C’est le Ramadan et la victoire est proche / It is RAMADAN and Victory is nigh

Voice of Libya


Firing live bullets in the air and the joy and celebrations downtown Sabha after news of a speech delivered by Gaddafi during a new day on channel “home” of the former regime, which will launch in a few days left:

ما ورد حرفيا في اكبر صفحا

ت المغرر بهم(مند عشر دقائق)
==========================إطلاق الرصاص الحي في الهواء واحتفالات وزغاريد وسط مدينة سبها بعد ورود أنباء عن خطاب جديد سيلقيه القذافي خلال ايام علي قناة ” وطنا ” التابعة للنظام السابق والتي ستطلق بثها خلال أيام

ما ورد حرفيا في اكبر صفحات المغرر بهم(مند عشر دقائق)
==========================إطلاق الرصاص الحي في الهواء واحتفالات وزغاريد وسط مدينة سبها بعد ورود أنباء عن خطاب جديد سيلقيه القذافي خلال ايام علي قناة ” وطنا ” التابعة للنظام السابق والتي ستطلق بثها خلال أيام

‏Photo : ما ورد حرفيا في اكبر صفحات المغرر بهم(مند عشر دقائق)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
==========================</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>إطلاق الرصاص الحي في الهواء واحتفالات وزغاريد وسط مدينة سبها بعد ورود أنباء عن خطاب جديد سيلقيه القذافي خلال ايام علي قناة " وطنا " التابعة للنظام السابق والتي ستطلق بثها خلال أيام‏

An armed attack on a camp Mizdah of armor

happened on the eve of Friday, an armed attack on Camp Shields Bmzdh, by armed men from the tribe of epiphyseal …
and clashes took place between them and the armed men of the tribe Alguentarar were guarding the camp, they are followers of the brigade Qaqaa … and the result of these clashes, killing one person Alguentarar of the tribe called

“civil Alguentarara Mohammed” 
and the wounding of another is called  “the great Abdullah Abdul Bashir,”   which is now in the care of …
and killed four people from the tribe of epiphyseal did not recognize the names yet ..


Sidewalk news News Latest News  refinery fire in Mellitah gas

A fire in the refinery gas Mellitah

Source: Rusaifa newsletter, and published by: Dr. Commander
Read 297 times, since the date of its publication in 08/03/2012

A fire in the refinery gas Mellitah Bsberath

… Hear the gas station, several explosions were heard Mellitah beautiful area and Ztun after a massive fire broke out and the flames reached to the heights can be seen from the port of Ras Igdir and the state of population displacement Almqamyin near the station.


 Sidewalk news News Latest News  Ghaida vibrant forcibly for NATO

Ghaida vibrant forcibly for NATO

Source: by Abdul Aziz Zarouk … Special page stories and realistic Sirte, and published by: Dr. Commander
Read 230 times, since the date of its publication in 08/02/2012

Downright Everyone remembers the massacre of Al-Diab, which killed seven people between the women and children by the bombing of NATO aircraft to their home in Sirte, but what no one knows a lot there rescued from the rubble and debris capacity can not prolong you to you the story
wrote: –
Abdulaziz Zarouk to a page that real life stories of Sirte …

Amoj crawling green cousin I hope that you do not if you respond to us elmota bridge
I advise you not to Ddana Activity will now be crushed rats and customers and al-Khohna will burn
Jardan (RATS WAHABI) and NATO and each of the rats remained silent on his area and the injustice 

…. ::: Every Sheriff in his area to move, even if by small customers against Akhawanh …. ::::
participated this story to teach others Acharafa

((Ghida vibrant forcibly from NATO))

 Sidewalk news News Latest News  sincere Sadak Gharyiani fatwa giving Zakaat al-Fitr to the so-called Blajin Syria

 ·30 juillet  2012 SUPREME COMMANDER OF ARMED SERVICES  decision:


as posted in: “We Martyr Muammar Gaddafi”
29 juillet 2012



decision of the leadership of the resistance No. 1 of 2012 on general amnesty:

– After reviewing the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Muammar al-Qathafi) on a general amnesty to prisoners in issues of public right, as well as participants in the events of 17 February 2011: –

decision of the leadership of the Resistance:

No. 1 of 2012 on general amnesty:

– After reviewing the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Muammar al-Qathafi) on a general amnesty to prisoners in issues of public right, as well as participants in the events of 17 February 2011: –

Having examined all the reports and newsletters sent to the Leader of the Resistance from within the Great Jamahiriya: – Based on Matorteur at the last meeting of the leadership of the Resistance it has been decided:

Article first:
apply the general amnesty issued by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi on all categories covered by the amnesty up to the date 08/20/2011

Article II:
includes the pardon of armed militias that have not committed any acts of retaliation against individuals, families and supporters of legitimacy as they joined the Resistance at the beginning of hours editing the first

Article III:
throw all of its weapons of members of the militias that went deeper in the killing of members of the Libyan people and stole their money after the end of military operations will be referred to the judiciary to get a right to a fair trial after the liberation.

Article IV:
all of the embezzled money Libyan state of all participants in the chaos of  THE GROUP CALLING THEMSELVES “17 February” exempts from punishment because what the cold money stolen.

Article V:
Each of the leaders of the militias, or one of its members an extraordinary work helped in the editing process will be considered in order to pardon him and Mkavth by the leadership of the Resistance.
Supreme Commander of the Libyan Armed Resistance (MUAMMAR AL_QATHAFI)
Issued on 29 JULY 2012 AD, corresponding to the ninth of Ramadan for the year 1433 AH

Challenged Hmokh of Mona decision was made this

29 juillet, 5:28 a.m. 2012


decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Resistance [Muammar al-Qathafi] of Libya:

No. 2 of 2012 on the promotion of adherents of the armed forces and the continuity of an upgrade …. : –

After reviewing the military law of Libya and Procedures Act regulator to him:

– Having considered the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi on the promotion of police officers and armed people: – Based on Matorteur at a meeting of the leadership of the Resistance pain

Slhh decide ……

Article I: continued upgrade of the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed People [Muammar al-Qathafi] on the promotion of officers in the police and the armed people and Isttna than that of the committed acts affecting the honor of his job or duty assigned to him.

Article II: give all civilians involved in the editing process as Magherroa joining the police or the armed people rank of Second Lieutenant immediately after the editing process and enter its institutions.

Article III: eliminates the law governing the police and upgrades, which prohibits the promotion to noncommissioned officers and officers that under the law issued by the competent authority after liberation.

Article IV: .. Free Officers launched a label on all Resistance leaders who have contributed in the liberation of the Great Jamahiriya and the label is a decision of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Resistance [Muammar al-Qathafi]..

Issued on Today 29 July 2012 AD, corresponding to the Tenth of Ramadan for the year 1433 AH.


  • Did you really read this “Declaration of Amnesty“, pronounced by the Supreme Commander of Libyan Armed Resistance, Muammar al-Qathafi on 29 JULY 2012 ???
    Why was not this more publicized? THIS IS A MAJOR DECLARATION…and shows his authority as Supreme Commander of the Armed Services of the Great JAMAHIRIYA under the RESISTANCE
  • Muammar al-Qathafi gave amnesty to all the RATS involved in“THE 17 February 2012 ‘ uprising’ “ who afterwards repented and did good deeds for the Jamahiriya or the Resistance—WOW, what a Golden Heart!!!

    Actually, by this declaration, he was showing his authority over Libya as opposed to the GNC recently “elected” officials.
    His authority over Libya as granted by the armies of the Libyan Armed People’s Resistance aka: The Great Jamahiriya (which is STILL in existance, and is the only legitimate system over Libya, as it never was legally dissolved by any of the Libyan peoples).


Mufti Devils false Taliani ordering his followers to give zakat al-Fitr ignorant of the Syrians (A to terrorists and mercenaries takfiris ) and inferred a decent verses from the Koran and sayings of the Prophet dishonest ..

And ignores the hundreds of thousands of Libyans poor and displaced from their homes and displaced persons in shelters and neighboring countries by the fatwa and by the crimes of his followers and outsiders abhorrence of God upon them and to God what he deserves …

Muammar al-Qathafi is publishing a News Page under the pseudonymn: “Dr. COMMANDER” !  

Welcome to the sidewalk network media. News Rusaifa one of the sites of the sidewalk network to the media. Lost in our country that seen in the Great Jamahiriya and the occupation of a media blackout on the facts behind just Jerdan, a group of young Liberals and the Silks Bmusband this topic fierce media campaign with full force. Sidewalk


La direction de la résistance nationale à l’tribus Ajeelat
Statement No. (1)
Pas de sang pas à la tentation, oui à la libération et l’unité et la légitimité de la Jamahiriya
nom d’Allah le Miséricordieux
», disent les travaux seront bientôt Allah observe votre travail et à Son messager, et Amoumnin” grande vérité de Dieu
de voeux d’amour et de fidélité pour tous nos peuples les honnêtes gens de nos tribus et ceux qui sont restés se rapportant au Pacte et la promesse de et n’a pas Ihno Ahonowa. La malédiction sur ceux qui ont trahi et se sont rendus et Frtoa en largeur et de la nation et de toutes ces valeurs religieuses
et nationales et Orthnaha élevé par les parents et grands-parents et que nous ne croyons pas qu’un jour TeX 

Agiter le mal de sa critique de nous baigner dans
une mer de trahison continuera à les chasser et de leurs descendants à jamais les chasser et le cheikh (fataliste cosmique) à travers lequel ceux qui sont considérés. Il … La direction de la
résistance populaire nationale Bajeelat annonce en outre l’achèvement de la construction et la préparation pour le début .. Alors tiens à montrer à tout le monde suit.
Première – La force la plus ultime est le retour de l’intérêt public légitime et de la manière choisie par notre peuple
Deuxièmement – Ce n’est pas notre assassiner, piller et terroriser comme ils le faisaient les clients de l’OTAN ignorants traîtres bâtards
Troisièmement – Ce n’est pas nous mettre dehors, ni dans notre religion de la vengeance, nous, notre idéal est le Messager la paix de Dieu soient sur ​​lui quand il dit: «Vous allez au sens large»,
«Il est gracié et le plus apte récompense de Dieu”
IV – s’assurer que les droits des personnes Zlmo et les engageons à peine selon le Livre d’Allah et la Sunna de Son Messager, les coutumes et les lois.
Cinquième – détiennent la responsabilité de ce qui s’est passé dans le Ajeelat de tuer, de piller et de violer le caractère sacré de et la torture de ceux qui se sont vendus au diable et de l’offre Htkoa et la corruption se répandit dans le pays, qui sont connus et enregistré notre nom et seront poursuivis avec l’aide de Dieu
VI – avertir et mise en garde contre une seule fois seulement ces groupes et Acharazm
au-delà de la loi de Dieu et la patrie que la porte du repentir est ouverte à la fin du mois de Ramadan et une condition est de présenter des excuses et la main sur bras.
VII – est livré à des excuses et s’engager par écrit à ne pas revenir et assemblé à la honte Cheikh (Apolkasem Makhlouf) et communiquer avec lui et déterminer comment
VIII – pour toutes les personnes Ajeelat (Champions Triangle ferme), si Dieu le veut, l’amarrage à la résistance de démarrage et de l’absence de réponse afin de ne pas Nztr à l’effusion de sang qui la haine et Nmgueth
IX – Ntrahm pour les âmes de nos martyrs et de demander le pardon d’Allah pour tous les morts de notre tout
IX -. confirmer la résistance à ses joueurs et sa détermination à l’édition et débarrasser la nation de tous les restes de l’OTAN et leurs partisans trompés entre eux sont en mesure, avec l’aide de Dieu pour les poursuivre et les détruire si elles ne se repentent pas et Egnho de la paix
a averti en vaut deux
Il dit: «
la victoire de Dieu et de l’ouverture bientôt, les gens qui croient
la grande vérité de Dieu
a été libéré le 15 Septembre 1433 _ 2012 4 H Hannibal chrétienne

The leadership of the national resistance to the tribes Ajeelat
Statement No. (1)
No blood no to temptation, yes to liberation and unity and the legitimacy of the Libyan
name of Allah the Merciful
, “say work soon will Allah observe your work and His Messenger, and Amoumnin” great truth of God

Greeting of love and loyalty each honorable sons of our people and our tribes who remained to the Covenant and the promise and did not Ihno Ahonowa. The curse on those who betrayed and surrendered and Frtoa in width and the nation and all those religious values
​​and national brought up by the Orthnaha for parents and grandparents and that we did not believe that one day out the evil of his criticism of us for a swim in
a sea of treason will continue to be chased and chasing grandchildren forever and are in Sheikh (cosmic fatalist) through it is considered. It … The leadership of the
national popular resistance Bajeelat further announces the completion of construction and readiness for the start .. So would like to show to everyone follows.
First – The most ultimate strength is the return of the legitimate public and in the manner chosen by our people
Secondly – It is not our murder, pillage and terrorize as they did clients NATO ignorant bastards traitors
Thirdly – It is not we set out, nor in our religion of revenge, we, our ideal is the Messenger God’s peace be upon him when he said “You go at large,”
“It is pardoned and the fittest reward of God”
IV – ensure the rights of those Zlmo and pledge them to punishment according to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, customs and laws.
Fifth – hold the responsibility for what happened in the Ajeelat of killing, looting and violating the sanctity of and torture of those who sold themselves to the devil and Htkoa supply and spread corruption throughout the country who are known and registered our name and will be prosecuted with the help of God
VI – warn and caution against a one-time only those groups and Acharazm
beyond the law of God and the homeland that the door of repentance is open by the end of the month of Ramadan and a condition is to apologize and hand over arms.
VII – is delivered to apologize and pledge in writing not to return and assembled at Sheikh shame (Apolkasem Makhlouf) and will contact him and determine how
VIII – for all the people Ajeelat (Triangle Champions steadfast), God willing, docking at the starting resistance and lack of response so as not to Nztr to the bloodshed which hate and Nmgueth
IX – Ntrahm for the souls of our martyrs and ask Allah’s forgiveness for all our dead all
IX – confirm the resistance to its players and its determination to editing and rid the nation of all remnants of NATO and their followers deceived them are able with God’s help to pursue them and destroy them if they did not repent and Egnho of the peace.
has Forewarned is forearmed
He says ”
the victory of God and the opening soon, people who believe
the great truth of God
was released on 15 September 1433 _ H 2012 4 Hannibal Christian

لذا تود إن تبين للجميع الاتى. أولا- إن غاية المقاومة القصوى هي عودة الشرعية الجماهيرية وبالكيفية التي يختارها أهلنا ثانياً- ليس من أهدافنا القتل والنهب وإثارة الرعب مثلما فعلوا عملاء الناتو الجهلة السفلة الخونه ثالثاً- ليس من شرعنا ولا في شريعتنا الثأر والانتقام فنحن قدوتنا رسول الله صلي الله علية وسلم عندما قال ” اذهبوا فأنتم الطلقاء” “ومن عفي وأصلح فأجره على الله” رابعاً- نكفل حقوق الذين ظلمو ونتعهد لهم بالقصاص وفق كتاب الله وسنة رسوله والأعراف والقوانين . خامساً- نحمل مسئولية ماجرى في منطقة العجيلات من قتل ونهب وانتهاك حرمات وتعذيب لأولئك الذين باعوا أنفسهم للشيطان وهتكوا العرض ونشروا الفساد في إرجاء البلاد وهم معروفين ومسجلين لدينا بالاسم وسوف يتم مقاضاتهم بعون الله سادساً- ننبه ونحذر ولمرة واحده فقط تلك المجموعات والشراذم ألخارجه عن شرع الله والوطن باَن باب التوبة مفتوح بنهاية شهر رمضان المبارك ولأشرط غير الاعتذار وتسليم السلاح. سابعاً- يتم تسليم الاعتذار والتعهد كتابياً بعدم العودة وتجميعها عند شيخ العار (ابولقاسم مخلوف)وسيتم الاتصال به وتحديد الطريقة ثامناً- على جميع اهالى العجيلات (مثلث الابطال الصامد ) باذن الله الالتحام عند انطلاق المقاومه وعدم مواجهتها حتى لا نظطر لسفك الدماء وهو ما نكرهه ونمقته تاسعاً- نترحم على ارواح شهدائنا ونسأل الله المغفره لكل قتلانا جميعاً تاسعاً- تؤكد المقاومة علي قدرتها الفاعله وتصميمها علي التحرير وتخليص الوطن من كل شراذم الناتو واتباعهم المغرر بهم وهي قادره بعون الله على ملاحقتهم وتدميرهم إن لم يتوبوا ويجنحو للسلم . وقد اعذر من انذر قال تعالى ” نصر من الله وفتح قريب وبشر المؤمنين صدق الله العظيم صدر بتاريخ 15رمضان1433ه _ 4هانيبال 2012مسيحى



God is great
Moved very important and urgent: the commandment of Sir is Ollu 32 enhanced the Commander in Chief Special Forces battle Liberation Tripoli process (dawn light Attam) for each Liberal and honorable of the civilian commitment to your homes 72 hours after your hearing my first shot of the battle of liberation and massage guard him on the Aarogm pure. .

  • Liberation is at hand!



    Muammar al-Qathafi is retaking Libya right now for the Green JAMAHIRIYA–so destruction, death and uranium contamination will not happen anymore or ever again–

    Also that there will be no more moral pollution; and the peoples of Libya will be truly FREE under God’s full reign !

    as he says

    (and Dr. Hamza said): –It is now or never–die a martyr or be free–the people must make this decision now.

    Muammar askes that God protects him, because he has so much yet do do;–and he really knows HOW to actually accomplish (the beginning of ) this–as no one else can comprehend—

    Muammar is an inspired tactician—(and he did this before in 1969); and is proud to lead the people’s Resistance again….He promises that he will not fail the Libyan peoples.

    Muammar waited until God told him to go; and so it is now. There are no doubts for him anymore or waiting despite the fact that it is RAMADAN—and normally would not fight—

    But these are different circumstances–and he said that he is not even attempting to get the traitors (jerdan):

    THAT his first goal is the FOREIGN AGENTS; officers and mercenaries in the country.

    —That is why the Intelligence Agency in Bengazi was bombed and targeted today.

    Foreign agents first !

    Urgency of the Resistance

    ‘the name of Allah the Merciful “of the believers are men true to their Aadhwa Allah, some have died and some of them are expected and what follow the same path” great truth of God.

    Libyan Resistance asking you to inform fooled them by their parents and their friends and by all means available to you and not to take up arms in the face of resistance coming for the Liberation of Libya from the traitors and customers, and religion permitted the desecration of the land Libyan and violation of sanctities and indicate the Libyan resistance that the time has approached after the study of the situation and will target purge Libya of foreign troops first.

    and aspiring seducer their first not to be resistant to it will not face Libyan militants but in the case of face and this it does not want the Resistance to get involved in order to preserve the blood and the national unity and social cohesion, my father is the basis for building Libya’s sons and Hua was up in the necks of the honorable of the Libyan families and tribes fair that imposes to her children and not to be fighting with the Resistance,

    but, the truth and that Taahidkm after God promised that the ruling in Libya,  Libyans for each option to choose whatever government they want after editing security and stability of the lost dignity and re-stolen from the Libyan national debt before roam the land of honorable and dear insulting to the Libyans Nominees them Libya Libyans honorable or shame, and shame on the traitors.


    Fastta to zero hour, you would expect it for you and you and required effort each and every one of you, you help as as you can because the liberation of Libya from the guerrillas and pigs Gulf and other responsibility of national and duty of legitimate and We must finish this topic and the farce is over the top plots of the victim. Maulana O you Vanasrna Aalqom oppressors.’



    Summary of Speech of Dr. Hamza tonight ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ At the outset, neighborhood Liberal everywhere to home

    and to the outside world = He just start Alawalh and the wedding is close and the wedding great Raho === Assad said the large case Bahi Raho seemed funeralprayer be offered because he was standing before the funeral prayer be offered a Mqamz and the
    Lion small case Bahi, thank God – and said there was Beyhum seducer of blood because their blood dear to us and Libya to the atmosphere of blood Nhdrt ——-as the guardian of reading the Al-Fath suhoor TONIGHT TO RAVE UNTIL THE NIGHT OF VICTORY & LIBERATION=== Qallkm passed away and morale embracing the sky, then God willing and the victors victory and liberation is coming from customers NATO SecretaryLord is coming ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ greetings
    ملخص كلمة د حمزه الليله ~~~~~~~~~~~ في البدايه حي الاحرار في كل مكان الي داخل الوطن والي خارج الوطن = وقال توا تبدا العواله والعرس قريب والعرس كبير راهو === وقال الاسد الكبير حاله باهي راهو بدا ايصلي وهو واقف لان قبل كان ايصلي وهو مقعمز وال

    اسد الصغير حاله باهي والحمد الله – وقال المغرر بيهم ساد من الدماء لان دمائهم غاليه علينا وليبيا سادها من الدماء الي نهدرت فيها ——- كما وصي بقراة سورة الفتح من السحور لهذي الليله حتي ليلة النصر والتحرير === وقاللكم خلوا المعنويات تعانق السماء فباذن الله منتصرون والنصر قادم والتحرير من عملاء الناتو قادم يارب امين ~~~~~~ تحياتي

    ‏Photo : ملخص كلمة د حمزه الليله ~~~~~~~~~~~ في البدايه حي الاحرار في كل مكان الي داخل الوطن والي خارج الوطن = وقال توا تبدا العواله والعرس قريب والعرس كبير راهو === وقال الاسد الكبير حاله باهي راهو بدا ايصلي وهو واقف لان قبل كان ايصلي وهو مقعمز والاسد الصغير حاله باهي والحمد الله - وقال المغرر بيهم ساد من الدماء لان دمائهم غاليه علينا وليبيا سادها من الدماء الي نهدرت فيها ------- كما وصي بقراة سورة الفتح من السحور لهذي الليله حتي ليلة النصر والتحرير === وقاللكم خلوا المعنويات تعانق السماء فباذن الله منتصرون والنصر قادم والتحرير من عملاء الناتو قادم يارب امين ~~~~~~ تحياتي‏

    • Therefore, according to this, TONIGHT we begin to hear the fireworks which will last until there is VICTORY and Liberation!

      Libyan army commander to protect the Libyan army to protect Muammar Gaddafi
      For the request of Dr. Hamza on the names of those involved in crimes: In short Shidbd are all heretics who have been pardoned and get them out of prison and compensation of large amounts of money, without exception, this first and then Alkhoma and customers who were abroad who were calling themselves the opposition,
      and thirdly slaves movement Senussi who are called (Senussi Brotherhood) and most of them located in the Eastern Province, they either do not understand the seducer and their owners, most of them precedents, traders, dealers and drug users.
      This very brief list of criminals in Libya, and the hour when the discount will be crushed because they are in the confrontation will be

      بالنسبة لطلب الدكتور حمزه بشأن اسماء المتورطين فى الجرائم : بأختصار شدبد هم جميع الزنادقة الذين تم العفو عنهم واخراجهم من السجون وتعويضهم بمبالغ مالية كبيرة دون استثناء هذا اولا ثم الخومة والعملاء الذين كانوا بالخارج من كانوا يسمون انفسهم المعارضة ، وثالثا عبيد الحركة السنوسية الذين يطلق عليهم ( اخوان السنوسية ) ومعظهم يتواجد بالمنطقة الشرقية ، اما غير هؤلاء فهم المغرر بهم ومعظمهم من اصحاب السوابق وتجار ومروجى ومتعاطى المخدرات .
      هذه بأختصار شديد قائمة المجرمين فى ليبيا ، وعند ساعة الحسم سيتم سحقهم لانهم هم من سيكونون فى المواجهه


    • Channel Sirte on Facebook
      O ~ I ask you in this blessed day on Friday ~ ~
      Us to wipe our griefs …
      And enlighten the darkness of Layalina .. O … Asagna joy
      And brought us good tidings of victory near the green … And grant us from all
      Entrances to good ….
      ~ ~ God made our wishes … And Faraj are all solicitous us ~ Iaaaaaaarb
      ﺍﻟﻠﻬُﻢ~ إناَ ﻧﺴﺄﻟــﻚ ﻓــﻲ هذا اليوم المبارك من يوم ~ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻌﺔ~
      ﺃﻥ ﺗﻤـﺴَــــــﺢ ﻋــﻨـﺎ أﻭﺟــﺎﻋﻨــــــــﺎ…
      ﻭ ﺗﻨَــﻮّﺭ ﻇُـﻠﻤـــــﺎﺕ ﻟﻴــﺎﻟــــﻴﻨـﺎ .. ﺍﻟﻠﻬــﻢَ … ﺇﺳﻘﻨـــــــﺎ ﻓَﺮﺣــﺎً
      ﻭبشرنا بالنصر اﻷخضر القريب… وﺇﺭﺯﻗﻨـــــﺎ ﻣِــﻦ ﻛُــﻞ
      ﻣَــﺪﺍﺧـــــﻝ ﺍﻟﺨَﻴــــــــﺮ….
      ~ﺍﻟﻠــــﻬـــــﻢ~ ﺣﻘــــــــﻖ ﺃﻣــﺎﻧﻴﻨــــــــﺎ… ﻭَ ﻓــــــــﺮﺝّ ﻫــــــــﻢ ﻛُــﻞ ﻣَﻬــﻤــــــــﻮﻡ ﻓﻴﻨـــــــﺎ ~ﻳَــــــــﺎاااااارب

      Canal de Syrte sur Facebook

      O ~ je vous demande en ce jour bienheureux vendredi ~ ~ nous essuyer nos GRIEVANCE…
      Et d’éclairer les ténèbres de Layalina… O … Asagna joie et nous a apporté la bonne nouvelle de la victoire près du vert…

      Et de nous accorder de toutes les entrées de bonne…. ~ ~ Dieu fait nos voeux… Faraj sont tous soucieux nous ~ Iaaaaaaarb ﺍﻟﻠﻬُﻢ ~ إناَ ﻧﺴﺄﻟــﻚ ﻓــﻲ هذا اليوم المبارك من qui ~ ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻌﺔ ~ ﺃﻥ ﺗﻤـﺴَــــــﺢ ﻋــﻨـﺎ أﻭﺟــﺎﻋﻨــــــــﺎ…
      ﻭ ﺗﻨَــﻮّﺭ ﻇُـﻠﻤـــــﺎﺕ ﻟﻴــﺎﻟــــﻴﻨـﺎ… ﺍﻟﻠﻬــﻢَ… ﺇﺳﻘﻨـــــــﺎ ﻓَﺮﺣــﺎً ﻭبشرنا بالنصر اﻷخضر القريب… وﺇﺭﺯﻗﻨـــــﺎ ﻣِــﻦ ﻛُــﻞ ﻣَــﺪﺍﺧـــــﻝ ﺍﻟﺨَﻴــــــــﺮ… ~ ﺍﻟﻠــــﻬـــــﻢ ~ ﺣﻘــــــــﻖ ﺃﻣــﺎﻧﻴﻨــــــــﺎ… ﻭَ ﻓــــــــﺮﺝّ ﻫــــــــﻢ ﻛُــﻞ ﻣَﻬــﻤــــــــﻮﻡ ﻓﻴﻨـــــــﺎ ~ ﻳَــــــــﺎاااااارب تونا

    Basic People’s Congress Elvis Bucky free

    BMP for your leadership of the resistance,, for free to those who await the day of liberation and have the ability and determination are in the Great Jamahiriya hour starting the march of liberation is you who appreciate the time and conditions for its start, the leaders of the resistance at home are invited to direct contact with each other and coordination for the beginning of the move and develop the necessary plans for the success of the resistance strikes everywhere in the cities of the Great Jamahiriya as well as develop ways to cope with all the dangers that may threaten the overall move all the leaders of resistance groups, the people of Mecca know Bashaabha, Libya all the To show there is a Libyan-Sharif and one pleases to see Libya occupied and Tamim womanizer is led to employment and occupation, decisive hour left to men of Libya powerful they are able to do the impossible and turn others as possible to as possible, tell you the resistance that Maldikm materiel and men enough for the Liberation of Libya in a day or two and she knows this very well because this is a material can be identified easily either the resolve and desire in the liberation of Libya it is morally, to Ack resistance in its availability to you, but you want to see others from every country in the world, especially countries that confirmed it had deceived the media in Libya Saatkm O Liberals at home is the beginning of the overall liberalization, the senior leadership of the resistance is in itself but it is not a matter of Jacob to Aagne something of God’s command, BMP resistance for your purposes and you will know them only hours after taking action towards the liberation of your country, to Atkhcoa enemy is a coward and no longer able to provide sacrifices after he stole money Libyans, customers do not have now, creed Alqatlah, will Tthrcn you in step-like lightning immediately after the start of thunder and heavy rain, even up to Seoul destroyed all dams traitors and agents, remember that lightning is essential to the fall of the rain and the rain is necessary for a torrent Arim, what is now under the hand of the senior leadership of the resistance of men and materiel than McCann have very much the Provisional Committee for Defence and battalions of the security units, a fact which does not lie, and there is no reason to lie to ourselves how did this happen and why? Nahdokm to inform you of everything on the tongue of the Supreme Commander of the resistance in his first speech in the Green Square, the resistance of O Attakhroa advocates of lightning, the sky laden with clouds and thunder and torrential rains are waiting for you,,


    ليبين ليس هناك ليبي شريف واحد يرضي ان يري ليبيا محتلة وتميم الفاسق هو من يقودها

    نحو العمالة والاحتلال ، الساعة الحاسمة ترك..

    ماتريده منكم قيادة المقاومة ،، للاحرار الذين يترقبون يوم التحرير ولديهم القدرة والعزيمة وهم داخل الجماهيرية العظمي ساعة انطلاق مسيرة التحرير انتم من تقدرون وقتها والظروف المناسبة لبدايتها ،، قادة المقاومة في الداخل مدعون الي الاتصال المباشر ببعضهم البعض والتنسيق لبداية التحرك ووضع الخطط الضرورية لانجاح ضربات المقاومة في كل مكان من مدن الجماهيرية العظمي وكذلك وضع السبل لمواجهة كل الاخطار التي قد تهدد التحرك الشامل لكل قادة مجموعات المقاومة ، اهل مكة ادري بشعابها ، ليبيا لكل الليبين ليس هناك ليبي شريف واحد يرضي ان يري ليبيا محتلة وتميم الفاسق هو من يقودها نحو العمالة والاحتلال ، الساعة الحاسمة تركت لرجال ليبيا الاقوياء وهم قادرون علي فعل المستحيل وتحويل الغير ممكن الي ممكن ، تقول لكم المقاومة ان مالديكم من عتاد ورجال يكفي لتحرير ليبيا في يوم او يومين وهي تعرف ذلك جيدا لان هذا امر ماديا يمكن معرفته بسهولة ويسر اما عزيمتكم ورغبتكم في تحرير ليبيا فهو امر معنويا ، لاتشك المقاومة في توافره لديكم ولكن تريد ان يراه الاخرين من كل دول العالم وخاصة الدول التي تأكدت انها قد خدعت اعلاميا في ليبيا ساعتكم ايها الاحرار في الداخل هي بداية التحرير الشامل ، للقيادة العليا للمقاومة امر في نفسها ولكنه ليس كآمر سيدنا يعقوب لايغني شي من آمر الله ، ماتريده المقاومة منكم ومقاصده سوف تعرفونهم بعد ساعات فقط من تحرككم نحو تحرير بلادكم ،، لاتخشوا العدو فهو جبان ولم يعد قادر علي تقديم التضحيات بعد ان سرق اموال الليبين ، العملاء لايملكون الان عقيدتكم القاتلية ، سوف تتحركون انتم في خطوة شبيهة بالبرق بعدها مباشرة يبدأ الرعد والامطار الغزيرة حتي تصل الي سيول تهدم كل سدود الخونة والعملاء ، تذكروا ان البرق ضروري لسقوط المطر والمطر ضروري للسيل العرم ، ما هو الان تحت يد القيادة العليا للمقاومة من رجال وعتاد يفوق بكثير جدا ماكان لدي اللجنة العامة المؤقتة للدفاع والكتائب التابعة للوحدات الامنية هذه حقيقة لا نكذب فيها ، وليس هناك مبرر لنكذب على انفسنا كيف حصل ذلك ولماذا ؟ نعهدوكم ان نطلعكم علي كل شي علي لسان القائد الاعلي للمقاومة في اول خطاب له في الساحة الخضراء ،، لاتتأخروا ايها المقاومين دعاة البرق ، السماء محملة بالغيوم والرعد والسيول في انتظاركم ،،


    Photo: BMP for your leadership of the resistance,, for free to those who await the day of liberation and have the ability and determination are in the Great Jamahiriya hour starting the march of liberation is you who appreciate the time and conditions for its start, the leaders of the resistance at home are invited to direct contact with each other and coordination for the beginning of the move and develop the necessary plans for the success of the resistance strikes everywhere in the cities of the Great Jamahiriya as well as develop ways to cope with all the dangers that may threaten to move destruction all the leaders of resistance groups, the people of Mecca know Bashaabha, Libya all Libyans there is no Libyan Sharif and one pleases to see Libya occupied and Tamim womanizer is led towards the employment and occupation, decisive hour left to men of Libya powerful they are able to do the impossible and turn others as possible to as possible, tell you the resistance that Maldikm materiel and men enough for the Liberation of Libya in a day or two and she knows this very well because this is a material can be identified easily either the resolve and your desire in the liberation of Libya, he is morally, to Ack resistance in its availability to you, but you want to see others from every country in the world, especially countries that confirmed it had deceived the media in Libya Saatkm Dear Liberals at home is the beginning of the overall liberalization, the senior leadership of the resistance is in itself but it is not a matter of Jacob to Aagne Chi Minh commander of God, BMP resistance of you and objectives will know them only hours after taking action towards the liberalization of your country, to Atkhcoa enemy is a coward and no longer able to make sacrifices after he stole money Libyans, customers do not have now, creed Alqatlah, will Tthrcn you in step-like lightning immediately after the start of thunder and heavy rain, even up to Seoul destroyed all dams traitors and agents, remember that lightning is essential to the fall of the rain and the rain is necessary for a torrent Arim, what is now in the hands of the senior leadership of the resistance of men and equipment far exceeds the very McCann have the Provisional Committee for Defence battalions and units of the security of this fact does not lie in, and there is no reason to lie to ourselves how did this happen and why?  Nahdokm to inform you of everything on the tongue of the Supreme Commander of the resistance in his first speech in the Green Square, the resistance of O Attakhroa advocates of lightning, the sky laden with clouds and thunder and torrential rains are waiting for you,,

    as you know, Dr. Hamza Thami is Muammar’s Aaron—-LISTEN to him! We hear nothing yet–I guess silence until Liberation is complete!

    Dr. Hamza Thami 29 7 2012, appeal to the resistance inside Libya libyaradio on USTREAM


  • “The fact that another” writes us:

    ‘important green repellence not aware of and understand and is still on time; will not give up as

    Supreme Commander, said the struggling hero (Muammar Bomenaar) to Arjua.’


    Libye – le docteur Hamza Touhami notifie l’instant zéro et appelle tous les combattants de la résistance à libérer

    les grandes villes (29 juillet 2012) à lire sur Algéria ISP. Tous les articles sur l’actualité en Algérie sont sur Algéria ISP.

القذافي مسلماً ويصلي علي رسول الله وليس ناكر للسنة

Gaddafi, a Muslim and pray to Allah, and not ungrateful for the year

Major-General to Enhanced 32
O, O Almighty Thurs classes Altric days Amaek men
Amaak Askor Atchel to Amaak ousted in the liver of black mountains
the main fear of love Dalen most important of God and love of country
and Bui Khoi and old listeners Arjal Libya are Old Order
Only old with you and laggards God Ihamo supply and place Asonowa
forty countries now jointly Lahu justice is not Enozn in the balance
and NATO Atlas Ihdvo from above as they are allowed to enter the field
Bttiyarat Arashomen and players fear Zain Alleom Aajerdan
Jabu today appointed Abdullah Abdul-Aiein were designated east of the old Aanaan
Tell losers Rana Vakec and Dom’s victory as Libya and God w
AD, Libya, Muammar al-Obs


Le major-général à Enhanced 32
O, O Tout-Puissant jeu. classes de Altric jour Amaek des hommes
Amaak Askor Atchel à Amaak évincé noir dans le foie des montagnes
à la principale crainte de l’amour Dalen le plus important de Dieu et l’amour de la patrie
et Bui Khoi et Vieux auditeurs Arjal la Libye sont Vieil Ordre
Seul, le vieux avec vous et les retardataires Dieu Ihamo approvisionnement et le lieu Asonowa
une quarantaine de pays aujourd’hui conjointement Lahu la justice n’est pas Enozn dans la balance
et de l’OTAN Atlas Ihdvo d’en haut comme ils sont le droit d’entrer sur le terrain
Bttiyarat et Arashomen joueurs peur Zain Alleom Aajerdan
Jabu aujourd’hui Abdullah a nommé Aiein étaient Abdul-désigné est de la vieille Aanaan
Dites perdants Rana Vakec Dom et de la victoire du titre de la Libye et Dieu w
AD, la Libye, Muammar al-Obs
الي اللواء معزز 32
يا خميـــــس يا عز التريس اماعك اليوم اصنــــاف الرجـــــال
امعاك اصقور اتشيل الي اطيح امعاك اسود في كبد الجبــــال
لاهــــم خوف لاهـــم دالين بحـــب الله وبحـــب الاوطـــــــــــــان
بوي وخوي واللي سامعيـــــن ارجــــال ليبيا هم اللي فرســان
سوى اللي معاك والله القاعدين يحمو العرض ويصونوا المكان
اربعيـــن دوله اليوم مجتمعين لاهو عدل لا ينوزن في ميـــــزان
وحلـــف الاطلـــس يحدفوا من فوق كانهم حق يدخلوا الميـــدان
بطيــارات ويرعشــــومن الخوف اعبو زين الليـــوم ياجـــــردان
جابو اليـــوم عبد المعين ايعين لقوا عبد المعين هو اللي ينعان
قولــــوا فقـــش رانا خاســــرين ودوم النصــــر لليبيـــا عنــوان
والله ثــــــــــــــــــــــــــــم معمــــــــــــر وليبيــــــــــا وبـــــــــــــــــس


الي اللواء معزز 32
يا خميـــــس يا عز التريس اماعك اليوم اصنــــاف الرجـــــال
امعاك اصقور اتشيل الي اطيح امعاك اسود في كبد الجبــــال
لاهــــم خوف لاهـــم دالين بحـــب الله وبحـــب الاوطـــــــــــــان
بوي وخوي واللي سامعيـــــن ارجــــال ليبيا هم اللي فرســان
سوى اللي معاك والله القاعدين يحمو العرض ويصونوا المكان
اربعيـــن دوله اليوم مجتمعين لاهو عدل لا ينوزن في ميـــــزان
وحلـــف الاطلـــس يحدفوا من فوق كانهم حق يدخلوا الميـــدان
بطيــارات ويرعشــــومن الخوف اعبو زين الليـــوم ياجـــــردان
جابو اليـــوم عبد المعين ايعين لقوا عبد المعين هو اللي ينعان
قولــــوا فقـــش رانا خاســــرين ودوم النصــــر لليبيـــا عنــوان
والله ثــــــــــــــــــــــــــــم معمــــــــــــر وليبيــــــــــا وبـــــــــــــــــس

Par :


 Prayer of the oppressed :

the name of Allah the Merciful In the name of God .. The best names, the name of God, who with his name to Aadhar harm, the name of God sufficient, healthy in God’s name,

the name of God which Aadhar something with his name on earth or in Asamaho Hearing, the Knowing. The name of God and religion at myself in God’s name to my

family and Mali in God’s name on everything Oatanih Lord God is Most Great, Allah is the greatest fear, which I seek refuge in Allah and warn. Allah is my Lord does

not associate anything with Him Almighty Almighty Tnaak your neighbor and sanctified your contacts no god except You O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil

of every powerful Nidoshitan disciple and eliminate the evil of evil from the evil of every animal you are taking her forelock that my Lord is on a straight path…”

   SAADI:Major SAADI, 2

Knight difficult tamed Maj. Gen. Saadi battalion under the supervision of campaigners and activists Conqueror 1969

2 août

من طلبتوه يوما ايها الماجدات الليبيات الشريفات قد لبي اسثغاتتكن طلبتوه باسمه الذي يحمل معاني تاريخية يعرفها الجميع ، جهز الرجل جيشه في مهمة مقدسة لتحرير بلده وحرائرها من الاغتصاب والاذلال ، فتعرض الي خيانة اشباه الرجال والعملاء فاقنعوا العالم بضرورة قصف جيش المعتصم وتدميره والحيلولة وقوع عمورية اخري تكون اخبارها اصدق من الكتب ، رغم ذلك استبسل المعتصم بالله وصمد لمدة ستة اشهر وهو يقتال العالم عن حد

ود معينة لم يستطيع العملاء او الناتو تجاوزها حتي سقطت طرابلس فرجع للدفاع عن سرت وبقي العملاء خائفين من الاقتراب للبريقة في قصة اشبه ماتكون بخوف الجن من سيدنا سليمان وعدم علمه بموته ،، في سرت طلب المعتصم بالله من اخوته جميعا ان يغادروا اماكن الجبهات وسوف يقاتل حتي النهاية لان الابطال لاتنتهي بالنسبة لهم المعارك الا بالنصر او الشهادة في لحظات اتخاد هذا القرار من الامر العسكري المعتصم بالله القذافي طلب من احد اخواته ان يبدأ في تجهيز نفسه لرفع الراية وتحرير ليبيا شبر شبر ،، اتفق الاتنين علي كل شي ،، لكن من هو اخ المعتصم الذي اتفق معه وسلم له الامانة لانعرف اوبالاحري لانريد ان نقول هذه امور عائلية يصرح بها من قبل ان يحمل الامانة ، المهم شقيق المعتصم بالله كان عن حسن ظن اخيه الشهيد ، قام بكل ما اتفق بشانها هو واخيه ووفق وصية والدهم القائد الشهيد ،، من يحمل لواء جيش المعتصم بالله قادم من جديد لكم يااحرار وحرائر ليبيا وسوف ترون وصايا المعتصم تنفد حرفيا وسوف تعرفون ان معمر القذافي انجب ابطال لا يتكررون ،، القادمون هم جيش المعتصم بالله لتعرفوا من يقودهم التحقوا بهم لانهم وحدهم حملة الراية والامانة

Of Talbtoh days, O noble Libyan Aharifat had told Estgataatkn Talbtoh his name, which carries the meanings of history known to all, equipped with the man of his army in the holy mission to liberate his country and Hraúrha of rape and humiliation, showing to the betrayal of semiconductor men and clients persuaded the world need to shell army Mu’tasim and destroy and prevent the occurrence of Amoria again be believe its news of the books, however, strive Billah and held out for six months, which Iktal world’s end

Dr. certain he could not clients or NATO bypassed until the fall of Tripoli and he came back for the defense of Sirte and clients stay afraid of approaching the sparkle in the story like a Matkon fear of the jinn of the Prophet Solomon and lack of knowledge of his death, in Sirte request Billah of his brothers all have to leave the places of fronts and will fight until the the end, because the heroes to end for them to battle, but victory or martyrdom in the moments Tak a decision of the military order Billah Gaddafi asked one of his sisters to begin processing the same to raise the flag and the liberalization of Libya inch inch,, it was agreed Alatnen of everything, but who is the brother Mu’tasim who agreed with him and handed him the Secretariat do not know Opalahari do not want to say these things a family authorized by that it brings honesty, it is important brother Billah was a good thought his brother, the martyr, had all agreed to by he and his brother, according to the commandment of their father  leader, who holds a Brigade Army Billah coming from your new Iaahrar and silks Libya and you will see the commandments Mu’tasim runs out literally and will know that Muammar Gaddafi begotten heroes that Itakerron, arrivals were the army Billah to know who leads them joined them because they’re the only campaign banner and honesty.

Chevalier difficile apprivoiséLe major-général Saadi bataillon sous la supervision de militants et activistes Conquérant 1969
2 aoûtDe jours Talbtoh, O Aharifat noble libyen avait dit Estgataatkn Talbtoh son nom, qui porte les significations de l’histoire connus de tous, équipés de l’homme de son armée dans la sainte mission de libérer son pays et Hraúrha de viol et d’humiliation, montrant à la trahison des hommes semi-conducteurs et des clients a convaincu le monde ont besoin de débourser armée Mu’tasim et de détruire et de prévenir l’apparition de Amoria à nouveau croire ses nouvelles des livres, cependant, s’efforcent Billah et a tenu pendant six mois, ce qui la fin du monde Iktal de Dr certaine qu’il ne pouvait pas les clients ou de l’OTAN contourné jusqu’à la chute de Tripoli est revenu pour la défense de Syrte et les clients à rester peur d’approcher l’éclat dans l’histoire comme une peur Matkon des djinns du Prophète Salomon et le manque de connaissance de sa mort, à Sirte demande Billah de ses frères ont tous de quitter les lieux de fronts et se battront jusqu’à ce que le la fin, parce que les héros à la fin pour eux à la bataille, mais la victoire ou le martyre dans la Tak moments d’une décision de l’armée afin Billah Kadhafi a demandé une de ses sœurs pour commencer le traitement de la même de hisser le drapeau et la libéralisation de la Libye inch,, il a été convenu Alatnen de tout, mais qui est le frère Mu’tasim qui a accepté avec lui et lui tendit le Secrétariat ne sais pas Opalahari ne veux pas dire ces choses d’une famille autorisés par le fait qu’il apporte honnêteté, il est le frère importante Billah a été un bon cru que son frère, le martyr, avaient tous accepté par lui et son frère, selon le commandement de leur chef de file père Mouammar, qui est titulaire d’un brigade de l’Armée Billah provenant de votre nouvelle Iaahrar et soies la Libye et vous verrez le Mu’tasim commandements s’épuise littéralement et il sait que Mouammar héros Kadhafi engendrés que Itakerron, les arrivées ont été les Billah armée pour savoir qui les amène se joignirent à eux parce qu’ils sont la bannière seule campagne et de l’honnêteté-_______________________________________________________________________

The text of the letter addressed to Sir Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (supposedly, the  letter is from “the Colonial Revenge of Sirte” to Khamis, our golden-General).:

In the name of God the Merciful, Prayer and peace upon the Messenger of God Prophet Muhammad after either:

Sir, to the Supreme Commander of the armed forces and to resist the legitimacy that Akhaddt legitimacy of our people,

Sir, the Libyan leaderWe are confident in your wise have learned through the Great Revolution a lot of things are not only individuals Evgahha patriots and revolutionaries truthful jealous of their religion and their country, their honor and display

Mr. Leader has ravaged Jerdan, customers, and the traitors and their accomplices in Libya, the Libya in which he lived a lot of parsing, and was over 42 years the land of all Arabs, but unfortunately the children of the Sacred does not look even tip the eye for providing them to Libya,

Mr. Leader resources of the country has been stolen and looted and divided the date of Libya and Htkoa symptoms of Libyans.

Sir, this commander of the aspects of each call and our hearts and minds of many e opaque injustice experienced by the Liberals and the silks at home.

Sir, We are with the leader, and at your fingertips, so be confident that the whole Libyan people are waiting for the signal from you.

It is this platform sincerely declare you we battalion men of the current situation and a battalion Tar Sirte fighters from the start of our military liberation

against injustice, betrayal and heretics be sure of the forces of the armed people and all security agencies and volunteers and all the tribes honored.

dishonest Alibdehrbena editorial to live all Libyans freedom and our country one green and prevail in the security and safety in all over Libya .

He lived great conqueror.

The forward and Alcgovah Revolutionary continuous

The glory this day.

[Green corner
Battalion men present circumstance

كتيبة رجال الظرف الحالىهامنص الرساله الموجهه لسيدي القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحهبسم الله الرحمن الرحيموالصلاه والسلام على رسول الله سيدنا محمد اما بعدالى سيدي القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحه وللمقاومه الشرعيه التي اخدت شرعيتها من ابناء شعبنا الليبي سيدي القائدنحن كلنا ثقه في قيادتكم الحكيمه وقد تعلمنا من خلال ثورة الفاتح العظيم كثيرا من الامور لا يفقهها الا الافراد الوطنيين والثوريين الصادقين الدين يغارون على وطنهم وعرضهم وشرفهمسيدي القائد لقد عاث الجردان والعملاء والخونه واعوانهم في ليبيا ليبيا التي عاش فيها الكثير من الاعراب وكانت طوال 42 عاما ارض لكل العرب ولكن للاسف اولاد الحرام لا ينظروا ولو بطرف العين لما قدمته لهم ليبيا سيدي القائد خيرات البلاد قد سرقت ونهبت وقسموا خيرات ليبيا وهتكوا اعراض الليبين سيدي القائد اوجه لكل هدا النداء وقلوبنا وعقولنا معتمه من كثر ة الظلم الذي يعيشه الاحرار والحرائر في الوطنسيدي القائد نحن رهن اشارتك وكن على ثقه تامه ان الشعب الليبي باسره ينتظر الاشاره منكومن هدا المنبر الصادق نعلن لك نحن كتيبة رجال الظرف الحالي وكتيبة تأر سرت المقاتله عن بدء عملياتنا العسكريه التحرريه ضد الظلم والخيانه والزنادقه فنرجوا من قوات الشعب المسلح وجميع الاجهزه الامنيه والمتطوعين وكل القبائل العريقه الشريفه البدءحربنا التحريريه ليعيش كل الليبين بحريه وبوطننا الواحد الاخضر ويعم الامن والامان في كل انحاء ليبياوعاش الفاتح العظيموالى الامام والكغفاح الثوري مستمروالامجاد هدا يومهاامر كتيبة تأر سرت ابو ليلىكتيبة رجال الظرف الحالي الملازم بركان


(in any case, since Muammar is with Khamis, they both will have seen it and been perhaps comforted in the support given to the Resistance.)

Photo: I walked withstand locomotive .................  Start by editing the mass ..........  

Dr. Shakir


Voice of Libya

URGENT: text of a speech by Dr. Yusuf Shakir,  Chamber of Libya’s Great Jamahiriya of God/pal-Talk

Dr. in the early about what was offered

 by the screen channel the mass of facts and was calling him by foreign journalists who were staying Hotel Rixos and said they were intelligence agents to the extent that they were what they call the devil, The evil to know Bhakikthm and awareness everything they do.

He said it this is the secret of the power of the Libyans that have not known it yet, and Madenhm real, not of metal, which I talked about trivial Fatima Ahamroch or officers diameter Tykes, this metal is rooted in the hearts of the free. The profound meaning of these things and meanings of this spirit strong, and we want by continuing stronger than it was, because this batch honestly when our brothers at home they see these things and hear this news remember those days, including those involved in the armed militias, they know very well what we have been saying, whether in Benghazi or Misurata or Tripoli, who were watching the episodes Asham home, they knew it is not just rings for incitement to murder. Then he mentioned that our people in the context of the Tuareg, who greeted a special greeting to bone status in his heart, who were meeting for their help and support they have given to him personally to get to safety. These are the attitudes of men, and the amount of honor inherent in them. and those who worked on my encouragement to appear in the media channels, but, God forbid, and Machae do, but we, God willing, we will work on the opening of the channel balanced with speech media, despite all the difficulties we face, God willing. And we hope to help honest people everywhere, and will not be her, like other channels, speech treason, or Kdhir ash P eyes but will be a speech from the heart to the heart. said that the number of customers NATO were conducting their own pool their families to house steadfast and their mothers and fathers out there, and when they ask for they say Allah has those, and my father, and confirmed that most parents are in favor of the legitimacy of “algae” or free if we use the correct pronunciation. He also said he was listening when he spoke of Dr. Hamza Heber Chamber of Libya’s Great, which he described the man who pulsing pain in the inside, Then he mentioned that he does not want to be the one attacking the Dr. Hamza, because Sharif fighter with the opinion we respect and we respect the opinion of all, and we have the right to ask questions, and I would not say so and so or the other but I will mention one story and God is my witness, I will mention as it is without an increase or decrease …

Hendma was announced on Radio Bani Walid for martyrdom Thurs Gaddafi, I was present at the power company because it is the only place where we were we when our contacts and who was later to NATO bombing. at the announcement of the news are shocked, Fihrana to a hospital built Walid, we found the morgue closed, and they said that Saif al-Islam is closed.

And we found we Mr Ali Ahwal and went to him to ask, but it did not, and there were people in front of the morgue prevented me from entering, despite my desire to do so. After that we moved from our site because of the bombing, and we went to the house of a family are valid from the keepers of the Book of Allah, and was one of the women in this House memorize the Quran a woman is a nurse working Bmhvy Bani Walid, the extent of our grief Vibghannaha news because of the martyrdom of Gaddafi Thurs, Thurs Voksmt God that [KHAMIS]Gaddafi had suffered a minor injury of the third degree in the right leg and was treated and left the hospital well.

When being able to get out of Libya and my approach to Syria contacted Ms. descriptive and told her what I learned, wept so much so that Dr. Aisha said, satisfied that God takes my children to keep my brother alive because it is who will lead the battle, and requested God to believe the news.

then said that Dr. Hamza is being subjected to attacks on an ongoing basis, and without justification, that Dr. Hamza when it is received news of joy, the Azvh you to shares your by which stems from the sense and patriotism. what I want to say I do not assert that the leader hero, living or assert that he was martyred, but I will review the facts as an analyst beginning of what going in circles, and the Orbiter accurately what is happening and this is not arrogance on my part, I have a set of questions posed by the intelligence community and posed a high level exists on Libyan soil.

1.The heroic leader Muammar Gaddafi and since the date of 26.06.2011 are not any news of him do not remember, either closely or from afar.

2. The people who carried out the arrest scenario and population of between 30 to 40 people, all of them now out of Libya and Italy, specifically in the breaks. We just we will facts and analyze it and you can judge for yourselves, and we also mentioned earlier that the commander has been cited is an honor for us because it is cited Kataiwd tall, and In what promised Allah be upon him, though he was martyred in the battle (Think not of those who were killed for the sake of his dead, but alive well in the Lord)

3. Stated that the dress that was worn by the leader is not the same dress that appeared in the video clip, and the part that hears the voice of the man say Shame on you, they say that the section of the full saying the man Shame on you I’m not a Qadhafi. said, citing a reliable source, the incident of two women Jordan from Al Furjan that greet the Gaddafi they found two people exactly identical to the point where they could not determine which Qadhafi.

4. Stated that there Doutyin have strong positions with Libya and to avoid even though they mentioned Maidetyn historic legitimacy in Libya, the Libyans did not go to any of them did not accept one, but Asalta Theloman silent so far.

5. Hide the body in a manner similar to the scenario of killing bin Laden, which he compared with stories of children, “Mickey Mouse”, and explain that they do not want to turn his grave for the shrine, is a shrine in the hearts of the people, and mentioned the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to his family, that there are some people will come after me better than you, because they believed in me did not see me, and said that here they do not answer why risked lie like this, but I want answers about these questions Gunn so desire, and have the courage to cut any doubt. this subject needs to be sure and if so, Libya is before us, and our love for Muammar Gaddafi will remain in our hearts, and our love for the principles will remain with us, which will be our point of departure for the liberation of our land, We are not provoking them but we would like to Giebona only, we do not want more than that. and I have a piece of information says that the people of Misurata and avoid mentioning his name, he and people Akhrvqt, moved the body and buried him in the desert, has traced the information through the close of the person in question and found out no credibility.

and the same scenario, trying to be replicated in Syria today, and remember I am in the history of 17 and 18 focused on the models the Green Square, and they will bring a doll there is a passage trader YouTube shows the doll, and highlights the way of movement during the lifting and transfer, and we not the same words of one, we only media representatives and analysts are working on the analysis of the news, not for the purpose of raising the morale because people morale, and they are aware of the fact is, though what is happening in Libya is accumulation of directed hatred, malice, and we will work Bouktabna media after editing to reduce this wave, and will be our ideal Omar Mukhtar, when he said they are not role models for us.

and so we call for national cohesion, we will not allow the continuation of two phenomena, which are not to activate the law, and armed militias, the biggest problem experienced by the government, which will enable them to achieve safety and there are a number of reports prove so. In Syria, for example, if they are confident that there would be aftershocks are similar to the situation of Libyan intervened directly as they did with us, it took us in the absence of us and we have contributed to it, and we will allocate in our chapter on the management of the crisis and what are the projects that have provided and actions taken to Not making a decision 1973 and Snalmkm names of underestimated them and declined to delivery, and many of those who managed the crisis call me now and say that I was right. their time of it see me Kappa lost, and returned to Libya and I am not well, disagreed with my promised and which has not Iba or Aachen, and any thing in its favor by not meaner.

We have two channels Bamkanatena few and Bmjhodna self is no room to talk Bugger. It was narrated that the people of the east they say that we won them but now they say that all the sentiments Joseph and Hala, Hamza became a reality. Syria congratulations and a half years and what is happening where and what plans it is not easy, differently the method adopted in Libya, and then commented on the bombing Crusader and the effects of uranium on civilians. And new weapons that were used for the first time in order to exterminate everything and hide features, including archaeological sites.

and we promise we will not publish any information in the future only after verifying them, and this is the responsibility of all free, and we are not advocates of sedition, and will not allow any practices like that do customers NATO .

Which are based human rights organizations to investigate and, please, which prove its credibility for the Liberation of thousands of Libyans who were imprisoned solely for their love of Muammar Gaddafi.

We have to keep everything that is in our hands the documents and documents for use in uncovering the facts.

also said that Russia is the first of Chkkk in a person who appeared in the video killed Gaddafi, because of the leg and the process of eradication Azaidh and worms, etc., and hide the body opens the way for many of questions, as well as differences in length and body, and many of those who were with Colonel Gaddafi will be more aware of the fact situation, as Onn and interviews before the channels close to the Colonel with affirming the interdependence of events.

He said that the Libyans had come out from the circle of shock, and asked God to have mercy on our prisoners and lifting the martyrs, we hope to be our leader fine, do not forget that he said they continued to resist but did not hear my voice. And unforgiving to the martyr Abu Bakr Younis Jaber, who sacrificed his life for his country, and said that Libya will, God willing, State festooned with flags of security and safety, and stated that the transitional government is a distant dream, and pointed to the role of media in the overthrow of Tunisia and Egypt, and then saluted Dr. Hamza and sister Hala Misrati and to everyone who sacrificed for Libya, then sealing the peace on the Liberals  for Znguetna.


عاجل: نص كلمة الدكتور يوسف شاكير بغرفة ليبيا العظمىتحدث الدكتور في مطلع حديثه عما كان يعرضه على شاشة قناة الجماهيرية من حقائق وما كان يدعونه به الصحافيون الأجانب الذين كانوا يقيمون بفندق ريكسوس و قال انهم عملاء استخبارات لدرجة أنهم كانوا

 يصفونه بالشيطان The evil لمعرفته بحقيقتهم ولإدراكهم لكل ما يفعلون.وذكر أنها هذا هو سر قوة الليبيين التي لم يعرفوها بعد، ومعدنهم الحقيقي، ليس ذلك المعدن الذي تحدثت عنه التافهة فاطمة الحمروش أو ضباط القطر الحقراء، هذا المعدن المتأصل في نفوس الأحرار .إن المعنى العميق لهذه الأشياء والمعاني لهذه الروح القوية ، والتي نرغب باستمرارها أقوى مما كانت عليه، لأن هذه الدفعة بصدق عندما إخوتنا في الداخل يرون هذه الأشياء ويسمعون هذه الأخبار يتذكرون تلك الأيام، بمن فيهم القائمين على المليشيات المسلحة، فهم يعرفون جيداً ما كنا نقوله سواء في بنغازي أو مصراتة أو طرابلس ممن كانوا يشاهدون حلقات عشم الوطن ، عرفوا أنها ليست مجرد حلقات للتحريض على القتل.ثم ذكر في سياق ذلك أهلنا الطوارق الذين حياهم تحية خاصة لعظم مكانتهم في قلبه، الذين كانوا يجتمعون لمساعدتهم والدعم الذي قدموه له شخصيا حتى يصل إلى بر الأمان. وهذه هي مواقف الرجال، ومقدار الشرف الكامن في نفوسهم.والذين عملوا على تشجيعي للظهور في قنوات إعلامية ، ولكن قدر الله وماشاء فعل، ولكننا بإذن الله سنعمل على افتتاح قناة متوازنة ذات خطاب إعلامي ، رغم كل الصعوبات التي تواجهنا بإذن الله. ونتمنى أن يساعدنا الشرفاء في كل مكان، ولن يكون خطابها كبقية القنوات خطاب تخوين ، أو كذر الرماد ف العيون بل سيكون خطاباً من القلب إلى القلب.وذكر أن عدد من عملاء الناتو كانوا يقومون بأنفسهم باصطحاب ذويهم إلى البيت الصامد وأمهاتهم وآبائهم إلى هناك، وعندما يسألون عن ذلك يقولون الله غالب هؤلاء والدي، وأكد أن اغلب أهلهم هم من المؤيدين للشرعية “طحالب” أو أحرار إذا استخدمنا اللفظ الصحيح.كما ذكر أنه كان في الاستماع عندما تكلم الدكتور حمزة هبر غرفة ليبيا العظمى ، الذي وصفه بالرجل الذي يتقطع ألماً في داخله، ثم ذكر أنه لا يرغب أن يقوم أحد بالتهجم على الدكتور حمزة، لأنه شريف مناضل وله رأي نحترمه كما نحترم رأي الكل ، ولنا حق في أن نطرح تساؤلات، وأنا لن أقول فلان أو غيره ولكنني سأذكر قصة واحدة والله على ما أقول شهيد أني سأذكرها كما هي دون زيادة أو نقصان…هندما تم الإعلان في إذاعة بني وليد عن استشهاد خميس القذافي، كنت حينها متواجدا في شركة الكهرباء لأنه المكان الوحيد الذي كنا نجري فيه اتصالاتنا والذي تعرض فيما بعد لقصف الناتو.عند إعلان الخبر أصبنا بصدمة، فهرعنا إلى مستشفى بني وليد ، فوجدنا المشرحة مغلقة، وذكروا أن سيف الإسلام أمر بإغلاقها. ، ووجدنا أمامنا السيد علي الأحول وتوجهت إليه بالسؤال ولكنه لم يجب، وقد كان هناك شخص أمام المشرحة منعني من الدخول رغم رغبتي بذلك.وبعد ذلك تحركنا من موقعنا بسبب القصف، وتوجهنا لبيت أسرة صالحة من حفظة كتاب الله، وكانت إحدى النساء بهذا البيت تحفظ القرآن لسيدة هي ممرضة تعمل بمشفى بني وليد، فأبلغناها بمدى حزننا بسبب خبر استشهاد خميس القذافي، فأقسمت بالله أن خميس القذافي قد تعرض لجرح طفيف من الدرجة الثالثة في رجله اليمنى وتمت معالجته وغادر المستشفى بخير. وعند تمكني من الخروج من ليبيا وتوجهي إلى سوريا اتصلت بالسيدة صفية وأبلغتها بما علمت ، فبكت لدرجة أن الدكتورة عائشة قالت ، أرضى أن يأخذ الله أبنائي ليبقى أخي على قيد الحياة لأنه هو من سيقود المعارك، ورجت من الله أن يصدق الخبر.ثم قال أن الدكتور حمزة يتعرض لهجمات بشكل مستمر، ودون مبرر، إن الدكتور حمزة عندما يصله خبر مفرح ، فإن يزفه إليكم ليشارككم به وهو نابع من حسه ووطنيته.ما أريد أن أقوله أنني لا أجزم أن القائد البطل حي ولا أجزم أنه استشهد، وإنما سأستعرض الوقائع كمحلل مطلع عما يدور في الدوائر ،ومتتبع بدقة لما يحدث وهذا ليس غرورا من جانبي ، ولدي مجموعة من التساؤلات التي طرحتها وطرحتها دوائر استخباراتية على مستوى عالٍ موجود على الأرض الليبية1. إن القائد البطل معمر القذافي ومنذ تاريخ 26-6-2011 ليست عليه أية أخبار تذكر لا من قريب ولا من بعيد2. إن الأشخاص الذين نفذوا سيناريو الاعتقال وتعدادهم بين 30 إلى 40 شخص ، الآن جميعهم خارج ليبيا وتحديدا في استراحات بإيطاليا. ونحن فقط سنعرض الحقائق ونحللها ولكم أن تحكموا بأنفسكم ، ونحن كما ذكرنا سابقا إن كان القائد قد استشهد فهو شرف لنا لأنه استشهد كالطود الشامخ، ووفى ما عاهد الله عليه، وإن كان قد استشهد في معركة (ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل له أموات بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون)3. ذكر أن اللباس الذي كان يرتديه القائد ليس نفس اللباس الذي ظهر به في مقطع الفيديو، كما أن الجزء الذي يسمع فيه صوت الرجل يقول حرام عليكم ، يقولون أن المقطع الكامل يقول فيه الرجل حرام عليكم انا لست القذافي.وذكر نقلا عن مصدر موثوق ، حادثة لسيدتين من الفرجان اردن ان يسلمن على القذافي فوجدن شخصين متطابقين تماما لدرجة أنهن لم يستطعن تحديد أيهما القذافي.4. ذكر أن هناك دواتين لهما مواقف قوية مع ليبيا وتجنب ذكرهما رغم أنهما مؤيديتين تاريخيا للشرعية في ليبيا، لم يتوجه إليها الليبيين ولم تقبل منهم أي احد، ولازالتا تلوذان بالصمت لحد الآن.5. إخفاء الجثمان بطريقة شبيهة لسيناريو مقتل بن لادن والتي شبهها بقصص الأطفال “ميكي ماوس” ، وتعليل ذلك بأنهم لا يرغبون أن يتحول قبره لمزار، فهو مزار في قلوب الناس ، وذكر قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لصحبه، أن هناك قوما سيأتون بعدي أفضل منكم ، لأنهم آمنوا بي ولم يروني ، وقال أنه هنا لا أجيب لماذا خاطروا بكذبة كهذه، وإنما أريد إجابات حول هذه التساؤلات غن رغبوا بذلك ، ولديهم الشجاعة لقطع الشك باليقين.فهذا الموضوع يحتاج لليقين وإن كان كذلك، فليبيا أمامنا ، وحبنا لمعمر القذافي سيبقى في قلوبنا ، وحبنا لمبادئه سيظل معنا، الذي سيكون نقطة إنطلاقنا لتحرير أرضنا ، ونحن هنا لا نستفزهم ولكننا نرغب أن يجيبونا فقط، ولا نرغب بأكثر من ذلك.ولدي معلومة تقول أن شخصا من مصراتة وتجنب ذكر اسمه، هو و شخص آخرفقط، نقلوا الجثمان ودفنوه في الصحراء، وقد تتبعت المعلومة من خلال قريب للشخص المذكور فاتضح عدم مصداقيتها.ونفس السيناريو يحاولون تكراره في سوريا اليوم، وتذكروا أنني في تاريخ 17 و18 ركزت على مجسمات الساحة الخضراء، وأنهم سيجلبون دمية هناك مقطع متداول اليوتيوب يعرض دمية ، ويبرز طريقة حركتها أثناء رفعها ونقلها ، ونحن لا نفسه كلام أحد ، نحن فقط إعلاميون ومحللون نعمل على تحليل الخبر، ليس لهدف رفع المعنويات لأن الناس روح المعنوية ، وهم على دراية بحقيقة الأمر، وإن ما يحدث في ليبيا الآن هو تراكم لموجه الكراهية والحقد ، وسنعمل بخطابنا الإعلامي بعد التحرير على الحد من هذه الموجة ، وستكون قدوتنا عمر المختار عندما قال هم ليسوا قدوة لنا.ولذا نحن ندعو إلى اللحمة الوطنية ، فنحن لن نسمح باستمرار ظاهرتين، وهي عدم تفعيل القانون، والمليشيات المسلحة وهي أكبر معضلة تعانيها الحكومة والتي لن تمكنهم من بلوغ بر الأمان وهناك عدد من التقارير يثبت ذلك.ففي سوريا مثلا ، إن كانوا على ثقة أنه لن تحدث توابع مشابهة للوضع الليبي لتدخلوا مباشرة كما فعلوا معنا، فقد أخذونا في غفلة منا ونحن ساهمنا في ذلك ، وسنخصص في كتابنا فصلا حول إدارة الأزمة وما هي المشاريع التي قدمت والإجراءات التي اتخذت من أجل عدم اتخاذ قرار 1973 وسنعلمكم بالأسماء من استهان بها ومن أحجم عن إيصالها، وكثيرون ممن أداروا الأزمة يتصلون بي الآن ويقولون أني كنت على حق.زمنهم من كان يراني كابا ضالا وعاد لليبيا وأنا لست كذلك، اختلفت مع بلدي وعدت إليها ولم أبع أو أخن ، وأي شيء في مصلحتها لن ابخل به. لقد كنا قناتين بإمكاناتنا القليلة وبمجهودنا الذاتي ولا مجال للحديث التافه.وقد ورد عن اهل الشرق أنهم يقولون أننا انتصرنا عليهم ولكنهم الآن يقولون أن كل ماذكره يوسف وهالة وحمزة أصبح حقيقة.فسوريا تهاني منذ سنة ونصف وما يحدث فيها وما خطط لها ليس بالهين، بشكل يختلف عن الأسلوب المعتمد في ليبيا، ثم علق على القصف الصليبي وآثار اليوارنيوم على المدنيين. والأسلحة الجديدة التي استخدمت لأول مرة بهدف إبادة كل شيء وإخفاء المعالم بما فيها الأثرية.ونعدكم أننا لن ننشر أي معلومة مستقبلاً إلا بعد التثبت منها ، وهذه مسؤولية تقع على عاتق كل حر، ونحن لسنا دعاة فتنة ، ولن نسمح بأي ممارسات كمثل الذي يفعله عملاء الناتو. والتي تقوم منظمات حقوقية بالتحقيق فيها، والتي نرجوا أن تثبت مصداقيتها لتحرير آلاف من الليبيين الذي سجنوا فقط لحبهم لمعمر القذافي. وعلينا أن نحتفظ بكل ما يقع بين أيدينا من وثائق ومستندات لاستغلالها في كشف الحقائق.كما ذكر أن روسيا هي أول من شككك في الشخص الذي ظهر في فيديو مقتل القذافي ، بسبب عملية رجله وعملية استئصال الزايدة والدودية وغيرها ، كما أن إخفاء الجثة يفتح المجال أمام كثير من الأسئلة ، وكذلك الفروقات في الطول والبدن ، وكثير ممن كانوا مع العقيد القذافي سيكونون أكثر دراية بحقيقة الوضع، كما وأنن المقابلات على عرضت على القنوات مع المقربين من العقيد تؤكد عدم ترابط الأحداث. وذكر أن الليبيين قد خرجوا من دائرة الصدمة ، وسأل الله أن يفك أسرانا ويرحم شهدائنا ونرجو أن يكون قائدنا بخير ، ولا ننسى أنه قال استمروا في المقاومة وإن لم تسمعوا صوتي. وترحم على الشهيد أبو بكر يونس جابر الذي ضحى بحياته لوطنه ، وقال أن ليبيا ستعود بإذن الله ، دولة ترفرف عليها رايات الأمن والأمان، وذكر أن الحكومة الانتقالية هي حلم بعيد المنال ، وأشار لدور الإعلام في إسقاط تونس ومصر، ثم وحيا الدكتور حمزة والأخت هالة المصراتي وإلى كل من ضحى لأجل ليبيا ، ثم ختم بالسلام على الأحرار.
عن زنقتنا
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 SAIF al-ISLAM al-Qathafi

It is RAMADAN and our brother leader knows he is need of the protection and strength of Allah/God.
Please pray with him in his hour of need for him (our brother leader) and for the Green Resistance against all his enemies—against Satan and all the Evil Forces of the World.
“O Allah, I solicits your help. Against the unfortunate thing is that I implore your protection. Help me, it’s your help I am called. I implore your help, turn to me your helping hand. Against the affliction it is to you I made use of. Give me your indulgence, save me, it’s with you I seek refuge. “#
original French:
« O Allah, je solicite ton assistance. Contre le malheur c’est ton protection que j’implore. Aide-moi, c’est à ton aide que je fais appelle. J’implore ton sécours, tends-moi ta main secourable. Contre l’affliction c’est à toi que je fait recours. Accorde-moi ton mansuétude, préserve-moi, c’est auprès de toi que je cherche réfuge. » #


  • against terrorism:

    the World Islamic Call Society (WICS) 
    The World Islamic People’s Leadership is headed by leader Muammar al-Qathafi, and the Brother Farrakhan is assisting the leader in this regard. We have about 250 organizations under the umbrella of the World Islamic People’s Leadership from different parts of the world and they meet at a general conference once every four years. A little over three weeks ago, Minister Farrakhan was there attending the 5th general conference of World Islamic People’s Leadership.

    There is a yearly agenda of how to serve the Muslim communities; how to defend the rights of the Muslims all over the world, how to bring the Muslim Ummah together; how to deal with some political and social crises happening either in the Muslim world or where there is a Muslim minority, especially in Europe.

    Founded in 1970 by Libyan leader Muammar al-Qathafi, the WICS is comprised of more than 250 Islamic organizations from around the world who are members of the General Congress of the organization. A general conference is held once every four years, in which religious, cultural, social and economic initiatives are formed and acted upon and a summary and status update is delivered regarding previous outreach and development programming.



The diry propaganda of the next AFP “VATICAN”article I print herein:

  • “Libya was too small for him,” said former ambassador Saad El Shlmani, now Foreign Ministry spokesman. “He wanted to be the leader of all the Africans, of all the Muslims, of the whole world.”THE ABOVE ASSESSMENT and attitude is so wrong–Muammar’s whole desire was to HELP the whole world. The ONLY SALVATION for our Ailing Planet is the Third UNIVERSAL THEORY!Did you read the propaganda article? The whole thing was a disgrace…Here, Muammar, out of sincere love and goodness of heart, tried to help people all over the world, and they only saw Muammar as a false “religious showman and power-freak”!!

  •  The article is so biased…from the first sentence on, calling MUAMMAR a dictator (when the JAMAHIRIYA is a direct democracy, and Muammar controlled absolutely nothing)!  

    Dawn Ploe writes:

    “Read…But it’s their job to distort the truth”

    I answered:

    WE know that, but the dumbed-down “gullable” populace does not know this.

    Dawn Ploe continued:

    “And thats how so much damage is caused… ignorance.which is why I didn’t creat a seperate facebook profile for my political interests….If just ONE person learns the truth…”

    and I answered again:

    The US STATE DEPARTMENT will not even permit the populace to read the original works and speeches from “the horses mouth” for themselves..The State department took it all offline…

    “National Assembly” of the descendants of the word ABU MINYR al- Qathafi :




Gaddafi’s missionaries won Vatican heart 

29 March 2012


Gaddafi’s missionaries won Vatican heart but secretly aided insurgents


The Society won approval in high places. The Vatican counted it among its partners in Christian-Muslim dialogue and both Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict received its secretary general. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual head of the world’s Anglicans, visited the campus in 2009 to deliver a lecture. The following year, the US State Department noted approvingly how the Society had helped Filipino Christian migrant workers start a church in Libya.


29 MARCH 2012

On a tidy campus in his capital of Tripoli, Muammar al-Qathafi sponsored one of the world’s leading Muslim missionary networks. It was the smiling face of his Great Jamahiriya, and the world smiled back.

The World Islamic Call Society (WICS) sent staffers out to build mosques and provide humanitarian relief. It gave poor students a free university education, in religion, finance and computer science. Its missionaries traversed Africa preaching a moderate, Sufi-tinged version of Islam as an alternative to the strict Wahhabism that Saudi Arabia was spreading.

The Society won approval in high places. The Vatican counted it among its partners in Christian-Muslim dialogue and both Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict received its secretary general. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual head of the world’s Anglicans, visited the campus in 2009 to deliver a lecture. The following year, the U.S. State Department noted approvingly how the Society had helped Filipino Christian migrant workers start a Church in Libya.

Its active interest in interfaith dialogue also helped burnish its image. More than that, the moderate version of Islam that WICS preachers spread looked increasingly attractive after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States carried out by mostly Saudi hijackers.

Saudi Arabia has exported its strict Wahhabi Islam through its own missionary society, the Muslim World League, since 1962. Gaddafi’s bitter rivalry with Riyadh extended to Islam as well, and the Society competed with the League to build free mosques and schools around the world.

….Rev Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the Geneva-based World Council of Churches, delivered a lecture at the Society in January 2011. He says dealing with al-Qathafi’s GREAT JAMAHIRIYA required a delicate balance. “Our faith calls us to speak with everyone,” he said, stressing the WCC did not know any specific allegations against the Society when he visited. “We understand the risk involved and the complexity of situations such as this.

….few people knew the Society’s real size and influence. It answered only to al-Qathafi, and its financial transactions were exempt from all taxes and duties. Massoud Al Wazni, a member of the committee now overseeing it, said the annual budget was about36.21€ million and the central staff numbered about 900, with about 2,000 Arabic teachers and as many Muslim preachers around the world. Wazni gave no other details of the budget figure….


When he seized power in 1969 as a 27-year-old army captain, al-Qathafi dreamed of succeeding Egypt’s Gamal Abdul Nasser as the new champion of Arab nationalism and Third World revolution.

The Palestinian cause was central to his plans. He created a “Jihad Fund” to help finance Palestinian guerrillas and had the Palestinian militants who had been killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics buried as heroes in Tripoli. al-Qathafi also created an “Islamic Legion” that fought in the Sahel, Uganda and Lebanon. He supported liberation movements across Africa and shipped huge supplies of arms and money to the Irish Republican Army.

Launched in 1972, the Society was presented as the human face of his revolution, building mosques, schools and clinics for needy Muslims around the globe. After the Arabs’ defeat by Israel in the 1967 war, calls for some kind of Islamic government were growing in the Middle East. Creating the Society was a nod in that direction and proved popular with Libya’s religious leadership.

The Society was described as independent of the government, but financed from the same Jihad Fund as the Palestinians: a tax of three percent on all individuals and four percent on all companies working in Libya.

…The WICS’s focus was Africa, especially the large Muslim communities in West Africa and the Sahel region that al-Qathafi considered Libya’s back yard. But it also built mosques and Islamic centers in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Malta and the Netherlands. It contributed along with other Arab states to the construction of the huge mosque in Rome and the Central Mosque in London. It was also active in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia….

al-Qathafi created the World Islamic Popular Leadership (WIPL) as a separate department within the Society, answerable to General Secretary Sharif. The WIPL was to mobilize Islamic leaders around the world to support Muslim militants in Chechnya, Kosovo and Somalia, defend Muslim women wearing headscarves in Europe and encourage black Muslims in the United States. Among the allies al-Qathafi won was black nationalist Muslim preacher Louis Farrakhan.

The WIPL was “a foreign body embedded into the Call Society,” said Haraam, the Society auditor.

With its international network, the Society offered a handy cover to evade bans on financial transactions. As an independent NGO, it was not subject to the U.N. embargo or unilateral bans imposed by the United States….The WIPL office at WICS headquarters began to buzz with activity three years later….

in 1989 that the Society revived a dialogue with the Vatican begun in 1976 but lapsed since then. The Catholics weren’t sure why Tripoli wanted to restart talks, but agreed to two colloquia in 1990 and two more meetings in 1993 and 1997. According to a religious source in Tripoli al-Qathafi used the Society’s links to the Vatican in a last-ditch effort to avoid the U.N. sanctions…..Just before the U.N. embargo, then-foreign minister (now traitor/thief) Shalgam visited the Vatican looking for help. The Catholic bishop in Tripoli, Giovanni Martinelli, appealed to Western states not to humiliate al-Qathafi but seek dialogue with him. After this effort failed, al-Qathafi continued to woo the Vatican with promises of better conditions for the tiny Catholic community in Libya, for which he built two Catholic churches.

Vatican Foreign Minister Jean-Louis Tauran visited Libya in 1994. He made the last leg of the journey from southern Tunisia to Tripoli by car because of the embargo on air traffic. Washington watched with concern as the Church’s relations with Tripoli improved, and tried to persuade it not to establish diplomatic relations, but Pope John Paul went ahead and recognized Libya in 1997.

Asked why it marched out of step with Western countries, a Vatican spokesman said the Holy See maintained diplomatic relations with states, not governments. “Such relations have the primary aim of favoring the good of the local Church,” he said. The Vatican also felt that ties with Tripoli opened an avenue for a dialogue.

Libyan leader Muammar al-Qathafi reads during a mass prayer during a celebration to mark the birthday of Prophet Mohammed in Agadez March 30, 2007. REUTERS/Samuel De Jaegere


In the 1990s, the Society expanded its work in Africa, stepping up its “Islamic convoys” of medicines, clothes and food as far down as southern Africa. It held conferences on education, culture and the links between African and Arab societies on the continent. It also funded Islamic radio stations in Togo, Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Mali and South Africa.

African leaders spoke out increasingly loudly against the U.N. embargo. South African President Nelson Mandela visited Tripoli in 1997 to thank al-Qathafi for supporting the African National Congress during the apartheid years and to condemn the embargo. He also had to make the final leg of the trip by car.

The highlight of al-Qathafi’s charm offensive came with a series of so-called “defiance tours” in convoys through West Africa. On the first of these missionary tours in 1997, the man who billed himself as “the Revolutionary Muslim” led huge prayer sessions in Niami, the capital of Niger, and in Kano in northern Nigeria. On his third swing through the region in 2000, he took in Niger, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Togo, “crossing more than 4,000 km through cities, villages, deserts, jungles, plains and modern towns,” as one Society report put it.

WICS staff were drafted in to help organize and support the visits. “When he went to an African country, of course he would use our infrastructure there –…

Haraam, referring to the local Society offices and the contacts the staff had. Among their tasks was helping Society preachers in the country to mobilize the crowds, and contacting local officials to arrange meetings between al-Qathafi and the influential tribal and religious leaders in the region…. “The WICS people on the ground would organize marches and receptions and take his picture everywhere,” said Shlmani….

If Western religious and political officials suspected anything untoward about the Society, its religious work and its leader’s personal diplomacy apparently dampened their doubts. Vatican officials met their Society counterparts in Rome in 2004, and Pope Benedict received a Society delegation at the Vatican in 2008.

A Catholic priest who took part in several dialogue sessions with the Society said the Vatican had heard rumors about its activities in Africa, but was more concerned that it was trying to bribe Africans into converting to Islam than about purported political high jinks. “There were suspicions (of bribery for conversions) but we didn’t find any proof,” he said.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams delivered a lecture on divine revelation to the Islamic Call College during a visit to Tripoli in 2009. His website describes the Society as “the world’s foremost Islamic benevolent organization with members from every corner of the globe.” Aides to the Anglican leader said they had no indications then or since that WICS was anything but a religious NGO interested in interfaith dialogue.

A WikiLeaks-revealed cable from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli in 2009 said the Society spread moderate interpretations of Islam in Africa and Asia, countering “the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism (invariably described as ‘Wahhabism’).”

The U.S. State Department’s 2010 International Religious Freedom Report noted approvingly the emphasis on religious moderation and interfaith cooperation in the Society, which it described as “the official conduit for the state-approved form of Islam” and “the religious arm of the government’s foreign policy.”

Among those who broke bread with the Society was World Council of Churches Secretary General Tveit, who lectured on the shared values of Christians and Muslims in Tripoli just one month before the preplanned CIA invented “17 FEBR. uprising” of 2011.

“In this particular situation, the WCC decided to work with the WICS because of its commitment to inter-religious dialogue and willingness to work with the WCC and its partners,” he said.

The firebrand U.S. black Muslim preacher Louis Farrakhan never hid his ties with Libya, but the uprising prompted even more disclosure than before. On 31 March 2011, Farrakhan defended “Brother al-Qathafi” at a rare news conference and said Libya had lent the Nation of Islam 6.44€ million over the years.

At his news conference, Farrakhan, a deputy chairman of the WIPL, said al-Qathafi had also helped him take three tours to visit Muslim leaders in over 40 countries. “I’ve been all over the world because of that man,” he said.

The WIPL apparently lent a helping hand for Farrakhan’s pro-al-Qathafi media blitz. Officials reviewing Society files showed Reuters a recently found confidential memo dated March 15, 2011, indicating the WIPL would pay for U.S. newspaper ads that Farrakhan placed to defend him. The Nation of Islam did not respond to requests for comment.

Sharif dropped all pretence of independence once the uprising started. He met Bishop Martinelli in mid-March, urging him to help provide “accurate information” about the situation in Libya. In the months that followed, the Tripoli-based bishop gained notoriety in the West for sharply condemning the NATO bombings. Martinelli declined a request for an interview.

The WICS head had less success in May when he tried to convince Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to help mediate between Tripoli and the Benghazi-based rebels. (LAROV has always been for the Great Jamahiriya and Muammar al-Qathafi.)

Sheikh Saad Falah, head of the missionary department at the Society, said expenses for al-Qathafi’s Africa trips organized by the WICS were paid from the secret WIPL budget. “We don’t have any details about how much he spent and where,” Falah said.

The Society appears to have the money needed to carry on. Falah, the head of the missionary department, says it hasn’t received any financing in two years from the government, since its share of the Jihad Tax was “taken over by one of al-Qathafi’s sons.”

It does have revenues from some far-sighted investments made decades ago. Two real estate ventures – a five-tower complex on the Tripoli seafront, and an office building in Benghazi – are preferred addresses for oil companies, airlines and other foreign firms.

” ’WICS’ can be like a university modeled on Al Azhar, the revered seat of Sunni learning in Cairo.” Aref Ali Nayed sees it countering the Saudi brand of Islam – the role it played under al-Qathafi.

“It could be a kind of anti-radicalization think tank,” he said.

Source: Reuters, By Tom Heneghan, TRIPOLI


Daya planning the conspiracy against Libya in America
traitors Jerdan Shalgham – Jabril – al-Tarhuni – Aujali ….. For three of them American, U.S. Ambassador in Tripoli – formerly.
داية تخطيط المؤامرة على ليبيا في امريكا
الخونه الجردان شلغم – جبريل – الترهوني – الأوجلي ….. مقابل ثلاثة امريكان أحدهم السفير الامريكي في طرابلس – سابقا .

‏Photo : داية تخطيط المؤامرة على ليبيا في امريكا<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
الخونه الجردان شلغم - جبريل - الترهوني - الأوجلي ..... مقابل ثلاثة امريكان أحدهم السفير الامريكي في طرابلس - سابقا .‏ seen here with Shalgam to his right arm:

The Catholic bishop in Tripoli, Giovanni Martinelli, appealed to Western states not to humiliate Gaddafi but seek dialogue with him. After this effort failed, Gaddafi continued to woo the Vatican with promises of better conditions for the tiny Catholic community in Libya.

 Vatican Foreign Minister Jean-Louis Tauran visited Libya in 1994. He made the last leg of the journey from southern Tunisia to Tripoli by car because of the embargo on air traffic. Washington watched with concern as the Church’s relations with Tripoli improved, and tried to persuade it not to establish diplomatic relations, but Pope John Paul went ahead and recognised Libya in 1997.

Asked why it marched out of step with Western countries, a Vatican spokesman said the Holy See maintained diplomatic relations with states, not governments. “Such relations have the primary aim of favouring the good of the local Church,” he said. The Vatican also felt that ties with Tripoli opened an avenue for a dialogue.


In the 1990s, the Society expanded its work in Africa, stepping up its “Islamic convoys” of medicines, clothes and food as far down as southern Africa. It held conferences on education, culture and the links between African and Arab societies on the continent. It also funded Islamic radio stations in Togo, Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Mali and South Africa.

African leaders spoke out increasingly loudly against the U.N. embargo. South African President Nelson Mandela visited Tripoli in 1997 to thank Gaddafi for supporting the African National Congress during the apartheid years and to condemn the embargo. He also had to make the final leg of the trip by car.

The highlight of Gaddafi’s charm offensive [propaganda slang again here used!] came with a series of so-called “defiance tours” in convoys through West Africa. On the first of these road shows [NO RAD-SHOW!! THIS IS TRUE RELIGIOUS FERVER ON MUAMMAR’s PART!!!] in 1997, the man who billed himself as “the Revolutionary Muslim” led huge prayer sessions in Niami, the capital of Niger, and in Kano in northern Nigeria. On his third swing through the region in 2000, he took in Niger, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Togo, “crossing more than 4,000 km through cities, villages, deserts, jungles, plains and modern towns,” as one Society report put it.

WICS staff were drafted in to help organise and support the visits. “When he went to an African country, of course he would use our infrastructure there…” Among their tasks was helping Society preachers in the country to mobilise the crowds, and contacting local officials to arrange meetings between al-Qathafi and the influential tribal and religious leaders in the region.





If Western religious and political officials suspected anything untoward about the Society, its religious work and its leader’s personal diplomacy apparently dampened their doubts. Vatican officials met their Society counterparts in Rome in 2004, and Pope Benedict received a Society delegation at the Vatican in 2008.


Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams delivered a lecture on divine revelation to the Islamic Call College during a visit to Tripoli in 2009. His website describes the Society as “the world’s foremost Islamic benevolent organisation with members from every corner of the globe.” Aides to the Anglican leader said they had no indications then or since that WICS was anything but a religious NGO interested in interfaith dialogue.

WikiLeaks-revealed cable from the US embassy in Tripoli in 2009 said the Society spread a true and purified (from WAHABI ERRORS) interpretation of Islam in Africa and Asia, countering “the dangers of ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood fundamentalism (invariably described as ‘Wahabism’).”

The US State Department’s 2010 International Religious Freedom Report noted approvingly the emphasis on religious moderation and interfaith cooperation in the Society, which it described as “the official conduit for the state-approved form of Islam” and “the religious arm of the government’s foreign policy.”


“In this particular situation, the WCC decided to work with the WICS because of its commitment to inter-religious dialogue and willingness to work with the WCC and its partners,” he said.

The firebrand US black Muslim preacher Louis Farrakhan never hid his ties with Libya…

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaks during a news conference in Baghdad, December 11, 1997. Picture taken December 11, 1997. REUTERS-Faleh Kheiber-FilesNation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaks during a news conference in Baghdad, 11 December 1997. 
Credit: REUTERS/Faleh Kheiber/Files

On March 31, 2011, Farrakhan defended “Brother Gaddafi” at a rare news conference and said Libya had lent the Nation of Islam $8 million over the years. [Yes, totally void of interest and of good-faith only]

At his news conference, Farrakhan, a deputy chairman of the WIPL, said Gaddafi had also helped him take three tours to visit Muslim leaders in over 40 countries. “I’ve been all over the world because of that man,” he said.

The WIPL apparently lent a helping hand for Farrakhan’s pro-Gaddafi media blitz. Officials reviewing Society files showed Reuters a recently found confidential memo dated March 15, 2011, indicating the WIPL would pay for U.S. newspaper ads that Farrakhan placed to defend him. The ‘Nation of Islam’ did not respond to requests for comment.

Sharif dropped all pretence of independence once the uprising started. He met Bishop Martinelli in mid-March, urging him to help provide “accurate information” about the situation in Libya. In the months that followed, the Tripoli-based bishop gained notoriety in the West for sharply condemning the NATO bombings. Martinelli declined a request for an interview.




Pope receives Muslim delegation. (EXCELLENT ARTICLE)


Vatican City (văt`ĭkən), independent state (2005 est. pop. 900), 108.7 acres (44 hectares), within the city of Rome, Italy, and the residence of the pope, who is its absolute ruler.
….. Click the link for more information.: A Muslim delegation will have an audience with Pope Benedict XVI this week after taking part in a seminar on religious leadership in

times of crisis, the Vatican said Monday.

Members of the World Islamic Call Society, headquartered in Libya, are visiting the Vatican for the 11th time since 1976 and will see the pope

on Wednesday, the Vatican said in a statement. 

WISC, grouping some 250 Muslim associations across the world, carries out humanitarian, religious, cultural and social projects. 

The Vatican maintains ties with several Muslim organizations around the world.

The most prominent recent initiative has been the creation of a Catholic-Muslim forum in response to a 2006 call for inter-faith by 138 Muslim intellectuals and religious figures.

The first such forum, held at the Vatican in early November, issued a joint call for religious freedom, non-violence and a fairer world. –AFP

Daily NewsEgypt 2007 

2008 >  December >  18 >  Daily News Egypt (Egypt)


Pope receives Muslim delegation.

VATICAN CITYPope Benedict XVI received a Muslim delegation on Wednesday that participated in a seminar focused on

steering young people away from “religious radicalism,” the Vatican said.

(PICTURE 18 JAN 1996 in EGYPT on  visit to Mubarek)

The seminar brought members of the World Islamic Call Society, headquartered in Libya, to the Vatican for inter-faith talks.

A Vatican statement said the seminar also highlighted religious leaders’ responsibility in preventing crises “of a diverse nature, especially religious”.

WICS members were visiting the Vatican for the 11th time since 1976. 

The organization groups some 250 Muslim associations and carries out humanitarian, religious, cultural and social projects. 

The Vatican maintains ties with several Muslim organizations around the world.

The most prominent recent initiative has been the creation of a Catholic-Muslim forum in response to a 2006 call for inter-faith by 138 Muslim intellectuals and religious figures. The first forum, held at the Vatican in November, issued a joint call for religious freedom, non-violence and a fairer world. —AFP 

Daily NewsEgypt 2007 

Provided by Syndigate.info an Albawaba.com company

COPYRIGHT 2008 Al Bawaba (Middle East) Ltd.
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.
Copyright 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

*: CRA letters on revocation of World Islamic Call Society – various CRA concerns noted**

Posted by Mark Blumberg on 03 JUNE 2012
Published under: What’s New from the Charities Directorate of CRA | Canadian Charity Law

The CRA has released letters on the World Islamic Call Society which was a registered charity but recently revoked by the Charities Directorate.

The main reasons for revocation were under the headings
1. Failure to meet the definition of a charitable organization under the Act
2. Private Benefit to a Director
Here are some quotes from the letter:

“The Society acts at the direction of, and receives all of its funding from, the Libyan-based World Islamic Call Society (WICS-Libya), an organization founded by Muammar al-Qadaffi (Gadhafi) in 1972 whose objects and activities are not confined to the advancement of religion as that term is understood under Canadian law.”


  •  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/29/us-libya-missionary-idUSBRE82S07T20120329

    burn thousands of copies of the Holy Qu’ran on the grounds of ‘the Libyan Qathafi line’ (and so-called Ministry of Awqaf silent).

    Burn thousands of copies of the Koran on the grounds of the Libyan Qathafi line and so-called Ministry of Awqaf silent

    Source: News sidewalk, and published by: Dr. Commander
    publication in 26/07/2012


    Burn as many copies of the Koran under the pretext of the so-called line-Qadhafi Libyan Ministry of Religious Endowments and the Mufti of Libya silent

    According to the center Massadermn Libyan news circulated widely among the Libyans for the groups to withdraw Libyan anonymous copies of the Koran called the (Qur’an mass) and is burned on the pretext that these copies copied the Koran there is a line of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan martyr … According to the same sources also said that there are groups collect these copies of the Koran from some mosques in the capital Tripoli in preparation for burning …. 

    Where religious leaders of sedition from the burning of the Koran …???
    or waiting for Bernard Henry Levy … To write to them copies of the Koran to bless the new …??


     The same PROPAGANDA ! RUDE and defaming article, and directly from REUTERS!

    Brother Leader Muammar Al Gaddafi meeting with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (L) is accompanied by Ivory Coast's President Laurent Gbagbo (R) during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival at Felix Houphouet Boigny airport, outside Abidjan, at the start of a two-day visit to Ivory Coast June 27, 2007. REUTERS-Thierry Gouegnon-Files

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (L) is accompanied by Ivory Coast’s President Laurent Gbagbo (R) during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival at Felix Houphouet Boigny airport, outside Abidjan,
Credit: REUTERS/Thierry Gouegnon/Files

Libya Hosts African Leader Gathering On AU Summit 
31st JAN 2007

Muammar Gaddafi

Muammar Gaddafi chaired a meeting of African presidents and other top officials on Thursday to prepare for an African Union summit as conflicts rage on the continent, officials said. “The next AU summit is very important. The leaders met today to coordinate and narrow their positions and standpoints so that they go to the summit united and speaking in one voice,” Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Abdel-Rahman Shalgam told reporters. Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was among the 11 heads of state and eight government representatives attending the meeting of the Sahel and Sahara African grouping, most of whose members are instrumental players in the AU which holds its next summit in Ethiopia in July.

“The meeting in Sirte focused on ways to strengthen the AU Commission further and the possibility of setting up an AU government supervising defense, foreign affairs, foreign trade and telecommunications ministries,” Shalgam added. Libya has been pushing for the AU to become a federation on the United States model. Most other countries want a body that respects national sovereignty. Asked whether the meeting took any decision about sending troops to Somalia, Shalgam said: “No decision has been taken. Libya may not send troops there but it will lend support.” Nigeria said on Wednesday it would contribute up to 1,000 soldiers. Uganda and Malawi have also offered troops, while South Africa and Mozambique said they may take part.

Somali government troops backed by the Ethiopian military defeated Islamist forces in the anarchic Horn of Africa country after a two-week war that began in late December. Ethiopian troops have begun leaving the country but attacks have continued in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, and the government lacks a national powerbase and truly popular support. “There a determination and a good intention among African states to send troops to Somalia,” Somali Foreign Minister Ismail Hurre Buba said. He said Yusuf would have further talks with Gaddafi about support from Libya before returning home.

Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi looks at a flag during the plenary session at the Africa-South America Summit in Margarita Island September 27, 2009. REUTERS-Carlos Garcia Rawlins-Files

Libya’s brother-leader Muammar Gaddafi looks at a flag during the plenary session at the Africa-South America Summit in Margarita Island 27 September  2009.
Credit: REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Files

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi reads during a mass prayer during a celebration to mark the birthday of Prophet Mohammed in Agadez March 30, 2007. REUTERS-Samuel De Jaegere-Files

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi reads during a mass prayer during a celebration to mark the birthday of Prophet Mohammed in Agadez 30 March  2007.
Credit: REUTERS/Samuel De Jaegere/Files

Set of images special leader Muammar Gaddafi, with tunes by Mohamed HASSAN
Set of images special leader Muammar Gaddafi with song artist Mohamed HASSAN
مجموعة من الصور المميزة للزعيم معمر القذافي مع اغنية للفنان محمد حسن

 Billah & Khamis

Plaque w Berlusconi in Rome:


An exterior view of the Muslim College in Ealing, March 23, 2012. Picture taken March 23, 2012. REUTERS-Toby Melville

An exterior view of the Muslim College in Ealing, 23 March 2012.
Credit: REUTERS/Toby Melville

The Free Library 06 September 2009 Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)

GADDAFI’S CLERICS HEAD FOR OUR CITY; Libyan leader is sending his imams to pave the way for the conversion of Europe to Islam.

A GROUP of controversial Muslim clerics funded by Colonel Gaddafi are set to make appearances at three Midland Mosques.

Eleven preachers sponsored by the World Islamic Call Society (Wics), which was founded, led and paid for by the Libyan leader, will be holding events in Birmingham, Leicester and Nottingham during Ramadan.

The speeches come just a month after the release of convicted Lockerbie* bomber Abdelbasset Ali Al Megrahi [al-Mehgrahi was totally innocent; no Libya had anything to do with with the tragedy ofPan Am Flight 103. It was a IA false-flag operation to cover-up their drug running!]

caused a storm between Britain and the US when he returned to a hero’s welcome in Tripoli.
And in a recent speech, Colonel Gaddafi said that the aim of Wics was to convert the whole of Europe to Islam.

He said:

“This religion shall overcome all other religions before it. Their time has gone. It is his promise, Allah shall prevail this religion over the rest.

“There are tens of millions of Muslims in the European continent and the number is on the increase. The number of indigenous Europeans is falling drastically.

“This is the clear indication that the European continent will be converted to Islam. Europe will one day be a Muslim continent.”

Wics has built a moderate reputation in recent years, organising meetings between prominent Muslims and religious figures including the Pope.

But question marks remain over links between the organisation and money-laundering, following the international freeze on Libya’s assets after Megrahi’s bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in December 1988. [*NO LIBYAN had anything to do withe the Pan Am flight 103; it was a CIA/MI6 false flag to coover up CIA dreug-running!]

Last night a source close to the tour said the Wics visit would glorify Colonel Gaddafi, rather than Islam.

“There is no such thing as independent Imams in the Middle East and North Africa,” the source said.

“If these men are leading prayers while having their pay cheques paid by a dictator, [MUAMMAR IS NOT A DICTATOR! HE HOLDS NO POLITICAL POSITION OR ANY POWER!] you can be sure that they will be using this opportunity to praise him and push his agenda.”

Wics has been given the approval of the Government, with the British ambassador to Libya holding a plush farewell reception for the imams in Tripoli before they flew to the UK last week.

In a speech at the reception the ambassador praised Wics for forging links between Libya and the UK and even apologised for the difficulties the imams had experienced applying for UK visas for the visit.

Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood (inset) is concerned about the planned visit:

Banning the EDL meeting 

l to r Khalid Mahmood MP, Birmingham Perry Barr, Adrian Goldberg, Editor, The Stirrer, John Hemming MP, Birmingham Yardley

But Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood last night raised concerns over the Wics visit.

“We’ve got a lot of good work being done by organisations in Birmingham celebrating the diversity of our communities,” he said.

“We don’t need imported groups like this, funded by people like Colonel Gaddafi.[nasty inuendo!]

“If he is really interested in doing something positive he should work with the community groups we already have, instead of coming over and trying to convert people.”

Wics say their Imams will visit Mosques across Britain with a message of peace and integration, leading Ramadan prayers in Manchester, Sheffield, Nottingham, Birmingham, Leicester, Glasgow, Cardiff and Swansea.

COPYRIGHT 2009 Birmingham Post & Mail Ltd
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.
Copyright 2009 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.




  • Our correspondent from Zliten TODAY !Burn thousands of copies of the Koran under the pretext of the line of Gaddafi and the Libyan Ministry of Religious Endowments and the Mufti of silent
    Will we see destroying the mosques on the grounds that it was built on the orders of leader Muammar Gaddafi

  • it was not like destroying one little country—The Islamic Call Society and the Green Book, the World MATHABA did work all over the world—and now they have to DESTROY all that.All of Muammar’s Hard work in the Leadership of the World Islamic Call Societ is being destroyed—and all his mosques as well–For three days now, most of my posts have been dealing with this subject—when ONE copy of the Koran was burned in Florida, USA, there was world-wide condemnation. Now that thousands of Korans are being burned, as well as mosques, there is not a peep in MSM news….Nobody even cares!

    On the day of “26”,, p Tlaqo Alzennin good, such as this in today’s first gathering of the tribes of Almgarhh,, it is easy to the mountain, and under the slogan “We are here.”


    Fierce lioness deadly ratsForum Libyans togetherThe Jerdan enemies of Islam and the nation these days, the mass burning Koran wherever they found him ..please from anyone who has a copy of the Koran mass conservation and immunize your children againstchildren what we are exposed to the invasion of cultural, religious and cultural


Here are copies of the letters from CRA to the World Islamic Call Society.
Also here is a link to a Toronto Star article entitled “Mosque’s congregation torn over article praising Libya’s Gadhafi”  

Mosque’s congregation torn over article praising Libya’s Gadhafi

Isabel Teotonio
Staff Reporter

He’s sorry some were offended by what he wrote. But he’s not sorry for having written it. [GOOD!]

That’s how Haroon Salamat, chairman of the Toronto and Region Islamic Centre, summed up his feelings about a controversy brewing at the North York mosque.

Some worshippers are upset Salamat used the congregation’s newsletter to condemn NATO and Western efforts to defend Libyans from longtime dictator [again: Muammar is not a dictator; he held no politial position and no power] Moammar Gadhafi.


While they may not be surprised by his words because the centre was built by money provided by the Libyan government, they maintain, “It’s not good to mix religion and politics.”

“Many people don’t agree with the chairman,” said worshipper Ali, who refused to give his last name for fear of retribution. “It’s wrong that he wrote that . . . People may think all Muslims are supporting a regime like that.” [AGAIN, not a “REGIME”–it was a People’s “JAMAHIRIYA”: a DIRECT DEMOCRACY]

In the four-page newsletter, Salamat suggests the West is waging a war on Islam and disputes reports that Libya was bombing its own citizens and that the local population was being massacred. [The “People’s Army of the Jamahiriya”  never bombed or hurt her own people; nor were there any massacres. The violence was caused by CIA operatives, foreign mercenaries and al-Qaeda brought illegally into the country by NATO nations to cause an insurgency as outlined by Secretary of the U.S. Hillary witch Clinton.]

He goes on to highlight the “tremendous amount of good (Gadhafi) has done and continues to do,” such as providing free medical care, free housing, and free education.

“That’s not true. He has no right to say that because he doesn’t know what it is like to live there,” said Ibrahim Momen, a Libyan who came to Canada in 1980, a loyalist to King Issa Senussi.

“He insults Libyans and Canadians,” said Momen, who first raised objections about the piece. “Gadhafi destroyed Libya. And he insults Canada because it is part of NATO, which is helping civilians.” [This is unbelievable, as NATO has killed more than 380,000 Libyan civilians, maimed more than 650,00 and displaces as refugees to Italy, Tunesia and Egypt more than 2.5 million, and destroyed all the schools, hospitals, cultural Halls, etc…of the Libyan people’s Jamahiriya]

On Friday, Salamat told the Toronto Starhe wrote the opinion piece because he wanted to provide an alternative to what is in the mainstream media. He added that even though the centre has received funds from Libya for 20 years, it is not a mouthpiece for the regime. [again, the JAMAHiriya is NOT a regime, but a direct democracy of the people!]

“They don’t ask us to say or do anything but, obviously, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” he said.

Worshipper Temorsha Wakeely who had not read the newsletter, said he didn’t mind Salamat sharing his views.

“Islam isn’t just about religion, it’s about a way of life and that includes politics,” he told the Star after Friday prayer.

Ahmed Yousuf agreed, saying he doesn’t mind Salamat publicizing his views, so long as they are factually correct.

