting now to rats Misurata and Al Furjan
and a group of Jardan Sirte and supporters of Sharia Mahari Hotel in Sirte …



Great Marches in support of the Resistance roaming the streets.

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
A prayer for the resistance …..
O shot thrown .. And decide on their feet .. Their hands and your victory ..

And Oanhm and Atan them .. You Tansrmen Anasrk .. Understanding of the right Nasron ..

And on the right were victorious .. Oh God, make a correct strike ..



Libyan Resistance Movement (h m l).


dropping fighter plane by a missile
and thermal death of the pilot and his colleague moments before.

 This was the Plane that Asagtnaha that follow Jardan,,,,
Reported downing of a plane to the south of Misratah Jardan:

De ‎حركة المقاومة الليبية(ح م ل)‎
انباء عن اسقاط طائرة لجردان مصراته بالجنوب







News People’s Libyan resistance free a partagé la photo de “LIBYABOOK”.






News resistance People’s Libyan Free:

News resistance People’s Libyan Free

Dropping helicopter gunship belonging to the Government of the customers

began to Jufrah vector Sabha for the bombing of the popular defense forces.

Leaders will issue a statement of defense within the popular southern capital

and the first spark (Sabha) Antdharohna …..

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
Aaaaaajl ::: Allahu Akbar ::::

honorable heroes in Tmanhunt now falling plane’s 32 … and that came out of Jafra ……

forward, my honest…

From the lottery:
Badri of half an hour almost hear the fighter jet skies Jufrah.

Aaaaaaaajl and Haaaaaaam ::

said the official spokesman of the PDF that the so-called green / commander,

Major General Ahmed Attaybe sixth Infantry Brigade Sabha,

has turned himself in and announced joining the Popular Defence Forces Green ….

The spokesman also confirmed at the end of his statement,
welcomed all the great individual officer or officers or members of the armed people want to join
to participate in the honor of completing the liberation of their homeland.

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:
untrue news that there is client access to German Ali Zaidane,

a popular Sabha under the control of the PDF. Adhb not a man in order to Sabha …

Large numbers of so-called national army battalions in the same receipt

Sabha Forces Provisional People’s southern tribes.

News resistance People’s Libyan Free

Troop numbers Provisional People’s southern tribes are now in excess of a population of 750 000 fighter

equipped with all types of weapons ..

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:

PDF and after its takeover of all entrances to the city are moving to cleanse the streets and alleys in Sabha ….

and warns anyone exposed as a face crushing forward ….. Dear Champions
(The main Administrator)

Pen Commander ·

Exodus of rats Sabha with their families and especially the perpetrators of crimes against the

Libyan people and who stole the Libyan people’s money.

  • هروب جماعى للجرذان سبها مع عائلاتهم و خاصة مرتكبى الجرائم بحق الشعب الليبى و الذين سرقوا اموال الشعب الليبى

News resistance People’s Libyan Free:

Aaaaaaaaagel …
Login resisters to downtown Sabha Boaadadkberh after control of the military sites amid euphoria ..

God is greatest above the aggressor.


Mu’ammar al-Qathafi’s great Miracle of the Great Man-made River:

Mu's miracle of the Great Man-made River


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