22 MARCH 2011 Muammar al Qathafi
Bab Al Azizia memorial in Tripoli, Libya:

“This is the battle against the crusaders.
This is a crusade war.
Demonstrations are everywhere in the world, to support you.
In Asia, Africa, Europe, America, the people are against them. Those who are against you, they are just a handful. Handful of fascists.
A handful of crazed people. As a handful of those who will be defeated by their own people. We shall win this historic battle. We will never surrender.
We will never be scared by these fireworks.

These missiles are fireworks. The Libyans are laughing. The Libyans are ridiculing these. We will defeat them, in every way that we can. Either short term or long term. We are ready for this battle, whether it’s long or short. The best of air defenses are people, those people are all in front of you.

It’s you. It’s you, the air defense. (crowd cheers) Demonstrations are everywhere in the world, in support of the people of Libya against this aggression, which is unjustified.
Against the wish of the United Nations – it’s an aggressor. It’s an aggression against the Libyans by fascists, who will end up in the bin of history (grins) My Libyan people, you are living in glorious moments.

This is a glory. These are glorious times that we’re living in. All the people around the world who are with us, they are leading the revolution against imperialism and tyranny.
And I say that to you, I do not fear those storms at all.
I do not fear those storms at all. I do not fear the destructions.
I am steadfast, I’m whole, I am here in my house, and my tent.
I have the right.
I am here, I am here, I am here.”

(Translation by M. Ramirez)


FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2011

Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War

The Zionist Dragon; seen here,
looking to feast on Lebanon.
It now seeks to destroy Libya.

by Jonathan Azaziah

It’s happening all over again. Do you hear them? You must be able to. The deaf, those incapable of hearing the sounds of serenity and calamity since birth, could hear them due to their almost wretched loudness. What? What you ask? The drums of war of course. And the drummers are composing their iniquitous cacophony from the same locations that they always do. Tel Aviv. Washington D.C. London, the City of London to be most precise. The audience for their bloodthirsty melody this time around? Libya. Their previous audiences included the ravaged nation of Afghanistan and the devastated nation of Iraq.

War, classically defined, is a state of armed, hostile conflict between nations. But the war of the drummers is different. Their war, in their minds, is waged on children of a lesser God. Women of a lesser state of being. Men of a lesser right. Their war is mass murder of unarmed innocents, occupation, theft of land and resources, desecration and dehumanization. Their war is genocide. These drummers sometimes appear to be of an otherworldly nature; vampires from movies produced in the dregs of the morally destructive institution known as Hollywood. Their aim is to remain. Remain as the sole holders of the globe; the lone controllers; the only existing cabal of masters and elders, who will govern masses of cattle.

20 years of sanctions, occupation and decimation of land, water and natural resources in the shell of a nation known as Iraq left the people, the steadfast and courageous Iraqis, intimate with the inner workings of the drummers and their compositions of mayhem. Add another 10 years to the equation, and the resolute and brave people of Afghanistan could also write essays on the murderous music known as American interventionism. In both cases, the dismemberment of their societies came under the guise of “humanitarianism.” The bullets came wrapped in heroic garb. The missiles and bombs were packaged with false sympathy for the oppressed. The rapes were for liberation. The murders were for freedom. Libyans beware; the drummers want to make your nation their next humanitarian adventure.

(A Young lieutenent)  Muammar Qaddafi overthrew King Idris, a monarchical stooge for the Zionist-occupied US war machine and Italy, seeker of re-colonization of Libya in one form or another, in 1969. It was Qaddafi who removed the American military bases from Libya and it was Qaddafi who consistently supported the struggle to reclaim occupied Palestine from the Zionist entity and its ruthless operators ….

(1)… Israel wanted revenge. Using the Libyan people as the sacrificial lambs and the wave of protests sweeping the Arab world as the cover, the plot was hatched to remove the creator of the Great JAMAHIRIYA. The Zionist dragon was deployed into the frame. And the music of Zionism’s chaos began to play.

The false flags against Libya were exclusively produced by Mossad.

A Short History: Operation Trojan, Lockerbie and Abu Salim
During the beginnings of the presidency of war criminal Ronald Reagan, the Zionist media vociferously promoted what would become a long-running propaganda piece about a Libyan hit squad operating in the United States. This hit squad’s mission was to assassinate Ronald Regan. The source of the story was Manucher Ghorbanifar, a former agent of the overthrown Shah of Iran’s secret police, SAVAK. SAVAK, the notorious apparatus known for its brutal torture techniques, learned everything from Mossad and Ghorbanifar himself had deep-rooted personal ties to the Mossad, the world’s leader in false flag terrorism. The purpose of this hit squad story was to drum up support from the American populace for a strike on Libya.

(GEORGE TREMLETT wrote in 1993) :

In December 1981:
The U-S. administration claimed that Muammar al-Qathafi sent a team of libyan hit-men to Wahington to assassinate the US President–Wide publications in all the media showed roadblocks set up and armed guards on the White House roof–FALSELY, Reagan said:”We have evidence and Gaddafi know it”!

BUT when the names and photgraphs ere published of the “Libyan Hot-men” they were actually photos of famous well-known and respectable Lebanese business banking contractors, with no connection to Libya or terrorism.

Azaziah continues:

This particular false flag vis-a-vis Ghorbanifar didn’t accomplish the mission to the degree that the Zionist entity designed it to. The illegitimate Israeli state subsequently turned up the heat and put Operation Trojan into motion. The Trojan is an Israeli communications device used by Mossad’s psychological warfare squad, LAP (LohAma Psicologit), as a relay station for misleading intelligence reports emanating from Israeli navy ships in the region. The Trojan is to be planted in nations resisting the Zionist Power Configuration, or in Israeli intel terminology, “hostile environments,” at targets where official state business is conducted, like an embassy. These false reports were to be picked up by states allied with Israel on separate frequencies, wherein the information would be confirmed by Mossad. Little do the ally states know, the reports themselves are being created by Israel.

Operation Trojan was a success as the device was planted in the heart of Libya’s capital, Tripoli, and the American government began retrieving numerous messages from the Trojan and processing intelligence proofs that Libya was closely linked with the planning and execution of terrorism. The chiefs of Mossad were exceedingly pleased (3). On April 5th, 1986, the final stages of Operation Trojan came to fruition when a disco club in Berlin was bombed, leaving two American soldiers and a Turkish woman dead, in addition to the severe wounding of 229 others (4). A heinous false flag blamed on Libya, the 1986 bombing of the La Belle disco was an extensive Mossad operation which was carried out with assistance from its allies in the CIA (5). This event led to the US military’s Operation El Dorado Canyon on April 15, 1986. This murderous violation of Libya’s sovereignty left dozens of Libyan civilians dead, including Muammar Qaddafi’s 15-month old adopted daughter (6).

The murder of Qaddafi’s daughter and so many other innocent Libyans was designed to boost Mossad’s image in the international intelligence community and display to the Arab/Islamic world that the United States stood with the Zionist entity (7), or more accurately, that the USA stood wherever the Zionist entity told it to stand. Colonel Qaddafi was acutely aware of the deception that led to the murder of his child and the arrogance of the powers attempting to break him and the Libyan nation. Qaddafi didn’t budge and his Resistance didn’t end. The illegitimate Israeli state then kicked its next plot…” into high gear: the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21, 1988, better known as the Lockerbie bombing. 270 people died in the attack (8).

Abdelbaset Mohmed
Ali al-Megrahi: Framed
by Mossad.

Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence officer, was sentenced to 27 years in the Scottish Greenock prison for the mass murder. Al-Megrahi was innocent. Completely innocent. There wasn’t a drop of evidence against him; concrete or otherwise. His arrest and imprisonment were horrific and deliberate miscarriages of justice that robbed his wife and five children of decades with him (9). Miscarriages perpetuated by a conspiratorial charade enforced incessantly by the Zionist media. Additionally, his conviction deflected the public’s attention from the actual purveyors of the crime on December 21st and the reasons for its execution, most obviously the continued demonization of Qaddafi and Libya (10).

The Lockerbie bombing was carried out with a suitcase bomb, a known signature of Mossad, which has used this explosive weapon in its false flag operations in Kenya, numerous villages and cities in occupied Palestine, Beirut, Dubai, London, Houston and India (11). The Lockerbie bombing was yet another Israeli ‘dirty trick’ used against Zionism’s eternal Arab/Muslim enemy for furtherance of the anti-Islam agenda gripping the world on a daily basis via mass media institutions owned by Zionist extremists.

It has been linked to Abu Nidal, the infamous “Palestinian terrorist” who has been outed as a Mossad agent. Mere hours after the crash, Mossad’s LAP unit unleashed psychological warfare on all international media hotlines, conveying to Israel’s stooges that Libya was behind the bombing, telling them that there wasn’t even the faintest doubt about it. Mossad agents were in Lockerbie, Scotland the day after the atrocity to remove evidence from the scene. The piece of evidence? A suitcase of course. The head of Pan Am’s security at the time of the bombing was Isaac Yeffet, former chief of security at the illegitimate Zionist entity’s airline El Al (12). El Al is known for being a front for Mossad’s most intricate sabotage operations (13).

Not only did the Zionist media’s version of the events behind the Lockerbie bombing bury Mossad’s involvement beneath a mountain of lies, it also buried the CIA’s. Aboard Pan Am 103 were massive amounts of CIA-smuggled heroin and agents from CIA and DIA who were doing the smuggling (14). Mossad’s suitcase bomb eliminated them and protected its terrorism partner’s interests in the global narcotics market.

Finally, Lockerbie served one more purpose of the Mossad, a purpose with geopolitical implications that quite literally changed the world: the 9/11 false flag attack carried out by Israeli intelligence and its corrosive network of sayanim. Lockerbie was a major LAP psychological warfare operation, embedding the idea of “Arabs hijacking planes and blowing them up out of hatred for the West” into the minds of millions of Westerners, Americans specifically. When the remote-controlled planes of Dov Zakheim’s SPC struck the Twin Towers, Americans (and the rest of the world for that matter) remembered Lockerbie and didn’t bat an eyelash when the Zionist media told them 19 Arab hijackers just struck the USA. They were oblivious to the names of Silverstein, Lauder, Lowy, Eisenberg and Harel, 9/11’s primary criminals (15).

With al-Megrahi indicted and the world’s attention focused on Qaddafi for the malevolence of the Lockerbie bombing, the Zionist entity rejoiced over another successful operation. In the first quarter of 1992, right on schedule, the criminal UN imposed crippling sanctions on the nation of Libya for the attack. The sanctions would demolish Libya’s oil-refining capabilities, prevent Libyans from traveling for over a decade and cut them off from their relatives in the United States (16). The UN didn’t lift these sanctions until 2003, while the US didn’t lift its sanctions on Libya until 2004. It is here where Qaddafi reluctantly sold out the interests of his people to the Western nations he despised.

HRW, funded by Soros,
covers up Israel’s massacres,
and generates “genocides”
to further the Zionist

In 1996, a curious event formally labeled by the Zionist media as the “Abu Salim Prison Massacre” occurred. An event lambasted by “human rights” organizations, this event served as as furtherance of the worldwide anti-Qaddafi agenda put in place by Mossad and its LAP, giving credence to the criminal sanctions slapped on Libya by the US and the UN. Despite its own admission that the reports of Libyans slaughtered at Abu Salim Prison in June 1996 were unverifiable and scarce, the world-renowned Human Rights Watch maintained that 1,200 people were murdered (17). Human Rights Watch is the same US-backed NGO that concocted the grossly false story about the gassing of Iraqi Kurds in Halabja to give legitimacy to the Zionist-instigated invasion of Iraq two decades ago, and continued to serve as an excellent tool to create support for the Zionist coalition’s invasion of Iraq 8 years ago. Intelligence reports have debunked the “Halabja Massacre” as nothing but pure wartime propaganda (18).

The false story about Abu Salim Prison has been used by leftists everywhere to justify the “revolution” taking place in Libya. It is pathetic that they have inadvertently fallen into the Zionist trap of playing the drums of war for an invasion. Human Rights Watch is being bankrolled, to the tune of $100 million, by none other than internationalist Zionist war criminal, George Soros (19), who also heavily funds J Street, a pro-occupation, pro-war, pro-ethnic cleansing Zionist Lobby group masquerading as a bunch of peace-seekers (20).

It is by no means a coincidence that Soros, the corrosive billionaire who is responsible for insider trading in France, bankrupting the Bank of England and waging financial war against Malaysia (21), pulled out his oil investments from Libya a mere 3 months prior to the unrest (22), and now the human rights wing of his empire is leading the assault against Qaddafi (23). Soros is also responsible for infiltrating the Egyptian Revolution and using his proxies to draft the new constitution which will enslave the African nation with an enslavement far worse than Mubarak (24). For the people of Libya and Egypt, the Zionist dragon has just begun to torch your existence.

Qaddafi at the UN;
blasting Israel for
assassinating JFK (rip).

The Origin Points

As soon as the sanctions against Qaddafi were lifted by all Western powers in 2003-2004, “pro-democracy” groups were established inside Libya by various programs within the US State Department as a means to keep an eye on its newest ally. These groups were to be activated for the purpose of regime change if Qaddafi ever stepped out of line, under the guise of an uprising or a people’s revolution.

Qaddafi’s first mistake in the eyes of the Zionist dragon came in September 2009 when he delivered a speech to the United Nations and struck a nerve that few have struck, “The whole world should know that Kennedy wanted to investigate the nuclear reactor of the Israeli demon (25).” The Zionist entity’s Kidon hit squad, an elite unit of Mossad, in collusion with the CIA and elements of the Meyer Lansky crime organization, assassinated John F. Kennedy for several reasons. Kennedy’s silent war with al-Nakba architect David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s nuclear program is at the top of the list (26). Israel does not like anyone, especially a leader as prominent as Qaddafi, making mention of it.

Qaddafi’s second slip-up was the Libyan humanitarian aid convoy headed by one of his sons that cracked the illegal, internationally condemned siege against the Palestinian people of Gaza in July 2010. The aid ship, “al-Amal,” was loaded with 2,000 tons of food, cooking oil, medicines and pre-fabricated houses. The Israeli navy harassed the ship and threatened the passengers on board with a forceful takeover (27).  The Zionist entity has shown the world the lengths it will go to regarding its preservation of starving Gaza to death. 9 murdered activists on the Freedom Flotilla in international waters tell the story of the lengths in gruesome detail (28).

Qaddafi called on
the Palestinian people
to revolt against their
Zionist occupiers.

Just four days before the “Feb17 Revolution” in Libya, on 13 February 2011, Muammar al-Qathafi engaged in his third and final mishap, triggering the Zionist dragon’s drums of war. In the wake of the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt which disposed dictators Zayn al-Abidin Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak, two of Qaddafi’s friends ironically enough, Muammar al-Qathafi called on Palestinians to revolt against their Israeli occupier. He called on Palestinians to amass from all over the world, coming to the shores of occupied Palestine by boat, to call on Zionism to give into the hands of the oppressed Arab people or face revolution (29). 

Keeping Palestinians demoralized and subjugated is the chief weapon used by the Zionist regime in its 63-year occupation of the Holy Land. It is why it keeps collaborationist stooges like Abbas and Fayyad in place, to lead Palestinians down a perpetual road of servitude to Zionism. It considers any call for Palestinians to rise up for their dignity an existential threat. Qaddafi’s call to the people of occupied Palestine may have been an honorable one, but to the Zionist dragon, it was an act of war.

The Zionist-founded,
Zionist-controlled NED
is as subversive as
the CIA.

Controlled Opposition: Zionism 101

It was the mass murderer of tens of millions of Russian Christians, and leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, who said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” It should come as to no surprise to anyone that the Zionists who identify themselves as  neo-conservative, all of whom are admitted ex-Leninists and ex-Trotskyists (30), are the leaders behind implanting “pro-democracy” groups throughout the MENA to control opposition to global Zionist hegemony. The board of directors at the National Endowment For Democracy (NED), the leader of the “pro-democracy” project in Libya (31), as well as the notorious globalist institution Freedom House (32), are comprised almost entirely of neo-cons.

The foundation of NED was built between 1982-1984 at the behest of a research study headed by staunch Zionist Allen Weinstein, who has headed a plethora of globalist projects masked by the pursuit of democracy. Weinstein has authored numerous books in defense of the Zionist entity’s genocidal operations throughout the Middle East, including one in particular that stressed the necessity of America’s commitment to the illegitimate Israeli state (33). Allen Weinstein publicly admitted in 1991, that the NED’s activities are modeled after the CIA’s operations, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” CIA monies are laundered through the NED (34), which serves as a perfect cover due to its perceived nature as a organization championing the cause of democracy.

The current head of NED is Carl Gershman, a ubiquitous globalist figure and zealous Zionist who has received awards for furthering the CIA’s agenda in Tibet and who has composed a study entitled “Israel, the Arabs and the Middle East” defending al-Nakba and all of Israel’s colonial endeavors (35). Gershman also worked for the most venomous of all Zionist Lobby organizations, the Israeli intelligence wing known as the ADL. Gershman is rabidly anti-Muslim and anti-Christian; he has stated that the Qur’an “vilifies Jews” and that the Christian World spread the “blood libel.” Additionally, he believes that Arabs and Arab culture suffer from a “moral sickness” and has gone on record to chastise any and all people who have associated Mossad with the 9/11 terror attacks as “anti-Semites (36).”

NED is already deeply embedded in the fabric of Egypt, and has reared its ugly head from the shadows upon the command of Gershman since the fall of Mubarak (37). With Qaddafi upsetting the Zionist dragon to the point of rage, Israel-Firster Gershman initiated the activation of the democratic army. Just three of the NED-funded groups taking part in the “pro-democracy” protests in Libya are the Akhbar Libya Cultural Limited (ALCF), Libya Human and Political Development Forum (LHPDF) and the Transparency Libya Limited (TL). These groups were funded in the hundreds of thousands by NED (38).

MEPI is an NED-backed
group greatly involved
in the deconstruction
of Libya.

NED’s chief sister organization, the National Democratic Institute (NDI), headed by Zionist war criminal and butcher of Iraq’s children Madeline Albright (39), is also deeply involved in the Libyan uprising, as is a smaller NED-linked group, the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). Aswat, an Arabic propaganda hub in Libya, Libya’s General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, My Arabic Library (MAL) and Youth Of Today, Leaders Of Tomorrow are all funded by NDI and MEPI (40). So, an umbrella of organizations controlled by an anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Arab, pro-war, pro-Zionist war monger is looking out for the interest of the Libyan people? Right.

The organizing of the “Feb17 Revolution” in Libya was led by a group known as the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition (NCLO). The NCLO called for mass protests against the Qaddafi regime in a multi-level manner, inside Libya and abroad, all for the goal of bringing down the 42-year reign of the Libyan Colonel (41). The NCLO was formed on June 25, 2005 in London. The main goal of this organization was to foment the end of Colonel Qaddafi’s revolutionary, political, military and security powers and to trigger the formation of a transitional government run by “trustworthy” individuals (42). The NCLO is comprised of six umbrella groups, with the National Front Of The Salvation of Libya (NFSL) sitting at the head. A Libyan exile who resides in London named Ibrahim Sahad is NFSL’s leader (43).

At the onset of the Feb17 Revolution, Sahad and other NFSL and NCLO members began providing the Zionist media with “first-hand” information of massacres, human rights abuses, death tolls and other outlandish accusations that were never independently verified. Ominously, Sahad made it clear to state in an interview that “Qaddafi will not survive the protests (44).” The Zionist media has never given an audience to dissidents from occupied Palestine, occupied Iraq, occupied Kashmir, occupied Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan or the Resistance in Lebanon. So why Libyan dissidents? Simple. Because these particular Libyan dissidents belong to the NFSL, an organization funded for decades by the CIA and closet-Zionist regime of Saudi Arabia (45). In fact, whether it’s the American-Zionist puppet Qatar’s Al-Jazeera or typical Western media outlets like the Zionist-owned BBC and the New York Times, all reports leave a trail that leads back to the CIA’s NFSL (46).

Libya’s premier
group, is fully
backed by
the CIA.

As aforementioned, one of the NFSL’s goals was to set up a transitional government to replace the regime of Qaddafi as momentum from the wave of protests was mounted. On February 27, 2011, 13 days after the fake Feb17 Revolution began, the National Transitional Council, also known as the Libyan National Council, was formed (47), in perfect accordance with the NFSL’s CIA-based agenda. One member of this transitional council is Mahmoud Jibril, who recently met privately with Zionist warmonger Hillary Clinton in Paris (48). Jibril also held a meeting with the Zionist President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy and spoke by phone with the warmongering British Foreign Secretary, William Hague (49).

Mahmoud Jibril, the 
Western dope
groomed to replace
Qaddafi in the new, 
Zionized Libya.

Jibril, who heads the Foreign Affairs division of the Council, was educated in the United States, receiving a master’s degree and PHD at the University of Pittsburgh prior to teaching there for many years. Jibril also headed an organization called the National Economic Development Board (NEDB), Libya’s largest think tank, formed in 2009 (50). The NEDB was set up and advised by a group of international consulting firms from the US and UK and is in partnership with the London School of Economics (51), which receives its largest amount of funding from none other than George Soros (52). Once the “rebels” secure victory and Qaddafi is overthrown, Jibril is expected to maintain his position at the head of this institution of subservience to neoliberalism. With Jibril’s ties alone, it invalidates the Council’s claims to being the sole representative of the people of Libya. It is the sole representative of Zionism in Libya.

The Council almost immediately called for a no-fly zone over Libya (53). No self-respecting person of conscience, let alone the righteous Libyan people, the sons of the great Omar al-Mukhtar (rip) who led two decades of Resistance to Italy’s colonization of their nation, who are keenly aware of the aims of foreign occupiers and colonialists, would ever call for a no-fly zone over Libya. The same military operation that led to NATO bombing thousands of innocents to death in Kosovo with depleted uranium and cluster bombs and that led to the bombing of tens of thousands to death in Iraq prior to 2003’s invasion. However, stooges of Western interests most certainly would. Could anyone imagine Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (rip) or Hugo Chavez calling for a no-fly zone? Didn’t think so.

MI6 worked with Mossad to 
assassinate Qaddafi 15 years ago.
“Al-Qaeda” was used in the
false flag.

Israel’s War: From Subversion To Aggression

Excluding game-changers like the assassination of JFK or the 9/11 false flag attacks, the Zionist entity’s Dragon Policy may be its most prized operation. Through an intricate web of relationships woven with blood-drenched silk, linking it closely to its allies in RAW, Blackwater (Xe) and the CIA, Israel has terrorized the Islamic Republic of Pakistan through an unlimited supply of patsy terror groups and ordnance experts strategically scattered through the country. The face of the Dragon Policy, set up officially in 2001 and constantly rammed down the throat of the world’s masses by the cabalistic Zionist media, is the Tehrik-I-Taliban, which is reported as being closely linked to the king of kings in terms of fake terror groups, “Al-Qaeda.” Never is it reported that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist and never has existed (54), it is merely a name used to create and subsequently exacerbate psychological warfare. In the case of the Tehrik-I-Taliban and the Mossad-RAW nexus that runs it, it is only linked to Al-Qaeda because RAW agents of the Dragon Policy pose as Al-Qaeda to provide their patsies with weapons and money (55).

Israel attempted to run its Dragon Policy in Libya 5-6 years prior to its sanguinary beginnings in Pakistan through British intelligence. A Mossad-MI6 nexus was formed and an “Al-Qaeda” cell was paid handsomely to assassinate Qaddafi in his hometown of Sirte (56). Anas al-Liby was the leader of this cell. He would be used as a patsy for Mossad in its 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (57).

Mossad worked with
MI5 for the 7/7
bombings in London.

These operations were part of a long-running Israeli project in which Mossad would recruit Palestinians to carry out terrorism to provide justification for escalation of Israeli military operations throughout occupied Palestine, and extrajudicial revenge policies abroad. The terrorism would be blamed on “Al-Qaeda.” The Palestinian operation however, would turn out to be a failure (58). Mossad’s relations with MI-6 shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Most recently, in the London bombings of July 7th, 2005, the Zionist’s entity’s Mossad, notorious Shin Bet-infested Israeli security company ICTS and Britain’s internal intelligence service MI5 collaborated for a successful false flag operation (59). It should also come as no surprise then, given the history, that Qaddafi is accusing “Al-Qaeda” of staging the unrest in Libya (60). Al-Qaeda in this case, is interchangeable with CIA and Mossad.

When the Zionist entity’s tactics of subversion via a decade worth of false flag terrorism and sanctions didn’t achieve the goal of crippling Qaddafi, it switched its tactics to all out aggression against Libya. With its allies in the CIA manipulating protests and its patsies forming the National Transitional Council to create the illusion of the Libyan people’s representative, the next cog to be turned in the Zionist entity’s machine was to create the illusion of a humanitarian crisis.

From the onset of the Feb17 Revolution, stories from all ends of the media spectrum were surfacing about massacres of “unarmed” protesters at the hands of African mercenaries hired by Qaddafi and his regime (61). Just as quickly as the stories surfaced, Qaddafi immediately issued an emphatic denial of his regime hiring anything of the sort, as did regime officials (62). Oddly enough, the US government, which had been hawkish towards Libya from the moment the uprising began, inserted a clause in a February 27th UN Resolution that would shield these African mercenaries from being prosecuted for their crimes (63). Many commentators speculated that this was done to prevent the US itself, notorious for using hunter-killer corporations like Dyncorp and Xe to carry out mass killings in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, from being subsequently prosecuted for the same crimes.

While this speculative theory was certainly plausible and even logical, it wasn’t congruent with the greater plot at hand. Mercenaries, Xe (Blackwater) specifically, had been escaping  international prosecution for a literal decade. Why start now? Especially when the world’s hegemonic powers had a “genocide” stop.

Global CST’s mercenaries
are creating chaos in Libya.
Global CST is run by Zionist
General Israel Ziv.

The reason why the US, the Zionist entity’s patron, lap dog and military enforcer, introduced this clause into the UN resolution, is because the mercenaries on the ground have been recruited and employed by Global CST, an Israeli security company with strong links to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman tied to war crimes and arms trafficking in Georgia and several countries in Africa. The director and owner of Global CST, retired Israeli General Israel Ziv, held a high-level meeting with Aman chief Aviv Cokhavi, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (all war criminals) shortly before the Feb17 Revolution to receive approval for the deployment of 50,000 mercenaries into Libya. The mission of this Israeli operation? Fuel civil war to bring about Western military intervention (64).

The mercenaries were in place and massacres of protesters were occurring, so the Zionist media took the opportunity presented by the troubled atmosphere to bolster its usual yellow journalism, stating that Qaddafi was now bombing civilians in Benghazi on February 22. As one would expect however, this story was farcical. The story was first exposed as sheer falsehood by the Russian military (65), and then astonishingly confirmed by war criminals Admiral Mike Mullen and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (66). Despite two of the most powerful militaries in the world confirming that there were no airstrikes against civilians, the Zionist media continued to report them as fact.

Wolfowitz and Kristol:
Zionist extremists;
destroyers of Iraq;
invaders of Libya.

As the mercenary’s massacres kept flowing, the Zionist dragon comprised of heads from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) emerged from the shadows. Its thirst for blood not quenched by millions of dead Iraqis and Afghans, it now wanted Libya to solidify the Zionist entity’s revenge against Qaddafi once and for all. With US, UK and French special forces deployed to Tobruk and Benghazi a day after the fraudulent airstrikes stories were run (67), an organization called the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) wrote a letter to Obama, puppet of Zion, urging an immediate full-scale military intervention to take out Qaddafi and “end the violence.” Who are the leaders of FPI, you ask? PNAC repackaged: Wolfowitz, Kristol, Abrams, Kagan, Edelman and Senor. The genocidal maniacs who designed the ravaging and pillaging of Iraq and Afghanistan. In line with FPI’s request, Zionist hawks Joe Lieberman and John McCain called Washington from Tel Aviv demanding that Obama arm the “rebels (68),” who were already receiving training from Western Special Ops.

Obama followed suit, obeying the commands of his Zionist masters. On February 28th, the United States passed its largest set of sanctions ever, freezing $30 billion in Libyan assets and subsequently positioned its warships right off of the Libyan coast (69). The very next day, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon called for a no-fly zone over Libya to, no, this is not an attempt at comedy, “stop the genocide (70).” Ayalon of course, did not call for a no-fly zone when the Zionist entity committed genocide from above in Lebanon in 2006 or in illegally besieged Gaza in 2008-2009.

A curious event took place on March 6th, as SAS forces led by an MI6 (Mossad’s Dragon Policy partner) officer dropped into Libya armed with guns, ammunition, explosives and false passports, all to be delivered to Libyan “rebels.” The Libyans were infuriated by such a bold move (71). That though, isn’t what invokes the accusation of curiousness. The Libyan people proposed the idea, that these British forces were actually Israelis using false British passports, as they did with Mossad’s assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in January 2010 (72). Two scenarios should be noted. Scenario One: this British convoy really was just simply delivering weapons to the CIA-backed rebels, as per the West’s policy of backing the anti-Qaddafi opposition from day one. Scenario Two: this British convoy was a false flag terrorism unit on a mission to carry out a massive attack on Libyan civilians to hasten a military intervention. Since they were detained and kicked out, the mission failed. Due to the gap between Obama’s positioning of warships coupled with the round of sanctions and the actual invasion, the latter scenario seems to be the correct one.

Netanyahu and Barak
both want Qaddafi out of
the picture to ravage Libya.

On March 17th, the butcher of Gaza Benjamin Netanyahu stated clearly that Muammar Qaddafi was not a friend of Israel and not a friend of the Jewish people, while stating rather ambiguously that he wouldn’t mind seeing military action implemented in Libya, nor would he mind seeing Qaddafi removed (73). Coincidentally (not really), also on March 17th, the UN passed its resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya and the approval of ‘all necessary measures to protect civilians,’ i.e. bombing Libya incessantly; preparations for a coalition strike began (74).

Zionist war criminal Ehud Barak praised the UN for its decision the following day, going on the record that Qaddafi would be gone within weeks and also mentioning that the Arab League (of thugs, dictators, oil barons and kleptocrats) giving its support was key to invading Libya (75). Barak’s nauseating diatribes brought back the memory of 9/11. Just moments after the Towers were struck, Barak was live on the air to blame Osama Bin Laden and call for an invasion of Afghanistan (76). Barak played a key role in Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11, overseeing the operation as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems (EDS), a Mossad haven partnered with another Mossad-run firm, SCP Partners. EDS and SCP secured the thermite explosives used to bring down the Twin Towers from several explosives-expert firms in their business portfolio (77).

Nearly 10 years after 9/11 and the criminal, genocidal invasion of Afghanistan, Israel has itself yet another war and its desired revenge on Qaddafi is imminent.

Obama has invaded
Libya to secure
Israel’s oil needs.

Egyptian Oil Workers and The 1975 MOU

Referring back to the malevolent statement of Vladimir Lenin regarding the creation of opposition to locate and destroy real opposition, the Egyptian Revolution makes its return to the forefront in the discussion of the Zionist dragon’s impending conquest in Libya. The Egyptian Revolution is not an absolute truth, nor is an absolute fiction. It is a combination of reality and fantasy; the Zionist entity’s way of quelling what was coming, what was bound to burst and isolating the catalytic threats to Israeli hegemony. The atmosphere leading to the “Jan25 Revolution” was a tense one. Several protests had already been held due to the Mubarak regime stealing the recent parliamentary elections and Muslim-Christian unity rallies were getting larger in the wake of the Mossad bombing of al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria (78).

A revolution was already a decade in the making. Egyptians began hitting the streets in protest of Mubarak and his cronies in 2000, during occupied Palestine’s 2nd Intifada. In December 2006, poverty-stricken workers formed unions and partook in massive strikes. As a result of the growing revolutionary fire from these strikes, there were two huge uprisings in 2008, one in Mahalla, and another in Borollos. Both were crushed by the regime. These anti-Zionist workers and revolutionaries were aware of the Westernized “reform-seekers” in their mix. The real protesters? They wanted Mubarak gone. His regime gone. Ties with the Zionist entity severed and the siege of Gaza lifted. The elite dismantled and the wealth returned to the people. The reform seekers wanted to maintain the status quo with little change; only the illusion of it (79).

Mohamed ElBaradei:
George Soros’ puppet
in Egypt.

Unbeknownst to many of these revolutionaries, the reform-seekers that they kept their eyes on weren’t just Westernized… they were Western-trained. “Activists” from the April 6 Youth Movement, a group vociferously promoted by the Zionist media as the face of the Egyptian Revolution, received their training from the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) and the International Center For Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), both funded by Zionist billionaire strongman Peter Ackerman and the face of internationalism, George Soros. The April 6 Youth Movement also works closely with Mohamed ElBaradei, a stooge and former board member of the International Crisis Group, founded by neo-con warmonger Morton I. Abramowitz and funded by Soros. ElBaradei sat on the board of International Crisis Group with Ackerman’s wife (80). And these men want freedom for Egypt? Oh, the trail of smoke left behind by the Zionist dragon’s fire.

The April 6 Youth Movement also received full backing from the US Statement department, with helping hands extended by Undersecretary For Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs James K. Glassman and Jared Cohen of Hillary Clinton’s Policy Planning Staff. Glassman is a rabid Zionist who was once a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a pro-Israel think tank known for providing talking points to the US government. The April 6 Youth Movement reveled in these endorsements (81). Once Mubarak transferred power to a military junta fully backed by Zionism, it is these puppet activists, these whitewashed and westernized House Arabs, that told Egyptians to go home and “work harder than ever before to build a new Egypt” while real activists remained in Tahrir Square, demanding the collapse of the regime, planning more strikes in Egypt’s various business sectors and calling for the end of normalization with Israel (82).

The most important of all of these strikes, is that of the Egyptian oil workers, who are sick of corruption, slave wages, no unions and most of all, gas being pumped to to the Zionist entity, which they refuse to ever do again (83). Israel had raked Egypt over the coals for its precious resources, forcing the North African Arab nation to lose over 100 billion Egyptian pounds since 2005 alone (84). No gas has been pumped to Israel since February 13th, with the most recent protest being held in Suez on March 20th (85). Due to pressure from the Egyptian people, the military junta have not resumed gas to Israel and reluctantly have no plans to do so, also because of that pressure. 40% of Israel’s natural gas comes from Egypt, which the Zionist entity uses to produce 20% of its electricity (86). Egypt’s natural gas is an important element needed by the Zionist entity to maintain its 63-year occupation of Palestine.

George Soros funded
the undermining
of Egypt’s real

Due to its proximity to Palestine, and the traitorous Camp David accords, Egypt’s sale of natural gas to the Zionist dragon was always practical. But now with a war on the ground between the brave revolutionaries and workers, champions of Arab dignity, and the Soros-Ackerman armada of House Arabs, and the Israel-friendly military junta stuck in the middle and walking a tight rope to appease its paymasters in Washington D.C. which fund it to the tune of over $1 billion a year, the Zionist entity needed another source. Enter Libya, a nation with the largest prove oil reserves in all of Africa (87). Coupled with the Zionist entity’s eternal vendetta against Qaddafi, this made Libya a prime target for another Israeli victim of balkanization.

On September 1st, 1975, an odious Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the United States of America and the Zionist entity residing on stolen Palestinian land. This MOU stated the following, “The United States Government will make every effort to be fully responsive, within the limits of its resources and Congressional authorization and appropriation, on an ongoing and long-term basis, to Israel’s military equipment and other defense requirements, to its energy requirements and to its economic needs.” Also, “If the oil Israel needs to meet all its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where no quantitative restrictions exist on the ability of the United States to procure oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel to meet all of the aforementioned normal requirements of Israel (88).”

To simplify, whenever the Zionist entity needs oil, as per the 1975 MOU, the United States will answer Israel’s beckoned call and go secure the oil. As was the case with Iraq, in which Benjamin Netanyahu bragged of Iraqi oil flowing from Kirkuk to Haifa (89), the war with Libya is indeed a war for oil. But not oil for America. Oil for the Zionist entity.

The US, UK and France
have invaded Libya
on Purim. It’s occupied Iraq 
all over again.

Conclusion: Purim and Occupation

On March 19th, 2011, 2 days after Netanyahu’s declarations against Qaddafi and the UN’s approval of a no-fly zone, another dastardly crime of epic proportions was committed against humanity. The name of this crime is Operation Odyssey Dawn, the title for the French-British-American coalition attack on Libya. It began with 110 cruise missiles being fired from the sea by the US and the UK and bombardment from above being provided by France (90). 64 Libyan civilians were slaughtered and over 150 were wounded (91). Another genocide in the making. General Petraeus, the slaughterer of Iraqis and Afghans, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, another slaughterer of Iraqis and Afghans, think the mass murder of innocents deserves a good laugh (92).

It is certainly of no coincidence that the war against Libya, a revenge operation designed by the Zionist entity and instigated by its political assets, was started on the very same day that Iraq was invaded in 2003. Several analysts and politicos have made mention of this key point. The point that is not being mentioned, a point more important than the former, is that Libya, like Iraq (both inhumane invasions) and Kosovo before it, was invaded on Purim, the Jewish holiday of vengeance based on the events in the biblical Book of Esther, commemorating the killing of Persian Prime Minister Haman, who tried to wipe out the Jewish people before being wiped out himself. Haman’s descendants are the Amalekites, and due to decades upon decades of brainwashing from the global Talmudic rabbinate, many Israelis and American Jews feel that Arabs and Muslims are the Amalekites (93). It is not a conspiracy theory, an opinion, a perspective or a supposition that Purim is a heightened time of conflict in the Middle East. It is a fact (94).

For Purim 2011, the occupied West Bank was placed under siege and terminals within besieged Gaza were shut down (95). One of the most gruesome incidents on Purim in occupied Palestine was Purim 2006, when Palestinian prisoners were stripped naked, beaten, detained and photographed after IOF tanks shelled a jail of illegally held Palestinians (96). But, a flashback that digs even deeper is required to fully understand what is being done to Libya. On March 5th 1991, only five days after the Highway of Death incident in occupied Iraq, the US Congress honored a racist, xenophobic, genocidal Chabad Lubavich rabbi named Menachem Mendel Schneerson, deemed by American presidents as an achiever of “eminence as a moral leader for this country.”

The killing of non-Jews, the goyim, according to Rabbi Schneerson, was not only permissible, acceptable and even recommended, but he considered non-Jews to be a separate species from Jews. This monstrous man was the spiritual leader for many of the Zionist officials in the United States government from the first Bush administration through the second. These Zionist officials were the planners and executors of the invasions, occupations and genocides of Iraq and Afghanistan. Were they spilling non-Jewish blood on Purim to appease their spiritual leader? (97).

Those reading can “do the math,” especially considering that these same Zionist extremists are the warmongers who have orchestrated the spilling of blood in Libya today. Murdering Arabs, the Amalekites, on Purim, has become a sacred Israeli tradition (98), with certain rabbis going as far as considering Arabs worthy of annihilation for “obstructing the building of the 3rd Temple (99).” This extremism, which has claimed the lives of millions of Arabs and Muslims in the genocides of Iraq and Afghanistan, is never reported on by the Zionist media. Instead, the American people are given sustenance with fast mood meals of anti-Islamic rhetoric by the same pro-Israel war criminals sending their children to die for an illegal occupying entity. It is high time that they know what the true meaning of Amalek is and why it is of such esoteric significance to the Zionist controllers.

Cruise missiles fired by
the occupiers into

What began as classic military interventionism has evolved into full blown occupation. Libya, like Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir, should be referred to as occupied Libya from now on. 2,200 Marines are directly offshore, making preparations to enter Libya (100). US Forces recently opened fire on Libyan villagers, wounding 6, including a young boy that needed to have his leg amputated (101). SAS squads classified as ‘Smash Teams’ are on the ground to aid the Operation Odyssey Dawn coalition in its incessant bombing of Libyan territory (102). And as the occupiers mobilize and multiply, the Zionist media is spreading obscene propaganda, echoing the lies of Iraq pre-invasion. Zionist puppet David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK, is already parroting Gulf War-style tripe about Qaddafi using chemical warfare against the Libyan people (103); SAS forces are ready to seize the “mustard gas of the dictator” according to his government (104). The occupiers have already stated that there is ‘no timeline’ for the end of Odyssey Dawn (105).

An Iraqi child badly 
deformed by depleted 
uranium. This is what is 
in store for the 
children of Libya.

The Zionist media is spreading its lies about the non-existent chemical weaponry of Muammar Qaddafi for a very specific reason: because the Zionist entity’s American enforcer and its allies are using chemical weapons on the Libyan people. 45 2,000 pound depleted uranium bombs have been dropped on Libya (106). As the confirmed civilian casualties rise to 100 (107), the nightmare starts anew. Birth defects, cancers and fetal damage from radiation among innocent Iraqis in Mosul, Basra, Fallujah and Samarra and Baghdad after US, Israeli and British depleted uranium in occupied Iraq (108). Contaminated blood, birth defects and cancer among young Albanians after 11 tons of NATO depleted uranium in tiny Kosovo (109). Birth defects, incomplete hearts and brain malformations in the children of illegally besieged Gaza after Israel’s depleted uranium during Operation Cast Lead (110). Birth defects, deformities, leukemia and esophageal cancer in Afghan children after US and NATO depleted uranium in occupied Afghanistan (111).

Pain. Suffering. More pain. More suffering. This is what Zionism and all of its allies bring to the indigenous peoples of the world, specifically the Middle East. It is sad, abysmally tragic and flat-out despicable that so many “activists,” “truth-seekers” and “journalists” have cheered on this occupation and incoming genocide of the Libyan people in an emotive, thoughtless manner, forgetting the lessons of the past.

Obama serves
Zionism. Period.

They were nowhere to be found when the US incinerated children in Iraq and Israel’s DU-tipped car bombs triggered hell on Iraqi streets from north to south. They were nowhere to be found when NATO destroyed Kosovo. They were nowhere to be found when the US and NATO massacred Afghanistan. They were definitely nowhere to be found when the Zionist entity rained hellfire on the innocent men, women and children of Lebanon and Gaza. They were nowhere to be found when US predator drones turned Pakistanis into dust matter. But now, they are on the front lines, cheering on Obama’s war, a criminal that the Zionist political machine of Chicago, rooted in gangsterism, considers the “first Jewish president (112).”

The Zionist dragon has breathed its fire on one nation after another since it came into being almost 64 years ago. The blood of the Amalakites is what it needs to survive, and the innocents inflicted by Israeli-created genocides mentioned in the previous paragraph are obviously, not enough. It is up to the people of conscience to seek out the drummers of war and eradicate them ideologically, rendering them irrelevant and placing the defense of the indigenous above all. Muammar Qaddafi has a special place on the Zionist regime’s hitlist, and it doesn’t care how many Libyans will die a brutal depleted uranium-touched death to accomplish its goal of overthrowing and burying him. Mahmoud Jibril, the Western stooge discussed earlier, has already been tapped by the Zionist Power Configuration as the “interim Prime Minister of Libya,” i.e. Qaddafi’s replacement (113).

The real message of the
Libyan people: NO

To the vast majority of Libyans, who are not on the CIA payroll, whether you stand with Qaddafi or have issues with him, it is clear that you absolutely, positively, want nothing to do with the occupiers who are in the beginning stages of destroying your country. It is now up to you to fight back. It is up to you to cure this cancer. The traitors among you have made their decision to ally themselves with the butchers and bombers who have carved up the ancestral Arab and Muslim homelands like firewood on a chopping block. It is up to you to form a Resistance against all collaborators, all invaders, a model like that of Hezbollah in Lebanon, to save your nation.

Self-determination is a universal right that belongs to all people. It is embedded in the spiritual code of society, Islamic, Christian, secular or otherwise. It cannot be taken away by foreign powers; powers that never had any jurisdiction over such a right to begin with. Libya will overcome the siege of the Zionist dragon, no matter how long it may take, and when its self-determination blossoms, spitfire flowers will strike back at the powers who attempted to enforce humiliation against them.

And to those “humanitarians” attacking Muammar Qaddafi, an enigmatic leader who built Libya from the ground up over 42 years (114), you should direct your attention to real massacres from US-backed dictators ignored by the Zionist media like Islam Karimov, the barbaric 21-year dictator of Uzbekistan who slaughtered 700 of his citizens in the Andijan Massacre of 2005 (115).

Why are these “humanitarians” unaware of such a killing spree? Because Uzbekistan is a major torture center for the CIA’s Rendition program (116), the cornerstone of Zionism’s Orwellian ‘War On Terror.’ These “humanitarians” should remember that war is never the answer for anything, other than increasing the wealth of the globe holders. And finally, they should remember the words of late, great revolutionary Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, whose words when applied to Libya and the oppressed Arab world have never rang so true, “Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.” Indeed.

~ The End ~


(1) Who Is Muammar Qaddafi? by Antonio Cesar Oliveira, Pravda

(2) US Army Officers – ‘Mossad May Blame Arabs’ by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press

(3) The Other Side Of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes The Mossad’s Secret Agenda by Victor Ostrovsky

(4) 4 Guilty In Fatal 1986 Berlin Disco Bombing Linked To Libya by Steven Erlanger, The New York Times

(5) CIA, Mossad Links To 1986 Berlin Disco Bombing by World Socialist News Site

(6) Gaddafi’s Turbulent US Relations by Rob Reynolds, Al Jazeera English

(7) Lockerbie Was Mossad “False Flag” Operation by Rehmat’s World

(8) Unanswered Questions: Lockerbie’s Legacy: 270 Dead, No One Behind Bars by Jerome Taylor, The Independent

(9) The Megrahi I Know by Former Labour MP Tam Dalyell, The Times

(10) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(11) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(12) Deception Over Lockerbie by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Dissident Voice

(13) S. African Alleges El Al A Mossad Front by Lionel Slier, The Jerusalem Post

(14) Lockerbie Diary – Gadhaffi, Fall Guy For CIA Drug Running by Susan Lindauer, Veterans Today

(15) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(16) The Israeli Deception That Led To The Bombing Of Pan American Flight 103 Over Lockerbie, Scotland by Richard Curtiss, Media Monitors Network

(17) Libya: June 1996 Killings At Abu Salim Prison by Human Rights Watch

(18) What Do Fallujah And Halabja Have In Common? by Ghali Hassan, Uruk Net

(19) George Soros To Give $100 Million To Human Rights Watch by Human Rights Watch

(20) Billionaire George Soros Revealed As Mystery J Street Donor by Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz

(21) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(22) Libya Kicks Out Western Oil… Just As George Soros Planned by Good Sense Politics

(23) Libya: Benghazi Civilians At Grave Risk by Human Rights Watch

(24) George Soros And Egypt’s New Constitution by Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer

(25) Qaddafi UN Speech: Six Highlights – Or Lowlights? by Mark Sappenfield and Tracey D. Samuelson, Christian Science Monitor

(26) The Final Judgment: The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper

(27) Libyan Ship With Gaza Aid Arrives In Egyptian Port by BBC News

(28) The Reality Of Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(29) UPDATE 1 – Gaddafi Tells Palestinians: Revolt Against Israel by Ali Shuaib and Salah Sarrar, Reuters

(30) The High Priests Of War by Michael Collins Piper

(31) Board Of Directors by National Endowment For Democracy

(32) About Us: Board Of Trustees by Freedom House

(33) Biography of Dr. Allen Weinstein, Ninth Archivist Of The United States by National Archives

(34) Rogue State: A Guide To The World’s Only Superpower by William Blum

(35) Meet Our President by National Endowment For Democracy

(36) Democracy And Anti-Semitism: Remarks by Carl Gershman by Anti-Defamation League

(37) Uncle NED Comes Calling by Phillip Giraldi,

(38) Middle East And North Africa: Libya by National Endowment For Democracy

(39) National Endowment For Democracy by Source Watch

(40) Where We Work: MEPI In Libya by The Middle East Partnership Initiative

(41) Gaddafi Ready For Libya’s “Day Of Rage” by Khaled Mahmoud, Asharq Alawsat

(42) The National Accord by The National Conference Of The Libyan Opposition

(43) Libyan Opposition Meets To Discuss Ending Gadhafi’s 36-Year Authoritarian Rule by The Khaleej Times

(44) Gaddafi Will Not Survive The Protests: Sahad by Ali Moore, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; 300 Protesters Killed In Libya by The Deccan Herald

(45) What Is The National Front For The Salvation Of Libya? by Yoshie Furuhashi, Red Ant Liberation Army News

(46) Imperial War On Libya by Stephen Lendman, Counter Currents

(47) Anti-Gaddafi Figures Say Form National Council by Mohammed Abbas, Reuters

(48) Clinton Meets In Paris With Libyan Rebel Leader by Steven Lee Myers, The New York Times

(49) France Recognizes Libya Rebels, To Surprise Of EU by Don Melvin and Raf Casert, Associated Press

(50) Key Figures In Libya’s Rebel Council by David Ritten, BBC News

(51) Establishment Of The National Economic Development Board by United Nations Public Administration Network; Michigan State’s Libya Ties by Inside Higher Ed

(52) Hunting For Witches In An Ivory Tower by Danna Harman, Haaretz

(53) Rebel Leader Calls For ‘Immediate Action’ On No-Fly Zone by CNN

(54) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis, BBC

(55) 26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(56) MI6 ‘Halted Bid To Arrest Bin Laden’ by Martin Bright, The Guardian

(57) UPI Interview With Hamid Gul by Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI

(58) Mossad Exposed In Phony ‘Palestinian Al-Qaeda’ Caper by Michele Steinberg and Hussein Askary, Ascertain The Truth

(59) 7/7 Ripple Effect (Documentary) by Muad’Dib also known as John Hill

(60) Gaddafi Blames Al-Qaeda For Revolt by Al Jazeera English

(61) Witnesses Say African Mercenaries Have Been Captured In Libya by France24

(62) Libya: Who Is Propping Up Gaddafi? by Frank Gardner, BBC News; Libya Denies Use Of Mercenaries by Al Jazeera English

(63) Libya: African Mercenaries ‘Immune From Prosecution For War Crimes’ by Jon Swaine, The Telegraph

(64) Mercenary Company CST Global And War Criminal Israel Ziv Write To Voltaire Network by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network; Report: Israel Company Recruiting Gadhafi Mercenaries by Ma’an News Agency; Israel Provides Henchmen For Gaddafi by Press TV

(65) “Airstrikes In Libya Did Not Take Place” – Russian Military by Russia Today

(66) DOD News Briefing With Secretary Gates And Adm. Mullen From The Pentagon March 01, 2011 by U.S. Department of Defense

(67) US, France, Britain Set Up Military Bases In Libya by Press TV

(68) US Neo-Cons Urge Libya Intervention by Jim Lobe, Al Jazeera English

(69) US Moves Warships Closer To Libya, Freezes Assets by Missy Ryan and Ross Colvin, Reuters

(70) Israeli Minister Favours Libya No-Fly Zone by Yahoo! News

(71) SAS Rounded Up And Booted Out As Libyan Mission Turns To Face by Tim Shipman and David Williams, The Daily Mail

(72) SAS-Backed Libyan Diplomatic Mission Ends In Humiliation by Martin Chulov, Mark Tran, Amy Fallon and Polly Curtis, The Guardian

(73) Piers Morgan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — Full Transcript by CNN

(74) Libya: UN Approves No-Fly Zone As British Troops Prepare For Action by Robert Winnet, Jon Swaine and Richard Spencer, The Telegraph

(75) Getting Arab Support Over Libya ‘Was Key’ by Katie Cassidy, Sky News

(76) Ehud Barak – Architect Of 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn

(77) How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn, Sabbah Report

(78) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(79) Interview With Hossam El-Hamalawy by Mark Levine, Al Jazeera English

(80) The Junk Bond “Teflon Guy” Behind Egypt’s Nonviolent Revolution by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Dissident Voice

(81) Egypt: A Virtual Smoking Gun by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Opinion Maker

(82) #Jan25 The Workers, Middle Class, Military Junta And The Permanent Revolution by Hossam El-Hamalawy, Arabawy

(83) Egypt: Oil And Gas Workers On Strike by Hossam El-Hamalawy, Monthly Review

(84) Egypt Loses 100 Billion From Gas Exports To Israel Since 2005 by Middle East Monitor

(85) Oil Workers Stage Sit-In To Protest Layoffs, Egypt by Al-Ahram Online

(86) ‘Egypt Gas Flow To Israel To Not Resume’ by Press TV

(87) Analysis Briefs by Libya Online

(88) Israel-United States Memorandum Of Understanding (September 1, 1975) by Jewish Virtual Library

(89) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(90) Libya: US, UK And France Attack Gaddafi Forces by BBC News

(91) Libyans Offer News Graves As Proof Of Civilian Dead by Michael Georgy, Alert Net

(92) Libya Bombing Joke: Petraeus, Gates ‘Bombshell’ More Than Sarcasm by Russia Today, Youtube

(93) Amalek Today: To Remember, To Blot Out by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, The Shalom Center

(94) Gaza Fighting Erupts On Purim Holiday by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(95) As Israel Celebrates Purim, Palestine Placed Under Siege by IMEMC

(96) Jericho Jail Assault: Purimfest 2006 by Revisionist History

(97) War And Politics From A Left Christian Perspective: The Highway of Death Part 1 by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(98) War And Politics From A Left Christian Perspective: The Highway of Death Part 2 by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(99) Judaism Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman

(100) Obama: No US Forces On The Ground In Libya… Except For Those Guys by Jim Geraghty, National Review Online

(101) U.S. Rescue Chopper Shoots Six Libyan Villagers As They Welcome Pilots Of Downed Air Force Jet by The Daily Mail

(102) SAS ‘Smash’ Squads Are On The Ground In Libya To Mark Targets For Coalition Jets by The Daily Mail

(103) Libya: West Ready To Use Force Against Col Gaddafi Amid Chemical Weapon Fears by Robert Winnett, James Kirkup, Nick Meo and Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph

(104) British Forces Ready To Seize Libyan Mustard Gas Weapons by Robert Winnett and Holly Watt, Montreal Gazette

(105) No ‘Timeline’ For End Of Libya Operation: US by Yahoo! News

(106) Depleted Uranium: A Strange Way To Protect Libyan Civilians by David Wilson, Stop The War Coalition

(107) Medvedev To Obama: Avoid Civilian Casualties In Libya by Middle East Online

(108) Toxic Intervention: Are NATO Forces Poisoning Libya With Depleted Uranium As They ‘Protect’ Civilians? by Dave Lindorff, This Can’t Be Happening

(109) Death Gifts Of NATO’s Merciful Angel, Serbia by Ljubica Vujadinovic, All Voices

(110) Consequences Of Israeli Weapons Testing In Gaza by Richard Lightbown, Redress

(111) Victims Of Uranium Munitions Used By The US Forces In Afghanistan by Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan

(112) Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually The ‘First Jewish President’ by Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz

(113) Libyan Rebels Form ‘Interim Government’ by Al Jazeera English

(114) Farrakhan Warns, Advises Obama On Libya by FCCN, Youtube

(115) ‘700 Dead’ In Uzbek Violence by Mark Oliver, The Guardian

(116) Intelligence Officer Claims CIA Was Complicit In Torture In Uzbekistan by The Scotland Sunday Herald


Gadhafi avec Curt Weldon of PA, USA:

The Other Truth about Libya
Posted: 01 April 2011 by Slindauer

The Truth About Libya
By Stephen Goodson

Colonel Muammar Gadaffi is frequently referred to in the media as a “mad dictator” and “bloody tyrant”, but do these allegations accord with the facts?

Libya consists of over 15O tribes, with the two main groups, the Meghabra living in Tripolitania in the west and the Wafallah living in Cyrenaica in the east. Previous attempts to unite these tribes by the Turkish (1855-1911) and ltalian {1911-43) colonial rulers failed and the country was split in two for administrative purposes.

Oil was discovered in Libya in 1959, but King ldris of the Senussi tribe allowed most of the oil profits to be siphoned into the coffers of the oil companies. The coup d’etat on 1 September 1969 led by Colonel Gadaffi had countrywide support. He subsequently married a woman from the royal Barqa tribe and adroitly unified the nation.

By retaining Libya’s oil wealth for the benefit of all its people, Gadaffi had created a socialist paradise. There is no unemployment, Libya has the highest GDP in .Africa, less than 5% of the population is classified as poor and it has fewer people living below the poverty datum line than for example in Holland. Life expectancy is 75 years and is the highest in Africa and I0% above the world average.

With the exception of the nomadic Bedouin and Tuareg tribes, most Libyan families possess a house and a car. There is free health care and education and not surprisingly Libya has a literacy rate of 82%. Last year Gadaffi distributed $500 to each man, woman and child (population 6.5 million).

Libya has a tolerable human rights record and stands at 61 on the International Incarceration Index, comparable with countries in central Europe (the lower the rating, the lower the standing – the USA occupies the no.1 spot!). There is hardly any crime and only rebels and traitors are dealt with harshly.

Anyone who has read Gadaffi’s little Green Book will realize that he is a thoughtful and enlightened leader. Libya has been accused of having committed numerous acts of terrorism in the past, but many of these have been perpetrated by foreign intelligence agencies as false flag operations – the Lockerbie bombing being a prime example.

The CIA and MI6 and their frontmen have been stoking up dissent in the east of the country for almost 30 years. Libya produces exceptionally high quality light crude oil and its production cost of $1 a barrel, compared to the current price of $115, is the lowest in the world.

Riba (usury) is not permitted. The Central bank of Libya is a wholly-owned by the Libyan Government and is run as a state bank, issuing all government loans free of interest. This is in contrast to the exploitative fractional reserve banking system of the West. The no-fly zone and the bombing of Libya have nothing to do with the protection of civilians. It is an act of war ­ a blatant and crude attempt by the oil corporations and international bankers to steal the wealth of Libya.



“Moammar Gadhafi, as Piero Gheddo KNOWS HIM TO BE” 28 MARZO 2011:

Few people know that Gaddafi worked to open schools and universities for women,
guaranteed freedom for them to leave home unaccompanied, developed the country’s economy. He asked John Paul II for nuns who were nurses for Libyan hospitals. The appeal of Benedict XVI
and Archbishop Martinelli to dialogue. With the end of Gaddafi the risk of Islamic fundamentalism grows.

The West has sided with opponents of the Muammar Gaddafi, who will have to choose between dying in a Tripoli reduced to rubble or accepting exile in
a friendly country. At this point it is only a question of time, and is superfluous to recall what the Pope has said many times. And again yesterday, 27 March  after the Angelus,
Benedict XVI said:

“Faced with the increasingly dramatic reports from Libya, my trepidation for the safety and security of civilians and my concern for the unfolding situation,
currently signed by the use of arms, is growing. In times of greatest tension, the need to put to use all means available to diplomacy becomes increasingly urgent and to support
even the weakest signs of openness and willingness on both sides involved, for reconciliation in search of peaceful and lasting solutions. In view of this, as I lift my prayer to the
Lord for a return to harmony in Libya and the entire North African region, I also appeal to the international bodies and all those in positions of military and political responsibility,
for the immediate start of dialogue and the suspension of the use of weapons”.