The mosque, commonly referred to as TARIC Islamic Center, has received money from the World Islamic Call Society, funded by the Libyan government to spread Islam.

In 1991, it was given $1.5 million to build the centre, which is located on the northeast corner of Highways 400 and 401. Since then, it has received up to $20,000 each year for some of its programs, said Salamat.

The Canada Revenue Agency** recently revoked the charitable status of the Society’s Canadian branch, which is based in London, Ont., saying it was a front for Gadhafi to funnel money to terrorists worldwide. (false accusation)

Salamat says all the funds he received came directly from Libya, not from the London office.



2006 >  December >  22 >  Islam & Science


The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture

Volume 2: The Individual and Society in Islam A. Bouhdiba (Chief Editor) and M. Ma’ruf al-Dawalibi (Co-Editor) Paris: UNESCO 1998, 484 pp, HC ISBN 92-3-102742-5

Volume 4: Science and Technology in Islam Part I: The Exact and Natural Sciences Part II: Technology and Applied Sciences Prof. A. Y. al-Hassan (Editor), Prof. Maqbul Ahmed (deceased), and Prof. A. Z. Iskandar (Co-Editors) Part I: Paris: UNESCO 2001, 527 pp, HC ISBN 92-3-103830-3 Part II: Paris: UNESCO 2001, 726 pp, HC ISBN 92-3-103831-1

Volume 5: Culture and Learning in Islam Ekmeleddine Ihsanoglu (Chief Editor) Paris: UNESCO 2003, 926 pp, HC ISBN 92-3-103909-1
It was at its nineteenth session, held in Nairobi from 26 October to 30 November 1976, that the General Conference of UNESCO authorized the Director-General to “take the necessary measures to prepare and publish a work on the different aspects of Islamic culture” (5). Almost twenty years later, we have three out of the six planned volumes and, judging by the quality of work, the long wait has been worthwhile.

The project is rather modest, if one takes into consideration the extensive resources available to UNESCO and the financial help provided by World Islamic Call Society, a Libyan organization, for the six-volume project which aims “to show these various aspects [of Islamic culture] both from a historical standpoint and with reference to the present relevance of a civilization whose role and brilliance in the future are expected to equal what they were in the past” (5). This optimism about Islamic civilization was a characteristic feature of the mid-1970s, when freshly found financial resources from oil exports were coupled with a general wave of “renaissance thinking” throughout the Muslim world, spurred in part by the advent of the fifteenth century of Islam. Thirty-six years later, that promise of renaissance having been squanderedgeopolitical situation of the world drastically changed, and a general Islamophobia reigning supreme, these volumes are just the right antidote to despair: the sheer breadth of the accomplishments of Islamic civilization in learning, in arts, crafts, science, and technology, its lofty idealism and supreme goal of elevating individual lives beyond the mundane, are all coupled with an immutable anchorage in Revelation, just as they have over the last fourteen centuries. What these volumes present is, indeed, an intellectual feast for the general readership.

Federico Mayor rightly observes in his preface to the work that “for the peoples who, from the China Sea to the Atlantic coast of Africa, embraced Islam, [Islamic civilization provided] a set of cultural references and values that served to fashion their unity while preserving their own specific characteristics. What is more, this civilization, which aspired to universality from its beginnings, exercised an undeniable influence on neighbouring peoples in several fields” (5). The six volumes have been organized along thematic rather than chronological lines and they intend to “acquaint the widest possible readership with the different aspects of this living culture” (6):

Volume l: The Foundations of Islam

Volume 2: The Individual and Society in Islam

Volume 3: The Spread of Islam Throughout the World

Volume 4: Part I: The Exact and Natural Sciences

Volume 4: Part II: Science and Technology in Islam

Volume 5: Culture and Learning in Islam

Volume 6: Islam in the World Today

Each of these volumes covers a specific aspect of Islamic culture:

   (1) the pillars of faith and the foundations on which Islam rests,
   (2) the status of the individual and society in Islam, (3) the
   spread of Islam since the Revelation: the Arab, Asian, African
   and European areas opened up before the new profession
   of faith and the way in which the rights of the converted
   peoples were preserved, (4) the fundamental contribution,
   in the scientific and technical fields, of Islamic civilization to
   the adventure of human knowledge, (5) the educational and
   cultural environments--in literature, art and architecture--, and
   (6) Islam today, between fidelity to its past and the necessary
   conquest of modernity. Neither a learned compilation nor an
   attempt at popularization, these volumes are none the less
   written to the most exacting standards with contributions by
   scholars from all over the world. (6)

The quality of articles varies in the three volumes so far published, but in general the work displays an excellent level of scholarship. The project has attracted some of the most respected contemporary scholars of Islam. Volume 2 was the first to appear (1998); this was followed by the two parts of Volume 4 (2001); the last to appear was Volume 4 (2003). Considering the intended readership, each volume provides a panoramic view of the field, is rich in breadth, and brings to attention numerous strands of thought in the limited space available.

While a short review of these volumes cannot give details of each volume, one cannot resist mentioning the conceptual richness of the three published volumes. For instance, Volume 2 (The Individual and Society) be gins with a chapter entitled “Norms and values” and ends with “Everyday life in the cities of Islam” (ch. 16), covering between them such interconnected topics as the “Rights, responsibilities, and freedom of the individual” (ch. 2); “Moral thought” (ch. 3); “Social thought” (ch. 4); “The family basis of the Islamic city” (ch. 5); and “Islamic education” (ch. 6). The full description of the entire project as well as of each volume can be found on UNESCO’s website, which now has a separate portal devoted to this project.

The voluminous Volume 5 (Culture and Learning), consisting of 926 pages, is divided into six sections: The Languages of Islam; Literature; Philosophy in Islam; Muslim Mysticism; Human Science; and Artistic Creations. Each section contains several chapters, each devoted to a special subfield within the general topic covered by the section. Thus arranged, the volume presents a panorama of culture and learning in Islam–ranging from characteristic features of various Islamic languages to the intricate designs of carpets and metalwork. Given the importance of visual images for this volume, the poor quality of illustrations is unfortunate.

Divided into two parts (“The Exact and Natural Sciences” and “Technology and Applied Sciences”), Volume 4 (Science and Technology in Islam) has been the result of the efforts of some of the most respected historians and philosophers of Islamic science and presents fruits of life-long reflections and research. Contributions by George Saliba, Ahmad Y. al-Hasan, Roshdi Rashed, Julio Samso, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, and Donald R. Hill, among others, make these two volumes (consisting of 1250 pages) one of the most important secondary works now available to general readers.

These volumes need the largest circulation possible, especially in the Muslim world, where most books published in the West remain out of reach for interested readers due to their prohibitive price. UNESCO’s website for the project indicates the preparation of electronic versions of these volumes. This is an excellent decision, especially if they are made available at no or a minimum cost.

Taken together, the three volumes already published fulfill the aim of the project. Their planned translations into French and Arabic will make them more widely accessible. The project does not envision translations in other languages, but perhaps UNESCO can establish a mechanism with the help of regional publishers or private organizations interested in local editions and produce translations of these volumes into various Islamic languages. Readers of these volumes will eagerly wait for the rest.

Muzaffar Iqbal

Center for Islam and Science,

Sherwood Park, AB


COPYRIGHT 2006 Center for Islam & Science
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.

Copyright 2006, Gale Group. All rights reserved. Gale Group is a Thomson Corporation Company


2009 >  September >  13 >  Cyprus Mail (Cyprus)


Byline: Charles Charalambous 

THE CLASHES between rival groups of Muslims at Nicosia’s Omeriye Mosque some two weeks ago were certainly unwelcome. But one positive outcome is that Nicosia Municipality and the government are now actively looking at the underlying causes of the violence — taking into account the multicultural realities of living in Nicosia old town — in order to find a solution that could involve opening new mosques.

The immediate cause of the violence was reportedly an argument over religious dogma between the Sunni majority and a group of regulars at the mosque who preach their own interpretation of Islam. But this flash-point resulted from a set of equally deep problems.

Many believe that it is not just religious, but also socioeconomic differences that are in play. Gerald Butt, editor of Middle East International magazine, told the Mail: “There are differences between Sunnis and Shi’ites wherever they happen to be. In the Gulf states there is a big social differentiation between labourers or blue-collar workers and other social groups, especially since many of those workers come from the Indian subcontinent. They would normally be kept very separate from the local Arabs, usually using different mosques, and people tend to learn to live with the differences over time. But the setting in Arab countries is very different to Cyprus, which affects how social and religious differences are expressed.”

There is another important aspect: “The specific problem in Cyprus is that there is a very limited number of mosques in a predominantly Christian country. This heightens the differences between Muslims who are well-established here and the new arrivals, on top of whatever other social and religious differences, adding to possible tensions.”

Nicos Trimikliniotis, Professor of Law and Sociology at the University of Nicosia and director of the study centre which serves as the Cyprus National Focal Point for RAXEN (European Information Network on Racism and Xenophobia), said: “What is the basic problem? There is one mosque, which is owned by the Turkish Cypriots but is now used mainly by immigrants. What is the government doing to enable people to use that place of worship freely? What business does one group of Muslims have in managing another group’s right to worship?”

The issue boils down to the fact that additional premises can be made available, but questions remain regarding their regulation by the authorities and their day-to-day management.

Currently, just one of Nicosia’s mosques — the Omeriye — is in active use. The next two mosques in terms of size are the Bayraktar near the Ochi roundabout, and the Taht-el-Kale/Tahtakallas next to Ayios Kassianos, both of which are designated monuments restored under the Nicosia Master Plan. There are a few other small mosques, including a tiny one next to Phaneromeni Church.

Most of the 100 or so mosques in the government-controlled areas are the responsibility of the Guardian of Turkish Cypriot Properties — in law, Interior Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis — and are managed by the Ministry’s Turkish Cypriot Property Management Service (TCPMS).

Yiorgos Matseopoulos, Senior Officer of the Nicosia District  TCPMS confirmed to the Mail that mosques which are old and architecturally significant have been designated as monuments under Cyprus law, and so come under the responsibility of the Antiquities Department (part of the Communication & Works Ministry) when it comes to carrying out restoration, repair or maintenance. However, the maintenance costs are shared 50-50 between that department and the TCPMS. Matseopoulos added that the TCPMS maintains mosques which are not designated as monuments, and in some cases — for example, the mosque in Dali, just outside Nicosia — it also covers the running costs.

Nicosia Mayor Eleni Mavrou told the Mail: “My personal opinion is that yes, we do need more mosques opened — but there would need to be an acceptable system for using them. Right now, there is no management committee at the Omeriye with which we as a municipality can communicate. We do need to establish a clearer picture before starting to make proposals. Basic questions such as, for example, how running costs will covered need to be answered first, before other mosques are opened.”

Mavrou added: “Ramadan is due to end on 21 September, and we will have a meeting with the Interior Ministry on 23 September. This is a sensitive and complicated issue, so it has to be taken seriously. Off-the-cuff statements or things done for show do not help.”

Matseopoulos shares the view that opening up existing mosques and maybe creating new ones poses a whole new set of practical questions that need to be answered, such as who will have responsibility for running them, paying the bills, holding the keys, and so on. “I do believe that the 23 September meeting will allow us to move forward and resolve some of these questions”, he said.

The major problem facing Nicosia Municipality and the Interior Ministry is that the various small groups who would like to have their own place of worship are not organised formally, and often express very different opinions or even versions of events. This is making the process of consultation towards establishing an action-plan very difficult.

One other question for consideration would be finding imams who would lead the new mosques. According to Politis newspaper, responsibility for appointing the imams at three of Cyprus’ mosques (Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca) rests with Mohamed Hodja, who represents the World Islamic Call Society (WICS) in Cyprus and is also part of the diplomatic staff at the Libyan Embassy.

The WICS was set up in 1972 and is based in Libya. Hodja told Politis that the decision to re-open some mosques in order to allow Muslims to worship was taken by President Makarios following a visit to Cyprus in 1970 by Muammar al-Gaddafi. It appears that as well as paying the salary of Omeriye’s imam, the Libyan authorities may also be covering the mosque’s running costs. 

But the question of having more than one mosque available to Nicosia’s Muslims cannot be resolved without looking at the wider social picture. In Trimikliniotis’ view, “the integration of immigrants into Cypriot society is a basic issue which is not being faced up to. Immigrants are still on the margins, and if anything they are consciously being marginalised even further.” Shortly after the clashes at Omeriye mosque, Mavrou herself said that measures designed to ease the tensions should be part of a formulated immigration policy.

Mavrou said: “”We are already addressing some of the social questions facing immigrants living in Nicosia old town, as part of our plans to regenerate the area. For a year now, we have been running two programmes, designed to help adult women seek work. But these programmes need to be expanded, since applications already far outnumber the available places.”

“We also need to set up service — it could be just one person — to establish and maintain regular contact with various community groups. I know that many European cities with large numbers of immigrants have dedicated significant resources to this. Some of our printed material already appears in various languages, so it is a start.”

Copyright Cyprus Mail 2009

Provided by Syndigate.info an Albawaba.com company

COPYRIGHT 2009 Al Bawaba (Middle East) Ltd.
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.
Copyright 2009 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

Byline: Lucy Millett


OFFICIALS from the Interior Ministry and Nicosia Municipality have met to discuss arrangements for opening up more mosques around Nicosia.

The meeting was deemed necessary after clashes between two groups of worshippers earlier this month at the Omeriye mosque in Nicosia’s old town. The conflict highlighted the need to look at the underlying causes and accommodate the different needs of Muslims living in Nicosia.

The meeting on Wednesday looked specifically at the possibilities of reopening existing mosques around the city — and even creating new ones.

Nicosia Mayor, Eleni Mavrou, said “The meeting was really an exchange of information and opinions about arrangements for different mosques in the city.

“The outcome of the meeting was that the Interior Ministry will contact imams and the embassies involved — such as the Libyan Embassy and Turkish Cypriot imams — fill in the blanks as far as organisation and overall arrangements are concerned.

“When this is done, we will be meeting again to exchange views on how to proceed.

“As far as the Omeriye mosque is concerned, the Interior Ministry is collecting information on arrangements there. The ministry and the antiquities department are also set to discuss restoration works.

“The mosque will probably have to close for a certain period while works are under way, so we have to see what solution can be found to accommodate the congregation during that time. It will be essential to make other arrangements for as long as the mosque is closed.”

Yiorgos Matseopoulos, Nicosia District Senior Officer in charge of Turkish Cypriot property, said, “The whole point of the meeting was to find ways of finding people to be responsible for these mosques and to liaise with them. Our offices will be looking at restoration works as well.”

According to Politis newspaper, responsibility for appointing the imams at three of Cyprus’ mosques (Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca) rests with Mohamed Hodja.

Hodja represents the World Islamic Call Society (WICS) in Cyprus and is also part of the diplomatic staff at the Libyan Embassy. It appears that as well as paying the salary of Omeriye’s imam, the Libyan authorities may also be covering the mosque’s running costs.

Currently, just one of Nicosia’s mosques — the Omeriye — is in active use. The next two mosques in terms of size are the Bayraktar near the Ochi roundabout, and the Taht-el-Kale/Tahtakallas next to Ayios Kassianos, both of which are designated monuments restored under the Nicosia Master Plan.

There are a few other small mosques, including a tiny one next to Phaneromenis Church.


Copyright Cyprus Mail 2009

Provided by Syndigate.info an Albawaba.com company


Russia Today (Arabic channel) aired an interview last Sunday with Eric Rouleau, French diplomat and journalist (BBC), considered an early friend of

Gaddafi. Revelations and explanations …


Despite its eclipse after 41 years of resistance against nearly 200 low blows of imperialism culminating in a bombing Atlanticist seven months of Libya (2011) [1], the Guide of the Libyan Revolution continues to haunt minds in the capitalist world …

Gaddafi was regarded by Abdul Nassar, the Egyptian, as his heir apparent!

Gaddafi, que l’Egyptien Nasser considéra comme son dauphin
Rouleau pointed out that if the Egyptian Nasser was suspicious of the Soviets, Gaddafi, considered by the former as his heir apparent, was even more. It is even argued that he was anti-communist and he regarded the Soviets as “colonizers”…..

Any objective observer goes well aware that the summary analyzes on the Guide of the Libyan Revolution die hard when it is a being of nuances, perhaps because his single thought is born in the desert and it is part of the race of poets [9]; and when al-Qathafi speaks of the USSR or Eastern Europe, Africa or the Americas, his analyzes have all proved correct.

Direct democracy to fireproof:

Russia Today journalist approached the question of the military presence of the army of the Libyan Jamahiriya in Chad. However, François Mitterrand, President of the French Republic at the time, after being informed of the cordial ties between Gaddafi and roll, it sent a mission to propose to ask Gaddafi the Libyan army to withdraw in exchange for arms contract with French companies. The Guide of the Révolution accepted by indicating his wish to meet Mitterrand in France. Finally, they met elsewhere, although not secretly (in Greece, apparently).

Roll finally revealed that the agreement was not pursued; because, Gaddafi would have revealed that the officers of Libya in Chad would have submitted a petition in which they strongly were advised not to leave the field. The Russian TV journalist expressed his surprise when, how, then, Gaddafi, known for his high authority, gave way to “pressure” of his subordinates? Roll did not answer but the answer is actually very simple.

Indeed, like other sectors of the JAMAHIRIYA society, the army is the people and the people are involved in all matters and vice versa. Moreover, in such a system of government where the people govern themselves and for themselves (based on direct democracy People’s Committees), Gaddafi is a private citizen, when the popular will is expressed. Striking examples were given in a previous article [10]. “Libya, …is actually the most democratic state in the world” [11]. No “dictatorship” in the world could have resisted, if only a single month, a total blockade (economic, media) and continuous bombing of this magnitude. Therefore, only the original nature of the system of direct democracy can explain what the Libyan epic exploits in the military [12 and 13].

To hear from the Chadians themselves:

“President Sarkozy” dictator hunter “and” imposer of democracy “in Africa, continues to support military tyrants like criminals Deby in Chad or to deprive the legitimate president and rebellious of Côte d’Ivoire Laurent Gbagbo by bombing of his palace in order to install it one of Françafrique nervi, Alassane Ouattara “.

“Thousands of Chadian immigrant workers living in Libya for decades, hundreds were massacred by renegade TNC due to their black skin. The members of NCCD that glamorise harkis Libyans in Benghazi they would welcome this tragedy? These same members of NCCD terrorist allies of TNC, do not hesitate to describe as “mercenaries” Chadian our fellow migrant workers. They designate them as the mob of rabid rats of Benghazi, de facto approving their massacres. This position is a proven complicity in a crime! For our party, NEWS / EPRP, our compatriots Chad and other African Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Somalia, Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Congo, Sudan, Djibouti, Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Tunisia … who fought alongside armed forces led by the JAMAHIRIYA Guide Gaddafi, are heroes. They did an internationalist duty in fighting the Western imperialist powers who want to colonize Libya. To confuse these African patriots of the Resistance with “mercenaries”, is to show a short-term vision of the future of Africa in delivered by the imperialist predators. These brave Africans have fallen on the battlefield against the invaders from the West, & deserve our support and homage. They are heroes of the liberation of our continent. Africa Unchained, independent and grateful honor their memory “[14].


Finally, roll Gaddafi is termed “megalomaniac” because he sought to unite Africa and because the Libyan Jamahiriya, in the 80s, had openly supported the struggles of the peoples of Latin America against imperialism that North American has lost none of his arrogance so far.

Instead of “madness”, was it not realistic internationalism, and therefore brave?


9. Kadhafi, le berger des Syrtes; pages d’éphéméride. Par Guy Georgy (ex-ambassadeur de France à Tripoli) : Flammarion, 1996, 317 pages.


10. Libye : Premières élections dimacratiques en 42 ans. Les Pacifistes de Tunis. 7 juillet 2012.


http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=630759 (Englsh)

11. La démocratie directe, secret de l`efficacité de la résistance des peuples à l’impérialisme. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 30 avril 2012


http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=630341 (English)

12. Libia : Fariseos y la destrucción de un pueblo. Por  Jorge Capelán y Toni Solo. 22 de septiembre 2011


13. Mahdi Nazemroaya on yet another “TNC” — this time in Algeria. By Dennis South, 13 Sep 2011.


“And do not fool yourself: It is not the Libyan Defense Forces that is the most powerful force fighting for Libya. It is the Great Jamahiriya that is the most powerful force, with the Libyan Defense Forces being one extension of the Great Jamahiriya. Military analysts, political theorists, and intelligence  specialists are standing aghast, wondering how could a tiny–almost microscopic–country of 6,000,000 people, one-million of whom are refugees in Tunisia, withstand the power of the strongest military alliance in human history.

14. Lettre de démission du Dr Ley-Ngardigal Djimadoum (ALAC (African-Libyan Action Committees) et de l’ACTUS/PRPE du CNCD (Action Tchadienne pour l’Unité et le Socialisme / Parti Révolutionnaire Populaire et Écologique), adressée aux Membres du Bureau du Conseil National pour le Changement et la Démocratie (CNCD). 21 janvier 2012.

COPYRIGHT 2009 Al Bawaba (Middle East) Ltd.
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.

Copyright 2009 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.




Al Qathafi Projects in Uganda Collapsing: 

posted 23/12/2011 

some of the projects he had established in Uganda are phasing out day-by-day. It seems that one day Al Qathafi himself may even be forgotten in the hearts of Ugandans, a country in which he was loved by many.

Many of the projects supervised by the World Islamic Call Society, WICS, a non Governmental Organisation that Al-Qathafi established to rejuvinate Islam throughout the earth, are being taken over and eliminated by world governments all over the globe !
The closure of WICS offices in Uganda came a few weeks after Hillary Clintons death scenario on 20 OCTOBER 2011, Libyans who were in the administration of the Organisation flew back to Libya leaving Ugandans wondering whether many of the projects they were running are to close down or there is a provision of seeing them survive.

To begin with, there’s Voice of Africa Radio, a formerly religious oriented station, has been taken over by a non-religious business organisation.
Ugandans may lose it due to both administrative and financial crises.

Administratively, the radio (Voice of Africa) is affected by the in-house power struggle between the top management. Headed by the General Manager Alhajj Ismail Ntege, top officers of the radio hope that the administration of the Union of Muslim Councils for East, Central and Southern Africa are diverting them pretending to be their supervisor yet in real sense the radio is independent from UMC.

In an exclusive interview with some of the managers in the radio, they say the top two personalities of Union of Muslim Councils, UMC, namely, Ebraheem Ssali, the secretary general, and Haroun Rashid Kasangaki, the administrative secretary, have no work since WICS was closed. That is why they disguise themselves as managing the radio, that yet has its own managers.

The radio managers plus workers who spoke to the writer revealed that the radio is even about to close down due to huge debts including government revenue, paying the National Social security Fund, NSSF, for the employees as well as staff monthly salaries. The staff has now spent three months without getting their salaries.

The radio is also in panic waiting for the news of dismissal from the WICS building where it is housed.

Other of JAMAHIRIYA/ former brother- leader al-Qathafi projects that are likely to collapse include Primary and secondary Schools, a world Islamic Call College – Ugandan branch – study centres for new converts plus other projects. This is the result of lack of funds to run the projects, and the government and business take-over of all al-Qathafi financed projects.

If these projects were to close down, a number of Ugandans may suffer because they have been a bread source for many of them. 


Libya Business News. Al Qathafi Projects in Uganda Collapsing. The A. Emgeg General Consulting Inc (A.E.C.I) is a private consulting firm serving domestic and international clients with activities in Libya.

Muammar al-Qathafi with his clothes’ designer:


with Ban-ki-Moon:

w/Berlusoni’s entourage in  Muammar’s tent:


Photo: A rare picture of leader Muammar Qaddafi and Habib Bourguiba

leader Muammar Qaddafi and Habib Bourguiba


Cry and cry tears of blood .. I walked on >>>>> the country withstand the liberation of the mass ……………. Starts from thy land, O walked ….. My sons just sincere Ferjani ……….

My sisters Hamza Almaadana ……. You sons of Blood …… Gadaffi My sons and I walked Rafla …………. Ahjmoa the rats in the neighborhood Misurata No. 1 ………..

Ahjmoa Ali rats bearded ………. Hrrrrrrrrrrrroa and walked …. This month.


Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl day 1 \ 8 Asham home .............  (Page lovers leader in Ramadan victory and liberation) \ Benghazi now hear the voices of lead and I find ...........  And the voice of ambulances

Call between Rahman and Pacific fishing Amperc
(fishing again for Muammar)
مكالمه بين عبدالرحمن الصيد والهادي امبيرش

مكالمه بين عبدالرحمن الصيد والهادي امبيرش

Abdulrahman call between fishing and anonymous

(fishing for Muammar)
مكالمه بين عبدالرحمن الصيد ومجهول

مكالمه بين عبدالرحمن الصيد ومجهول

Call between Abdul Rahman and Abdullah Sanusi fishing
مكالمه بين عبدالرحمن الصيد وعبدالله السنوسي

مكالمه بين عبدالرحمن الصيد وعبدالله السنوسي

NATO/USA did this to us in SIRTE, LIBYA:
Photo: cry and cry tears of blood ..  I walked on >>>>> the country withstand the liberation of the mass ................  Starts from thy land, O walked .....  My sons just sincere Ferjani ..........  My sisters Hamza Almaadana .......  You sons of Blood ...... Gadaffi  My sons and I walked Rafla .............  Ahjmoa the rats in the neighborhood Misurata No. 1 ...........  Ahjmoa Ali rats bearded ..........  Hrrrrrrrrrrrroa and walked ....  This month

Sirte rats Security Committee bearded seize the property of people in Sirte ………….. especially the houses Alqmazfah …..

Sirte heavy night flight aircraft over the skies of Sirte country occupied …..

(Green Mountain), a U.S. ship loaded with arms up to the port of Tripoli …. It is believed to rats Belhadj (24 JULY 2012).

“Hear ye, and Hovoa O rats Hear the master Muammar Henw Qaal before sedition my dogs my Kharijites my clients NATO, O ring Boshna

and Hfitr dog Hovoa commander hero martyr waging say you, O Shaddad prospects O Tafhen Vsdtoa country and Ammeltoa strife

between the Libyans disgrace and shame upon you to the Day of Judgment”

Channel Sirte on Facebook

FAKE TV/RADIO SATTALITE CHANNELS BEING BROADCAST as al-Jamahiriya and pseudo-Green channels:

– a program that shows where someone is imitating the leader Vanchroowoowoa frequency ….. 11393 Vertical

BTW: This is where the forged (fake) video of our supposed (BUT NOT) our dear brother-leader is shooting captives and civilians in Sirte who wanted to leave before and during the NATO siege…
For your all information, Muammar not even near Sirte at this time!

تبث وهمية تلفزيون / راديو القنوات SATELLITE كما آل الجماهيرية وقنوات شبه الأخضر:

– البرنامج الذي يظهر فيها شخص ما هو تقليد تردد Vanchroowoowoa زعيم ….. عمودي 11393
راجع للشغل: هذا هو المكان الذي (وهمية) مزورة فيديو من المفترض ان لدينا (ولكن ليس) العزيز شقيق زعيم يطلق النار على الأسرى والمدنيين في سرت الذي يرغب في ترك قبل وأثناء حصار منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي …
لمعلوماتك فقط، معمر ولا حتى بالقرب من سرت في هذا الوقت!

RATS as I said stole the real Satellite channel and are presenting Rat videos, propaganda and lies —all made to look like it is from the Green channels!
God Tahlob enter any page on the new channel to the valley and runs the wonders Ashan stolen by rats this is not something for our cause _

قناة الوادي الفضائية القمر: النايلسات التردد: 11393 الاستقطاب: عمودي معدل التصحيح: 4/3 الترميز :27500


“a program that shows where someone is imitating the leader Vanchroowoowoa frequency ….. 11393 Vertical”

PARTIAL TRANSLATION (& there are other more detailed sources) of the FAKE VIDEOS & LIES:

Channel valley space is preparing to broadcast video tape depicts the fierce fighting that took place in the city of Ben-Walid and the city of Sirte between rebel forces and NATO against al-Qadhafi and his supporters, according to sources that the tape is visible showing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi personally shoot down NATO aircraft whenever he heard voices of this aircraft flying on the sky bin Walid and the city of Sirte and the video shows some of the meetings that reward Colonel  Muammar Gaddafi with the elders and the elders of the city of Al Walid and walked Otina war Libyan as tape shows footage inhumane to shoot a large number of civilians fleeing from the city of Al Walid and the city of Sirte and killing prisoners of war between the parties, and that the tape visible will Whittier a lot of controversy between the Libyans and threaten the Libyan government channel valley prosecute and lock the channel in the case of broadcast Hmae tape due to the exposure the country’s security at risk and Atarh problems between the rebels and supporters of al-Gaddafi, Alagdirbaldkr the channel valley has not broadcast any announcement over the programs for Hmae visual tape or even later broadcast on channel tape valley may want to have the tape a surprise to the viewer-Libi,

Lift my head to the Libyan and proud
God Moulay not sire them to
Libya green blood and the blood of their
home steadfast Mstgari not Mstqrlhm
Lord Hamina no meat to them
lift my head Abe commander and NATO, their father, people of the mass will not be broken,,,,,,
Aarf Rasi Libyan and proud people of Gaddafi will not disappear,,,,,
my head Aarf Libyan proud that I lived and I lived for God and country,,,,,
and that the shroud was Valazmy Ahla ……….  par: fifi fifi

The Brother the Leader of the Revolution, Muammar al-Qathafi addresses the heads and members of judiciary organs in the People’s General Committee of Justice, academicians, graduate and advanced degree students in the School of Law of al-Fateh University, The Seventh of April University, Al-Marqab, Academy for Graduate Studies, and the Green Auditorium

31.OCTOBER 2004:
“I wish you well in Ramadan. How are you? I greet you in this Holy Month, and thank you for being here. I know you are fasting. Forgive me for the inconvenience.

I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on some legal questions. You are Professors and students of law. I believe we are about to submit a draft penal code to the People’s Conferences. This new draft contains new amendments. We only make suggestions because the final decision has to be taken by the People’s Conferences.

The People are above the principles and above the law, because they lay down principles and make the law.

One may say principles take precedence; another says no, the law rules. We say the people rule. The people are above principles, and above the law. They make the laws; they lay down the principles of their choice that suit their circumstances and their lives.

The conferences of the people adopt the laws, and authority is the prerogative of the people’s conferences, which adopt the laws; the laws could be amended and rescinded. The People rescind and amend the law. Nothing that we say here is final because the People’s Conferences have the final word. However, as long as we have an opportunity to make our contributions to clarify these issues, we must do what we can.

The world calls for an abolition of capital punishment, but practically goes in the opposite direction.

The world, as you may be aware, declares that it will abolish capital punishment.

This is only a lip service. In reality, the world takes the opposite direction.

It expands capital punishment but declares that it is moving in the direction of the abolition of capital punishment. We must prove this to the world. We must not let any governmental or non-governmental organization insult our intelligence. If they fooled other people, they cannot fool us. We know that the world declares that it will abolish capital punishment or wishes to abolish capital punishment, but in practice it is expanding capital punishment. What is more dangerous is that the death sentence is carried out extra-judicially and collectively. This is dangerous.

The death sentence is carried out collectively and extra-judicially!!

Therefore, the call to abolish capital punishment in courts is naïve, and has no moral force particularly when it is seen in the context of cases of capital punishment carried out collectively and extra-judicially.

Furthermore, the countries that abolished capital punishment or that call for its abolition are the same countries that enforce the death sentence on a wide scale.

The states that are calling for the abolition of a death sentence handed down by courts are the same states that resort to collective wide scale extra-judicial capital punishment.

Therefore, arguments by international organizations or states against another state that did not abolish capital punishment in courts hold no ground. ….. ‘America sentenced me to death. It carried out the sentence, execution by bombs style, but my life was spared for reasons beyond America’s control.

America opposes the death sentence. It may have abolished capital punishment in some but not all states. Nevertheless, it still carries out a collective form of death sentencing. America handed down a death sentence against me; I was condemned to execution by bombs, but for reasons beyond its control, my life was spared. ..’ ” ….

http://www.algaddafi.org/ or http://www.algaddafispeaks.org/



Muammar Al Gaddafi – Speaking at the AU and EU – Summit in Libya, SIRTE22 November 200

on 08 July 2012, Bongo Ghanawrote:

The opinion of the revolutionary leader Muammar al-Gaddafi the Ministerial Conference of African Union and the European Union on issues of migration and development,
opening speech by Muammar Al Gaddafi, during the Summit of the African Union and the European Union in 2006 in Sirte, from the speech, 22.11.2006 – In the Name of God, Welcome to Libya. I salute this meeting of the European Union (EU) and African Union (AU). Since the topic is our meeting Migration and Development, shows that continental meeting the accountability of governments and other active players to the citizens of these two unions. In addition to reflecting this meeting, the consciousness of the development of the phenomenon, which forced in recent times. So now think for everyone concerned and try to find ways by which these problems can be best addressed. I do not want to talk long. However, I do not want to regurgitate what you’ve referenced it today or what was said in other forums already. Light was thrown on the subject and it was reviewed in detail. I would like to dwell briefly on some constant human and natural principles and ….. in the lives of the people.

Kathafi lors de la Conférence ministérielle Union Africaine-Union européenne migration et du …

Au nom de Dieu,
Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en Libye, tout comme je salue cette présence internationale au niveau de l’Union africaine et de l’Union européenne sur le continent africain. Elle démontre, si besoin est, non seulement le sens de responsabilité vis-à-vis des citoyens de ces deux unions de la part des gouvernements et des différents acteurs concernant le thème de la migration et du développement, mais également une prise de conscience de l’ampleur de ce phénomène qui s’est imposé dans une mesure telle que toutes les parties concernées, antagonistes ou non, doivent y réfléchir ensemble en vue d’y remédier.

Je ne voudrais pas être long, tout comme je ne souhaite pas répéter vos propos prononcés aujourd’hui ni les réflexions faites concernant ce phénomène dans d’autres lieux. Il va sans dire que le phénomène de la migration a été amplement étudié. Pour ma part, je me contenterai de mettre l’accent sur quelques invariables liées à l’homme et à la nature. Celui qui agit contre la nature va à contre courant. Il finira un jour par essuyer un revers. Pourtant cette tendance est celle qui prévaut de nos jours par rapport à de nombreuses questions internationales, et qui explique l’échec de la plupart des mesures politiques, économiques, sociales et sécuritaires.

La nature fait de La Terre la propriété de tous. Dieu créa la Terre pour tous les êtres humains. Il leur dit de la sillonner, cela vaut du moins pour ceux d’entre nous qui connaissent le Coran. Croire ou non au Coran est une question que je laisse ici de côté. Dieu, disais-je, en invitant l’homme à parcourir la Terre admet son appartenance à tous les êtres humains qui peuvent s’y déplacer pour vivre. Il importe de réfléchir et d’accepter cette vérité, à savoir que la Terre nous appartient tous. Que de nos jours des frontières politiques, existent, des visas etc., n’est autre qu’une simple innovation de l’homme, non de la nature. Comme vous pouvez le constatez, ces innovations sont à l’origine des guerres entre les Etats sur les frontières. Très souvent, pour une parcelle de terre, des centaines, voire des milliers de personnes perdent leur vie dans une guerre entre deux pays. La question qui vous préoccupe dans ce débat, à savoir le mouvement des populations, est en partie due à la création des frontières, des visas, et des identités.

Il est naturel que l’être humain se déplace à la recherche….

The name of God,
I welcome you in Libya, as I welcome this international presence at the African Union and the European Union on the African continent. It shows, if necessary, not only the sense of responsibility vis-à-vis the citizens of these two unions on the part of governments and stakeholders on the theme of migration and development, but also an awareness of the magnitude of this phenomenon has become such an extent that all parties involved, antagonists or not, need to think together to address them.

I would not be long, as I do not wish to repeat your words spoken today or the reflections on this phenomenon in other places. It goes without saying that the phenomenon of migration has been studied extensively. For my part, I will just focus on some invariant related to man and nature. Whoever is against nature goes against the current. He will one day suffer a setback. Yet this trend is that which prevails today in relation to many international issues, and that explains the failure of most political, economic, social and security.

The nature of the Earth is the property of all. God created the Earth for all humans. He told them of the furrow, it is worth at least for those of us who know the Qur’an. Believe it or not the Koran is a question I leave aside. God, I said, inviting the man to walk the Earth admits his belonging to all human beings who can move there to live. It is important to consider and accept this truth, namely that the Earth belongs to us all. That nowadays political boundaries exist, visas etc.., Is nothing but a simple innovation of man, not nature. As you can see, these innovations are the cause of wars between states on the borders. Very often, for a parcel of land, hundreds or even thousands of people lose their lives in a war between two countries. The question on your mind in this debate, namely the movement of people, is partly due to the creation of borders, visas, and identity.

It is natural that human beings move in search ….


Muammar Al Gathafi – Leader of the Revolution addresses the heads and members of judiciary organs.
2004-22 OCTOBER:The Brother Leader of the Revolution addresses the heads and members of judiciary organs and to the Supreme Council of Judicial Bodies.

BongoGhana on 1 déc. 2011 wrote:Al Gaddafi is against the DEATH sentence! Also, he is requesting to investigate the ABU SALIM prison issue further!
Here in that video, you see clearly, that he suggested, but not commanded!


Publiée le 5 août 2,012 par ALRSEEFAFM:
This recording came down tonight on YouTube
and we do not confirm nor deny what is in it
do not know the source and timing of recorded
only for a Liberal in the picture
a surprise to the Libyan people


sidewalk network to the media

http://www.alrseefa.net/ /

fm.html Radioa sidewalk FM


Chamber of the Great Jamahiriya on Paltalk

الرصيفة الاخبارية
    • هذا التسجيل نزل الليله علي موقع اليوتيوب ونحن لا نؤكد ولا ننفي ما جاء فيه لا نعر…


Bengazi errupts again



Libya - Libya News from occupied (July 26, 2012)Photo: fast Mqubowoowoowoowoowol ...............  To the King of Kings of Africa

ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama According to Akhbar Libya, it is war army of streets in the area Laithi to Benghazi.

At 8:45, aRed Crosscar was stolen.

A young local man Ben Gchir was removed for 3 days after strangers. He was found slaughtered today in the area  Ouedi Rabie.

A Police Officer Omar Salem Road Tarchi Warfalia was kidnapped by the militias of Misrata.
Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl day 1 \ 8 Asham home .............  (Page lovers leader in Ramadan victory and liberation) \, our correspondent in the corner Aharhh now free from the gates of Jerdan ~ with the exception of one gate in the way of Almcefat ~ steady Hedow full Abu Issa alert full Sabriyah ready for any problem into its airspace ~ Long live the youth and members of employees of the armed people ready processing Tam ~ and Asho Liberal Greens

Dr. Hamza on the room I read Libya – Letter to the Middle
03/08/2012 Hmokh a man and a revolutionary Rishvana

Publiée le 3 août 2012 par Libya1969free
Hmokh un homme et une Rishvana révolutionnaire

Dr. Hamza on the room I read Libya – Letter to the Middle

In order to forget the massacre of Madjer
in these days such as the NATO Alnaten …….
Zliten striving to strike the city …… By 40 countries …… The Alahjowom fierce …… And to address this honorable Alahjowom tribes in the city withthe help Zliten People’s Armed Forces and volunteers ……..Led by Muammar Gaddafi, the hero Thurs ……. The result was bombed houses in the areaMadjer Bzletn, killing dozens of children and women …… O merciful and all Hhdaúnaaa brought them into His paradise. 

rats burn a number of corner shops and houses ….. And their backers, including deportation ….

So do not forget … Today the memory of the massacre of the Valley Madjer committed by NATO forces with the blessing of its customers

and the silence of international organizations

The following is the BANI WALID March 2011 hero-martyr Aajmall Gibran  (again):

From the beachgreen march in the city center and raise green flags and pictures of the leader …. And calls for killing of Abu rat attack.


reports of rats to change passports even comes from living outside of Libya …. Is arrested.


  • A source declined to be named, he saw Abojeelh Abyssinia Tarhunah battalion commander of the faithful who was abducted nearly a month at the detention center run

    by the elements of the battalion of rats Misurata Commission on Supreme security in the Salah al-Din near the tomb of Sidra the source added that the Abyssinian

    Abojeelh is the same person still alive when he left prison a week ago and said that there are many prisoners in this place.

    Racial discrimination against the Tuareg people of southern Libya still being on the road between Tripoli and the Libyan South, where a gang

    controlled the door ogres on the road between Tripoli and the South led the youth group of the tribe Tuareg.


      ‏Photo : عاااااااااااااااااااااااجل<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
--------------------</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>قرار القائد الاعلي للمقاومة الليبية المسلحة رقم 2 لسنة 2012 بشان ترقية منتسبين للقوات المسلحة واستمرارية ترقية .... :- بعد الاطلاع على القانون العسكري الليبي وقانون الاجراءات المنظم له :- وبعد الاطلاع علي قرار القائد الاعلي للقوات المسلحة العقيد الشهيد معمر القذافي بشان ترقية ضباط الشرطة والشعب المسلح :- وبناء على ماتقرر في اجتماع قيادة المقاومة المسلحة تقرر ...... المادة الاولي ،،، يستمر العمل بقرار الترقية الصادر من القائد الاعلي للشعب المسلح بشان ترقية الضباط في جهاز الشرطة والشعب المسلح ويستتني من ذلك من ارتكب افعالا تمس من شرف وظيفته او الواجب المكلف به . المادة الثانية ،،، يمنح كل المدنيين المشاركين في عملية التحرير اذ ماقرروا انضمامهم للشرطة او الشعب المسلح رتبة ملازم ثاني فورا انتهاء عملية التحرير والتحاقهم بمؤسساته. المادة الثالثة ،،، يلغي القانون المنظم لترقيات الشرطة والذي يحظر ترقية ضباط الصف الي ضباط وذلك بمقتضي قانون يصدر عن الجهة المختصة بعد التحرير . المادة الرابعة .. تطلق تسمية الضباط الاحرار علي كافة قادة المقاومة الذين ساهموا في تحرير الجماهيرية العظمي وتتم التسمية بقرار من القائد الاعلي للمقاومة المسلحة .. صدر بتاريخ اليوم 2012/7/29 ميلادية الموافق العاشر من رمضان لسنة1433 هـ .‏

    Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |

    Please Circular to all pages and sites Jamahiriya: dogs Market Friday and Tajoura of mercenaries and NATO after it published their pages and their story false for a raid on a farm in the outskirts of Tripoli and kill the insurgents who publish this picture today of alleged they were arrested on weapons and materials prepared for the bombing in the same farm obtained by the massacre of the Dean of the mercy of God, but God is shamed and revealed Bhtanhm and Tzaifam of truth and lies to people, as this picture is not on a farm Abubrigad and not in Libya from the basis of it is in Syria, and by 7 weeks and this link the original the image of the Syrian site.

    The rats on the roofs of buildings scattered throughout the neighborhood of unity and heavy machinery deployed terribly

    Now, Aktar fall a martyr in the corner and angle of rats Mdayrin button unusual and seems to have learned the present home Ahrarna Please publication

    you are free to quickly There are four companies in the corner of rats learned that there are houses with weapons, ammunition and fighters please publication,

    you are free.


    Rats Nadmon admettre l’occupation du pays de la Libye

    اخبار المقاومة الليبية 24/24(الاستخبارات الليبية)
    مهمتنا تطهير ليبيا بيت بيت شبر شبر زنقه زنقه……حتى تتطهر البلد من الدنس والانجاس واديال الاستعمار ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████████████░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒████████████████▒░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▓██████████████████▒░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░▒████████████████████░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░▓████████████████████░░░…
    Page : 27 887 personnes aiment ça.

    مهمتنا تطهير ليبيا بيت بيت شبر شبر زنقه زنقه……حتى تتطهر البلد من الدنس والانجاس واديال الاستعمار ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████████████░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒████████████████▒░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░▓██████████████████▒░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░▒████████████████████░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░▓████████████████████░░░…

    Page : 27 887 personnes aiment ça.
      •  RATS:


        The main accused of the Murder of General Abdelfateh Younes Escaped from Prison (I am sure he paid enough money to get out!!!)

        Source: ALGERIA ISP

        Libya - the main accused of the murder of General Abdelfateh Younes escaped from prison (30 July 2012)

        ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawma According to Akhbar Libya, Benghazi, the main accused of the murder of General Abdelfateh Younes, the rebel Aboukatada Afhganiescaped from prison. Bearded men who presented themselves as battalion commanders came to see him. They gave him clothes to change. He withdrew the prison uniform and went out with them from the front door. The prison guards discovered that his cell was empty and escaped.

        These people who helped him came in a white car in the army “Kowa February 17.”

        The rebels who regretted participation in this war on the Libyan demonstrated with banners such as:

        What is the  capital of Libya: Tripoli or Doha?

         Le principal accusé de l’Assassiner du général Abdelfateh Younes évadé de la prison (je suis sûr qu’il a payé assez d’argent pour sortir!) http://
        libyaagainstsuperpowermedia.com/2012/07/30 /Libye-la-main-accusé-de-til-de-assassiner général abdelfateh-younes-échappé-de-prison-30-juillet-2012 /
        Source: FAI ALGÉRIE ALGÉRIE FAI / Elmokawma Selon Akhbar Airlines, Benghazi, le principal accusé de l’assassiner le général Abdelfateh Younes, le rebelle Aboukatada Afhgani évadé de prison. Les hommes barbus qui se présentaient comme commandants de bataillon est venu le voir. Ils lui ont donné des vêtements à changer. Il a retiré l’uniforme de prison et sortit avec eux à partir de la porte d’entrée. Les gardiens de prison ont découvert que sa cellule était vide et s’est échappé. Ces gens qui l’ont aidé venu dans une voiture blanche dans l’armée “Kowa Février dix-sept.” Les rebelles qui ont regretté la participation à cette guerre sur la Libye a démontré avec des banderoles telles que: Qu’est-ce que la capitale de la Libye: Tripoli ou de Doha?


          Le principal accusé de l’Assassiner du général Abdelfateh Younes Echappé de Priso n (! Je suis sûr qu’il a payé assez d’argent pour sortir) Source: ALGÉRIE ALGÉRIE FAI FAI / Elmokawma Selon Akhbar …

        Libya – The Libyan claim to the Emir of Qatar, the truth of the death of General

        Younes (30 July 2012)



        Posted on 30/07/2012 by alfatah69

        The Libyan claim to the Emir of Qatar, the truth of the death of General Younes

        Source: ALGERIA ISP

        Libya - The Libyan claim to the Emir of Qatar, the truth of the death of General Younes (July 30, 2012)

        ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawma According to Akhbar Libya, to Zawiya, rebel snipers were positioned

        Buildings in the city and the rebels Wahdaheavy weapons teams are in different streets.

        ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama

        According to Akhbar Libya, in Tripoli, the city of Andalus, men in a car without

        license plates throws a grenade at the Rimal Club, a gathering of rebels.

        The programs were continued, but the car is already gone.

        Benghazi demonstrators who came out demanding the truth about the death of General Abdelfateh

        Younes ask the emir of Qatar: Who killed General Abdelfateh Younes?

        * It is confirmed that Colonel Suleiman Bouzrida traitorwas eliminated after prayers at the mosque in the region Achae Leithi Jadid. A group of armed men in a white car brand Chevrolet stopped to ask their lessons and then someone shot him in the head. It was this miserable colonel Libyan military security and that really helped the “rebels” during the conspiracy against Green Libya.

        * In Benghazi Cheikhi Abderezak school, a bomb was discovered.

        * They inform us that the main accused of the murder of General traitor Abdelfateh Younes, the bandit “rebel” Aboukatada Afhgani escaped from prison. The bearded men who introduced themselves as battalion commanders came to see him. They gave him clothes to change. He retired the prison uniform and went with them to the front door. The prison guards discovered that his cell is empty and escaped.

        These people who helped him in a white car came from the army “Kowa February 17.”

        * Civilians complain that a drone was seen in the skies of Benghazi causing panic and indignation

         * A former national security official was killed after the car bomb exploded in Benghazi region Hadaik Jedi.

         – Zenten: Three members of the family of Ahmed Ben Jomoa Machay were kidnapped by militias Zenten after his return from the city of Chakika.

        Yesterday, after Maghreb prayers, rebels attacked the house of a faithful Charir Fouziya. Dispararon the Libyan weapons in the house and then burned. They went to the store after her husband and burned it.

        – Taouergha: The Head of Refugee Affairs of the European Union visited the concentration camps Taouergha.

        The head of the European Union Refugee Affairs visited the concentration camps of Taouergha.

        Rats Security Committee are the armed wing of the Muslim Brotherhood Almqji … They are bombers in Benghazi ….. And must be solved quite.

        loss of the bombing of intelligence built in Benghazi ………. burn the building and the bombing of three mechanisms of armed.

        Benghazi now hear the voices of lead and I find ……….. And the voice of ambulances.

        Building bombing in front of Turkish Embassy in Benghazi now ……

        Turkish Embassy destruction coversation w/ Muammar:
        Commander …………… Aldro will come to the Arab leaders after Saddam
        Aladinm …………. Ratified, Mr.
        Leader …………… Will die a martyr in the end
        Aladinm …………. Ratified, Mr.
        Commander ………….. For the people of Misurata in 2005 to Atkonowa traitors like ancestors
        Aladinm ……….. Ratified, Mr.
        Commander ……….. In front of the Tunisian parliament in 1999, NATO will attack on Libya’s
        leader …………… Will Tendmon Day whereon neither remorse
        Aladinm ………… Ratified sir …. You are truly a myth will not be repeated …..

  • https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/c58.0.843.403/p843x403/539071_413842018650939_160741591_n.jpg

    Benghazi to wake up and ask, and Hamad Mozath for certain crimes in Libya
    Sasalonh and also gradually destroyed all of Libya and killed his children and they will discover that his channel and his mercenaries and his money and the elders of his palace are the reason

    Benghazi, the country’s flag in 2011,
    Benghazi, the country is burning the flag in 2012,
    this happened to you, in Benghazi? Are you mislead Akchwta Bank? Are they discovered Khzlok? And Kzbok? And Aghtsabok? And Nfrdoa your Gahrok?

    Flag burning mini-State of Qatar and lay in the street in front of the Tibesti Hotel, which is controlled by the Qataris.
    # Benghazi in Libya

    Photo: the intelligence headquarters was targeted by the parents of a little c ---- 69

    Intelligence headquartersÚÇÇÇĚá
    now hovering flight to Benghazi at the moment just

    East Libya:
    Benghazi!!!! ~ Urgent
    explosion the second most intense and powerful than the first

    Libyan resistance movement (h m l)
    a witness from Benghazi ::
    exit to the people of the gardens built for the Military Intelligence Battalion, charged disputes with the protection of the building, which led to the problem of random shooting with them and just

    East Libya: Benghazi!! ~ Further to the news of the huge explosion that shook the Benghazi shortly before ..

    Headquarters of the Military Intelligence near the Dubai Street caused major damage to my headquarters and

    some neighboring houses do not have news yet of casualties — – c 69.

    after the bombing of intelligence built in Benghazi …………… We wonder …………. Is there intelligence of rats originally.

    …. Or are they hired a NATO intelligence officers.

    Photo: East Libya: Benghazi!! ~ Further to the news of the huge explosion that shook Benghazi while ago ..  Headquarters of the Military Intelligence near the Dubai Street caused major damage to my headquarters and some neighboring houses do not have news yet of casualties ---- c 69

correspondent incognito among the rats to the armed forces of the people and members of the resistance now resides in the house of the U.S.

ambassador to:

8 cars armored rats ……. U.S. forces and U.S. forces moving on jets to combat illegal immigration to Wattayah or Sbaah

– A group of gunmen attacked the tribe Ouled Sakr headquarters of the safety of fellow Muslims and expelled from the city. Destroyed seven trucks equipped with heavy weapons.

 – Misurata: The theft of human organs in prisons in Misurata, a revealing interview of a victim of this barbarity.

A police officer Omar Salem belonging to the tribe Warfali was kidnapped by militia Misurata Furthermore, in Misurata, NTC President and his deputy have resigned.

– Tripoli: In Tripoli, near the hospital Hadaba and Khadra, a group of rats “rebels” kidnapped Misurata two young Libyans. They were forced to remain in their underwear. They were filmed with their laptops and then retreated.

These are the victims:

Mr. Khaled Messaoud Fassile Zarouk

Mr. Tahar Chibani

– Darna: a teacher was shot dead. Her name is Najiya Astita. Her body was thrown through the trees to Ouedi Naka at the entrance to the city. Her car was stolen.

We report that in Darna, the Muslim Brotherhood have prepared a blacklist of 900 military and police for execution. A fatwa has been said to kill anyone who was under the flag of Jamahiryia .

– Kufra: The leaders charged that Tobous 17 people were killed by mercenaries of the NTC-NATO over the past two days, denied by other sources.

– Traitors and conspirators to Libya, these common criminals in the service of imperialism will be deleted

Raphael Luzon


– Entrepreneur Jew Raphael Luzon returned to Britain after being imprisoned in Benghazi: Raphael Luzon, a former Libyan Jew, returned to the UK safely on Sunday after security forces in Benghazi imprisoned and interrogated him for several days.
Luzon said his ordeal began in Benghazi on July 22 when “suddenly a friend sent me a text warning me to be careful that security forces are looking for me,” he recalled. “I immediately called the Italian consul who came to my hotel, but when I went to the lobby to meet him he was surrounded by 12 to 15 armed men.
They didn’t let the consul speak, they put me in the car and took me outside Benghazi.”
Luzon, who said he was in the country for business, was kept behind bars at a military camp outside the Mediterranean city without being told why.
“I felt my life was in danger for the first 24 hours because no one knew where I was or what had happened to me,” Luzon said. “In the morning high officials came. One of them, a general shouted at my captors saying they should have brought me food and water.”
(what Drama!!!! really!!!!)

“What really counts is popular sentiment, I am convinced nothing has really changed over there as far as the Jews are concerned,” he wrote in an email to the Post. “[The Libyans believe Jews are] undesired greedy ogres to be ridden of in Palestine and, of course, in Libya.” (they are not wrong at thinking that about them and by the way NO ONE KICKED THEM OUT OF LIBYA STOP LYING YOU TOOK IT UP YOURSELVES TO LEAVE LIBYA now you have no rights as long as you are stepping on the rights of Palestine)

Meanwhile, he added, “at the moment I do not advise any Jew to go to Libya.”

– Tajura: the body of a young woman was found on the beach in Tajoura. She was killed by three bullets. Taken to hospital. The doctor believes that the legal age of 17. She had no identity documents.

– The Corruption of the new “Libya Democracy”: The buildings under construction by the previous government and were about to be delivered to the Libyans, that is planned delivery to the Libyan families in late 2011. The NATO bombs, heavy weapons and armed groups international violations of private property have destroyed many of these buildings.

The saucy criminal to steal more and more from  Libya of the Libyans is that one “person approaches the NTC and alleges that the site has been constructed which a particular building was theirs and that the government of the Jamahiriyah removed it …?. reasoning completely absurd if we consider that these houses and flats they were gifts for the Libyans and are Libyan ALL being built in north-south and east to west including the smaller towns in the desert. However, the NTC accept this“intelligent reasoning” and surrender the property to this “person” who has claimed such a thing. All Libyans know is false, but any signs of being against is interpreted as a sign of being “gadafista “and therefore punishable, so nobody says anything against such theft to the Libyans.

Buildings under construction in Tripoli a week before the attack on Libya.

– Tribute to the hero paradigm of humanity and revolutionary MODESTY: A bronze bust of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was created to save the image in the heart and the memory of this indomitable man.Its main purpose in life was in charge of social protection of each home. His dream was to unite and make Africa a poor blooming oasis. If there are saints in Islam, Muammar Gaddafi will certainly be among his face. Eternal memory HERO! … The pedestal consists of 3 types of natural stone: 1) Malachite. 2) White marble. 3) dark green serpentine nobleman. Carved malachite flag of Libya. (We have posted on YouTube where you can find a closer look at the bust from all sides:

– Return the television channel of the Green Libya with their latest shows online. This allows to break the media siege by the invaders and give more support to the resistance to free the country from predators, as traitors and mercenaries.

You can connect the following link:



– Bani Walid: Brutal NATO bombing against the university Bani Walid – Second plant. A criminal achievement of the “revolution” of criminals rats NTC-NATO.

source: Mohamar Al Gaddafi libia-sos.blogspot.com

ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama


According to Akhbar Libya, the Green Resistance fighters have  attacked the NTC barracks of the city of Mezda. One rebel was killed, this is Mohamed Ahmed Madani and several wounded rebels.

The rebel Dilawi Mohamed, the chairman of the safety cell of BenKasrGchir was abducted by armed men.

Clashes in the region Dohra in Tripoli and a record of 4 dead.

Tripoli – Agency correspondent (Urgent):

Head of the Military Council of the Abu Salim Abdul Ghani Alkkla punish a rebel

who are Misurata Airport Road and bookseller of Misurata shut down the highway now and ready to respond , citing the agency urgently Libya


Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |

URGENT / / high alert from now in Abu Salim rats Gneoh anticipation of an attack on him and Gerant.
To the Liberals in flies and Badr stand
now, the Boshnh force to be sent from the rebels NATO to regions flies, Badr, in order to capture some of the Liberals to their possession of weapons according to the information they have and according to the information we have that the number of Hola Liberal with a (800) free and activist …. And of course the help of massage Alandal blind chivalry … For all the attention and appropriate action Tak ….. And all the free dissemination of this communication ….

Alert alert I hope very, very serious attention to every Liberal in the Great Jamahiriya, there is a group of Asia were brought from the outside of the intelligence they have been deployed in Tripoli Friday Market has been lowered into Misurata purpose cleaners they are intelligence Ahdro Aaahrar of Hedow Acharadm


\ correspondent of the corner Aharhh free from the gates of rats 

 will not leavethe headquarters building and contracting company in the way that leads to steady Reich … Walker rat molar sons of Abdul ……. 

Which is found by the stores of weapons and prisoners of the armed forces to the people.

Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl day 28 \ 7 Asham home .............  (Page lovers leader in Ramadan victory and liberation) \ correspondent of the corner will not leave the headquarters building and contracting company in the way that leads to steady Reich ...  Walker rat molar sons of Abdul .......  Which is found by the stores of weapons and prisoners of the armed forces to the people

I Zaalaaaaaan Iaaaaaaaalibia our people and our young people in prisons captured ~ How long tortured and killed ~

Where tribal fair where descendants of the Champions Mujahideen where human rights where the Islamic world,

our people Imutwowon, from you Aajerdan Iaaaaoelkm Handrto to Roagm Aassadj, blood blood blood –

Aterco our youth Aterco your weapons Iaagbea now is the best to you.

Middle Libyan Benghazi!!!!! ~ Alkwyfah targeting prison in Benghazi Bakadf RPG just been targeted prison

Alkwyfah Iviadv “Arby’s G” on the back wall of the prison “without causing any damage to mankind. — – c 69


Libya – Rebels dissidents joined the Niger (30 July 2012)

Posted on 30/07/2012 by alfatah69

Rebels dissidents joined the Niger


Libya - Rebels dissidents joined the Niger (July 30, 2012)

ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawma According to Akhbar Libya, to ZawiyaQatar‘s ambassador summoned Libya in Dohaabout

the flag burned by demonstrators in Benghazi.

The management of national security in the region Houari Benghazi was attacked by gunmen.

An attempted assassination of General Khalifa Hafterbut there was no success. Men threw a grenade into his house in the region Fouihete.


Khalifa Hafter | Un collaborateur de la CIA pour remplacer le général Abdel Fattah Younes ?

TOL PRESSE DU 30 juillet 2011 à 00:12

Les circonstances de la mort d’Abdel Fattah Younes, Chef d’Etat-Major des insurgés (tué la veille) dans une embuscade tendue par un commando, ne semblent pas encore avoir été clarifiées. Ancien Ministre de l’Intérieur du régime d’El- Gueddafi, Younes s’est rangé aux côtés des rebelles de Benghazi, prenant le commandement des opérations militaires des insurgés.
Son leadership était cependant contesté par Khalifa Hifter ( photo), un autre chef militaire des insurgés au passé très douteux. Abdel Fattah Younes liquidé, c’est un grand boulevard qui s’ouvre pour le protégé des américains pour prendre l’Etat major des rebelles libyens sous la houlette de la CIA.
Qui est Khalifa Hifter
Le Conseil National Libyen, l’organisation basée à Benghazi qui parle au nom des forces rebelles qui luttent contre le régime de Kadhafi, a désigné un collaborateur de longue date de la CIA pour diriger ses opérations militaires. Le choix de Khalifa Hifter, un ancien colonel de l’armée libyenne a été signalé par McClatchy Newspapers, et le nouveau chef militaire a été interviewé par un correspondant d’ABC News. Hifter, dont l’arrivée à Benghazi avait été rapportée pour la première fois le 14 mars par Al Jazeera, a fait l’objet le 19 mars 2011 d’un portrait flatteur dans le Daily Mail, un tabloïd britannique farouchement belliciste. Le Daily Mail présentait Hifter comme une des « deux étoiles militaires de la révolution » qui « est rentré récemment d’exil en Amérique pour apporter une certaine cohérence tactique aux troupes rebelles au sol». Le journal n’évoquait pas ses liens avec la CIA.
McClatchy Newspapers a publié un profil d’Hifter. Intitulé ‘Le nouveau chef rebelle a passé une bonne partie des 20 dernières années dans une banlieue en Virginie, » l’article note qu’il avait été auparavant un officier supérieur du régime de Kadhafi jusqu’à « une aventure militaire désastreuse au Tchad à la fin des années 1980. » Hifter avait ensuite rejoint l’opposition à Kadhafi puis finalement émigré aux Etats-Unis où il a vécu jusqu’à ces dernières semaines qui ont vu son retour en Libye pour prendre le commandement de Benghazi. Le profil par McClatchy concluait, « Depuis son arrivée aux Etats-Unis au début des années 1990, Hifter a résidé dans une banlieue de Virginie aux environs de Washington DC. ». Il citait un ami qui « disait ne pas trop savoir comment Hifter subvenait à ses besoins, et qu’Hifter s’occupait d’abord d’aider sa grande famille. »
Pour ceux qui savent lire entre les lignes, c’est une indication à peine voilée du rôle d’Hifter en tant qu’agent de la CIA. Comment en effet, un ancien officier supérieur de l’armée libyenne a-t-il pu entrer aux Etats-Unis au début des années1990, seulement quelques années après l’attentat de Lockerbie, puis s’installer près de la capitale fédérale, sans l’accord et l’aide active des services de renseignements US ? Hifter a vécu en fait pendant une vingtaine d’années à Vienna en Virginie, à seulement une dizaine de kilomètres du siège de la CIA à Langley. La CIA était bien au courant des activités militaires et politiques d’Hifter. Un article du Washington Post du 26 mars 1996 parle d’une rébellion armée contre Kadhafi en 1996 et écrit son nom dans une transcription différente. L’article cité des témoins selon qui la rébellion a pour « chef le colonel Khalifa Iftar [et est] une organisation du type « contra » basée aux Etats-Unis et appelée Armée Nationale Libyenne. » La comparaison est faite avec les forces terroristes “contra” financées et armées par le gouvernement des Etats Unis dans les années 1980 contre les autorités sandinistes au Nicaragua.
Un livre publié par Le Monde Diplomatique en 2001; Manipulations Africaines, fait remonter la relation avec la CIA encore plus loin, en 1987, signalant qu’Hifter, alors colonel de l’armée de Kadhafi, avait été capture au Tchad où il combattait avec une rébellion soutenue par la Libye contre le gouvernement d’Hissène Habré, soutenu par les Etats-Unis. Il fit défection pour le Front National de Salut Libyen (FNSL), la principale force d’opposition à Kadhafi, qui avait le soutien de la CIA. Il organisa sa propre milice qui opéra au Tchad jusqu’à la déposition d’Hissène Habré en 1990 par Idriss Déby, son rival appuyé par la France. Selon ce livre, “la force de Haftar, créée et financée par la CIA au Tchad, disparut dans la nature avec l’aide de la CIA peu de temps après le renversement du gouvernement par Idriss Déby. »
Le livre cite aussi un rapport du service de recherche du Congrès daté du 19 décembre 1996, selon lequel le gouvernement des Etats-Unis apportait une aide militaire et financière aux membres du FNSL qui avaient été repositionnés aux Etats-Unis. Ces informations sont accessibles à tous ceux qui se livrent à une recherche même superficielle sur internet, mais elles n’ont pas été relayées par les médias contrôlés par les grands groupes, hormis une dépêche de McClatchy qui évite toute référence à la CIA. Les chaînes de télévision, trop occupées à faire l’éloge des « combattants de la liberté » de l’est libyen, ne se sont pas fatiguées à signaler que ces forces étaient désormais commandées par un collaborateur de longue date des services de renseignements des Etats-Unis. Pas plus que n’en ont tenu compte ceux qui parmi les libéraux ou la “gauche” s’enthousiasment pour l’intervention des Etats Unis et de l’Europe en Libye.
Ils sont trop occupés à saluer l’administration Obama pour son approche multilatérale et « consultative » de la guerre, présumée être différente de l’approche unilatérale à la « cowboy » de l’administration Bush en Irak. Que le résultat soit le même – mort et destruction qui s’abattent sur la population, la souveraineté et l’indépendance d’un pays anciennement colonisé foulées aux pieds – ne signifie rien pour ces thuriféraires de l’impérialisme. Le rôle de Hifter, présenté à juste titre il y a 15 ans comme le chef d’une “organisation du genre contra”, montre quelles sont les véritables classes sociales à l’oeuvre dans la tragédie libyenne. Quelle que soit l’authenticité de l’opposition populaire qui s’est exprimée dans la révolte initiale contre la dictature corrompue de Kadhafi, la rébellion a été détournée. L’intervention de l’Europe et des Etats Unis en Libye n’a pas pour but d’apporter la “démocratie” et la »liberté » mais d’installer au pouvoir des pantins de la CIA qui dirigeront le pays aussi brutalement que Kadhafi, tout en permettant aux puissances occidentales de piller les ressources pétrolières du pays et de se servir de la Libye comme base d’opérations contre les gouvernements et populations du Moyen Orient et d’Afrique du Nord.
Source Patrick Martin: World Socialist Web Site

Khalifa Hafter | A CIA collaborator to replace General Abdel Fattah Younes?

TOL PRESS 30 July 2011 at 00:12

The circumstances of the death of Abdel Fattah Younes, Chief of Staff of the insurgents (killed the day before) in an ambush by a squad, do not seem to have been clarified. Former Minister of Interior of the regime of El Kadhafi, Younes has sided with the rebels in Benghazi, taking command of military operations of the insurgents.
His leadership was however contested by Khalifa Hifter (photo), another military leader of the insurgents in the past very doubtful. Abdel Fattah Younes liquidated, it is a grand boulevard that opens to the protected U.S. to take the Staff of the Libyan rebels under the leadership of the CIA.
Who is Khalifa Hifter
The Libyan National Council, the organization based in Benghazi which speaks for the rebel forces fighting against the Gaddafi regime, has appointed a longtime collaborator of the CIA to conduct its military operations. The choice of Khalifa Hifter, a former colonel in the Libyan army was reported by McClatchy Newspapers, and the new military leader was interviewed by a correspondent of ABC News. Hifter, whose arrival in Benghazi had been reported for the first time on March 14 by Al Jazeera, has been March 19, 2011 a flattering portrait in the Daily Mail, a British tabloid staunchly hawkish. The Daily Mail Hifter presented as a “two-star military revolution” which “has recently returned from exile in America to bring coherence to tactical rebel troops on the ground.” The newspaper did not refer to its links with the CIA.
McClatchy Newspapers published a profile of Hifter. Entitled ‘The new rebel leader spent much of the last 20 years in a suburban Virginia, “the article notes that he was previously a senior officer of the Gaddafi regime to” a disastrous military adventure in Chad the late 1980s. “Hifter then joined the opposition to Gaddafi and eventually emigrated to the United States where he lived until recent weeks have seen his return to Libya to take command of Benghazi. Profile by McClatchy concluded, “Since joining the U.S. in the early 1990s, Hifter lived in suburban Virginia near Washington DC. “. He quoted a friend who “does not say too how Hifter supported himself, and took care qu’Hifter first to help his family. ”
For those who can read between the lines, it is a thinly veiled indication of the role of Hifter as an agent of the CIA. How, indeed, a former senior officer in the Libyan army he could enter the United States in the early 1990s, only a few years after the Lockerbie bombing, and then settle near the federal capital, without the agreement and the active help of U.S. intelligence? Hifter actually lived for twenty years in Vienna, Virginia, just ten kilometers from the CIA headquarters in Langley. The CIA was well aware of the military and political activities of Hifter. A Washington Post article of March 26, 1996 speaks of an armed rebellion against Qadhafi in 1996 and wrote his name in a different transcript. The article quoted witnesses who said that the rebellion for “chief Colonel Khalifa Iftar [and is] an organization such as” contra “based in the U.S. and Libyan National Army called. “The comparison is made ​​with the terrorist forces” contra “funded and armed by the U.S. government in the 1980s against the authorities Sandinistas in Nicaragua.
A book published by Le Monde Diplomatique in 2001; African Contender, traces the relationship with the CIA even further in 1987, signaling qu’Hifter then Colonel Gaddafi’s army, was captured in Chad where he fought with a rebellion backed by Libya against the government of Habré, backed by the United States. He defected to the National Front Hi Libya (FNSL), the main opposition to Gaddafi, who had the support of the CIA. He organized his own militia which operated in Chad until the deposition of Habré in 1990 by Idriss Deby, his rival supported by France. According to this book, “the strength of Haftar, created and financed by the CIA in Chad, disappeared in the wild with the help of the CIA shortly after the overthrow of government by Idriss Deby. ”
The book also cites a report by the Congressional Research Service dated December 19, 1996, that the government of the United States brought a military and financial assistance to members of FNSL who had been repositioned in the United States. This information is accessible to all those who engage in an even cursory research on the internet, but they were not covered by the media controlled by the major groups, except for a dispatch from McClatchy, which avoids any reference to the CIA. TV channels, too busy praising the “freedom fighters” in eastern Libya, have not tired to point out that these forces were now controlled by a longtime collaborator of the intelligence services of states United. Nor do those who have considered among the Liberals or the “left” are enthusiastic about the intervention of the United States and Europe in Libya.
They are too busy to greet the Obama administration for its multilateral approach and “advisory” of the war, presumed to be different from the unilateral approach to the “cowboy” of the Bush administration in Iraq. The result is the same – death and destruction that befell the people, sovereignty and independence of a country formerly colonized trampled – means nothing to these apologists of imperialism. The role of Hifter, rightly presented 15 years ago as the leader of a “contra organization of its kind”, shows what are the real social classes at work in the Libyan tragedy. Whatever the authenticity of popular opposition that was expressed in the initial revolt against the corrupt dictatorship of Gaddafi, the rebellion has been hijacked. The intervention of Europe and the United States in Libya does not aim to bring “democracy” and “freedom” but to install in power puppets of the CIA who will lead the country as brutally as Gaddafi , while allowing Western powers to plunder the country’s oil resources and to use Libya as a base of operations against the governments and peoples of the Middle East and North Africa.
Patrick Martin Source: World Socialist Web Site


Benghazi deminers have defused a bomb that was placed next to the air conditioner under the bridge of the Tibesti Hotel. The hotel is used by all Qataris.

A battalion commander and his rebels Ajdabiya .

Mohammed Barani withdrew from the NTC and theyjoined the Niger.

The rebel battalion Saedaoui Bashir arrested the president of the NTC local BOUSLIM oum Dermane, the rebel Gniwa.


Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |

Aajmall Hussan GIBRAN & MU

Urgent from Tripoli
No God but God … Series and continues kidnapping and slaughter of women and men in Libya to find the girl’s body (Salwa Mohamed Altqaz), which lost yesterday ..

Where her body was found slaughtered and dumped garden opposite the Al Ittihad Tripoli and signs of burning fire ….. Yes, God is enough and the agent


Basic People’s Congress Elvis Bucky free:
Liberals on the Bay for all Facebook pages please follow the following capture
(1) I hope not to talk with people you do not know their predecessor
(2) ensure the use of the word secret between you and your friends in Facebook
(3) Please delete the messages firsthand after the completion of each chat

(4) to hide your information and
(5) not to respond to any call Video by Elvis, even if from a friend for a possible breach
(6) any person who gives it an inventory number Tlfonh
Finally, I know these notes we all know and silks are free and we are not stupid or naive to fall into the trap of Mshehadthm because rats are free and not for the sons of Muammar al-Gaddafi.
Therefore, these simple measures will help not to hack because there are those who call themselves the army mail under the leadership of the Supreme Security Committee who hacked the account and chat with friends of the account holder to lure them to find out any information Kono careful, O sons of light the sons of Muammar Gaddafi When their attack power on the pages of Elvis This means we are in the road to victory and we are the owners of the land steadfastness victory for us and our resistance to them defeat
Gefällt mir ·المؤتمر الشعبي الاساسي الفيس بوكي الحر
بيه لكل الأحرار على صفحات الفيس بوك ارجو اتباع التقاط التالية
(1) ارجو عدم الحديث مع اشخاص ليس لكم بهم معرفه سابقه
(2) الحرص على استعمال كلمة سر بينكم وبين اصدقائكم في الفيس
(3)ارجو مسح الرسائل اول بأو
ل بعد الأنتهاء من كل دردشه
(4) اخفاء ايميلاتكم ومعلوماتكم
(5)عدم الرد على اي مكالمه فيديو عن طريق الفيس حتى لو كانت من صديق لأحتمال اختراقه
(6) اي شخص يعطي رقم تلفونه فهو جرد
أخيرا اعلم هذه الملاحظات نعرفها جميعا حرائر واحرار واننا لسنا اغبياء او سذج لنقع في مصيدتهم لأن المصيده للجرذان وليس للأحرار ابناء معمر القذافي.
لذلك هذه الأجراءات البسيطه تساعد على عدم الأختراق لأن هناك من يسمون نفسهم بالجيش الألكتروني تحت قيادة اللجنه الأمنيه العليا يقومون بأختراق الحساب والدردشه مع اصدقاء صاحب الحساب لأستدراجهم لمعرفة اي معلومه كونو حذرين يا ابناء الفاتح ابناء معمر القذافي فعند هجومهم بقوة على صفحات الفيس هذا يعني اننا في طريق النصر واننا اصحاب الأرض صمودنا مقاومتنا نصر لنا وهزيمه لهم


الدكتور حمزه التهامي 4-8-2012 (مقطع1)
Dr. Hamza Thami 04/08/2012 (section 1)


PART TWO of Dr. HAMZA 04 August 2012:

الدكتور حمزه التهامي 4-8-2012 (مقطع2)

Chambre de Dieu, la Libye et Mouammar Obs 04.08.2012



05 Aout 2012

Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |

-treatment of prisoner life forms
To mention ……. Of torture in prisoner life forms … the hero
is a traitor Inventory (Omar Saidjadallah tar) … I find a military police in Zbat Abyar area …
and for the information of the Gate of the American plane was shot down in the area in Abyar Alajdat
of customer debt Harpo a U.S. pilot to Benghazi … And now in the picture Aadb struggling in life forms ….
that tomorrow the radiant to soon .. Mu’tasim sniper units and a group of 32 Brigade enhanced
Pour la mise en garde …… Dans les tortures formes de vie en … Héros Captivité de
L’est un Inventaire Traître (Omar Saidgadallh Alkotorani) … Un agent de police militaire, je trouve dans l’Abyār Al …
Wellmalomet est de jet avion a été à l’américaine Abattue en client Alagdat Al Abyār religion Harpo un pilote américain à Benghazi.

Et maintenant, à l’image Yadeb sur les formes de Omar Mujahid ….
Ce Lnadarh demain à Fermer … Al-Mu ‘Tasim Unités de Tireur et d’une Élite Gamme de thirty-two Améliorée de Brigade


O people of the Great Libyan
forces you Yamen rumination, aggression and oppression lava poured her anger on your cities and towns, killing your sons and your families broken up in a terrible silence to the conscience of humanity.
you are patient steadfast sure of Nasrallah and support you .. Yamen finest writing a heroic epics in a scene in which Tthdon arrogance, tyranny and injustice, you write your blood pure bright pages back to the minds of the prophets and the righteous resistance of the infidels and misguided

God confirms the support of the class in its struggle Almatsamh Bhablh between eternal right and wrong.
that debridement of the world directed toward you.And Ahrarh who have studied your history Ibhrthm supervisor and the positions of your commander.And people who gained their freedom thanks to your support and your training is eager to see the last scene of the Revolution, which would glare and dazzle to the pages of history, which darkened and lost its luster Bgaapkm from the scene of action and influence.
Fastta .. And reached the world Bakdomkm and confirmed that you are up to the challenge For as much as the people push. And declared that the crisis were not stumble Javad not break their ranks warriors arranged and prepared kit and hugged their guns and were determined to trust in God and the District of Emmott to write the final chapter of cosmic conspiracy to abort you. And Arise, despite the wounds and pain to write that word without which light the UN in the heartland of the Council of Horror International (We here).
our enemies are terrified and Sttalhm rifles and Saazbhm God with our hands and Sntehr land of idols, idols and hold the Secretariat and go back to the top of which missed our presence, which led us to a martyr of the nation and we will lead the world in which will bow in tribute for the sacrifices and triumphs.
will not defeat the people grasped the most trustworthy handhold for Anfsam her. Will not let down a generation brought up on the thought of the nation and the Secretary Valsovha. Our confidence in ourselves is greater than all the skeptics and the defeated and those in whose hearts is a disease and Almrgevon in the city. And faith in victory, God willing, the next largest of all Almertashan and frustrated and desperate people from the mercy of God.
We will not forget God’s promise to us saying (Inasrn God of victory that God is Strong, Almighty).We will not miss us Mansoorain, saying the Almighty (ear to those who fight because they do wrong, and God the power to the victory). Will not be erased from our memory that we are missionaries from God by saying (and human patient).
Libyans, know that we are really shame Simhon, who designed and prepared by the Jahiliyyah era and old, who taught them magic Bernardleafa. And support the infidels twenty-first century. And implemented by the apostates and hypocrites and Kharijites plotted and forgot that God is the best of planners and took pride in unrighteousness They were soldiers of Satan and the party of the devil which is prompting them and Mayadhm Satan not delusion.
Be as much as the confidence of the country you and the expectations of your commander you and returned to the world and consciousness concealed and his memory lost mind and stalled work. And send the spirit of a new revolution in the hearts of all the oppressed and the oppressed in the land.And be cleared for the spring and thrive for Arabiea of injustice and bloodshed. shaking your enemies are afraid they’re fleeing Dhanoa, God forbid, and as much as your will and determination of solid authorized by God to change her miserable reality we walked to a promising future with hope and life ……. Vostt
A .. And Cheer


News from the Green Strength



Libya - News from the green strength (August 4, 2012)

ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama According to Akhbar Libya, this morning at dawn, a suicide car bomb targeted the headquarters of the military police of the army of NTC in the heart of Tripoli near the mosque Abourkiba.

A caricature of the rebels on the plane of the NATO war that killed thousands of Libyans.


AaaaaaaaaAaaaaagel from the city of Benghazi ::: a joint force made ​​up of heroes and Nchamy Special Unit 38 and led by the Champions and hawks light armed people / battalion Garah / engage with individuals and rats battalion Rulrhh in the village of Sidi Hussein medium weapons and expect their heavy losses and the clash took place for nearly a hour and led killed 3 of rats battalion Rulrhh been identified and are their names:

1 – Mohamed Farag Amami …


The fact that another”writes us:’important green repellence not aware of and understand and is still on time; will not give up as Supreme Commander, said the struggling hero (Muammar Bomenaar) to Arjua.’
    • And Rishvana and Rishvana WRITES:
      ” please you addicted to page publish to all the families and young people and Rishvana.
      We will not tolerate the right of our children The family are cited come from the tribe and RishvanaAugust an…Afficher la suite
    • News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)According to what our response from the Rishvana: Fathi Alamaadah beat Ayyad pleasures of the military junta which Jermana between life and death, and Zahra and the road to Azizia Btaatskr…Afficher la suite
       Rebellious BedouinMaj. Gen. Saadi battalion under the supervision of campaigners and activists Conqueror 1969
    • Peace and mercy of God be upon ……………….Convey to you the details ….. treason Jermanah events for the day against our brothers in the resistance and Rishvana Moved ……………………..Departed today that there are traitors of headed Abouhlalh are Ato market seeking to arrest p Salah Abuamad and went on to open the gates of the fake p basis they were from the region and beyond Zkhalo me farm Ramadan Buamad and immediately enter except to kill Salah and he went out of his son and his mother in order to The rescue of their son, but in accordance with NATO killed them and then Ato neighbors and cousins Shahid and went on the exchange of fire p in accordance with NATO and the ISRO have 3 cars and 3 clients of the market for the pursuit
      of science Salah is the brother of the hero Khaled Buamad who was holder Association of Youth and Rishvana they are free I’m on the very
      source and a telephone call from one of the members headed Abuamad
      Rishvana and will not give up in the blood of her children ……………. And God, and to him we shall returnhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=119260861552463&set=o.398858853510855&type=1&theater


Urgent and important / / in the last hours, a youth group of the tribe of Solomon son free in the area of a club no words on the walls of buildings and houses in favor of the legitimacy of Libyan leader Muammar and Green Gaddafi … Has been arrested by members that are Gardan East Hamad Saif Al-Nasr battalion stationed in the area … And young Atjho and tribal members of the battalion headquarters to demand the release of their children …

And worsen the problem occurred after clashes between tribesmen and the Battalion Gardan … The young brave flag burning shame and the suspension of the green flag on top of what is called the Local Council and the headquarters of the battalion fired on the prisoners there and the remains of the East Trdo outside the region.


This list of some of the rats who committed the ugliest crimes corner .. We publish these names for an hour with the given

Cette liste de quelques-uns des rats noirs qui ont commis le plus laid coin de crimes .. Nous publions ces noms pour une heure près de la remise …

1.Mohammed Ayub Alrtal 2. Reza Riani âge de 3 ans.Anis al-Mahdi Kaabar 4. Nasser M’Hamed Alrtal 5.Printemps Riani âge de 6 ans. Ashraf Omar bin Taleb 7. Ah D Nagy Alrando 8. Honoraire Aqdad Ahute et 9. Moez Bashir Alrtal 10. Suhail vainqueur 11. Ayman Mohammed Belkaid 12. Ibrahim Mohamed Belkaid 13. Abdul Razzaq al-Mahmoud Mohamed Suleiman Aekrchi fumée

14. Abdul Aziz al-Bashir et son pion frères 15. Nouri et ses frères, Belkaid 16. Merci Hadi Belkaid et ses frères, 17.Oussama Hadi Aboderbalh 18. Nazim Beshti 19.Pâte de lumière 20. Munir coller 21. Abdel-Moneim Pacifique pâte 22. Mohammed Hamad coller 23. Ali et ses fils Altariqa 24. Jamal Alrtal 25. Khaled Alrtal 26. Mohammed et ses frères Belghith 27. Zuhair Akarmaja 28. Imad et ses frères Akarmaja 29.Khaled Aigle 30. Muammar al-Hadi Isaac 31. Reza Hadi Isaac 32. Sami trésor 33. La gloire du trésor 34. Samir trésor 35. Mohammed Belghith 36.Mohammed Belghith (Aharbot) 37. Hamid Beshti (Panda) 38. Majid Mahmoud Belkaid 39. Murad Jmom 40. Abdul Hakim Alkmjaja 41. Ashraf Alkmjaja (plombier) 42. Ghassan Alkmjaja 43.Sufian Alhanih 44. Ramzi Alhanih 45. Abodhir Alhanih 46. Abdel-Azim Alhanih 47. Mohammed et son fils Aalghemoda 48. Agriculteur Novell 49. Moez Alhanih 50. Jamal Elhouderi 51. Faisal Elhouderi 52.Ayman Elhouderi 53. Imad et ses frères Busaa 54.Azzedine corail 55. Amjad Abboud Beshti 56. Beau Beshti 57. Sadiq Beshti 58. Rare Zhouka 59.Mohammed Zhouka 60. Nasser al-Jaafari, 61. Hani et ses frères Alhanih 62. Abbas-Megrahi, 63.Hassan Kabbash 64. Abdullah et ses frères Jarbou 65. Abdel Raouf al-Shara 66. Murad suffisante 67.Mohammed Wafi 68. Naji Zahaf 69. Khalifa Zahaf 70. Khalil et ses frères Altarhuni 71. Anwar Qlauz 72. Nasser et ses frères Alosqa 73. Abdel Mawla Abu Aelchenb et ses frères, 74. Abd al-Muttalib, et ses frères Alhenwk 75. Mohammed Abdullah Anabih 76. Khaled Souissi (surnommé Aharhh) 77. Adnan Ghamd connu sous le nom (nom) 78. Amjad Rashid Almoktov 79. Rashid Abdul Hakim officier de la sécurité intérieure 80. Mukhtar Amiri, 81. Hussein Amery 82. Akram Alhanih 83. Haitham Coco 84.Mahfouz nuisibles Beshti 85. Abdul Salam Loup 86.Tariq Loup 87. Sami Loup 88. Ven. Ajili Codikhh 89.Mohammed Ajili Codikhh 90. Nazar Mohammad Ajili Codikhh 91. Mowaffaq Ajili Codikhh 92. Hani Mohammed Ajili Codikhh 93. Ajili Muhammad Ajili Codikhh 94. Ahmed Hadi Alvrdeg 95. Full-Hadi Alvrdeg 96. Abdul Razak Abous par Codikhh 97.Mohamed Abou Zeid Codikhh 98. Abdul Razzaq al-Ajili Codikhh 99. Kamal petite Codikhh 100. Ali Ramadan Codikhh 101. Ezz Eddine Ramadan Codikhh 102. Riad Azzedine Codikhh 103. Khairi Omar Codikhh 104. Omar el-Béchir Codikhh 105.Abdul Karim Mohiuddin Beshti 106. Shaaban Mohiuddin Beshti 107. Mohammed Mohiuddin Beshti 108. Mustafa Mohammed Izz al-Din Beshti 109.Anwar al-Izz al-Din Beshti 110. Mohammed Mustafa Codikhh 111. Printemps Khalifa Alhalala 112.Mohamed Khalifa Alhalala 113. Salah al-Khalifa Alhalala 114. Ali Najm al-Din Codikhh 115. Najm al-Din Muhammad Codikhh 116. Pionniers Asamiei 117. Murad Asamiei 118. Sami Joker 119. Karim Aboukhcam 120. Faveur de 121 Ledra. Auteur Muhammad (Zul) 122. Abu Ghaith Aoueigila Ajaj 123. Simple Fitouri Uraibi 124. Ali Fitouri Uraibi 125.Fumée Ramadan et ses frères, 126. Siècle Hodja. 127. Jamal siècle. 128. Abdullah Abdul Hamid, Marian 129. Mahmoud Abdul-Wahab, Marian (à suivre, sous la direction du Conseil de l’Abuslim appelé Gneoh) 130. Ala Gatoula
et les noms de ceux qui ont commis les plus laids crimes contre notre peuple … Et à l’avant et de la lutte révolutionnaire continue

 and the names of those who committed the ugliest crimes against our people … And at the front and the revolutionary struggle continues

– Benghazi: – Green Resistance attacked the headquarters of military intelligence Beghazi, a loud explosion in the building makes the NTC-NATO rats on high voltage, there is a panic that the Resistance start a fierce offensive.

* Kidnap 7 members of the delegation of the Iranian Red Crescent in Benghazi.

* In the midst of anarchy national security office in the region of Benghazi Houari was attacked by the Green Strength.

* We report an attempted assassination of the traitorous general Khalifa Hafter, unfortunately was not eliminated. The men threw a grenade at his home in the region Fouihete.

* Benghazi deminers have defused a bomb that had been placed beside the air conditioner under the bridge of theTibesti Hotel. The hotel is used by all Qataris mercenaries and conspirators.

* A battalion commander Mohammed Barani and his“rebels” in Ajdabiya withdrew from the NTC and joined the Resistance in the border with Niger.

* Protesters disagree with the NTC-NATO came in Benghazi demanding the truth about the death ofGeneral Younes Abdelfateh ask the emir of Qatar: Who killed General Younes Abdelfateh?. Many rats “rebels,” they lament their participation in this war against the Libyan demonstrated with banners such as: What is the capital of Libya: Tripoli or Doha?, They burned the flag of Qatar in the Tibesti Hotel, which is the seat of Qatar. Qatar flag is burned by protesters …

D’Ivoire (Tripoli) for: Armed attacks on the police station in central Tripoli and the exchange of fire between them and the rats.

Yesterday after the Maghrib prayer rats corner assaulted the house Fawzia evil and burn him and Qt Halamj Adharbo the machine guns and burned shops Rajlha on the coastal road corner and of course, or Rajha and Juathm become of them if God, the situation sad Azzouz in the last year-old Arashoa where she and her daughters and after the Walk for Hawwazh before the Buildings triangle family Algoj burned in the yard and all the Xi Alhawwazh.

Photo: yesterday after Maghrib prayer rats corner assaulted the house Fawzia evil and burn him and Qt Halamj Adharbo the machine guns and burned shops Rajlha on the coastal road corner and of course, or Rajha and Juathm become of them if God, the situation sad Azzouz in the last year-old Arashoa where she and her daughters and after the Walk for Hawwazh before Buildings triangle family Algoj burned in the yard and all the Xi Alhawwazh.



“Columbia Sirte withstand writes us:

“Aaaaaaaaaaagel Dr. Hamza Thami warning of the tribe and Rafla .….

I hope publication and dissemination. unconfirmed news arrived the night of 28/07/2012 THAT

Mizrata processing of 10,000 rat to break into the town of Beni Walid …”

Dr Hamza Thami – Lettre au séducteur de leur chambre quand j’ai lu la Libye -27-7-2012

Message to their seducer concerning the killing of prisoners
Dr. Hamza Thami – Letter to the seducer of their room when I read Libya -27-7-2012 –


News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

 God and the free room and Libya Muammar Obs respond to the statement Ahamroch Anz

(Seriously) and the Secretary of Health rats reveal a deadly germ hospital evacuation
Secretary of Health rats reveal a germ killer hospital evacuation led to stone the hospital and closed .. where it came from MRSA??? And how she moved to a

hospital evacuation of Tripoli specifically!! And who benefits??????? And Ahzaw when I tried to explain more about The germ Broadcaster Province and ended

the episode she quickly

Prisoner prisoner  WRITES:

is clear that it reproduced for the destruction of Libya _ How did the Ministry of Health that is the question?

Suleman Alshhed WRITES:

((of you)) daughter of Ahamroch Aadalh Aaamih Ayasnaah colonizer daughter of Alvena, pain ask yourself days of you are Yes, we did not ask you who took them pride sin you are who God said ((Allah mocks them and provide them in their insolence wandering blindly) ) How do I beg to yourself to speak, on the Alibiat Aharifat Aaeidima original Ttni in Nzaft Muslim righteous sisters, men, you and Osaadk bring us diseases and pests actually ((how we were and how we have become)) question daughter of Ahamroch Yamen Tamutai and my upbringing in civilization Is Tsttiei News silks Libya How Tnzvin When you go into your ass to the bathroom ….. Aholh of the force except God can go …. Houdartk that flag to the colonizer to colonized Ayasnaah Aazlilh hell

Lion Tarhunah WRITES:

‘you believe all of us “by God and the sanctity of Hadalshahralkarim and this great day, it’s Atsawi you the word in its right Let Kalshah stray of the road Vdaokm them and Baden God will end soon Vafarha” Aaharivat Libya glory and Lift voice of joy I swear Anken to Aacharf Nadsalm Vmnken mother and sister and wife’

Panda Explains to us:
” small germ is Jaeptha Amaaha”

وزيرة صحة الجرذان تكشف عن وجود جرثومة قاتلة بمستشفى الجلاء ادى الى حجر المستشفى واغلاقه..من اين جائت هذه الجرثومة؟؟؟وكيف انتقلت الى مستشفى الجلاء في طرابلس بالتحديد !!ومن المستفيد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ولاحظو عندما حاولت التوضيح اكثر عن الجرثومة قام المذيع بمقاطعة حديثها وانهى الحلقة بسرعة!!!
Libya 2.0: Media Hysteria Over Syria `Bombing` City of Aleppo
Posted: 2012/07/24
From: Mathaba   http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=630877
If tired WMD lies won`t convince the public to back foreign intervention, perhaps recycled lies from Libya?
by Tony CartalucciJuly 24, 2012 – The Telegraph has reported(emphasis added), “fighter jets havereportedlylaunched bomb attacks on Syria’s second city of Aleppo, which, if confirmed, would be the first time Assad forces had used war planes against citizens.”

Image: A sole”tweet” from BBC’s Ian Pannell, who has yet to provide any source, evidence, or details regarding his vague claim, immediately made headlines across the Western media. 


The claim is based on a single “tweet” from BBC’s Ian Pannell who, after hours of making his his claim that, “fighter jets have bombed eastern #Aleppo city. A significant escalation and perhaps the first time they’ve been used in #Syrian conflict,” has failed categorically to cite his source, provide any evidence of his claims, or provide details of the targets and context of the attacks, if indeed they took place. Yet the Western media “echo chamber” began repeating the story seconds after it was posted, and through this alone it attempted to validate the claim while building momentum behind NATO insinuations.

Image: Taken from an official Defense Department transcript, the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and Admiral Michael Mullen both concede they’d seen no confirmation “whatsoever” regarding claims by the corporate media that Libya’s Qaddafi had used airstrikes against his own people. However, this fabrication would be used for very real airstrikes, not by Qaddafi, but by NATO under the guise of the “Responsibility to Protect.” 


Narratives of “brutal dictators” bombing civilians with aircraft have been used before, most notably in Libya where verified lies were told regarding Qaddafi’s use of aircraft against the city of Benghazi. These fabrications were used to justify foreign military intervention and regime change under the guise of a “no-fly zone” to “protect civilians.”

However, the US Department of Defense itself noted that none of these accusations were founded in fact or confirmed in any way, and the Russian government went as far as providing satellite imagery of sites allegedly bombed to show no such strikes were made.

Ironically, NATO’s subsequent “protection of civilians” flattened several cities across the country, slaying thousands of civilians.

Syria’s Violence in Context 

The Syrian military cannot, however, rule out the use of airstrikes considering the overt manner in which foreign interests such as the US, Israel, and the Gulf States are increasingly sending heavily armed militants over their borders to destabilize their nation. It must be taken into consideration that FSA militants have been conducting indiscriminate bombings across Syria for months now, and with their latest assassinations and offensive, have shed the ability to play to role of “victim-civilians.”

Image: The West’s “lightly armed” FSA. ABC (Australia) claims this is a picture taken this week of an FSA-seized tank on the outskirts of Aleppo, Syria. One wonders if this tank was rolling along the outskirts of Washington in the middle of a war, whether or not the US would use airstrikes to neutralize it. 


The West has eagerly described this violence in Syria as a “civil war,” yet has conveniently continued to depict their heavily armed, foreign-backed fighters streaming across Syria’s borders as “citizens” and “civilians,” even as their ties to Al Qaeda and other foreign militant groups become ever more apparent. In fact, Iraqi officials are already linking the recent bombings in their country by Al Qaeda to the same forces and backers of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) in Syria.

ImageAl Jazeera was running this picture along with the description, “Syrian rebels near Aleppo city, as they took much of the formerly loyalist city from the government [EPA].” Heavy weapons can be seen mounted on several of the trucks, and images like this are increasingly common as militants attempt to enter cities like Damascus and Aleppo where there are more cameras, and hiding these weapons from the general public becomes increasingly difficult.


Additionally, despite a repeated mantra by the Western media that the FSA is “lightly armed,” these same media outlets have shown columns of trucks mounted with heavy weapons, and even captured tanks identified as FSA forces. While the US conducts airstrikes on entirely unarmed civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and with Turkey likewise brutalizing its own “rebels” in Kurdish dominated provinces from the air, NATO and its allies attempt to condemn Syria for doing likewise against heavily armed militants like those pictured above.

Fishing for a Pretext

Between lies revolving around distorted statements regarding chemical weapons, fabricated atrocities, and now claims of airstrikes being used upon “civilian populations,” the West is desperately running down the list for a “casus belli” that will stick. The Syrian government, after a year and a half of being undermined by foreign interests and hordes of foreign militants, has maintained both the faith and trust the majority of its population has put into it. If it is deploying airstrikes, it can be assured they are doing so with keeping that faith and trust intact – and as the West often claims in the midst of its military adventures, doing so to minimize as much as possible collateral damage.

Recent attacks by the FSA have aimed at undermining that faith and truth, and militants in the northern city of Aleppo have purposefully moved to the commercial center of the city to draw in the heavy weapons necessary to neutralize them. While the Western press portrays this move toward the center of Aleppo as “progress,” it should be noted that the Syrian military operates out of bases on the city’s outskirts.

This means the further militants push toward the center of the city, the further from engaging the military directly they become. While the FSA claims they are “liberating” Aleppo, even the Western media concedes it is a bastion of government support. This indicates that terrorism, intimidation, and panic, not “liberation” are the FSA’s goals in Aleppo, and that the government is justified to take any measures necessary to stop them.

Conversely, NATO and its allies see Syria’s vigorous defense capabilities as an obstacle to Western-planned regime change – therefore if neutralizing them through covert  means is not possible, they will attempt to neutralize them by declaring them a threat to “civilians,” invoking “Responsibility to Protect,” and initiating foreign military intervention. #

Al Qaeda is a global terror network operated jointly by the CIA,MI6 and MOSSAD


This is how this Zionist system spread lies, disinformation and program your minds subtly into believing lies! Media

A teacher shot and killed.



Libya - A teacher shot and killed (July 26, 2012)

ALGERIA ISP / Green Libya According to Darna, a teacher was shot dead. Her name is Najiya Astita.

Her body was thrown between the trees to Ouedi Naka at the entrance of the city. Her car was stolen.

In Darna, the Muslim Brotherhood have developed a blacklist of 900 police and military for execution.

fatwa has been declared to kill any person who was under the flag of the Jamahiriya.

To Darna, the Muslim Brotherhood have prepared a blacklist of 900 military and police for execution.

A fatwa has been said to kill anyone who was under the flag of the Libyan.

A video showing the people of Taouerga placed in concentration camps!

Ivory (Azizia) for: attack on the village of Jerdan Akaddadfah in the city of Al Azizia, led by Ismail Walter inventory of homes have been hit with machine guns,

injuring an elderly woman

Alhsada Abdul Hakim al-Qaeda fighters recognized Bartbtat
Telegraph newspaper article published at the beginning of the British boom Allibh
See Translation Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links -Telegraph


Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi BELHADJ,the Libyan rebel leader,has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the


Because of deteriorating security conditions in Libya .. Company Sirte Oil and Gas Balbrivh decided to stop pumping oil and disrupt the operations of its manufacturing
بسبب الظروف الأمنية المتدهورة في ليبيا .. شركة سرت للنفط والغاز بالبريقة تقرر إيقاف ضخ النفط وتعطيل عمليات تصنيعه

‏Photo : بسبب الظروف الأمنية المتدهورة في ليبيا .. شركة سرت للنفط والغاز بالبريقة تقرر إيقاف ضخ النفط وتعطيل عمليات تصنيعه‏

Sow TV correspondent Abdel Azim confirms the news about the drone flying over Benghazi … from the atmosphere to a recent Libyan Mahbokh Malishe O rats

Photo: control plane hovering at a high level in the sky of the city of Benghazi Laithi zones and parks.

U.S.Drone plane to hover high in the sky of the city of Benghazi Laithi zones and parks…

Henw Sayer in Arab Benghazi????
explosion prison Alkwyfah city of Benghazi was thrown from a small shell “RBJ” by unknown assailants on the wall back in prison “Alkwyfah” in the

city of Benghazi, without causing any damage to mankind. According to the correspondent of the News Agency of solidarity that the elements of Security

were present in front of the front door, pointing out that the explosion happened behind the prison wall. Agency correspondent added that security forces

were unable to capture the anonymous who fired the shell.

After the bombing, which occurred in North Benghazi Court today found just a 2 an explosive device weighing each 40 kg of explosives was

planted the first behind the building of Criminal Investigation section and the second behind the building Madrih security Benghazi area

Hawari and a state of panic permeated the citizens of the city of Benghazi.


Benghazi and Anfjartha and Asahon morning to find the intelligence headquarters Jermanyh totally devastating ..
O Aghib them to the scourge

  • Please confirm this news urgent enormous explosions in Tripoli on the road to the airport and AlfornajIvory (OS) for:

    Balsraj explosion near a secondary population of Africa awakened sleep

    Image building intelligence Jirdani blown up in …

    Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |

    Tripoli / / /
    in the bombing of Tripoli and a fire inside the cemetery at St. Mnedr Abumhmach in Tripoli

    Ivory (Tripoli) for: road to the airport from under the bridge is locked with the presence of vehicles and weapons Tqilh conflicting reasons

    Another picture from a fire last night that broke the tomb of Sir Mnedr in Tripoli.
    the curse of Allah upon you even dead rats did not hand over you!

    صورة اخرى من حريق ليلة البارحة الذي شب بمقبرة سيدي منيدر في طرابلس.
    لعنة الله عليكم يا جرذان حتى الاموات لم يسلموا منكم!

    صورة مبنى الاستخبارات الجرداني في بنغازي بعد تفجيره مع الدقائق الاولى لطلوع النهار وانباء عن انفجار رابع يهز المدينة

  • Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar bombing Jermanah military intelligence building in Benghazi, and this is the third attempt was successful already .. which led to the fall of the building and neighboring houses were damaged his street in Dubai. Tkpeyeaier
    for Page Intelligence.Ivory (Benghazi) for: a huge explosion shakes Benghazi Hotel Tibesti near Balqtrien filled.

Sow TV correspondent Abdel Azim confirms the news about the drone flying over Benghazi

from the atmosphere to a recent Libyan Mahbokh Malishe O rats

Rats Security Committee are the armed wing of the Muslim Brotherhood Almqji …

They are bombers in Benghazi ….. And must be solved quite

    •  loss of the bombing of intelligence built in Benghazi ………. burn the building and the bombing of three mechanisms of armed
       Benghazi now hear the voices of lead and I find ……….. And the voice of ambulances
    •  Building bombing in front of Turkish Embassy in Benghazi now …...
    •  Turkish Embassy destruction coversation w/ Muammar:
    • Commander …………… Aldro will come to the Arab leaders after Saddam
      Aladinm …………. Ratified, Mr.
      Leader …………… Will die a martyr in the end
      Aladinm …………. Ratified, Mr.
      Commander ………….. For the people of Misurata in 2005 to Atkonowa traitors like ancestors
      Aladinm ……….. Ratified, Mr.
      Commander ……….. In front of the Tunisian parliament in 1999, NATO will attack on Libya’s
      leader …………… Will Tendmon Day whereon neither remorse
      Aladinm ………… Ratified sir …. You are truly a myth will not be repeated …..


      after the bombing of intelligence built in Benghazi …………… We wonder ………….

      Is there intelligence of rats originally …. Or are they hired a NATO intelligence officers 

News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence): 

Ivory (Tripoli) for: road to the airport on the Khalid Bin Al Waleed neighborhood closed in protest against the death of a detained within the

Office of the Supreme Security Committee Jermanah temporary Abuslim,,, in the case provide any information on this incident, you will be listed:

TONS OF YANKEES and american amo have stationed themselves in LIBYA:
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam very right of God to speak Old typed 100%
camp 27 in which American power 101 transmitted atmosphere about 40 and one landed yesterday they arrived and where by the American …
and in whom a total of p basis bolt them soon, born 94 for shows ..
talk Haqqani and 1000% today walker Hfter belongings of thecamp 27 and the Americans they arrived and they could get gay Igeru Bimshawa possible Wattayah or Sbaah banned the faction of the Forces Africom
Avatar Nicolkm they do not publicly Mathrkosh O in i Aarat Chinook O in armored cars Jaypinhm with them 8 cars armored, dark Kano in the house of the U.S. ambassador cars and Makhalosh at any Libby about the cars from the period and Akhaddan pilot group, anti-immigration and anti-illegal immigration to Aandhm pilot does not even need Hovoa of the last Avatar in mind coming
and the Americans and Aslthm Aldoh and the Americans Maandhmh owner and Meyboh something becomes Lin degenerates head because of what pay we have a son haram named president Motien agreements on Force Base Africom and it Aaouka Avatar and Nolo costume Qatar to re-limit estimate fly the government is not something you know the new passports semi latte Webo change them and change the condition in the Libby mean any extent necessary outside the country give me Libya and Trbaiqh are high because the passport system and the first base standing
to speak of God and the Old Nicollkm 100% and the last U.S. @ _ @


Car exploded in Tripoli at dawn 04 August 2012:

A car bomb attack in Tripoli libye1250

Explosion in Tripoli, Libya for the first time since Aarh
Most of the violence was confined to the former city of Benghazi, east of the countrySaturday 16 Ramadan 1433 H – August 4,


Said a senior security source said a car bomb exploded near the offices of the military police in Tripoli in the early hours of Saturday morning, in the first attack of its kind witnessed in the Libyan capital since the start of the uprising that overthrew the Libyan leader  Muammar Gaddafi.  He added that the explosion resulted in the injury of Tunisian minor injuries but it did not say who might be behind the attack. As I said the agency “Reuters” The police cordoned off the area around the blast site. It is noteworthy that Libya has seen a number of incidents of violence during the past few days, but mostly confined to the eastern sector of the country and specifically in the city of Benghazi, and targeted the offices of military intelligence and the assassination of a senior military official earlier . In Benghazi, an armed group kidnapped 7 Iranian aid workers on Tuesday, when they start the task of official guests of the Libyan Red Crescent, which is still seeking their release.