The Bishop of Tripoli, Mgr. Giovanni Martinelli (, March 25) adds: “The war could have been avoided. A few days before Sarkozy decided to bomb, there were some glimmers of hope for
real mediation. But the bombs have damaged everything”.

“The Guide”  since 1969,  Gaddafi has followed a revolutionary line, but never Islamic-Extremism. He expelled from Libya: 25 thousand Italians and other foreigners living in Libya [who were the backbone of the economy and public services and were the cause of bringing his people to misery]. In 1986, Reagan bombed the six tents, inside the barracks, one of which housed the Libyan prime minister, who escaped by a miracle. [BUT found Hanna, his adopted 5 year-old daughter, dead; and two of his sons scarred by shards.]

Isolated between pro-Western Egypt and Tunisia, he realized that the revolutionary line was destined to fail and so he gradually changed his policy: he may have continued to make revolutionary and
anti-Western speeches, but in practice, especially after the economic embargo was removed in 1998 and the embargo on arms sales in 2004, he started a process of rapprochement to the West and,
what is more important, the education of his people with schools and respect for the rights of man and woman .

I was in Libya in 2007 and have stayed in touch with friends. Gaddafi has used oil revenues to develop the country: roads, schools, hospitals, universities, low cost housing, the beginning of
industrialization and agricultural development bringing water to the desert, up to a depth of 600-800-1.000 m! Two water systems (built by South Korean) taking water from the desert to the coast, 900 km to the north

The Gaddafi regime is supported by the tribes of Tripolitania, it has fought those of Cyrenaica, a region that has rebelled and easily won power in Benghazi and other cities. A traditional rivalry that had already caused problems at the time of the Italian colonization. The recent uprising was not caused by poverty, such as those of Egypt and Tunisia, in fact, to date, of the many refugees from the Maghreb countries, no
Libyan has fled from Libya, a sign that people were not so badly off. The revolt is led by tribal rivalries (the tribes are called “Kabila”).

But we can not forget what “The Guide” has done: he sent girls to school and college, abolished polygamy and passed laws in favour of women in marriage: for example, he prohibited the use of keeping girls and women locked in the rooms and walled courtyard of the house. Above all, he controlled and kept in check Islamic extremism. A committee of Islamic scholars in Tripoli prepared religious texts in advance of Friday, sending them to all the mosques of the country, the imam had to read that text without adding or removing anything, on pain of loosing his position.

Until now there has been religious freedom in Libya. The 100 thousand Christians (no Libyans, all foreign workers in most part Egyptian Copts), albeit with many limitations, enjoy freedom of worship and assembly.
Caritas Libya is a well respected agency and often asked to intervene in certain situations. Two exceptional circumstances. In 1986, Gaddafi wrote to Pope John Paul II asking for Italian nuns for hospitals. He built hospitals and clinics, but had not yet trained Libyan nurses. The request came from the good example of the two Italian Franciscan nurses who assisted Gaddafi’s foster-father until his death. In Libya today there are about 80 Catholic nuns (mainly Indian and Filipino, but also Italian) and 10 thousand Catholic nurses from the Philippines and India, as well as many Filipino, Indian, Lebanese, Italian doctors. Archbishop Martinelli said to me:

“The presence of these young Christian women, professionally trained, polite, attentive to the needs of patients caring for them with love, are changing the image of Christianity among Muslims.”

This is not allowed in any other Islamic country.

A second fact. I was in the desert at 900-1000 km. from Tripoli, where because of water pulled up from the depths of the earth the region is blooming. A lake of 35 km long and cultivated fields and towns, where 20 years ago there was nothing. The capital city in the region of Sabha has 80 thousand inhabitants, and is home to an Italian doctor and priest, Don Giovanni Bressan (Padova), was one of the founders of the central hospital. Don Bressan gathered to him many refugees from African countries south of the desert (Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, etc..) He founded a church, a school and a community centre for them. The Africans work and are paid for three or more years, remaining in the south, then when they have enough money they attempt to reach Italy! They do all kinds of jobs and are seen as honest and strong workers. Don Vanni (Giovanni) succeeds in stopping some families, others want to come to Italy, or Europe. The process towards full integration of Libya into the modern world and the Charter of Rights had begun. I am not defending Gaddafi, but it does seem only fair to testify aspects of his rule that have been completely ignored in recent days.

On March 26, Magdi Cristiano Allam wrote about in the Italian newspaper “Il Giornale”: “In the war that has broken out in Libya and which sees Italy on the front line, the only real certainty, beyond the intentions of those who unleashed it, is that the Islamists will win and that, consequently, the populations of eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean will be increasingly submissive to sharia, the Islamic law that denies fundamental human rights and legitimises theocratic dictatorship. An outcome that is exactly the opposite of the official proclamations of Sarkozy and Obama and their excessive use of catchphrases such as ‘freedom and democracy’. “

26 March 2011 Last updated at 01:03 GMT The Muammar Gaddafi storyBy Martin Asser BBC News

How can you adequately describe someone like Muammar Gaddafi? During a period that has spanned six decades, the Libyan leader has paraded on the world stage with a style so unique and unpredictable that the words “maverick” or “eccentric” scarcely do him justice.

His rule has seen him go from revolutionary hero to international pariah, to valued strategic partner and back to pariah again.

He has developed his own political philosophy, writing a book that is – in the eyes of its author, at least – so influential that it eclipses anything dreamt up by Plato, Locke or Marx.

Gaddafi on women – and ‘insanity’

“Freedom of expression is the right of every natural person, even if a person chooses to behave irrationally, to express his or her insanity”.    “Women, like men, are human beings. This is an incontestable truth… Women are different from men in form because they are females, just as all females in the kingdom of plants and animals differ from the male of their species… According to gynaecologists women, unlike men, menstruate each month… Since men cannot be impregnated they do not experience the ailments that women do.”

Both excerpts from the Green Book

He has made countless show-stopping appearances at Arab and international gatherings, standing out not just with his outlandish clothing, but also his blunt speeches and unconventional behaviour.

One Arab commentator recently called him the “Picasso of Middle East politics”, although instead of Blue, Rose or Cubist periods, he has had his pan-Arab period, his Islamist period, his pan-African period, and so on.

Early promiseIn the heady days of 1969 – when he seized power in a bloodless military coup – and the early 1970s, Muammar Gaddafi was a handsome and charismatic young army officer.

An eager disciple of President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt (he even adopted the same military rank, promoting himself from captain to colonel after the coup), Gaddafi first set about tackling the unfair economic legacy of foreign domination.

For Nasser, it was the Suez Canal. For Gaddafi, it was oil.

Significant reserves had been discovered in Libya in the late 1950s, but the extraction was controlled by foreign petroleum companies, which set prices to the advantage of their own domestic consumers and benefited from a half share in the revenue.

Col Gaddafi demanded renegotiation of the contracts, threatening to shut off production if the oil companies refused.

Gaddafi was a huge admirer of Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952

He memorably challenged foreign oil executives by telling them “people who have lived without oil for 5,000 years can live without it again for a few years in order to attain their legitimate rights”.

The gambit succeeded and Libya became the first developing country to secure a majority share of the revenues from its own oil production. Other nations soon followed this precedent and the 1970s Arab petro-boom began.

Libya was in a prime position to reap the benefits. With production levels matching the Gulf states, and one of the smallest populations in Africa (less than 3m at the time), the black gold made it rich quickly.

Political theoristRather than persevering with the doctrines of Arab Nationalism, or following the glittering excesses of Gulf consumerism, Col Gaddafi’s innately mercurial character led him and Libya on a new path.

Born to nomadic Bedouin parents in 1942, Muammar Gaddafi was certainly an intelligent, resourceful man, but he did not receive a thorough education, apart from learning to read the Koran and his military training.

Nevertheless, in the early 1970s he set out to prove himself a leading political philosopher, developing something called the third universal theory, outlined in his famous Green Book. The theory claims to solve the contradictions inherent in capitalism and communism (the first and second theories), in order to put the world on a path of political, economic and social revolution and set oppressed peoples free everywhere.

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Posts: 6308

02/13/11 15:17:52


Gaddafi tells Palestinians: Revolt against Israel

Libyan leader says refugees should gather peacefully on the borders of Israel until it gives in to their demands

By Ali Shuaib

updated 2 hours 4 minutes ago 2011-02-13T20:49:01 File:MuammarGaddafiBHObama7-9-2009.jpg

TRIPOLI — Palestinian refugees should capitalize on the wave of popular revolts in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of Israel until it gives in to their demands, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said Sunday.

Gaddafi is respected in many parts of the Arab world for his uncompromising criticism of Israel and Arab leaders who have dealings with the Jewish state, though some people in the region dismiss his initiatives as unrealistic.

He was giving his first major speech since a popular uprising in neighboring Egypt forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign, an event which electrified the Arab world and prompted speculation that other Arab governments could also be toppled.

“Fleets of boats should take Palestinians … and wait by the Palestinian shores until the problem is resolved,” Gaddafi was shown saying on state television. “This is a time of popular revolutions.”

“We need to create a problem for the world. This is not a declaration of war. This is a call for peace,” he said in a speech given to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed, a holy day in the Islamic calendar.

Palestinians have long demanded that refugees who fled or were forced to leave in the war of Israel’s creation in 1948 should be allowed to return, along with their descendants.

Israel says any resettlement of Palestinian refugees must occur outside of its borders.

Gaddafi also issued a call to Muslim countries to join forces against Western powers. He said the world was divided into white, denoting the United States, Europe and their allies, and green for the Muslim world.

“The white color has decided to get rid of the green color,” Gaddafi said. “These countries should be united against the white color because all of these white countries are the enemies of Islam.”

He also said: “All Arab states which have relations with Israel are cowardly regimes.”

Gaddafi has for decades challenged what he describes as Western imperialism. His oil exporting country spent years under international sanctions. But the sanctions were lifted in 2004 when Gaddafi renounced his previous activities.
He still frequently deploys his colorful rhetoric against the West.

On the Arab world and Africa

“Libya is an African country. May Allah help the Arabs and keep them away from us. We don’t want anything to do with them” Libyan TV, March 2007

“I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers,… and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level” Arab League summit, March 2009

The solution to society’s woes, the book maintains, is not electoral representation – described by Gaddafi as “dictatorship” by the biggest party – or any other existing political system, but the establishment of people’s committees to run all aspects of existence.

This new system is presented diagrammatically in the Green Book as an elegant wagon wheel, with basic popular congresses around the rim electing people’s committees that send influence along the spokes to a responsive and truly democratic people’s general secretariat at the centre.

In the parallel world of the Green Book, the system is called a Jamahiriyya – a neologism that plays on the Arabic word for a republic, Jumhuriyya, implying “rule by the masses”.

Gaddafi’s ‘system’ as envisaged in the Green Book
Gadhafi's portrait hangs in a meeting hall as Libyan tribal leaders gather to...

Gadhafi’s portrait hangs in a meeting hall as Libyan tribal leaders gather to discuss the situation in Tripoli.

So the long-suffering Libyan masses were dragooned into attending popular congresses: vested as the only powers, authority or budget  [a system that was designed to end oppression and dictatorship].

They include laws allowing collective punishment for anyone who spreads theories aiming to change this theory; and, life imprisonment for disseminating information that tarnishes the country’s reputation. Gaddafi was able to take his anti-imperialist campaign around the world.

“There is no state with a democracy like Libya’s on the whole planet”

Adventures abroad & A new detente?

The resolution of the Lockerbie case, along with Col Gaddafi’s subsequent admission and renunciation of a covert nuclear and chemical weapons programme, paved the way for a significant warming of relations between Tripoli and western powers in the 21st century.

Tony Blair visited Gaddafi at his luxurious Bedouin tent after sanctions were lifted

With international sanctions lifted, Tripoli was back on the international political itinerary, allowing British Prime Minister Tony Blair, among other luminaries, to drop in at Col Gaddafi’s famously luxurious Bedouin tent erected in his palace grounds.

In true nomadic style, the tent also went with the colonel on trips to Europe and the USA….

Business deals were struck with a succession of western defence manufacturers and oil firms.

Ironically, it was on the Arab front that Col Gaddafi kept his black sheep status alive. He was viewed as a heretic by Islamic-Muslims because he shaved and believed in the value of womanhood.

Throughout the 2000s, the normally staid proceedings of annual summits of the Arab League were almost guaranteed to be disrupted by the Libyan leader’s antics, by his tossing insults at Gulf rulers and the Palestinians, or declaring himself “king of kings of Africa”.

The UN has also witnessed his genuine inability to conform. At the 2010 General Assembly, he gave a speech more than an hour-and-a-quarter longer than his allocated 10-minute time slot, tearing out and screwing up pages from the UN Charter as he spoke.

The combination of water and oil gave Libya a sound economic platform
Gaddafi was not so widely perceived as a western lackey as some Arab leaders accused of putting outside interests before those of his people; He had redistributed wealth – He sponsored grand public works, such as the improbable Great Man-Made River project, a massive endeavour inspired, perhaps, by ancient Bedouin water procurement techniques, that brought sweet, fresh water from aquifers in the south to the arid north of his country.There was even something of a Tripoli Spring, with long-term exiles given to understand that they could return without facing persecution or jail.

When the first calls for a Libyan “day of rage” were circulated, Col Gaddafi pledged – apparently in all seriousness – to protest with the people, in keeping with his myth of being the “brother leader of the revolution” who had long ago relinquished power to the people.

Gaddafi’s days of flamboyant appearances in New York, the capitals of Europe and the Arab world, are now behind him. So too the spell which he once cast over Libyans with his “universal theory”.


It’s been just about a week since the United States started doing some, you know, shooting hundreds of cruise missiles at Libya — no biggie — and you might be wondering why we
haven’t had that moment where President Barack Obama sits in the Oval Office and explains at length about what we’re up to and what the plan is and what we hope to achieve.
Well, per Glenn Thrush and Carrie Budoff Brown comes the answer: the president doesn’t want to do something that makes anyone worry that there’s a war on or anything. This is just
some light “kinetic military action,” people! That is barely like getting to second base with a war in Libya.
Today 3:48 PM Reporter Claims ‘The Charred Head’ Stared Upwards
More details emerge from AFP reporter Sara Hussein’s story on the aftermath of airstrikes near Ajdabiyah:
The body lies on its back, the charred head staring upwards, the right arm bent and the hand reaching out, everything below the upper torso gone – the remains of a soldier from Gaddafi’s
forces. The man’s curly hair is still visible atop his scorched face. Standing over him, locals from the town of Ajdabiya take pictures and stare wide-eyed.
The body is one of dozens strewn on the road outside of Ajdabiya, a key eastern town that sits at the junction of roads leading to the oil town of Tobruk and the rebel-stronghold of Benghazi.
Today 3:39 PM The Damage Following Air Raids
According to BBC News, there was much damage after the allied air raids in Ajdabiya. AFP’s Sara Hussein reports, “13.56 A graphic description of the horrific aftermath of airstrikes from
Sara Hussein, an AFP reporter on the scene near Ajdabiyah:
The body lies on its back, the charred head staring upwards, the right arm bent and the hand reaching out, everything below the upper torso gone – the remains of a soldier from Gaddafi’s forces.
The man’s curly hair is still visible atop his scorched face. Standing over him, locals from the town of Ajdabiya take pictures and stare wide-eyed.
The body is one of dozens strewn on the road outside of Ajdabiya, a key eastern town that sits at the junction of roads leading to the oil town of Tobruk and the rebel-stronghold of Benghazi.
Ajdabiyah ended in the early hours of Saturday morning, after two days of heavy coalition airstrikes.
The damage caused by the aerial bombardment is astonishing. Body parts – some identifiable as such, pink and covered with flies, others little more than piles of ash – are visible next to
blankets and the carcasses of tanks. A medical team from the city works to clear the bodies from the site, loading one after another from a stretcher into the back of a white pick-up truck.
Volunteers wearing blue-green face masks try to cover the bodies.
One doctor, Osama Al-Qasy, estimates at least 21 bodies have already been put into the truck at the site, a few kilometres outside of Adjabiya’s gate leading west. “But there are so many
body parts, pieces, that we don’t know yet how many there are here.”
Today 1:17 PM U.S. Pilot Tells Of Raid Over Libya
Capt. Ryan Thuli talks to the New York Times about his mission:
Suddenly, red tracers of antiaircraft fire streaked up from the desert below. Captain Thulin, a 28-year-old Air Force Academy graduate on his first combat mission, instinctively veered his single-seat jet away from the ground fire and dropped 500-pound, precision-guided bombs on the Libyan forces. A huge fireball lit up the cloudless sky.
Several minutes later, the scene replayed itself, only this time Captain Thulin bombed army targets much closer to the outskirts of a city in eastern Libya where government troops, rebel fighters
and civilians were in dangerous proximity. In the air campaign against Libya, allied warplanes have not attacked targets
in cities before, except for Tripoli,
and were under strict instructions to avoid hitting civilians. But now that has completely changed, and there are immense
civilian casualties!

A military official said Air Force B-2 stealth bombers flew 25 hours in a round trip from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri and dropped 45 2,000-pound bombs.

What happens when rebel forces eventually go on the offensive against Gadhafi’s troops remains unclear, as they obviously have not heeded the “cease-fire” agreement.

Burned-out tanks and personnel carriers littered one of the main desert roads leading from the Libyan capital. A power station hit by a shell on Thursday was still burning, its blackened fuel tank crumpled,
with flames and black smoke pouring out.
The U.N. resolution authorizing international military action in Libya, not only sets up a no-fly zone but allows “all necessary measures” ….

In Cairo, a group of Libyans angry at the international intervention in their homeland blocked the path of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon following his meeting at the Arab League on Monday.
Ban had finished talks with the Arab League chief Amr Moussa and left the organization’s headquarters in Cairo to walk around nearby Tahrir Square, the centerpiece of Egyptian uprising that last month
toppled Hosni Mubarak, when dozens of Libyan protesters converged on him and his security detail.
The Libyans, carrying pictures of Moammar Gadhafi and banners critical of the United States and United Nation, blocked Ban’s path, forcing him to return to the league and leave from another exit.

The resolution makes Gadhafi, and the Libyan government-forces, legitmate potential targets for U.S. and European strikes.
The U.S. military, for now at the lead of the international campaign, is trying to walk a fine line over the end game of the assault. It is avoiding for now any appearance that it aims to take out Gadhafi or help
the rebels oust him, instead limiting its stated goals to protecting civilians.
Britain also is treading carefully. Foreign Secretary William Hague refused Monday to say if Gadhafi would or could be assassinated, insisting he would not “get drawn into details about what or whom may be targeted.”
“I’m not going to speculate on the targets,” Hague said in a heated interview with BBC radio. “That depends on the circumstances at the time.”

Turkey and France clash over Libya air campaign
Tension mounts over military action as Ankara accuses Sarkozy of pursuing French interests over liberation of Libyan people Erdogan
Ian Traynor in Brussels, Thursday 24 March 2011 16.20 GMT Article history
The Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused France of seeing Libya as a source of ‘oil, gold mines and underground treasures’. Photograph: Osman Orsal/REUTERS
Turkey has launched a bitter attack on French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s and France’s leadership of the military campaign against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, accusing the French of lacking
a conscience in their conduct in the Libyan operations.
The vitriolic criticism, from both the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the president, Abdullah Gül followed attacks from the Turkish government
earlier this week and signalled an orchestrated attempt by Ankara to wreck Sarkozy’s plans to lead the air campaign against Gaddafi.With France insisting that Nato should not be put in political charge of the
UN-mandated air campaign, Turkey has come out emphatically behind sole Nato control of the operations.
The row came as France confirmed that one of its fighter jets had destroyed a Libyan air force plane, the first to breach the no-fly zone since it was imposed on 19 March. The Libyan G2/Galeb trainer aircraft was
destroyed by an air-to-ground missile just after it landed at an air base near the rebel-held town of Misrata, a French military spokesman said.
The clash between Turkey and France over Libya is underpinned by acute frictions between Erdogan and Sarkozy, both impetuous and mercurial leaders who revel in the limelight, by fundamental disputes over
Ankara’s EU ambitions, and by economic interests in north Africa.
The confrontation is shaping up to be decisive in determining the outcome of the bitter infighting over who should inherit command of the Libyan air campaign from the Americans and could come to a head at a major
conference in London next week of the parties involved.
Using incendiary language directed at France in a speech in Istanbul, Erdogan said: “I wish that those who only see oil, gold mines and underground treasures when they look in [Libya’s] direction,
would see the region through glasses of conscience from now on.”
President Gül reinforced the Turkish view that France and others were being driven primarily by economic interests. “The aim [of the air campaign] is not the liberation of the Libyan people,” he said.
“There are hidden agendas and different interests.”

The Turks are incensed at repeated snubs by Sarkozy. The French failed to invite Turkey to last Saturday’s summit in Paris which presaged the air strikes. French fighters taking off from Corsica struck the first blows. The
Turkish government accused Sarkozy of launching not only the no-fly zone, but his presidential re-election campaign.

MOSCOW | Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:35pm EDT

MOSCOW (Reuters) – NATO could be dragged into a full-scale war in Libya, like those being waged in Iraq and Afghanistan, Russia‘s ambassador to the military alliance was quoted as saying on Saturday.

NATO has control of an arms embargo on Libya and agreed this week to assume command of a no-fly zone over its territory but Washington has been left in control of conducting air strikes against
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s ground forces.

“Just as we forecast, NATO is being drawn deeper and deeper into war in North Africa,” Russia’s envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, told Interfax news agency.

“The statements we are hearing today from NATO members and the alliance on the whole could draw this bloc into a full-scale operation on Libyan territory, which means
essentially the U.S. and its closest allies could be drawn into a third war in addition to those in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has expressed concern over the possibility of civilian deaths and told U.S. President Barack Obama in a telephone conversation earlier this week
that such casualties had to be prevented. 

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Russia’s paramount leader, has taken a harder stance, comparing the U.N. resolution to “medieval calls for crusades.”

(Reporting by Thomas Grove; editing by Elizabeth Piper)

In his Wednesday morning appearance, Gadhafi added: "This assault ... is by a...
AP/ Libyan State TV

In his Wednesday morning appearance, Gadhafi added: “This assault … is by a bunch of fascists who will end up in the dustbin of history.”

(Good eventually is victor over EVIL; as God will be the FINAL ANSWER and be VICTORIOUS. This “false war” will one-day enter history books,
revealing the last stand of a demoralized West, in the last pangs of its death-throws ~ to a dying star.)

28 March  2011 (KHARTOUM) – The chairman of Transitional Darfur Regional Authority (TDRA) slammed the beleaguered Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and accused him of being the top supporter of the rebel groups who took arms since 2003 against the central government.

JPEG - 29.9 kb
Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi (MAHMUD TURKIA/AFP/Getty Images)

West Darfur governor Al-Shertai Ga’far Abdel-Hakam who is also the TDRA head told a forum organized by the National Union of Sudanese youth that Gaddafi provided money and weaponry to rebels in the region as well as the East and the South.

He provided no details to back his claims. However, he is the first high ranking Sudanese official to go on the record with these allegations that his peers made privately for years.

A failed by attempt by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in May 2008 to take over the capital was blamed on Libyan and French backing. Sudanese media quoted government sources at the time as saying that the financing of the operation was made through the Libyan Sahel-Saharan bank.

Libya is currently hosting JEM leader Ibrahim Khalil after being refused entry by the Chadian authorities last year where he was based. Sudan has sought without success to have Libya expel him.

However, it was Gaddafi that pushed the African Union (AU) to grant Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir immunity from arrest in the continent despite an arrest warrant against him issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his alleged role in Darfur war crimes.

Gaddafi is fighting an armed rebellion that initially started as a popular uprising in mid-February. Diplomats at the UN told Reuters last week that Sudan has quietly granted permission for coalition aircraft to use its airspace for enforcement of the No-Fly Zone.


 Patre Nostru chì sì in celu, ch’ellu sia sanctficatu u to nome…. …ma francaci da u male.


Lockerbie Diary: Gadhaffi, Fall Guy For CIA Drug Running
By Susan Lindauer, Former U.S. Asset covering Iraq and Libya – Contributing Writer
March 4th, 2011

For years I was told the terrorist who placed the bomb on board Pan Am 103, known as the Lockerbie bombing, lives about 8 miles from my house, in Fairfax County, Virginia.

His life-time of privilege and protection, gratis of high flyers in U.S. Intelligence, has been a reward for silence on the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking in Lebanon during the 1980s.

As sources go, I was more than a casual observer. From May 1995 until March 2003, I performed as a back channel to Tripoli and Baghdad, supervised by my CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who claimed from day one to know the origins of the Lockerbie conspiracy and the identity of the terrorists. He swore that no Libyan participated in the attack.

Armed with that assurance, our team started talks with Libya’s diplomats for the Lockerbie Trial, and I attended over 150 meetings at the Libyan Embassy in New York. After the hand over of Libya’s two accused men, our team engaged in a concerted fight to gain permission for Dr. Fuisz to give a deposition about his primary knowledge of the conspiracy, during the Lockerbie Trial. In a surprise twist, the U.S. Federal Judge in Alexandria, Virginia imposed a double seal on a crucial portion of Dr. Fuisz’s deposition. The double seal can only be opened by a Scottish Judge. In my opinion, that should be a priority, as testimony hidden by the double seal maps out the whole Lockerbie conspiracy. Most significantly, it identifies 11 terrorists involved in the attack. Dr. Fuisz’s testimony could put the whole matter to rest forever.
here’s good reason for my confidence. Much to my surprise, during the Lockerbie talks, Dr. Fuisz’s allegations of CIA opium running in Lebanon received unusual corroboration. One day, as I left the office of Senator Carol Moseley-Braun on my lunch break, an older spook caught up with me in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. From out of nowhere, he stepped in my path and invited me to lunch. With extraordinary candor, he debriefed me as to what motivated the CIA’s actions. I remember it as one battle-hardened old spook sharing the perils of fieldwork with a gung ho young Asset, anxious to get started on great adventures.

It was a morality tale for sure. According to him, the CIA infiltrated opium and heroin trafficking in Lebanon as part of a crisis operation to rescue AP reporter Terry Anderson and 11 other American and British hostages in Beirut, including CNN bureau chief Jeremy Levin and Anglican envoy Terry Waite. The hostage crisis was a legitimate CIA concern. The CIA Station Chief of Beirut, William Buckley, was also kidnapped by Islamic Jihad and brutally tortured to death, his body dumped in the street in front of CIA headquarters. The rescue was protracted and complicated by Lebanon’s Civil War—ultimately, Terry Anderson’s captivity lasted seven years. Many of the hostages suffered beatings, solitary confinement chained to the floor, and mock executions.

The older spook who refused to identify himself swore that the CIA considered it urgently necessary to try every possibility for recovering the hostages. The concept of infiltration into criminal networks cuts to the murky nature of intelligence itself. Drug enforcement frequently rely on the same strategies. Where the CIA went far wrong was in pocketing some of those heroin profits for itself along the way. The dirty little secret is that the CIA continued to take a percentage cut of opium and heroin production out of Lebanon well into the 1990s.

As for the hostage rescue itself, considering the operation took years to accomplish, it’s always been whispered that a corrupted CIA officer enjoying those opium profits might have swallowed reports on the hostages’ locations, or otherwise diverted his team in order to protect his narcotics income.

That appears to have become a serious fear at the time, among other U.S. officers jointly involved in the rescue.

In December 1988, infuriated Defense Intelligence agents issued a formal protest, exposing CIA complicity in Middle East heroin trafficking. When teams from both agencies got summoned back to Washington to attend an internal hearing, they boarded Pan Am 103. A wing of militant Hezbollah led by Ahmed Jibril, his nephew Abu Elias, Abu Talb and Abu Nidal took out both teams in order to protect their lucrative cartel.

Classified Defense Intelligence records show that Jibril and Talb had been toying with a conspiracy to bomb a U.S. airplane during the 1988 Christmas holidays anyway. They planned to bomb a U.S. airliner in revenge for the U.S.S. Vincennes, which shot down an Iranian commercial airliner loaded with Hajiis returning from Mecca in July, 1988. However the Defense Intelligence threat to expose their heroin network put the bombing plan into action. Islamic Jihad’s ability to discover actionable intelligence on the flight schedules would definitely confirm that somebody at CIA was operating as a double agent, keeping Islamic Jihad a step ahead of the rescue efforts.
That’s the dirty truth about Lockerbie. It ain’t nothing like you’ve been told.

Wait a darn moment—I anticipate your confusion. Libya got blamed for the Lockerbie attack. Daddy George Bush told us so! The United Nations imposed sanctions on Libya, demanding that Colonel Moammar Gadhaffi hand over two Libyans for trial. One of the two, Lameen Fhima got acquitted immediately. The other Abdelbasset Megrahi got convicted (on the most flimsy circumstantial evidence that overlooked endless contradictions). Libya paid $2.7 billion in damages—amounting to $10 million per family death— to make the U.N. sanctions go away, and expressed a sort of non-apology for the deaths—while never acknowledging its involvement in the conspiracy.

So Libya was innocent the whole time? In a word, yes…..
But the bottom line is that Libya had nothing to do with the bombing of Pan Am 103, which exploded over the town of Lockerbie, Scotland.

We should care about Lockerbie because of the serious problem that it exposed. Opium trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley provides a major source for global heroin production. In turn, the global pipeline of narco-dollars keep militant operations alive world-wide from the Middle East to Indonesia, Colombia, Burma and the Far East.

That’s something to fear. We don’t have to deploy soldiers to shut it down. With a little creativity, we could attack the bank accounts of these global heroin traffickers and cut off funds for the violence without damaging the local society through warfare. We could strike down two scourges—heroin and terrorism. And the U.S. would not require military action all over the planet to accomplish its goals. Thankfully, there are other ways.

n another ground breaking interview on The Intel Hub, former CIA Asset and 9/11 whistleblower Susan Lindauer discussed her visits to the Libyan Embassy in Washington this week, and revealed that she started talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libya’s diplomats at the United Nations.

Lindauer dished on Gadhaffi, Libya’s vendetta culture and how tribalism might have inspired Gadhaffi’s recent desperate gamble for survival.

She also explains how the Lockerbie bombing was tied to the CIA’s involvement in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon during U.S. operations to rescue Terry Anderson and other hostages in Beirut.

Susan explains how infuriated Defense Intelligence agents became determined to expose CIA complicity in Middle East heroin trafficking, and how terrorists took out both teams to protect their lucrative cartel.

The Intel Hub
By Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Asset who covered Libya at the United Nations from 1995 to 2003
March 28th, 2011

Who are we kidding? The United States, Britain and NATO don’t care about bombing civilians to contain rebellion. Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. They have destroyed most of the community infrastructure of Iraq and Afghanistan before turning their sights on Libya. So what’s really going on here?

According to the CIA, the following never happened…

Last October, US oil giants— Chevron and Occidental Petroleum— made a surprising decision to pull out of Libya, while China, Germany and Italy stayed on, signing major contracts with Gadhaffi’s government. As the U.S. Asset who started negotiations for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats, I had close ties to Libya’s U.N. Mission from 1995 to 2003.

Given my long involvement in the Lockerbie saga, I have continued to enjoy special access to high level intelligence gossip on Libya.

Last summer that gossip got juicy!

About July, I started hearing that Gadhaffi was exerting heavy pressure on U.S. and British oil companies to cough up special fees and kick backs to cover the costs of Libya’s reimbursement to the families of Pan Am 103. Payment of damages for the Lockerbie bombing had been one of the chief conditions for ending U.N. sanctions on Libya that ran from 1992 until 2003. And of course the United Nations forced Gadhaffi to hand over two Libyan men for a special trial at The Hague, though everybody credible was fully conscious of Libya’s innocence in the Lockerbie affair. (Only ignorant politicians trying to score publicity points say otherwise.)

Knowing Gadhaffi as well as I do, I was convinced that he’d done it. He’d bided his time until he could extort compensation from U.S. oil companies. He’s a crafty bastard, extremely intelligent and canny. That’s exactly how he operates. And now he was taking his revenge. As expected, the U.S. was hopping mad about it. Gadhaffi wasn’t playing the game the way the Oil Bloodsuckers wanted.

The Vampire of our age—the Oil Industry—roams the earth, sucking the life out of every nation to feed its thirst for profits. Only when they got to Libya, Gadhaffi took on the role of a modern-day Robin Hood, who insisted on replenishing his people for the costs they’d suffered under U.N. sanctions.

Backing up a year earlier, in August 2009 the lone Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people, Abdelbasset Megrahi, won a compassionate release from Scottish prison. Ostensibly, the British government and Scottish Courts granted Megrahi’s request to die at home with dignity from advance stage cancer—in exchange for dropping a legal appeal packed with embarrassments for the European Courts.

The decision to free Megrahi followed shocking revelations of corruption at the special Court of The Hague that handled the Lockerbie Trial. Prosecution witnesses confessed to receiving payments of $4 million each from the United States, in exchange for testimony against Megrahi, a mind-blowing allegation of judicial corruption.

The Lockerbie conviction was full of holes to begin with. Anybody who knows anything about terrorism in the 1980s knows the CIA got mixed up in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley during the hostage crisis in Lebanon. The Lockerbie conspiracy had been a false flag operation to kill off a joint CIA and Defense Intelligence investigation into kick backs from Islamic Jihad, in exchange for protecting the heroin transit network.

According to my own CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who’d been stationed in Lebanon and Syria at the time, the CIA had established a protected drug route from Lebanon to Europe and on to the United States. His statements support other sources that “Operation Corea” allowed Syrian drug dealers led by Monzer al-Kassar (also linked to Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S. ON Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on the hostages’ whereabouts in Lebanon.

The CIA allegedly made sure that suitcases carrying heroin were not searched at customs. Nicknamed the “Godfather of Terror,” Al Kassar is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring with Colombian drug cartels to assassinate U.S. nationals.
Building up to Lockerbie, the Defense Intelligence team in Beirut, led by Maj. Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Gannon, suspected that CIA infiltration of the heroin network might be prolonging the hostage crisis. If so, the consequence was severe. AP Reporter Terry Anderson got chained in a basement for 7 years, while 96 other high profile western hostages suffered beatings, mock executions and overall trauma. McKee’s team raised the alarms in Washington that a CIA double agent profiting from the narco-dollars might be warning the hostage takers whenever their dragnet closed in.

Washington sent a fact-finding team to Lebanon to gather evidence.

On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.

The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack.

Unforgivably, nobody told Charles McKee or Matthew Gannon. But other military officials and diplomats got pulled off the flight—making room for a group of students from Syracuse University traveling stand by for the Christmas holidays.

It was a monstrous act! But condemning Megrahi to cover up the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking has struck many Lockerbie afficiandos as grossly unjust. Add the corruption of purchased testimony– $4 million a pop— and Megrahi’s life sentence struck a nerve of obscenity.

It struck Gadhaffi as grievously offensive, as well—The United Nations had forced Libya to fork over $2.7 billion in damages to the Lockerbie families, a rate of $10 million for every death. Once it became clear the U.S. paid two key witnesses $4 million each to commit perjury, spook gossip throughout the summer was rife that Gadhaffi had taken bold action to demand compensation from U.S. (and probably British) oil corporations operating in Libya. More than likely, Libya’s demands for kick backs and compensation extended to other European oil conglomerates as well—particularly France and Italy—who are now spearheading attacks on Libya.

I knew last summer there would be trouble. Payback would be a b—tch on both sides. You don’t lock an innocent man in prison for 10 years on bogus charges of terrorism, and expect forgiveness. The United States and Britain had behaved with remarkable selfishness. You’ve got to admit that Gadhaffi’s attempt to balance the scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous nationalism.

Alas, Gadhaffi was playing with fire, no matter how justified his complaint. You don’t strike a tyrant without expecting a tyrant to strike back.

And that’s exactly what’s happening today.

Don’t kid yourself. This is an oil war, and it smacks of imperialist double standards. Two articles by Prof. Chossudovsky at the Global Research Centre are must reading: “Operation Libya and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa” and “Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US-NATO Attempted Coup d’Etat in Libya?”

There is simply no justification for U.S. or NATO action against Libya. The U.N. charter acknowledges the rights of sovereign nations to put down rebellions against their own governments. Moreover, many observers have commented that plans for military intervention appear to have been much more advanced than U.S. and European leaders want to admit.

For myself, I know in my gut that war planning started months before the democratization movement kicked off throughout the Arab world—a lucky cover for U.S. and European oil policy. Perhaps too lucky.

As Chossudovsky writes, “Hundreds of US, British and French military advisers arrived in Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern breakaway province” on February 23 and 24— seven (7) days after the start of Gadhaffi’s domestic rebellion. “The advisers, including intelligence officers, were dropped from warships and missile boats at the coastal towns of Benghazi and Tobruk.” (DEBKAfile, US military advisers in Cyrenaica, Feb. 25, 2011) Special forces on the ground in Eastern Libya provided covert support to the rebels.” Eight British Special Forces commandos were arrested in the Benghazi region, while acting as military advisers to opposition forces, according to the Times of London.

We’re supposed to believe the United States, Britain and Europe planned, coordinated and executed a full military intervention in 7 short days— from the start of the Libyan rebellion in mid-February until military advisers appeared on the ground in Libya on February 23-24!

That’s strategically impossible.

Nothing can persuade me that Gadhaffi’s fate wasn’t decided months ago, when Chevron and Occidental Petroleum took their whining to Capitol Hill, complaining that Gadhaffi’s nationalism interfered with their oil profiteering. From that moment, military intervention was on the drawing board as surely as the Patriot Act got stuck in a drawer waiting for 9/11.

The message is simple: Challenge the oil corporations and your government and your people will pay the ultimate price: Give us your oil as cheaply as possible. Or die.

Don’t kid yourself. Nobody gives a damn about suffering in Libya or Iraq. You don’t bomb a village to save it. The U.S., Britain and NATO are the bullies of the neighborhood. The enforcers for Big Oil.

Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan have something in common. They have vast and extraordinary oil and mineral riches. As such, they are all victims of what I call the Vampire Wars. The Arab Princes get paid off, while the bloodsuckers pull the life blood out of the people. They’re scarcely able to survive in their own wealthy societies. The people and the domestic economy are kept alive to uphold the social order, but they are depleted of the nourishment of their own national wealth.

The democratization movements are sending a warning that I don’t think Big Oil, or their protectors in the U.S. and British governments understand or have figured out how to control. The Arab people are finished with this cycle of victimization. They’ve got their stakes out, and they’re starting to figure out how to strike into the heart of these Vampires, sucking the life blood out of their nations.

And woe to the wicked when they do! (END OF SUSAN LINDAUER’S TESTIMONY)

Statements Gaaaaah in importance to the process of the U.S. Central Intelligence the CIA “Susan Lindor” – news among international intelligence for receiving two witnesses in the Lockerbie trial, $ 4 million each – I named Tony Gucci Tony Gauci and the second brother, for false testimony against Megrahi to install condemn Libya – senior officials of neutral states in United Nations Chkko in the safety of the trial, which was a condemnation of Libya Lockerbie incident that ”


Plastered with “especially that there is intelligence information indicating the involvement of U.S. intelligence commit and do the U.S. State Department to issue a warning internal to government employees to avoid a trip that plane ominous before detonation. – when we hear allegations of the use of the Gaddafi civilians as human shields we give to ourselves in front of supervisor normal in the world justify the killing of dozens of civilians by “mistake.” – who was watching the escalation of U.S. statements since the start of the campaign against Libya Gaddafi sees it programmed in the footsteps of a quiet but somewhat slow so as not to suggest a deliberate intention to take control of Libyan oil. – down air strikes and allow Ljeic Libyan progress of cities out of control was blackmail rebel Libyans to make concessions and meet the demands of American and Western because negotiate Americans with Almstagir easier than Tfawdahm with leaders of sovereign states and stable – warned the International Energy Agency that oil demand in the coming years will rise by 36%, and comply with the agency to impose the Americans controlled the estimates so as not to raise oil markets. During that Gaddafi was acting on his or her liberty contracts oil has been negotiating from a position of strength and to impose conditions. has not lived up that of the United States. The U.S. motives to stand against Gaddafi is revenge because forced U.S. oil companies, British and even French and Italian, which participated in the fly, to contribute its share of the Libyan oil production to compensate for Libya for losses paid to meet the Lockerbie bombing which nearly $ 2.7 billion a rate of $ 10 million for people with each victim as well as the ban costly against Libya lasted from 1992 until 2003.


Libyan Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, whowas framed by the CIA asguilty of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, top left, is accompanied by Seif al-Islam el-Gadhafi,
son of the Libyan leader, upon his arrival at the airport in Tripoli on Aug. 20, 2009. “Megrahi promised in an interview with Britain’s Times newspaper published on
Saturday that he would present new evidence before he died exonerating him of the bombing.”

We read from Susan Lindauer:

Libya never sponsored any terrorism in the West, or in any part of the world.
BUT, the return to Libya in 2009 of the falsely convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, released from a Scottish jail on health grounds, angered Washington, because it might reveal another
of the U.S.’s great cover-ups and False-flag CIA Drug-running Operations.
Libya by the Numbers: War for the
Profit of the Usual Suspects
by Russ Baker
18 June 2011
let’s now examine the relationship between the Western governments and Qaddafi. Was it, as presented in the media, merely a case of doing the right thing against a brutal tyrant? One also accused of being behind the murder of those airline passengers?
This is not the place to recount the entire back history between Qaddafi and the alliance. Suffice to say that Qaddafi is one of a long string of foreign leaders who insisted on an independent course, including requisite regional bigfooting, and got in trouble. Specifically, we could look at some skirmishes with the US Navy during the Reagan-Bush administration, but there’s a long list of grievances. This, as in the case of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, is compounded by the fact that he sits on massive oil reserves.
As animosity grew, Libya started being labeled a terrorist force, possibly with some truth, and then connected to a series of major outrages with which it may or may not have had anything to do.
One was the death of several US soldiers in a Berlin nightclub in 1986, and another the alleged sponsorship of a hijacking that same year. But the thing that turned much of the world against Qaddafi was the alleged role of Libya in blowing Pan Am 103 apart.
Most of us probably remember, vaguely, that Libya’s role in that is an established fact. If so, we’re off base. Let’s start with this 2001 BBC report, following the conviction of Megrahi, a Libyan intelligence officer:
Robert Black, the Scottish law professor who devised the format of the Netherlands-based trial, was quoted on Sunday as saying he was “absolutely astounded” that Al Megrahi had been found guilty.
Mr Black said he believed the prosecution had “a very, very weak circumstantial case” and he was reluctant to believe that Scottish judges would “convict anyone, even a Libyan” on such evidence.
The view, published in British newspapers, echoes that of some of the families of UK victims of the Lockerbie bombing, who are calling for a public inquiry to find “the truth of who was responsible and what the motive was”.
Wednesday’s verdict sparked angry protests in Libya on Saturday, as Washington and London demanded the Libyan Government accept responsibility for the atrocity and pay compensation to the victims’ families.
The protesters condemned what they called a “CIA-dictated” verdict and demanded compensation for the victims of the 1986 US air raids on Tripoli and Benghazi.
For more on doubts about Libya’s role in the bombing, see the excellent summary of powerful evidence that the Libyans may have been framed, evidence not presented at trial, on Wikipedia. (While Wikipedia should not be considered a definitive source, it is often a good roundup of what may be found elsewhere and thus a starting point for further inquiry.) The troubling elements, which constitute a very long list, include an alleged offer from the FBI of $4 million for certain incriminating testimony, the subsequent admission by a key witness that he had lied, details of strange goings-on in the FBI’s crime lab, and indications that the bomb may have been introduced at an airport where the defendant was not present.
Nevertheless, Megrahi’s conviction, and the media’s dutiful reporting of it as justice done, meant that Libya, and Qaddafi, would continue under sanctions that had already isolated the country for a decade from the international community.
Qaddafi had sought to undo the cordon, including handing Megrahi over for trial in 1999. But that had not done the trick, and the January 31, 2001 conviction, coming 11 days after the inauguration of George W. Bush, threatened to make things worse—much worse. Qaddafi particularly had to worry about how it might impact his own survival.
By May 2002, with US troops in Afghanistan having ousted the Taliban and four months after Bush listed Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Syria as part of an “axis of evil” seeking “weapons of mass destruction”, Libya was feeling the heat. That month, it offered staggered payments to the Lockerbie victims’ families, as part of a trade for the cancellation of UN and US trade sanctions, and removal of Libya from the State Department’s list of states sponsoring terrorism. By August, 2003, several months after the invasion of Iraq and removal of Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi cut a deal, as reported in the New York Times:
Libya and lawyers for families of the victims of the 1988 midair bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, signed an agreement today to create an account for $2.7 billion in expected compensation, a lawyer said.
”Libya and the lawyers representing families of the victims have signed an agreement to create the escrow account at the Bank for International Settlements,” said the lawyer, Saad Djebbar, an Algerian living in London who has followed the case since 1992.
As a result, he said United Nations sanctions might be lifted.
With the agreement, Libya is expected to deposit the money in the account and to send the United Nations Security Council a letter accepting responsibility for the bombing, in which 270 people died.
In Washington, family members said today that the State Department had invited the victims’ families to a briefing on Friday.
It was a package deal, with many tentative aspects. Libya told the UN it “accepted responsibility” in the bombing—though, notably, it did not admit guilt. [Mathaba Editor: not true. Libya “accepted responsibility for the actions of its officials” and allowed the Anglo-American media to twist that into what even this researcher has falsely ascribed]. Indeed, as late as 2008, Qaddafi’s son Saif told a BBC documentary crew that the only reason Libya “admitted responsibility” [Mathaba: for the actions of its officials] was to get the sanctions removed. The documentary noted that several victims’ families had declined compensation because they felt Libya had not actually been behind the bombing.
The 2003 deal was enough, however, to begin welcoming Libya back into the family of nations. The Bush administration moved quickly to begin trade with Libya. By December, 2003, Libya had agreed to give up whatever WMD programs it purportedly had in return for the US lifting sanctions.
This heartened not only Libya, but also major Western companies, which had been champing at the bit for years to get a piece of Libya’s assets, including its vast oil reserves and the income they generated.
The inexorable trade machine kept grinding along. Within a few weeks, Bush signed an executive order restoring Libyan immunity from terror lawsuits and ended pending US compensation cases.
In 2007, strongly encouraged by the UK oil company BP, Britain began pushing for a transfer of Megrahi back to prison in Libya, resulting in a series of events that concluded with his 2009 release from incarceration—on purported medical grounds. (New information on BP’s role has come out recently, with Hillary Clinton and key US senators expressing outrage and declaring their intent to investigate–see here. No mention by the Dems of the doubts about his guilt, just indignation that a “murderer” had been freed.)
In 2009, the same year Megrahi was released, Qaddafi, faced with stiff ongoing Lockerbie payments, began pressing oil companies to pay more to help cover his debt.
We learned of the pressure on the oil companies during the recent propaganda effort to build support for military action against Qaddafi. In a New York Times article headlined “Shady Dealings Helped Qaddafi Build Fortune and Regime”—the crux of which was Qaddafi’s shadiness (though not necessarily that of the oil companies)—was this gem of an item. It was easily missed and as easily misconstrued:
In 2009, top aides to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi called together 15 executives from global energy companies operating in Libya’s oil fields and issued an extraordinary demand: Shell out the money for his country’s $1.5 billion bill for its role in the downing of Pan Am Flight 103 and other terrorist attacks.
If the companies did not comply, the Libyan officials warned, there would be “serious consequences” for their oil leases, according to a State Department summary of the meeting.
Now why would Qaddafi be desperate for cash? The article didn’t say. But if I’m connecting dots correctly, I’d say that you have to read another paper, then link the two.
Here’s the Wall Street Journal with an exclusive from May 31 that is hugely important but has thus far been seen in isolation, unconnected to the oil demand above. I recommend reading the lengthy excerpt that follows:
In early 2008, Libya’s sovereign-wealth fund controlled by Col. Moammar Gadhafi gave $1.3 billion to Goldman Sachs Group to sink into a currency bet and other complicated trades. The investments lost 98% of their value, internal Goldman documents show.
…In 2004, the U.S. government had lifted an earlier set of sanctions…That opened the door for dozens of U.S. and European banks, hedge funds and other investment firms to pile into the North African nation.
The Libyan Investment Authority set up shop on the 22nd floor of what was then Tripoli’s tallest building and launched in June 2007 with about $40 billion in assets. Libya approached 25 financial institutions, offering each of them a chance to manage at least $150 million, recalls a person familiar with the fund’s plans.
Soon it was spreading chunks of the money to firms around the world. In addition to Goldman, those institutions included Société Générale SA, HSBC Holdings PLC, Carlyle Group, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Och-Ziff Capital Management Group and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., according to internal fund records reviewed by the Journal.
… “The country made a conscious decision to join the major leagues,” says Edwin Truman, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and former assistant Treasury secretary. Until then, the investment fund’s money was held in Libya’s central bank, earning ho-hum returns on high-quality bonds.
Goldman seized the opportunity. In May 2007, several Goldman partners met with the Libyans at Goldman’s London office. Mustafa Zarti, then the fund’s deputy chairman, and Hatem el-Gheriani, its chief investment officer, invited the Goldman partners to see the fund’s Libyan headquarters for themselves. Mr. Zarti was a close associate of one of Col. Gadhafi’s sons, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, and reported to a longtime friend of the Libyan ruler.
…Goldman soon carved out a new business with the Libyans, in options—investments that give buyers the right to purchase stocks, currencies or other assets on a future date at stipulated prices. Between January and June 2008, the Libyan fund paid $1.3 billion for options on a basket of currencies and on six stocks: Citigroup Inc., Italian bank UniCredit SpA, Spanish bank Banco Santander, German insurance giant Allianz, French energy company Électricité de France and Italian energy company Eni SpA. The fund stood to reap gains if prices of the underlying stocks or currencies rose above the stipulated levels.
But that fall, the credit crisis hit with a vengeance as Lehman Brothers failed and banks all over the world faced financial crises. The $1.3 billion of option investments were hit especially hard. The underlying securities plunged in value and all of the trades lost money, according to an internal Goldman memo reviewed by the Journal. The memo said the investments were worth just $25.1 million as of February 2010—a decline of 98%.
Officials at the sovereign-wealth fund accused Goldman of misrepresenting the investment deals and making trades without proper authorization, according to people familiar with the situation. In July 2008, Mr. Zarti, the fund’s deputy chairman, summoned Mr. Kabbaj, Goldman’s North Africa chief, to a meeting with the fund’s legal and compliance staff, according to Libyan Investment Authority emails reviewed by the Journal.
One person who attended the meeting says Mr. Zarti was “like a raging bull,” cursing and threatening Mr. Kabbaj and another Goldman employee.Goldman arranged for security to protect the employees until they left Libya the next day, according to people familiar with the matter.
…Following the showdown in Tripoli, the fund demanded restitution and issued vague threats of legal action.
The Journal goes on to describe Goldman’s response—which “audacious” doesn’t begin to describe. Goldman offered to make it all up to Libya by selling it a huge stake…in Goldman itself. That Journal piece is well worth reading, as is this essay from Rolling Stone, but a bit off our topic beyond the notion that Western companies loved rubbing this rube’s nose in it.
The point, at least to me, is that Libya had taken the advice of an American firm and invested, and lost, a huge amount of the funds that are supposed to generate profits used in governing Libya. Including providing the kinds of services that kept Libyans loyal to Qaddafi in the first place.
Is it any surprise that just as this banking disaster unfolded, Qaddafi in 2009 turned desperately to the Western oil companies, which were doing well by Libya, and wanted them to pay more royalties to fund the Lockerbie settlements? Settlements he perhaps should not have had to pay in the first place?
By December 2010, when a Tunisian man set himself on fire, the Arab Spring revolt was under way—in Egypt, Bahrain, and elsewhere. Pretty quickly, it was clear to everyone that the Western powers were in danger of losing crucial oil suppliers—and vital military bases.
It certainly was convenient that, right about that time, Libya showed signs of moving in the opposite direction—into the US camp. Read our piece here about the CIA ties to the Libyan uprising.
Then consider the timing of February’s ramped-up claim by the defecting Libyan official, that Qaddafi himself had ordered the Lockerbie bombing.
If that wasn’t enough in the propaganda department to get the global public worked up, next came the Libya rape story. The average person doesn’t have the time or appetite to follow the kinds of complex corporate maneuverings that fascinate us here, but they do understandably get upset about bombs on civilian aircraft and rape.
We wrote about that rape story back here. Our point, which still stands, is that it is highly unusual for rape victims and their families to come forward publicly. It is almost unheard of in Arab countries, where the consequences can be severe. (Update: the woman and her family are being relocated in the West¸ and she’s said she’d like to come to America.)
We noted the timing of the story, the alacrity with which the Western press grabbed it and spread it, and the simple fact that there’s no evidence tying Qaddafi in any way to any such act. Even the woman herself doesn’t claim that. Yet it infuriated untold millions and postings all over the Web show that it moved a lot of public opinion into the column supporting military action to remove the Libyan leader.
That the corporate media cannot see what is going on here, or refuses to see, tells us how far we have not come since the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Still, we can hear the other shoe dropping if we listen carefully enough. For example, the website Politico ran a little item the other day on a powwow between Hillary Clinton and corporate executives over business opportunities in Iraq.
FIRST LOOK: WALL STREET IN IRAQ? – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Deputy Secretary Tom Nides (formerly chief administrative officer at Morgan Stanley) will host a group of corporate executives at State this morning as part of the Iraq Business Roundtable. Corporate executives from approximately 30 major U.S. companies – including financial firms Citigroup, JPMorganChase and Goldman Sachs – will join U.S. and Iraqi officials to discuss economic opportunities in the new Iraq. Full list of corporate participants:
Give it a couple of years, and they’ll be having the same party celebrating a more sympathetic regime in Libya.
# THE FAKE ARAB SPRING: Connect the dots, and you will see that the evidence points to a plan to create an “Arab Spring” for the Good Old Boys—CIA, banks, oil companies. Read and see if you don’t agree.

More pieces are falling into place. Those pieces have names of your favorite players: oil companies, banks like Goldman Sachs, and they paint a picture of endless corporate intrigue. The sort that never seems to come out in the corporate media.

US media misconception on Libyan Lockerbie compensation trial

Posted: 2012/09/11
From: Mathaba
A commentary on the case of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, convicted of the murder of 270 people in the Pan Am 103 disaster.

The Lockerbie Case
by Professor Robert Black, QC

Some of the media in the United States are reporting that the trial of Abdel Ati al-Obeidi and Mohammed Belkasem al-Zwai which recently opened and was adjourned in Tripoli involved an accusation of their “squandering $2.7 billion in public money meant to compensate families of those killed in the Lockerbie bombing.”  Examples, which seem to be based on a report from The Associated Press news agency, can be found here and here and here. This is, of course, wrong.  The accusation is not that the officials diverted or embezzled money intended for Lockerbie relatives, but that they were involved in negotiating the payment  that was made to the relatives.

The Globe and Mail, a Toronto-based newspaper, bases its coverage on the Reuters news agency report and gets it right.

— Mathaba News Agency coverage of this news is here.

Robert Black QC FRSE became Professor of Scots Law in the University of Edinburgh in January 1981, having previously been in practice at the Scottish Bar. He is now Professor Emeritus. He has been an Advocate since 1972 and a QC since 1987. From 1981 to 1994 he served as a temporary sheriff (judge). He has taken a close interest in the Lockerbie affair since 1993, not least because he was born and brought up in the town, and has published a substantial number of articles on the topic in the United Kingdom and overseas. He is often referred to as the architect of the Lockerbie trial at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands.


221 thoughts on “Moammar Gadhafi : 3 EDITED BIOGRAPHIES: (1) STEPHEN GOODSON, (2) PIERO GHEDDO, (3) The BBC

  1. Fox News Contrives “Human Shield” Hoax To Sell Libya War
    Posted by Real News Reporter on March 22nd, 2011
    “Exclusive” story about Gaddafi using western journalists as human shields is “nuts, “outrageous,” “ridiculous,” and “absolutely hypocritical,” states CNN reporter involved in tour.
    Just as Bill Clinton’s bombardment of Serbia was launched on the back of a humanitarian hoax about fake concentration camps, establishment media outlets are already busy contriving phony stories about Gaddafi using “human shields” to convince the American people that the $100 million dollar a day attack on Libya is virtuous and noble.
    The latest example comes from Fox News, who completely manufactured the claim that Gaddafi was using western journalists as human shields to prevent fighter jets from bombing his compound.
    When the U.S. government prepares to throw another $1 billion-plus at a new war even as Americans see their living standards eviscerated and record numbers are forced on food stamps, the propaganda necessary to sell the conquest has to be slicker than ever before.
    With many starting to question the credibility of evidence that Gaddafi is abusing his own people, as so-called “protesters,” backed by US arms from Egypt, commandeer fighter jets and tanks in their bid to overthrow the government, the demonization of Gaddafi as a monster who needs to be toppled for the security of the region is imperative.
    That’s why Fox News completely manufactured a claim about Gaddafi using journalists as human shields to prevent his compound from being bombed and ran it as an exclusive story yesterday.
    Sources :
    Prison news services

  2. 2011-03-25T19:36:59
    BENGHAZI, Libya — It was unclear what was behind the offer from Libyan negotiator Abdul-Ati al-Obeidi, who said his nation was ready to talk with rebels and accept political reform. Rebels, who were not at the talks, say they will not negotiate with embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi.

  3. The Guardian’s Chris McGreal reports:
    03/26/2011 11:36 PM Air Strikes Hit Sabha
    Breaking News reports on Twitter: that air strikes have hit civilian areas in the central city of Sabha.
    A doctor treating wounded government soldiers and civilians, described hundreds of deaths,
    terrible injuries and collapsing morale.
    First witness accounts emerged of the devastating effect of the aerial bombardment
    Today 7:38 PM — Rebels Advance On Gaddafi’s Hometown of Sirte

    03/27/2011 9:49 PM Air Strikes Target Gaddafi’s Hometown For First Time
    AP: Libyan state television reports that international air strikes are targeting Muammar Gaddafi’s hometown and stronghold of Sirte for the first time.
    Foreign journalists in the city reported loud explosions and warplanes flying overheard.
    Sirte is strategically located about halfway between the rebel-held east and the Gaddafi-controlled west along a key coastal highway. Rebels were advancing rapidly west on the highway Sunday toward Sirte after international air strikes eased their way.
    Today 4:47 AM Gaddafi’s Hometown Falls To Rebels
    @ REUTERSFLASH : Libyan rebel spokesman says Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte has fallen into the hands of the rebels
    Al Jazeera reports that rebels had an easy time taking Sirte:
    Shamsi Abdul Molah, a spokesman for the opposition’s National Council, told Al Jazeera that opposition forces had moved into the city at approximately 11.30pm last night (local time).
    “They found it an unarmed city. They had no problem getting in there, they did not encounter any resistance,” reported Sue Turton, Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Benghazi. Celebratory gunfire was head in Benghazi, the opposition’s stronghold in the east of the country, as news filtered in of the taking of Gaddafi’s hometown.

  5. Libya: The Objective of “Humanitarian Bombing” is Death and Destruction
    by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
    Global Research, March 25, 2011

    All Out War on Libya, Surge in the Price of Crude Oil…
    “Humanitarian Wars are Good for Business”…. Speculators Applaud….

    – by Michel Chossudovsky – 2011-03-18
    Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US-NATO Attempted Coup d’Etat in Libya?
    – by Prof Michel Chossudovsky – 2011-03-07
    US and NATO military advisers and special forces are already on the ground.
    “Operation Libya” and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa
    – by Prof Michel Chossudovsky – 2011-03-09

    The Bombing of Civilian Targets
    The objective is not to come to the rescue of civilians.
    Quite the opposite. Both military as well as civilian targets have been pre-selected.
    Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of “collateral damage”.
    Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed.
    Within hours of the air attacks, a Libyan government health official “said the death toll from the Western air strikes had risen to 64 on Sunday after some of the wounded died.” The number of wounded was of the order of 150. (Montreal Gazette, Gadhafi hurls defiance as allied forces strike Libya, March 19, 2011).
    The death toll resulting from aerial bombings and missile attacks (March 24) is of the order of 100 civilians, according to Libyan government sources
    (UN Chief Expects Int’l Community to Avoid Civilian Casualties in Libya, March 25, 2011)

    Media Disinformation

    These deaths resulting from US-NATO missiles and aerial bombings are either denied or casually dismissed as `collateral damage`. According to British Foreign Secretary William Hague modern humanitarian warfare does result in civilian deaths, a totally absurd proposition:
    “This operation has been doing what it was meant to do, protect the civilian population of Libya, and there is no confirmed evidence of any casualties at all, civilian casualties, caused by the coalition strikes on the Gaddafi regime,” (British Foreign Secretary William Hague, No evidence of civilian casualties in Libya strikes: UK | Reuters, March 25, 2011)
    US Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirms that “The coalition is going to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties and most of the targets are air defence targets isolated from populated areas.” (West trying to avoid Libyan civilian deaths: Robert Gates – World – DNA, March 22, 2011)
    The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians. Western media reports on casualties are heavily convoluted. Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths.
    Without media disinformation, the legitimacy of the military operation under R2P would collapse like a deck of card.
    Several hundred people gather at a funeral. The latter is dismissed as Qadhafi propaganda.
    funeral 2
    The funeral is ‘fake” according to Western reports. It is presented as a staged event.
    In the words of one report: “Men pray for people ‘supposedly’ killed in air strikes. But the contents of these coffins remain unclear.( See Civilian Casualties in Question at Tripoli Funeral –, March 24, 2011, In Libya, coffins carry a mystery, SMH, March 26, 2011).
    Humanitarian Bombing and Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
    The purpose of these bombardments is to destroy the country’s institutions, its productive base. It’s called “humanitarian bombing”. It is justified under the concept of “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P). Power generating facilities, bridges, roads, hospitals, TV stations, government buildings, factories, are singled out as strategic targets.
    Libyan sources (unconfirmed) report that two hospitals and a medical clinic were bombed:

    Al-Tajura Hospital was hit as was Saladin Hospital in Ain Zara. The clinic that was bombed was also located in the vicinity of Tripoli, the Libyan capital. Not only were these civilian structures, but they were also all far away from the combat zone.

    Civilian air facilities throughout Libya have been attacked. (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Breaking News: Libyan Hospitals Attacked. Libyan Source: Three French Jets Downed, Global Research, March 19, 2011)

    In the case of the hospitals, the smart bombs are extremely precise. The Russian Foreign ministry has accused the Western military alliance of conducting an indiscriminate bombing campaign. (Metro – Russia: Stop ‘indiscriminate’ bombing of Libya, March 19, 2011)
    Invariably the Western media will state that Qadhafi forces are bombing the country’s hospitals, without supporting evidence.

    There are indications that hospitals are included in the list of targets. Canadian CF-18 fighter jets were assigned specific civilian bombing targets. The pilots decided to return to base without attacking their pre-selected target, which was identified as an airfield. According to the press reports, the selected target was adjacent to a hospital: “Lawson said the risk was not related to any threat to the CF-18s, but rather potential damage to civilians or important infrastructure such as hospitals, on the ground.” ( CTV Calgary- Canadian pilots abort bombing over risk to civilians – CTV News, March 23, 2011, emphasis added)

    Public opinion is invited to unconditionally endorse a new war theater in North Africa. The so-called international community has managed through media propaganda to build a consensus.

    The Responsibility to Protect has been endorsed by civil society organizations and NGOs. Many sectors of the progressive Left are supporting the bombings of Libya as a means to installing democracy, without even analysing the nature and composition of the rebellion.

    Those who speak out against the US-NATO “no fly zone” are casually branded as “Qadhafi apologists”.


    The Yugoslav Model of “Humanitarian Bombing”
    Humanitarian bombing is part of a historical process. It is embedded in military planning.
    The Libyan “humanitarian bombing” campaign is an integral part of military strategy which consists in destroying the country’s civilian infrastructure. It is modelled on previous humanitarian bombing endeavors including the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia and the 2003 military campaign against Iraq.
    When Yugoslavia was bombed in 1999, bridges, power plants, schools and hospitals were identified as “legitimate military targets” selected by NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Vicenza, Italy and carefully “validated prior to the pilot launching his strike.” The same procedure is being applied to Libya: military and civilian targets are validated in advance. The pilot is not always informed as to the precise nature of the target.
    In 1999, the children’s hospital located in Belgrade’s embassy area was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out by military planners as a strategic target.
    NATO acknowledged that they had done it, but to “save the lives” of the newly borne, they did not target the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the building which housed the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators, which meant the entire hospital was for all sakes and purposes destroyed and many of the children died.
    I visited that hospital, one year after the bombing in June 2000 and saw with my own eyes how they did it with utmost accuracy. These are war crimes using the most advanced military technology: The so-called “smart bombs”.
    In Yugoslavia, the civilian economy was the target: hospitals, airports, government buildings, manufacturing, infrastructure, not to mention 17th century churches and the country’s historical and cultural heritage.
    The diabolical objective of triggering an environmental catastrophe in the Danube river basin was also on the drawing board. NATO targeted the Pancevo petrochemical plant near Belgrade. The objective was no only to disable the plant but also to trigger an environmental catastrophe. How did they do it?
    “A thermal imager from a spy satellite or an aircraft can detect infrared radiation emitted from any object situated on the petrochemical plant and convert its readings into a high-resolution video or snap picture. … In the words of a Pentagon spokesman, the U2 “snaps a picture from very high altitude, beams it back in what we call a reach-back, to the States where it is very quickly analyzed”. And from there, “the right targeting data” is relayed to the CAOC in Vincenza which then “passes [it] on to people in the cockpit”.
    The “smart bombs” were not dumb; they went where they were told to go. NATO had scrupulously singled out the containers, tanks and reservoirs, which still contained toxic materials. According to the petrochemical plant director, NATO did not hit a single empty container: “This was not accidental; they chose to hit those that were full and these chemicals spilled into the canal leading to the Danube”. … When the smart bombs hit their lethal targets at Pancevo (see photos below), noxious fluids and fumes were released into the atmosphere, water and soil. “More than one thousand tons of ethylene dichloride spilled from the Pancevo petrochemical complex into the Danube [through the canal which links the plant to the river]. Over a thousand tons of natrium hydroxide were spilled from the Pancevo petrochemical complex. Nearly 1,000 tons of hydrogen chloride spilled from Pancevo into the Danube River” (Michel Chossudovsky, NATO Willfully Triggered an Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia, Global Research, 11 April 2004)
    A ‘smart bomb’ hit this container with perfect accuracy. (Pancevo petrochemical complex ( ©Michel Chossudovsky, March 2000 )
    The container on the right was targeted by NATO because it was full of highly carcinogenic VCM ( © Michel Chossudovsky, March 2000 )
    See Michel Chossudovsky, NATO Willfully Triggered an Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia, Global Research, 11 April 2004
    Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky

  6. Sunday, March 27, 2011Liberals Willing to Trade Blood and Treasure for Oil Company Profits Under Obama

    US Navy/Wikimedia Commons image
    Eric Blair
    Activist Post

    It’s perplexing to see a high level of support for the unprovoked bombing of Libya on so-called “progressive” websites.
    There has been an endless stream of humanitarian propaganda flowing from these sites trying to convince average liberals that the “human thing to do” is to rain down tomahawk missiles with depleted uranium to bring freedom and democracy to an oppressed people.
    Huffington Post ran a piece by Ed Schultz titled Why I Support President Obama’s Decision to Invade Libya where he described his reasoning as follows:

    …President Obama explained this won’t be a long-term operation.
    Matter of days, not a matter of weeks. Not even months.
    …He’s (Obama) trying to give the rebels, those who want democracy, a fighting chance at just that and trying to stop Gaddafi — this is the human thing to do — from slaughtering his own people.
    By the very use of the word “invade” in the title, Schultz would seem to understand that the continued military support is likely to last for quite some time. Indeed, this was confirmed on Sunday morning when Defense Secretary Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hinted that the operation could indeed last for months, which seems to debunk Schultz’s main argument that it’s only a days-long conflict. This justification is reminiscent of Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld falsely stating that the Iraq war would be quick and easy — only cost a couple of a billion dollars that would be paid for by Iraqi oil.
    Additionally, Schultz and others making the “humanitarian” argument that we needed to prevent Gaddafi from slaughtering his own people is convoluted at best, if not a blatant hypocritical contradiction. It has become clear that the United States and their imperial partners, Britain and France, are picking and choosing which civil uprisings and which dictators to support with no genuine concern for democracy or civil rights.
    Everyone with an objective view knows by now that this intervention is about protecting oil resources and making sure Israel survives these revolutionary times in the Arab world. Whether it’s control over Egypt’s Suez Canal, Libya’s sweet crude, or propping up the tyrannical Saudi regime in the face of protesters there, this selective military action in Libya seems to be exactly what liberals screamed about during Bush’s preemptive oil wars.
    In an informative article this weekend, Mike Rozeff wrote about the pre-Bush history of the same plans for the oil-rich Arab world:
    A RAND document reviews the U.S. oil policy in the mid-East and associated regions. It points out (p. 60) that President Carter enunciated this policy on January 23, 1980 in his State of the Union Address:
    ‘Let our position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.’
    Even before this, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in September of 1978 issued a strategy assessment in which it wrote of ‘continuous access to petroleum resources’ as priority #1 in the region, along with seeing that Israel survived. In 1979, the military put together a ‘Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), which soon gained full, unified command status as the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM).’
    Rozeff makes a compelling argument why the United States will spare no expense to ensure the control of oil in the Arab world no matter what the consequences may be:
    Hence, there is no question that the U.S. considers the uninterrupted oil flow from this region as a vital interest. The U.S. has made war over Kuwait in 1990, in Iraq in this century, and now in Libya. It has gone into related areas such as Somalia, Yemen, and Afghanistan. It has confronted Iran for decades. It has armed and aided all sorts of dictatorial regimes in the region.
    The U.S. government has done all of these things under the doctrine that oil flows must not be interrupted. It has acted strongly even when such an interruption was a remote prospect. It acted under false pretexts in Iraq. It has imposed sanctions on Iran. It has threatened war on Iran over its nuclear activities on more than one occasion.
    The U.S. is acting now in Libya. Although Libya poses little risk of interrupting U.S. oil supplies, the U.S. wants to control the outcome in Libya. The U.S. must demonstrate control if it is to maintain control in neighboring regions such as Saudi Arabia where revolts, possible revolts, and revolutions are likely.
    It may be even worse than Rozeff reports, as it seems more appropriate to say that U.S./NATO are doing the dirty work for the multinational oil companies rather than “national interests.” It’s clear that these borderless companies are the ones who benefit from the drilling contracts when the military dust-ups settle. For example, the UK people didn’t exactly benefit from BP’s massive drilling contracts in Iraq that also earned ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair handsome consulting kickbacks.
    Furthermore, the average price for oil prior to America’s undeclared wars between 2001-2002 was less than $23 per barrel. After America invaded Iraq, the price of oil skyrocketed relatively quickly to peak at $147 in 2008, leaving some to speculate that this spike in society’s life-blood was the real trigger for the economic collapse in the fall of that same year. Regardless, it is obvious that a 500% increase in oil price in just five short years was not exactly protecting the “vital interests” of the American people who endured the brunt of the fuel increases, the subsequent bailout of the global economy, while also paying for the war tab.
    Now, Huffington Post and others are trying to justify this expensive and unconstitutional new war front, while at the same time slamming domestic spending cuts brought on by deficits primarily caused by bloated and unnecessary defense/war/surveillance spending. In the name of humanitarian intervention, these so-called progressives have become no different than the war-mongering Neocons they so despised. Perhaps their stunning hypocrisy makes them even worse than Neocons. Regardless, what’s clear is that they all serve the same masters for the same end result no matter what labels or excuses are given.
    However, it’s encouraging that the general progressive public don’t seem to be buying into the establishment-liberal support for the new “invasion”. Judging by the 1400-plus comments responding to Schultz’s article, about 90% of them are challenging Schultz, and those who support his position are universally panned by other commenters. After all, the hypocrisy of this preemptive military strike is so blatant — the lack of Congressional approval makes it clearly illegal — and the cost of more foreign intervention during rabid spending-cut debates at home proves where their alliances truly stand.

    Establishment progressives can no longer hide behind phony labels. They have officially joined the ranks of the War Party serving up American blood and treasure to support profits for the military-industrial complex and Big Oil, while compromising on austerity cuts at home

  7. A.P Report: NATO begins today their leading airstrikes, plus will coordinate naval patrols in the Mediterranean to enforce an embargo against Gaddafi’s forces.
    A Canadian three-star general, Charles Bouchard, is taking charge. He will report to an American admiral, Samuel Locklear, commander of NATO’s Allied Joint Force Command Naples….
    dimanche, à 18:21More from AP: NATO entered into Military-Leadership today in Libya. Their goal, when asked, is now “to target and strike any compound, military or civilian, in the hands of Gadhafi and the present ruling regime…including any sites memoria…lising Gadhafi, his philosophy, art or exhibitions.” They also revealed that they will not give before-hand, any warnings of any of the strikes, (as Gadhafi’s forces were accustomed to doing before entering populated areas). Asked directly if the Gadhafi Family were targets, the answer was that “nothing is being ruled out”. They admitted that their goal may take months; and there was no plan for rebuilding anything or any area, building or complex destroyed in the air-strikes/raids. They said that they may also strategically drop loaded arms and ammunition into the hands of the Opposition and Rebel fighters….. My personal questions are, (1)where are they getting all the money to do this IF the Western Economy is supposedly in bankruptcy?; and, (2) under what mandate are they now permitted to do this in their expanded version of the War ? (3)What right have they to interfere in the affairs of a Soverign State, which until the third week of February 2011, was considered a legal, UN aligned Nation?
    dimanche, à 18:25 · The “Loyalists” have no more defenses; they cannot meet at their Halls for their “people’s committes” or they become targets. The embargo will soon starve them; as also their crops are open targets. If a school teaches from the GREEN BOOK, the school wil become a target. Parks and fields with statuary will soon all disappear….Talk about genocide!!!and it is NATO and the West who are doing it….Whatever happened to the initial goal “to protect civilian lives”???
    dimanche, à 18:32 · The Libyan government says that they have strictly observed the mandate for a cease-fire; but the rebels are fearlessly breaking the ceasefire. That is how they now have recaptured two major cities. No one is censuring The OPPOSITION for sniping and not obeying the cease-fire. The OPPOSITION are not attending the peace-talks in Ethiopia [sponsored by “THE AFRICAN UNION”], although they have been repeatedly invited. Pope Benedict XVI today called on all parties to please negotiate a settlement through dialogue; BUT the USA, France, GB and NATO are totalling ignoring the pleas….From the very beginning, Gadhafi and the Libyan Government have asked the UN to send a delegation of overseers into Libya. The UN has totally ignored this as well. GB keeps on bringing-up LOCKERBIE; and announces in their telecasts and BBC news: THAT IF THEY DO NOT GET RID OF GADHAAFI NOW, that there would probably be another Lockerbie incident instigated by Gadhafi. The Brits are using this scare tactic. As for the USA, they are in total denial that any civilians have been hurt in the conflict, with Gates claiming that Gadhafi forces are murdering innocents and then piling the corpses into air-stricken areas [to make it seem that civilians were attacked]!! (HOW ABSURD!)
    ‎27 March 2011 at 17 05 05 03053 (Edit)
    The Guardian’s Chris McGreal reports:
    03/26/2011 11:36 PM Air Strikes Hit Sabha
    Breaking News reports on Twitter: that air strikes have hit civilian areas in the central city of Sabha.
    A doctor treating …wounded government soldiers and civilians, described hundreds of deaths,
    terrible injuries and collapsing morale.
    First witness accounts emerged of the devastating effect of the aerial bombardment
    Today 7:38 PM — Rebels Advance On Gaddafi’s Hometown of Sirte
    03/27/2011 9:49 PM Air Strikes Target Gaddafi’s Hometown For First Time
    AP: Libyan state television reports that international air strikes are targeting Muammar Gaddafi’s hometown and stronghold of Sirte for the first time.
    Foreign journalists in the city reported loud explosions and warplanes flying overheard.
    Sirte is strategically located about halfway between the rebel-held east and the Gaddafi-controlled west along a key coastal highway. Rebels were advancing rapidly west on the highway Sunday toward Sirte after international air strikes eased their way.
    Today 4:47 AM Gaddafi’s Hometown Falls To Rebels
    REUTERSFLASH : Libyan rebel spokesman says Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte has fallen into the hands of the rebels  
    Al Jazeera reports that rebels had an easy time taking Sirte:
    Shamsi Abdul Molah, a spokesman for the opposition’s National Council, told Al Jazeera that Opposition forces had moved into the city at approximately 11.30pm last night (local time).
    “They found it an unarmed city. They had no problem getting in there, they did not encounter any resistance,” reported Sue Turton, Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Benghazi. Celebratory gunfire was head in Benghazi, the opposition’s stronghold in the east of the country, as news filtered in of the taking of Gaddafi’s hometown.
    Richard C. Hoagland :
    Based on MANY conversations I’ve been having over the past couple of years — re “possible ancient artifacts UNDER the vast Libyan deserts …” coupled with NASA’s previous side-looking RADAR shuttle missions, revealing “tantalizing A…NCIENT geometries” under that desert — with “someone” who has been dealing DIRECTLY with Ghadafi’s son (I can’t publicly say more than that at this delicate time … to protect “sources”)–
    I CANNOT discount that fascinating possibility ….
    Again, follow the PREVIOUS Mid-East PATTERN I’ve discussed — of “highly anomalous archaeological thefts and Museum break-ins” following previous Mid-East US military involvement ….

  8. [“Der Spiegel” quote] about GERMAN Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. Westerwelle considers the traditional German compulsion to show loyalty to its Western allies to be obsolete. The world has changed, and there is a new global security architecture, even if many countries have not yet understood that fact. “Germany has not isolated itself,” says Westerwelle. He points out that China and Russia were not the only countries to abstain from the Security Council vote — India and Brazil also refrained from voting. What is so terrible about going up against the French, he asks, when you have the Brazilians on your side? Westerwelle likes to talk about “strategic partners.”

    Break with the Past
    That is a break with tradition. After World War II and the fall of the Third Reich, Germany showed itself to be a reliable ally, earning it respect and appreciation among its former enemies. The expectation was that Berlin would follow the Western line; no one imagined it would go it alone. That is now changing, however.
    Westerwelle showed the first signs of this new policy shortly after he took office as foreign minister in October 2009. One of his key issues was the removal of the last U.S. nuclear warheads from Germany. These missiles are now only of symbolic importance, standing for the close political and military alliance between Germany and the U.S. But for Westerwelle, scoring political points by taking a stance on disarmament was more important than the bilateral relationship.
    The Americans were annoyed. They asked themselves why the foreign minister was so keen to get rid of this symbol of German participation in the nuclear umbrella.
    While countries like France and Italy were still hesitating, Westerwelle publicly welcomed the democratic movements in Tunisia and Egypt. (He relises that Libya is a different situation.),1518,753498,00.html

  9. LATEST NEWS: 29 MARCH 2011,
    REUTERS: 124 Civilians have been killed in the coalition air attacks on Misrata. Reports are based on information from hospital sources in the city. The city was low on medicine; still 2 boatloads of supplies arrived on Monday.
    In Tripoli: Henri Guaino, a top adviser to the French president, said two nights of bombing runs and missile attacks had hobbled Libya’s air defenses, stalled Gadhafi’s troops and all but ended attacks on civilians. A cruise missile late Sunday blasted Gadhafi’s residential compound near his iconic tent, and fighter jets destroyed a line of tanks moving on the rebel capital. It was not known where Gadhafi was when the missile hit Sunday, but it seemed to show that he is not safe.
    Libyan Officials: Woman Claiming Rape Is Free, Several Men Detained

    @ BBCWorld : French Foreign Minister Juppe says arming #Libyan rebels could be discussed with partners, reports Reuters
    Today 7:00 PM NATO Commander: Possible ‘Flickers’ Of Al Qaeda Presence Among Rebel Forces
    AP reports:
    WASHINGTON – As the United States and other nations build ties with Libyan rebels and leaders of the political opposition trying to oust Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi, intelligence suggests al Qaeda and other terrorists have a presence within the opposition group, a top military commander said Tuesday.
    Adm. James Stavridis, the NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, told Congress that officials have seen “flickers” of possible al Qaeda and Hezbollah among the rebel forces, but at this point their presense is not significant within the group’s leadership.
    Questions about who the rebels are have escalated as the U.S.-led coalition moved into its second week of attacks against Qaddafi forces, halting their progress and paving the way for the ragtag opposition to regain lost ground. At this point, Stavridis said, there is “more than a reasonable chance of Qaddafi leaving.”
    Today 6:47 PM London Conference: Libyan People Must Choose Their Gov’t,Libya Contact Group Established
    The U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office has provided a statement by London Conference Chair Foreign Secretary William Hague.
    Hague stated that participants have reaffirmed their commitment to U.N. resolutions and the unity of Libya. Hague also said that only the Libyan people can determine their government.
    We agreed that it is not for any of the participants here today to choose the government of Libya: only the Libyan people can do that. Participants agreed that Qadhafi and his regime have completely lost legitimacy and will be held accountable for their actions. The Libyan people must be free to determine their own future.
    Participants agreed to create the Libya Contact Group. This group was established to offer leadership and political direction to support Libya. The first meeting is expected to convene in Qatar.
    Reuters Reports that some Nawfaliyah residents had fought alongside government troops are an ominous sign for world powers hoping for a swift end to Gaddafi’s 41-year rule.
    According to BBC News, an AFP correspondent is also reporting that “loud blasts” have been heard in the city of Tripoli, near Gaddafi’s residence.
    The explosions reportedly struck Tripoli around 1630 GMT.
    Today 6:20 PM Ground Forces — ‘A New Possible Endgame For Libya’
    Although President Obama and other officials have ruled out placing ground forces in Libya, a top NATO military officers think otherwise, according to a Wired report.
    During a Senate hearing on Tuesday,29 MARCH 2011, Adm. James Stavridis was asked about NATO putting forces into Libya “post-Gaddafi.”
    Stavridis reportedly said, “the possibility of a stabilization regime exists.”
    So welcome to a new possible “endgame” for Libya. Western troops patrolling Libya’s cities during a a shaky transition after Moammar Gadhafi’s regime has fallen, however that’s supposed to happen. Thousands of NATO troops patrolled Bosnia and Kosovo’s tense streets for years. And Iraq and Afghanistan taught the U.S. and NATO very dearly that fierce insurgent conflict can follow the end of a brutal regime. In fact, it’s the moments after the regime falls that can be the most dangerous of all — especially if well-intentioned foreign troops become an object of local resentment.
    Today 5:48 PM Explosions In Tripoli
    BBC News is reporting that witnesses have heard three loud explosions in Tripoli, Libya’s capital.
    Today 5:07 PM Italy Source: Tacit Agreement That Gaddafi Should Go Into Exile
    Reuters reports that as the London conference continues, Italy is pushing a proposal for a quick ceasefire and exile for Gaddafi.
    An Italian source for Reuters said, “There is a tacit agreement among everybody that the best thing would be for Gaddafi to go into exile, because the reason for continuing the war is the presence of Gaddafi.”
    The source believes that the African Union has the ability to persuade Gaddafi.
    British Foreign Secretary William Hague voiced debatably similar sentiments when he told the BBC, “We want him to leave power and that’s what we’ve consistently said to the Libyan regime. We are not in control, of course, of where he might go.” But Hague added that Gaddafi should face the International Criminal Court.
    Today 4:59 PM U.S. Admiral: No Clear Picture Of Libyan Opposition, ‘Flickers’ Of Evidence Emerge
    According to BBC News, U.S. Admiral James Stavridis has told the U.S. Senate that
    intelligence on the rebel forces in Libya shows “flickers” of al-Qaeda or Hezbollah presence, but there is still no clear picture of the emerging Libyan opposition.
    Today 4:45 PM Fact Check On Obama’s Statements About Libya
    The Associated Press
    THE FACTS: As by far the pre-eminent player in NATO, and a nation historically reluctant to put its forces under operational foreign command, the United States will not be taking a back seat in the campaign even as its profile diminishes for public consumption.
    NATO partners are bringing more into the fight. But the same “unique capabilities” that made the U.S. the inevitable leader out of the gate will continue to be in demand. They include a range of attack aircraft, refueling tankers that can keep aircraft airborne for lengthy periods, surveillance aircraft that can detect when Libyans even try to get a plane airborne, and, as Obama said, planes loaded with electronic gear that can gather intelligence or jam enemy (Libyan Loyalist/Gadhafi) communications and radars.
    The United States supplies 22 percent of NATO’s budget, almost as much as the next largest contributors – Britain and France – combined. A Canadian three-star general was selected to be in charge of all NATO operations in Libya. His boss, the commander of NATO’s Allied Joint Force Command Naples, is an American admiral, and the admiral’s boss is the supreme allied commander Europe, a post always held by an American.
    Today 4:32 PM WATCH: McCain Says Obama’s Statements Are ‘Contradictory To The Facts On The Ground’
    CBS News interviews Sen. John McCain about the situation in Libya. McCain states, “When the president says that we’re not going to use force, that is really first of all contradictory to the facts on the ground. We are supporting the anti-Gaddafi forces, and the reason why they’re succeeding is because of our air power.”
    Today 4:25 PM Questions The London Conference May Address
    TIME provides a guest post by Vivienne Walt, who is attending the London conference. According to Walt, countries should try to address three questions during their discussions on the future of Libya.
    Questions should focus on the extent of military attacks, an exit plan for Gaddafi, and Arab support. Walt writes that these issues “are likely to take far more than a one-day meeting in London to resolve.”
    Read the full post here.
    THE COALITION HAS ALREADY CHOSEN THE NEW LIBYAN GOVERNMANT. Not only have the three nations leagally recognized the new regime, but plan to support it fully beyond AIR-STRIKES, to the point of armament of the REBEL FORCES.
    On the sidelines of today’s London talks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with a leader of the Libyan opposition, Reuters reports.
    It was the second meeting in less than two weeks between Clinton and the Libyan Interim National Council’s Mahmoud Jabril, a former head of Libya’s economic planning council.
    Clinton wanted to gain a “clearer picture” of the opposition and how a post-Gadhafi government could look, according to a senior official who took part in the meeting.
    Today 4:05 PM France Plans To Send Ambassador To Benghazi
    BBC News reports that France plans to send an Arabic-speaking senior diplomat to Benghazi, according to the AFP news agency. The diplomat will reportedly enter Libya from Egypt..
    Coalition air-strikes and random bombardment continues… Eight civilians were killed and several others wounded last night.”
    Today 3:51 PM U.S. May Still Consider Arming Libya’s Rebels
    BBC News reports that the U.S. may still be considering arming the rebels in Libya:
    US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice says Washington has not ruled out arming Libya’s rebels. “Over the long term, as the [US] president said, there are other things at our disposal that perhaps will assist in speeding Gaddafi’s exit,” she told CBS’s The Early Show.

  10. “When our men and women in uniform are sent into harm’s way, Americans and troops deserve a clear mission from our commander-in-chief, not a speech nine days late,” said American GOP Sen. John Cornyn. “President Obama failed to explain why he unilaterally took our nation to war without bothering to make the case to the U.S. Congress.”

  11. an international campaign of deadly airstrikes
    TRIPOLI, Libya — U.S. ships and submarines unleashed a barrage of cruise missiles targeted the tightly guarded residence of leader Moammar Gadhafi and targets in the suburb of Tajura as NATO-led coalition aircraft were seen in the skies.
    The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss U.S. military details, said 22 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from the Mediterranean — the most in at least several days.
    The latest U.S. barrage raised to well over 200 the number of Tomahawks that have been fired at Libya since the Western military intervention began March 19.
    U.S. attacks Libya vessels
    The U.S. Navy reported that two of its aircraft and a guided missile destroyer attacked a number of Libyan coast guard vessels in Misrata’s port.
    USS Barry, an A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft and a navy patrol plane engaged the Libyan coast guard vessel Vittoria and two smaller craft after “multiple explosions” were seen in the port, according to a statement.
    Vittoria was left “ineffective” after the attack by the navy plane and was beached. One of the smaller vessels was destroyed and the other was abandoned after the A-10 opened fire, the statement said.
    International military forces have also been dropping leaflets and broadcasting messages urging troops and civilians loyal to Gadhafi to turn against him.
    A U.S. propaganda plane — that conducts information operations and psychological operations — is flying over the country to make TV and radio broadcasts to Moammar Gadhafi’s forces, U.S. military officials said.
    The message: Refuse to obey Gadhafi’s orders, stop fighting, go home to your families.
    Coalition planes have dropped leaflets a number of times, most recently Sunday near Gadhafi ground troops near Misrata, military officials said on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly about the effort.
    Meanwhile, leaders of Western and Arab nations were meeting in London Tuesday seeking a possible deal for Gadhafi’s exit from power and an agreement on plans for Libya’s future.
    Story: Top diplomats skip talk of arming Libya rebels
    In a joint statement, British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the talks were aimed at sealing support for “Libya’s transition from violent dictatorship and to help create the conditions where the people of Libya can choose their own future.”

  12. Today 3:07 PM Russia Speaks Out Against Arming Libyan Rebels
    BBC News reports that Russia is speaking out against arming the Libyan rebels.
    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov remarked, “NATO Secretary-General (Anders) Fogh Rasmussen said the Libyan operation is being conducted to protect the population, not to arm it. We fully agree with the NATO secretary-general on this.”
    Lavrov went on to call for a ceasefire and immediate dialogue, where “the Libyan sides must agree on what the Libyan state should be… It’s clear that it will be a different regime, and it’s clear that it should be a democratic regime, but Libyans themselves must decide without influence from outside.”

    Today9:56 PM Obama Signs Secret Order
    Reuters reports:

    @ Reuters : FLASH: Obama has signed secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces in Libya, officials tell Reuters
    10:04 PM More On Obama’s Secret Order
    According to Reuters, officials are reporting that in the past few weeks, Obama signed an order known as a presidential “finding” authorizing secret CIA operations.
    U.S. Politician: Weapons May ‘Later Fall Into The Hands Of Bad Actors’
    BBC News reports that Mike Rogers, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ intelligence committee, was against arming the Libyan rebels at this point in time, BUT HIS STANCE COMES TOO LATE AS OBAMA HAS ALREADY BEEN SECRETLY ARMING THE REBELS. He said, “We need to understand more about the opposition before I would support passing out guns and advanced weapons to them.” He then said that the weapons could “later fall into the hands of bad actors.” (a bit too late…as the rebels already have US armament by secret White House order!)Today 8:02 PM Washington Debated Arming Libyan Rebels
    The New York Times reports that Washington was fiercly debating whether or not to arm the Libyan rebels.
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that the United States has a right to transfer arms because of the U.N. resolution. President Obama spoke on arming the rebels, stating, “I’m not ruling it out…” Some fears have emerged about the rebel groups, with murmurs that there may be some presence of al Qaeda or Hezbollah influence among the troops.
    Today 7:17 PM Libyan Foreign Ministry: Arming Rebels Would Be Tantamount To Aiding ‘Terrorists’
    According to BBC News, the Libyan foreign ministry has spoken out about the French suggestions that Western powers could arm rebel forces. The ministry says that this would violate the U.N. resolutions and be equivalent to aiding “terrorists”.
    Today 3:45 PM Libyan Gov’t Threatens To Sue Companies Making Oil Deals With Rebels
    Reuters reports that Libya’s government is threatening to sue any international company conducting oil deals with the rebels.
    A government report stated, “The National Oil Corporation … is the entity authorized by law to deal with external parties. Because of the strategic importance of these goods — oil and gas — at the global level, no country can leave their management to armed gangs… The Libyan state will sue any party that seals deals regarding Libyan oil with parties other than the National Oil Corporation.” The Russian pleas came too late:
    Obama authorizes secret support for Libya rebels
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told

  13. I TOLD YOU LAST MONTH THAT THE CIA WAS INVOLVED WITH THIS…looks like “OBAMA’S SECRET” is not exactly secret anymore! The CIA started this mess long before there was an uprising. They actually “made” the Uprising a reality. They were supplying insurgents with guns and ammo long before even Gadhafi knew what was happening!
    I knew that the USA, like FRANCE, recognized the OPPOSITION forces a few weeks back. That is when the USA ordered all Libyan citizens out of the USA, threw out the Libyan ambassador to Washington, and recognized the OPPOSITION leaders as the legitimate heads of state. Still, it has been proven there are Islamic extremists among the rebels and the rebels have no clear-cut idea of how they are going to run the country. Many are theocratic-Islamists who will instill a dictatorship under a Sharia-Islamic law system. The whole structure of the present “people’s Committees” will have to be dismantled; and it has been stated that after Gadhafi is dismissed, that there must be an occupational army! (IS THIS WHAT THEY ARE CALLING DEMOCRACY???)

  14. Today 2:28 PM British PM: We Do Not Rule Out Arming Rebels
    Reuters reports that Britain has not ruled out arming the Libyan rebels.

    According to Prime Minister David Cameron, despite the fact that the ar…ms embargo applies to all of Libya, the U.N. Security Council resolution would allow whatever measures necessary to protect civilians. Cameron says, “We do not rule it out but we have not taken the decision to do so.”
    WELL, THE USA jumped the gun even over FRANCE, for an extended unknown-period now; and has been supplying the rebels with all kinds of weapons and ammo which resulted in this uprising! (Just think about it: The USA started the aggression, and then blames Gadhafi for “acts against his own people” !)HOW CAN ONE RESPECT A GOVERNMENT that acts like this? Is America a representative-democracy, when CONGRESS IS NOT EVEN INFORMED UNTIL WELL AFTER THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH HAS ALREADY BEEN SECRETLY AUTHORISING MONEY AND ARMED CONFLICT in a foreign sovereign NATION which was no threat to the well-being of the USA or its interests?

  15. ABOUT THE USA AID TO THE REBELS: What is called a “presidential finding” was signed more than two weeks ago.
    Today 2:22 PM Uganda Reportedly Welcomes Gaddafi To Live In Country
    BBC News reports on exile options for Gaddafi:
    Libya’s Col Gaddafi is welcome to live in Uganda, the spokesman for Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is quoted as saying by the Associated Press.
    Today 7:27 PM Ugandan President: ‘We Have Soft Spots For Asylum Seekers’
    The Associated Press reports:
    KAMPALA, Uganda — Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is welcome to live in the East African nation of Uganda, the president’s spokesman told The Associated Press on Wednesday, in what appears to be the first country to offer him refuge.
    An intense diplomatic effort is under way to find a country where Gadhafi can go, as an international military effort against Gadhafi’s forces continues.
    The spokesman for Uganda’s president, Tamale Mirundi, told the AP that Gadhafi would be welcome in Uganda. He said Uganda’s policy is to accept asylum seekers, especially because so many Ugandans fled the country during the longtime rule of dictator Idi Amin.
    “So we have soft spots for asylum seekers. Gadhafi would be allowed to live here if he chooses to do so,” Mirundi said.
    Another possible reason Uganda might accept Gadhafi is that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is, like Gadhafi, among the old guard of African leaders. Museveni has been in power for 25 years, though he won re-election in February amid signs that many Ugandans still genuinely support him.
    Today 2:19 PM China To France: ‘The Use Of Force Is Not An Answer To Problems’
    Reuters reports that China’s President, Hu Jintao, told French President Nicolas Sarkozy that the use of force in Libya is not the solution.
    Chinese state television reports that Hu said, “History has repeatedly proved that the use of force is not an answer to problems… Dialogue and other peaceful means are the ultimate solution to problems.”
    China has been critical of the Western campaign against Gaddafi, abstaining from the U.N. Security Council vote authorizing a no-fly zone.

    • Obama mocks “The Sermon on the Mount” as “destructive” to America’s military!
      This is proof that Obama is not seeking Peace…but rather war and destruction and hate.

  16. Today 10:14 PM President Obama Signed Secret Order SOME WEEKS AGO,
    CIA And White House Decline Immediate Comment
    Reuters provides more details on the secret order that President Obama has reportedly signed, authorizing U.S.
    government support for rebel forces.
    Such findings are a principal form of presidential directive used to authorize secret operations by the Central
    Intelligence Agency. The CIA and the White House declined immediate comment.

    Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has previously called for an end to the Western air strikes.
    Museveni talks with Gadhafi

    Scuffles between Libyan guards, Ugandan security mar AU summit
    By Kathryn Tancos, CNNJuly 27, 2010 — Updated 0036 GMT (0836 HKT)
    Guards for Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi scuffle with Ugandan security personnel.Libyan Guards scuffle with Ugandan Security
    (CNN) — Scuffles between Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi’s presidential guard and Ugandan security personnel have twice broken out at the African Union summit on the shores of Lake Victoria, officials said.Libyan Guards squabble with Ugandan Security, 2
    Libyan guards exchanged kicks and blows with Ugandan security on Sunday, the first day of the summit, as they approached the entrance marquee for the opening ceremony, according to journalist Samson Ntale. Only heads of state were allowed inside the ceremony.
    An argument erupted when Ugandan authorities attempted to escort Gadhafi through the entrance. The Libyan Guard, by tradition, is NEVER to leave Gadhafi’s side. “It escalated into a physical fight, but no guns were drawn,” according to journalist Samson Ntale.
    On Monday, a similar situation occurred when Gadhafi and his security team were walking to the main conference hall. Heads of state were being moved to another room, and a scuffle broke out when Ugandan authorities attempted to escort Gadhafi there. Apparently annoyed that the meeting was moved, and the Guard left his side, Gadhafi slapped three of his own personnel, Ntale said. “Gadhafi was irritated. I saw him slap his own men,” Ntale said.

  18. Today 0:43 AM U.S. Intelligence Source: CIA In Libya To Gather Intel And Contact
    Opposition Entities
    A U.S. intelligence source tells CNN that the CIA is in Libya to help the U.S. boost its “military and political understanding” of the situation.
    According to the source, “We are gathering intel firsthand and we are in contact with some opposition entities.”Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret support for Libya rebels
    By Mark Hosenball
    WASHINGTON | Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:24pm EDT
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.
    Obama signed the order, known as a presidential “finding”, within the last two or three weeks, according to four U.S. government sources familiar with the matter.
    Such findings are a principal form of presidential directive used to authorize secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA and the White House declined immediate comment.
    News that Obama had given the authorization surfaced as the President and other U.S. and allied officials spoke openly about the possibility of sending arms supplies to Gaddafi’s opponents, who are fighting better-equipped government forces.
    The United States is part of a coalition, with NATO members and some Arab states, which is conducting air strikes on Libyan government forces under a U.N. mandate aimed at protecting civilians opposing Gaddafi.
    In interviews with American TV networks on Tuesday, Obama said the objective was for Gaddafi to “ultimately step down” from power. He spoke of applying “steady pressure, not only militarily but also through these other means” to force Gaddafi out.
    Obama said the U.S. had not ruled out providing military hardware to rebels. “It’s fair to say that if we wanted to get weapons into Libya, we probably could. We’re looking at all our options at this point,” the President told ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer.
    U.S. officials monitoring events in Libya say that at present, neither Gaddafi’s forces nor the rebels, who have asked the West for heavy weapons, appear able to make decisive gains.
    While U.S. and allied airstrikes have seriously damaged Gaddafi’s military forces and disrupted his chain of command, officials say, rebel forces remain disorganized and unable to take full advantage of western military support.
    People familiar with U.S. intelligence procedures said that Presidential covert action “findings” are normally crafted to provide broad authorization for a range of potential U.S. government actions to support a particular covert objective.
    In order for specific operations to be carried out under the provisions of such a broad authorization — for example the delivery of cash or weapons to anti-Gaddafi forces — the White House also would have to give additional “permission” allowing such activities to proceed.
    Former officials say these follow-up authorizations are known in the intelligence world as “‘Mother may I’ findings.”
    In 2009 Obama gave a similar authorization for the expansion of covert U.S. counter-terrorism actions by the CIA in Yemen. The White House does not normally confirm such orders have been issued.
    Because U.S. and allied intelligence agencies still have many questions about the identities and leadership of anti-Gaddafi forces, any covert U.S. activities are likely to proceed cautiously until more information about the rebels can be collected and analyzed, officials said.
    “The whole issue on (providing rebels with) training and equipment requires knowing who the rebels are,” said Bruce Riedel, a former senior CIA Middle East expert who has advised the Obama White House.
    Riedel said that helping the rebels to organize themselves and training them how use weapons effectively would be more urgent then shipping them arms.
    Sending in weapons would arguably violate an arms embargo on Libya by the U.N. Security Council imposed on February 26, although British, U.S. and French officials have suggested there may be a loophole.
    Getting a waiver would require the agreement of all 15 council members, which is unlikely at this stage. Diplomats say any countries that decided to arm the rebels would be unlikely to seek formal council approval.
    An article in early March on the website of the Voice of America, the U.S. government’s broadcasting service, speculated on possible secret operations in Libya and defined a covert action as “any U.S. government effort to change the economic, military, or political situation overseas in a hidden way.”
    The article, by VOA intelligence correspondent Gary Thomas, said covert action “can encompass many things, including propaganda, covert funding, electoral manipulation, arming and training insurgents, and even encouraging a coup.”
    U.S. officials also have said that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, whose leaders despise Gaddafi, have indicated a willingness to supply Libyan rebels with weapons.
    Members of Congress have expressed anxiety about U.S. government activities in Libya. Some have recalled that weapons provided by the U.S. and Saudis to mujahedeen fighting Soviet occupation forces in Afghanistan in the 1980s later ended up in the hands of anti-American militants.
    There are fears that the same thing could happen in Libya unless the U.S. is sure who it is dealing with. The chairman of the House intelligence committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, said on Wednesday he opposed supplying arms to the Libyan rebels fighting Gaddafi “at this time.”
    “We need to understand more about the opposition before I would support passing out guns and advanced weapons to them,” Rogers said in a statement.
    (Additional reporting by Susan Cornwell in Washington and Louis Charbonneau at the United Nations; Editing by David Storey and Christopher Wilson)

  19. USA Stelph bombera stealth B-2 bomber returns to base in Missouri after fliying a mission in support of the Libyan no-fly zone.
    Today 2:48 PM Vatican Official: At Least 40 Civilians Killed Today By Air Strikes In Tripoli
    At least 40 civilians dead TODAY in Tripoli strikes: Vatican official
    Archbishop Antonio Mennini, the Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain, will call for an end to fighting in Libya at a diplomatic summit in London
    Rome, 28 March 2011 (Adnkronos) – “Il ruolo della Santa Sede all’importante riunione di domani sarà soprattutto quello di coadiuvare gli Stati e organismi partecipanti a fare di tutto per sostenere
    il più debole segno di apertura e di volontà di riconciliazione tra le Parti per arrivare, nel più breve tempo possibile alla sospensione dell’uso delle armi “. (Adnkronos) –
    “The role of the Holy See to the important meeting tomorrow will be mainly to assist Member States and participating organizations to do everything to support the faintest sign of openness
    and desire for reconciliation between the parties to arrive in as soon as possible to the suspension of the use of arms. ”
    Così Monsignor Antonio Mennini , Nunzio Apostolico in Gran Bretagna, parla all’ADNKRONOS della Conferenza Internazionale sulla Libia , in programma domani a Londra, alla quale parteciperà
    in rappresentanza della Santa Sede, con ruolo di Paese osservatore.
    Thus, Monsignor Antonio Mennini, Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain, speaks ADNKRONOS of the International Conference on Libya, scheduled for tomorrow in London, which will participate,
    representing the Holy See, with the role of observer country.
    Un compito, quello della Santa Sede, importante “alla luce dell’appello rivolto ieri da Papa Benedetto XVI” che ha chiesto “l’immediato avvio di un dialogo che sospenda l’uso delle armi”.
    A task, that of the Holy See, which is important “in light of the appeal made by Pope Benedict XVI yesterday” that demanded “the immediate commencement of dialogue to suspend the use of arms.”

    L’auspicio per una riconciliazione delle parti e la sospensione dell’uso delle armi che sarà “soprattutto a vantaggio delle popolazioni civili, dell’una e dell’altra parte – prosegue
    Monsignor Mennini – per salvaguardarne l’incolumitàe la sicurezza e per garantire loro l’accesso ai soccorsi umanitari”.
    The hope for a reconciliation of the parties and the suspension of the use of weapons that will be “particularly for the benefit of civilian populations on both sides – continues
    Monsignor Mennini – incolumitàe to safeguard the security and to ensure their access to humanitarian relief. ”
    “Non a caso – sottolinea – la presenza della Santa Sede, al pari di altre Istituzioni internazionali, e’ prevista nelle riunioni relative all’identificazione di modalità atte a sostenere ed aiutare
    la popolazione libica: aiuti, soccorsi, piani di riabilitazione. Decisioni ed atti che dovranno avere come destinatari tutti i libici, prescindendo da appartenenze politiche, ideologiche ed etniche e religiose”.
    “It is not the case – said – that the Holy See, as well as other international institutions, and ‘planned at the meetings about the identification of ways to support and help the Libyan people: aid, relief,
    rehabilitation plans. Decisions and acts that should have addressed to all Libyans, regardless of political affiliation, ideological and ethnic and religious. ”

    “Questo per l’immediato”, precisa Monsignor Mennini. “This is for the immediate,” says Monsignor Mennini. “Subito dopo, la Comunità internazionale, a iniziare dai Paesi membri della Coalizione,
    non potrà sottrarsi all’imperativo di offrire il proprio contributo al popolo libico nel disegnare una ‘road map’ , il più possibile operativa, che conduca le parti in lotta ad aprire un dialogo aperto e costruttivo
    per conseguire una pace durevole e giusta con tappe e appuntamenti anche di natura politica (consultazioni, formazione di un Governo di unita’ nazionale etc.)”.
    “Soon after, the international community, beginning with the member countries of the Coalition, can not escape the imperative to offer its own contribution to the Libyan people to draw a
    ‘road map’ as far as possible operations,
    leading to the warring parties open an open and constructive dialogue to achieve a just and lasting peace with calls and appointments also political in nature (consultations, formation of a
    unity government ‘national etc.). ”
    “Una pace – dice ancora il Nunzio apostolico – che significhi pure il superamento del clima di odio e di inimicizia, a livello di persone e di gruppi, incoraggiando tutti sul cammino, oggi arduo ma sempre
    imprescindibile, del
    perdono vicendevole. In questo campo – conclude – credo che la Chiesa Cattolica in Libia potrà fare molto per ricreare uno spirito di confronto costruttivo e più sereno”. ”
    A peace – says the Apostolic Nuncio – which also means overcoming the climate of hatred and enmity, at the level of individuals and groups, encouraging all to the way today but still
    difficult imperative of forgiveness.
    In this field – ends – I think that the Catholic Church in Libya can do much to recreate the spirit of constructive confrontation and more peaceful. ”
    Antonio Mennini
    ROME | Thu 31 Mar 2011 7:10am EDT ROME (Reuters) – At least 40 civilians have been killed today in air strikes by Western forces on Tripoli, the top Vatican official in the Libyan capital told a Catholic news agency on Thursday, quoting witnesses.innocents dying under airstrikes
    “The so-called humanitarian raids have killed dozens of civilian victims in some neighborhoods of Tripoli,” said Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli,
    the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli.”I have collected several witness accounts from reliable people. In particular, in the Buslim neighborhood, due to the bombardments, a civilian building collapsed, causing the death of 40 people,” he told Fides, the news agency of the Vatican missionary arm.
    Libyan officials have taken foreign reporters to the sites of what they say were the aftermath of Western air strikes on Tripoli. “It’s true that the bombardments seem pretty much on target, but it is also true that when they hit military targets, which are in the
    middle of civilian neighborhoods, the population is also involved,” Martinelli said.”Yesterday I said that bombardments had hit, albeit indirectly, some hospitals. To be precise, one of
    these hospitals is in Mizda,” he said,
    mentioning a town about 145 km (90 miles) southwest of the capital. Martinelli said living conditions in the Libyan capital were getting more difficult by the day, while on the ground a military stalemate appeared to be taking hold<strong>.”That is why I say that a diplomatic solution is the principal way to put an end to the spilling of blood among Libyans, offering Gaddafi a dignified exit,” he said.
    (Reporting by Silvia Aloisi; editing by Mark Heinrich)

    Libyan toddler dies, family says from airstrikeHADEEL AL-SHALCHI | March 30, 2011 06:03 PM EST |
    KHORUM, Libya — The grieving mother sat on the ground rocking her 2-month old daughter under a blanket on her lap, crying softly and accepting the soft words of condolences from neighbors.
    Nizha Abdel-Salam and her family say her 18-month old son Sirajuddin al-Sweisi was killed when debris pierced the wall of their home as NATO airstrikes hit an ammunition near their village of Khorum early Tuesday morning.
    “The house shook and there was so much dust everywhere we couldn’t see in front of us,” she said.
    The family’s account of the child’s death could not be independently confirmed. The Libyan government says more than 100 people have been killed by airstrikes since the international campaign began on March 19. It says the number includes civilians and military personnel, but it has not provided a breakdown.
    Wednesday’s government-directed trip to the tiny mountain village of Khorum, about 55 miles (90 kilometers) south of Tripoli, was the first that presented a civilian victim, though there was no way to independently confirm that airstrikes caused the explosions at the town ammunition depot. On Tuesday, Libyan state media reported airstrikes in the area.
    U.S. and European military officials have not given specific locations of strikes. U.S. and allied officials have said they have seen no credible evidence of civilian casualties from the air campaign, and they say that precision weapons are used in the strikes in an effort to prevent civilians from being hurt. The campaign has targeted military facilities around the country, as well as ground troops besieging rebel-held cities.
    In an interview with the Associated Press, Abdel-Salam, 27, said the blast hit their house at around 6 a.m. Tuesday. She said she rushed to the living room where her son had been sleeping on a mattress on the floor with his father, and she saw that a hot piece of metal had embedded into the side of the child’s face.
    She rushed to pick up her crying son.
    “His blood was streaming down my arm,” she said Wednesday, choking back tears. “He was crying out, ‘Mama, Mama,’ reaching out with his hand to me.”
    A hole was visible Wednesday piercing the outside wall of their home into their living room, and the opposite wall of the room was pockmarked with holes. Parts of the other walls had been broken off in the home, located on the third floor of a four-story building.
    The boy’s uncle showed reporters a picture on his mobile phone of the baby on his deathbed. Sirajuddin’s left cheek has a deep dark brown burn mark, his body swathed in a white shroud.Libyan child dies in coalition air-strikes
    “We took him to the hospital where they treated him for the burns and some broken bones,” said Abdel-Hakim al-Sweisi. “But by nightfall he was dead.”
    Neighbors said they heard a large explosion early Tuesday morning and said planes were heard overhead. They said the ammunition depot, about 5 miles (8 kilometers) from Abdel-Salam’s home, had exploded and a number of homes were damaged by debris.
    Some neighbors said there were injuries, but the only death in the town was young al-Sweisi. The impoverished village is tucked away in the mountains near the region’s main town, Gharyan, an area dotted with olive groves and grazing sheep. Its largely unpaved roads were muddy and partially flooded Wednesday from recent rains.

    French pilot flies from Corsica to attack Libya
    A French Air Force pilot of a Mirage 2000 jet fighter, with a monkey toy in his cockpit, prepares for a mission to Libya, at Solenzara 126 Air Base, on Corsica Island, Saturday, March 26, 2011 (AP)

  20. African Union demands end to military strikes on Libya, skips Paris meeting
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    March 19, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The African Union (AU) on Saturday criticized the launching of military operations by U.S. and European countries on Libya to enforce a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution adopted this week.

    MEDITERRANEAN SEA (March 19, 2011) The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Stout launches a Tomahawk missile in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn. This was one of approximately 110 cruise missiles fired from U.S. and British ships and submarines targeting about 20 radar and anti-aircraft sites along Libya’s Mediterranean coast (AFP)French planes fired the first shots, destroying tanks and armored vehicles in eastern Libya eight years to the day after U.S.-led forces headed across the Iraqi border in 2003.

    Hours later, U.S. and British ships and submarines launched more than 110 cruise missiles against air defenses in the oil-producing North African country.

    CBS news network said that three B-2 stealth bombers dropped 40 bombs on a major Libyan airfield.

    Today’s attacks were designed to cripple Libyan air defenses as the West tries to force the Libyan leader Muammar from power who has unleashed his forces to crush a popular uprising since mid-February that eventually turned into an armed rebellion that managed to control large parts of the country.

    The Libyan opposition leadership, Arab League and Arab Gulf states have demanded that the international community intervene militarily by imposing a no-fly zone to prevent Gaddafi from using his air force against civilian population.

    The United Arab Emirates and Qatar are reported to have dedicated fighter jets in the military operations.

    It was only the African Union (AU) that issued a statement earlier this month saying it opposed “any foreign military intervention, whatever its form”.

    Despite this position, the three African countries sitting on the UNSC voted in favor of the resolution which authorized member states “to take all necessary measures … to protect civilians”.

    But an AU panel established to seek a peaceful end to the crisis called today for an “immediate stop” to air strikes stressing that it rejects “any kind of foreign military intervention” in the north African country.

    The situation in Libya “demands urgent action so an African solution (can be found) to the very serious crisis which this sister nation is going through”, said Mauritanian President Ould Abdel Aziz who is one of the panel members.

    A solution must take into account “our desire that Libya’s unity and territorial integrity be respected”, he said.

    The AU committee on Libya is composed of five African heads of state. But the meeting in the Mauritanian capital was only attended by the presidents of Mauritania, Mali and Congo.

    South Africa and Uganda were represented by ministers. The Chairperson of the AU Commission Jean Ping is also believed to have been there.

    The panel was scheduled to travel to Libya on Sunday but it revealed today that they have been unable to get international permission to fly there.

    Ironically South African officials expressed doubt whether the AU panel would be impartial and even questioned the wisdom of sitting on it.

    “There are concerns here at home about this panel and whether South Africa should be part of it. It’s almost a given what they will say, given their relationship with that man [Gaddafi],” a senior government official told the Mail & Guardian based in South Africa.

    The newspaper said that government officials in Johannesburg are worried that should the panel return with a recommendation to the AU that favors Gaddafi, it will spoil the image president Jacob Zuma wants to portray on the continent — that of himself as a statesman who believes in brokering peaceful solutions that do not merely serve its strongmen.

    Western countries and NATO have initially insisted they will not intervene militarily in Libya without the approval of regional organizations such as the Arab League and the AU and a clear UNSC mandate.

    However, references to AU’s prior consent were later dropped and Western officials only spoke of Arab League decision.

    Today an emergency summit of world leaders in Paris called to discuss the implementation of no-fly zone over Libya was skipped by the AU for unknown reasons despite being invited and no African leader was present.

    In a related issue, the government of Equatorial Guinea today said that Libyan television had misrepresented a telephone call between the country’s president, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, and the Libyan leader.

    Nguema who is the rotating AU chairman this year, only called Gaddafi to gain guarantees for the security of the AU Observation Committee that was to travel to Libya.

    “Contrary to what some information disseminated by the Libyan television seems to suggest, the telephone contact established by H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and holder of the current Rotating Presidency of the African Union, with the current President of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, was due, solely and exclusively, to his responsibility as mediator of the AU, and was for the precise purpose of guaranteeing the security of the Heads of State comprising the Observation Committee that will travel in the next few hours to the areas of conflict”.

    “This Government also wishes to recall that the current rotating President of the African Union has already declared that he will not state any personal opinion, or show any unilateral support to any of the parties, in Libya or in other places of conflict within the African continent, since as Rotating President of this institution, his opinion is ascribed completely to the agreed official posture established by the organizations of the African Union”.

    The South African president came under fire in his country last week over a call he made to Gaddafi. Libyan TV had quoted Zuma as telling his counterpart that that the AU should investigate the “conspiracy” against him and the world should not believe what foreign media were saying about Libya.

    The Ugandan government on Thursday said it opposes “foreign interference” in Libya and declared it will not freeze Libyan-owned assets in the country.

    Libyan generosity and Gaddafi’s role in the creation of the African Union could explain the continents cautious stand, experts say.

    The AU was born in the 1999 Sirte Declaration, named after a summit hosted by Gaddafi in his hometown on the Libyan coast.

    The declaration said its authors felt inspired by Gaddafi’s “vision for a strong and united Africa.”

    “The AU as an organization has benefited significantly from Gaddafi’s wealth,” said Fred Golooba Mutebi of the Institute of Social Research at Kampala’s Makerere University to Agence France Presse (AFP).

    Delphine Lecoutre, a researcher with the French Center for Ethiopian Studies, pointed to the AU’s weak statement as an example of the PSC timidity in facing up to the behavior of its leaders.