انفجار في طرابلس الليبية للمرة الأولى منذ االثورة

قال مصدر أمني رفيع إن سيارة ملغومة انفجرت قرب مكاتب الشرطة العسكرية في طرابلس في ساعة مبكرة من صباح اليوم

فيديو للسيارة المقخخة التي انفجرت في طرابلس

فيديو للسيارة المقخخة التي انفجرت في طرابلس

http://www.alrseefa.net شبكة الرصيفة للاعلام


راديوا الرصيفة اف ام

Alex Beck of Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi writes:
Breaking News
A bombed car exploded in front of a prison in Tripoli city . Resistance will free all prisoners so soon , Wait rats you will be killed one by one.

Security Committee of the Brotherhood Almqji rats in Tripoli are they blew up the car


BAD NEWS: YANKEES in MASS in Libyan Coastal Waters:

Houck mass in Sirte @ American vessels penetrate the water of the Gulf of Sirte Regional because of the lack of a Libyan Coast Guard so far # Rukn al-Din Oran

Houck mass in rats Misurata are removing most of the families and workers from the city of Sirte and who work in the fields of Brega and Ras Lanuf no one lifted a finger # # # Rukn al-Din Oran…

(all these Western Yankees will soon totally disappear from Libya–wait & see!)

the near-Fateh Revolution celebration (announced by Dr. Shakir)

    • Less than a month the rest of the parade on Revolution Revolution pride and dignity



Breaking News
Calshes in Tripoli between resistance and rats , three rats got killed and two big camps for rats been destroyed by resistance . also i would like to say go to hell NATO
    •  Valley Canal …………… Killed 5 rats in the attack on Camp Shields in Mizdah ………. Muhammad al-Madani, including rat
    • Ahmad Adam dey betray d green book bt dey will read d RED-BOOK..

    • Reports of clashes in the field of solid angle
    •  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=257893167655876&set=a.151115618333632.27804.151114345000426&type=1&theater

      Libya’s new ……………………. First event will be Alakhieaier ….. Libya on the way العرااااااااااااااااااااااااق

      ليبيا الجديدة ……………………. الحدث الاول ولن يكون الاخييييير ….. ليبيا علي طريق العرااااااااااااااااااااااااق

      Par : Asham el-watan ( alla, moamer , libya only )

      the Friday Market Street explosion in the Maari and another in Cimafro Airport Road just after the bombing of the gate rats ….


      Posted at: Sunday, 05 August 2012 14:04
      Author: Edited by Maja Orlić
      After six Džamahirijske Army fighters escaped from prison in Misratah, the rebels sent a convoy in a green city Laejilatu. At dawn the fighting broke out between misratskih rebels, who occupied all the entrances to the city and its inhabitants. You could hear the exchange of fire, and the use of RPG grenade launchers, which have forced misratske bandits to retreat and position in Zuagi.

      A conflict of green soldiers and rebels occurred in Garijanu, where he killed five rats. The fighting is still going on, and used heavy weapons. In Tripoli yesterday exploded near a military vehicle seats, while the rebels opened fire on the battalion Navas young people from the region of Ain ​​Zara, luckily only injuring two. However, from an unknown vehicle was thrown grenades at known gathering place for the rebels.


      violent clashes in Zliten Unavailable …….. but with any information from the Friday Market and Zliten Kadosh ……

      Angel Bomenaar WRITES US:
      * Important and urgent appeal to all Soiei * free … In all towns and villages in Libya …. Oaeroni your hearts and Osmaekm ……..
      “in one of the Kapau descending on the
      unit of the gates and I want to pull his gun and aimed Dharpola his people,
      his G Bermey stop the course from where faces of Liberals were headed Maah Nzloh and young spirit and Atwa Maysthak …

      and then walk in the case …
      ” Currently, the Board of Kapau flies in Alpine and they Matvahmuh Doh In the Nalut Kapau Jet in a row and this is Alhawwamd with them … Hence my black Aelovesah Chiaan supervision from everywhere and stood endowed with a single row against thinking of harming Bakbiltna ancient God is great …. Ntkhazl will not and will not shrink … Aaahvad Chiaan Mujahideen supervision .. Come to do your duty …. Obligatory calls …. Tlahmoua and unite together and be one of the iron hit all of tempted to get closer you ……. God is great and Glory be to God, His Prophet and the believers …….
      ~ bent by Frasin Vzain … May Aabal Drum ~


      Elprences Safaa WRITES US from the battlefields:
      Victory is at hand Bzn God
      النصر قريب بذن الله تعالى
      ‏Photo : النصر قريب بذن الله تعالى‏
        • YESTERDAY on the Friday Night Prayers:Libyan EgaBlack flag green room
          HierBaba …. Muammar Ausikm Fajr prayer and pray and read the Koran and the Lord saves honorable. either Jerdan: if any will of God Almighty.


Bani Walid is red line————–(it is strong city and Against NATO62 days

بكرة اتجوها كلكم صااااااغرين ،،، تتسابقوا على لحس الاحذية ان شاء الله
(( ربما ستجعلكم الطلقاء ،،، ولكنها ستبقي فى حلوقكم غصّة للأبد ))
 ‏Photo : بكرة اتجوها كلكم صااااااغرين ،،، تتسابقوا على لحس الاحذية ان شاء الله<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
(( ربما ستجعلكم الطلقاء ،،، ولكنها ستبقي فى حلوقكم غصّة للأبد ))‏



  • also fighting in Uganda and the Congo too–It is the “Total War” stragey of Obama and Panzetta that was announced in December

  • all the young American boys who could not find employment (in USA) were and are encouraged to join the armed services of the USA…

    there is a surplus of young manpower (very “expendable”) which the USA is mobilising!

  • that is the only reason the unemployment rate index in the USA has dropped!




The USA is now under condemnation of God—God does the following to USA:

NEXT STEP: (COURTESY of Paul Ernesto )

Remember, Muammar said that the prison he built will be for only FOREIGN agents he can interrogate and use for

bargaining power; the Jerdan Rats who are Libyans,

he said, that he would hand them over to his Red Army (al-Zentan) as PEST CONTROL!

The rats/GNC – Tripoli prison was supposed to have been breeched yesterday and opened by the Green Resistance now!

but as I said; we will not hear anything on any operation until it has been fully completed and the territory secured.

The West will not pemit this to be known—and we have heard nothing about al-Baghdadi or Dorda of recent!

message before the last wise Alzentan

The message before the last wise Alzentan

Posted by: d / on the sincere, and published by: Dr. Commander
Read 1217 times, since the date of its publication in 07/19/2012

Message before the recent wise AlzentanThis article is one in which rats warns Alzentan warned of a plot of Dr Saif al-Islam already arrested him when … Seems to be what Dr Saif al-Islam from the beginning it was a reality for people thinking of him afterthe article and you have: –is in despair began to alternate self from the Office of Policy Alzentan …. You have already made ​​the warning again and again to the wise of the consequences of their policies Alzentan, and explained to them that the French are the most cunning in dealing with armed groups. And by virtue of their experience in war and in the countries of Africa to deal with such people throughout history. They have gained experience to get rid of those who do not Aroukounam most convenient ways. Alzentan politicians tried to flirt with the French re-send the invited to visit the ungrateful masters at the beginning of the month 5. Of 2012. And his meeting with leaders of the senior assured them that Alzentan against extremism and they even had to carry out the attack is for the purpose of the reform has worked the last advice of his advisor English. and the fact that this visit had renewed confidence and zeal the idea as it was Osama Aljowaily source of cynicism in the corridors of the French Defense Ministry was the advice of the British benefit for the ungrateful, and can not predict or detect hidden agreement denier with the French learned Qatar client American in Libya that there is something happening in the Mount Nefoussa, was that he went a man of intelligent men I have met in my life and despite his intelligence that he came back empty-handed. Because of their intent did not know something, and so asserted politicians Alzentan new to politics losing the political war as a result of their mistakes tragic because the decision was confined to a narrow circle uncontrolled by the Boards of Alzentan with the marginalization of the whole of the Shura Council of the latter which is not powerless. problem each of Qatar and they are trying to deal Alzentan and play with adults and a much larger roles than the roles assigned to them extras. Both as a puppet that Qatar is a U.S. puppet and at the same time a puppet in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. And here was the timing of military action is very suitable in harmony with the federal requirement in the east. And achieve the dream of France to extend influence over the south and west natural extension of its influence in Africa and the Maghreb. and so the format is to be a move before the election; was the direction to the south is not the goal but the aim is to achieve a quick victory on the tribes of epiphyseal regions kiss and scary for other cities. Indeed, calculations were accurate and realistic as that after this stage will be all the mountain tribes in the unformed, according to the old alliances are fully in line with the new orientation. And the road to the throne of Libya should be through this gate. as if it is a puzzle historical chessboard Almcaflah killing the minister (epiphyseal) that region can be politicians Alzentan finish the game shift one so that the King is threatened directly and options are limited for safety. The control of the sister Mizdah means isolate the north from the south and surround the life of all sources of water and oil and the road then the road to Tripoli will be furnished with flowers harmony with HD Thredah campaign against the government, the Council and flirt with some Kaúb rebels. But the player’s unknown is greater than that Istgari politicians Alzentan Tlassmh or that Lefkow blades thinking it is bigger than the government itself and the largest of its board. it is foolish to believe that the strength in a very precise movement and preparation and timing are just a reaction to Fey, raising suspicion that spies Western media penetrates all places and is closely monitoring what is happening without any signal. And a far cry from the human world will be witness to the largest ethnic cleansing operation in the mountain area, which would move the government to end the power of armies and their allies Alzentan of comrades in arms and spoils, mercenaries and national. Everything collected Alzentan of weapons and all of its fighters and mercenaries will be this time away from civilians uncovered in the desert easily catch and eliminate even forced the state to use Air Force is well known and the unknown. The game will be just like a computer game with a background of open sand and dunes. and dims the local media has been blocked any military action over the five days, though the potential for this in the hope that talk of war crimes. The government is not involved nor the Board, but all movements powerful related to a powerful invisible international relations are stronger than the state itself, and in order not to anger the Minister (epiphyseal), who left in the open ground facing the arsenals and asylum throne Libya new they send Phil and his enemy Paljoad when needed. Here, the Minister poor did not know that the game had ended a capacity of Mtafaezkih metaphysics and its end evaporation of the dream of the Office of Policy and exposed revealed very evident this time that all his work no more than a Khialat inspired Khialat Gaddafi boards Saif al-Islam sad. and before that attack me Bedouins Alzentan comments heaped Balstama without thinking just because they feel that you write something against them. Before we try to harness the power of their intelligence to delete my article published from everywhere in it. Before you accuse me all Senthana Boukyanty to the homeland and the citizen and the Libyan …… I ask you all mentality that retracted my previous and my warnings to you If they are not perfectly matched for what is happening to you now chickpea my words that the wall if you continue to dream away from reality and deliver Omorkm to mob people and battalion commanders who prefer to work amid the chaos and have no aim but to fill the pockets, even if the price for the columns of the dead despising the state of the system. I tell you, not mine Ptnjame but to history and read it I am, gentlemen I see visions of the eye legions and battalions and aircraft come from all of Libya Balzntan to surround the center of the joy of everyone in the neighborhood. I woke up from this negligence, and know that the cow that fell many knives around. Then everyone will know of them and some of them do not know students do not pay bills before you have no capacity to repay. This called for ideas from you mob and ask yourselves why the thieves did not have those millions in real estate Alzentan. Why turned to exchange their money stolen in the real estate and hotels outside Alzentan. But in the streets of France and Tunisia.



Mu content:


Marionnettes dernière seulement aussi longtemps que leurs cordes sont attachées / Marionettes last only as long as their strings are attached


02 March  2006 – Sirte, Libya – “DAY of PEOPLE’s POWER”

MUAMMAR QADHAFI speaks at the General People’s Congress. The General People’s Congress (Mu’tammar al-sha’ab al ‘âmm) consists of about 2,700 representatives of the Basic People’s Congresses. The GPC is the legislative forum that interacts with the General People’s Committee, whose members are secretaries of Libyan ministries. It serves as the intermediary between the masses and the leadership and is composed of the secretariats of some 600 local “basic popular congresses.” The GPC secretariat and the cabinet secretaries are appointed by the GPC secretary general and confirmed by the annual GPC congress. These cabinet secretaries are responsible for the routine operation of their ministries. The People’s Hall, where the congress meets, was set on fire in the February 2011 NATO/CIA led instigated uprising.

(Credit Image: © Veronika Lukasova/ZUMAPRESS.com) (Newscom TagID: zumawirewestphotosfive752225) [Photo via Newscom] ZUMAPRESS.com/Newscom


 after a swim in backyard and with grandson, 2009:








Ramadan Mubarak:
In the month of Ramadan is the month of mercy and forgiveness. This is the month when they opened the doors of heaven, and God hears all prayers of true believers who seek His grace and forgiveness.




“O Allah, I solicits your help. Against the unfortunate thing is that I implore your protection. Help me,

it’s your help I am called. I implore your help, turn to me your helping hand. Against the affliction it is to you

I made use of. Give me your indulgence, save me, it’s with you I seek refuge. ”

#original French:

« O Allah, je solicite ton assistance. Contre le malheur c’est ton protection que j’implore.

Aide-moi, c’est à ton aide que je fais appelle. J’implore ton sécours, tends-moi ta main secourable. Contre

l’affliction c’est à toi que je fait recours. Accorde-moi ton mansuétude, préserve-moi, c’est auprès de toi que

je cherche réfuge. »


 Instructions leader Muammar Gaddafi in Sirte war

Publiée le  8 Juil. Two thousand and twelve par 

Nader’s speech and did not broadcast and media – Help mujahid leader Muammar Gaddafi-day siege of Sirte to

withstand the resistance and the sons of Libyan tribes striving – steadfastness in Sirte – Libya

08 JULY 2012


03 JULY 2012

leader Muammar Gaddafi is fasting in the War of Sirte

 Tips and Talmat



Muammar al-Qathafi is a murabit (a living saint).

The Martyr Dr. Billah Moutassem al-Qathafi in Ghadames, taken same time as above picture of his father Muammar:


Frère de la liberté d’expression au peuple libyen pour l’élection présumée

Brother leader Muammar  speaks to us concerning the false elelections in Libya, 06 JULY 2012

Brother of free speech to the Libyan people for alleged election



of Muammar’s expression on 06 JULY 2012:

Frère de la liberté d’expression au peuple libyen pour l’élection présumée 2

2 Brother of free speech to the Libyan people for alleged election 2






Enas on
Mohammed Sawan, when he said to the voice of Gabriel:

“Gaddafi loyalists here … explicit recognition

That Gaddafi supporters are the majority.

Aassoan this topic only a sample of Gaddafi supporters and you can do simple calculations very well for those who voted

for there are millions of Gabriel boycotted the elections at home. 

Add to detainees and displaced them.

Laden, the people want Colonel Muammar is the only candidate and Aassoan Aaghebrel.”


Stephen Gule writes:
Takadem Green Libya 2012. Advancing Army.

11 JUNE 2008 Ceremony remembering the exit of foreign troops in Libya:

Army to protect the Libyan Leader Libyan army to protect Muammar Gaddafi:
Urgent call!

,, Our people at home wounded who owns possible to live in villages, an authentic place of birth from the time

coming, let him do or stay away from sites collect traitors and their camps in the capital Tripoli or Benghazi or

in large cities or other change of residence, and that [the sake of safety the lives of honest people] because the

next will start Banphoan severe and that until the completion of the full cleansing of the remains of the traitors

and agents all NATO bastards,,,, then we will meet later in the greatest historical event witnessed by the time the

time in the center of the capital Tripoli and honest with us from home and all the sons of the world. .

,, Of the importance of taking ours very seriously. . [Rotary heretics] remember that.

,,,, Libya Tants rise up to 2012 t,,,,,

الجيش الليبي لحماية القائد Libyan army to protect Muammar Gaddafi
دعـــــوة ملحّـــــــــة ::

،، أهـــالينــــــــا في الـــوطن الجّـــــــــريح من يملك الاستطــاعة من العيش في القــرى أصيلة مكــان ولادتــكم ابتــداء من المدّة القــريبة القــادمة فليفعــل أو

الابتعــاد عن مواقع تجمّع الخــونة ومعسكــراتهم بالعــاصمة طرابلس أو في بنغــازي أو في المدن الكبيرة أو الأخرى وتغيير محل الاقــامة ،، وذلك [ حرصاً على

سلامة أرواح الشّــرفاء ] لأنّ القــادم سينطلق بعنفــوان شديد وذلك حتّى الانتهــاء من التّطهيــر الكــامل لبقـايا الخــونة والعمــلاء آل النّــاتو الأوبــاش

،، ،، ثم سنلتقــي في موعد تـــاريخي أعظم حدث تشهده السّاعة آنذاك في وسط العــاصمة طــرابلــس ومعنــا الشّــرفاء من ابناء الوطن وكلّ العالم . .

،، للأهميّــة يــــــــــــؤخذ أمـرنا بمحمــل الجد . . [ الدوارة في الزنادقة ] تذكّروا ذلك .

،،،، ليبيــــــــــــــــــــــــــا تنتفض لتنتصـــــ 2012 ــر ،،،،،

شباب المهجر:: الله . الوطن . القائد . الشعب ,, 2012/7/1

GREEN CORNER: Morning of victory and pride and dignity to all free Libyans!

God, and Muammar Obs  & LIBYA!

COIN VERT: Matin de la victoire et la fierté et la dignité à tous gratuitement des compagnies aériennes Dieu,

et les Lignes aériennes Mouammar Obs

In 1976, Mohammad Hassan, called by his enemies ‘al-Qathafi’s “court musician” ‘, penned a song in

which he called Muammar al-Qathafi “Messenger of the Arabian Desert,” drawing a parallel between

Muammar al-Qathafi and the Prophet Muhammad.

In a 1979 interview with the late atheist Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, al-Qathafi called his Green Book

“the new gospel,” implying a parallel between himself and Muhammad, whom Muslims believe received

the Holy Qur’an from God through the angel Gabriel.


In 1992, the Great Jamahiriya issued a commemorative stamp on the anniversary of the 1969 “Al-Fateh

Revolution” which depicts Muammar al-Qathafi on a white horse that appears to be leaping into the sky, an

allusion to Al-Buraq, the white winged beast that Muhammad mounted on his overnight journey

from Mecca to Jerusalem.

In April 2005, Revolutionary Guard commander Hasan al-Kabir al-Qadhafi said there existed a

special relationship between the leader and God and called Muammar al-Qathafi a murabit (a living saint).

During a July 2005 meeting, the General Union for Producers, the famous Great Jamahiriya trade union,

told Muammar al-Qathafi, “We value and are proud of your imamship for millions of Muslims from East to West, so that the banner of Islam can be raised so high to fulfill the will of Allah.”


what happened today Moulay Mohammed mosque Tripoli :

The forward in charge of the Friday sermon in the mosque,  Maulvi Muhammad , in Tripoli, said

that,  all who voted for the party coalition forces headed by Jibril,  are perverts and fools and criminals,

walking Nadolh youth Qalolh respect yourself defect Sheikh,

and is continuing in rubbishing people and insulted Farcpolh Nzloh from the pulpit and moved the battle front of the mosque.

Talat group and the losing party with them Jayben Toboat PP-R and batons in their cars and sat Adharboin front of the whole young,,,

صورة لوليام بيرنز مساعد وزيرة الخارجية الأمريكية بعد اعطاء الدروس لمحمود جبريل.
‏Photo : صورة لوليام بيرنز مساعد وزيرة الخارجية الأمريكية بعد اعطاء الدروس لمحمود جبريل.‏
Martyr spring Bocklish Megrahi. Knight spent over the crisis between the two fronts of Brega and Misurata. Better than the brave intrepid aims Ppalaratash Almgarhh and 2/2. Was one of the Legion of Old Almgarhh free Ajdabiya and the first of the income of the hero with Maj. Gen. Bashir Murad Zoatinh. And able to respond Jerdan for Barak twice the base. He cited a bullet treachery he came up from behind a defender of his country and his tribe against the Kharijites and Culture Alliance Cross. Light on the spirit of the martyr hero. * Note: to spread the image of the heroic martyrs Please send messages through the Service page.
Photo: Spring Bocklish Martyr al-Megrahi.  Knight spent over the crisis between the two fronts of Brega and Misurata.  Better than the brave intrepid aims Ppalaratash Almgarhh and 2/2.  Was one of the Legion of Old Almgarhh free Ajdabiya and the first of the income of the hero with Maj. Gen. Bashir Murad Zoatinh.  And able to respond Jerdan for Barak twice the base.  He cited a bullet treachery he came up from behind a defender of his country and his tribe against the Kharijites and Culture Alliance Cross.  Light on the spirit of the hero martyr.  * Note: to spread the image of the heroic martyrs Please send messages through the Service page.  


  • The only authorised  body, enabled for a sound future of a “Great Jamahiriya“, is the Green Resistance whose ,whose Supreme Commander is the LIVING Muammar al-Qathafi, with the Green Army led byGeneral Khamis al-Qathafi,  and who still recognises all the chosen officialsof  the  former “Socialist Arab/African GREAT JAMAHIRIYA of Libya” which remains the sole legitimate institution of Libya (as greatly opposed to the illegal puppet government imposed upon theLibyan Peoples, calling themselves now the Government National Council created by NATO/BernardLevy/ John McCain & Hillary Clinton)THE GREAT JAMAHIRIYA whose selected officials  were popularly engaged from the last “Popular Committees and Congresses” enabled to be fairly held through-out the land of the Great Jamahiriya.  This is the only legitimate  force of the Libyan people and cannot be dissolved until another Popular Congress is fairly held amongst all the peoples of the Great Jamahiriya.  Dr. Hamza Thami is Muammar’s Aaron, and he announced the Zero hour now many weeks ago–and fighting will be ongoing
    but the actual date of the SECOND al-Fetah-to-come is yet unknown; but it will be well before 01 September…Muammar promises us this.Photo

  • Thumb_3acfc2ef-a7d5-4353-8875-897f1830440fas stated, the  Libyan Popular National Movement  includes COMPONENTS of the  al-Jamahiriya-–BUT it is a “political body” and it was started by a non-Libyan, English girl Lizzie Phelan—–
    Please recall that a real Jamahiriya does not have “political bodies” and Muammaris not the “late leader” as she states “MUAMMAR ‘the “late” leader!’-
    The  Libyan Popular National Movement  is a “confederation” of many different anti-NATO/GNC  forces—which is good, but as I said, highly  uninformed and ill-organised, and is not a true UNIFIED body. It is mostly a youth movement.


    Le seul organe autorisé, permis pour un avenir solide d’une «Grande Jamahiriya», est la Résistance dont le vert, dont le Commandant suprême est la VIE al-Kadhafi Mouammar, avec l’armée verte dirigée par le général Khamis al-Kadhafi, et qui reconnaît toujours tous les fonctionnaires choisis de l’ex-“socialiste arabe / Afican Grande Jamahiriya de la Libye”, qui reste la seule institution légitime de la Libye (comme fortement opposé au gouvernement fantoche illégal imposé sur les peuples libyens, se faisant appeler désormais le gouvernement du Conseil national créé par l’OTAN / Bernard Levy / John McCain et Hillary Clinton) – La Grande Jamahiriya, dont certains fonctionnaires ont été populairement engagés depuis le dernier “comités populaires et des Congrès» a permis d’être assez tenu dans tout le pays de la Grande Jamahiriya. C’est la seule force légitime du peuple libyen et ne peut être dissous jusqu’à ce qu’un autre Congrès populaire est tenue de manière équitable entre tous les peuples de la Grande Jamahiriya. Le Mouvement national populaire libyen, comme il est indiqué qu’il comprend des éléments de l’al-Jamahiriya — MAIS il s’agit d’un «corps politique» et il a commencé par un non-libyenne, l’anglais fille Lizzie Phelan —– rappel S’il vous plaît qu’un Jamahiriya réel n’a pas de «corps politiques» et Mouammar n’est pas le «chef de file en retard», comme elle Etats “MUAMMAR ‘le« retard »chef de file!” – Il s’agit d’une «confédération» de beaucoup de différents Anti-NATO/TNC forces — ce qui est bon, mais comme je l’ai dit, très mal informés et mal organisée, et n’est pas un .. UNIFIED corps il est vrai la plupart du temps un mouvement de jeunesse. Dr Mouammar Hamza est Aaron, et il a annoncé l’heure zéro maintenant il ya plusieurs semaines – et la lutte contre sera en cours , mais la date effective de l’Fetah al-DEUXIÈME à venir est encore inconnu , mais il sera bien avant le 01 Septembre … Mouammar nous promet cela.

Libyan Popular National Movement salutes global youth against imperialism
Source – by Lizzie Phelan
Logo of the Libyan Popular National Movement
Here is a statement regarding the International Youth Day to Condemn Imperialist Aggression,

from the Libyan Popular National Movement, which was founded a few months ago as the political body

of the “majority of Libyans” who support the Jamahiriyah and for that are being brutally persecuted by

NATO and their proxies.

Statement from the Libyan National Popular Movement:

The Libyan National Popular Movement, which includes components of the institutions of Al-Jamahiriya, “the public system based on the power of the people”, which is the legitimate authority chosen by the Libyan people through the main public conferences, the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people of all tribes and social classes, salutes this youth movement and the global revolutionary youth forces in this event which aims to mobilize the youth around the world to resist the imperialist and neo-colonialist attack.

And they would like to show the whole world that on the 8th of August, 2011 the brutal destruction against the peaceful,

revolutionary people of Libya which started by NATO on March 2011, was completed after damaging most of the civil and military establishments as well as the infra-structure, houses, schools, mosques, churches, and archaeological sites by thousands of continuous airstrikes for 9 months that spared no one and no thing, pouring bombs and missiles on innocent people, where the destructive power of those airstrikes against Libya has leveled entire blocks and cities to the ground.

This aggression against Libya is just another episode of continuous Imperialist aggression against peaceful peoples since the end of World War 2. Tripoli is surely not the end of this tragedy just as Kabul and Baghdad were not; it is a total, continuous, brutal war that the Imperialist forces have launched without any justifications or any moral or legal restrictions.

Imperialism is trying to survive, by rejuvenating colonialism and direct and indirect hegemony through military interventions and imposing regimes that are financially dependent on Imperialism and are under its full control.

The Libyan National Popular Movement salutes the international youth that is aware of the Libyan people’s suffering, and is especially grateful to Nicaraguan youth their role in defying the Imperialistic project and for their support for the Libyan people, and through them sends regards and gratitude to the progressive revolutionary youth of Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas and confirms its persistence in resistance to defeat the Imperialistic project in Libya and to defend the liberty of the peoples of the world.

Glory for the Libyan martyrs,
Glory for all martyrs around the world who died fighting Imperialism.”


The situation in Libya is becoming worse every day. With very little interest from international media many horrors have taken place in all parts of the country: systematic torture of prisoners, extra-judicial killings, armed tribal conflict, economic and political foreign domination, robbing of national wealth, the reality of Al-Qaeda’s control of parts of the country, the invention and establishing of fragmented regional and cross-border identities to replace the national unifying identity, anti-black politics amongst the armed militias, the enforced displacements of whole tribes, the flight of a third of the population to neighbouring countries for fear of persecution.

In this atmosphere of horror, millions of Libyans who supported “the late leader Muammar Gaddafi”

[—–my note here—MUAMMAR IS NOT the “late” leader!—–]

are being excluded from any real political solution in the country. They live under fear of retaliation and cannot exercise their civil rights or feel safe enough to oppose any decision taken by the militias or the weak central authorities in the country.

As a result, we are re-organising ourselves outside Libya in an inclusive political movement that would encompass all Libyans who understand the terrible reality of Libya and insist that only through a genuine and radical change can Libyans avoid the danger of another civil war funded and maintained by foreign agendas. The following Declaration is concerned with the founding of the “Libyan Popular National Movement” and has been written and agreed-upon by most of the political/social/military leaderships of Green Libya.

July 19, 2012 08:30 (UTC) Submitted by Quoriana


  • All thanks to the tribe that stood Almgarhh heroic stance with Bani Walid …. Where secured Alchuirv axis and the southern

    Sheikhs Bani Walid increase to two other two conditions, namely rats Misurata  

  • 1 – the release of Sheikh Alchuirv civil recognition of the efforts of Almgarhh
    2 – the people back to their homes Torghae


from Janzour:

Rishvana and the capture of rats 4 of Saraya grass …. And 15 of the rats Gado ……….

Rats and Al-zentani want to enter for the exchange of prisoners….
Rishvana and declare that today is the night of the discount to teach rats Janzour lesson will not forget.

killed 3 of the sons and Rishvana and wounding 4 of them serious condition at the hands of rats Janzour.

Violent clashes between rats and Janzour Orishvana in Janzour ……… In retaliation for the killing of 3 of

the sons and Rishvana.

YESTERDAY: very importanat
now the outbreak of clashes in Tripoli airport between rats and a battalion Alzentan conquest

bin Ghashir Palace ....


RATS MAKE power outages in BANI WALID for 4 hours and more.

The phenomenon of power cuts a new beginning it was an hour and an hour and just.

I want to run away more than 4 hours this for Lena we in Janzour and mind in some other areas.

and just calls break between East and West and the God thing boggles this country’s oil and Sayer where Heca .

At the end of the topic Mava only Nicollkm Libya has lived a cat and some Khashh, cut the loss and communication .  


Rishvana free

Bouazza Khaled

 Alex Beck of

Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi , writes us:

Breaking News
second day of clashes between rats and resistance in Tripoli city and alot of rats got Killed in Janzour area .
Clashes in Sebha City between rats of the east and Green Resistance .

“Live coupons” head of the former French Foreign Intelligence:
Qatar and the commander of Baji Sbsa and Renaissance group were involved in the kidnapping of al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi sham trial and then sell it to the new rulers of Libya … where Sbsaa gave instructions that the arrest warrant for Al-Mahmoudi, when he crossed the dirt and Tutsis flags of Qatar, which asked him to custody in preparation for the new instructions Sdro about it and then catch Sbsa amount of one million dinars from Qatar. and after the elections T results were known in advance in favor of allies Qatar impounded by the Government of the Renaissance and did not leave him, despite his acquittal by the Tunisian judiciary but since Tunisia infiltrated sovereignty by Qatar, the desire of rulers had been waiting for instructions from Doha on Mahmoudi that were handed over to Tripoli for 100 Mmleon euros went to the account the movement of the Renaissance in Turkey.
“Ive Bonat,” the PW Chief of French foreign intelligence:
Qatar and Al-baaji sebsi Renaissance Group and participated in the kidnapping of  Baghdadi Mahmoudi, trial and then sell to the leaders of the new figurehead of Libya. ..
Since alsbsii, responsible to stop when crossing Mahmoudi territorial expansion and to inform the guard asked Qatar prelude lsadro new instructions on this,
then catch Caid Essebsi million Tunisian dinars of Qatar after the elections…
and their results were known in advance in favor of the allies made by Qatar and the government has not left his Renaissance.
although acquitted by the Tunisian justice but as sovereign by Tunisia has infiltrated the will of the leaders was in Qatar awaiting instructions.
Doha Mahmoudi Issued in Tripoli for 100 euros mmlion went to the expense of the Renaissance movement in Turkey.
«Ive bonat,« le PW de chef du Service de renseignement étranger français: Qatar et Al-baaji sebsi groupe Renaissance et ont participé à l’enlèvement de Baghdadi Mahmoudi, procès et ensuite vendre auprès des dirigeants de la figure de proue Libye nouvelle … Depuis alsbsii, chargé d’arrêter Mahmoudi lorsque traversait l’expansion du territoire et d’informer le Qatar a demandé garde prélude lsadro nouvelles instructions à ce sujet, puis attraper Caid essebsi millions de dinars tunisiens du Qatar après les élections et leurs résultats ont été connus à l’avance en faveur des alliés Qatar faite par le gouvernement et n’a pas quitté sa Renaissance, bien qu’acquitté par la justice tunisienne mais comme souverain par la Tunisie s’est infiltré dans la volonté des dirigeants a été au Qatar en attente des instructions de Doha à Mahmoudi Délivrée à Tripoli pour 100 euros de mmlion est allé à la dépense du mouvement de la Renaissance en Turquie


14 MAI 2012:

Publiée le  mai in 2012 fourteen par 

Brother of free speech to the Libyan people in and out Aldaakhl elections a farce entitled to a room on the Pal/talk bone mass

http://www.alrseefa.net/fm.html Radioa sidewalk FM


room on Pal/talk bone mass

 https :/ / www.facebook.com / GREATALJAMAHIRIYA

Sfajh room Alhmaheria Great Logo


Libya Facebook Page on Facebook

La liberté d’expression au peuple libyen de la salle Grande Jamahiriya de Dieu

  Photo de couverture

25 NOV. 2004:


Daily minimum home 21 \ 7 \ 2012
said As’ad Ambah Aboqilh journalist and author Libya’s  independent reporter,  minimum home in Libya,  in a

press statement “with Bmaah holy month of Ramadan is most competitive media between official channels

Jamahiriya and the channels of the rats to bring the largest number D possible audience,

but there is a satellite channel won the admiration of many scenes of Libya and private supporters of Gaddafi,

but has become a channel of choice for them and Atart a big debate in the street,

the Libyan government is trying to Libyan closed it channel valley space is a special channel in Bani Walid owned

by the tribe and Rafla and broadcast on the satellite Nile Sat .

Almost this channel replica of the channel mass marrow space system Gaddafi former was broadcast

channel valley on Friday with the first day in the month of Ramadan programs,

some channel mass, including the series-Haj Hamad, who criticizes the negative phenomena in the Libyan society

in a comic and the series-Haj Hamad was regaining the follow-up great popularity of the Libyans and even follow-up

figure of Colonel  Muammar Gaddafi as Ptt channel images of the victims of NATO bombing on the city of Bani Walid.

broadcast channel protest of Population and Rafla to visit the Crown Prince of Qatar to Libya

and broadcast channel valley of many popular songs that were Tptha channel Gaddafi official public space.

He said Assad Aboqilh:

According to sources, the center Libyan news is circulating widely among the Libyans, especially supporters of

Gaddafi said channel valley space is preparing to broadcast video tape depicts the fierce fighting that

took place in the city of Al Walid and the city of Sirte between rebel forces and NATO against al-Qadhafi

and his supporters, according to the sources tape video showing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi personally shoot

down NATO aircraft whenever he heard voices of these aircraft flying on the sky over Bani Walid and the city

of Sirte and the video shows some of the meetings that reward Colonel  Muammar Gaddafi with the elders

and the elders of the city of Bani Walid and walked Otina war Libyan.
fifi fifi


كثير هنا تكمن كدعاية لجعل معمر تبدو سيئة عندما كان هو في الحقيقة نقية وجيدة. هذا ليس صحيحا لقطات — وأكثر بشاعة ينتشر عن طريق هيلاري ساحرة.

Channel valley space is preparing to broadcast video tape depicts the fierce fighting that took place in the city of

Ben-Walid and the city of Sirte between rebel forces and NATO against al-Qadhafi and his supporters, according

to sources that the tape is visible showing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi personally shoot down NATO aircraft

whenever he heard voices of this aircraft flying on the sky bin Walid and the city of Sirte and the video shows

some of the meetings that the reward of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi with the elders and the elders of the

city Bin Walid and walked Otina war Libyan as tape shows footage inhumane to shoot a large number of civilians

fleeing from the city of Al Walid and the city of Sirte and killing prisoners of war between the parties, and that the

tape visible will Whittier a lot of controversy between the Libyans and threaten the Libyan government channel

valley prosecution judicial and lock the channel in the case of broadcast Hmae tape due to the exposure the

country’s security at risk and Atarh problems between the rebels and supporters of al-Gaddafi, Alagdirbaldkr the

channel valley has not broadcast any announcement through its programs for Hmae tape video or even later

broadcast the tape on channel valley may want to have the tape a surprise to the viewer Libyan.


the fake footage from Sirte is even worse. It shows Muammar himself killing people who desired to flee from BANI WALID and it shows him murdering captives in cold blood…IT IS HORRIBLE and is a CLINTON fabrication being broadcast to make Muammar appear really bad and deserved his “death” which she shows again in fabrication.
These same kind of videos are being broadcast in Middle East and Syria as well making BASHEAR ASSAD look bad killing people! and showing turmoil in Damascus, but it is NOT DAMASCUS; it is Qatar –but people are being fooled.

The Sirte footage is all fake as it was pouring rain there; and the footage is dry and Sunny because it was filmed in Misrata and in Qatar.

News of the march of the sons and green Rafla in Mansheya and market Ant Institute of parameters to cheer (and Rafla is Rafla for what its leader, give up)from Bani Walid:
Ali and Rafla Tripoli ………
Take the cautious and prudent and the formation of small armed groups of 20-30 young man ………..
And the attack on all MusratiRats Rats Misurata asking them to join the eastern region of the attack on Bani Walid ……….
Where the numbers were small.

Our correspondent in the Bani Walid
Alert is unprecedented in the Bani Walid …….. After the betrayal of rats Gado to the Convention on the exchange of prisoners
The sheikhs and Rafla demanding young people to prepare for war …


Our correspondent in the Bani Walid
If it is not the release of our prisoners in the prisons of Misurata ….. Denunciation was …..

will kill all the remaining prisoners …….
The Misurata and Bani Walid in a state of war ….


in the Bani Walid was the release of 5 prisoners of only …….. And if it is not released from the rest of the prisoners

within the time limit specified ………. Will liberate our prisoners from the prisons of Misurata by force …..

Misurata rats Istnjdon Bgerman pagan army and rats in transition … With the approaching deadline for agreement.

Bani Walid heavy military mobilization in the Bani Walid attacked the rats Misurata (traitors covenants) …..

near the end of the period with the agreement.


    • Mohammed Alsabhawi steadfast
      Old Atsedkoa you are free in the middle Ankhalat Nhsabh Khoi but thank God and Random Musrati Narafash:
      Hahahahahahah, Hadim family Misurata Old Hteke Tris and Rafla Sabha and victorious, God willing,

      ليبيا محتلة يا مخانيث يا جرذان
    •  Rat Salem Juha ………… Punish all of Musrati ride roughshod over the … And will destroy Bani Walid….

      Ongoing fighting between rats and Misurata Mslath and among the inhabitants of Lamamra ….. In an attempt to displace
      Lamamra tribe in Libya
      this tribe are stationed in the area of Lamamra and is situated south of the five coastal is 26 kilometers and there Lamamra in Sirte and Benghazi and Sebha and turf and Zeliten and Al Heisha ……. displaced
      more than the number of Lamamra tribe in their status in Lamamra than twenty thousand people engaged in agriculture and livestock mainly, as exceeds the number of Nfosha in Sirte, two thousand lives, mostly metropolitan valley, which lies east of the city of Sirte Seventieth of 70 km ….
      The Lamamra in Benghazi, the second gathering of the tribe in Libya in terms of size, as reported in the range of five thousand people …… and from Benghazi in between Lamamra family Aldahila
      branded Lamamra hobbled their camels and shape (T) on the right thigh, and they agree on this tag in Arafa with the tribe that settled mostly in the Libyan city of Prairie …….. Lamamra Libyan tribe is divided into five houses or thighs –
      House: – the crowds, Aljabbarna, Rahomat, children M’hamed, Taiash.
      استمرار الاشتباكات بين جرذان مصراتة ومسلاتة وبين اهالي العمامرة ….. في محاولة لتهجيرهم
      قبيلة العمامرة في ليبيا
      تتمركز هذه القبيلة في منطقة العمامرة و هي تقع جنوب مدينة الخمس الساحليّة بـ 26 كيلو مترا و هناك عمامرة في سرت و بنغازي و سبها و المرج و زليطن و الهيشة المهجرة …….
      يربو عدد أفراد قبيلة العمامرة في مركزهم في العمامرة عن عشرين ألف نسمة يمتهنون الزراعة وتربية الماشية بشكل رئيس، كما يتجاوز عدد نفوسها في سرت الألفين يقطن أغلبهم وادي العامرة الذي يبعد شرق مدينة سرت بِـ 70 سبعين كيلومترا ….
      ويشكّل العمامرة في بنغازي التجمع الثاني للقبيلة في ليبيا من حيث الحجم إذ يبلغ في حدود خمسة آلاف نسمة ……و من بين العمامرة في بنغازي عائلة الدحيلي
      يوسم العمامرة إبلهم بالعقال و شكله ( T ) على الفخذ الأيمن ، و هم على هذا يتفقون في الوسم مع قبيلة العرفة التي يستقر أغلبها في مدينة المرج الليبية…….. تنقسم قبيلة العمامرة الليبية إلى خمسة بيوت أو أفخاذ –
      بيت:- الجموع ،الجبارنة، الرحومات، أولاد أمحمد، الطيّاش.
      ‏Photo : استمرار الاشتباكات بين جرذان مصراتة ومسلاتة وبين اهالي العمامرة ..... في محاولة لتهجيرهم<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
قبيلة العمامرة في ليبيا<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
 تتمركز هذه القبيلة في منطقة العمامرة و هي تقع جنوب مدينة الخمس الساحليّة بـ 26 كيلو مترا و هناك عمامرة في سرت و بنغازي و سبها و المرج و زليطن و الهيشة المهجرة .......<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
 يربو عدد أفراد قبيلة العمامرة في مركزهم في العمامرة عن عشرين ألف نسمة يمتهنون الزراعة وتربية الماشية بشكل رئيس، كما يتجاوز عدد نفوسها في سرت الألفين يقطن أغلبهم وادي العامرة الذي يبعد شرق مدينة سرت بِـ 70 سبعين كيلومترا ....<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
ويشكّل العمامرة في بنغازي التجمع الثاني للقبيلة في ليبيا من حيث الحجم إذ يبلغ في حدود خمسة آلاف نسمة ......و من بين العمامرة في بنغازي عائلة الدحيلي<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
يوسم العمامرة إبلهم بالعقال و شكله ( T ) على الفخذ الأيمن ، و هم على هذا يتفقون في الوسم مع قبيلة العرفة التي يستقر أغلبها في مدينة المرج الليبية........ تنقسم قبيلة العمامرة الليبية إلى خمسة بيوت أو أفخاذ -<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
 بيت:- الجموع ،الجبارنة، الرحومات، أولاد أمحمد، الطيّاش.‏


      the tuber cut electricity on the cities of Derna and Tobruk Balکaml.
      Ramadan victory and liberation (group):
      the closure of an oil refinery corner …..________________________________the beach Social Council at the beach is Manaterv by ……….. We do not recognize the elections and the Conference of rats
      اليوم 25 \7
      عشم الوطن …………. ( صفحة عشاق القائد في رمضان النصر و التحرير )\\مراسلنا من الشاطئ
      المجلس الاجتماعي في الشاطئ هو مانعترف به ……….. ولا نعترف بمؤتمر الجرذان ولا الانتخابات

      “Hypocrisy .. God curse you Aamnavq”

      The attack by an armed group from neighboring areas, “” beautiful and Racdalin “” resulted in his injury of a number of rats used in the corner and attack, gunshot wounds and others … And injured rats Atlqo treatment in hospital visitors Sailor “marina.
      # Libya # # Racdalin beautiful corner of # #
      A group of armed gangs outlaw trying to enter the cities and beautiful Rkdalin trying to humiliate the slaves and rape, are said to be the angle of the gangs and militias backed by the visitors were saved by brave young people. This is not the first time that you get where such attacks have we addressed those responsible do not we meet no response or interest so we will bear the trouble of self-defense and supply in these difficult times being experienced by our beloved country and warn all of tempted to compromise the security of our areas that we will not stand arms folded in front of any abuse and we will respond to “our way” ..
      If they want war, we have and if you want peace, we haveAlnoael channel on Facebook
      If they want war, we have and if you want peace, we have

      Lawyer leader AISCHA  alQathafi????:Zero hour and realize Masaah zero …………………….Aspects of this to all my words of despair or lose hope and boredom of waiting for the injury resistance .. I do not blame on anyone tired of waiting for the resistance have noticed that each group has developed a specific date, considering the zero hour and as they passed this date suffer frustration and despair …… Do you see a lion permission of its prey, or heard the days on the thief gives off will stealing a date … I am here like Balsa Slavery because Libya was stolen and recovered was taken by force by force with all due respect for the brave … Mqaomina I want to clarify that the resistance Ka flood sweeping does not have a date .. Every day we talk about zero hour simply as something easy Awsaah WebMaster .. As if that was just lost our farm or a house or a car … Or forget that the country is .. Madaa Madaa that is dignified Madaa is that men and youth in the age of flowers that Madaa women raped and children orphaned .. The Madaa is the families displaced to Madaa is security and safety resistance Do not have light magic to retrieve what can be retrieved, they are people like us to think and plan meticulously the situation is unlikely any mistake no matter how simple Valkhouna were planning to betray them since Snoaat why, we can not we take some time to recover our right .. it is not the start of zero hour is our due, but victory is certain is our goal … patience and endured not despair of the mercy of God do not underestimate would our men brave men Bomenaarvallah will grant victory to the hired infidel, but God is testing our patience and the strength of our resolve and victory Qaaaaaaadm God willing and Mufajaúat unpleasant became close and length or width see the green Aarverw Gsbn Aaalradi Willie Hazy of rats and in the war …. There is nothing impossible ************** and ****** Balliba Milih Abty Qaaaabl armed people is to defeat …. Jay and joy … God willing Vsbera beautiful and God … . Who laughs last laughs ………..

       lawyer leader

      Photo de couverture



      Pictures of the clashes in the neighborhood of Al-Andalus – the capital Tripoli
      URGENT: Tripoli .. now sounds of explosions and bullets hit the point of Andalus district – the capital Tripoli
      Photo: Images of the clashes in al-Andalus - the capital Tripoli

      Photo: Images of the clashes in al-Andalus - the capital Tripoli


      ليبيا واستمرار الحرب الاهلية.. لا صوت يعلو فوق صوت السلاح

      Durée : ‎0:58


      violent clashes between rats and Janzour Orishvana in Janzour ………

      In retaliation for the killing of 3 of the sons and Rishvana


      Bombing of the tomb Companion “Zuhair bin Qais Balawi” Bdrnh

      Bombing of the shrine which is located inside the mosque is the tomb of the city’s Companions Companion “Zuhair bin Qais Balawi” buried in dirt Mnzu several centuries.

      غاب كبيرك عيشي علي ذلّك وقلّة خيرك ❉❉ ياليبيا غبتي وغاب كبيرك
      غاب دلالك ديري عزا وأبكي علي عقّـالك ❉❉ياليبيا بعتي أخيار أرجالك وتمّا مصير الظّالمين مصيرك
      من يشغله همّـــــك ومــــــــن يفضالك ❉❉ ومن دمعته تنزل علي تكديرك
      عيشي علي غدرك وشـــــــوفي حالك ❉❉ عظّم الله أجرك فموت ضميرك
      صرفتي علي روما مخــــــــازن مــالك ❉❉وفي يدّ ساركوزي نهاية سيرك
      ياليبيا رقّن خـــــــــلاص أحبــــــــــالك ❉❉ياجاهله دلوك سقط في بيرك
      ضحكوا عليك وخسّــــــروك أعيـــــــالك ❉❉ كان الندم ينفع نفع في غيرك
      خوذي من العــــــــراق ضــــرب أمثالك ❉❉ تو تفهمي وين ما يجفّ غديرك
      الملك للقويّ ومافـــــــــوق ملكه مالك ❉❉ غير الجهلّ عامي اليوم بصيرك
      أبكي عاللي جاك واللـــــــــــي طالك ❉❉ اليوم تخدمي فاللي سبب تعثيرك
      غاب كبيرك عيشي علي ذلّك وقلّة خيرك❉❉ ياليبيا غبتي وغاب كبيرك

      Kberk missed you live on that and the lack of goodness ❉ ❉ Aalibia Gpti and missed Kberk
      Missed Dalalk Derry and cry attributed to Akalk ❉ ❉ Aalibia Botai Erjalk good guys and the fate of the unjust destiny Tema
      It is operated by WebMaster Evdhalk ❉ ❉ Dmath and down on the Tkdeirk
      May you live on the Gdrick and Hova are you ❉ ❉ bone God reward your conscience The death
      Srvata the Rome stores owner ❉ ❉ In the hands of the end of Sarkozy’s circus
      Aalibia hatch salvation Ahe ❉ ❉ Jahlh wedlock fell in Burke
      You laughed and Khosrok Oaaalk ❉ ❉ remorse benefit was beneficial in others
      Juve from Iraq like you hit ❉ ❉ back to understand what Wayne dry Gdeirk
      King of the strong and above his owner’s ignorance ❉ ❉ Ami today Besark
      Jack and cry Aalli Avatar Talk ❉ ❉ Valley today Tkhaddma reason Tosark
      Kberk missed you live on that and the lack of goodness ❉ ❉ Aalibia Gpti and missed Kberk


      Urgent Sirte
      Security Committee of Sirte began to reveal its true face and exercise its functions in Alassalkh and terrorize the people and cut off their livelihood and of course the occasion of advent of holy month began a campaign to all the shops in the ring road next to the neighborhood meeting to inform all tenants need to pay rent shops of the Commission on security rather than paid to the owners and the owners of livelihoods or do imprisonment and torture.


      We are waiting as well as the valleys
       Sabha prisoners who were captured yesterday from rats at the hands of Misurata and Sabha Rafla will be transferred to the Bani Walid …..
      last night was Nasser Mohammed Mahmoud Alomla to kidnapping near the neighborhood of the camel and witnesses they said it’s a white car the Taliban has a dark exposure of him in the attic and pull through the weapons and went on to abduct the eyes of the people and they run a security committee of Sirte
    • Warning from the captain of the process (Glory) in the south:
      To dogs Misurata what happened in the city of Sabha on Thursday, is a training course for the band Almnfdh of the process, thank God, was successfully prepared for the Implementation of the policies included in the statement of tribe and Rafla in the southern region to respond to any Aatda on our mother Bani Walid and respond to today came from the sons and Rafla and tomorrow from all the tribes of the south, which had come to participate in the process and now are waiting for instructions to process the major tribes of the Union for the Liberation of our prisoners of the land of kufr Misurata
      God is great and above all enlargeتحذير من قائد عملية (المجد) في الجنوب
      الى كلاب مصراتة ماحدث في مدينة سبها يوم الخميس هو دورة تدريبية للفرقة المنفدة للعملية والحمد لله تمت بنجاح استعداد لتنفيد ماجاء في بيان قبيلة ورفلة في المنطقة الجنوبية للرد على اي اعتدا على بلدنا الام بني وليد والرد اليوم جاء من ابناء ورفلة وغدا من جميع قبائل الجنوب التي توافدت للمشاركة في العملية والآن ننتظر التعليمات للعملية الكبرى لأتحاد القبائل لتحرير اسرانا من بلاد الكفر مصراتة…
      والله اكبر فوق كل تكبير
      Green corner
      URGENT ::: Misurata
      Major General Joseph carved the Libyan army chief of staff refuses to give legitimacy to the process of “Gardens of the dawn” on the weight of the NATO occupation of Libya blew Odyssey intends militias from Misurata to do to enter the city and sweep the Prophet and Waliddoes not bless this process.عاجل مصراتة:::
      اللواء يوسف المنقوش رئيس أركان الجيش الليبي يرفض منح الشرعية لعملية “فجر جنات” علي وزن عملية الناتو لاحتلال ليبيا فجر الاوديسا التي تعتزم مليشيات من مصراتة القيام بها لدخول و تمشيط مدينة نبي وليد ولا يبارك هذه العملية .
      News of flight mass Misurata to the families of residents Bsabha by the arrest of young people and in Rafla Sabha for four of the gunmen Misuratadue to harassment and provocations by the Jews Gardan Misurata against the city of Bani Walid incubator tribes and RaflaRadicle is noteworthy that the militants who were arrested in the Sabha had been released on the instructions of the Council of the social tribes and Rafla.  
      أنباء عن هروب جماعي لعائلات مصراته المقيمين بسبها جراء أعتقال شباب ورفلة في سبها لأربعة من مسلحي مصراته جراء التحرشات والأستفزازات التي يقوم بها جردان يهود مصراته ضد مدينة بني وليد حاضنة قبائل ورفلةالجذير بالذكر أن المسلحين الذين تم أعتقالهم في سبها قد تم الأفراج عنهم بناء علي تعليمات من المجلس الأجتماعي لقبائل ورفلة
      (new translation: News of flight mass Misurata to the families of residents Bsabha by the arrest of young people and in Rafla Sabha for four of the gunmen Misurata
      due to harassment and provocations by the Jews Gardan Misurata against the city of Bani Walid incubator tribes and Rafla.  

      Radicle is noteworthy that the militants who were arrested in the Sabha had been released on the instructions of the Council of the social tribes and Rafla.)
      Our correspondent from Bani Walid
      Most of the sons of Bani Walid before 20 \ 8 ……
       Who participated in the war against the rats were killed in the fronts ……
      For this was the requirement to release the captured after 20 \ 8 ….
      Their number is estimated at about 600 Warfalli  …

       is not true that rats Metrddh channels Slmo 60 people from Bani Walid …. 

      The deal says ……….. All of what has been arrested on 20 \ 8



      Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |

      Channel Valley
      Urgent: Misurata militias betray the agreement …………………………

      militias (Misurata) Armed betray the agreement, as usual, and

      denounce the Covenant and the Charter made by their representatives during the negotiations

      that took place under the auspices of mediators from the city of Gado, where he was among the

      terms of the agreement to stop assaults on children tribe and Rafla.

      Here is today’s militias that traitor of the Covenant and the Charter of the kidnapped :

      1_ media young Hamza Ali Ibrahim Warfali (from his office) 2_ Mohammed Omar Abdel Nabi Chouran Warfali

      2_ Omar Omar Abdel Nabi Chouran Warfali from the city of Tripoli, and you move them to the city

      prisons of torture in Misurata, so this fragmentation of human beings does not save the era and the

      Charter and the security of punishment offended Literature and should be treated equally

      and the kidnapping of the largest possible number of them (as happened in the Sabha) in various areas to be swap them being done with the state (Misurata) as long as the government delusional powerless and unable to apply the law to everyone and to stop such practices criminal and brazen militias Almusratih ..

      And also as long as these militias do not know the meaning of the Covenant, the Charter does not

      exist in lexicons only treachery, betrayal and breaking the covenants and conventions.


      à Bani Walid nouvelles pour l’armement et Rafla ……….

      Pour les gens de sortir Torghae pour lutter contre la Misurata rats … Même retourner dans leurs foyers
      in Bani Walid people go for new weapons and Rafla ……….

      As for the Misrata RATS going out to fight against Torghae, they will be hard hit, as the Torghae are

      fighting valiantly to return to their homes.

      اليوم 24 \7
      عشم الوطن …………. ( صفحة عشاق القائد في رمضان النصر و التحرير )\\مراسلنا في بني وليد
      انباء عن تسليح ورفلة ………. لاهالي تاورغاء بها لقتال جرذان مصراتة … حتي يعودوا الي ديارهم
      ‏Photo : عاااااااااااااااااااااجل<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
اليوم 24 \7<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
عشم الوطن ............. ( صفحة عشاق القائد في رمضان النصر و التحرير )\\</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>مراسلنا في بني وليد<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
انباء عن تسليح ورفلة .......... لاهالي تاورغاء بها لقتال جرذان مصراتة ... حتي يعودوا الي ديارهم‏
      from ALEX BECK of

      Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi:
      “Breaking News
      Green Resistance exchange two captured rats with 60 green fighters whose were fought in Gaddafi

      forces against NATO .”

      Basic People’s Congress Elvis Bucky free
      Paddy and delivery Yusuf Abdul Qadir Fssok two 2 out of 6 people detained to the elders and wise men

      and the children of epiphyseal Boucif and Gado..They are now in the city of Gado and will not be

      handed over to the city of Misurata only after receipt of the town of Beni Walid sons who were arrested

      after the fall of Tripoli to the present day as the agreement between the Council between the tribes

      and the social Rafla and representatives of Misurata   mediated by some Libyan tribes.


      , if not break prisoners of Bani Walid within 3 days ……… Will be restored from rats Gado

      Misurata Release 5 of Bani Walid ….. Ali and arrested 10 people in Tripoli and Zliten …..

      what do you do Bani Walid …………

      The rest of the 4-day deadline to the end of the Convention that have not implemented ….

      Elders of Bani Walid say ….. The return of the people is the responsibility of Torghae people of Bani Walid and Orvlh …………….

      The news of a conspiracy between rats Thalk Misurata and the army against the black Torghae people of Bani Walidwho

      were BANI WALID’s guests since their homes were destroyed and they were driven out of Torghae ………

      Code of Bani WalidAnd Rafla Great | Great Warfalla
      peaceful solution between the two cities Bani Walid and Misurata was present only
      news are all excellent and We will provide you with later because there are things that should not be announced until ended.
      BUT THIS IS WHAT WE RECEIVE FROM “Asham Home” of Dr.Shakir:
      Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ….. Page green flag) rats from the pages of powerful explosions shake the Misurata ……….youth Almgarhh Bani Walid capturing 6 of the rats Misurata and two armed groups in the gate house in the way of Barak Jufrah …(Dr. Shakir’s site seems to contradict the pages of “the Code of Bani Walid” ??????????????????????????)
          Channel Sirte on FacebookA ((caution and anticipation of treachery, my son, Walid, because these haters Cowards Hazqon in the art of fraud and treachery and cunning as Haya foxes))) at a time when we see the reporting of news in the pages of Facebook for a solution to the problem between the Bani Walid and rats Misurata by tribal elders, aAnd something of this sort , said hours before the official spokesperson of the General Staff chicken National Jirdani through the channel of Misurata TV: on the events between Misurata and Bani Walid, describing the problem as between the State and the road sector , where replaced by the rat Misurata state and Bani Walid bandits and there is also news associated with this news to the effect that the General Staff Jerdanih approved the request of the storming of Bani Walid by rats subject to approval by the Mufti false Taliani they are in the process waiting for an advisory opinion gives them by saying the legitimacy of their entry to the Bani Walid. (and God knows) and O Mark guile in Nharham and guard duty —– –
          news from the heart of Bani Walid from our own sources and the end is lying to you,,,
          From private sources to Forums Ibiaalkhaddra in Bani Walid,,, before they lay off the news and the story Avatar get in the Bani Walid for receipt of Almusurien spies want to refute you all the news, which says they were handed over and ended the problem, but they are on their way for delivery and speech Alfada, be careful what is lying to you end … Is the agreement and conditions of this for certain …
          Dora Dora forever forever Astbarta a Franco-British delegation in Misurata today on 12/7/2012
           know they afford some sort of conspiracy and become monsters in Forte Hussein in two Jaivin Misurata Misurata group downright News

          Alert is unprecedented in the Bani Walid …….. After the betrayal of rats Gado to the Convention on the exchange of prisoners
          The sheikhs and Rafla demanding young people to prepare for war …https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?



          our correspondent in the Bani Walid Musrati any rat in the south and center …………

          in Bani Walid support of small arms and medium-sized up to Bani Walid from the south ….


          in Benghazi Lda continuous interruption in Benghazi continues for 8 hours ….. And salaries every two months, got a month’s salary.


          pages backer of the target house Abdul Hamid Cndolee Warfali plateau in the harsh division of mourning missiles at the hands of rats Misurata.

          Misurata demanding rats everywhere in public ……. Speed up to attend to Misurata with the timeout near the end of the agreement with Black Bani Walid.


          our correspondent in the forces of the armed people , Dr. Shahid Billah a meeting of the tribes in a club ….. Rats and daughters betrayed Testament of Solomon ….

          Especially in Jufrah Sabha and ….. He is under fire and Rafla after 4 days …

          Bani Walid response to traitors covenants rats Misurata we will make every Musrati out of

          Misurata turning left and right, and calculates a thousand before he comes out of Misurata ….

          And the rest of 4 days only.

          Dr. Shakir writes:

          day 21 \ 7
          Asham home …………. (Page lovers …….. commander in Ramadan victory and liberation)

          has been the occupation of Tripoli at the hands of rats in the previous Ramadan …..

          Will we Libya to its glory …….. And liberate this year we are on the right ………..

          If we Qaaaaaaaaadron to edit ….. Atantzer to come from outside forces ….. To set you free ….

          You are armed people is subject to the defeat of others ……….. move select your goal …..

          …… Kill the rat …… Facilitate the task for the Liberation of Libya

          (Page lovers leader in Ramadan victory and liberation)
          in the violent clashes Got Alhaal and Omar Mukhtar Street …..

          And hear the voice of a powerful explosion in the Friday Market

           Janzour alert rats between the battalion and the Knights of Janzour among the inhabitants and Rishvana …..

          Brothers: * Masoud Ali Salah * .. Martyrs sons Hamad Masoud .. God have mercy .. ————————–
          Without Khot what the minimum estimated ** Assaiba Jack had witnessed ..
          without the owner of Khot ** and prestige without Khot Matsui corral dust ..
          no Wali Khot owner ** Because you people and you Habib Ghali

          at the request of the brothers and sisters, lovers Asham home page ……

          We do not give up we Mstmrrrrrrrrrron …….. We are with you until the liberation of Libya house

          house house house ………… Rue Rue with the sisters in the armed people ………..

          With the brothers in the jihadist media ……..

          جنازة الشهيد عمر سليمااااااااااااااااااان

 from the pages of backers (together publish the fact that what is happening in Libya)

reported an attack on the camp rats Almsarit Torghae Garyounis in Benghazi …


in Kufra, our correspondent reports on the meeting of the rat and the Brcko Droko with the elders of Tabu in Kufra,

…. And reported them to the support of the Murzuq

Infidels, clashes erupted again between Tabu and cabled in Kufra and led to the deaths of 5 people —– – c 69

الزنتان يقولون ان الناتو طيور ابابيل

Alzentan say that NATO Ababil birds

Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl today 19 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... green flag page) l, our correspondent in Kufra continuing violent clashes between rats and cabled Tabu ......  And rats as usual, they say they are fighting the Chadian ...
    • Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl today, 18 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... Page green flag) post addicted page We are fighting our own hands ...........  Do not rely on others ....... fight on the ground ... and no mass fight on the ground Syria .....  Even if Assad fell ...........  Will liberate the land mass ....  Will not forget the blood of our martyrs

       see the LION emblem in the lower right corner! and also this is the emblem of the RED ARMY which works
      with the Green Resistance of Muammar al-Qathafi.


      n Bani Walid people go for new weapons and Rafla ………. As for the Misrata RATS going out to fight against Torghae, they will be hard hit, as the Torghae are fighting valiantly to return to their homes
      اليوم 24 \7
      عشم الوطن …………. ( صفحة عشاق القائد في رمضان النصر و التحرير )\\مراسلنا في بني وليد
      انباء عن تسليح ورفلة ………. لاهالي تاورغاء بها لقتال جرذان مصراتة … حتي يعودوا الي ديارهم
      ‏Photo : عاااااااااااااااااااااجل<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
اليوم 24 \7<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
عشم الوطن ............. ( صفحة عشاق القائد في رمضان النصر و التحرير )\\</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>مراسلنا في بني وليد<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
انباء عن تسليح ورفلة .......... لاهالي تاورغاء بها لقتال جرذان مصراتة ... حتي يعودوا الي ديارهم‏

from ALEX BECK of

“Breaking News
9 injured rats ,2 killed rats ,3 captured rats in clashes at western part of Libya Near Al Zawiya city also resistance gained 2 cars full of heavy weapons .”
News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
News coming in about the intention of the Ministry of Interior rats withdraw all arms of the city of Tarhunah during the coming period.
Why Tarhunah Baldat! Why was the absence of Abyssinian! Why at this time ..!!!!
Please all of the brothers in Tarhunahnot to comply to this matter because there is something that you arrange.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409905549044586&set=a.267363996632076.54295.267151173320025&type=1&relevant_count=1
We have successfully _ Trophy car from rats Mzrath F. Ellis _ and killed 3 rats on the one hand Tninaa _
God is great above the plots of the aggressor
looted my car spear Klashen Cove
News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

Urgent alert: confirmed information about the intention of the Air Force bombing of certain areas of the

mountains, Master Ben, so please take the Green Resistance flag.
# Libya # # Sabha  

correspondent of the Sabha in Naga clashes between Alqmazfah age children and rats and the

tribe of Gardah balcony ….. And hear the voice of launchers

a partagé la photo de اخبار المقاومة الليبية 24/24(الاستخبارات الليبية).

Publiée le  18 Juil. Deux mille et douze nominale 

Tabu forces après leur victoire sur les rats

News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

Militias visitors steal citizens’ cars on the main road through the gates where they were fake and just steal a car citizen native of Sabratha were shooting live ammunition propagated by

the injury minor injury and is now going to head worth with a large group to close the crossing.
# # Sabratha Libyavisitors # # # head is worth.

مليشيات زوارة تسرق سيارات المواطنين على الطريق العام عن طريق بوابات وهمية حيث تم قبل قليل سرقة سيارة مواطن اصله من صبراته وتم الرمي عليه بالرصاص الحي فتمت اصابته اصابة طفيفة وهو الآن ذاهب الى رأس جدير مع مجموعة كبيرة لإغلاق المعبر.
#ليبيا#صبراته#زوارة#رأس جدير#

ÚÇÇÇĚá heard warplanes in the skies of Tripoli (in the city) just

YESTERDAY: very importanat
now the outbreak of clashes in Tripoli airport between rats and a battalion Alzentan conquest bin Ghashir Palace ….

‏Photo : مليشيات زوارة تسرق سيارات المواطنين على الطريق العام عن طريق بوابات وهمية حيث تم قبل قليل سرقة سيارة مواطن اصله من صبراته وتم الرمي عليه بالرصاص الحي فتمت اصابته اصابة طفيفة وهو الآن ذاهب الى رأس جدير مع مجموعة كبيرة لإغلاق المعبر.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
#ليبيا#صبراته#زوارة#رأس جدير#‏

    • Channel Sirte on Facebook Moved from Forum Libya green the city Alzentan upside down on some of them are not natural and theexpectation that the major war between them and the reason is kidnapped girl from Alzentan before theFaculty of Education, Miss Sunday at two after the back and to this moment did not find them and thekidnappers are three people, witnesses notables were in the place, it is important from yesterday on thelower Anglbh Alguetah Today, the tension became too large and aesthetics, including the use of weapons(ie, those of them) because of the kidnapper and the kidnapped Alzentan of Alzentan ….. Fifi fifi

        News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
      This car of a rat Jufrah Hoon called “Hatim Karim” and was in a residential neighborhood … It was the ammo … Shortly before was detonated ….
      # Libya # # Hoon Jufrah  –#

      هذه سياره أحد جرذان هون الجفره ويدعى ” حاتم كريم ” وكانت في احد الاحياء السكنيه … وكانت بها ذخيره … وقبل قليل تم تفجيرها….


our correspondent’s nice to mobilize youth in Alnoaúl Racdalin and beautiful ….

And they have a heavy presence of non-entry Albobat rats to it ……..

the beautiful elders of Alnoaúl go to Bani Walid …….. For its support against rats Misurata

Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl today, 22 \ 7 Asham home .............  (Page lovers leader in Ramadan victory and liberation) \ correspondent of Bani Walid and Rafla sent another warning to the rats through the intermediary of Misurata rats Gado ....  If it is not the release of prisoners and leave the gate stopper ......  Consequences will be dire ...... 

2 days to deadline, with the imminent end of the deadline in the agreement between rats and people of Misurata

and those of  Bani Walid …..

Although a serious betrayal of rats of the Convention …. Several scenarios are approaching the
1 – Family of four rats killed
2 – kill all the rats Who plug in

3 – Misurata rats abduction of Q …

 rats Misurata seeking support from the rats and Alzentan Friday Market …. And promoting rumor of the kidnapping

of Bani Walid of rats from Sorman …. Even help them what would happen to them after the deadline

 thousands of young people and tribes Almgarhh Alqmazfah, and Orvlh Sabha ….. To join their parents in the Bani Walid

    •  Bani Walid and Rafla sent another warning to the rats through the intermediary of Misurata rats

      Gado …. If it is not the release of prisoners and leave the gate stopper …… Consequences will be dire ……

    •  RATS cut-off electricity for most of the beach
    •  support of small arms and medium-sized up to Bani Walid from the south ….


News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
URGENT: border skirmishes between Libyan Algerian rats and Algerian troops amid farms (Hamel continent) on the border line between Libya and Algeria.
# Libya # Algeria # # Ghadames



Handshake Ramadan .. (1)
Knight’s Libyan Sorry, O knight .. We have prepared us to be ..Carry all our concerns and burdens .. And remove us all Mathagl our shoulders ..

And express all Maijul in our memories and win us .. Sorry we Makedrnacc right of your destiny .. And Maahssna Bakimitk

Not in your absence .. The Maarafna value glory and honor when not affect us rabble and devils, which in fact Ocefadha Brahilk ..

Likes and who were afraid and intimidated by your voice and shaking Nzratk for being here .. Sorry Libya was derived

luster from your face and facial Nomad .. And the sanctity of purified sand Aabatk .. Hmokh mountains and the roar

of your words ..Freshness and charm of your smile Nsaúmha .. Sorry because you were not of our time ..

And greater than our understanding of your ideas .. Your imagination and our understanding of the wider ..

Avaiable and more of our dreams .. Sorry because you were the exception in that time ..

I was prophecy at every crossing .. A. Sorry saint sitting in your tent redolent smell of the prophets ..

Front of a stove fire burning warmth of authenticity and purity ..Sorry because you are not Matrki Badk ruins dignity ..

And the remnants of glory .. Raised the courage .. Sorry for the soul and you were displaced and the country …
fifi fifi

We want this prayer rolling on people all day,

God willing, agree-hour answer: “Oh God, I Astodatk and Rafla and its people, its security and safety, the nights and days;, its land, skies,

Vahfezha Lord of the hands of Alaaadaaaa and show us those wonders of your ability Oh God Nstodek our brothers in Rafla their men and their wives and children of

O he has not lost deposits “

and Alec Anscheroh traction and reward in this blessed day.


Saif-al-Islam al-Qathafi

Whoever recites Surat cave also revealed he had a light on the resurrection of his place to Mecca, and recites ten verses from the most recent, and he went out the Antichrist has not shed it, and ablution and then said: Glorified God and praise, there is no god but You forgiveness and I repent to you, written in the parchment then print the character did not break until the Day of Resurrection.
“Narrated by Tabarani in” East “. For saying peace be upon him: Whoever recites Sura Kahf on Friday, he will be illuminated with light between the two Fridays.
Narrated by the ruler and save the first ten verses of Sura Kahf, protected from the temptation of the Antichrist, for saying peace be upon him: to save the first ten verses of Sura Kahf  will be protected from the Antichrist. Narrated by Muslim At the time of reading after the Maghrib prayer for the day Thursday to sunset on Friday.
من قرأ سورة الكهف كما نَزلت كانت له نورا يوم القيامة مِن مقامه إلى مكة ، ومن قرأ عشر آيات من آخرها ، ثم خرج الدجال لم يُسَلّط عليه ، ومن توضأ ثم قال : سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك ، لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك ، كُتِب في رَقّ ثم طُبع بِطابع فلم يُكسر إلى يوم القيامة ” . رواه الطبراني في ” الأوسط ” ، . لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام : من قرأ سورة الكهف في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من النور ما بين الجمعتين . رواه الحاكم وحفظ عشر آيات من أول سورة الكهف يعصم من فتنة المسيح الدجال ، لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام : من حفظ عشر آيات من أول سورة الكهف عصم من الدجال . رواه مسلم ووقت قرائتها من بعد صلاة المغرب ليوم الخميس ألى غروب شمس يوم الجمعة


Muammar’s own special publication of the Koran

Full Nisa (Ahmad Ajami). Ahmad – ‘ajmi sourat An-Nisa uploaded Quran full Youtube on Forums prisoner tears

and please support channel on YouTube to spread Ii …

Full Nisa (Ahmad Ajami). Ahmad – ‘ajmi sourat An-Nisa uploaded Quran full Youtube on Forums prisoner tears and please support channel on YouTube to spread Ii …
when purchasing a Koran, please make sure you get the al-Qathafi edition
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZJBuPn_tgc&feature=player_embedded

      سورة النساء كاملة (احمد العجمي) .Ahmad -‘ajmi sourat An-Nisa تم الرفع القرأن الكريم كاملا يوتوب على منتديات اسير الدمعه وارجو دعم القناه على

    • Seeing how most Muslims have been told from an early age that the entire Islamic world shares a single, identical Quran, what happens when a Muslim begins to travel more widely and realizes that the Quran he encounters in Libya is not the same as the Quran edition in the Sudan, Yemen, or Indonesia? How does the average Muslim in various areas of the world deal with the existence of these various Quran editions, which differ not only in spelling but outright textual words/phrases?

    • the

      World Islamic People’s Leadership

      is headed by leader

      Muammar al-Gadhafi,

      and the

      Brother Farrakhan is assisting the leader

      in this regard. We have about 250 organizations under the umbrella of the

      World Islamic People’s Leadership

      from different parts of the world and they meet at a general conference once every four years. A little over three weeks ago, Minister Farrakhan was there attending the 5th general conference of

      World Islamic People’s Leadership. 

      There is a yearly agenda of how to serve the Muslim communities; how to defend the rights of the Muslims all over the world, how to bring the Muslim Ummah together; how to deal with some political and social crises happening either in the Muslim world or where there is a Muslim minority, especially in Europe.

    •  Founded in 1970 by Brother leader

      Muammar al-Gadhafi, the WICS is comprised of more than 250 Islamic organizations from around the world who are members of

      the General Congress of the organization.

      A general conference is held once every four years, in which religious, cultural, social and economic initiatives are formed

      and acted upon and a summary and status update is delivered regarding previous outreach and development programming.

    •  The US STATE DEPART under Hillary Clinton totally suspended the internet site of the Islamic Call Society




      The US STATE DEPARTMENT (Hillary Clinton) took down this site. It was initiated and led by

      Muammar al-Qathafi.

      Its preamble was the following:

      “The World Islamic People’s Leadership calls upon all Islamic regimes to abide by the Human Rights spelled out in Islam which ensure the participation of all Muslims in the governing and defence of their countries. The leadership believes that this is the best course to take in order to promote reliance on the Jamahiri struggle (Jihad) and to combat extremism and the dangerous phenomenon of despair.”

      (I) feel bad what is now happening in regards to Muammar al-Qathafi’s achievements all over the world. 

      In JAVA they just removed his name off of the huge mosque he donated for the people of JAVA;

      and every year, he sent them money to upkeep it even when the war was at its height!  

      The JAVA government made them remove all references to Muammar al-Qathafi–even though

      the JAVA government never gave them a cent to keep up their mosque—

      Muammar himself paid for it all.  I just hope they do not do the same with the majestic mosque of

      Kampala, UGANDA—a spectacular achievement in an area that was thicket and brush so heavy

      that no one thought ever possible to build upon; and the unbelievable cost to develope the land

      and tobuild a fitting monument to GOD/ALLAH!

      I am telling you, the witch’s claws reach all over the globe!!

      She has that much claque and POWER—and all Nations are bending to her will!

    • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=179299222185093&set=a.157905070991175.32493.100003150495041&type=3&theater

      from pp.101-132 of “ESCAPE to Hell”

      (written by Muammar al-Qathafi), quoted from pp. 101, 115, 125 & 128, i.e.: “Prayer on the Last Friday”, “The Prayerless Friday”(published in 1999)

      The Third Universal Theory is the Only Salvation for our Ailing Planet


      Muammar Qaddafy mosque in Puncak Bukit Sentul


      Posted by KabarNet on 22/10/2011

      In Sentul, Bogor, West Java, since two years ago stood a magnificent mosque Muammar Qaddafy. Libyan leader named because it was he who bears the cost of construction of the mosque to $ 50 billion.

      MQ inside the mosque compound Az-Zikra Hill, not far from the highway that connects Jagorawi Jakarta-Bogor. Imposing building that looks more handsome because it is built on a hilltop on a region of South Sentul. The mosque became the main symbol of the housing complex that is also drafted into the Muslim settlement.

      The mosque was built on July 22, 2007 and opened in the February 16, 2009. The entire requirement of funds used for construction is supported by the “World Islamic Call Society”, a transnational Islamic missionary organization based in Tripoli, Libya. Hence the name of Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafy chosen as the name of this mosque.

      One of the buildings that are full of meaning is Umbrella Nabawi. Two Umbrella Nabawi replica located on the first floor or in front of the entrance of this mosque, adding to the completeness of the architectural appearance of the mosque building has an area of ​​12 600 square meter building is. The mosque is located in the management responsibilities of the Foundation Council Zikra Dzikir Az-chaired by Ust. Arifin Ilham.

      Assembly associated with the Foundation’s decision to name Az-Zikra Muammar Qaddafy, it’s just a matter of appreciation and respect for the concern of the Libyan leader. Especially, the development of Islamic da’wah to the Indonesia.

      Party donor advised, that the mosques they finance Muammar Qaddafy it should not be used for activities of extremism and radicalism. Including, activities that deviated from Islam, such as Ahmadiyah.

      Many people are amazed to Libyan leader figure who is often considered a dictator by many parties. Therefore, the commitment by the institution Qaddafy to preach in a number of countries remained undisturbed in their country despite the difficult situation.

      Plan ahead, the mosque which has a tower about 57 meters on the left side behind the main building of the mosque would be developed into Qaddafy Islamic Center (QIC). According to the plan, in addition to establishing a boarding school, Az-Zikra Council plans to establish a university.

      The university was designed as a branch or a representative of Libya to the university in Southeast Asia. As is known, each year invites a number of Libyan Muslim students from Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, to study in his country. The cost is free.

      Make a prayer congregation at the mosque Muammar Qaddafy unseen
       Muammar Qaddafy make the board asked the congregation held a prayer mosque to pray for Muammar al-Qathafi. Not only was the preacher in his sermon also meyinggung Qaddafy courage which he called “a lion of the desert against kezoliman, and neoliberal capitalism”. “Man created God and the nature of good and bad. Perhaps in the eyes of its people Muammar Qaddafy bad, but on the other hand he is a lot of fighting spirit of Islam in the world, ”     said the preacher KH Mahyudi, Friday (21/10).

      His prowess against capitalism, neoliberalism and policies with the United Nations (UN) which harms Muslims are in fact evidence. “Not to mention helping to establish Islam in mosques broadcast in several countries, including in this mosque,” he said.

      Before closing the second sermon, KH Mayudi Juanedi invite the congregation to pray for all Muammar Qaddafy deeds acceptable to God Almighty. Before the preacher climbed the pulpit, the host also expressed bewilderment over the false death of news Muammar Qaddafy. “The death of someone not to speak ill, but see, sample and discuss the good things. Neither the minggalnya Muammar Qaddafy, “he said.

      He then invited the congregation to pray Friday prayers finished Invisibility. After Friday prayers, almost the entire congregation prayer and the supernatural priest led special prayers for the former Libyan leader.

      With a three-storey mosque was inaugurated 16 February 2009. “All funds from the World Islamic Call Society (WICS). An international Islamic missionary organization based in Tripoli, Libya, Muammar Qaddafy formation. No help from the government, “he said.

      However WICS or the Libyan government had never interfered in the affairs of this mosque. Including the design and the name of the mosque is named Muammar Qaddafy. “On behalf of the mosque, sheer appreciation and concern  especially to the development of Islamic preaching,” said KH Mahyudi Junaedi.

      Each year the mosque is getting help from WICS. However, Budi and KH Mahyudi not worth mentioning. “Last March. Imagine, the raging civil war, but still maintain a commitment to send help, “said KH Junaedi with vibrating tone. [KbrNet / JP / slm]

      02 JULY 2012 The Government of JAVA convinced the mosque to change its name & to have no

      connection to Muammar al-Qathafi who financed it.

      Muammar Qaddafy mosque located in Sentul, West Java, will be renamed Masjid Az – Zikra.

      Change of name of this mosque. The mosque is led by Ustad Muhammad Arifin Ilham was indeed received

      grant aid of 60 billion to pembangunnnya of the World Islamic Call Society (WICS), an institution

      founded by Brother leader Muammar Qaadafi.


      19th Session of The World Islamlic Call Council

      Wednesday 8 Jumadal – AKher 11 Al-Saif .2008


      President Haris Silajdzic of the Republic of
      Bosnia – Herzegovina has expressed his profound
      appreciation of Leader of the World Islamic
      People’s Leadership, Muammar Gadahfi, for his pioneering
      role in the service of Islam and Muslims across
      the world. He also extended his compliments and best
      wishes to the Leader for his great achievements and accomplishments
      in the land of the Great Jamahiriya, as the
      Leader of Al-Fateh Islamic revolution.
      This came in a statement made by the President at
      the opening ceremony of the 19th session of the World
      Council of Islamic Call WCIC which commenced in the
      Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, Tuesday, 27th May, 2008.
      On his part Sheikh Mustafa Ceric, head of the Bosnian
      Sheikhdom stressed on the significant role of the
      WIPL Leader Muammar Gadahafi , in realizing peace
      and harmony in all parts of the world, saying: “ I’m very
      hopeful that his effort will achieve peace and harmony in
      all part of the world”. He also asked the WICS Secretary
      to deliver his compliments and that of the people of Bosnia-
      Herzegovina to the WIPL Leader.
      Sheikh Mustafa also highly appreciated the tremendous
      effort exerted by the Great Jamahiriya and its Leader
      Muammar Gadhafi in extending humanitarian assistance
      packages to the Bosnian people in their plight. Furthermore,
      accorded due praise to WICS’s initiatives in sending
      relief caravans to the People of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
      He specifically mentioned Great Jamahiriya’s hosting of
      more than a thousand Bosnian children who were accommodated
      in Great Jamahiriya, and provided with necessary
      provisions during the critical. Meanwhile, WICS
      Secretary, who is also the Secretary of WCIC stated, in
      his speech at the opening session , delivered the greetings
      of the WIPL Leader Muammar Gadhafi, to the President
      Haris Silajdic, and to the people of Bosnia, underlining
      the significance of this WCIC conference held in the capital
      Sarajevo, the city which was inspired by the principles
      of Islamic religion , and was able to win stability and
      coexistence. Speakers representing Islamic Sheikdom
      in the Balkan, the Tijaniya Sufi Order in Africa and the
      World Conference for Religion for Peace, expressed appreciation
      of the positive role WICS has been and is still
      leading in the service of Islam and Muslims, as well as its
      humanitarian contributions all over the world, irrespective
      of race, sex, colour or faith. It’s worth noting that the
      19th session which inaugurated yesterday in the capital
      Sarajevo was attended by a number of heads of Islamic
      associations, bodies and organizations, delegates of regional
      and international organizations and some members
      in the Bosnian cabinet besides a number of ambassadors
      accredited to Sarajevo.

      Sheikh Mustafa
      Certic: “We are
      pinning all our
      hopes on WIPL
      Leader’s effort
      to achieve
      peace, security
      and harmony
      all over the

      In consolidation of the path of intercommunication
      and enhancing the culture of dialogue

      Final statement of the 19th session
      of The World Islamlic Call Council
      With the verses from the Holy Qur’an, the 19th
      session of   The World Islamic Call Council
      (WICC) was opened in Sarajevo during the
      period from 27th to 29th of May, 2008. The session was
      attended by His Excellency, Mr. Haris Silajdzic, the president
      of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the members
      of the Council, heads of the Islamic Communities
      and religious institutions in the Balkans region, members
      of the Executive Bureau of  The Islamic European Conference,
      a representative of the Tijani Order in West Africa,
      a representative of The World Conrefernce of Religions
      for Peace, a number of Imams and scholars from various
      regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a number of intellectuals,
      Imams and those concerned with the interfaith
      dialogue and cultural communication. His Honour, Shaykh
      Dr. Mustafa Ceric, the Head of the Islamic Community
      in Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented the opening
      speech, welcoming the cultural and humanitarian efforts
      of The World Islamic Call Society (WICS) in his country
      and other parts of the world. Shaykh Mustafa welcomed
      the members of the Council and its guests who accepted
      his invitation for holding this session in Sarajevo. Shaykh
      Mustafa also expressed his interest that this meeting will
      succeed in achieving the required targets, requesting the-
      WICS Secretary General to convey his regards to brother
      Muammar Gaddafi, The Leader of The World Islamic
      People’s Leadership for his efforts in the service of Islam
      and to bring about peace and justice in the world. Secretary
      General of WICC espressed his thanks and appreciation
      to His Excellency, president Haris Silajdzic, for attending
      the opening ceremony of this session conveying
      to him and to the members of the Council and the distinguished
      guests the regards of brother Muammar Gaddafi,
      the Leader of the World Islamic People’s Leadership and
      his interest in the Call in its cultural and humanitarian aspects.
      The president of the Council expressed his special
      appreciation to the honourable Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Ceric
      and his assistants in the Islamic community for hosting
      this big Islamic meeting emphasizing on the continuation
      of the WICS in its path that was pursued since its
      very beginning in the Call to God through wisdom and
      good approach sermon, and introduction to Islam and to
      highlight its contributions to the human civilization and
      cooperation with the people of different religious background
      in colaboration that would lead to the good and
      work in promoting the truth, justice and peace. On behalf
      of the members of the Council, the honourable Shaykh
      Taj Al-Deen Al-Hilali, the Mufti of Australia, conveyed
      the regards of the Council members to the people, the
      Government and President of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
      stressing the efforts of the Islamic community to ensure
      all aspects of success to this meeting.
      Bishop Vanja, the representative of the Orthodox
      Church in Sarajevo, Sheikh Rassoul Rajabi, Secretary
      General of the Islamic Community in Kosovo, Sheikh
      Mohammed Kourashi Neyas, Representative of the Tijani
      Sufi Order in west Africa, Dr. Leonid Kiskovsky,
      Reporter of the World Conference of Inter–Religions for
      Peace , addressed the conference, expressing their appreciation
      to the WICS for their invitation to participate
      in this Islamic meeting. They also appreciated the WICS
      role in the cultural and humanitarian activities and its efforts
      in the area of inter-faith dialogue and cultural communication.
      They also expressed their appreciation to the
      Islamic Community in Sarajevo for the warm welcome
      and hospitality.
      At the end of the opening session, his Excellency,
      president Haris Silajdzic addressed the conference welcoming
      the Council members and their guests in his country
      wishing them all success. The President requested the
      WICS Secretary General to convey his regards and appreciation
      to the Brother Muammar Gaddafi the Leader of
      the World Islamic People’s Leadership and expressing his
      gratitude for the efforts of Gaddaffi to introduce Islam to
      the world as religion, culture and civilization. The President
      also referred to the continuous efforts of Gaddaffi for
      building peace and co-existence, honoring identity without
      compromising the Islamic identity. At the end of his
      address, the President declared the opening of the 19th
      session of the WICC.
      At the beginning of the first work session which was
      opened by the recital of verses from the Holy Qur’an,
      the Secretary General welcomed the Council members
      and their guests, pointing out that since the 18th session,
      which was held in Kuala Lumpur, several cultural,
      educational and dialogue events have been witnessed
      in the Islamic and world arena. There are also a
      number of activities related to those developments. The
      Secretary General referred in particular to the importance
      of institutional cooperation to deal with poverty
      issues and environment, together with the mutual work
      with other religions to enhance religious values and to
      abandon violence and the culture of fanaticism with due
      focusing on building human life.
      Then the Rapporteur general addressed the meeting,
      referring to the legality of the meeting as 30 members out
      of 35 participated; as the other five were absent for various
      justifications. The Rapporteur presented the meeting
      agenda which was approved as follows:
      Report of the Executive Committee’s Council on the
      activities of WICS for the period between the 18th and
      the 19th session.
      Report on the Faculty of Islamic Call and its branches.
      Reports of the Council’s members concerning Da’awa
      and cultural and humanitarian activities.
      Arrangements and preparations for the 8th General
      Conference of WICS.
      Discussing the latest developments in the Muslim
      In accordance with the above, the Council reviewed
      the first item as represented in the Council Executive
      Committee’s report on the WICS activities in the period
      between the Council’s 18th and 19th sessions.
      After extended deliberation, the report was approved
      with the following notes:
      The report is to include the educational, cultural and
      humanitarian achievements which were achieved in the
      framework of the pilot-project “Post of Kano” and their
      integration within the WICS activities since the beginning
      of this year.
      To enhance the report with diagrams and tables reflecting
      the development of those activities and showing
      the respective financial figures.
      Paying more attention to the region of East Africa,
      particularly the African Horn region, by executing educational,
      cultural and humanitarian programs similar to
      those implemented in the other regions of Africa.
      To emphasize the necessity to involve the Council
      members in the preparation and supervision of programs
      implemented by WICS and taking their notes and assessment
      of such activities.
      After that, the Council discussed the second item regarding
      the activities of the WICS Islamic College, its
      branches and the Islamic College in London. The members
      of the Council reviewed the report on this issue.
      After the discussion of the report, it was approved
      with the note to continue support to the college programs,
      to consolidate relations with institutions, universities and
      research centers, to activate coordination with the college
      alumnae, to organize vocational training courses and to
      expand foreign language teaching programs.
      In the second session, the members of the Council
      agreed to integrate items 3 and 5 covering the Islamic
      Call, cultural and humanitarian activities and the views of
      the members and suggestions on the latest developments
      in the Muslim World which are relating to the Council
      work. In this framework most of the Council members
      presented reports, interventions and clarifications covering
      the following recommendations:
      To emphasize the significance of interfaith dialogue
      and cultural communication with the view to raise awareness
      in the other party cultures and religions, and to build
      on the common grounds for the enhancement of values
      and upgrading of cooperation for peace, justice and equality
      taking into consideration the particularities of belief
      and basis of cultural identity.
      To double the efforts for rooting Islamic identity basis
      in the minds of youth, calling for the educational references
      in the Islamic World to prioritize this concept through
      education curricula, provided that curricula development
      will not be taken as a pretext to distort the Islamic personality
      or destabilize its basis.
      The Council expresses its appreciation for all the
      good efforts to stop the bloodshed in various parts of the
      Muslim World, particularly in Somalia and in the Darfur
      region of the Sudan. The Council urges all concerned parties
      to resort to dialogue and rationality in solving conflicts,
      thus preventing foreign interventions whose strategies
      and ambitions contradict with the vital interests of
      Muslims in that region.
      The Council has condemned all patterns of oppression
      and use of force or threatening and saber-rattling outside
      international laws and norms, in addition to all kinds
      of siege and imposing of starvation. In this context, the
      Council calls for the consolidation of international efforts
      to lift the unjust siege on Gaza inhabitants.
      The Council emphasized on the importance of the media
      to introduce Islam as religion, culture and civilization
      refuting all methods of calumny and aggression imposed
      on Muslims, particularly in the West. The Council calls
      for the consideration to hold a Muslim journalists conference
      to discuss the mechanisms and media strategies,

      No. 1119 Wednesday 8 Jumadal – AKher 11 Al-Saif .20 08
      introducing Islam and refuting all calumnies
      against Islam.
      The Council emphasizes on the importance
      to pursue technical and scientific
      advancement, calling all Islamic states
      and organizations to double their efforts
      in this regard to achieve sustainable and
      comprehensive human development contributing
      to achievement of welfare and
      The Council expresses its appreciation
      to the Sufi Orders in consolidating Islamic
      values, spiritual education, dissemination
      of Islamic values and upbringing of the
      coming generations on basis of goodness
      and virtue. The Council also calls on giving
      more attention to the Sufi Orders and
      to develop mechanisms of spiritual, social
      and cultural Sufi performance.
      The Council expresses its satisfaction
      for the harmony and cooperation among
      the religious and ethnic entities of the
      population of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
      The Council appreciates in particular the
      efforts of the Bosnian Interfaith Council
      which have been presented to the members
      of the Council.
      The Council expresses its thanks and
      appreciation for the contributions of the
      Council guests, Muslims and Christians
      who enriched this meeting with their interventions,
      visions, intellectual contributions
      and analysis of some of the issues
      discussed by the Council.
      In the third session, the members of
      the Council discussed the paper on the
      preparations to hold the 8th General Conference
      of The World Islamic Call Society.
      The paper was duly discussed including
      ideas and proposals relating thereto.
      The participants have agreed on the following:
      To approve the paper proposal regarding
      venue and date of the meeting and
      organization of regional gatherings which
      will refer recommendations and proposals
      regarding thereto.
      To focus on the necessity of the significant
      presence of youth and women
      together with an appropriate geographical
      representation of Islamic minorities and
      To organize scientific seminars prior
      to the holding of the conference, to discuss
      some important issue such as media,
      development, dialogue, etc. to present the
      conclusions to the conference.
      To divide the conference during its
      convention into specialized committees
      in accordance with the issues presented
      for discussion.
      To authorize the Executive Committee
      of the WICC to select the slogan of the
      conference and any other matters ensuring
      the conference success.
      In conclusion the participants decided
      to send two telegrams of appreciation to
      His Excellency, President Haris Silajdzic,
      the President of the Presidency of Bosnia
      and Herzegovina, and to brother Muammar
      Gaddafi, The Leader of The World
      Islamic People’s Leadership. They also
      decided to send a letter of thanks to His
      Honour, Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Ceric, the
      Council members and Head of Islamic
      Community (Masheekha) in Bosnia
      and Head of the Scholars in Bosnia and

      Members of the World Council for Islamic
      Call at the conclusion of their 19th session
      have sent a cable to HE. Haris Sillajdzic, President
      of Bosnian-Herzegovina, which says: It
      is the pleasure of the World Council for Islamic
      Call as it concludes its 19th session held in
      the beautiful capital of your country Sarajevo,
      to extend to Your Excellency and through you
      to the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina and to
      the government, our deepest thanks and appreciation
      for your hospitality and warm reception,
      and also for your acceptance to open
      this conference in person. Such great concern
      you have shown has given the Council a lot of
      courage to push forward with the march of Islamic
      Call which aims at exerting more efforts
      in the service of Islam and issues of peace and
      justice in the whole world. May Allah bestow
      on you success.
      Cable from WICC members to President Haris
      Silajdzic on the conclusion of the conference.

      Conclusion of WICC’s
      19th session in Sarajevo
      The three day conference of
      the 19th session of the World
      Council of Islamic Call WICC
      was concluded, Thursday, 29th
      May, in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo.
      The conference officially
      opened by President Haris Silajdzic
      of the Republic of Bosnia-
      Herzegovina attracted wide range
      of participants. Besides members
      of WICC, it was also attended
      by the Leadership of the Islamic
      Sheikhdom in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
      Heads of religious departments
      in the Balkans, members
      of the Executive Committee
      of the European Islamic conference,
      representatives of Tijaniya
      Sufi order and galaxy of Muslim
      and Christian intellectuals.
      The session principally reviewed
      five items; namely:
      Report of WICC Executive
      committee on WICS activities
      between the last two sessions.
      Report on FIC and its branches.
      Report on Daawa, cultural
      and humanitarian activities.
      Arrangements for the 8th
      WICS General Conference.
      Discussion of the latest developments
      in the Muslim world.
      At the end of the session, the
      council sent two cables of thanks
      and appreciation to President
      Haris Silajdzic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
      and to Brother. Muammar
      Gadhafi, Leader of the World Islamic
      Peoples Leadership.

      Horizon of Islamic action in Balkan
      where all people live together
      irrespective of religion, race or
      Sheikh Mustafa Sertic, chief
      of Scholar Council in Bosnia emphasized
      on the notion of coexistence.
      He noted that despite the
      fact that Muslims had suffered
      destruction to their religious and
      cultural institutions, not to mention
      massive extermination, rape,
      killing and torture, they behaved
      in accordance to the principles of
      Islam when wisdom and dialogue
      overcome revenge and violent
      reaction. Research papers were
      introduced to the round table on
      history of Islam and Muslims in
      the Balkan and horizons of Islamic
      action in the region.
      In coordination between
      WICS and the Islamic Sheikhdown
      in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
      Tuesday, May 27, the Bosnian
      capital city of Sarajevo, played
      host to a round table on horizons
      of the Islamic cultural action in
      the Balkan.
      The table brought together
      WICS Secretary, Rapporteur of
      the World Islamic Call Council
      (WICC), scholars and Muftis
      from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro,
      Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo,
      Serbia and Slovenia. Also
      attended in the round table, were
      WICC members, representative
      of the Greek Orthodox Church
      to the European Union, plus a
      number of people interested in
      Islamic cultural action in the Balkan.
      WICS Secretary and Secretary
      General of WICC made a
      speech in which he reviewed a
      wide range of key issues.
      He stressed the importance of
      updatingWICC members to be
      updated on the positive deed of
      the Bosnian Muslims.
      He said this meeting comes
      after the suffering of the Bosnian
      people. He highlighted the positive
      role and wisdom adopted by
      Muslims in their effort to achieve
      a civilization intercommunication
      with the other factions of the
      Bosnian society.
      “We came to Bosnia to greet
      that wisdom adopted by Muslims,
      officials and ordinary citizens
      alike”, said WICS Secretary.
      He affirmed the adoption of
      the Holy Quran and the prophetic
      Sunna and the positive Islamic
      heritage to build relations that
      lead to good and development of
      all peoples in the region.
      Next to speak was WICC
      Rapporteur, who highlighted the
      importance of coping up with
      the contemporary challenges;
      inter-civilization, inter-cultural
      and inter-people coexistence. He
      stressed the significance of introducing
      Muslims’ positive vision
      on Islam which builds a society,

      where all people live together
      irrespective of religion, race or
      Sheikh Mustafa Sertic, chief
      of Scholar Council in Bosnia emphasized
      on the notion of coexistence.
      He noted that despite the
      fact that Muslims had suffered
      destruction to their religious and
      cultural institutions, not to mention
      massive extermination, rape,
      killing and torture, they behaved
      in accordance to the principles of
      Islam when wisdom and dialogue
      overcome revenge and violent
      reaction. Research papers were
      introduced to the round table on
      history of Islam and Muslims in
      the Balkan and horizons of Islamic
      action in the region.

      Bosnian media feature WICC 19th session

      Daawa – Exclusive.
      Media apparatus in the Republic of Bosnia- Herzegovina have covered the
      proceedings of the 19th session of the World Islamic Call Council WICC held in
      the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo May 27 to 29.
      Dnevni avaz newspaper had a front page coverage of the event with distinctive
      quotes of the 19th session of WICC. The paper specifically highlighted the
      broad attendance of the session, held in Bosnia for the first time.
      It considered the event a backing to Muslims’ endeavours in this European


      al-Qathafi actually himself chants the Quaranic verse La prière du vendredi, la ville de Kano du Nigeria. –

      يتفقون مع القذافي في رؤية هلال رمضان دنيا الوطن 14/07/2012 قال اسعد امبية ابوقيلة “الجديد في المشهد الليبي وفي رسمي أعلن “المشروع الإسلامي لرصد الأهلة” في بيان له أن غرة شهر رمضان المبارك سوف تكون يوم السبت الموافق 21 يوليو في جميع الدول العربية، وذكر البيان الذي نشر في الرياض اليوم أن ذلك يعود إلى استحالة رؤية الهلال عقب غروب الشمس في جميع الدول العربية والإسلامية”. وأكد البيان أن شهر شعبان شهد ظاهرة فريدة وقليلة التكرار تمثلت في أن معظم الدول الإسلامية دخلها شهر شعبان في نفس اليوم وهو يوم الخميس، وبالتالي سوف يكون يوم التحري هو مساء الخميس الموافق 29 شعبان في معظم الدول الإسلامية وبيّن أنه في هذا اليوم تستحيل رؤية هلال رمضان 1433 هـ من جميع المناطق الشمالية من العالم، وبعض المناطق الوسطى، وهذا يشمل العراق وبلاد الشام وجزءا من الجزيرة العربية، وذلك بسبب غروب القمر قبل غروب الشمس، أما ما تبقى من مناطق العالم العربي فإن رؤية هلال شهر رمضان منها يوم الخميس غير ممكنة إطلاقا بسبب غروب القمر مع الشمس أو بعده بدقائق معدودة لا تسمح برؤية الهلال حتى باستخدام أكبر التليسكوبات الفلكية واضاف اسعد ابوقيلة ان العقيد الراحل معمر القذافي لا يعتمد على رؤية الهلال بالعين المجردة ولا يتحرى رؤيته بل كان يعتمد على الحسابات الفلكية لتحديد بداية شهر رمضان والعيد وكان التلفزيون الليبي يعلن عن بذاية شهر رمضان والعيد من اول يوم في شهر شعبان وبصدور بيان المشروع الإسلامي لرصد الأهلة تكون الدول العربية وخاصة الخليجية تتفق مع روية القذافي لآول مرة بصيام شهر رمضان بالحسابات الفلكية الجدير بالذكر ان القذافي قال في اكثر من خطاب تلفزيوني علي الدول العربية اعتماد الحسابات الفلكية لآن السنوات القادمة سوف نجد صعوبة بالغة في رؤية هلال رمضان والعيد وختم اسعد ابوقيلة بقولة أن “المشروع الإسلامى لرصد الأهلة” يضم أكثر من 400 عالم ومهتم بعلم الفلك ويتخذ من أبو ظبي مقرا له. fifi
      Liked ·il ya 7 heures

      Agree with Gaddafi in the sighting of the crescent of Ramadan minimum home

      07/14/2012 Ambah Aboqilh Asad said new “in the scene in the Libyan official declared” the project of the

      Islamic Crescents Monitoring “in a statement that the lunar month of Ramadan will be on Saturday,

      21 July in all States Arabic, said the statement published in Riyadh today to be due to the impossibility

      of sighting of the moon after sunset in all Arab and Islamic countries. ”

      The statement stressed that the month of August witnessed a unique phenomenon and a few

      repetitions was that most Islamic countries entered the month of August on the same day as a day Thursday,

      and therefore will be the day of investigation is the evening of Thursday 29 August in most Muslim countries

      and that in this day impossible to see the new moon of Ramadan 1433 AH from all the northern regions of the world,

      and some central areas, and that includes Iraq, the Levant and part of the Arabian Peninsula,

      and that due to sunset the moon before sunset, while the remaining parts of the Arab world, the new moon of Ramadan,

      which on Thursday is not possible at all due to sunset the moon with the sun or after a few minutes does

      not allow to see the crescent even with the largest telescopes astronomical and said Asaad Aboqilh,

      Colonel Muammar Gaddafi does not depend on sighting of the moon with the naked eye and he should

      not see it but it depends on astronomical calculations to determine the beginning of Ramadan and the

      feast was the Libyan television announced Bmaah month of Ramadan and the feast of the first day in

      the month of Shaaban, the issuance of a statement of the Islamic project to monitor the new moons

      are the Arab countries, particularly the Gulf in accordance with deliberately Gaddafi for the first time

      fasting month of Ramadan accounts astronomical worth noting that Gaddafi said in more than a televised

      address to the Arab countries adopt astronomical calculations because the coming years we will find it

      very difficult to see the crescent of Ramadan and Eid and the seal happiest Aboqilh by saying that

      “the project of the Islamic Crescent Observation,” includes more of 400 scientists and interested

      in astronomy, based in Abu Dhabi-based.

      by fifi

      The Third Universal Theory is the only salvation for our ailing planet.

      Photos : 3
      Muammar’s mosque at Kampala, UGANDA:
      Photo: Helmets their story ..  The existence and the courage and hazelnut Tlqahm .. and sincerity and loyalty and visibility in their meaning ..  How much free Eliassrh impudence ..  Glory to my Lord of bliss Atahm ..  Naim spirit of the Lord Holy Msagah ..  And Dome of the Malihe Aajdo in their quest ..  On the Road and Dima their man race


      For those ignorant Muslims: may Allah keep them away from us. Kadhafi is our Imam, our Leader, and the Reformer.
      …he is not dead and he is the Mahdi, and that is why they are so careful to try to kill him….
      El coronel Gaddafi en Níger Oro, Sé lo Bheatha ‘Bhaile
      Oro ‘Sé lo bheatha’ bhaile, Oro ‘Sé lo bheatha’ bhaile, Oro ‘Sé lo bheatha’ bhai….
      mauritani-لقذافي امام المصلين -موريتانيا
      www.youtube.com الزعيم ليبي معمرالقذافي
      صلاه الجمعة بمدينة كانو النيجيرية
      al-Qathafi actually himself chants the Quaranic verse La prière du vendredi, la ville de Kano du Nigeria.

      The Third Universal Theoryis the Only Salvation for our Ailing Planet

      صلاه الجمعة بمدينة كانو النيجيرية

      Yes, Muammar is under special protection by God–and ALLAH/God never takes away before one’s total mission is fulfilled.–also did not you read where there is the promise to today’s Imam who recite the Friday night prayers faithfully? They will fight the anti-Christ …And then there is also the promise given by Christ to Simon of Cyrene who obviously was a Libyan!
      Muammar is a special instrument in this; and it will occur—Believe it or not—all you athiests and doubters out there—Without God, man is nothing…and nothing can exist without God—EVIL has had its day–Good will Triumph again very soon….Muammar will be the Instrument to break the backs of the Oppressors.
      In April 2005, Revolutionary Guard commander Hasan al-Kabir al-Qadhafi said there existed a special relationship between the leader and God and called Muammar al-Qathafi a murabit (a living saint).

      Allegiance to Our Brother leader
      Posted on 2012/01/20 by galantarie

      In April 2…

      The Third Universal Theory is the Only Salvation for our Ailing Planet

Libyan History & the Resistance in poetic form from BentM3amer:


from the leadership of the armed people come to Sirte that the purified self ……….

The commander said every city cleansed themselves … to the Legion of Al Furjan Saduq No. 3 in the neighborhood ..

… To Ma’daan tribe in Western … To Alqmazfah in sweeping Bo Hadi ….. To me and I walked in the neighborhood

Rafla No. 2 ……. will begin editing the Sirte …………. Editing will start from the Sirte survive ..

Photo: Today Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl 17 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... Page green flag), our correspondent from the leadership of the armed people come to Sirte that the purified self ..........  The commander said every city cleansed themselves ...  To the Legion of Al Furjan Saduq No. 3 in the neighborhood .....  To Ma'daan tribe in Western ...  To Alqmazfah in sweeping Bo Hadi .....  I walked to and Rafla No. 2 in the neighborhood .......  Editing will start from the Sirte .............  Editing will start from the Sirte survive ..