    “There was a Peace and Security Council meeting on Libya, which resulted in a cosmetic communiqué hardly condemning the violence in Libya and putting it in a [clever] way, loss of human life and destruction of property, but nothing regarding the political situation in the country,” said Lecoutre. “It is difficult for the AU to deal with that case.”,38339
    African Union absent from 2nd meeting on Libya as its chief pleads for funds
    March 29, 2011 (WASHINGTON) — The African Union (AU) on Tuesday failed to be present at international conference in London that was devoted to the situation in Libya where the government is seeking to quell an armed opposition that initially started as a popular uprising against the 41-years old rule of Muammar Gaddafi.
    Libya Conference at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in London March 29, 2011 (Reuters)The meeting held today saw the participation of 40 governments and international bodies.
    A week before the commencement of the airstrikes, the AU released a statement expressing its opposition to foreign military intervention in any form. Despite this, African nations on the UNSC namely Gabon, Nigeria and South Africa voted in favor of the NFZ.
    The AU formed a five-member panel with the mandate of seeking a peaceful settlement to the Libyan crisis. However, an attempt by the commission to enter Libya was blocked by the UNSC which had banned most flights to the North African country.
    Tensions between the AU and the rest of the world became evident when AU commissioner chairman Jean Ping snubbed an emergency summit of world leaders in Paris called to discuss the implementation of the NFZ over Libya.
    Afterwards Ping in an interview with the BBC HardTalk programme criticized the international community saying that the AU was not consulted before the Paris meeting and suggested that given these circumstances it was going to be meaningless.
    Today, Ping also skipped the London conference for what appeared to be the result of disagreements within the AU on the position that should be adopted by the Pan-African body. The French foreign minister Alain Juppe has said that he regrets the absence of the AU at today’s Libya conference due to internal disagreements.
    In the continent, Rwanda and Zambia have appeared to support the NFZ while Uganda, Mauritania and Namibia voiced strong opposition. Even South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma recently suggested that the military operation exceeded the UNSC mandate.
    Some political analysts and commentators said they were puzzled by the AU’s no show.
    “It’s an embarrassment that they would just not show up,” Francis Kornegay, a senior researcher at the Institute for Global Dialogue in Johannesburg told Christian Science Monitor (CSI). “It might be that they just don’t have a single African position on this issue.”
    Even South Africa which is a member of the AU panel on Libya has reportedly questioned the credibility of the commission.
    “There are concerns here at home about this panel and whether South Africa should be part of it. It’s almost a given what they will say, given their relationship with that man [Gaddafi],” a senior government official told the Mail & Guardian newspaper based in South Africa this month.
    The newspaper said that Government officials in Johannesburg are worried that should the panel return with a recommendation to the AU that favors Gaddafi, it will spoil the image president Jacob Zuma wants to portray on the continent — that of himself as a statesman who believes in brokering peaceful solutions that do not merely serve its strongmen.
    In a related issue the AU chief sounded the warning bell over the financial resources of the organization as a result of the civil unrest that has swept through North African countries such as Egypt and Libya which together with Nigeria and South Africa are the main contributors.
    Speaking in Addis Ababa, at the opening of the annual meeting of the Ministers of Finance, Planning and Development of the AU and the Economic Community for Africa (ECA), Ping called on countries to provide the institution with sustainable resources.
    Some 77 percent of the AU resources is funded by foreign partners and the remainder by the member states.
    ’It is imperative to secure resources and why not find another way to provide sustainable resources for the institution?’ Ping was quoted as saying by the Panafrican News Agency (PANA).

  21. Sudan denies granting permission for military planes operating over Libya26 March 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan has not received any request by any party to allow military planes in its airspace to enforce the No-Fly Zone (NFZ) over Libya, foreign ministry spokesperson said today.
    (AP)Khalid Moussa spokesperson for the ministry said he is not aware of such a request.
    “Sudan received neither secret, not official request from the UN [to grant this permission],” Moussa told Russian state-controlled news agency RIA Novosti“Sudan makes decisions proceeding from its national interests,” he added.
    Also the spokesman of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), Colonel Khalid Sa’ad Al-Sawarmi told the pro-government Akhir-Lahza newspaper that he has nothing to confirm these claims.
    On Thursday diplomats at the United Nations told Reuters that Khartoum has been quietly cooperating with a coalition of Western states that are patrolling the skies in Libya pursuant to UN Securitthe decision does not oblige states to cooperate with the enforcement of the NFZand makes it optional. Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia have reportedly declined to participate. Only Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE) have publicly announced they dispatched fighter jets to join the coalition dominated by Western countries.y Council resolution (UNSC) 1973 adopted earlier this month.
    However, Sudan’s U.N. ambassador, Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, neither confirmed nor denied that Khartoum had granted permission to coalition air forces.
    “I cannot give you concrete information on this,” he told Reuters, adding he did not believe “a final decision had been made” by his government.
    The African Union (AU) however, in a statement this month rejected any form of military intervention.Sudan has endorsed an Arab League resolution calling on the UNSC to establish a NFZ over Libya.
    Western warplanes have flown more than 300 sorties over Libya and more than 162 Tomahawk cruise missiles have been fired in the United Nations-mandated mission.
    A popular uprising in Libya against leader Muammar Gaddafi started mid-February that quickly turned into an armed rebellion where opposition managed to overrun government forces in the East and control major cities including Benghazi.
    Gaddafi’s forces reportedly unleashed its air force against the Opposition in the cities they controlled. They seemed successful until the UN and NATO decided to interfere; and began air-strikes against Libyan Governmental forces and Loyalist Libyans who supported the Gadhafi regime. American CIA, al Quada and other sources (as the government of Sudan) were helping to arm the Opposition rebels.
    Khartoum may not have want its involvement made public for fear of alienating its Islamic base which is resentful of any association with the West particularly in the military arena even if they view the Gaddafi regime unfavorably. Reports of close cooperation between Sudan and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in places like Somalia and Iraq has already drawn criticism among the government supporters.
    Libya borders Sudan and its western region of Darfur in which conflict between the Sudanese government and ethnic rebels killed 300,000 people and displaced more than 2.7 million since it erupted in 2003, according to UN figures.Relations between the two countries have seen ups and downs particularly over the Darfur conflict. At one point Libya was accused of Sudan of aiding the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attack on Libya in May 2008.However, it was Gaddafi that pushed the AU to grant Bashir immunity from arrest in the continent despite an arrest warrant against him issued by the International Criminal, Court (ICC) for his alleged role in Darfur war crimes.
    Libya is currently hosting JEM leader Ibrahim Khalil after being refused entry by the Chadian authorities last year where he was based. Sudan has sought without success to have Libya expel him.

  22. Today 1:03 AM Nicaraguan Chosen To Represent Gaddafi’s Regime At The U.N.
    AP reports:Fr. Brockman

    UNITED NATIONS — Libya has chosen a former Roman Catholic priest who served as Nicaragua’s first foreign minister after the Sandinista revolution to represent Moammar Gadhafi’s regime at the United Nations, the Nicaraguan government said Wednesday.

    The Nicaraguan government posted on its official website a Spanish version of a letter from Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asking that Miguel D’Escoto Brockman represent the Gadhafi regime’s interests before the world body. Koussa later resigned his post after flying from Tunisia to London on Wednesday, according to the British government.

    D’Escoto was U.N. General Assembly president from 2008-2009 and a former Roman Catholic priest who later served as a foreign minister in Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government.

    U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said Wednesday that the U.N. had not yet received the letter, but noted that the Nicaraguan mission had scheduled a news conference with D’Escoto at U.N. headquarters on Thursday. A man who answered the phone at the Nicaraguan mission said diplomats were unavailable for comment because they were in a meeting.

    Libya’s former envoy to the U.N., Ambassador Abdurraman Mohamed Shalgham, disavowed Gadhafi’s government shortly after the February Uprising that has now become an Armed Insurrection against the longtime leader.

    Nicaraguan asked to represent Libya at UN

    ANITA SNOW | March 30, 2011 11:19 PM EST |

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    UNITED NATIONS — Libya has asked a former Roman Catholic priest who was Nicaragua’s first foreign minister after the Sandinista revolution to represent Moammar Gadhafi’s regime at the United Nations, the Nicaraguan government said Wednesday.

    A Spanish version of a letter from Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon posted on the government’s website asks that Miguel D’Escoto Brockman, who also was U.N. General Assembly president from 2008-2009, represent the Gadhafi regime’s interests before the world body.
    D’Escoto, 78, has been instructed by President Daniel Ortega to “accept this appointment and represent the people and government of Libya in its struggle to re-establish peace and defend its legitimate right to resolve, without outside meddling, its domestic conflicts,” a communique on the Nicaraguan government website said.
    D’Escoto “will support the Libyan brothers in their diplomatic battle for respect for their sovereignty and self-determination, both of which have been violated,” the statement said.
    But news late Wednesday that Koussa has resigned his post after flying from Tunisia to London left the status of the request by Gadhafi’s regime in doubt. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice’s declaration that D’Escoto lacked the U.S. visa needed for diplomatic representation further muddied the waters.
    U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said the U.N. had not yet received the letter, but noted that the Nicaraguan mission had scheduled a Thursday morning news conference with D’Escoto at U.N. headquarters. Later Wednesday, U.N. officials said the conference had been canceled. A man who answered the phone at the Nicaraguan mission said diplomats were unavailable for comment because they were in a meeting.
    Rice said she found the announcement “curious” and said that D’Escoto did not hold a G-1 visa – the American visa required for diplomatic representation. Although D’Escoto was born in Los Angeles, California, and once held dual citizenship, Rice said he has renounced his U.S. citizenship.
    “To be the putative permanent representative (of Libya), he needs to leave the United States and apply for an appropriate G-1 visa,” Rice said. “If he purports to be, or act like, a representative of a foreign government on a tourist visa he will soon have his visa status reviewed.”
    She also questioned whether the letter from Koussa would still have legal weight in the wake of the foreign minister’s resignation.
    D’Escoto told Venezuela-based Telesur network Wednesday that he accepted the assignment because what is happening in Libya is “an intolerable situation.”
    He criticized the United Nations as “not only a totally dysfunctional organization, incapable of meeting the objectives for which it was created, but now even worse … a deadly weapon in the hands of the imperialist aggressor and its followers.”
    D’Escoto added that his role as Libya’s representative will be “to promote world peace and an immediate cease-fire to create a path for a dialogue between the rebels and Libyan authorities.”
    Libya is seeking to have a new representative at the U.N. Gadhafi’s government has asked the United Nations to no longer recognize Shalgham and the other former Libyan diplomats attached to the U.N. mission.
    It initially asked that senior Libyan diplomat Ali Abdussalam Treki be accepted as Libya’s new representative to the world body in New York. But the Nicaraguan government said on its website that Treki, also a former U.N. General Assembly president, has not obtained a U.S. visa that would allow him to travel to New York and present his credentials to Ban.
    “Visas for foreign officials to attend UN meetings in the UN headquarters district are adjudicated in accordance with all applicable laws and procedures including both U.S. law and the UN Headquarters Agreement,” said U.S. spokesman Patrick Ventrell. “However, visa records are confidential.”

    Ordained a priest with the Maryknoll congregation, the Vatican suspended D’Escoto and two other priests who were involved in the Sandinista revolution, brothers Ernesto and Fernando Cardenal, in the 1980s for their political activity. The late Pope John Paul II publicly admonished him during a trip to Central America.
    He became foreign minister in Daniel Ortega’s government after the 1979 triumph of his leftist Sandinista revolution and remained in the post until 1990.


    Today 2:17 AM White House Will Reportedly Forge Ahead In Libya Regardless Of Congressional Constraints
    From Talking Points Memo:
    The White House would forge ahead with military action in Libya even if Congress passed a resolution constraining the mission, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a classified briefing to House members Wednesday afternoon.

    Clinton was responding to a question from Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) about the administration’s response to any effort by Congress to exercise its war powers, according to a senior Republican lawmaker who attended the briefing.

    Clinton To Congress: Obama Would Ignore Your War Resolutions
    Susan Crabtree | March 30, 2011, 4:44PM545
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    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
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    ‘Obama’s Wars’, Barack Obama, Congress, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Muammar Qaddafi, War Powers Act, no-fly zone
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    Update: Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), who asked Clinton about the War Powers Act during a classified briefing, said Clinton and the administration are sidestepping the measure’s provisions giving Congress the ability to put a 60-day time limit on any military action.

    “They are not committed to following the important part of the War Powers Act,” he told TPM in a phone interview. “She said they are certainly willing to send reports [to us] and if they issue a press release, they’ll send that to us too.”

    The White House would forge ahead with military action in Libya even if Congress passed a resolution constraining the mission, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a classified briefing to House members Wednesday afternoon.

    Clinton was responding to a question from Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) about the administration’s response to any effort by Congress to exercise its war powers, according to a senior Republican lawmaker who attended the briefing.

    The answer surprised many in the room because Clinton plainly admitted the administration would ignore any and all attempts by Congress to shackle President Obama’s power as commander in chief to make military and wartime decisions. In doing so, he would follow a long line of Presidents who have ignored the act since its passage, deeming it an unconstitutional encroachment on executive power.

    Other than that, the lawmaker said he learned nothing new during the classified briefing by Clinton, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    A cross-section of Democrats and Republicans are opposed to President Obama’s decision to authorize air strikes in Libya without seeking a resolution of approval or a declaration of war from Congress. Lawmakers ranging from Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), the top Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, have groused about not being consulted before Obama took military action.

    The War Powers Act of 1973, passed in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, puts limits on the ability of the President to send American troops into combat areas without congressional approval. Under the act, the President can only send combat troops into battle or into areas where ”imminent” hostilities are likely, for 60 days without either a declaration of war by Congress or a specific congressional mandate.

    The President can extend the time the troops are in the combat area for 30 extra days, without Congressional approval, for a total of 90 days. After that, is unchartered territory. The act does not specifically say what Congress could do if the President turns a blind eye to Congress and refuses to have his role as commander-in-chief constrained, as Presidents have routinely done.

    The only options Congress would have at that point is to cut off funding for future military operations and override what would likely be a presidential veto of any such measure.
    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has asked his caucus to postpone any Libya resolutions until after they receive a classified briefing Wednesday evening. Afterward, Reid said, all bets are off and Democrats can offer any type of War Powers Resolution they want.

    “I’ve told my caucus, ‘Come loaded with all your questions; ask questions in this classified setting. And then if in fact you want to do more legislatively, you’re entitled to do it,'” Reid told reporters Tuesday. “The War Powers Act we believe is valid, is very clear, setting forth timelines.”

    Reid said he read sections of the War Powers Act to his caucus at a lunchtime policy meeting Tuesday.

    • After reading this, and knowing that the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION will not cede to the will of Congress, do you still believe that the USA has not turned into a FASCIST regime, ignoring Congress and the wishes and will of the American PEOPLE ??? and then Obama says they want to instill DEMOCRACY onto Libya! HOW HYPOCRITICAL!!

  24. The Rebels from Benghazi
    Chaos and Uncertainty in Libya’s Revolutionary Leadership

    By Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Volkhard Windfuhr
    THE REBELS: NATO airstrikes help the rebels
    Ambassador Abdurraman Mohamed Shalgham, disavowed Gadhafi’s government shortly after the February uprising that has become an armed insurrection against the longtime leader.
    But he and other former Libyan diplomats who have since cut ties with the Gadhafi regime continue to work sporadically out of the mission. U.N. correspondents continue to receive communiques from the Libyan rebels’ Interim National Council via the mission’s official email account, including two on Wednesday.
    “They have mercenaries on the battlefield now so I guess this guy will be a political mercenary,” Shalgham told The Associated Press about d’Escoto in a telephone interview on Wednesday. “I guess anything’s possible these days. He’s not even a Libyan.
    “The representative of the Nicaraguans called me and said he’s coming here,” Shalgham added. “He just wants to make propaganda for Gadhafi.”
    Younis’ special forces have vanished, having either deserted or rushed to the front. Now, he’s assembling an army to liberate Libya. His associates, he says, have trained 15,000 men in recent weeks. In the Benghazi stadium, they learn how to shoot, to fire rockets and to drive tanks. They are taught to avoid the mistakes of the early days of the revolution, when the young fighters — known as the Shabab accidentally killed each other up, ruined captured tanks and shot down their own airplanes. Younis, though, has been talking about these troops for weeks, and there is still little difference from the chaos seen at the beginning. Even with the backing of the air strikes, advances have been halting and temporary. They seem to prefer posing for photographs on wrecked tanks.
    An Opportunist? Abdul FattahYounisRebel General Abdul Fattah Younis
    The first time that General Younis participated in a revolution was in 1969, in an uprising against the king. He was a 24-year-old army officer at the time, and he successfully took control of Benghazi’s radio station. The revolution ushered Colonel Gadhafi into power, a man who calls himself “king of the traditional kings of Africa.”
    Younis rose to the rank of general. For 41 years, he headed Libya’s special forces, from the end of one revolution to the beginning of the next. He was a rare constant in a country ruled by a paranoid leader, one who saw enemies everywhere. For the last three and a half years, Younis was also the interior minister, and many saw him as the country’s second most powerful man behind Gadhafi. He says, however, that he was never a politician and that for four and a half months, he refused to assume the post. He only gave in, he says, on the condition that he would never fire upon his own people.
    Still, there are many who do not trust Younis, particularly younger Libyans, who view him as an opportunist who waited six days before switching sides.young rebels
    Indeed, after six weeks of revolution, the tone is no longer being set by the youths, lawyers and professors that were there at the beginning, but also an increasing number of defectors from the old regime. Most of these men, in their ironed shirts and ties, were ministers, ambassadors, military officers or businessmen, and many of them had ties to Saif al-Islam, one of Gadhafi’s sons. They all had good lives under the Gadhafi regime, and now that want to salvage what’s left. Since the air strikes began, it’s been clear that the end is coming for Gadhafi. So they are pushing their way to the forefront.
    The National Libyan Transitional Council established in the revolution’s early days is supposed to be replaced by a government. For now, there are people who refer to themselves as ministers without being able to explain who actually appointed them. The rebels have press spokesmen, who in turn have their own deputies. In the media center in Benghazi, one man runs around wearing his father’s military decoration on his chest; another hands out business cards with gold filigree. The revolution has spawned a seemingly endless network of both real and imagined functionaries, and few know what they do or whether they wield any actual influence.
    “The new ministers should take on tasks according to their abilities, but I’m not currently in a position to say exactly what that should look like,” says Ahmed Khalifa, a rebel spokesman with light hair and a gold-buttoned blazer. Each day at the media center in Benghazi, Khalifa reads out the numbers of dead, wounded and captured, along with the names of the places that have been taken.
    These ministers, Khalifa says, are to be experts — professors, lawyers and business people — from across the country, but will also include Libyans from abroad, who are now returning home. The names, though, remain secret: “It would be suicide to publicize them now,” Khalifa explains. He has no answer, though, when asked what exactly a secret government should do. As to the qualitative difference between a self-appointed national council and a self-appointed government, he says, “the National Council had more general qualifications, while the government is more specialized.”
    Straight from the Soviet7COMMUNIST Revolutionaries
    Not long later, however, it is said that there won’t be a government after all. Instead, the National Council will be transformed into a “crisis management council.”
    Meanwhile, a quasi-president and quasi-prime minister are in place, both jockeying for position. The new prime minister is Mahmoud Jibril, whose job it is to lead the new government that may or may not exist. Jibril has spent much time traveling abroad, having met Bernard-Henri Lévy and Nicolas Sarkozy in France and Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa and Egyptian military leaders in Cairo. The other man, the one people call “our new president” is Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, chairman of the National Council. The one thing that unites these two men is that both were long-time supporters of the regime — Jibril as an economic functionary and Abdel-Jalil as justice minister.
    Abdel-Jalil wears a red wool cap and the lapels of his woolen coat bears pins in the colors of the revolution. The soldiers guarding his door wear cobbled-together uniforms and cartridge belts. A prayer rug is folded on the table and the prayer bump on Abdel-Jalil’s forehead identifies him as a devout Muslim. He is unshaven [in comparison to the HERETIC, Gadhafi], his eyes narrowed in exhaustion, and is currently giving interviews at 10-minute intervals. The sentences he speaks could have been lifted directly from a Soviet-Communist revolutionary handbook. “The National Council is legitimized by the local committees made up of revolutionaries in the liberated cities and villages,” he declares.
    To hear Abdel-Jalil talk, it sounds like the rebels gaining full control of the country is only a matter of technical details. He met with a U.N. special envoy and, Abdel-Jalil says, nearly every country in the world has established contact with him. He believes his forces will take Tripoli within a matter of weeks, and says leaders are in the process of getting an idea where immediate action must be taken — in terms of health care, infrastructure and the reconstruction of destroyed buildings. So far they’ve achieved little, and city administration, schools, universities and oil production have all ground to a halt.
    Asked when elections will be held, the president replies, “We’re not concerned with these details.”
    Great Contacts with the WHO Next to Abdel-Jalil sits a man in a chocolate-colored suit named Ali al-Essawi, 44, a former economic minister and most recently ambassador to India. He now calls himself foreign minister, although it’s not entirely clear why — perhaps because he’s the only one here who speaks English. He says he’s in excellent contact with the World Health Organization.
    Most of those now calling the shots here are sons of the former regime and it’s worth asking what kind of state they want to create.
    will the revolution fail in the end, even if it succeeds in toppling Gadhafi?
    And perhaps the greatest danger of all: Could this country end up disintegrating back into its component parts, into tribes, criminal gangs, warlords and Jihad groups, well-armed with Western weapons?
    Ahmed Khalifa, the revolution’s spokesman, says all 30 of Libya’s tribes have pledged their support to the National Council, with the exception of Gadhafi’s tribe. “The Libyan people are united,” he says. “We have as many supporters in Tripoli as we do here. There won’t be a split between east and west, definitely not!” When it comes to the country’s unity, Khalifa seems to speak in exclamation points. And it’s impossible to find anyone who sees things differently.
    Across the liberated east, rebel radio broadcasts spread both imagined victories and horror stories. First they said Khamis al-Gadhafi had been killed by a kamikaze pilot and that Ras Lanuf and Misrata were “80 percent” recaptured. Another broadcast reported 2,000 foreign workers from Egypt tied up and thrown into the harbor, while a conflicting report said the same people were used as human shields. A video currently in circulation claims to show members of the Khamis Brigade forcing African mercenary soldiers to eat meat from a dead dog. None of it can be verified.
    On the Verge of Collapse
    Six weeks after the revolution began, Benghazi, capital of free Libya, is descending into mistrust and fear. More stores have closed and most people no longer dare to give out their phone numbers. No one wants to say anything anymore beyond the revolution’s set phrases — nothing against the rebels and nothing against the government in Tripoli. One of many rumors says Gadhafi has spies within the National Council — why else would it be the youth who are now being cut down?
    A cartoonist and an actor who parodied Gadhafi at a demonstration are now dead. Mohammed Nabbous, who ran the rebels’ television station, was shot by a sniper on March 19 in the middle of Benghazi, as he filmed the crash site where one of Gadhafi’s fighter jets was shot down. Fathi Turbel, the lawyer whose arrest touched off the revolution as young people demonstrated for his release, has disappeared.
    No one dares to go out at night, as rounds of machine gun fire thunder through the empty streets. National Council members are no longer seen in public and they’re hard to reach for interviews. “There are death squads on both sides,” says Nasser Buisier, who fled to the U.S. when he was 17, but has returned for the revolution. Buisier’s father is a former information minister, but was also a critic of Gadhafi, and his son doesn’t have much that’s positive to say about the new leadership. “Most of them never had to make sacrifices, they were part of the regime and I don’t believe they want elections,” Buisier says. He believes the National Council is on the verge of collapse and once that happens, he’d rather not be in Benghazi.
    Buisier is heading back to the U.S., but is reluctant to say precisely when. He’s afraid he’s been blacklisted. He recently attended four funerals in a single day, for both rebels and regime supporters. Benghazi’s central hospital admits five, sometimes 10, patients each day with gunshot wounds. Two pick-up trucks outfitted with machine guns guard the hospital entrance and photos of missing people adorn the walls.
    ‘We Know Where They Are’
    It is said that 8,000 people in Benghazi were government spies — the rebels found their names in files kept by the secret police. Armed young men roam the streets at night, arresting regime supporters, but private acts of revenge take place as well. Salah Sharif, a former prison guard, was found dead with half his head blown off. Officially, it was labeled suicide. “Of course he was killed,” says a man who spent seven years in prison and suffered at Sharif’s hands. “He specialized in torturing and interrogating people. Especially Islamists.”
    Around 100 regime loyalists have recently been imprisoned. Armed young men are searching houses and also arresting sub-Saharan Africans, anyone they assume to be mercenaries and all those they simply refer to as spies, locking them up in the same prisons once used to hold opposition members. They are then shown off to busloads of journalists. The prisoners sit in dark cells that stink of feces and urine. They say they’re from Mali, Chad, Sudan, that they’re construction workers and were dragged out of their houses. The rebels’ mood, exuberant and lighthearted in the beginning, has shifted. Their rhetoric is becoming increasingly tense and they dismiss any criticism as propaganda. One former air force commander — now “spokesman for the revolutionary armed forces” — says, “anyone who fights against our revolutionary army is fighting against the people and will be treated accordingly.”
    Another man, also a member of the National Council, talks about “enemies of the revolution” and declares that anyone who doesn’t join the rebel side will get a taste of revolutionary justice: “We know where they are and we will find them.”
    shady rebelsThe world has thrown its support behind the rebels fighting against Gadhafi’s overwhelming firepower. But efforts to form a transitional government in Benghazi have been slow and chaotic. And there are questions about their commitment to Western-style democracy.
    UGLY REBELS, 2,1518,754035,00.html
    This article was translated from the German for Spiegel by Ella Ornstein and Josh Ward.

    Tripoli loves GadhafiGadhafi supporters rally in the Libyan capital of Tripoli
    Libyan people pray for peace
    A boy holding a French flag at a mass prayer in Benghazi on Monday. China’s President, Hu Jintao, told French President Nicolas Sarkozy that the use of force in Libya is not the solution.
    Chinese state television reports that Hu said, “History has repeatedly proved that the use of force is not an answer to problems… Dialogue and other peaceful means are the ultimate solution to problems.”
    helpful young volunteer in Bengazi

    Here a young teenag boy in Benghazi has been volunteered to help regulate traffic in Benghazi.

  26. Nic Robertson on CNN (twitter):
    Gov’t spokesman on Musa Kusa: Beloved Musa is a tired man with many health problems. MUSA KUSAHis body could not take the pressures. We gave him permission to leave and receive medical treatment. He did not notify us prior to resigning. He has chosen to do it this way, and we hope he will soon recover. We will always welcome him back home. Musa Kusa: we are his family! If he feels better, we welcome him back w/open arms.
    31 MARZU 2011
    Other than Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s sons, the only other official as close to the Libyan leader as Mr. Koussa is Adbdullah Senussi, his brother-in-law and a top security adviser. Like the Qaddafi family, his whereabouts were unknown Thursday, but there were no credible reports that he had fled.
    Mr. Koussa was a confidant of Colonel Qaddafi and was considered a pillar of the Qaddafi government since the early days of the 1969 revolution. He has been listed by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court among those who “commanded and had control” over Libyan security forces suspected of “crimes against humanity.”
    Mr. Koussa flew into a noncommercial British airfield at Farnborough southwest of London aboard an executive jet on Wednesday and, according to a statement released by the British authorities, said that he was resigning his post.
    In a speech in London on Thursday, Foreign Secretary William Hague said Mr. Koussa, a former intelligence chief in the Libyan regime, had fled to London “of his own free will.”
    “Moussa Koussa is not being offered any immunity from British or international justice,” Mr. Hague said. “He is voluntarily talking to British officials, including members of the British Embassy in Tripoli now based in London, and our ambassador, Richard Northern.”
    The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said on March 3 that he would investigate “alleged crimes against humanity committed in Libya since 15 February, as peaceful demonstrators were attacked by security forces.” He placed Mr. Koussa second after Colonel Qaddafi on a list of “some individuals with formal or de facto authority, who commanded and had control over the forces that allegedly committed the crimes.”
    In a news conference in Tripoli, Musa Ibrahim, the Qaddafi government spokesman, said Mr. Koussa had sought leave of a few days to receive medical care outside the country and had not contacted the Qaddafi government since the day after he crossed the border into Tunisia.
    “I don’t think his sick leave included London,” Mr. Ibrahim said wryly, adding: “This is not like a happy piece of news, is it? But people are saying, ‘So what, if someone wants to step down? That is their decision. The fight continues.’ ”
    Mr. Ibrahim declined to comment on the confirmed resignation of Mr. Treki or myriad other rumors coursing through the capital about other officials fleeing the country. “Colonel Qaddafi is surrounded by many people who admire him and are prepared to work with him and under his leadership,” Mr. Ibrahim said. He said that Mr. Koussa would be replaced by “someone good and efficient,” but he declined to identify a successor.
    Mr. Koussa served as head of external intelligence in the 1980s, when Colonel Qaddafi drew American and Western condemnation for unproven attacks like the 1988 bombing of an American passenger plane over Lockerbie, Scotland. The bombing killed 270 people, most of them Americans. In the past, American officials have said they suspect Mr. Koussa of responsibility for arranging the attacks.
    Mr. Hague described him on Thursday as “one of the most senior members of the Qaddafi regime,” and said that Britain had been in previously undisclosed contact with Tripoli through Mr. Koussa.
    “I have spoken to him several times on the telephone, most recently last Friday,” Mr. Hague said. He added, “Qaddafi must be asking himself who will be the next to go.”
    In addition to his long service with Colonel Qaddafi, Mr. Koussa had been closely involved in the rehabilitation of Colonel Qaddafi, playing a major role in turning over nuclear equipment and designs to the United States when Libya agreed to end its nuclear program in 2003.
    Presumably, British and other Western intelligence officials have a broad agenda of matters to discuss with him, including the structure of Colonel Qaddafi’s forces. The focus of his debriefing seemed likely to be on his knowledge of current issues rather than past incidents like the Lockerbie bombing. But the BBC reported that Scottish officials said they did want to talk to him about the bombing.
    The only person convicted in the attack, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence operative, was released on compassionate grounds in 2009 while serving a life sentence in Scotland after doctors said he had terminal cancer.
    But for those who have long insisted that responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing reached far higher than Mr. Megrahi, Mr. Koussa’s knowledge would yield invaluable insights, British analysts said.
    But in what seemed a contradiction of thinking among some of the allies, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO secretary general, told reporters in Stockholm on Thursday that the alliance did not support American and British claims that the United Nations mandate authorizing military intervention would also extend to supplying arms to the rebels, The Associated Press reported.
    NATO’s position is that “we are there to protect the Libyan people, not to arm the people,” he said.
    On Wednesday the White House press secretary, Jay Carney, released a statement responding to a report of a presidential finding authorizing covert support for the rebels.
    A senior rebel officer, Col. Ahmaed Omar Bani, pleaded for more weapons. He conceded that rebel fighters had “dissolved like snow in the sand” but framed the retreat as a “tactical withdrawal.”
    He acknowledged that the rebels had no answer to the artillery pushing them back unless foreign governments provided parity in arms. “The truth is the truth,” he said. “Even if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.”
    El Arabiya televizyonu, Kaddafi’nin ”kısa bir süre içerisinde bir konuşma yapacağını” duyurdu.
    Venezüella Dışişleri Bakanı Nicolas Maduro, Libya lideri Muammer Kaddafi’nin ”Trablus’ta görevinin başında” olduğunu belirtti.
    Dışişleri Bakanlığının bildirisine göre, Maduro, Libya Dışişleri Bakanı Musa Kusa’yla görüştükten sonra yaptığı açıklamada, ”Kaddafi’nin Trablus’ta bulunduğunu, devletin verdiği yetkilerini yerine getirdiğini, ülkenin içinde bulunduğu durumla mücadele ettiğini ve böylece İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanı William Hague’ın sorumsuzca yaptığı yorumların yalanlandığını” söyledi.

    William Hague, ”Libya lideri Muammer Kaddafi’nin Güney Amerika ülkelerinden Venezüella’ya gitmekte olduğunun” iddia edildiğini söylemişti.

    Öte yandan El Arabiya televizyonu, Kaddafi’nin ”kısa bir süre içerisinde bir konuşma yapacağını” duyurdu. Haberde, ayrıntı verilmedi.

    Gadafi ponders Musa Kusa. Venezuela backs Gadhafi

    flash ve gif banner tasarımcınız –
    en uygun fiyata kampanyalı ürünler –

    22.02.2011 00:02

    1 ay, 1 hafta önce


    English version: Gaddafi will talk!

    İlgili aramalar:
    kaddafi konuşması kaddafinin konuşması video kaddafi konusmasi izle gaddafi son durum kaddafi son konusmasi gaddafi son konuşması kaddafi konuşma gaddafi konusmasi kaddafi ne yapacak gaddafi ne yapacak kaddafi konuşma yaptı Gaddafi konusma televizndaki kaddafi konuşması gaddafi ne yapacakä gaddafi sondurum kaddafi son konuşma trt amerika kaddafi icin ne yapacak gaddafi en son konuşma Kaddafi konuşma yapacak! libya gaddafi konusmasi video libyada son durum kaddafi ne yapacak Al qadhafi konusma televizyonda kaddafi konuşması gaddafi nin son konusmasi
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    Son Dakika Haberleri
    •Kaddafi tehdit etti
    •TSK’ya mayına karşı korumalı araç
    •Almanyada gurbetçilerin sayısı azaldı
    •Yazıcıoğlu, baba ocağı Şarkışla’da gözyaşlarıyla anıldı
    •10 ülkeye gönderildi, Türkiye’de yakalandı
    •Başbakan Erdoğan, İngiltere’den ayrıldı
    •Ertuğrul Sağlam imzayı attı
    •Libya: 205 uçak ve 21 gemiyle operasyon
    •1 Nisan Şakası Yapmak İsteyenlere Öneriler

  27. Today 7:19 PM Gaddafi Warns Of ‘Crusader War’
    On television, Gaddafi warned of a ‘real crusader war’ on Thursday. Al Jazeera quotes him as saying:
    Gadhafi Libya
    If they continue, the world will enter into a real crusader war. They have started something dangerous that cannot be controlled and it will become out of control.
    Gadhafi, 1
    The leaders who decided to launch a crusader war between Christians and Muslims across the Mediterranean and who … killed … huge numbers of civilians in Libya, they have been made crazy by power and they want to impose the law of strength on the strength of the law.
    GADHAFI, 2
    Gadhafi, 3
    Gadhafi, 4

  28. On Libya, …

    by John L Allen Jr on Apr. 01, 2011
    All Things Catholic
    Stop me if you’ve heard this before: There’s a pariah state someplace known for brutalizing its people and destabilizing its region. As cracks start to appear, the West turns up the heat in favor of regime change. Fairly quickly, talk of negotiations, sanctions, and international pressure gives way to armed force.
    Western leaders try to sell the conflict as a moral cause, so people naturally wonder what the Vatican makes of it. Signals at first seem ambivalent, but before long the Vatican becomes steadily more skeptical. While they never quite directly condemn the action, the take-away is that they’re not on board.
    That, of course, was the trajectory in 1999, when NATO bombed Serbia; in 2001, when the war in Afghanistan began; and to some extent in 2003, when a U.S.-led “coalition of the willing” invaded Iraq, although Vatican opposition in that case was more clear from the outset. The pattern may now be repeating itself with regard to Libya.
    Once again, the Vatican seems to be attempting a balancing act: Not wanting to compromise its relationships with the major Western powers, but also not wanting to lend moral cover to an open-ended war.
    Cynics might be tempted to ask, “So what?” For a variety of reasons, the Vatican’s moral authority these days, and thus its political punch, are not at an all-time high. Anyway, the White House — under Republican and Democratic presidents alike — and its allies already have proven that they don’t need the pope’s blessing to bomb whatever, and whomever, they like.
    Yet, of course, it does matter. The Vatican remains the world’s most important “soft power,” the only religion with its own diplomatic corps. Its verdict carries weight, especially given that Obama and other Western leaders crave moral legitimacy. Further, the Vatican’s line is also important for the Islamic “street,” which sometimes struggles to distinguish Christianity from the foreign policy of Western governments.
    With that in mind, here’s some background to make sense of the Vatican’s approach.
    Benedict’s words
    So far, Benedict XVI has addressed the situation in Libya twice. Both statements came in his Sunday “Angelus” address, which is the usual occasion for popes to offer their thoughts on current events.
    On March 20, Benedict appealed to military and political leaders to consider the safety of civilians, and in particular to guarantee access to humanitarian relief. Notably, there was no call for a cease-fire, and nothing else that clearly opened itself to interpretation as criticism of the allied operation.
    On March 27, Benedict became more pointed, in a fashion that many analysts took as a signal of increasing opposition.
    “My trepidation is growing for the safety and security of the civilian population,” he said. “I address a heartfelt appeal to the international agencies and those who have political and military responsibility for an immediate start of dialogue that suspends the use of arms.”
    The spin in much media coverage was that Benedict was breaking with Western policy: While Obama and NATO press the fight, the pope calls for peace. Yet on background, Vatican diplomats this week dropped hints that analysts had missed a subtle point about the pope’s language.
    In Italian, they insist, Benedict did not call for dialogue “and” a suspension of combat, even though some reports in English created that impression. Instead, he referred to a dialogue “that” suspends the use of arms. The distinction is crucial, according to these Vatican diplomats.
    Had Benedict said “and,” it would have suggested an unconditional cease-fire, followed by efforts at negotiations; by saying “that,” Benedict implied that agreement to talks comes first, which among other things means that the ball is not just in NATO’s court to stop shooting. All parties, including Gadhafi, must agree to a negotiated settlement.
    In other words, “and” would be the pacifist conjunction, while “that” leans more toward the carrot-and-stick approach. Whatever one makes of the exegesis, the fact that senior Vatican personnel are pitching it, in itself, says something about their eagerness to seem balanced.
    It’s reasonable to assume that Benedict XVI will continue to speak out on the situation in Libya, including special concern for persons displaced by the fighting, and the international community’s obligation to care for the refugees. If not before, Sunday’s Angelus address may offer another snapshot of evolving Vatican thinking.
    The case for support
    There are at least four compelling reasons why the Vatican might not want to be seen as directly opposing the Western campaign, at least for now.
    First is a matter of method. As Benedict XVI has said on multiple occasions, the church is not a political party, and it recognizes the legitimate autonomy of the civil sphere. Thus while the Vatican can offer broad moral principles, at least theoretically it’s also supposed to accept that civil leaders, not the church, must decide how those principles are applied in concrete situations.
    Second, perhaps John Paul II’s signal contribution to Catholic just war theory is the notion of “humanitarian intervention,” meaning that armed force can be justified if it takes place under an international warrant, if it’s limited in scope and protects non-combatants, and if it’s a last resort to prevent crimes against humanity. If that framework is to cut ice in international affairs, the Vatican cannot automatically express knee-jerk opposition whenever someone tries to apply it.
    Third, the Vatican doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of history — inadvertently propping up a dictator destined to fall. It also doesn’t want to somehow discourage or delay a democratic revolution in the Arab world, which could provide the region’s Christian minority some breathing room.
    (As a footnote, many observers say any parallel between the uprising in Libya and the protest movements in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere is inexact. It’s more akin to a civil war between two historic regions, Cyrenacia and Tripolitania, divided by tribal loyalties.)
    Fourth, the Vatican has strong political reasons for not wanting to break with the Western governments leading the charge. Sarkozy is the most pro-religion French leader of his generation, while Cameron in the U.K. wants a “big society” which makes space for religion in public life. While Obama may remain a more ambivalent figure in Vatican eyes, the Vatican still regards the United States as its most important diplomatic interlocutor, and doesn’t want lines of communication to shut down.
    On the other hand, there are equally compelling considerations which might entice the Vatican to put some distance between itself and the NATO effort.
    First, there’s the question of what exactly an “international warrant” means. NATO forces say they’re acting in Libya under the terms of United Nations resolutions 1970 and 1973, adopted by the Security Council. Yet from the Vatican’s point of view, we’ve been down this road before — the Bush administration claimed to be enforcing U.N. resolutions when it invaded Iraq.
    In the past, the Vatican has expressed a preference for a “humanitarian intervention” not merely to invoke a U.N. vote, but to unfold in some sense under U.N. supervision, so that it comes off as a common undertaking of the international community and not just an expression of Western foreign policy.
    Notably, L’Osservatore Romano gave front-page play yesterday to comments by Chinese Premier Hu Jintao that the NATO campaign in Libya could “violate the original intent” of the UN resolutions by putting civilians in greater danger.
    Second, the Vatican doesn’t want to fan the flames of a “clash of civilizations,” appearing to support a protracted conflict that could come to be perceived as yet another Western assault on a Muslim nation.
    Third, Vatican personnel and their advisors have the same doubts about the end-game in Libya that everyone else feels.
    Recently Magdi Allam, a Muslim convert to Catholicism and a high-profile Italian politician and commentator who’s taken very seriously in the Holy See, summed up the worst case scenario:
    “The only real certainty is that the Islamists will win and that consequently, the populations of the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean will be increasingly submitted to shariah … an outcome exactly the opposite of the official proclamations of Sarkozy and Obama and their excessive use of catchphrases such as ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy.’”
    To be sure, it’s not as if Gadhafi has a profile as a great friend of Christianity. Things got off on a bad foot in 1969, when he seized power and swiftly expelled Italians from Libya, closed all the Catholic churches, and sold off their property. Over the years, he’s been more than willing to play the Islamist card when it serves his interests.
    Yet in other ways Gadhafi has been a firebreak against fundamentalism, and he can be surprisingly open to the church. It’s well known that he wrote to John Paul II in 1986 to request Italian nuns to work in Libyan hospitals — a tribute to the care Gadhafi’s own father received from two Italian Franciscan sisters. Gadhafi also appreciated the Vatican’s opposition to international sanctions in 1993, and its willingness to open diplomatic relations in 1997.
    The Catholic community in Libya is tiny, composed almost entirely of foreign ex-pats. Even so, the Vatican has to consider what it’s hearing from those folks — including a warning from the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli, Bishop Giovanni Martinelli, that the NATO bombing is endangering civilians. For instance, he reported on Wednesday that two hospitals have been damaged and their patients sent into shock.
    Fourth and finally, the Vatican is influenced by the simple fact of being in Italy. Libya, of course, was an Italian colony from 1912 to 1947, and conservative Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi prides himself on having cultivated a friendship with Gadhafi. Perhaps because of that history, Italy has taken a less bellicose line. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has called for a cease-fire, and even offered Italy’s services to negotiate an exile for Gadhafi.
    Naturally, Italy also has a strong practical motive for seeking to contain the violence in Libya, since it’s by far the most sought-after port of call for Libyan refugees.
    The position of the Italian government has traction inside the Vatican, especially with Italian Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State. Despite all the personal scandals swirling around Berlusconi, and despite various ways in which his government and the church have clashed (immigration policy comes to mind), he’s still fundamentally seen by Bertone and his aides as an ally.
    The logic runs this way: The EU proved itself an unreliable partner for the Catholic church, and no one in the Vatican knows quite what to make of Obama. Berlusconi and the Vatican, on the other hand, need each other. Berlusconi picks up badly needed domestic support, and the Vatican gains a carrier for its international agenda.
    Since Italian policy seems in flux, that’s perhaps another point nudging the Vatican in the same direction.
    How these competing forces may play out is anyone’s guess, but observers in Rome say one thing is clear. At a time when Vatican diplomacy otherwise seems to be going through a period of retrenchment, officials in the Holy See are in a full, upright and locked position on the Libya crisis.

    * * *

  29. Louis Farrakhan Defends Gaddafi, Rips U.S. Action In Libya Gadhafi, the Guide
    The Huffington Post/AP First
    Posted: 03/31/11 04:43 PM ET Updated: 03/31/11 04:46 PM ET
    Nation of Islam Minister, Louis Farrakhan, continued his defense of embattled Libyan “GUIDE” Moammar Gaddafi during a press conference in Chicago Thursday, and slammed the United States’ decision to get involved in the conflict.
    The 78-year-old leader of the Chicago-based organization spoke at Mosque Maryam, the Nation of Islam headquarters, according to the Chicago Tribune.

    “It is a terrible thing for me to hear my brother called all these ugly and filthy names when I can’t recognize him as that,” Farrakhan said of Gaddafi, according to the Tribune. “Even though the current tide is moving against him … how can I refuse to raise my voice in his defense? Why would I back down from those who have given so much.”

    Farrakhan has publicly defended Gaddafi a number of times since the Libyan uprising began. He reportedly visited the Libyan leader in the 1980s, and told attendees of a Nation of Islam convention in February that the United States should stay out of Libya’s affairs.

    He also said that if Gaddafi is persecuted for crimes against humanity, the same should apply to former President George W. Bush for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    “Name one ruler that has the 100 love of his people,” Farrakhan said in February. “You can’t find one.”
    Louis Farrakhan
    In Mississippi on Friday, Farrakhan said the U.S. lacks the moral authority to intervene in the Libyan conflict, citing the deaths of black people at the hands of law enforcement during the Rodney King protests in 1991 and the unhealthy food that the federal government allows into the marketplace.

  30. .Timestamp:
    9:41pm Musa Ibrahim, the government spokesman in question, says “some mad and criminal prime ministers and presidents of Europe are leading a crusade against an Arab Muslim nation”.

    When using the term “crime against humanity”, he was referring to the coalition airstrike on a pro-Gaddafi vehicle which resulted in the deaths of at least six civilians in a village near Ajdabiya.

    “You cannot get more civilian that this [village],” he said.

    9:40pm Reuters reports that a Libyan government spokesman has termed airstrikes against pro-Gaddafi forces a “crime against humanity”.


    Gaddafi regime seeking talks ‘to stop the killing’Friday 01 April 2011 .Libya’s former Prime Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi tells Channel 4 News that Gaddafi’s regime is trying to set up talks with western powers to stop the war.
    .Average rating 0.0/5Click to rate 1 2 3 4 5 Select a rating 1 2 3 4 5 Foreign Affairs correspondent Jonathan Rugman spoke to Obeidi in Tripoli, and was told that Gaddafi’s regime was trying to open lines of communication to find a ceasefire:

    “We are trying to talk to the British, the French and the Americans to stop the killing of people,” said Obeidi.
    “We are trying to find a mutual solution.”

    Mohamed Ismail, one of Libya’s highest ranking political aides, and a representative for Colonel Gaddafi’s son Saif, is believed to have flown to London in the past few days seeking to broker an end to the conflict.

    Obeidi told Channel 4 News that he had “not seen Ismail for a week.”
    “We are trying to talk to the British, the French and the Americans to stop the killing of people”.
    Abdul Ati Al-Obeidi
    Obeidi’s comments confirm US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claims earlier this month that said she was aware that people close to Gaddafi had been trying to make contact.
    When he was Libya’s ambassador to Rome, Obeidi was one of three negotiators – along with then head of external intelligence Koussa – who thrashed out a deal with British officials to to stop Libya’s nuclear weapons programme.

    Channel 4 News special report – Libya war: strike against Gaddafi: Obeidi denied reports of other high-profile flights from Gaddafi’s inner circle, including his own. He was “a hundred per cent in Tripoli” despite claims that he is on a list of senior figures who have fled the country. He also vouched for oil minister, Shokri Ghanem and the head of external security, Omar Abu Said Dudali. “We are all here,” he said.
    He added that a former foreign minister, Ali Abdussalam al-Treki, had not defected as such after turning down the post of UN Ambassador. It has been reported that Mr al-Treki defected in Egypt. “He is not doing any job but he is free to come and go,” Obeidi said.
    When asked whether a solution involved the stepping down of Colonel Gaddafi, Obeidi said that UN Security Council resolution 1973, authorising the protection of Libyan civilians, made no mention of the Gaddafi family. “We should concentrate on democracy and a constitution,” he said, “which we are already doing.”

    • Church leaders in North Africa says no to war
      Posted: Monday, 28 March 2011 6:40 pm

      Church leaders across North Africa have welcomed Pope Benedict’s appeal for peace in the region and reaffirmed their opposition to violence and war.
      “The Bishops of Northern Africa, who are faced with the processes of historical development concerning Arab countries and especially the Maghreb, wish to reaffirm our
      urgent appeal to find a just and dignified end to this painful conflict,” they said, welcoming Pope Benedict message delivered on Sunday. (see: ICN today –
      Pope appeals for truce in Libya

      In a statement signed by Archbishop Vincent Landel of Rabat (Morocco), President of CERNA – the Episcopal Conférence des régions de l’Afrique du Nord – (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya), they said: “The Bishops of CERNA recognise that during the recent events in the Maghreb countries, there has been a “legitimate claim for freedom, justice and dignity, particularly by the younger generations. This demand translates into a desire to be recognised as responsible citizens with the opportunity to find a job that allows them to live decently, excluding all forms of corruption and cronyism.”

      “Today, this wind of change passes through Libya. And we especially unite with our brother Bishops in Tripoli and Benghazi, and with all communities in the Country.”

      The Bishops of Northern Africa said: “We know that war solves nothing, and when it breaks out, it is just as uncontrollable as the explosion of a nuclear reactor! The first victims are always the poorest and most disadvantaged. Moreover, whether we like it or not, the war in the Near East, and now in the Maghreb, will always be interpreted as ‘a crusade’.

      “This will have inevitable consequences on the friendly relations that Christians and Muslims have woven and continue to weave…”

      The Bishops call for a diplomatic mediation, and appeal for humanitarian aid.

      “We pray to the Almighty to inspire the leaders of nations to find the path that leads to Justice and Peace,” the statement concludes.

      Bishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli welcomed Pope Benedict’s appeal for peace on Sunday. He told Fides: “The Holy Father’s appeal was wonderful news and
      gives us great comfort. The Pope spoke words that affirm the need for reconciliation, peace and dialogue,”

      He said: “We have translated today’s appeal by the Holy Father into Arabic and we will send it as a voice message to the Libyan Foreign Ministry, for their information,” said Bishop Martinelli.

      The Apostolic Vicar said he did not participate in Saturday’s demonstration. He told Fides, he would join in only if it had been a peace rally.

      Archbishop Martinelli also announced that
      “from yesterday, police have been stationed in front of our church, officially charged with protecting us.” He said there were shortages of food and petrol in Tripoli.

      He said there have been civilian casualties. “I know of at least one person who died of a splinter in the skull, perhaps produced by an attack on the anti-aircraft missile exploding at a very low altitude,” concluded Bishop Martinelli.

      Source: Fides

      World: AfricaLibya: Obama’s humanitarian bombs are a defeat for humanity”The bombs go ahead: a defeat for humanity” says Bishop Martinelli from Tripoli. Wednesday, April 27, 2011By Speroforum “On Easter Monday, we witnessed a terrible bombing on Tripoli, but this did not stop the faithful to be present in the church. I was particularly impressed by the number of Filipinos who came, not only to pray but also to meet and be together. These people are truly dedicated to serving the sick”, says Archbishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli to Fides.
      “In these days we also visited some centers near Tripoli to meet with Catholics at Easter – adds Archbishop Martinelli
      -. Unfortunately we could not reach other centers”.Archbishop Martinelli spoke of his bitter disappointment about the lack of will to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis, saying
      “The United Nations has decided to make war and do not allow any form of dialogue as a means of resolving disputes. Everyone wants to continue to pursue the solution of the bombs. It is sad, terrible, because nothing will change. It is a defeat for humanity”.As to the decision of the authorities in Tripoli to involve the local tribes in order to mediate a way out of the crisis in the city of Misurata, which has been for weeks at the center of a dramatic confrontation between the rebels and the regular forces, and where the situation of civilians is dramatic, Bishop Martinelli commented

      “I think it is the most reasonable thing, also because the Libyan crisis is not limited to only Ghaddafi, but involves a whole system of relations. It should not be limited to Misurata, but a way to involve the tribes in the dialogue should be found in the rest of Libya,” concluded Martinelli.
      Source: FIDES

      Archbishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli was invited together with the diplomatic corps to the Libyan government, to attend the funeral of dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s son,
      Saif al-Arab on May 2. Saif al-Arab, 29, one of Gaddafi’s six sons, was killed by a NATO raid on his home in Tripoli, with his wife and three of Gaddafi`s grandsons: Saif, two, Cartago, three and Mastura four months.
      According to the Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, Gadhafi was also in the house, however, he remained unharmed.
      Archbishop Martinelli, who represents the Vatican, said:
      “Yesterday I went to see the house hit by four NATO missiles. The house was a home in the midst of other civilian houses. I think we are playing too much with the lives of civilians. I want to stress that in this raid children died, too. This makes it increasingly difficult for a peaceful solution, because it stirs up anger….
      I repeat that bombs do not solve the problems. I wonder if we should suspend the bombing at least to respect the grief of family members”.

  32. In the USA, one is required to PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the flag of the USA [if one is a citizen]. Also, to go against the CONSTITUTION OF THE USA is considered “an act of treason” (and is so punishable by LAW). In order to graduate from an American High-School, one must know and understand the Constitution and how the Federal government of the USA operates.

    Therefore, by this reasoning, what is so wrong about the Libyan government’s requirement that students in Libya read and understand Gadhafi’s “GREEN BOOK” ? Why do Americans considerate it a “Crime against humanity” when the Libyan government punishes those who do not adhere to the LAWS of “the GREEN BOOK” for the Libyan Nation?

  33. Lockerbie Diary: Gadhaffi, Fall Guy For CIA Drug Running
    Moammar Gadhafi
    The Intel HubG in uniform
    By Susan Lindauer, Former U.S. Asset covering Iraq and Libya – Contributing Writer
    04 March 2011
    Susan Lindauer
    This was published in 5 newspapers today….

    For years I was told the terrorist who placed the bomb on board Pan Am 103, known as the Lockerbie bombing, lives about 8 miles from my house, in Fairfax County, Virginia.

    His life-time of privilege and protection, gratis of high flyers in U.S. Intelligence, has been a reward for silence on the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking in Lebanon during the 1980s.

    As sources go, I was more than a casual observer. From May 1995 until March 2003, I performed as a back channel to Tripoli and Baghdad, supervised by my CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who claimed from day one to know the origins of the Lockerbie conspiracy and the identity of the terrorists. He swore that no Libyan participated in the attack.
    West propaganda photo

    Armed with that assurance, our team started talks with Libya’s diplomats for the Lockerbie Trial, and I attended over 150 meetings at the Libyan Embassy in New York. After the hand over of Libya’s two accused men, our team engaged in a concerted fight to gain permission for Dr. Fuisz to give a deposition about his primary knowledge of the conspiracy, during the Lockerbie Trial. In a surprise twist, the U.S. Federal Judge in Alexandria, Virginia imposed a double seal on a crucial portion of Dr. Fuisz’s deposition. The double seal can only be opened by a Scottish Judge. In my opinion, that should be a priority, as testimony hidden by the double seal maps out the whole Lockerbie conspiracy. Most significantly, it identifies 11 terrorists involved in the attack. Dr. Fuisz’s testimony could put the whole matter to rest forever.

    There’s good reason for my confidence. Much to my surprise, during the Lockerbie talks, Dr. Fuisz’s allegations of CIA opium running in Lebanon received unusual corroboration. One day, as I left the office of Senator Carol Moseley-Braun on my lunch break, an older spook caught up with me in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. From out of nowhere, he stepped in my path and invited me to lunch. With extraordinary candor, he debriefed me as to what motivated the CIA’s actions. I remember it as one battle-hardened old spook sharing the perils of fieldwork with a gung ho young Asset, anxious to get started on great adventures.

    It was a morality tale for sure. According to him, the CIA infiltrated opium and heroin trafficking in Lebanon as part of a crisis operation to rescue AP reporter Terry Anderson and 11 other American and British hostages in Beirut, including CNN bureau chief Jeremy Levin and Anglican envoy Terry Waite. The hostage crisis was a legitimate CIA concern. The CIA Station Chief of Beirut, William Buckley, was also kidnapped by Islamic Jihad and brutally tortured to death, his body dumped in the street in front of CIA headquarters. The rescue was protracted and complicated by Lebanon’s Civil War—ultimately, Terry Anderson’s captivity lasted seven years. Many of the hostages suffered beatings, solitary confinement chained to the floor, and mock executions.

    The older spook who refused to identify himself swore that the CIA considered it urgently necessary to try every possibility for recovering the hostages. The concept of infiltration into criminal networks cuts to the murky nature of intelligence itself. Drug enforcement frequently rely on the same strategies. Where the CIA went far wrong was in pocketing some of those heroin profits for itself along the way. The dirty little secret is that the CIA continued to take a percentage cut of opium and heroin production out of Lebanon well into the 1990s.

    As for the hostage rescue itself, considering the operation took years to accomplish, it’s always been whispered that a corrupted CIA officer enjoying those opium profits might have swallowed reports on the hostages’ locations, or otherwise diverted his team in order to protect his narcotics income.

    That appears to have become a serious fear at the time, among other U.S. officers jointly involved in the rescue.

    In December 1988, infuriated Defense Intelligence agents issued a formal protest, exposing CIA complicity in Middle East heroin trafficking. When teams from both agencies got summoned back to Washington to attend an internal hearing, they boarded Pan Am 103. A wing of militant Hezbollah led by Ahmed Jibril, his nephew Abu Elias, Abu Talb and Abu Nidal took out both teams in order to protect their lucrative cartel.

    Classified Defense Intelligence records show that Jibril and Talb had been toying with a conspiracy to bomb a U.S. airplane during the 1988 Christmas holidays anyway. They planned to bomb a U.S. airliner in revenge for the U.S.S. Vincennes, which shot down an Iranian commercial airliner loaded with Hajiis returning from Mecca in July, 1988. However the Defense Intelligence threat to expose their heroin network put the bombing plan into action. Islamic Jihad’s ability to discover actionable intelligence on the flight schedules would definitely confirm that somebody at CIA was operating as a double agent, keeping Islamic Jihad a step ahead of the rescue efforts.

    That’s the dirty truth about Lockerbie. It ain’t nothing like you’ve been told.

    Wait a darn moment—I anticipate your confusion. Libya got blamed for the Lockerbie attack. Daddy George Bush told us so! The United Nations imposed sanctions on Libya, demanding that Colonel Moammar Gadhaffi hand over two Libyans for trial. One of the two, Lameen Fhima got acquitted immediately. The other Abdelbasset Megrahi got convicted (on the most flimsy circumstantial evidence that overlooked endless contradictions). Libya paid $2.7 billion in damages—amounting to $10 million per family death— to make the U.N. sanctions go away, and expressed a sort of non-apology for the deaths—while never acknowledging its involvement in the conspiracy.