A rare picture of the hero Faris Abdullah Sanusi God protect him and protect him how much worth the Lake?


Channel Sirte on Facebook Partagé a un lien .
Glorious hours experienced by the Libyans with their leader
Glorious hours experienced by the Libyans with their leader
Visit To Sirte – Sirte
Some pictures of my visit to Sirte before the war and some pictures i have found.Some pictures from my visit to
the city of Sirte before the war and some images, if any. Algunas fotos de …

One year ago:

Armed people is not to defeat  / Yes trained and armed in self defence  for all free peoples
What do you think in this statement of the Green Book 
Photo: armed people is not defeat ------------------------------------------ - What do you think of this argument in the Green Book
4J’aime·  · Partager

SATAN’s PACT: for 30 years the ISRAELIs will be given an air and military base in the Nafusa Mountains, and thereon negotiable for renewable:

These gentlemen Libya close agreement between Israel and the transitional Libyan surprise in a controversial document alleged Israeli alliance and the existence of an agreement between Israel and the Council (IGC) against the Libyan regime of Libyan “Muammar Gaddafi”.
Revealed the document circulated by the Conference of the Arab tribes in Cairo, attended by more than a thousand participants between sheikhs and mayors of the tribes, politicians, writers, journalists and military experts and professors, the existence of a security agreement between the Ministry of War and Israel’s military intelligence and the Council (IGC) in Libya to help him achieve his goal, and access to power in Libya and bring down the system Gaddafi.
According to the document, has shown the agreement bearing the logo of the Ministry of the Israeli war that Israel will provide assistance to the Transitional Council of the Libyan weapons to combat and arming and training of its members to stand against the forces of Gaddafi.
The two sides agreed during the security agreement on Israel’s support for Libyan opposition, which he described the agreement as “rebels” through logistical support, as well as the creation of Israel to exercise pressure for the NATO, “NATO” to continue its operations until the overthrow Gaddafi.
Did not stop temptations Israel at this point – According to the document – it will also exert pressure on European countries in order to obtain the transitional Libyan on their recognition of him as a representative of the Libyan people.
As for the gains Israel, which will return to Israel in return for that support, the text of the agreement provided that the Israeli army a large military base in the area Green Mountain for thirty years, renewable.
Download the agreement and the signing of the Interim Council of Libyan and Israeli military intelligence
fifi fifi
 initiated and negotiated through Bernard Levy,  I presume! (see below for statements made by Christof Lehmann**)

High number of dead rats a 3 …… Rats after tried to enter the corner in Racdalin….
captured 34 of the prisons of Sabha
The news of a conspiracy between rats Thalk Misurata and the army against the black Tueriga peopleliving as
guests in of Bani Walid  after their city and homes were destroyed by NATO and TNC (now GNC) last year………
Our correspondent in the Bani Walid: 
Will be free for Jerven Alashraaaaaaaaat the sons of Bani Walid in the prisons of Misurata 


Hey buddy Indore on your grave and just Angiu (daughter of Major-General)

Publiée le  11 Juil. Two thousand and twelve par 

Song of the artist Khaled Zarrouk

Aarafiq Indore on your grave Lotto AngiuMstahack Ngalk not Nachrin Jamilk and Rana total Aualk and Zayed proud Beck taught us

how kindness is AVI Maana all and   Amradin aMatantssa and God Mathun and how memorable and love enables us,

if Narafoh relativehardship not Manikhyee is how my beloved stay you far Indore upon your grave Lotto

ANGERS Aarouh Dima inRehab Mleghana Aanehr Dima tenderness Rowena Yaklb Duffy hugs Khaddana Jarmz Summit Maah walked

still us and in us and the eyes withered mourn you still you Kayed and we stick to pick Aarafiq Indore on your grave

Lotto Angiu Mstahack Ngalk not Nachrin Jamilk and Rana total Aualk and Zayed Beck proud ,

O my father Miedna minus the Munk and our steps Aawalde limited our soil and our alliance e Old Bay got lost got lost Anicolk rejected


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl Will Mrusselnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa forces in the armed people …. (Part 1)

We will prevail << or die, not of our intention to surrender or escape \ \

Thanks to everyone who provides us with support and assistance.

Single out and thank every religion courageous stand with us side by side in defending the country, we either win or die.

There is no intention to surrender or flee. The death in battle as well as fighters like these is a great honor for each defender of his homeland.

“Guidance of the earth will be ours if not killed in battle and Libya will remain to us even if we killed in the battle. >>>>

I’m going to die a martyr in the end …….

Ajoutée par 


Now come to the martyrs of Bani Walid ………. The rest in their graves ….
Blood of the martyrs calling …….. Where are you, my sons ……. Bani Walid took Taree …..

عرفت جبران – كان رجل طيب ورائع.


le  07 Févr. 2012

BB Harivat every honest and free and silks and Libya stand .. Libya pride ..Libya glory .. Libya Resistance ..

And give me I’m Mujahid to every Libyan is jealous of his country and honor ..

In response to all customers and skeptics in the Libyan Resistance … pure noble

We apologize to all the city did not mention in the poem ..

The lack of male to forget we are human and make mistakes and forget to share ..

And God, Libya and Muammar Obs

Morning and withstand the challenge

morning victory, pride and Alhmokh

Good morning sir commander

good morning to me all are free and silks of the Great Jamahiriya


Poetry of Ibn Mujahid Presenting to the mother and the mothers of the Liberals and the Silks

Muammar’s MAMA AICHA:  Gaddafi in Rome

  • one lady, last year ,wrote how she was converted in her dream, to knowing and loving Muammar instead of loathing him as she had prior. In her dream SAFYA, Muammar’s wife, came to her and told her how good Muammar was and explained many things to her, showing the dead martyred children by NATO bombings, etc. and what beautiful things Muammar did for life. She woke-up in the morning and immediately wrote of her experience and 180° turn-about.

  • The children in her dream, she was convinced were the 3 grandbabies, at that time who were killed by NATO‘s bomb in al-Arab’s bungalow

  • She had no idea what Safya looked like, until the dream; and then she checked online and saw that the lady was surely Safya who visited her in her dream, and the picture of the grandbabies also matched.!

Congratulations to the great Libyan people on the occasion of opening resistance channel on the satellite:
Hot Bird 11179_27500H
مبروك علي الشعب الليبي أفتتاح القناة والأن هي في وضع الإستعداد مع ظهور شعار القناة علي القمر الاوربي الهوت بيرد تردد

11179 H 27500

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صحيفة الجماهير /  Aljamahiriya Broadcast – TV / أخبار عربية  / Live Stream – Libya

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Watch live streaming video from aljamahryatv at livestream.com
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Al Gaddafi.org / القذافــي يتحدث
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Muammar’s objection to the Mediterrannean Union:


06 JULY 2008 

Tripoli mini-summit قمة طرابلس المصغرة
Ajoutée par jalalothman le 7 juil. 2008
قمة طرابلس المصغرة لمناقشة مشروع ساركوزي
mini-summit of North African and Syrian leader
Kadhafi opposes “Mediterranean Union” plan of Nicholas Sarkozy

(some of the following material comes from:
Tripoli mini-summit قمة طرابلس المصغرة
قمة طرابلس المصغرة لمناقشة مشروع ساركوزي mini-summit of North African and Syrian leader Kadhafi opposes Mediterranean Union plan

the “Mediterranean UNION” !

The Libyan JAMAHIRIYA does not state its objection in secret, between two doors.

“No”, al-Qathafi exclaimed loudly during a summit he hosted at his home in Tripoli with other Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean.

… In a speech opening the summit, Libyan leader immediately rejected outright any involvement in the UPM, and urged his counterparts to do the same. For Gaddafi, the negotiations should go through the African Union or the Arab League as a whole. And to corroborate this idea, he drew a parallel with the concern of the EU to remain united, while the initial project of Nicolas Sarkozy which stated that only countries bordering the Mediterranean would take part in the UPM.

At this willingness to negotiate as a bloc, al-Qathafi expanded his remarks to add comments about the content of the UFM.

al-Qathafi’s main complaint concerns the fact that cooperation is directed only to countries bordering the Mediterranean:

“The UPM is an affront to the countries of the south shore,”… “This project would undermine Arab and African unity,”…”We are neither hungry nor dogs to throw us bones. ”

Photo: Hmtkm O Hbaab lumière impressionnante + poster et je vous remercie .....................

The host of mini-summit is the only one who has publicly expressed his reservations about such a “Mediterrannean Union”. The remainder of the meeting is being held behind closed doors. The outcome of the event has not resulted in a joint statement of the parties involved. The position of these countries remains unresolved….
The Side “south” againstthe “Mediterrannnean Union” is led by the intervention of Muammar Gaddafi who highlights the resistance (with which he will compose a diatribe) . The EU boasts of wanting to enhance multilateral relations with the Mediterranean while the countries of the south bank argue that the EU has nothing concrete to offer. In his diatribe, Gadhafi reminded the failure of the “Barcelona Process” launched in 1995, and lamented thoughts that the UPM fits into a continuity. al-Qathafi has already announced that he would not be present in Paris on 13 July 2008 .

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has again rejected Tuesday in Cotonou (Benin) the proposed Union for the Mediterranean, wanted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. After his spectacular exit a week ago in Sirte during a conclave of Arab countries including Algeria, the Libyan leader is back this time on the same subject, but at the opening of the summit Community of Sahel- (CEN-SAD) which he chaired. Still fierce opposition to this project and he likens to a kind of new Franco-European hegemony, the Libyan leader said he would fight against it.

“If it is to gang up Europe and six African countries against our entire continent, it is not!” He said when opening the 10th summit of the CEN-SAD, which includes 25 states.

Gaddafi added that “initially, the Sarkozy project was a union between the six countries of North Africa facing the Mediterranean and six European countries with a Mediterranean coastline. We agreed with this idea. But then it got all over Europe and the six countries of North Africa, against our interests, and it is against this that we will fight. ”

The Libyan leader is actually very clear on this project that the French want to start with great fanfare on July 13 2008 in Paris, including the agreement of Syria, whose head of state will be present among the countries that have endorsed this Sarkozy’s project. The project of the UPM divides Europeans, including Germans who do not look favorably the proposal of France, which would bring together, beyond the configuration of the EU, European and African countries bordering the Mediterranean. Especially as the German Chancellor is very cautious about the true intentions of a newly elected French President, very ambitious and obviously terribly lacking experience.

The Libyan leader was well aware of this danger, especially as he had already said last week that

“we will not take in any case the risk of tearing the Arab or African unity.” For him, “UPM is a bait and a form of humiliation” for the Arab countries who were going to throw “a bone” by giving them some “positions”* within the UPM.
[*: Clearly, it was Egypt, Morocco and other Arab countries that have expressed interest in joining the project of French President.]

Source: “Quotidien d’Oran”
Le Dirigeant libyen Mouammar Kadhafi a de nouveau Rejeté mardi à Cotonou (Bénin) le projet de l’Union pour la Méditerranée, par le président Voulue français Nicolas Sarkozy. Après sa spectaculaire sortie il ya une semaine à Syrte lors d’un conclave de pays arabes dont l’Algérie, le leader libyen revient cette fois-ci sur le même sujet, mais à l’ouverture du sommet de la communauté des Etats sahélo- sahariens (CEN-SAD) qu’il présidait. Toujours aussi farouche et opposé à ce projet qu’il assimile à une sorte de nouveau hégémonisme franco-européen, le dirigeant libyen a déclaré qu’il allait se battre contre ce projet. «Si c’est pour liguer l’Europe et six pays d’Afrique contre tout notre continent, c’est non!», At-il lancé à l’ouverture du 10e sommet de la CEN-SAD, qui regroupe 25 Etats. Kadhafi ajoute qu ‘»au départ, le projet Sarkozy était une union entre six pays d’Afrique du Nord qui font face à la Méditerranée et six pays d’Europe avec une façade méditerranéenne. Nous étions d’accord avec cette idée. Mais ensuite c’est devenu toute l’Europe et les six pays d’Afrique du Nord, contre nos intérêts, et c’est contre ça que nous allons nous battre ». Le leader libyen est en fait très clair sur ce projet que les Français veulent lancer en grandes pompes le 13 juillet prochain à Paris, avec notamment l’accord de la Syrie dont le chef de l’Etat sera présent parmi les pays qui ont cautionné ce projet de Sarkozy. Le projet de l’UPM divise les Européens, notamment les Allemands qui ne voient pas d’un bon oeil cette proposition de la France qui voudrait fédérer, au-delà de la configuration de l’UE, des pays européens et africains riverains de la Méditerranée. D’autant que la chancelière allemande est très circonspecte sur les véritables intentions d’un président français nouvellement élu, très ambitieux et visiblement manquant terriblement d’expérience. Le dirigeant libyen a bien senti ce danger, d’autant qu’il avait déjà affirmé la semaine dernière que «nous ne prendrons en aucun cas le risque de déchirer l’unité arabe ou africaine». Pour lui, «l’UPM est un appât et une forme d’humiliation» pour les pays arabes à qui on va jeter «un os à ronger» en leur donnant quelques «postes» au sein de cette UPM. En clair, il l’Egypte Visait, le Maroc et d’autres pays arabes qui leur ont Manifesté Désir d’Adhérer au projet du président français.
Source: “Quotidien d’Oran”



• UPM: Sarkozy defended it, Gaddafi rejects Pact- SM
President Gaddafi was right to reject this tool of deception that is the fact that UPM only serves the economic interests of the European Union increasingly threatened by China, emerging markets and solidarity / South South. Those states mostly from North Africa who have not even have to re-enter their people because there ganeront nothing. – Friday, July 18, 2008 – 04:30

• This project would not, but is an attack on African Unity and Arab – Dadou
Congratulations Mr. Muammar Gaddafi because he talks must go through the African Union or the Arab League as a whole, this is enough, when Sarkozy brought his project UPM he speaks on behalf of the EU then n ‘ there is no reason that the President does not require all the more so that this union will serve only the interests of EU, namely the maximum exploitation of fisheries, traffic (import more goods) and relay play guards at the borders of the EU – Monday, June 16, 2008 – 09:14


Qaddafi: Libyans Cannot Form a Union with Europeans Who Walk around Naked

Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s Objection to the Mediterranean Union
23 July 2012 04:30 (UTC) Submitted by Quoriana
– by Muammar Qaddafi
Speech aired on Al-Jazeera TV on July 9, 2008
Following are excerpts from a speech by Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on 09 July 2008. (Source)

“The word ‘union’ should be struck [from the name ‘Union for the Mediterranean’]. This is a very strong word, which has legal interpretations… This word has dangerous legal interpretations.

“What ‘union’? Is it conceivable for someone like me, who comes from an Arab country, to say to my people: ‘I’ve made a union for you with Scotland, Finland, Greenland, and Iceland?’ They would laugh and say: ‘What kind of nonsense is this?’ Then I would tell them that although this is an Arab country, I made a union with the so-called ‘Israel.’ Are all the problems resolved, and all that is left is to make a union with the Israelis? I wish that this problem had been resolved, that the Palestinian refugees had returned, that the Israeli WMDs had been destroyed, and that the Palestinians and the Israelis lived in the State of ‘Isratine,’ in accordance with my White Book.

“If all this happens, it may be acceptable. But is it conceivable for you to tell your country now that you made a union with the Israelis? What is being proposed is a union. Why are they using the word ‘union’? This is a very dangerous word. Before anything, they must erase this word. We Arabs are not united among ourselves, so how can we possibly unite with Scotland, Benelux, Scandinavia, with the Baltic countries, and with the Israelis? Is this conceivable?”

“Do we share a culture with Europe?… In Scandinavia, it is common to see people walk around naked – that’s their culture.”

“We in the Arab Maghreb Union have been in the freezer for the past 10 years. The Arab Maghreb Union has not convened in the past decade. I am the head of the Arab Maghreb Union, which has been suspended, because we in the Maghreb are not in agreement. We have problems. We have not done anything together, and we are incapable of forming a union. We have been trying for 40 years to form a union between Libya and Egypt, and between Libya and Tunisia, but it did not happen. The Arabs have not formed an Arab union. The Maghreb countries formed a union and stuck it in the freezer. We have not convened for 10 years.

“How can we, with such ease, join a union with the Baltic states, the Israelis, with Greenland, Iceland, and Finland? This is peculiar. What union? I will not advise my people to join such a ‘salad.’ It would cause us grave problems. North Africa and the Arab countries in the Middle East would be entering an international minefield, extending all the way to the North Pole. Why would I want to get my country into such a mess?

“I have good relations with France, Italy, Europe, the EU, Brussels, I don’t need anything else. I don’t need a union. How can we possibly be united? We do not share a culture, a religion, a language, or policies. Our disagreements on these issues are as deep as can be. Do we share a culture with Europe? Absolutely not. We each have our own culture. Our cultures are completely different. In Scandinavia, people walk around naked. Can you walk around naked in Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, or Libya? They would stone you and throw you into a mental hospital. But in Scandinavia, it is common to see people walk around naked. That’s their culture. Is it conceivable for a union to be formed between somebody naked and somebody who considers this to be crazy? This is an example of the differences between our cultures. We do not even share the same religion.


“The capital [of the union] would be Brussels. If I told my people that Brussels would be the capital, they would stone me. If I told them that I went and formed a union with the Israelis, with the North Pole, and with the whole wide world, and that its capital would be Brussels – would they applaud me? No, they would boo me.” […]

“Is it conceivable for us to say to Europe… We will not give you oil or gas, and we will not cooperate with you… unless you agree to contacts with Bin Laden, Hizbullah, Hamas… and to stop exerting pressure on Iran’s nuclear project?”

“They say: ‘Like it or not, you will have to sit down with the Israelis. Israel will discuss things with you, it might be the head of the union, and Israel may invite you to a meeting in Tel Aviv or in occupied Jerusalem.’ What is this humiliation for? Why don’t we set conditions in return… Is it conceivable… Of course, this is far-fetched… Is it conceivable for us to say to Europe: We will not cooperate with you, we will not give you oil or gas, and we will not cooperate with you on issues such as immigration or terrorism unless you agree to have contacts with Bin Laden, Hizbullah, and Hamas, and unless you agree to stop exerting pressure on Iran’s nuclear project? Is this conceivable?”

Nicholas Sarkozy’s devious plan:


Muammar Al Gaddafi`s official website. Un site personnel..Un sitio web personal..Eine persoenliche Webseite ..
Il sito personale..Site Pessoal, Ghadaffi official website, Kadhafi site officiel…
Muammar Al-Qathafi:
1. He nationalised Libya’s oil industry & has worked to improve the price that Libya is paid for that oil.
2. He used oil revenue to build hospitals, schools, universities, roads, free housing for all Libyan people, the Great Man Made River project which provides 70% of Libyans with pure deep aquifer water.
The Libyan people achieved this without borrowing a penny from Rothschild. Image description
3. Libya were debt-free. It had the highest standard of living in Africa, & above Russia, Brazil & Saudi Arabia according to the UN.
4. All loans are debt free. Usury (interest on loans) is against the law.
5. Before Qaddafi came to power, less than one fifth of the people were literate. Now it’s 83%.
6. Free healthcare. If treatment is not available in Libya, then the government will fund foreign healthcare.
7. Libya is thank to Great-Man-Made-River project more self sufficient in food production.
Anyone wishing to be a farmer is given free use of land, a home, equipment, livestock & seeds.
He promised that his own parents would not be housed until ALL Libyans were housed.
He kept his promise & his father died before he was able to give his parents more than a  single-wide house-trailer.

All Libyans were given homes as  owning a home was a natural right of all humans.

Cool Nights Off the Mediterrannean: Muammar night-time Tent headquarters

Mu 03 April 2006 in Senegal:

 Algerian PM


L’Aquila from 08 to 10 July 2009.

MU in Rome 15 NOV 2009:

Other Archivements of the Jamahiriya:

Image description
. Congratulations to the great Libyan people on the occasion of opening resistance channel on the satellite Hot Bird 11179_27500H مبروك علي الشعب الليبي أفتتاح القناة والأن هي في وضع الإستعداد مع ظهور شعار القناة علي القمر الاوربي الهوت بيرد تردد 11179 H 27500
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Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qathafi addresses the closing ceremony of the 13th AU summit in Sirte, 500 km southeast of Tripoli, capital of Libya, on July 3, 2009. The 13th AU summit wrapped up here Friday after the AU leaders approved a resolution to end cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) over extraditing Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir. (Xinhua/Zhang Ning) (Newscom TagID: zumawirewestphotostwo473214) [Photo via Newscom] Gamma/Newscom

Other Archivements of the Jamahiriya –  The Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO)


Image description

The Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) is one of the largest companies in Libya with an annual design capacity of 1,324,000 TONS of liquid steel adopting Direct Reduction / Electric Arc Furnace method utilizing natural gas as reductant of high quality pellets to produce Sponge Iron and Hot Briquetted Iron.

LISCO is located near the coastal city of Misurata, (About 210 km East of Tripoli) on an area of 1,200 hectares.

LISCO Plants consists of a Direct Reduction Plant, two Steel Melt Shops, a three-line Bar and Rod Mill, a Light and Medium Section Mill, a Hot Strip Mill and a Cold Strip Mill with a Galvanizing Line and a Coating Line.

LISCO is one of the largest Iron and Steel making companies in North Africa, and is one of the leading Companies in The Libyan industry Sector to implement

The Total Quality Management System according to ISO 9001/2000 standard .

Lisco has also put a strong and well controlled follow-up program to insure continual and effective implementation of the system throughout all the concerned divisions of the company.

The Products of LISCO are as follows:

Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI): HBI is one of the main products. It is produced from the finest blend of Iron are lumps the Midrex process.

Billets and Blooms and Slabs: Billets , Blooms and Slabs are produced in the two steel melt shops by EAF. Continuous Casting route, and they are the raw material for producing Bars, Rods, Sections and Hot Rolled Coils respectively.

Bar and Rods: Bar and rod Mills produce round Bars with diameters between 12 and 40 mm, and Rods with diameters between 5.5 and 12mm, and square Bars with diameters 10,12 and 14mm, with different steel grades varying in chemical composition and end uses. Light and Medium Section Light and Medium section mill produces different types of sections such as angles, channels ,I beams and flat bars.

Hot Rolled Coils and Sheets: The Hot Rolled Coils are produced in the Hot Strip Mill. The products are Hot Rolled Coils, Pickled Coils and Hot Rolled Sheets.

Cold Rolled Coils and Sheets: The Cold Rolled Coils are produced in the Cold Rolling Mill. The products are un angled Cold Rolled Coils, cold Rolled slit coils and cold rolled sheets.

Galvanized Coils Sheets: Galvanized coils are produced in the Hot Dip Galvanizing line. The products are Galvanized Coils and Galvanized Sheets.

Coated Coils and Sheets : Coated coils are produced in the continuous coating line. The main products are coated coils (Galvanized & Non Galvanized ) and coated sheets (Galvanized & non – Galvanized). 

Port and Pellet Stock Yard .

The LISCO port is designed to receive 2,000,000 tons of raw material annually which will be transported via belt-conveyors to the pellet stock yard. It has an average depth of 3.15 meters and it can accommodate cargo ships of up to 900,000 tons capacity. The pellet stock yard has a capacity of 550,000 tons and it contains two reclaimers for receiving and storing of pellets .

Power and Desalination plant.

The power and Desalination plant is composed of six steam turbine generators each with a capacity of 85 MW, to cope with the high demand for electric power for the arc furnaces in the steel melt shops and three desalination units with a daily capacity of 10,500 cubic meters to supply the various units of the complex with desalinated water For production , operations and equipment cooling. Limestone and dolomite quarries at Sedada and calcining plant: Sedada is located about 100 km east of Misurata, and its limestone and dolomite quarries supply the complex with 162,000 tons of limestone and 33,000 tons of dolomite annually. The quarries contain crashing equipment and other service facilities such as workshops, power station, first aid station and the township.

The Calcining plant is designed to produce 66,000 tons annually of burnt lime and 22,750 tons annually of dolomite. The plant contains two vertical furnaces for producing burnt lime, one rotary kiln to produce burnt dolomite, and a unit for storing cleaning and handing of raw materials and products.

The Oxygen and Compressed Air plant : The oxygen and Compressed Air plant is composed of three units, one for producing 2000 normal cubic meters per hour of Oxygen, the other for producing 16,000 normal cubic meters per hour of compressed air, and the third for producing 2000 normal cubic meters per hour of Nitrogen.

Central Workshop : The central Workshop is divided into three sections: Mechanical: Maintenance Workshop which is designed for disassembly and maintenance operations of all the equipments in the Complex. It is supplied with all kinds of turning , milling, drilling and grinding machines to be used in supplying the Complex with locally manufactured spare parts. Electrical: Maintenance Workshop which is designed for general and preventive maintenance operations for all electrical equipments in the Complex It is supplied with equipment for winding transformers, motors etc. A mobile equipment workshop for the maintenance of trucks, buses, cranes etc.

Quality Control Laboratories : The area laboratories in the production facilities and central laboratory for the Complex and they all conduct quality control tests on the products in different stages, These tests include mechanical, metallurgical and other tests. Other tests are conducted on refractory used in steel shops and reheating furnaces. Special tests for surface and internal defects are also conducted beside ultra-sonic tests for defects in the final products.



Washington`s Man in Tripoli

Posted: 2012/07/23
From: Mathaba   http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=630812
Mahmoud Jabril takes over as Libya`s new leader. He heads its puppet government.
by Stephen LendmanSham elections installed him. The process was farcical. Illusion substituted forreality. Obama called his ascension “another milestone in the country’s transition to democracy.”EU leaders hailed “Libya’s first free elections.” They called them the “dawn of a new era.” Scoundrel media acclaimed the end of the Gaddafi nightmare.A democratic facade masks New World Orderneoliberal fundamentalism. Its holy trinity is eliminating public services, predatory capitalism writ large, and repression enforcing the message to non-believers.Libya gives Washington another beachhead forgreater African adventurism. Unspeakable crimes of war and against humanity were committed establishing it.Jabril’s now its main man. He got his marching orders. He’s expected to deliver. Otherwise another pro-Western hack will replace him.Freedom is nowhere in sight. It’s true everywhere Washington runs things. Inside the bubble, it’s paradise. Outside it’s dystopian hell. It features exploitation and denial of fundamental rights.Everything Gaddafi gave is gone. The Libya that was no longer exists. A blank slate replaced it. Carving up its corpse for profit is policy.In early 2011, reports suggested Jibril urged Western intervention to oust Gaddafi. After bombing began, he reportedly met Senator John Kerry (D. MA) in Cairo.He outlined his vision for Libya’s future. Kerry chairsthe Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Jibril also met Clinton and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.Washington wants Libya transformed its way. What it says goes. Opposition won’t be tolerated. Jabril was installed to assure it.He heads Libya’s so-called National Forces Alliance. Democracy isn’t part of its agenda. Washington tolerates it nowhere.One analyst described his dead banker eyes. He’s a technocrat, an imperial tool. Before he defected, he headed Gaddafi’s National Planning Council and National Economic Development Board. Other ministers reported to him.Mustafa Abdul Jalil served as Gaddafi’s justice minister. On February 21, 2011, his true intentions emerged. He defected. On February 26, he established “transitional government.”On March 6, the National Transitional Council (NTC) was formed. Jalil became chairman. Ousting Gaddafi was primary.Months of insurgent attacks and NATO bombing transformed Libya from Africa’s most developed state into a charnel house. It remains so today. For Western predators, it’s Libya, Inc.Jabril became part of its NTC “executive team.” On March 5, he was appointed prime minister. At the time, NTC spokesman Hafiz Ghoga said:”We completely refuse any cooperation, discussion or dialogue with th(e Gaddafi) regime.” He and other Western proxies wanted him overthrown by force.It sounds eerily like Syrian National Council leaders refusing negotiations and urging Western intervention against Assad.A Libyan national, Jabril specializes in strategic planning and decision making. He and others drafted a Unified Arab Training manual. In the late 1980s, he organized and administered Arab training conferences.He later managed training programs for senior managers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and Britain. He established close ties with Western and Southeast Asian leaders.In Libya, he joined the Muslim Brotherhood. Its history reflects a pro-business/anti-populist agenda.In the 1970s, he studied economics and political science at Cairo University. After graduating, he came to America. He earned a University of Pittsburgh master’s degree and doctorate in politicalscience. He taught strategic planning there after graduating.Time magazine calls him a “US-educated policy wonk.” It interviewed him in 2010. He envisioned Western-style government. He hoped to transform Libya into a replica of neoliberal economies. He told Time:”There must be a legal frame with division of powers, and the right of free expression. We are very late. We have to shorten the time span of things.”He’s now able to institute what wasn’t possible then. Doing so assures neoliberal harshness. It features plunder, exploitation, and repression. It’s the usual formula applied to enrich privileged elites at the expense of all others.Jabril earlier advised Arab governments on economic management. In 2007, he returned to Libya. Through early 2011, he served in Gaddafi’s government.

In 2009, he told then US ambassador Gene Cretz that Libya was “opening widely and very fast.” He said American companies could expect lucrative business opportunities. WikiLeaks released a cable quoting Cretz saying “Jabril is a serious interlocutor who ‘gets’ the US perspective.”

His roots are from Libya’s most populous Warfalla tribe. It had close ties to Gaddafi. Washington hopes he can co-opt it. Doing so furthers its agenda.

As head of Libya’s Economic Development Board, Jabril earlier drafted his plan for a new Libya. It’s neoliberal/anti-populist hardline.

Last October, he told Time that Gaddafi blocked his “reform” agenda. “They took everything they received from us and just threw in in the garbage.” He omitted saying that’s where it belongs.

He now says “(w)e have the plan ready.” He plans implementing it. It’s called the “Libya Tomorrow Project.” It’s right out of the IMF’s playbook.

It features looting Libya’s resources, shifting public wealth to private hands, mass privatizations, deregulation, low wages, few or no benefits, unrestricted free market access for Western companies, corporate-friendly tax cuts, marginalizing or prohibiting trade unionism, and harsh repression against opposition to a system incompatible with social democracy, civil and human rights.

It’s Chicago school fundamentalism writ large. It’s long on free market triumphalism and void on how it treats people. Replacing the old Libya with a new one is policy.

Jabril wants the country transformed into a regional model. He plans turning it into a giant free trade zone. Its core feature is pillage. Corporate utopia depends on it. Ordinary Libyans face dystopian harshness.

George Bush turned “the cradle of civilization” into hell. Obama did the same thing to Libya.

Jabril got his marching orders. His mandate is serving as Washington’s enforcer. He’ll stay in favor as long as he remembers who’s boss.

— Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

Middle East Master Plan Towards War and Fascism.

Dr. Christof Lehmann – The “Arab Spring” that has swept across Northern African and Middle Eastern nations since early 2011 has elicited two significant developments in international affairs. That NATO has initiated a long planned re-colonization of Africa and the Middle East in preparation of a containment of and aggression against Russia and China, and that both Russia and China respond with what is objectively a challenge to NATO´s bet for global dominance. The other is, that the phenomena that is euphemistically called “The Arab Spring” is being played out in two versions, depending on whether a nation is considered as an ally of NATO or not. Even though democracy and human rights are used as pretext for aggression and for marketing purposes, this dichotomy elicits with all clarity that the final product, if successful, will be the exact opposite of democracy and human rights, and this tendency, away from human rights and democracy will be taking place in both Northern Africa, the Middle East, as well as in Europe and the USA – Canada. Which version of the Arab Spring is being played out in which country depends on, whether it is played out in a targeted nation, or whether the dynamics of seemingly popular but cynically manufactured unrests and subversions in targeted nations have inspired genuine popular unrests in allied nations. The first version is a product, while the second version is a by product and a side effect that is being contained, belittled, under reported and oppressed. The recent and ongoing developments elicit ever more clearly what US-President Barak Obama meant when he said with respect to Palestine’s bet for Statehood at the U.N. In 2011,(1) that a Palestinian Solution was only possible within a comprehensive solution for the Middle East. In fact, that comprehensive solution is about to set the region on fire, threatens to develop into a conflict of global reach, and promises everything but freedom and democracy for the region as well as for Europe and the U.S.A.

Two Versions of One Season.

The principal precondition for understanding the geo-political dynamics of the Middle East and their wider implications is an understanding of this dichotomy within the phenomena that is generalized as “The Arab Spring”. “The Arab Spring” consists in fact of two phenomena, which could be described as action and reaction, or action, side effect and the containment of the side effect.

Version one, which is the version for targeted nations is a product that is manufactured by an alliance of NATO member states, Gulf Cooperation Council Member States, as well as Jordan and Israel. It is the version that has been implemented in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, and which is currently being implemented in Syria.

Version two, which is the by product, consists of genuine popular uprisings that have their root in a spill over effect of the subversions in targeted nations. The primary strategy in not targeted nations is to contain the uprisings and possibly label them as “Iranian Conspiracy”. The primary examples for the containment version are Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

The primary function of “The Arab Spring” is a re-colonization. It is a modo-colonial project that bears the principle hallmarks that are the common denominators of every single modo-colonial coup d´etat in former European colonies since the end of Europe´s previous colonial era after World War Two.

As already pointed out in a former article which is specifically dealing with Ivory Coast and Libya, (2) the common denominators are:

  1. The involvement of foreign nations.

  2. The instrumentalization of local elements,

  3. The goal to control resources, economy, and geo-politically as well as strategically significant locations.

    As also stated in this article, these common denominators have an additional component, which is the containment of Chinese access to resources, commerce, transportation and the development of joint venture based, non-interventionist partnerships.(ibid.)

The pretext for US-American and Western European involvement in these conflicts is commonly based on freedom, democracy and human rights. Main Stream Media are co-opted as propaganda mechanisms that manufacture popular consent in Western nations. Targeted nations access to media is denied. Two examples of this Orwellian strategy are:

  1. The fact that the BBC illegally recycles an image from the war on Iraq, claiming that it shows victims of a massacre on Syrians that is blamed on the Syrian government (4) and that the Director of BBC´s Word News editor has to admit that the BBC-Coverage of the Al-Houla Massacre was based on opposition propaganda. (5)
  2. The fact that the Arab League pressured Arabsat and Nilesat not to carry Syrian TV and Radio signals, thus assisting NATO at gaining absolute image control, which is part of official NATO warfare doctrine. (6)

Hundreds of other and even more serious examples could be found, such as the premeditated murder on civilians to produce “private video recordings” which then are aired on Al Jazeera. The author leaves it to the reader to make his own additional inquiries.

The popular consent is based on elicited and fabled advocacy for stability, human rights and democracy. Since the 25th NATO Summit in Chicago, 2012, a fabled and manufactured “responsibility to protect” has become part of official NATO doctrine and must be added to the pretexts for intervention. (7)

A Training Circular of the US-Special Forces is breaking down the machinations and details how a subversion is manufactured from popular dissent to full scale warfare. Even though all of the steps towards a successful subversion that are explained in the training manual are illegal and in breech of multiple international laws, the operand word is “plausible deniability”. The training circular, TC 18-01 is printed with a destruction notice. Destruct by any means possible to prevent dissemination. A full and down-loadable copy of the TC 18-01 has previously been published on nsnbc. (8)

We can positively conclude that “The Arab Spring” consists of two phenomena. A subversion in targeted nations that is marketed under the guise of popular uprisings that are aggravated, financed, armed, and politically or militarily supported, like in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. A spill over effect in not targeted nations like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, where a genuine popular uprising is labeled as Iranian Conspiracy, and brutally oppressed by police and military forces.

To arrive at a reasonable analysis of what the greater plan and prospects are for the Middle East and which geo-political implications the implementation of the plan has, it is necessary to analyze the developments in both the not targeted or allied nations as well as the developments in targeted nations separately.

Developments in Non Targeted and/or Allied Nations

After the successful subversion in i.e. Libya and Egypt these countries are in a transitional stage and could be categorized as either targeted nation, allied nation, or both. Categorizing them under targeted nations is for practical purposes and to avoid repetition.

Turkey and Neo-Ottoman Ambitions.

Turkey has undergone considerable domestic political changes after the sectarian Islamic Justice and Development Party came to power under the leadership of Prime Minister R. Tayyip Erdogan. While former Turkish governments led by the secular Turkish Labor Party maintained good relations to the Arab Socialist Baath Party led Syrian government, the Islamic Justice and Development Party is both ideologically and politically opposed to Arab Socialism and Syria.

The rise of the Erdogan led Turkish Sunni Muslim government led to a revival of Turkish Ottoman Empire-like ambitions. This political line positions Turkey as a regional Sunni Muslim competition for regional dominance to the Shia dominated Iran. Iran, which in spite of its status as Islamic Republic is a close strategic and political ally to the Arab Socialist Baath Party led government of Syria. The common denominators in the two countries foreign politics and strategic cooperation are a realistic, perceived threat from NATO and Israel, as well as a shared alliance with Russia as well as China.

To understand Turkeys political course is also good to keep in mind that Turkey not only is a NATO member, but that E.U. countries, primarily Germany, have had a strong influence on Ankara, using a carrot and stick approach that renders Turkey in a permanent position where it has to prove its “worthiness” as European country and E.U. prospect. A destabilized Syria or possibly a Syria that is governed by a Muslim Brotherhood government would provide considerable regional leverage to Turkey. A “balkanization” of Syria could further more be perceived as a potential key for Turkey to solve its Kurdish problem, permanently and without having to make major concessions to the Kurdish minority inside Turkey. In June 2012 it transpired that Turkey in deed has attempted to co-opt the Kurdish National Council of Syria and associated parties and militia. The attempt, however, was unsuccessful. A senior member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria, Nuri Brimo, declared that the Kurdish National Council stands in solidarity with the Syrian Government. Brimo explained that Kurdish militia so far had prevented the Free Syrian Army from entering Kurdish dominated territories and prevented massacres like that in Al-Houla.(9)

Considering the fact that Turkey has carried out a politic of ruthless oppression against its Kurdish minority and is waging a de facto war against the PKK, it is highly unlikely that the ethnic minority of Syria would trust Turkey as a potential ally. An ethnic Kurdish Turkish alliance is also highly unlikely, because the constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic provides special privileges and protection to all minorities. Syria is providing special protection and privileges to women, which is well noticed by the PKK, which has a consequent feminist political line. All together, the ethnic Kurdish populations of both Turkey and Syria are a very unlikely ally to any Erdogan led, Muslim Brotherhood associated Turkish Government.

In fact, the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood are the present Turkish governments and the anti Syrian Alliance´s greatest Turkey based military asset in the ongoing insurgency in Syria. The beginning of the preparations for this strategic alliance date back to 2009 and 2010, and involve one of this centuries most intricate false flag operations, which both gathered the ranks of the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood and boosted Erdogan´s domestic support and popularity to such a degree that he was able to sack sectarian generals within a traditionally politically strong, secular Turkish military and general staff.

The operation was carried out by co-opting the Gaza Freedom Flotilla vessel Marvi Marmara and the Free Gaza Organization. Nine members of the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood and associated organizations, were opposed to the Muslim Brotherhoods involvement in a military campaign against Syria were tricked on board the Turkish registered Gaza Freedom Flotilla vessel Mavi Marmara. On board were also the well known Libyan Al Qaeda terrorist and MI6/NATO asset Abdelhakim Belhadj and his second in command within the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Harati. Their task was to point out the nine Turkish citizens and Muslim Brothers who were opposed to a war on Syria and who were targeted for assassination. Israeli commands who committed and act of piracy in international waters carried out the assassinations. Erdogan could blast the Israeli government, break diplomatic ties with Israel – for three weeks -. The wave op popularity was used to challenge the secular general staff and sack generals who were opposed to a war on Syria.(10) It is worth mentioning here that leading members of Hamas were involved in the Mavi Marmara operation. A fact we will return to when analyzing the developments in Qatar and Palestine.

This action was, however, by far the first brush R. Tayyip Erdogan had with terrorism or Al Qaeda. In fact, Erdogan has a long standing and well documented relationship with both the Taliban and Al Qaeda. A video, published in another article by the author shows Erdogan posing with both Taliban and Al Qaeda members.(11)

Turkey is host to multiple US bases that will be of immense strategic value in any possible attack on Syria. Turkey´s military bases along the Turkish Syrian border have since 2011 been used as basis of operations for both Turkish and US Special forces who are operating in Syria as well as for the “Free Syrian Army”. The brigades operating with their basis of operations from Turkish territory are mainly brigades under the control of the Turkish and Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. US-Special forces have, as stated in articles dating back to August 2011, been operating in Turkey and inside Syria. (12)

Turkeys military bases are a key element in NATO´s anti ballistic missile shield. As a matter of fact, Turkey is the only NATO member state in which these missiles can fulfill the function which NATO claims they have. To contain or limit a potential threat from Iran. In fact the missile systems that are established in Romania and elsewhere are established to provide NATO with a perceived first strike capability against Russia. The strategic value of this perceived first strike capability has been discussed in a previous article by the author, following NATO´s 25th Summit in Chicago, 2012. (ibid.)

With respect to a longer term regional perspective, Turkey is counting on gaining a position as major regional factor in the Middle East, opposing both Russia, Iran and secular Palestinian parties influence over internal Syrian affairs.

Qatar – and the International Muslim Brotherhood.

Even though Qatar is a minor Gulf State it exercises immense regional influence with respect to the Arab Spring and the planned regional developments. This influence is based on multiple factors.

Qatar is a long standing ally of the United Kingdom. Qatar´s ruling family has close ties to British Royalty and its intelligence services have long standing and close ties to the British MI6. Moreover, and eventually more importantly than the fact that Qatar is ruled by what some describe as a British Vice King, it is the home of the International Muslim Brotherhood. In other words, both the Muslim Brothers in Egypt, who now hold the presidential office, the Muslim Brothers in Turkey, Jordan and elsewhere have an allegiance to the Muslim Brothers in Qatar. With respect to recent regional developments, this influence also extends to Hamas, which was originally founded by prominent Muslim Brotherhood associated families, as well as to Al Jamaa Al Islamiya in Lebanon.

Since the onset of the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood is increasingly playing a role as a regional Islamic factor that counters and opposes the influence of Tehran. In fact, it has succeeded in turning two of Syria´s and Iran´s closest regional allies, Hamas and Al Jamaa Al Islamiya against Tehran and Damascus and by achieving a realignment of Al Jamaa Al Islamiya with Qatar, it has succeeded in the seeding of instability in Lebanon.

The fact that Hamas became an ally to Syria and Iran was mainly based on three factors:

  1. that it could not safely maintain a functional headquarter within the Palestinian Territories;

  2. that Syria is the sole Arab nation that consequently and consistently has supported Palestinian fractions and Palestine and that Syria has provided Hamas with a safe haven for its headquarters and with a secure basis of operations;

  3. that Iran has perceived Hamas as a strategical ally against Israel and as such has supported it.

It must be kept in mind that Israel is the sole regional power that has a nuclear strike capability. Israel has at least 200 nuclear warheads ready for use. Some of them are placed on missiles inside German made Israeli submarines. As much as Iran acts in solidarity with Palestinians as a matter of principle, as much was it interesting for Iran to have an ally who so to speak could carry an eventual military confrontation between Israel and Iran right to the doorsteps of the Knesset, Israel´s parliament.

Qatar and Qatar´s Muslim Brotherhood has since 2009 – 2010 succeeded at secretly bringing Hamas back into the fold of the Qatar based International Wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The first “test” for how seriously Hamas would take its commitment to betray Syria and Iran while keeping up appearances as long as possible, was most likely Hamas´s participation in arranging the murder on nine Turkish Muslim Brotherhood members on the Marvi Marmara in 2010. Some of the details are explained in the article about the false flag operation on the Mavi Marmara by Martin Iqbal. (ibid.)

As late as December 2011, Hamas´s Khaled Mashal declared Hamas´s solidarity with the Syrian “regime” – a giveaway word – semantics are revealing the truth.(15) Shortly after Mashal´s declaration of solidarity, leading Hamas cadres began moving to Gaza, which if one knows the region never would have been possible without either Israel´s and/or Egypt´s consent. Hamas ultimately fled its headquarters in Damascus on the very same day that an by Martin Iqbal quoted information of the author of the present article, stating that Hamas was implicated in the Marvi Marmara operation.(ibid.) Clean-up operations, a euphemism for assassinations, within the top ranks of Hamas are documented to last until as late as late June 2012. (17)

Qatar´s Muslim Brothers have achieved the same U-turn with respect to Lebanon´s Al Jamaa Al Islamiya. After years of alignment with Iran, Al Jamaa Al Islamiya has turned towards an alliance with Qatar, thus providing both political and most importantly military and strategic leverage for Qatar in Lebanon. Although the military and political strength of Al Jamaa Al Islamiya in Lebanon is negligible as such, it is the cumulative effect of their troops with other pro Western and in fact pro Israeli forces in Lebanon that is significant. Key names of pro-Western, pro-Saudi, pro Israeli players in Lebanon are among other Walid Jumblatt, who is the Secretary General of the Progressive Socialist Party and leader of the Lebanese Druze community, and the Saudi Lebanese national Saad Hariri and his Movement of the Future Party. Qatar has in other words driven a wedge into Syrian and Iranian influence in both Palestine and Lebanon. It has reinforced it´s influence significantly.

Qatar has been one of the first GCC members to send troops to Libya to assist the Al Qaeda associated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and other NATO/GCC allied mercenaries in Libya at ousting the Libyan government with special forces, regular ground troops and air power. Qatar still has several thousand troops deployed in Libya, including Air-Force infantry and special forces. Qatar is one of the 13 nations that continue the fight against the still ongoing resistance by forces that are loyal to the former Libyan government, or who oppose Libya´s occupation.

Qatar is one of the main donors of money and suppliers of weapons to the Free Syrian Army and the National Transitional Council of Syria. It is not unlikely that Qatar has special forces operating on Syrian Territory.

Overall one must say that Qatar, in spite of its size is playing a major role in the turmoils that plague the Middle East. A role it can and will be playing due to influence over the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliated organizations, due to the fact that it is a major financial contributor and contributor of overtly and covertly operating military forces in Libya and most likely Syria, and due to the fact that Qatar is a long standing British ally against Iran.

It is absolutely worth noticing that Qatar, like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the U.A.E. is a kingdom, with an autocratic and oppressive political system. Like it´s Gulf neighbors, Qatar has a legal system that is based on a conservative and oppressive interpretation of Islam. Human rights and civil liberties are more or less non existent in Qatar. Like in Saudi Arabia women do not enjoy special protection. Dissent within the population exists, but until today the “side effects” of the Arab Spring in Qatar have been very limited and both reform and human rights movements are rudimentary due to the fact that they are consequently oppressed.

Strategically, Qatar is together with Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the U.A.E. one of the front line states from where a military assault on Iran or an attempted naval blockade of the Persian Gulf would be staged. Although Qatar´s own military forces are relatively insignificant compared to those of Saudi Arabia, Qatar is a strategically important base of operations for US military forces in the region.

Bahrain – Side Effects of a Hot Season and The Great Iranian Conspiracy.

Bahrain has since the spring of 2011 been plagued by almost daily protests, demonstrations, human rights scandals, and often very violent clashes between Bahraini police, military and protesters. The popular unrests in Bahrain have in deed grown so much that the ruling Al-Khalifa family found it necessary to call on Saudi Arabia to deal with the protesters. Both the police and military of Bahrain as well as the Saudi military in Bahrain have been and are coming heavyhandedly down on the protesters, Saudi Arabia´s heavy handed behavior in Bahrain has on the other hand sparked increased protests against an expansion of cooperation within the Gulf Cooperation Council,GCC.

Opposite to the manufactured and co-opted subversions in Libya and Syria, the protests in Bahrain are legitimate and genuine public uprisings against a royal family that absolutely dominates the politics of Bahrain. As in all more or less tyrannically governed Gulf States there exists a genuine and legitimate popular demand for political, social and legal change in Bahrain.

In May 2012 the author was driving in a cab from Manama Airport to the diplomatic quarter of Manama, Bahrain. The largest signpost along the roadsides stated “Down Iranian Conspiracy“. My first thoughts were “Narcissism. In love with ones own idealized image without wanting to see any flaws. Externalizing – Projections.” There could as well have been a signpost that stated “Down the Shia Conspiracy”. It would have been equally invalid as an explanation for the unrests. The signpost was written in English language and most likely meant to convince foreigners that the unrests were not caused by decades of oppressive rule by vice roys of the United Kingdom. Charade & Narcissism.

Medical Doctors who were treating some of the first casualties of the crack down on protests in Bahrain have received ridiculously harsh prison sentences. Medical Doctors were blamed for storing weapons at the hospital. Members of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights are arrested on a regular base. The Director of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Nabeel Rajab, received a three months prison sentence for a “Tweet” that was condescending towards the governing Al-Khalifa family. He is regularly arrested, released, rearrested. Even Amnesty International, and please keep in mind that the director of Amnesty International USA also is Hillary Clinton´s and the State Departments adviser on government NGO relations, can not do anything to prevent that Amnesty must criticize Bahrain. Amnesty can otherwise be rather content with covering up for NATO´s crimes in Libya. (18)

European nations and the USA largely neglect the legitimate public uprising in Bahrain and the governments brutal crack downs. Western Main Stream Media are pounding Western populations with false information about Syria, while both NATO and GCC members, including Bahrain finance and arm Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood brigades – The Free Syrian Army – to create a state of war in Syria. It is evident beyond any reasonable doubt that the symptoms of the Arab Spring in Bahrain are an unwanted side effect, a spill over, which is to be contained and kept out of the media as much as it is possible without risking that the cover-up becomes all too embarrassing.

A good example for double standards is the Danish Foreign Minister, who criticizes Bahrain, pleading for a less violent approach to the peoples legitimate demands for reform, while arms shipments to Bahrain via Denmark continue. The USA has resumed weapons deliveries to Bahrain in spite of the human rights situation.

The military forces of Bahrain are as such not very significant if compared to those of Saudi Arabia, but arms sales from the US to Bahrain have increased significantly over the last year. Bahrain hosts the 5th Fleet of the USA and is an important NATO partner in any potential confrontation with Iran.

The government of Bahrain is together with Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia in a process of establishing a union that is being modeled over the European Union. Bahrain is sponsoring the insurgency in Syria but is doing it less overtly than Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. –

Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has from the get go of the Arab Spring in Libya been heavily involved by recruiting and dispatching mercenaries, including Al Qaeda brigades that are under the command of the Saudi Ministry of the Interior. Saudi Arabia is also one of the 13 nations that maintained and maintains troops inside Libya after NATO´s official discontinuation of “Operation Unified Protector”.

Already during the autumn of 2011 Syrian and Russian intelligence sources stated that they had intercepted inter net traffic that strongly indicated that the Saudi Arabian government had dispatched the Al Qaeda associated Omar Brigade from Saudi Arabia to Syria.(19) Saudi Arabia is one of the most “ardent” Friends of Syria” and provides much of the illegal mercenary power that are fighting in Syria, as well as funding and weapons. In fact, the Saudi Arabian delegate to the first “Friends of Syria” meeting in Tunisia left the meeting in protest over the fact that there was no sufficient support for a military solution, prompting the author to write the article “Friends of Syria, with such good Friends, who needs any Enemies”. (20) Some of the funding is funneled via straw-men like the Saudi-Lebanese citizen and former P.M. of Lebanon Saad Hariri who already became implicated in financing and arming the insurgency in Syria in September 2011. (21).

Saudi Arabia is most likely counting on a consolidation of Saudi Influence within the GCC as well as a consolidation of regional influence via the monetary and political union that is being established by the GCC member states. Part of the Saudi motivation for the consolidation may in deed be worries whether its Western friends and allies would sooner or later use the Egyptian model of The Arab Spring on Saudi Arabia, even though that would most likely be improbable before Saudi Arabia has served as a springboard for an aggression on Iran. As long as the house of Saud is playing along with that overall strategy their position should be relatively secure.

The Saudi Arabian Military is receiving large deliveries of new weapons systems. The delivery of new F-15 fighter jets and upgrades of older models to the highest standards was, as mentioned in a previous article, surprisingly not met by Israeli complaints, which indicates a closer co-operation between Israel and Saudi Arabia. (22) Saudi Arabia is receiving 84 brand new Boeing F 15SA fighter jets and it receives upgrades for its existing fleet of 70 F 15s. The deal is worth 29.4 billion USD. The deal also includes 150 Javelin anti-tank guided missiles and three different types of helicopters.

According to Russian Military Analyst Andrei Akulov, Saudi Arabia also wants to buy between 600 and 800 German made Leopard battle tanks. Akulov states, that his modest 25 years military experience tells him that the tanks can not be separated from other weapons systems which Saudi Arabia inevitable will have to add to the shopping list. Together with the significant increase of the Saudi Air Power and increased anti-tank capabilities, the massive upgrade of armor will significantly change the regional military balance. (23) Although Akulov is off target with respect to Hamas, Palestine and other details, he is very well informed about military developments.The massive increase of Saudi Arabia´s fleet of high tech German battle tanks is worth noticing when one considers information that was published in a previous article, written in response to both the Russian and Chinese military having been put on highest alert late in 2011. In it, the Russian general command is quoted for expecting US/NATO militay strategy in the Middle East to rely on massive ammounts of armored vehicles. (24) The fact that Israel has not objected to the massive boost of Saudi Military capability may be the most disturbing aspect, and reinforces suspicions for an Israeli, Arab, NATO deal to include the “Final Solution” for Israel and Palestine” as well as plans for the annaexation of the Golan and Southern Lebanon. (25)


Israel is in deed, together with Saudi Arabia the main Middle Eastern beneficiary of the Arab Spring. Good working relations and business as usual in Israel Turkey relations continue. The expected annexation of the Syrian Golan and the Palestinian West Bank promises a greater Israel. The occupation of Southern Lebanon as bargaining chip and possible area for a resettlement of displaced Palestinians and displaced Syrians from the Golan is being planned for. That way, the people of Lebanon will be dealing with the Palestinian problem while Israel can contain the fighting inside Lebanon. This is typical for Israeli strategy. In fact the article referred to above includes all necessary information and it is not necessary to repeat it here. (ibid.) I would advise the reader of the present article to read the referred to article separately after reading the present one, to arrive at the best possible understanding of what that “final solution for Israel and Palestine” implies. Much more will be written on Israel in other sections and there is no reason to elicit it here without the proper context.


The Kingdom of Jordan is playing a crucial role in the subversion of Syria. In fact, Jordan has also been playing a vital logistical role in the aggression against Libya. Currently Jordan is providing the logistical “hinterland” for the mercenaries of the L.I.F.G. and Saudi Al-Qaeda brigades. In fact, the entire border region around the city of Al Mafriq is functioning as a staging area for transgressions against Syria.; Turkey is entertaining an intelligence room and recruitment office in Amman, Jordan. (27)

Jordan will be a vital partner in any Saudi military transgression against Syria by providing passage for Saudi troops and by providing forward military bases. Considering that Jordan has been playing a pivotal role in facilitating of negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel,  considering that Jordan has been playing a pivotal role in facilitating the U-Turn of Hamas, away from Iran and Syria and into the folds of the Qatar based International Muslim Brotherhood, one could say that Jordan´s royal family is “finally” having its revenge against Syria and the PLO, and they have been waiting for it for decades. (28)

It has taken a long, long time to get this revenge. After all, the “Black September” when the Jordanian military and the PLO battled it out in Amman; the Black September, when Syria sent tanks to Jordan to prevent the wiping out of the PLO by the Jordanian military; that Black September, when King Abdullah the First of Jordan called on Israel, on the Zionist enemy of Arabs, to stop Syria´s rescue operation for the PLO, that Black September and all that happened all the way back in 1970. That Black September when Arafat had to be smuggled out of Jordan and to Egypt, disguised as a girl, in order not to be murdered by the King of Jordan, who called on the Zionist enemy of Arabs so he could murder Palestinians. Only then, after that Black September, the Arab nations still had an Egyptian president of the caliber of Abd El Nasr so the Hashemite King would not dare what his son most likely has in mind today.

Revenge for his father at last ? King Abdullah the Second of Jordan is an Arab ruler much to the liking of London and Washington. A King, like those in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates. That is, off course, the best possible qualification to support the fight for “Democracy and Freedom” in Syria.

Developments in Targeted Nations


The Arab Spring in Egypt was from beginning to end manufactured with the aid of foreign influences. The Egyptian population and most significantly the class with the lowest incomes and the massive numbers of unemployed, the masses which with the aid of media were marched and paraded in front of TV cameras from throughout the world as useful pawns are the loosers. Used, abused, and nothing in fact will change for them for the better.

The will be no improvements in social justice, since the Muslim Brothers made it clear from the very start that they would co-operate with the IMF. So much to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic principles in banking.

There will be no improvements with respect to gender equality and most likely setbacks can be expected. For Egyptians it would be good to recall one of the prolific speeches of Gamal Abd el Nasr, where he stated that the Egyptian government really wanted to compromise with the Muslim Brothers in 1953, if they were willing to be reasonable. The first thing the representative of the Muslim Brotherhood asked for was a law that would make the wearing of the hijab mandatory. Nasr politely asked, if he, the representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, who had a daughter who studied medicine at Cairo University, and who did not wear the hijab, would not rather try to make his own daughter wear the hijab before he asked him, Nasr, to try to make every woman in Egypt wear it. The speech is in deed a historical moment which Egyptians would be wise to recall. (29)

For those who still confuse “The Arab Spring” with democracy it may be good to recall that Egypt´s new president stated that Islam and Democracy were incompatible with each other. Mursi´s words were in fact an insult against both Islam and Democracy, but they clearly represent what brand of Islam and what brand of Democracy the Muslim Brothers have in store for the people of Egypt.

One of the main reasons for the targeting of Egypt was that President Hosni Mubarak had solidly positioned his son as ayer of the Egyptian presidency and that Mubarak and the Egyptian military were solidly in control of the country. Egypt had become to self-confident. Egypt was not unstable enough and Egypt had its own thoughts about Middle East politics. Thoughts that opposed a greater influence of the GCC member states. A policy that would not lend itself and Egypt to a war on Syria for the benefit of Israel, and a policy that would not abandon Palestinians in the West Bank for the benefit of a Hamas led Palestinian Emirate of Gaza.

The Presidential election and the Muslim Brotherhood Presidency of Mursi guarantied that the military still remained a strong influence in Egypt, but that it became politically weakened and thus more easily controllable by the West. It is here interesting to notice that the initial discontinuation of US military aid to Egypt was lifted after Mursi´s election victory. Egypt receives 1.3 billion USD worth in military aid from the USA.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood will together with Hamas be playing key roles in the implementation of what could best be described as a Final Solution for a Greater Israel and Palestine. As detailed in a previous article, this final solution includes the permanent annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan, the permanent annexation of  the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the establishment of a Hamas led Palestinian Emirate Gaza, and the annexation of parts of Southern Lebanon by Israel. (30)

In spite of flaming election speeches by Mursi during his campaign, in spite of words such as those that he will not accept any other solution for Palestine than a Palestine within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the Capital of Palestine, the political reality looks quite different. The established fact is, that the highest cadres of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are pulling into the same direction. A Palestinian Emirate in Gaza. A recent Grad rocket attack on Israel from the Northern Sinai was one example of how Hamas and the Muslim Brothers cooperate. The Grad Rocket attack was in deed part of the campaign that helped Mursi to secure his election victory. (31)

The Arab Spring in Egypt was a post-modern coup d´etat that aligned Egypt with the NATO/GCC/Israeli Master Plan towards the “Comprehensive Solution for the Middle East” Obama mentioned when the UN General Assembly discussed Palestine’s bet for statehood. (ibid.)

Gaza / Palestine

As explained below, and as detailed in several articles by the author, the polit bureau of Hamas has since 2010 been working towards the Arab Spring, taken part in cleaning out the anti Syria war ranks within the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood, actively betrayed Syria and Iran, and is co-operating with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The price Hamas has been offered for its realignment with the Qatar based International Muslim Brotherhood is the promise of a “leading role within a Palestinian Arab Spring after the fall of Damascus”. Keeping the Palestinian Emirate Gaza in mind too,it is not surprising that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, DFLP, the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, and even Mahmud Abbas and Fatah voice that Hamas is sabotaging national reconciliation. As long as Syria, which in fact is the sole Arab nation that consequently and consistently has supported the struggle for the Liberation of Palestine is destabilized, there is very little international support to be expected for those Palestinian fractions who actually attempt to resist the “Final Solution”.


Reoccupation by Israel to be blamed on Hezbollah – As reported in a previous article about Israel´s final solution for Palestine and a Greater Israel, Israel has plans to reoccupy Southern Lebanon and to either permanently annex Southern Lebanon together with the occupied Syrian Golan, or to use it as a bargaining chip for the eventual relocation of displaced Palestinians from the West Bank. This information is not “merely” based on a long discussion between the author and a reliable Palestinian intelligence source who the author has known for decades and who has provided valuable and correct intelligence on Turkey, Syria, Palestine and other matters over the last months which has been published in various articles by the author. The information is also, so to speak” coming straight from the horses own mouth.

In a recent article published in the Israeli daily newspaper Haarez, Brigadier General Hezi Halevi of the IDF informed that a new war on Lebanon is planned to be initiated subsequent to an expected fall of the Syrian government. The new war and invasion, which is planned to be even more ferocious that the 2006 invasion that mainly targeted civilian targets in what only can be describes as systematic and cynical terror bombing of civilians, will be blamed on Hezbollah and it´s establishment of bases in southern Lebanon. The 2006 war on Lebanon resulted in the death of approximately 6.000 human beings. The vast majority of the dead were civilians, and a large proportion of the civilian victims were in fact children and non combatant women.

Israel regularly blames Syria for delivering weapons, including modern rockets to Hezbollah, which in spite of the fact that it is registered as a legal political party and holds several seats in the Lebanese parliament is designated a “terrorist” organization by the USA and Israel. The Shiite Hezbollah, Party of God” was established as a response to repeated and illegal wars of aggression by Israel against Lebanon and repeated occupations of large parts of southern Lebanon. Both Iran´s support of Hezbollah and Syria’s support of Hezbollah, even with arms, is legal according to international law.

During the 2006 invasion of Lebanon Israel in fact had to retreat after one month without being able to decisively defeat Hezbollah. Both systematic bombing of civilian targets in Beirut, and probably the bombing of a UN Peace Keepers post are emblematic for the fact that Israel does not shy from terror bombing to achieve political and military objectives.

The Israeli objectives in a coming war will however be different from those of previous campaigns. This time the objectives will be the establishment of a permanent presence or even annexation of Southern Lebanon, together with a long term destabilization of Lebanon by creating a civil war.

Should the war on Syria be successful, and the criteria for success is not necessarily a regime change but a protracted civil war, Israel will make sure that this civil war spreads into Lebanon. In that situation, Israel would be able to fight a Hezbollah that has to engage domestic enemies.

The Lebanese Al Jamaa Al Islamiya, which previously was allied with Hezbollah may in fact become one of Hezbollah´s contenders in a civil war situation. It is extremely difficult to make an accurate prediction. What is certain is, that Al Jamaa Al Islamiya has aligned itself with the Qatar based International Muslim Brotherhood and away from Iran. This move may under any circumstance weaken Hezbollah´s domestic support in case of an Israeli invasion. As far as the author is aware there are ongoing talks between both Hezbollah and Al Jamaa al Islamiya.

The leader of the Lebanese Druze Community and Secretary General of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt is currently involved in financing and arming insurgents in Syria. As previously reported in an article by the author, Jumblatt is providing among other shipments of Israeli weapons and ammunition to what is called the Syrian Opposition of Free Syrian Army. As explained in the article “Attack on Syria likely before March?” (ibid.) one such delivery of 50 ton at a value of 250 million USD was delivered by the Israeli Raphael Industry. Jumblatt is a long standing US and Israeli asset in Lebanese anti-Syrian power brokering. His track record is going back all the way to the Lebanese civil war where he inherited his post after his father who was assassinated for his anti Pan-Arabic dealings. Even though the Progressive Socialist Party was part of the progressive alliance during the civil war, it was also constantly driving a wedge in between those parties who were pro or anti Pan Arabic, which then meant pro or anti Syrian ad Egyptian.

It is very likely that Jumblatt is attempting to maneuver his party and the Druze community in Lebanon into a similar position in Lebanon, and that he is and will be co-operating with NATO, the GCC and Israel in an attempt to persuade or force the Syrian Druze community to demand autonomy from Damascus, to break with the national unity government, and to disrupt national reconciliation in Syria. So far attempts to turn the Syrian Druze community against Damascus have not been successful. Most likely, the Druze community, as well as the ethnic Kurdish community in Syria and other are well aware that a disintegration of Syria would be disastrous.

The Movement of the Future Party led by Saad Hariri and in particular Saad Hariri himself is heavily involved in financing and arming insurgents in Syria. Saad Hariri has previously been Prime Minister of Lebanon. He is the son of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri who was assassinated. The author has in a previous article f´drawn attention to both the involvement of Saad Hariri in financing and arming the insurgency in Syria as well as the fact that Saad Hariri has been involved in manufacturing evidence and buying false witness testimony for the trial pertaining the assassination of his father at the special court at the ICC in the Hague. The article on nsnbc also contains a video with a covertly recorded audio file recorded while Hariri is talking about the details pertaining the fabricated evidence and false testimony. (34)

Saad Hariri is a Saudi-Lebanese national, and he as well as his party are heavily backed by and representing Saudi interests in Lebanon. It is very likely that much of the money and weapons that are provided via Saad Hariri and his party are addressed to Saudi Arabian Al Qaeda brigades which are operating inside Syria, such as the Omar Brigade which is under the control of the Saudi Arabian Ministry of the Interior. Saad Hariri has been slowly but consistently been working at containing Hezbollah as well as Syrian and Iranian influence in Lebanon. In case of a deterioration of the situation in Lebanon it is likely that his party will create a united front with among other Jumblatt´s Progressive Socialist Party against Hezbollah and eventually Palestinian fractions in Lebanon.

There are three scenarios that are worth considering with respect to Hariri and his movement. Should the subversion in Syria be successful and the country be “balkanized”, he will continue to be an agent of Saudi and US-American as well as also French influence in Syria and attempt to keep Syria divided rather than united. In the case that Israel attacks Lebanon and occupies Lebanon, as planned, he will be involved in politically scapegoating Hezbollah for the Israeli invasion and occupation, and he will be involved in sabotaging Hezbollah´s as well as eventual Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation.

The Holy Cow of Lebanon if one can say so, the “National Pact” that was established when Lebanon gained independence is for many Lebanese perceived as a “holy cow”. The national pact is an agreement which in essence contains the following points. That Lebanon is an independent nation. That it defines itself as being of Arab nature. That the political offices of President, Prime Minister, and Speaker of the Parliament are divided among Christian Maronites, Sunni and Shia. While many perceive it as the three horses that are pulling the Lebanese chariot, it is in fact the seed of division rather than of national unity, and it is a perfect tool for foreign nations to divide and conquer.

Should the catastrophe of a new civil war in Lebanon, the disintegration of Syria, and a reoccupation of Lebanon be prevented, it would be highly recommendable for those who act in the interest of the “nation state” Lebanon to realize that this holy cow in fact is a Trojan Horse. One of the typical symptoms of the national pact is that Lebanon can come in a situation where it is attacked by Israel and that the national defense is maintained by one party, Hezbollah, while the Lebanese military remains in its barracks. To call that construct a “National Pact” is in deed Orwellian.

The Palestinian Diaspora in Lebanon and Syria has been suffering not only from the displacement caused by the Israeli occupation and countless Israeli transgressions against Palestinians in Lebanon. It has also suffered heavily from intra-Lebanese rivalries, rivalries between anti Syrian fractions in Lebanon and Syria and so forth, not to mention intra-Palestinian rivalries. The Palestinian diaspora in both Syria and Lebanon are attempting to remain neutral with respect to the ongoing crisis.

It is questionable how long the Palestinian diaspora in Lebanon and Syria can remain neutral. In Syria attempts have been made to turn Palestinians against the Syrian government. False flag attacks have been carried out by the “Syrian Opposition” to enrage Palestinians against the Syrian Government. Other attacks against Palestinian refugee camps were carried out as reprisals for Palestinian declarations that stated that Palestinians remain neutral. (35)

Unless a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Syria is found within a matter of a few months, it is very unlikely that the conflict does not spread into Lebanon, as planned, and that the Palestinian diaspora in both Syria and Lebanon can maintain a neutral posture. Palestinians will have to answer serious questions within the Palestinian communities in Lebanon and Palestine.

With respect to Hamas it should be self-evident that any cooperation with Israel, Turkey and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to establish a Palestinian Emirate Gaza and abandon Palestinians in the West Bank is in fact treason. Unless Hamas fractions in Lebanon and Syria are confronted with some pertinent questions and choices that must be regarded as assets of those who want to bring about “the comprehensive solution for the Middle East” as described above. For the Palestinian diaspora it is high time to reconsider whom one supports, and the same is true about Hamas supporters in Gaza.

Unless Hamas conducts a new U-Turn and realigns itself with “Palestine” it must be considered and will be considered a political and military liability. With respect to Fatah, it would be high time to consider to confront Mahmud Abbas and the majority of P.A. Ministers, as well as the PLO negotiations team with the fact that the two state solution and the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, in fact the entire “Oslo Accord” and everything that came along with it was a carefully manufactured trap. So far the sole effects of the Palestinian Authority have been the following:

  1. The establishment of a Palestinian Authority which is impotent with respect to representing the occupied state of Palestine in foreign affairs.

  2. The self-administrated genocide on Palestinians by Zionism.

  3. The abandonment of any military credibility of the PLO that previously made it a “credible” political factor, for the privilege of administrating the systematic genocide on Palestinians.

These are the greatest achievements the Palestinian Authority and the PLO have in deed achieved since Oslo.

Given the fact that a fall of Damascus is equivalent to the loss of the sole Arab partner who consistently and consequently has supported Palestine and Palestinians, neither the Palestinian Diaspora nor the PLO can or should remain neutral.

A viable solution for the rescue of Palestinian aspirations for their rights will have to include the following points, which implicitly mean that some more holy cows, or Trojan horses will have to be abandoned.

  1. A return to a unified Palestinian demand for a one state solution.

  2. The unalienable right for Palestinians to return.

  3. Stop of Jewish immigration which significantly offsets the demography of Palestine.

  4. Unequivocal support of Syria in it´s struggle against an Israeli, GCC, NATO backed insurgency.

  5. Unequivocal support of and solidarity with Syrians in the Israeli occupied Golan.

  6. A return to a militarily credible PLO as a basis for political credibility.

  7. If necessarily, the arrest of any member of any political fraction who overtly or covertly negotiates any division of Palestine into a separate state in the Gaza strip and the abandonment of any Palestinian territory.

The Comprehensive Solution for the Middle East.

The comprehensive solution for the Middle East that is envisioned by NATO is, as already detailed in a previous article a solution that is directed against Russia and China, and a solution that is about to bring the world to the brink of a conflict of global proportions.(36) As outlined in the previous article, the war on Syria and the Arab Spring has the following interchangeable objectives:

  1. To destabilize Syria and Lebanon and to bring about long lasting civil wars that significantly weaken Iran in preparation of an attack on Iran.

  2. To engage Russia in a Middle Eastern Conflict, counting on one of three possibly attainable objectives. These objectives are strategically interchangeable and may be achieved simultaneously. All of them however, aim at engaging Russia directly or indirectly in a regional conflict with global geo-political consequences.

  3. To contain Russian involvement in the Middle Eastern theater due to the threat of NATO´s plausible first strike capability against Russia, thus forcing Russia to surrender it´s strategic allies to NATO and the GCC. Preventing Russia from direct engagement while the NATO,GCC, Israel Coalition destabilizes and brings about regime change in Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

  4. Weakening Russia, and preparing a long, protracted, Chechnya style war of attrition against Russia via a destabilized Iran and Syria. A continued and intensified attempt to destabilize Russia by proxy in Georgia and other former Soviet Republics like Moldavia. Color revolutions in Belarus and other allied nations with the aim to bring about “regime change” in Russia. Denying Russia access to the Mediterranean by destabilizing Syria.

  5. Alternatively to draw Russia into a long, protracted proxy war in Syria, Iran and Lebanon with an Afghanistan like defeat of Russian forces, in preparation of a direct engagement of Russia via Georgia, Azerbaijan, and the region in general.

  6. To these one should add, that an end to any “Palestinian Problem” is part of the comprehensive solution too.

All of the objectives are pursued with the possibility of initiating what NATO perceives as a plausible nuclear first strike capability against Russia to contain Russian interference into NATO´s Middle Eastern Conquest. The risk of a thermo-nuclear war on Russia is perceived as a calculable risk and plausible, viable possibility, if not as a goal in an on itself.

Considering the recent decades geo-political developments, the coagulation of loose alliances like the BRICS, SCC and ALBA into more solid blocks that counter Western Ambitions of Global Full Spectrum Dominance, a final war against China becomes plausible only, after a military and political defeat of Russia.

Some final Words to the Citizens of NATO Member States.

  1. The Middle East may seem far away as long as one does not consider that the murder and violence originates very close to your homes.

  2. Naturally both Libya and Syria had internal problems, but they were after all the most democratic, most tolerant among the nations in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Let there be no doubt that those political and other forces in Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel and Turkey, who cooperate with the Gulf Dictatorships and terrorist organizations will have no scruples to unleash the same terror in Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel or Turkey.

  3. The cooperation with Al Qadea and Muslim Brotherhood will invariably lead to blow backs in NATO countries. Some of these blow backs will be genuine. Most of these blow backs will be manufactured by the same deep state, the same cartels that manufactured Western Terrorism on Westerners, from Gladio to 9/11, London and Madrid.

  4. If that sounds like an “outrageous conspiracy theory” to you, mind that the former Spanish Prime Minister Aznar stated that Abdelhakim Belhadj, the Military Governor of Tripoli and Free Syrian Army Commander, is a notorious Al Qaeda Terrorist, with whom NATO co-operates, and that this Abdelhakim Belhadj was the man behind the Madrid bombings.

  5. Unless progressive political fractions, peace movements, anti war coalitions, and citizens in NATO countries wake up to the realities of the ongoing crisis, it is very likely that there will be a rude awakening in store.

  6. It will be a rude awakening to a new NATO wide fascism more dangerous than that of Germany, Italy and Spain up to and during the second world war, and most likely, it will be an awakening to a third world war.

Christof Lehmann

Friday 13th of July 2012

MONDAY, 02 JULY  2012



The US subversion model: Bosnia v.4, Kosovo v.3, Libya v.2 and now Syria v.1?

Does anybody remember how the USA prevented the Bosnian-Serbs from participating in any negotiations about their own future?  The USA came up with trick to say that the only Serbs invited to any negotiations would be the Serbs from Yugoslavia, representatives of the Milosevic regime.  With the brilliant move, the USA made it look like the Bosnian-Serbs were nothing but a proxy for an expansionist Serbian Yugoslavia hell-bent on creating a “Greater Serbia”.  That option also made it possible for the USA to use a very compliant, if not subservient Milosevic, against the Bosnian-Serbs (does anybody remember that Yugoslavia participated in the NATO blockade of the Bosnian-Serbs or is that fact totally lost in the memory hole?).
Anyway, the USA has now pulled off a similar trick.  Check out who is participating in the negotiations over the future of Syria:
  • The Secretaries-General of the United Nations and the League of Arab States
  • The Foreign Ministers of ChinaFranceRussiaUnited KingdomUnited StatesTurkeyIraq (Chair of the Summit of the League of Arab States), Kuwait (Chair of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the League of Arab States) andQatar (Chair of the Arab Follow-up Committee on Syria of the League of Arab States)
  • The European Union High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy
Now if we set aside the official nonsense about all these folks being independent actors we have the following parties in presence: the US/Israeli Empire represented by the US and its vassal states (UK, Turkey, EU, Kuwait, Qatar) while all the others are I would call “independent third parties” including Russia, China and Iraq (present only as the chair of the Summit of the League of Arab States and not as a sovereign country).  The only real ally of Syria, Iran, has been prevented from participating by the categorical refusal of the USA.  Russia expressed “regrets” about this state of affairs, but accepted it.
This is very reminiscent of the tactics used by the USA against the Bosnian-Serbs or, for that matter, against the Palestinian people and Hamas.  How does the current situation of the Syrians compare to situation of the Bosnian-Serbs?
I would argue that it is marginally better a simple reason: Russia and China are large and powerful nations which cannot be blackmailed, pressured or co-opted like Milosevic was.  Regardless of the US/NATO propaganda, Milosevic was used by the US and NATO against the Bosnian-Serbs, and that is most likely not going to happen with Russia and China.
And yet, I don’t think that these countries can be trusted to represent the interests and views of the Syrian regime so, just as was the case in Bosnia, these negotiations are hopelessly lopsided and heavily skewed against Syria.  So it is rather unsurprising that all what these folks came up with is yet another vague and rather insipid statement about yet another a “road-map” for Syria beefed-up by some equally vapid, if well-meaning, remarks by the UNSG.
From the US point of view the key sentence in this text is the following one:

The establishment of a transitional governing body which can establish a neutral environment in which the transition can take place. That means that the transitional governing body would exercise full executive powers. It could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups and shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent.

 Muammar at  UNO SEPTEMBER 2009

Hillary Clinton immediately “explained” that this meant that “Assad will have to go because “he will never pass the mutual consent test”.  Well, both parties can play this game.  For example, Assad could follow the Israeli “negotiating model” and declare that he will never negotiate with “anybody with Arab blood on their hands” thereby excluding the entire insurgency.  Or Assad could do the exact opposite: declare that he will negotiate with anybody, even the worst of the worst, and set no preconditions.  Such a move could make it very easy for him to blame the insurgents for refusing to talk to him.
Regardless, the insurgents immediately rejected this plan (just as they had after every single offer to negotiate or cease-fire made by Gaddafi).
All this immediately brought back memories of the Bosnian war to me, especially when I read the following sentence of the “Agreement”:

All parties must cooperate with the transitional governing body in ensuring the permanent cessation of violence. This includes completion of withdrawals and addressing the issue of the disarming, demobilization and reintegration of armed groupsEffective steps to ensure that vulnerable groups are protected and immediate action is taken to address humanitarian issues in areas of need.

This is exactly what happened in Bosnia: the USA declared that all parties must be disarmed and civilians protected (in safe areas), only to initiate a massive arms transfer to the Bosnian-Muslims who used the “safe areas” as rear bases and assembly points for their armed groups.  Today, as is now well-known, the USA is already arming the Syrian insurgents while various Gulf States (lead by Qatar) are financing it all.  Finally,  just as in Bosnia, Wahabi Jihadists (aka  “foreign fighters”) are being brought into the country from all over the region.
Of course, all of the above applies to the wars in Kosovo and Libya.  We can really speak of a “Bosnia v.4, Kosovo v.3, Libya v.2, Syria v.1” model.  Let’s summarize it here:

1. Identify some minority and/or opposition group and “help” it (in the name of democracy and human right, of course) by providing it with money and visibility
2. Try to foment some civil unrest and/or violent incidents
3. Encourage and assist the minority and/or opposition group to denounce any governmental reaction to the unrests/incidents
4. Spread rumors about all sorts of atrocities already committed or soon to be committed
5. Back up these rumors by making sure that atrocities are actually committed against the minority/opposition, against the regime and against civilians, bystanders and random people
6. Initiate phase one of a strategic psyop campaign in the corporate media which will present a simple narrative explaining that the minority/opposition are “innocent victims who only want freedom, democracy and human rights” while the “hated regime” in power is “bloody” and “dictatorial”
7. Begin sending special agents tasked with unifying the various minority/opposition groups and take control, via typically via exiles, of the top echelons of the opposition
8. Initiate phase two of the strategic pysop campaign in the corporate media which will present the unified opposition as the “sole legitimate representative” of “the people”
9. Demand negotiations between the “sole legitimate representative” of “the people” and the regime and create some “troika”, “quartet” or “action group” composed of vassal states to participate in the “negotiations”
10. Declare that the regime has lost all “credibility or “confidence” and therefore reject any and all offers of negotiations or cease-fires proposed by the regime as “not credible”
11. Create one or more false flag atrocities against the minority/opposition
12. Initiate phase three of the strategic psyop campaign in the corporate media and flood the public with outraged statements about “crimes against humanity” and even “genocide”
13. Demand an arms embargo on all the parties to the conflict and immediately initiate a large scale deliveries of weapons and “foreign fighters”
14.  Seize the assets of the regime and its officials and use it to covertly finance the insurgency
15. Respond to any military success by the regime by demanding the “protection” of civilians, preferably under Chapter VII of the UN Charter
16a.If a Chapter VII UNSC Resolution is adopted, make sure that NATO countries provide the bulk of the military forces engaged
16b.If a Chapter VII UNSC Resolution is not adopted, vehemently denounce the UNSC members which vetoed it, and create a “coalition of the willing” justified under the “Duty to Intervene” (“le devoir d’ingérence” in French) theory
17. Send special operation forces, including forward air controllers, to coordinate the insurgency and the upcoming air campaign
18. Apply the Combined Joint Task Force doctrine to send enough troops (and mercenaries) to secure key facilities and objectives in the country
19. Hunt down ex-regime officials and send them to the Hague
20. Declare victory, built a few military bases and let the corporations take over the resources of the country

With a few variations, this is the model the USA has used in Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya and, is now applying to Syria.   The case of Iraq under Saddam, and Iran for that matter, are somewhat different since they did not have a minority/opposition strong enough to be used as a lever by the USA, hence all the propaganda about these countries developing (or even having) weapons of mass destruction.
So will this model work in Syria?
It’s hard for me to tell as there is practically zero useful information coming out of Syria right now.  And while during the Bosnian war I could get UNPROFOR intelligence delivered to me every morning,  now I only have access to public, and mostly unreliable and uninteresting, sources. Still, as far as I know, the insurgency currently controls no territory at all, at least not permanently.  Or, if it does, it is not a significant amount.  This tells me that the insurgency is currently rather weak.  Hence the endless stream of bomb blasts in Damascus and other major cities.
Turkey is clearly acting as a rear base for the insurgency and a forward command post for US/NATO forces, just like Croatia did during the war in Bosnia, but the incident with the Phantom shot down in Syrian air space seems to indicate that the regime is serious about keeping control of the Syrian-Turkish border.  Finally, Russia and China have made it quite clear that no Chapter VII UNSC Resolution will be adopted against Syria.  All in all, it appears that the situation is currently frozen somewhere around phases 14-16 of the model above.  In other words, Syria is at the brink of a complete collapse, but its not quiet over yet and as long as the regime can hold on to most of Syria’s territory the US will not be able to implement the latter stages of its subversion model.
I might be mistaken here, but I don’t see a “coalition of the willing” (aka “NATO”) simply attack Syria, not only because the Syrian military might offer some non-trivial resistance, but because the public opinion is currently not in the type of hysterical interventionist frenzy which is needed to justify an illegal intervention.
Furthermore, NATO will not send in special forces and forward air controllers if there is a real risk of them being captured by the regime.  Libya is a big country and the Libyan insurgents controlled large parts of the country, whereas Syria is rather small and most of it is controlled by the regime.  This being said, there is a very real risk of Turkey triggering some kind of military incident with Syria and then demand a NATO response under the Article 5 of the NATO Charter.  That is definitely a possibility, but the blowback from such a decision could be formidable as the reality of Turkey essentially aggressing an Arab country will not sit well with the so-called “Arab street”.
My feeling is that Turkey will grandstand and shake its fists, and that it will gladly provide a rear base for US/NATO covert operations, but I am not quite convinced that it would be willing to trigger a real, full-scale, war against Syria.  Turkey might be a far superior military power then Syria, but the Syrian military is not completely toothless either and the example of Iraq has shown that an easy initial victory can rapidly turn into a nightmare for the “victorious” occupying force.
My other hope is that Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are all using their formidable intelligence capabilities (some of the best on the planet) to disrupt US/NATO covert operations and to assist Syrian security forces.  Contrast that situation with the one of the Bosnian-Serbs were completely alone and whose intelligence capabilities were minimal.
If all these speculations are not too far off the mark, then it appears that the US/NATO and the Syrian regime have arrived at some kind draw in which neither side can really “win” or “loose”.  There appear to be little or no prospects for phases 17-20 to be implemented by the US, but neither can the regime achieve a convincing victory against the insurgency, in particular if it decides to follow the Chechen model and transform itself into a purely terrorist underground, capable of blowing up bombs here and there, but with no hope of actually achieving anything meaningful.
So in the long term it is likely that the Syrian people themselves will have to decide whom they dislike least – the regime or the insurgency – and herein lies a very real danger for Syria: the majority of Syrians are Sunni Arabs (74%) with the rest of the population consisting of various Shia sects (for a combined total or 12%), Christians (10%) and Druze (3%).  Officially, Syria is a secular republic founded by the Baath party, but just as in Iraq most of the people in power are from a religious minority and this fact could potentially be used to turn a majority of Syrians against the regime.  I honestly don’t know.
The Syrian people are really facing a terrible choice: on one hand, a corrupt, despotic, secular, Baathist regime with roots in a minority of the population and on the other, a federation of various Jihadi groups, federated and overseen by the US/NATO puppeteers.  *** My hope is that the Russians, Iranians and Chinese have some kind of plan to slowly ease him out of power and replace him with an anti-Wahabi Sunni leader (like Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnia).
The Bosnian, Kosovan and Libyan model can still be avoided in Syria, but very strong and concerted action needs to be taken by the countries who do not want Syria to turn into yet another US/NATO colony in the Middle-East.  So far I see no signs of that, but I will keep hoping.
The Saker


***: This comment of SAKER I had to delete because I MUST OBJECT to the statement Saker made –which is a hideous lie and very spiteful and I do not know why SAKER says “At least Assad is a clueless megalomaniac Baathist clown like Saddam or Gaddafi, but so far his performance in dealing with the conflict as been mediocre at best.”
We all know the foresight and great understanding, holiness and wisdom of Muammar al-Qathafi–who is the farthest thing from a “clown” (as he is now on the brink of VICTORY with the Green Resistance)—and as for Bahear Assad, he has withstood American attacks no for well over a year …
It is a shame that SAKER has to be so prejudicial, when so much of his thesis is sound.


  1. UN DONE The 66th Session of the General Assembly. Reflections by Dr. Christof  Lehmann. Lehmann Ch. (2011) nsnbc
  2. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/un-done-the-66th-session-of-the-general-assembley-reflections-by-dr-christof-lehmann/
  3. Neo-Colonialism, Subversion in Africa and Global Conflict. Lehmann Ch. (2011) nsnbc.
  4. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/16/neo-colonialism-subversion-in-africa-and-global-conflict/
  5. ibid.

  6. BBC Illegally Uses Image of Iraqi Victims: The US/NATO, UN Demonization Propaganda Against Syrian Government Further Intensify.
  7. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/bbc-illegally-uses-image-of-iraqi-victims-the-usnato-un-demonization-propaganda-against-syrian-government-further-intensify/
  8. BBC world news editor: Houla massacre coverage based on opposition propaganda.
  9. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/16/bbc-world-news-editor-houla-massacre-coverage-based-on-opposition-propaganda/
  10. Preparation of Absolute Image Control in War on Syria.Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  11. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/preparation-of-absolute-image-control-in-war-on-syria/
  12. NATO`s 25th Summit in Chicago in Preparation of Global Full Spectrum Dominance, Interventionism, Possible Preparations for A Regional War Directed against Russia and China, and Developments in Global Security. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  13. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/05/20/natos-25th-summit-in-chicago-in-preparation-of-global-full-spectrum-dominance-interventionism-possible-preparations-for-a-regional-war-directed-against-russia-and-china-and-developments-in-global/
  14. TC 18-01 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare – 2010. US Army.
  15. http://nsnbc.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/special-forces-uw-tc-18-01.pdf
  16. Kurdish Fractions Fight NATO-led Free Syrian Army. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  17. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/29/kurdish-fractions-fights-nato-led-free-syrian-army/
  18. Was the Gaza Flotilla Massacre a Turkish-Israeli False Flag and Precursor to the War on Syria? Iqbal M. (2012) Empirestrikesblack.
  19. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/02/04/was-the-gaza-flotilla-massacre-a-turkish-israeli-false-flag-and-precursor-to-the-war-on-syria/
  20. GLADIO, Bin Laden to Erdogan, Belhadj and Hamas: Mossad´s and NATO´s Dirty Underwear 2012. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  21. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/gladio-bin-laden-to-erdogan-belhadj-and-hamas-mossad%C2%B4s-and-nato%C2%B4s-dirty-underwear-2012/
  22. ARABIAN SUMMER OR NATO´s FALL. Lehmann Che (2011) nsnbc.
  23. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/08/29/arabian-summer-or-nato%C2%B4s-fall/
  24. ibid.
  25. ibid.
  26. Hamas Expresses Support for Syrian Regime. Bannoura S. (2011) IMEMC.
  27. http://imemc.org/article/62729
  28. ibid.

  29. Hamas cleanup operation after 2010 U-Turn continues. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  30. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/28/hamas-cleanup-operation-after-2010-u-turn-continues/
  31. Amnesty and the NATO Cover-Up of War Crimes in Libya.Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  32. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/03/22/amnesty-and-the-nato-cover-up-of-war-crimes-in-libya-updated/
  33. Syria NATO and the Modified Chechnyan Model. Lehmann Ch. (2011) nsnbc.
  34.  http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/09/25/syria-nato-and-the-modified-chechnyan-model/
  35. Friends of Syria, with such good Friends, who needs any Enemies. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  36. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/friends-of-syria-with-such-good-friends-who-needs-any-enemies/
  37. Hariri Implicated in Arming NATO Insurgency in Syria. Lehmann Ch. (2011) nsnbc.
  38. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/hariri-implicated-in-arming-nato-insurgency-in-syria/
  39. US Delivers New F-15´s to Saudi Arabia. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  40. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/01/02/us-delivers-new-f-15%C2%B4s-to-saudi-arabia/
  41. Where the Arab World is heading too. Andrei Akulov (2012) Strategic Culture Foundation.
  42. http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2012/06/25/where-the-arab-world-is-heading-to.html
  43. NATO prepares global war. Russian and Chinese military on highest alert. Lehmann Ch. (2011)
  44. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/24/nato-prepares-global-war-russian-and-chinese-military-on-highest-alert/
  45. Israel´s “Final Solution” for Palestine and Greater Israel. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  46. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/israel%C2%B4s-final-solution-for-palestine-and-greater-israel/
  47. ibid.

  48. Attack on Syria likely before March? Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  49. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/attack-on-syria-likely-before-march/
  50. Hamas and the Qatar-Turkey Agency of a Palestinian Spring ?Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  51. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/hamas-and-the-qatar-turkey-agency-of-a-palestinian-spring/
  52. Gamal Abdel Nasr on the Muslim Brotherhood. Subtitled Video, Youtube.
  53. Israel´s “Final Solution” for Palestine and Greater Israel. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  54. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/israel%C2%B4s-final-solution-for-palestine-and-greater-israel/
  55. Hamas Grad Attack on Israel – Are Muslim Brotherhood and Mossad Positioning Hamas for “Palestinian Spring” and Aiding M.B. Election Bet in Egypt ? Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  56. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/hamas-grad-attack-on-israel-are-muslim-brotherhood-and-mossad-positioning-hamas-for-palestinian-spring-and-aiding-m-b-election-bet-in-egypt/
  57. ibid.

  58. ibid.

  59. Hariri Implicated in Arming NATO Insurgency in Syria.Lehmann Ch. (2011) nsnbc.
  60. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/hariri-implicated-in-arming-nato-insurgency-in-syria/
  61. Syria – Attempts to Draw Palestinian Diaspora into Conflict. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  62. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/syria-attempts-to-draw-palestinian-diaspora-into-conflict/
  63. East-West Standoff over Syria and Iran: Explosive Diplomacy and Brinkmanship at the Brink of World War III. Lehmann Ch. (2012) nsnbc.
  64. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/east-west-standoff-over-syria-and-iran-explosive-diplomacy-and-brinkmanship-at-the-brink-of-world-war-iii/
  • **: Christof Lehmann  writes:
     “…Levy is involved and it´s
    absolutely valid to point it out.
    That said, it would be less than productive not also to draw attention
    A) The fact that France, Spain, Italy and other are working towards the Mediterranean Basin Alliance which Ghadafi blocked for.
    B) The fact that 8 African nations in the CFR region ( West Africa) have
    their currency printed in France, that the French national bank
    autonomously without the countries influence decides these nations
    fiscal and economical policy, that 80 % these nations foreing valuta
    reserves are administrated by the french national bank, that France and
    in fact the EU would be bankrupt within one week if the eight nations
    abandoned the CFR – that Ghadafi, together with among other Laurent
    Gbagbo of Ivory Coast lobbied against the CFR – that is why Gbagbo was
    ousted before Ghadafi.
    C) That NATO would like boyh Libyan oil, plus the base in Libya as a
    military staging area in a coming war on Iran. (In that respect Iran´s
    policy with respect to Libya was utterly stupid )
    D) That Libya was the sole nation that stood as a bastion against the
    division of Africa into two regions – North – South.
    and a lot of other geo-political factors.
    You are making a valid point with respect to Levi – to Israel etc. but
    it would be misleading only to attribute the war on Libya one of the
    many causes.
    I hope that clarifies what I meant when commenting your comment. 😉 I´m
    quite busy.
    Best regards.
    ChristofDen 15-07-2012 17:03, Christella Bernardene Krebs skrev:
  •   yeas, I know about “A”, thanks for re-itterating “B” which is significant; “C” has been always obvious a the Mediterannen ports are gatways to the middle-East and have been always desirable bu the West and especially now that the West wants to destroy Syria and IRAN, etc., —and I did not say that Israel was the sole cause!!! never have IF you read my writings and publications readily available online since April 2009
    In EGYPT: 15 JULY 2012 WITCH HILLARY  received a small taste of what she deserves:
    LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLAsham el-watan (alla, moamer, libya only)
    Day 15 \ 7
    Asham home …… Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ….. Page green flag)Our correspondent in Cairo
    Free to attack Alexandria Ali Jerzh Clinton a bitch with eggs, tomatoes and rotten shoes …. They run away from the garage back to the consulate in Alexandria
    The Brotherhood Almqji protect the consulate and protect Jerzh Clinton ..عاااااااااااااااااااااجل
    اليوم 15 \7
    عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )مراسلنا من القاهرة
    احرار الاسكندرية يعتدون علي الجرذة العاهرة كلينتون بالبيض والطماطم الفاسدة و الاحذية …. وهي تهرب من الجراج الخلفي للقنصلية في الاسكندرية
    وجماعة الاخوان المقملين يحمون القنصلية ويحمون الجرذة كلينتون

BTW–It was not a suicide bomber that hit Assad’s palace meeting yesterday–It was the USA and a Turkish agreement

Washington’s Plan B for Syria
Posted: 2012/07/23
From: Mathaba


by Stephen Lendman

Replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppets is official US policy. So is war on Islam.

After Soviet Russia dissolved, Muslims replaced communists as public enemy number one. Since the 1990s, millions were ruthlessly killed. Many more die daily. Dozens succumb every day in Syria. US-sponsored death squads murder them.

On July 20 or 21st, Ramadan began. It continues for 30 days until August 18. It’s a time for prayer, fasting, reflection, spiritual purification, self-sacrifice, charity, and forgiveness.

On July 20, Obama hypocritically “extend(ed) warmest wishes to” American and global Muslims. He wished them a “blessed month.” He did it despite official US policy to murder them. It doesn’t stop in deference to Ramadan, Christmas, or any other time of year.

He contemptuously expressed support for their determination to achieve “democracy,” “equality,” “justice,” and “universal rights.” He said his administration stands forthrightly with them.

He lied. He’s a serial liar. He’s also a war criminal multiple times over.

America deplores these values at home and abroad. It won’t tolerate them. They’re anathema to the nation’s imperium. It seeks unchallenged global dominance. Ravaging the world one country at a time or in multiples is policy to achieve it.

Plans to get Security Council authorization for war failed. Russia and China vetoed three resolutions. Vladimir Putin said no to Libya 2.0.

He denounced efforts to circumvent Security Council authority. He said Russian National Security Council members deplore Western attempts to link ongoing violence to Moscow’s position.

Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov called Washington’s statements “hypocritical.” He added that America subverts efforts to urge opposition leaders to dialogue responsibly with Assad.

He called Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice accusations “absolutely unacceptable.”

Taking aim at Washington and Britain primarily, Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said don’t “be misled by humanitarian discourse by some countries.”

“The policies on Syria are more geopolitical than humanitarian.”

“Unfortunately, the consequences of these policies will make the conflict and bloodshed continuous.”

He indicated that so-called aid is a prelude and pretext for military intervention, adding:

“The US and the UK intervened in Iraq under the most sublime of pretexts, causing (massive numbers of) civilian (deaths), let alone the displaced people inside and outside Iraq.”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich warned of serious consequences if Washington intention circumvents Security Council authority and intervenes directly in Syria’s internal affairs.

He said doing so constitutes “a very very alarming signal.” He rejected US retaliatory threats. He criticized congressional action and Western media denunciations.

Russia’s Duma International Affairs Committee Chairman Aleksey Pushkov called Western nations’ position on Syria political cover to escalate tensions. He rejected calls for unilateral approaches.

He accused Washington and so-called “Friends of Syria” of “double standards.” On the one hand, they support diplomatic solutions. On the other, they further violence, bloodshed, and resolving Syria’s conflict militarily. Russia stands firmly opposed.

Last week, Washington upped the stakes. Killing Syrian officials at Damascus National Security headquarters Wednesday was strategically timed.

They happened ahead of the latest Western Security Council scheme to authorize military intervention. It failed. At the same time, battles raged in and around Damascus and elsewhere. They failed.

Efforts were made to hijack Syria’s satellite channel frequencies and silence other state run online media. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) was repeatedly hacked and shut down. On Sunday it was operating. It and other Syrian media remain vulnerable.

So far Western and complicit regional attempts to destabilize, weaken, and perhaps bring down the government failed. Expect continued schemes to topple Assad and his regime.

On July 21, a New York Times editorial headlined “Stymied at UN, US Refines Plan to Remove Assad,” saying:

Obama officials “abandoned efforts for a diplomatic settlement to the conflict in Syria, and instead it is increasing aid to the rebels and redoubling efforts to rally a coalition of like-minded countries to forcibly bring down the government of President Bashar al-Assad, American officials say.”

Obama officials are meeting with Israeli, Turkish, and Western counterparts. They’re also discussing policy with Syrian opposition leaders.

Internal Washington “daily high-level meetings” are held. At issue is Plan B “to help map out a possible post-Assad government.”

“The administration has had regular talks with the Israelis about how Israel might move to destroy Syrian weapons facilities, administration officials said.”

Washington is directly involved in arming, funding, training, and directing Syrian opposition mercenaries. They’re cutthroat killers. They’re enlisted to commit mass murder.

They target pro-Assad civilians and others randomly. Expect stepped up efforts ahead of direct Western and/or regional allies’ intervention.

Unnamed US officials said:

“You’ll notice in the last couple of months, the opposition has been strengthened. Now we’re ready to accelerate that.”

According to hawkish, pro-Israeli Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) member Andrew Tabler:

“We’re looking at the controlled demolition of the Assad regime.”

He left unsaid that official Washington policy includes all options. They include full-scale war.

International Crisis Group member Robert Malley warned of “war that never ends.” Syrians won’t tolerate being ruled by elements now fighting them.

Josh Rogin reports on national security, foreign policy, and defense issues. On July 20, his Foreign Policy article headlined “Inside the quiet effort to plan for a post-Assad Syria,” saying:

Senior Syrian opposition group representatives are meeting covertly in Germany. The State Department provides funding.

For “the last six months,” they’ve been working with so-called US Institute for Peace (USIP) members. They’re planning a post-Assad government.

USIP is a pro-Western front group. According to the Weekly Standard:

Washington supplies millions of dollars. “Since 1985, taxpayers have forked over more than $720 million (inflation adjusted).”

“That has included support for a gleaming new 150,000 square foot office building in the shadow of that other taxpayer-supported institution (allegedly) devoted to peace: the State Department.”

USIP’s Steven Heydemann heads the initiative. In June, he met with Friends of Syria representatives in Istanbul. The project is called:

“The day after: Supporting a democratic transition in Syria.” Heydemann said USIP is “working in a support role with a large group of opposition groups to define a transition process for a post-Assad Syria.”

USIP shortly plans releasing a report. It’s a regime change strategy document. Implementing initial priorities needs to start now, said Heydemann. He disingenuously claims pushing Assad from power isn’t discussed.

“We have very purposely stayed away from contributing to the direct overthrow of the Assad regime,” he said. “Our project is called ‘the day after.’ There are other groups working on the day before.”

Of course, they’re interconnected. As the lyrics to the well-known spiritual “Dem Bones” say, the hip bone is connected to the thigh bone, etc.

USIP board chairman J. Robinson West is a corporate CEO (PFC Energy). President Richard H. Solomon is a former Assistant Secretary of State. Vice chairman of the board George E. Moose is a former Assistant Secretary of State.

Other board members include:

Judy Van Rest: right-wing International Republican Institute (ISI) executive vice president.

Michael H. Posner: Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Of course, all US administrations deplore these values. They tolerate none of them at home or abroad.

James N. Miller: Obama’s Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Nancy McEldowney: Interim president of the National Defense University (NDU).

Eric S. Edelman: A retired US Foreign Service Career Minister. He also held senior Defense Department positions.

Judy Ansley: Previously she held various high-level national security and Senate staff positions.

Syrian opposition members support violently overthrowing Assad’s government. Most Syrians support it. In May, free, fair, and open parliamentary elections were held. Ruling party members won most seats.

Washington, key NATO partners, and so-called Friends of Syria don’t recognize them. They represent Syria, not Western interests.

Replacing them with subservient puppets is policy. USIP was enlisted to help. It’s a wrongly named imperial tool. It supports war, not peace. It’s well paid for furthering Washington’s imperium. Destroying Syria is prioritized.

witch Hillary Clinton made with them to do it!

“Libya style” fake fall of Damascus

The Assassination of Minister of Defense, planned by Clinton!

Syria: the assassination of Minister of Defense, planned by Clinton!

According to IRIB, “Islamic Times”, quoted by Farsnews, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew about the terrorist operation, which targeted the security complex in Damascus.

On tour last week in the region, Clinton tried to coordinate the operation and the countries that are involved, namely, QatarSaudi ArabiaIsrael and Turkey. The head of diplomacy even oversaw the content of the debates that took place in the context of multiple security meetings of the above countries, before the terrorist attack. No wonder, therefore, if the Israeli authorities claimed, following their meeting with Clinton, the Assad regime’s days are numbered.(****SO ARE HER’S) Three days before the attack, Israel has even made the decision to deploy troops along the borders with Syria. As for Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the new head of the intelligence servicesPrince Bandar bin Soltan andQatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassem had assissté, while two preparatory meetings in the presence of intelligence agents. Last week, the press had reported a secret meeting between Hamad bin Jassem and a senior Israeli security. The Prime Minister had then asked the caller, to leverage all possible means, to overthrow Assad. Clinton’s tour was, therefore, less for taking the pulse of the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt, or to reassure the Israeli ally to plan and coordinate a broad terrorist operation, which was supposed to bring about the fall or least significant weakening of the military in Syria. A 50 kg bomb exploded in Damascus safe seat, killing the minister of defense and security officials of many countries.

(****editor’s note: It’s time for all Arabs to wake up and to live aside religion and come together to defend their country against the West and Zionism if We the Arabs do not WAKE UP now by the time we do it will be too late! The Gulf has already lost its soul so has Saudi Arabia as they are old and hungry for gold like the beggars they always have been they will never be satisfied with all the gold given to them they want more they will even sell Mecca to Israel if they have too so they can stay in power! Please I BEG YOU ALL SANE ARABS WHO HAVE A LITTLE BRAIN NOT MUCH WAKE UP! THEY ARE USING US AGAINST EACH OTHER! DON’T LET THE MISTAKES OF LIBYA DESTROY SYRIA! WAKE UP!)

source: http://french.irib.ir/info/moyen-orient/item/201588-syrie-l-assassinat-du-ministre-de-la-d%C3%A9fense,-planifi%C3%A9-par-mme-clinton

Source – by MKERone




NATO starts disinformation campaign; suicide attack last attempt to make President Assad fall
NATO starts disinformation campaign; suicide attack last attempt to make President Assad fall

It’s been a few days now that we can hear western news channels and radios saying that the terrorist “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) are making major pushes into the Syrian capital of Damascus.

The Syrian government and hundreds of witnesses on the ground confirm this is a complete lie (as reported by Russia Today journalist). Though, fake news keeps spreading.

This morning, in what presstitutes called the “Battle for Damascus” we learned that a suicide bomber has struck a national security building, killing the Defense Minister Daoud Abdullah Rajha and wounding many other officials. We also noticed that the SANA website is not working and we have many reasons to believe that it was hacked. One of the reasons are the threats made by the Anonymous movement, which is as we all can notice, just another tool serving the Empire.

In this article we want to point out the similarities between what’s currently happening in Damascus and what happened in Tripoli. Indeed, the exact same scenario is unfolding before our eyes: Mainstream lies and fake information about the government forces loosing ground, military operation launched on the ground (the today bombings) and then heavy fighting in the city (that’s what the FSA has been trying to do).

The main difference is that NATO is not “directly” involved in the Syrian crisis. We all know and many reports have proven that NATO has mercenaries on the field. What we mean is that NATO doesn’t have its army with all its equipment on the ground as they had in Libya. This is a huge difference.

Another huge difference is that more and more people realize they are being lied to by the mainstream media (MSM) and by their government. Hence the propaganda is harder to disseminate in the masses. (Even though a huge majority remains unaware of what’s really unfolding and relies on MSM and their corrupt leaders to “understand” the situation).

As soon as we realized what was going on, we immediately thought about an article, written by Thierry Meyssan a few weeks ago, that warned us about such a scenario.