    So Libya was innocent the whole time? In a word, yes.
    Don’t get me wrong: I have no soft spot for Libya. As an Asset, I saw that no matter the flowing promises of friendship, at heart Libyans hearken to their glory days as Bedouin raiders. It’s pathological, not personal. They are deeply tribal and Islamic, which often makes them paranoid and suspicious of outsiders. They have an ancient history of raiding each other’s camps, back and forth, stealing livestock, women and children. One of my best diplomatic sources had a tattoo on his wrist, because his grandmother feared he would be kidnapped as a small child (in the 1950s). Libya simply does not have a history of believing that it needs to keep promises to individuals outside their clans. That’s not part of their heritage.

    That vendetta culture bodes dangerously for the current rebellion. Even after Gadhaffi’s gone, in all likelihood these tribal families will continue to exact vengeance on one another. It remains to be seen whether the new government will hide those clashes to protect its image of cohesion and legitimacy to the outside world. In truth, Libyan culture poses a threat to itself most of all.

    CIA DRUGS….But the bottom line is that Libya had nothing to do with the bombing of Pan Am 103, which exploded over the town of Lockerbie, Scotland.We should care about Lockerbie because of the serious problem that it exposed. Opium trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley provides a major source for global heroin production. In turn, the global pipeline of narco-dollars keep militant operations alive world-wide from the Middle East to Indonesia, Colombia, Burma and the Far East.

    That’s something to fear. We don’t have to deploy soldiers to shut it down. With a little creativity, we could attack the bank accounts of these global heroin traffickers and cut off funds for the violence without damaging the local society through warfare. We could strike down two scourges—heroin and terrorism. And the U.S. would not require military action all over the planet to accomplish its goals. Thankfully, there are other ways.

    The first step is recognition….
    .in August 2009 the lone Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people, Abdelbasset Megrahi, won a compassionate release from Scottish prison. Ostensibly, the British government and Scottish Courts granted Megrahi’s request to die at home with dignity from advance stage cancer—in exchange for dropping a legal appeal packed with embarrassments for the European Courts.
    The decision to free Megrahi followed shocking revelations of corruption at the special Court of The Hague that handled the Lockerbie Trial. Prosecution witnesses confessed�
    to receiving payment of $4 million each from the United States, in exchange for testimony against Megrahi, a mind-blowing allegation of judicial corruption.
    The Lockerbie conviction was full of holes to begin with. Anybody who knows anything about terrorism in the 1980s knows the CIA got mixed up in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley during the hostage crisis in Lebanon. The Lockerbie conspiracy had been a false flag operation to kill off a joint CIA and Defense Intelligence investigation into kick backs from Islamic Jihad, in exchange for protecting the heroin transit network.
    According to my own CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who’d been stationed in Lebanon and Syria at the time, the CIA had established a protected drug route from Lebanon to Europe and on to the United States. His statements support other sources that “Operation Corea” allowed Syrian drug dealers led by Monzer al-Kassar (also linked to Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S. ON Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on the hostages’ whereabouts in Lebanon.
    The CIA allegedly made sure that suitcases carrying heroin were not searched at customs. Nicknamed the “Godfather of Terror,” Al Kassar is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring with Colombian drug cartels to assassinate U.S. nationals.
    Building up to Lockerbie, the Defense Intelligence team in Beirut, led by Maj. Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Gannon, suspected that CIA infiltration of the heroin network might be prolonging the hostage crisis. If so, the consequence was severe. AP Reporter Terry Anderson got chained in a basement for 7 years, while 96 other high profile western hostages suffered beatings, mock executions and overall trauma. McKee’s team raised the alarms in Washington that a CIA double agent profiting from the narco-dollars might be warning the hostage takers whenever their dragnet closed in.
    Washington sent a fact-finding team to Lebanon to gather evidence.
    On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short,everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.
    The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack.
    Unforgivably, nobody told Charles McKee or Matthew Gannon. But other military officials and diplomats got pulled off the flight—making room for a group of students from Syracuse University traveling stand by for the Christmas holidays.
    It was a monstrous act! But condemning Megrahi to cover up the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking has struck many Lockerbie afficiandos as grossly unjust. Add the corruption of purchased testimony–
    $4 million a pop— and Megrahi’s life sentence struck a nerve of obscenity.
    It struck Gadhaffi as grievously offensive, as well—The United Nations had forced Libya to fork over $2.7 billion in damages to the Lockerbie families, a rate of $10 million for every death.

    Once it became clear the U.S. paid two key witnesses $4 million each to commit perjury, spook gossip throughout the summer was rife that Gadhaffi had taken bold action to demand compensation from U.S. (and probably British) oil corporations operating in Libya. More than likely, Libya’s demands for kick backs and compensation extended to other European oil conglomerates as well—particularly France and Italy—who are now spearheading attacks on Libya.
    I knew last summer there would be trouble. Payback would be a b—tch on both sides. You don’t lock an innocent man in prison for 10 years on bogus charges of terrorism,
    and expect forgiveness. The United States and Britain had behaved with remarkable selfishness. You’ve got to admit that Gadhaffi’s attempt to balance the
    scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous nationalism….

    Susan Lindauer is the author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.

    Susan Lindauer is the author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.

    “Megrahi promised in an interview with Britain’s Times newspaper published on Saturday that he would present new evidence before he died exonerating him of the bombing.”

    Libya’s Blood for Oil: The Vampire WarMonday, 04 April 2011
    by Former U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer (who covered Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria/Hezbollah from 1993 to 2003):
    According to the CIA, the following never happened…

    Last October, US oil giants— Chevron and Occidental Petroleum— made a surprising decision to pull out of Libya, while China, Germany and Italy stayed on, signing major contracts with Gadhaffi’s government. As the U.S. Asset who started negotiations for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats, I had close ties to Libya’s U.N. Mission from 1995 to 2003.
    Given my long involvement in the Lockerbie saga, I have continued to enjoy special access to high level intelligence gossip on Libya.
    Last summer that gossip got juicy!

    About July, I started hearing that Gadhaffi was exerting heavy pressure on U.S. and British oil companies to cough up special fees and kick backs to cover the costs of Libya’s reimbursement to the families of Pan Am 103. Payment of damages for the Lockerbie bombing had been one of the chief conditions for ending U.N. sanctions on Libya that ran from 1992 until 2003. And of course the United Nations forced Gadhaffi to hand over two Libyan men for a special trial at The Hague, though everybody credible was fully conscious of Libya’s innocence in the Lockerbie affair. (Only ignorant politicians trying to score publicity points say otherwise.)

    Knowing Gadhaffi as well as I do, I was convinced that he’d done it. He’d bided his time until he could extort compensation from U.S. oil companies. He is crafty, extremely intelligent, and canny. That’s exactly how he operates…. As expected, the U.S. was hopping mad about it. Gadhaffi wasn’t playing the game the way the Oil Bloodsuckers wanted.
    The Vampire of our age—the Oil Industry—roams the earth, sucking the life out of every nation to feed its thirst for profits. Only when they got to Libya, Gadhaffi took on the role of a modern-day Robin Hood, who insisted on replenishing his people for the costs they’d suffered under U.N. sanctions.

    Backing up a year earlier, in August 2009 the lone Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people, Abdelbasset Megrahi, won a compassionate release from Scottish prison. Ostensibly, the British government and Scottish Courts granted Megrahi’s request to die at home with dignity from advance stage cancer—in exchange for dropping a legal appeal packed with embarrassments for the European Courts.
    The decision to free Megrahi followed shocking revelations of corruption at the special Court of The Hague that handled the Lockerbie Trial. Prosecution witnesses confessed to receiving payments of $4 million each from the United States, in exchange for testimony against Megrahi, a mind-blowing allegation of judicial corruption.
    The Lockerbie conviction was full of holes to begin with. Anybody who knows anything about terrorism in the 1980s knows the CIA got mixed up in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley during the hostage crisis in Lebanon. The Lockerbie conspiracy had been a false flag operation to kill off a joint CIA and Defense Intelligence investigation into kick backs from Islamic Jihad, in exchange for protecting the heroin transit network.
    According to my own CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who’d been stationed in Lebanon and Syria at the time, the CIA had established a protected drug route from Lebanon to Europe and on to the United States. His statements support other sources that “Operation Corea” allowed Syrian drug dealers led by Monzer al-Kassar (also linked to Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S. ON Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on the hostages’ whereabouts in Lebanon.
    The CIA allegedly made sure that suitcases carrying heroin were not searched at customs. Nicknamed the “Godfather of Terror,” Al Kassar is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring with Colombian drug cartels to assassinate U.S. nationals.
    Building up to Lockerbie, the Defense Intelligence team in Beirut, led by Maj. Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Gannon, suspected that CIA infiltration of the heroin network might be prolonging the hostage crisis. If so, the consequence was severe. AP Reporter Terry Anderson got chained in a basement for 7 years, while 96 other high profile western hostages suffered beatings, mock executions and overall trauma. McKee’s team raised the alarms in Washington that a CIA double agent profiting from the narco-dollars might be warning the hostage takers whenever their dragnet closed in.
    Washington sent a fact-finding team to Lebanon to gather evidence.
    On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.
    The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack.
    Unforgivably, nobody told Charles McKee or Matthew Gannon. But other military officials and diplomats got pulled off the flight—making room for a group of students from Syracuse University traveling stand by for the Christmas holidays.
    It was a monstrous act! But condemning Megrahi to cover up the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking has struck many Lockerbie afficiandos as grossly unjust. Add the corruption of purchased testimony– $4 million a pop— and Megrahi’s life sentence struck a nerve of obscenity.
    It struck Gadhaffi as grievously offensive, as well—The United Nations had forced Libya to fork over $2.7 billion in damages to the Lockerbie families, a rate of $10 million for every death. Once it became clear the U.S. paid two key witnesses $4 million each to commit perjury, spook gossip throughout the summer was rife that Gadhaffi had taken bold action to demand compensation from U.S. (and probably British) oil corporations operating in Libya. More than likely, Libya’s demands for kick backs and compensation extended to other European oil conglomerates as well—particularly France and Italy—who are now spearheading attacks on Libya.
    I knew last summer there would be trouble. Payback would be a b—tch on both sides. You don’t lock an innocent man in prison for 10 years on bogus charges of terrorism, and expect forgiveness. The United States and Britain had behaved with remarkable selfishness. You’ve got to admit that Gadhaffi’s attempt to balance the scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous nationalism.
    Alas, Gadhaffi was playing with fire, no matter how justified his complaint….
    This is an oil war, and it smacks of imperialist double standards. Two articles by Prof. Chossudovsky at the Global Research Centre are must reading: “Operation Libya and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa” and “Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US-NATO Attempted Coup d’Etat in Libya?”
    There is simply no justification for U.S. or NATO action against Libya. The U.N. charter acknowledges the rights of sovereign nations to put down rebellions against their own governments. Moreover, many observers have commented that plans for military intervention appear to have been much more advanced than U.S. and European leaders want to admit.
    For myself, I know in my gut that war planning started months before the democratization movement kicked off throughout the Arab world—a lucky cover for U.S. and European oil policy. Perhaps too lucky.
    As Chossudovsky writes, “Hundreds of US, British and French military advisers arrived in Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern breakaway province” on February 23 and 24— seven (7) days after the start of Gadhaffi’s domestic rebellion. “The advisers, including intelligence officers, were dropped from warships and missile boats at the coastal towns of Benghazi and Tobruk.” (DEBKAfile, US military advisers in Cyrenaica, Feb. 25, 2011) Special forces on the ground in Eastern Libya provided covert support to the rebels.” Eight British Special Forces commandos were arrested in the Benghazi region, while acting as military advisers to opposition forces, according to the Times of London.
    We’re supposed to believe the United States, Britain and Europe planned, coordinated and executed a full military intervention in 7 short days— from the start of the Libyan rebellion in mid-February until military advisers appeared on the ground in Libya on February 23-24!
    That’s strategically impossible.
    Nothing can persuade me that Gadhaffi’s fate wasn’t decided months ago, when Chevron and Occidental Petroleum took their whining to Capitol Hill, complaining that Gadhaffi’s nationalism interfered with their oil profiteering. From that moment, military intervention was on the drawing board as surely as the Patriot Act got stuck in a drawer waiting for 9/11.

    The message is simple: Challenge the oil corporations and your government and your people will pay the ultimate price: Give us your oil as cheaply as possible. Or die.
    Don’t kid yourself. Nobody gives a damn about suffering in Libya or Iraq. You don’t bomb a village to save it. The U.S., Britain and NATO are the bullies of the neighborhood. The enforcers for Big Oil.
    Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan have something in common. They have vast and extraordinary oil and mineral riches. As such, they are all victims of what I call the Vampire Wars. The Arab Princes get paid off, while the bloodsuckers pull the life blood out of the people. They’re scarcely able to survive in their own wealthy societies. The people and the domestic economy are kept alive to uphold the social order, but they are depleted of the nourishment of their own national wealth….

  35. Mounting evidence of CIA ties to Libyan rebels CIA cartoon
    Mounting evidence of CIA ties to Libyan rebels
    By Patrick Martin
    04 April 2011
    [Numerous press reports over the weekend add to the evidence that the Libyan rebels fighting the regime of Muammar Gaddafi are under the direction of American intelligence agencies. Despite the repeated claims by Obama administration officials that the rebels are a largely unknown quantity, it is becoming increasingly clear that key military leaders of the anti-Gaddafi campaign are well known to the US government and have longstanding relations with the CIA.
    For better than two weeks there had been a virtual ban in the US media on reporting the name of Khalifa Haftar, the long-time CIA collaborator who was appointed chief rebel commander March 17, on the eve of the US-NATO bombing campaign against Libya. Only the regional McClatchy Newspapers chain reported Haftar’s appointment, and ABC News ran a brief interview with him on March 27. Otherwise, silence prevailed.
    This de facto censorship abruptly ended April 1, when a right-wing US think tank, the Jamestown Foundation, published a lengthy study of Haftar’s background and record, which was cited extensively by Reuters news service, and then more widely in the US and British media.
    The Jamestown Foundation report declared: “Today as Colonel Haftar finally returns to the battlefields of North Africa with the objective of toppling Gaddafi, his former co-conspirator from Libya’s 1969 coup, he may stand as the best liaison for the United States and allied NATO forces in dealing with Libya’s unruly rebels.”
    The Jamestown study noted Haftar’s role in organizing the Libyan National Army (LNA), which he founded “on June 21, 1988 with strong backing from the Central Intelligence Agency,” and cites a 1991 interview with him “conducted in an LNA camp in rural Virginia.” Not only did the CIA sponsor and fund the LNA, it engineered the entry of LNA officers and men into the United States where they established a training camp.
    Reuters added, using a variant spelling of the name, that it has “repeatedly asked for an interview with Hefta but he could not immediately be contacted.” The news service added, “The CIA declined to comment” on its relationship to the former Libyan military leader.
    Other references to Haftar’s role appeared in the online blog of the New Yorker magazine, in Africa Confidential, on National Public Radio, the British daily Guardian, and in the Independent on Sunday, another British newspaper.
    The Independent column, headlined “The Shady Men Backed by the West to Displace Gaddafi,” described the Libyan rebel commanders as follows: “The careers of several make them sound like characters out of the more sinister Graham Greene novels. They include men such as Colonel Khalifa Haftar, former commander of the Libyan army in Chad who was captured and changed sides in 1988, setting up the anti-Gaddafi Libyan National Army reportedly with CIA and Saudi backing. For the last 20 years, he has been living quietly in Virginia before returning to Benghazi to lead the fight against Gaddafi.”
    Finally, the Washington Post’s Sunday edition carried several references to Haftar, including a front-page article profiling the divisions within the rebel military leadership. “Khalifa Haftar, a former army colonel who recently returned to Libya after living for many years in Falls Church, was initially hailed by the Transitional National Council as a leader who could help discipline the new army and train its largely volunteer ranks,” Post reporter Tara Bahrampour wrote.
    She then quoted TNC and rebel military spokesmen giving conflicting accounts, one saying Haftar had been removed from command, the other saying he remained in control of the military. A spokesman for the TNC, asked to explain the conflict in light of its earlier announcement of Haftar’s appointment, said, “This is the position of the council today. The situation is fluid…. The political viewpoints change frequently.”
    Walter Pincus, the Post’s long-time reporter on intelligence activities, himself a former CIA informer in the National Student Association, described Haftar as “a former Libyan army colonel who for years commanded the Libyan National Army (LNA), an anti-Gaddafi group.” The article said Haftar had “established the LNA, allegedly with backing from the CIA and Saudi elements.” It continued: “In 1996, he was reported to have been behind an alleged uprising in eastern Libya. By that time, he was already settled with his family in Falls Church.”
    According to Pincus, “a senior intelligence official,” asked about the Libyan commander’s connection to the CIA, “said it was policy not to discuss such issues.”
    The informal blackout on Haftar’s identity and CIA connections still continues on the American television networks and in the pages of the New York Times—a newspaper that openly admits its subservience to the US military/intelligence apparatus. But the significance of the weekend press reports is unmistakable: the Libyan rebel military is not the independent organ of a popular uprising against the Gaddafi dictatorship, but rather the creature of American imperialism, the most reactionary political force on the planet.
    The dubious character of the Libyan rebels was further underscored in a remarkable profile published Saturday by the Wall Street Journal of three Libyans who had fought with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and were now playing major roles in the rebel military effort. Two of the three had been in US custody as alleged Al Qaeda operatives and one spent six years at Guantanamo Bay before being turned over to the Gaddafi regime in 2007. The three men are:
    1) Abdel Hakim al-Hasady, described as “an influential Islamic preacher and high school teacher who spent five years at a training camp in eastern Afghanistan” and now “oversees the recruitment, training and deployment of about 300 rebel fighters from Darna,” a city in eastern Libya,
    2) Salah al-Barrani, “a former fighter from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG,” who is Hasady’s field commander, &
    3) Sufyan Ben Qumu, “a Libyan army veteran who worked for Osama bin Laden’s holding company in Sudan and later for an al Qaeda-linked charity in Afghanistan,” and who “is training many of the city’s rebel recruits.”
    Hasady and Ben Qumu were arrested by Pakistani security after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and turned over to the US. Hasady was transferred to Libyan custody two months later, while Ben Qumu was moved to Guantanamo and held there until 2007, when he, too, was sent to a Libyan prison. The Gaddafi regime released both men in 2008, at a time when US-Libya collaboration in the “war on terror” was at its height. Such an action would certainly have been checked with Washington.
    The former Al Qaeda warrior was quite willing to speak to the leading US business newspaper, which reported, “his discourse has become dramatically more pro-American.” He told the Journal, “If we hated the Americans 100 percent, today it is less than 50 percent. They have started to redeem themselves for their past mistakes.…”
    Whether these individuals are Al Qaeda operatives who were “turned” by their American captors or have simply changed allegiance under changed circumstances is unclear. But their role in the Libyan opposition further undermines the longstanding propaganda of the US government about the supposedly unbridgeable gulf between Al Qaeda and American imperialism.
    For a decade, the US government, under Bush and now Obama, has used the terrorist actions of Al Qaeda and its alleged supporters as a pretext for one military intervention after another in the Muslim world—Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, the Philippines, Indonesia and now Libya.
    There has long been reason to doubt the “war on terror” narrative, not least the fact that Al Qaeda was effectively created by the CIA through its activities in recruiting and mobilizing radical Islamists to go to Afghanistan in the 1980s and join the mujaheddin guerrillas fighting the Soviet army there. Many of the 9/11 suicide hijackers were known to the CIA as Al Qaeda operatives, and in some cases under active surveillance, but were nonetheless allowed to enter the country, receive training at US flight schools and carry out the terrorist attacks.
    An incident during a hearing Thursday before the House Armed Services Committee demonstrates the sensitivity of the US government concerning the links between US intelligence services and Al Qaeda. Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman questioned a witness, Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, about the role of Abdel Hakim al-Hasady. Steinberg refused to discuss the matter, suggesting it could be taken up only in a closed-door session where US covert operations are regularly reviewed.

  36. Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said that based on Mr. al-Obeidi’s comments, “it appears that the regime is seeking a solution,” but few other details of the Athens talks were released publicly. Al-Obeidi, a former Libyan prime minister, was to travel next to Turkey and Malta in an effort to end the air strikes and resolve the crisis.

  37. Algeria claims al-Qaeda stealing truckloads of weapons from Libya
    Lamine Chikhi
    Algiers— Reuters
    Published Monday, Apr. 04, 2011 10:43AM EDT
    Last updated Monday, Apr. 04, 2011 7:16PM EDT
    Al Quada stealing weapons
    Al Qaeda is exploiting the conflict in Libya to acquire weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, and smuggle them to a stronghold in northern Mali, a security official from neighbouring Algeria told Reuters.
    The official said a convoy of eight Toyota pick-up trucks left eastern Libya, crossed into Chad and then Niger, and from there into northern Mali where in the past few days it delivered a cargo of weapons.
    _He said the weapons included Russian-made RPG-7 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades, Kalashnikov heavy machine guns, Kalashnikov rifles, explosives and ammunition.
    He also said he had information that al Qaeda’s north African wing, known as al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), had acquired from Libya Russian-made shoulder-fired Strela surface-to-air missiles known by the NATO designation SAM-7.
    “A convoy of eight Toyotas full of weapons travelled a few days ago through Chad and Niger and reached northern Mali,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
    “The weapons included RPG-7s, FMPK (Kalashnikov heavy machine guns), Kalashnikovs, explosives and ammunition … and we know that this is not the first convoy and that it is still ongoing,” the official told Reuters.
    “Several military barracks have been pillaged in this region (eastern Libya) with their arsenals and weapons stores and the elements of AQIM who were present could not have failed to profit from this opportunity.”
    AQIM, which has maintained excellent relations with smugglers who used to cross Libya from all directions without the slightest difficulty, will probably give them the task of bringing it the weapons,” said the official.
    The official said that al Qaeda was exploiting disarray among forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, and had also infiltrated the anti-Gadhafi rebels in eastern Libya.
    U.S. Admiral James Stavridis, NATO’s supreme allied commander for Europe, said
    AQIM … is taking advantage by acquiring the most sophisticated weapons such as SAM-7s (surface-to-air missiles), which are equivalent to Stingers,” he said, referring to a missile system used by the U.S. military.
    Algeria has been fighting a nearly two-decade insurgency by Islamist militants who in the past few years have been operating under the banner of al Qaeda. Algeria’s security forces also monitor al Qaeda’s activities outside its borders.
    The security official said the Western coalition which has intervened in Libya had to confront the possibility that if Mr. Gadhafi’s regime falls, al Qaeda could exploit the resulting chaos to extend its influence to the Mediterranean coast.
    “If the Gadhafi regime goes, it is the whole of Libya – in terms of a country which has watertight borders and security and customs services which used to control these borders – which will disappear, at least for a good time, long enough for AQIM to re-deploy as far as the Libyan Mediterranean.”
    “In the case of Libya, the coalition forces must make an urgent choice. To allow chaos to settle in, which will necessitate … a ground intervention with the aim of limiting the unavoidable advance of AQIM towards the southern coast of the Mediterranean, or to preserve the Libyan regime, with or without Gadhafi, to restore the pre-uprising security situation,” the official told Reuters.


    Libya: UK to increase number of Tornado jetsDavid Cameron announces four more strike aircraft to target Gaddafi forces as US moves out of frontline operations

    Patrick Wintour in Gioia del Colle, Monday 4 April 2011 19.06 BST Article history
    Tornado strike aircraft are to be deployed against Gaddafi’s forces. Photograph: Giampiero Sposito/Reuters
    Tornado jet for attack
    David Cameron has announced an increase in the number of Tornado strike aircraft to be deployed to hit Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.
    The prime minister made the announcement during a two-hour visit to the Gioia del Colle air base in southern Italy, where he thanked British air crews policing the Libyan no-fly zone. The increase came on the day the defence ministry announced the first round of armed forces redundancies, and the air chief marshal, Sir Stephen Dalton, warned of overstretch and called for more money.
    The prime minister said the number of Tornado attack jets deployed to the base would rise from eight to 12, to beef up British strike capability. Sourced from RAF Marham in Norfolk, the jets will arrive in the next few days.
    The increase is partly due to the US moving out of Libyan frontline operations towards logistical and intelligence support, placing pressure on others to come forward. It is also intended as a signal to other Nato member countries to increase their contribution.
    Cameron praised the British pilots, telling reporters: “I want to say ‘well done’ and give a heartfelt thanks from the British public to the brave Tornado pilots and their crews who have done an incredible job in a short period of time to save, I think, thousands of lives in Benghazi and elsewhere.
    “The whole country should be proud of what they have done. They have responded incredibly quickly. They have flown many sorties, and they have been extremely successful in holding back Gaddafi’s forces.”
    During the visit Cameron talked to 600 RAF crew, led by Group Captain Martin Sampson, and was briefed on the scale of the damage British fighters were inflicting on Gaddafi’s army. This has included the destruction of 10 armoured vehicles and three tanks at the weekend around the beseiged town of Sirte.
    Apart from the Tornado jets, Britain has 10 Typhoons engaged in its operations against Libya.
    Cameron said that, on the basis of briefings over the past 24 hours, he believed the Gaddafi regime was showing signs of stress and looking for a way out.

  39. Libye: Kadhafi promet des réformes mais ne partira pasle 05 avril 2011 à 07h15, mis à jour le 05 avril 2011 à 17:21

    Dossier : Crise en LibyeLe colonel Kadhafi, qui a réapparu lundi soir en public, semble désormais disposé à négocier. Les avions américains ont cessé leurs frappes.
    Kadhafi promet des réformesMouammar Kadhafi semble chercher une voie diplomatique pour sortir du conflit. Dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, le porte-parole du gouvernement libyen a affirmé que le régime était prêt à négocier toute forme de réforme politique, comme des élections ou un référendum, tout en rejetant un départ du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi. “Le leader (Mouammar Kadhafi) est la soupape de sécurité pour le pays et pour l’unité de la population et des tribus. Nous pensons qu’il est très important pour toute transition vers un modèle démocratique et transparent”, a averti Moussa Ibrahim. Lundi soir, le dirigeant libyen a fait une apparition en public dans sa résidence de Bab el-Aziziya à Tripoli, qui avait été la cible le 20 mars d’un missile de la coalition, a rapporté la télévision nationale libyenne. Il s’agissait de la première apparition publique du colonel Kadhafi depuis le 22 mars. La veille, le New York Times a rapporté que deux des fils de Kadhafi, de plus en plus isolé, Seif al-Islam et Saadi, ont proposé une transition vers une démocratie constitutionnelle qui prévoirait le retrait du pouvoir de leur père. Selon le quotidien américain, citant un diplomate sous couvert de l’anonymat et un responsable libyen informés du projet, la transition serait pilotée par Seif al-Islam. Le Conseil national de transition (CNT), qui représente les rebelles, a aussitôt rejeté cette idée. “Kadhafi et ses fils doivent partir avant toute négociation diplomatique”, a déclaré un porte-parole du CNT, Chamseddine Abdulmelah, à Benghazi (est), fief des insurgés.
    Kadhafi promises reforms
    Muammar Gaddafi seems to be seeking a diplomatic way to resolve this conflict.
    On the night of Monday into Tuesday morning, the spokesman for the Libyan government said that the regime was willing to negotiate any kind of political reform, such as elections or a referendum, while it rejected a departure of Muammar Gaddafi. “The leader (Gaddafi) is the safety valve for our country and for the unity of the Libyan people and her tribes. We think this is very important for any transition towards a new kind of democratic transparenancy,” warned Ibrahim Moussa .
    Gadafi public Tripoli app. 04 Aprile 2011
    La voiture où se trouverait Kadhafi lors de sa sortie dans Tripoli le 4 avril 2011. © TF1 News
    Monday night, the Libyan leader made a public appearance at his residence in Bab el-Aziziyah in Tripoli, which had been the target of a 20 March coalition ICBM missile-attack, reported Libyan State television. This was Moammar Gadhafi’s first public appearance since 22 March.
    The day before, the New York Times reported that two of Gadhafi’s sons, were increasingly pleaing for negotiations. Seif al-Islam and Saadi proposed a transition to a “constitutional democracy” that would include the removal of any remaining power their father possessed. According to the U.S. Daily, (which quoted Ibrahim Moussa) on condition of anonymity, the Libyan official informed the newspaper of Gadhafi’s sons’ project; and that the transition would be led by Seif al-Islam.
    ‘Change from within’
    The government has softened its public stance, but government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said any changes must be led by Gadhafi, who has fathered the country for more than four decades.
    “We could have any political system, any changes — constitution, election, anything — but the leader has to lead this forward,” he said late Monday in Tripoli.
    He said Gadhafi, who took power in a 1969 coup, has no official position to relinquish but “has a symbolic significance for the Libyan people.” “Don’t decide our future from abroad, give us a proposal for change from within,” Ibrahim said, chastising Western powers who have a “personal problem with the leader” and economic interests they believe would be better served if Gadhafi’s government collapsed.

    The comments were unlikely to appease the rebels fighting to oust the Libyan leader. Any long-term settlement poses tough questions about the fate of Gadhafi’s family and the new leader of a post-Gadhafi nation, and the opposition has rejected any solution that would involve one of his sons taking power.

    The National Transitional Council (CNT), which represents the rebels, immediately rejected the idea. “Gaddafi and his sons must leave before any diplomatic negotiations,” said a spokesman for the CNT, Chamseddine Abdulmelah. Benghazi in the east is a stronghold of insurgents. The rebels also saw success Monday in their efforts to establish an internationally recognized government in eastern Libya, forging tighter links with Britain and Italy, both potentially major markets for Libyan oil.
    Italy, a major investor in Libyan oil, also promised the rebels weapons and demanded that Gadhafi and his family, who previously enjoyed warm ties with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, leave Libya. Jalal el-Galal, a member of the rebel media committee in Benghazi, said: “Of course, Berlusconi is close to Gadhafi, but that doesn’t mean that Italy is.
    The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
    … est intervenu alors qu’au moins deux de ses fils, Seif al-Islam et Saadi, proposent une transition vers une démocratie constitutionnelle qui prévoirait le retrait du pouvoir de leur père, a rapporté le New York Times.
    Le quotidien américain, citant un diplomate sous couvert de l’anonymat et un responsable libyen informés du projet, indique que la transition serait pilotée par Seif al-Islam.
    Obedei et Papandreou
    L’envoyé libyen Abdelati Obeidi reçu le 3 avril 2011 à Athènes par George Papandreou
    © AFP Vasileios Filis / Libyan envoy Abdelati Obeidi received April 3, 2011 in Athens by George Papandreou
    © AFP Filis Vasileios
    Moreover, the Libyan Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdelati Laabidi, who met on Sunday with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, visited Turkey on Monday. In Ankara, Mr. Laabidi “requested the assistance of Turkey” for a cease-fire, official Turkish sources claimed.
    He went in the evening to Malta, with the Greek Foreign Minister, Dimitris Droutsas, who spoke of “a little hope of moving towards a political or diplomatic solution. ”
    Le Conseil national de transition (CNT), qui représente les rebelles, a aussitôt rejeté cette idée. “Kadhafi et ses fils doivent partir avant toute négociation diplomatique”, a déclaré un porte-parole du CNT, Chamseddine Abdulmelah, à Benghazi (est), fief des insurgés.
    Par ailleurs, le vice-ministre libyen des Affaires étrangères, Abdelati Laabidi, qui avait rencontré dimanche le Premier ministre grec Georges Papandreou, s’est rendu lundi en Turquie.
    A Ankara, M. Laabidi a “demandé l’aide de la Turquie” pour l’instauration d’un cessez-le-feu, de sources officielles turques.
    Il devait se rendre dans la soirée à Malte, selon le ministre grec des Affaires étrangères, Dimitris Droutsas, qui a évoqué “un petit espoir d’aller vers une solution politique ou diplomatique”.

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  40. Bishop Praises Turkey’s Peace Efforts in Libya
    Urges Consideration of Both Sides
    TRIPOLI, Libya, 05 APRIL 2011 (
    The Apostolic vicar of Tripoli is lauding the recent mediation efforts of Turkey in the attempt to achieve a ceasefire in Libya.
    Libya is currently engaged in a civil war between supporters of Moammar Gadhafi, the country’s ruler for 41 years, and those calling for new leadership, organized in a coalition called the Transitional National Council.
    As of Monday, 11 of the country’s 22 districts were under government control, and six under rebel control. The other five were contested.
    Tripoli remains the center of Gadhafi’s government, while Benghazi is the headquarters of the rebel forces.
    The casualty reports have been difficult to corroborate, and the estimated total death count ranges from 2,500 to 10,500.
    Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s minister of foreign affairs, met with Abdelati Laabidi, Libya’s deputy foreign minister, on Monday in Ankara, Turkey, to discuss a ceasefire.
    Finding a solution:
    Bishop Giovanni Martinelli, Apostolic vicar of Tripoli, told Fides,

    “It seems to me that Turkey has taken a good position in the Libyan crisis.”
    “If we want to find a solution to the crisis in this country, we need to consider the reasons by one and all.
    “The wrongs are not only on one side.”
    “The regime also still has a degree of consensus.” “The Libyan radio continues to spread news of protests supporting Gadhafi from all over the world.”
    [He noted that regarding reports of ]”Africans found dead on the beaches of Libya, we have personally only seen a dozen bodies, beyond recognition because they are bloated and swollen.”
    “Probably they had been in the water for some time,” [the Bishop observed].
    “The figure I had previously reported (68 bodies) was information I had been given. But I personally can only confirm the presence of ten bodies.
    “I was told that more bodies were recovered on a beach in Garbuli.”

  41. Libya – Questions RemainPosted by Patrick Archbold at 12:54 AM
    29 MARH 2011

    Bottom line.

    The President’s speech did little to convince me of anything. I remain on the fence. Initially, I supported intervention in Libya, back when Ghaddafi was attacking protesters. Obama’s speech seems to address that situation.

    What I am not convinced of is if the situation that President Obama seeks to address still exists.

    When protesters were being attacked in the streets, a no fly zone made some sense. This is clearly not the case anymore. I am hard pressed to see how this is anything but intervention–taking sides– in a civil war.

    Let’s get a few things out of the way. There is no vital US interest. The President said so, just as much. The only enumerated interest is that we have the power and the opportunity to prevent a humanitarian atrocity. This is not to be discounted, but it is also yet to be established. I want to support the President here, but other than some references in his speech to looming atrocities, the evidence of such is still as scarce as WMDs in Iraq.

    This is what I need to see. The world presumed a WMD threat from Saddam and we acted. We broke a country it has taken decade and too many American lives to fix it. So I want some proof of pending atrocities, as much proof as ever can be established.

    I will not fault the President for indecisiveness here, as the right thing to do is elusive. But, one cannot help but surmise that the decision to go to war, and that is what it is, had additional sources other than those cited by the President.

    Without substantive and public proof of the looming atrocities of which the President spoke, I don’t think we have the moral high ground here. Indecisiveness is appropriate when the facts do not justify action. It seems we might have acted and then thought that justification might be handy, but I don’t know this. This is the problem. The President has not told us anything until now about the need to do this.

    Why now? Why so late? Why present valid reasons ten days later? If all this was the real reason, why not give this speech the night we took to the air? Why now? Why only after 10 days of criticism? Why address so much of your speech to critics? Doesn’t that undercut your noble motives?

    I want more, Mr. President. I want proof that we had no choice. Otherwise it still seems like we are taking sides in a civil war and that no matter who wins, we lose.

    You have said why, Mr. President. Now prove it.

  42. Aristilus said…
    There is a reason for the continued bombardment.Regime change which in turn gives the UK and USA access to Libyas’ OIL. Nothing to do with protecting civilians,and ALL to do with protecting access to a steady supply of oil.

    March 29, 2011 4:46 AM
    Ma Tucker said…
    It certainly is not civil war. The rebels are looking distinctly non-national given they even have problems spelling their “tyrant’s” name. It seems to me to be a nato sponsored attack on a sovereign state. Why the Arab league sat by I do not know. Maybe the other orchestrated “revolts” in egypt and bahrain frightened them. i have to say the nato alliance is looking like the school bully boys on this one. They’ll have your lunch money like it or not. There was a time when they would at least try to make a case for war. Now they don’t even bother. A sovereign state was attacked with no mandate whatsoever. No fly zone now means bomb what you like on the ground. It’s just a total disgrace. I’m no fan of Gadaffi but on this issue I think he and his country have been the victim of multi-state sponsored terrorism in the form of nato and the “rebels” on the ground.

    March 29, 2011 5:12 AM
    kat said…
    After listening to liberals shout, “No blood for oil!” I am convinced that we started bombing Libya for Europe’s oil interests. So, perhaps if there are any more anti-war protests (What, we haven’t had any of those since Obama’s inaguration?) I could join in and carry signs, “No American blood for European oil!” and “Make Quadafi irrelevant, drill right here, right now!”

    March 29, 2011 7:30 AM
    Anonymous said…
    Did Congress have anything to do with this action or did the President act alone? If this was truly about being humanitarian I ask, why Libya? What about Rwanda, Darfar and a whole list of other contries where atrocities were committed? It seems every President we have had has engaged in some sort of warfare. Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter. Clinton sent troops to Bosnia & Somolia, we all know what Bush did, now Obama with Libya. There was a difference in the amount of troops. No longer can I hear Republicans are war mongers, as I still cannot see justification for this action Obama is taking.

    March 29, 2011 10:04 AM
    Foxfier said…
    Pet peeve-
    WMD in Iraq. I rather agree, otherwise, but it’s rather important to not give into popular falsehoods.

    March 29, 2011 10:20 AM
    Cathy D said…
    My understanding is that the opposition/rebel forces are backed by Al Qaeda. I’m not so sure we should be involved in this. At all.

    March 29, 2011 10:25 AM
    Foxfier said…
    My understanding is that every badguy group in the area is streaming in because that’s how they get their weapons– “help” local fighters, and make off with what you can get. They do take stuff from the main army, too, but that’s not really reassuring.

    If we’d done something right away, it’d make sense. Going for an illegal war, with fewer allies than we had in Iraq, just isn’t cool. (Even if they did manage to find someone that both the French and English folks will follow that isn’t an American… not like it’ll matter, his support staff are still going to be American.)

    March 29, 2011 10:46 AM

  43. TO MSNBC: I have read the complete Weldon blog*. At the end, he is still circulating the lie concerning Lockerbie and the Berlin Discotecque, which was proven that no Libyan took part in (read Susan Lindauer’s report published in 5 newspapers this past week, and also George Tremlett’s excellent bio “The Desert Mystic”). Also it was exposed this week concerning the CIA’s connection with the rebel-forces which has been going-on for almost 30 years (which the CIA now is not even denying), even before the publicly revealed Obama signing! …Still, Weldon at least is acknowledging that bombing and killing and force is not a solution. It is only bringing-on more misery. Can you read: ? My other comment concerns the GOOD and very talented Gadhafi family. This marvelous family has been maligned and demonized, when they have contributed so much good for their country….And Lastly, have you read the “GREEN BOOK” ? It explains why Gadhafi is NOT a dictator. He holds no political position. In the very first pages it also explains about “elections”. I really wish you all could read these things, because then you will understand about the structure of Libya, why it is so different, and why throwing out the System Gadhafi fathered onto Libya is certainly NOT a wise idea or optional-choice.
    *: Time’s Up, Qaddafi
    By CURT WELDON (Op-Ed Contributor for the NY TIMES):
    Published: 05 April 2011
    Tripoli, Libya
    Yarek Waszul
    IN 2004 I traveled to Libya as the head of a bipartisan Congressional delegation to express support for Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s decision to give up his country’s nuclear weapons program. We met with Colonel Qaddafi, high-level officials and ordinary people, and I even addressed the annual meeting of Libyan legislators.
    Neither the White House nor I wanted to lend support to Colonel Qaddafi himself; our goal was to open a new era of engagement between the United States government and American business with the Libyan people themselves.
    Seven years later I am back in Libya, this time on a much different mission, as the leader of a small private delegation, at the invitation of Colonel Qaddafi‘s chief of staff and with the knowledge of the Obama administration and members of Congress from both parties. Our purpose is to meet with Colonel Qaddafi today and persuade him to step aside.
    There is no question that America should play a critical role in helping the Libyans build a new government. Sadly, in the years since my first trip, Washington has squandered many opportunities to achieve that goal without bloodshed. And unless we begin to engage with the country’s leaders — even those close to Colonel Qaddafi — we may again lose our chance to help build a new Libya.
    Despite our stated goal in 2004, and that of two subsequent delegations I also led, America has concentrated on Colonel Qaddafi himself. All contacts went through him or his family, who were given too much say over American-led initiatives. But as we’ve learned through similar efforts in Azerbaijan and Armenia, the key to promoting reform in a foreign country is to identify and engage with emerging leaders.
    Indeed, that’s what we intended to do in Libya. But plans for a coordinated effort between Congress and Libyan legislators to nurture a new generation of Libyan leaders never developed. A plan to bring international nongovernmental organizations into Libya to develop its civil institutions never materialized.
    Because both the Bush and Obama administrations failed to follow up on those initial efforts, today we have few contacts in the country’s leadership beyond Colonel Qaddafi himself, and we have no strategic plan for Libya after he leaves.
    A second element to our plan was to promote engagement between American and Libyan business interests, and thus foster the country’s free market. But while American companies have made billions of dollars in Libya since 2004, they have failed to engage with anyone but the Qaddafi regime itself.
    On a trip to Libya last summer I met with Ahmed Gadi, an engineer at Al Fateh University. I asked how a recent $500 million contract awarded by the Libyan government to an American engineering company had benefited his students. Not at all, he said; there had been no contact at all. The government and the company preferred to keep the deal, and the money, between themselves.
    There’s nothing wrong with American companies profiting from business with Libya. But did they also consider their larger responsibility to American interests? And where were the White House and Congress in all this?
    Fortunately, despite the bombs still dropping on Libya, it’s not too late to act.
    First, we must engage face-to-face with Colonel Qaddafi and persuade him to leave, as my delegation hopes to do. I’ve met him enough times to know that it will be very hard to simply bomb him into submission.
    Simultaneously, we must obtain an immediate United Nations-monitored cease-fire, with the Libyan Army withdrawing from contested cities and rebel forces ending attempts to advance.
    Then we must identify and engage with those leaders who, if not perfect, are pragmatic and reform-minded and thus best positioned to lead the country.
    For example, Baghdadi Mahmudi, the prime minister, and Mustapha Abdul Jalil, the head of the rebel National Council, should meet with the United Nations envoy to the country, Abdel Ilah al-Khatib, and work out a schedule for fair elections for a new president and legislature. They should also create a committee to develop a new governing framework.
    Colonel Qaddafi’s son Saif, a powerful businessman and politician, could play a constructive role as a member of the committee to devise a new government structure or Constitution.
    The younger Mr. Qaddafi, who has made belligerent comments about the rebels, has his detractors. But he also pushed his government to accept responsibility for the bombings of a Pan Am flight over Scotland and a disco in Germany, and to provide compensation for victims’ families. He also led the effort to free a group of Bulgarian nurses in Libya who had twice been sentenced to death.
    The world agrees that Colonel Qaddafi must go, even though no one has a plan, a foundation for civil society has not been constructed and we are not even sure whom we should trust. But in the meantime, the people of Libya deserve more than bombs.
    Curt Weldon was a Republican representative from Pennsylvania from 1987 to 2007.
    A version of this op-ed appeared in print on April 6, 2011, on page A23 of the New York edition..

  44. Gadhafi to Obama: Please end airstrikes
    Letter to president also wishes him luck with his re-election bid
    In the letter to Obama, received earlier Wednesday, Gadhafi says his country had been hurt more morally than physically by the NATO campaign and that a democratic society could not be built through missiles and aircraft. He also repeated his claim that his foes are members of the al-Qaida terrorist network.
    Addressing Obama as “our son” and “excellency,” Gadhafi said that his country had been hurt more “morally” than “physically” by the NATO campaign.
    Moammar Gadhafi has appealed directly to President Barack Obama to halt what the Libyan leader called “an unjust war” and wished Obama good luck in his bid for re-election next year.
    In a rambling, three-page letter to Obama obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, Gadhafi implored Obama to stop the NATO-led air campaign, which the Libyan called an “unjust war against a small people of a developing country.”
    Gadhafi went on: “You are a man who has enough courage to annul a wrong and mistaken action,” Gadhafi wrote in the letter that was sent to the State Department and forwarded immediately to the White House, according to a U.S. official who has seen the letter. “I am sure that you are able to shoulder the responsibility for that.”
    “To serving world peace … Friendship between our peoples … and for the sake of economic, and security cooperation against terror, you are in a position to keep Nato (NATO) off the Libyan affair for good,” Gadhafi wrote.
    White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed that the White House received a letter from Gadhafi. As for Gadhafi‘s call for a ceasefire, Carney appeared to dismiss it for now.

    “The conditions the president laid out are clear,” Carney told reporters traveling with Obama to New York Wednesday afternoon.
    In the letter to Obama, received earlier Wednesday, Gadhafi says his country had been hurt more morally than physically by the NATO campaign and that a democratic society could not be built through missiles and aircraft. He also repeated his claim that his foes are members of the al-Qaida terrorist network.
    Addressing Obama as “our son” and “excellency,” Gadhafi said that his country had been hurt more “morally” than “physically” by the NATO campaign.
    The letter, composed in formal but stilted English, includes numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

    “Our dear son, Excellency, Baraka Hussein Abu oumama, your intervention is the name of the U.S.A. is a must, so that Nato (NATO) would withdraw finally from the Libyan affair,” Gadhafi wrote. “Libya should be left to Libyans within the African Union frame.”
    Gadhafi said his country had already been unfairly subjected to “a direct military armed aggression” ordered by then-President Ronald Reagan, who famously called the leader the “Mad Dog of the Middle East,” in 1986, as well as earlier rounds of U.S. and international sanctions.

    Although he listed a litany of complaints, Gadhafi said he bears no ill will toward Obama.
    “We have been hurt more morally (than) physically because of what had happened against us in both deeds and words by you,” he wrote. “Despite all this you will always remain our son whatever happened. We still pray that you continue to be president of the U.S.A. We Endeavour and hope that you will gain victory in the new election campaigne.”
    The letter, dated 05 April 2011 in Tripoli is signed by “Mu’aumer Qaddaffi, Leader of the Revolution.”
    This article includes reporting from The Associated Press, Reuters and staff.

    Comment from “pineriver” on MSNBC:

    IMHO, it seems like a sincere letter. Libya is a very small country, this is true, and certainly no threat to the US. By bombing Libya the US/Coalition/NATO is acting like a classic bully and destroying so much of Libya’s infrastructure and countryside, as well as killing and injuring civilians on both sides, not to even mention the incalculable disruption of everyday life for the Libyan people and the lifelong psychological damage they will have to cope with. It is amazing that anyone could call this mission humanitarian, or seriously believe this claim. Are you aware that before the intervention, Libya was universally recognized for providing the highest standard of living for any African country? God help the poor Libyan people caught in the middle.

    1!#99 – Wed Apr 6, 2011 4:46 PM EDT

  45. Has not anyone asked by now as to where the rebels are getting all their supplies of ammunition, bombs, rockets, balistic ground missiles, vehicles, armory and miltary clothing we see in all the rebel/Opposition photos?rebels ready their rockets

  46. De : IranContraScumDid911 | Créé le : 6 avril 2011

    Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links ….. Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the f…ront lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi’s regime. In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited “around 25” men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are “today are on the front lines in Adjabiya”.Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters “are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists,” but added that the “members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader”. His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad’s president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, “including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries”.Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against “the foreign invasion” in Afghanistan, before being “captured in 2002 in Peshwar, in Pakistan”. He was later handed over to the US, and then held in Libya before being released in 2008.US and British government sources said Mr al-Hasidi was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG, which killed dozens of Libyan troops in guerrilla attacks around Derna and Benghazi in 1995 and 1996. A former leader of an al Qaeda linked group in Libya claims that there are around 1000 fundamentalist Islamic fighters in the country that have joined the uprising against Col. Moammar Gaddafi’s forces, a number that jives with intelligence reports and independent estimates. Yet still the allied NATO forces are considering arming the rebels.Former jihadist Noman Benotman, who renounced his al Qaeda affiliation in 2000, said in an interview that he estimates 1,000 jihadists are in Libya, reports the Washington Times.Referring to the fighters as “freelance jihadists”, Benotman said that the men were part of a North African terror cell known as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (AQIM).Benotman told the Times that the fighters had attempted but so far failed to co-opt the Gaddafi government.He also noted that the fighters have not labeled themselves as leaders of the uprising, yet have rather infiltrated the Libyan opposition so as not to appear to be “undermining” the Libyan people. Benotman acknowledged that the jihadists were “afraid” to be seen imposing their wish to establish an Islamic republic in Libya, noting that the interim council leading Libya’s opposition is seeking democratic elections.Yesterday in testimony on Capitol Hill, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, Admiral James Stavridis, acknowledged the presence of such fundamentalists amongst Libyan rebel groups

  47. Gadhafi envoy meets Maltese prime minister after Turkey visit
    VALLETTA, MaltaThe Associated Press
    Published Monday, 04 Apr. 2011 5:52PM EDT
    Last updated Monday, 04 Apr. 2011 6:10PM EDTpeace talks with Gadhafi
    An envoy of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi held talks with Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi on Monday following consultations with government officials in Turkey, officials said.
    Deputy Foreign Minister Abdelati Laabidi met with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on Sunday and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu earlier on Monday for talks on a possible ceasefire with the opposition.
    Eric Reguly
    Canadian pilots cautious of collateral damage in Libya and refuses order to drop bombs
    From Monday’s Globe and Mail
    Published Sunday, 03 Apr. 2011 5:19PM EDT
    Last updated Monday, 04 Apr. 2011 4:03PM EDT
    Canadian pilot refuses to drop bombs
    The Canadian pilots steered their CF-18 Hornet fighter-bombers over the Libyan target with every intention of destroying it with their 225-kilogram smart bombs. But they saw something they didn’t like and hesitated: Mission aborted.
    “We passed,” said the pilots’ commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Sylvain Ménard – call sign “Gogo” – referring to a mission flown shortly after the CF-18s from Bagotville, Que., arrived in Sicily on March. 19. “The target we were investigating was really close to some buildings. We didn’t know if they were military or civilian, so we did not drop on the target.”
    Returning from a combat mission with a full load of weapons is something no gung-ho pilot likes to do but it’s happening often in this military action, one that pilots know is highly political and intolerant of “collateral damage,” military-speak for killing civilians. The pilots say missions can be cancelled within seconds of a planned attack.
    On Saturday, a warm, cloudless day in Sicily, two CF-18s returned with their bomb load intact.
    “Right now, we are much more flexible,” Lt.-Col. Ménard said. “Our decision loop is much more reactive. Sometimes we go airborne and don’t have a target [at first] … Any time you have to make decisions in the cockpit, that are not on a pre-planned scenario, obviously the work load is a little more important and may be more stressful because the guys need to make a decision and assess for themselves.”
    The strikes on at least one of the Libyan radar sites were not pre-planned, he said.
    Stress, of course, is part of the pilots’ life and the Canadians are getting plenty of it over Libya. Only one of the 12 pilots based in Sicily had flown combat missions in Kosovo. The rest are experiencing an air war for the first time.
    Lt.-Col Ménard said the pilots have often encountered anti-aircraft fire on both night and day missions. At night, the pilots, using their night-vision goggles, can see the tracer bullets fairly easily; during day raids, the bullets are less visible. To protect themselves, the pilots try to fly higher than the bullets can reach.


    Government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim said Libya was ready for a “political solution” with world powers.
    “We could have any political system, any changes: constitution, election, anything. But the leader has to lead this forward,” he told reporters when asked about the content of negotiations with other countries.
    With Libya in chaos, an official in neighbouring Algeria told Reuters al-Qaeda was exploiting the conflict to acquire weapons, including surface-to-air missiles.
    The U.S. State Department said it had raised concerns with the Libyan rebels about the Islamist group obtaining arms in the east of the country, where they are battling Colonel Gadhafi’s forces.
    a flurry of diplomacy
    Turkey said it was seeking to broker a ceasefire as an envoy from Col. Gadhafi’s government travelled to Ankara from Athens.
    “Turkey will continue to do its best to end the suffering and to contribute to the process of making a road map that includes the political demands of Libyan people,” Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said.
    Turkey also expected envoys from the rebel National Council soon, he added. A Turkish official said both sides “conveyed that they have some opinions about a possible ceasefire“.
    Spokesman Ibrahim said Libya was ready to listen to outside reform proposals and “try our best to meet you in the middle“.
    But he added: “No one can come to the Libyan nation and say to them: ‘You have to lose your leader, or your system, or your regime’ … Who are you to say that?”
    Libyan officials deny attacking civilians in Misrata, saying they are fighting armed gangs linked to al Qaeda.
    In Algiers, a senior security official said that al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the Islamist group’s regional wing, was getting hold of weapons in eastern Libya.
    The Algerian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a convoy of eight Toyota pick-up trucks had left eastern Libya and headed via Chad and Niger to northern Mali, where in the past few days it had delivered a cargo of weapons.
    “We know that this is not the first convoy and that it is still ongoing,” the official said. “Several military barracks have been pillaged in this region (eastern Libya) with their arsenals and weapons stores, and the elements of AQIM who were present could not have failed to profit from this opportunity.”
    In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the United States had raised its concerns with the rebels.
    Col. Gadhafi says the uprising is fuelled by Islamist radicals and Western nations who want to control Libya’s oil. The rebels, whose stronghold is the eastern city of Benghazi, say they only want the removal of Col. Gadhafi and his circle.Time of revolution in Arab world provides opportunity for Islamists
    From Friday’s Globe and Mail
    Published Thursday,31 Mar. 2011 7:09PM EDT
    Last updated Friday, 01 Apr. 2011 4:13AM EDT
    Libya: On the front line
    The pro-democracy upheavals sweeping the Arab world have largely been started by young secular Arabs looking for political empowerment, equitable opportunity and dignity.
    But while Islamist movements for the most part weren’t at the forefront of the revolutions, the upset of authoritarian regimes is providing opportunities for Islamists to flourish. Here’s a look at some of the fronts on which they are making gains, and the implications.
    “Islamists are proliferating all across North Africa,” said Alastair Crooke, a former MI6 officer and author of Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution, “and Libya is no exception.”
    Their numbers are not huge in Libya, most observers agree, and the majority of active Muslims prefer a brand of Sufi Islam that eschews extremism. But some of the Islamist old guard – a lot of whom are on the front line against the Gadhafi forces – were mujahedeen fighting in Afghanistan against the Russians and some, more recently, against NATO forces.Many of the younger Islamists are followers of the salafist trend, an extremist fundamentalist movement that is expanding in far greater proportions than the Muslim Brotherhood or other more moderate movements.
    The trend is to the more extreme, and Islamist numbers will only grow in the absence of an authoritarian strong man such as Moammar Gadhafi.
    The UN said Mr. Al-Khatib, arrived Thursday in Tripoli.
    Libyan state TV aired a phone interview with intelligence chief Bouzeid Dorda to knock down rumours that he also left Mr. Gadhafi.
    “I am in Libya and will remain here steadfast in the same camp of the revolution despite everything,” Mr. Dorda said. “I never thought to cross the borders or violate commitment to the people, the revolution and the leader.”
    Mr. Gadhafi struck a defiant stance in a statement Thursday, saying he’s not the one who should go — it’s the Western leaders who attacking his military with airstrikes who should resign immediately. Mr. Gadhafi’s message was undercut by its delivery — a scroll across the bottom of state TV.
    Mr. Gadhafi accused the leaders of the countries attacking his forces of being “affected by power madness.”

    “The solution for this problem is that they resign immediately and their peoples find alternatives to them,” the Libya state news agency quoted him as saying.
    The U.S. has ruled out using ground troops in Libya but it is considering providing arms to the rebels.
    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, however, told Congress on Thursday that the United States still knows little about the rebels, and that if anyone arms and trains them it should be some other country. NATO is among those saying a new U.N. resolution would be required to arm rebels.
    Several world leaders oppose arming rebels, including Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said in London that it could “create an environment which could be conducive to terrorism.”

    Libyan Rebels
    A rebellion divided: spectre of revenge killings hangs over eastern Libya
    — From Saturday’s Globe and Mail
    Published Friday, 01 Apr. 2011 7:47PM EDT
    Last updated Saturday, 02 Apr. 2011 10:22PM EDT
    Libyan rebels hanged at least two suspected pro-Gadhafi fighters in the chaotic early days of the uprising, witnesses say, revealing for the first time a bitter struggle within the rebellion about how to contain the anger unleashed after decades of oppression.
    The full extent of revenge killings in eastern Libya is unknown. Near the coastal city of Darna, locals say they discovered a heap of bodies in the badlands south of town, where at least a dozen men appeared to have been executed with gunshots to the head. But the circumstances of those deaths remain unclear.
    Doctors at four rebel-controlled medical facilities say they struggled – and failed on at least one occasion – to prevent mobs from killing patients accused of loyalty to Colonel Moammar Gadhafi.
    The arguments over the fate of suspected pro-Gadhafi prisoners, whether in the emergency wards of Al Bayda or among screaming crowds in Darna, illustrate the tension between educated leaders and fiery young people that has emerged as a defining feature of the rebellion.
    The New York Times quoted anonymous U.S. officials this week saying they have cautioned the rebels against harming civilians, even suggesting that air strikes could target anti-Gadhafi forces if they fail to respect the laws of armed conflict.
    The actions of those who desperately tried to save the lives of pro-Gadhafi prisoners weren’t motivated merely by the fact that such revenge killings would sap the rebels’ international support; but also their mandate as doctors.
    Abdul Karim bin Taher, a 60-year-old English teacher, stood in the shadow of a rusty pedestrian bridge in Darna where he saw revolutionaries hang a man on 23 Feb.; and recalled how he tried to stop the murder, pleading with the crowd to avoid killing civilians.
    Those captured by the rebels remain in grave danger, however. Hospitals sheltering injured pro-Gadhafi fighters must keep them hidden and guarded. At one medical facility, on a quiet floor, a handwritten sign in Arabic – “Closed for repairs” – marks the secret door leading to the prisoners.
    A guard carrying two Kalashnikov rifles banged on the door, and other gunmen inside confirmed the guard’s identity before removing a metal bar and allowing visitors inside. Past the barred door, a series of locked rooms contained suspected pro-Gadhafi fighters recovering from their injuries.
    the patients said they were eating well and were being treated kindly. One of them sat in a wheelchair and seemed incapable of speaking for himself, babbling softly in confused sentences. “The revolutionaries tried to hang him,” said a young attendant in a white doctor’s coat. “The rope broke. They thought he was dead, so they put him in the freezer. He is still alive, but his brain is not working.”
    Medical records confirmed that the man arrived at the hospital unconscious, showing signs of strangulation, but other details of his story were unclear. A day after his first contact with journalists, rebels transferred him to another location.
    Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch, said he is familiar with the man’s case.