After the complete failure of their latest disinformation attempt (the Wikileaks “Syrian files” scam) NATO/GCC/EU/USrahell are playing their last card. It is their last move to make Assad fall. And we all hope it will fail. And in order to foil this desperate attempt, Syrian government needs to respond with full force and avoid the FSA terrorists to implement the CIA/US army created scenario of Urban guerrilla

Mr. or brother …,,,
In the days of ignorance before Islam was master and slave, and Islam came a mission of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him, and when the migration is to be supporters and immigrant brothers, and, of course, in order to implement the order of God Almighty ((The believers are brothers)) great truth of God, and passed the days and years and centuries , and came from the sets of Mr. on the land of Islam and was in the Prince of the Kingdom client and the official discourse and popular with Mr. so and so and HE so and so, and after came the Great Revolution, led by Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi to say in accordance with the laws of religion, for the acid and Amseod on the land of Libya, and the disease discourse official and popular equally among all firing recipe brother, and then came the era not prolonged when God so that brings us back We Libyan people the Great to the ignorance, the first to Mr. So and so, when we liberate any written formal or even a wedding invitation write brother and now regrettably referred to the employee who writes the brother so and so to the official investigation or oral discretionary within the institution and is accused of being loyal to the former regime as described in the description or the increase in ignorance of them.

How can we accept that and how long, you may you come  Obama, NATO, Bernard Levy and John McCain Drifters, Lahu thought Muammar, or  al-Islam, or who fight you Alsdj tobacco yes, you can not or odds Mshron and ends, I do not think you deviant Zalon.

السيد او الاخ…,,,
في ايام الجاهلية الاولى قبل الاسلام كان السيد والعبد , وجاء الاسلام ببعثة الرسول الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام وعند الهجرة امر بأن يكون الانصار والمهاجرين اخوة , وذلك طبعا لكي ينفذ امر الله عز وجل ((أنما المؤمنون اخوة))صدق الله العظيم , ومرت الايام والسنين والقرون , وجاء من يرسي السيد على ارض الاسلام وكان ذلك في عهد المملكة العميلة وكان الخطاب الرسمي والشعبي بالسيد فلان ومعالي فلان , وبعد جاءت ثورة الفاتح العظيم بقيادة الاخ قائد الثورة معمر القذافي لكي يقول طبقا لشرع الحنيف ,,لاسيد ولامسيود على ارض ليبيا ,, وبداء الخطاب الرسمي والشعبي متساوي بين الجميع باطلاق صفة الاخ , ثم جاء عهد لا اطال الله فيه لكي يعيدنا نحن الشعب الليبي العظيم الى الجاهلية الاولى الى السيد فلان , عندما كنا نحرر اي مكتوب رسمي او حتى دعوة زفاف نكتب الاخ والان للاسف الشديد يحال الموظف الذي يكتب الاخ فلان الى التحقيق الرسمي او التعزير الشفهي داخل المؤسسه ويتهم بانه موالي لنظام السابق حسب وصفهم او يزيدون في الوصف بجهاله منهم .
كيف لنا ان نقبل ذلك والى متى , ابهذا انتم قد اتيتم بالناتو وليفي وجون ماكين ايه التائهون , اهو فكر معمر او الاسلام الذي تحاربون ايوه التبع السدج , ايمكن انكم مغيبون او مسحرون , لا انني اظن انكم ظالون منحرفون..

During the boom in Libya stole an estimated eight thousand artifacts were stored in the basement of concrete in the
city of Benghazi. Stolen items is estimated eighths of them a few million euros, but some artifacts stolen and
found their way out of Libya where they are traded on the black markets of neighboring countries .
The effects of a Libyan stolen millions of euros – Video. Mp4
12 JAN 2012
The Free Officers Movement حـركـة الضبـاط الأحـرار

History Lesson:
Channel Sirte on Facebook

What is like today, yesterday, I Rsafa when we look to history are aware that history is repeating itself and that the attitudes and events are repeated, but the heroes and means different at different time and place. When we look simple on what may and confident that the poets of yesterday from the tragedies and pain experienced by our nation
Moved the feelings and the experience of emotional expressive than riven nation, of the difficulties, we feel that these poets as if they were describing our day, these poets did not Aasroa U.S. occupation of Iraq did not put their hands on his crimes, but they have lived through an enemy fierce as the U.S. occupation wreaked havoc and destroyed, killing and looting resources of the country did not come out But Besnaúa League.
on what evidence is this?? Is it made by chance?
of reading history and reading the current reality we infer that the methodology of the occupation – and that his name was Astamarava the past – at any time and place is one, systematic killings, destruction and plunder of wealth (and sow discord), and methods of salvation is also one of this occupation ugly will not be served on innovative approaches “recently” in the salvation of it. Maybe I did not intend to go deep in this matter and wished that Mark who read little books known Rusafi discover this fact known to Abdul Ghani Rusafi Iraqi poet in 1875 in Baghdad where he completed his studies, then go to Constantinople and Jerusalem, and after completing his studies he returned to his homeland. characterized by style Rusafi strength of his language and the gravity of his style, and has many implications in prose, poetry and language and literature most famous of his office [Office Rusafi] where arranged to eleven Pope in the universe, religion, sociology, philosophy, description, and war and lamentation, history, politics and the world of women and Almoktat poetry beautiful,

I have participated Rusafi in cases of nation political, social, and when he occupied the British Iraq in 1920, quickly erected Faisal king of the country and issued a constitution and They set up a parliament fake and become things of the country into their own hands Thar Iraqi people and there was Rusafi with them as they sang the poem, which states: science and the Constitution and the nation, all about the correct meaning of the typeface names we do not only wording that the meaning is not known from reading the Constitution knew that in accordance with instrument of assignment workbook was the Constitution, enacted in his view is not only a new document to mandate imposed by the British in Iraq, the Constitution of a false and science of the state a fake, too, Even the Council, which is called the National Assembly was also a fake,

Then note the poet Rusafi screaming sarcastically and say: O my people Do not talk the talk forbidden slept not wake up he wins only Alnoam and they were late for everything that requires that go the extra mile and called for understanding aside goodness will abide that do not understand the policy, rebuking never do not regret , and after a period of time ministry formed by the mandate government so he told that ministry Almenkadh to execute the orders of their masters, where he says: God, O our ministers, Why are ye if we Jadlnakm not Tansvo rave chairs the ministry governed almost to excessive modesty Taatqcef you out and foreigners above you all his authority you Musharraf, Ayad pride to the minister sat down with joy on the chair which is sufficient (((It is his poems wonderful poem on Fallujah uttered in praise of the city of Fallujah, the heroine and resistance against colonialism in 1941, says ~

Dear English will not forget Bgyekm in houses ‘Fallujah’ that punk will not heal God only Bmoadi wounded and Hgejeh is anguish refuses to diet I Feminist sword Neptga Tafrejeh is speeches cried Iraqis and the Levant and corner structure Amahguge solve your army wants revenge , a seductive Balsaknin Aluge day wreaked wolves [Athor] where Aath bear Aelchenasmejeh Vasthent Muslims Svaha and you would have from the Jews and Liege , and you have guided the segregation, a glass of the blood of treachery was blend and Astbhtm money and cut is between the people home all the glue Avhma urbanization, and Alaa your people claim to Aruge or Skrtm what Glaptm war were not in the Anavathabndejeh may Ntjna to Qouhha for prematurity.

Vlmak ended bad result you forgotten army you Mbzara saw cheese coasts of the Aegean and Hui Banazamh fortress ‘Ogarit’ and at night mote the ‘eye Vejeh’ will distance ignominy and Avar for the country you want them out does not this present window senior became Asttiyadna woven are not today in the tract, but a camel under the chest roller homeland I lived an unhappy life free will refuse to eternity crooked I hope the happiness but I do not have a camel his product the most fertile is his land, even if I do not look after the sport and has put out every day with dignity sing making said Azza Omzojh what human life humiliation only once when Hassoha repugnant Fetina [of the tributaries].

Thank you and peace upon you, O Fallujah Vhaarna Rusafi many scenes in the government, descriptions and Aloqasis sad showing of misery and poverty of the nation during the colonization of foreign and resistance to tyranny and injustice, as well as his views marginal in politics and criticism of authority, has called for a social revolution and political as well as the armed revolution that was not for the people an option other to achieve independence and to spread prosperity and to enjoy the country’s freedom and equality. this view summary Ogaynaha on the life of this believe the poet as he was an interpreter for the pains and sorrows of his people in the past and believe it probably is a translator for our pain and our grief now ~ what today is like yesterday, died Rusafi year 1945, may God have mercy on him – – c 69
هل انه من صنع الصدفة ؟ من قراءة التاريخ وقراءة الواقع الحالي نستدل على ان منهجية الاحتلال-وان كان اسمه استعمارافي الماضي- في اي زمان ومكان هي واحدة,,منهجية القتل والتدمير ونهب الثروات (وزرع الفتن) وان اساليب الخلاص ايضا واحدة من هذا الاحتلال البشع ولن تنفع الاساليب المبتكرة “حديثا” في الخلاص منه . ربما لم اكن انوي ان اتعمق في هذا الموضوع وودت ان اجعل من يقرأ القليل مما كتب معروف الرصافي يكتشف هذه الحقيقة معروف عبد الغني الرصافي شاعر عراقي سنة 1875 ببغداد حيث أكمل دراسته فيها ، ثم انتقل إلى القسطنطينية والقدس ، وبعد إتمام دراسته عاد إلى وطنه . يمتاز أسلوب الرصافي بمتانة لغته ورصانة أسلوبه ، وله آثار كثيرة في النثر والشعر واللغة والآداب أشهرها ديوانه [ ديوان الرصافي] حيث رتب إلى احد عشر بابا في الكون والدين والاجتماع والفلسفة والوصف والحرب والرثاء والتاريخ والسياسة وعالم المرأة والمقطعات الشعرية الجميلة ، لقد شارك الرصافي في قضايا أمته السياسية والاجتماعية وعندما احتل الانكليز العراق سنة 1920م ، سرعان ما نصبوا فيصل ملكا على البلاد وأصدروا دستورا وانشئوا برلمانا مزيفين وأصبحت أمور البلاد بأيديهم ثار الشعب العراقي وثار الرصافي معهم حيث انشد قصيدته التي جاء فيها: عـلم ودستور ومـجلس امـة كل عن المعنى الصحيح محرف أسماء ليـس لنا سـوى ألفاظها أمـا معانيها فليـست تعـرف من يقرا الدسـتـور يعلـم انه وفقا لصـك الانتـداب مصنف فكان الدستور الذي سن في نظره ليس إلا وثيقة جديدة للانتداب الذي فرضه الانجليز على العراق ، دستور مزيف وعلم الدولة مزيف هو الآخر ، وحتى المجلس الذي يسمى بمجلس الأمة أيضا كان مزيفا ، ثم نلاحظ الشاعر الرصافي يصرخ ساخرا ويقول: يا قوم لا تتكلموا إن الكلام محرم ناموا ولا تستيقظوا ما فاز إلا النوؤم وتأخروا عن كل ما يقضي بان تتقدموا ودعوا التفهم جانبا فالخير أن لا تفهموا أما السياسة فاتركوا أبـدا ولا تنـدموا وبعد فترة من الزمن شكلت الوزارة من قبل حكومة الانتداب فقام مخاطبا تلك الوزارة المنقادة لتنفيذ أوامر أسيادهم حيث يقول: بالله يا وزراءنا ما بالكم إن نحن جادلناكم لم تنصفوا هذي كراسي الوزارة تحتكم كادت لفرط حيائها تتقصف انتم عليها والأجانب فوقكم كل بسلطته عليكم مشرف أيعد فخرا للوزير جلوسه فرحا على الكرسي وهو مكتف ((( ومن قصائده الرائعة قصيدة يوم الفلوجة قالها في مدح مدينة الفلوجة البطلة ومقاومتها ضد الاستعمار عام 1941يقول~ أيها الإنكليز لن نتناسى بغيكـم فـي مساكـن ‘الفلوجـة’ ذاك بغي لن يشفي الله إلا بالمواضـي جريحه وشجيجـه هو كرب تأبى الحمية أنا بسوى السيـف نبتغـي تفريجـه هو خطب أبكى العراقييـن والشـام وركـن البنيـة المحجوجـه حلها جيشكم يريد انتقاماً وهو مُغـرٍ بالساكنيـن علوجـه يوم عاثت ذئاب [ آثور ] فيها عَيْثةً تحمل الشَنـارسميجـه فاستهانت بالمسلمين سَفاهاً واتخذتم من اليهـود وليجـه وأدرتم فيها على العُزْل كأساً من دماء بالغدر كانت مزيجـه واستبحتم أموالها وقطعتم بين أهل الديـار كـل وشيجـه أفهـذا تمـدن، وعـلاء شعبكـم يدّعـي إليـه عروجـه أم سكرتم لما غلبتم بحرب لم تكن في انبعاثهـابنضيجـه قد نتجنا لقوحها عن خِداج فلذاك انتهـت بسـوء النتيجـه هل نسيتم جيشاً لكم مُبْذعرَّاً شهدت جُبنه سواحـل إيجـه وهوى بانهزامه حصن ‘أقريط’ وأمسى قذىً علـى ‘عيـن فيجـه’ سوف ينأى بخزي وبعار عن بـلاد تريـد منهـا خروجـه لا تغرنكم شِبـاكْ كبـارٌ أصبحـت لاصطيادنـا منسوجـه لستم اليوم في المسالك إلا جملاً تحـت صـدره دُحروجـه وطن عشت فيه غير سعيد عيش حر يأبى على الدهر عوجه أتمنى فيه السعادة لكن ليـس لـي فيـه ناقـة منتوجـه أخصب الله أرضه ولو انّي لست أرعى رياضـه ومروجـه كـل يـوم بعـزّه أتغنـىّ جاعـلاً ذكـر عـزّه أمزوجـه ما حياة الإنسان بالذل إلا مـرة عنـد حَسْوِهـا ممجوجـه فثناءً [للرافديـن] وشكـرا وسلامـاً عليـك يـا فلوجة فلشاعرنا الرصافي مشاهد كثيرة في الحكم والأوصاف والأقاصيص الحزينة التي تظهر بؤس وفقر الأمة في اثناء الاستعمار الاجنبي ومقاومتها للاستبداد والظلم ، بالإضافة إلى آرائه الحدية في السياسة وانتقاد السلطة ، فقد دعا إلى الثورة الاجتماعية والسياسية الى جانب الثورة المسلحة التي لم يكن للشعب خيارا غيرها لتحقيق الاستقلال و ليعم الرخاء ولتنعم البلاد بالحرية والمساواة . هذه النظرة الموجزة ألقيناها على حياة هذا الشاعر إذ كان اصدق مترجم لآلام شعبه وأحزانه في الماضي ولربما هو اصدق مترجم لآلامنا واحزاننا الان ~فما اشبه اليوم بالامس توفي الرصافي سنة 1945م رحمه الله — – ج69

The Free Officers Movement In the name of God the Merciful To free our people .. To our mothers and sisters ..
You who have received the skin of the pride of seven months and 30 000 raid and tens of thousands of rockets and the treachery of the Atlantic .. traitors and agents You are patient steadfast ..
Alankiee pious faithful sons of Libya .. Loyal to the Covenant of my epic Strtm jihad ..
Your blood and you wrote a new page of light and fire in our history Supervisor O descendant of the mujahideen ..
Who were expelled Turks and Italians .. O descendants of the conquerors ..We received your letter and here we meet the appeal ..
And will not let you down ..
and the middle of this mess ..
and the blood flowing and to the immorality of political, economic, and in front of this exclusion ..
For nearly half of the citizens and the displacement of one and a half ..
And tens of thousands of people who suffer the worst kinds of torture ..
Our comrades of family Announce today ..
Reconstruction of the Free Officers Movement After Tnadina and Taahidna ..
And swore ..
That spillovers to the dignity of this nation and the honor of the military ..
And expel these unclean spies who herded Libya dear to the Holocaust ..
They began their doors, allowing the Crusader West and of the aloe and grown up under the banners and missiles ..
To implement his plan is not to destroy the infernal system .. But to destroy the homeland We promise you ..
Trust in God and the sons of soldiers and noncommissioned officers and officers of the armed forces ..
Who draw the appeal to them in this crucial hours of the edge of Tobruk, and even visitors to the commando south ..
As we had the honor to drop the puppet regime in light of September and the expulsion of the rules and Italians ..
We will honor us in these hours that meet the call of Libya dear To release it from this corrupt junta client ..
and will reach out to all the revolutionary forces of living ..
We recall the victims who Ansaqgua behind those that enter their homes and that evil will not suffer ..
and assure the international community and the Security Council that this work for Libya and its internal problems ..
We will honor all treaties and international norms and abide by them And our people will decide that satisfies their own ..
The sun will rise again to everyone Covenant will not betray ..
And a promise not Nkhalafh.  
Mercy on the martyrs of the nation.
Curse on the traitors who sold it.
Glory to the masses.
We have sounded the hour of work….
Colonel President of the Free Officers Movement
Tripoli: Thursday 2 – August –1 433 AH

Photo: morning withstand the challenge and the morning of victory, pride and good morning sir Alhmokh commander good morning to me all are free and silks of the Great Jamahiriya

1976 BBC Video Interview

Lieutenant al-Qathafi 01 SEPT 1969 al-Fetah:
Al-Fetah 1969
September One On September 1st, 1969
The months of planning and the years of dedication and discipline came to fruition.
With one determined blow from the Free Unionist Officers the reactionary regime of King Idris collapsed and a new day dawned in the history of Libya, the Arab Nation and of the world’s struggling peoples.
Not a military coup d’etat it was the beginning of a revolution the ramifications of which were to reach every part of the globe and touch the lives of all peoples.
It was the beginning of a revolution which answered the inner call of humanity and was inspired and led by Muammar Qadhafi.
Shortly before his death the father of Arab nationalism, Gamal Abdul Nasser, while speaking at a rally at Benghazi noted the world historic role that Muammar Qadhafi would play.
The great Egyptian leader declared:
“I am leaving you, I say to you: My brother Muammar Qadhafi is the representative of Arab nationalism, of the Arab revolution and Arab unity. My dear brothers, may God watch over you for the well-being of the Arab people. May you go from victory to victory, for your victories are the victories of the Arab people.”
The Revolution which began on 01 September 1969,  was unlike previous coups and so-called revolutions.
It had as its aim not the glorification of another ruling clique or exploiting class,  but the victory of the dreams and hopes of the masses for final emancipation.
On 01 September 1969,  a Revolution dawned under the leadership of Muammar Qathafi which answered the cry of the people,  and responded to the examples of the Prophets and Apostles of God.

Today, many years after the formation of the first Revolutionary Committee, the organisation of the Free Unionist Officers and 1st of September 1969, Muammar Qathafi still holds to these sublime values and lives them as the Leader of the World Revolution.

Photo: daily minimum home 21 \ 7 \ 2012 said As'ad Ambah Aboqilh journalist and author Libby independent reporter minimum home in Libya in a press statement "with Bmaah holy month of Ramadan is most competitive media between official channels Jamahiriya and the channels of the rats to bring the largest possible number of viewers But there is a satellite channel won the admiration of many scenes of Libya and private supporters of Gaddafi, but has become a channel of choice for them and Atart a big debate in the street, the Libyan government is trying to Libyan closed it channel valley space is a special channel in bin Walid owned by the tribe and Rafla and broadcast on the satellite Nile Sat and almost this channel Photocopy of channel Great Jamahiriya space system Gaddafi former was broadcast channel valley on Friday with the first day in the month of Ramadan programs, some channel mass, including the series-Haj Hamad, who criticizes the negative phenomena in the Libyan society in a comic and the series-Haj Hamad was regaining the follow-up is very popular from the Libyans and even follow-up figure of Colonel late Muammar Gaddafi as Ptt channel images of the victims of NATO bombing on the city of Al Walid broadcast channel protest of Population and Rafla to visit the Crown Prince of Qatar to Libya and broadcast channel valley of many popular songs that were Tptha channel Gaddafi official public space and adding happier Aboqilh benefit sources of middle Libyan news circulating widely among the Libyans, especially supporters of Gaddafi said channel valley space is preparing to broadcast video tape depicts the fierce fighting that took place in the city of Ben-Walid and the city of Sirte between rebel forces and NATO against al-Qadhafi and his supporters, according to sources that the tape is visible showing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi personally shoot down NATO aircraft whenever he heard voices of these aircraft flying on the sky bin Walid and the city of Sirte and the video shows some of the meetings that reward Colonel late Muammar Gaddafi with the elders and the elders of the city of Al Walid and walked Otina war Libyan fifi fifi

In the words of Vanity Fair journalist T.D. Allman:
“If Kirkegaard was right, and purity of heart is to will one thing and one thing only, then Qadhafi was the purest-hearted military conspirator ever to seize control of a nation. He did not drink or smoke, there are no tales of youthful passion; he appeared to have no personal life at all.”
This purity of heart, single-mindedness, courage, dedication and self-determination are the cherished aspects of a revolutionary life and they can be seen in abundance in the life of the Leader Muammar Qathafi. These noble qualities enabled Col. Qathafi, with profound insight, to develop the principles of the Third Universal Theory and apply them in the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Since the Bolshevik uprising in Russia the world had been locked in a struggle between the forces of Marxist communism and liberal capitalism.
Revolutionaries who rejected both of these ideologies could find no leadership or coherent worldview which articulated their positions and was responsive to the real needs of the masses.
This was only the case until the publication of  The Green Book.
Muammar al-Qathafi has commented that:
“It is not like writing an ordinary book. It was simply an attempt to explain the dialectic which exists between Marxism and capitalism. The world has reached a political and economic impasse, and humanity simply cannot accept this impasse and accept to die. There must be a way out. That way out is this new theory”.

(‘Heart to Heart With Qadhafi‘, New Africa, Feb. 1983.)

Original Radio Broadcast 1969, 01 September Listen now: English/Arabic
** COMMUNIQUE NUMBER ONE by Muammar Al-Qathafi
(Arabic and English translated)
This Original Radio recording from 1969 is an document of greatest value!
[This communique was read by Mu`ammar al-Qathafi over Libyan Radio at about 7 AM local time on 1 September 1969;
Photo: قناااااااااااااااااااااااااة Tunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa letter and letter waw and i .............  Symbolize the Revolution 69
he had drafted it in the radio studio only minutes before.]
“People of Libya! In response to your own will, fulfilling your most heartfelt wishes, answering your incessant demands for change and regeneration and your longing to strive towards these ends; listening to your incitement to rebel, your armed forces have undertaken the overthrow of the reactionary and corrupt regime, the stench of which has sickened and horrified us all.
At a single blow your gallant army has toppled these idols and has destroyed their images.
By a single stroke it has lightened the long dark night in which the Turkish domination was followed first by Italian rule, then by this reactionary and decadent regime, which was no more than a hot-bed of extortion, faction, treachery and treason.
“From this day forward, Libya is a free, self-governing republic. She will adopt the name of The Libyan Arab Republic and will, by the grace of God, begin her task.
She will advance on the road to freedom, the path of unity and social justice, guaranteeing equality to all her citizens and throwing wide in front of them the gates of honest employment, where injustice and exploitation will be banished, where no one will count himself master or servant, and where all will be free, brothers within a society in which, with God’s help, prosperity and equality will be seen to rule us all.
“Give us your hands. Open up your hearts to us. Forget past misfortunes, and, as one people, prepare to face the enemies of Islam, the enemies of humanity, those who have burned our sanctuaries and mocked at our honour.
Thus shall we re-build our glory, we shall resurrect our heritage, we shall avenge our wounded dignity, and restore the rights which have been wrested from us.
“You who have witnessed the sacred struggle of our hero, Omar al- Mukhtar, for Libya, Arabism and Islam …
You who have fought at the side of Ahmed al-Sherif for a true ideal; you, sons of the desert and of our ancient cities, of our green country side, and of our lovely villages,
— onwards! For we have work to do!
And the hour is come!
“On this occasion I have pleasure in assuring all our foreign friends that they need have no fears either for their property or for their safety;
they are under the protection of our armed forces.
And I would add, moreover, that our enterprise is in no sense directed against any state whatever, nor against international agreements or recognised international law.
This is a purely internal affair concerning Libya and her problems alone.
“Forward, then, and may peace be with you.”
Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl today 16 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... Page green flag) the participation of our correspondents ...............  Our correspondent from Ain Zara not to large voice in the song ...  The weakness of the whole Aaaqid ~ ~ Vheni Libyan your people in them ...  Soldiers swore that would not deviate ~ ~ God's soldiers took up arms will not be satisfied ... to live like slaves.
الصورة عندما قصف منزل شقيق زعيم في عام 1986، وقال انه ركع وصلى داخل قوقعته المتبقية
 picture is when brother-leader’s home was bombed in 1986, and he knelt down and prayed within its remaining shell


Letter of  al-Qathafi to Winnie Eldrup, 1986:

SEPT. 1999:
SIRTE, Libya—
In the face of mounting competition from global economic blocs and the threat of neo-colonialism, African leaders meeting here for the 4th Extraordinary Summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) determined that Africa would become the world’s largest economic and political bloc, and perhaps the leader of the next millennium.

A record 43 heads of state answered the call of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi for the urgent Sept. 8-9 sessions to discuss the pace at which Africa is moving in the face of such global challenges. Col. Gadhafi, following the example set by the great revolutionary and Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, and others, specifically called for the establishment of a United States of Africa, with its own central bank, military and parliament.

The extraordinary meeting culminated a 10-day celebration of the September 1st Revolution (The Great Al-Fatah Revolution). The colors of each African nation’s flag decorated cities throughout Libya, African dance troupes performed nightly on the central square in Tripoli and revolutionary slogans and photographs of African presidents draped walls and billboards.

A massive parade 07 Sept.  in Tripoli witnessed by nearly two dozen heads of state, Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat, Algerian revolutionary Ahmed Ben Bella, a Nation of Islam delegation led by Chief of Staff Leonard F. Muhammad, and others marked the official observation of the Revolution. The parade was delayed until 07 Sept. for the presidents’ arrival.

“Africa has the right to take the place that is hers in the world ” — Muammar al-Qathafi

Throughout the summit meetings, Col. Gadhafi worked with a determination to re-emphasize the need for [African] unity. He dressed in his traditional Arab garments for the official meetings and dinners, but journalists and delegates alike were well aware of his focus on aligning himself closer to his African neighbors, particularly following their decision at an OAU summit in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, to defy the UN ban against flights into Libya….Col. Gadhafi had accused Arab leaders of the Middle East of not standing with him in the face of sanctions.

“We’’ve been waiting for this day with a particular eagerness,” Col. Gadhafi said to foreign ministers 07 Sept. , at a preliminary meeting in Tripoli prior to the official opening the summit. He said any union Africa determines must be comprehensive—economics, politics and culture.

Mr. Gadhafi invoked the name of Mr. Nkrumah as the catalyst for the meeting. He also said that everything needed for a new charter already exists in the Abuja Treaty.

The institutions were there, he said, but they were bodies without souls. “We want something considerable … a new soul to bring life to these institutions and bodies,” he said.

Among the special guests at the summit were Gamel Nkrumah, son of the late Kwame Nkrumah, and Roland Lumumba, son of the late Congo freedom fighter Patrice Lumumba. At the close of the Summit, after giving Revolution Awards to the heads of state present, Col. Gadhafi, in a symbolic uniting of the past, present and future, awarded both sons the Revolution Award. With a horde of photographers chasing them, Col. Gadhafi walked out of the hall hand-in-hand with Nkrumah and Lumumba.

“My father would have been proud of Gadhafi today,” the young Nkrumah told The Final Call in an interview. “I wish he could be around to see that somebody else has taken up his dream very seriously. It would have been a great day for him.”

Copyright © 1999 FCN Publishing


Martyr Dr. Billah honors his father:


this must be early pictures of the Shop keeper ALI MAJD al-ANDALUSI of SIRTE.
early Shop-keeper Andalusi when young  (PLEASE remember these are NOT MUAMMAR at all!):

المرحوم حسن اشكال القدافي سرت ليبيا

حسن اشكال

These are early pictures of Ali MAJD al-Adalusi by which NATO and WITCH HILLARY saw the family

resemblance and began their scheme-

These EARLY archived Sirte pictures, are of the habadasherie shop-keeper ALI MAJD AL-ADALUSI.
By this resemblance,  witch Hillary began to formalise her devious plot (but so many of Andalusi’s  features

are obviously wrong. Too full and round of face, no lip cut, no full lower-lip, straight hair with wrong hair-line, etc.

This is the man TNC RATS/NATO eventually killed.

You can readily (without doubt) see that this man is the same man as the wounded man presented here

in the Misrata ambulance pictures!…

(This is that same man–but with age, as he must have lost hair.) …THIS IS definitely the man in the Misrata

ambulance in October 2011.
I am sure–please look and compare the facial feautures.

(The archived Sirte video pictures are prehaps from about 25 years ago, showing him  many years  younger than

when he is in the ambulance video of 19  or 20 October 2011.):

LiveLeak.com – Ali Majd al-Andalusi in Ambulance badly wounded;  and  RATS painted-on him

a brown mutasache and goatie!


The Connections between Sunni IMAM Mussa Sadr and Our Brother leader Muammar al-Qathafi

“Happy are those who wash their robes clean! they will have the right to the tree of life and will enter by the gates of the city.
Outside are dogs, sorcerers and fornicators, murderers and idolaters, and all who love and practice deceit.! “

(Revelations 22:14)

“Then the just man shall take his stand, full of assurance, to confront those who oppressed him and made light of all his sufferings;

at the sight of him there will be terror and confusion and they will be beside themselves to see him so unexpectedly safe home.

Filled with remorse, groaning and gasping for breath, they will say among themselves: ‘Was not this the man who was once

our butt, a target for our contempt? Fools that we were we held his way of life to be madness and his end dishonorable. To

think that he is now counted one of the sons of God and assigned a place of his own among God’s people! How far we strayed

from the road of truth. The lamp of justice never gave us light, the sun never rose upon us. We roamed to our heart’s

content along the paths of wickedness and ruin, wandering through trackless deserts and ignoring the Lord’s highway.

What good has our pride done us? What can we show for our wealth and arrogance?’ All these things have passed like a shadow,

like a messenger galloping by; like the ship that runs through the surging sea, and when she has passed, not a trace is to be found….’
But the just live for ever: Their reward is in the Lord’s keeping, and the Most High has them in His care. Therefore royal

splendour shall be theirs, and a fair diadem from the Lord Himself:

He will protect him with his right hand and shield

with his arm. He will put on from head to foot the armour of his wrath, and make all creation his weapon against his

enemies. With the cuirass of justice on his breast, and on his head the helmet of doom inflexible, he will take holiness

for his impenetrable shield and sharpen his relentless anger for a sword; and his whole world shall join him in the fight

against his frenzied foes. The bolts of his lightning shall fly straight on the mark, they shall leap upon the target as if his

bow in the clouds were drawn in its full arc, and the artillery of his resentment shall let fly a fury of hail…”

(Wisdom of Solomon 5: 1-22)

Muammar al-Qathafi shall soon return to Tripoli Triumphant in Righteousness!

“طوبى لهؤلاء الذين يغسلون ثيابهم نظيفة! سيكون لديهم الحق في الحصول على شجرة الحياة، وسوف تدخل من بوابات المدينة.
خارج الكلاب والسحرة والزناة والقتلة وعبدة الأوثان، وجميع الذين يحبون الخداع وممارسة.! “(رؤيا 22:14)”بعد ذلك يجب على الرجل فقط موقفه هذا، والكامل للضمان، لمواجهة

أولئك الذين المظلوم له وجعل ضوء معاناته جميع، على مرأى منه لن يكون هناك ارهاب والارتباك، وأنها ستكون بجانب أنفسهم لرؤيته بشكل غير متوقع حتى آمن الوطن.مليئة الندم، يئن

ويلهث للتنفس، ويقولون فيما بينهم: “ألم يكن هذا الرجل الذي كان ذات مرة بعقب لدينا، هدفا للازدراء لدينا؟ عقدت الحمقى أننا كنا طريقته في الحياة ليكون الجنون ونهاية له مخلة بالشرف

. أعتقد أن تحسب الآن واحدا من أبناء الله، وتعيين مكان من تلقاء نفسه بين شعب الله! إلى أي مدى نحن انحرفت عن طريق الحقيقة. المصباح العدل لم يقدم لنا الضوء والشمس وارتفعت

علينا أبدا. جابت نحن على محتوى قلبنا على طول دروب الشر والخراب، تجول من خلال الصحارى غير مطروق، وتجاهل الطريق الرباني. ما هو جيد وفخرنا به علينا؟ ماذا يمكن أن

نعرض لثرواتنا والغطرسة؟ ” لقد مرت كل هذه الأشياء مثل الظل، مثل رسول

الراكض من قبل، مثل السفينة التي يتم تنفيذها من خلال ارتفاع امواج البحر، وعندما مرت، لا أثر هي التي يمكن العثور عليها … ”
ولكن مجرد العيش إلى الأبد: مكافأة منها هو في الحفاظ على الرب، والعلي ولهم في عنايته. ولذلك يجب أن يكون لهم روعة ملكي، والإكليل العادل من الرب نفسه: إنه من شأنها حماية له يده

اليمنى ودرع مع ذراعه. وقال انه وضعت على من الرأس الى القدم ودرع من غضبه، وجعل كل الخلق سلاحه ضد أعدائه. مع صدار من العدالة على صدره، وعلى رأسه خوذة من عذاب

غير مرنة، وقال انه سوف يتخذ القداسة عن درعه منيع وشحذ غضبه لا هوادة فيها للحصول على السيف، والعالم كله يكون له الانضمام اليه في الكفاح ضد خصومه المحموم . مسامي

ر من البرق له أن ترفع مباشرة على العلامة، ولا يجوز لهم قفز على الهدف كما لو تم وضع قوسه في السحب في قوس الكامل، والمدفعية من الاستياء وظيفته السماح

يطير غضب من البرد … “( حكمة سليمان 5: 1-22)يجب معمر القذافي بالعودة قريبا الى طرابلس المنتصرة في البر!


قال اسعد امبية ابوقيلة صحفي وكاتب ليبي مستقل
في تصريحات صحفية ما زلنا نتابع كل صغيرة وكبيرة عن المشهدالليبي الجديد في المشهد الليبي عودة ملف اختفاء الإمام موسى الصدر بعد المفاجأة الكبيرة التي فجرها احمد جبريل الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين القيادة العامة
الذي كشف عبر قناة الميادين الفضائية في برنامج في الميادينالذي يقدمه الزميل الإعلامي غسان بن جدو كشف احمد جبريل أن العقيد الليبي الراحل معمر القذافي لم يقتل الصدر ولم يعط أوامر بذلك وكشف احمد جبريل الصديق المقرب من القذافي انه سال القذافي عدة مرات عن مصير الصدر
وكانت إجابات القذافي بأنه لا يعلم عن مصيره شيء وكشف جبريل في مفاجأة أخرى أن قاتل موسى الصدر هو موسى كوسا رئيس الأمن الخارجي الليبي سابقاً والموجود في دولة قطر اثر مشاجرة شخصية بينه وبين موسى الصدر والتأكد من هذه المعلومات السرية بسؤال رئيس الاستخبارات الليبية سابقاً عبدالله السنوسي وابن عم القذافي احمد قذاف الدم وأضاف اسعد ابوقيله

نقلاً عن مصادر خاصة أن موسى كوسا حصل مؤخراً على الجنسية القطرية ورفضت قطر تسليمه إلى ليبيا أو إلى جهة دولية وختم اسعد ابو قيله بقوله الجدير بالذكر أن موسى كوسا انشق أثناء الحرب التي قادها حلف الناتو مساندة لثورة 17 فبراير لإسقاط نظام العقيد الليبي الراحل معمر القذافي وموسى كوسا موجود الان في دولة قطر.



Muammar al-Qathafi did not kill al-Sadr and the killer in Qatar!!!


Asaad Ambah Aboqilh

Said Asaad Ambah Aboqilh journalist and writer Libby independently in a press statement still follow every nook and cranny from the scene Libyan new scene in the Libyan Back file the disappearance of Imam Moussa al-Sadr after the big surprise unleashed by Ahmad Jibril, Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, who revealed through the channel fields space program in the fields provided by fellow media Ghassan Ben Jeddo revealed Ahmed Jibril that Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi did not kill al-Sadr did not give orders so revealing Ahmed Jibril, a close friend of al-Qathafi that al-Qathafi had asked several times about the fate of the chest and the answers al-Qathafi that he did not know about destiny thing revealed Jibril in another surprise that the killer Musa Sadr is Musa Kusa head of external security Libyan formerly located in the State of Qatar after a brawl personal between him and Musa al-Sadr

and make sure this confidential information by asking Prime Libyan intelligence previously Abdullah Sanusi and a cousin of al-Qathafi, Ahmed howitzer blood Gadaf-a-dam and added Asaad Aboqilh citing private sources that Musa Kusa recently obtained Qatari citizenship and refused to Qatar handed over to Libya or to an international destination and seal Asaad Abu قيله saying is worth mentioning that Musa Kusa , pre-planned as CIA agent, defected during the war led by NATO in support of the 17 february uprising to overthrow the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA of Colonel  Muammar al-Qathafi.  Musa Kusa, a proven CIA planted agent, is now in the State of Qatar.  

Asaad said Ambah Aboqilh journalist and writer Libby independent
In press statements continue to follow every nook and cranny from the scene.

Libya’s new in the Libyan scene file the return of the disappearance of Imam Moussa al-Sadr after the big surprise sparked by Ahmad Jibril, Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command 
Which revealed cross-channel satellite fields in the program in the fields.

Information provided by fellow Ghassan Ben Jeddo detect the Ahmed Jibril that Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi did not kill al-Sadr did not give orders so revealing Ahmed Jibril, a close friend of al-Qathafii, that al-Qathafi asked several times about the fate of the chest….

The answers al-Qathafi that he did not know about his fate thing revealed Jibril in another surprise that the killer Musa Sadr is Musa Kusa head of external security Libyan formerly located in the State of Qatar after a brawl personal between him and Musa al-Sadr and make sure this confidential information by asking the President of Libyan intelligence previously Abdullah Sanusi and son al-Qathafi’s cousin Ahmed howitzer blood Gadaf-a-dam Asaad said Aboqilh.

Quoting private sources that Musa Kusa recently obtained Qatari citizenship and refused to Qatar handed over to Libya or to an international destination and seal Asaad Abu قيله saying is worth mentioning that Musa Kusa defected during the war led by NATO in support of the 17 February  CIA -led uprising to overthrow the regime of Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi and Moussa Koussa is now in Qatar.



Portion of of a speech of Mu’ammar al-Qathafi on 31 August 2002 concerning Imam al-Sadr, Turning Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi in his speech in Sabha, on Saturday, 31 August 2002 to the case of Imam Musa Sadr, who disappeared in Libya after a visit at the official invitation on 25 August 1978.

For a portion of the Imam of the speech, check the following link:

http: / / imamsadr.net / News / news.php? New.

At a conference on Euro-Arab relations in Tripoli in May 1973, the Leader of the Revolution expounded on the

philosophical aspect of the Third Universal Theory and its relationship to national and social liberation. In this

speech we see the highly developed awareness of the Revolutionary Muammar Qadhafi and his acute appreciation

of the complex inner needs of all the world’s peoples. It is worth recalling his words which are still very relevant to

life in the 21st century. He said:

“Humanity now urgently needs a cry of justice which would return it to its senses and to its Creator… We need to

go back to God and turn away from evil… Atomic bombs, missiles, biological weapons and aggression can only be

the making of the Devil. The ideology we propose to the world is humanitarian but not made by men, nor is it a

philosophy, but it is based on truth…. This is Gods law, always one, immortal, and unchangeable, a universal

religion of truth which belongs to all mankind. The Third Theory offers an alternative to capitalist materialism

and communist atheism and calls for the return of mankind to the Kingdom of God. Mankind was never in greater

need to rearm itself with faith than it is now. We all know that all the philosophies and ideologies have failed to

disprove the existence of God, and as the truth of His existence is self-evident, it is quite clear that society must

be reorganised in every country of the world in accordance with the will of God and the precepts of His Prophets.”

Muammar Mahdi from the beginning

CAIRO, EGYPT : The Beginnings of the Realisation of his Sole Life’s Work,

as the TRUE MAHDI of GOD/ALLAH! upon Earth

Muammar’s indispensable, pre-requisite for the construction of a holy, moral socio-economic Universally

valid order, to be known as the Great Jamahiriya;

The sole purpose of which is to supercede all of the other man-made systems, in place, or ever been implaced upon the

earth; replacing all those corrupt and imperfect “governments” with one way of life completely in tune with God and

His Primeaevil Intentions for Mankind, for the betterment, peace and harmony of all living things

(based purely upon the Holy Quaran as the Word of God).

Mirella Bianco, 1975 writes:

“…from the day of his assession to “power” [which he totally gave-up to

the ‘Masses’, no longer reserved for any one earthly human, on 02

MARCH 1977, ‘THE DAY OF PEOPLE’s POWER’ ] Muammar had not

ceased preaching in Libya, a return to an authentic and eternal

concept of Islam in conjunction with the propagation of the Quaranic

Message throughout the entire world…. ..No other consideration…

will permit him to deviate from the path HE HAS CHOSEN FOR HIMSELF.

01 JANUARY 1975: A message Addressed to the Majority of the

Heads of State, by Muammar al-Qathafi:

“…The peoples of the Earth, and probably the angels in Heaven,

too, are sick and tired of feigned good wishes for a ‘Happy &

Prosperous New Year’!

Every Head of State sends such greetings to every other Head of

State at precisely the time when his actions are denying his

good wishes by ensuring that the New Year shall be unhappy

and wretched. Until this year [1975] we have constantly repeated

these hypocritical greetings.

Can we not think deeply about certain verses of the Quaran,

the Bible, and the Gospels, which say: ‘Unite in Goodness and

Mercy, and abjure the sin of aggression’?

Mr. President, now that we have no Christ to denounce those who

have turned their backs on God… surely, we have only ourselves to

reproach one another’s sins, and to repeat our ‘mea culpa’ for our

offences. We must recognise that we are very far removed from the

precepts of Christ; and that we are very close to the designs of Satan….

We need to read again the teachings of Christ, and to find in them the

voice which says to us: ‘Give up Palestine, South-East Asia, Ireland,

Germany, and the African colonies….’

The world needs Christ again.”

“Qaddafi discarded the false divide between religion and political science, the secular and the sacred, faith and reason,

and was thereby able to articulate a paradigm that is holistic/ integralist, reflecting a total reality – an African reality.

Quite simply, secular European discourse is unable to comprehend and advance ideology such as the

Third Universal Theory, precisely because this ideology acknowledges the transcendental and metaphysical

dimension of human civilization and existence. As such, this ideology provides us with an alternative model for

social and political reconstruction and transformation, in synergy with our culture and traditions. It invites us to

finally reject and move beyond the vulgar economism and materialism of the Eurocentric ideologies of Marxism

and liberal capitalism, which were thrust upon Africa and the ‘Third World’ as part of the imperialist project.”


Herein I will be trying to prove that Muammar al-Qathafi had

nothing to do with the disappearance and death of Mussa Sadr and his two brotherly companions late

28 August 1978

Muammar has always claimed, as far as he knew, after speaking to Imam Mussa Sadr,  Sadr’s entourage

had left Libya for Rome.

History says that Sadr never entered Rome—So, who, or what is responsible ?

Certainly NOT Muammar al-Qathafi, who was the Black Sheep scape-goat for every thing bad that happened

in the world.

Remains found in Libya do not belong to Imam Sadr: statement

Tehran Times – ‎24 June 2012‎

 The committee tasked with pursuing the fate of Imam Musa al-Sadr, an Iranian-born Shia cleric who vanished without a trace in Libya in 1978, has denied recent reports that remains believed to be those of him had been discovered in Libya.

The committee made the announcement in a statement published on Sunday in response to recent remarks by Mustafa

Abdul Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council of Libya, in which he said that Libyan authorities

had sent Lebanon a DNA sample of a “dead body which is thought to be that of Imam Sadr,” who departed for Libya in

August 1978 with two companions to meet officials of former GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, government but were

never heard from again.

Remains found in Libya do not belong to Imam Sadr: statement

The committee wrote, “According to the test results, the clothes and belongings that have been mentioned in Abdul Jalil’s

recent remarks do not belong to Imam Sadr and his companions.”

Abdul Jalil, in an interview with Al Arabiya television news channel broadcast on Friday, stated, “Investigations revealed

that Imam Musa Sadr did not travel from Libya (to Italy), and we were able to identify the people who left the country

and pretended to be Sadr and his two other colleagues.” 

Abdul Jalil also commented on the discovery of a mass grave in Libya, saying the country’s officials had discovered

the clothes of Imam Sadr.

He added, “We believe the body of Imam Moussa Sadr is among the other bodies in the mass grave.”

A judicial security committee was formed in Lebanon to follow up on DNA tests of the sample from Libya, a judicial

source told the Daily Star.

In August 2008, Lebanon issued an arrest warrant for Qaddafi and 11 other Libyan officials, charging them with

kidnapping Sadr. Qaddafi was also indicted for “inciting the abduction” of the senior cleric.

Libya denied responsibility at the time, claiming that Sadr and his companions left Libya for Italy in 1978.

Muammar al-Qathafi proclaims total innocence concerning Mussa Sadr. Jalil is known to lie deceivingly,

with great hatred toward Muammar al-Qathafi

However, many believe that Sadr is still alive.


Discovered body not belonging to Sadr’

Press TV – ‎Jun 24, 2012‎

A Lebanese judicial security committee has announced that discovered body and clothes

claimed to be Imam Musa Sadr’s,

do not belong to the Lebanese Shia cleric.  

According to Lebanon’s al Intiqad newspaper, the committee declared on Saturday

that the 

‘Discovered body not belonging to Sadr’

Lebanese Shia cleric Imam Musa Sadr (file photo)

Lebanese Shia cleric Imam Musa Sadr (file photo)

Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:34AM GMT

A Lebanese judicial security committee has announced that discovered body and clothes claimed to be Imam Musa Sadr’s, do not belong to the Lebanese Shia cleric.

According to Lebanon’s al Intiqad newspaper, the committee declared on Saturday that the

DNA results from a sample of the body counter the claims that it is the revered cleric’s.The committee also said it was astonished by Libya’s National Transitional Council

chief Mustafa Abdul Jalil’s recent report over Sadr’s fate.

(Jalil has been known to lie to the extreme concening Muammar al-Qathafi, as Jalil who was  chief Judge

under the Jamahiriya, despised Muammar al-Qathafi to a point where there is total disbelief in anything he says against

Muammar al-Qathafi, and must be considered wisely and thoroughly before accepting anything of what Jalil says.)


Body Found in Libya Does Not Belong to Imam Musa Sadr

The committee in Lebanon officially tasked with investigating the fate of Imam Musa Sadr denied that the body

recently found in Libya belongs to Sadr. 

 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – The committee in Lebanon officially tasked with investigating the fate of Imam

Musa Sadr denied that the body recently found in Libya belongs to Sadr.According to a report carried by

Al-Intiqad Daily, the committee issued a statement on Saturday, 23 June 2012

rejecting the recent remarks by head of Libya’s National Transitional Council Mustafa Abdul Jalil.
Abdul Jalil earlier this week said that Imam Musa Sadr’s body and remnants of his clothes have been found in Libya.

“We have discovered a mass grave and believe Imam Musa Sadr’s body might be among the bodies found there,”

he said.  The committee said while it believes Sadr is alive, at the request of the Libyan side, it took part

in carrying out DNA tests

to determine whether the claim that the body belongs to Sadr is correct.According to the committee,

the outcome of the tests proved to contradict the claim.Imam Musa Sadr and his two companions

Sheikh Muhammad Yaqub and Abbas Badreddin disappeared in Libya on

28 AUGUST  1978 during a visit to the country. There have been a lot of efforts to determine their fate in the

past three decades.

Lebanon Demands Libya to Keep Investigations in Sadr’s Case ‘Secret’

Naharnet – ‎Jun 23, 2012‎

by Naharnet Newsdesk 23 June 2012, 13:51


A Lebanese judicial security committee tasked with following up the disappearance of revered Lebanese

Shiite Imam Moussa al-Sadr and his two companions demanded on Saturday Libyan authorities not to

disclose any information about the carried out investigations.

The committee described statements by Libyan National Transitional Council chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil

regarding the case as inaccurate.

“Lebanon never received a sample from the body,” it said in a statement.

On Friday, Abdel Jalil told al-Arabiya channel that Libya “did its part of the investigations and

waiting for the Lebanese authorities to announce the DNA tests.”

“The committee is following up its tasks on all levels,” the statement added.

It noted that although the committee presumes that Sadr, who mysteriously disappeared in

Libya more than 33 years ago, and his two companions are still alive, it agreed to take samples

from a body and possessions that are believed to belong to Sadr to run some tests.

“We’ve established a scientific report and reached a conclusion that the possessions

don’t belong to his eminence,” the statement pointed out.

The fate of the Iranian-born Shiite cleric has been unknown since he and his two traveling companions,

Sheikh Mohammed Yacoub and journalist Abbas Badreddine, vanished during a trip to Libya.

According to the committee, the Libyan officials were verbally briefed about the results and will be handed an

official report during the upcoming meeting in Libya.

Concerning the body that allegedly belongs to Sadr, the committee stated that the Libyan

authorities and the Lebanese authorities agreed on moving it to a European country to carry out the DNA test.

However, the committee noted that the body doesn’t belong to Sadr as the preliminary tests

showed there are differences in the age and height….

Preliminary examination reveals body not Sadr’s

NOW LEBANON – ‎23 June 2012‎


The official commission tasked with following up on the disappearance of Shia leader Imam Moussa al-Sadr and his two

companions said on Saturday that the preliminary examination of a body thought to be Sadr’s was not his.

“The Libyan authorities transferred samples of the corpse to conduct tests on them to a European country which Lebanese

authorities approved of. [However] the preliminary examination of the corpse shows it does not belong to [Sadr],

especially when considering the age and the height,” a statement issued by the commission said.


The commission also said that Lebanese authorities did not receive any samples of the corpse and called on

Libyan authorities to organize and activate its work to resolve the Sadr case.

Sadr, a charismatic and revered Shia spiritual leader, had been officially invited to Libya in 1978 during the rule

of former Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi, along with an aide and a journalist.

However, the three men have not been seen since and Tripoli had always maintained that the cleric had left Libya for Italy.



News number: 9103082376    14:34 | 2012-06-16

Official: No Evidence for Imam Musa Sadr’s Death

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian Foreign Ministry official underlined Tehran’s serious pursuit of the fate of kidnapped Shiite Cleric Imam Musa al-Sadr, and underscored that no shred of evidence has yet been found to prove the death of the kidnapped cleric.

Speaking to FNA on Saturday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian said that joint efforts by the Lebanese, Libyan and Iranian governments are still underway to clarify the fate of Imam Musa Sadr and his aides.

He added that during the recent visit to Libya by Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi a special committee was formed by the new Libyan government and the committee has already started its investigations into the case.

“No substantiating proof has been provided by new Libyan authorities against the exiting documents to prove martyrdom of him and his aides,” Abdollahian noted.

Al-Sadr, an Iranian-born Lebanese philosopher, spent many years of his life in Lebanon as a religious and political leader before he went missing during a trip to Libya at the invitation of Muammar al-Qaddafi.

In August 1978, al-Sadr departed for Libya with two companions to meet officials of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi’s government. They were never heard from again.

The Qaddafi-ruled Libya consistently denied responsibility, claiming that al-Sadr and his companions left Libya for Italy in 1978. However, others claimed that al-Sadr was still alive….

Rome has persistently said that Sadr never arrived in Italy on the alleged flight….


Al-Arabiya – 27 ‎June 2012‎

Last Updated: Wed Jun 27, 2012 15:23 pm (KSA) 12:23 pm (GMT)

Body handed by Libya not Moussa al-Sadr’s: Lebanese investigation committee

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The body of Moussa al-Sadr, who disappeared in Libya in 1978, was allegedly handed over to Lebanon by the Libyans after they claimed to have ascertained it was his. (File photo)

The body of Moussa al-Sadr, who disappeared in Libya in 1978, was allegedly handed over to Lebanon by the Libyans after

they claimed to have ascertained it was his. (File photo)


Al Arabiya’s show Political Memory has caused a crisis between the Lebanese committee in charge of investigating the case of

Shiite cleric Moussa al-Sadr, who disappeared in Libya in 1978, and head of the Libyan  National Interim Council (NTC)

Mustafa Abdul Jalil.

One day after Al Arabiya aired a series of interviews conducted with Abdul Jalil in the Libyan capital Tripoli, the Lebanese

committee issued a statement accusing Abdul Jalil of inaccuracy when referring to the body handed by Libya as belonging

to Sadr and confirmed that DNA tests proved otherwise.

The committee explained that even though there is a general belief that Sadr and his two companions who had also disappeared

at the same time are alive, it agreed to take the samples provided by NTC to make sure the body is not his.

The committee also demanded that the Libyan authorities issue no statements about the case until investigations are completed

and asked the Libyan judiciary to do its part to reach the truth about Sadr’s disappearance.

(Translated from Arabic by Sonia Farid)

Founded in 1928 by the Egyptian schoolteacher/activist Hasan al-Banna (a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis),

the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) — a Sunni entity — is one of the oldest, largest and most influential Islamist organizations

in the world


While Egypt historically has been the center of the Brotherhood’s operations, the group today is active in more than 70 countries 

(some estimates range as high as 100+). Islam expert Robert Spencer has called MB “the parent organization of 

Hamas and al Qaeda.” 

Vatican City, 11 July 2012 (VIS) – The Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee held an extraordinary meeting in Rome on 10 July

2012, corresponding to Shaban 20, 1433.

“…The Islamic- Catholic Liaison Committee (ICLC) was formed in 1995, probably under the auspices of the

International Islamic Council for Da`wah and Relief (IICDR), and is comprised of important organizations tied

to the global Muslim Brotherhood including the Muslim World League and Al-Azhar. The ICLC had been meeting since 1995

with the 12th and last reported meeting held in Brussels in June 2006. Many of the meetings were attended by officials from the

Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), the umbrella group for the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe….
Many of the attempts coming from the Islamic world have involved important Muslim Brotherhood leaders

(but Youssef Qaradawi [tied to the LLF and al-Qaeda], perhaps the most important leader of the global”Muslim Brotherhood“,

has said he will not participate in interfaith dialog until Pope Benedict XVI apologizes for his remarks).”

  • I already knew about the “terrorist” Youssef Qaradawi —-and I am shocked to realise that the Vatican is playing

    with the evil BROTHERHOOD. Muammar has always opposed the workings of the Muslim Brotherhood.

and perhaps this is also why the Vatican never said anything against the attack upon Libya.

Tripoli, before the ’69 al-Fateh Revolution was the “FUN CITY” of North Africa.

In an interview in December 1972, Muammar al-Qathafi

was accused by the Western interviewer, by saying that MUSLIMS

have to endure auster, inhuman conditions! He replied:

“I deny that there is a situation of austerity in Libya,

unless you mean by austerity as the lack of places where women can be

bought and sold [BROTHELS], and where there are no Taverns [sex and alcoholic BARS]. If this is what you

think, then such ideas would have to be rejected by any reasonable, thinking person.”al-Qathafi’s faith is his concern for the

welfare of human beings.”Without faith, man becomes a slave of the Machine, but we Muslims are slaves to

no one but God alone. We say openly that

Islam is a call to progress; and that any other system, such as Communism or Liberalism, is a call to reactionism.

“The Islamic Greeting

is “peace be upon you”, just as it is said in the Roman-Catholic Mass. He further argued that since the

motto of Musleims is “Peace”, then they must be missionaries of Peace everywhere. Islam cannot be spread by force, but

only by persuation. He concluded”We feel that the whole world is in need of Islamic faith. This is because, all other religions have

become incapable of solving

the spiritual problems of human kind. Islam is therefore the only religion capable of offering a final solution to humanity’s problems.”

As Muammar al-Qathafi sees it,

“all those who firmly believe in God and do good, are Muslims. regarless of what specific monotheistic religion they adhere to.”

He concludes

“I believe that all problems would be solved within the framework of the Divine Conception, within the framework of this reality:

If we all were to believe in the One God, and do good, the problem would be finished. It would then not matter to me whether you

follow Muhammed, Jesus or Moses.”al-Qathafi cites the Quaranic verse:”It is the religion (millah) of your Father Abraham; it is he who called you Muslims aforetime”

…”Being a Muslim is therefore ancient, going back to the time of Abraham and even to the beginning of the Creation…”

Yet we do not wish to turn true Christians into Islamists” (The true Chrstians are already Muslims.) “There are however,

millions of people in the world, who are either without faith at all, or who adhere to ‘natural’ religions. We should seek first

to, turn these millions of people to true religion: then all would be easy.”al-Qathafi has spoken good of Christian Missionary

organisations spreading the Christian faith in the world (BUT, he wished

that AMERICAN money was not behind such noble endeavors as with the many American Revivalist Fundamentalist Protestant

preachers.) He wished that”the Cross and the Crescent work side by side in the world.”



[At a conference on Euro-Arab relations in Tripoli in May 1973,

the Leader of the Revolution expounded on the philosophical aspect

of the Third Universal Theory and its relationship to national and

social liberation. In this speech we see the highly developed

awareness of the Revolutionary Muammar Qadhafi and his acute

appreciation of the complex inner needs of all the world’s peoples.

It is worth recalling his words which are still very relevant to life

in the 21st century. ] He said:“Humanity now urgently needs a cry of justice which would return

it to its senses and to its Creator… We need to go back to God and

turn away from evil… Atomic bombs, missiles, biological weapons

and aggression can only be the making of the Devil. The ideology

we propose to the world is humanitarian but not made by men,

nor is it a philosophy, but it is based on truth…. This is Gods law,

always one, immortal, and unchangeable, a universal religion of

truth which belongs to all mankind. The Third Theory offers an

alternative to capitalist materialism and communist atheism and

calls for the return of mankind to the Kingdom of God. Mankind

was never in greater need to rearm itself with faith than it is now.

We all know that all the philosophies and ideologies have failed to

disprove the existence of God, and as the truth of His existence is

self-evident, it is quite clear that society must be reorganised in

every country of the world in accordance with the will of God and

the precepts of His Prophets.”


Mirella Bianco, in “Kadafi, Desert Mystic” [1975] wrote:

“…It is in the desert that one may seek out the essence of al-Qathafi’s nature, of the spirituality, of the mysticism which have

greater weight than any of his aspirations, and which influence even his political action. …It is precisely this concept of liberty—

the intangible freedom of desert people—a freedom entirely one’s own, and yet full submission to God, and God alone,—

which underlies all the choices, decisions and actions taken by al-Qathafi; even, and perhaps essentially those of a political nature.”

Mirella Bianco asked Abu Menyr al-Qathafi (Muammar’s father) about his son. he answered:

“Couage and intelligence. His love of family, His piety.

Mirella Bianco asked his school-teacher the same question, who answered:

“great intelligence, sobriety bordering on asceticism, and deep piety”

Muhammed Khalil (civilian movement co-patriot and friend):
“They are his intelligence, his moral rectitude, his unswerving integrity, his religious fervor (which is the real source of his strength).

Mahmoud Ayoub [1987]:
“Qathafi fears no one but God; is kind and helpful to his friends. “He remains constant in his religious devotion and strict observance.

His early Quaranic education has remained the framework of his thought and actions throughout the stages of his ideological and

political career. The discipline which he imposed on the Central Committee of the Unionist Free Officers is indictive of his religious

and moral orientation. They were to observe prayers, in congregation whenever possible, under all circumstances. They were to

abstain strictly from drinking and gambling and all other frivolous activities….in short, strict adherence to Islam with all its moral

demands constituted his code….
…In the eyes of his colleagues, and the young men and women of his people, Muammar embodies the spirit of their [al-Fateh]

Revolution, their dreams and vitality; but above all, he is ‘the trustee of their liberty’.”
“…Qathafi regards Islam as a complete civilisation, the soul of which is faith in the One God….”
“…The Revolution of 01 September [al-Fateh], not as an historical event; but rather, as the fulfillment of a dream, the fruit of a

long and arduous struggle, and a concrete statement of Qathafi’s faith.”

Captain Sulyman Mahmoud:

The following is Edited from Helen Chapin Metz, deceased:to limit the legitimate

sources of legislation to the Quran alone has

caused misgivings throughout the Islamic world.Moreover, Qadhafi’s interpretation of Islam

was considered radical.

He considered the Quran to be the only source of sharia and

community. As did other Muslim reformers, Quran saw deviation from

“true” Islamic teachings as the cause of the weakness of Islamic

lands, including Libya. Like them, he also called for a return to the

source, the Quran. But unlike most other reformers, Qadhafi excluded

the hadith and the sunna (the lifestyle and deeds of the Prophet) as

reliable sources of legislation. By questioning the authenticity of the

hadith, Qadhafi has in effect dismissed the entire edifice of traditional

fikh (Islamic jurisprudence). As one scholar, Ann Elizabeth Mayer, put

it, “discrediting the hadith entails rejection of by far the greater part

of Islamic law.” In essence, Qadhafi rejected taqlid (obedience to

received authority, i.e., the revelation of God to the Prophet

Muhammad) in favor of ijtihad (the right to interpretation).

In 1977 Qadhafi took yet another unprecedented, no less

controversial step, altering the Muslim calendar. Instead of starting

from the date of the Prophet’s migration to Medina, the year began

with the date of the Prophet’s death. Shocked by Qadhafi’s radical

reinterpretation of Islam, the ulama accused him of heresy.

Characteristically, however, the Libyan leader was undaunted.


The confrontation with the ulama began in the mid-1970s, when

they criticized some aspects of Qadhafi’s increasingly idiosyncratic

and radical ideology. In 1977, for example, the grand mufti

(chief religious judge) of Libya criticized the sequestration of private

property, which resulted from the new law prohibiting the ownership

of more than one house.The clergy were upset because, in effect, The Green Book was

displacing sharia as the blueprint for Libya’s political and social

development. Furthermore, inasmuch as the Third Universal Theory

is purportedly a relevant model for non-Muslim Third World

countries, the theory’s reliance on Islamic precepts had to be

diluted (see Third Universal Theory , this ch.).  

Accusing the ulama of siding with the upper classes, in February

1978 Qathafi warned them against interfering in the regime’s

socialist policies. A few months later, some mosques were seized

and their imams (prayer leaders) replaced by more compliant

ones. To undermine further the legitimacy of the religious leaders,

Qadhafi blamed the grand mufti for failing to declare a jihad against

the Italians during the 1930s. Qadhafi’s relentless attacks on the

traditional religious establishment succeeded in eroding it hitherto

lofty status, thereby removing a powerful center of opposition to

regime-sponsored changes.Apart from conflicts with the traditional religious hierarchy, Qadhafi

had a longstanding conflict with the Muslim Brotherhood and other

fundamentalist groups, whose membership went into exile or

underground during Qadhafi’s tenure. In March 1987, it was reported

that nine Muslim dissidents, members of a little-known group called

Holy War, were executed for plotting to assassinate Soviet advisers.


A revolutionary committee member was assassinated in Benghazi in

October 1986 by the hitherto unknown Hizballah (Party of God). As

a result, the revolutionary committees began to monitor more closely

than before the activities of the mosques, the imams, and the

fundamentalists. The country’s forty-eight Islamic institutes

reportedly were closed in late 1986, apparently to stem the tide of

religious, particularly fundamentalist, opposition.  

Data as of 1987

WHAT is the GREEN BOOK ?Muammar said [pp-86/87 “Islam and Third Universal Theory”/ AYOUB 1987]“…Religion came to abolish

all such rotten things.”—-It is against bourgeois society.

AUGUST 1982:
Muammar al-Qathafi argued that it is imperative, if Muslims are to achieve a just society, with equality among all its members,

then they must all participate in this goal. This participation is only possible IF the principle of CONSULTATION (Schura) is followed.

This principle is stated
in the Quaranic phrase “and their fathers are decided through consultation amongst themselves”.
al-Qathafi therein writes: “Consultation means all the Muslims; not simply a group of them. There is no other way, then that by which

all Muslims can engage in consultation (debate), but through People’s Congresses. For this reason, the first part of THE GREEN BOOK

discusses the organisation and operation of People’s Congesses.”

al-Qathafi explains that the second part of THE GREEN BOOK is meant to effect equality and social justice among ALL THE PEOPLES

OF THE WORLD….and that the third part is meant to rectify deviations in society from the Holy Quaran.
Therein he explained the consequences if he kept the Green Book as a religious book, and did not write the GREEN BOOK publicly in

its present form for everyone (as we now have):
“Had we done this, the GREEN BOOK would had simply been a HADATH book which only Muslims would read.”
It could have simply been a “hadath” book which only Muslims would have the opportunity to read and value as an lawful

interpretation of the Quaran.
“Non-Muslims would see these references to the HADATH and say, ‘This is a book for Muslims only’.”al-Qathafi meant his GREEN BOOK

to be accepted by everyone, but writes:
“When, however, a reader of the GREEN BOOK recognises it is a book of great benefit, we can then tell him, ‘This is a part of the

great bounty of Islam, which is God’s favor towards you.’”This is our answer to those who ask why verses from the Quaran are not

quoted in the GREEN BOOK. The GREEN BOOK itself

cannot serve as a Constitution encompassing all of the problems of society. So an Institute


now bombed and demolished by NATO] was dedicated to the study and research of all aspects of the GREEN BOOK. Therein, in

its establishment, Qathafi hoped the Islamic interpretations of it, and applying it to of all kinds of problems and adjustments (all

contained within the GREEN BOOK which are relevent to Muslim society) could be thoroughly explored.The THIRD UNIVERSAL THEORY

(which the GREEN BOOK propounds) is presented as not a new doctrine to supplant Islam, but IS

as a new and contemporary INTERPRETATION of the Holy Qaran‘s social message. al-Qathafi asserted this in 1972, that it was a

natural revelation of the law of God but NOT a new “MESSAGE” , (QUOTE):
“Because there is no message after the message of the Apostle Mohammed.”

Qadhafi’s efforts to create an Arab nation through political union with

other Arab states were

also based on a desire to create a great Islamic nation. Indeed, Qadhafi

drew little distinction between the two.The government took a leading role in supporting Islamic institutions

and in worldwide proselytizing on behalf of Islam. The Jihad Fund,

supported by a payroll tax, was established in 1970 to aid the

Palestinians in their struggle with Israel. The Faculty of Islamic Studies

and Arabic at the University of Benghazi was charged with training

Muslim intellectual leaders for the entire Islamic world, and the

Islamic Mission Society used public funds for the construction and

repair of mosques and Islamic educational centers in cities as widely

separated as Vienna and Bangkok.

The Islamic Call Society (AdDawah) was organized with government support to propagate Islam

abroad, particularly throughout Africa, and to provide funds to

Muslims everywhere.Qadhafi has been forthright in his belief in the perfection of Islam

and his desire to propagate it. His commitment to the open

propagation of Islam, among other reasons, has caused him to

oppose the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian-based fundamentalist

movement that has used clandestine and sometimes subversive

means to spread Islam and to eliminate Western influences.

Although the brotherhood’s activities in Libya were banned in the

mid-1980s, it was present in the country but maintained a low

profile (see Religious Opposition , ch. 4).

In 1983 a member of the Brotherhood was executed in Tripoli, and in 1986 a group

of brotherhood adherents was arrested after the murder of a

high-ranking political official in Benghazi. Qadhafi has Challenged 

the Brotherhood to establish itself openly in non-Muslim countries

and has promised its leaders that, if it does, he will support its

activities.Qadhafi has stressed the universal applicability of Islam, but he

has also reaffirmed the special status assigned by the Prophet to

Christians. He has, however, likened many of them to misguided

Muslims who have strayed from the correct path. Qadhafi has

assumed leadership of a drive to free Africa from the colonialism

with which false Christianity and protestant prostilitisors have

been associated.Let me give you just some things that Mahmoud Ayoub has come

to know (by 1987) about Our leader, and has written on just a few

pages [from pp. 69-73] of his book on the religious thought of

Muammar al-Qathafi:


“There is, in al-Qathafi’s view, no justification for anyone to stir

up conflict among Muslims and Christians and to claim by this to

be defending either Islam or Christianity.”


al-Qathafi believes that Islam, according to this Divine Conception,

is NOT the Islam which most “Muslims” today recognise and accept.

[Before I continue with what is written here, I have to tell you that

this is why the SUNI, Shi-ite and Sufi Muslims have termed him a

heretic.]As al-Qathafi sees it,”the original Quaranic view, this pure “Islam”, LITERALLY means

submission to God/God alone: which was the faith of all the prophets

and their true devoted followers; therefore, the true Jews and the

true Christians are also the true Muslims.”

al-Qathafi himself wrote: (QUOTE)”that who ever believes in the Apostleship of our master Muhammed,



BEFORE him, Thus would the Divine Message to humankind be

“This message is for all men. It is to worship together the One

and Only God. Any other belief or conception is an act of associating

others in the worship of God”.  

(He means that it is merely LIP SERVICE and not real worship or Belief,)

al-Qathafi says this
“in light of these truths”…that this is a call for Christians and Jews to RETURN TO THEIR

OWN SCRIPTURES and JUDGE BY THEM as it is clearly stated in the QUARAN:

‘Let the people of the GOSPEL judge in accordance with that which

God has sent down in it. Whosoever does not judge in accordance

with which God has sent down —such are unrighteous.’

al-Qathafi goes on to say that those bigoted, self righteous

among the Jews and Christians who edited, deleted or altered

or distorted the meaning of the Holy Scriptures (meaning all

the references to Muhammed in the Torah [the 4 Books of Moses]

and in the Christian Gospels [MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN]

do not fully represent the complete revelations which God sent

down through Moses and Jesus).

Ayoub continues to remenise about what al-Qathafi spoke in February

1976 (a Libyan sponsored time of dialogue with Muslims and Christians):“IN that meeting,

Qathafi again called for better understanding and

cooperation among the peoples of Divine Scriptures: Jews, Christians

and Muslims. (QUOTING al-Gathafi): ‘Had the Muslims known of the

Quaran truly, there would have been no essential disagreements

which would lead to wars among them.’  

al-Qathafi said’ The problem is that until today Muslims have NOT returned to the

Quaran as they should, nor have the Christians and Jews returned to

the true, or authentic [sahih] Torah and Gospel. It is this which has

created conflicts among the people of faith.’In al-Qathafi view, only Muslims are in error;

while, for the Jews and

Christians, it is both them and their altered Scriptures which are in

error. (In both cases, the Scriptures have been INTERPRETED wrongly and the beliefs are impure.)


Ayoub writes that al-Qathafi’s purpose in promoting dialogue 

among the people of faith is to promote harmony and co-operation

among them. HE IS A RELIGIOUS MAN; and thus sees himself as


CHRISTIANS in striving against atheism and MORAL DEPRAVITY…

al-QATHFI (himsef writes) QUOTE:

“It is imperative that conflicts among us should cease as much as




Muslims are obligated to accept the Quaran and to accept and

venerate ALL the prophets of God from Adam to Muhammed.

al-Qathafi says that God spoke of Muhammed‘s coming in all the

Holy Scriptures previous to the Quaran; and that the deletion of

the verses announcing his coming or preventing the signs of his

prophethood and apostleship is a serious distortion of the Holy

Scriptures and man’s false interpretation of them.
He says that sectarian differences within each of those Communities,

needs to come to an end; and each of those Communities must

become united as One (instead of a plurality of thoughts and

al-Qathafi is committed to the support of revolutionary movements


INVOLVED (as was the case of SERBIA AND IRELAND).


al-Qathafi observed that erroneosly some so-called “Muslims”

believed that the war between Muslims and Christians, or between

Muslims and Jews, is a holy war!
This he asserted was a highly MISTAKEN VIEW! He said: (QUOTE)

“This is because JIHAD (or Amed Struggle) must always be between

the people of faith and the REJECTORS of faith. BUT BETWEEN


Rather it is WARFARE [QITAL]. …The Quaran enjoins us to have

dialogue with the people with the BOOK as our people, SINCE THEY


al-Qathafi went on to explain that the conflict with the State of

Israel was not a religious conflict, but rather a POLITICAL CONFLICT

with NO religious overtones. He said (QUOTE):

“Any kind of religious fanactism is a crime. All that we wish is
amnity and brotherhood among all the decendants of Abraham.”

(UNQUOTE)Ayoub concludes the chapter:”al-Qathafi is guided by the Quaran in both his national and

international relations. The Quaran, for that reason, invites the

People of the Book ‘to a common agreement’ and purpose between

them and the Muslims. It commends the true Christians for their

tenderness and amnity towars the Muslims, and for their  recognition of truth.”

al-Qathafi acknowledges (with approbation)

“those of the Community of Moses WHO




Telegram given by Muammar al-Qathafi to all the Rulars of the World for the New Year, 1975:
“The people of the earth, and even the angels of heaven, have despaired of the meaningless exchange over hundreds

of years of the greeting, ‘Happy New Year’ ! Every rular repeats this greeting, and yet goes on striving to make the

year one of misfortune, rather than happiness.
Can we therefore stop for a moment to ponder some verses of the Scriptures: the Quaran, the Torah, and The Gospels ?
The Quaran says: ‘Assist one another in works of righteousness and piety,, and assist not one another in works of wrong-

doing and transgression.’

Let us remember how Christ reproached people because they forgot the Word of God; and

instead gave themselves to conceit. He upbraided the priests for their neglect of God’s word and for their greed. He

reproached the scribes for spreading false teachings, and for abandoning the Law of God. All this he declared in his

first sermon which he preached in Jarusalem. Now because we are without a Christ to reproach the conceited, the

greedy, those who propagate false teachings, and those who oppose God’s Law, we must reproach one another for

our sins….We must realise that we are far removed from the teachings of Christ, and are instead close to the

teachings of Satan.

The SUPERPOWERS spend large sums on producing more nuclear bombs and the development of intercontinental

missiles. They are engaged in the conquest of Space and the spread of propaganda and psychological warfare while

the rest of the people of the globe suffer the scourges of disease, hunger and rocketing inflation.
In reality, these nations are guided by Satan, his scriptures and by the theories of Marx, and NOT by any Holy Scripture.

We are in great need of the teachings of Christ, which would command us, saying: ‘Lift your hands from Palestine

(the birthplace of Christ, peace be upon Him), from Eire, Southeast Asia, and your colonies in Africa !’
How greatly in need is the world today of having Christ; in order that it may turn away from the bar-rooms and the

vain pleasures on every Christmas and New Year. People instead, should turn to houses of wordhip, to offer prayers,

seek God’s forgiveness, and reflect upon His Law.With Season’s Greetings.
Muammar al-Qathafi


(Please click on the picture to view the complete text)

Remains found in Libya do not belong to Imam Sadr: statement

Tehran Times – ‎Jun 24, 2012‎

TEHRAN – The committee tasked with pursuing the fate of Imam Musa al-Sadr, an Iranian-born Shia cleric who vanished

without a trace in Libya in 1978,

has denied recent reports that remains believed to be those of him had been discovered in Libya.

History-making convention on Musa al-Sadr

By M. Kay Siblani – AAN Editor

Friday, 03.28.2008, 12:24pm

Augustus Richard Norton



An unprecedented conference on Imam Musa al-Sadr, who was

termed “The Vanished Imam” by writer Fouad Ajami,

took place here last week.

Sadr rose to prominence in Lebanon ahead of the Lebanese civil war, and disappeared mysteriously during a visit to Libya in 1978,

never to be heard from again.

He was the first organizer of Lebanese Shi’a and his institutional legacy lives on today.

Held at the University of Michigan and hosted by the university’s Center for Middle East and North African Studies (CMENAS), with

support from the Dearborn-based

Sadr Foundation, the conference spanned two days and offered a compelling view of a man little known outside the Arab and Shi’i

Muslim community. Titled “Shi’a,Modernity and the Legacy of Musa al-Sadr,”

the event drew about a hundred people, many of them from Dearborn. Among them

were the two sons of the vanished

imam, Sayyid Sadreddine Sadr, who traveled from Lebanon for the conference, and Sayyid Hamid Sadr, a Dearborn resident

who heads the Sadr Foundation.

“This was not a man of weapons,” Norton said. Rather his intent was social and political reform. When he arrived in Lebanon in the

early 1960s, the Shi’a in Lebanon

were one of the most disenfranchised groups in the world. Norton likened them in fact to the African American community in the

United States prior to the civil rights

movement.  Sadr often quoted the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. as he coaxed the Lebanese Shi’a community toward empowerment.

Sadr’s project of empowerment had several components, Norton said.  He worked on an ecumenical level and urged cooperation

across sectarian lines. He opposed fanaticism. His outreach to the Christian community and their positive response was important.

It represented the first Shi’a outreach to the other faith groups in the country and he authentically represented the least powerful

group of people in Lebanon.


Despite his relative obscurity, Imam Sadr has had a profound effect on the world’s Shi’i Muslim community, and by extension, on

international affairs today. When U.S. President George W. Bush decided to enlist the Shi’a, including those in southeast Michigan’s

large Lebanese  community, in a short-sighted strategy designed to help him overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, the Shi’a

rose to world prominence in a way that Imam Sadr could never have imagined, and most probably would not have endorsed,

according to the keynote speaker, Dr. Augustus R. Norton.Norton is a longtime observer of the Lebanese Shi’a, having first visited

Lebanon in 1980, two years after Sadr disappeared.

He is the author of three books on Lebanon, including “Hezbollah, A Short History”; “Civil Society in the Middle East”; and

AMAL and the Shi’a: Struggle for the Soul of Lebanon.” He is currently on leave from the Department of International Relations

at Boston University to write about the Shi’a-Sunni divide. Norton is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and

was an advisor to the Iraq Study Group. The professor opened the conference with a Friday evening session preceding a day-long

meet on Saturday.Norton detailed the 32-year-old imam’s arrival from Iraq in Tyre, Lebanon in the early 1960s, where he had

journeyed to take over the post of a deceased shaykh who had been the most important political leader of the Lebanese Shi’a.

Though born in Iran and educated there and in Iraq, Lebanon was his ancestral homeland and he was fascinated by the country.

He arrived with impeccable religious and familial credentials as well as a degree from a secular institution in Iran.


Sadr accepted the institutional legacy of his predecessor, but set out to build larger, more permanent institutions for the Shi’a.

According to Norton, it was a propitious time for reform in Lebanon, made so by an industrial revolution in Lebanon and the newly

mobile Shi’a community in the south as well as the presence of determined leftist elements in the country who were trying to woo

the Shi’a.  The older generation’s concern that their children might, in fact, be attracted to the political  left,

and what that represented for their religious future prompted the cooperation of many Shi’a with Imam Sadr’s vision of reform.

Sadr was as wellwelcomed by those in power in Lebanon, the Maronite Christians, because they also saw him as a counterweight to reform movements emanating from an increasingly active political left as well as from the rising notion of Arab nationalism.

But Norton said Sadr was a reformist himself, though he believed in incremental reform leading to a revolution in the way people

perceived reality rather than violent revolution itself as a way to change.”Successful reformers are complicated people,” Norton said,

“because reform is by definition incremental change, which implies building consensus, cutting deals and compromising.”

Some in the audience took exception to this characterization, insisting that Sadr

was driven by principle rather then being the consummate politician.  Norton pointed out that Sadr had many competitors

clerical and otherwise  and it would appear safe to assume that he did have to compromise, not his principles, but his demands,

in order to effect the change he desired.Norton described Sadr as “a man of charm, smiles, more inclined to instruct by humor

than by harsh recriminations.”


(L-R) Roschanack Shaery-Eisenlohr, UM Professor Juan Cole, Roland McKay, Imam Mostafa Qazwini, and Rula Abisaab

To the Shi’a he preached dignity and empowerment.  One of his first actions in Tyre was to outlaw begging, which was common

among the poor Shi’a. He also exampled what he preached. Before there was even a Palestinian presence in the south of the

country, Israel attacked and destroyed many homes belonging to the poor Shi’a there.

The government’s response to their crisis was to make sure the Red Cross sent tents for the people’s shelter.

Sadr rejected the tents, saying that the community did not want a government that

would dole out charity, but one that would protect them, would prevent attacks from happening in the first place.To modernize the

Shi’a in Lebanon, Sadr not only demanded respect and rights fro them from the government, but told the people

themselves that they had to take care of each other. He taught that freedom is a divine invention and that freedom demanded

social responsibility. Oppression of people was an affront to God, he taught.Norton said Imam Sadr firmly believed and taught that

there is one God and that everyone is going to the same eternal

destination. He saw various religions as different means of attaining the same end. The message was exemplified in his

belief in the oneness of God, the oneness of humanity and the oneness of Lebanon.Sadr’s major political rival during his 18 year

career in Lebanon was Kamal Assad, a wealthy landowner from Bint Jebail, from

whom the poor farmers had to purchase patronage.  These political bosses, or zu’ama, held sway over the agrarian population

and fought Sadr for the continuation of the power they held. Imam Sadr’s third major undertaking was the institutionalization of power and representation of the Shi’a. In 1969 he founded

the Islamic Supreme Shi’a Council as a legitimate governmental body. “For the first time,” said Norton, “the Shi’a had institutional

representation at the national level in Lebanon.” Sadr was elected head of the ISSC until the age of 65.  The effort was, of course,

opposed by the zu’aama.  Sayyid Ibrahim Saleh, current representative of the ISSC in the United States, is a resident of Dearborn

and was present at both the Friday and Saturday sessions.Norton went on to outline the major events of the next decade, which

witnessed the arrival of the Palestine Liberation Organization

into the chaos of Lebanon, the increasing radicalization of the youth, the last pre-war parliamentary election to be held in Lebanon

with its epic battle between the za’eem and Imam Sadr, Israeli attacks on the south and Lebanon’s devolution into civil war.

Through it all, Musa Sadr struggled on behalf of the Shi’a, vying for greater political and resource allocation, and more access to

jobs, among other demands. He organized massive labor strikes, still opposed in 1973 to the use of force.About this same time,

there was a general Shi’a-wide reinterpretation of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein at Karbala. Norton

said that while people in Latin and South America were re-evaluating Christianity as not so much a “turn the other cheek”

philosophy but one of assuming responsibility for oneself, so too were the Shi’a learning that they must empower themselves.

In March of 1974, at a huge gathering of 50,000 in Baalbeck, Imam Musa railed against the government’s slow response to

the Shi’a demands and for the first time expressed the need to take up arms, if necessary, to enforce equality.In 1975, the

country “slid into civil war,” as  Norton expresses it, and the Syrians entered the country to maintain the status

quo and prevent a revolution.By 1977, tensions between the southern Shi’a and the Palestinians were out of control and Sadr

was critical of the Palestinians coming into Lebanon and starting a war from someone else’s land. That may have been his undoing.

After a trip to Libya in August of 1978, Imam Musa Sadr disappeared. Libyan leader Muammar al-Qathafi was angry that Sadr was opposing the Palestinians. 


Sadr‘s greatest accomplishments, Norton said, were his convincing the Shi’a of the south that Lebanon was indeed their home,

their final destination, and convincing them of the need for active citizenship.

Opening Saturday’s day-long session was Sayyid Mostafa al-Qazwini, of the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County,

California and brother of Sayyid Hassan Qazwini of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn. Qazwini addressed the

reasons for Imam Sadr‘s very positive social and political impact on the Lebanese Shi’a community.Qazwini described Imam Musa as

“a man of grand stature, rising nearly six and a half feet, with a ‘Christlike’ face …

Imam Musa al-Sadr was a visionary man, a charismatic preacher and highly intelligent. He saw the plight of the


Lebanese Shi’a and became passionate to awaken, reform and strengthen them socially and politically.”

Qazwini gave insight into Sadr’s ancestry and childhood, where he had a front row seat from which to learn from

his father how involvement in politics can bring about social reform. He also detailed Sadr’s religious and secular

education and the fact that he reached the stature of mujtahid at such a young age.Qazwini said that an outgrowth of the

SISC was the Harakat al-Mahrumeen, or Movement of the Disinherited, in 1971,

which pursued better economic and social conditions for the Shi’a. AMAL was initially the military arm of this movement.

Regarding al-Sadr’s untimely disappearance, Qazwini said he had the power to mobilize the world’s Shi’a and neighboring

Arab countries were fearful of that.


Liyakat Takim


Also speaking Saturday was Professor Liyakat Takim, from the Department of

Religious Studies at the University of Denver. He spoke about al-Sadr’s impact

on Shi’a jurisprudence.”He believed that the scholar must not only preach and

teach, but also reach out

to the community,” Takim said, which was a change in the way scholars had

viewed themselves before that.Classical scholars viewed the world in two parts: the

Muslim part and the non-

Muslim part. And they saw themselves as the inheritors of the holy texts.

“But al-Sadr divided the world into the oppressed and the oppressors, ” said Takim,

“and he said that if we are indifferent to injustice, there is something wrong with our

faith.” Being a scholar did not, for him, mean isolating himself from the community.

He believed scholars inherited not only the texts, but the intellectual challenges of

interpretation, as well.  He believed himself to be the link between the texts and the

community. He believed that the scholar is responsible for the liberation of the masses.

“Sadr united the world under ethical precepts instead of dividing it on a geographical

basis,” Takim said.”Sharia was crafted based on many tools,” he said.


“It is important to be pluralistic which requires us to re-interpret the texts …

Traditional fiqh was formulated in the context of Muslims being the majority new fiqh is needed for when Muslims are a minority.”

Takim also said “Islamic law is subject to juristic speculation and needs to undergo continuous revision … Muslim law must lead

to the welfare of the community and not to its harm … we must review and refine these laws in keeping with the current situation.”


   Rula Abisaab


Professor Rula Abisaab, of the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University, spoke on “Modern Anxiety: Musa al-Sadr and the

Nation-State.”She said that Sadr supported the confessional system of government but supported the constitutional rights of all.

“He felt that secularization would destroy enmity against Israel.”

    Roschanack Shaery-Eisenloh

Also addressing attendees were Roschanack Shaery-Eisenlohr, an independent scholar,

who discussed Sadr‘s many identities, professors Juan Cole and Ronald Stockton of the

U of M. Cole, a specialist in the Shi’a, chaired a wrap-up panel discussion.

The event was organized by Roland D. McKay, MA/MPP Candidate at the CMENAS/Gerald

R. Ford School of Public Policy and moderated by Gottfried Hagen, Associate Professor

in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at U of M and director of CMENAS.

Al Manar – تفاصيل اختفاء موسى الصدر من قبل القذافي



For those ignorant Muslims: may Allah keep them away from us. Kadhafi is our Imam, our Leader, and the Reformer. …

he is not dead and he is the Mahdi, and that is why they are so careful to try to kill him….

El coronel Gaddafi en Níger Oro, Sé lo Bheatha ‘BhaileOro ‘Sé lo bheatha’ bhaile,

Oro ‘Sé lo bheatha’ bhaile, Oro ‘Sé lo bheatha’ bhai….

mauritani-لقذافي امام المصلين -موريتانيا

الزعيم ليبي معمرالقذافي

صلاه الجمعة بمدينة كانو النيجيرية

al-Qathafi actually himself chants the Quaranic verse
La prière du vendredi, la ville de Kano du Nigeria.

The Cursed Family of Jacob and the Blessed Caravan–

(Muammar al-Qathafi’s interpretation of the Bibical story of Joseph and his Brethern)
published in 1998.

“Which of us hasn’t heard of Jacob’s family? Or rather, who doesn’t hold it in high esteem? Any why not when its off-spring

world-wide take great pride in being descendants of Jacob, peace be upon his soul, and his son Joseph, prophet of God and

the secretary of the store houses of the land in ancient Egypt?! How could anyone in his right mind ignore Joseph or be

ignorant of him or his accurate divination?! We all know this, and the whole world knows him. He was tomorrow’s predictor,

interpreter of visions and dreams, truthful and trustworthy and chosen by his Lord who taught him how to interpret stories

and events.His attractive appearance was well-known and so desirable that the wife of the Aziz of Egypt in her passionate desire,

tried to seduce him and tore his shirt at the back which proved that she was a liar. He was extolled by the city Ladies

who, in their amazement, cut their hands with the knives they happened to be holding and said, “God preserve us!

This can’t be mortal! This is none other than a noble angel!” He nearly felt inclined towards them.
In addition, he foretold how the fortunes of Egypt would fare, its dreadful years after its prosperous ones and the

period of arid countryside after the period of green meadows.

Therefore, Jacob’s offspring have every right to be proud and feel honoured. They are descendants of a great and blessed

family whose father was melancholic, Jacob and her distinguished son Joseph. So don’t they deserve to be honoured and

revered? And aren’t they entitled to be treated as celebrities at airports, at weddings and other several occasions …

even at conferences, if so it happened, and to be pointed out as Joseph’s brothers with admiration?! What a great honour

conferred by God as a favour upon this family! This much we know about Jacob’s family, which makes it worthy to win our

respect and be held in higher esteem …! But we should also know that this family is cursed and is neither noble nor blessed.

This aura of holiness in which it is vested has been faked; and it does not deserve the veneration accorded to it. May the family

of Jacob be cursed even though Joseph had been their son and Issac their grandfather. It is one of the basest families and the

worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and as such, they deserve disgrace and contempt. Didn’t they lie about protecting Joseph from

the wolves, pretend to be his sincere wishers and falsely promise to take every care of him? Didn’t their father say to them,



“I fear lest the wolf should devour him while ye attend not to him “.They said, “If the wolf were to devour him while we are

(so large) a party, then should we indeed (first) have perished ourselves!”

May the family of Jacob be cursed! They contrived a vicious plan inspired by their guilty souls. They engaged in intrigue against

Joseph, God’s prophet. They said, “Slay ye Joseph or cast him out to some (unknown) land.” They argued among themselves,

squabbled and had different views on how to intrigue against Joseph and be unfaithful to their father, Jacob, may peace be upon

his soul.
One of them said, “Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well ” But Joseph knew

about this affair while they (Knew him not) “They stained his shirt with false blood” The cursed family of Jacob are traitorous,

treacherous and liars. They (I mean its sons) stripped Joseph off his shirt which they stained with false blood and took Joseph

away from the attention of people and threw him to the bottom of the well. They did all this while Joseph saw and heard all that

was going on around him but he did not shout at them or said, “You, filthy traitors …!How can you be my brothers?!” Joseph was

quite patient as God put into his heart this message.

“Of a surety thou shalt (one day)

tell them the truth of this, their affair” He was as innocent as was the wolf of his blood; rather, he was smiling at them in a joking

mood while they were lowering him into the well.
He knew all this and was sure of their failure and that was why he did not say to them, “You’re being unfaithful to your father

when you treat me like this!” Neither did he say to them, “Do you worst but I will tell you of this affair of yours one day when

your faces will turn black with shame, guilt and transgression and you will be the laughing stock of the whole world!” But in an

attempt to give their treason and unsuccessful trick full force, they too were smiling back at him while in actual fact they were

intriguing against him. “They plot and plan, and God too plans, but the best of planners is God” May the family of Jacob be cursed!

And may the caravan be blessed! Yes, it was the caravan who got Joseph out of the well. They came soon after his brothers had

cast him into the bottom of the well. The caravan let down their bucket and when they hauled it up, they found Joseph in it.


The blessed caravan saved him and the city treated him kindly. May the family of Jacob be cursed and may the caravan

be blessed! Which of us, after this scandal, will have any respect or reverence for the family of Jacob? Who can trust them

with Joseph any more? On the other hand, Joseph’s brothers did not kill him when they could have done so, because they

were entrusted to take good care of him. It is true that they did not kill him, perhaps because they argued his death but

failed to come to a decision about it, as is mentioned in the Koran; or because they lacked the courage to do it; or because

being his brothers, they could not bear in their hearts the sight of his real blood and found out that they could endure the

sight of false blood other than his; or perhaps they preferred that he should gradually die in the well, or perhaps being his

brothers, they had not planned his death in the first place by any means and simply wanted to leave him to his fate with the

caravan which they seemed to know that it would come and pick him up.One of them said, “Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do

something, throw him down to the bottom of the well:

He will be picked up by some caravan of travellers” It is most probably that the fear of their father and others was the real


May the family of Jacob be cursed and may the caravan be blessed! And how deceived we were when we honoured the family

of Jacob because Joseph was their son … and we were so dazzled by the awesome procession of stars, the sun and the moon

kneeling to Joseph that we said, “What a great halo surrounding Joseph’s family!” And we preferred, or rather we were made to

admire the scene at a distance with open mouths, which if we closed, we would vehemently applaud and inwardly repeat, “I did

see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me”.
“Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (or symbols) for seekers (after truth) ” But what if this family was exposed … when

Joseph’s brothers began to plan this abominable treason at which hearts recoil in terror, “The skies are ready to burst, the earth

to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin “, and a shudder of violent revulsion possesses the people who

hear it?


Indeed the family of Jacob “have put forth a thing most monstrous ” What if the family saved their honour and stood distinguished

among the other people, and Joseph’s brothers lived to serve him as apostles, taking good care of him, managing his affairs and

listening to what he had to say to them?! However, Joseph implored God to forgive them in spite of what they had done! And

“he provided a home for his parents with himself, and said, “Enter Ye Egypt (all) in safety if it please God “, and raised his

parents high on the throne (Of dignity) and they fell down in prostration, (all) before him.He said, ‘O my father, this is the

fulfillment of my vision of old. God hath made it come true! He was indeed good to me

when he took me out of prison and brought you (all here) out of the desert.”.

However, it was good the way Jacob’s family

had behaved, because, but for this abominable scandal, or scandalous abomination; or in other words, the family of Jacob

is notoriously detestable, even though we used to think of them as a blessed and respectable family, not because they had

a glorious history in the past, abundant resources, constantly flowing water, a much frequented fane, or a ” canopy raised

high”; it is quite the contrary because, originally, it was an unknown, detested, debased and dependent family living in the

desert – as is mentioned in the Koran – and by the nature of their living circumstances, they were mere shepherds; and the

biggest victory Joseph’s brothers could have achieved, would have been to kill a fox or a wolf and could have never dreamt

of victory over imperialistic or retrograde regimes.This great universal glory had never occurred to any member of Jacob’s

family, who have never as much as dreamt of the

glory of Egypt and its storehouses, except Joseph who could see the future and specialised in the interpretation of visions.

But for this shameful act what could Jacob’s family be like now? or rather, how would the whole world treat this family?

People could have carried them on their shoulders in sincere reverence! Hadn’t they begotten Joseph, who received revelation

from God, who made him prophet, secretary of the store-houses of the land, interpreter of visions and passionately desired by

women? Thank God who showed us in the Glorious Koran what Jacob’s family were really like and explained that they were not

guardians of Joseph, rather, “they were plotting a scheme” for him in a hellish slow way.In other words, they were digging up

a well to cast him in when he was endeavouring to create a glorious history for them.



The sons of Jacob’s family were, in fact wicked as well as insipid: Joseph tried to erect a fane of fame and renown for them

which they sought to destroy by their own hands. However, it is only fair to give justice to any member of Jacob’s family who

deserved it – if there were any who deserved it, of course. Yes, it seems that the eldest and youngest – who, as the Koran

mentions, was their half brother on their father’s side – of them were. The eldest brother was the one who suggested to the

rogues of the treacherous family of Jacob not to kill Joseph but to throw him into the well from where he would be picked up

by some passing caravan.As for the youngest brother, who was their brother on their father’s side, he was on the side of

Joseph, and hence he was unpopular with the other sons of the cursed family who tried to make trouble for him as well and

finally got rid of him as they had done to Joseph before him when they left him as a pledge in Egypt where they sought their

measure of grain from Joseph whom they did not recognize. “

(END of Sermon)



Lire la vidéo

Al Manar – تفاصيل اختفاء موسى الصدر من قبل القذافي من تاريخ 25-08/1978 م


Ajoutée le 22/02/2011

the accusations:


al-Qathafi  explains:

 (16 MARCH  2011)

Mu 1978 discussion on SADR

Lire la vidéo

http://www.afwajamal.com/vb/ الشيعة هم من قاتل اسرائيل و هزموها و “كسرو راسها ” وموسى الصّدر الذي تتكلم عنه هو مؤسس المقاومة و امامها وداعية الانفتاح

و الوحدة الاسلاميّة . اقرأوا مسيرة موسى الصّدر…


Ajoutée le 05/11/2008


Russia Today (Arabic channel) aired an interview last Sunday with Eric Rouleau, French diplomat and journalist (BBC), considered

an early friend of Gaddafi. Revelations and explanations …


Despite its eclipse after 41 years of resistance against nearly 200 low blows of imperialism culminating in a bombing Atlanticist

seven months of Libya (2011) [1], the Guide of the Libyan Revolution continues to haunt minds in the capitalist world …

Gaddafi, modern pioneer of interfaith dialogue and world peace

Until recently (Tuesday, July 24, 2012), the English channel of Al Jazeera International aired a program about the case

Moussa Sadr on which we have already published a first and necessary development because of the confusion on this international.

Indeed, the network of neo-disinformation VOLTAIRENET went to titrate in 1978, Imam Musa Sadr “has been the victim of

Muammar Gaddafi” (sic). The “definitive proof” would be a video of poor quality in which a man wearing a T-shirt with the

flag colors of the CNT / NATO reported hearing Muammar al-Gaddafi to the execution order [2 and 3 ] …

However, Al-Jazeera, however, known for its intense military mobilization and synergistic with NATO in his plots against Libya

and Syria, concluded his report by announcing that the DNA analysis of human remains, presented courtesy of the CNT / NATO

as those of the clergyman-Lebanon had proved negative …

Such fury against Gaddafi is indicative of ulterior motives and other “moral justifications a posteriori. Indeed, after howling with

the wolves of NATO for hunting a man who alone has resulted in 100,000 casualties “collateral” … must, for the cream “intellectual”

and journalistic capitalist metropolis, save face: in particular, to forget the open calls for “bombing Gaddafi” (Rue 89) [4], those

most hypocritical to “military intervention” (Alain Gresh, Le Monde Diplomatique) [5], or to make war ” desirable “

(Ignacio Ramonet, Le Monde Diplomatique) [6].

Not least indicative of the degree of moral decay, we find that never, so-called “journalists” do not recall why Moussa Sadr

had traveled to Libya. The latter, like many of his counterparts from various nations, was invited to an international congress

for ecumenical dialogue between religions. We discover, again, that Gaddafi was a modern pioneer of dialogue and peace

in the world. The vast majority of Africans and Asians are convinced.

In turn, the Arabic channel Russia Today (www.arabic.rt.com) released Sunday, July 29, 2012 (21:30 hours from Tunis)

a meeting between Khaled Ar-Rushd and Eric ROLL from the home of this former French journalist Le Monde (France),

who later became a diplomat. He immediately said that Gaddafi had befriended him since he came to power in Libya

for several reasons, one being that the journalist is Arabic.




1. Séchez vos larmes et continuez la lutte, celui qu’on vous a montré n’était pas Mouammar Al-Kadhafi.

Mathaba, 26 oct 2011http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=629128 ;http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=629132 (English)

2. Affaire Moussa Sadr.  Kadhafi a bien été victime du « téléphone arabe » et iranien du Réseau Voltaire

[The Moussa Sadr Case. Gaddafi Has Certainly Been the Victim of Voltaire Network’s Iranian and “Bush Telegraph”].

Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 12 fév. 2012


3. En 1978, l’imam Moussa Sadr a bien été victime de Mouammar Kadhafi. 8 nov 2011.


4. Faut-il bombarder Kadhafi pour sauver les Libyens ? 24 févr. 2011


5. Faut-il intervenir militairement en Libye? Par Alain Gresh ? 24 févr. 2011


6. Libya: Illustrious corpses—the truth is always revolutionary. By Toni Solo, 28 Sept. 2011



Entrevue avec Eric Rouleau, journaliste et diplomate français

by Les Pacifistes de Tunis

Posted: 2012/07/31


Russia Today (canal arabe) a diffusé dimanche dernier une entrevue avec Eric Rouleau, diplomate et journaliste français (Le Monde), considéré comme un ami précoce de Gaddafi. Révélations et explications…

Malgré son éclipse à la suite d’une résistance de 41 ans contre près de 200 coups bas de l’impérialisme couronnés par un bombardement atlantiste de 7 mois du territoire libyen (2011)[1], le Guide de la Révolution libyenne continue à hanter les esprits dans le monde capitaliste…

al-Qathafi, pionnier moderne du dialogue interreligieux et de la paix universelle

Récemment encore (mardi 24 juillet 2012), le canal anglais d’Al-JAZEERA International a diffusé un programme sur l’affaire Moussa SADR sur laquelle nous avons déjà publié une première et nécessaire mise au point en raison de la confusion internationale à ce sujet. En effet, le réseau de néo-désinformation VOLTAIRENET est allé jusqu’à titrer qu’en 1978, l’imam Moussa Sadr « a bien été victime de Mouammar Kadhafi »(sic). La « preuve définitive » serait un document vidéo de piètre qualité dans laquelle un homme vêtu d’un T-shirt arborant le drapeau aux couleurs du CNT/OTAN déclare avoir entendu Mouammar Al-GADDAFI donner l’ordre d’exécution [2 et 3]…

Or, Al-Jazeera, pourtant connue pour samobilisation militaire intense et synergique avec l’OTAN dans ses menées contre la Libye et la Syrie,  concluait son reportage en annonçant que les analyses d’ADN sur des restes humains -présentés gracieusement par le CNT/OTAN comme étant ceux de l’homme du clergé libanais- s’étaient révélées négatifs…

Un tel acharnement contre Gaddafi reste révélateur des arrières pensées et autres « justifications morales a posteriori. En effet, après avoir hurlé avec les loups de l’OTAN pour une chasse à 1 seul homme qui s’est traduite par 100 000 victimes « collatérales »…, il faut, pour la crème « intellectuelle » et journalistique des

métropoles capitalistes, sauver la face : en particulier, faire oublier les appels ouverts à « bombarder Gaddafi » (RUE89)[4], ceux plus hypocrites à « intervenir militairement »(Alain GRESH, Le Monde Diplomatique)[5], ou encore à rendre la guerre « désirable » (Ignacio RAMONET, Le Monde Diplomatique)[6].

Non moins révélateur du degré de délabrement moral, on constate que jamais, les prétendus « journalistes » ne rappellent la raison pour laquelle Moussa Sadr s’était rendu en Libye. Ce dernier, comme nombre de ses homologues de diverses nations, était invité à un congrès international œcuménique pour le dialogue  entre les religions. On découvre ainsi, encore une fois, que Gaddafi était un pionnier moderne du dialogue et de la paix dans le monde. La très grande majorité des Africains et Asiatiques en sont  convaincus.

A son tour, le canal arabe de Russia Today (www.arabic.rt.com)  a diffusé dimanche 29 juillet 2012 (21h30, heure de Tunis) une entrevue entre Khaled Ar-ROSHD et Eric ROULEAU depuis le domicile français de cet ancien journaliste au journal Le Monde (France), devenu par la suite diplomate. Il a d’emblée affirmé que Gaddafi s’était lié d’amitié avec lui depuis son arrivé au pouvoir en Libye pour diverses raisons dont l’une étant  que le journaliste est arabophone.

The rebuttal:

Dealt with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in his speech in Sabha, on Saturday, August 31, 2002 to the case of Imam Musa Sadr,

who disappeared in Libya after visiting an official invitation in the August 25, 1978. For a portion of the Imam Khattab, check the following link:


Dealt with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in his speech in Sabha, on Saturday, August 31, 2002 to the case of Imam Musa Sadr,

 who disappeared in Libya after visiting an official invitation in the 25 August 1978. For a portion of the Imam Khattab, check the following link:


  • Dealt with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in his speech in Sabha, on Saturday, August 31, 2002 to the case of Imam Musa Sadr,

     2002 الصفحة الرئيسية » الجزء الخاص بالامام الصدر في خطاب القذافي 31 أغسطس

    خطاب / العلاقات اللبنانية الليبية / ليبيا  ]

    2002 الجزء الخاص بالامام الصدر في خطاب القذافي 31 أغسطس

    2002 الجزء الخاص بالامام الصدر في خطاب القذافي 31 أغسطس

    تطرق العقيد معمر القذافي في خطابه الذي القاه بمدينة سبها، يوم السبت الماضي 31 أغسطس 2002 الى قضية الامام موسى الصدر، الذي اختفى في ليبيا بعد زيارتها بدعوة رسمية في 25 أغسطس 1978.

    وفيما يلي الجزء الخاص بقضية الصدر كما جاءت في خطاب القذافي،علما بأنها المرة الاولى التي يتطرق فيها لقضية تغييب الامام الصدر بهذا الشكل العلني والموسع.