    “It’s quite sensitive,” he said. “He is a witness to a mass execution.”Other such incidents have occurred since the beginning of the revolution, Mr. Bouckaert said.
    “There were quite a number of cases of hangings,” he said. “A lot of unruly armed elements detain people on their own initiative, without proper oversight.”</

    strong>The two most public executions, with hundreds of witnesses, allegedly happened in the early morning of Feb. 18 in the city of Al Bayda, and on the evening of Feb. 23 in the smaller city of Darna. In both cases, witnesses say, a mob lynched a dark-skinned soldier suspected of being an African mercenary.
    Paranoia about mercenaries remains strong among the rebels, despite assurances from human-rights groups that most of the fighters among the pro-Gadhafi forces are Libyan citizens. Rebels have frequently treated dark-skinned prisoners more harshly than men of Arab ancestry.

    That distinction was made brutally obvious to doctors at the intensive care unit of Al Bayda’s main hospital on 17 Feb. when they admitted two men – one black, the other with the local olive-skinned complexion – who stood accused of fighting the rebels. A crowd gathered outside the hospital, calling for blood. Some armed rebels pushed their way into the ward.
    “They had guns and knives,” said Mahmoud Anass, 27, a resident on duty that night. “It was really scary. They wanted to kill the black soldier.”
    Doctors managed to hold off the enraged youths until a few hours after midnight, when the rebels dragged the two patients into the street.
    “An old man tried to stop them,” said Faraj Khalifa, a doctor. “He said our religion does not permit the killing of unarmed men. But the youths were very, very angry. They hanged the black man in front of the hospital.”
    The patient with lighter skin was beaten, shot, and returned to the emergency room, Dr. Khalifa said.
    A cellphone video later circulated among residents showing a Christian cross tattooed on a black man. Locals pronounced this as proof that the hanged man, whom they called “John,” had been a non-Muslim outsider.

    The main spokesman for Al Bayda’s rebel council, Mohammed Mabrouk, said he saw John in intensive care at the hospital but did not know what happened to him !

    There was a wildly different outcome by the various pro-Gadhafi groups who captured rebels. More than 160 of the rebels captured during several days of bloody standoff at the airport south of Darna were eventually released after ceasefire talks were brokered by respected elders.
    Before the ceasefire, however, a group of 22 Libyan soldiers who broke through the rebels’ barricades near the airport on 22 Feb. seem to have fared worse. Residents say the soldiers climbed into three pickup trucks and raced down the highway that winds down the cliffs toward Darna, blasting their way through a rebel encampment along the way. The rebels called ahead to warn the city of an impending attack! Locals say that a rebel commander named Abdul Hakim Al-Hasadi organized an ambush near the outskirts; the 45-year-old had quickly become a prominent figure among the rebels because of his expertise in guerrilla warfare, which he received at training camps in Afghanistan from 1999 to 2002. (In an earlier interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Al-Hasadi declined to say who operated his training camp; al-Qaeda ran camps in the same part of Afghanistan during that period.)
    The rebels caught all 22 soldiers and started transporting them in pickup trucks back to Darna; although seven leapt from the back of the trucks they were recaptured the next morning in a neighbouring village. The remaining 15 arrived at the central mosque in Darna, where a large crowed gathered and called for their execution.
    “We were screaming, ‘Please don’t do this,’” said Jamal El-Magri, 48, a veterinarian who now serves on Darna’s rebel council. “My own cousin was killed at the airport, but I’m a Muslim and I must respect the prisoners of war.”
    Mr. El-Magri said a group of educated men tried to shelter the prisoners inside the mosque and planned to disperse them among safe houses with families in the city. Most of them were bundled into vehicles and kept away from the mob, he said, but men in the crowed snatched one of them from the back of a pickup truck. He saw them hang him with rope from a green pedestrian bridge near the mosque.
    Families that sheltered the prisoners that night remain afraid to speak to the media, fearing retribution. Abdel Gadir, 29, said one of his friends took in a group of prisoners and soon found it difficult to keep them.
    “His door alarm rang in the middle of the night,” Mr. Gadir said. “Men with guns were in the road with covered faces. They told him, ‘Give us those criminals.’”
    The masked men took away the prisoners. The next day, Mr. Gadir said he returned home in the evening to his village of Makhtuba, 20 kilometres east of Darna, and found his neighbours upset. They had discovered a pile of bodies, apparently executed with gunshots, at a nearby crossroads known as Hisha.
    “My friend said, ‘Our revolution has taken a wrong turn,’” Mr. Gadir said. “Each of the bodies had a bullet in the head.”
    A local mullah organized a team of men and a backhoe to bury the corpses, he said. None of them were willing to talk about the incident on Friday, although a freshly heaped pile of earth remains at the crossroads in the barren scrubland.
    [Graffiti scrawled on a nearby wall marks the spot as a resting place for soldiers “killed by Gadhafi,” an explanation repeated by some others in Darna. They lyingly CLAIMED the executed men were killed by their own officers for disobeying orders.] No organized units of pro-Gadhafi forces existed at that location by the time of the apparent killings, however, which supports Mr. Gadir’s belief that they were executed by rebels.
    During the Friday prayers after the hanging, clerics spoke out against extra-judicial killings. City leaders have recently asked Mr. Al-Hasadi, the guerrilla expert with experience in Afghanistan, to take a less prominent role in local defences.

    Opposition touts oil deal with Qatar, offers conditions for ceasefire
    BENGHAZI— The Associated Press

    Published Friday, 01 Apr.2011 11:39AM EDT
    Last updated Friday, 01 Apr. 2011 12:05PM EDT
    A plan to sell rebel-held oil to buy weapons and other supplies has been reached with Qatar, a rebel official said Friday, in another sign of deepening aid for Libya’s Opposition-Army, by the wealthy Gulf state after sending warplanes to help confront Moammar Gadhafi’s forces.
    Ali Tarhouni, who handles finances for the opposition’s National Transitional Council, said that Qatar has agreed to market oil currently in storage in parts of southeastern Libya. He said one sticking point is how to truck the oil out of the country.

    Tarhouni said money from oil sales will be put into an escrow account the opposition will use to pay for weapons, food, medicine, fuel and other needs.

    He said the rebels had asked visiting U.N. and French envoys to have sanctions lifted on the parts of Libya controlled by the rebels. He said that if transport issues are solved, the rebels could immediately start exporting 1 million barrels per week.
    When asked, he said the rebels would certainly use oil revenues to buy arms.
    He said the council was exploring “buying arms, any kind of arms that we can get to. We have a list of the arms we need and we’re trying some different fronts to buy them.
    There was no immediate comment from officials in Qatar, one of the few Arab states taking part in the international military contingent enforcing a no-fly zone in Libya. Qatar is also assisting a rebel satellite TV operation that began broadcasts this week from Qatar’s capital Doha and has agreed to host a meeting of Libyan opposition groups.
    A spokesman for Qatar Petroleum, the state company responsible for selling the Gulf nation’s oil, declined to comment.
    In London earlier this week, Britain’s foreign secretary, William Hague, said Qatar had offered to “facilitate” oil sales….did not provide details about who would be supported, how the facilitation process would work, or how Qatar’s offer has been received by diplomats.
    It has been unclear how exactly such an arrangement would work. The effort to get oil out is hampered by several factors, including the rebels’ ability to hold eastern oil production and export facilities, the departure of skilled foreign oil-field workers and international sanctions that technically apply to the country as a whole.
    OPEC member Libya produced about 1.6 million barrels per day of oil before the conflict, just under 2 percent of world production.
    Qatar — host of the U.S. Army’s Middle East command hub — has significantly boosted its international profile in recent years with diplomatic initiatives and top-level sporting events, including being picked to host the 2022 World Cup.
    The 22-member Arab League was critical in winning U.N. Security Council support for the no-fly zone. But only Arab League members Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have contributed aircraft to the mission.
    Qatar also has agreed to host the first meeting of an international contact group aimed at coordinating political action and opening channels with Libya’s opposition. No date for the meeting has been set.
    A Qatari aid plane carrying 30 tons of relief supplies including medicine, medical equipment and blankets landed in the Libyan city of Tobruk on Wednesday, according to the official Qatar News Agency.
    Last month, Qatar sent ground troops to join a Saudi-led force aiding the rulers in Bahrain, which has been wracked by anti-government protests and violence for more than six weeks.
    In the Arab world, however, Qatar may be best known as the headquarters for the powerful Al-Jazeera broadcasting network, which was founded by the country’s rulers in 1996.
    A Libyan rebel spokesman, Mahmoud Shamam, said a satellite channel, Libya TV, began broadcasts from Doha earlier this week with financial and logistical support from Qatar.

    More related to this story
    Who are these Libyan rebels?
    Maltese officials couldn’t say where Laabidi would travel to next.

  48. CIA Secretly at Work Inside Libya
    Gary Thomas
    05 April 2011
    CIA involvement in Libya
    Photo: AP
    A Libyan rebel scans the field as they wait for the signal to advance at an intersection just outside Brega, 03 April 2011
    Published reports say CIA officers are at work inside Libya. But just what they are doing is not clear and, in keeping with practice, the CIA would not comment on the reports. The Obama administration has said it has not yet decided whether to arm the Libyan rebels. But, there is much the CIA may be doing in Libya short of that.
    Analysts say it should come of no surprise that the CIA is already at work in Libya. Reva Bhalla, Middle East analyst for the private intelligence firm, Stratfor, says gathering intelligence is the most basic function of the CIA.
    “Obviously when you have a military campaign like this under way you’re going to need people on the ground, painting [identifying] targets for air strikes, [and] not only on the military aspect but just in trying to figure out just who is the opposition – who are they actually dealing with, are there any viable leaders who show the potential for unifying this very fractious country,” said Bhalla.
    Beyond gathering intelligence
    According to published accounts, an unknown number of CIA officers, along with British intelligence and special forces counterparts, are working with the Libyan rebels. The CIA has its own paramilitary component, known as the Special Activities Division. But what the CIA might be doing in Libya beyond just gathering intelligence is unclear.
    By all accounts, the Libyan rebels are poorly trained and equipped. They made some advances, but have been pushed back by Libyan army counterattacks. The Obama administration has said it has not yet decided to arm the Libyan rebels, but has said firmly it will not send in U.S. ground troops, preferring to stick with the enforcement of the no-fly zone.
    Offering what he says are personal views, former senior CIA officer Emile Nakhleh says it is likely the CIA is providing some form of non-lethal assistance to the rebels, especially in terms of communications and organization.
    “They probably would provide them with communications gear, from the most basic walkie-talkies to a bit more advanced cellular telephones,” said Nakhleh. “Two, they might perhaps help train them in how to attack or how to anticipate Gadhafi’s attacks. I mean, the fact is, they’re just a bunch of ragtag enthusiastic opposition people to the regime but have no idea even of how to organize.”
    Nakhleh believes, however, that there is nothing stopping CIA officers from training the rebels on captured weapons.
    “We would need to train them how to use the weapons they have already captured from the Gadhafi forces. Some of them have captured some of these rockets and they don’t know how to fire them. So we can, I think, do all kinds of things before, even way below, the level of arming them with U.S. arms,” said the former CIA officer.
    But many analysts believe that for the rebels to turn the tide back in their favor, they will need sophisticated weapons, such as those the U.S. provided to Afghan rebels fighting Soviet occupation in the 1980s – and specialized training on how to use them.
    Secret authorization
    According to published accounts quoting Obama administration sources, President Barack Obama signed a secret authorization, known as a presidential “finding,” authorizing possible future training and arming of the rebels.
    But such a program carries great risks. In 1961, a CIA-trained force made an unsuccessful attempt to land at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba and topple Fidel Castro. It was a humiliation for the then-new president, John F. Kennedy.
    In the 1980s, the CIA, in concert with Pakistan, armed and trained anti-Soviet Afghan rebels. The rebels, known as mujahedin, drove the Soviet army out, but many of their members went on to form the nucleus of the Taliban and al-Qaida. And many of the sophisticated weapons the mujahedin received, such as shoulder-held surface-to-air missiles, were unaccounted for at war’s end.
    Reva Bhalla says the governments involved in the anti-Gadhafi coalition are worried about both a kind of Bay of Pigs in the desert, where the rebels are defeated, and possible infiltration of the rebels by radical Islamists.
    “I think that’s the biggest question that’s on the minds of many of these governments because it just isn’t clear,” said Bhalla. “This is not a very sophisticated or militarily capable opposition force. And then there’s the concern of whether some of the more Islamist militant types are mixed in within this opposition. And if they’re going to be moved to arm and supply these rebels, is that something that is going to have serious blowback down the line.
    What the CIA actually ends up doing in Libya may never be publicly known. But, as former CIA officers have pointed out, the larger an operation, the more difficult it is to keep it secret.

    QUOTE from Richard Norton-Taylor (Concerning the British M16 Force of SPIES WORKING IN LIBYA):

    “Given its past relationship with Tripoli, this is a special test for MI6. Its officers are in Libya, and neighbouring countries, trying to persuade others to abandon the Gaddafi regime. Imploding the regime from within, with the help of a propaganda war, is more likely to achieve a breakthrough than explosions from missiles fired from Tornado jets.”

    Libye : Sarkozy n’exige plus le départ immédiat de Kadhafi Par admin | 10. avril 2011
    Sarkozy et Gadhafi in Paris
    Hier, devant quelques journalistes, le président français a fait volte-face. Il a déclaré qu’il ne faisait plus du départ du colonel un préalable à l’ouverture de négociations avec Tripoli visant à arrêter les hostilités et à instaurer un pouvoir de transition. Il a ajouté qu’il serait prêt à accepter un maintien au pouvoir de Kadhafi pendant une durée qui reste à déterminer.

    Il a cependant affirmé que la France et ses partenaires ne pouvaient discuter directement avec le « Guide ». Les pourparlers devraient se faire (et se font déjà) par l’intermédiaire de l’un de ses fils, qui pourrait devenir l’homme fort du nouveau régime.

    Le président français a parlé « off the record », mais avec l’objectif évident que l’information soit reprise (« le Figaro » en a d’ailleurs fait état ce matin). Pourquoi cette annonce maintenant ?

    Pour au moins trois raisons :

    1/ La situation militaire est dans l’impasse et, sans un appui supplémentaire des Américains, les rebelles n’ont aucune chance de prendre Tripoli. On risque donc une partition du pays et les conséquences géostratégiques incalculables d’une telle division.

    2/ L’Otan vient de reconnaître une bavure lors de frappes à Brega, bavures qui ont fait au moins quatre morts parmi les rebelles. Or il est fort possible que les avions en question soient français… Redoutant que la multiplication inévitable de telles erreurs aient un impact très négatif sur l’image de son pays et sur la sienne, Nicolas Sarkozy souhaite en finir rapidement avec ce conflit mené avant tout par l’armée française.

    3/ D’ores et déjà très intenses, les négociations de fin de conflit s’accélèrent. Le président sud-africain Zuma s’apprête à se rendre demain à Tripoli pour rencontrer Kadhafi et lui proposer un cessez-le feu; et la semaine prochaine plusieurs réunions décisives vont avoir lieu: la rencontre des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’UE à Luxembourg, puis celle du groupe de contact à Doha et enfin celle des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’Otan à Berlin. Nicolas Sarkozy tient à montrer qu’il demeure à la pointe des initiatives diplomatiques.
    African Union officials to meet Gadhafi and rebels The Associated Press
    Sunday, April 10, 2011 | 4:45 a.m.
    An African Union official says an A.U. committee will hold separate meetings with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and rebels during a two day visit.
    Khellaf Brahan says the committee will meet with the two sides on Sunday and Monday. Brahan is the special assistant to peace and security commissioner Ramtame Lamamra.
    The A.U. committee on Libya is seeking an immediate cease-fire, the free delivery of humanitarian aid, the protection of foreigners in Libya, and to open talks between the rebels and the government.
    Saturday, April 09, 2011ZUMA
    Libyan TV quoted Zuma as calling on the African Union (AU) to “take decisive action and uncover the conspiracy that Libyan (sic) is facing”.

    The Libyan TV report also quoted Zuma as “stressing the need not to depend on tendentious reports circulated by foreign media outlets and the need to listen to the Libyan media in this regard”.

    Zuma is attending the AU Security Council meeting in Ethiopia.
    His office issued a statement late on Wednesday saying that it “would not be drawn into rumours and distortions of the conversation with the leader of Libya, Col Muammar Gaddafi, who had called to explain his side of the story”.
    The presidency also said that Zuma had spoken out “clearly” on the Libyan issue, openly condemning the loss of life, attacks on civilians and reported violations of human rights in Libya.
    President Jacob Zuma will travel to Libya on Sunday for a meeting with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation said on Friday.
    Zuma will participate in the meeting in his capacity as a member of the African Union Ad hoc High Level Committee on Libya.
    The committee has been granted permission by NATO to enter Libya and to meet in Tripoli with the Libyan leader, H.E. Muammar Gaddafi,” the department said.
    The AU delegation will also meet with the Interim Transitional National Council in Benghazi on 10 and 11 April 2011.”
    Zuma will be accompanied by State Security Minister Siyabonga Cwele.
    Zuma will take part in an AU meeting on Libya in Nouakchott, Mauritania on Saturday.
    President Zuma will participate in the meeting in his capacity as a member of the African Union Ad hoc High Level Committee on Libya which has been mandated by the African Union Peace and Security Council to engage the opposing parties in Libya in order to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the current conflict in accordance with the will of the Libyan people.”
    The AU committee comprises the heads of state of Mauritania, Congo Republic, Mali, Uganda and South Africa.
    “It is anticipated that the committee will hold discussions on the recent developments in Libya and deliberate on the way forward in fulfilling its mandate.”
    Zuma is expected to return to South Africa home on Tuesday 12 April 2011.
    Zuma to Libya for
    Cease-Fire Talks

    09 April 2011 (Bloomberg) —
    By Patrick Donahue
    South African President Jacob Zuma will travel to Libya to discuss a cease-fire with Muammar Qaddafi and rebel forces. Zuma will be part of an African Union delegation that will make a two-day trip to Libya starting tomorrow and which has been given permission to enter the country by NATO, according to an e-mailed statement by South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation. The AU team will meet Qaddafi in Tripoli and rebel leaders in their stronghold of Benghazi in the east.
    “Key on the agenda of both meetings will be the immediate implementation of a cease-fire from both sides and the opening of a political dialogue between the two parties,” the statement said. Before heading to Libya, Zuma will meet today in Mauritania with other African leaders to discuss the conflict.
    In reaction to the media reports, strong>Democratic Alliance (DA) BRITISH parliamentary leader Athol Trollip said: “The president’s close relationship in the past with Gaddafi has long been a cause of concern. We must recall that, just 12 days after being arrested on charges of rape in 2006, Jacob Zuma undertook a five-day trip to Tripoli, where he met with Gaddafi.”
    Trollip said that numerous media reports had suggested that he (Gaddafi) provided Zuma with financial support to contest the allegations against him.

    School Visit
    Libya’s state TV showed footage of Qaddafi visiting a school in Tripoli this morning. Children danced and sang songs as Qaddafi moved through the school clapping his hands, smiling and waving.
    U.S. TARGETS WITH-HOLDINGS, ATTACKING TWO LIBYAN CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS:The U.S. Treasury said yesterday it has imposed financial sanctions on Libya’s prime minister, Ali al-Mahmoudi Al Baghdadi, its oil minister, finance minister, Qaddafi’s chief of staff, the director of the internal security office, and two groups associated with Qaddafi’s children, the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation and the Waatasemu Charity Association.

    Former Libyan Energy Minister Omar Fathi bin Shatwan, who fled to Malta on a fishing boat April 1, described Misrata in an interview 07 April as a city where “there is no food or medicines, there is nothing but fear and dead bodies all over the place.”

    Aid Unloaded

    An aid ship reached the city’s port April 7 and its cargo of food, medicine and water purification equipment was unloaded yesterday, according to an e-mail from Patrick McCormick, a spokesman for UNICEF, which provided medical supplies. The port area was reported to be secure enough to unload the cargo, according to Naeema al-Gasseer, a crisis operations manager with the UN’s World Health Organization.
    Two surgeons from the Arab Medical Union, who arrived on the ship, performed five operations yesterday at a medical center now provided with electricity and water, al-Gasseer said in an e-mail.
    A vessel chartered by the International Committee of the Red Cross is scheduled to arrive today, and a Turkish charity planned to send an aid ship to the city next week, the AP reported.
    Foreign workers have fled from Libya’s oil fields since anti-government armed uprisings broke out in mid-February and escalated into full-armed conflict, meaning the country’s oil output would remain below a third of its previous level in the immediate aftermath of a cease-fire, Michael Lo, a Hong Kong-based analyst, wrote in the Nomura report.
    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon plans to convene a meeting of representatives of Arab, African, Muslim and European nations in Cairo on 14 April to “enhance coordination” of efforts to end the conflict, UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said yesterday. Also, NATO foreign ministers are scheduled to meet 14 and 15 April in Berlin to discuss Libya.

  50. Muscovites get the chance to hear the voice of Libyan Desert
    permalink email story to a friend print version Published: 28 June, 2010, 22:32

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    TAGS: Art, Africa, Russia, Prime Time Russia

    A travelling exhibition of Libyan art entitled “The Desert is Not Silent” has arrived in Moscow.
    The artifacts on display cover the vast period of Libyan history from the very beginning to the latest examples.

    Alongside paintings from contemporary artists, the selection includes a number of archeological pieces that date back to the Greek and Roman empires, confirming Libya’s controversial status as a cradle of world civilization.
    One of the highlights of the exhibition is a collection of art works by Saif el Gaddafi, the son of the well-known Libyan leader. Architect and artist Gaddafi was educated in Vienna, and the city made a profound influence on his art.
    The exhibition has been travelling all over the world since 2002.

  51. Watch this on Libya’s ancient artifacts:
    Culture Gaddafi son opens exhibition of Libyan art in Moscow
    Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi. Photograph: Mast Irham/EPA

    It will also show the remarkable talent of Saif…beyond his Political Science Doctorate, as an (TRAINED IN VIENNA) exceptional artist, architect and achaeologist.
    The whole malignment of the gifted Gadhafi clan is a terrible waste….
    SAIF in Moscow, 1

    SAIF exhibit in Moscow

    The Desert Is Not Silent, an exhibition of ancient and contemporary Libyan art, was opened in Moscow on Monday by the son of Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi.

    Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who heads the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation (GICDF), brought to Russian capital a sophisticated mix of archeological artifacts from several Libyan museums and contemporary masterpieces by the modern artists including Saif al-Islam himself.

    “Welcome to the desert, since the exhibition came from the desert that never keeps silent,” al-Islam said. “You can see here all the colors of the Libyan desert.”

    Gaddafi focuses on such opposing images as peaceful landscapes of the Libyan desert and the Islamic intifada. His art ranges from Arabian horses and tigers to portraits of his father.

    Saif al-Islam Gaddafi was born in 1972 in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. In 1994, he graduated from Tripoli’s Al Fateh University and later gained an MBA from Vienna’s IMADEC University and PhD from London School of Economics.

    He is an architect with his own firm in Tripoli.

    MOSCOW, 28 June 2008 (RIA Novosti)

  52. Archaeologists, egyptologists and anthropologists as well as lovers of the Sahara’s pre-historic art must now have their eyes set on Libya, as full access to its unique prehistoric art and primeval past is only a few hours away from Europe’s capitals. Dazzling and vivid mages of its early pastoralists, tribal shamans and early artists can be grasped directly off the rocks of the Sahara. Breathtaking depictions that not only withstood time but also have brought time to a stand-still; to a degree where these preserved treasures are believed by the Tuareg to be lessons from their ancestors and as such are true history of the Great Sahara Desert.

    Although much of the Sahara’s prehistoric art was attributed to Lhote’s travels in late 1950s, the engravings of North Africa were first made know to Europeans by a group of French Army officers travelling in southern Oran (in Algeria) in 1847. When the explorer Heinrich Barth crossed the Sahara from Tripoli to Timbuktu, in 1850, he found similar engravings of elephants, lions, antelopes, bovids, ostriches, gazelles and humans in the Fezzan area. In 1954 an Italian expedition (which included Paolo Grraziose, Vergara-Caffarelli and Dr Paradisi) discovered a large collection of animal engravings and female figures in rock shelters in Wadi el Kel, about 300 miles south of Tripoli. Apparently, the same engravings were reported in 1874 by the explorer Rohlfs. In some of the animal carvings, the horns of the oxen join together to form a solar disk: the emblem of the Libyan Sun-Goddess. After the first war the geological prophet who foretold the Sahara’s riches of natural oil, Conrad Kilian, discovered frescoes of a giraffe hunt in 1928. A few years later, chariots drawn by horses were also discovered. Then came Lieutenant Brenans the governor of Tassili who discovered the Tassili frescoes in 1938. According to some sources, Henri Lhote knew Brenans well and after his death carried on the work he had started, and he began to catalogue the gallery between the years 1956 and 1957.

    Libya’s Tripoli’s Jamahiriya Museum houses a wonderful collection of prehistoric artifacts and treasures from the Sahara and there is no doubt that the museum deserves a visit. But serious explorers of ancient civilizations will benefit greatly from the museums of the Sahara herself – a place well-known to the Berber Nasamons of ancient Libya, from whom Herodotus appears to have had hurriedly derived his descriptions of this enigmatic interior of Libya. The Sahara is the home of the world’s largest collection of prehistoric cave art: some 100,000 sites; each is a unique gallery of prehistoric drawings, paintings and engravings, telling different stories about life in the past. One of the prehistoric paintings discovered by Henri Lhote, that of a human figure, about 18 feet tall, holds the record of being the largest prehistoric painting in the world.

    To read more about these treasures please visit our virtual prehistoric art galleries at
    Sabrathra has three temples dedicated to several dieties…

  53. Libya: Gaddafi has accepted roadmap to peace, says Zuma.
    African Union negotiators appeal to Nato to halt air raids as they head for Benghazi
    Harriet Sherwood in Tripoli and Chris McGreal in Ajdabiya
    The Guardian, Monday 11 April 2011

    The Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, has accepted a roadmap to a political solution to the deadlocked two-month-old conflict,
    South Africa’s president, Jacob Zuma, has said in Tripoli.
    Zuma, who led a five-strong African Union (AU) delegation to the Libyan capital,
    said he was optimistic that a settlement would be reached. The delegation, minus Zuma, who was leaving Libya on Sunday night, will travel to Benghazi today to present the plan to the rebel opposition leadership.

    Referring to officials of the regime, Zuma told reporters inside Gaddafi’s compound at Bab al-Azizia that
    “the brother leader delegation has accepted the roadmap as presented by us”. He also called on Nato to stop air strikes on Libyan military targets “to give a ceasefire a chance”.
    Asked about the prospects of a deal, Zuma – who has had a close relationship with Gaddafi, said: “I am optimistic.”

    An AU official later said the plan included an immediate ceasefire,
    the delivery of humanitarian aid, the protection of foreign nationals in Libya, and dialogue between Libyan parties
    on the establishment of a transition period towards political reform.

    He would not comment on whether the discussions with the Libyan leader had included the possibility of him relinquishing power. But, he added, “the AU considers it’s up the to the Libyan people to choose democratically their leaders“.

    However, opposition forces insist they will not consider any deal that involves Gaddafi or his family retaining power.
    Proposals put forward by the regime so far have included Gaddafi or one of his sons overseeing political change in Libya.
    It is far from clear how this gap could be bridged.

    “The delegation … will be proceeding to meet the other party, to talk to everybody and present a political solution to the problem in Libya,” Zuma said. “We also … are making a call on Nato to cease the bombings to give a ceasefire a chance.”
    The AU said it was speaking to “all partners” in the Libyan crisis, hinting at consultations with the US, Nato and European countries.

    The AU delegation, consisting of the presidents of South Africa, Congo-Brazzaville, Mali and Mauritania, plus Uganda’s foreign minister, landed at Tripoli’s Mitiga airport after Nato gave permission for their aircraft to enter Libyan airspace. The planes were the first to land in Tripoli since the international coalition imposed a no-fly zone over the country more than two weeks ago.

    Gaddafi later drove among the thousands of chanting supporters who gather daily at his compound to pledge their loyalty and act as a human shield against Nato airstrikes. Gaddafi’s public appearances have become less frequent as the crisis has progressed.

    A Red Cross ship docked in Misrata at the weekend, bringing medical supplies to civilians in the besieged port city, which is about 100 miles from Tripoli. The Libyan government has refused to take journalists into Misrata, citing safety.
    The air strikes in Ajdabiya, 90 miles from Benghazi, attacked six vehicles carrying government soldiers. Their charred bodies were scattered around the still burning wreckage a few hours later.
    The rebels said government forces shot down a Russian-made helicopter sent into the fight by the rebels two days earlier. Nato forced a MiG jet fighting for the rebels to land.

    Libyan officials said the regime was preparing a new constitution, although they failed to give details or say whether Gaddafi would retain power. One official, Ibrahim Moukhzam, said: “Constitutions are not designed to fit around individuals. They are designed to serve the nation and any citizen can find a place for them in this constitution. Muammar Gaddafi as a Libyan individual can find his place in the constitution. The vast majority of people want him to stay. He is a symbol. He has many jobs and tasks.”

    Asked if it would be a presidential republic or another political system, Moukhzam said it would be a “Libyan version”.

    Meanwhile, four western journalists are believed to be in the custody after being detained near Brega, in the east of the country, last week, and a photographer for the Associated Press, who became separated from colleagues near Ajdabiya, has been found.

    Even as the African Union delegation arrived in the eastern rebel stronghold of Benghazi, crowds of protesters gathered to demonstrate their opposition to any dealmaking while Moammar Gadhafi or any of his family remains in Libya. They said they had little faith in the visiting African Union mediators. South African President Jacob Zuma led the group, whose other key participants were the leaders of Mali, Mauritania, Republic of Congo and Uganda.
    An earlier announcement came that the Libyan leader had accepted the truce; but Libyan rebels, backed forcefully by European leaders, rejected a cease-fire proposal by African mediators on Monday.
    Abdul-Jalil, a former justice minister who split with Col. Gadhafi and leads the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council, said the proposal “did not respond to the aspirations of the Libyan people” and only involved political reforms. “The initiative that was presented today, its time has passed,” said Abdul-Jalil. “We will not negotiate on the blood of our martyrs. We will die with them or be victorious.”
    Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini strongly backed the rebel demand for Col. Gadhafi’s immediate departure. European officials supported the rebels’ refusal to negotiate until Col. Gadhafi and his powerful sons and associates are gone.
    “The sons and the family of Gadhafi cannot participate in the political future of Libya,” Mr. Frattini said on France’s Europe-1 radio. He said Col. Gadhafi’s departure would have to happen “in parallel” with any cease-fire. He said he was lobbying allies to arm the rebels. 42-year-old protester Jilal Tajour, said. “All the people in Libya agree on this: Gadhafi and all his sons must leave Libya.”
    An Algerian member of the AU delegation had said there was discussion in the meeting with Moammar Gadhafi concerning the demands for his exit from Libya, but he refused to divulge details.
    The secretary general of NATO, which took over control of the international air operation over Libya from the U.S., welcomed any efforts to resolve the conflict. He said it had become clear it would not be decided on the battlefield. “There can be no solely military solution to the crisis in Libya,” Anders Fogh Rasmussen said.
    Misrata is the only major city in the western half of Libya that remains under partial rebel control. A 3-year-old girl was killed by NATO missiles that slammed into residential areas. Dozens have been killed and food and medical supplies are in short supply, according to residents. The rejected peace-proposal would have given extensive aid to the residents of Misrata. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has called for an immediate end to fighting in Mistrata – warning that tens of thousands of children are at risk. The organization reported that at least 20 children have been killed in the city due to weeks of conflict, while many others lack food and clean water.
    “They’ve been living in a war zone,” says UNICEF spokesperson James Elder. “At UNICEF we know, and we’ve seen far too many times, what impact this has on children; on their safety – first and foremost – on their general health, on their everyday needs, on their psychological state.”
    Elder told Vatican Radio that all parties “need to recognize that children must be protected at all times.”
    (Listen to James Elder’s full interview with Kelsea Brennan-Wessels): Gadhafi saddened by rejection of peae proposal
    [audio src="" /]
    On Monday, rebels held positions at the western gates of the city, on the fringes of desert littered with bullet casings, scraps of metal and more than a dozen blackened or overturned vehicles, including tanks and pickup trucks outfitted with anti-aircraft guns. The area was also scattered with twisted cooking pots, torn blankets and a shredded green helmet smeared with blood.

    Nato commander of Libya mission pleads for specialised fighter jetsAdmiral James Stavridis says precision ground-attack jets would help minimise civilian casualtiesNATO COMMAND
    Helen Pidd in Berlin,
    Thursday 14 April 2011 16.21 BST
    The Nato secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Nato commander of the Libya mission, Admiral James Stavridis, and the German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, in Berlin. Photograph: John Macdougall/AFP/Getty Images
    The Nato commander in charge of the operation in Libya has issued a plea for more specialised fighter jets to join the operation if civilian casualties are to be minimised.
    Sabha bombed by allied jets, claims Libyan TV – video | World news |
    State television footage shows the aftermath of what it says was a dawn attack on the central Libyan city of Sabha, with buildings destroyed and wounded civilians receiving hospital treatment
    Civilians and buildings attacked by NATO

  56. Hezbollah helping Libyan rebels, claims Gaddafi minister –
    video: Libya’s deputy foreign minister Khalid Kaim alleges rebels are receiving help from Islamists while claiming to be fighting for democracy, Thursday 14 April 2011
    Hezbollah helping Libyan rebels, claims Gaddafi minister – video | World news
    Libya’s deputy foreign minister Khalid Kaim alleges rebels are receiving help from Islamists while claiming to be fighting for democracy
    Khalid Kaim

  57. Libyan rebels supplied with anti-tank weapons by Qatar
    Qatari government officials say French-made missiles are being sent to rebels in Benghazi.
    Italy is supplying arms to rebels, as well

    Ian Black in Qatar,
    Chris McGreal in Benghazi and Harriet Sherwood in Tripoli,
    Thursday 14 April 2011 20.03 BST
    Qatar is supplying anti-tank weapons to Libyan rebels in Benghazi as part of its strategy of working to overthrow the Gaddafi regime, officials in Doha have confirmed.

    Qatar’s prime minister and foreign minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem, has said that UN resolutions on Libya permitted the supply….

    Qatari government officials were reluctant to be drawn on the delivery of French-made Milan missiles, thought to be by sea. “We need to send the Libyan Rebels equipment”…a senior source said.
    The foreign secretary, William Hague, and his opposite numbers from the 21-nation Libya contact group, endorsed Qatar’s position. Hague insisted the UK would supply only non-lethal equipment. France’s view is similar but both countries – which are leading Nato air strikes in Libya – accept that arming the rebels is legal.

    Gaddafi’s government has repeatedly complained that the Qataris are supplying the rebels. Khaled Kayim, Libya’s deputy foreign minister, has claimed that about 20 Qatari specialists were already in Benghazi. The emir of Qatar is the only Arab leader to recognise the interim national council in Benghazi.

    Benghazi’s revolutionary leadership has repeatedly pleaded with other Arab countries and the west to provide weapons capable of destroying Gaddafi’s tanks and rocket launchers. But it has persistently avoided answering questions about deliveries, claiming the issue is a security matter.

    However, the rebels have been shipping crates of weapons, including Kalashnikovs, rocket-propelled grenades and ammunition, to the city of Misrata.
    One revolutionary official said the rebels felt confident enough about the weapons supply to be able to send some to Misrata without weakening the defence of Ajdabiya, the last major town before Benghazi, the de facto capital of the uprising.

    Abdelbasset Abu Mzereiq told Reuters by telephone that at least 80 NATO rockets were fired on a residential area. He said civilians were killed, many of whom were women and children.
    Aid agencies have warned of a desperate humanitarian situation, with acute shortages of medicines, food and water. Medics from the Italian aid agency Emergency who are in the city, reported intense bombing overnight. “About 10 injured people and four dead arrived during the morning; all had been shot in the head. This was probably the work of snipers,” the team said.
    Nato air strikes hit al-Assah, about 105 miles west of Tripoli, on Thursday, Libyan state television reported. Nato planes also struck the capital several times in the afternoon, sparking anti-aircraft fire.

    Gaddafi made a rare public appearance on Tripoli’s waterfront following the attacks, and was greeted by supporters.

    Gaddafi motorcade tours Tripoli – videoMuammar Gaddafi is shown on Libyan state TV standing through a car’s open sunroof waving to passersby. The TV caption claims Gaddafi toured during an air strike.
    Gadhafi tours while NATO bombs Tripoli
    Gaddafi motorcade tours Tripoli – video | World news |
    Muammar Gaddafi is shown on Libyan state TV standing through a car’s open sunroof waving to passersby

    PressTV – ‘Libya DU pollution to last for 1bn years’
    A journalist says that Western countries have used DU weapons against Libya...
    suffering from depleted uranium fall-outChild born in Afghanistan suffering effects of depleted uranium.

    Depleted uranium has been proven to cause serious damage to troops, civilians and the environment, but the US, France and Britain have blocked a UN ban proposal.
    In an interview with Press TV, Conn Hallinan, of Foreign Policy and Foc…us in Berkeley, California, discusses the West’s awareness of the immense long-term danger of using depleted uranium in weapons, and its leaching impact, which poisons the environment and water supply for billions of years.
    Press TV: Depleted uranium is being used in Libya in NATO weapons. Can you comment on the seriousness of this and on international reaction if any?
    Conn Hallinan: Well, in Libya there has almost certainly been use of it because for the American A10 attack planes and AC130s that is their standard anti-armor weapon; they use depleted uranium shells.
    It is very dangerous. It has had very bad effects in the first Gulf war, in Iraq, and also in Kosovo to a certain extent.
    What people don’t realize is while depleted uranium is not highly radioactive, itself, when it explodes, it turns into a powder. It’s when the powder is ingested — either through drinking it or eating it or breathing it in — that’s when the problems start. We know that it damages bone marrow and chromosomes. It is also a very highly toxic metal so it damages kidneys and livers, as well.
    The WTO World Health Organization has strongly recommended against using it because it tends to leach into the water table and the problem with this stuff is that it has a half-life of 4.4 billion years. Once it gets into the environment, it’s there. And it’s basically there forever, leaching into the water system; people are drinking it and bathing in it, and the long term health effects are extremely serious.
    Press TV: One of the initial goals of these attacks in Libya was to provide protection for the civilians. How does the depleted uranium issue impact on such aims?Afficher la suite
    Il y a environ une heure · J’aimeJe n’aime plus.Christella Bernardene Krebs Astronomical rate of gross birth defects in Fallujah in Iraq has proven the case against weapons that use depleted uranium. Currently, however, NATO uses such weapons in Libya.
    Press TV interviews David Lindorff, author and investigative jo…urnalist in Philadelphia, on the nuclear-type war the US and NATO are waging in Muslim Middle Eastern and North African nations.
    The following is a rush transcript of the interview.
    Press TV: The transitional movement of government in Benghazi – they have said that as of next week they are going to resume production and export of oil from Libya – they never say who they’re selling it to…
    David Lindorff: Well it should be pretty clear, they have a pipeline that goes straight to Italy; Libya is the main supplier to southern Europe so the oil is going to the NATO countries.
    Press TV: Turning to the alleged use of depleted uranium that is apparently being used in Libya by the Western forces – reports say they are being used in positions that basically belong to the revolutionaries and not Qaddafi loyalists. What do you think about that?
    David Lindorff: I haven’t seen a solid confirmation that it’s been used, but there is a lot of evidence that points strongly toward it. The way some of these armed vehicles and tanks have been hit look like it’s pretty strong evidence that it is depleted uranium; it’s the kind of explosive burn that you get from that particular ammunition. And certainly the US has been flying A10s, which generally use depleted uranium shells in their armaments.
    Press TV: Some of those tanks you’ve seen belong to the revolutionaries…
    David Lindorff: Well they have hit some of the rebel army positions in addition…One point to make though is that when they hit the tanks that belong to Qaddafi the rebels then go over and stand on the things and cheer while they’re still smoldering and if they’ve been hit with uranium they’re breathing in the dust from the uranium weapon.
    Press TV: Yes that’s right. How does it go with the stated goal of the operation as being to provide protection to civilians?
    David Lindorff: The whole thing is that there shouldn’t be use of any uranium weapons. People like Doug Rockey, a scientist who was in the (US) military and had the primary responsibility for cleaning up after the first US war with Iraq in …1991 – his conclusion on that effort and tests they have done in the Nevada desert is that these weapons should never be used because they completely toxify for a billion years the battlefield wherever they’re used and the stuff never goes away; it has a half-life of tow and a half billion years I think.
    So you’ve got this microscopic uranium dust wherever the weapons were used in the environment and anyone who lives there in the future of ‘liberated’ Iraq or ‘liberated’ Libya or ‘liberated’ Afghanistan or wherever they use these weapons is polluted with uranium dust for generations and generations to come.
    We’re seeing the results of that in Fallujah in Iraq where the birth defect rate is astronomical.
    Press TV: The criticism that America has been receiving over its involvement in Libya- some say that America has not been doing enough. Do you think so?
    David Lindorff: (laugh) Well my own sentiment on this is that using military to solve these kinds of problems ends up always victimizing the citizens. I haven’t seen too many wars I can look at and say that that made a lot of sense.
    The idea of using massive air fire power to protect civilians is almost an oxymoron because it’s so hard for pilots flying at the altitude and speed there flying at to discern friend from foe. And for the bombs that they use, which include anti-personnel weapons – the very thing that our secretary of state was so offended to hear that Qaddafi was using saying it was an atrocious weapon whoever is using it, but we (the US) use them all the time.
    Once you start using these kinds of weapons you get indiscriminate killings and this results in disproportionate deaths of civilians and it’s usually kids that are the main victims of war.
    Press TV: Out of the reports I was reading about Libya recently one was about an alleged intention of America wanting to locate its army ‘Africa Command’ in Libya – this was before the war started actually and that has apparently been faced with Qaddafi’s disagreement. Analysts say that is part of the reasons America has participated in or orchestrated an attack against Libya. How likely is that ?
    David Lindorff: I would discount that. They have so many places that they could have the Africa Command that having it Libya doesn’t really make sense. The oil is the reasons; it’s what is driving US policy in Libya ad everywhere else in the Middle East.
    Press TV: Reports say that the quality of oil from Libya is among the best in the world. How is that important in this war?
    David Lindorff: It’s important in Europe and for oil prices. My understanding of the situation is Libyan oil is extremely low sulfur and easy to refine into the kind of unleaded fuel that is demanded in the US and particularly in Europe. The US has a good supply of low sulfur oil in Texas, but the Europeans need it from Libya, it’s a major source.
    Oil has the same price around the world basically so that if the Europeans need the oil from Libya and they have to buy it at a higher price or they can’t get it, then the oil for the European refineries that are built to handle that kind of oil and are not equipped to handle high sulfur oil like you get from Saudi Arabia then the price of that high Quality oil goes up everywhere including in the US, which buys low sulfur oil from the North Sea.

  59. SC/MB
    Strong evidence shows that Western forces are using “depleted uranium” in their attacks on Libya and the country will remain polluted for a “billion years,” a journalist says.

    “There is a lot of evidence that points strongly toward it. The way some of these armed vehicles and tanks have been hit look like it’s pretty strong evidence that it is depleted uranium; it’s the kind of explosive burn that you get from that particular ammunition,” said author and investigative journalist David Lindorff in an interview with Press TV.

    “And certainly the US has been flying A10s, which generally use depleted uranium shells in their armaments,” he added.

    Lindorff said the use of depleted uranium in weapons should be stopped “because they completely toxify [the battlefields] for a billion years.”

    “So you’ve got this microscopic uranium dust wherever the weapons were used in the environment and anyone who lives there in the future of ‘liberated’ Iraq or ‘liberated’ Libya or ‘liberated’ Afghanistan or wherever they use these weapons is polluted with uranium dust for generations and generations to come.”

    “We’re seeing the results of that in Fallujah in Iraq where the birth defect rate is astronomical.”

    The use of depleted uranium by US forces during the Iraq led to high rate of birth defects and cancer diagnoses in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, according to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

    Hundreds of civilians have been killed in Libya since US-led forces launched aerial attacks on the North African country.

    Coalition and Nato forces in Libya have so far killed around 10,000 people and injured over 50,000 others, reports say.
    NATO strikes to kill Gahafi family
    The crater with depleted uranium in Muammar Gaddafi’s Bab al-Aziziyah compound in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, reported to have been caused by Nato bombing. Photograph: Louafi Larbi/Reuters

    chant slogans following a NATO airstrike in Tripoli early Saturday. Darko Bandic/Associated Press
    US has authorised the use of armed, unmanned Predator drones armed with depleted uranium shells over Libya to give “precision capabilities”.
    NATO carried out another series of air strikes on Tripoli early Saturday, Libyan government officials said.
    Reporters were taken to an unpaved plot next to Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s sprawling Bab Aziziyeh residential compound.
    They were shown two craters, apparently from missiles that had pierced through thick layers of reinforced concrete. They saw two large holes in the ground, where the bombs had torn through a layer of soil, followed by a layer of reinforced concrete. About two dozen Gadhafi supporters arrived at the scene, waving green flags in support of the Libyan leader.
    Libyan officials said the lot served as a parking lot, but a series of olive-colored metal boxes were nearby: boxes described as empty ammunition crates…. Smoke was rising from one of the craters. Ibrahim said the area was disused and the ammunition boxes were empty.
    Reuters correspondents in Tripoli heard jets fly over the city, and felt a rumbling that shook walls and rattled windows….
    Government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim said three people were killed by the “very powerful explosion” near Gaddafi’s Bab al-Aziziyah compound in the early hours of Saturday.
    Reuters reporters said cars were parked on the empty land and that the area was surrounded by a wall.
    Loud booms were heard in the city early on Saturday, apparently from airstrikes.
    NATO bomber NATO jets appear to have struck the Libyan capital of Tripoli, hitting Colonel Gaddafi’s compound.
    NATO hits Tripoli parking field of Gadhafi residence
    Journalists have been taken to see two craters, apparently caused by missiles, at the dictator’s sprawling Bab Aziziyeh residential compound. The
    BBC‘s Jeremy Bowen was shown bomb damage at a compound in Tripoli that Gaddafi supporters say was used for water storage
    The Libyan government says three people were killed by the air attacks, which apparently hit the city early this morning. Meanwhile, Nato forces carried out more air strikes on the capital, Tripoli.
    Journalists were shown a concrete bunker near Col Gaddafi’s Bab al-Azizia compound that received two hits early on Saturday.
    There has been no confirmation of British Tornados or Typhoons taking part in any operation over Tripoloi overnight. RAF aicraft have been playing a significant role in NATO’s push.
    Nato targets Muammar Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound,
    David Batty and agencies, Saturday 23 April 2011 10.31 BST © The Associated Press, 2011
    Early this morning, Nato bombs hit a parking lot in Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound. Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said three people were killed by the “very powerful explosion” in a car park. NATO jets hit a target near Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s compound in central Tripoli early on Saturday, which the government described as a car park.
    The Associated Press

    Date: Saturday 23 Apr. 2011 7:47 AM ET
    TRIPOLI, Libya — Two missiles apparently fired by NATO warplanes struck near Moammar Gadhafi’s sprawling compound in central Tripoli early Saturday, setting off loud booms.
    “Gaddafi’s gotta go,” said Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US military’s joint chiefs of staff. But Jay Carney said it is up to the “people of Libya to decide” who should run their country.
    Reports that two missiles struck the compound came shortly
    after the Libyan government said it was ready to withdraw from Misrata, 190 kilometres east of Tripoli.
    Libya crisis: Misrata tribes ‘may fight rebels
    On the other side of the country, a rebel commander said NATO aircraft destroyed more than two dozen trucks and cars carrying Gadhafi’s forces not far from the contested city of Ajdabiya. A group of wounded Libyan soldiers captured by rebels in Misrata, the last large city held by rebels in the west of the country, said they had come under fierce attack from anti-Gaddafi forces as the army tried to retreat. Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi claim to have come under fierce attack as they tried to retreat from the rebel-held city of Misrata. A wounded government soldier captured by rebels told Reuters news agency that Gaddafi’s forces had been told to withdraw from Misrata on Friday, by Gadhafi , as rebels captured an eight-story insurance building.
    The Libyan government earlier said Nato air strikes may force it to withdraw from the port city, 120 miles east of Tripoli, and let tribes loyal to Gaddafi deal with rebels.
    “We have been told to withdraw. We were told to withdraw yesterday,” one soldier, Khaled Dorman, told Reuters. Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim said tribal leaders have given the army an ultimatum, saying it must step aside if it cannot retake control of Misrata.
    The tribal leaders would fight the rebels if they don’t surrender, Kaim said late Friday night.
    Asked if that meant troops would get out of the way, he said: “This is how I imagine it would happen.” However, he said negotiations between the military and tribal leaders are continuing.
    Kaim did not say when the armed tribesmen would move in. “We will leave it for the tribes around Misrata and the Misrata people to deal with the situation in Misrata,” Kaim told reporters.
    Having tribesmen take up the fight in Misrata could make it harder for the Predators to distinguish them from Misrata’s civilians or the rebels. Tribes loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have said that if the army cannot drive rebels from the besieged port city of Misrata, they will, a senior official says.
    Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim said the army had tried to keep civilian casualties low and he hoped the tribes would show the same restraint. The BBC‘s Jeremy Bowen reports from Tripoli that the regime says the reason Col Gaddafi has remained relatively secure in the west of Libya is that the principal tribes – which wield a lot of power and influence in the country – are on his side.
    However, the government has previously used the prospect of tribal civil war as a warning against rebel leaders and NATO/em> intervention.
    Ayad Muhammad, another soldier, said: “The rebels attacked us while we were withdrawing from Misrata near a bridge this morning.” The comments came in a meeting between tribal leaders and the military in the area of Misrata still controlled by the government, Mr
    Kaim said.
    He said the tribes were angry that people’s lives had been disrupted by weeks of fighting that had cut the main coastal road and stopped trade in the city.
    Tribal leaders say the seaport is for all Libyans and not just the rebels, Mr Kaim said.
    ‘Surgical’ tactics
    In normal times Misrata is a major commercial centre and its port is second only to Tripoli.
    Earlier, the Libyan deputy foreign minister, Khaled Kaim, said the army had been given an “ultimatum” to stop the rebellion in Misrata, which has been under siege for nearly two months
    “Now there is an ultimatum before the Libyan army. If they can’t resolve the problem in Misrata then the people from the region… will move in,” he told reporters.
    He said the tribes would first try to persuade the rebels to lay down their arms, but if that failed they would move in. The army would stay where it was, he added.
    “The tactic of the army is to have a surgical solution but with the (NATO) air strikes it doesn’t work,” Mr Kaim said.
    . Hundreds of people have died, and Gadhafi wishes no more deaths. The Regime is is hoping for some kind of a diplomatic solution, he adds. Hundreds of people have been killed in clashes between rebels and the government forces, and by
    NATO’s depleted uranium shelling of the city of 300,000.
    Reuters reporters said they saw two large holes in the ground where the bombs had penetrated.
    21 MARCH BOMBING of Gadhafi compound by NATO
    Libyan soldiers survey the damage to an administrative building hit by a missile late Sunday in the heart of Moammar Gadhafi’s Bab Al Azizia compound in Tripoli, Libya, as they are pictured during an organized trip by the Libyan authorities, early Monday, March 21, 2011. (AP / Jerome Delay)Officials in Tripoli said that one missile on Sunday, which they said was intended to kill Gadhafi, had destroyed a building in his compound, heavily bombed in 1986 by the United States.
    “It was a barbaric bombing,” said government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim, showing pieces of shrapnel that he said came from the missile. “This contradicts American and Western (statements) . . . that it is not their target to attack this place.”
    A Libyan government spokesman also said that foreign attacks had killed many people by bombing ports and Sirte airport.
    “You saw that place (Sirte airport
    ),” Mussa Ibrahim told a news conference. “It’s a civilian airport. It was bombarded and many people were killed. Harbours were also bombarded.”
    Kaim Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khalid Kaim says tribes have given the Libyan army an ultimatum
    map of Libya

  60. Found the following post of 13 JULY 2010 on AFGAN (QUOTE) Once again there was no media coverage of the fighting in Italy: it was not reported in the Italian army communique at all. The US on the other hand reported the intensity of the fighting, and the number of bombings that were carried out.
    Over the last few months the Pentagon has reduced the number of air raids in order to prevent uneccessary civilian deaths. There have been whole days when the US hasn’t dropped a single bomb. But on the 2 and 3 July, they dropped a lot of bombs right in the area where the Italian alpine unit is stationed.
    US A10 Avengers have been dropping depleted uranium bombs for some time. It has been known for a long time that these bombs severely damage the health of the troops stationed near to where they fall. There have been several cases where returning soldiers suffered from leukemia and other forms of cancer, although no-one has yet managed to come up with the scientific proof that these were caused by depleted uranium.
    According to the US Air Force Central Command at the beginning of the squadriglie they limited themselves to dropping luminous flares to intimidate the Taleban.
    It seems that the Amx of the Aeronautic division from Herat were also involved in this activity.
    These are jets that can’t use bombs and are just used for reconnaissance.
    However when the fighting began American Storms were involved.
    They started off using the terrible A10 thunderbolt – often called Avengers – with rapid firing guns which fire depleted uranium. The Avengers fired devastating rounds of depleted uranium, covering the area with deadly radioactive shells.

    • Wednesday, April 20, 2011
      InternationalNato strikes Gaddafi command sites
      Britain sending military advisers to aid rebels
      Afp, Brussels
      very “humanitarian” of the AXIS/ NATO !
      Britain sent a team of experienced military officers to advise Libyan rebels fighting Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, Foreign Secretary William Hague said yesterday. Hague said the “military liaison advisory team” would advise the opposition fighters on improving their organisation, communications and logistics. Britain had in recent weeks decided to supply the rebels. In a list of Monday’s operations, Nato said it destroyed nine ammunition bunkers in the vicinity of Tripoli. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said yesterday that he was “entirely hostile” to the British idea of sending coalition ground troops into Libya. Juppe made the comments at a lunch with reporters in Paris even as France’s chief ally in the conflict, Britain, said it was deploying military trainers and after a senior French lawmaker Axel Poniatowski called for commandos to be sent in.

  61. Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of
    Author: Thunderbird (96.51.145.—)
    Date: 31-Mar-11 03:39

    Libyan Rebel Council Forms Oil Company to Replace Qaddafi’s
    By Bill Varner – Mar 22, 2011 3:17 AM MT

    Libyan rebels in Benghazi said they have created a new national oil company to replace the corporation controlled by leader Muammar Qaddafi whose assets were frozen by the United Nations Security Council.

    The Transitional National Council released a statement announcing the decision made at a March 19 meeting to establish the “Libyan Oil Company as supervisory authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi, and the appointment of an interim director general” of the company.

    The Council also said it “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.”

    The Security Council adopted a resolution on March 17 that froze the foreign assets of the Libyan National Oil Corp. and the Central Bank of Libya, both described in the text as “a potential source of funding” for Qaddafi’s regime. [end]

    article excerpt:
    March 29, 2011

    The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company. Perhaps when this conflict is over those rebels can become time management consultants. They sure do get a lot done. What a skilled bunch of rebels – they can fight a war during the day and draw up a new central bank and a new national oil company at night without any outside help whatsoever. If only the rest of us were so versatile! But isn’t forming a central bank something that could be done after the civil war is over? According to Bloomberg, the Transitional National Council has “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.” Apparently someone felt that it was very important to get pesky matters such as control of the banks and control of the money supply out of the way even before a new government is formed.

    Of course it is probably safe to assume that the new Central Bank of Libya will be 100% owned and 100% controlled by the newly liberated people of Libya, isn’t it?

    Most people don’t realize that the previous Central Bank of Libya was 100% state owned. The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia’s article on the former Central Bank of Libya….

    The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) is 100% state owned and represents the monetary authority in The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and enjoys the status of autonomous corporate body. The law establishing the CBL stipulates that the objectives of the central bank shall be to maintain monetary stability in Libya , and to promote the sustained growth of the economy in accordance with the general economic policy of the state.

    Since the old Central Bank of Libya was state owned, it was essentially under the control of Moammar Gadhafi.

    But now that Libya is going to be “free”, the new Central Bank of Libya will be run by Libyans and solely for the benefit of Libyans, right?

    T Bird….

    The other day this was revealed:

    The US has been giving the impression that it has backed away from the bombing campaign in Libya. It has now emerged that while the initial intensity of the high-altitude air strikes and cruise missile attacks has diminished, the US has not let up. In a dramatic and significant escalation of the assault on Gaddafi’s forces, the US has deployed low-flying, heavily-armed aircraft against Libyan armour.

    It is a deployment far removed from the initial concept of a “no-fly” zone.

    The Pentagon has revealed that AC-130 gunships and A10 tankbusters, of the kind used in Iraq and Afghanistan, have been deployed in Libya. “We have employed A10s and AC-130s over the weekend,” Vice-Admiral Bill Gortney, said.

    The use of the close air support aircraft has fuelled claims that the US is actively co-ordinating tactics with the rebels. Aware of the controversy any such admission could unleash, Gortney, director of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the US actions were in support of the UN-backed resolutions to protect Libyan civilians. “We’re not in direct support of the opposition, that’s not part of our mandate, and we’re not co-ordinating with the opposition,” he added. He described the US strategy as one of continuing “to pressure them where we think it’s going to give us the best effect”.[end]

    T Bird,….Ya….A-10’s have fuel to loiter around for hours after flying accross the Med to Libya.[sarcasm]

    These are defined taskers which are sent in pre coordinated missions.
    Its one thing to bomb up an F-15E with fastpack extended fuel ,
    and then use that if some called for event arrises suddenly while on patrol,

    but A -10’s and AC -130 gunships,….thats dedicated ground supression .
    thats strike planning and C4I sat/realtime attack.

    Libya is such a lie,

    but then,..for some…this is all good

    T Bird

  62. Gadhafi residence and complex hit bad
    Gadhafi compound hit by NATO; dozens reportedly hurt
    Libya leader was target, official says, adding that 45 people were hurt, 15 seriously

    TRIPOLI, Libya — A NATO airstrike flattened a building inside Moammar Gadhafi’s compound early on Monday, in what a press official from Gadhafi’s government said was an attempt on the Libyan leader’s life.
    Firefighters were still working to extinguish flames in a part of the wrecked building when journalists were brought on a government-organized trip to the scene, a few hours after three loud explosions shook central Tripoli.

    Mohamed Messara / EPA
    A Libyan fireman walks among rubble after NATO strikes hit Moammar Gadhafi’s compound early Monday in Tripoli. The press official, who asked not to be identified, said Gadhafi used the destroyed building for ministerial and other meetings. She said 45 people were injured, including 15 who were seriously hurt, and some were still unaccounted for after the attack
    Video: US drones strike first Libyan targets
    In Washington, three members of the Senate Armed Services Committee said more should be done to drive Gadhafi out of power, including targeting his inner circle with airstrikes. However, in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI offered an Easter prayer for diplomacy to prevail over warfare in Libya.
    A senior Libyan government official has said the military is withdrawing from the fighting in Misrata, ostensibly to give a chance to tribal chiefs in the area to negotiate with the rebels. The official, Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim, said the tribal chiefs were ready to send armed supporters to fight the rebels unless they lay down their weapons.
    Kaim also claimed that the army has been holding its fire since Friday.

    In Rome, the Pope told a crowd of more than 100,000 Easter pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square that he hopes “diplomacy and dialogue replace arms” in Libya and that humanitarian aid will get through to those in need.
    The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

  63. US drones strike first Libyan targets
    Uncertain debut
    Deadly in the clear skies of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Predators, made an uncertain debut in Libya. They are being deployed from the Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily, Italy, NBC News reported.
    “But it’s a recognition that with only six other members of NATO conducting air strikes and resource constraints, they are providing something the British and French couldn’t.”
    Douglas Barrie, a military aviation expert at London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies, said, “But putting unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the operation in a bigger way will provide the coalition with a persistent presence over areas of interest and will help cover the relative shortfall of strike aircraft.”
    Tim Ripley, a military expert at Jane’s Defense Weekly, said there was a clear psychological motive to the announcement, given that the Pentagon had said earlier this month that two unarmed Predators and a larger “Global Hawk” drone were taking part in the Libya operation.
    “It’s being pitched as a ramping up of the air war, so it’s capitalizing on the mystique and TERROR POTENTIAL OF THESE WEAPONS* to put pressure on the Libyan regime and to placate Western domestic opinion (worried) that the war is stalemating.”
    Drones have some advantages over helicopters and low-flying attack planes as they can stay over a battlefield longer and hit ground targets with comparative impunity, but in the numbers envisaged for Libya, there are limits to what they can achieve.
    The Pentagon said the U.S. deployments involve two patrols of Predators — each of which can carry two Hellfire missiles.
    Analysts say this would mean a total of perhaps six to 10 aircraft, or which only two to four might be over Libya at any one time, compared with the 50 patrols employed in Afghanistan and Pakistan — a smaller land area than Libya.
    “You’d want more UAVs if they were available,” said Barrie, noting there were limits to how many could be deployed without affecting missions in Afghanistan and Yemen.
    “The Predators have the potential to change things, but only in a limited area,” said Ripley. “They are only going to have two patrols, so that means a very narrow area. So it’s more of a tactical operational thing than a strategic impact.”
    “Helicopters are far closer to the action and pilots can see what’s going on and say hunt down a street,” Ripley said.
    Barrie said drones has been effectively employed in Iraq against insurgents in Sadr City, but then they were backed by U.S. attack helicopters.

    The worry for the Western forces, is that the people (of the Allied Nations using them) are publicly denouncing their government’s use of drones; and they are discouraging such a combination in Libya.
    NBC News contributed to this story from Reuters.
    *: The West is employing “TERROR” to tople Gadhafi. How is this in respect to the West’s “War on Terror” ??
    Also, there has been a clearer awareness that these tactial weapons ARE NUCLEAR; and they dispose depleted uranium shells (which irreversably contaminate the soil for more than a billion years). The soil sample anaysis’ show that North African Libyan soil now is as radioactive, or even more so, than the soil on Mars.

    THIS WAS 21 MARCH—a month or more ago:

  64. Des sénateurs américains demandent que Kadhafi soit assassiné
    Par James Cogan
    26 avril 2011
    Des sénateurs américains ont profité de leur présence dans l’émission « Etat de l’Union » de la chaîne CNN hier pour demander que le dirigeant libyen Muammar Kadhafi soit assassiné et que l’on intensifie les frappes aériennes pour parvenir à l’objectif réel de la guerre: la mise en place d’un régime fantoche accommodant.
    Cinq semaines de bombardements n’ont pas réussi à faire tomber Kadhafi, du fait principalement que le soutien au gouvernement de Tripoli se poursuit et du fait de la faiblesse politique et militaire des forces anti-Kadhafi basées dans la ville orientale de Benghazi. Les combattants de l’opposition n’ont pas fait de gains significatifs dans l’est du pays et les troupes pro-gouvernementales maintiennent le siège de Misrata, ville occidentale tenue par l’opposition, malgré des bombardements quasi quotidiens de l’OTAN.
    Les signes clairs d’une impasse militaire et une insistance impitoyable à ce qu’elle soit brisée, dominent les discussions au sein de l’establishment américain. Le sénateur républicain Lindsey Graham a dit sur CNN: « En ce moment précis, il n’y a vraiment pas une dynamique suffisante chez les rebelles… Donc ma recommandation à l’OTAN et au gouvernement c’est de couper la tête du serpent. Il faut aller à Tripoli, se mettre à bombarder le cercle proche de Kadhafi, leurs résidences- casernes, leurs QG militaires. »
    Graham a réitéré la demande répandue au sein de l’establishment américain que le gouvernement Obama déploie ses hélicoptères de combat AC-130 pour des opérations contre les forces libyennes pro-Kadhafi. Les AC-130 sont équipés de fusils Gatling à cinq barils de 25 mm, à tir rapide, d’un canon de 40 mm et d’un obusier de 105 mm. Ils sont conçus pour bombarder intensément toute une zone et dévaster véhicules et personnels, ainsi que tous les civils qui se trouvent pris sous le feu. Ils ont été utilisés en Afghanistan et en Irak et produit des effets meurtriers, dont des massacres de civils documentés.Graham a rejeté l’observation de la présentatrice de CNN Candy Crawley qui a dit que les attaques contre des cibles situées dans les quartiers fortement peuplés de Tripoli n’étaient pas couvertes par la résolution de l’ONU qui représente un cache-sexe légal pour la guerre: « Le but est de se débarrasser de Kadhafi, » a-t-il dit. « Il faut que les gens autour de Kadhafi se réveillent chaque jour en se demandant ‘Est-ce qu’aujourd’hui est mon dernier jour?’ Il faut que les commandants militaires qui soutiennent Kadhafi soient pilonnés. Ainsi, je ne laisserais pas le mandat de l’ONU stopper ce qui est la chose correcte à faire. »
    Le sénateur républicain et ancien candidat à la présidentielle John McCain qui s’était rendu à Benghazi vendredi dernier pour y rencontrer des membres du Conseil national de transition a demandé la reconnaissance immédiate par les Etats-Unis de cette institution rebelle afin que l’on puisse envoyer de l’argent et des armes. McCain a déclaré que les anciens ministres de Kadhafi, les personnes liées à la CIA et les islamistes dont on sait qu’ils font partie du Conseil « représentent les aspirations légitimes du peuple libyen. »
    En plus de demander une intensification des efforts pour former et armer les forces anti-Kadhafi afin qu’elles mènent leur guerre civile, McCain a insisté pour que la puissance aérienne américaine, tels les hélicoptères AC-130 et Apache, soit déployée « de façon plus intensive. »
    En réponse à la demande de Graham d’assassiner Kadhafi, McCain a exprimé son accord général avec le ciblage du dirigeant libyen mais a déclaré que la stratégie américaine devait se fonder sur le fait de « gagner la bataille au sol » et non pas « la possibilité de l’évincer par hasard avec une frappe aérienne qui par chance l’atteindrait. »
    Le sénateur indépendant Joseph Lieberman, candidat un temps à la vice-présidence du Parti démocrate, a rejoint la campagne pour l’escalade et s’est fait l’écho de l’appel de Graham à l’assassinat de Kadhafi. L’OTAN, a-t-il déclaré, « doit se mettre à réfléchir et se demander s’ils veulent plus directement cibler Kadhafi et sa famille. » Lieberman a cyniquement déclaré que la résolution de l’ONU justifiait une politique d’assassinat au motif que « cela protègerait la population civile. »
    Prôner de façon aussi flagrante des crimes de guerre pour écarter du pouvoir Kadhafi découle inexorablement des mobiles criminels de la guerre elle-même. Depuis le début, cette guerre a été initiée par les ambitions néo-coloniales de la France, de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis pour s’emparer des ressources pétrolières lucratives de la Libye aux dépens de rivaux tels la Chine et la Russie. Cinq semaines après le début des bombardements, et sans qu’on en voie le bout, la frustration grandissante à Washington attise les appels à noyer dans le sang toute résistance.
    Un des mobiles est l’impact sur les prix mondiaux du pétrole du quasi arrêt des exportations du pétrole libyen. Les combats et les bombardements autour des principales installations pétrolières et de gaz ont endommagé l’infrastructure. Des champs pétrolifères tenus par les rebelles de Benghazi devraient, selon les prédictions, être hors d’état de produire pour les quatre semaines à venir, les forçant à compter sur des dons de carburant du Qatar.
    Le gouvernement Obama et ses alliés de l’OTAN ont déjà pris des mesures pour une escalade significative de l’attaque contre la Libye. La Grande-Bretagne, la France et l’Italie ont commencé à envoyer des « conseillers » à Benghazi pour aider les forces d’opposition, ce qui représente un premier pas vers un éventuel déploiement de forces au sol.
    Samedi, la première attaque contre les troupes du gouvernement libyen a été menée par un drone Predator américain sans pilote, dont le président Obama a ordonné le déploiement la semaine dernière. Un lance-roquette monté sur un véhicule à Misrata aurait été détruit par un missile Hellfire. Au moins deux Predators survoleront la Libye 24 heures sur 24.
    Dimanche, le ministre britannique des Affaires étrangères William Hague a refusé d’exclure une décision de l’OTAN de déployer les Predators pour tenter d’assassiner Kadhafi. Hague a déclaré: «Déterminer qui ou quoi devient une cible légitime dépend de la manière dont ces derniers se comportent. »
    Des efforts pour tuer Kadhafi ou les membres de sa famille semblent être déjà entrepris. Parmi un certain nombre de sites bombardés à Tripoli durant le week-end il y a un ensemble de bunkers à proximité de la résidence caserne du dirigeant libyen. Il y aurait eu trois morts. CNN a rapporté qu’un important dépôt de munitions avait été bombardé et que « les frappes aériennes se sont poursuivies une bonne partie de la nuit. »
    La semaine dernière, le lieutenant général Charles Bouchard a prévenu les civils de se tenir éloignés des prétendues cibles militaires. Mais les attaques ciblent délibérément des infrastructures civiles. L’agence libyenne d’informations a rapporté durant le week-end que des avions de l’OTAN avaient bombardé les système d’approvisionnement de l’eau et les égouts des villes d’ al-Khums et Sirte tenues par Kadhafi. En 1999 durant la guerre aérienne de l’OTAN contre la Yougoslavie, des centrales électriques, des routes, des voies de chemins de fer et des canalisations d’eau avaient été bombardées pour terroriser la population civile.
    Des reportages sur Misrata où de violents combats se sont déroulés indiquent qu’un grand nombre de soldats libyens ont été tués durant le week-end par les attaques de l’OTAN. Un combattant de l’opposition s’est vanté de ce que 30 tanks ont été détruits ainsi qu’un convoi de véhicules tout-terrain. Un journaliste du quotidien britannique The Guardian a dit avoir vu au moins six tanks calcinés dans un quartier de la ville où des troupes du gouvernement ont battu en retraite samedi.
    Bien que les commandants de l’opposition insistent pour dire que la ville est sous leur contrôle, leurs positions ont été lourdement pilonnées dimanche à partir de la périphérie, ce qui a tué et blessé un grand nombre de personnes. Déterminés à briser l’impasse militaire actuelle, les avions de l’OTAN continuent d’attaquer les forces gouvernementales dans la région.

    Lire aussi:
    Les bombardements en Libye des Etats-Unis et de l’OTAN font de plus en plus de morts
    Un bombardement intensifié et des « conseillers » militaires sur le terrain
    La Grande-Bretagne et la France intensifient la guerre en Libya
    Le WSWS accueille vos commentaires
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    World Socialist Web Site
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  65. The West/ America is definitely out to assasinate the Gadhafi Family
    This is the horrible truth. Wake-up, the UN/NATO madate has nothing to do with protecting civilians or human life…It is cold-blooded power/murder; and not caring how to attain that d…ominating power. Not only are they asking to kill the Gadhafis, but also the allied bombing (using depleted uranium shells) is contaminating N. African and Mid-Eastern land to being radioactive for a billion years. (Sounds like the soil of Mars?)
    News this morning says that most of Gadhafi’s residence has been destroyed, including his library and many people are dead or are close to mortally wounded. THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL U.N. MANDATE is it?

  66. BREAKING NEWS: United States To Assassinate GaddafiPosted on25 April 2011. Tags: assassinate, attack, gaddafi, gadhafi, kill, libya, moammar, murder, nato, terrorism, united states, us, usa

    Libya: Western Leaders Call For NATO To Kill Gaddafi
    Senior western leaders called for Nato to adopt an assassination policy against Col Muammar Gaddafi to salvage the bombing campaign in Libya from a descent into stalemate.

    The calls came as Col Gaddafi was reported to have strengthened his grip on power by repatriating billions of dollars in overseas assets that should have been frozen by UN sanctions.

    On Sunday, there was growing pressure on Coalition forces to directly target Col Gaddafi with military strikes.
    Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican member of the Senate Armed Services committee, said that the quickest way to end the emerging stalemate was to “cut the head of the snake off”. He said: “The people around Gaddafi need to wake up every day wondering, ‘Will this be my last?’
    Senator John McCain, who visited Libya at the weekend, also said that the Libyan dictator should be targeted but argued that it was more important to increase American firepower over Libya. He said: “It’s pretty obvious to me that the US has got to play a greater role on the air power side. Our Nato allies neither have the assets, nor frankly the will – there’s only six countries of the 28 in Nato that are actively engaged in this situation.”

    William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, also on Sunday refused to rule out using remote-controlled American drones to assassinate Col Gaddafi. Mr Hague said “who and what is a legitimate target depends on their behaviour.” However, he denied that there was a stalemate in Libya and ruled out proposals to partition the country.

    Mr Hague said he was still hopeful about sanctions beginning to undermine the regime, despite the reports of Libya circumventing the UN-led financial crackdown.

    The European Union and United States have barred access to more than $60 billion in Libyan bank accounts and funds but other nations have done little or nothing to prevent Col Gaddafi and his associates sustaining themselves.

    Col Gaddafi has moved billions of dollars back to Tripoli since the rebellion began in mid-February, according to European, American and United Nations officials who spoke to the Los Angeles Times.

    The full scale of sanctions-busting is unknown, partly because many investments in companies and financial institutions hide Col Gaddafi’s identity.

    Libya’s circumvent of the sanctions has complicated Nato’s efforts to end Col Gaddafi’s four decades in power. His ability to siphon off cash has also hampered attempts to persuade his advisers and military commanders to flee.

    Officials said the case was a cautionary one about the limits of sanctions and could be compared with Saddam Hussein’s success at getting around international sanctions in the years before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    Kenya and Turkey are among the countries with strong economic ties to Libya that have resisted carrying out the freeze, mandated by UN Security Council resolutions in February and March. A number of other African countries have also been reluctant.

    China, India and Russia, three of the world’s biggest economies, have resisted European and American attempts to expand the sanctions. They argue that such actions could damage their own industries.

    A UN diplomat told the “Los Angeles Times” that “only a handful” of governments had reported back to the Security Council enforcement committee, which oversees the sanctions, that they had blocked access to Libyan assets.

    “We’ve done pretty well,” the diplomat said. “But when you’re dealing with somebody as sophisticated as Gaddafi, with such sprawling commercial interests, this has been an uphill struggle…. It’s been hard.” Under UN rules, governments don’t have to report their efforts to comply with sanctions until late June.

    This four-month delay “is a major weak flank in the system”, the diplomat said, and Gaddafi “understands the system”.

  67. Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi Defender of North Africa! Defender of All of Africa! Defender of Arabs and Africans!
    Spread the word on the REAL name of NATO: North Atrocities Terrorist Organization.


    personnes aiment.Afficher toutIntérêts
    .Support the Libyan Jamahiriyah against the Westerners interferences.Anti-Nato Support for Libya.libya our home leave us in peace.Hands Off Libya ارفعوا أيديكم عن ليبيا.Independent Observers for Libya – Now
    Global Support of The Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi
    Gadhafi & the Libyan people

    signatures: 597
    signature goal: 10,000
    .overviewpetitionTarget: UN and NATO
    Sponsored by: The Global Community
    We give our full support of the Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi as the sole and legitimate representative of the Libyan people. we are completely against any military intervention which will leads to nothing but destroy my beloved country Libya. Any internal problem is a Libyan business which can be resolved by Libyan or diplomatic dialogue.

    Please share this petition with your friends and family and all those who believe in this cause . Petitions will succeed only by word of mouth and sharing it with others, and every signature makes a difference!…Note: Please fill the information on the right side of this page —————>>>>to sign…..hitting like button would not count as a signature…..Thanks !
    we signed “Global Support of The Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi”
    # 60109:16, Apr 29, Christella Bernardene Krebs, France
    The “Guide” and his marvelous family are being unjustly maligned by the AXIS Nations & NATO. I want him to know that there are others (like myself in Corsica and elsewhere in the “West”) who admire his integrity, goodness and beautiful philosophy of just living and LOVE….May God be with him and all the Gadhafi clan.. # 60007:10, Apr 29, Vladan Milojevic, Serbia And Montenegro. # 59907:09, Apr 29, Aleksandra Vujpvic, Ireland. # 59806:03, Apr 29, Gabriela Sisková, Slovakia
    I give my full support to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi as a legitimate representative of the Libyan people. I am against any military intervention by NATO and the U.S., which wants under the guise of economic aid exploit and destroy Libya.. # 59705:53, Apr 29, Name not displayed, Sweden
    Ghadafi’s only crime is being unpopular, but many Libyans support him. The oppositions only plan is that it won’t involve Ghadafi, ill thought through plans might lead to a new Iraq and most definitely wont lead to any improvement in Libya.. # 59600:35, Apr 29, Name not displayed, Slovakia. # 59523:49, Apr 28, Karol Nagykarolnagy, Slovakia
    For FREE AND DEMOCRATIC VOTES with people of Gaddafi and with oposition instead war and bombing of NATO! # 59413:38, Apr 28, roberto vasquez, Venezuela
    impeial hands out for libya….!!!. # 59310:47, Apr 28, Gonzalo Jose Perez Munoz, Spain. # 59210:47, Apr 28, Elfriede Dum, Austria. # 59110:14, Apr 28, Sascha Vidik, Denmark. # 59010:09, Apr 28, Natasa Malena, Serbia And Montenegro. # 58909:43, Apr 28, zakia sp, Greece
    STOP WAR IN LIBYA. # 58809:40, Apr 28, Name not displayed, MI. # 58708:38, Apr 28, Ekaterina Vodenicharova, Bulgaria. # 58608:16, Apr 28, Radu-Ionut Damian, Romania
    Stop the aggresion and propaganda against Libya and his leader, Gaddafi. Leave this country in peace and stop financing terrorists that you call them „rebels”.. # 58507:48, Apr 28, Ginette Lefront, Belgium. # 58407:26, Apr 28, Olgica Gjorevska, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of. # 58306:39, Apr 28, Bogdan Mesko, Slovenia. # 58206:32, Apr 28, mohammed hamid, PA. # 58107:06, Apr 27, abdel zinet, Algeria
    for unjust attacks of nato against libyan people with complicity of terrorists payed by monarchists.. # 58004:59, Apr 27, hicran oge, Turkey. # 57920:12, Apr 26, Name not displayed, Saudi Arabia
    Stop Terrorist Aggression On Libya. # 57813:36, Apr 26, Vesna Simonova, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of. # 57713:21, Apr 26, Ray Borg, Czech Republic
    Gaddafi helped the poeple of Malta and helped Malta so many times,Malta owe him support at this times in need we shal not forget. hope all end in good way.Good luck to a friend of my country.. # 57609:18, Apr 26, Danilo Belkovic, Germany
    VIVA GADDAFI!!!. # 57508:49, Apr 26, Tatjana Dimitrijevic, Serbia And Montenegro
    Support of The Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi. NATO stop killing people all around the world.Organized mass murder (war) is very often justified as “justice” or moral. Indeed it is almost always the good guys against the bad guys (unless it is a war waged by mercenaries). American wars are always in foreign countries against native peoples, so on the surface it is hard to understand why America is in so much denial about their empirism, colonialism, and imperialism…. # 57408:47, Apr 26, Nemanja Markovic, Serbia And Montenegro. # 57308:30, Apr 26, Dragan Nedeljkovic, Serbia And Montenegro
    i support gaddafi beacucle he is good leader that
    did many good thinks for lybia , he also supported us when we were bombed by nato !!!!. # 57208:24, Apr 26, Amir Maseed Pashtun, United Kingdom
    I support Qadafi because he is our socialist progressive brother, I oppose CIA funded Alqaeda Wahabis. # 57108:19, Apr 26, Aleksandar Jurić, Bosnia And Herzegovina. # 57008:10, Apr 26, Aleksandar Scekic, Serbia And Montenegro
    Pure imperialism… I am disgusted… Modern world, used as a sword is killing innocents under false pretences of saveing civilians… Rest of the world is just keeping quiet… Free world dont exist long time now… there is just prisioners who are brain washed that they are free…. # 56905:13, Apr 26, marija kostovska, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of. # 56804:53, Apr 26, Paiya Dorciolatz, Serbia And Montenegro
    I stand for independence and sovereignity of nation states. I stand against meddling in other state affairs unless it is done by peacefull means only and exclusvely. I stand for Mr. Gaddafi as patriot who rose Libya into respectfull and unified nation using its welth and recources for the benefit of all of Libya’s people.. # 56704:45, Apr 26, Name not displayed, Germany. # 56604:44, Apr 26, Name not displayed, Serbia And Montenegro
    Long live Gaddafi. # 56504:42, Apr 26, Julia Simmons, OR
    it is not fair to pay insane rebels to kill soldiers who just got a job in an established country or to try to murder their Leader and steal oil of a nation and steal their bank accounts. # 56404:37, Apr 26, Chris Sedlmair, Germany
    The colonial Aggression against Libya must be stopped! NOW! The War of the NATO against a souverign country follows the Tradtion of western imperailist massacres in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan. No honourable human being can accept this step backward into global war of the western elites for global colonialist domination over the world.. # 56304:18, Apr 26, maria venichaki, Greece
    LIBYA BELONGS TO LIBYANS!!!!. # 56204:18, Apr 26, Slavica Kandic, Serbia And Montenegro. # 56104:17, Apr 26, Igor Popovski, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of. # 56000:28, Apr 26, Name not displayed, Serbia And Montenegro. # 55920:06, Apr 25, Name not displayed, Canada
    stop the war don’t do a new Iraq in Libya. # 55817:31, Apr 25, afram ramsey, United Kingdom. # 55717:01, Apr 25, Name not displayed, NY. # 55616:37, Apr 25, Name not displayed, Belgium
    USA are afraid of Kadhafi which wants to create the United States of Africa. African people and leaders, it is the moment to show you can solve african problems without the european and american liers!!!. # 55515:41, Apr 25, John Marchant, United Kingdom
    Leave Libya for the Libyans, keep out NATO colonialists! Mummar Gaddafi is the one and only leader of Libya.. # 55413:47, Apr 25, Name not displayed, Serbia And Montenegro. # 55313:29, Apr 25, Name not displayed, NY
    Gaddafi is a good man who took care of his people and contributed greatly to African development.. # 55211:19, Apr 25, mate papić, Croatia
    živeo gadafi!. # 55110:21, Apr 25, micko kikic, Serbia And Montenegro.
    Libya united for Gadhafi's principles

  69. Read it on Global News: NATO rejects Gadhafi’s truce offer
    by Afaf Geblawi Afaf Geblawi – 25 mins ago
    Associated Press writers Ben Hubbard in Misrata, Libya, and Slobodan Lekic in Brussels contributed to this report.
    © Copyright (c) CW Media Inc.
    TRIPOLI (AFP) – Moamer Kadhafi vowed Saturday not to step down and proposed talks to end Libya’s conflict, a call rejected by rebels and by NATO.
    AFP/LIBYAN TV – An image grab taken from Libyan state television shows Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi delivering a televised ….:
    Gadhafi on TV
    In a rambling pre-dawn speech that lasted for more than an hour, Gadhafi appeared both subdued and defiant, repeatedly pausing as he flipped through handwritten notes.
    NATO also bombed a government complex that included the state television building in Tripoli. The Libyans alleged the strike was meant to kill Gadhafi as his address was broadcast live on state TV, but the TV building was not damaged and Gadhafi spoke from an undisclosed location.
    “Why are you killing our children? Why are you destroying our infrastructure,” Gadhafi said, while denying that his forces had killed Libyan civilians.
    “The door to peace is open,” Gadhafi said, sitting behind a desk. “You are the aggressors. We will negotiate with you. Come, France, Italy, U.K., America, come, we will negotiate with you. Why are you attacking us?”
    In an early-morning speech on state television, the Libyan leader said Libyans have the right to choose their own political system, but not under the threat of NATO bombings.

    Rebel leaders have said they will only lay down their arms and begin talks on Libya’s future after Gadhafi and his sons, some of whom hold powerful positions in the country, step aside. Gadhafi has repeatedly refused to “resign.”
    NATO “must abandon all hope of my departure, a I have no official functions to give up: I will not leave my country and will fight to the death,” he said.
    But he added a conciliatory note.
    “We are ready to talk with France and the United States, but with no preconditions,” Kadhafi said.
    “We will not surrender, but I call on you to negotiate. If you want petrol, we will sign contracts with your companies — it is not worth going to war over
    “Between Libyans, we can solve our problems without being attacked, so pull back your fleets and your planes,” he told NATO.
    Kadhafi said the rebels battling his forces “are terrorists who are not from Libya, but from Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Afghanistan.”
    Even as he called for a cease-fire, he appeared to dismiss the possibility of one, saying his enemies were al-Qaida operatives who did not understand what a truce meant.
    He promised the young rebels fighting his regime that if they gave up their guns, he would give them cars and money, saying they were children “tricked” by NATO promises.
    He also insisted his people love him, that he is like a father to them — “more sacred than the emperor of Japan is to his people.”
    His call for talks was dismissed by the opposition Transitional National Council, which has shaped itself into a parallel government in the eastern city of Benghazi, and by NATO. The oppositional National Libyan Council released its statement after an appeal for talks on state television from Jadallah Azous Talhi, a government official originally from eastern Libya.
    The council’s Ahmed Jabreel told Reuters that the anti-government movement would not engage in talks with the government.“We have made it clear all along that any negotiations must be on the basis that Kadafi will step down. There can be no other compromise,” he said.On the ground, witnesses reported two loud blasts at dawn in eastern Tripoli after Kadhafi’s son, Seif al-Islam, vowed on Friday that Libya will “fight NATO for 40 years” if necessary.
    “We will not raise the white flag of surrender,” he said on a tour of hospitals to visit people said to have been wounded in NATO bombardments.
    The hospital contained two civilian dead and many injured from allied bombardment.
    Moussa Ibrahim, the Libyan government spokesman, said he was unaware of the attempted mine-laying. However, he said the government is trying to prevent weapons shipments from reaching the rebels by sea. Asked whether aid vessels would also be blocked, Ibrahim said aid shipments were never stopped or blocked, but aid shipments must be co-ordinated with the authorities and should preferably come overland.

    The Italian Foreign Ministry is hosting a one-day summit on Libya next Thursday, bringing together the main international players in the six-week NATO military campaign, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  70. Gaddafi’s son killed in NATO strikeBy Middle East correspondent Anne Barker, wires
    Was Gadhafi the real target of strike that killed his son?
    Updated 7 hours 4 minutes ago
    First posted Sun May 1, 2011 9:01am AEST
    late Saif al-arab, 29, a civilian and his 3 children murdered by NATO on his house
    Saif's destroyed house
    Saifìs house was hit by at least one missile fired by a NATO warplane. That NATO forces have killed four members of Gadhafi’s family who had no ties to the government or military will likely renew questions about the legality and legitimacy of the international effort here, sanctioned by a United Nations resolution to protect civilians from a Gadhafi attack.

    Throughout the month-long air campaign, NATO members who abstained from the resolution vote have said they were concerned that the resolution was instead a subversive attempt by the U.S. and Europe to topple the regime. China called the strikes a violation of international law; Russia, India and Turkey have also condemned various NATO strikes here.

    Regime officials said that Gadhafi and his wife were at the Tripoli home of their son, Seif al-Arab, 29, Saturday when strike took place, but both escaped unharmed. In addition to Seif al-Arab, three of Gadhafi’s grandsons were killed, a government spokesman said.
    Speaking to reporters in Tripoli, Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said that the airstrike showed that the NATO campaign had “no moral foundation, no legal foundation, and no political foundation.”
    That NATO officials had struck Gadhafi’s family members excited Libyan rebels.
    In Benghazi, the rebel capital, the city erupted into an hour-long revelry that sounded much like warfare. Residents set off bombs, anti-aircraft weapons, gunfire, tracer fire and explosives into the air and honked their horns. But the signals of joy were clear: Amid the sounds rose cheers from residents who ran out into the streets to celebrate even as fireballs shot up into the sky.

    Meanwhile, on Libyan state television, commentators mourned Seif al-Arab and spoke of all the ways the regime would survive what they described as a unjust act, all while solemn music played in the background.
    Seif al-Arab was the most civilan of Gadhafi’s immediate family; he had no ties to the Libyan government or military. In another March 2009 cable, U.S. officials said that he “reportedly spends most of his time in Munich, where he is involved in business-study academic pursuits.”
    Seif al-Arab is not to be confused with his older brother Seif al-Islam, Moammar Gadhafi’s heir apparent and a most recognizable defender of his father’s effort to stay in power.
    Western officials have been divided in recent weeks over whether Gadhafi is a legitimate military target under the U.N. Security Council resolution that authorized the air campaign to protect civilians. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last week that NATO was “not targeting Gadhafi specifically” but that his command-and-control facilities – including a facility inside his sprawling Tripoli compound that was hit with airstrikes last Monday – were legitimate targets.
    Gates’ British counterpart, Liam Fox, said that assassinating Gadhafi was “potentially a possibility.” Read more:
    Earlier Saturday, NATO officials and opposition leaders rejected the latest ceasefire offer from Gadhafi, delivered in a rambling speech broadcast on state television in the predawn hours Saturday, in which the Libyan leader said he was ready for a truce.

    What harm did Saif-al-arab, and his three children do to warrant being murdered by the AXIS??? do you all realise by now how cruel the AXIS is? Are these civilian deaths going to “help the citizens of Libya”. All the depleted uranium and destroyed homes and hospitals and public centers are only going to bring devestation and extreme hardships. How insane can the West continuie to get???
    The three grandchildren surely are innocents, are they not? SAIF, was a 29 year-old married civilan, who studied in Germany.
    The official report: Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim says Mr Gaddafi’s youngest son, 29-year-old Saif al Arab Gaddafi, was killed along with three of Mr Gaddafi’s grandchildren.
    He said the Libyan “Guide” and his wife were in the building but were not harmed, and called the strike “a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country”.
    In 1986, Gadhafi’s little adopted daughter died while alseep when USA bombs atteacked the Gadhafi residence.
    To show you how sick the rebels thinks, a madam Warfali said: “”But if Seif is dead, so what? We’ve lost hundreds of sons in Benghazi. Gaddafi’s son is not extra special.”
    Russia has criticised the airstrike, saying NATO is going beyond the mandate of the United Nations resolution authorising all measures to protect civilians.
    But David Cameron said he had no qualms or regrets whatsoever. The strike came only a few hours after Gadhafi requested a cease-fire and negotiations. “I have no official functions to give up!…” said Moammar Gadhafi

    The missile strike hit Mr Gaddafi’s residential compound at Bab al Aziziya in the capital Tripoli shortly after 6.00pm (local time).
    Reporters were shown extensive damage to the building.
    “The house of Saif al-Arab Gaddafi… who is the youngest of the leader’s children, was attacked tonight with full power,” he said.
    “The leader with his wife was there in the house with other friends and relatives.”
    Moammar Gadhafi and his wife were in the Tripoli house of his 29-year-old son when it was hit by at least one bomb dropped from a NATO warplane, according to Libyan spokesman Moussa Ibrahim.
    “The leader himself is in good health,” Mr. Ibrahim said. “He was not harmed. The wife is also in good health.”
    Mr. Ibrahim would not give the names of the three children killed, except to say they were nieces and nephews of Seif al-Arab and that they were younger than 12. He said they are not releasing the names yet to protect the privacy of the family.
    He said the compound that was hit was in the Garghour neighborhood.
    “It seems there was intelligence that was leaked. They knew about something. They expected him for some reason. But the target was very clear, very, very clear. And the neighborhood, yes of course, because the leader family has a place there, you could expect of course it would be guarded, but it is a normal neighborhood. Normal Libyans live there,” he said.
    NATO warplanes have been carrying out air strikes in Libya for the past month as part of a U.N. mandate to protect Libyan civilians. Saturday’s strike marked the first time Col. Gadhafi’s family was being targeted directly.
    Saif al-Arab was A CIVILIAN AND A STUDENT who had studied in Germany. He was one of Gaddafi’s less prominent sons, with a limited role in the Tripoli power structure. “Gadhafi was not far away, meaning he’s not safe,” he said as occasional explosions could be heard throughout the city. “It’s just like our children getting hit here. Now his children are getting hit there.”
    Eleven dead had reached the hospital morgue by midnight, including two brothers, ages 11 and 16. Two more had arrived by 1:30 a.m., and four more at another hospital.
    On Tuesday, British Defense Minister Liam Fox and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters at the Pentagon that NATO planes were not targeting Col. Gadhafi specifically but would continue to attack his command centers.
    Ibrahim said Seif al-Arab had studied at a German university but had not yet completed his studies.
    Seif al-Arab “was playing and talking with his father and mother and his nieces and nephews and other visitors when he was attacked for no crimes committed,” said Ibrahim.
    Journalists taken to the walled complex of one-story buildings in a residential Tripoli neighborhood saw heavy bomb damage. The blast had torn down the ceiling of one building and left a huge pile of rubble and twisted metal on the ground.
    Dust and smoke rose from the rubble, which included household items including smashed toilet bowls, bathroom sinks and furniture among the broken walls and demolished floors. The mirror of a dressing table remained intact in the middle of a bedroom although the walls around it were demolished.
    Libyans called in to a late-night television talk show to proclaim Seif al-Arab a martyr.
    Mr Ibrahim told a news conference in Tripoli that Mr Gaddafi himself was not hurt.
    “The leader himself is in good health; he wasn’t harmed,” he said. “His wife is also in good health; she wasn’t harmed [but] other people were injured. The government spokesman said the air strike was an attempt to “assassinate the leader of this country,” which he said violated international law.
    Heavy bursts of gunfire were heard in Tripoli after the attack.
    Col. Gadhafi had seven sons and one daughter. The Libyan leader also had an adopted daughter who was killed in a 1986 U.S. air strike on his Bab al-Aziziya residential compound.
    “This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country.”
    Seif’s mother/Gadhafi’s wife is Safiya Farkash, a former nurse.
    The fatal air strike came just hours after Col. Gadhafi called for a mutual cease-fire and negotiations with NATO powers to end a six-week bombing campaign.
    In a rambling pre-dawn speech Saturday, Col. Gadhafi said “the door to peace is open.”
    “You are the aggressors. We will negotiate with you. Come, France, Italy, U.K., America, come to negotiate with us. Why are you attacking us?” he asked.
    He also railed against foreign intervention, saying Libyans have the right to choose their own political system, but not under the threat of NATO bombings.
    Rebel leaders have said they will only lay down their arms and begin talks after Gadhafi and his sons are dead or step aside.
    Rebel fighters sent off volleys of celebratory fire after reports of the younger Gaddafi’s death.
    “They are so happy that Gaddafi lost his son in an air strike that they are shooting in celebration,” said Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani, military spokesman of the Libyan opposition Transitional Nation Council, headquartered in the eastern city of Benghazi.
    “We don’t believe that there is a solution that includes him or any member of his family. So it is well past any discussions. The only solution is for him to depart,” said rebel spokesman Jalal al-Galal.

  71. 5:55Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)NATO Airstrike Kills One of Gadhafi’s Sons, 3 GrandchildrenLibyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO air strike that killed his youngest son and three grandchildren and destroyed a Tripoli house, a …
    de lookhearseee | il y a 11 heures | 7 vue(s)

    HD 6:11Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Lybia: Gaddafi’s youngest son and Grand-children ‘killed in NATO air strike …From: AlJazeeraEnglish on 30 Apr 2011 Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader, has been killed in a NATO air strike in Tripoli …
    de OurNeedToAwaken | il y a 4 heures | 1 vue(s)
    3:04Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)BREAKING NEWS – GADAFFI’S SON AND 2 GRAND CHILDREN KILLED IN NATO TRIPOLI, Libya — Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi survived a NATO missile strike Saturday that killed his youngest son and three …
    de MrGlasgowTruther4U | il y a 15 heures | 1 100 vue(s)
    0:36Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Libya news:Gaddafi’s youngest son and 3 grandchildren killed in NATO air strikeMuammar Gaddafi’s youngest son, Saif al-Arab, has been killed in a NATO air strike, according to the Libyan government. The 29-year-old, and three …
    de maomaotqh | il y a 4 heures | 0 vue(s)
    1:31Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Gaddafi’s son killed in NATO airstrikeLibyan leader Moammar Gaddafi survived a NATO missile strike that killed his youngest son and three grandchildren and wounded friends and …
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    0:56Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Gadhafi’s Son Saif al Arab Killed in NATO AirstrikeA Nato air strike in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, has killed the son of the Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi, a government spokesman has said …
    de YT4Jihad | il y a 14 heures | 876 vue(s)
    5:10Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike — full video at this link http Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO airstrike on Saturday night that …
    de dfgsadsdf1981 | il y a 4 heures | 0 vue(s)
    1:28Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Libya Leader’s Son “Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi” Killed By NATO Airstrikeclick on to watch Libya Leader’s Son “Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi” Killed By NATO Airstrike Video For Free Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi …
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    1:39Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Gaddafi son Saif Al-Arab killed by airstrike قتل نجل القذافي سيف العرب اLibya: Nato strike ‘kills Gaddafi son’ ليبيا حلف شمال الاطلسي ضربة ‘يقتل نجل القذافي. Colonel Gaddafi’s youngest son and three of his …
    de Iran1391Free | il y a 14 heures | 707 vue(s)
    4:40Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Col Gaddafi’s youngest son killed in NATO air full video at this link http Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO airstrike on Saturday night that …
    de dfgsadsdf1981 | il y a 4 heures | 0 vue(s)
    1:58Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Gaddafi’s Son Killed, NATO Rejects Gaddafi’s Offer Of A Ceasefire And TalksLibya: Nato strike ‘kills Gaddafi son’ ليبيا حلف شمال الاطلسي ضربة ‘يقتل نجل القذافي. Colonel Gaddafi’s youngest son and three of his …
    de Iran1391Free | il y a 14 heures | 586 vue(s)
    7:31Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Reaction to Gaddafi’s son and grand children murdered by NATO/ NorwayRecent events in Libya: April 30 2011. Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, has been killed in a NATO air …
    de TheBaByG | il y a 1 heure | 16 vue(s)
    0:16Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    de MrGlasgowTruther4U | il y a 16 heures | 286 vue(s)

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    (Traduction désactivée)”Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi” Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi Son Killed By NATO …click on to watch “Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi” Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi Son Killed By NATO Airstrike Video For Free Libyan leader …
    de alonsovianable | il y a 4 heures | 0 vue(s)
    3:17Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)NATO Kills Gaddafi Son and Three GrandchildrenColonel Gaddafi’s youngest son Saif and three of his grandsons were killed last night in a NATO air strike, according to Libyan government …
    de AfricanByChoice | il y a 9 heures | 2 vue(s)
    0:59Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike — full video at this link http Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO airstrike on Saturday night that …
    de yutknadfsdfa1085 | il y a 11 heures | 38 vue(s)
    5:43Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Gaddafi’s son, grandchildren killed – full video at this link http Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO airstrike on Saturday night that …
    de dfgsadsdf1981 | il y a 4 heures | 0 vue(s)
    1:10Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Killed !!! Gaddafi Son “Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi” Killed By …click on to watch Libya Leader’s Son “Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi” Killed By NATO Airstrike Video For Free Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi …
    de MrRichyess | il y a 1 heure | 0 vue(s)
    1:24Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)CNN: Gaddafi son Saif Al-Arab killed by airstrike قتل نجل القذافي سيف …CNN Gaddafi son Saif Al-Arab killed by airstrike قتل نجل القذافي سيف العرب عن طريق الغارات الجوية Libya: Nato strike ‘kills Gaddafi son’ ليبيا حلف …
    de Iran1391Free | il y a 14 heures | 225 vue(s)

    HD 2:07Ajouter àAjoutée à la file d’attente video lang: en
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    (Traduction désactivée)Libya: Nato strike ‘kills Gaddafi son’ ليبيا ضربة ‘يقتل نجل القذافيLibya: Nato strike ‘kills Gaddafi son’ ليبيا حلف شمال الاطلسي ضربة ‘يقتل نجل القذافي. Colonel Gaddafi’s youngest son and three of his …
    de Iran1391Free | il y a 14 heures | 444 vue(s)


    • This video also shows Saif-al-Arab when he was 4 years old and severely wounded by the US 1986 airstrike and bombing at that time….And now, 25 years later, that horribly suffering child, is murdered by the same US FORCES…

  72. De : OnToDenver | Créé le : 3 mai 2011

    Osama Bin Laden’s death effectively buried the news of the NATO air strike on Gaddafi’s house in the Gargur area of Tripoli, Libya, which killed his 29-year-old son, Saif al-Arab, and three grandchildren. They were buried in Tripoli on Monday.
    Children of Hannibal, Aisha and Mohammed, were also buried all were under 12 years old.­
    But within 24 hours after the air strike, the US president Obama announced the death of the world’s most wanted terrorist — news which overshadowed anything coming from Libya.
    This was an attack on civilian structure. This was Gaddafi’s personal compound. They murdered three of his grandchildren and one of his sons.
    NATO countries are committing war crimes every single day, attacking civilian targets, killing civilians.

    • Here are some graphic images of the murders of SAIF al-Arab, and the three children of Hannibal and Aischa….You will notice mourning prelates of all the faiths here to comfort and leave support to the stricken Gadhafi Family.

  73. It is totaly heartbreaking what the AXIS has done to Libya and the Gadhafi Family. Libya was becoming the gem of Africa until the CIA and MI6 stirred-up Insurrection and Blood. So much good and beauty has been destroyed, not only with the depleted uranium bombing (which will leave N.Africa desolate for billions of years) but all the hospitals and people’s-congressional meeting halls, and infrastructures…and the false lies perpetrated against the Jamahiriya and the Revolutionary “GREEN BOOK” ! It was beginning to be something so beautiful….and now it is being turned into rubble. Very sad…May the TRUTH somehow prevail and comfort what remains of the Gadhafi Clan and the real Libya.

    • De : OnToDenver | Créé le : 5 mai 2011

      Libyan tribal leaders attend a large gathering entitled the National Conference for Libyan Tribes in Tripoli.
      About 2,000 chiefs were present, representing all of Libya’s 850 tribes and the gathering was organized by the tribes themselves. Some leaders from east come to Tripoli via Cairo and Tunisia. All tribal chiefs called “colonial, crusader” aggression by Western forces to end immediately and for Libyan unity. The world needs to listen to the tribes of Libya, not to the people meeting in Rome.
      Abed Saleh Abu Hamada of the Magharib tribe, representing the east, emphasised unity in his speech, calling “our armed brothers in the east to dialogue” and urging “national unity from east to west.”
      Mahmud Mohammed Ali, the representative for the south, said “Obama, Sarkozy and others … who are you to decide that Gaddafi has to leave his country.
      Many condemns NATO air strike which killed Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, and three grandchildren and voiced support for Moammar Gaddafi.

  74. Russia says opposes any ground operation in Libya
    By: J.T. Waldron
    Tags: LIBYA
    (Reuters) – Russia on Friday said that it staunchly opposes any foreign ground operation in Libya and criticized a Western-led grouping that has pledged aid to the rebels fighting Muammar Gaddafi’s government forces.

    After talks with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the U.N. Security Council resolution that authorized military intervention in Libya “directly and unequivocally rules out” ground operations.

    “The position of the Russian Federation remains absolutely unchanged,” he said.

    Veto-wielding permanent Security Council member Russia has accused the Western coalition enforcing no-fly zones in Libya of overstepping its mandate. It has warned against arming rebels.

    U.S. hopes to give some frozen Libyan assets to rebels
    ROME— Globe and Mail Update
    Published Thursday, 05 May 2011 10:39AM EDT
    Last updated Thursday, 05 May 2011 10:43AM EDT
    American NWO, Hillary Clinton...
    The United States is trying to free up some of the more than $30-billion it has frozen in Libyan assets so it can support the opponents of Moammar Gadhafi, U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton told a conference Thursday.

    Twenty-two nations and international organizations were meeting in Rome to figure out how to help the Libyan rebels, who say they need up to $3-billion in the coming months for military salaries, food, medicine and other basic supplies.
    Ms. Clinton said the Obama administration, working with Congress, wants “to tap some portion of those assets owned by Gadhafi and the Libyan government in the United States, so we can make those funds available to help the Libyan people.”

    The U.S. also has already pledged $53-million in humanitarian aid and authorized up to $25-million in non-lethal assistance to the rebels, including medical supplies, boots, tents, rations and personal protective gear. The first shipment is set to arrive in the western, rebel-held city of Benghazi in the coming days.

    Ms. Clinton declared that ousting Mr. Gadhafi was the best way to protect Libya’s people.

    “We have made it abundantly clear that the best way to protect civilians is for Gadhafi to cease his ruthless, brutal attack on civilians from the west to the east, to withdraw from the cities that he is sieging and attacking and to leave power,” Clinton said. “This is the outcome we are seeking.”

    Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, co-host of the conference, said nations have already pledged $250-million in humanitarian aid for Libyan civilians “thanks to the generosity of many countries.”

    The Contact Group on Libya also agreed to establish an internationally monitored fund that the rebels can access to provide basic services to the Libyan people.

    It will be “an international fund in which nations can make their contributions in a transparent way,” British Foreign Secretary William Hague said. Britain has so far provided 13 million pounds ($21.5-million). But Britain said it did not plan to offer direct funding to Libya’s rebels beyond the aid money and non-lethal equipment – including satellite phones and body armour – that it has already pledged.

    Ms. Clinton said the world must keep isolating the Gadhafi regime, including imposing travel bans on top officials, suspending Libyan embassies and sending envoys to work with the opposition’s Transitional National Council.

    “Isolating Gadhafi means pulling the plug on his propaganda and incitements to violence,” she said.

    The meeting also included the NATO chief, the Arab League, and the leader of Libya’s opposition council, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who used to be Gadhafi’s justice minister.

    Italy, conference co-host Qatar, and France have given diplomatic recognition to the rebels, who are based in Benghazi. Mr. Frattini opened the four-hour closed session with a call for other nations to do so as well.

    “This will help strengthen our Benghazi partners and increase the Gadhafi regime’s sense of isolation,” the minister said.

    Since the uprising against Mr. Gadhafi broke out in mid-February, the two sides have largely been locked in a stalemate. A U.S. and now NATO-led bombing campaign launched in mid-March has kept Mr. Gadhafi’s forces from advancing to the east, but has failed to give the rebels a clear battlefield advantage.

    NATO says its warplanes will keep up the pressure on Mr. Gadhafi’s regime as long as it takes to end the violence in Libya.

    NATO member nations are increasingly realizing, however, that air strikes and other military action alone won’t do the job of ending Mr. Gadhafi’s relentless assault on his people, and that funding the opposition as well as working for his ouster could be the key to success.

    French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe has said the military intervention must end “as rapidly as possible,” and warned that sending in international ground troops would set the stage for a “quagmire.”

    Mr. Frattini has said while it is impossible to set a date for an end to NATO’s military operation, the “political goal is for military action to cease as soon as possible.”

    Speaking on behalf of Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Mr. Frattini says Turkey is calling for a ceasefire within seven days.

    Mr. Frattini said the United Nations had confirmed its objective for a ceasefire as soon as possible, and that Mr. Davutoglu had suggested the target.

    He said there was a willingness in the anti-Gaddafi coalition to step up the pace of military action to meet what he called the ambitious goal.

    The rebels have also asked for weapons to be able to defend themselves from Mr. Gadhafi’s better-equipped forces. Rebel spokesman Abdul Hafid Ghaug said in Benghazi that no country had sent the arms that the rebel forces say they desperately need.

    British officials said the Rome meeting would also seek to impose new restrictions on arms smuggling and mercenaries in Libya, call for renewed action to cut off Libya’s state television service and try to restrict Mr. Gadhafi’s exports of crude oil and his ability to import refined oil products.

    It was the second meeting of the group after a gathering in Doha, Qatar, last month.

    Earlier on Thursday a Libyan rebel spokesman said that Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands had joined Italy and France in recognizing the Transitional National Council (TNC) rebels fighting to overthrow Mr. Gaddafi. Denmark later denied that it had officially recognized Libya’s TNC of rebels, but said it did recognize the organization as a relevant partner for dialogue.

    With files from Reuters

  75. Harriet Sherwood in Tripoli,
    Thursday 5 May 2011 09.11 BST Article history
    Deputy foreign minister Khaled Kaim accused the international community of

    “trying to starve the Libyan people by cutting all supplies to 5.2 million people in the south and the west of the country”.

    fuel shortage
    The dearth of fuel is the most obvious sign of the economic impact of the crisis that has engulfed Libya for more than two months. Bread is in short supply since Egyptian bakery workers fled the country; cash withdrawals from banks have been capped as the government faces a currency shortfall; many shops are shuttered as both supplies and customers dwindle.
    At a petrol station in Tripoli, long queues of cars caused traffic chaos in western Libya, amid fears that the Gaddafi regime is running out of its most precious commodity.

    Queues of vehicles, sometimes five or six deep, stretched up to half a kilometre from some petrol stations last week, most of which are shut behind makeshift barriers. Two men in a queue near the city of Zuwara said they had been waiting for five days in the hope of a fresh delivery.

    At the few stations around the capital, where cars were inching forward, armed soldiers and police attempted to keep order as motorists and pedestrians carrying containers jostled to get served. Fights sometimes break out, according to locals.

    The Libyan government has blamed the fuel crisis on its own “mismanagement of distribution”.
    Nato has confirmed that 18 warships are patrolling waters outside Tripoli’s port to inspect cargo ships. The sea embargo supposedly does not include deliveries of food, drugs or other basic needs, Nato said. However, the terms of UN resolution 1970 covers any product deemed by Nato intelligence as destined for the Libyan Government. “This can include the interception of oil tankers,” a spokesman said.

    Trade with Libya’s National Oil Corporation is banned under the UN embargo. However, in early April, the government circumvented sanctions when it imported fuel from Italy via Tunisia, transferring the load to a Libyan-owned ship outside the UN blacklist.

    Despite being an oil-producing country, Libya has limited refining capacity and in normal times imports most of its gasoline. Consumer prices are heavily subsidised, and since the crisis began the government has slashed the cost of a litre. But low prices have little meaning when pumps are empty.

    Libya’s main refinery is in Tobruk, in the far east of the country and in rebel hands, along with a second refinery in Ras Lanuf. The government is trying to increase capacity at its third refinery in Zawiya, around 50km (30 miles) west of the capital.

    The government is reluctant to discuss the fuel crisis, and journalists are instructed not to film petrol queues or interview people waiting in line. Unauthorised conversations reveal varied views about who is to blame for shortages. In Zuwara, 110km west of Tripoli, Tariq Dobroz, 35, one of those who had been waiting for a delivery for five days, said: “I’m angry. Before [the crisis], life was getting better. Now things are bad.”

    Local businessman Fawzi Aribi, 38, said: “If you lose money, benzine [fuel], food — you go crazy. Some are angry at the government, some are angry at the Europeans. Everybody has a different way of taking this.”

    In Tripoli’s old city, a gold and silver trader bitterly listed his grievances: “Business is bad; benzine, it’s finished; cigarette prices have doubled; food prices have risen.” Asked if he blamed the west, he said elliptically: “No, other things.”
    A foreign diplomat in the capital said people in fuel queues were likely to turn their anger on the international alliance. “They are saying ‘we’re not involved in this yet we’re being punished.'”

    The regime’s economic difficulties are exacerbated by problems over cash supply. Withdrawals from banks are limited to 1,000 dinars a month amid fears that currency supplies are running low. According to finance minister Abdulhafid Zlitni, Libyans are hoarding cash — common in times of uncertainty — while a consignment of currency printed under contract in the UK has been hit by sanctions. “It’s our money, and we paid for it,” he said.

    The International Monetary Fund estimated in February that the Libyan regime had more than $100bn (£60bn) in foreign reserves. A significant proportion is believed to be beyond the reach of sanctions.

    The government has encouraged shopkeepers to open, despite the lack of customers, to keep an appearance of normality, although in fact many shops in Tripoli and other cities are shuttered. The owner of a women’s clothing store in Tripoli said he had been ordered to open his shop daily despite the fact that “I have no materials to sell”.

    Most restaurants and cafes are closed in the evenings. “People are scared to go out because of the shooting,” said the shop owner, referring to the gunfire that echoes around the city after dusk, often accompanied by the sound of Nato warplanes and anti-aircraft fire.

    Some officials are phlegmatic about UN sanctions, saying Libya has survived them before and will again now. “Just go back to history,” said Zlitni. “When sanctions were imposed in the 1990s, Africans just broke them. We managed to take a lot of precautions and were able to avoid a lot of problems.”

    But the official message is, as ever, one of anger directed at Nato and the international alliance. The purpose of the blockade “is to try to force problems in cities and towns in the west”, said Kaim.

    “The motive of Nato is clear: attacking from the air, surrounding the country with warships, cutting supplies by sea, trying to starve the people.

    “It’s not moral, not legitimate and not acceptable … But it’s not strange. Hitler and Mussolini, both of them were democratically elected but they committed atrocities. Once again, we can see western leaders committing atrocities in Libya or somewhere else.”

    • The meltdown of financial markets was the result of institutionalized fraud and financial manipulation. The economic crisis is accompanied by a worldwide process of militarization, a war without borders led by the U.S. and its NATO allies. This book takes the reader through the corridors of the Federal Reserve, into the plush corporate boardrooms on Wall Street where far-reaching financial transactions are routinely undertaken. Each of the authors in this timely collection digs beneath the gilded surface to reveal a complex web of deceit and media distortion which serves to conceal the workings of the global economic system and its devastating impacts on people`s lives.
      Broché: 416 pages
      Editeur : Global Research, Centre for Research on Globalization; Édition : 1 (25 mai 2010)
      Langue : Anglais
      ISBN-10: 0973714735
      ISBN-13: 978-0973714739

    • WHY LIBYA ? Gaddafi Planned Gold Dinar, Now Under Attack09 May 2011
      Thursday, 05 May 2011 – by Anthony Wile Thanks Ray
      Plans for attacking Muammar Gaddafi apparently go back some 20 years, and even US President Ronald Reagan tried to kill him, deeming him a threat to America power. The latest attacks are in keeping with the larger wave of aggression initiated by the Anglo-American power elite that is on to the next stage of its implementation of the “new world order.”
      This power elite, based mostly in the one-square mile City of London, is said to seek world domination if it can get it – and sooner rather than later in the face of a growing Internet Reformation.
      But there may be another reason for the Libyan attacks that explain their timing. According to a Russia Today news story, for which I was interviewed (See – Real Cause for Gaddafi’s Expulsion: Wanted Gold Currency?), Gaddafi was planning to introduce a gold dinar – “a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.”
      The idea, according to Gaddafi, was that African and Muslim nations would join together to create this new currency and would use it to purchase oil and other resources in exclusion of the dollar and other currencies. RT calls it “an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world.”
      It was not a democratic perspective in the sense that a country’s wealth would revolve around gold and its population. But that’s how modern money works. The current dollar reserve system benefits the US. In Gaddafi’s case, as he held some 144 tons of gold against a fairly small population, a gold dinar would prove a most powerful currency.
      When I was interviewed by RT, I said the following: “If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or whatever else the country was selling on the global market and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world’s central banks. … So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward from moving him from power.”
      There are many who believe Iraq’s Saddam Hussein’s overthrow by the US was sealed when he announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros, not dollars. Sanctions and then a US invasion followed. Coincidence? Hussein’s idea would have strengthened the euro, but Gaddafi’s idea would have strengthened all of Africa in the opinion of hard-money economists. Gold is the ultimate honest money and the peg against which all other fiat currencies are ultimately devalued.
      Pricing oil in something other than the dollar would attack the basis of US power in the world. The dollar is the reserve currency based on a deal made with the Saudis back in 1971 in which the Saudis as the world’s largest oil producer agreed to accept only dollars for oil. RT concludes: “A change in this policy its NATO allies literally could not afford to let that happen.”
      The central banking Ponzi scheme requires an ever-increasing base of demand and the immediate silencing of those who would threaten its existence. Perhaps that is what the hurry is in removing Gaddafi in particular and those who might have been sympathetic to his monetary idea.

      Real Cause for Gaddafi’s Expulsion: Wanted Gold Currency?
      Thursday, May 05, 2011 – by Russia Today
      Some believe it [the NATO/US-led Libyan invasion] is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.
      Gaddafi did not give up. In the months leading up to the military intervention, he called on African and Muslim nations to join together to create this new currency that would rival the dollar and euro. They would sell oil and other resources around the world only for gold dinars.
      It is an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world.
      “If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or whatever else the country was selling on the global market and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world’s central banks,” says Anthony Wile, founder and Chief Editor of the Daily Bell.
      “So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward from moving him from power.”
      And it has happened before.
      In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros, not dollars. Some say sanctions and an invasion followed because the Americans were desperate to prevent OPEC from transferring oil trading in all its member countries to the euro.
      A gold dinar would have had serious consequences for the world financial system, but may also have empowered the people of Africa, something black activists say the US wants to avoid at all costs.
      Some say the US and its NATO allies literally could not afford to let that happen.