    الجزء الخاص بقضية الامام الصدر (حرفيا كما ورد في خطاب القذافي)

    ملاحظة تخص “موسى الصدر” موسى الصدر هذا جاء الى ليبيا لا أعرف أي عام يعني بدعوة منه  نحن وجهنا له الدعوة مثل كل الشخصيات التي تحضر الاحتفال في عيد الثورة مثل هذا اخر 81  82  واختفى هو ومعه اثنان صحفيان تقريبا  اختفى في ليبيا لا نعرف كيف اختفى  يقولون سافروا لروما ومن روما تم الاختفاء  طبعا في تلك الفترة الحرب الباردة والصراع  بين الشيعة والسنة والصراع بين المسيحيين والمسلمين والصراع بين الفلسطينيين واللبنانيين والسوريين  وما يعرف منهم ومتشابكون في بعضهم  كل ما في ذلك الوقت اغتيالات  خطف  بما فيها كمال جنبلاط زعيم درزي مهم جدا جدا تم اغتياله ولا أحد تكلم عنه لحد الان ولا أحد يحيي ذكرى كمال جنبلاط .. موسى الصدر مثل كمال جنبلاط يعني من الزعماء المرموقين في لبنان ومن المقاومين للاحتلال  هو الذي أسس ألوية المقاومة اللبنانية وصاحبي ومعرفة  تقابلت معه كم مرة ودعوته لحضور عيد الثورة واختفى  الحقيقة هذه مأساة مأساة فعلا  أولا فقدنا أحد رموز المقاومة الوطنية اللبنانية وأحد رجالات الامة الاسلامية وخسارة يعني كان شخصا عنده فاعلية ونشاط  فقدناه مثل مافقدنا كمال جنبلاط. كمال جنبلاط اغتيل وليس معروفا من اغتاله  انتهت قصته لكن هذا اختفى لا نعرف كيف اختفى ليتكم تعرفون من الجهة التي تتحمل المسؤولية او الجهة التي تساعدنا قدناه من جهة وشوه ليبيا من جهة أخرى فعلا يعني واحد توجه له الدعوة ويأتي ويختفي نحن الان الذين نطالب بان ليبيا لابد أن تظهر في قفص الاتهام  تطالبون بأي واحد له علاقة بهذا الموضوع  لازم موسى الصدر كيف اختفى موسى الصدر هذه قضية أقلقتنا  أقلقت ضمائرنا  يجب أن نتوصل فيها الى حل الى تخمين الى نتائج  كيف تشوه ليبيا التي تدعوه وبعد ذلك خاصة أنه ليس هناك اي سؤ بينه وبين ليبيا لأنه من انصار ليبيا هو من الناس الذين نحن نؤيدهم ويختفي في ليبيا  واحد يشوه سمعة ليبيا  الان لو كان واحد فيه عداوة بينه وبين ليبيا ممكن يتهمون ليبيا  لكن هذا شخص صديق لليبيا ورجل ثوري ورجل من الرجال المهمين  وفقدناه يعني خسارة كبيرة فقدنا موسى الصدر.

    تطرق العقيد معمر القذافي في خطابه الذي القاه بمدينة سبها، يوم السبت الماضي 31 أغسطس 2002 الى قضية الامام موسى الصدر، الذي اختفى في ليبيا بعد زيارتها بدعوة رسمية في 25 أغسطس


     روح الشريعة الإسلامية وواقع التشريع اليوم في العالم الإسلامي التغيير ضرورة حضارية الإمام علي (ع) إنسانية السماء أحاديث السحر (طبعة جديدة ومنقحة)  دراسات للحياة (طبعة جديدة ومنقحة) الطائفية والشباب في لبنان

    عاشوراء مؤتمر  الإمام المغيب السيد موسى الصدر العدالة لن تغيب

    محطات مضيئة من مسيرة الإمام السيد موسى الصدر

    خلاصة قضية إخفاء الإمام وأخويه في ليبيا

    شاهدوا مقابلات ووثائقيات الإمام السيد موسى الصدر على اليوتيوب

    الموقع الرسمي لمؤسسات الإمام الصدر
    مناسبات ونشاطات
    تحديث أخير: السيدة مليحة موسى الصدر على إذاعة الرسالة عن الإمام الصدر
    مؤسسات الإمام الصدر ... خمسون عاماً من أجل الإنسان
    مهرجان خطابي لحركة امل في الذكرى السنوية الخامسة والثلاثين لتغييب سماحة الإمام السيد موسى الصدر وأخويه
    مهرجان شعري ومعرض فني لجمعية إبداع بعنوان: شغاف الضوء
    ملتقى الإمام السيد موسى الصدر الخامس بعنوان:<br /><br />
كلمة التوحيد وتوحيد الكلمة - قراءات في رؤى الإمام الصدر
    الفن مرآة الحضارات - معرض جورج الزعني الجديد عن الإمام الصدر
    لقاء فكري في بلدة شحور لمناسبة الذكرى السنوية الرابعة والثلاثين لتغييب الإمام واخويه
    اقبضوا على الزعيم الليبي معمر القذافي اليوم في نيويورك
    مؤتمر في جامعة ميشيغن في آن آربر بمشاركة عدد كبير من المختصين:<br /><br />
    الشيطان لابد أن ينال عقاب السماء<br /><br />
مرافعة نقيب المحامين في طرابلس الاستاذ بسام الداية (في الشق الوطني I) ممثلاً جهة الادعاء الشخصي في جلسة المجلس العدلي بتاريخ 14/10/2011 لمحاكمة معمر القذافي واعوانه في جريمة خطف وحجز حرية الإمام الصدر واخويه
    العدالة لن تغيب<br /><br />
مرافعة النقيب الاستاذ رمزي جريج (في الشق الوطني II) ممثلاً جهة الادعاء الشخصي في جلسة المجلس العدلي بتاريخ 14/10/2011 لمحاكمة معمر القذافي واعوانه في جريمة خطف وحجز حرية الإمام الصدر واخويه
    الجريمة مستمرة في الخطف والاحتجاز<br /><br />
مرافعة المحامي الاستاذ سليمان تقي الدين (في الوقائع) ممثلاً جهة الادعاء الشخصي في جلسة المجلس العدلي بتاريخ 14/10/2011 لمحاكمة معمر القذافي واعوانه في جريمة خطف وحجز حرية الإمام الصدر واخويه
    نطلب إلزام المتهم معمر القذافي بإطلاق سراح الإمام الصدر وأخويه<br /><br />
مرافعة العميد البروفسور فايز الحاج شاهين (في القانون) ممثلاً جهة الادعاء الشخصي في جلسة المجلس العدلي بتاريخ 14/10/2011 لمحاكمة معمر القذافي واعوانه في جريمة خطف وحجز حرية الإمام الصدر
    نطلب تجريم القذافي وأعوانه وادانتهم وإنزال اقصى العقوبات بهم<br /><br />
مرافعة النائب العام التمييزي القاضي سعيد ميرزا في جلسة المجلس العدلي بتاريخ 14/10/2011 لمحاكمة معمر القذافي واعوانه في جريمة خطف وحجز حرية الإمام الصدر واخويه
    إلى مهاجر
    سماحة الإمام موسى الصدر<br /><br />
.. أبا الحوار
    جمعية الإمام الصادق (ع) تقيم احتفال تكريمي لسماحة الشيخ محمد يعقوب


  • مركز الإمام موسى الصدر للأبحاث والدراسات :: الجزء الخاص بالامام الصدر في خطاب القذافي 31 أغسطس…



  • Lire la vidéo

    المجرم القذافي يفتري على الشيعة والإمام موسى الصدر


    http://www.afwajamal.com/vb/ الشيعة هم من قاتل اسرائيل و هزموها و “كسرو راسها ” وموسى الصّدر الذي تتكلم عنه هو مؤسس المقاومة و امامها وداعية الانفتاح و الوحد…

60 minutes, 1980 Charles Kurault interview
(called him a “Guru”)

and God said:” I knew you before you were born…”

(al-Qathafi remains true to his calling!)

al-Qathafi knows he is a leader of a Revolution (not a coup) with a Special Mission.

It is not Islam as traditionally understood.

This is Muammar al-Qathafi’s quarrel with the contemporary Arab religious and political establishment. It is al-Qathafi’s

uncompromising faith in the truth. This is how he thought as a boy; it is still how he knows things actually should be.

He has

been unwavering.On 17 February, 1983, al-Qathafi angrily berated the Arab rulers, saying:

“Is this Islam? Who gives support to the American arsenal? Is it Arab oil? Islamic oil? Is this Islam? Islam exists only in the

Then he cited the Quaranic verse 9:34 :

“Where is the bond of right [halal] and wrong [haram]? Is this Islam?”

(It is the reproach against those who hoard gold and silver, and do not spend it in God’s cause.)

Cardinal Robert Sarah,

president of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” writes:

“al-Qathafi is moved by a sincere concern for mankind and for the world. His activities are not moved by a desire to

condemn or recriminate, but by a justice and mercy which must also have the courage to call things by their name. Only

in this way can he expose the roots of evil, which continue to intrigue the mind of modern man. This task of al-Qathafi is

called prophetic mission….

The Prophet Muhammed was a man called and sent by God to announce His will to the people. …

Clearly the call for

greater social justice is part of al-Qathafi’s mission”, which “cannot remain silent in the face of the fact that too many

people die because they lack basic necessities while others grow rich exploiting their fellows.

Yet the prophetic dimension

of his words and deeds cannot be limited to these external phenomena without going to the moral roots of these injustices.

Corruption, accumulation of riches, violence, unduly living at the expense of the commonwealth without contributing are all

tumours that consume a society from within.

Nor can he remain silent … about the fact that the roots of the current financial crisis

lie in greed, unrestrained and unscrupulous thirst for money without considering those who have less and who must bear the

consequences of the mistaken choices of others. Such attachment to money is a sin, and al-Qathafi is prophetic in his condemnation

of that sin, which harms both individuals and society….

… Our secularised society lives and organises itself without reference to God because it is affected by a poverty more tragic even

than material want; a poverty represented by the rejection and complete exclusion of God from social and economic life, by the

revolt against divine and natural laws. … al-Qathafi sees that his primary responsibility is to remind us that this spiritual dimension

is vital. As a ‘prophet’ of today, he must tell the world that God exists, that he who is without this Father/Allah (who stirs us

to solidarity and sharies our life) one dies and all fraternity dissolves into an empty utopia. Man has a supernatural vocation:

we have a conscience in which the voice of God speaks and to which we must one day respond.
al-Qathafi’s message aims to awaken people’s consciences with respect to the rights and duties of our fellows, but also with

respect to our duties towards the ‘rights’ of God. “All Authority in the end, belongs to God.al-Qathafi’s

Third Universal Theory presupposes God’s Lordship over all wealth, and man has stewardship only.

Man’s ultimate and final responsibility is only to God who has legislated laws which govern the just distribution

and consumption of God’s wealth.

It is the principle of “Zakat”.

al-Qathafi says:

“Again, these ideals are dramatically presented in the Quaran, ‘To God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the Earth’,

and ‘We [God] shall inherit the Earth and all that is in it.’On 01 February 1983, leading that day’s General People’s Congress, he

explained the miracle of achieving popular authority;

and professed that someday it will be inevitably for all mankind.
Libya as a first, had been made possible only because”For the fist time, since the time of the Messenger, the Quaran is actually

being applied.”

Then al-Qathafi declared:

“You shall see the True Quaran. You shall know that all that is done in the Muslim world (formerly)—

in the name of the Quaran, IS NOT of the Quaran; it is pretense ! These were only laws promulgated

by people with certain vested interests: interests in polygamy and slave trade; the interests of those

who have reserves of gold and own big businesses. IT IS THIS CORRUPT CLASS which promulgated

such false ‘LAWS’ in the name of ‘Islam’.”The true Islamic ideal of love, equality and justice, is the founding idea of

Direct Democracy (or rule of the masses without any mediation.

It is the basis of a system called Divine Law [shariah]-All traditional Systems of hierarchical

authority, reject Divine Authority, and therfore do not possess Divine sanction.
The direct rule of the masses (JAMAHIRIYA) is a sacred trust. It is God’s rule through his human creation. It stands by

God’s absolute Sovereignty.

Muhammed was a Prophet—not a King—He did not therefore appoint a successor.

Jesus was a King, and looked upon Simon, asking “Who do you say I AM?”


The Missing Sayed Documentary – Imam Musa Al-Sadr 1/3 السيد المغيب



Lire la vidéo

Documentary film about the life of Imam Musa Al-Sadr, founder of the Amal Movement in Lebanon, who started the movement to bring

the Shia of Lebanon out of obscurity and poverty. He disappeared on a…


Ajoutée le 19/10/2008

13 782 visionnage(s)

3 part history:


25 mars

Muammar, “Eternal Flame” by Johniain Iain Mellon
Muammar is also a super-holy individual. We are especially blessed to be living in a time when such holy men exist.


The Muslim world does not realise how much they are blessed with Muammar.They cannot be scattered all over with every

whim of man’s interpretations. That is especially why they need to look up to

Muammar to guide them as one people, just as Pope Benedict leads the world’s Catholics. There needs to be just one to show

them the way—not thousands of little prideful no-nothings!Muammar embodies both strength and gentle all-encompassing

LOVE for all men—and he is very wise and brilliant of mind.

He is also a very graceful man to look at. In many ways he is blessed; but he is also a man of many sorrows and yes, Like

Jesus acquainted with much grief as well.and for everything, he takes no credit for himself, but gives homage to God/Allah !

Very humble
He knows that with God, anything can be accomplished—like that Great Wonder of the World, the GREAT MAN MADE RIVER

Only by Muammar, with his trust in solely God, was that project able to have been put into fruitation. No one else could have

accomplished such a wondrous feat of Engineering!

Sylvia Habib writes:
“and think of this underwater -prison!”

Yes—that is truly something else as well–ingenious of him…who else would have thought up such a thing?—No wonder people

do not believe it exists!
I have no doubts it does truly exist…and think how he, though hounded by practically the whole world, was able to pull together

the resources and make plans for the Green Resistance Army, to give aid and sustinance to the bereaved millions in Libya!

People can be so ignorant of what is so plainly in front of them!معمر، “الشعلة الخالدة” التي كتبها Johniain ايان ميلون
معمر هو أيضا فرد فائقة المقدسة. نحن المباركة خصوصا ان الذين يعيشون في وقت كانت فيه الرجال المقدسين من هذا القبيل.

مسلم في العالم لا يدرك كم هي يبارك لهم مع الزعيم الليبي معمر.

لا يمكن منتشرة في جميع أنحاء مع كل نزوة من التفسيرات الرجل. وهذا هو السبب خاصة وأنها بحاجة الى ان ننظر الى الزعيم الليبي معمر أن يهديهم كشعب واحد، تماما كما يؤدي

البابا بنديكت الكاثوليك في العالم. يجب أن يكون هناك واحد فقط لتبين لهم الطريق — لم يكن الآلاف من القليل فخور لا شيء، لا!معمر

يجسد على حد سواء لطيف وقوة شاملة الحب للجميع الرجال — وانه هو حكيم جدا ورائعة للعقل.
وهو أيضا رجل رشيق جدا للنظر في. في نواح كثيرة هو مبارك انه لكنه هو أيضا رجلا من الحزن، والكثير من نعم، مثل يسوع على بينة حزن كثيرا

كذلك.وعلى كل شيء، وقال انه لا يأخذ الائتمان لنفسه، ولكنه يعطي تحية الى الله / الله! متواضع جدا
صنع هذا الرجل العظيم لأنه يعلم أن مع الله، ويمكن تحقيق أي شيء من هذا القبيل وندر — العظمى في

العالم، ونهر —فقط عن طريق معمر، مع ثقته في الله فقط، وكان هذا المشروع قادرا على أن تطرح في fruitation. كان يمكن أن يتحقق دون سواه، مثل هذا العمل الفذ عجيب من الهندسة!سيلفيا حبيب يكتب:
“والتفكير في هذا السجن تحت الماء!”

نعم — هذا هو حقا شيء آخر أيضا – بارعة من له … آخر الذي كان يظن حتى شيء من هذا القبيل — لا عجب الناس لا يعتقدون أنه موجود؟
وكان لا شك لدي أنه لا يوجد حقا

… واعتقد كيف انه، على الرغم من المطاردين من قبل العالم كله عمليا،

وقادرة على تجميع الموارد ووضع خطط لجيش المقاومة الأخضر، لتقديم المساعدات وsustinance لملايين الضحايا في ليبيا!يمكن للناس أن يكون جاهل حتى ما هو بوضوح لذلك أمامهم!

“There is a character out of the ordinary and out of time, Colonel Muammar al-Qathafi announced a new community, the Islamic

community of the JAMAHIRIYA of a new Period. Here is a prophet. His biography illuminates the mystery that befalls right before

our Western. eyes “In 1974, a protestant Algerian woman, Anne-Marie Cazalis wrote a book called: “Kadhafi, le Templer d’Allah”—

She had no doubts about the real mission of Maummar al-Qathafi.

In the dedication, she explains about the martyr Feliz Broche, a Liberator, slain at Bir Hakeim in the spring of 1942. He is burried

in the French cemetary at Tobrouk. before he died, he prophesied that a Great Liberator would be shortly born, the greatest of all

Liberators the world has ever seen….And, indeed on app.07 June 1942, Muammar was born. “Il reste qu’un personnage hors du

commun et hors du temps, le colonel Moammar Kadhafi, annonce une communauté novelle, la communauté islamique, et des temps

noveaux. Voici un prophète. Sa biographie éclaire le mystère qu’il est à nos yeux d’Occidentaux.”

On page 10, she says, she “recognises a man without sin, Muammar al-Qathafi” :
“je reconnus sans peine Moammar Kadhafi.”from MATHABA:
“For those ignorant Muslims: may Allah keep them away from us. Kadhafi is our Imam, our Leader, and the Reformer. …he is not

dead and he is the Mahdi, and that is why they are so careful to try to kill him….”

from pp.101-132 of “ESCAPE to Hell”

written by Muammar al Qathafi), quoted from pp. 101, 115, 125 & 128, i.e.:

Prayer on the Last Friday”, “The Prayerless Friday” (published in 1999)


“Next Friday will be the last Friday in the Month of Ramadan, no matter when the month ends. Thus Muslims from the Southern

Philippines, Northern Thailand, Maylasian archepelego (except Sarawak) and out to Nigeria….to one-forth of Cameroon, three-fifths

of Malawi, and one-forth plus three sixteenths of South Africa are required to pray in the mosque on this last Friday.
Muslims, without exception, are called to prayer ligt and heavy armed.*1………

Unfortunately, all the world’s muslims could not agree to pray together on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan. IF they had,

their prayer would have shaken the Zionist entity and NATO to their very foundation. It might have even brought down the Israeli

satellite, but unfortunately, they could not agree to pray together…….Therefore, the last Friday of Ramadan passed

without prayer being held, because we found that, each nation had its own

religion, and its own prophet. Each one had its own future, and destiny, as well as its own enemy and interests.

Anything other than this is pure deceit and foolishness. Tha Arab nation would have to taste the bitter cup of humilation alone, the

extermination of its people by its enemy, while its enemy was the ally and friend of non-Arab muslim nations. Settling these

differences would be a flight of fancy…….Do not be sullen, O believers, because on the last Friday of Ramadan, in the following

year, or the one after that, or after that, we might arrive at the knowledge of these amazing scientific realities…..”

*1: Quaran, Sura 9, verse 41

The following is Muammar al-Qathafi’s speech to the world on 24 August 2011 after the Fall of Tripoli:


“Oppressed people around the world, the battle have begun. Do not despair, help is nigh.

Do You Realize That This Is The Night of Power?

What is the Night of Power? It is better than other nights of Thousands, it is the destiny, When the

heavens are open to

Receive Your Prayers Thousand-fold.Watch what is happening now in America. Did we hit Them with Our missiles?

No, They Came and struck us, 64 hits on

Bab Al-Aziziya, which is now destroyed, and finally I had to leave my home, where, They Killed Many innocents.

But I will never leave Libya and In this fight, it is Either Victory or Death.Those of you in the United States of America.

I am not your leader. If you are in that failed state, You Should Be Preparing to leave.

Go to Venezuela. If you REMAIN, follow my deputy, Minister Louis Farrakhan spiritual leader. Listen to him. He I will tell

for you, all that you need to know concerning what is unfolding About.Those of you in Europe, you too prepare to be

drowned with events in and through calumny.Not enough of you Have Risen up. You Will Have to Accept the Consequences;

You good Among you should head to Africa.

Go to West Africa. North Africa is not safe now: That region is all for the battlefield.

In West Africa Will you find homes and good work. Those of you in Serbia, true friends of Libya, and all of you who are with me:

Do not despair!Wear the flag. There is only one rat out of one million houses.All of You Can Cut pieces of green cloth, measure

Exactly two by one in dimension: That is your flag, the flag of

people’s power, of hope, of truth, of the future.

All in the world Who you support truth, freedom, Libyan, hang it on millions of

homes, and cars. The green flag is yours, and Belongs to the Masses of all the world.With the dawn of the People’s Authority and the end of Governments, we

chose the green flag and color and dimensions so it is made easy for all.Choose Any green.

Cut it one by two, Exactly, and hang it everywhere, carry it with you. Soon the green flag

Will Fly All Over The World, as governments collapse.They failed Their people,and I did more alone,

Than All of Them.They served Different masters. They did not INTEND to serve the people, ever. They are owned by Others.

They do nothing for you. Ignore Them and They Are Gone.Prepare yourselves by forming Committees, Openly or in secret,

set up to meet your local Mathaba and share.

Chart the way forward. The green flag Belongs to you all. The future is Jamahiriya, everywhere.Masses of self-Governing

Societies, Basic Popular Congresses and People’s Committees. Green means Committed to The Guide.

Defend, expose, call, show the way forward to people’s power. It’s All There in The Green Book: read it, copy it, share it.

Use your own communication systems; Do not Rely on the enemy. Make your own communications. Take back your

resources to your hands, do not be afraid of power: Possess it. It is your power, and armed Wealth that the governments,

militaries and banks stole from you.You can not ask Others to Represent you. You can not entrust thieves With Your Wealth.

You can not ask others to fight and die

for your Behalf, or to Defend you. This is your human Responsibility. When you do this, the world Will be free, with an

organized, Jamahiriya system of freedom and happiness, abundance of Wealth for all.The era of the governments is coming to an

end, and They Are in Their last gasp fighting throws. They are desperate.

 But They are bankrupt, not only financially speaking, bankrupt in morals. They Are without religion, education, intellect, ideas.

They Have No way forward. They are on the stage of collapse. That collapse is good for the world.

People are Suffering Because

They Are not free. Oh … all good people of the world, Islam is not known.

That what is Being put to you (by the ignorant who are making a public show) Who outwardly pray; but in reality they are

serving the devil.Islam is submission to the Will of Allah, the One God of all Humanity. This is the night of prayer where

Your Prayers are being answered.You are the Muslims, all Those Who Pray and do not associate with partners against Allah.

People of Bosnia, Many of

you are misguided Arabs, useless and weak.The people of Serbia are Christians and Others, Who Would Be Closer to God.

There is only one God. That God is wherever The truth is found. Read the Qur’an to know the truth, do not listen to

Those Who Would mislead you. If God is with you, Who Can Be Against you?

What are you looking for Sharia Other Than the One Which We Have since I WAS the first to bring the Quran as the

Law of Society in Jamahiriya? Is it the sharia of injustice? Oppression? Cowardice? Murder? Insanity? Drugs? Is it the

Sharia That elevated the rat with His Gun, That allows torture, rape, theft?
No! That is not the Sharia, Ignoring All That is in the Quran! Prayers are being answered . More than forty Armies

are Against Me,but Have Gone.I only spoke the truth, Because, I Would not let myself pass the thieves Into Africa.

I Have Promised that I will not

betray you, Africa.I promise the world, the millions Who Have me in their/your hearts, That I am fighting to the finish. Do not Believe

Their trumpets. Whoever listens to the trumpets is making a mistake. You have your own Mathaba to go to for information

and to meet and deliberate. Pay no heed to Them. By now this Should Be clear to you. Fire is water, water is fire. Know

That the future is yours, governments are finished, a new era of the Masses is coming, as Predicted in The Green Book.I hear you.

Many of your messages to reach me. I can not answer you but I feel Individually your pain. Some of You

Were Affected by the so lies in the recent days That you even Contemplated suicide. No! No never, suicide is not an option,

as when we are in front of great victory.The Costs Will Be High; But We Must not waver. I see you Africans Around the World,

even in Australia, your pictures reach me.

I see you helping Collecting money for East Africa. It is the whites Who Brought These Problems on and cut us off from helping

our brothers and sisters. Thank you for your prayers; But keep your money. Instead use it to fight Those oppressors. Form

Green Committees Among You, meet in secret or in open. Proclaim your allegiance to the Green Charter. The Green Book,

Study. Register your people’s conferences, providre encouragement to Others Around the World, prepare for future

World Congresseson crimes against humanity,[ in six months You have to prepare].March next year, the biggest congress

Can Be of the people.

You Can Make It Happen. Prepare already. Make a web site to make

it : you must, so that all the Crimes Can be registered. While we fight to Defend Our nation, you fight on the battle field of truth,

for the pen is Mightier Than the Sword.Some of you to our western border have Arrived, But Had to return. You have to take

care of Families. Now the way is clear;

But NATO will not permit for peace. They fear the example of the Great Jamahiriya. They destroy our physical Achievements.

But They cannot destroy the truth. The more we try, they believe They Will Be victorious, BUT victory is With The people, and

never With The oppressors.Thousands of you are waiting at Various stations. I see you in Tanzania, in Congo, Ghana, Nigeria,

and Many other parts of Africa.

How will you cross the deserts to Libya. Instead group yourselves Where You Are. The fight if it is not won in Libya.It will be

coming to you. Prepare for it. Prepare traps for the invaders. You Must Defend your corners. African governments are not

strong. They only control the centers of A Few cities. They Often Provide services and the people cannot Live Without Them.

They Will not stand in your way When the Time Comes. They are poor. They Have Been robbed by the racists, the colonialists,

white thieves from the north. Oppose them only If They oppose you. Be prepared. Build your Mathaba. Defend your continent.

They Can With Their bombs attack, But we are defensible with truth. They can never fight us man to man. They are only

Cowards, sick, demented, hiding behind machines, They Can Never one to one face the African. Any dog can defeat African

white children mercenaries: That Is Why They hide and destroy with hatred from afar. Do not Let Them use you. Be united.

Build your Defence for They are coming to pass if They manage to get Libya. If They destroy Libya, Then attack them from

behind. Avoid fighting if you can. The enemy wishes us all to be bogged down on Their battle fields.That is why They Want

to engage us all in war. Afghanistan is with us now, Iraq is with us, Venezuela is with us.

We want peace. We want justice. Work for conferences on crimes against humanity, use Your Mathaba networks.

They are the headquarters, The Mathaba of the Green Committees, go forth, victory is ours!”

al-Qathafi actually himself chants the Quaranic verse
La prière du vendredi, la ville de Kano du Nigeria

ننفرد بنشر فيديو كامل للشهيد بأذن الله العقيد معمر القذافي وهو يصلي بمليون مسلم نيجيري
ويتلو القرآن عن ظهر قلب .. لمدة ربع ساعة متواصلة يتلو القرآن بدون انقطاع … ما نسى منه حرفاً ولا حرّف آيةً وما استعان بكتابٍ او ورقة للتذكير
انه معمر القذافي الذي قال عنهُ مشايخ السي آي أي بأنه : كافر .
إنه معمر القذافي الذي أحلّ القرضاوي دمهُ نزولاً لرغبة اوباما
إنه معمر القذافي الذي قاتلَ 40 دولة معادية لدينِ مُحمد عليه الصلاة والسلام
إنه معمر القذافي الذي اعلن الجهاد ضد الدنمارك بعد الاساءة الى رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام
إنه معمر القذافي الذي ساهم في إمداد العراقيين بالمال والسلاح لقتال أسياد حكام الخليج ” الامريكان ” وبإعتراف عملاء المنطقة الخضراء انفسهم .
إنه معمر القذافي الذي أنشأ مدارس لتحفيظ القرآن في افريقيا المهددة بحملات التبشير بالمسيحية مقابل المال والطعام ..
إنه معمر القذافي الذي أمد غزة بالأموال والقوافل الطبية والغذائية اثناء حصارها .. ليكون جزاءهُ شتماً وقذفاً بحقهِ على السنة قادة حماس !!
إنه معمر القذافي الذي عندما رأت هيلاري كلينتون جثتهُ قالت : وأخيراً زال الخطر .

أنشر الفيديو عسى ان يكون صدقةً جاريةً على روحهِ وأبنائهِ وكل ليبي قاتلَ حلف الناتو وأستشهد .

Uniquely publish a full video of the martyr, God willing, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi as he prayed one million Nigerian Muslim
And recite the Koran by heart .. For a quarter-hour reciting the Qur’an without interruption … What characters do not forget

his letter of verse and used book or a paper for the reminder
That Muammar Gaddafi, who said his chieftains CIA that: an infidel.
It’s Muammar Gaddafi, who has permitted his blood-Qaradawi down to the desire of Obama.
It’s Muammar Gaddafi, who fought 40 countries hostile to the religion of Mohammed, peace be upon him.

It’s Muammar Gaddafi, who helped supply the Iraqis with money and weapons to fight the masters of the rulers of the Gulf,

“the Americans” and recognized by customers themselves, the Green Zone.
It’s Muammar Gaddafi, who established schools for teaching the Koran in Africa threatened campaigns preaching Christianity

for money and food ..
It’s Muammar Gaddafi, who long convoys Gaza funds and medical and food during the siege .. To be punished Stma and

slander against him on the year the leaders of Hamas!!
It’s Muammar Gaddafi, who Hillary Clinton when she saw his body said: Finally, the danger remains.Spread the video

may be that ongoing charity on his soul and his sons and all the Libyan assassin NATO and the quote.

In 1974, a protestant Algerian woman, Anne-Marie Cazalis wrote a book called: “Kadhafi, le Templer d’Allah”—She had

no doubts about the real mission of Maummar al-Qathafi.
In the dedication, she explains about the martyr of Feliz Broche, the great Liberator, slain at Bir Hakeim in the spring of 1942.

He is burried in the French cemetary at Tobrouk. before he died, he prophesied that a great liberator would be shortly born,

the greatest of all Liberators the world has ever seen….And, indeed on app.07 June 1942, Muammar was born. “Il reste qu’un

personnage hors du commun et hors du temps, le colonel Moammar Kadhafi, annonce une communauté novelle, la communauté

islamique, et des temps noveaux. Voici un prophète. Sa biographie éclaire le mystère qu’il est à nos yeux d’Occidentaux.”


Lebanese Come to Libya Again Over Imam


Posted: 2012/09/25
From: Mathaba


Aware that their best chance is now before the stooges are thrown out of Libya and political prisoners are freed, the Lebanese sectarian faction which seeks to explain the `disappearance` of their Imam are once again in Libya.

IMAGE:  Passport of Sadr found in Italy. Not satisfied with the explanation of the leader of the world Muslims, commander of the World Islamic Popular Command, Muammar Qadhafi, who told the Lebanese sectarian group that its imam Musa Sadr and his companions had departed Libya for Italy, from where they disappeared en-route or upon arrival, the imam’s loyal followers who believe he is still alive and will return to unite all Muslims as the Mahdi, are once again in Libya.

Last time they were very annoyed with the rat authorities of the occupation regime for attempting to give them camel bones as remnants of the imam which on returning to Lebanon red eyed at seeing the evidence of the disappeared imam which they had sought to blame on the Brother Leader, turned furious when scientific tests in Lebanon revealed the sham.They have now returned on another pilgrimage seeking rat droppings this time again saying they are convinced they will find the truth of what happened, although the entire world knows that those now in formal positions of the occupation regime are incapable of uttering anything truthful.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said on Saturday “We are now in a new situation with the new Libyan authorities which is dealing with us positively,” Mansour said. ”They are providing the Lebanese side with all the information needed. We are working together to bring the case to an end in the near future .” #

For those ignorant Muslims: may Allah keep them away from us. Kadhafi is our Imam, our Leader, and the Reformer. …he is not dead and he is the Mahdi, and that is why they are so careful to try to kill him….

Muammar al-Qathafi: Our brother-leader Forever! /Muammar al-Kadhafi: Notre beau-frère, chef de file Toujours


Chef de file Mosquée Mouammar Kadhafi  in Kampala, Uganda:

Discours leader libyen a enregistré dans le 02

Mars 2012, adressée à son peuple

Muammar al-Qathafi is Commanding and leading the Green Resistance. Liberation will be soon, but not quite
yet:a 42 second announcement by Muammar al-Qathafi on 02 March 2012!
The recorded voice of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was scheduled to be published on
02 March 2012 “the anniversary of the proclamation of the power of the people” (1977),
but certain conditions have not reached their time.
Muammar says that he is struggling, that he is alive and he laughs at those that say they killed him!
He confirms that he is continuing to resist, and is struggling and will lead the People’s Revolution
and he says to his people to continue faithfully & not weaken.
لتحميل الكلمة والاستماع لها بوضوح من هذا الراباط:-
11 July 2012

Media Scoundrels Endorse Sham Libyan Election

about the GMT  “government” of Libya:
” Libya’s government is headquartered in Washington. Other countries America destroyed are dominated
the same way….”
and Stephen Lendeman goes on to say:
The 1999 Jamahiriya Decision No. 111afforded all Libyans free healthcare, education, training, rehabilitation, housing assistance, disability and old-age benefits, interest-free state loans, subsidies to study abroad and for couples when they marry, and practically free gasoline.Libyans also got free use of land for agriculture. The idea was to foster self-sufficiency in food production.
Moreover, all basic food items were subsidized. They were sold through a network of “people’s shops.”Until NATO arrived, Libyans had Africa’s highest standard of living. Oil revenues provided them. They also
stimulated economic development. According to “Qaddafi and the Libyan Revolution,” authors David Blundy
and Andrew Lycettsaid:”The young people are well dressed, well fed and well educated.””Every Libyan gets free, and often excellent, education, medical and health services.””New colleges and hospitals are impressive by any international standard.””All Libyans have a house or a flat, a car, and most have televisions” and other conveniences.”Compared with most citizens of Third World countries, and with many (others), Libyans have it very good indeed.”Gaddafi’s Green Book explained Jamahiriya benefits, saying:”The house is a basic need of both the individual and the family, therefore it should not be owned by others.””Women, like men, are human beings.”They could vote and participate politically. They could also own and sell property independently of their husbands.
Under the 1969 Constitutional Proclamation, Clause 5, they got equal status with men. Education and employment
were included even though men played a leading role in society.”(A)ll individuals have a natural right to self-expression by any means….””In a socialist society, no person may own a private means of transportation for the purpose of renting to
others, because this represents controlling the needs of others.””The democratic system is a cohesive structure whose foundation stones are firmly laid above the other
(through People’s Conferences and Committees). There is absolutely no conception of democratic
society other than this.”“No representation of the people – representation is a falsehood. The existence of parliaments underlies
the absence of the people, for democracy can only exist with the presence of the people and not in the
presence of representatives of the people.”Green Book  ideology rejected Western democracy and exploitive capitalism. It was one among other
reasons why Washington wanted Gaddafi ousted.On 04 January  2011, the Human Rights Council (HRC) prepared its “Report of the Working Group on
the Universal Periodic Review: Libya Arab Jamahiriya.” It said Gaddafi’s government protected “not only political rights, but also economic, educational, social
and cultural rights.”
It also praised his treatment of religious minorities, and “human rights training” of its security forces.Washington’s intervention prevented its expected overwhelming approval. Instead it was postponed.
Now it’s buried. It’s little more than a little known footnote about Libya under Gaddafi.According to The Times, Libya’s transition will be “long and messy” because it has “almost no government institutions
to build on.”So much for truth and full disclosure. Timeseditorials exclude it.The view from the Washington Post matches its deception and disingenuousness. On 09 July 2012,  its editorial
headlined “Libya’s all-important post-election steps,” saying:Gaddafi “left (Libya) with no recognizable political institutions, no rule of law and no established political parties.”The Post, like all other US scoundrel media, excludes “recognizable” truths in its commentaries.
…..In fact, Libya is colonized and occupied. Carving up its corpse for profit began last year. Ordinary
Libyans are entirely excluded.What Gaddafi gave, Washington-led NATO destroyed. New puppet leaders will replace interim ones.
Exploitive neoliberalism’s death grip stays in charge. The new Libya resembles a level of hell Dante forgot, not liberation.For Libyans, their protracted struggle to live free continues. It won’t end until America’s imperial scourge is vanquished.

“We call upon all Libyans…to boycott the farce of these so-called elections, and even struggle to

make it fail, Libya our beloved homeland, for all, and everyone, and for everyone.”

بيان الحركة الشعبية الوطنية بشأن مهزلة ما يسمى بالانتخابات

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إيمـانًا من الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية بأهدافها التي تسعى لتحقيقها، وتناضل من أجلها، وتدعو عموم الليبيين للانخراط في تحقيقها.
وانطـلاقًا من مسؤوليتنا الوطنية والتاريخية تجاه شعبنا العظيم، وما قدمه من تضحيات كبرى، ووقوفه في وجه المؤامرة التي استهدفت وطنه، واستباحت دماء أبنائه، ودمرت البنى التحتية لبلاده، فإننا ندعو أبناء شعبنا المناضل الصابر، إلى مقاطعة المهزلة الانتخابية، وعدم الانضواء في عملية مُمنهجة تستهدف شرعنة حكومة مستوردة، لا تحظى بأي تأييد شعبي، ويقتصر أنصارها على حفنة من ذوى السوابق والمجرمين.
أضف إلى ذلك، فإن الدين، والقانون، والعقل، والمنطق، يحتم على شرفاء الشعب الليبي مقاطعة هذه الانتخابات المزعومة للأسباب التالية:
● نظرًا للمطاعن القانونية التي يعيها الساسة والقانونيون ومنها:
أ – الجهة الداعية للانتخابات اليوم سلطة غير شرعية، وغير مختصة بإجراء مثل هذه التصرفات المصيرية.
ب – عدم المصداقية في منح المقاعد الانتخابية وفق التمثيل السكاني، حيث مُنحت بعض المناطق غير آهلة بالسكان مقاعد، أكثر من أخرى كثافتها السكانية تفوق بكثير نظيرتها.
ج – القفز على مفهوم الهُوية الوطنية، وتجاوز مسألة الحسم فيما يتعلق بمفهوم الهُوية لذوي الجنسيات المزدوجة، وما يقرره الشعب الليبي بشان ذلك.
– عدم منطقية إجراء الانتخابات في دولة تترنح بين اختيار النظام الفدرالي من عدمه، وبالتالي لا يصح إجراء هذه الانتخابات قبل مناقشة مشاريع الفدرلة، والاتفاق بشأنها، ولا أدل على ذلك من دليل كمناداة أنصار الفدرالية في شرق ليبيا بمقاطعة العملية الانتخابية.
● عدم إعطاء أي شرعية، أو مصداقية للعصابات الإجرامية المسلحة، لشرعنة تواجدها، واضطهادها لشعبنا، وعبثها بمقدراته، وإهدار ثروته بشكل لم يعد خافيًا على الجميع.
● ما صدر من قوانين الإقصاء، والتهميش، والعنصرية التي تمارسها حكومة المليشيات، والتي تسعى لخلق شرعية سياسية ذات لونٍ واحد للتستر على جرائمها المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان.
● لا يمكن لأي عملية سياسية في ليبيا أن تتم دون حل وتفكيك المليشيات المسلحة، وعودة مؤسسات الدولة، من قوات مسلحة، وشرطة، وقضاء، ونيابة، … واستتباب الأمن، وإنجاز مصالحة وطنية حقيقية شاملة، دون إقصاء، أو تهميشٍ لأحد بسبب معتقده السياسي، أو انتمائه الاجتماعي، مع ضرورة الإفراج الفوري عن كل المعتقلين في السجون المليشياوية.
وبالبـناء على ما سبق، فإننا ندعو الليبيين جميعًا، في شرق ليبيا وغربها، وشمالها وجنوبها، باسم الشرفاء في الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية إلى ضرورة مقاطعة مهزلة ما يسمى بالانتخابات، بل والنضال بكافة السبل لإفشالها، من أجل ليبيا الوطن الحبيب، للجميع، وبالجميع، ومن أجل الجميع.
الحركة الشعبية الوطنية الليبية

(4) إضافة تعليق

وثيقة للقيادى السابق بتنظيم القاعدة بالحاج

Anne Prucha  writes truthfully:

“I think that Rats wanted to demonstrate that they had destroyed any memory of Muammar and direct democracy.
In the Green Book, Muammar demonstrates that representative democracy is in fact an alienation of the power
of the masses who, as soon as they have elected someone, are immediately ruled and have no word to say till
the next election. That is the reason why he created direct democracy, because he wants people to rule themselves
and not to be ruled. But Rats fear Libyan people. rats don’t want direct democracy anymore because they want to
rule people like children. I would have been happy to see Libyan people boycott the election totally. Alas, in
every country there are stupid people who discover too late they have been fooled. Anyway, I think there are
reasons to be happy too, because this election was really no great success, and that is Muammar’s victory.”

Popular Movement of the Libyan National

“We call upon all Libyans … to boycott the farce of these so-called elections, and even struggle to make it fail,

Libya our beloved homeland, for all, and everyone, and for everyone.”
National Popular Movement statement on what is called the elections a farce:
“In the name of God the Merciful
The belief of the Libyan People’s National Movement, which seeks its objectives to achieve them, and strives for it,

and invites the public to engage the Libyans in their investigation.
Proceeding from our national and historical to our great people, and his great sacrifices, and standing in the face

of the conspiracy against his country, and expropriated the blood of his sons, and destroyed the infrastructure

of his country, we call on our people struggling patient, to the county electoral farce, and not selling out in the

process of systematic targeting legitimize the government imported, do not enjoy any popular support, and its

supporters only a handful of people with precedents and criminals.
Add to that, the religion, law, reason, logic, requires the honest people of Libya’s alleged boycott of these

elections for the following reasons:
● criticize Islam because of the legal conscious politicians and jurists, including:
A – the calling of the elections today illegitimate authority, and not competent to make such a fateful actions.
B – lack of credibility in the granting of electoral seats according to population representation, where granted

some areas populated seats, more than other population density far in excess of its counterpart.
C – jump on the concept of national identity, and overcome the issue discount with respect to the concept of

identity for people with dual nationalities, and the Libyan people to decide on that.
– Non-logical conduct of elections in a country teetering between the choice of whether or not the federal

system, and therefore are not properly conduct the election before discussing projects federalization, and

agreed upon, not least because of the Guide to Federal Kmenadah supporters in eastern Libya to boycott

the electoral process.
● Do not give any legitimacy or credibility of the armed criminal gangs, to legitimize their presence, and the

oppression of our people, and Abtha Bmekdrath, and wasted his fortune is no longer a secret to everybody.
● What was the laws of exclusion, marginalization, and racism practiced by government militias, which

seeks to create political legitimacy of one color to cover up the crimes relating to human rights.
● Do not be any political process in Libya that are unresolved and the dismantling of armed militias, and the

return of state institutions, the armed forces and police, and judiciary, and on behalf of, … and the establishment

of security, and the achievement of genuine national reconciliation inclusive, without exclusion or marginalization

of one because of political belief, or social affiliation, with the need for the immediate release of all detainees

in prisons Alumblyxiaoah.
Building on the above, we call upon all Libyans, in eastern Libya and the west, and north and south, on behalf

of the honorable in the National Movement of the People’s Libyan need to boycott the farce of so-called

elections, and even struggle all the way to make it fail, in order to Libya beloved homeland, for all, and

everyone, and for everyone.”

our correspondent in the eye of the Ministry ofAnchaaar Albobat are higher than normal and the declaration

of  Tawari Bdrjtah maximum security of the room to the capital after Thoaaar Alanfjaaar that shook the

capital, shortly before …

An invitation to civil disobedience and the commitment of houses on 7/7 and the reluctance of any voter
who has the card every election he has to not vote for it .. together to support the military resistance to
boycott the elections and the commitment of houses and God is great above the plots of the aggressor
دعوه للعصيان المدني والتزام البيوت يوم 7/7 وعزوف الناخبين اي كل من يملك بطاقة انتخابات عليه ان لا يصوت بها ..معا لدعم المقاومه العسكريه بمقاطعة الانتخابات والتزام البيوت والله اكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
Armed clashes between the area of the seven rats in Tripoli. 
a huge explosion very, very similar to the explosion … in NATO and Rishvana ((Azizia)))
in a gas station just Mansouri inventory ….
and God is great above the aggressor Kidd
from the pages of backer (sold it and sold it Tricha Jaboha)Abduction of 3 daughters area, Mr. Masri‘s assets as:
1) the number of three of the residents of Tripoli neighborhood of Damascus, the origin of the Rafla family…
Baccouche in the battalion Faraj Swehli Tripoli, Omar Mukhtar Street and you are not transferred
to Misurata .
2) two girls of the population of Abuslim origin of the Ajeelat assets in inventory Khalid Sharif device the
national guards were cruel and plateau of the family of the woodcutter

– Brega:  There were no fraudulent elections. A group of Libyan civilians have

remained closed for two days several oil ports in protest at what they see as a

marginalization of the eastern region, reported that the NTC-NATO is corrupted

and is not a legitimate entity and Representatives

 – The evil murderer  U.S. Senator John McCain U.S. arrived again in Libya

to monitor the fraud along with his henchmen traitors and mercenaries of the NTC-


 this guy should be arrested and prosecuted

for war crimes, is a sick conspirator, and  total enemy of peace.”

Al Akhdar  
The direct participatory democracy in Libya which included more than 6,000 People’s Congresses has
now been banned from functioning with the seizure of power by force of a small elite backed by 7
months of western bombing, one fifth of the population forced into exile as refugees in neighbouring
countries, notably Tunisia, and tens of thousands imprisoned.In place of the more than 6,000 congresses
which were the decision-making vehicle for the Libyan masses, who took direct part in the exercise of
power rather than via representatives, and the tens of thousands of people’s committees, there is now
to be a mere two hundred “representatives” to rule over the Libyan people, and this fact is celebrated
by world media as a victory for democracy.At the very same time, the world media presstitutes failed
to cover the fact of the illegal detention of the General Secretary of the General People’s Congress of
so that this farce could go ahead without people asking questions about what really happened to
democracy in Libya, while the lies are repeated that multi-party democracy rather than the no-party
democracy is the wish of the people.The masses in the western world are tired of casting ballots into
trash cans every few years. They know only too well that the parties bring no change, and that decisions
are made by unelected bankers and other elites, while the masses are forced to sit aside and watch.
Were western style elections to really bring about change, they would have been banned long ago.
Yet, these serve to fool some of the people into thinking that they live in a free society, unlike in the
Great Libyan Jamahiriya where direct democracy was exercised twice every year in thousands
of conferences, and not by the casting of a single vote every few years as in the sham western
democracies.The masses in eastern Libya, where the support for the direct democracy system of the
Jamahiriya is claimed by western media to be the lowest, was where the most resistance to the
farcical “elections” took place this weekend, with many polling stations coming under attack and
western media reported deaths while at the same time hailing a victory for democracy.

“We don’t have a law to control political parties, we don’t have a constitution yet. How can they consider

this a legitimate congress?” said 25-year-old student Abdelwahab Al-Ghazali in Benghazi, explaining why

he boycotted the poll.

Only the lazy opportunist minority, who did not like to attend the People’s Congresses because it involved

thinking, speaking, and decision-making, hailed the elections in Libya as a “new era”, the Era of Idiots to

replace the Era of the Masses, where this minority of exploiters can be elected and the minority of those

who love to be exploited, could reduce their responsibility to simply placing an X on a piece of paper

once ever few years.

This is the best photo that the jewish progressive Haaretz newspaper could come up with, a handful of inbred degenerates in Tripoli’s central Green Square which they now call Martyr’s Square. Do they look like normal Libyans to you? Click to enlarge and look at the eyes of this nonce, and the faces of his few colleagues. A donkey or even a cow has more intelligence shining forth from its eyes.

After the elections, either one of the minority islamist parties will be the winner or the minority secular party, and the sectarian strife and division will continue, because western style democracy forces people to choose between parties, rather than to discuss each and every issue and arrive at the majority consensus, as was the case in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

In the Libyan Jamahiriya the issue of secularism versus theocracy did not arise, since it was the people themselves, who participated rather then sectarian parties which aim to come to power via the divisions of people into camps for and against.

On the eve of the vote, which had been put off several times due to the opposition to the denial of democracy, a helicopter carrying polling materials near the eastern city of Benghazi was shot down by anti-aircraft guns, forcing it to crash land, killing at least one 22 year old election worker, said Saleh Darhoub, a spokesman for the ruling National Terrorist Council, CNT.

Flush with money from George Soros et al, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Justice and Construction Party has led one of the best organized and most visible election campaigns and are hoping to become a political force in Libya like the Islamists of Egypt and Tunisia which serve the Jewish money-men.

Participation in the elections was not verified by any independent sources, with the ruling TNC making absurd claims that over a million Libyans participated, or 60% of the electorate, when in fact over a million Libyans have been forced into exile, tens of thousands remain languishing in torture centres, and the country now has the worst human rights record on the planet.

Three other parties are participating in the elections which have banned the majority of Libyans from participation: Mahmoud Jibril’s secular Alliance of National Forces, former jihadist and Al-Qaida allied rebel commander Ahmed Belhaj’s Al-Watan and the National Front party, one of Libya’s oldest political groups, which is credited with organizing several failed assassination attempts against Gadhafi but has only a few thousands followers.

old cow
This is the best image that the U.S. news agency U.P.I. could come up with, an old woman who still remembers the era of the puppet King Idris, and may have been among the 1% who suffered loss of their privileges under socialism. The ink on her finger, is to prevent her from placing two crosses, or even three multiple votes, for only one is allowed. The usual expression of the unintelligent are a dead giveaway, and the size of the cow alongside indicates it was fed on ham burgers at MacDonalds and thus only recently arrived in Libya from either Britain or the USA.The new parliamentary dictatorship initially had two missions: to elect a new transitional government to replace the one appointed by the National Transitional Council in order to give a veneer of legitimacy to the occupation regime, and to put together a 60-member panel to write a constitution. Each of Libya’s three regions was to have 20 seats on the panel.

You read that correctly. The constitution of Libya, the Holy Qur’an, which was adopted by the millions of Libyan people in 1977 in their People’s Conferences as their Constitution, is to be replaced by islamists who wish to draft a replacement constitution to the Holy Qur’an which they claim to follow. Such is the reality of heretic islamists who serve their zionist masters.

Due to this obvious contradiction which not one of the media networks in the world mentions, in a last-minute move, the occupation TNC/CNT regime decreed that the constitutional panel instead will be elected by direct vote, leaving the parliament only with the task of forming a government, angering many candidates who campaigned largely on the basis of their role in overseeing the drafting of the constitution.

It still does not fix the fact that the constitution will thus replace the Qur’an to a more narrow one that they can control, rather than the masses of Libyans who are Muslim and not in favour of narrow opportunistic islamist heresy, hypocrisy and ignorant fanaticism.


A protester destroys computer parts set on fire with voting materials outside the office of the national election commission in Benghazi (Photo: Reuters). Yes, I know, don’t ask the obvious, why set fire to computer parts, but as it’s a western news agency and they never ask the obvious, Reuters did not ask, and think we are not supposed to either. What matter is that voting ballots were set on fire, not that the rat is using them to destroy computer parts in the same process.

Anti-election protesters stormed a dozen polling stations in Benghazi on Saturday, with several thousand ballot papers being publicly burnt in a town square in a sign of discontent at not having the people’s congresses convene, but instead being forced to merely vote. The actions took place right after the polling stations opened for voting.

The previous Sunday, gunmen ransacked the office of the electoral commission in Benghazi.

“Benghazi has always the leading city in political activism,” said engineer Khaled Jeroushi. “Even in Tripoli people say that if Benghazi fails then elections will fail everywhere in Libya.” Benghazi is the town where Muammar Qaddafi made his first radio broadcast at the dawn of the Al-Fateh 1st September 1969 revolution.

Of course, world zionist-controlled media will continue to hail the sham as a victory for democracy and “free and fair elections”, they’ll do anything to white-wash the blood of the kleptomaniac western predators’ invasion of Libya and occupation of its oil and water resources.


Another dead-eyed soul-less money-rat: Mahmoud Jibril

Mahmoud Jibril’s secular Alliance of National Forces, is tipped to win in order to give a democratic face to his ruling occupation TNC/CNT regime, is composed of more than 40 small parties, and will soon fight among each other and against the militias of Ahmed Belhaj who are already fighting among themselves, observers say.

However, it will likely declare a close result with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Justice and Construction Party, and offer the latter the ministries as per the instructions received from the Jewish paymasters of the CNT/TNC, which organized the take-over of Libya in order to create an environment conducive to a Greater Israel between the Euphrates and the Nile, with Libya being the first major water war in order to additionally control the massive thousand year reserves of pure mineral water of the Great Man Made River.

At least on death was reported in Ajdabiya when gunmen opened fire near a polling station.

Many polling stations refused to accept the ballot boxes and materials for the farcical vote, including most in Sirte and Kufra, and hundreds could not open due to sabotage.

National elections spokesman of the occupation regime, Nuri Abbar told a news conference in Tripoli Saturday night it was estimated 1.2 million people had voted during the day, the Tripoli Post said.

And yet, world zionist media and the zionist occupation TNC/CNT puppets were saying that 1.6 million Libyans took part in the farce, is a number lower than the 1.7 million who took to the streets with green flags on July 1st last year, in support of the Leader of the Revolution, Muammar Qadhafi and demanding NATO cease bombing and give up their attempts to occupy Libya.

The number “one point six million” probably emanates from the zionist psyche which claimed, echoing Goebbels (Hitler’s propaganda minister) that is a lie is to be believed, let is be a big one, thus resulting in the “six million Jews gassed” holocaust myth, which even zionists have now been forced to lower to one hundred and fifty thousand.

Even the rats (mercenary rebels) are against the voting

Following report is verbatim from the Global Post, a western zionist press that is pro-elections:

Across town in the area of Hadaidek, would-be voters met a hostile greeting as federalist supporters blocked two polling stations, burning ballot forms and voting boxes.“Federalism is the logical choice for Libya,” said militia commander Erheem Khamis as his fellow protesters chanted waving guns and fists at the line of traffic attempting to pass by. “Many model democratic countries like the USA have successful federal systems, but the National Transitional Council dictators are making this decision without asking the people. This is dirty politics so we will not support this election. We are not asking for segregation from the West. We are just asking for what is logical.”

In an interview prior to the election, Abdul al-Bast, head of Benghazi’s security Intelligence and a supporter of a federal system in Libya explained the complaints of many Benghazians who were calling for extra seats in the National Congress.

Al-Bast said traditionally Libya is split into three parts: Fezzan in the south, the greater Tripoli region and the eastern region of Barqa (Cyrenaica) of which the capital is Benghazi. He argued each region should have an equal number of seats regardless of population.

“All people would accept any election decision made in this way at this time,” he said. “But the NTC they did things differently. They took 100 from Tripoli, 60 from Barqa and 48 from the South. It is not fair, but they say it is fair because in Tripoli region there are too many people and in the other regions less. But Barqa is a large territory and the others are small and at the same time all the oil is here.”

Al-Bast voiced grave concerns that disagreements over election policy would lead to bloodshed but said his security forces were working around the clock guarding polling stations day and night to prevent it.

In Hadaidek, the federalists celebrated their minor victory over election supporters. Periodically, cars carrying new ballot boxes seized from other areas would arrive to joyful cheers. The crowd would frantically rip up the contents, spreading the paper through the streets like confetti or burning the pieces on a small bonfire in the middle of the square. Ballot boxes were ripped apart in a frenzy before being adding to the flames, but the violence remained relatively contained with some minor clashes occurring between pro election drivers and angry members of the mob.

“The country has been sold to Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood,” said Nassar Kafir, a militia commander standing guard at the closed school grounds that were to be a polling station. “We do not believe in these elections. If we are standing on the side of justice, even if we lose we can still be proud of taking a stand for our beliefs and our rights.”

Kafir said although his militia group has many heavy weapons at their disposal it was not their intention to resort to violence.

Not all shared the same resolve.

“We will not stop until our demands are met. We have forces standing by,” said protester Faithi Badri. Protesters claimed Gaddafi had built up Tripoli, neglecting Benghazi and the East. The federal system for which they ask would give Benghazi semi autonomy over a region stretching from the oil rich area of Sirte back to the Egyptian border. 80% of the countries known oil reserves are contained in this region.

By the end of voting at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Benghazi had seen three deaths in relation to the elections.

People`s Authority
People’s Conferences and People’s Committees, made Libya the most democratic country on earth, prior to the U.S.-European-backed NATO occupation war on Libya

There were 1,554 polling stations according to the ruling TNC/CNT rat council, for their people to cast their votes, compared to the 6,500 people’s conferences that existed in Libya prior to the western-backed invasion and occupation by armed militias, where all Libyans could participate in the actual formation of policy rather than mere elections.

That the TNC/CNT could not even put up 6,500 polling stations manned by a few people each, compared to the People’s Conferences which had hundreds of members each, is a clear mathematical and indisputable fact proving that democracy has been stultified in Libya, the interim Secetary-General of the International People’s Conference Organization told Mathaba News.

Of the 1,554 intended polling stations, hundreds could not open due to protests and resistance of the Libyan people. Even British media reported 101 failing to open, while the real number prevented from opening was in the hundreds according to other reports.

On Thursday, ex-militiamen shut down three eastern oil refineries – in Ras Lanouf, Brega and Sidr – to press the transitional occupation regime to cancel the vote.

Militiamen also have cut the country’s main coastal highway linking east to west.

Libyan authorities closed the Wazen-Dhehiba border crossing with Tunisia late on Friday due to security concerns in light of the ongoing congress elections, Tunisian media reported on Saturday.

The border crossing will only be open for Tunisians and Libyans returning to their home countries, the official TAP press agency reported on Saturday.

Some 600,000 out of the one million Libyans who had to flee Libya due to the imposed dictatorship last year, out of a population of six and a half million, are in Tunisia and are opposed to the election farce.

In any case the election is a waste of time for the occupation regime, since no party will win an outright victory and they will be forced to form alliances that will not stand the test of unity, since the only unifying force in Libya was the entire population which had the only no-party and truly democratic system in the world.

Libya thus went from being the most stable and secure country out of 53 African states, and having a standard of living higher than Brazil, Russia, South Africa and Saudi Arabia, to being one of the most insecure countries in the world, and the worst human rights situation on the planet, with over one hundred thousand killed, and tens of thousands remaining in prison, the majority tortured.
polling station
Polling stations across Libya are only for pro-occupation votes, even the booths sport the monarchist pre-revolution black flag, while the green flag of the Libyan masses is banned and anyone wearing green or showing support for the Jamahiriya is imprisoned, tortured, killed, or all three.

Clinton Praises Violent Libyan Election 

This headline was in a Zionist news publication, “Israel National News”. It reported that U.S. Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) Hillary Clinton is praising “Libya’s first national election since the ouster and murder of dictator Muammar Qaddafi.”

It reported the NTC/CNT as saying on Thursday that Islamic Shari’a law should be the “main” source of legislation and that this should not be subject to a referendum.

“During the voting that took place on Saturday, armed gangs stormed polling stations in Benghazi, Guba and Suluq”, the Israel National News reported.

“In one instance, ballots were torched; in several others, people were shot. At other voting stations, terrorists blocked ballots from being delivered altogether”, it said, adding:

“The last election in Libya took place in 1964, under then-King Idris al-Senussi. He was deposed at gunpoint in a 1969 bloodless coup by Col. Muammar Qaddafi”, 42 years ago.

The results of the election are not expected to be declared for several days with official results to be announced by the occupation regime on July 11th.

According to the United Nations, the elections are going very well and they are using the word “impressive”.

Human Rights Watch Lies

Human Rights Watch “researcher” Hanan Saleh, topped the ignorance table by saying that the elections in Libya gave people a chance to “take part in the decision-making process”, and that Libyans had never had a chance to take part in decision-making before! We have yet to find any other fool in the world who thinks that they have had a chance to take part in decision-making by merely voting for a political party who will decide all on their behalf.

What part of People’s Conferences did Hanan Saleh not understand? For her, the 6,500 congresses across Libya just did not exist. Yet, she conceded that there are tens of thousands of political prisoners. We truly are living in the Era of Idiots, when a U.S. “human rights researcher” cannot even know or honestly state the situation concerning “decision-making” in her own country, let alone Libya.

Sorry to bring you such an ugly photo but there is no better one of British Prime Idiot Hague, who called the elections in Libya a “landmark moment” and repeated the mantra that “for the first time in 42 years…” These fools, and look at the man’s eyes again, another one without soul, all keep repeating “42 years” because that is when Libya was lost to Britain, thanks to the heroic actions of Muammar Qadhafi and other MEN that the wimp Hague could never hope to be. Small boys need their hands on nuclear buttons in order to feel powerful. But even in the past 1000 years, Libya never had any western style elections, let alone 42.

Now learn about real democracy at

www.GreenCharter.com #

الكلمة الصوتية المسجلة للزعيم الليبي معمر القذافي كان من المقرر ان يتم نشرها يوم 2 مارس في ذكرى اعلان قيام سلطة الشعب ولكن
لظروف معينة لم تصل بوقتها, وقد قال المجاهد القذافي في كلمته انه على قيد الحياة وضحك على الذين قالو انهم قتلوه وأكد انه لا يزال سيقاوم ويكافح وسيقود الثورة
الشعبية وقال لشعبه عليهم الاستمرار بالكافح وألا يضعف
 in more than 90% of the people of Sabha ………… Will not go into the alleged election rats …

Alex Beck of “Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi” writes:

Breaking News
Pro Gaddafi targeted Military aircraft belong to rats gangs in Sebha City+ in Clashes of this morning

Pro Gaddafi killed one rat and 11 rats are injured in Sebha City.

Our correspondent from Sebha (Dawn Sabhaaaaaaaaaaaaa)News of the pagan army Hroowoob rats and mice Solomon girls from the neighborhood of Nasiriyah, Mahdia and
control …. Liberal them ………
اليوم 9 \7
عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )مراسلنا من سبها ( فجر سبهااااااااااااا )انباء عن هروووووب
جرذان الجيش الوثني وجرذان بنات سليمان من حي الناصرية والمهدية ….وسيطرة الاحرار عليها ………
URGENT: Lord now people armed forces waging a counter-offensive on the rebels south-west of Tripoli


With the early morning hours Astafez people of the city” dirt” to the sound of thunderous explosion was

the scene of the bombing in a mosque in Derna companions ..



De l’album : Photos du mur
De الزاوية الخضراء
مع ساعات الصباح الاولي إستيفـــظ أهــــــالي مدينة ’’درنه’’ علي صوت تفجير مدوي وكان مكان التفجير في مسجد الصحابة درنه .


Alex Beck writes:
“Clashes in Sebha rats army vs pro Gaddafi because pro Gaddafi tribes reject elections ,”
An important warning
to all free in the Great Jamahiriya,
the youth suicide Libya warn both will go to and what they call the election Mhazlhm on 07/07/2012 tomorrow
there will be something for Mphajy Gardan and we swore on the Book of God that we Snnfd major bombing operations
and in all places, the elections will be our goal
of be in the places of election …
In the interest of your souls we ask you to violate the commitment of your homes and bear the same responsibility
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
is above the top victim Kidd
youth suicide Libya … As God is my witness!

Manipulation, Fraud and Indignation in the electoral circus mounted by the imperialists. Was a total failure


The democracy of the UN-sponsored pumps bare the hypocrisy of capitalism, puppets and minions

of the NTC-Al Qaeda does not represent anybody, common criminals are purchased by the West. 

Elections in Libya?  COVERED by warlords NATO-Al Qaeda? Why the  Salafists, or does it

by having 32,000 U.S. mercenaries in Benghazi? all mounted circus has proved a huge failure  

but full of violence and destruction. Only a matter of time all enemies will be severely

punished in Libya by the laws of the Great Jamahiriya

Burned ballots as a symbol of outrage

to the electoral farce, contempt for democracy imposed with bombs and

destroying more than 120 polling stations are closed without explanation 
what lies invented now, the cynical will say that a success? 

Dr. Hamza Toumani talks about the farce of elections in Libya

False democracy in Libya

shell RB G targeting the polling station in the city of Abyar
Demonstrations in Benghazi and now calling for a boycott the elections a farce.

The fall of the projectile fragments (C5) 1,200 beds on the hospital without any injuries.
# # Benghazi, Libya #

Benghazi chaos, bombings ……….. The news of the outbreak of war at any moment

reported the launch of a military helicopter fired on a gathering in Benghazi Mnth park ……

– A member of the local Board of Benghazi, Abdullah confirmed that the Maghrebi head of

state public services was removed from office on the recommendation of the Office of

Audit and Control. He said a steering committee to oversee the company. The group

consisted of five members, two of the three companies and beyond.

A Council official, Khaled Al-Dzhazui there are many violations of municipal services.

This led to the overgrowth of all waste from streets.

A separate issue Maghreb said on Monday held a joint meeting of the Ministry of Interior,

Ministry of Defence and Security Supreme Committee for organizing the necessary

“security measures” in the elections to the National Conference of Benghazi.

Channel Sirte on Facebook
Benghazi, just across the channel Sow live!! ~
Angry demonstrators say the Khozarh direct that Qatar is behind the sedition support of the Brotherhood’s
bankrupt and that the Minister of Justice to Muammar previously (Abdul Jalil) is the cause of congestion
and with Belhadj!! They declaring there will be no elections tomorrow in Benghazi ..
We have to peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins for 3 months .. And the Council did not listen to us ..
It is not only power Amamana .. Accordingly, international observers warn that the situation

بنغازي قبل قليل عبر قناة الخنزيرة مباشر!!~

بنغازي قبل قليل عبر قناة الخنزيرة مباشر!!~
متظاهرون غاضبون يقولون للخزيرة مباشران قطر هي التي تقف وراء الفتنة بدعمها للاخوان المفلسين وان وزير العدل لمعمر سابقا (عبد الجليل ) هو سبب الاحتقان ومعه بلحــاج!!واضافوا بأعلانهم لن تكون هناك انتخابات غداً في بنغازي .. قمنا بــ مظاهرات سلمية واعتصامات لمدة 3 اشهر .. والمجلس لم يستمع لنا .. فليس امامانا الا القوة
.. وعليه نحذر المراقبين الدوليين من اليوم بأن الوضع غير أمن …..
The Liberal Sellouk burn centers in phantom votes .
Ivory (Beida) for: break down all forms of voter Street Hospital Balbadha now.
age Barasi logistical support of the Office of the Electoral died immediately on board the helicopter after the target with a
weapon 14 and text.
A Cargo Chinook helicopter has been shot an hour and a half ago in Benghazi and the plane was carrying ballot boxes.
It was knocked out of the skies over Bengazi carrying
Voter registration  cards and booths, ballot boxes.
The announcement of the death of the crew which will be transferred will be transferred Meyzamon
it leaves the entire
election in Benghazi after being struck with a weapon 14 and text.
and agents of control and gently Aagaflon Benina airport in Benghazi
RATS using Mosques now for polling places in lieu of the burned down polling places!

Stephen Gule writes 07/07/2012 :
“Rats are using mosques to invite people out of their homes and help protect the polls which are being stolen,

vandalized and sabotaged in the cities of Benghazi and Tripoli to Tobruk and the infidels of ajdebi. damn

this type of failed system!!”


The Libyan Election Farce:

by Tony Cartalucci

Anti-election protesters burn ballots
Anti-election protesters burn ballots

Ideally the West would like to install “liberal” pro-globalist candidates into power in each of the nations it has destabilized and destroyed during its premeditated, engineered “Arab Spring.” In the case of Egypt where Mohammed ElBaradei was sufficiently exposed and his presidential aspirations effectively derailed, the West’s Muslim Brotherhood proxies made for a viable second option.

In Libya, a similar scenario has unfolded with two tiers of Western proxies poised to take power – pro-globalist technocrats like US-educated Mahmoud Jibril (Gibril) Elwarfally’s National Forces Alliance, and of course NATO’s terrorist proxies within the Muslim Brotherhood along with Al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)warlords like Abdul Hakim Belhaj.

In Egypt where relative economic and social stability returned after the brief chaos and violence of the early 2011 protests, the alternative media was able to sufficiently expose and disrupt “liberal” candidate ElBaradei. In Libya, the nation has been plunged into nationwide lawlessness, violence, and sweeping genocide by sectarian extremists, tribal confrontations, and militant opportunists.

The people of Libya have been too busy defending themselves and desperately fighting for their own immediate survival to function as a nation-state, let alone scrutinize candidates politically before the farcical Western-hyped elections.

In other words, no matter who wins the so-called elections in war-torn Libya, the West has ensured all the candidates are loyal proxies, and will most assuredly have one of these proxies in place to guide Libya according to its own agenda rather than that of the Libyan people.

Image: Mahmoud Elwarfally Jibril, self-proclaimed leader of the Libyan “Transitional National Council” speaks before the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution in 2011, moderated by former CIA analystKenneth Pollack. Jibril maintained that the rebellion against Qaddafi was a natural product of the “globalizational process.” He plans on turning Libya into a “lake” within which the population of all of Africa can be marshaled to meet Europe’s markets – or in other words, recolonized.

The New York Times has already proclaimed in its article, “Party Led by Pro-Western Official Claims Lead in Libya,” that Jibril’s party is the likely winner. Readers might recall that in May of 2011, Jibril had made a pilgrimage back to the United States where he received his higher education and spent years teaching in Pittsburgh, to speak before the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution (Brookings page here) about turning Libya into a “lake” to develop the skills of Africans to serve the needs of markets in the European Union.

Jibril will serve not as an “elected representative” of the Libyan people, but as a technocratic proxy implementing not only the West’s designs for Libya, but carrying out its role in recolonizing and exploiting both the vast populations and resources of the entire African continent. Jibril, or whoever the West finally installs into power will not only carry out this agenda, they will do so under the guise of a “democratic mandate.” While impressionable and/or duplicitous people the world over applaud Libya’s elections, they are but the most superficial attempt to spin NATO’s genocidal destruction of one of the most developed nations in Africa.

And despite these elections, Libya will remain largely lawless and a terrorist safe-haven by design so that it may continue serving its purpose as a weapons, fighter, and cash hub for NATO militant proxies throughout the region, particularly verses Syria.

Libya’s “transitional government” led by Western big oil representative Abdurrahim el-Keib  had already played a significant role in carrying out Western designs against other geopolitical targets throughout North Africa and the Middle East, including Mali and Syria where Libya has shipped both weapons and fighters to augment NATO-backed terrorists seeking to overthrow these targeted governments. Libya under el-Keib has also lent significant political support to the West’s Arab World agenda. Along with the government of Tunisia – led at the time by US funded “activist” Moncef Marzouki, Libya had withdrawn recognition of Syria’s government. The US-installed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has likewise backed Western designs throughout the region, most recently backing US calls for intervention in Syria.

What the uninformed public believes it is seeing is a transition to “democracy” across the Arab World and each of these nations joining together to ensure such a transition in remaining “dictatorships” takes place. It might be mistakenly believed then that the United States is merely “reacting” to this unfolding paradigm in a supportive capacity.

What has happened in reality is that the so-called “Arab Spring” was planned by the West as early as 2008 with activists literally flown to the United States to receive training, funding, and equipment with which to return to their home countries and begin a campaign of coordinated destabilization.  It was under this cover of seemingly legitimate peaceful protesting that more violent elements, organized as early as 2007 or even earlier (as was the case in Libya), began violently overthrowing regimes targeted, according to US Army General Wesley Clark, as early as 1991, with a complete list documented as early as 2001. This list, provided during General Clark’s talk at the Commonwealth Club of California, October 3, 2007, included seven nations slated by the Pentagon for destabilization and destruction: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

Libya’s elections are therefore an absolute farce in the wake of a premeditated Western military campaign aimed at the entire Arab World – the elections a motion gone through to couch the creation of a Western

Here are the RATS & THEIR COUNCIL OF SHAMED which is claiming Victory 09 JULY 2012!

Photo: Bay Atrash Tzmau the party???????????  This is

“I do not think rats got their phantom election wishes, the rebels took a pounding, 269 rebel vehicles and personnel
destroyed, couple helicopters, 43 polling stations out of 46, about 557 rebels killed, one thousand plus wounded,
about 1200 civilians wounded and some killed mostly in the Eastern side. It’s unfortunate, I have no idea how the
NATO rebels can falsify this information. This democracy based on destroying cultures, nations that do not
subscribe to capitalism, isolating our women and children. We only vote one thing, Libya green and Gadhaffi.”
 LIBYA NEWS FOR THE WEEK: 1. Explosions in many election offices in many areas.
2. The Al Jufra Resistance open fire to the defeated rats in Bract Shatti escaping to Misrata thru Al Jufra City as a result 5 rats were captured.
3. The Brack Shatti Tribes win the battle against the Misrata rats, who flees in haste the battlefields weaponless and barefooted.
4. The defender of the Pro-Gaddafi tribes assaulted the rats in the airport of Brack Shatti. The rats came from Tripoli and Al Zawiya. The Tribes of Brack Shatti is decisive to fight the rats to their last descendants.
5. Tubrok stand-up against the NTC, as they burn the election paraphernalia and so with the people of Benghazi, who wanted the NTC,whom they called thieves to leave Libya.
6. Al Shatti in South Libya is free of rats. The people decided to stand-up against the rats to control the big camp and the airport.
7. The Resistance fighting the rats in Alshgega area in the West of Libya. Clashes still continues in the City of Sebha and tge City of Tripoli the seat of explosions and battles.
source: Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi.
( VIVA to the Green Resistance!!! The Resistance is very much alive and strong in Libya. Go Go Go Steadfast to VICTORY!!!)
Pro-autonomy protesters storm polling stations in Benghazi ruining voting materials and
setting ballots on fire. Rough cut (no reporter narration)
BENGHAZI – Anti-election protesters in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi set fire to ballot
slips after looting them from a local polling station, witnesses said on Saturday in the first sign
of trouble in landmark national elections.Witnesses said the protesters set alight hundreds of ballot slips in a downtown square. Reuters reporters
saw them drive off, shooting in the air as the charred remains burned.
News isolated from eastern Libya:
close the airport and the base we have built air Benghazi after the storming of the militia army gently.
targeting the maternity ward in Benghazi Bakoazv RPG.
Unconfirmed reports of the bombing of all aircraft stationed at the airport in Benghazi …. Hands are free to Benghazi.

اليوم 6 \7
عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )انباء غير مؤكدة عن تفجير جميع الطائرات المتواجدة في مطار بنغازي …. علي ايدي احرار بنغازي
Join the so-called martyrs battalion of the Green Nafusa mountain &  the martyrs of the tuber gently to the Army combine
vs. Board of shame (TNC).
Allah is the greatest popular languages now rise up against rats and its people have burned the headquarters
of the elections a farce
RATS are turning off internet access and radio-tel- communication outlets
The RATS know there is/will be a huge uprising continuing through tonight into the morning and do
not want the Green cells communicating with one another—

Urgent circulation / /

Lost in this topic the serious developments in the Libyan,,,, and the fear of the spread of this topic

Aalabar In a state of panic, fear and confusion by the Government of rats proxy,,,,

Populace tearing down election pictures:

Urgent city Abyar: shell RPG targeting a polling station in the city of Abyar.

Blessed are you, O Panthapkm rats fifi…

Urgent languages burned the headquarters of the elections in Jerdanih languages now and demonstrations against

the elections a farce Sartaoah Crown pride.


we expect to cut off all means of communication between the moment and the other


Arabian Rider of BANI WALID (WARFALLA):

a battalion of armed Rafla Sirte consists of 1000 fighters dock with their tribe in Bani Walid
Each Werfalli everywhere throughout the region in the mass formation of battalions and companies to open

a war front in his area when the attack on the Bani Walid ….flying from Motaiqh Germana is heading to ………..

of Misurata Believed to participate in the aggression on the Bani Walid …
If Misrata rats are thinking of approaching the Bani Walid …. It iill be a disaster for all Musrati ……

And “We will reach each of our hands about each Misurati” !

Photo: a statement from the tribes of Sirte Alqmazfah Sabha have followed during the last days of the militia threat Misurata ..  They Sidahmun Bani Walid.  While the stress on our brothers and Rafla with in the past, present and future, we want to warn ..  That we will be a key party ..  In any attack on any Werfalli grandfather's brothers and grandfather.  God is great and even from NATO and that came with them again ..  We declare that in the absence of the state .. We hold the responsibility  Those who insulted ..  The honorable Liberal who did not kneel to God did not Ihaboa fleets of 40 countries and were loyal to Libya a free and united ..  Christians did not Awalua Ihtamoa but dear God Almighty ..  Tribal chieftains Alqmazfah

Aimée ·il ya 9 heures

Statement from the tribes of Sirte Sabha Alqmazfah:  
We have followed the last few days the threat of some of the
rebels claim to Misurata .. They Sidahmun Bani Walid. At a time when the stress with our brothers and Rafla in
the past, present and future, we want to warn .. That we will be a key party ..
In any attack on any Werfalli grandfather’s brothers and grandfather. …
Mohammed Alsabhawi steadfast
Old Atsedkoa you are free in the middle Ankhalat Nhsabh Khoi but thank God and Random Misrati Narafash
Hahahahahahah, Hadim family Misurata Old Hteke Tris and Rafla Sabha and victorious, God willing,
Sabha prisoners who were captured yesterday from rats at the hands of Misurata and Sabha Rafla
will be transferred to the Bani Walid …..
News of the march of the sons and green Rafla in Mansheya and market Ant Institute of parameters to cheer (and Rafla is Rafla for what its leader, give up)from Bani Walid
Ali and Rafla Tripoli ……… Take the cautious and prudent and the formation of small armed groups of 20-30 young man ……….. And the attack on all MusratiRats Rats Misurata asking them to join the eastern region of the attack on Bani Walid ………. Where the numbers were small

Mohammed Alsabhawi steadfast
    • Old Atsedkoa you are free in the middle Ankhalat Nhsabh Khoi but thank God and Random Musrati
      Narafash Hahahahahahah, Hadim family Misurata Old Hteke Tris and Rafla Sabha and victorious, God willing.

      ليبيا محتلة يا مخانيث يا جرذان
      s Rat Salem Juha ………… Punish all of Musrati ride roughshod over the … And will destroy Bani Walid ….

Statement from the tribes of Sirte Alqmazfah Sabha have followed during the last days of the militia threat Misurata.

.. They Sidahmun Bani Walid. At a time when the stress with our brothers and Rafla in the past, present and future,

we want to warn .. That we will be a key party .. In any attack on any Werfalli grandfather’s brothers and

grandfather. and God even more than NATO, and that came with them again .. We declare that in the absence of the

state .. We hold the responsibility!

Those who insulted .. The honorable Liberal who did not kneel to God did not

Ihaboa fleets of 40 countries and were loyal to Libya a free and united .. Christians did not

Awalua Ihtamoa but dear God Almighty .. chieftains tribes Alqmazfah

News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
God wills youth tribes

Statement Almgarhh tribes and epiphyseal and balcony area and Barak Sabha

The noble tribes in the south of Almgarha and epiphyseal and balcony .. and some tribes are preparing the beach ..

and the processing of fighters .. Was to secure the roads between Asahroah Alchuirv and Bani Walid and

processing car .. ambulance .. And the purchase of fuel .. to deter any of the militia .. petty and spiteful at home ..

and this war will be decisive after Ajermo Almsarit right .. in this topic tribes and their sons died in their prisons ..

After torturing them .. After reach the stage taken it by force can only be restored this … by force of any fighter

Sharif tribes living in the West wants to support his brothers to go to the city Alchuirv .. And will provide

all avenues of assistance to reach the bin Walid of the desert road, a security and the spread of the tribe of

Saraya Almgarha and welcome paradise found Tdanh ..

‏Photo : ما شاء الله على شباب قبائلنا</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>بيان قبائل المقارحة والمشاشيه والشرفه بمنطقة براك وسبها</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>إن القبائل الشريفة في الجنوب من المقارحه والمشاشيه والشرفه..وبعض قبائل الشاطئ تعد العدة ..وتقوم بتجهيز مقاتلين.. وتم تامين الطرق الصحرويه بين الشويرف وبني وليد ..وتجهيز سيارت إسعاف.. وشراء الوقود ..لردع أي من المليشيات..التافهة والحاقدة علي الوطن ..وهذه الحرب ستكون مصيريه بعد ما اجرمو المصاريت..في حق هده القبائل وقتل أبنائها في سجونهم ..بعد تعذيبهم ..وبعد الوصول الي مرحلة ما أخد بالقوة لا يسترد إلا  بالقوة...لهذا أي مقاتل من القبائل الشريف القاطنة في الغرب يريد مؤازرة إخوانه التوجه الي مدينة الشويرف.. وسيتم تقديم جميع سُبل المساعدة حتي يصل الي بن وليد من الطريق الصحراوي وهو أمن وتنتشر فيه سرايا من قبيلة المقارحه ومرحب بالجنة جدت تدنه..‏



In case of using the enemy Almzary backed by aircraft, the small state of Qatar Aviation nightclub difficult for them
And aviation in the day is hampered using burnt tires and thick smoke AS THE GREEN RESISTANCE has ordered
them to do (SEE MUAMMAR’s DIRECTIVE for resistance).
Types of aircraft:
And use two types of airline flight bombing and fighter aviation forces perpendicular to progress:
1 – Military combat aviation: aircraft, a template and 39 and MiG and Mirage
2 – Vertical Flight: M 35 and other helicopters
Thsalo Almzarat on aircraft of the following:
1 – Misurata base (Air Force Academy)
2 – base Alkarzabih Sirte
3 – base Jufrah
4 – base Omeitikh (Tripoli)
5 – base Aloutia (Balash)Anti-aircraft
During the air raid by the anti-aircraft (from light machine guns, medium and heavy) B _ T _ Ki and public
purposes and Dushka and 14.5, 23 and 50 Balrmih thick in the air and in both cases, either the aircraft or injury
is the bomb or guided missile.
Kadv use SAM-7 shooting from Estrela in areas hit by high to confirm the target.
Camouflage the correct equipment and vehicles  

عاااااااااااااااااااجل ………. وهااااااااامفى حالة أستخدام العدو المزارتى المدعوم من دويلة قطر الطائرات فأن الطيران الليلى صعب لهم
والطيران فى النهار يتم أعاقته بأستخدام الاطارات المحروقة والدخان الكثيف
انواع الطائرات
وأستخدامهم للطيران نوعان طيران مقاتل قصف وطيران عمودى تقدم امام القوات :
1 – الطيران المقاتل الحربى : وهى طائرات القالب و 39 والميراج والميغ
2 – الطيران العمودى : م 35 وغيرها من الطائرات العمودية
تحصلو المزاريت على الطائرات من الاتى:
1- قاعدة مصراتة ( الكلية الجوية )
2- قاعدة القرضابية سرت
3- قاعدة الجفرة
4 – قاعدة أمعيتيقة ( طرابلس)
5 – قاعدة الوطيا ( بالعسة )
مقاومة الطائرات
أثناء الغارة الجوية قيام المضادات الارضية ( من الرشاشات الخفيفة والمتوسطة والثقيلة ) بى _
كى _ تى و أغراض عامة ودوشكا و 14.5 و 23 و 50 بالرماية الكثيفة فى الجو وفى الحالتين اما ان يتم اصابة الطائرة او القنبلة او الصاروخ الموجه.
استخدام القادف سام 7 استريلا فى الرماية من مناطق عالية لتأكيد أصابته للهدف .
التمويه الصحيح للمعدات والاليات
Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |
Statement of the honorable youth cornerOur brothers in the city of Bani Walid and our families honorable youth that the corner would not satisfy the honorable acting against assault or in any way on the city of Bani Walid proud by gangs and militias client that stands behind Qatar and its affiliates .. We warn anyone who dares so that the consequences would be dire, especially within the city and its suburbs, and the corner with all our strength
(God, what we say on the martyr).بيان شباب الزاوية الشرفاءأخوتنا في مدينة بني وليد وأهلنا الشرفاء أن شباب الزاوية الشرفاء لن يرضوا بالمساس أو الإعتداء بأي شكل من الأشكال على مدينة بني وليد الأبية من قبل العصابات
والمليشيات العميلة التي تقف ورائها قطر وأتباعها .. ونحذر كل من يتجرأ بذلك بأن العواقب ستكون جسيمة وخاصة داخل مدينة الزاوية وضواحيها وبكل ما أوتينا من قوة
(والله على ما نقول شهيد)
day 11 \ 7
Asham home …… Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats …..
Page green flag) correspondent of the Sabha. Rafla Sabha and they have cars equipped with heavy weapons ….
And with large numbers of Alqmazfah went to the Bani Walid
our correspondent from the beach a convoy of 1300 fighters with heavy weapons from the tribes
Almgarhh up to the town of Bani Walid …… To join the Martyrs Brigade JD


Fire and lead, free **** Maana tribes tried Tdu Valley newborn and taste of defeat time
 Iaotun Hdam are Ersank from the valley of newborn Jock Dom Snadk
Aallkhaan Hdam are your children and Hdam are Old Azotk and Znadk
, sons Solbh Makhlo party Andask .. cutter for ropes Sioux in the plumber
and Maash Old Jaen dust grandparents … gets on Hashr they Bhaddak
and Alkhasn Merph Thread Paseo Bdak. Ajanh blind .. Nadr Maichhak
And in the eyes of anti Tmaah Andadk … and item tasks Ndk not Egnak
Allak falcon in Allawi Ajebalk Khalak … as a star in the Allawi fishmonger
anti Aalibia both Ichhalk … Ayudk Cup in Sioux Manak
Ajanhm Grach waves in Ak … Aatarich Alfrnoh Amhak of
the date and your children … I find Manso Old grandfather Bnfr Migbak
in Alkarzabiah and Alkrahp battles and longing for blood .. Rock Hrar Aamehlak
and much Sahlh Nfrto them … Ashalk guidance Assaiba Aabuscnh and Old Ichwak
Eachaan ten Kiffa are you today … and the dog under any circumstances and to answer Nbak
Aasrsri Eachaan dust grandparents … You are a short Khattak Cayenne Old
Libya thanks to the Great Leader Muammar … Suatc Old Daw Atak
Heca Tkavi gratitude Amkavatk Aataf of the island … Old Asgak
Schork Forgot Anagaat Akhcamk … Amkerkzenlk on the screen as Alhruak
and Agdan Aalibia Khian Aturabk … and Scarecrow Oagdan Mersak to
carry heavy Dom … they are Ajebalk Azotk and splendor Maiktak
Atmana Aaazmy and Aeolian Magdavk … and Rak Tris Makhalo and to Autak
led Sqarham are Ersank D. sidewalk … and death Dom Fdak
and D. Abadi Cassaph not Hernek D. …. and Solbh commander uttered day guided
Omh not Rafla and Ladha Cheltk … of injustice and destruction of the Sphinx and Sphinx
all the tribes … and Bahia Sanatk Kani Pencma Bnqad to day tool for
Iaotun Hdam Ersank are from the valley of newborn Jock Dom Inadk

Contradictions Gradana
Jerdan all speak to journalists detained in the town of Beni Walid launched their fault and say Hadhu
Malehmh relationship with some media and job transfer Avatar news!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bahi O Gardan best
of what this speech Tbaktoshi the media in the channels and the Libyan Jamahiriya and youth??
Lantau O Gardan even served in the General Authority for the press and media and Tsh in the TV Drtoh
ousted and assumed Tfdiloh of his work.finally Nicollkm “does not prohibit the creation and come like him
shame on you as it did great,” Of course that if shame sitting what Salkmh.

Code of Bani Walid
Broadcaster Mohammed Hun did not stop going around the subject of photographers being the media and they are

of Misurata, as if this gives them, as well as our children who are in the jails of the militias country, he stressed and

returns that they must throw the ball in the court of the other and Okprh of the pitch and we have to call photographers

and then heading the delegation to Misurata to consider the things of detainees, even if in Misurata appreciate the

delegation of the Council condoned the previous visit them and promise to solve Nkthm forms.

I hope that is not under any circumstances Emadi be performed without the conditions mentioned previously

about the release, the media had they not been Joseph Da’aki media? Is there not hundreds of innocent people

who are languishing in prisons? The war was let and we are ready to fight and accept the consequences in defense

of the dignity and survival, and I want to draw the modern is not to Misurata only but for all dogs country did not

stop barking for the past two days that the barking of his family and to the field of his family and that tomorrow

to sight a close ……
each of the Hola says that the media have the right to enter any place, tell him Khosit! Hola just thought that spies

Able to return some of what pleases their masters and serve their plans and deep hatred that will never end …..

Sheikh Barghouti lamp to channel capital now

Bani Walid Residents Hold Reporters For Fake

Coverage of Sham Elections

Posted on  11 July 2012 by  |


Reporter-cameraman Abdelqadir Fassouk and cameraman Yusuf Badi, who work for the Misrata-based rat Tobacts

TV station, disappeared on Saturday near Bani Walid, one of the Jamahiriya’s remaining strongholds where

residents remain loyal to revolutionary leader Muammar Gaddafi.

They had been covering Libya’s sham elections for a 200-seat national assembly in the western town of Mizdah

and were on their way back to their TV station when contact with them was lost.

They have been held since 07 JULY  , the day of nationwide parliamentary elections which they had gone to cover in

Bani Walid for Tobacts TV, a station based in Misrata, 100 km north of Bani Walid.

The  o7 JULY elections were boycotted by the majority of Libyan people, with only the recent arrivals from

overseas participating.

A quarter of the population have been displaced into other countries as refugees from the occupation regime,

while tens of thousands remain imprisoned without charge nor trial, including the Head of State,

General Secretary Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi.

The trial of other high profile figures such as Buzeid Dorda are constantly postponed, and the Libyan regime

now has the worst human rights record in the world. At least one hundred thousand Libyans died during the

almost one-year long war against Africa’s most prosperous and stable nation, by the use of proxy terrorists

and mercenaries supported by the U.S., Britain, France and E.U.

“We urge the people of Bani Walid to release the two journalists held as a sign of good intention or else the

government will be forced to impose its authority,” the ruling occupation government’s National

Transitional Council official spokesman Saleh Darhoub told reporters.

His choice of words was telling. He did not say “the people holding the journalists”, but he appealed to

“the people of Bani Walid”, since the people of this central Libyan town remain loyal to the people’s power system

that Libya enjoyed prior to the invasion last year and the imposition of the TNC/NTC/CNT regime.

Salem Qanan, a deputy of NTC Chairman “head rat” Mustafa Abdel Jalil, told Reuters the

government would not be afraid to use force.

“By authority we mean police, army and all brigades that have joined the umbrella of the government’s security

forces,” he said.

The stand-off underlines the tensions facing Libya nine months after the occupation of Libya and the

imposition of a New World Order government.

Local media said the captors of the two reporters demanded the release of detainees in Misrata in return for

freeing them. Thousands of innocent Libyans are being held incommunicado and suffer brutal torture in Misrata.

Libya’s Al-Assama television quoted Bani Walid military chief Salim Al-Waar as saying he would guarantee

the reporters’ safety and return them to Misrata at some point in the future.

Militia fighters in Misrata had initially threatened to enter Bani Walid to forcibly liberate the two reporters.

But Al-Assama quoted the local military chief in Misrata as saying he had ordered fighters to hold back

from any such action for now.

The situation in Libya continues to remain insecure and the war for liberation is projected to last for years,

according to the Leader of the Revolution, Muammar Qadhafi.


Published by Mathaba

pilots to Palestinian residents of Benghazi, who flights and for the benefit of Mizrata.

We introduce you one by one and all program Ttiyarankm.

We know and we caution you that any the contribution of you with Almzarat against Bani Walid

will bring dire consequences upon you and your families.

You have been Forewarned

Forewarned is also forearmed.

Youth Bani Walid ask the sheikhs Bani Walid attack on the rats in the heart of Misurata Misurata ..

Do not wait until the rat comes to them ..



Militant Arab nationBattalion Martyr Billah Gaddafi
Il ya environ une heure

It is time for that night settles and that the break is that
here is the Bani Walid re-glories, and writes the date the blood of heroes, and safeguard the dignity and valleys, and display its women …
Bani Walid … Three of my best Ibiaa Tahir … O land of Boulkheir, O maker of olive, today is not only to you.
you write today is not only the glory of the valley
today, the glory of Libya
Today the victory of the martyrs
today liberation of the country rapist
today defeat the agents of the Crusaders
today smile on the lips of Displacement
today delight on the faces of the displaced
today, waiting for the detainees
today and every day
Stzkirk generations, my son Walid
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
who died without a home is a martyr … and Blessed of the martyrs …

The Gardens of Paradise, God willing, the Lord of the Worlds.

Him …. Both the Liberals and the resistance fighters to prepare for this moment that we trained

them and we went through this experience and lack of confusion and every individual

or group are doing their job alone and not to wait.

explosions will shake the city corner at the hands of the Resistance …


Sounds of explosions and hit Balqoazv in the clashes in the Sabha …..
Do hawks prey do it …. as they did with the rats Misurata ….. And control the airport and Camp Sabha Fares

The outcome of the clashes between the tribe and chicken mixture Almgarha Allaotunai 4 patients of rats and

people …. and one was captured and burned two cars rats and rats … do not do something, but the shelling on

the lighthouses because they do not walk in the battlefield that measured against the dishonest men.
# Libya Sabha # #

The killing of a rat Thunderbolt B  Sabha today.

  • A tactical withdrawal from most of the neighborhoods Sabha result strikes us Almgarhh

    our correspondent reported the control of tribes and hawks prey on the iron Znabil Sabha middle ……….

How many people follow the page now …………?
We have with us from pressing Lake ….? ………… Until you complete the deployment of sweet news Sabha

10 of thousands of tribal fighters and Almgarhh Al_husaona and Mahamid and epiphyseal go to support their families
and of Alqmazfah Almgarhh Sabha in Https://www.facebook.com/
photo.php? fbid = 249922208452972 &set = a.151115618333632.27804.151114345000426 & type = 1 & theater
Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl today, 9 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... Page green flag), our correspondent from the beach 10 of thousands of tribal fighters and Almgarhh Al_husaona and Mahamid and epiphyseal go to support their families and of Alqmazfah Almgarhh in Sabha
today, 9 \ 7
Asham home …… Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ….. Page green flag) , our correspondent
from the beach
10 of thousands of tribal fighters and Almgarhh Al_husaona and Mahamid and epiphyseal go to support their
families and of Alqmazfah Almgarhh in Sabha
Anpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hrowoowoowob for a number of rats pagan army to Benghazi ……. With the approaching liberation of rats Sabha
What is going on Bsabha Day:
The day one of guerrillas to enter the neighborhood Abdul enough to attempt to looting and robbery on the livelihood of Almgarha Vtm addressed to them by the Hawks Almgarha The guerrillas using heavy weapons are still fighting circle of OT,
we hope to God that saves Khotna Almgarha

# Libya # # Sabha

Correspondent of the Sabha
News of the bombing Aero Germana Ali Abdul Kafi neighborhood new revelation ….

O Rafla Sabhaaaaaaaaaaa ………. O tribes Tabu ……….. I Touareg ……….. Aamgarhh beach Stand with your

brothers Almgarhh ………. Endowed …. Rebelled took control of the airport bombing aircraft Sabha which it

………Ahjmoa Ali Suleiman rats girls in their neighborhoods ….. Not scrambled …..

Avtheloa rat and Nice Bouchmadh

from Sabha Newsflash great support from the hawks of prey at the beach …..

Up to Almgarhh Sabha to support the…rat killing of the pagan army and wounding 4 of Solomon …..

rats girls and burning cars to them ……reported the expulsion of rats and rats daughters Solomon army of pagan

revival Almgarhh …… The reported capture of a number of rats ..

our correspondent reports on the bombing of Aero Germana neighborhood Abdul Kafi new revelation ….

News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)

Photo de couverture



Libya is a tree planted with the hands and watered with the

blood of those who have struggled against imperialism

The words of a young 18-year-old Libyan, who can be known only as “Mo Libya”, that

I have had the honour of knowing and inspires me greatly, maybe through these words you

will all see why:

I would have preferred to die than see my country and people in their current state

Going through my contacts about one fifth of them are either dead, lost or in prisons.

We weren’t fighting for Libya but all Arabs! Libya was a red line that the west needed

to cross to achieve their goals. Knowing that, we fought till the last drop of blood, sweat and tear.

But what they do not know is that they may have burnt us to the ground, but our roots were

too deep for them to reach.

And now we find ourselves with the burden of having to free our country, the burden of

having to try as hard as possible to ignore the pain in our hearts, and try to use it as fuel

to fight for another day.

The task in front of us may seem impossible but so did the al-Fateh revolution of 1969.

And now after months of hard work we are finally ready and once

again we will leave the world in shock.

These words also remind me of the words of Muammar Qaddafi:

“Libya is a tree under whose shade we sit, for it is we who planted

with our hands and watered it with our blood.”

Posted by 


We have successfully and to reconcile the families of 5 Gardan of Gardan Misurata at the hands of the heroes
and units Mu’tasim and a group of Maj. Gen. enhanced 32 near Gallo was transferred to a safe place which is
currently under investigation and executed for their involvement in the killing of many of the Free!
and their names are as follows :::
Mohammad Hassan Misrati
Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim
Abdullah Rahibat winner
Muhammad Ibrahim
Massoud Fares Ahmid

Martyr Hussein Omar al-Mahdi:

Martyr Ibrahim Mohammed Ibrahim Daw:

Photo: Mohammed Ibrahim Ibrahim Shahid Daw
Martyr Gibran:
Gibran, the martyr

Channel Sirte on Facebook

(Omar Mohammed Saqr Saqr), alias (Abu Zubair) of the area Alnovljeh near Sirte, who died on 10/7/2012 Brief Idlib M. .. We know a prophet is lifted Chennai Gadi Why Maemcich Aijahd in Gaza and free Palestine, or Al-Aqsa Mosque!!

‎(عمر صقر محمد صقر) الملقب بــ(أبو الزبير) من منطقة النوفلية قرب سرت الذي توفي اليوم
10/7/2012 م بريف أدلب.. نبي نعرف هو شني رفعه غادي ليش مايمشيش ايجاهد في فلسطين ويحرر غزه او المسجد الاقصي !!
Par :

ي …

NState in the most importantYe
senior leadership of the resistance of the Libyan valiant
Please note the following:
1 – aware of all Libyans Liberal honorable that the Board of traitors and agents of Aictsp any legitimacy to rule
Libya, as well as his government imported and which have come to power on the skulls of the sons of Libya
dear with the help of alliance of evil and tyranny.
2 – as the Council alleged illegal, every action he makes is absolutely null and void, since what is built on
falsehood is false.
3 – The belief in the cause of resistance, and recovery of the nation rapist does not depend on an event suspicious,
Kmhazelh election conference is not a national of the Muslim Brotherhood and secular.
4 – also the defense of the homeland, and restoring the dignity of the Libyan people, and the defeat of the
Crusaders, and country, and customers of Libya, is irreversible him, and without the option of death.
5 – The leaders of the political and military resistance, do not have time Ahdrunh in gossip, or sitting on the
keyboard to Ifandoa, or direct, or Athecmoa, … Rather, they are in the trenches, and in the battlefields.
6 – The leaders Atmnonkm, and pull on your hands, and Ivkronkm that defeat deadly is not in the administration
of elections miserable desperate, and that defeat is psychological defeat, so watch out that Atssll to your souls
feeling of defeat, you are right holders, and owners home.
7 – Finally sure of what separates us from doing our duty but a few technical issues which have been completed
or almost completed, and that tomorrow is to close.
a few days, and trumpet Libya truth in the wedding mass because it displaced, and to relieve it of the detainees
without right, and scramble the Libyans the reconstruction of their country, according to the efficiency, capacity
and specialization, regardless of political affiliation.
Libya for all, and everyone, and for all
the top leadership of the valiant resistance of the Libyan.
Channel Sirte on Facebook
Violent clashes and the voices of guns in the neighborhood of the spark Kafi Bsabha Alaolh
Correspondent of “Daily Mail” the British Andrew Malone emphasizes the militias Misurata criminal
slaughter of more than 1000 supporters of the martyr Muammar Gaddafi and the sheep on the road

There is no power but from God
is with you, O beloved Sratna
lack of national honor and the lack of them Etlahthon behind the falsehood of degenerative Alanthabat
our people and their homes destroyed in Sirte

Correspondent of Sirte
Strong clashes between rats and Security Committee Kthiebh Galt No. 3 in the neighborhood walked with

heavy weapons …..

Power outage as Jabril “speaks” against brother leader Muammar and the JAMAHIRIYA!
‏Photo : عــــاجـــــل:انقطاع التيار الكهربائي بشكل مفاجئ في مقر المؤتمر الصحفي الذي كان على الهواء مباشر  لرئيس تحالف القوى الوطنية الجرذ (محمود جبريل) ولا يعلم احد ماذا حدث داخل القاعة.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
and the stories that John McCaion came to Libya to make sure that BelHadj was the winner  are also
silly stoies just fabricated to make the Green Resistance appear as to having no credibility whatsoever ~
to the fabricated story that al-Baghdadi was thrown over to BelHadj to be tortured and killed!
The truth is that BelHadj is dead:

6 juin

BelHAdj is confirmed DEAD!!!
Day 6 \ 6
…………… more powerful because we are
addicted to مشاااااااااااااااااااااااااااركة page
confirmation of the credibility of the page ….. I have since we announced the first day ……
Will show the body of Abu Aoueigila charred and decapitated soon …..
and Belhadj rat is killed at the base of Motaiqh ….. And will be throwing his body in any place
عــــاجـــــل:انقطاع التيار الكهربائي بشكل مفاجئ في مقر المؤتمر الصحفي الذي كان على الهواء مباشر لرئيس تحالف القوى الوطنية الجرذ (محمود جبريل) ولا يعلم احد ماذا حدث داخل القاعة.


Publiée le  5 Juil. Two thousand and twelve par 

continued violent clashes so far ………………. Heroes and Almgarhh are grappling with the rats aircraft topless
……… And Almim I.
Photo: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl today, 9 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... Page green flag) the continuation of violent clashes so far ...................  Heroes and Almgarhh are grappling with the rats aircraft topless .........  And Almim I.
Old enough for nine Mzaraa. >>>>> .. Alkhiv Tharih and Matabie
Old Kef nine Frasin ………… All Fares Mechanism Dharaah?
Albrchosa automatically become Znyen ……. Aegean Vazaa redeem his blood. your blood and you
Shbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan …………….. Nkhaddh of rats
Photo: Old enough for nine Mzaraa. >>>>> ..  Alkhiv Tharih and Matabie Old Kef nine Frasin ............  All Fares Mechanism Dharaah?  Albrchosa automatically become Znyen .......  Aegean Vazaa redeem his blood.  And O blood Shbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan .................  Nkhaddh of rats

The people of Sirte and a say in the election of words decided after hearing that there is no elected …
Who are the candidates?
how elected people do not know them?
What are their intentions?
funded from my father?
not give voice to any candidate is a testament to God that the candidate a good massage and I do not know!! Is it permissible??
That’s why we will not be sorry that you elect one of unknown identity!
Who are you?????? |
| Elvis Bucky the local council for free and silks Libya | |


Word now is the city of Sirte witnessing clashes between the army battalion Buhulaiga Allaotunai

and Security Committee of Sirte  (of whom was

killed a member).

There is a wide spread of the car armed Bmhadah the number one city of Sirte and installation of gates and

inspection stated that they lose a man opened

fire on his car and the type of car Hyundai white color.

now an aircraft flying at low altitude ………….. And checkpoints at each junction by Gardan tribe in Sirte,

Misurata steadfast …..

Ivory (Benghazi) for: theThe second constituency of rats, “the head of the Western milkfish Aobeidh” ..

School Hassan Ibn al-Haytham …

Sirte witnessing clashes between the so-called army battalion Buhulaiga Allaotunai takfiris Committee and the

non-security Almqji, was killed a takfiris
been attacks on members of the protection of employees of the Supreme Security Committee
(Paljolatina, grenades, weapons, white) with heavy fire break with the patrol car.
# # Benghazi, Libya #
Hovering in the sky plane of Sirte and hear the sound of an explosion just before the High shootings and

understand something Mahd Avatar glory this day.
# Libya # # Sirte

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagel hear the sound of an explosion in the city of Sirte now

Clashes between Al Furjan and Almsarit in Sirte, specifically in the number 1. The sound of ambulances.