  76. Libyan capital hit by fresh Nato airstrikesNato warplanes struck at least four sites in Tripoli, the heaviest bombing of the city in weeks
    High Commission for Children
    Associated Press, Tuesday 10 May 2011 05.32 BST Article history
    A police officer looks at a damaged building at the High Commission for Children, which the Libyan government said was caused by coalition air strikes, in Tripoli 10 May 2011
    Photograph: Louafi Larbi/REUTERS
    Reporters were shown damage done to a nearby hospital where some windows were smashed and some ceiling vents fell to the ground. A hospital physician, Dr. Mustafa Rahim, said one child was badly injured but would not allow reporters to see him, saying the four-year-old boy was in intensive care.
    Another strike targeted a building that two employees said was used by parliament members and housed a library for research into Qaddafi’s writings. It was the second time the building had been targeted in the past week, they said.
    A hole was punched into what appeared to be its basement and thick blocks of concrete were reduced to dusty rubble.
    The handsome pastel-colored building was built by Italians when they ruled Libya in the 1920s. The building, which once served as Italy’s naval headquarters, was considered an iconic Tripoli site.

    Meanwhile, the U.N. humanitarian chief, Valerie Amos, asked all sides in the fighting for a pause in hostilities to allow food, water, medical supplies and other aid to be delivered to needy populations.
    She told the Security Council the pause would also allow humanitarian workers to evacuate people from other countries who still remain in Libya and would give civilians a respite.
    U.N.: Ship with 600 reported sunk off Libya

  77. International News
    By Guy Desmond
    TRIPOLI | Tue 10 May 2011 2:30pm IST
    Tripoli civilian injured
    man, wounded during what officials said was an air strike by the coalition forces, lies on a bed at a hospital in Tripoli May 10, 2011.
    Credit: Reuters/Louafi Larbi
    Posted: Tue, May 10 2011. 11:38 AM IST
    Nato strikes target Gadhafi compound:
    Libyan officials said four children were wounded, two of them seriously, by flying glass caused by blasts from Nato strikes in the Tripoli area overnight
    Wall St. Journal
    Tripoli: Nato launched a number of missile strikes against targets in the Tripoli area on Tuesday that appeared to include Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s compound, witnesses said.
    Libyan officials said four children were wounded, two of them seriously, by flying glass caused by blasts from Nato strikes in the Tripoli area overnight.
    Officials showed foreign journalists a hospital in the Libyan capital where some windows had been shattered, apparently due to the blast waves from a Nato strike that toppled a nearby telecommunications tower.
    The journalists were also taken to a government building housing “the high commission for children” that had been completely destroyed. The old colonial building had been damaged before in what officials said was a Nato strike on 30 April.
    “The direction of at least one blast suggests Gadhafi’s compound has been targeted,” said one witness….
    The government says most Libyans support Gadhafi, the rebels are armed criminals and al Qaeda militants, and Nato’s intervention is an act of colonial aggression by Western powers intent on stealing the country’s oil.
    Libyan state television reinforced that view, saying Nato warships bombed “military and civilian targets” in Misrata and in the adjacent town of Zlitan on Monday.

    The military deadlock confronts allies including the United States, Britain and France with a choice over whether to exploit loopholes in the sanctions regime they engineered in February and March to help the rebels, analysts and UN diplomats said.
    Another option would be to circumvent the sanctions “secretly” but both courses risk angering Russia and China. They wield UN Security Council vetoes and are increasingly critical of Nato’s operations “under a resolution aimed at protecting civilians!”

  78. AFP, Mise a jour : 12 mai 2011
    Libye: un Français tué à Benghazi, 4 autres arrêtés par les rebellesUn Français de 49 ans a été tué jeudi “au cours d’un contrôle de police” à Benghazi, fief de la rébellion libyenne, et quatre autres qui l’accompagnaient ont été arrêtés lors du même incident, a annoncé le ministère français des Affaires étrangères.
    Bengazi in ruins
    Plus tôt, une anesthésiste de l’hôpital Jalaa de Benghazi (est) avait fait état à l’AFP du décès d’un Français blessé par balle à l’abdomen. Le corps d’un homme de type européen a été vu à l’hôpital de Jalaa par des journalistes de l’AFP.

    De nombreuses zones d’ombre persistent, notamment sur la raison d’une arrestation de ces Français, ainsi que sur les circonstances menant à la mort de l’un d’entre eux.

    “Au cours d’un contrôle de police à Benghazi la nuit dernière, cinq ressortissants français ont été interpellés. L’un d’entre eux a été blessé par balle et est décédé dans la nuit à l’hôpital de Benghazi”, a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère, Bernard Valero, dans un communiqué.

    Le porte-parole ne précise pas si le Français a été blessé par un policier ou par une autre personne.

    “Notre représentant sur place demande à rencontrer nos compatriotes retenus. Il reste en contact avec les autorités locales pour examiner leur situation”, a-t-il encore dit.

    “Vers 02h00 (mercredi, minuit GMT), un citoyen français blessé par balle dans l’abdomen nous a été amené. Nous avons essayé de le réanimer à plusieurs reprises mais il est décédé”, avait indiqué auparavant à l’AFP le Dr Chaouk Najem, de l’hôpital Jalaa.

    Le garde chargé de la sécurité de l’hôpital, Mahmoud Enbeg, a affirmé à l’AFP que le blessé avait été emmené à 00H20 (22H20 mercredi soir) et qu’il avait 400 dollars et un passeport français sur lui. L’homme avait 49 ans, selon la lecture du passeport par le garde.

    A Paris, le ministère des Affaires étrangères n’a donné aucune indication quant aux identités, fonctions et raisons de la présence de ces Français à Benghazi.

    Contactées par l’AFP, des sources diplomatiques européennes, militaires à Benghazi, et des responsables de la rébellion n’étaient pas dans l’immédiat en mesure de donner des détails sur cet incident.

    Plusieurs anciens militaires français travaillent à Benghazi comme employés de sociétés privées de sécurité, une activité qui s’est déjà développée ces dernières années en Irak et en Afghanistan dans le sillage des opérations militaires des pays occidentaux, notamment les Etats-Unis.

    Des rumeurs ont circulé toute la journée sur la possible disparition de certains d’entre eux mercredi soir.
    22 MAY 2011
    Libya: a French national killed in Benghazi, 4 others arrested by rebels
    A French 49-year-old was killed Thursday “during a police check” in Benghazi, Libyan stronghold of the rebellion, and four others who were with him were arrested during the same incident, said the French Ministry of Foreign.
    Earlier, an anesthesiologist at the hospital in Benghazi Jalaa (is) had reported to the AFP the death of a French shot in the abdomen. The body of a man of European type was seen at the hospital Jalaa by AFP journalists.

    Many gray areas remain, including the reason for the arrest of French, as well as the circumstances leading to the death of one of them.

    “During a police checkpoint in Benghazi last night, five French nationals were arrested. One of them was shot and died in the night at the Benghazi hospital,” said The spokesman for the department, Bernard Valero said in a statement.

    The spokesman did not specify if the French had been wounded by a police officer or another person.

    “Our representative on site to meet our demand compatriots included. He remains in contact with local authorities to review their situation,” he further said.

    “Around 0200 (Wednesday, midnight GMT), a French citizen shot in the abdomen was brought to us. We tried to resuscitate him several times but he died”, had previously said the AFP Dr. Chaouki Najem, hospital Jalaa.

    The guard in charge of hospital security, Enbeg Mahmoud, told AFP the injured had been taken at 0:20 (10:20 p.m. Wednesday night) and had $ 400 and a French passport on him. The man was 49 years old, according to the passport by the guard.

    In Paris, the Foreign Ministry gave no indication as to the identities, functions and reasons for the presence of French in Benghazi.

    Contacted by AFP, European diplomatic sources, military in Benghazi, and rebel leaders were not immediately able to provide details about the incident.

    Several former French soldiers working in Benghazi as employees of private security companies, an activity that has already developed in recent years in Iraq and Afghanistan in the wake of military operations in western countries including the United States.

    Rumors have been circulating all day about the possible disappearance of some of them Wednesday night.

  79. Permalink:

    North Africa Events Surprised Church, Says Bishop
    Urges In-Depth Solutions
    ROME, MAY 13, 2011 ( The Church was taken by surprise by the events in North Africa and the international decision to use force to resolve conflicts in Libya, says Bishop Mario Toso.

    The situation in North Africa was one of the topics discussed by the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace during a press conference held Thursday at the dicastery headquarters.

    The conference was held to present a three-day congress, beginning Monday in Rome, marking the 50th anniversary of the encyclical “Mater et Magistra.”

    The prelate stated, “Who would have foreseen that there would be an intervention by some European countries even before a U.N. resolution?”

    He noted that “the social doctrine of the Church encourages the use of instruments of peace; this is the direction the Church offers all, to the laity, to leaders of states.”

    “It is for the latter to assess which are the instruments of peace and if they are effective to attain it,” the bishop added.

    The Church, he pointed out, “does not have armies or bombers.”

    “Its arms are evangelization and the formation of consciences,” the prelate said, as well as urging every peaceful means, including diplomacy, to see if it is possible to offer a certain solution to conflict and injustice.

    Different instruments

    Seeing how the rebels move in Libya, he noted, the question is: “What will happen later?”

    The prelate pointed out that it is not about saying “Let’s give them arms and let them solve their problem,” since “to resolve certain situations of conflict and injustice, very different instruments are needed from those we now have.”

    From the point of view of opportunity, the bishop reflected on “how to propose a credible message that would insist on the use of certain means when these means have already been omitted as an operative way from the moment that the no-fly zone was created.”

    “To resolve certain situations of conflict and injustice other instruments are needed,” asserted Bishop Toso, specifying that “the Church is a divine but also a human institution; it does not have a crystal ball to read future events.”

    Conscience formation

    Bishop Toso stated that “the honor of the Church and its strength is to preach Christ, to act on the plane of consciences, on the pedagogical plane.”

    “And then its strength is expressed through a well-prepared laity that acts in places, in parliaments, to address these questions,” he said. “There are well-prepared persons, but at times what we witness is that those who are less expert prevail.”

    Moreover, the prelate said, it must not be forgotten that there is need for a different political climate.

    “If many flee from that situation, it is not because of a spirit of adventure,” he pointed out, “but out of necessity, because fundamental rights are not respected, because there is no liberty, or work, or possibilities of participation.”

    Bishop Toso proposed, “Why don’t several movements come together and give answers such as finding funds or scholarships to form the future ruling classes of these countries?”

  80. Defiant Gadhafi taunts NATO as regime says 11 clerics killed

    TRIPOLI— The Associated Press
    Published Friday, 13 May 2011 8:16PM EDT
    Last updated Friday, 13 May 2011 8:27PM EDT
    Mr. Gadhafi’s compound has been a frequent site of NATO-led airstrikes, including an attack on April 30 where he is believed to have been inside but have escaped unharmed. Seeking to quell speculation he might have been killed, Libyan state TV this week showed Mr. Gadhafi meeting tribal leaders, apparently in a Tripoli hotel on Wednesday.
    see:(meter at 01:12)
    Taunting NATO, Moammar Gadhafi said Friday that he is alive despite a series of air strikes and “I tell the coward crusaders: I live in a place where you can’t get to me;
    I live in the hearts of millions.” The defiant audio recording was broadcast after the Libyan government accused NATO of killing 11 Muslim clerics with an air strike on a disputed eastern oil town.
    In a brief recording played Friday on Libyan TV, Col. Gadhafi said he wanted to assure Libyans concerned about a strike this week on his compound in Tripoli.
    He referred to a NATO air strike on Thursday that targeted his Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli, saying it had killed “three innocent journalist-civilians.”
    Reporters on Thursday were shown the air strike damage by Libyan officials, including one who said Col. Gadhafi and his family had moved away from the compound some time ago.
    Many people “driven by their love for me put in many calls to check on my well-being after they heard of the cowardly missile attack of the crusaders on Bab al-Aziziya last Thursday, May 12,” Col. Gadhafi said in the recording, which lasted just over a minute.
    Shortly before Col. Gadhafi’s remarks were broadcast, regime spokesman Moussa Ibrahim claimed that NATO had attacked Brega while dozens of imams and officials from around Libya were gathered there to pray for peace. Mr. Ibrahim said 11 imams were killed in their sleep at a guesthouse, and 50 people were wounded, including five in critical condition.
    NATO has been intensifying air strikes in several areas of Libya against Col. Gadhafi’s troops in a bid to weaken his campaign against a rebel uprising. The sound of two air strikes could be heard in Tripoli early Friday, although it was not immediately clear what they targeted.
    Mr. Ibrahim rebutted comments from Italy’s foreign minister, Franco Frattini, suggesting that Col. Gadhafi may have been wounded and possibly had fled Tripoli for some other place in Libya.
    “The leader is in very good health, high morale and high spirits,” Mr. Ibrahim said. “He is in Tripoli, he is fighting. … He is leading the country day by day.”
    State-run Libyan television showed a concrete building in Brega with its facade blown off. Nearby houses also were damaged, and some of them were tipped off foundations. Upper stories were blown off other nearby buildings.
    The bodies of many of the dead imams were laid out in two rows. Most had visible wounds, often to the head but also to legs and other extremities. Some were covered with dust scattered by the explosions.

    Gadhafi says  he is in the hearts of millions
    Gadhafi likely injured and no longer in Tripoli: Italy
    The Associated Press
    Published Friday, 13 May 2011 12:44PM EDT
    Last updated Friday, 13 May 2011 3:53PM EDT
    Moammar Gadhafi may have fled Tripoli. A top Catholic official in that city reports that the Libyan strongman has been hurt emotionally concerning the AXIS bombings of innocents and civilians and family members in Libya, the Italian foreign minister said Friday.
    Franco Frattini quoted Tripoli’s bishop as saying Mr. Gadhafi is “probably wounded of heart.”
    “There are a lot of very different hypotheses out there,” including that offered by Archbishop Giovanni Martinelli, Mr. Frattini told Sky TG 24 TV on the sidelines of a conference in Tuscany. “I don’t know if that is so. I said it seemed to me to be a credible hypothesis. Certainly, it’s impossible to have confirmation,” he said.

    The Libya-born Italian archbishop, who is based in Tripoli, could not immediately be reached for elaboration on his reported remarks. He has been a vocal critic of the NATO bombing campaign against the Mr. Gadhafi regime’s forces.
    Raw Video: Libya releases 150 detained men
    AP Video
    Published Wednesday, 11 May 2011 7:06PM EDT
    Last updated Wednesday, 11 May 2011 7:07PM EDT
    Libyan government officials released about 150 men they said were detained rebels Tuesday. Video shot by AP Television, under Libyan government supervision, showed a ceremony where the men were apparently handed over to tribal leaders.

  81. FROM Oen713 : Ghaddafis actually a good man. You watch to much main stream media. Do you know how much people pay for in utility charges in Libya? Are you aware of the gold currency Ghaddafi wants/wanted to implement for his people? Gold friend. Do you know anything about the fossil water Libyans are rich with?? The same fossil water the “evil blood crazed” Ghaddafi wants to use to make his dead lands fertile again?
    MY COMMENT: At least you and a few others are educated enough to know the truth. Thanks for the breath of sanity here. And yes, indeed, the Gadhafi Family are good. Pray for Libya, and long live the Jamahiriya !

  82. Al-Quada (according to Richard C. Hoagland) are the NAZI ground troups of the break-away NAZI civilisation which is terrorizing our planet…and they have also successfully infiltratred (and pratically taken over the US/France/& UK) Western [Fed.] Governments (which we now can call the “alliance”/AXIS). The West has permitted the World Banksters (through a covert Nazi alliance) to dictate their policies. NATO is its MILITARY ARM, and they use the CIA and MI6 to begin their wars of aggression against any nations which threaten the World Bank (headquarters presently in LONDON, through which all transactions—including U.S.Social Security benefits,— go through). GADHAFI always fought al-Quada—which even if he does not acknowlege the off-world Nazis— and wanted to institute throughout Africa, the gold Dinar. This was a nono to the AXIS, the World Bank—and ofcourse, the NAZIS do not want a stong, united Africa (which those working with GADHAFI were almost accomplishing, with the SAHARA AQUADUCT PROJECT). The Libyan people of the Jamahiriya were also beginning to have a quite high (and independent from the GLOBAL ECONOMY) standard of living…displaying a new kind of THIRD ALTERNATIVE social-economic system (neither Communism nor Capitalism)….All this threatens, not only the WESTERN AXIS (THE BANKSTERS) but also the off-world NAZIS.

  83. Congress To Vote On Declaration Of World War 3 — An Endless War With No Borders, No Clear Enemies
    Posted by Alexander Higgins – May 15, 2011 at 4:24 pm – Permalink – Source via Alexander Higgins Blog
    (10 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5, rated) Loading …

    The United States Congress is set to vote on legislation that authorizes the official start of World War 3.
    The legislation authorizes the President of the United States to take unilateral military action against all nations, organizations, and persons, both domestically and abroad, who are alleged to be currently or who have in the past supported or engaged in hostilities or who have provided aid in support of hostilities against the United States or any of its coalition allies.

    The legislation removes the requirement of congressional approval for the use of military force and instead gives the President totalitarian dictatorial authority to engage in any and all military actions for an indefinite period of time.

    It even gives the President the authority to launch attacks against American Citizens inside the United States with no congressional oversight whatsoever.

    Just to recap, because that was a mouthful:

    •Endless War – The war will continue until all hostilities are terminated, which will never happen.
    •No Borders – The president will have the full authority to launch military strikes against any country, organization or person, including against U.S citizens on U.S soil.
    •Unilateral Military Action – Full authority to invade any nation at any time with no congressional approval required.
    •No Clearly Defined Enemy – The US can declare or allege anyone a terrorist or allege they are or have been supporting “hostilities” against the US and attack at will.
    •Authorization To Invade Several Countries – The president would have full authority to invade Iran, Syria, North Korea, along with several other nations in Africa and the Middle East and even Russia and China under the legislation all of which are “know” to have supported and aided hostilities against the United States.
    The Hill writes:

    House Dems protest GOP’s plans for permanent war against terror
    Nearly three dozen House Democrats are calling on Republicans to withdraw a section of the 2012 defense authorization bill that they say would effectively declare a state of permanent war against unnamed Taliban and al Qaeda operatives.

    A Tuesday letter from House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and 32 other Democrats argues that affirming continued war against terrorist forces goes too far, giving too much authority to the president without debate in Congress.

    Their letter cites language in the authorization bill that incorporates the Detainee Security Act, which affirms continued armed conflict against terrorists overseas.

    “By declaring a global war against nameless individuals, organizations and nations ‘associated’ with the Taliban and al Qaeda, as well as those playing a supporting role in their efforts, the Detainee Security Act would appear to grant the president near unfettered authority to initiate military action around the world without further congressional approval,” Democrats wrote. “Such authority must not be ceded to the president without careful deliberation from Congress.”

    The specific language in the bill is found in section 1034 of H.R. 1540, which affirms that the U.S. is “engaged in an armed conflict with al Qaeda, the Taliban and associated forces.” It also affirms that the president has the authority to detain “certain belligerents” until the armed conflict is over.

    “Al Qaeda, the Taliban and associated forces still pose a grave threat to U.S. national security,” the bill says. “The Authorization for Use of Military Force necessarily includes the authority to address the continuing and evolving threat posed by these groups.”

    The America Civil Liberties Union writes:

    New Authorization of Worldwide War Without End?
    Congress may soon vote on a new declaration of worldwide war without end, and without clear enemies. A “sleeper provision” deep inside defense bills pending before Congress could become the single biggest hand-over of unchecked war authority from Congress to the executive branch in modern American history.

    President Obama has not sought new war authority. In fact, his administration has made clear that it believes it already has all of the authority that it needs to fight terrorism.

    But Congress is considering monumental new legislation that would grant the president – and all presidents after him – sweeping new power to make war almost anywhere and everywhere. Unlike previous grants of authority for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the proposed legislation would allow a president to use military force wherever terrorism suspects are present in the world, regardless of whether there has been any harm to U.S. citizens, or any attack on the United States, or any imminent threat of an attack. The legislation is broad enough to permit a president to use military force within the United States and against American citizens. The legislation contains no expiration date, and no criteria to determine when a president’s authority to use military force would end.

    Of all of the powers that the Constitution assigns to Congress, no power is more fundamental or important than the power “to declare War.” That is why, in 2002, when Congress was considering whether to authorize war in Iraq, it held fifteen hearings, and passed legislation that cited specific harms, set limits, and defined a clear objective. Now, Congress is poised to give unchecked authority to the executive branch to use military force worldwide, with profoundly negative consequences for our fundamental democratic system of checks and balances. Once Congress expands the president’s war power, it will be nearly impossible to rein it back in. The ACLU strongly opposes a wholesale turnover of war power from Congress to the president – and all of his successors.

    Coalition Memo to the House Committee on Armed Services Regarding a Proposed New Declaration of War
    Comparison of 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force and Proposed Expanded Authorization
    The offending text (Here In The Full Text Of H.R. 1540 – section 1034) uses doublespeak to declare World War 3. Specifically, the text uses the phrase “affirms” “armed conflict” which is the terminology used by congress declare war in every war since World War 2.

    Congress affirms that —

    (1) the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the United States and its citizens, both domestically and abroad;

    (2) the President has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note);

    (3) the current armed conflict includes nations, organization, and persons who—

    (A) are part of, or are substantially supporting, al‐Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or

    (B) have engaged in hostilities or have directly supported hostilities in aid of a nation, organization, or person described in subparagraph (A); and

    (4) the President’s authority pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority to detain belligerents, including persons described in paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities.

    A joint letter regarding the proposed legislation has been sent to congress condemning the proposed legislation.

    TO: All Members of the House Committee on Armed Services
    FROM: American Civil Liberties Union
    Appeal for Justice
    Brave New Foundation
    Center for Constitutional Rights
    CREDO Action
    Defending Dissent Foundation
    High Road for Human Rights
    Human Rights First
    International Justice Network
    Just Foreign Policy
    Leadership Conference of Women Religious
    Muslim Public Affairs Council
    New Security Action
    Pax Christi USA
    Peace Action
    Physicians for Human Rights
    Psychologists for Social Responsibility
    Shalom Center
    Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
    United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
    Win Without War
    DATE: May 9th, 2010
    RE: Oppose Section 1034 and Any Similar New Declaration of War or New Authorization for Use of Military Force in the National Defense Authorization Act

    The undersigned organizations strongly oppose the new Declaration of War, which is in Section 1034 of the Chairman’s mark for the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”). We urge you to oppose the provision and any other similar new Declaration of War or new Authorization for Use of Military Force (“AUMF”) in the NDAA.

    While we have written separately, and met with many of you and your military legislative assistants, on our concerns with other provisions of the Chairman’s mark, we are writing on this new Declaration of War specifically because it is a provision that has received almost no review, despite its likely tremendous effect on almost every facet of United States national security policy. At minimum, Congress should hold hearings andfollow regular order before even considering such sweeping legislation.

    This monumental legislation–with a large-scale and practically irrevocable delegation of war power from Congress to the President–could commit the United States to a worldwide war without clear enemies, without any geographical boundaries (the use of military force within the United States could be permitted), and without any boundary relating to time or specific objective to be achieved. Unlike the AUMF that authorized the Afghanistan War and the pursuit of Osama bin Laden, the proposed new Declaration of War does not cite any specific harm, such as the 9/11 attacks, or specific threat of harm to the United States. It appears to be stating that the United States is at war wherever terrorism suspects reside, regardless of whether there is any danger to the United States.

    Under the guise of a “reaffirmation” of authority, Section 1034 of the Chairman’s mark for the NDAA would give the President unchecked authority–and if the section constitutes a declared “war,”1 possibly the unchecked duty2 –to use military force worldwide against or within any country in which terrorism suspects reside. The proposed new Declaration of War would be without precedent in the scope of war authority or duties transferred by Congress to the President:

    •The President would be able to use this authority–or might be required to use this authority–regardless of whether there has been any harm to United States citizens, or any attack on the United States or any imminent threat of any attack. There is not even any requirement of any threat whatsoever to the national security of the United States.
    •There is no geographical limitation–the new Declaration of War has no specification of countries against which military force could be used, and no specification of countries where U.S. armed forces could be deployed with or without the permission of the host country. Military force could even be used within the United States and against American citizens.
    •There is no specific objective for the new Declaration of War, which means that there is no clear criteria after which the President’s authority to use military force would expire. Although the proposed new Declaration of War lists “al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces” as the “threat,” there is no definition for any of these entities, which historically have been amorphous, with shifting names, memberships, and organizational relationships.
    •If Congress broadly turns over to the President the power that Article I of the Constitution provides to Congress to declare war, it very likely will never get the power back. The broad terms of the proposed new Declaration of War could last for decades.
    •Whether Congress realizes it or not, the proposed new Declaration of War would authorize the President to use the United States military against countries such as Somalia, Iran, or Yemen, or send the American military into any of the scores of countries where suspected terrorists reside, which include not only nearly all Middle East, African, and Asian countries, but also European countries and Canada–and of course, the United States itself. Under the expansive terms used for organizations in the proposed new Declaration of War, targets could include suspects having no connection to the 9/11 attacks or to any other specific harm or threat to the United States. The President would have the power to go to war almost anywhere, at any time, and based on the presence of suspects who do not have to pose any threat to the national security of the United States.
    •If Section 1034 of the Chairman’s mark for the NDAA constitutes a declaration of war–which Congress has not declared since 1942–the declaration would trigger various exemptions from federal statutes and even broader authority for the President to control more aspects of both government and private businesses. The March 17, 2011 report from the Congressional Research Service, “Declarations of War and Authorizations for the Use of Military Force: Historical Background and Legal Implications,” lists all of the statutory provisions, ranging from exemptions from budgetary limitations to new government claims over oil and mineral resources, that are triggered by a declaration of war.
    •Of course, if Congress believes that there is a significant new threat to the national security of the United States that requires significant military force as a response, it can declare war or enact a new AUMF, but Congress should, at minimum, follow what it did in 2002 with the AUMF for the Iraq War, where it held fifteen hearings on the proposed war and passed an AUMF that cited specific harms, set limits, and defined a clear objective that, if met, would effectively terminate the AUMF. A specific declaration of war or a specific AUMF would better preserve the system of checks and balances and make an endless, worldwide war less likely.
    To be clear, President Obama has not sought enactment of the proposed new Declaration of War. To the contrary, his Administration has made clear its position that it believes it already has all of the authority that it needs to fight terrorism. But if the proposed new Declaration of War becomes law, President Obama and all of his successors, until and unless a future Congress and future President repeal it, will have the sweeping new power to make war almost anywhere and everywhere.

    Of all of the powers that Article I of the Constitution assigns to Congress, no power is more fundamental or important than the power “to declare War.” We urge you to use this power carefully, and to oppose this wholesale turnover of war power, without any checks–and without even holding a single hearing. Thank you for your attention to this issue, and we would be pleased to meet with you or your staff to discuss our concerns further.

    1 The most critical sentence of section 1034 of the Chairman’s mark for the NDAA is “Congress affirms that the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the United States and its citizens, both domestically and abroad.” If “affirms” is replaced with the synonym “declares” and “armed conflict” is replaced with the synonym “war,” the result is “Congress declares that the United States is in a war with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces . . . “, which is very similar to the declaration of war clauses of the eleven declarations of war made by Congress, from the War of 1812 through World War II. Since 1942, Congress has passed several authorizations for use of military force, but has not made any declarations of war.

    2 Although the question of whether a declaration of war imposes a duty on the President to carry out the war has only rarely come up in court decisions, at least one federal court, in comparing the legal consequences of a declaration of war with an authorization for use of military force, stated, “If war existed why empower the President to apprehend foreign enemies? War itself placed that duty upon him as a necessary and inherent incident of military command.” Gray v. United States, 21 Ct. Cl. 340, 373 (1886) (emphasis added).

    The bill has many other shocking elements as well, such as the requirement that all arrests related to terrorism be treated as military arrests (section 4), thus circumventing the constitution. Furthermore, legislation introduce under the McCain bill would make it illegal for military prisoners in US overseas torture prisons to be returned to US Facilities.

    Indeed, the moment we all feared has come before us as the Congress meddles giving the President absolute power over the military, including the authority to launch military strikes within the United States against U.S. Citizens. With the assassination of Osama Bin Laden on Pakistan soil many of were naïve in believing that the War on Terror would come to an end.

    Instead, the reported success of the raid is being used as a crutch to push through new legislation in the defense bills up for vote before congress which literally authorize World War 3, which will be declared as an endless war with no defined enemies and no borders. Short of committing genocide the termination of the hostilities will never come and as such the war will never come to end.

    We have already learned that officials falsified reports that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq for the “prize” of oil. If a whole government of top officials can not be trusted then surely a single president cannot be trusted either.

    We have seen the U.S Government turn Nazi and buy and burn every copy of a book that had evidence of a 9/11 coverup. The Department of Justice has already published a memo calling constitutionalists and survivalist as potential terrorists.

    Is it not bad enough that the U.S courts have already legalized the abduction of U.S Citizens along with their indefinite detention and torture in overseas prison camps? Or that the U.S Government openly admits to gunning down, kidnapping and torturing American college students?

    Under the definition of the legislation, the President could authorize the military to attack the ACLU building because they have supported the “terrorists” by arguing for their civil rights.

    It will not be long before they are assassinating activists. The have already labeled conspiracy theories as “dangerous thoughts that could lead to violence” and have even specifically called The Intel Hub, which routinely publishes my articles, as an echo chamber pushing out these “dangerous thoughts that could lead to violence”.

    Uncle Sam openly admits to turning its multi-billion dollar espionage network against U.S Citizens which has produced such great fruits as innocent activists exercising their first amendment rights being placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI and DHS.

    Seriously, this is so out of control and it is only a time that the World War 3 is being fought against you and me. Just remember as long as we are in a state of war your civil liberties and constitutional rights are pretty much null and void, only enforceable if the Government allows you to have them. Even then, they can declare you as a terrorist, enemy combatant or a threat to national security to revoke your constitutional rights anyway. Then they can play the national security card when they are asked to explain their allegations.

    All around this is rotten and the first step to getting our rights back is to end the perpetual wars.

    Contact your congressman and tell them No Way To this egregious bill!


    Update – Here is some corporate media coverage of this story, since some people like to see it in the mainstream media to believe it.


    Critics: GOP bill a declaration of constant war
    House Republicans want to reaffirm war against al-Qaida, the Taliban — and anyone else — with controversial bill
    Republican chair of the Armed Services Committee, Howard McKeon, R-Calif., revealed The National Defense Authorization Act on Monday, which includes a bill renewing an act passed just days after 9/11, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). AUMF gave then-President George W. Bush carte blanche to hunt down the 9/11 perpetrators and their allies. The renewed bill, however, makes no reference to the 9/11 attackers and some critics have called it “the first full-scale declaration of war by the U.S. since World War II,” since it makes no reference to the capturing of parties guilty of a specific act. Indeed, the section of The National Defense Authorization Act under question here is called the Declaration of War.

    According to POLITICO:

    The new language drops any reference to 9/11 and “affirms” a state of “armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated forces.” The measure also explicitly gives the president the right to take prisoners “until the termination of hostilities” – something the courts have found to be implicit in the current version of the AUMF, though the new proposal could be seen to extend that power.

    The argument from proponents of the Republican-backed bill is that, in the decade since AUMF was enacted, terror groups with no connection to 9/11 have come into the picture. Critics say such terror suspects should be dealt with using law enforcement and that we should not be affirming a commitment to war without specific aims or boundaries. The bill would also give the president the ability to attack an individual, group, or nation without Congressional approval.

    The Daily Paul:

    ALERT: Congress is About to Vote on Worldwide War Authority
    The time is now to restore respect for the Constitution. Tell Congress that a blank check on war isn’t just unnecessary — it’s truly dangerous.

    They have to be kidding. Congress is about to vote on worldwide war authority. This was long on the Bush administration’s wish list. Now, a few top congressional insiders see an opportunity to sneak it in to a “must pass” piece of legislation: the Defense Authorization bill.

    This expanded war authority would give the president — any president — the power to use military force, whenever and however he or she sees fit. It would essentially declare a worldwide war without end.

    It is shocking that Congress is entertaining such legislation at a time when many are looking to see an end to escalating conflict and abuses of power in the name of fighting terrorism.

    ACLU Petition

    Oppose New Worldwide War Authority
    A few top congressional insiders are aiming to sneak new worldwide war authority in to a “must pass” piece of legislation: the Defense Authorization bill.

    This new war authority would give the president — any president — the power to unilaterally take our country to war wherever, whenever and however he or she sees fit. It would essentially declare a worldwide war without end.

    It is shocking that Congress is entertaining such legislation at a time when many are looking to see an end to escalating conflict and abuses of power in the name of fighting terrorism.

    Take action! Tell your representative to oppose new worldwide war authority.


    GOP seeks to redefine war on terror
    A little over a week after the United States finally succeeded in its long-sought goal of killing Osama bin Laden, Congress is set to engage in a debate over whether to extend the war on terror indefinitely or leave in place legislation that could eventually wind it down.

    Enacted over a lone dissenting vote just three days after the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the “Authorization for the Use of Military Force,” or AUMF, authorized President George W. Bush to use “all necessary and appropriate force” against those involved in the 9/11 attacks as well as anyone who harbored the perpetrators.

    The new language drops any reference to 9/11 and “affirms” a state of “armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban and associated forces.” The measure also explicitly gives the president the right to take prisoners “until the termination of hostilities” – something the courts have found to be implicit in the current version of the AUMF, though the new proposal could be seen to extend that power.

    But critics say the Republican-sponsored measure amounts to the first full-scale declaration of war by the U.S. since World War II – at a moment when counter-terrorism efforts are succeeding, the U.S. is withdrawing from Iraq, and about to begin a withdrawal from Afghanistan. And, they say, it gives Obama and any successor carte blanche to attack any individual or any nation without further approval from Congress.

    The Wall Street Journal.

    Defense Bill Would ‘Affirm’ War With al Qaeda
    Even though Osama bin Laden is dead, Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon (R., Calif.) wants to remind Washington: The war on terror ain’t over.

    House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Howard McKeon (R., Calif.) (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

    And with that in mind, Rep. McKeon, who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, is pushing for Congress to renew the 2001 authorization to use military force against terrorists.

    The chairman on Monday revealed his version of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2012, and his mark of the bill includes a provision that “would affirm that the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces.”

    Critics say provisions in the bill are tantamount to a congressional declaration of war that could give the president broad new powers over private business and government spending.

    One provision seeks to bolster the Authorization for Military Force, passed by Congress in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, which the Bush and Obama administration have used as legal authority to conduct military and intelligence operations in Afghanistan and other countries where al Qaeda affiliates have sprung up.

    The American Civil Liberties Union and more than a dozen mostly left leaning groups wrote a letter to members of the House Armed Services Committee to oppose the “reaffirmation” saying that it essentially declares war and gives broad powers to the president that normally belong to Congress.


    Now sign the ACLU Petition and share this post to get the word out so we can stop this before it happens.

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    32 comments – What do you think? Posted by Alexander Higgins – at 4:24 pm

    Categories: Uncategorized Tags: afghanistan, afghanistan war, american citizen, american citizens, american civil liberties, american civil liberties union, bill of rights, bin Laden, civil liberties union, civil rights, congressional oversight, congressman, conspiracy theories, constitution, Constitutionalists, dangerous thoughts, defense bills, department of justice, doublespeak, executive branch, first amendment, first amendment rights, Government, government claim, government claims, hostilities, indefinite detention, Intel Hub, iraq wars, legislations, military, military force, national security policy, new legislation, new war, osama bin laden, Pakistan, President, President Obama, responsibility, survivalists, taliban, terrorism, terrorist watch list, terrorists, the intel hub, torture, totalitarian dictatorship, uncle sam, unilateral action, United States, united states congress, War on Terror, weapons of mass destruction, world war 3, world war ii, worldwide war, Yemen

  84. Libyan Tribel leadersZohra Bensemra / Reuters file
    Members of the influential Warfalla tribe, loyal to Libya’s leader Moammar Gadhafi, stand on the outskirts of Bani Walid on March 23. The tribe members were encountered during a government-sponsored tour for foreign journalists.
    By Miranda LeitsingerMiranda Leitsinger
    the loyalties of the country’s 140 tribes
    updated 5/18/2011 6:31:14 AM ET 2011-05-18T10:31:14
    “It’s actually representing concrete deals and alliances,” Brahimi said of the tribes which set the Libyan conflict apart from other recent uprisings in the region. Alia Brahimi is a research fellow at the London School of Economics. I think that there is a general sort of underlying dynamic in Libya that didn’t exist in Egypt and Tunisia — which is this tribal element — and which actually explains the surprisingly robust nature of the regime, she said.

    Gadhafi, who empowered the tribes to run local affairs during his decades-long rule, has regularly claimed he has support from what he says are 420 tribes, apparently counting clans within the major groups. Two weeks ago, the regime presented foreign journalists in Tripoli with tribal leaders it said are loyal to Gadhafi, who called on the rebels to return to the fold and instead focus their wrath on NATO.
    Faraj Najem, a Libya expert and author of the book, “Tribe, Islam and State in Libya.”
    Libya’s Arab tribes first arrived in the region about 1,500 years ago, living alongside the original inhabitants of northern Africa, the Berbers (there are several Berber tribes, known collectively as the Amazigh). A second wave followed about 500 years later, mostly from Saudi Arabia, said Ronald Bruce St John, a Libya expert and independent scholar who has written several books on the country.
    The largest tribe, with an estimated 1 million members out of the country’s population of 6 million, is the Warfalla, whose home base is in western Libya. The tribes’ influence runs deep in Libyan society. A person’s last name is often reflective of the tribe they hail from, even if they don’t have a sense of affiliation or loyalty to that tribe, Ranj Alaaldin, a senior analyst at Next Century Foundation , a charity dedicated to conflict resolution, wrote to

    30 ‘significant tribes’
    “Libya has around 30 significant tribes, which can indeed be broken down according to their geographic locations, political influence over the years and their economic strength,” he said.

    But little recent data exists on the groups, and reading their intentions concerning the current conflict is challenging to say the least, experts say.

    “Libyans themselves are keen to stress that they have no role in the politics of the state, still sensitive on the subject of tribes after the famous Saif al-Islam speech that warned Libya will be divided along tribal lines,” Alaaldin wrote, referring to a speech made by one of Gadhafi’s sons in late February.

    It’s not clear where some of the tribes in the West stand.
    When Gadhafi came to power by ousting King Idris in a 1969 coup, he first attempted to destroy the tribal system, even though he had spoken favorably about them as groupings common to all societies in his “Green Book” manifesto.
    His actions were motivated in part because he felt his tribe — the Qadhadhfa — was disadvantaged under the monarchy and because he wanted to make social and economic changes that he felt the tribes’ conservative leaders would oppose, St John said. “By around 1979 he realized that all of his efforts were to naught, so he went 180 degrees the other way and said, ‘OK, if I can’t destroy the power of the tribes, I am going to incorporate them into my power system,’ and that’s where you had the real beginning of this alliance of the Qadhafa with the Warfalla and with the Maqarha,” he said, referring to another tribe that has historically been aligned with the regime.

    Building a power structure
    “More and more you saw only people from these tribes in key positions and that was the power structure throughout the 1980s into the early 1990s,” he added.

    Following a failed 1993 coup by Warfalla members who thought the Maqarha were getting too many plum posts in the regime, Gadhafi created leadership committees across the country that were formed around tribes and headed by tribal leaders.

    “It was an official, direct recognition that the tribes now had importance to the regime and the regime was going to more and more depend on them,” St John said.
    “He told the leaders that, ‘We are going to begin to move some of the (oil) largesse through you so that you have more power, authority and prestige’ … largesse in the sense of the ability to pass out scholarships, the ability to get more subsidized housing in your areas,” for example, he added. “But there was a stick involved, too, in the sense that Gadhafi told these committees … ‘you are responsible for your tribe.’”

    Tribes such as the Warfalla and the Maqarha were “so powerful in Gadhafi’s inner circle” that they could be considered leading indicators of the fate of his regime, said Brahimi.
    Gadhafi ’s been very clever,” she said. “This is precisely what he designed to happen were there to be a crisis of leadership. His whole system was based upon this dynamic, which was that ‘I have this people that are with me that not only share in the privileges of the regime but they also share in its responsibility.’”
    “We know that tribalism is much less significant than it was a generation ago,” said Brahimi.“Tribalism has been a de facto mode of governance in Libya in the absence of anything else and obviously as soon as more accountable, efficient and legal and effective state institutions are erected, then there will be no need for people to identify themselves actively in anything other than a symbolic way. … I think it’s almost an expression of modernity to move away from that.”

    © 2011

  85. staff and news service reports
    updated 13 minutes ago 2011-05-18T20:34:35
    The wife and daughter Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi have fled to Tunisia, a Tunisian security source told Reuters.
    Safiya, Gadhafi’s second wife, and his daughter Aisha crossed the Libyan-Tunisian border several days ago with a Libyan delegation, the source said.

    Tunisian radio channel Mosaiqu reported that one of the leader’s sons, Mohammad, had also crossed to Tunisia.

    No official sources have confirmed the report.

    According to Tunisian radio and Al Jazeera, the Gadhafi family members are staying in Djerba, a tourist island across the Libya-Tunisia border that former government officials have used as a refuge since defecting from the regime.

    “It was expected that they would leave yesterday but they are still at Djerba,” the source told Reuters.

    Gadhafi, who has ruled Libya for more than 40 years, has been using his military and militias to try to put down an uprising that began in February to try to remove him from power.

    An airstrike on a wealthy residential district in Tripoli last month killed Gadhafi’s youngest son, Saif al-Arab, and three of his grandchildren, according to the Libyan government.

    Gadhafi had eight biological children, seven of them sons, according to the BBC.

    Reuters, RIO Novosti and the Tripoli Post contributed to this report.

    The flagship of Sea Shepherd’s fleet is the Steve Irwin, seen here sporting new camouflage staff and news service reports staff and news service reports: Gerry Waneck / Sea Shepherd

    updated 5/18/2011 7:34:43 PM ET 2011-05-18T23:34:43

    QUOTE: “Wearing bulletproof vests and backed by a helicopter, the crews plan to set sail from Cannes, France, around 01 June and plan to sail into Libyan waters. Sea Shepherd will send two boats into the war zone — the 190-foot Steve Irwin, named after the Australian conservationist, and the 115-foot Gojira — said Paul Watson, founder of the group based in Friday Harbor, Wash.

    Watson said he’ll captain the larger boat, which has a helicopter and was recently repainted in blue/gray/black camouflage colors. The smaller, faster boat will act as a scout, looking for targets. The boats will carry divers.
    Watson said his group had informed the European Union it will operate in Libyan waters and planned to inform NATO, which is leading the air campaign meant to PROTECT CIVILIANS IN LIBYA FOM ATTACKS, PRIMARILY FROM THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT. [PROPAGANDA]
    The expedition carries risks, said Laurens de Groot, Sea Shepherd’s European coordinator.
    ‘We’re expecting quite a bit of resistance when we get in there,’ de Groot said. ‘We might get into confrontations in which weapons are used. … If they ram our vessel, we’ll stand our ground.’In a statement, Sea Shepherd added that the ‘deck crew and bridge officers have been outfitted with bulletproof vests for this campaign in the event that [the poachers (!)] are armed and potentially violent.’
    The Japanese government said Sea Shepherd’s activities were tantamount to terrorism.”
    Japanes confrontation 04 Febr.11
    Sea Shepherd via Reuters
    Sea Shepherd’s Gojira ship, one of two that will be deployed to Libyan waters, is hit by water cannons by Japanese in Antarctic waters on 04 Febr. 2011.

    • 8,4 EARTHQUAKE near TRIPOLI off the Coast of Libya

      Advanced search About 398,000 results (0.16 seconds)

      8.4 Earthquake Hits Near Cost of Libya! | Scienceray19 May 2011 … 8.4 Earthquake Hits Near Cost of Libya! 8.4 earthquake hit near cost of Libya today afternoon. › Earth SciencesGet more results from the past 24 hours

      8.4 Earthquake Hits Near Coast of Libya!??? BS??19 May 2011 … While the war in Libya is raging there is also an earthquake in Libya! 8.4 earthquake hit near cost of Libya today afternoon. more results from the past 24 hours
      8.4 Earthquake in Libya ,Cover Up ? – Alien UFOs9 posts – 4 authors – Last post: 4 hours ago
      An 8.4 Earthquake took place in Libya out in the desert , yet the US has not reported it, why ? European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre … › … › Armageddon and The End TimesGet more discussion results
      8.4 earthquake in Libya!!! Was all over all the siesmic sites Now …8.4 earthquake in Libya!!! Was all over all the siesmic sites Now Gone!!! Submitted by timbud on Fri, 05/20/2011 – 00:59 … › Forums › Ron Paul 2012Get more results from the past 24 hours
      Libya 8.4 Earthquake? |20 May 2011 … annunaki36 on BREAKING: LIBYA Large 8.4 Magnitude Earthquake – 19-05-2011; acrandy2002 on BREAKING: LIBYA Large 8.4 Magnitude Earthquake … more results from the past 24 hours
      8.4!!!!!!!!!!!Earthquake Off the coast of Libya. Looks like a …3 posts – Last post: 1 hour ago
      Discussion about 8.4!!!!!!!!!!!Earthquake Off the coast of Libya. Looks like a cover up. at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. (8.4) in Libya? – Page 3‎ – 15 posts – 20 Maghju 2011
      8.4 MAG off coast of Libya – Page 3‎ – 30 posts – 19 Maghju 2011
      Earthquake (8.4) in Libya? – Page 2‎ – 1 post – 19 Maghju 2011
      Earthquake (8.4) in Libya?‎ – 31 posts – 19 Maghju 2011

      Più risultati pè »
      Get more discussion results
      8.4 Earthquake in Libya … data immediately DISAPPEARED ??? – 121601 post – Last post: 1 hour ago
      VIDEO Data evidence here: Discussion HERE: … more discussion results
      8.4 Earthquake reported near the coast of Libya ? – Democratic …19 May 2011 … The National Institute for Earth Physics has reported an earthquake of 8.4 degrees in Libya NEAR COAST OF 19.05.2011, 14:49:02 (UTC) … › DiscussGet more results from the past 24 hours
      Why is the USGS suppressing a mag 8.4 earthquake in Libya at 14:49 …7 posts – 6 authors – Last post: 14 minutes ago off-the-coast-of-Libya-6.0-mag-Turkey.…8.4-earthquake…Libya…Get more discussion results
      8.4 earthquake in libya, cover-up in place – David Icke’s Official …1 post – 1 author – Last post: 1 hour ago
      There was an 8.4 earthquake in Libya on the 19th, no one is reporting it. This site is the only proof left of the earthquake, … › Main Forums › Today’s News

      While the war in Libya is raging there is also an earthquake in Libya!
      8.4 earthquake hit near cost of Libya today afternoon.
      Information about the earthquake:

      19th of May 2011, 14:49:02
      Latitude 30.72N
      Longitude 10.79E
      Depth 30 km
      Magnitude mb=8.4
      Closest cities Baldat tuqtah (68km),Daraj (69km)
      While the news media is still not reporting of this earthquake you can find more information at the earthquake website…z1Mpcvs0sr

      It was reported here:

      Antelope Auto – Event 7699 NEAR COAST OF LIBYA
      Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
      2011/05/19 14:49:02.48 -1.00 0.72 30.7220 10.7871 -1.0 -1.0 -1 30.0 -1.0 7 7 345 11.02 21.96 a i ke orMb 7984…2011-05-19

  87. Was the earthquake the result of a NATO attack?
    I just searched google again, there WAS a tremendous earthquake , very near Tripoli off the coast. Begin with: and start looking! THIS HAD TO BE SOMEONE connected to the AXIS. IT IS NOT NATURAL—and you know they they are after Gadhafi and his family (and do not care whom they kill and mame on their way to achieving their agenda).
    INFO: Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 14:57:19 +0000 UTC

    Antelope Auto – Event 7699 NEAR COAST OF LIBYA
    Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
    2011/05/19 14:49:02.48 -1.00 0.72 30.7220 …10.7871 -1.0 -1.0 -1 30.0 -1.0 7 7 345 11.02 21.96 a i ke orMb 7984

    Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
    mb 8.4 0.00 1 orbevproc 7984

    Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
    MATE 11.02 24.1 P 14:51:38.495 0.4 T__ 49.0 m__ 0.0 106669
    TIR 12.90 32.0 P 14:52:03.485 -0.2 T__ 15.9 m__ 0.0 106670
    MTUR 18.31 33.6 P 14:53:14.738 0.7 T__ 12.4 m__ 0.0 106655
    VOIR 18.45 33.1 P 14:53:16.368 0.8 T__ 25.1 m__ 0.0 106657
    CFR 19.82 38.3 P 14:53:30.958 0.4 T__ 41.6 m__ 0.0 106671
    MILM 21.33 35.5 P 14:53:45.818 -1.2 T__ 12.8 m__ 0.0 106672
    SORM 21.96 32.6 P 14:53:52.818 -0.9 T__ 25.3 1001.5 0.40 m__ mb 8.4 106673

  88. krispos42 (1000+ posts) Fri May-20-11 01:00 AM
    Response to Reply #1
    19. The only bomb that big…
    …would be something in probably the gigaton range. The biggest bomb ever exploded was 50 megatons, which would, according to Wikipedia, equal the energy output of an 8.35 earthquake.

    However, I think to get the full energy of that bomb put into an earthquake the bomb would have to be buried several miles underground before detonation. The 50 Mt bomb got a seismic rating of about 5.5.

    You’d need a bomb 10,000 times more powerful going off to get a 9.5 or so. 500 gigatons, which I can’t even imagine how many thousands of miles that airborne shock wave would destroy cities.

    Hell, the 50 Mt bomb smashed brick houses flat 35 miles away and was breaking windows over 550 miles distant!

  89. 8.4 earthquake in Libya!!! Was all over all the siesmic sites Now Gone!!!
    Submitted by timbud on Fri, 05/20/2011 – 00:59
    in Ron Paul 2012
    votes HOLY CRAP! I’m not a cospiracy guy i swear, but i just watched it happen right the hell in front of my eyes. At 9:08 8.4 registered in Libya, was on all the sites, now it’s all gone, didn’t see anything on the news so i got on here to see what you guys were saying. A few youtubers got screen shots from a few of the sites, NO MEDIA COVERAGE AT ALL. Just google it and filter with latest.
    Here’s one of the youtube links.

    It would be a bunker buster bomb dropped by the USA, cover it up because they are not meant to be dropping these huge bombs, as only NATO is. But NATO doesn’t even have them that big!…or not supposed-to.
    over-all-the-siesmic-sites-now-gone ….(QUOTE): “My guess would be
    Submitted by true_believer on Fri, 05/20/2011 – 04:01.
    bunker buster bomb. That is what they are a bomb that drives down in the earth and makes an earthquake which destroys underground bunkers by colapsing the structure. If it was one it would be an American weapon that would only be dropped from an American airplane not a drone these are huge bombs. If America is claiming to be out of it this would be a good reason to cover up their droping one of these.”

    REFILE-NATO says sinks eight Libyan warships

    May 20 (Reuters) – NATO aircraft sank eight warships belonging to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces in overnight attacks, the alliance said on Friday.

    The ships were sunk in coordinated attacks on the ports of Tripoli, Al Khums and Sirte, an alliance statement said.

    “Given the escalating use of naval assets, NATO had no choice but to take decisive action to protect the civilian population of Libya and NATO forces at sea,” Rear-Admiral Russell Harding, deputy commander of the NATO mission in Libya, said in the statement. (Reporting by David Brunnstrom; editing by David Stamp)

    NATO left many vessels just stranded or sinking (BUT THAT IS NEVER REPORTED on the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to the Standby Task Force (SBTF).
    ITALIAN BOMBERS ready attack on Libya:

  90. Tripoli Port
    Mahmud Turkia / AFP – Getty Images
    Smoke rises from a fire on a boat in Tripoli on Thursday night after NATO targeted the city’s port.
    AFP, Mise a jour : 21 mai 2011
    Libye: le régime dénonce “un siège” maritime de l’Otan, après des frappes
    Le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi a dénoncé le “siège” maritime de la Libye imposé par l’Otan après la destruction de huit navires dans plusieurs ports du pays dans le cadre des opérations destinées à protéger les civils de la répression.
    small Libyan Coast Guard vessel afire, under 50'
    “Les huit navires détruits appartiennent aux gardes-côtes libyens et ne dépassent pas les cinquante mètres de long”, a assuré le commandant Omran Al-Ferjani, chef des gardes-côtes, lors d’une conférence de presse.
    Parmi eux se trouve seulement une frégate de la marine d’une centaine de mètres de long, qui était au port de Tripoli pour entretien, a-t-il affirmé.
    Selon le commandant, la Libye subit un “siège maritime”. Aucun navire de la marine ou des gardes-côtes n’a quitté son port depuis le 25 mars, date à laquelle “nous avons reçu une notification de l’Otan interdisant à nos bateaux de naviguer, même dans les eaux territoriales”, a-t-il expliqué.
    De plus en plus critique vis-à-vis des opérations de l’Otan, l’Union africaine (UA) a annoncé qu’elle tiendrait un sommet extraordinaire consacré en particulier à la Libye, les 25 et 26 mai à Addis Abeba. Tripoli avait sollicité ce sommet en avril afin de trouver une solution africaine à la crise.
    L’UA a engagé une médiation autour d’une “feuille de route” acceptée par M. Kadhafi mais rejetée par les rebelles, qui réclament le départ du dirigeant en préalable à toute discussion.

    Dans une lettre aux leaders du Congrès américain vendredi, le président Barack Obama a demandé leur soutien pour la poursuite des opérations militaires en Libye, le délai légal de 60 jours d’intervention sans autorisation parlementaire ayant été dépassé.
    A Benghazi, quatre employés français d’une société privée de sécurité détenus depuis le 11 mai après une arrestation qui s’est soldée par la mort de leur patron, ont été libérés et reconduits samedi en Egypte, a annoncé le ministère français des Affaires étrangères. Ils sont soupçonnés d’espionnage au profit de M. Kadhafi, mais “la justice libyenne (rebelle) n’a pas l’intention de les juger”, avait expliqué vendredi une source libyenne proche du dossier, ajoutant: “Nous voulons les expulser et qu’ils ne reviennent plus. L’important était de les empêcher de nuire”.

    “The eight vessels belonged to the destroyed Libyan Coast Guard; and did not exceed fifty feet in length,” assured Captain Al-Omran Ferjani, Coastguard-in-Chief, at a press conference.
    Among them was only one Navy disabled frigate of a hundred meters long, which was docked at the port of Tripoli for maintenance, ” he said.
    According to the commander, Libya was officially under a “Maritime Halt”.; where no vessel of the navy or the coast guard has ever left the port since 25 March 2011 , when “we received a notification by NATO banning all of our vessels from navigation, even in territorial waters,” he said.
    Increasingly critical vis-à-vis the operations of NATO, the African Union (AU) announced it will hold an Extraordinary Summit devoted especially to Libya, 25 and 26 May in Addis Ababa. Tripoli had asked the summit in April to find an African solution to the crisis.
    The AU had initiated a mediation concerning a “roadmap” which was accepted by Mr Gaddafi but rejected by the rebels, who demanded the departure of Moammar and Saif Gadhafi prior to any discussion.

    In a letter to leaders of the U.S.Congress on Friday, President Barack Obama has requested their support for continued military operations in Libya, the legal deadline of 60 days of intervention without parliamentary authority was exceeded.
    In Benghazi, four French employees of a private-owned security company, who were held since 11 May 2011 [after an arrest that resulted in the death of their boss], were released Saturday and returned to Egypt, said the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs .They were suspected of spying for Gaddafi, but “the Libyan justice (rebel) did not intend to try them, and wanted to just shoot them”, explained a Libyan source close to the matter, on Friday, adding: “We want them out and they should never come back again. The important thing was to prevent harm to them by our justice. ”

    NATO airstrikes sink 7 Libyan small coast-guard ships and one disabled 100′ Naval tanker which was in dock for exnsive repairs.
    Government officials said attacks could discourage all ships from using Tripoli’s port, reducing imports and driving up the cost of basic goods
    TRIPOLI, Libya — NATO aircraft sank eight Libyan vessels.

    The ships were sunk in coordinated attacks on the ports of Tripoli, Al Khums and Sirte, an Alliance statement said.

    NATO also accused Libya of using its ships in the escalating conflict. All Libyan officials have denied the accusation that Libya has mined the harbor of Mistrata; and stated that all vessels were grounded by order of NATO (which they all claimed to have respected).
    Mohammed Rashid, general manager of the Tripoli port, said some damage was done to the port, but that it was minimal. A government official later said he feared the NATO strike would discourage ships from using the Tripoli port, reducing imports and driving up the cost of basic goods for Libyans.

    In a tour given to reporters at a distance from the area, a ship could be seen on fire, with flames and plumes of smoke rising the from stricken vessel.
    The Western coalition has stepped up its airstrikes in Tripoli in an apparent attempt to weaken Gadhafi’s chief stronghold, the Libyan capital, and potentially target the leader himself. The Gadhafi family compound, Bab al-Aziziya, has been targeted several times.

    Also, a NATO strike early Friday hit a police academy in the Tripoli neighborhood of Tajoura, a government official said.

    The rebel forces want to capture the two highways to the north and south of the Nafusa mountain range, which slices across the desert south of Tripoli to the western border with Tunisia.

    ‘New offer’
    Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim told reporters at a late-night news conference Thursday that in a meeting earlier this week with Russian leaders, an envoy offered to withdraw Libyan fighters from cities as part of a peace deal, if rebels do the same.

    “We are even prepared to go as far as withdrawing our army from all Libyan cites and population centers,” he said. “This is a new offer.”
    Ibrahim said the offer was the farthest the government had gone since fighting broke out against the rebels. He said as part of the deal, NATO would also have to halt its strikes of Libyan targets.
    There was no immediate comment by rebel leaders based in the eastern city of Benghazi.

    The rebels have rejected previous offers, emboldened by NATO strikes that have helped them cling to swaths of the country.
    Also on Thursday, Gadhafi appeared briefly on Libyan state TV, his first appearance in several days.

    The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

    The NATO forces/ & the USA alligned to use a BUNKER-BUSTER NUKE, 200 miles s-west of Tripoli, where they believed that Moammar Gadhafi and some members of the congressional committees (with their families) were believed to be hiding out since the intensified bombings of Tripoli).

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