Obscures the Lord to the people of Sirte , “was born to a Horse”

Renewed exchange of fire with heavy weapons in Sirte.
# Libya # # Sirte
flying warplanes over the city of Sorman ………… please the brothers of destruction in the Friday Market Motaiqh runway ……
When aircraft can not back down and fall without a weapon …
Keep flying the helicopter over the area and Salah al-Din was appointed the Ministry through the
plateau to the headquarters of 32 Brigade enhanced through the Islamic district of low-level and tona
اليوم 6 \7
عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )تحليق الطائرات الحربية فوق مدينة صرمان …………
نرجوا من الاخوة في سوق الجمعة تدمير مدرج مطار معتيقة …… فعند رجوع الطائرات لاتستطيع النزول فتسقط دون سلاح …

Muammar’s Code of Ethics spelled out on 04 July for the Green Resistance:

Photos du mur
ميثاق الشرف للإعلاميين الأحرار الصادر يوم الأربعاء 4-7-2012
والتي تمت باوامر قائ…

Par : قنـــاة ســــرت على الفيــــس بــــوك

Code of ethics for the media free of Wednesday 07/04/2012
and the orders that have been the Commander of the Resistance and we call on all journalists

and honest commitment  to the terms of this topic Execution of document ~

Forum Libya green ..
69 c

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=497778840237676&set=a.444132985602262.125809.444120548936839&type=1&relevant_count=1Green cornerSenior leadership of the valiant resistance of the LibyanPlease note the following:
1 – aware of all the honorable Liberal Libyans that the Board of traitors and agents of Aictsp any legitimacy to rule Libya, and his government as well as imported and which have come to power on the skulls of the sons of Libya with the help of dear alliance of evil and tyranny.2 – The Council, where the alleged illegal, every action he makes is absolutely null and void, since what is built on falsehood is false.
3 – The belief in the cause of resistance, and recovery of the nation rapist does not depend on a suspicious event, Kmhazelh election does not a national conference of the Muslim Brotherhood and secular.
4 – Also, the defense of the homeland, and restoring the dignity of the Libyan people, and the defeat of the Crusaders, and country, and customers of Libya, is irrevocable, and without the option of death.5 – The leaders of the political and military resistance, do not have time Ahdrunh in gossip, or sitting on the keyboard to Ifandoa, or direct, or Athecmoa, … Rather, they are in the trenches, and in the battlefields.
6 – The leaders Atmnonkm, and pull on your hands, and Ivkronkm that defeat is not fatal in the administration of elections miserable desperate, and that defeat is psychological defeat, so watch out that Atssll to
Feeling defeated by yourselves, you are right holders, and owners of home.7 – Finally sure of what separates us from doing our duty but a few technical issues which have been completed or almost completed, and that tomorrow is to close.
A few days, and trumpet Libya truth in a public wedding because the displaced, and to relieve it of the detainees without right, and scramble the Libyans on the reconstruction of their country, according to the efficiency, capacity and specialization, regardless of political affiliation.
Libya for all, and everyone, and for all{{High Command of the valiant resistance of the Libyan}}

C 69
هــــــــــــــ حصــــري ـــــــــــاامالقيادة العليا للمقاومة الليبية الباسلةيرجى التنبّه لما يلي:
1- يعي جميع الليبيين الأحرار الشرفاء بأن مجلس الخونة والعملاء لايكتسب أي شرعية لحكم ليبيا، وكذلك حكومته المستوردة والتي اعتلت سُدة الحكم على جماجم أبناء ليبيا الأعزاء بمعاونة حلف الشر والطغيان.2- حيث إن المجلس المزعوم غير شرعي، فإن كل إجراء يصدر منه يعد باطلاً بطلانًا مطلقًا، إذ إن ما بُني على باطل فهو باطل.
3- إن الإيمان بقضية المقاومة، واسترجاع الوطن المغتصب لا يتوقف على حدث مشبوه، كمهزلة انتخاب مؤتمر لا وطني من الإخوان والعلمانيين.
4- أيضًا فإن الدفاع عن الوطن، ورد الكرامة للشعب الليبي، ودحر الصليبيين، والقطريين، والعملاء من ليبيا، أمر لا رجوع عنه، وخيار دونه الموت.5- إن قادة المقاومة السياسيين والعسكريين، ليس لديهم وقت يهدرونه في القيل والقال، أو الجلوس على الكيبورد ليفندوا، أو يوجهوا، أو يتهكموا، … بل هم في الخنادق، وفي ساحات الوغى.
6- إن القادة يطمنونكم، ويشدون على أيديكم، ويذكرونكم بأن الهزيمة القاتلة ليست في إقامة انتخابات بائسة يائسة، وإن الهزيمة هي الهزيمة النفسية، ولذا فاحذروا أن يتسسلل إلى
نفوسكم الشعور بالهزيمة، فأنتم أصحاب الحق، وأصحاب الوطن.7- أخيرًا فوالله ما يفصلنا عن القيام بواجبنا سوى بعض الأمور الفنية التي اكتملت أو تكاد تكتمل، وإن غدًا لناظره لقريب.
أيام معدودة، وتُزف ليبيا الحقيقة في عرس جماهيري يعود فيه المهجّرون، ويُفرج فيه عن المعتقلين بدون وجه حق، ويتبارى فيه الليبيون على إعمار بلادهم وفقًا للكفاءة والقدرة والتخصص، وبصرف النظر عن الانتماء السياسي.
ليبيا للجميع، وبالجميع، ومن أجل الجميع{{القيادة العليا للمقاومة الليبية الباسلة}}

  • news of the kidnapping of rats Misurata more than 350 Werfalli the gates in Zliten and Tripoli …
  • reported the movement of convoys and Rafla Abu
    bha last news we received before the interruption by the net
  • 1 – flight rats daughters of Solomon to defend their homes for
    2 – escape of rats from the pagan army camp Manar … And the capture of the arms
    3 – control free Almgarhh and Alqmazfah to revive Nasiriyah and Mahdia inspired Abdul Kafi and the new
    4 – control of the tribal fair at the center Sabha
    5 – killing a large number of rats and from the military pagan
    6 – death of a hero of Almgarhh
    then cut off communications and net since four o’clock yesterday evening …..
    Vallahm Victory and hawks prey to their enemies Znabil iron ..
  • reported powerful explosions shake the market Friday and Tajoura …….

    اليوم 10 \7
    عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )انباء عن انفجارات قوية تهز سوق الجمعة و تاجوراء …….
     ‏Photo : عاااااااااااااااااااااجل<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
اليوم 10 \7<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
عشم الوطن ...... لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ..... صفحة الراية الخضراء )</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>انباء عن انفجارات قوية تهز سوق الجمعة و تاجوراء .......‏
‏Photo : هــــــــــــــ حصــــري ـــــــــــاام</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>القيادة العليا للمقاومة الليبية الباسلة</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>يرجى التنبّه لما يلي:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
1- يعي جميع الليبيين الأحرار الشرفاء بأن مجلس الخونة والعملاء لايكتسب أي شرعية لحكم ليبيا، وكذلك حكومته المستوردة والتي اعتلت سُدة الحكم على جماجم أبناء ليبيا الأعزاء بمعاونة حلف الشر والطغيان.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>2- حيث إن المجلس المزعوم غير شرعي، فإن كل إجراء يصدر منه يعد باطلاً بطلانًا مطلقًا، إذ إن ما بُني على باطل فهو باطل.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
3- إن الإيمان بقضية المقاومة، واسترجاع الوطن المغتصب لا يتوقف على حدث مشبوه، كمهزلة انتخاب مؤتمر لا وطني من الإخوان والعلمانيين.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
4- أيضًا فإن الدفاع عن الوطن، ورد الكرامة للشعب الليبي، ودحر الصليبيين، والقطريين، والعملاء من ليبيا، أمر لا رجوع عنه، وخيار دونه الموت.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>5- إن قادة المقاومة السياسيين والعسكريين، ليس لديهم وقت يهدرونه في القيل والقال، أو الجلوس على الكيبورد ليفندوا، أو يوجهوا، أو يتهكموا، ... بل هم في الخنادق، وفي ساحات الوغى.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
6- إن القادة يطمنونكم، ويشدون على أيديكم، ويذكرونكم بأن الهزيمة القاتلة ليست في إقامة انتخابات بائسة يائسة، وإن الهزيمة هي الهزيمة النفسية، ولذا فاحذروا أن يتسسلل إلى<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
نفوسكم الشعور بالهزيمة، فأنتم أصحاب الحق، وأصحاب الوطن.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>7- أخيرًا فوالله ما يفصلنا عن القيام بواجبنا سوى بعض الأمور الفنية التي اكتملت أو تكاد تكتمل، وإن غدًا لناظره لقريب.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
أيام معدودة، وتُزف ليبيا الحقيقة في عرس جماهيري يعود فيه المهجّرون، ويُفرج فيه عن المعتقلين بدون وجه حق، ويتبارى فيه الليبيون على إعمار بلادهم وفقًا للكفاءة والقدرة والتخصص، وبصرف النظر عن الانتماء السياسي.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
ليبيا للجميع، وبالجميع، ومن أجل الجميع</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>{{القيادة العليا للمقاومة الليبية الباسلة}}<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
---<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
--<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Libya: First `Dimacratic` Elections in 42 Years

Posted: 2012/07/08
From: Mathaba
  `Dima` is `blood` in Arabic, and the Libyans have thus taken to calling the new system `dimacratic`. Since 1977 Libya enjoyed a more democratic system than most other countries in the world, carefully concealed from the outside world by western media anxious to keep people away from taking a further look at jamahiri democracy

(Translated article)

“Qadhafi has made us dream of a world without rulers and the ruled” (Edmond Jouve, Professor Emeritus of the Paris-Descartes University, France)

In recent weeks, the media systems are again mobilized to spread the mantra in praise of the “first democratic elections in Libya in 42 years” (sic). What exactly?

42 years is indeed the age of the Libyan Revolution, a government legally recognized and implemented following a peaceful revolution in 1969 that ended a corrupt monarchy and sovereignty sullied by the existence foreign military bases. Its guide, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, promptly laid down the foundations for socialism suited to the African continent and the Arab world. The concrete results of this project highly human civilization was immediate. Examples include: economically, the rapid transformation of living standards and an ecological perspective, the Great Manmade River, considered the 8th wonder of the world [1].

After NATO, following the coup of spring 2011, bombed this small African country non-stop for 7 months to support armed gangs and turn it into the largest police state in the totalitarian world (speaking in the Libyan public or flying a green flag is a crime for the new “rulers” when it is not punished immediately by a burst of machine gun fire preceded or followed by a shout of “Allahu Akbar”), it was now necessary, as in the case of the embargo followed by the invasion of Iraq, to conduct a laundering operation on the seven months of bombing, 100 000 deaths and more than a million refugees, half of which are located in Tunisia.

Moncef El Marzouki,president of Tunisia and puppet of Soros

The government of Tunisia also participated in the clandestine supply of arms to officers of NATO (via the port of Zarzis) and exercised the necessary media censorship during the 7 months of bombing [2]. What happened to the 25 billion Euros promised in May by Sarkozy at the “G8” summit to Tunisian President Caid Sebsi? Was this sum not intended to keep the Tunisian people in total ignorance of what was really happening in the country and avoid expressing the rejection of war on her neighbour, Libya, as in the 2003 case of Iraq where many countries were bribed [1]?

More recently, the rogue government in power in Tunisia is illustrated by the delivery of the Secretary-General of the Libyan people held illegally on its soil for over 300 days [3] [4] [5] [6]. A campaign reminiscent of the tragic gesture of Mohamed Bouazizi was launched by Tunisian patriots.

The Invention of a Prime Minister

The same media who speak of the “first democratic elections in 42 years” are also the same ones who deliberately lie about the nature of the Libyan government. They call Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudithe former “prime minister” while there has never been any such office in Libya nor even “ministers” (see theDeclaration on the rise of people’s power) [7]. This simple example already shows the degree of military propaganda or, in the best case, the ignorance of journalists who talk about things they have not understood, as the institutions of direct democracy in force in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi, General Secretary of the Libyan People’s Congress, the legitimate Head of State of the Libyan Jamahiriya

The official title and duties of Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi are exactly, “General Secretary of theGeneral People’s Congress of the Libyan Jamahiriya,” overseeing the General People’s Committee. Saying that this is “equal” to the position of a prime minister is the same desire to deceive. The Libyan Jamahiriya is in fact a democracy and not a parliamentary dictatorship. As Dr. Al-Baghdadi has not been deposed by the people to this day (since the People’s Congresses have not yet been able to meet because of shelling for 7 months and the occupation of Libya by Al Qaeda), so he is still the General Secretary of the Libyan people [9].

For a year and a half, the Tunisian media ad nauseamsanctify their ”revolution” (a word heard a hundred times at least daily during the same period) and “democracy,” including NATO, ultimately, as the guarantor of its “truth” [10]. Now it is Michel Rocard himself, a prime minister under President François Mitterrand in France (1981) who earlier reminded of the bourgeois character of the “Tunisian revolution” [11].

An Explosion of TV Channels of NATO/CNT

How to explain the existence of twenty channels of satellite TV (especially NileSat) implemented by the agents of CNT / NATO in Libya while the Libyans do not have some of their own? Aside from the fact that this “diversity” (another word-trap) also reflects the infighting between armed militias on the ground, it is especially trying to “unlearn” the Libyan people’s experience of direct democracy. Such a conception of the modern organization of society could arise only in the desert and in the spirit of an exceptional man,Muammar al-Gaddafi [12 and 13].

The historical necessity of direct democracy and its fundamental principles are presented concisely and clearly in The Green Book [14]. For reasons unexplained, this book was banned under the chairmanship of Tunisia’s Ben Ali and it is significant that it is always been censored in “revolutionary” Tunisia… Indeed, it is a subversive book as was remarked subsequently by anarchists in Europe [15]. It is also interesting to note that one of the targets of NATO in Libya was a center of academic information, documentation and scientific studies conducted by researchers around the world: the World Centre for the Studies and Researches on the The Green Book and the Third Universal Theory.

The exceptional organization of direct democracy in the Libyan Jamahiriya. Popular Committees at all levels in the society transform horizontal and vertical power into that controlled by the people, allowing them to govern themselves by themselves without intermediaries nor parasites.

The vast majority of the consumers of “internationalmedia” still believe that the Libyan government was headed by a “dictator”, such as Ben Ali at the head of a large monolithic party in Tunisia, or Mubarak in Egypt. If you have participated in popular conferences and committees in Libya you will know what direct democracy means [13, 16, 17 and 18]. Housewives and doctors, students and artists freely discuss any and all proposals, vote on every issue by a show of hands, always transmitted live on TV and in ad hoc decision-making in a back and forth coherent manner. Most of the time, all problems are solved and such decentralization (to use the term ‘management’ in modern Europe) is facilitated by the budgets (municipalities, etc.).


1. We will always remember how once, a citizen complained, freehand, because he was working away (over 20 miles) from home. The case is mounted at the top level and it is Gaddafi himself who said, as a private citizen (proof of the actual quality of the Leader of the Revolution and not “President”) [7], as part of a popular committee, it would be good if this situation does not exist in the Jamahiriya.

2. When, again, the guide suggested that need to redistribute all oil income directly to the citizens and suggested this to the relevant committee, the committee opposed the idea and the project was not accepted immediately. It took several years for the measure to pass, after further genuinely popular and democractic discussions and meetings.

3. Long before the initial false protests in Benghazi false (pretext for military aggression by 42 predator states), Goga (another member of the CNT of NATO who aided the conspiracy in Benghazi) had even insulted Gaddafi in a popular committee. The surprise was that he was not even penalized.

Thus in Libya and for decades, there has been discussion, not on whether to further punish the unemployed, retired or women who wear the veil as is discussed in Tunisia and Egrypt but, more important things such as the guarantee for each of the application of the fundamental human rights of any democratic society worthy of the name: including rights at home and at work [18].

What Libyans say when away from the censorship of the corporate media: the democracy of NATO is “dimacracy”.

The People Power channel based in Damascus, Syria, (Arrai channel metamorphosis, having heroically covered the aggression against Libya)

While viewers around the world these days are entitled to propaganda “reports” “live”, “field” to “new life” of the “man in the street”, to “freely” “choose” “democratically” his “representatives”, a new program of television ELSHAAB (“The People”), based in Damascus and after a metamorphosis of Arrai (known for its outstanding coverage the war against Libya), takes the opposite side to that “‘reality.”

The new channel now spends each day, nearly an hour and a half (between 16: 00 and 16: 30 / Tunis time) or more (also with a circulation around 20:00) of a program called Bisat Ahmady in which the host receives live phone calls from inside Libya or from exiled Libyans [19 and 20].

In all the cities of Libyan (now mostly occupied), Libyans can therefore, for the first time in several months, speak freely on a television channel. The spontaneous narratives systematically describe scenes of torture, rape, the existence of secret prisons, torture scenes, dig-ups, robbery, looting, etc. With explosions and gunfire in the background a permanent image of Libya as “secure” shows, once again, the hypocrisy and criminal complicity of the vast majority of media and political parties of the world, the “left “especially [19].

Many calls come from the battered city of Sirte. For example, some residents have confirmed the presence of French soldiers in the distillation plant. Others described soldiers of the U.S. and Qatar

On July 3, Mohamed, calling from the latter city, not only described as a farce (“mahzala”) the “elections” recalling that he and his compatriots had always voted voluntarily as part of the People’s Committees at all levels of jamahiri society [13].

The dimacracy in occupied Libya, is the power of those who have shed blood in the name of NATO. “Dima” in Arabic signifies blood.

At the same time, it was also a pun oh so tragic, calling their “democracy,” airborne “dimacracy” which translates from Arabic as a power based on the blood shed by those who claim to govern (dima = blood in Arabic). It should be noted that the term “mahzala” was the same used by Gaddafi in person to designate the electoral circus [18]. Indeed, as the anarchists say to the world (who would do well to learn from the Libyan experience — better late than never — for credibility) [18]:

“If  [bourgeois parliamentary] elections could change anything, they would long ago have been banned.” So the parliamentary circus goes on. But, apart from the loss of time and energy, there is a final aspect, very practical and not least:

The electoral “democratic” circus costs the European citizen 2,215 Euros per minute

Such a circus (for the various types of “elections”: presidential, parliamentary, municipal, etc.), cost astronomical sums of money to the citizens of many countries worldwide. For example, for Italy, John Paul POUGALA cites Rita Bernadini, a member of the Radical party “who made the macabre calculation of the cost of the Italian Parliament: 2215 Euros per minute to the taxpayer “[21].

The details are not uninteresting: “Net Salary: Euro 19,150 per month. Base Salary: 9,980 euro per month. Assistant: euro 4,030 / month (usually parents and pets). Reimbursement of accommodation: 2,900 euro per month. Honorary work: from Euro 335 to Euro 6,455 (net). The Italian “representatives”, in an economic crisis in 2011, unanimously voted in the deep night (to avoid censure) a law to increase their salaries and they invented a false report to conceal from reporters the very purpose of voting.”[21]

The same things are done across the western “democratic” world, including Australia, where politicians deflect and vote in pay increases at times and by methods to avoid being censured.

What allows the cycle of this macabre circus to reproduce inexorably and against the will of the people? Its energy comes simply from the daily media propaganda system whose main function is to convince the ordinary citizen that there is no alternative, out of barbarism, to parliamentary democracy. The ultimate expression of the latter is then the alternation in power of “bipartisan” or “large blocks” that form and break as the set for a play…


 1.  [Tunisian Revolutionary, what did you know about Libya and what do you still know?]. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 25 Jan. 2012


2. The red and the black with Hala Misrati, heroine of world journalism. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 8 March 2012 (“International Women’s Day”)


3. ]Tunisia Regime: Enemy of World Peoples. 11 March 2012


4. Soros Monkey Becomes President of Tunisia. 11 March 2012


6. Day 306: People`s Secretary Still Political Prisoner – Woman Burns Money in Tunisia. 22 June 2012 http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=630620  &http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO7klYhLUVE&feature=plcp

7. Déclaration sur l’avènement du Pouvoir du Peuple (2 mars 1977). Trad. JP Maury.

http://mjp.univ-perp.fr/constit/ly1977.htm & English :http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/ly01000_.html

9. Le drapeau de l’entité impérialiste piétiné sur la Corniche de Sousse (Tunisie). Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 02 juillet 2012


10. Tunisie-Libye : les dérives télévisuelles nées de la sacralisation ad nauseam d’une « révolution » avortée. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 18 janvier 2012.


11. Les racines bourgeoises de la révolution tunisienne. Par Michel Rocard, Les Echos, 25 janvier 2011


12. Libye occupée: Amal, Adel et le Dr Mohamed enseignent au peuple libyen le désapprentissage de la démocratie directe… Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 7 juin 2012. برامج تلفزيونية على القنوات الليبية للمجلس الانتقالي العميل للحلف الأطلسي تحاول استبدال الديمقراطية الشعبية المباشرة (جماهيرية) بالديمقراطية الرأسمالية


13. La démocratie directe, secret de l`efficacité de la résistance des peuples à l’impérialisme. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 30 avril 2012


14. The Third Universal Theory, The Green Book by Muammar Qadhafi.

http://www.greencharter.com/files/gb.htm andhttp://www.mathaba.net/go/greenbook

15. Le Livre Vert (par Kontrekulture)


16. Voyage en Jamahiriya Libyenne du 20 au 26 mai 2000. Récit des rencontres, débats, visites, dialogues avec les Congrès de bases, les Comités Populaires et les Comités Révolutionnaires. Alternative 2001 “pour un monde solidaire” (réseau d’échange de pratiques alternatives et de réflexions sur la démocratie directe, locale et participative d’ici et d’ailleurs -). Sous la direction de Ginette Skandrani


17.  La société libyenne, les congrès populaire, les différents comités. Par Ginette Skandrani, Juillet 1998. Avec: « Kadhafi n’était pas un dictateur ! ». 13 novembre 2011


18. Gaddafi, un anarchiste vraiment libertaire. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 23 fév. 2012


19. Les Libyens ont à nouveau une tribune libre pour informer le monde. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 29 mai 2012



20. Chaîne Alshaab (Le Peuple en marche). Basée à Damas. Emettant sur le satellite Nilesat, Fréquence 11 214, Polarisation Verticale.


21. Une escroquerie dénommée “démocratie”. Par Jean-Paul Pougala, “Cours de “Géostratégie Africaine” n° 38, 30 juin 2012



 1. “The Libyan rebellion that overthrew Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was not a popular uprising but an act of men of power determined to hunt it”, said today Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi: “This was not a popular uprising because Gaddafi was loved by his people as I found out when I went to Libya.”

Source : AFP du 9 septembre 2011 20h47


2. Extracts from The Green Book:

“This is what the conventional democracy that dominates the world, whether one-party regimes, regimes of bilateral or multilateral parties, or even without a party, so it is clear that <representation is fraud>.”

“The most tyrannical dictatorships the world has known have existed under the shadow of parliaments.” 3. “Libya, has been described as a military dictatorship of Gaddafi but is actually the most democratic state in the world. In 1977 the most high form of democracy was proclaimed where traditional institutions of government were abolished, and where power belongs to the people directly through people’s congresses and committees. The State is divided into many communities that are “autonomous mini-states” in a state having control over their districts, including the allocation of budgetary funds.” (Vladimir Chamov, former Russian ambassador in Libya).


Libye: Premières élections `dimacratiques` en 42 ans

Posted: 2012/07/08
From: Mathab
  L`organisation exceptionnelle de la démocratie directe dans la Jamahiriya libyenne. Des comités populaires à tous les niveaux de la société, de manière transversale et verticale, permettent au peuple de se gouverner par lui-même et pour lui-même, sans intermédiaires ni parasites.

“Khadafi nous aura fait rêver… d’un monde sans gouvernants et sans gouvernés” (Edmond Jouve, Pr. Emérite de l’Université Paris-Descartes, France)

Depuis quelques semaines, les médias du Système sont à nouveau mobilisés pour diffuser le mantra à la gloire des ««premières élections démocratiques en 42 ans»» (sic). Qu’en est-il au juste ? 42 ans, c’est en effet l’âge de la revolution libyenne, gouvernement légalement reconnu et mis en place à la suite d’une révolution pacifique en 1969 qui mit fin à un régime monarchique corrompu et à une souveraineté souillée par l’existence de bases militaires étrangères. Son Guide, Mouammar Al-Gaddafi, jeta sans tarder les bases d’un socialisme particulièrement adapté au continent africain et au monde arabe. Les résultats concrets de ce projet de civilisation hautement humain furent immédiats. Entre autres exemples, citons : sur le plan économique, la transformation fulgurante du niveau de vie et, d’un point de vue écologique, le Grand Fleuve Artificiel, considéré comme la 8èmemerveille du monde [1].

Après que l’OTAN, suite au coup d’Etat du printemps 2011, a fait occuper ce petit pays africain pacifique par des bandes armées et l’a transformé en l’Etat le plus policier et totalitaire au monde (parler de la Jamahiriya en public ou arborer un drapeau vert est un crime pour les nouveaux «gouvernants» quand il n’est pas puni aussitôt par une rafale de mitraillette précédée d’un «Allahou Akbar»), il fallait désormais, comme dans le cas de l’embargo suivi de l’invasion de l’Irak, blanchir l’opération laquelle s’est traduite par 7 mois de bombardements, 100 000 morts et plus d’un million de réfugiés dont la moitié se trouve en Tunisie.

Moncef El Marzouki,président de la Tunisie et marionnette de Soros.

Le gouvernement de ce dernier pays a par ailleurs participé clandestinement à la fourniture d’armes aux agents de l’OTAN (via le port de Zarzis) et exercé lacensure médiatique nécessaire pendant les 7 mois de bombardements [2]. Que sont devenus les 25 milliards d’euros promis au mois de mai par Sarkozy/le «G8»  au président tunisien Caid Sebsi ? Cette somme n’était-elle pas destinée à maintenir le peuple tunisien dans l’ignorance totale de ce qui se passait réellement dans le pays frère voisin et à éviter qu’il n’exprime son rejet de la guerre (comme en 2003 dans le cas de l’Irak)[1]?

Plus récemment, le gouvernement voyou au pouvoir en Tunisie s’est illustré par la livraison du secrétaire-général du peuple libyen détenu illégalement sur son sol pendant plus de 300 jours [3 à 6]. Une campagne rappelant le geste tragique de Mohamed BOUAZIZI a été lancée par des patriotes tunisiens.

L’invention d’un ««premier ministre»»…

Les mêmes médias (surtout ceux de Tunisie) qui parlent de ««premières élections démocratiques en 42 ans»» sont aussi les mêmes qui mentent délibérément au sujet de la nature du gouvernement dans la Jamahiriya. Ils qualifient ainsi le Dr Al-Baghdady d’ex-«premier ministre» alors qu’il n’y a jamais eu de tel poste dans la Jamahiriya ni même de “ministres” (voir la Déclaration sur l’avènement du pouvoir du peuple) [7]. Ce simple exemple prouve déjà le degré de la propagande militaire ou, dans le meilleur des cas, l’ignorance crasse de journalistes qui parlent de choses qu’ils n’ont pas comprises, comme les institutions de démocratie directe en vigueur dans la Jamahiriya libyenne.

Le Dr Al-Baghdady, secrétaire général du peuple libyen, chef d’Etat légitime de la Jamahiriya libyenne

Le titre et la fonction officiels du Dr Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi sont exactement : «Secrétaire-général du  Congrès Général du Peuple de la Jamahiriya Libyenne», supervisant le Comité Général du Peuple ». Affirmer que c’est  ««l’équivalent»» d’un premier ministre relève d’une même volonté de tromper. La Jamahiriya libyenne est de fait une démocratie et non pas une dictature parlementaire. Comme le Dr Al-Baghdadi n’a pas été destitué par le peuple jusqu’à ce jour (puisque le Congrès du Peuple n’a pas pu encore se réunir en raison des bombardements pendant 7 mois et l’occupation de la Libye par Al-Qaida), il reste et demeure le secrétaire général du peuple libyen [9].

Depuis un an et demi, les médias tunisiens sacralisentad nauseam  leur ««révolution»» (mot entendu une centaine de fois au moins tous les jours durant la même période) et leur ««démocratie»» dont l’OTAN, en dernière instance, est le garant de sa “vérité” [10]. Or, c’est Michel ROCARD lui-même, un premier ministre du président François Mitterrand en France (1981) qui a tôt rappelé le caractère bourgeois de la «révolution tunisienne»[11].

L’explosion des chaînes de télévision du CNT/OTAN…

Comment expliquer l’existence d’une vingtaine de chaînes de télévision par satellite (NileSat en particulier) mises en place par les agents du CNT/OTAN en Libye alors que la Jamahiriya n’en disposait que de quelques unes? Mis à part le fait que cette «diversité» (un autre mot-piège) reflète aussi les luttes intestines entre milices armées sur le terrain, il fallait surtout tenter de faire «désapprendre» au peuple libyen l’expérience de la démocratie directe dont il fut en quelque sorte le «peuple élu» pour des raisons diverses. L’une d’elles est qu’une telle conception de l’organisation moderne des sociétés ne pouvait naître que dans le désert et dans l’esprit d’un homme exceptionnel, Mouammar Al-Gaddafi [12 et 13].

La nécessité historique de la démocratie directe et ses principes fondamentaux sont exposés avec concision et clarté dans le Livre Vert [14]. Pour des raisons inavouées, cet ouvrage était interdit sous la présidence de BEN ALI et il est révélateur qu’il soit toujours censuré dans la Tunisie ««révolutionnaire»»… En effet, il s’agit d’un ouvrage subversif comme l’ont remarqué a posteriori des anarchistes en Europe [15]. Il est également intéressant de noter que l’une des cibles privilégiées de l’OTAN en Libye fut un lieu d’information, de documentation et d’études scientifiques animé par des savants du monde entier: le Centre de Recherches sur le Livre Vert. Aujourd’hui, les autodafés n’existent plus car les écrits dérangeants sont tout simplement pulvérisés avec la précision de la servo-électronique des engins de l’OTAN…

L’organisation exceptionnelle de la démocratie directe dans la Jamahiriya libyenne. Des comités populaires à tous les niveaux de la société, de manière transversale et verticale, permettent au peuple de se gouverner par lui-même et pour lui-même, sans intermédiaires ni parasites.

Aux Tunisiens, dont la grande majorité croit encore que la Jamahiriya est un Etat dirigé par un ««dictateur»» comme BEN ALI à la tête d’un gros parti monolithique comme celui de ce dernier, nous disons qu’il faut avoir participé à des comités populaires en Libye pour savoir ce que la démocratie directe veut dire [13, 16, 17 et 18]. Les ménagères et les médecins, les étudiants et les artistes y discutent en toute liberté de tout et les propositions, votées à main levée, sont toujours transmises au niveau décisionnaire ad hoc dans un mouvement de va-et-vient cohérent. La plupart du temps, tous les problèmes sont résolus et une telle décentralisation (pour employer des termes de « gestion » moderne en Europe) est facilitée par celle des budgets (aux municipalités, etc.).

Exemples :

1. Nous nous souviendrons toujours comment une fois, un citoyen se plaignait, à main levée, du fait qu’il travaillait loin (plus de 20 km) de son domicile. L’affaire est montée au niveau supérieur et c’est Gaddafi en personne qui a répondu, comme simple citoyen (preuve de sa qualité effective de Guide de la Révolution et non de ««président»» )[7] , dans le cadre d’un comité populaire, qu’il serait bon que ce genre de choses n’existe pas dans la Jamahiriya.

2. Quand, une autre fois, le Guide voulut redistribuer aux citoyens les revenus du pétrole lors d’un comité, il y avait eu une opposition et le projet ne fut pas accepté immédiatement par l’ensemble du peuple. Il a fallu attendre quelques années pour que la mesure passe, après de nouvelles discussions et réunions véritablement populaires et démocratiques.

3. Avant les fausses manifestations initiales de Benghazi (prétexte à l’agression militaire par 42 Etats prédateurs), Goga (ou un autre membre du CNT/OTAN) a même insulté Gaddafi dans un comité populaire. La surprise fut qu’il ne fut même pas sanctionné.

Ainsi, dans la Jamahiriya, et pendant des décennies, on a débattu, non pas pour savoir s’il faut sanctionner davantage les chômeurs, les retraités ou les femmes qui portent le voile mais, de choses plus essentielles comme la garantie pour chacun de l’application desdroits humains fondamentaux de toute société démocratique digne de ce nom : celui à une maison et à un travail notamment [18].

Ce que disent les Libyens loin de la censure et des médias du Système: démocratie de l’OTAN = DIMACRATIE…

La chaîne Elshaab (Le Peuple en Marche) basée à Damas (métamorphose de ARRAI, ayant couvert avec héroïsme l’agression contre la Libye)

Pendant que les téléspectateurs du monde entier ont droit ces derniers jours à la propagande des «reportages» «en direct», «sur le terrain» sur «la nouvelle vie» de «l’homme de la rue libyenne», «libre» de «choisir» ««démocratiquement»» ses ««représentants»», un nouveau programme de la chaîne de télévision ELSHAAB («Le Peuple en Marche »), basée à Damas et issue d’une métamorphose de ARRAI (connue pour sa couverture exceptionnelle de la guerre contre la Libye), prend le contrepied de cette ««réalité»».

La nouvelle chaîne consacre désormais, chaque jour, près d’une heure et demie (entre 16 :00 et 16 :30 / heure de Tunis), voire plusieurs (avec une diffusion également vers 20h00) à un programme intitulé Bisat Ahmady (Tapis d’Orient) dans lequel l’animateur accueille en direct les appels téléphoniques de Libyens de l’intérieur ou exilés [19 et 20].

De toutes les villes de la Jamahiriya (occupée en grande majorité), les Libyens peuvent donc, pour la première fois depuis plusieurs mois, s’exprimer librement sur un canal de télévision. Les récits spontanés décrivent systématiquement des scènes de torture, viol, l’existence de prisons secrètes, des scènes de torture encore, fouilles intempestives, vols, pillages, etc. Avec des explosions et coups de feu permanents, l’image d’une Libye ««sécurisée»» révèle, une fois de plus, l’hypocrisie et la complicité criminelle de la grande majorité des médias et partis politiques du monde, de « gauche » notamment [19].

De nombreux appels proviennent de la ville meurtrie de Syrte. Par exemple, certains habitants ont confirmé la présence de soldats français dans l’usine de distillation. D’autres ont décrit des soldats des USA et de Qatar.

Le 3 juillet, MOHAMED, appelant de cette dernière ville, non seulement qualifiait de farce («mahzala») les ««élections»» en rappelant que lui et ses compatriotes avaient toujours voté de leur plein gré, à main levée dans le cadre des comités populaires à tous les niveaux de la société jamahirienne [13].

La dimacratie dans la Libye occupée, c’est à dire le pouvoir de ceux qui ont fait couler le sang au nom de l’OTAN. “Dima” en arabe signifie le sang.

Par la même occasion, il faisait aussi un jeu de mots ô combien tragique en qualifiant leur ««démocratie»» aéroportée de « dimacratie » qui se traduit de l’arabe par un pouvoir basé sur le sang versé par ceux qui prétendent gouverner (dima=sang en arabe). Il est à noter que le terme « mahzala » fut le même employé par Gaddafi en personne pour désigner le cirque électoral [18]. En effet, comme le disent les anarchistes du monde entier (qui feraient bien de s’inspirer de la Jamahiriya–mieux vaut tard que jamais- pour leur crédibilité)[18]:

« Si les élections [bourgeoises, parlementaires] pouvaient changer quelque chose, elles seraient interdites depuis longtemps ». Ainsi se reproduit le cirque parlementaire. Mais, en dehors de la perte de temps et d’énergie, il y a un dernier aspect, très concret et non des moindres :

Ce que coûte le cirque électoral ««démocratique»» à un citoyen européen: 2 215 Euros par minute…

Un tel cirque (à décliner dans les divers types d’«élections»: présidentielles, législatives, municipales, etc.) coûte des sommes d’argent astronomiques aux citoyens de nombreux pays du monde.  Par exemple, pour l’Italie, Jean-Paul POUGALA cite Rita Bernadini, une députée du parti Radical «qui a fait le macabre calcul du coût du parlement italien : 2.215 Euros par minute au contribuable»[21].

Les détails ne sont pas sans intérêt : « Salaire net: euro 19.150 / mois. Salaire de base :  euro 9.980 /mois. Assistant : euro 4.030 /mois (habituellement les parents et les familiers). Remboursement du logement : euro 2.900 / mois. Honoraire de travail : de euro 335 a euro 6.455 (net). C’est toujours elle qui a trahit le fait que les députés italiens, en pleine crise économique, en 2011, à l’unanimité ont voté dans la nuit profonde une loi pour s’augmenter le salaire de 1.300 Euros net et ils ont inventé un faux rapport pour cacher  aux journalistes l’objet même du vote.” »[21]


Qu’est-ce qui permet au cycle de ce cirque macabre de se reproduire inexorablement et contre la volonté même des peuples? Son énergie provient tout simplement de la propagande quotidienne des médias du Système dont la fonction principale est de faire croire au simple citoyen qu’il  n’existe pas d’alternative, hors la barbarie, à la démocratie parlementaire. L’expression ultime de cette dernière est alors l’alternance au pouvoir de «deux grands partis» ou «grands blocs» qui se font et se défont comme les décors d’une pièce de théâtre…


 1. Révolutionnaire tunisien, que savais-tu et que sais-tu encore de la Libye ? [Tunisian Revolutionary, what did you know about Libya and what do you still know?]. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 25 janv. 2012


2. Le rouge et le noir chez Hala Misrati, héroïne mondiale du journalisme. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 8 mars 2012 (Journée mondiale de la femme…)


3. [Le regime tunisien, ennemi des peoples du monde] Tunisia Regime: Enemy of World Peoples. 11 March 2012


4. [La marionnette de Soros, président de la Tunisie] Soros Monkey Becomes President of Tunisia. 11 March 2012


6. Une femme tunisienne brûle 30 dinars pour exiger la liberation du secrétaire general  du peuple libyen [Day 306: People`s Secretary Still Political Prisoner – Woman Burns Money in Tunisia]. 22 June 2012 http://www.mathaba.net/rss/?x=630620  &http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO7klYhLUVE&feature=plcp

7. Déclaration sur l’avènement du Pouvoir du Peuple (2 mars 1977). Trad. JP Maury.

http://mjp.univ-perp.fr/constit/ly1977.htm & English :http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/ly01000_.html

9. Le drapeau de l’entité impérialiste piétiné sur la Corniche de Sousse (Tunisie). Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 02 juillet 2012


10. Tunisie-Libye : les dérives télévisuelles nées de la sacralisation ad nauseam d’une « révolution » avortée. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 18 janvier 2012.


11. Les racines bourgeoises de la révolution tunisienne. Par Michel Rocard, Les Echos, 25 janvier 2011


12. Libye occupée: Amal, Adel et le Dr Mohamed enseignent au peuple libyen le désapprentissage de la démocratie directe… Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 7 juin 2012. برامج تلفزيونية على القنوات الليبية للمجلس الانتقالي العميل للحلف الأطلسي تحاول استبدال الديمقراطية الشعبية المباشرة (جماهيرية) بالديمقراطية الرأسمالية


13. La démocratie directe, secret de l`efficacité de la résistance des peuples à l’impérialisme. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 30 avril 2012


14. La troisième théorie universelle. Le Livre Vert de Mouammar Al-Kadhafi. 24 fév. 2012


15. Le Livre Vert (par Kontrekulture)


16. Voyage en Jamahiriya Libyenne du 20 au 26 mai 2000. Récit des rencontres, débats, visites, dialogues avec les Congrès de bases, les Comités Populaires et les Comités Révolutionnaires. Alternative 2001 “pour un monde solidaire” (réseau d’échange de pratiques alternatives et de réflexions sur la démocratie directe, locale et participative d’ici et d’ailleurs -). Sous la direction de Ginette Skandrani


17.  La société libyenne, les congrès populaire, les différents comités. Par Ginette Skandrani, Juillet 1998. Avec: « Kadhafi n’était pas un dictateur ! ». 13 novembre 2011


18. Gaddafi, un anarchiste vraiment libertaire. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 23 fév. 2012


19. Les Libyens ont à nouveau une tribune libre pour informer le monde. Les Pacifistes de Tunis, 29 mai 2012



20. Chaîne Alshaab (Le Peuple en marche). Basée à Damas. Emettant sur le satellite Nilesat, Fréquence 11 214, Polarisation Verticale.


21. Une escroquerie dénommée “démocratie”. Par Jean-Paul Pougala, “Cours de “Géostratégie Africaine” n° 38, 30 juin 2012



 1. “La rébellion libyenne, qui a renversé le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, “n’a pas été un soulèvement populaire” mais un acte d’”hommes de pouvoir” décidés à le chasser, a déclaré aujourd’hui le président du Conseil Silvio Berlusconi”.BERLUSCONI: « Cela n’a pas été un soulèvement populaire parce que Kadhafi était aimé de son peuple comme j’ai pu le constater quand je suis allé en Libye. »

Source : AFP du 9 septembre 2011 20h47


2. Extraits du Livre Vert :

« C’est cela la démocratie classique qui domine le monde entier, qu’il s’agisse de régimes à parti unique, de régimes bipartites ou multipartites, ou même sans parti; ainsi il apparaît clairement que “la représentation est une imposture”. »

« Les plus tyranniques dictatures que le peuple ait connues se sont établies à l’ombre des assemblées parlementaires. »

3. ”La Libye, qu’on décrit comme une dictature militaire de Kadhafi est en réalité l’Etat le plus démocratique du monde. En 1977 y a été proclamée la Jamahiriya qui est une forme élevée de démocratie où les institutions traditionnelles du gouvernement sont abolies, et où le pouvoir appartient directement au peuple à travers ses comités et congrès. L’État est divisé en de nombreuses communautés qui sont des “mini-États autonomes” dans un État ayant autorité sur leur district, y compris l’allocation des fonds budgétaires. ” (Vladimir CHAMOV, ex-ambassadeur russe en Libye)

(DR. Shakir) writes:

“Your candidate first and the only
internationalist thinker and the king of kings of Africa and in front of Muslims ….
Unionist of the Revolution … builder of the great era of the masses …
Our motto … to Athurh after the Revolution …Freedom, justice and democracy and the glory
and sovereignty of the People’s Congresses and People’s Power 
… our symbol color green the color of heaven ..
no. polling: -1-9 –1969 “
ALEX BECK of “Millions” writes:
” Libyan people express of their anger like this .
Photo : do you know what's this ? This is the Election office where all documents are . Libyan people express of their anger like this . This is because they want regime of Power of People which was Gaddafi saying to world in every speech .
This is because they want regime of Power of People
which was Gaddafi saying to world in every speech .”

“So happy”, that is why the people are burning the election centers with Molotov coctails!

The people do not want anyone “representing” them (when they themselves can have their own voice’s heard

and their own power in “People’s Congresses” and “people’s committees”—

They do not need someone telling them what they should know and do and be fearful of—a waste of money as well.

They know Muammar’s “Green Book”, and they know what imitation democracy is being forced upon them…when

they already had DIRECT & PURE DEMOCRACY without any silly mafia

“political-parties” to worry about!
The people of Libya are pretty well educated—They are not dummies like the West thinks they are.
ofourse, there will always be some who are seeking $$$$$ and power…Those are the only RATS who will be taken-in

by these phony “elections”….
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich in the USA also very well know this by personal experience….Just think of the millions/

billions Obama and Romney have spent on their elections—

and all the monies Sarkozy took from Muammar and Betencourt illegally ! Monies that were supposed to be used for

other purposes….

(The “elections” are a farce. The Libyan people do not want someone to “represent” them when THEY THEMSELVES
possess all power through Popular Congresses and the People’s Committees.)
 nothing but lies from rats ……… Vasabah
THANK YOU, THANK YOU Alex–The truth must be said for the whole world to know that the Jamahiriya (state
of the Masses) is the only true democracy throughout the whole world–and Libyans are proud that they have made it
and do not what to be subjegated like the rest of the world! The people have the power, not individual “candidates”!
Noooooooooooooo parties when the people themselves “rule” themselves! They want no one to impose someone
upon them–despots: a throwback to olden times. Libyans have successfully thrown off their chains and no one is
going to shackle the people again!
  • Orders of the rat McCain ………… Belhadjis who will win the election ….عاااااااااااااااااااااجل
    اليوم 8 \7
    عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )مراسلنا المتخفي بين الجرذانبأوامر من الجرذ ماكين ………… بلحاج هو من سيفوز في الانتخابات ….
    Joanne Moriarity writes to me: “… BelHadj is alive!! …The people that gave me the information on Al Qaeda are
    tribal leaders in touch on a daily basis with all parts of Libya. I know these people personally, I do believe that
    there is a problem in Libya with radical Islamists now – Belhaj is one of the biggest ones..
    BUT THIS IS THE REALITY: No drones are targeting al-Qeeda: that is propaganda. A bunch of NATO/QATARI
    army men did land here today from Tripoli and are montoring the movement of the Resistance with high-tech
    equipment—al-Qaeda was the lie, excuse they gave Western Press to validate their presence.THE FOLLOWING IS A REAL HONEST REPORT:
    Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |
    URGENT / /Mizrata called in the Qatari Military and told them, “Salem Al-Attiyah / and Khalid al-Nuaimi,” “and other
    leaders fields and officers radioman and eavesdrop on military equipment and experts in the operational
    planning for battles.
    Why their presence in this time and what their intent with science secrecy task and tells us the news a staff
    at the airport where they came from on board a military plane to come from MaltaO Admourhaa Misurata destructive your might, and might at rave oversees pension Libya salvation …
      •  and I repeat again, what I wrote below:
        BelHadj is dead–Do not believe the lies:All the stories that Evil John McCain came to tell the TNC /
        GNC to make sure that BelHadj is the winner of the
        elections is insane. Please remember this report from last month:
        6 juin
        BelHAdj is confirmed DEAD!!!
        Day 6 \ 6
        …………… more powerful because we are
        addicted to مشاااااااااااااااااااااااااااركة page
        confirmation of the credibility of the page ….. I have since we announced the first day ……
        Will show the body of
        Abu Aoueigila charred and decapitated soon …..
        and Belhadj rat is killed at the base of Motaiqh ….. And will be throwing his body in any place
        so also remember, that al-Baghdadi could not have been handed over to BelHadj and tortured
        It is all lies to scare the Green, bring down morale and make the Resistance look like it has absolutely no credibility!
        6 juin.2012
  •   The schemes of the dark one! We are in fact, living the LOTR scenario over again, and we must not give in or
    be mesmorised by Evil…The “tube” is the same as the crystal globe–and it will take your will power and mind
    away if you look into it… BEWARE!
  • Quoting For the valley space:
    channel frequency 11393 v vertical 3/4 satellite Nilesat. Disclaimer for Dear viewersshortly after we’ll show you
    a statement of the Council’s social tribes and Rafla about the people arrested from the city of Misurata in the city
    of Bani Walid, facility currently logged shows the status of detainees and good treatment of by the people of Bani
    Walid rebuttal of what has been displayed in some satellite channels and the web pages online, which says that
    they were tortured and ill-treatment Triqbona shortly after the channel valley space: channel frequency
    11393 v vertical 3/4 Nilesat satellite.
    The charge-oriented Almasratien rats present in Bani Walid is the mechanism of their incomes in the range of military
    Bani Walid geographical as well as the absence of any card indicating that they had filmed the journalists and military areas of the enemy
    A meeting with journalists from the city of Misurata held in Bani Walid after their arrest because of Dkhlohm illegally to Bani Walid and they work a depiction of military areas within the city

    Photographers channel Tobakedz held in Bani Walid
    A meeting with journalists from the city of Misurata held in Bani Walid after their arrest because of Dkhlohm illegally to
     Bani Walid and they work a depiction of military areas within the range …

    Photographers channel Tobakedz held in Bani Walid

    Committees at the level of preparedness and Rafla tribes in the entire public is invited at an emergency meeting
    by both place and time after the news we received on the mobilization of medium and heavy vehicles from rats
    Misurata to come to Bani Walid

    Publiée le  nine Juil. Two thousand and twelve par 

    A meeting with journalists from the city of Misurata held in Bani Walid after their arrest

    because of Dkhlohm illegally to Bani Walid
    and they work a depiction of military areas within the city without permissionblog Bani Walid http://www.facebook.com/BaniwalidBlogger

    Libya free country say that the photographers were in the Bani Walid to cover the elections and this is just a claim and a pure
    lie, they did not have any official mission in the Bani Walid was arrested in a military vehicle carrying out filming some
    military sites, and these words came to Sanhma personally in the video introduced by channel Valley last night
    Code of Bani Walid
    Amsakah month of Ramadan for 2012 local time for the city of Bani Walid and its suburbs …
    you can get a copy of the high-resolution printing by clicking the link
    and design enthusiasts can get a time table of the city for use in their designs to their fasting acceptable and tasty
    breakfast and all Happy New Year and we apologize to everyone for dropping out of our control due to
    some emergency circumstances will we return, God willingDemtem fine
    Photo: Amsakah month of Ramadan for 2012 local time for the city of Bani Walid and its suburbs ...  You can obtain a copy of the high-resolution printing by clicking the link http://baniwalid.blogspot.com/2012/07/2012.html can also design amateurs to get time on the agenda of the city for use in their designs to their fasting acceptable and tasty breakfast and all Happy New Year and we apologize for all, drop out of our control due to some emergency circumstances will we return, God willing Demtem fine


    Bani Walid require the release of 117 of its citizens abducted by gangs Musratih for the release of the journalists.
    News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence)
    Reports of failure of the negotiations within the city of Bani Walid for the release of journalists, 
    hackers, and came after the rejection of Misurata free prisoners from its jails.
    # Libya # Bani Walid # # Misurata.
    Reasonable risk Zzouz dogs were spies from Misurata Angulw in Rbar and false information to the foreign press events,
    especially for the beginning of CNN and the T-propelled. And the BBC and neo Mexico and some other channels. They
    were Aato in military information belonging to the Libyan army For the CIA. Tnod Khatarham the whole world, as
    opposed to that of thousands of brothers Liberal detainees in prisons and God knows where their situation.
    Means in the new Mavi way you walk with them, but this method is a kidnapping-and-trade Balahrar Referrals.
    Photo: reasonable risk Zzouz dogs were spies from Misurata Angulw in Rbar and false information to the foreign press events, especially for the beginning of CNN and the T-propelled. And the BBC and neo Mexico and some other channels.  They were Aato in military information belonging to the Libyan Army for the CIA.  Tnod Khatarham the whole world, as opposed to that of thousands of brothers Liberal detainees in prisons and God knows where their situation.  Means in the new Mavi way you walk with them, but this method is a kidnapping-and-trade Balahrar Referrals.
    and the source of certain of the inside Gardan Mzrath
    says at some of his youth Orteuro withdrawal of battalions Avatar organized in the attack on Bin Walid and some of them
    escape flight and they said we Sadna Mavena before the bin Walid and Manbosh Nmoto Gadi and God Rakpthm chills of Tris
    bin Walid, especially after that and connect many threats from Libyan tribes trace their lineage to Hadi dishonest war and
    urging them to withdraw because they said the attack would be the end Orteuro Mzrath inevitable and Ali Shaheed Maacol
    32 Enhanced Brigade for the defense of Libya
    Misurata end ……
    we will make an epic battle and taught history and future generations will say this Tgbert ruins of the city
    and its name overshadowed  Misurata neutralize humiliation will break on the rocks of the valleys of honor
    Snroy olive Bani Walid Vahdhiri blood … This is hell and good riddance
    URGENT / / /
    quit a few hours ago from Misurata, a number of fighter jets to hover over parts of North Almrdom Bani Walid,
    as part of monitoring the surrounding area in Bani Walid is fully prepared to carry out strikes rogue gangs of the city
    After hearing that several battalions belonging to the party, the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya gather in the city of
    Misurata and preparing all kinds of preparing to attack the town of Beni Walid
    Aalta they will face only noticed the vast amount of pawns Qatar that you want to attack us and ask them touch
    Urgent Misurata / raging battle since the morning between the people and armed forces, and declining Jerdan rats
    to the area of Misurata Alqoshi inside and you will create something new God

    151114345000426&type=1&relevant_count=1Asham el-watan (alla, moamer, libya only)
    Day 8 \ 7
    Asham home …… Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ….. Page green flag)
    Through statistical correspondents Asham home page (the largest network of correspondents in the Libyan)
    ………. We say to the people of Libya … You are more powerfulThe number of rats, who are too went to their elections
    alleged ranges between 60 000 – 70 000 rat only ….
    Most of them in Alzentan and Misurata ………. And least at the beach and walked 60 rat 102 rat and
    Bani Walid hundreds rat sympathetic to Mahmoud Jibril……….

    اليوم 8 \7
    عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )من خلال احصائية مراسلي صفحة عشم الوطن ( اكبر شبكة مراسلين في الجماهيرية )
    ………. نقول لشعب ليبيا … انتم الاقويعدد الجرذان الذيين ذهبوا الي انتخاباتهم المزعومة يترواح بين 60 الف – 70 الف جرذ فقط ….
    اكثرهم في الزنتان ومصراتة ………. واقلهم في الشاطئ 60 جرذ وسرت 102 جرذ و بني وليد المئات المتعاطفين مع الجرذ محمود جبريل ……….
  •  ‎32 Enhanced Brigade for the defense of Libya.
    Number to Emczu elected today 1.2 million people out of 2.8 million people have cards, a participation rate was
    45% almost note that the total Libyans after the attack on the homeland, as stated by the Board of customers
    is 6.5 million Libyan any that ::There are 3.7 million Libyan what Darroch cards+

    1.6 million cards have Libby and Macharkosh=5.3 million Libyan what Harkosh final multiplicity of reasonsIt was narrated
    that any integrity, you are talking Hariaah repayment prospects of any democracy you claim,
    and most people did not participate in Mhazlkm??
    BUT I SAY:
    Impossible to be that many eligable to vote!…What about the number of people under 18—what about
    non-residency foreigners listen as “lybians”…what about the death toll, those imprisoned or in hospital,
    those 1.5 million who are in Egypt or Tunesia, Italy, etc…
    These figures are a total impossibility with 53 polling places totally destroyed, 100 in ruins, 100 not open—
    do not tell me “The populace filled the mosques today to vote in presedented numbers.” VERY OBVIOUSLY
    these numbers are RAT FIGURES ONLY and must be lies!

  •  from Dr. Shakir’s site:
    The number of rats who had gone to the alleged election rats Max 10,000 rat ……
Libyan people have burned the western imposed election halls, the resistance has made clear, our capital shall
not be Washington, Brussels, London, Mecca, Medina, Tel-Aviv, Tripoli or Benghazi. It will be Sirte, the birth
place of leader, warrior Moammar Algathaffi. We will also make sure the children of Palestine, and all the true
Jews of Africa, from Lalibela to Axum have their wish and capital city of Jerusalem be granted to them, God
Our cry shall be millions march towards Jerusalem and Sirte, banish the sleep from the eyes of all peace
loving Africans, Arabs and Jews, come on you lovers of holy warrior Moammar Algathaffi, warrior Omar Al Mukhtar,
warrior Bomniar, Prophet Patrice Lumumba, dignity of Africa Kwameh Nkrumah, messenger Steve Biko Bantu,
fighter John Garang de Mabior, Iddi Amin Dada, emperor and king Haile Selassie, soldier Thomas Sankara, leader and
patriot Robert Mugabe, and many more martyrs of Africa, and North Africa. From the eyes of all African indigenous
people, muslims, christians, Jewish, worshippers of other faiths, you seekers of justice.
You lovers of truth and martyrdom, you beautiful black children of God from the immaculate green gardens of eden, you
selfless children of Sahara, patriots, beloved children of higher power and seekers of martyrdom, banish the sleep from all
Africans, and the Jewish of Lalibela to Axum Ethiopia, there will be no more hunger, no more wars, no more suffering, no
more starvation, , we will do the fighting for you and for those who want to join with us, come on you lovers of martyrdom.
Forget about the whole world, forget about the deceitful conferences, brandish your weapons to take back our countries
and continent from the oppresors, grab your weapons soldiers, indeed all the lovers of Libyan lion of the Sahara
Muammar Al-Qathaffi, I am saying this, we say it loud and clear, yes Sirte and Jerusalem are our goals. We say
it clear, our people shall pray in Jerusalem or Sirte, move freely with pride across Africa, and their goods, or else
we shall die as martyrs on the threshold.
by Stephen Gule.

De l’album : Photos du mur
De الورفلي الصا
Summary of a great day of the resistance
The burning and bombing of 100 centers electoral ………… And non-opening of the 110 center also said Hebrew channel ……
And Brega and Ajdabiya and Sirte and Bani Walid and beautiful Racdalin and flies and Badr and sister and Mizdah and the
beach and Murzuq and Kufra and Ubari and languages …. Not elected ….
Did not end today after ………
Keep Akieyeeyeeyeeyeeyed …….. Libya’s Muammar al-elected
index 08


Thank God Almighty that pleased us the opening site “News Libyan, who seek him and through him to be a window to the

world the crimes of gangs of NATO and in order to show the circumstances and tragedies experienced by the citizens,

whether they are persecuted at home or prisoners in the prisons of militias, gangs of NATO or of forced circumstances

to leave their home
We also invite visitors to write articles to share with us and we will publish your articles that you send Bosmekm,

whether true or false

May Allah guide you to what he loves and which pleases Him


Author: Muammar al-Assad

Congratulations to all Libyan Sharif will never betray the nation, religion and honor did not engage in crimes of NATO

and their accomplices and decide on the position of men

Day 3 \ 7
Asham home …… Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ….. Page green flag) , our correspondent from
the leadership of the armed people of the brother Saadi Gaddafi,  & MUAMMAR al Qathafi: the Supreme
Commander of the armed forces of the people ……
 the leadership of the armed people greeting from hero ………… All are free to Zliten ……….. Friday Market ……….
free to all who participated with him in the fight rats Misurata …..
To the noble tribes ………… As the leader of each region cleanse itself ….. After the beach …….
and now you Jufrah Bdorhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
now recovered south Wu center under the control of the noble tribes of our people and armed forces ……
Not only revive the remains of the Sabha belonging to the rats daughters of Solomon and the city of Ghadames in the
middle … you are endowed with free Sabha ………. Loya Touareg Ghadames raised for your children ….
Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |Sources page A. Arab———————-
Alzzouz gift to complement the country are free to
you for an hour before Qohm waving pleasures in the company
of the four streets in the way of the airport to the rats Iderio Popat ago from Iron Bridge to Airport Road Samvaro
are free to salute the Resistance !مصادر صفحة أيه عرب
هدية ليكم الزوز القطريين يا أحرار إلي لقوهم ملوحين قبل ساعة في الشركة متع الاربعة شوراع في طريق المطــار إلي خلت الجرذان يديرو بوبات من كوبري
Decision to re-form under Torghae Legion led by
Major  Muhammad Ali Sahab Altaorga ….
protect the Commander …………. Protect the revolution …………… Protect light
all youth Torghae leave Tripoli and Benghazi, and to go to the beach ……… Taken with caution and prudence
“Circulated to all ….. Panthers and Falcons
Altaalb beast and donkeys … In the case of bewilderment … And the moon in the sky …. Dawn and close
all black and hawks … alert … Fishing trip started to
greetings black”
Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |Photo: Today Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajl 11 \ 7 Asham home ......  Because we are more powerful (Page challenging the rats ..... Page green flag), our correspondent in the Bani Walid Bani Walid people do not want to speak does not support the data or publications and demonstrations and marches .....  Who wants to support and Rafla Fleursl his forces to defend Bani Walid as he did Almgarhh ......
WARNING TO RATS: YOUR END IS COMING  unless you repent and throw-down your arms to live i n peace:
Important and very dangerous , please be published in all the pages before the disaster. the name of Allah the
Merciful peace and blessings be upon His Prophets and Messengers Prophet Muhammad upon him
blessings and peace. to all the elders and wise men and the sons of Fbaellna dishonest throughout Libya
beloved. After greeting and peace
مند فترة ليست بي بعيدة و صلت الى مستندات و معلومات و اوامر خطيرة جداً من قطر و بعض الدويلات الاخري و الهدف منها هي تركيع و كسر و اخضاع القبائل الليبية المؤيده لشرعيه الخظراء امام الغرب و بت الفرقه و الفتنه بينها حتي يتم السيطره عليها و تجريدها من السلاح و هده القبايل بالترتيب كما وصل الينا من المصدر الموثوق فيه جدآ لانه يوجد احرار وغيورين علي الوطن في كل مكان و يجب علينا اتخاد وسيله لردع هدا المخطط الشيطاني القطرايئلي و يجب وضع حد لكل من يتعامل مع هدا المخطط . من اسماء القبائل المؤيده التي ارفقت في المستندات هي : قبيلة ورفله قبيلة المقارحة قبيلة لعبيدات قبيلة القذاذفه قبيلة ترهونة قبيلة المشاشيه قبيلة لحسون قبيلة ورشفانة قبيلة العجيلات قبيلة الجميل قبيلة الرياينه قبيلة زليتن و هناك اجنده خارجية مغروسه لا تنتمي للقبائل السابقة بصلة بستناء قبيلة زليتن هناك بعض الافراد لهم كلمتهم و يترأسون مناصب حساسة و لهم تأتير كبير على بعض القبائل مثل قبيلة البراعصة قبيلة الزنتان قبيلة اولاد سليمان قبيلة مصراتة قبيلة الزاوية قبيلة الخمس قبيلة زليتن و هولاء هم مدعمون من قطر – تركيا – فرنسا و بحكم تحليلي البسيط و طبيعة عملي لا أستبعد ان تكون أسرائيل لها يد في هدة الفتنه . هناك مخطط يرسم لي تشتيت وحدة الصف و اندلاع الحرب الاهلية و تقسيم ليبيا و هناك مخطط لكافة القبائل الليبية . ارجو من كل مشائخ و عقلاء هده القبائل الليبية أخد الحيطه و الحذر و الاسراع في اتخاد الاحتياطات الازمه . و بخصوص ما يحدث من انتهاكات للوطن العزيز و انتهاكات للحقوق الانسان و سرقة اموال الدوله و المواطنين و تهميش المدن الليبية بأستثناء بعض المدن المعروفة لدى كافة المواطنين بي طغيانها و نهبها للحقوق هي وسيلة لانفجار الحرب بين تلك القبائل فهيا مخطط لها و تخطيطها مستمر و بنجاح و بسرعة غير متوقعة . ارجو كل من يقرا هذا الكلام من احرار وطني الحبيب ليبيا ان يبادر بنشرة و لكم جزيل الشكر و الاحترام . مواطن ليبي حر و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة
Since the period is not my long and arrived at the documents, information, and orders a very serious from Qatar,
and some states other and the goal of which is brought to its knees and break and subdue Libyan tribes in favor of
the legitimacy of Alkhzera in front of the West and the bit discord and sedition between them so is control of them
and strip them of arms and this topic
Kabylie order also arrived to us from the source Trusted very because there
are free and jealous at home everywhere and we must Take a way to deter this scheme satanic Alqtaraaila and
must put an end to all have to deal with this scheme. of the names of tribes supporting which are attached in
documents are:tribe, Rafla tribe Almgarhh tribe of slaves tribe Alqmazvh tribe Tarhunah tribe epiphyseal tribe
Hassoun tribe Rishvana tribe Ajeelat tribe beautiful tribe Riaineh tribe Zliten, and there is a foreign agenda stuck
do not belong to the tribes of the previous onion Bstina tribe Zliten.
there are some people their say and preside
over sensitive positions and Tater them on some large tribes such as the tribe Albrash Alzentan tribe tribe
children of Solomon tribe, Misurata tribe Angle tribe five Zliten tribe and they Mdamon Hola from
Qatar – Turkey – France and by virtue of the simple analytical nature of my work and do not rule out that Israel
had a hand in the ditch sedition. There is a scheme draws me to distract the unity and the outbreak
of civil war and the division of Libya, there are planned for all the Libyan tribes.
 declare a state of emergency in the hospital Bani Walid ..
attack rats Misurata Ali
Bani Walid my part and Almrdom Tineyaa ..
Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |
O, O people of Libya free of war and resistance you choose to honor that do not live in peace humility and humiliation
Take a breath and broke up for yourself and return to the dust of a new saddle you stand on the front line
Everyone is watching and lined with an epic history of the finest of New Btolatk
I know that pain … seriously asked him every moment of glory You embrace the issue is not over yet
When you drop .. Get up and get up if they fell
… This is because the Libyan people, these are revolutionary descendants of the chosen children of light struggling Bomenaar
It is time, O green flag holders
Listened to the call of God and this is our motto ((God, Libya and Muammar Obs)) … In our time we are staying does not echo this argument out of thin air and say to those who Kvrna: ((O Mufti Petkverna ….. hey you have come in any order ….. Nakeer Mstasal ignorance …. you know what you are ignorant in conscience))
This is your time to regain your glory Do not wait in the queue The world is waiting for your return
Let’s go in your career do not lose hope and give the mass and raise the banner of freedom, Secretary of the National
This is a Hztk do not hesitate today your day and your right to the right and the Libyan Flanstrdha your country by force, even if there is no shame but licked the blood
You are right in the way of Islam through enough that we are not enemies of God Nstan
If I wake up Get up ..
Time to return the first mass
It is time the people of my Rebel Commando
And forward … Light and never … The Revolutionary Struggle continuesأيها الشعب الليبي الحر يا من اخترت الحرب والمقاومة بشرف على أن لا تعيش السلم في ذل ومهانة
التقط أنفاسك وانفض عن نفسك الغبار وعد إلى السرج من جديد أنت تقف على خط المواجهة
فالجميع يراقب والتاريخ يسطر ملحمة من أروع بطولاتك من جديد
واعلم أن الم…سألة جدية فكل لحظة أنت تعانق المجد فالمسألة لم تنته بعد
عندما تسقط.. انهض وإذا سقطت انهض
… لأنه هذا هو شعب الجماهيرية،، هؤلاء هم ثوار الفاتح أحفاد المختار أبناء المجاهد بومنيار
آن الأوان يا أصحاب الراية الخضراء
استمعوا إلى نداء الله وهذا هو شعارنا (( الله ومعمر وليبيا وبس))… وعلى عهدنا باقون نحن لم نردد هذه المقولة من فراغ ونقول لمن كفرنا: ((يأيها المفتي بتكفيرنا ….. مهلا فقد جئت بأمر نكير ….. بأي جهل فيك مستأصل …. علمت يا جاهل ما في الضمير))
هذا وقتك لتستعيد مجدك لا تنتظر في الطابور فالعالم ينتظر عودتك
هيا امضي في مسيرتك ولا تفقد الأمل وامنح الجماهيرية الحرية وارفع راية أمين القومية
هذه هي لحظتك لا تتردد اليوم يومك والحق حقك والجماهيرية بلدك فلنستردها ولو بالقوة فلا يمسح العار إلا الدم
أنت في طريق الحق طريق الإسلام يكفي أننا لم نستعن بأعداء الله
إذا استيقظ انهض..
آن أوان عودة أول جماهيرية
آن الأوان يا شعب الثائر المغوار
وإلى الأمام … والفاتح أبدا … والكفاح الثوري مستمر
Hospital Bani Walid General needs to blood type (AB +)
Please owners of this species to go immediately to the hospital to the need for it ……
and God does not waste the reward of the best work
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=393075754090653&set=a.262087570522806.66245.255481861183377&type=1&relevant_count=1Photos du mur
مستشفى بني وليد العام بحاجة الى دم فصيلة (AB+)
الرجاء من اصحاب هذه الفصيلة التوجه فوراً الى المستشفى لضرورة الأمر ……
والله لا يضيع اجر من احسن عملاَ
Par : مدونة بني وليد
IN NEED of TYPE “AB+” blood at the BANI WALID HOSPITAL–state of Emergency:

مستشفى بني وليد العام بحاجة الى دم فصيلة (AB+)
الرجاء من اصحاب هذه الفصيلة التوجه فوراً الى المستشفى لضرورة الأمر ……
والله لا يضيع اجر من احسن عملاَ

O tribes, God forbid, do not permit the
overthrew of Bani Walid; and this is something far Raho Libya and the
legitimacy and the salvation of peace which, by God, if battered Bani Walid and Mathrktosh mean Libya Libya salvation
of peace it and I wish each tribe equipped Trichaand its people because the war soon….
martyr Martyr Ahmid Warfali
  • Code of Bani Walid
    Still news is mixed on the car was stopped in Ahmikh According to recent news that the driver is in stable condition
    in hospital Bani Walid year, and the news of his death is not true, in a telephone from the hospital the news is not
    definite at the moment and call to one of the surgeons to carry out the intervention of fast, and even the clarity of
    vision and the evacuation of everyone is please be patient and not the reporting of rumors and false news ….
    for everyone to stop promoting rumors
    Code of Bani Walid Partagé a la photo de Bani Walid today .Bani Walid today’s
    conflicting news about the death of the father was caught in a car from the southern region of Tninaa ..

    Using our contacts we made sure there were no deaths among the people of religion were caught and two’s ..
    And confirmed that one person has attempted suicide Bdbh the same fear when caught ..
    They are now being treated in hospital Bani Walid ..
    We ask God for safety is the car that has been captured and is Tninaa area by two peopleThere were conflicting news about the death of the father was caught in a car from the southern region of Tninaa ..

    Using our contacts we made sure there were no deaths among the people of religion were caught and two’s ..
    And confirmed that one person has attempted suicide Bdbh the same fear when caught .. They are now being
    treated in hospital Bani Walid ..
    We ask God for safety is the car that has been captured and is Tninaa area by two people
    Heyam Libya writes:
    cell shall be published not all clear and begin blocking the door of the rumors and gossip .. 
    I became addicted to Munawar
    العاصمة في بني وليد الجزء الاول 11 07


    قناة العاصمة مع وفد من الاعلاميين في بني وليد على خلفية احتجاز مصوري قناة توباكس …..لقاء مع الشيخ محمد البرغوثي من بني وليد تحدث فيه عن تجاوزات اهالي مصرات…
      • قناة العاصمة مع وفد من الاعلاميين في بني وليد على خلفية احتجاز مصوري قناة توباكس …..لقاء مع الشيخ محمد البرغوثي من بني وليد تحدث فيه عن تجاوزات اهالي مصرات…

    Information that children and elders Gado Abu Seif and Misurata and Bani Walid will hold 
    tomorrow morning in the people, a meeting of reconciliation between the two regions and 
    the release of detainees from the two cities of the parties under the auspices of the Interim ….
    Source: political dialogue Libyan dish

  • Code of Bani WalidI want to say to all the children who flock in Misurata and our Atasaron to publish all that is
    initiated and Khadsh of shame that everything they write reflects the morals and the environment
    in which they live, and I want to say to them also (dawn So Bakri Raho Msamatoshi launch?)
Wise to learn a lesson from his experiences, what is happening is important to us first and foremost, I see a
suspicious movements Some wished explode the situation immediately to achieve its objectives, regardless
of the results, and the enthusiasm that we see today when some of the campaigns that led some pages may we
saw and we lived A in the past and eventually stop everyone on the sidelines with a little encouragement and
poured oil on the fire in all crises that have passed, what I would like to say is that we do what we do for our cause
and the way you serve us and serve serve our people, whether war or peace or Palmeadna or in any way we choose.
We start from the young fighter through the local community remain steadfast conclusion, the Council of Elders,
who leads the crisis competently and successfully day after day, to impose himself as a formal Aztr everyone to deal
with them even though they were all Iharbonha.
Conclusion: The choice is ours, and fight our battle and the policy objective boats and Altbandir tried and we know the results
whatever the decision then so be our decision we are, for us and for all the honest people who care for us and we care for them
and not for traders crises and followers pitfalls Fbazhm wished Livni Libyans reel their father only to Athbt that he was right
and I want to say to those who want to trading in all crises in order to halt their tongues about us and he wants to join us
Vliqv with us on the soil of this city bacillus and the data and so we have an archive of them in the past was not one iota Tnfna
Photo: wise to learn a lesson from his experiences, what is happening is important to us first and foremost, I see a suspicious movements Some wished explode the situation immediately to achieve its objectives, regardless of the results, and the enthusiasm that we see today when some of the campaigns that led some pages may we have seen and lived through in the past At the end of the day to stop everyone on the sidelines with a little encouragement and poured oil on the fire in all crises that have passed, what I would like to say is that we do what we do for our cause and the way you serve us and serve serve our people, whether war or peace or Palmeadna or any the way we choose We start from the young fighter through the local community and steadfast conclusion, the Council of Elders, who leads the crisis competently and succeed every day in imposing himself as a formal Aztr everyone to deal with them even though they were all Iharbonha.  Conclusion: The choice is ours and fight our battle and the policy aim of boats and Altbandir tried and we know the results whatever the decision then so be our decision we are, for us and for all the honest people who care for us and we care for them and not for traders crises and followers pitfalls Fbazhm wished Livni Libyans reel their father only to Athbt it was on the right and I want to say to those who want to trade all the crises in order to halt their tongues about us and he wants to join us Vliqv with us on the soil of this city bacillus and the data and so we have an archive of them in the past was not one iota Tnfna
in Zliten
The transfer of weapons of rats in the number of containers 8 trucks to Misurata …..
to all pages and reporters please do not publish any news about the insurgents in Bani Walid ……….
Each Maalém is to focus on the movements of rats in Zliten and Tarhunah and Gheryan …… must learn from the previous war …..
After hearing that several battalions belonging to the party, the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya gather in the city of
Misurata and preparing all kinds of preparing to attack the town of Beni Walid 
Aalta they will face only noticed the vast amount of pawns Qatarthat you want
to attack us and ask them touch.  
Promising of allCities
The Sun Adik emptyE agreedI we have 12 000 because the Fund only!and the problem of the rest
of us Aljtaat h caused pollution in the environment and Dianna ancient villain Old Valley longed p
..Arouh to his mother in Sndwoq publication, please!
I hope all the sheikhs and
wise this topic Libyan tribes taken it precaution and caution and speed up the Tak a reserves crisis. and about
what happens from violations of the nation-Aziz and violations of human rights and theft of state funds and the
citizens and the marginalization of Libyan cities except some cities known to all citizens of my tyranny and pillage
of rights is a way to blast the war between those tribes.
So go ahead and planned and planned continuously and successfully and quickly is not expected.
I hope everyone who reads this are free to speak of a national beloved
Libya to take the initiative and bulletin Thank you very much and respect. Libyan citizen is free and peace,
mercy and blessings of God….
by Abu expresses Trabelsi 03 -JULY-2012:
What evil scourge laughs …. Dujana declares war on the infidels after infiltration into our country and under the banner
Aabathm in the dead of night …. Shalgam fear of interference in the sovereignty of the country, a Libyan who
unabashedly declared that Libya was established by decision of the United Nations to justify the issuance strangest
international resolutions against unarmed people based on lies and propaganda and fabricated according to a plan
drawn in advance of the occupation of Libya and control of resources
but the question that will bring about what many people said this A and that the reaction of those who call
themselves revolutionaries February, and who claim falsely that they set off a revolution on their own for
the Liberation of Libya, commenting on the remarks Shalgam channel in the capital on 07.02.2012,
which revealed the fact that the plot was personally one of the parties and carried out in Libya funded
diagonal Emirates Turkey US-French to another list as stated in his speech ……. I have signed Calghem
evil in his actions and was forced to reveal his cards and contacts and revealed part of what was being
plotted against Libya occurred because the ax in the head, the opinion goes …..
After the Libyan threats Dujana Alakora and procedures of the so-called electoral commission of
the Muslim Brotherhood, which has completed arrangements to rig the elections of the colonial
imaginary required to legitimize the fake and beautify the ugly face of a disaster of February and
coverage on the crimes of NATO and its agents Alfberarien …..And the practice of Altdjal on the
people who exercise power directly without the behalf of or representation by tribes and classes of society.
What will he say those rebels alleged comment on the news published in a so-called prime minister,
on 24 – 6-2012 on the meeting of the serious chaired Alajuanja Mustafa Abuscakor to study the paper
white on the construction of the Libyan armed forces, which reads (meeting at the Council of Ministers
headed First Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abuscakor in the presence of the parties related to the
paper white of the proposed on the work of the Libyan armed forces are the defense minister and
chief of staff of the Libyan armed forces and chief of staff, air defense and international experts who
prepared the paper.
The ambassadors of America, France, Italy, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the acting British Embassy)
says Muammar al-Qathafi blood lips God and decryption captured
“My heart is on the national.”
This is the freedom that shed for it Shalgam crocodile tears.
this is freedom that killed tens of thousands of people from the Libyan people who defended the freedom and
independence, sovereignty and unity of their country and prepare according to fatwas Mufti misguided
Antichrist Ghariani they soldiers leviathan.
This is the freedom that is alleged in which Dujana Alakora he was fighting the infidels and the infidels has been
fought and his gang forces the armed people and destroyed cities and raped silks under the banner of the Crusaders
and their money and weapons and to achieve their goals.
not know these rebels liars that the Libyan people, who defeated the Italians and the Americans and the
English House and counterfeiters and government ownership of imported and the authority of the embassies
will not Ikhna not subject will know who wronged any return overturn.
from the:
Information Office of the Army brackishTransmission Password “Supreme Commander of the Army” ten
leading lion of the armed forces and of all the Libyan people and the young noble tribes that free speech across a room in a room  of Pal/Talk, Great Jamahiriya Chamber of  God,
“Libya and Muammar Obs” on 1/7/2012 Christian.
And God is great above the aggressor Kidd

Intervention z frère gratuitement dans une chambre

de Dieu et de la Libye Mouammar Obs

Muammar is speaking! 15 April 2012

Muammar is speaking!
15 April 2012Intervention z frère gratuitement dans une chambrede Dieu et de la Libye Mouammar Obs
Mon film
كلمة الرائد اركان حرب الأسد للشباب القبائل الليبية للدفاع عن لي
    • Major pillars of the word war lion for young Libyan tribes to defend Libya.
      This is someone sending the message “of the Supreme Commander” (Muammar al-Qathafi) “the lion” of the armed forces and all the Libyan peoples.
      MARCH 2012:Bientôt, le monde tremblera et la surprise de la Jerdan libyenne
      قريبا سيهتز العالم و الجردان من المفاجأة الليبية
      12 MARCH 2012

      Chambre de Dieu, la Libye et Mouammar Obs



      Parole Aharllhab Chambre libyenne de la Grande Jamahiriya Paltalk

      05 April 2012
      Word to your brother Aharllhab Libyan Chamber of the Great Jamahiriya on

      Presentation of the stadium in a room Kdavy

      Obs God, Libya and Muammar Obs

      23 April 2012

      Chambre de Dieu, la Libye et Mouammar Obs


      طائرات حربية تحلق بسماء سبها على ارتفاع منخفض مع تكبيرات متواصلة من المساجد..
       Military aircraft flying Sabha sky at low altitude with continuous takbeers of the mosques ..
      Not delivered until the shrines of mighty
      companions targeting a mosque in Derna an improvised explosive device hit Monday morning shrines
      in Mosque city of Derna companions to target by unknown fifi fifi

      Code of Bani Walid


      Do not be tempted flocked delegations, Vhola are not students of the right, not the people of tolerance,

      even though they also saw them or heard their voices when they abandoned the Torghae or bombed sister,

      or otherwise, but they all seek to ward off the evil can not afford to reply and this seeking, and I hope that

      there is no scope to provide concessions under any item for any purpose, we have provided in the past

      many, many have not been that we have only more insulting, not tempted by the Atfasah threatened in

      the screens, there is only menace and threat, even if they had our energy for what he Vrona to this day

      and Aktar predators us and haters. ..

      Anne Prucha writes:
      • “…I wish one day, Green Army  could conquer this city, but I know how difficult it would be.”

      •  I responded:
      • Strangely, I was under the impression that they did when they surrounded the city two days
        ago and the rats gave up the prisoners they took that morning—and pleaded for their lives
        and fled—But something happened in between–
        what, I do not know—
        and after the two spies were caught by Warfalla to be used to bargain for the other
        BANI WALID residents stuffed into Misrata prisons, fire works really began against
        BANI WALIDeven from all the Western Medias!!!

        The West does not codemn the RATS and their HORROR-house “prisons”; but becried
        the capturing of the two spies so-called “journalists” (who were NEVER mistreated and
        are going  by Muammar’s “code of ethics for prisoners of war”)!
        Remember, Misrata is where Bernard Levy is planning a Second Homeland for the dispersed
        Jews and their kin (who were “thrown out of Libya in 1968”)—
        Wars begin in the Bani Walid………….. Where are you, talking tribeshttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=250836795028180&set=a.151115618333632.278
        in Zliten
        The transfer of weapons of rats in the number of containers 8 trucks to Misurata …..https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=250835821694944&set=a.151115618333

        اليوم 12 \7
        عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )مراسلنا في زليتن
        نقل الاسلحة لجرذان في حاويات عددها 8 شاحنات الي مصراتة …..
        Green corner
        There is no power but from God AlmightyGod is great on the unjust JabbarFrom our own sources have been confirmed and dogs Hradm post May 28 with the force in Misurata and are preparing to enter the city of Bani Walid tomorrow at dawn, and their plan is a random hit from a distance1 – Embarek bin Laden
        2 – Tarek Awad
        3 – Abdullah al-Lami
        4 – the sons of Hussein
        5 – Ahmad Ashour from Benghazi
        6 – Abdul Rahman Taboly
        7 – Abubakar Yacoubi
        8 – Salah M’Hamed Aljdk
        9 – Moses and his brother Mohammed of Morocco
        10 – Mustafa Azibadh (he who gives the information to the people of Bani Walid)
        11 – Imad Aljdk (gives information and news about the Bani Walid and his store of ammunition)But what we have to bend matter was al-Nahar’s characters and singhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=499793410036219&set=a.444132985602262.125809.444120548936839&type=1&relevant_count=1

        لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيمالله أكبر على ظالم جبارمن مصادرنا الخاصة تم التأكد من مشاركة شرادم وكلاب 28 مايو مع القوة الموجودة في مصراتة ويستعدون للدخول على مدينة بني وليد غداً فجرا وخطتهم هي ضرب عشوائي من بعيد1- أمبارك بن لادن
        2- طارق عوض
        3- عبد الله اللامي
        4- أبناء على حسين
        5- احمد عاشور من بنغازى
        6- عبد الرحمن الطبولى
        7- ابوبكر اليعقوبى
        8- صلاح امحمد الجدك
        9- موسى المغربى وأخوه محمد
        10- مصطفى ازبيدة ( هو من يعطي في المعلومات على اهالي بني وليد)
        11- عماد الجدك ( يعطي في المعلومات والاخبار حول بني وليد وكذلك بيته مخزن للذخيرة )لكن احني ما عندنا ليهم كان كتائب النهار الأحرف والصورة تغني

        Plans are combined colums of RATS will attack BANI WALID at 6AM in the morning–and it is being led by

        Qatari and the Muslem Brotherhood with mercenaries and Misrata recruits….They think they are being smart

        by going through the Valley of the Olives and having the Qatari air command bomb them first before the go in!

        Hopefully the GREEN ANGELS will knock the Qatari planes out of the skies before that occurs!

        News of the march of the sons and green Rafla in Mansheya and market Ant Institute of

        parameters to cheer (and Rafla is Rafla for what its leader, give up)
        from Bani Walid
        Ali and Rafla Tripoli ……… Take the cautious and prudent and the formation of small armed

        groups of 20-30 young man ……….. And the attack on all Misrati.

        Rats Rats Misurata asking them to join the eastern region of the attack on Bani Walid ……….

        Where the numbers were small.

        one good man can outweigh millions of EVIL ( a true lesson from Tolkien’s LOTR)…

        Good only needs God to make Triumph & prosperity to be a reality.

        EVIL does not have that assurance ever.

      Our correspondent from Zliten
      Heavy aircraft flying at heights in the sky Mnkhvth Zliten
clashes in the neighborhood of a strong No. 3 rats between Misurata and a battalion Buhulaiga ….
Because they want to control rats Misurata Ali Saadi battalion headquarters to its present Buhulaiga.
Vhlom:continued strong clashes between rats in the corner of Dahmani  
Basic People’s Congress Elvis Bucky free:
Aaaaaajl / / /
Of Tripoli, the capital, specifically in the area by rail Ben Ashour burning house earlier and is now the headquarters
of one of al-Jerdan (traitor)  after capturing him and as he follows Maurdna Battalion Zinati and now the flames
rising from it and a large fire there …. We will provide you with details and, if available ….https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=443062289061829&set=a.270531709648222.75607.2705127596
Alex Beck of “Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi” writes:
Breaking News
BRACK SHATTI TRIBES WON THE BATTLE against the rats from Misurata as they ran away without weapons.
11 of the rats ran away with naked feet !
WE DECLARE BRACK SHATTI with all its Areas, are free from rats . AS THE Elders threaten Misurata rats,
Rats who got defeated in Brack Shatti, on their way to Misurata, while they crossing Al Jofra City
(which are located at the south of Libya), the Resistance of Al Jofra city opened fire on them, capturing 5 rats .
Jerdan (traitors) withdrew from Jufrah …………. after violent clashes with the free and Alsukna Odan ……….
reported out of more than 200 vehicles armed with heavy weapons of Alzentan ……
We believe they go to fight for Mizdah epiphyseal ……
Green Red-Army al-Zentani fighting the rebel-gangs Zentan
Aaaaaaaaagel / / / / /
Now taking place in the violent clashes Alzentan and the fall of about forty people dead so far.
    •   Violent clashes between members of the armed forces of our people (special forces) …..
      And the rats in the city center Alzentan Alzentan night …… And killed a large number of rats …….
      (and will mention the details of the operation after the return of our heroes to safe places
    • . The Zentani are fiercely independent. They hold allegiance really to no-one. Muammar used to have
       all his generals of Zentani origin. They are fierce fighters of mostly Italian and arabic stock. The Tribal
      leaders and elders are, and always have been pro-al-Qathafi. The al-Qathafi tribe and Zentani are blood kin.
      The Jamahiriya RED-ARMY are the Zentani, and these comprise Muammar’s air-defense, as they
      have the jet-fighters for the Green Resistance, called the Green Angels.
    • Now unfortunately, there are gangs of al-Zentan youths who are traitors, are bigotted against black–
      in other words are bullies, who have been paid to disrupt the tribal elders. Wherever these gangs are,
      the trbal leaders try to eliminate them. They are harshly handled by the Zentan Courts and in most
      cases, thes young gang traitors are executed! These really are not the majority of the Zentani.If you recall, The Zentani never gave Saif to the TNC or ICC and the only way NATO and the TNC 
      got back (in April) the Tripoli Municpal Airport from the Zentani was by NATO bombing them!Unfortunately, a blessed soldier, Green General Mokhtar Akhdar was hit by rat schrapnal in the head.
      He was one of the Zentan Generals and chiefs who fought for the protection of Saif and the Tripoli airport,
      and would not give in to the RATS.see:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=263428263772188&set=t.100003150495041&type=3&theater

      Cinema being released about NATO‘s conquest of Libya made by al-Zentani to count…

    •  Also,
      Zentani Muhammad az-Zentani, was the General Secretary of the Libyan Jamahiriya 
      “People’s Congress”  
      Presently, the good green Al-Zentan are fighting (within their midst) the Jerdan gangs roaming the streets
      and hills of Zentan–In an effort to extinquish them from amongst their people.
    •  BTW, when the movie of “The Lion of the Desert” was filmed, Muammar chose thousands of
      Zentani to be the extras needed in the historical film.
Hours before the news was confirmed a car bomb in Salahuddin and, as stated prior, it’s inside or next to the
Hospital Institute of Saladin
عــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاجل …………طرابلسقبل ساعات تم تاكيد خبر تفجير سيارة مفخخة في منطقة صلاح الدين وحسب ماورد انها بداخل معهد او بجانب مستشفى صلاح الدين

Khaled Zharouk :

Khaled Zharouk –

Raise your head up and proud Balazmy 2012 /Levez la tête et Balazmy fiers (2012

This air goes on for over 30 minutes

Training for the People’s Army:
RacdalinIS GREEN & FREE!the beautiful gates to the spread of free and Racdalin beautiful beautiful ….. Rats after the expulsion of al-Qaeda Almqji
LOTS of earth-shaking bombings in Tripoli today!



in refernce to:        https://worldmathaba.net/items/1148-libya-worse-off-after-nato-takeover?ref=email

There was an article published today  in World Mathaba  edited by “Quoriana” by by  a Ms. Baharona, which means basicly well, but is void in an understanding of the

Third Universal Theory, the Jamahiriya and who Muammar al-Qathafi really is—-no ordinary human being. It lacks the the knowledge of the love of the Libyan

people’s for brother-leader al-Qathafi and family, about the First al-Fetah of 1969-–and the godly direction and spirit given to Muammar throughout the years

to formalise a direct Democratic Society based soley on the Holy Koran (with the needs and aspitations of a happy and successful society).

This article does nowhere reflect on the enormous miracles and accomplishments innovated by Muammar al-Qathafi and his free peoples over the years, or proofs

that such a system is viable and practicable—and that indeed all grievances are worked-out by the people themselves through People’s Congresses up to the

People’s Committees on the higher levels. It does not reflect at all upon the enormous progress made in the past 40 years, or upon the strengths of incorporating

such a system to a universal application to solve the ills of our planet.

It falsely assumes that people had legitimiate grievances that needed to be addresed against al-Qathafi!!!

(How bland and really “stupid” a statement when al-Qathafi

was not in any means empowered to do anything: That the people made their own decisions!)

Yes, Muammar planned-out the System; but he permitted the peoples full take-over by the declaration of

People’s Power on 02 MARCH 1977.

Before just having good intentions, and writing an article, Ms. Barahona should have done a bit more research.

BTW—thank you “Quoriana”, for the 2 well addressed notes added below on the Jamahiriya, which in simplicity,

states exactly what I said in too many words.

Basicly, the world has been hidden from all the speeches, messages and dialogues that Muammar has provide for us

since 20 October. They were NOT publicised in the World MSM;

and nowhere’s is there mentioned among them, about the reality of the “Green Resistance”—it is always “tribes against

tribes”, “tribal warfare”, chaos, etc… and encouragement for

the UN to intervene more as NATO has already been mandated to re-enter and “help clean Libya again” in September!

(HAH–The “SECOND al-Fetah” will have occurred well before

September anyway!)

أعلن الناطق بإسم كتائب الشهيد معمر القذافي أنّ الوحدة التي نفّدت تفجير مقر عبدالحكيم بلحاج في كلية ضابطات الشرطة سابقا هي وحدة الشهيد سيف العرب وتمت العملية بنجاح تام خلال الساعة السادسة من
صباح اليوم….وتتوعد بمفاجآت أخرى في العاصمة وبني غازي ومناطق أخرى وإلى الأمام والزحف الأخضر والكفاح الثوري مستمر
‏Photo : أعلن الناطق بإسم كتائب الشهيد معمر القذافي أنّ الوحدة التي نفّدت تفجير مقر عبدالحكيم بلحاج في كلية ضابطات الشرطة سابقا هي وحدة الشهيد سيف العرب وتمت العملية بنجاح تام خلال الساعة السادسة من صباح اليوم....وتتوعد بمفاجآت أخرى في العاصمة وبني غازي ومناطق أخرى وإلى الأمام والزحف الأخضر والكفاح الثوري مستمر.‏  
Spokesman for the Brigades of the Muammar Gaddafi that the unit ran out of bombing the headquarters of
Hakim Belhadj in the Faculty of women police officers
previously is a unit of Shahid / Martyr Saif Al Arab and the operation was successfully completed during
the sixth hour of the morning .… and vows
surprises another in the capital and Benghazi and other areas and forward and crawling Green Revolutionary
Struggle continues.

URGENT: ~ cook Benghazi hospital evacuation now clashes between elements of the security committee Jerdanih

and armed personnel in the hospital was on the track and to stop the closure of the hospital ——- —- Kdlk and

exposure at dawn today, Sunday, the headquarters of an army, but a national Jirdani Benghazi was attacked by

unknown assailants with two rocket-propelled grenades. Has not yet disclose the identity of the perpetrator — – c 69

War of the streets in Libya Pussy clashes near a hospital in Benghazi lead to the evacuation of close fifi fifi

Qatariis gave 50 dinars to each person who  showed up at the polls to be photographed!
Ivory (Sabha) for: explosion of the weapon store Bsabha rats and fire engines rushed to the place.
# Libya # # Sabha
Basic People’s Congress Elvis Bucky free
The Youth Resistance of Sirte are called “stainless only”.
In the past, they have said their word, and they are now waiting for the signal.
God is great above the plots of the aggressor.
Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |
And I ask Haaaaaaaaaaaaaam very careful:Please all Resistance cells in neighboring countries:
Please clean up your ranks and ensure the purity of the cells & purge them of traitors, because there are attempts
very large to penetrate the cells of the Resistance abroad. Their movements are being tracked and will not work ….
Holy fragmentation and God willing, we will inevitably be victorious. Take willing Volunteers …
message from the Green Resistance in Tarhunah
Our correspondent in the corner of Dahmani
Fear and terror to control rats in all parts of Tripoli ……..
And collected at the beginning of the first street from above and Stmbr outset of her first victory of the Police and the
road on the morning of Musl all roads passages leading to the pleasures of the island of Al Nasr Street …..
اليوم 10 \7
عشم الوطن …… لاننا الاقوي ( صفحة تتحدي الجرذان ….. صفحة الراية الخضراء )مراسلنا في زاوية الدهماني
الخوف والرعب يسيطر علي الجرذان في جميع انحاء طرابلس ……..
و تجمع في بداية شارع اول ستمبر من فوق وبداية اول النصر لشرطه والطريق مصكره علي الصبح من جميع الطرق المودية للجزيرة متع شارع النصر …..
Green Mountain | _ Tripoli _ |
And I ask Haaaaaaaaaaaaaam very careful:Please all Resistance cells in neighboring countries:
Please clean up your ranks and ensure the purity of the cells & purge them of traitors, because there are attempts
very large to penetrate the cells of the Resistance abroad. Their movements are being tracked and will not work ….
Holy fragmentation and God willing, we will inevitably be victorious. Take willing Volunteers …
message from the Green Resistance in Tarhunah
Clashes in Benghazi Almajory area between the region’s youth and supporters of federal stationed next to the river island
So go ahead and use light weapons and grenades. correspondent correspondent Hassan Baccouche Libya bad guys. #
Libya # # Benghazi
STEPHEN GULE writes us:
Libyan Liberation Front.
LLF Ground Update:JULY 05, 2012
(1) There are 30 tanks that entered Benghazi, now also there is a large army presence, seems rebels are tearing each
other down, but did not sure whether it is folks in
Benghazi to protect Benghazi city or war will be held in Benghazi and Allah knows best. Loud explosions are heard
pounding Benghazi every where.
(2) Armed people in Rseefa have shut down oil terminals, shipping depots and pipelines.
(3) NATO elections to legitimize the rebels have turned into a fiasco, at best mission creep.
(4) All 4 major refineries in Libya have been shut down, including that of Ras Lanuf. Does NATO still dream of
ruling Libya, imposing it’s rule?.
(5) Libyan green commando’s have seized large quanties of ammunition on the Tunisian border from the rebels,
prompting authorities to start questioning every Libby in
Tunis. 35 Rebels did not make it out alive.
(6) Celebrations mark Brack beach with green flagss every where in the city.
(7) Shock waves will be felt across Libya from now on till cancel their election fantasies and fraudulent tendencies.
“Tips and Talmat: leader Muammar Qathdafi is fasting in the War of Sirte”:
from 03 July 2012
This is Muammar.


Nassar 2012

“ESCAPE TO HELL AND OTHER TALES” by Maummar al-Qathafi


Image description


Mossaharaty at Midday

We all know the Mossaharaty … and like him. The children too used to like the fasting month of Ramadan and looked

forward to its arrival in order to see the Mossaharaty again, waking up people before daybreak, and listening to

the exciting rhythms of his simple drum accompanying his quaint voice at night during the blessed month of Ramadan.

We used to listen to his improvised hymns and try to hear their words.

The children would sing them out for a long time … and we, grown ups, would use some of his phrases on occasions

and in situations where they seemed to be applicable. For instance, we would say, ” Wake up, sleepy head!” every

time we wanted to urge someone to be wakeful and active. May Allah reward the Mossaharaty well for his humble

effort and continual singing late on moonlit or dark nights to wake us up for the last allowed meal (Sohor) and get

ready for fasting another day, which could be a long one. The Mossaharaty is a unique person.

It is rare to find one like him. As a matter of fact, he is by far a sui generis with abilities rare to find in other people:

His responsibility is a moral one connected with conscience, kindness and self-discipline: He is keen to wake up

every sleeper; he takes great pains and walks long distances around lanes and alleys to wake up their inhabitants

… He might stumble on more than one stone and fall flat on the ground as a result of his nightly ritual, but he would

never “turn on his heels from his self-imposed duty” or lose his temper … on the contrary, he would just keep walking

and singing the praises of Allah in fixed determination to complete his rounds so that every one could hear his

cheerful voice. The most interesting thing is that the Mossaharaty needs no one to wake him up.

It is he, who wakes people up. In this sense, he is unlike other people, who need a drum, a prayer and hymn

singing repeatedly to wake them up. We all wonder at the peculiar character of the Mossaharaty! Who really

wakes him up so that he may wake us up? Doesn’t he go to sleep? Of course, he does! Like us, he is a human being.

He feels tired, he gets ill and he goes to sleep, or at least he needs some sleep and rest. The amazing thing is that

he happens to be fully awake at the time of sleeping to perform his sacred ritual at the peak of bedtime when one

goes into a state of inactivity and repose. He walks late at night when it is pitch-dark.

 Image description

He stumbles and slips, but gets up, and slumbers on; and perhaps, this is the reason why some of us,

who do not like the call to morning prayer, do not seem to like him either. But we are used to hearing

the call to prayer, because it is repeated five times a day; and in this sense it has become a familiar phenomena

from morning to evening. Unlike the Mossaharaty, the caller to prayer can nowadays make the call to

prayer from his place … perhaps even when he is reclining on the bed with the help of a loudspeaker. He does

not disturb those who dislike him as much as the Mossaharaty does, because he does not move about or pass by

their houses or stop at their doorsteps to remind them as the Mossaharaty does. On the other hand, the call to prayer

consists of specific stereotyped phrases with no chance for creativity or innovation, whereas the Mossaharaty moves

and innovates while he is improvising … He beats his drum and sings his improvised hymns in praise of his Lord.


He can improvise any prayer, song or phrase that he thinks is fit to awaken sleeping people …

and he can repeat his calls and prayers as he deems right and sensible; but it is all done in a delightful

way which even the children like and try to learn by heart, because they sound so sweet,

even though the meaning of the words is still beyond their comprehension.

The Mossaharaty’s voice is charming like magic; and as magic, it needs no loud speakers which can be

annoyingly repulsive and loudly deafening like the ones used by the callers to prayer in Malta.

However, one may like or dislike the Mossaharaty, but even those who dislike him, because he

deprives them of sleep in the latter part of the night and urges them to get ready for another day of

fasting, speak well of him on the day of fasting; not at the time when it is due; but then, better late than ever!
This is all about the Mossaharaty after midnight. And now, what about the Mossaharaty at Midday?!!

EARLY PILGRIMAGE w Family: Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi visiting the Holy Kaabah



JUST BEFORE THE NATO INSURRECTION, praying for  World Peace, 14 Frebruary 2012


violent clashes on the bridge 27 Bhadda camp booklet Thurs (Khamis) …..

Alex Beck of “Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi” writes us:
Brack Shatti Today : Share it ! Let world know that the Resistance and People of Libya are still fighting the rats, and that the war hasn’t ended
yet .
WE ARE loyal to Gaddafi !  TO HELL NATO !
Photo : Brack Shatti Today . Share it let world know that  the resistance and People of Libya still fighting the rats the war isn't ended yet WE ARE loyal to Gaddafi , TO HELL NATO
    • In CENTRAL WEST LIBYA: “Brak is the main oasis of Wadi Shatti, and it has a couple of interesting military
      sites, like the … Nature is wild, but not as scenic as in many other parts of Libya.”
      Area 97,160 km2 (37,514 sq mi) [1]
      Population 78,532 (2006) [2]
      Density 1 / km2 (3 / sq mi)Wadi al Shatii (Arabic: وادي الشاطئ Wādī aš Šāṭi’ ), sometimes referred to as
      Ash Shati (Arabic: الشاطئ Aš Šāṭi’ ), is one of the districts of Libya in the central-west part of the country.
      Its capital is Brak. The area is mostly desert.
      To the west, Wadi al Shatii borders the Illizi Province of Algeria. After the 2007 administrative
      reorganization of districts, it borders on the following districts:
      Nalut – northwest
      Jabal al Gharbi – north
      Jufra – east
      Sabha – southeast
      Wadi al Hayaa – south
      Ghat – southwest
      Wadi al Shatii District is named after the depression (former lakebed) of the same name, Wadi ash-Shati’.
      The depression extends east from the town of Umm al-‘Abid to the town of Wanzarik on the west, a distance of about 140 kilometers.
      Its Economy:
      The same district between 2001 and 2007.
      In 1943, very large, but low grade, sedimentary iron-ore deposits were discovered in the Wadi al Shatii District near Brak.
      Economically, it is only suitable for strip mining. There are also potential economic manganese deposits in the same area.
      The manganese occurs in lens or veinlets (up to 23% Mg) in the sandstones associated with the iron ore.
      [4] Millet is the
      primary agricultural export from the valley.^ “Districts of Libya”. statoids.com. Retrieved 27 October 2009.

Rafla time to destroy Misurata ………. Now endowed with ………. Antvdoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

URGENT: Department of the Interior rats confirms that journalists kidnapped in Bani Walid “Joseph Paddy” and

“Abdul Qadir Fssok” in good health and will be a solution to the problem.
So I became addicted to pages rats on Facebook Btalo lie and Tcolo tortured them and whether it is the

Ministry of Dakhlatkm Kzpetkm … and free Altric Idir Henw know.
# Libya # # Bani Walid

Photo: Brothers honorable pioneers of our customers, because of the Ahdat current between the Bani Walid and Misurata on Almusurien who were arrested and our offer for the video of the meeting, flock on our lot from those who consent to be Itagroa honor of their women in order to win in the fight, bringing us a lot of Inanity and insults and comments that do not reflect only what we know of those, so it please you to stay with a capacity of chest and alert us about the comments in the case of the intersection with it in some of the topics and finally, (each one works his origins) Demtem fine

Brothers honorable pioneers our valued customers, due to the Ahdat current between the Bani Walid and Misurata
on Almusurien who were arrested and our offer to video the meeting, flock on our lot from those who consent to
be Itagroa honor of their women in order to win in the fight, bringing us a lot of Inanity and insults and comments that
do not reflect only what we know of those, so it please you to stay with a capacity of chest and alert us about the
comments in the case of the intersection with it in some of the topics and finally, (each one works his origins) Demtem fine
Statement of the Council’s social tribes and Rafla on the arrest of two young sons of the city of Misurata within
the geographical boundaries of the city of Bani Walid name of Allah the Merciful Council followed the social tribes and
Rafla as reported by satellite from a media campaign on the process for the arrest of two young sons of the city of
Misurata within the geographical boundaries of the city of Bani Walid , and as the Board approves the principle of
freedom of information and respects the right of everyone to express, he thanks the media channels
Brothers honorable pioneers our valued customers, due to the Ahdat current between the Bani Walid and Misurata on
Almusurien who were arrested and our offer to video the meeting, flock on our lot from those who consent to be Itagroa
honor of their women in order to win in the fight, bringing us a lot of Inanity and insults and comments that do not reflect
only what we know of those, so it please you to stay with a capacity of chest and alert us about the comments in the case
of the intersection with it in some of the topics and finally, (each one works his origins) Demtem fine
Valley Canal | Committees at the level of preparedness and tribes in the whole Rafla Libya invited at a meeting by
both time and place
Valley Canal | Youth Gathering for Youth and Rafla: any attack on Bani Walid will reply to him in the strongest of the parable,
according to social norms of the tribe
 Issue between the Bani Walid and Misurata, but it seems that the attack would be Senthana, I want to mention this teenager
owner’s threats and intimidation, which was released by when Haddtt problem Battalion in Bani Walid, and review of Alazlat
great and secret mortars and so on, I want to remind him that it was agreed to host bloodshed and the host conditional survival
in the factory 51 outside the city limits and prevented even shopping within the city, and we see them as they tremble Fraúshm,
as well as the exchange of fire under Tater alcohol and drugs, and in the end, when the fighting began in Mizdah fled in a
dark night so they left their vehicles behind them without Aokhaddoha ….
Internet is not a good place to review the adolescent masculinity, O, and let the Libyans are viewing courage concealing and
you stormed out of the city and you want them ….. Seems to be no remains of them speak or understand the wisdom of mind,
loss Eachoa clever …
 Council’s statement of the social tribes and Rafla on the arrest of two young men from the city of Misurata

Statement of the Council’s social tribes and Rafla on the arrest of two young sons of the city of Misurata within the geographical
boundaries of the city of Bani Walid name of Allah Rahman Rahimtaba Social Council of the tribes and Rafla as reported by
satellite from a media campaign on the process for the arrest of two young sons of the city of Misurata within the geographical
boundaries of the city of Bani Walid, Recognizing and Council The principle of freedom of information and respects the right
of everyone to express, he thanks the media channels, which raised this issue and demanding to highlight the work of the
arrest and abduction of identity practiced on a daily basis and systematically on the Libyan people from some of the armed
militias that roam the earth and the Libyan self-proclaimed police officer is unfair on the necks of the Libyans, and while we
demand the media asking the subject, the Council records the conviction and condemnation of all acts of arrest and
kidnapping and displacement and harassment carried out by armed militias, wherever found against the sons of Libyan
people, and take this opportunity to ask these channels its position of kidnappings and arrests of identity practiced on a
daily basis to the sons and Rafla, and its opinion with respect to the work of displacement forced practiced in many cities and
areas Libyan against families and Rafla, and the views of the intellectuals and wise people in the confiscation of private
property for the children Rafla and unlawfully, certainly not be an object of an individual, group or state that a Iqiad freedom
except in accordance with the law, and therefore may not be a police officer placed himself outside the law and does not give
himself legitimacy outside of legitimate approved by the Libyan people. And as the Council affirms these principles he
mentions the Libyan people that more than 234 people from the sons and Rafla have been arrested by virtue of identity and
more than 127 people were kidnapped on the identity, and more than 56 people lost because they and Rafla, so the Council
condemns these acts and demanding that the Libyan people are wise take the initiative to condemn such acts and to stand
united position to put pressure on the armed militias that are holding innocent people of the Libyan people for their release.
And as we issue this statement, we would like to emphasize the following:
1. Assure the people of Misurata that their children
in good health and they are in good hands.
2. That the Council considers that the social language of reason and dialogue,
fundamental principles in its policies and that social relations between the sons and Rafla and Misurata can resolve all
outstanding problems between us and this incident is a cloud of summer will not last long.
3. Request media not to give the
other dimensions of the topic that will ignite the flames of discord and division among the sons and the sons and Rafla Misurata.
4. Call the elders and wise city of Misurata answer the visit of the delegation of the Social Council in the past period and to
discuss ways to resolve some of the problems between the two cities and the children which resulted from the crisis of Libya.
Libya has lived and lived and the people of God than any Kbiro peace and mercy of God and Prcahsdr in Bani Walid on
Monday: 9/7/2012 Social Council of the tribes and Rafla
Source: Baniwalid Blogger
Vallée Canal | Rassemblement de la jeunesse pour la jeunesse et Rafla: toute atteinte à Bani Walid lui répondra dans le plus
fort de la parabole, selon les normes sociales de la tribu
Alex Beck of
“Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi”Breaking News
Rats of Misurata preparing themselves to attack Bani Walid city , Bani Walid City is pro Gaddafii area all people inside
the city prepare for battle and they raise the alert of war to high degree , women and men are surrounding their city to
protect it from rats of Misurata .
Council’s statement of the social tribes and Rafla on the arrest of two young sons of the city of Misurata
within the geographical boundaries of the city of Bani Walid
In the name of God the Merciful
Council followed the social tribes and Rafla as reported by satellite from a media campaign on the process for the
arrest of two young sons of the city of Misurata within the geographical boundaries of the city of Bani Walid, and as the
Board approves the principle of freedom of information and respects the right of everyone to express, he thanks the
media channels, which raised this issue and demanding to highlight the work of the arrest and abduction of identity
practiced on a daily basis and systematically on the Libyan people from some of the armed militias that roam the
land and self-proclaimed Libyan policeman is unfair on the necks of the Libyans, and in the time that we demand
the media asking the subject, the Council records the conviction and condemnation of all acts of arrest and kidnapping
and displacement and harassment carried out by armed militias wherever they are against the sons of Libyan
people, and take this opportunity to ask these channels from its position of kidnappings and arrests of identity practiced
on a daily basis to the sons and Rafla, and its opinion with respect to the work of displacement forced practiced in
many cities and areas Libyan against families and Rafla, and the views of the intellectuals and wise people in the
confiscation of private property to the sons and Rafla unlawfully, certainly not be the object of an individual, group
or state that Iqiad A freedom except in accordance with the law, and therefore may not be a police officer placed
himself outside the law and does not give himself legitimacy outside of legitimate approved by the Libyan people.
And as the Council affirms these principles he mentions the Libyan people that more than 234 people from the
sons and Rafla have been arrested by virtue of identity and more than 127 people were kidnapped on the identity,
and more than 56 people lost because they and Rafla, so the Council condemns these acts and demanding that the
Libyan people are wise take the initiative to condemn such acts and to stand united position to put pressure
on armed militias holding the innocent Libyan people
For release. And as we issue this statement, we would like to emphasize the following:
1. Assure the people of Misurata that their children in good health and they are in good hands.
2. That the Council considers that the social language of reason and dialogue, fundamental principles in its policies
and that social relations between the sons and Rafla and Misurata can resolve all outstanding problems between
us and this incident is a cloud of summer will not last long.
3. Request media not to give the other dimensions of the topic that will ignite the flames of discord and division
among the sons and the sons and Rafla Misurata.
4. Call the elders and wise city of Misurata answer the visit of the delegation of the Social Council in the past period
and to discuss ways to resolve some of the problems between the two cities and the children which resulted
from the crisis of Libya.
Libya has lived and lived and the people of God than any large
And peace, mercy and blessings of God
Released in Bani Walid on Monday: 9/7/2012 Social Council for the tribes and Rafla


83377&type=1&relevant_count=1Yeh that raised this issue and demanding to highlight the work of the arrest and abduction of identity practiced
on a daily basis and systematically on the Libyan people from some of the armed militias that roam the land and
self-proclaimed Libyan policeman is unfair on the necks of the Libyans, and at a time when the media call asking the
subject, the Council recorded his conviction and condemnation of all acts of arrest and kidnapping and displacement
and harassment carried out by armed militias, wherever found against the sons of Libyan people, and take this
opportunity to ask these channels from its position of kidnappings and arrests of identity practiced on a daily basis
the sons and Rafla, and its opinion with respect to the work of displacement forced practiced in many cities and areas
Libyan against families and Rafla, and the views of the intellectuals and wise people in the confiscation of private
property to the sons and Rafla unlawfully, certainly not be the object of an individual or group or state that a Iqiad
freedom except in accordance with the law, and therefore may not be a police officer placed himself outside the law
and does not give himself legitimacy outside of legitimate approved by the Libyan people. And as the Council affirms
these principles he mentions the Libyan people that more than 234 people from the sons and Rafla have been
arrested by virtue of identity and more than 127 people were kidnapped on the identity, and more than 56 people
lost because they and Rafla, so the Council condemns these acts and demanding that the Libyan people are wise
take the initiative to condemn such acts and to stand united position to put pressure on the armed militias that are
holding innocent people of the Libyan people for their release. And as we issue this statement, we would like to
emphasize the following:
1. Assure the people of Misurata that their children in good health and they are in good hands
2. That the Council considers that the social language of reason and dialogue, fundamental principles in its
policies and that social relations between the sons and Rafla and Misurata can resolve all outstanding problems
between us and this incident is a cloud of summer will not last long.
3. Request media not to give the other dimensions
of the topic that will ignite the flames of discord and division among the sons and the sons and Rafla Misurata.
4. Call the elders and wise city of Misurata answer the visit of the delegation of the Social Council in the past period
and to discuss ways to resolve some of the problems among the people of the two cities, which resulted from the
crisis of Libya.
lived Libya and the people lived and God is greater than any large Peace be upon you and mercy and blessings of God
was released in Bani Walid on Monday: 9/7/2012 Social Council of the tribes and Rafla
Statement youth tribe Almgarhh
the name of Allah the Merciful
in a time when the tribe Almgarhh to many attempts fierce provoked by some of the gangs and militias,
non-representative of the tribes or regions at the same time, the tribe Almgarhh committed Bzbt self did
not issue them any act of Jesse to any tribe or region and endured some of the mistakes by these groups and
chose the wisdom and the mind has respected the tribe the right neighborhood for each of its environs, but as
You always race for Dodd them if Maouka them injustice …. Now, after hitting Enough is enough, the young tribe
Almgarhh warn anyone or any group or neighbor to Ivgah the neighborhood what it means to think his mind just
thinking about harming Bakbeblh Almgarhh or prejudice any member of its members, it spark Naraaa can not
extinguish it will eat everything and everybody, and that tribe Almgarhh warns it will strike with an iron fist without
mercy and relentless both tempted to prejudice them or their loved ones, we black Enkhav air and hawks to Anhab
the floor, excused from Lander .. and Ivotna here that brushed all the tribes Libya and especially the noble region
of Fezzan , peace, mercy and blessings of God youth tribe Almgarhh 09/07/2012 – P
31 JULY 2011:

 launched by Abu Rat threatens to use force and the threat of military

action against the Bani Walid after the issuance of orders from his

rat Hamad

our correspondent from Bani Walid Almzraat joined rode honorable Kadmowon ……….. They matter to ………..

The opinion of a Mahmoud Boras members of the media office of the local council expelled in the statement
published by the channel valley:
Today we emerged Valley Canal Satellite and a statement of the sons of revolutionaries and Rafla Benghazi and the
Eastern province are threatening the Targeting members of Misurata in the eastern region in the event of Bdaouat
battles there!!!!
reasonable to speak of this!!
and who are the sons and Werfalli who met my channel valley and where the video and where the statement is
written and met?
day of the waxing and showered us call to find out who met and where meeting and the leaking of speech and rays
from here and there and some of them say that the conferees were thirtieth at the producers’ cartel and had to Raúshm
Daifallah carp and key Matouk and Boubacar Salmi and Ali said, and Idriss Alaftmana and others!!
I am to think so I do not think one dares to declare such a speech because it is the responsibility of legal
and what is the relationship of Misurata Benghazi, the subject and the social fabric of the city of Benghazi interconnected
since ancient times
or is it that this channel is a channel sedition?
I have to free and Rafla Benghazi to issue a clear statement through the channel formally condemn it as such data
and issue the same statement and point of view balanced Boukos hot topic on the subject of journalists
and the God of the intent behind
Mahmoud Porras

Bani Walid

people interested in jihad under the banner of Allahu Akbar ……. And wish to ignite the war to avenge

the martyrs ………

The only escape rats under the banner of reconciliation and of strife and bloodshed and negotiations .

reported deaths of a number of rats Misurata and the families of

4 of them in clashes with the Champions in the Bani Walid area stopper …

to our people throughout the public ….. This victory hours ….. this hour of glory and pride ……

Valjrman digging their graves with their hands all over now, Ali Bani Walid ….. Bani Walid pride …..Bani Walid …. hold
on all the noble tribes docking and stand ….. O, O Tarhunah Rishvana …. I walked proud …… I Furjan ….. I Qmazfah ….

endowed to support the Bani Walid ……
and beware Kidd traitors and enemies and channels that promote discord lies rats

forces Rats country with 560 rat is estimated up to Misurata ….. With arms shipments …… The trained rats it now …..

Young people who went to the Bani Walid to support them …. Random is not useful to go ……
did not move seriously only tribe …. Almgarhh Bertl well organized coach

Kaddáfiho prejav pre ľudí v Beni Walid, 31.júla (v angličtine)2011:

samedi 06 août 2011, 16:19 ·

I greet you, sons of Rusaifa and sons of Solbh. Greetings to you in this million man demonstration in support of the Revolution of Benghazi. I know we all feel the pain now, when we heard about a massacre against the sons of Warfalla in Benghazi, where one hundred and twenty of Warfalla people were killed in the city of Benghazi by al-Qaeda and gangs of heresy and traitors. It is a heinous crime by the support of the reactionary Arabs’ fund and weapons, and the support of Christian crusader NATO. These reports and news that we have now says that 120 from Warfalla were killed last night in the city of Benghazi. They were slaughtered. This leads to a revolution, resentment, anger and revenge. We are Arab tribes, Arab tribes deal in vengeance. We cannot keep silent about revenge. It is necessary to take revenge. This is a mockery and contempt of Warfalla. They mock you and dare at you. They have disrespected you. They haven’t worked out that you would go out today in a million man rally. This is Wraflla which gave martyrs in all fronts. Warfalla has paid the price. It is blood.

Here is the hero martyr Gebran, here is his picture and Alnaqrat is in the corner, as well as martyrs and heroes who are still fighting now and their fingers are on the triggers.


After we paid the price with blood and our children, we will not retreat. We have paid the price and we have to get. We have to get elimination of enemies, freedom, unity of Libya, freedom to the Libyan people, to return Libya as it was last January in spite of the Atlantic Alliance. It was a country of paradise and safe. Traitors now fleeing in Benghazi, resort to shelters, looking for crusader ships to take them from Benghazi. Now, they are living in terror of the rebel masses. Warfalla sons are arising in Benghazi now. They want to avenge. In last night’s massacre, 120 from Warfalla were killed and slaughtered by a gang in Benghazi. We must revenge. This is a valuable blood. Brave heroes of Aljawazi and Alamaim tribes are with Warfalla. Everywhere now in Barka there is a revolution against the traitors and agents; in Marj, Turi, Dernah and Al Beida. Al Beida now is almost completely liberated. Where are you? Where is your courage? Where is your glory? Do you know what is required of you? You have to liberate Misurata first, and the road to Benghazi passes through Misurata. You have to liberate the captive crippling of Misurata, which is taken by armed gangs supported by France, NATO, retro, agents and traitors, donkeys of the Gulf. They dare to the extent that they convey aids to Misurata, near you. Where are they going …? They are going to Ben Walid to massacre people to do what they have done in Benghazi.

Where are the descendants of Mahdi Atbeigah? … Where are the descendants of Qadwar Al-Saholi? They were brave Knights. Where are the descendants of Saadi Taboli? Where are the descendants of Saadi Tabola, and Qadwar Al-saholi? Where are descendants of (Shou), a hero of Al-Melh battle. Where are the descendants of Wadi Dinar battle? Where are the descendants of the battle of (Zitounat Baia Rassa)? Baia Rassa’s olive tree was irrigated with blood though olive trees are irrigated with water? Do you know what is required of you? It is to crawl to end the battle soon. Crawl to put an end for this fight soon. To stop this series, in order to destroy NATO. You have no thing before you but to crawl? It is your duty to liberate Misurata, our dear country. Don’t let the city of Misurata a hostage and captive in the hands of gangs have neither religion nor creed and supported by the Christian NATO. It is a farce … They want to work a farce in Libya. What do Misurata mean? Where are they pushing Misurata? It is your duty to help your brothers in Misurata. It is your duty, O Warfalla fellows. It would be a known which Misurata would never forget if you have liberated the city. Liberate Misurata even without weapons … catch them and seize their weapons. It is your duty… It is your duty towards Misurata and its women. They would never forget it if you have liberated the city.

Now the fighting is in the streets of Benghazi, Almarj, Tobruk, Dernah and Al- Beida. The people now are attacking the traitors, mercenaries and heretics who have neither future nor hope in victory or life. We say to you they have no hope. O Christians, you do not have hope in Libya, O heretics, you have no hope to govern Libya. O traitors, mercenaries you do not have any hope to control even a street in Libya, neither in Benghazi nor in another place. Hand over your weapons and run away in order to forgive you. You hear the sound of bullets. Thunderbolt soldiers , battalions of security, officers, Free officers and their brave soldiers now are with our tribes in the east to eliminate this farce to show that the Libyan people’s fate is not decided in Paris, Rome, London or in Washington. It is decided by the Libyan people. What is required of you is known. It is to liberate Misurata without bloodshed … without bloodshed. Crawl on Misurata, men and women without arms … without arms … with olive branches, in order to free the imprisoned and crippling families, in order to take off the arms of criminal gangs, gangs of traitors and mercenaries. Crawl to Misurata, men and women from Ben Walid, Tarhunah, Khoms, Zeliten and Tawerghah without arms, without arms. We will defeat them by an olive branch. By an olive branch, we can take off their weapons from their hands. They have to surrender; they have to surrender. No choice for them but to surrender to the Sea of masses march towards Misurata from all directions until the end of this farce. Forward. Each year, you are fine!

J’aime ·  · Partager

 Ehmed (AISCHA’s late husband): For 60 000 martyrs of our armed forces ………..Must uprising
Martyr Dr. Billah al-Moutassem al-Qathafi, Doctor of Sirte, secretary of Defence, son of Our Brother-Leader:


The LION as predicted by the Prophets:



02 JULY 2012



The release of the hero brother \ Abdullah Sanusi after Dr. Hamidi to pay his bail


the bail was posted last week by Kawaldy Hamedi and he is with Muammar again right now—as you know Kawaldy

Hamedi is high rank in the Green Resistance with Muammar—Kawaldy was with Muammar since the First al_Fetah

Senussi was NOT delivered to RATS/TNC! ALL LIES AGAIN!
our correspondent from the beach green march through the streets of al-Barrak ……….

Photos flying leader and Thursday and Abdullah Sanusi …. After denial news delivered Sanusi …

So they are showing new pictures of Muammar, Khamis and Senussi together aboard aircraft in denial

of the false news of the TNC saying that Senussi is under captivity with them.

This may not be among the photos being circulated of Muammar, Senussi and Khamis upon the fliers in Barack Shatti. The report just used this handy picture to illustrate what is

appearing on Barack’s streets—which is Totally Green with Green flags everywhere and people celebrationg with Patriotic songs as “God is Great above the Aggressor

(National Anthem of the Jamahiriya)

and this audio is also being circulated of Muammar’s tips for the RAMADAN FAST of 2012, spoken on  03 Juky 2012:

“Tips and Talmat: leader Muammar Gaddafi is fasting in the War of Sirte”:
from 03 July 2012

32 Enhanced Brigade for the defense of Libya:
After al-Baghdadi .. Dogs NATO seeking to receive
Mujahid Abdullah Sanusi is seeking dogs NATO Libyans in every
way to take over the struggling Abdullah Sanusi, which is in Mauritania since.
More Lies !:March of last year,
and fancy Council betrayal and shame that the Libyan authorities Nouakchott has committed
folly such as those made by rats Renaissance in Tunisia, and recognizes them Abdullah Sanusi, who Ojarth jump
out when the ruling power of the prosecution by western intelligence and Zionism and dogs NATO, providing him
safety, following the custom of the Arabs, who were honored Igiron Almstagir,And Eisselmonh until Livni last man
of them, in defense of dignity, and a victory for magnanimity as outdated
dogs NATO.
Mujahid al-Sanusi is hosted by the Mauritanian authorities, and is now in the hands of the judiciary, which sent
him a charge to enter the country illegally, and should be tried on that basis, not be delivered to any party
whatsoever, and those who Ivron the ground back and forth in search of the man, they have to go back to where
they came from, Vxram guest and ATD, and Leasing Almstagir Shim must prevent Mauritania from delivering
Sanusi to dogs NATO who confide in them, nor safety ..
In general, should not be inferior to Mauritania Niger, Egypt or Morocco or Algeria, which hosts thousands of free
territory to the Libyans do not even think to talk about the possibility of Tzlmém to traitors and agents ..Inventory
great Mustefi Jaleel renews claim Quebec Mritnia me to hand over the hero Almjhad Abdullah Sanusi
and accuse supporters of the leader disable delivered to Libya
Hahahahahaha the whole degrading the ousted head of Libya‘s Kadhafi meaning Akatratha ousted inventory Boshnh:
renewed demands to hand over Libya Mauritania Abdullah Sanusi al-Qathafi’s intelligence chief, accused
the ousted al-Qathafi to disable delivered to Libya
بعد البغدادي.. كلاب الناتو يسعون لاستلام المجاهد عبد السنوسييسعى كلاب الناتو الليبيين بكل السبل لتسلم المجاهد عبد الله السنوسي الذي يوجد في موريتانيا منذ مارس من العام الماضي، ويتوهم مجلس الخيانة والعار
الليبي أن سلطات نواكشوط قد ترتكب حماقة كتلك التي قام بها جرذان النهضة في تونس، وتسلم لهم عبد الله السنوسي الذي أجارته السلطة الحاكمة حين استجار
بها من ملاحقة الاستخبارات الغربية والصهيونية وكلاب الناتو، فوفرت له الأمان،
جريا على عادة العرب الكرام الذي كانوا يجيرون المستجير، ولايسلمونه حتى يفنى آخر رجل فيهم، دفاعا عن كرامة، وانتصارا لشهامة ما عهدها كلاب الناتو.
المجاهد السنوسي يوجد في ضيافة السلطات الموريتانية، وهو الآن في عهدة القضاء الذي وجه له تهمة الدخول إلى البلاد بطريقة غير شرعية، ويجب
أن يحاكم على هذا الأساس، لا أن يسلم لأي جهة مهما كانت، وهؤلاء الذين يذرعون الأرض جيئة وذهابا بحثا عن الرجل، عليهم
أن يعودوا من حيث أتوا، فإكرام الضيف وإغاثة الملهوف، وإجارة المستجير شيم يجب أن تمنع موريتانيا من تسليم السنوسي إلى كلاب الناتو الذين لاعهد لهم ولا أمان..
وعموما يجب أن لاتكون موريتانيا أقل
شأنا من النيجر أو مصر أو المغرب أو الجزائر التي تستضيف على أراضيها آلاف الأحرار الليبيين ولا تفكر حتى في الحديث عن إمكانية تسلميهم إلى الخونة والعملاء..
Dr. Hamza Thami Ola Paltalk appeals to all from media, Dr. Yusuf Shakir and Sister Halle Almusrath and stadium Mustafa
as much as Bo and sister, Diane, and sister Hana Al Shaibani said sober Maana today on the room I read Libya at 9
letter to me unite the resistance Vkono to listen Iaahrar on Radio Muammar Bomenaar and Radio Libyan
 AT Arabs They said my rats in Tahto Zzouz Talth not knowing just how much is removed Tzmau packages soon
and preventing the enemy and you are on board at sea and in Comerdnaat
ايه عرب يا جـــرذان قالو طحتو في زوز ولا تالته عارفين كم مزال توا تسمعو الرزمات قريبا وعدو وأنتم مانعين علي لوح وفي كمردنيات في البحــر
Stephen Gule writes us:appointment with Dr. Hamza Thami directly at nine thirty in the evening are the Great Jamahiriya on the roomof God,
“Libya’s Great Jamahiriya Room of God” on Paltalk.And that is an important meeting to unite the media discourse between the router Aalamiy resistance.
And on all the media attendance at the time and completely special invitation to Dr. Yusuf and Shakir Mustafa Kdrbuh
brother and our sister Hala Misrati and sister Hana Shibani and sister, Diane, and Khalil Khouna
انتم على موعد مع الدكتور حمزة التهامي مباشراً الساعة التاسعة والنصف مساء بتوقيت الجماهيرية العظمى علي غرفة “ليبيا العظمــــى”great libya على البالتوك.وذلك في لقاء هام لتوحيد الخطاب الإعلامي الموجه بين إعلاميي المقاومة .
وعلي كل الاعلاميين الحضور علي تمام الموعد ودعوة خاصة للدكتور يوسف شاكير والاخ مصطفى قدربوه واختنا هالة المصراتي والاخت هناء الشيبانى والاخت وديان وخونا خليل
Stephen Gule rendez-vous avec le Dr Hamza Thami directement à 09:30 le soir sont la Grande Jamahiriya sur la pièce,
« La Libye grand » grande Libye sur Paltalk.Et c’est une importante réunion d’unifier le discours des médias entre le routeur Aalamiy la résistance.
Et sur tous la présence de médias à l’époque et complètement spéciale invitation à Dr Yusuf et Kdrbuh de Mustafa Shakir
frère et notre soeur Hala Misrati et sœur Hana Shibani et sœur, Diane et Khalil Khouna
انتم على موعد مع الدكتور حمزة التهامي مباشراً الساعة التاسعة والنصف مساء بتوقيت الجماهيرية العظمى علي غرفة « ليبيا العظمــــى
» grande Libye
على البالتوك.وذلك في لقاء هام لتوحيد الخطاب الإعلامي الموجه بين إعلاميي المقاومة.
وعلي كل الاعلاميين الحضور علي تمام الموعد ودعوة خاصة للدكتور يوسف شاكير والاخ مصطفى قدربوه واختنا هالة المصراتي والاخت هناء الشيبانى والاخت وديان وخونا خليل
Libya calls for Shakir and the rest of the media Liberal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Libya today, calling for her children, the owners of the
word sincere and who taxpayers by each of their effort, experience and courage Menktat the match, her eldest son
Shakir broadcast the the spirit of resistance and courage did not miss it on the day, I love the crowds of Libyans honest,
it was the date his Asham home-like letters of Nasser in the sixties, everyone hears all incredible, Shakir to Aakzb this
convinced Liberal, if the back Shakir days sad episode Libya was all sad man despite illness was smiling to us what a
great man bear alone the pain, Shakir was and still able to pull the crowds to the street to ask them, was a man in the
entire people and the entire people in a man, has achieved an honor for him or his children will continue to be the
length of time, and now Libya and her children, who offers an extensive range on the backs of the plateau to Salim
to all slums lover of freedom call you again to stand with them, hour of victory, even the elderly and the elderly
sleep on your voice and Balsmat in rooms Paltalk You are always for them, sincere and the world all the details of the
truth, Aémk Doctor of trying to mesmerizing between you and the Liberals to forget the blood of the martyrs and
Harsk secretary, who was martyred It protects a symbol of resistance for all Liberal, Shakir maker glory Libya
media company of fighter who does not get tired Hamza Thami who is fighting word and gun, and all from media
Liberal, Hala Misrati sister of men captive pure Her principle is one, and the valleys of the Libyan resistance of
solid and Hana face Murtaza Radi when the Liberals and the man Qdereboh difficult situations everyone is invited
to support Libya’s no time to dispute all of you in the same boat,
ليبيا تنادي شاكير وباقي الإعلاميين الاحرار،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،ليبيا اليوم تنادي اولادها اصحاب الكلمة الصادقة والذين دافعو عنها بكل ما لديهم من جهد وخبرة وشجاعة منقطعت النظير ، ابنها البكر شاكير بث فيها روح المقاومة والشجاعة ولم يغيب عنها يوم ، احبه الجموع من الليبين الشرفاء ، كان موعد برنامجه عشم الوطن شبيه بخطابات عبدالناصر في الستينات ، الكل يسمع الكل يصدق ، شاكير لايكذب هذه قناعة الاحرار ، لو ظهر شاكير يوما حزين في حلقته كانت ليبيا كلها تحزن الرجل رغم المرض كان يبتسم لنا يا له من رجل عظيم يتحمل وحده الآلم ، شاكير كان ولازال قادرا علي اخراج الجموع الي الشارع ما تطلب منها ، كان رجل في شعب كامل وشعب كامل في رجل ، حقق شرفا له ولا ابنائه سيظل طول الزمن ، الان ليبيا واولادها الذين حملوك علي ظهورهم من الهضبة الي بوسليم الي كل الاحياء الفقيرة العاشقة للحرية ينادونك من جديد للوقوف معهم ساعة النصر ، حتي الشيوخ والعجائز تنام علي صوتك وبالسمعات في غرف البالتوك انت دائما بالنسبة لهم الصادق والعالم بكل تفاصيل الحقيقة ، لايهمك يا دكتور من يحاول ان يفتن بينك وبين الاحرار لاتنسي دماء الشهداء وحارسك الامين الذي استشهد وهو يحمي رمزا للمقاومة لكل الاحرار ، شاكير صانع مجد ليبيا اعلاميا رفقة المناضل الذي لا يتعب حمزة التهامي الذي يحارب بالكلمة والبندقية و كل الاعلامين الاحرار ،هالة المصراتي اخت الرجال الاسيرة الطاهرة صاحبة المبدأ الواحد ، ووديان المقاومة الليبية الصلبة وهناء الوجه الراضي المرتضي عند الاحرار وقادربوه رجل المواقف الصعبة الجميع مدعو لنصرة ليبيا لا وقت للخلاف كلكم في مركب واحد


There is no center for alleged election rats ……. People raise flags and green …


 – The devastation and destruction fishing in Libya: Libya has a lot of Mediterranean coast

and fishing boats were operating Libyans enough to feed to Libya so that the fish was excellent

and very varied in Libya.

The first problem was when NATO bombed the Libyan fleet to destroy all boats. It was petty

and cruel in order to raise the siege of the population to leave them without food, without

water, gas, etc..

Now the Libyans are concerned that a British fishing boats taking advantage of the situation

Libya andviolating the sovereignty of the Libyans have entered Libyan territorial waters as

aggressive fishing practicethat has destroyed the fishing and some experts speak to the Libyan

coast to take up to 30 years recovered from the wreckage.

This is the functioning of democratic countries human rights defenders

are not enough to destroy a country with bombs, cause a coup, seize

their wealth in a few months now and destroy their food sources that

the Libyans were able to use and maintain throughout history. It took

about a month in the country west to take possession of its

archaeological heritage, your money, oil and now destroy its coast

and its fishing.

Where are the media? Where are the international laws? Does not

belong coastal countries as well? What if Libyans boats were  to

fish the English coast? …



Obama and Clinton Arrested under the National Defense Authorization Act.

Posted on July 8, 2012

Obama and Clinton Arrested under the National Defense Authorization Act.

Before repealing the National Defense Authorization Act, which literally was the final death sentence to any residual democracy and justice in the United States of America, I would highly recommend that the citizens of the United States wait with their uprising to repeal the legislation, until it has been applied on Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, a few internationally known politicians and heads of state, as well as few of their political advisers and financial supporters. We will get back to them.

It would also be advisable not to make any rush decisions about Guantanamo. After all, if US-American law would be applied on Obama, Clinton and some others, as we will see below, it may actually be nice to detain them somewhere far far way from the United States of America. It would be practical to detain them at a location where one can be certain that they, in case they would flee the premises, would be instantly returned by local authorities.

Can you imagine Cuban authorities granting political asylum to Obama and Clinton ? I can´t.

Lets have a look at what Constitutional Lawyer KrisAnne Hall has to say about the NDAA, and in particular about the much discussed Section 1021 and Section 1022. KrisAnne Hall is pointing out some of the ambiguities of the NDAA, shedding some real light on the real meaning of the law. Who knows, maybe the one or the other peace-loving patriotic prosecutor would make good use of it and spare the world from unadulterated evil ? I will be quoting freely from a video by AnneKris Hall. (1)

Before we can determine if the NDAA can be used against two of the most notorious sponsors of state sponsored terrorism, we will have to determine if the NDAA covers them.

Sec. 1021 starts out as follows:

“Affirmation of Authority of the Armed Forces of the United States to detain Covered Persons Pursuant to the

Authorization for Use of Military Force”

As Constitutional Lawyer KrisAnne Hall points out, the important, or operative phrase in the paragraph is “Covered Person“.

Section a of 1021, then starts out by reaffirming the use of “all necessary and appropriate Force pursuant to the

Authorization of the Use of Military Force” which includes “the Authority of the Armed Forces of the United States

to detain Covered Persons”.

Section b of 1021 then defines what a covered person is. According to AnneKris Hall, this is one of the sections where

the ambiguities of the bill are apparent, and where the arguments for the bill are falling apart.

Section b states, that “ A Covered Person under this section is Any Person as follows:

1) A Person who planned, authorized, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11 2001, or

harbored those responsible for the attacks. 

That is rather clear and unambiguous language, and this section could probably be used against several member

within the Bush Administration, the former Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia and others, but we want to stop the

ongoing violence – like that in Syria – so we have to focus on more acute matters, so let us have a look at the next

section, No. 2.

2) “A Person who was Part of or substantially supported Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or Associated Forces that are engaged

in Hostilities against the United States or it´s Coalition Partners, including Any Person who has committed a

belligerent Act, or has directly supported such Hostilities in Aid of such Enemy Forces

R. Tayyip Erdogan posing with Talib and Al Qaeda buddies.

The first person who is coming up in my mind is no other than the Prime Minister of Turkey, R. Tayyip Erdogan,

who has supported both Taliban and Al Qaeda for years. In fact, nsnbc has a video with R. Tayyip Erdogan

posing with his Al Qaeda buddies. (2) It should be possible for a patriotic and peace loving prosecutor to

issue an arrest warrant and have him arrested, tried and sentenced and shipped to Guantanamo.

The next two who come to my mind are the former Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars

Løkke Rasmussen, who was so kind to let himself be photographed with his Taliban Buddies in Afghanistan,

holding an AK 47, and his evil xenophobic twin sister and Chairman of the Nationalist, Racist, Danish Peoples

Party (Dansk Folkeparti) Pia Kjærsgaard. Both Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Pia Kjærsgaard protested regularly

in front of the Russian Embassy in Copenhagen Denmark, and raised substantial amounts of money

for the “Freedom Fighters” in Afghanistan. A patriotic and peace loving prosecutor could simply follow

the leads provided in a previous article by the author.(2) An investigation would most certainly lead to

an arrest, trial and sentencing under the provisions of the NDAA.

With a little bit of good will and effort we would already be able to fill at least three of the cells

at Guantanamo with “special guests”. Honestly, don´t close Guantanamo down yet. We might be able to fill it

above capacity.

To make sure that Obama and Hillary can join the Guantanamo V.I.P. Club however, we need to find some real

bad ambiguities within the NDAA. One could say that real bad brats require real bad ambiguities, but don´t

despair quite yet. The NDAA makes even the impossible possible. All we have to do is to take a closer look at the

last sentence.

Remember the last section contained the words “including any Person”, “any Person who has committed a

belligerent Actor has directly supported such Hostilities in Aid of such Enemy Forces” As AnneKris Hall points

out, these words leave a great big hole for interpretation, so – let us interpret a little.

The operant words we must pay attention to are the words “Any Person – Belligerent Act – and – Hostilities. As

constitutional lawyer AnneKris Hall points out, we have opened up the interpretation of what a “covered person”

is to be “any person” – who commits a “belligerent act” or a “hostility“. With that kind of ambiguity we should be

able to send almost everyone to Guantanamo, including myself – provided that this article is perceived as “hostile

to the United States.

Now let us recall last years kinetic military action against Libya. If I remember correctly, it was the President

Obama and Secretary of State who sent CIA personnel to Derna and Bengazi to make contact with what was publicly

described as “The Transitional National Council“. It must have been more than obvious that this T.N.C. was mainly

run by members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and if it was not, it should have become clear latest, when

the rest of the world – meaning everybody in countries where citizens were not subject to NATO Propaganda, that the

USA and NATO in fact began cooperating with, raising funds for, arming and militarily supporting no other than ?

Correct, Al Qaeda. The Al Qaeda Associated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which is commanded by a certain

Mr. Abdelhakim Belhadj,a.k.a. Hasadi, a.k.a. Hasidi, and also known for having stood behind the

Madrid Train Bombings in 2004. That is, if we presume the truthfulness of the words of the former Prime

Minister of Spain, Aznar.

In other words, we actually would not have to look for further ambiguities before we could have Barak Obama

and Hillary Clinton arrested under the provisions of the NDAA, shipped to Guantanamo to forget about them –

hopefully forever. But now, where we have good sailing, lets see if it should not be possible to get rid of some

more warmongers.

In fact, as AnneKris Hall points it out, the NDAA allows us to

detain any person -who has engaged in a belligerent act -or hostility -without trial, –

until the end of “such” hostilities.

What more do we need ? I suggest that some brave and patriotic FBI agent, any patriotic Sheriff, any prosecutor,

US – Marshall arrests Hillary and Obama under the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act.

That way it would really serve the National Defense. We could keep Guantanamo open for Bush, Bush, Cheney, Obama,

Clinton and Clinton, Rasmussen, Kjærsgaard, Erdogan. In other words, please don´t close Guantanamo yet, and please

don´t repeal the NDAA until we read in the Washington Post:

“Obama and Clinton Arrested under the National Defense

Authorization Act.”

I wish you a good and peaceful Sunday.

Christof Lehmann



1) KrisAnne Hall Reviews the National Defense Authorization Act.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzWt3QoxnGk

2)Libya Denmark and Dirty Double Dealings.


R Tayyip Erdogan with Al Qaeda and Taliban 1990

R Tayyip Erdogan with Al Qaeda and Taliban 1990



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Statement of the Leader Muammar Al-Gathafi in the African Union/ European Union Ministerial Meeting on Migration and Development

In the Name of God.
Welcome to Libya. I salute this gathering of the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU). Since the subject of our meeting is migration and development, this continental gathering is a testimony to the sense of responsibility of governments and other actors towards the citizens of our two Unions.

In addition to being an expression of a sense of responsibility for the citizens of the two Unions, it also reflects an awareness of the growth of that phenomenon which has imposed itself lately in a manner that made all concerned reflect on the best ways to address it.

I do not wish to speak at length. Neither do I wish to rehash what you have said today, or what had been said in other fora, about this phenomenon. Light has been shed on it and it has been fully scrutinized. I wish to dwell briefly on some constant human and natural principles and deal with the nature of people’s life.

To act against nature is to swim against the current. Swimming against the current is a recipe for failure. Many of the important questions of today’s world are swimming against the current. Therefore, there is a failure in many political, economic, social and security questions in the world. The failure results from ignoring the rules of nature.

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Published – 22.12.2006

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It is in the nature of things that the Earth belongs to all human beings. God created the Earth for all humans. He instructs us to move in it. We have a Heavenly-Revealed book called the Koran (whether or not you believe in it, is another matter), in it, God orders us to migrate to various parts of the Earth. He tells us to go wherever we want in it. This is a recognition that the Earth belongs to all people and that they have the right to move in it in order to make a living. For all those reasons, one is entitled to migrate to different parts of the Earth because God created it for all.

We must pause at this fact. We must believe that the Earth belongs to all of us. People have the right to migrate and live in any part of the Earth. The political boundaries, official papers and such like are new fabricated inventions. Nature, however, does not recognize them.

You have seen how those new inventions caused problems, border disputes and wars among states. Sometimes, hundreds or even thousands of people are killed in a war over a few inches of land. The problem that you are considering now and that is causing so much concern is how to deal with the movement, or the migration, of people on Earth. This problem is the result of the borders we created, the identity we manufactured for every group of people, and the official papers they have to carry. We created all those unnatural, artificial things.

The natural thing is for people to move, live and seek their livelihood anywhere on Earth. Who are the current inhabitants of Europe? They are migrants from Asia. Europe used to be uninhabited. Had migration been forbidden, Europe would still be uninhabited today. Who are the inhabitants of North and South America? They are migrants from other continents. In North America, they are from Europe. To South America they came from the Iberian Peninsula, Africa and other parts. This is another fact.

We in North Africa are originally migrants. We came from the Arabian Peninsula 1000 years ago. Some of us came 5000 years ago. The so-called Berber, they are Arabs who emigrated from the Arabian Peninsula 5000 years ago. The Arabs, who came with Islam, have been here for over 1000 years. These migratory flows created the peoples that currently inhabit North Africa.

Now there is a lot of talk on the world level about the indigenous peoples, their rights, their tragic history and their extermination.

What does that mean? It means that migrants came to a certain place and became so dominant in it that they either exterminated the indigenous people or drastically reduced their numbers.

Their remnants are subjected to such discrimination that there is now an international outcry for the protection of their rights. When we talk of “indigenous peoples”, this means that emigrants came and settled in a certain place, be it Australia, the Americas, Africa or parts of Asia. Are the current inhabitants of Australia its indigenous people?

Not at all. They are emigrants. Where are the indigenous people of Australia? Only a few are left. The rest were oppressed or exterminated. Who are the indigenous people of America? They are the so-called Red Indians. Where are they now? They have been murdered and exterminated.

If we are to ban migration, let us then ban the human presence in all continents. Let every one return to the land from which they came. Let the inhabitants of the Americas return to Europe.

Let the Europeans go back to Asia. The Arabs of North Africa should return to the Arabian Peninsula. The inhabitants of Australia must return to Britain, Holland or any other country they hail from. The Boer in South Africa, who have become an integral part of its people, must head back to the Netherlands.

These are facts. However, when ministers and experts gather, they do not deal with them. Those irrefutable, disturbing facts are glossed over. We concentrate on the branches and leaves of a tree, while paying no attention to its roots. This is a doomed attempt.

Millions of blacks were transferred from Africa to Europe and America. Why are they being stopped now? These are double standards. When the blacks were needed to be used as beasts of burden, nobody said that they must be respected and left to live in their own continent.

On the contrary, it was claimed that their transfer was legitimate. They were shipped like cargo across the ocean. Those who were not physically fit were thrown overboard to feed the fish. North America and Europe were developed thanks to labor of the blacks.

That was a forced migration. When the movement of people from one place to the other was to the benefit of a certain party, migration was imposed on them. People were hunted like animals in the jungles of Africa. Now these very same people, the black Africans, are being told that their movement and migration from Africa is a cause for concern and that an end must be put to it.

Those poor souls ask: “When you were in need, you transferred our forefathers and said that migration was necessary. Why is it different now?” It is true that the things I just mentioned are present, in some way, in the back of the heads of many people including illiterate ones.

Those thoughts impel them to migrate. In their internal dialogue, they ask themselves: “If they transferred my forefathers, why are they erecting barriers in my path?” Migration was the engine of the development of the world. Certain races migrated to other places.

The indigenous people were assimilated. Emigrants came and developed Australia, the islands of the Pacific and the Atlantic. They settled in and developed all continents of the world. This is what that poor, illiterate African says to himself. Why are they stopping me now? The answer to this question is what makes him board the “Death Boats” that you have been talking about.

“The last age of slavery was the one when the Black race was enslaved by the White. The memory of that era will remain vivid in the minds of blacks until they feel that they were rehabilitated and their dignity restored. That tragic historical event, the painful awareness of it and the psychological search for the satisfaction resulting from the rehabilitation of a whole race are the reasons of the movement of the Black race to avenge itself and achieve dominance.

These reasons cannot be ignored”. This is a part of what the “Green Book” says about the Black Race. In order to save your time, I refer those who wish to read more to Chapter III of the Green Book.

The earth belongs to all human beings. Migration took place in the past. Slavery followed it. There was no objection to the transfer of people from their countries to be exploited as slaves. The era of colonialism was ushered in after that. All those elements intermingle in the hearts and minds of the African people who migrate today. Everybody is up in arms against that that migration.

Colonialism gave Africans, and other colonized peoples, the impression that the Earth belongs to all, and that no part of it is the exclusive property of a group of people and is forbidden to others. People in the heart of Africa saw Belgians come to settle in their land and own parts of it. They saw the whole of Congo become the personal property of Leopold.

They saw foreigners settle in Zimbabwe, Malawi and what they called Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia. Libya was considered Rome’s Fourth Coast. This gave Libyans the feeling that Italy and Libya were one state. If Libya is Rome’s Fourth Coast, why then is it forbidden for a Libyan to go to Italy? When it was necessary for Libya to be that “fourth coast”, war was waged to make it so. Now, what is said is “no, you are an illegal immigrant, you are not welcome here, you are Libyan and you are a foreigner”. Did you not say that Libya was your “fourth coast”? Was it acceptable then because it was in your interest, but now that it serves mine, it becomes unacceptable?

Until recently, France maintained that Algeria was an integral part of French soil. France ruled Algeria for 130 years. France annexed Algeria in 1830 and declared an indivisible part of its territory. That fact convinced Algerians that they and France were parts of one whole.

When they go to France, they go to their own country. How can it be said to Algerians now that they are immigrants? How could that be? You said to us that Algeria was a part of France. When we tried to challenge that statement, you fought us. One and a half million Algerians paid with their lives to challenge that statement. At the same time, France and Europe continued to insist that Algeria was an integral part of France.

They convinced Algerians that they were French and Europeans. So, why can they not go France?

Morocco is an independent state. It is a member of the Arab League, the UN and the Islamic Conference. Ceuta and Melilla are geographically in Morocco but they are a part of Spain. How can anybody convince a Moroccan that Spain and Morocco are not the same thing. He considers the two countries to be one. As I said the case of Ceuta and Melilla proves that. How can Moroccans be told that they are aliens and immigrants in Spain? They should be able to go to Madrid like they go Rabat.

During the colonial era, the people of Africa were made to believe that Europe and Africa are an integrated whole. The King of Belgium was the owner of the whole of Congo. This being the case, then the Congolese, as the property of the King of Belgium, could go freely to the land of their King and Owner. They could move to Belgium, live and work there as if they were in Congo. The same applied to Algerians in France. As their country was considered Rome’s Fourth Coast, Libyans had the right to go to Rome. Citizens of Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Rhodesia were told that their countries belonged to Britain. Therefore, they could go to Britain as if they were moving inside their own country.

At one point in time, the Suez Canal was British. How can an Egyptian citizen be prevented from going to Britain while the latter owned a part of Egypt? How can he not be allowed to go to work, or even to reside, in Britain? If the Suez Canal, an integral part of Egypt, was the property of Britain, how can an Egyptian are denied the right to live in Britain? Which is graver; the recognition of the ownership by a foreign power of a whole canal that falls within the territory of Egypt, or the presence of some Egyptians who seek work in Britain?

To this day, there are High Commissioners of the British Crown in various countries. India was the Jewel of the Crown. Then, Indian citizens can go to Britain in their millions, since they are subjects of the Crown. How can they be told that they are foreign immigrants?

The First and Second World Wars were ignited by Europe. Tens of millions of men were killed in them. Europe needed labor so, Asians and Africans were encouraged to move to Europe to make up for the shortage in manpower. This fact is very important because it gave Africans and Asians the feeling that, in time of need, they can go to Europe.

When Europe needed the, they were transferred. When they were needed as slaves, soldiers and cheap labor, they were transferred. When Europe needed colonies, it came to their countries.

It would be both ignorant and superficial on our part to ignore those historical and psychological accumulations. In addition, the colonial era resulted in the pillage of Africa’s riches. The gold mines were depleted and left as gaping holes in the ground. Diamonds, copper, iron ore, cobalt, manganese and phosphate were transferred to the old colonial powers.

After achieving their so-called independence, people of the former colonies wanted to build their countries. They discovered that their riches were plundered. They had a feeling that they need to go after those riches. A French writer whose name escapes right now once said: “Either wealth comes to people, or people will go to the place where wealth is found”.

This statement is true. Riches were transferred from Africa to Europe. Africans go after those riches of their land. They cannot restore those riches to their countries. So, they go to work as laborers in the factories built on the riches of their continent. They feel that the road networks, the irrigation systems and the railroad tracks that criss-cross Europe and America are the fruit of the labor of their forefathers. They feel entitled to a share of that prize.

Can the raw materials of Africa be returned to it? If that is the case, then well and good. This must be the first decision to be made. Africans went to Europe seeking a share in their plundered wealth. If it were returned to them, migration would stop. They go back to their continent to find that their gold, diamonds, cola and other materials have been returned to it. This would contribute to ending migration.

The agricultural products of Africa such as mango, pineapple, cocoa, coffee and papaya are made into shampoos and body lotions in Europe while Africans need them. Instead of Europeans washing their bodies with pineapple, let them return it to the children of Africa to eat. Or, let us all go to Europe and use it to wash our hair and bodies. Who has turned nutritious food into cosmetic products? It is the private sector.

It seeks nothing but profit even at the expense of the misery of millions. We hear a lot of talk about the need to encourage the private sector. However, it was that sector that stole the food of the hungry children and transformed it into cosmetic products for the sake of profit while the children starve to death. Eggs, cocoa, milk and all kinds of fruits were made into shampoos!

Let us move now to some existing measures that actually favor migration. The purpose of your meeting is to address, and reverse migration. However, there are some existing political and administrative measures that act against that purpose and favor migration.

Let us take the Barcelona process. North Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Mediterranean are covered by that process. Therefore, as a citizen under the umbrella of Barcelona, I am entitled to move to Europe.

Has the Barcelona process not called for cooperation, the elimination of poverty, the freedom of movement and labor?

Has it not advocated mutual help and living in peace with one another? Does it not aim at the creation of a single parliament and the harmonization of legislation, and the achievement of similarities among its component parts? How can we be similar while you are rich and I am poor? I must become as rich as you are. Then, you as a European citizen must allow me, an African citizen, to share your wealth.

The Barcelona Process has encouraged this line of thinking. How can you initiate that process then decide to stand against its logical results? This meeting is against the spirit of Barcelona.

That spirit calls for integration, for allowing us to move to Europe in our millions. End the Barcelona Process. When that happens, you can say that Europe and Africa are two distinct entities separated by a sea. Yes, when that process is annulled, I will be convinced that we are two separate entities not one. However, when you talk of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, you have included me in Europe. You make me in Libya a part of Europe.

Under Barcelona, I am entitled to go all the way to Scandinavia. If this is unacceptable, then the contradictory process must be terminated.

There is another notion; that of the New Neighborhood put forward by the EU. This is as interesting as the Barcelona Process. If we want Barcelona, then let us accept its results. But let it not be like slavery and colonialism; good if it works in your favor and evil if it works in mine.

Algeria , Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan have become the “neighbors” of Europe under the new initiative. Neighbors have rights and duties towards each other. When they are in need, they go to their neighbors. Someone can say: “I am from the Neighborhood. I am going to my neighbors”. Who are those neighbors? They are the Europeans who have accepted me as their neighbor. Have you not said that Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and even Jordan in the Middle East are your neighbors? Then those people have the right to go to their neighbors in Europe.

One of the results of all those arrangements ( Barcelona, the New Neighborhood and the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation) is that the Africans who are not a part of that circle, now come to those countries as a way to get to Europe through its “neighbors”. Someone comes from an African country not part of the Barcelona Process. He heads to a country that is part of that process. Then goes to Europe on the basis of it.

“Where are you coming from?” “From Algeria” he says. “Why are coming to Europe?” His answer would be “because Algeria is a part of the Barcelona Process. Does that process not cover Europe and the Mediterranean? I am from the Mediterranean. Why are you preventing me from migration? I am here to live and benefit from Barcelona and the New Neighborhood”.

There is another thing called the “Mediterranean Partnership” or something like that. A partnership means that we share everything as partners. When you speak of partnership while you are rich and I am poor, it means that I must share your wealth. This is what partnership is about. Is this the meaning of the partnership proposed to North African countries? If so, fine let us become partners and share everything.

These are attractive slogans. No one can object to them. However, the fact that they were designed to serve ulterior motives and based on double-standards would destroy international cooperation. Their contradictions are a grave threat to international politics. You talk of partnership, the say you cannot share. Go back where you came from. Have you not told me I was your partner? If you are serious about the resolutions you are going to adopt here, then all those things, the Partnership, Neighborhood and Barcelona, must be cancelled. The visas must be re-instated.

Among the things that facilitated migration is the Shengen visa. Now, people try to get to the closest European country. Once there, they heave a sigh of relief because the whole of Europe is open to them.

Under Shengen, no visas are required between European countries. You cancelled them and then you ask why migrants are increasing? You opened the door wide. Reinstate visas. In the past, someone would want to go Germany. He asks himself ‘how would I make it there?” Now, all he has to do is sail to France, and from there go to Germany.

Shengen allows him to do that. When he knows that Shengen is no longer, he will think twice. If there are borders and visa requirements, how will he be able to get from France to Germany? Those obstacles will discourage his leaving Ghana, Mozambique or Zimbabwe. Now, they think that getting to Europe is easy.

All one has to do is get to the closest European country, even if they have to swim to get there. Once there, the whole of Europe is open to them. To stop immigration, you must cancel the Shengen visa. Otherwise, you cannot ask why the migration flows are increasing. Libya too, must reinstate the visa requirement with Arab and non-Arab countries. Any Arab can enter Libya without a visa. Libya is an Arab country and a member of the Arab League. It is a rich, oil producing country with a small population and no poverty. It is logical that many Arabs would want to come to it.

However, in truth Libya is not their destination. From Libya, they head to Europe. Statistics show that 80% of the migrants from Libya are Arabs. The remaining 20% are from Africa. They exploit the lack of a visa requirement to enter Libya. Then, they find the gangs, the smugglers, the boats and the agents to go to Europe. Investigations are underway in Libya.

It was discovered that some officers here take bribes and are involved in smuggling operations. They have created mafias and gangs with citizens from Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and some African and European countries. Some European tourists marry men from Egypt and Libya. This is a way for their husbands to gain legal entry into Europe.

There many ways to circumvent the law. I am sure you are aware of them. Some people destroy their passports upon arrival and make taking care of them your problem and burden.

There are also the other calls for human rights, the right to asylum, the rights of migrants, combating discrimination and racism. They are wonderful humane slogans. They are even revolutionary. They also are among the elements that encourage migration.

If you want to limit migration, you have to deal with those elements. If anyone can be granted refugee status and receive a monthly salary the moment they arrive in Europe, then thousands will rush to Europe.

The right of asylum was corrupted by you. There are precise definitions of who is a refugee or a political refugee. Now, a criminal could write that he id the chairman of a democratic party. He can go to Switzerland or any other country and claim that he is persecuted in his country.

He is then accepted as a political refugee and receives financial support. When people see that a criminal is living happily in Switzerland and enjoying himself there, they think they must follow his example.

Every criminal, every thief and every “stray dog” is tempted to do the same. Fabricate some papers and claim to be in the opposition in your country. When those crooks hear the talk of human rights and freedom, they jump on the bandwagon and claim to be advocates of human rights and freedom to get asylum. This attitude has encouraged all and sundry to do the same.

Who is a political refugee? It is someone who is involved in politics; a minister, a president, a king, a member of parliament, the holder of a diplomatic passport or a member of a legitimate political party who faces persecution in his country for purely political reasons.

If such a person seeks asylum in another country, he can be accepted. Some commit murder and assassinations in their country. Once they are discovered, they flee to Europe and be treated like political refugees. This is a farce. Some people have no political position in their countries, escape from their countries and claim to be in the opposition and seek political asylum. They are not politicians. They are nothing but stray dogs. How can you receive them as political refugees? This attitude has encouraged a lot of people to do the same so as to be able to live in Europe ultimately.

Europe needs to reconsider and redefine political refugees. Can anybody who deceives you be a political refugee? Look at those who were given political asylum and then turned into terrorists. In Europe, you have a simple choice. You can be true to your slogans, which means you can longer discuss migration. You must accept all the migrants who come to your doors even if there were a hundred million of them.

Or you must reconsider your slogans and policies to close all the loopholes that encourage immigration. The security approach to deal with migration is doomed to failure. Libya’s land borders extend for six thousand kilometers. We cannot prevent the smuggling of the subsidized cheap foodstuffs to Chad, Niger, Sudan and other neighboring countries. Whatever we do, even if we bring NATO to help us, we will not be able to control those borders.

You could also accept reality. You could come to terms with the fact that migration is a natural phenomenon that has its historical, psychological and economic causes. You could accept that phenomenon like we accept Tsunami and other natural phenomena.

Then, there will be no need to exert ourselves in meetings such as this. You could do that or deal with the causes that encourage migration. The modern causes are well known. They must all be terminated. I mean the visa question, Barcelona, the Euro-Mediterranean, the Partnership, human rights, the manner of granting political asylum, the rights of migrants and the rights of refugees. All these things must be reconsidered in a manner that does not encourage migration. All the things you do and the things that exist now encourage it. Then you ask why migration is taking place? If a hungry animal sees food nearby, it will definitely go for it. How can it not? It is only natural for it to go where food is available.

People go to Europe because everything you put in place encourages them to do so. Barcelona, the Euro-Mediterranean, the plunder, the single visa, human rights, the rights of refugees, the rights of I do not know what, the civil society organization and all the other elements of the existing mess, all of those things encourage migration.

They all work against this conference. Even language plays a role in this. If Nigeria is an English-speaking country, how can a Nigerian not go to Britain? If he has been made a part of that language and culture, how and why is he prevented from going there?

Ghana too is English-speaking. Why is a Ghanaian not allowed to go to Britain? He was colonized, oppressed, enslaved and a language was imposed on him. No one thought that one day he would use that fact to create a problem, to demand his right to go to your country because he speaks the same language.

The same is true of French speakers. They would find it hard to understand why a conference like this one, a conference that opposes migration, is held in the first place. They would say that they are Francophone and that they have a right to go France. We speak the same language, we are part of the same culture and we are the same people. What is this conference for? Cancel it, for we are going directly to France.

You know these facts but you prefer to deny them. It would be a catastrophe if you did not know them. There is another very dangerous dimension related o migration. Look at the map of the world. You will see the countries from which migrants leave and the countries to which they go. A major population explosion has started in Asia.

It will reverberate all over the globe. Waves of immigrants will go wherever there is a population vacuum. Now, you are addressing migration from Africa to Europe. Soon, all of us in Africa and Europe will face the new challenge of vast waves of immigration from Asia. They will come like swarms of locusts as a result of the population explosion in China, the Indian Ocean and East Asia. A look at the map would make that threat abundantly clear. How do you propose to deal with this challenge?

You are gathered here to discuss migration from Africa to Europe. Now a human deluge of astronomical proportions is a bout to be upon us. Like the biblical Gog and Magog, they will come. I am sounding the alarm before the whole world. The population explosion in Asia is another grave challenge. It will engulf Africa and Europe. Please note it down and be my witnesses.

Another look at the map would reveal additional causes for the increase in migration. The current military interventions in Iraq, the Gulf, the Middle East, the Kurdish region in Turkey and Iran, and the situation in the Horn of Africa, all feed migration. So do the numerous civil wars in the Southern Philippines, in the south of Thailand, in Chechnya, in the Great Lakes region in Central Africa, in Cote D’Ivoire, in the Horn of Africa, in Chad and the Sudan. All these civil wars increase migration. Who is behind them? The same hands that created colonialism and caused havoc in the world are behind those civil wars. The private sector, the weapons manufacturers and the arms merchants benefit from them.

The European intelligence agencies pick a person, train him, provide him with funds and assign him the responsibility of starting a tribal war, a border dispute, an ethnic conflict or a religious war in some part of the world. When this war flares up it benefits the arms merchants and the weapons manufacturers.

It also becomes a convenient pretext for an international intervention. Those who contribute Blue Helmets will also benefit. Even the UN will make a profit. It has become such business! When a war breaks out they send seventy thousand peacekeepers. These of course need money. The money is given to the UN. If the operation is estimated to cost ten billion dollars, the UN spends six billion and keeps four billion for itself. Even the UN has become a merchant of war and an agent that works on commission.

In conclusion, I don’t want there to be any confusion or a misunderstanding of what I said. I did not wish to discourage you. Nor did I wish to object to the measures to combat migration. On the contrary, I am with you completely. I hope to see an end to migration. Libya is one of the countries that have been severely affected by migration.

It has depleted our resources. We have twice or three times as many people as our own in Libya. We feed them, house them, provide them with transportation, and they take their share of all the cheap products subsidized by the Libyan budget. We sincerely hope that you will find a solution for this problem.

I was completely honest with you. I have uncovered the truth, and laid it bare before you, in order for you to find a solution. This is proof of my sincerity. If a patient needs surgery we cannot give him painkillers. That would be an act of deception, an act that can only be carried out by an ignorant person. Honesty dictates that a professional doctor talks honestly with the patient and tells him the truth about his case. And to inform him that he is in need of a major surgery and not just painkillers.

What I tried to do was to put the whole truth before you. Earth belongs to all human beings. The inhabitants of all continents are all originally migrants. This has to be taken into account. The elements I raised concerning the eras of slavery, colonialism, and the plunder of natural resources need also to be taken into account. We cannot overlook the First and Second World Wars which took the lives of millions of men, and thus encouraged migration to Europe and other parts of the world. We need to remember the reasons and the causes of those wars.

It was the colonial powers that imposed their language on the colonized peoples. It was they who gave them the impression that Africans and Europeans are of the same continent and are the same peoples. How could anybody talk of two distinct continents while at the same time talking of the Belgian Congo, Italian Libya, The French Sudan, the British Sudan, and French Algeria? That gave people the impression that they are entitled to go to the “Mother Country”.

In addition I must say that the matters I mentioned earlier such as the single visa, Barcelona, the Euro Mediterranean cooperation and partnership, and the calls of human rights and the rights of refugees have all facilitated migration. I put them all bluntly before you in order to assist you in your task. If you wish to solve the problem, you must solve it by addressing those facts.

I wish you all success. May peace and the blessings of God be upon you.

BBC – Thursday, 1 March, 2001

African leaders: ‘Let us unite’
OAU summit ends in agreement to speed pace toward One Africa

SIRTE, Libya—In the face of mounting competition from global economic blocs and the threat of neo-colonialism, African leaders meeting here for the 4th Extraordinary Summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) determined that Africa would become the world’s largest economic and political bloc, and perhaps the leader of the next millennium.
A record 43 heads of state answered the call of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi for the urgent Sept. 8-9 sessions to discuss the pace at which Africa is moving in the face of such global challenges…    >>> Watch the VIDEO >>> Listen AUDIO

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African Union “The [African] union is the brainchild of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi..” BBC – On Monday, 8 July, 2002
Colonel Gaddafi was not asking for Western aid:
“Those who want to assist us, we welcome. Those who want to impose conditions on use, we don’t want them,” he said.
“We are not children who need to be taught.”  (BBC)

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African Union – Home Page

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About African Union

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Who is African Union

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AlGaddafi.org – Get In Touch

“Africa has the right to take the place that is hers in the world ” — Muammar al-Qathafi

 Muammar in Algeria


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African Union The idea of creating the AU was revived in the mid-1990s under the leadership of Libyan head of state Muammar al-Gaddafi: the heads of state and government of the OAU issued the Sirte Declaration (named after Sirte, in Libya) on 9 September 1999, calling for the establishment of an African Union.


Africa must unite

Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has said there was no excuse for Africa not to unite.
He was addressing the opening session of a meeting of the Organisation of African Unity in his home town of Sirte. African leaders have gathered in the Libya for a summit on proposals to set up an African union similar to the European Union.

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Muammar Al Gaddafi

The leaders will go on to discuss the formation of a pan-African parliament, one of the key planks of the proposed African Union… The summit is taking place in an opulent green marbled complex, specially built for a similar gathering in 1999, at which the Libyan leader first proposed a United States of Africa…   BBC – Thursday, 1 March, 2001

African leaders: ‘Let us unite’
OAU summit ends in agreement to speed pace toward One Africa

SIRTE, Libya—In the face of mounting competition from global economic blocs and the threat of neo-colonialism, African leaders meeting here for the 4th Extraordinary Summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) determined that Africa would become the world’s largest economic and political bloc, and perhaps the leader of the next millennium.
A record 43 heads of state answered the call of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi for the urgent Sept. 8-9 sessions to discuss the pace at which Africa is moving in the face of such global challenges…    >>> Read More >>>

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According to its charter, the AU will be very different from the OAU:

The AU will have a peacekeeping force, whereas the OAU stressed non-interference in the internal affairs of member-states.
It will also have its own central bank and court of justice and will work towards creating a single currency.
It will also have close relations with Nepad – the New Partnership for Africa’s Development – which pledges improved economic and political governance for the people of Africa.

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African Union “The [African] union is the brainchild of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi..” BBC – On Monday, 8 July, 2002
Colonel Gaddafi was not asking for Western aid:
“Those who want to assist us, we welcome. Those who want to impose conditions on use, we don’t want them,” he said.
“We are not children who need to be taught.”  (BBC)

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African Union – Home Page

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About African Union

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Who is African Union

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AlGaddafi.org – Get In Touch

“Africa has the right to take the place that is hers in the world ” — Col. Qadhafi

Related: Al Gaddafi speaks – The Arab League: Ignoring Reality, or Ignorance of it

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New African Union (AU) headquarters built & funded by Chinese

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African Union – Sirte Declaration 

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi attends the opening of the African Union summit in Sirte…Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi

attends the opening of the African Union (AU) summit in Sirte, about 600 km (370 miles) east of Tripoli, July 1, 2009.


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Constitutive Act of the African Union

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Copyright 2011 / 2012. www.Algaddafi.org   |    * This is a logo for African Union. Further details: PNG image of the Logo of the African Union. It is not clear whether the logo is actually a copyrighted element or not, but for safety, fair use is claimed. Fair Use Claim: We use some images of Muammar Al Gaddafi from un-known sources.


African Union – History in the making? By Gamal Nkrumah

(Son of Kwame Nkrumah)  – Libya & Africa News  8 – 14 March 2001

No one said it would be easy to bring about African unity, what with many worried that national interests will suffer under the shadow of common continental concerns. The champions of African Union, however, argued that the two are neither contradictory nor incompatible. Forty-odd years ago, Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president and a leading figure in the anti-colonial movement, and a handful of other founding fathers of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) attempted in vain to accomplish African political and economic union. Since then, a combination of tedious bickering, petty jealousies and personal rivalries have thwarted their pioneering efforts.

In a bid to rekindle Nkrumah’s dream, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi invited African leaders last weekend to assemble in Sirte, a seaside oasis with a population of 500,000 and the distinction of being Gaddafi’s birthplace.

There is too much prestige at stake. This is the OAU’s fifth extraordinary summit on African Union, with the specific purpose of unifying the continent, convened at the Libyan leader’s behest and financed almost exclusively by him. Notwithstanding initial difficulties and last minute hitches, Gaddafi’s labours were crowned with a victory of sorts.

The helter-skelter nature of the event came in for biting criticism from some African heads of state. Some openly warned that attempts at speeding up African Union were unnecessary, counter-productive and politically dangerous. But men of the political stature of former South African President Nelson Mandela, who flew to Sirte to help his old friend, lent Gaddafi’s efforts sorely-needed approval. And representatives of over 30 African political parties meeting in the Burkinabé capital Ouagadougou urged African leaders to work harder at African unity and endorse Gaddafi’s endeavours.

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Gamal Gorkeh Nkrumah (born 1959, Accra) is a Ghanaian journalist, a Pan-Africanist and an editor of Al Ahram Weekly newspaper. He is the eldest son of the first president of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah, and his Egyptian wife Fathia Nkrumah.
He received his doctorate in political science from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. He initially worked as a political journalist at Al-Ahram Weekly in Cairo for over 15 years. Presently, he is editor of the international affairs section at the newspaper.

Last Saturday, all 53 OAU member countries heeded Gaddafi’s call and signed the Constitutive Act of African Union, better known as the Sirte Declaration of September 1999, which was formally adopted in Lomé, Togo in July 2000 at a regular session of OAU heads of state and government. By the end of the Sirte summit, some 31 African states had ratified the Union’s Constitutive Act. The African Union does not come into full effect, however, until at least two thirds of OAU member states — 36 countries — ratify it. When that happens, Gaddafi promises, he will organise another impromptu summit.

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Muammar Al Gaddafi in front of a map of Africa in his office

After two days of grueling debate, the assembled leaders pledged to speed up the process and establish African Monetary Union, an African Central Bank, an African Economic Community, an African Court of Justice and an African Parliament, to be inaugurated formally later this year. The foundation stones of African Union have thus been laid in Sirte. Still, there is no guarantee that African Union will be able to avoid machinations similar to those that foiled the plans of the OAU’s founding fathers in Addis Ababa in 1963. To begin with, the larger and more powerful African countries insisted on a loose arrangement; political union has been ruled out. And despite a consensus that greater economic cooperation is desperately needed, anything more binding than the European Union in the economic sphere has few takers these days.

Left video: 13 Apr 2008 – Interview is with former President Kwame Nkrumah’s son, Gamal Nkrumah (Part 1)

So hope for genuine African Union remains tenuous. Is Africa actually ready to unite? To most observers in Sirte, that question has already been answered. Gaddafi initially wanted African leaders to agree to the creation of a United States of Africa and help draft the blueprints for this ambitious plan. Other African leaders, however, focused on a more narrow list of priorities, topped by the creation of the African Economic Community which was already planned in the 1980 Abuja Treaty and the 1990 Lagos Plan of Action.

With such a plethora of plans for African governments to co-operate more closely among themselves in political, commercial, economic and monetary matters, the 500 journalists covering the event had trouble restraining their perhaps understandable scepticism. Western media reports invariably insinuated that the Libyan leader was effectively bribing the African signatories to ensure their compliance. Libyan largesse may, in fact, have played a big role, the signing and ratification of the Sirte Declaration by a handful of small and impoverished African countries long preceding that of larger and more powerful African nations, most of whom signed reluctantly and failed to ratify the Sirte Declaration.

Conspicuously absent were the leaders of Libya’s North African neighbours. Algerian President Abdel-Aziz Bouteflika attended, but was embroiled in a terrific row with Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade when the latter bemoaned Morocco’s absence, dating from its withdrawal from the OAU following the admission of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in 1985. Algeria has traditionally been the SADR’s main supporter and has had several border disputes with Morocco.

President Hosni Mubarak gave his blessing to African Union, sending a large delegation headed by Foreign Minister Amr Moussa. Tunisian President Zein Al-Abidine Bin Ali also failed to show up.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, on the other hand, made an appearance and was received with a standing ovation, empathy for the Intifada and moral support for the Palestinian people from the African leaders present. Arafat called on them to stand by the Palestinians at the United Nations and other international forums in the same way that they stood by the Libyans during the Lockerbie Affair.

Like Arafat, several African leaders utilised the forum as a political platform for their national agendas or to iron out problems and patch up differences. Congolese, Somali and Sudanese government and opposition figures held talks on the sidelines of the summit. It is hardly surprising that peace-making and conflict resolution featured prominently at Sirte, as Gaddafi has made repeated efforts to referee various African conflicts in the past several years. Indeed, these efforts have given him the legitimacy and staying power that has allowed him to surmount hostility to his grand designs of African unity.

Thorny issues such as the creation of an African Court of Justice, based on the Banjul Protocol (also known as the African Charter of Peoples and Human Rights), were raised, but delegates avoided discussing the African Defence Force recommended by the 1988 OAU General Assembly, even though Gaddafi repeatedly brought it up.

The notion of African Union is about to be put to the test. Gaddafi risks offending key African leaders if he moves too fast. But his detractors stand to lose if they are perceived to have engineered Africa’s failure to make better use of the golden opportunity Sirte provides. If African leaders merely pay lip service to African Union, only to revert to their customary jostling for positions and squabbling over turf, then true African unity will be deferred once again.

Source: Al-Ahram Weekly

Constitutive Act of the African Union

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Sirte Declaration

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25 juin

Ths Story of Muammar al-Qathafi before “the First al-Fetah of 1969”“The issue of Homeland” writes:
86713.387305341326397&type=1&theaterHere was the beginning of Cause of the issue of home country house in Muammar Sabha in the Mansheya .. because
that’s where he lived Muammar Gaddafi,
carrying case and a home in the cells of the first revolutionary here was the beginning of this place clean, modest,
which shows the greatness of the human
and simplicity, Muammar Gaddafi was able to build the greatest and noblest revolution in history has had a strong
echo all over the ground and was Mathaba
and the starting point of the Revolutionary Committees Movement: The first movement in the political world is not
the task of receiving power, but to incite the masses to exercise power.

(This is the home of Moammar Algathaffi, when he lived and studied as a student with my grandfather in Sabha, the

sons of peasant farmers formed a green revolution to over take the powerful Western empire that did mistreat and
abused our people, ever since we felt proud and never to compromise or succumb on our dignity. We either live full
glory, control our land, destiny and mineral resources or we die.)Here was the beginning of a trip 4000 day of the covert action and continuous, and risky for the Principles, values
and goals-Semitism of this place, Muammar Gaddafi
is determined and Mutawakkil to Almighty God for the nation and religion was the victory his ally and won the
Revolution the great made miracles and made the dream a
reality and has achieved freedom and independence of the Libyan people and the victory of Arabism and Islam, Africa
and all people hungry for freedom and recovered
by the Libyan Arab identity of the Islamic Revolution was the dignity and honor ….
This takes me home park with trees and flowers, a vent and a source of oxygen and a beautiful place and feature of the
city of Sabha, where he was visited by all the guests
Sabha from home and abroad was a beautiful place and wonderful. (But, alas, when he entered the mercenaries NATO
to the city of Sabha Aathu corruption in this place and
entered the tank to face the house built of brick, but despite its simplicity was its prestige it draws from the greatness
of the leader and the greatness of the great work that
was launched which was great and steadfast in the face of clients and NATO signed a battle to defend.
This place Tahir played by young Sabha on 20 – 9 – 2011 and fell more than 10 of the rats lying and many of the
wounded and the destruction of two tanks soldiers shot
dead by Muammar Gaddafi, where mercenaries suffered painful losses and was a day of glory and the Holy Jihad ..
And by the blind hatred that hangs over the hearts of the traitors and customers have bulldozing trees and flowers
and green grass and turn that beautiful place from a
source of comfort and oxygen to the wreckage and the source of the dust and the pollution is, they have committed a
crime against the environment and human and
despite all that remains of that spot a great greatness of Muammar Gaddafi….)The issue of homeland Muammar house in the city of Sabha Mansheya .. because that’s where he lived Muammar
al-Qathafi, carrying case and a home in the cells of the
first revolutionary here was the beginning of this place clean, modest, which shows the greatness of the man was able
depth and simplicity R. Gaddafi build the greatest
and noblest revolution in history has had a strong echo all over the ground and was Mathaba and the starting point
of the Revolutionary Committees Movement.
The first movement in the political world is not the task of receiving power, but to incite the masses to exercise power.
Here was the beginning of a trip 4000 day of the
covert action and continuous, and risky for the Principles, values and goals-Semitism of this place, Muammar Qathafi 
is determined and Mutawakkil to Almighty God
for the nation and religion was the victory his ally and won the Revolution the great made miracles and made the dream
a reality and has achieved freedom and
independence of the Libyan people and the victory of Arabism and Islam, Africa and all people hungry for freedom
and recovered by the Libyan Arab identity of the
Islamic Revolution was the dignity and honor ….
.. And by the blind hatred that hangs over the hearts of the traitors and customers have bulldozing trees and flowers
and green grass and turn that beautiful place from
a source of comfort and oxygen to the wreckage and the source of the dust and the pollution is, they have committed
a crime against the environment and human and
despite all that remains of that spot a great greatness of Muammar Gaddafi.…
Manifestations of the fifth of October 1961 led by the student unionist Rebel Moammar Gadhafi in Sebha crime
against the separation of Syria from Egypt.———————————————-For the cause of the nation … Faced Muammar Gaddafi tyrants Fezzan customers and stood against oppression and
raising his voice in their faces, despite his
poverty and his young age, but it was the largest of them, with its respect and admiration of everyone by Alambada,
values and ethics inherent and richest of
them strongly his faith and his heart Amer love people and sacrifices for the crowd and faced unfair decision denying
him of the study and residence in the
state of Fezzan not committed sin, but he was with his people and his country and his religion and pro-Qzai A nation
of Arab, Islamic and out of the Fezzan,
a pull at the hands of his friends and says to himself will come on and be among you to celebrate all of victory set out
and Odah the people of Fezzan, all hope
that the promised day and tears of sadness at parting, and tears of joy waiting for the meeting are mixed in the eyes
that saw in Muammar Gaddafi’s hope
for the emancipation and salvation and a symbol of honor, dignity and pride and Misurata greeted with the same
enthusiasm and the same hopes and Odahm
after instilling in them the seed of revolution is fully confident that it Stnamwa and flourish, and tomorrow is to
close. and went, carrying on his shoulders
the issue of home. The suffering and torment, injustice and poverty have been instrumental in the character of
Muammar Gaddafi …
Arduous journey for the cause of the nation continued to reach the station even starting from a new station to
another to reach the goal and Nabil Sami Bcodha
Muammar Alvmafa Sabha from the Central School to Secondary School Misurata to college in Benghazi military
camp to Garyounis. Lieutenant Muammar
Gaddafi appoints Garyounis camp in the city of Benghazi Kzabt in the army, and Hana has been the formation of
the Liberal Unionist movement of military officers within
the military to organize the Free Unionist Movement  to the problem of professors, students and engineers,
staff and all sectors of the Libyan people and disease
al-Qathafi put points on the characters through meetings and the meetings which were conducted for members of
the movement in most of the Libyan cities, where
he was traveling from town to town in his own car and humble, cut in long-distance in road conditions, bad and
dangerous and possibilities meager, but the will was
stronger than all the difficulties and hardships and dangers because the issue is the issue of homeland and the
Revolution Muammar Gaddafi paid forward without hesitation …
Over the issue of homeland lieutenant Muammar al-Qathafi in Britain .. where the monarchy Bstavad some of the
officers of the organizers of the movement
of the revolution under the pretext of sending them on courses to Britain in a desperate attempt to thwart the
Revolution and eliminate them …
Here is al-Qathafi’s values and Proud always heritage and its Arabism and Islam that did not Tbehrh
civilization of the West counterfeit was dragged behind a blind imitation of the civilization of
decline did not affect his mind, nor in his convictions and his identity because he is the owner and the owner
thought the issue And the owner of Principles, values and ethics.
Here we will build a legacy of glory and pay tribute
to the dignity and Ntir usurped the right of injured ..Everywhere and every time the issue of a home …
Holds al-Qathafi issue homeland despite the difficulties and pain, despite the suffering of the people and the right of
rapist and dignity of the wounded and the will
of the stolen was the Arab war of Zionism in 1967 and the use of British bases and U.S. territories to the land of Libya
to by the Zionists against their will of the
people of Libya was a strong motive for the Free Officers Movement in accelerating the replies to that and to
engage in battle with the rules as laid plans to attack
the rules and carry out commando against the invaders occupiers … It is a case home
Download the nation in his heart since childhood I’d like humanity collectively and love issues and lived grief and
her pain was the world of his country and
humanity Division entered the hearts of millions hope entertain and found a conscience and defender of the issues
was support for the weak and the poor and
disadvantaged, marginalized and staunch opponent of tyrants and giants and the vampires peoples, despite their
power did not shut up days for the word
the right was strong in God and the masses
The issue of home for them is espoused by  Muammar al-Qathafi since he was a student in the early years of
education was a leading figure and regaining my respect for his colleagues,
where he was committed to the religious and moral Orbiter and national issues and national and international,
Islamic and interactive with the sound of the student’s
Muammar al-Qathafi rises from the depths of the desert and appeared on the National Theatre since 1959
approved a revolutionary does not know driving frequency
demonstrations to denounce injustice, oppression and Palmstamaren advocate on issues of humanEverywhere,
where he led a demonstration against French nuclear
testing in the desert of Algeria and the support of the Algerian revolution led by the Algerian National Liberation
Front led the demonstrations Tzamana with the
African people and to condemn the assassination of African leaders and against the colonialists and racists whites.
On the fifth of October 1961 led a demonstration of
unity to condemn my crime separation Syria from Egypt and hit the colonists of the United Arab Republic, which
issued on the track of the monarchy unfair decision
to expel the student Muammar al-Qathafi and the deprivation of his study in the entire state of Fezzan
The monarchy a decision unfairly against the student Muammar al-Qathafii, in the case of home ….
always the issue of Gaddafi is the home In the state of Fezzan became the shows star Muammar Gaddafi called on
rebel in the south of Libya
at the instigation of revolution and liberation where he enjoyed great prestige among the inhabitants of Fezzan,
who knew the honesty and
enthusiasm and a commitment to religious, national and student intellectual conscious international and global
issues was beloved among
his colleagues in the middle school and among the inhabitants of Fezzan in the middle Social since he has the
qualities of leadership was provoking
motivation and instills confidence in the hearts of the people of Fezzan, and giveth them good tidings day break in
which restrictions and shines
where freedom of Fezzan and liberated from the rule of the family that was Tsthakr people of Fezzan and consider
them into inferiority and slavery
and the form of their cell revolutionary first, but the issue of homeland made Gaddafi accused in front of the law of
injustice and dictatorship, which
reported the following issues by the tyrants in the state of Fezzan against the student Muammar al-Qathafi ..
(incitement of the people of Fezzan to the revolution and education Aelovesazna freedom .. leadership and
organizing demonstrations against the
crimes of French colonialism in Africa and the assassination of leaders, the revolutionary .. organizing and
leading protests against French nuclear
testing in the desert of Algeria and Altzamn with the Algerian National Liberation Front … organizing
demonstrations against the Zionist colonial
conspiracies against Arabism and Islam … the leadership and the organization of demonstrations of support for
Gamal Abdel Nasser in the face of colonial and other) …
In other words, Muammar al.Qathafi, was refusing to of injustice and domination and tyranny against subjugated
peoples and expressed by various means
and was liable to imprisonment, beatings and torture for the sake of it ..
Today, however, the separation in the life of al-Qathafi in the state of Fezzan was the fifth day of October 1961 :
the day that led the student’s
Muammar al-Qathafi demonstration of unity in Sabha to condemn the crime of secession of Syria, Egypt and Zerb
the United Arab Republic and
the judiciary in the hope of the Arab peoples in the first attempt and unitary in the modern era in this Alkhzm arrested
al-Qathafi and his companions
and was then issued to the Fezzan royal decree to expel the student Muammar al-Qathafi from the state of Fezzan
and the denial of further
study in various cities of the state where Ward tyrants that this Decree Alzerbh Judge to al-Qathafi and destroy
and cut the road in front of his
hopes and dreams, but they wanted but the will of God.
al-Qathafi and determination to continue the jihad was stronger than the ignorant tyrants who want to kill
the Revolution in the bud if they open the door to this resolution wide open in front of al-Qathafi to move
to Misurata and thus accommodate an area of the revolution from the south to the north, carrying with him the
issue of home again …
despite the risks and let the people of Fezzan Muammar al-Qathafi, who are shed tears at parting brother and I hope they
feel that the leader al-Qathafi will not end
because the unjust decree Alambada and values that can not be carried to end de N to produce because it is stronger
than the decrees of injustice and the most powerful dictators.
Left the Fezzan and leave his family and his relatives, his friends, and the desert that teach them patience and endurance,
ethics and noble values—- but left the seed of revolution planted in all the same wronged and despised and humiliated
and enslaved Vzra hope to show him certain that victory would be an ally of the right
and the sun will shine on the people of Fezzan and tight on their hands and cut the covenant will not betray himself
and promised that his successor will not sacrifice the most precious Mandh for the nation and the holy cause
and let everyone went to Misurata carrying case home he chose the hard way and
the unknown and danger for the Principles and the issue of the homeland.
And the opening of God through the victory in front of believing slave patient struggling and thus enable it to
continue his studies and build friendships and
social relationships and emerged a star al-Qathafi’s new in Misurata Vstbashroa to do good and Ahtdhanoh
and Nasrōh became supporters of Gaddafi’s desert in southern Libya to the north, where the sea and the city
and the shape of the cells revolutionary in Misurata Fraod people of Misurata hope that haunted
the people of Fezzan in the salvation and freedom at the hands of al-Qathafi and Bayaoh leader, editor and flustered.”
Misurata city comrades home to the student Muammar al-Qathafi because it found the Rebel and the editor
and savior and hope as Rat Fezzan because al-Qathafi was, despite his young age convincingly for all through
Maeetmta its strength of character and qualities of the leader and the courage and morality, where he
was conservative on the teachings of Islam through his province to perform prayers on time and for high culture and inhabitants
and things and his knowledge of national and global events did not have time to waste in the fun, but it was all his time .
To the issues of home, where he was ostracized, but hated playing cards, smoking and was not religiously committed to dealing
with alcoholic beverages
and even put one of the conditions for joining the Liberal Unionist Movement, which form its nucleus in the
Fezzan, and continued in Misurata.
And increased the flames of revolution ignition in the heart of al-Qathafi and he sees control of foreigners in the
areas of public life in Misurata of Sheba from the Libyan cities where he saw for himself how to do the Italians in
Misurata and the English and the Americans, but in Libya and the seizure of banks, insurance companies, any
economic control and the loss of national sovereignty, national, where the earth was occupied and the
atmosphere is controlled by the British base Bvaltia the capital of Malta and increased hatred.
al-Qathafi sacred to the colonists when he saw how to disregard morality and Islamic values through the
legalization of liquor and the proliferation of dance halls and brothels in the country owes its people to
Islam and the marginalization of the language of the Holy Quaran and
encourage schools to teach the language of the colonizers and the dissemination of culture, deviant
and shaded and the dissemination of Christianity at the expense of Islam in a malicious attempt to obliterate the
Arab identity, Islamic and African People’s Libyan Libyans where strangers in their own land and slaves at the
mercy of foreign invaders …
Thus, increased design Gaddafi to take the issue of home.
Forming cells revolutionary for the homeland and the cause of …
enable students Muammar al-Qathafi, the formation of the first revolutionary cells in the  city of Sabha in 1959
and completed the formation of the movement in Misurata,
where determined to Revolutionise and the assault and the ruins of Libya from between the claws of colonizers
villains and their agents and cleanse the nation of filth and impure, and after the completion of forming civilian revolutionary cells
(Liberal Unionist Movement)) Gaddafi decided to penetrate the military of the need to support the army in
the Revolution decided to attend college the military with some of his colleagues and comrades path to be
the vanguard of the Revolution to break into the front of the masses in order to fight the battle for freedom
and independence, dignity and honor was al-Qathafi in a race against time,
a step at a steady pace in the right direction, the heart of a believer in God and determination of the solid
and the will of a revolutionary do not know the impossible
and the courage not unparalleled and a willingness to work great and dangerous for the cause of the nation …
For the cause of the nation moved al-Qathafi to Benghazi, where he joined the Military College in 1963  
and was equally open in front of a Libyan cities one after the other to form Unionist Movement Liberal of all the
sons of Libyan people east and west, north and south and the center of civil and military of any brought together
all shades of people to work great and dangerous and was received by the people of Benghazi welcome and
appreciation and respect because of its strong personality full of faith and love for Lot N where welcomed
with Middle Libyan him better and increased Hamas Gaddafi and his insistence on the revolution when he became
close to the suffering of the people of the east under the government of the monarchy and govern the English
invaders in everything until they were attacking the honor and dignity
and an insult to the Libyans through brothels scattered everywhere, bars and discos that threaten the Islamic
values and ethics and conduct of Christianization and the
dissemination of decadent Western culture through the teaching of foreign languages in an attempt to obliterate
the Arab and Islamic identity of the people Aliba.al-Qathafi, in a race against time,  home in his heart and hope of anticipating and revenge obnoxious colonial
strongly driven by the difference in the direction of Revolution al-Qathafi and his comrades and the people of
Misurata Odahm as difference and away from his family in the Sirte and Sebha to devote himself to a
noble cause and a great work …
al-Qathafi went to college because the military situation and the necessity so
requires cheap and gave his life for the people and the issue of homeland and new disease history and the
suffering of another and the road is hard and bumpy and fraught with danger in front of al-Qathafi, who
created the nation and the cause of the nation.
For the cause of the nation joined Muammar al-Qathafi the Military College and continued tirelessly
to sacrifice for the Principles and objectives of a great and
preparation for the great day will change the course of history and opens the doors of glory and dignity
and freedom in front of the sons of Libyan people
and broke the Unionist Movement Free the military and thus included all shades of the Libyan people
and despite the hardships Training and cruelty of life
did not resolve, but  allows al-Qathafi, because he always remembers the suffering of the people of Fezzan,
and the tears that u Ahdha in their eyes on the farewell and
hope you are haunted by the freedom and emancipation, as well as the people of Misurata and the West Libyan
who taste the two things of a puppet government
and foreign forces wreaking in the land of corruption and slander on the honor, honor and sovereignty over
all of this and other concerns of the nation’s  young,  and not merciless al-Qathafi did not give him the opportunity
to forget or Altanase or eternity to rest or sleep because he carries himself on the issue of freedom
of the people of the country and was working day and night and constantly in a race against time for a day waiting for
In 1965, completed his college and military superiority was successfully distinguished from among his income
and thus lieutenant. Muammar al-Qathafi, a new phase of Alnzal Central and reiterated
that the army and became close to the circle of danger slowly and at his graduation he returned to his hometown
of sweeping the city of Sirte striving to meet familyand friends who received him and celebrated his arrival victorious
victoriously after suffering from Fezzan to Misurata to Benghazi and Matard him at the hands of  the Government of Prince
regime and everyone cheering his arrival is that al-Qathafi was thinking in the case of the homeland is among them,
but he wanders his thought in the nation without sovereignty and the people shackled and the nation is sacked and the
continent of humiliation and religion is threatened and a humanitarian recessive gene.
resound Alzgarat joy his arrival Fasamaha cries of pain calls you Muammer/Builder of villages, cities and rural
areas pay about Revolution .. About the issue of homeland.
Free to all who have patriotism in their hearts to participate in the issue of their page images of the
homeland leader and any information Aouhdt or attitude of the
commander of the historical and courage over 52 years of jihad and the tender of the nation ..
Made commander dearest and most expensive Mandh for the people
and the homeland is not stingy with O Alovia Bektabatkm to record events pictures respond to the
argument compelling on each client and Mrchi and on radio stations paid and the Alhalh and idiots and colonists
villains who are trying to Yassin to discredit the leader and the blurring and distortion of its history the
supervisor and the theft of glory that the payment of his eighth her and I should be grateful Page and published
for all to Thoudy me on impact and the largest number of fans from all nationalities.
In order to face shading campaign against the symbolic leader … publish and post in which for the cause of the nation …
For the cause of the nation.
Over the issue of homeland lieutenant Muammar  al-Qathafi in Britain .. where the monarchy Bstavad some of the officers of the organizers of the movement of the
revolution under the pretext of sending them to courses in Britain in a desperate attempt to thwart the revolution and eliminate them …
Here is al-Qathafi’s values and Proud always b Heritage and its Arabism and Islam that did not Tbehrh Western civilization was dragged behind
a fake blind imitation of the civilization of decline did not affect his mind, nor in his convictions and his identity because he is
the owner and the owner thought the issue and the owner of Principles, values and ethics.
Here al-Qathdafi Proud his origin is Arab dressed in Arab-Libi, a walk
around the streets of London raised inspiration carries the glory and hope, and culture and full of challenge
and pride and self-confidence as if to say to them
that the Arab nation is the best nation raised up for mankind and we, the Arabs owners eternal message
and values the noble and illustrious history and ancient civilization, and tournaments which stunned the world ..
Here we will build a legacy of glory and pay tribute to the dignity and Ntir usurped the right of injured ..
Everywhere and every time the issue of a home …
    • et
    • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=393173730739558&set=a.387328671324064.86713.387305341326397&type=1&permPage=1

      Photos du mur

      يحمل القذافي قضية الوطن رغم الصعاب والالم رغم معاناة شعب و وحق مغتصب وكرامة مجروحة وارادة مسلوبة فكانت الحرب العربية الصهيونية في عام
       1967 واستخدام القواعد البريطانية والامريكية المحتلة للارض الليبية الى جانب الصهاينة غصبا عن ارادة الشعب الليبي كانت دافع قوي لحركة الضباط الاحرار في
       التعجيل بالرد على ذلك والدخول في معركة مع القواعد حيث وضعت الخطط لمهاجمة القواعد والقيام بعمليات فدائية ضد الغزاة المحتلين … انها قضية الوطن
      book tells about the Great Revolution September Revolution and how blessed he was scheduled 3 times its
      been canceled for fear the unity of the soil of Libya and for fear of spilling the blood of Libyan …
      How was led by First Lieutenant Muammar Gaddafi and how he plans he and his colleagues since middle
      school and secondary schools to improve the Od Acts of the country and a revolution in cleansing the
      Libyan state institutions …
      and how the lieutenant Muammar Gaddafi and a group of soldiers and officers in the Libyan army wanted
      the defense of Egypt in the setback of 67 but was denied entry into Egypt by the British occupation ….
      How the Egyptian leadership and global systems she thought that Colonel Saad al-Din Abu Chuirb is one
      of the leaders of the al-Fateh Revolution of September, but they surprised us all when they learned that
      it is carried out by the lieutenant in the army was deprived of promotions in the army and Odhadh because
      of his Arab anti-colonial and support to Egypt in the wake of 67 war … The book tells how the Egyptian
      leadership has received the news of the Revolution of September and how Nasser would have thought that
       it led the military coup was Brigadier Abdul Aziz Calehi to control the situation in Libya for the benefit of
      America and the elimination of the elements of national activity in the Libyan army …. And many, many
      secrets and stories … It is a book the right of the most beautiful books I’ve read and the advice of everyone
      in Egypt from the Libyans that the Liberal Astrōh ..
      Anzanauthors (“Abdel Nasser and the revolution in Libya”)
      Written by: Fathi Wolf .. A person who was the Messenger of Abdel Nasser to the Libyan Revolution
      Printing & Publishing: Dar al-Arab future ..https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=417283821644396&set=a.264485730257540.60412.264483846924395&type=1&theater
      Muammar in Moscow 1985:

      Here is Muammar in Moscow 1985:


Muammar al Gaddafi and Kim Il Sung –

antiimperialist friendship!



THE SEPTEMBER 2011 Speeches of Muammar al-Qathafi:
al-Qathafi speech Translated by اسكندر بيك
01 SEPT. 2011 ANNIVERSARY of al-Fathah REVOLUTUON of ’69:

“In the name of God the Merciful:

First of all, I Congratulate you for Eid Alfeter Almubark; and, I will read the Quran for our martyrs whom gave their blood for our land, and will yet still give blood for Libya , s-as to not be colony of France , or subject to the traitors or to anybody else from among the crusaders.

I tell you the colonisers will be finished, and also the traitors! Traitors and agents cannot continue, because they do not have the ability to have supporters. They are agents to the colonisers, and the colonisers are unaccepted to the people .
Now NATO is being destroyed but they are looking for exist.
The Power of the people can not be handed over to them. Women can’t handed to them. The Libyan people want to rule themselves.

Martyrdom can not be forgotten, tribes who lost their sons can not forget this.
So, you want to rule Libyan people ? are we animals for you to rule over us?

They will be finished to soon. You have Continued to resist. Tripoli has continued to resist. In every area of Tripoli , attack their check point , and then do check point as they do. Every tribe has to control an area in Tripoli. And youth too: make check points on the streets. Do not fear them. You are millions, so attack them from everywhere.
Who can control the armed Alnwahi Alrabaa ? Who can control Warshfanaa tribe ? They will never be able to.
Who can control the armed Ben Walled ? Who can control the armed Sirte? Now all tribes are armed! Ben Walled, Sirte, Sabha, Aljfarah, Misurata, who aren’t armed ?
Our brothers in Barqa ( East )–we can’t go there. But who can contol the Ben Waled or the Almashashia Tribe without permission from these tribes, you cannot cross over there. All of you are armed; therefore make it hell to them.
Of course the enemy has Advanced Technology; and they do not want you to listen to my voice; so, they destroyed our TV because they fear my voice: it is “so dangerous” to the colonisers to hear me we contact with my tribes, for that is dangerous to the colonisers and the agents of colonisers.
They are afraid of our voice, which means that this is a weak colonialisation. If they were strong, why would they cut our communications to silence the truth?
Why have they made you listen only to their radio and TV channels? They want you to listen only to their lies about the situation on the ground, and to make you surrender.
They want you to be afraid of them, because they are running out of money to continue the fight.
But all this just proves that the enemy is weak; for if they were not weak, they will not bomb the TV, and they would allow us to contact with each other. BUT, they are afraid of our tribes to be in contact.
This just proves that they are weak; and only bid to impose upon you to watch their channels. This proves that they are weak. That is why they are afraid of my voice to be listened by my Libyan people. Because they are weak and afraid , this is a trick. All what you are listening from them are lies, false lies.

Let it be a long war, until we win. They can not rule Libya, because we are armed. They will have to surrender to the Libyan people.
They haven’t anything other than agents. The colonisers will not be here always. They will be finished soon. NATO will not protect those agents always.
They want you to be afraid, because they do not have breath !
They cut all communications, because they do not have breathe.
They made this plan to own our oil and occupy our Land . Therefore, do not give up to those agents .”


Libya: 08 Sept. 2011, MUAMMAR al-Qathafi’s speech, English translation:http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=628579

“To our brave Libyan people that are resisting; the land of Libya is your property and your right from the days of your grandfathers and great grandfathers.

Those that attempt to revoke it from you; are the insiders , foreign backed mercenaries and stray dogs, those foreigners that have resided in Libya for a long time that attempt to take the land of your grandfathers away from you.

This is impossible we will never leaver the land of our grandfathers, their families back then where spies for Italy, and nowadays are spies for France and Britain the same sons are following in the footsteps of their fathers and grandfathers; the steps of dishonor.

These rats and armed scum; are examples of their grandfathers. Each one of them is a clone and a mock-up of traitor-ship, they aren’t Libyan, ask about any of those that are backed by NATO; that destroys Libyan infrastructure and kills Libyan children; you’ll find that his grandfather and his dad where traitors. They carry the genes of traitors.

Do you think those who carry the genes of traitors from their grandparents and great grandparents are going to decide the fate of the Libyan people? These people when they realize that the Libyan people have turned up the ratchet and have refused to accept them they revert to the dirty tricks of the villainous Arab TV channels and the gulf donkeys.

They ask them to come up with any lie to save them, they tell them we feel the earth tremble under our feet; and we feel the masses advances towards us, and that we will lose the ground that we have gained, please save us with a lie or a rumor that will destroy the morale of the resistive Libyan people. That will destroy the morale of the sons of the Al-Fatah revolution.

They ask the villainous horns of lies to save them with a lie or two, a rumor or two here and there. At the beginning they said he’s gone to Venezuela; it turned out to be a lie now they’re fed up and they’ve said he’s gone to Niger. To destroy your morale and make your surrender; this is an indication that they know that your morale and spirits are high.

The people in Tripoli are getting ready to destroy the rats and capture the mercenaries which are like a pack of weasels with no agreeance amongst themselves. Their masters will abandon them soon, even their bomb supplies have been depleted nor do they have aircraft to fight with.

They think that NATO will stay forever in the skies; NATO will return defeated, weather it likes it or not, because it’s financial position doesn’t allow it to continue with its air bombardments. They feel that they are on the battlefield alone.

They bring the horns of lies to rescue them; by spreading rumors and lies such as Qaddafi has been injured, Qaddafi has fled, such and such has happened to Qaddafi. This means that they are facing a bottleneck and that their masters are going to desert them. That they will flip on one another.

The Libyan people in its “Million Man Marches” indicated its position to the world, these people are still alive; they have nothing to resort to now but psychological warfare to influence you, do not be influenced by these psychological advertisements or lies. This should make you be able to mock the weak enemy that’s in front of you, a bunch of traitors and drunkards and a bunch of Islamists that have strayed from law and order; that have no objective but to destroy the country.

They don’t even have a diplomatic or economic plan. They want to destroy the country; you saw what that the armed rebels did when they entered Tripoli, they looted it. They looted homes and stole the gold that belonged to the women.

Each individual ran back to his tribe with the stolen booty (loot) , laid down his weapons and claimed that he is victorious. The Libyan people shouldn’t be silenced by such individuals and his great past. We shouldn’t leave our land to such menial cowards to steal the land of our grandfathers that are backed by the crusaders; that are now looking back at their failed colonialist plot and are repeating their calculations. They will be left on the battlefield alone, to resort to things that affect your morale the most.

The last thing from them was that we saw Qaddafi’s convey enter Niger; what nonsense this isn’t the first time conveys have been seen in the area, from Mali, Chad & Algeria entering and exiting the Sahara desert. It’s as if it’s the first convey ever to enter Niger, be careful and look here and stay determined against these lies and false propaganda. They should be rubbed to dust.

Allahu Akbar (God Is Great) – To the front !”


Kaddafi Speech in Letter to Raai Channel 14.09.11 (Arabic), NATO Crimes In Libya


18 SEPTEMBER 2011 to the people of SIRTE


20 SEPT 2011

on 25 SEPTEMBER 2011 and is directed to the tribes of the surrounding areas Sirte
and who have answered the call and stayed on the covenant


26 SEPTEMBER 2011: “ZERO HOUR WILL INEVETABLY COME”To Libya and its free people:
Leader of the Revolution held a speech broadcasted over the Bani Walid radio 26 SEPT. 2011
http://mathaba.net/news/?x=628831“Glory to you, greatest heroes of the Libyan people!
You carry a proud blood of your ancestors!
They were telling lies that Gaddafi is in Veneceuela , and than in Niger, but I’m here with you.
There are also servants of the colonialists among our people, which I’m ashamed of.
Hold on and be prepared on daily basis, I’m receiving calls from all the cities on Jamahiryan territory, and the zero hour will inevitably come.
People who were martyred are eternal, they fought and died for their country to be free of colonialism and chains. Just as their fathers wished for in 1969… Forward… Forward…
The most easiest solution was to say to the colonial powers in the begining to come and take the oil from our people and stop the agression. But the blood of my ancestors and my father and my children and my grandchildren and all the young children and Libyan women and Libyan men and Sheiks, blood of all who were martyred by the bombs in this agression, pushed us to the path of defiance and rejection of colonialism.We have said and continue to say… This is the oil of the Libyan people, not French or British. This food belongs to people, it is not my property nor theirs, it belongs to the people!
The resistant and awaiting martyrdom of the heroes,martyrdom which is true to the verse. To some of you who are waiting- do not be sad cause you will become weak, be patient for victory. Libya is not the first country in the world to be attacked by the planes and fleets of the largest coalition in the history of the world, but they overlooked the fact that Libya has a history and that Libyans are the greatest nation on earth in their resistance, persistance and defiance of the agression!
Libya will never be for traitors, Libya will be a hell for them!
A hell for NATO, west and its agents!”
on 18 March 2012 wrote:
“…al-Qathafii was a champion of human rights.
Just look up the benefits his people had under al-Qathafi’s Libyan Arab ‘Jamahiriya’…
Women were considered as equals ….The Libyan Arab Jahamariya “State of the masses” was a direct democracy!”
(The only one in all this world)
and on 21 April 2012, wrote:
“This one, courageous man is single-handedly standing up against western imperialist aggression, exploitation and
domination! –
not just for his own ‘immediate family’ (the Libyan people) and his ‘greater family’ (the African nation) but for ALL
of humanity as well (though you may not realize it).
He is fighting against the wealthy elite of the western Cabal (other-wise-known-as the New World Order). –
He is fighting for you and me.”

Nicholas a écrit: «The Russian Navy is nice in the Mediterranean

July 10 from Severomorsk in the long march to the coast of Syria, friendly, ready to repel an attack NATO alliance,

came a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet as part of a large anti-submarine ship (BPK), “Admiral Chabanenko”,

large landing ships (LST) “George”, “Alexander Otrakovsky “and” Kondopoga. “

On the eve of the main base of the Northern Fleet left the tanker “Sergey Osipov” and salvage tug “Nikolay Chiker.”

In the Atlantic to the order to join the patrol ship “Yaroslav the Wise” and tanker “Lena” from the Baltic Fleet.

Combined force of ships of the Baltic and Northern fleets will head to the Mediterranean Sea, where it is supported

by a detachment of the Black Sea fleet in the patrol vessel “Smetliviy” large landing ship “Caesar Kunikov” and

“Nicholas Fil’chenkov” and tug “SB-5” .

War on Syria and Imperial Hubris: Clinton Demands Russia And China to “Pay The Price”
By Rick Rozoff
Global Research, 09 July  2012
At the third meeting of the so-called Friends of Syria in Paris on July 6, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proved once again that diplomacy is to the United States what refined dining etiquette is to a jackal.

The third such meeting, earlier versions were held in “post-revolution” Tunisia and in Turkey, a NATO member with military forces massed on Syria’s border, was opened by French President Francois Hollande (who already is making his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy appear less anomalously egregious), who declaimed, “Bashir al Assad must go… a transitional government must be set up.”

The head of state of Syria’s former colonial master also engaged in comic opera theatrics by observing a moment of silence for – some – of the victims in Syria and insisted that the Syrian government’s “fall is inevitable.” Just as Sarkozy had done last year with the governments of Ivory Coast and Libya. Just as Clinton had done with both as well and now with Syria.

But Hollande was only the compère who warmed up the audience for the true personification of 21st century imperial hubris – Clinton.

She, who in February referred to Russia and China as being despicable for blocking a resolution in the United Nations Security Council aimed at the regime change in Syria mentioned above, abandoned any remaining element of restraint – a quality she has never been noted for, any more than for subtlety, judgment, humility, fairness and other seemingly outdated virtues – and exploited the Syrian crisis to crudely excoriate Russia and China once again.

Her shrill diatribe included an attempt to incite attendees from over 100 countries and organizations against the two alleged villains: “I ask you to reach out to Russia and China and to not only urge, but demand that they get off the sidelines and begin to support the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people.”

The operative word is demand. As in démarche. As in diktat.

However, if the above suggests that she accused Russia and China of what is the international equivalent of criminal negligence, the following demonstrates that she intended something far more severe:

“I don’t think Russia and China believe they are paying any price at all, nothing at all, for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime. The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price, because they are holding up progress.”

Clinton was born in a hospital on the North Side of Chicago and clearly knows cardinal rule number one of Machine politics there: Reward your friends and punish your enemies. Especially the second. Smite them ruthlessly and remorselessly. Crush them if possible. Teach them a lesson they – and others tempted to pursue a less than completely obedient path – will never forget. Make them “pay a price.”

Her commander-in-chief President Barack Obama, his Cardinal Richelieu, David Axelrod, and his first two White House chiefs of staff, Rahm Emanuel and William Daley (son of one long-term mayor and brother of another), all matriculated in the school of Chicago power politics where compromise is a foreign concept and negotiation isn’t a word in the dictionary.

For the past 81 years Chicago’s chief executive, the mayor, has belonged to the same political party, Clinton’s, and currently all fifty members of the legislative body, the City Council, do as well.

Bills and city budgets are regularly passed unanimously, often with little discussion, less debate and no public input.

To be recalled the next time Clinton launches into a tirade against the government of or elections in other nations, as she did in relation to parliamentary elections in Russia last December, which she denounced as “neither free nor fair.”

Following the all too brief reprieve provided by the mayoralty of Harold Washington (1983-1987), the city reverted to top-down, autocratic rule, with near-absolute power wielded from the mayor’s office on the 5th Floor of City Hall.

Although Chicagoans vote for members of the City Council, aldermen, the real power in the city has traditionally resided in the hands of Democratic Party ward committeemen and their precinct captains, known as ward heelers.

Politics in Chicago allow a citizen of the city only two options: He can capitulate in prostrate servility to the monolithic power structure or, in a trademark understatement by the late Chicago journalist Mike Royko, he will feel bad in the morning. If he wakes up at all.

It is the above style of strong-armed, zero-sum, take-no-prisoners, absolutist “statecraft” that has been applied first to the nation and now the world. The sort that Hillary Clinton is practicing on the international stage.

On the day before she threatened the two permanent members of the UN Security Council in the manner described, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen issued a threat of his own – to Syria – stating:

“It goes without saying that Turkey can count on NATO. NATO is of course prepared to defend Turkey if it is so necessary.”

Alliance solidarity.

Clinton’s latest provocation follows closely on the heels of another, her accusing Russia last month of supplying attack helicopters to the Syrian government to “escalate the conflict quite dramatically.” (1)

Her style of abrasive, brazen, dogmatic, Manichean “diplomacy” is best indicated by a statement she made in 2001, after leaving the White House where as First Lady she was fond of employing the imperial we (as in “we are the president”) and reviving the once-discredited practice of carpetbagging in becoming a U.S. senator from New York.

Two days after the attacks of September 11, she told Dan Rather of CBS News:

“Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price.”

She has not veered from the practice of separating the world’s nations and people into those with or against her – there are no degrees in between – although her position regarding terrorists has evidently shifted with Libya last year and Syria currently.

The State Department has granted Clinton a forum from which to castigate, disparage, accuse and threaten others to her heart’s content. It has in particular emboldened her to issue orders for heads of state outside the Western world to vacate their offices and cede power to successors approved by Clinton and her nation’s allies.

Last February, within mere days of the beginning of anti-government actions in Libya, she pronounced before the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva: “It is time for Gaddafi to go – now, without further violence or delay.”

In April she ordered President Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast, who retained his office after an election whose outcome was disputed by the nation’s Election Commission and the Constitutional Court – not unlike what occurred in the 2000 presidential election in the U.S. – to leave, stating:

“The United States calls on former President Laurent Gbagbo to step down immediately. Gbagbo is pushing Cote d’Ivoire into lawlessness.

“The path forward is clear. He must leave now so the conflict may end.”

In the same month she ordered Yemen’s head of state, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to leave office:

“President Saleh was given a very good offer that we strongly backed. And, you know, we cannot expect this conflict to end unless President Saleh and his government move out of the way to permit the opposition and civil society to begin a transition to political and economic reform.”

The “very good offer” was one initiated by the U.S.’s main allies in the Arab world, the monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which whom the U.S. and its NATO allies have also conspired to overthrow the governments of Libya and Syria.

In January of this year, while visiting Ivory Coast – where Gbagbo was deposed last April by French and compliant United Nations military forces and replaced by former Washington, D.C.-based International Monetary Fund official Alassane Ouattara – she renewed her demand that the Yemeni president must abdicate:

“There have been agreements with respect to the way forward that have not been fulfilled. We regret that the president has thus far failed to comply with his own commitments to leave the country, to permit elections to go forward that give the people a chance to be heard and be represented.”

In October Clinton was shown an image of the battered corpse of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi shortly after he was murdered in his hometown of Sirte and after uttering an adolescent (or preteen) “wow,” stated while laughing and puffing herself up, almost squealing with self-satisfied abandon: “We came, we saw, he died.”

The paraphrase of the statement attributed to Julius Caesar is not fortuitous. What Clinton at the moment embodies to the highest degree is imperial arrogance in its foulest manifestation.

Muammar w/ his  Green Resistance Army
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Generals of the Green Resistance Army:
 Khamis and general Corners in the background.
SAADI al-Qathafi:
Sir, the commander of the resistance to the sails of the State General Saedi Muammar
Mara Ahmed ————————–

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